vy - .. THE SCRANTON TnBUNE-THCKSriAY, DECEMBER 6, 1000. RIBBONERS AT WASHINGTON Procer.rtlnus of the Second Day of tlie Women's Temperance Gonventlon. THE ORDER OF EXERCISES Mrs. Booker T. Wnshngton, Wife of the Illustrious Colored Leader, Among the Workers of the Day Boports Upon Temperance Legis lation Other Addresses of the Occasion Jpeulnl Id the Scrunlnii Tilhutie. AVilshitiKli'tl, D. C, Deo. . Oi' romse there hud to hi' one rainy day nftnr throe no haliny, brlcht. mid fav orable' for the itntlterltiK of "whlti-rlliboiioi-H," I lilt despite the steady downpour the went then lor was again crowded to the third Ralloiy, eaeh Htalc banner sheltering Its rcKtilar quoin of county delegate?. The early prayer nuotliut tit the Foundry S. K. ehiiich. led by Mrs. O. At. Ilanituer, national evangelist, was reported as being a very helpful opening Cor the day. At !i."0 the convention was called to older with tins hearty plnginp of 'Onward, Christian Soldier." followed by (i fervent prayer by Mrs. Hooker T. Washington. uho.-tf fame Is not nil derived from her Illustrious hus hand. since she herself Is slate presi dent of Alabama W. C. T. t'.. Miss Clara Tarrish, general "V" sec retary, gave a most entertaining re port of the wink of the young women's branch, c onsld'ored one of the most, hopeful features of the AW ('. T. 1. work, giving promise, as It does, of workers being prepared to ably (111 iosponlble places that will soon be vacant. The Loyal heginil blanch was re ported by Mrs. Helen fi. nice, of Ma!. achusetts, In a must unique milliner. and was u phuuleil frequently It began thus: "It came to puss in lb days of Lillian the Just and Anna the Wise, In the reign of McKlnley the Vprlglit. who ruleth over a great land from ocean unto ocean, and even to reglo'ns beyond, that the Women's) Christian Temperance 1'nlon waxcl strong, and met In Its seven-and-twentleth year ut the inpllal city of the great nation." On Arbitration. Tlie report on peace and international arbitration was given by Mrs. Hannah .1 Halley. of Maine. The report on franchise, by Marie C. Urchin, of Illi nois, was full of stirring facts and in cidents Illustrating' the good done by women where they are allowed to ex orcise that privilege. The reporter on temperance legisla tion, Mrs. Margaret T). Kills, of New Jersey, was received with applause amounting to an ovation. She slated that a prominent congressman had .stild that if tlie women were ever as much In earnest about tlie final tiiumnh of piohibltlon as they were about exclud ing lirlgham Roberts from congrcfs, It would be a settled fact. Mrs. Greenwood presided over the evangelistic hour, which was devoted to the tuple of "Prayer," consisting of scores of brief testimonies, and closing with a most beautiful noontide nrnyei liy Miss Leitch, Ceylon missionary. The afternoon session began with the jilnging of the hymn, "Nearer, My ("foil, to Thee," after which the clergymen of Washington, seated In a body on Hie platform, were presented to the audi ence, who arose and waved a salute at each introduction. "Rev. Mr. Naylor, a Washington Methodist (episcopal pastor, addressed the convention as one who, in the name of the Methodist Kplscoptil churches of tho city, acknowledged the achieve ments of the Women's Christian Tem perance, union during the last half cen tury. He said. In brief, that the society was writing history, and its work would be inseparably connected with the rec ord of the nation's progress. "Blest He the Tie That Hinds," was sung heartily, the presence of represen tatives of so many denominations giv ing it great significance. Miss Kdlth Austin tfhrlgley, of Penn sylvania, then spoke for ten minutes on the work of the (lower mission, a talk full of the most graceful and poetical thoughts on the Importance of the love of nature In education, and the uplift ing Influence of the love of dowers. The Cuban Teachers. An Interesting fact was the inesen tatlon of u large and choice bouquet of RMr J Positive Woman. A woman has a right to be positive on matters which art- matters of personal knowledge und experience, livery wom an who bus used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for diseases of the womanly organs is positive as to its wonderful curative value, and confidently recom mends it to similar sufferers. Women who suffer from inllammation, ulceration, female weakness, or nervous diseases caused by disease of the wom anly organs will find a complete cure by the use of " Favorite Prefcriptiou." "Several ypnrs ugo I mflVred keverelv from female xvsaUucss, prolapsus, and ineuorrlinida, and used Dr. Pierce's I'avorlte l'rckcriptian Willi splendid effect," writes I'auuic tUictton, of Washington, Iowa. "Clcct I have not needed it for a few year, uvt, but If I should have any returu of (lie old troi ble would mrely try ' I'a rorlte I'rescrlplun.' I liavc recommended it to number of my lady friends. I always tell them to try a Ixittje, aud if they are not bene fited by It I will pay foi the medicine. lu every case they have spoken iu praise of It." MAKIU WEA.it WOMEN STRONG AND 5iCK WONtNWlU, (lowors to each Cuban teacher before their departure foi- their nallve Html. This intention they declared to be one of the most grateful of tho many they had) received In the United Hlntes, and the lotto W. (.'. T. P. will always mean to them "fragrance ami lovlnsr welcome in a utrange land." Mrs. Alice Gordon Otillck, president of the Women's Christian Temperance, union of Spain, pleaded for sympathy for that nation, saying: "While cold water Is the favorite commodity of our society, do not pour It on the cause of Hp.'tln, that sad, old noun try." The motto of the Spanish Women's Chris tian Temperance union Is "For tlod and the Xeglectcd Homes of Hpnln." Mrs. Wiggins, of Canada, spolto on Hie Women's Christian Temperance union work. She stntcd that she hud seen a missionary map on which Can ada was marked "heathen," hut she said that If the question of temperance were considered there would be no dark shade on their map, as the consump tion of alcoholic bevrrnges was less there than any other civilized nation, according to population. She closed by saying aptly thut no reciprocity laws could prevent their carrying home love and cheer ohtnlned at tho convention, and no nllen labor laws could prevent societies of these nelgh'.'orlng lands working together. Mrs. Ua Fevrc spoke for France, one fact furnished by the bureau of sta tistics being that the greatest cause of lunacy in France Is strong drink. Hlshop Hnrtsock, of Africa, received great opplau..e as he took tlie platform. He said that he had been always blessed by the Women's Christian Tem perance union, as his mother, though now 8ii years of age, was still an act ive member, and he had eight sisters, all white ribbon women, lie made a most fervent appeal for the native African women as needing the help of her white sisters to escape from the bondage of her condition. Let us turn for u short time from tlie convention halj to the brilliant re ception given by ex-Senator and Mrs. Henderson In another part of the city, to the delegates and reporters attend ing the meetings. At 4.30 p. m. cabs, hurdles and elec tric vehicles were lined up outside the inngnllicmt mansion, which stood on a commanding eminence, a veritable castle of dark red sandstone with many turrets of antique design. At the base of its terraced lawn rose heavy walls of the same material with like turrets at Intervals. Two large reception rooms and two drawing rooms, crowded with treas ures of art, were thrown open to the delegates. In one of the former Mrs. Henderson received, lu the other un It linen ted wine was served to the tem perance guests. The latter was not less attractive, containing some masterpieces that would be prized In any art gallery. A grand old lion on the desert sands, by (iitrome: two magnificent sea scenes, by Richards; one sunrise on the ocean, the other darkness on the deep ano three Venice scenes, presenting from different points of view the Palace of the Doges and the Bridge of Sighs, were notable, but the climax was an enormous painting of Cleopatra volup tuously reellnlngwhile two slaves made music which was apparently soothing her to slumber. Through a vista of 'curtains a glimpse of minarets and Hie blue waters of the Mediterranean al night could be seen, but tlie exquis ite form and face held the eye. t the hair being the red-gold of tradition. Orlaua ,l. Williams. THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS FOB THE WEEK. Lyceum. 'I Ii'iimIj.v. 1'ililiy 'mil S.iitml.iy ami .iliuiliv in.it ii'i'i- "H'.ij ISiwn i:.it." Academy of Music. All K "I hf lilo.il'. in repel tone. Gaiety. I..it 'I liter- p.i.(- -"'Hie II.I.I lint loi fly." At the Academy. 'I he lilr.ds" iimtlinie In iluvv wvll al (he Aiadcmy of Jlie.ii'. Yoteiilav at null pfifniui anic, matinee ami "viiiinc, the liotiv' was well filled. At tlie matinee .leateulsy "MU Wythe ul Ihilmli" w.i pre-inted, ami in the rwiilm; Willaril l.ee'a meat SL'ii.uiuiial comedy iliuina ,n produced. The sceniv eflecu di-plafd In the pioduitiotl of the piei e ,i supelb in cery n'-picl anil the manner In which (lib, pl.i.v I-, xtstgi-il by tlie llimnieb-Iii iiimpaiiy. "The (ileal-." I'eHVitH nnuli ctcdlt mi I lie iii.iniip'iui'iii. The bill fur tills afternoon is i lepetiiiuii o? !.im tu'slil'-i. "In the lleatt of the Storm." Ti iiiislil "A Kl. miinc Million" will he piodm eil, "Way Down East." The novel Miow stonn in tlie pfodiiuiim of "W.iy Down l'ast" whleli is to lie idu'ii at the i.yct'iiin tuniulit. tonuiijow nlaht and S.itur riny atleiiiiiiin. Is wuikeil by eleiliitity. Tlie nccne is a kitiliin Willi u door ami window. About ten feet above the Moor ami jum ,n tin: -tjue liuht nl the floor ,ue elected appliamvs m placed 111. II the wind .nws the air to take a soil of a wliillltOK niul.se down past (lie iloor anil the window, The paper are dropped mil of a box, while salt itoes from ryllndeii Jul o thl wiml. The beautiful snow beatii snuili-l the window ami when tlie door is opened the wind and the snow whUtlek iliill in the door way, Hoe and Fenberg- Company. The ltoe and l'enbertf eompmj" will be at the Aiadomy of Mil-Ic all ncxl week In a uperlnlie of New Yoik Riirrrbscii. It can be sahl without fear of contradiction tliat thii loiubinallon is tlie best of any oik pllvinu at popular pi lien. The pli' aio anion; the best Liumn on llio kiaco ami aie ouea of mult, while the company Is fully capable of prennllng tlitm. The opening play is Hal lied', great miw, "lloinoke," Tlie other pl.ij.i to he priainted iluilui; I lie werli am m follows; "Kuoha o' Tin-lie.-see," "Alter the War," "liar Harbor," "Dr. ,!ek)ll and Mr. Hyde." "Iliand of Cain." "A l.hely bine," "Jlnthi" ami "Miehnel f-tiosotf.-' The Gay Butterflies. The "tiny HuttcrflliV elleiteil the f.dlowhitr (illliisiii fi ut tli.' llutton I'od, upon their ap pi.name in ih.it tity lat i".'l. "Tho fiay llulterflies llMraiagania company lii-K.in a week's fhkMnement at the I'alaie the ater yeeleiday ami deligliird two Ui-jje audiences al the opening pt'ifniiiuuie, The how Is blight and llvelj, iiwl will plea all wlio like roo.1 Imitff'iuc anil uil.il,, 'fl.e en-inilile u fuai in. Itoiluecd In a ii'uiry akit (idleil 'Mlduken Iden tity,' and later lu a JHKliablo Inn le-ipte ill titled 'lloliig the llouiiili c( (lay I'atee,' a H-itiie on the social (ail. o( (lie ulilJ Flench ripilal, lloth pieiri. ate tlaxed with new ami luMiitlful Mtlluga', while Iliu lo.iumi-K are unique and got geoiH, during the uellon of the builesipie theie urn plenty of good aueialllei by the talented iiiciiilierx ( (be umip.uiy. Tlio li'ipsiiliuieuu nuiiibim by Hie gnU are all phasing, Amy .Nelson, a ilaluly vocallit, iiihIim the lateai ouv iu a il.anuiiig uiunner; llartli ami ITiinlng aie ileer lu a groliwpif aud ir i cat lie corncily ait; U-die and Curdy linr a Irndget of new miv whUh abouuiii iu willy hits; HVstuii and SupleUm pieMiit a laiighahln lomeily kf lib eutllltd "An Ambltfoui Youth," ami Tenly and Slmouda aie funny iu an IiWIi ail, A noielly on the bill In the dancing act by the Metwref duo, Uunilaii daiuein, who piejenl one of Hie molt novel Iripiiilioreau aei eii'i Miu here. They abn iiiliniiuie nunc excellent aim little work. The show ilellghbd nil at the open ing perfonnamea at the Palace. This lompauy appeatt al (lie lialel (or the Hell three ilij, openlmr ualh a nutluee tlil ulleinooii. It I $40,000 Aorth o-f High-Olass Dry Goods Representing the Entire Stock of Wm. Nisbet.at the Store Formerly Known as " The Fashion," To Be Sold at Sacrifice Prices. TT IS LESS THAN A YEAR since the -Nisbet Store" was opened in this city. But the store was opened at an inopportune time. To save the creditors from further losses, it went into bankruptcy, it has been closed for three months, during which time a satisfactory settlement has been effected with every creditor. That the creditors may get what is coming to them, the store will be reopened Friday Morning at 9 O'Clock S When every dollar's worth of the stock will go on sale at the most interesting of prices, offering p to the public of Scranton and vicinity a lot of bargains that have not come their way in many a dav. The stock includes evervthin? in Drv Goods, including a fine collection of Dress Goods. J J O J - W - - Q -- -- - Vy Coats and Suits, Books and Novelties. Every Dollar's Worth Must Be Sold Quick And it must ALL be sold within a very few weeks. Price is practically no object. Friday or any day thereafter, to secure the greatest bargains of a lifetime Come on Remember the PlaceFormerly "The Fashion" LACKAWANNA AVENU NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. EpM-i.il to die n laiilon Tribune. KuiU'.silule, Dec. ,"i. Mixs UtditH'i'il S. Tlliiinp.son Is tli? guest of tlie llissoH Clark, (if Kant Orange, X. ,. .Mr. mid .Mi'H. (iialiiim Watts are in Xi'tv York city for a few days. Mr. (leorjfi" 1. Kokk returned last nlKlit from Jluiu'liester township, whither he was culled by the sudden death nf lii.s father, Josejih H. Uoss. who died Saturday night. He soon followed his wife, her death having occurred Oct. 20. Mr. Ttosa wus 7S yearn of aye. .1. TJ. Jiobinson & 13ros. are the kuo cessor.s of tlie late Urant W. Lane, in the insurance business. The annual turkey dinner given by the Indies of Grace Kplscojml church will be served in the Sumla,v school room, Thursday evening, Dec. 11, Friday evening- is when the "Little Minister," as a picture play, will bf given iu the opera house, as third lit the Kndeavor course, ConiiiiencluK' Monday evening-, Dec. 10, the l-aPorte Comedy company will fill a special engagement at the Opera house for three nights, presenting' spe cial attractions. The strike of tlie glass cutters, which has been on for the past six months, was declared olf on Monday last. A number of the nutters who renmliied in IionesiUUe have returned to their old planes. Others will not be employed and must find employment elsewhere, A large number of the cutters had al ready secured work lu other towns. Although the strike wus carried on quietly, It meant a loss of over ?:'(),0ii'l In wages, and some of the strikers who hud homes here must leave them. Notwithstanding the severe storm of Thursday evening, the opera house wits tilled with people to witness "Down mi the Farm," n, play ehuck full of fun. The copious rain of the past few days, that has lllled the dry wells and streams, has occasioned great rejoic ing In this riiiiiiiiuuity, FACTORYVILLE, iul.il o tlie S, i .ml .in Till, line. ritoloryvillc, Pec, r.. Mrs, K. 11. Webb, of Ji'isi'.v (Mlv, r.tul Miss Kutli Johnson, of NMcholsmi, were callers hero Saturday, Tinny Senmuns romrned Saturday from the wilds of Pll; county, bring ing In wllh lilm a uleo large, deer. Messrs, Keith and DemmliiK i;avn a moving picture and a phonograph show In PIsU's hall Monday night, ami n very small house greeted them, Such shows might do ami be a drawing ciM-il buck In the country, like Nlchol. sou for Instance, but nothing short of "Way Down Hast," "Shorn Aures," etc, will pull u good house here, Dr. and Mrs, A, 11. Fitch ure down lu Philadelphia tills week. The doc tor went down its a delegate from the Ma jiinlc lodge of this place, Ilurgess H. .1. Ooodwln attended the funeral of his aunt, Mr. Tilling, at Clark's Summit Tuesday. Since tin coittestliur papers have been tiled lu the matter of represen tation in tills county, there are several voters In this city that are already beginning to look haggard ami wan, and election laws treating- upon Illegal voting-, penalties attached thereto, etc, are In lemaiul-fou the unlet). The following otlleers of Paul ami Itobekah lodge. No, fi3. I. O. O. F., were Installed Tuesday evening by tha (Irand Master Deputy Sirs. Francis m Transue, of lfiieeyville : Noble Oruiul, Mrs. It. H. llolgale: V. t"!.. Miss A lire Hanson; tre:iurer, Mri. N. A. (iiirdner; assi.tttnu secretary, Miss M'ly Austin, Alter the Installa tion ti fii'slnnents were served and u social enioyed. Hon. 11. l Titfany wits In town yesterday. . The marriage of Miss Kertliu 'ap nell to Mr. Howard . I 'alley was sol enini.Hil tit the home of the brides patents yesterday tit II o'clock. TUNKHANNOCK. l'wul t.i llie Hu'iilltot! Tlibune. Tunkhamiock, Dec. .".--At a meeting of the members, of the bar held ut the office of ('. O. Der.liini?r, esit., on Mon day afternoon, tlie trial list for tne .January term of court was made up. Kighteen cases, put on for llie term, are as follows: L,ovina Wagner vs. Sumtiel Arnold, Issue; Mary A. Ilun rtle vs. MeKInney & Stevens, issue; O. K. Slckler vs. Murvin Slckler. issue; John Connell vs. C. H. Mattliewson et al., sci fas; C. A. Slsk, administrator, vs. ('. 11. Matthewson et al., sci fas; Josephine Ueynokls vs. W. II. !ey nolds, appeal; George AVhlte vs. Frank .Mulligan and John J. Sherwood, tres pass; John Detrlek vs. Frank Mulli gan and John ,1. Sherwood, trespass; (leorge llarley vs. Frank Mulligan and S, W. Haker, trespass; Klllott Hunnell vs. S. W. linker, trespass; Arthur Uampsey vs. Frank Mulligan and John .1. Sherwood, trespass; I.esier A. Da vidson vs. Frank Mulligan and S. W. Haker, trespass; Fostr W. Hunch vs. -. i, Stephens, appeal; W. S. Hubble vs. Clara 1!. Schooley, sci fas; .Mrs. George W. Stark vs. J. I', llarpe, sci fas; George S. Myers vs. Andrew Dai ley, et al,, trespass; .1. P. Ilnrpe vs. T. II. Uyan anil It. M. Piatt, appeal; Joe S, Muson vs. G. W. Stanton, ap peal. All subpoenas In the above cases are made returnable on Monday, Jan. JC, at 2 o'clock. President Judge E. M. Dunham, who has been here two days, looking after the lining of the Jury wheel, has re turned to his home at I.aPorte. Mrs. Ciitharlne Townsend, wlio litis been visiting' friends In Plttstou for the past week, returned home on Mon day. The audit In the estate of George V. Walker, late of Nicholson, deceased, was held before ,1, Wood Piatt, est)., at his olllfe here on .Monday nfteruoou, Hefore II. W. Lewis, esq., us examin er, tills afternoon, was had the hear ing In the equity suit of Marvin Slck ler and C. 10, Slckler. After the tuk- Ing of considerable testimony It was agreed to leave the disposition to Wil liam D, Fi-eiir, Frank II. Welnshlmer niul A. D. Kresge, arbitrators, their decision to be final, PITTSJXW. Plttstou, Dec 5. The niutilage of Thomas (lenity, of Scranton, to Miss Nellie Gerrlty, daughter of Mrs. Thorn as Qerrlty, of Sehastopol, Jenkins town ship, was solemnized In St. John's Roman Catholic, church, this city, at 3 o'clock this afternoon, lit. Rev. Kugene A. Garvey otttclatlligr. The event was witnessed by a large company of friends and relatives, many from Scran ton. The bride wore a blue silk foul ard gown, luce trimmings, hat to mutch. Her maid, Miss Mary Tlgtie, of this ety, wore purple silk, witli matched hut, Francis Scaulon. of Scranton, wus best man. At Wilkes Barm a reception was held at the home or the bride's sister, ' Mrs. I'M ward Dougher. Mr. aud Mr. Gerrlty left for New York city and Washington. They will live In West Scranton. Morgan Beynon, of Parsonage street, has been appointed alderman In the Fourth ward, Plttstou city, to succeed the late Jumes Gibbous. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New Vork, Dee. 5. To-day's mar ket somewhat reversed Hie speculative position of yesterday. Tho early part of the day showed a continuance of llie reactionary tendency. The pro fessional traders continued bearish and sold slocks short but It became obvious during; tile course of the day that there was no urgent pressure to liquidate. Tlie del line in prices biotisht no large oflerlngs and the boars were disinclined on this ac count lo purch.lse their campaign. Consequently they bought to cover their contracts and turned tlie market upwards. The recovery was helped by strength in a. few stocks. The strong points in to-duy's market were amongst the low priced minor stocks, the Krles, Peoria and Kastern, tivi Wabash stocks, tlie St. Joe A- Grav.d Island stocks and othoi-s of that class bring conspicuous. Total f-ales, Cil, 4t"J shares. The bond niark"t was rather active. Total sales, par value. ?4,09.-.,0nn. I'nlted States refunding 2s de clined l-S und the !!s und .Is 1-4 per cent on the last call. Ilhl, ltioo .'i.'iu lo SHI isii 115 us lie it.' AiUed, (ii IU 20 Mill ,111 ion Kli 102 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations AH Quotations Based on Par of TOO. STOCKS. l'ii-Bl National U.nk N'l.nituii SaviiiK" H.iuW Tl,l.,l Villrtliy 11:1111. Dime DeuGKlt and lliiioitnt Hunk.. Kroiioniy Unlit. It. i' C. Cu !..ii'ku. Tiiht Slf Uiqiosit Co I'ljik & Sinner l.'u., I'l Sirniiton Iron Pence k Mtg, Co, ,,. Siiniitun Atle Work l..iikiivaiin.i Dairy Co., I'r Cminty SaUniiri I'Jnk k Tiu.t Cu,, Fir-r National ll.mk (Cuiboiiilale).. Stiitul.iiil liiilllnu; '" Tiailet'.' Vatlojul Hank Seiantoii Holt and Nut Co no.vus. su-mien I'js-euger Hallway, tli-t Moiluage, due WM IVople'i. Sheet Hallway, lll.t inort xrjt'. due mis 1'eople'ii SI I eel Huilwny, Uenetal uiorluaKe, due U'Jl Ill, I.-... It ll.ldllf.ll IllllllU I'll baika, Townsliip Siliool fi uer rent, ... City ol SLiuiiton Si, lnii. ! ht li'iit Siiatiton Tiaellon per eenl 11.1 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Cotrntcil by , U. Il.le. 87 Uck.w.mu Aye) Hiittet- Cti'.nneiy, 'jlai'.e. Kkkh-S'leil wenteni, 31e,i neaib alale, 3tc. I'lieese- Pull iieani, new, I.e. Hean-Iei' Int., iliolee uiaiiim, Vi.Ju. Oi.Ioii-, OIN, per bu, I'loiu-'Ueit patent, ?I.C0. New York Grain and Produce, New Yelk, l'ee. 3. -Flour Mai ket wan leij tirni anil nemially lielil at lilifliei' priee. ul thoiisli buyem' iies were uncliurigeil. Wheat SJot tiinii No. 2 in), TtlUe, I. e. b. jtto.it; ,u. 2 ted, ?M'. elewitnr; Xn, 1 null lit in Dulutli, ble. (, n, b. ullo.it; options ileeiileilly ateaily lu f.iily pari ol llie day anil c'loeil aliuut utrady ul !U r. ailMiuie; tali", iinliuled .Vn. 'J red .l.mu.ny 1'ln.eil TS?ie, Manli, bilf.e.i .May, SOfte, ; lie. i-en-.ber, 7ee, Corn isujot flrtuj Su. 2, Wv, fie i.ilur and 17c. (, . b, utlo.tr; optloni uihaneiil aluiply early In the iUy uml i-lnaid ra.y at e. iImi on Deeember, but He. "ii May; Hay tlorttl 4'J-c. j lleeember, (6lji'. Oati upot iteaily, .No, '., 2iHe,i No. 3, SHViCi No. 2 while, SOc,; No, '4 while, Ki.; tiaik lilllvJ wr.lein, '.'OUu J71je. lutl; while wi'jletn, 2S(c.;, traik wlille ktnte, 3B!iu3lc, ; options ipilel hut Hun, Hiittei-I'iiiu; iieaiiicr.i, JSaSCe, j (aciot), 12a I 'ilie, ; .lime iieJini-ry, piaJSi', ; linllutlon ireainery, IJallH'. ; utate ilnlry, lt,a'Jle, t.liefae I'iini; Uige September, lUie.i ainall Sept ember, 11',1'Ci I'l'K'e late nude, I0.ul0?4i', ; imall late luiule, lie, KtK Uleadjr; (tale anil 'enMU vaula, t&aWi-,; wr.lrm ifgular paekinv, ilii '.'ill:e, i ueateru, o.a otf, 2lk', Philadelphia Oraiu and Pioduca. I'lilladelp.hla, lice. 5. Wheat-Firm and le. hiuliei; luuli-uit (trade, Deeember, 7;i?ia71r. Cora .SU'diK ; No. 2 mixed Deeember, iV'iaili-. Oat Firm: No. 2 while clipped. SOe, Uutler inillllllllllllllllllllilllllllllIIIIIIIIESEI9inillllllllllllllllllUIIIIIHIIHMI i Unimpeachable Evidence I Becomes Positive Proof From the Mother House of the Sisters of Charity in America. St. Jc.i'pir-1 Academy, l'.iiiiui(ti,lMti,', M.I., Oil. ill, lsi. Mr. Chan. .M. StiiiT. Dear Sir: We h.oe lieeii nin; the Sliell IMaiion lor mule Ih.in thlity eui.', uml it Ij with pleasure we testify our KitKaition ii lo ilul'.ibilily, rii line", of tone, tie. We hate elithl u( ilif-e iuilniiuent use, beMile" twn Ki.mils thai an in i on, taut Corn-cut of III (. II. M., lteidinir, Pa,, June 14, 18M. Mr. CIiji. Jl. Stieff. The Stiell' Piano we have in we (or about foiuteen yearn; tor (till ability and biillianq', il uanuot bo surpassed. Most iSpfCtflllly. Sl.STEnS OF THK I.MMACULATK HICART. St. Petci'i Academy, Keailinif, Fa., Oct. 29, 1681. Mr. Chin. M. Slielf. &ir: Your Pianos have hem iu lue in Mir ncaileiuC (or eiirht or nine yearn, and hv eellint iimdilloti cry ,i(ler twenly ieai iviwii reieit(ully, sisn:ns oi' cuaiiity. till ill c- i sjieii euliie satisfaction, Yoin Tcpectdilly, SIS'I'KHS OF TI1K IMMACl'f.ATU IIKABT. 1842 ElF pIANOs MM 5B Pi 1900 Rt. Jului'. Aijluni, lTlle.1, N. Y., IVti. 11', Hu.1. Mr. (.'ha. M. Slietl. ll.'.ir sir: Too nun Ii eannol be mid lu piak-e of your excellent piaiiiM. In point "I voliene and wcetiie of tone I ilu not think llie.i an be aiiip.ieil, ami I know by fperlenve that iu durability tliey Miipan othei. Youi ery liul.l. SlVflllt SI'ANhl.AS. A PIANO that can inspire Bni'frnhi" vou are looking for St. Fi nines Content, n.illinioie, Mil., dune i(, S0. .Mr. rii.i. M. Slid!. Iteipevti'd Sir: We aie aL pleanure to lay that liaB been umhk the StlffT Piano (or ii nuinber ol jeuis linre 18W, and still nie them in ue iu our Institute. We Und them uue,ii.illeil in lone, lomli, wmkman?hip ana ihuiibility. We tender our best wUhra rnv miir pie'-int and lultiie pronpeiily. Hi'spectdilly, (llll.VI'K slTi:itS OF i'ROVIOKNCK. such words of praise is the "Piano We will appreciate a call. EVERY INSTRUMENT BEARS A TAU- WITH inn rniviu MARKED ON IN PLAIN FIGU RES. Pine Tuning- a Specialty. Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise. George W. Finn, 138 Wyoming Avenue m OPEN EVENINGS- '(IIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIHH!eiE!HIH!l!IBHHtflM3DISOIIIIHH'lllIIIIIMIUIIUIUsMIM full iie.iiu- fun j email, lli-l do. do. do. (air to ihoili'. lUlillll'.ll'. Itellliell MIK.IU HMil. I'oltoll- llHlMIIBld. T.llloA- I'llUli llM- ptilllO, lu lioadieuiK .'.: riiilitliy do., b.iiri'K l'ai.'. : i..iki, Slac. I.lli' I'.'iilur-Flim: fowl" und i'IiIi ki-li.-, tti'iite : old ihkIi'In ikuHai'.: iliul., t.i pie. ! iiei'M', n.i"1"!'.! nuki'ja, l'i'. Ilievi'd I'oul-in--ste.uh; l.ilf iliiiuiiid; rowS, i-hoke. i.'.feiltK-. j ili". fair to' ivoud, s'.jiitv. ; uld loiteiii. To. : nearby ihliken", IMl'A'.i "M'sleili do,,li.illi.: tin key., iholee to lamy, Halle.: we-uin ilu. k, "all'i. Hiielptx- Flour, :i.ih ii biriel- und L .ivii.omi pound, lu ael;.; ulieal, H.SUii biuiirU: i"in, II.-IKMI-I hu.heUi iul, l',Wl blldleK. Sllipliletll. W'elul, 2,HM liiiaheU; rfiin, 11,11ml ljiilivli mi, ll.lHNl hudll'la, Chicago Guiin und I'roilui'e, Ihleatio, Dee. 3. t iimi llnii' l"ili. Hie whiut uuiket aIihwi'iI nod iralns mi i.tuinc rallies but later teailed on loc.il M'llinv, .Ijiiuuri ilnalim aleiuly, I.e. Iilnliir: DeirmliiT nun elo.l rv . higher und Mai .1 h ule lowers i'UH i Iniil ii uliauitrd und piuiMmii 7'aa0i'. iiupiouil. C.i.b quotailon Hero iu. (ulhiw. Flour- Dull and rJ, : No. it piini; xl.iil, iCLa'ti'.-i'.: .No. '! led, 7-.'.i Tai-i-.i .No. 2 xi-lliift cut it, :t7aii-. ; No. 2 o.il, 2A'l No. II while, ilastk'. : No. 2 Ije, I'u.Mk-.i No. I ll.iv teed. SI.h7ul.iM No. I mulltwisl, l,7li llmulli). -Jl.inal.ai; poik, ill,U',s.ill.'J.; laid, 7,'JOa7.Wla; liba, Jd..'iU.i(l.7J; liiildei, -i! afi!,!;,: hides, YikVuikiil; whl.key, I.'J7. BuKalo Live Stock Market. F.axl HufTalo, ln-. il. ( illlle -Maiket dull, lead lo loll' (iror Rood (al ldpplni; und heavy teil but butihei.' loik, iiieilluiii wilidit and ijuallly .teen, ilull illi "iuu iiiimiM; alei iholee leailinif atifia loiuliu; iHo-ivur-old'., i.h7!it medium IIj'I la I'iW poiiiid. lieu, ll.lu al.70; IIkIu halt Ul m food nil) lo llJ'l hiili'h rra, 3.U0a4,'2.ii lal lu-Uiri. iSI.7ual.W; tUht aloek. rr dull, .ome Irll: ituoil dedei. at 711 to nKi pi und. aim keri htm, na'i.l; eul lowir: beit, ViT.M. II".-"' Opened hadi' altouiiei', lull w,ia lery low for Yolkets and liouv, bet he.uy, W; mixed and invdiuui, ; 1.11.1 "n Yoikeu, '.t.'.i.'r, few Kood ieihla. b'D pik. Dl.l'oaj; loiih., $.,",Ua S; taip, 1.,'Ail In l.'Jo. Mieii und Lamb -Sllonim' lu 10e. (or luuib: loin, f1.SlljS.ia); lulls to irod, ifla'i.lj; cheip about oieady, ileuund only (air; lop-nilxiil, $.i.M)al: uill-, m limul, l.7,lj .-1.7.1: nt'lhci. ami .ve.iillnus, if I. I0.il.pl; extia. II.SU. Chicago Live Stock Market. Clilraica, Dee. 5. Cjtllo HccelpW. M.UKI; ao tlK lui'. hlkdii'i'i I'lililnu' atoik ateaJy to Bltoiiser, ii.il Iv -, beat on ale todaj, one carload at tii.lil; ami p. hue 'lifts latl.M.a, poor in iiiidluiii, la1.:('r. M-leilrd teedel", ateady, vl.7.1.ll.-'ii mixed .Im ken, ,'-'Ja3.7.'i; iuw, t'IMi ul.Ti; belli r-.. iJ.li.1.il.Uli r.inenra, inodly HV. hblier, .I'.'.tiili bulb. Ni.flO.il.oil; ialvi'H .low, iowei, M..1u.i'i.'-'.1. Texana lleielpts, .1111; h on Kile lodiiv. II iMilikiiU al ",75; 'lexai led leer, Jla.1; Texan iu.ii le'eia, l.;Ula(.l"ii Tex bullf, T.'.'.'.laX'il. Ilocs- lt.'ielpl ("day, 31,1101, ti.nii.iiow, '.'i,lii); i".tlmaled led over, 4,IKI; it Ilk, hluher; i lo.inir eidei ; lop. l,u.1; mlxrd and hiiuheia, l.i.u.il.'i.1', Looil In i hob e heavy, Hl.tai iii'; iniisli do., l,41.tl'i1; IlKht. l.)a4.lifi; bulk o( a.di, M.i.lal.Nl. xieep--lteieipt, l?,noll; sheep and LiiiiIk, ceuerally ateaily lo ahonj; I'liolee, ali.nlo lilither: trooil tn elioiee wrtliPK, l.il,IU; lair lo rliolre niixeil, $-1. 7.1a , 0.1; weatern beep, lal,in; 'li'a aheep, i.nil.i:i,(iii; uathe lainba, Ma.l.'ai; neiteui l.iuib, (.7.1a-1..1il. New York Live Stock. New loik, Dei1. .1. -lleeiea Sleeia more ai-ti; linn to a aluile hluher; built aud ioivi aerafd ali.idy; Ihiu tows uneieii liom llie, lilcher In 10, lower; iisiii and ataKs, rt.'Sim.W, hiilli, W.Su ;i.7.1; iholie l.ii aud expoil do,, W.Wal.W; eowt, SI,Hb:i..11: iholee lal, do.,, t.80J(. Cahei sle.idv lo -J-'ii-. oei; under itiadea tlow; val, itas,.Vi; ni.i'-ei-, ii..1l).i:i; iiicwtl.i, 4i..K!i2.7J; tiurlini;.. Ja-.',.1l). iiepi -I'lnii; lamtai, lllatSn, hUher; .aheep, ti.dl.l', rulla, tl.'JIi.'; Umka, i-Vuil; iiilU, .'l..10a,.1il; Caujiliaii Iambi. J.7l llo.'i Flliner feeling, ipmled at rt.nAi5.WI. East Liberty Stock Mavkst, K.i.t l.llieliy. Dee. S.-Callle-Steadi ; eitrt. bl, Ulj.l.iiii: pi I mi-, f" ul -.'.'i I I'omiuou, tii5vi. Ileus- sliout; and hialher; lieuy hot 4.aij; niedluina, t.J.i-1; Kood Yoikel., 1.904.1)5; plf. SI.KU.1; ioiiuIik, $.1.. Ilia 4. i a I. Slirtp-Stridv, ihohe uellieiii, I.SUa(; loiimioii. (l.jW4t.mi; ilioii-e laii'lu. 1.:ii'aJ.JU; loioinon to oo., .14 .l.'.M; leal calve, W.,H)a?, The Best Cold Cilia lr one you' can taltp without interrup tloii to IhihIiii'.ss. One that doee not eifect the lioad or hearing like th en tlnued life of ttullltne. Onu that tvtTM fpeedlly and leaves you (MlI&tT frssh mid cloar-headed. Surh a one la l'tattso's Cold Citifl. Prlca 2ia Bol4 hy Matthews Bioh. a ' ..- .