The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 06, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Soveiftl Well-Known Men Mentioned
for tho Ofllces Large Attendance
at Doll Cavnlvol Gills Who Loaf
'Aiound on the Stiects Ex-UMuf
John H. Walker Will Move His
Family to Bangor Workmen In
juied In the Mines Other Notes
'.'and Ftnsonals.
In View ciC tin1 lnolmlile vm.ituli In
lioth lininrlics t uihiu-IIm inn iiiiinlii'i'
f camllcliitei uii bcliii? nn'iitlniu'd for
tlite nltlces In tlie Kouitli. KIM). KiHll -nitoilli
hnd FiftueMli vwinK The c
cliiMlNO niiiiolinti'iiU'iit In M'xIciiIiiv'h'
Tillniiii' or tho iiu'WIuk ni tln ruth
-Miid vigilant" Ht.iiI.Ml tin- bull intllnir,
nut the t'lilof topic niuoni? the mll
tltlu'ns uvutiiiiK about tin- as
pirant") for political lionoi"
In Ibe Kouttli Maul ev-Coiinc lliuim
Wllll.nn J. Thomas will llkolv In- tin
candidate for select council. II sii v ed
two term", one In cub Inum li, and Is
fully equipped for the position Ir
the Fifth wind W. V.. Tlui.vcr .ind Al
beit Lewis and Louis A. Powell me
mentioned, and in the Konrlcnlb Hb
iMieer Williams' will in .ill piobibllltv
be the iiiulldate.
.I.u ob Jones and William Lewis will
be candidates in the rilteeiilb waul,
but in all piobablllK lluie will b
Y. W. C. A. Dolls' C.u nival.
M'lie pntinn.iii'u ol the last
e enlnic far i'c eeib d i tallons The
.stoie loom ius cimvikil with people
.llliotls to KL'C .1 Klhnpse at the tlolls,
and 'the musical and litei.nv pio
jjiiinimi' was c.tnied out. tiwtlioi with
jet Itatlons by Miss Keatilte JIonK.
The piosuimme foi this evening Is
as Jollows: Vocal sulci, Ali.s Tianlv
JbuntliiKe; piano duet, Mis ittnidolph
Jonco and All. D, U Thomas; otal
solo, John Jones, lHe o'clock tea
1 1 ill. twelve- little sills, .sopiano solo
.Miss Claia Santleis; piano duet,
Mises Blanche Thomas, Minnie Thin
.mil Gene Aliinson; diamatlt posing,
Sadie Jones and class, uiltiition Allss
TMIth Mnv; piano solt., Miss Ulant lie
The iissofiation booths ,ne In thuirje
of association menibeis anil fhe bootli'
leuted bv buslnss llinis aie looked
lifter liy nuiiK Indies s. lerted bv them
) and COLDS
Holiday Gifts
for Sensible
The buyer of Trinkets, Bric-a-Brae, Toys, etc., for
Christmas Preseuts, need be in uo special hurry in fill
ing their needs. But it's different with those who taUe
that practical view of life aud its good things, which
turns their generosity into channels through which the
recipient not only gets something that's pretty and
useful, but something that is of real benefit and ser
vice every day iu the year. There's usually some work
or little finishing touch to be done on gifts of this clase
before they a"re turned over to their final owner. That
takes time and suggests early buying.
In Our Linen Department
Today We Are Showing.
Many handsome spscimeus of high clas Napery, such
as Pure Linen Sheets and Pillow Cases, luue Towcl
' ..ings, Table Lineus, etc., in yard goods of all widths.
,V. 'Table Cloths, launch Cloths, Napkins, Doylies, etc., in
i '-sets or separately. Towels of ever' description for the
f l'bath, bedroom or dining room service. Bed Spreads in
f Crochet, Marseilles, Satin Finished Marseilles, with
, .'DeepOFriuge, etc. Also Fine Handkeiehief Iyineus,
Shirt Frout Iyineus, etc.
By. The Way
tfj (
nm. OurAuuual Holidav Display of Brie-a-Brac. Fancy
uoocis, etc, especially ciestgnecl lor the t-liristmas
trade, opens on Thursday, Deceuibsr 6th,
Globe Warehouse
'I'hc fitiiilvnl Is open to vlsltoia every
nrteiimon and on tfutiltiliiy Mom a In
T p. m. tfillritun will bo admltlcd lor
live tents. The JulBi"t annuls will bo
made Hitltinluy eveiilm?. unci the
Itmnuvelt doll will be sold lo the hlKh
csl bldclci.
The'JudKeH on the dollx aie Itoboit
Wlllliints, MIssch May Joun and l.'in
ma Heckei. On the IjoVh' furniture
me 3'. W. Tniriii', William J!. Williams
mill Mis. Hiimuel Snydei. Ilvoiytliliw
will be disposed of at the eaiiilvul, ami
ulieady niiinv of the dolls me niniUed
hoIiI The ladles m also conduct Iiik;
a home-made cake wile, which will con
tinue Uuciiiitlioiii ho week.
To tho Bepubllcan Voteis of tho
Fifth Wrrnl.
Notice Ih hereby irlveit that it c un
cus ol" the Kepubliian otels of the
Fifth wind ol the clt of Huunttin
will be held lit the unions iollliitf
pi ices In said until on Satuidav, Dec.
in, between the houi.s or I and 7 p. m .
for the put piwe of iiMinlimtltlir Itepub
Hi an candldatex l'oi lb- ollb es ot iiini
inon council, school lontiollei, ickIs
tei, Indies ol eltttlon and llispc ctm.s of
elect loll.
All peisons luleudluiT lo becoui"
tandldatfs lor Mild nominations me
heieby notllled to leulslei with .lames
V. Thomas, :!I 'I'weirth stiett on in
befoie Tliesduv. Die. 11. Uwii.
llv oldel ol the
VljTilnnc'e Committee.
Young Giilb on the Stieets.
A number ot voting h'1 hue ol late
made a pi act he ol loitel linr aiound the
i oilier of Sti.iutoli stiel mid outh
Main .nenuc, and patiolmen hue le
pinlidlv warned them to desist The
Kills hive IkiioioiI the waining, and
but evenltiK evial ol tbtni came to
Bi I of.
I'atiolm in Hint tame upon them uu
jwaics mid dioe them ina. In
tilth aiilets In iiMiitl the otlltei s.. -eial
ot them tiossid the stuet In the
mud .mil antitbei till down on tin
sidewalk Thev st attend In eeiy tii
ltction. Will Move to Bangoi
i:-tbler of the Hie tlep.n tmeiit. John
J I Walkei. lio bis bten .ippoliitt tl
.supeimtendent tr lnlil,es on the
Htn and Pol llantl dll-.lon of the Lark
awannii l.iilioail, will toili iemoe his
luinlh to Hinntoi, when they will pei
llllllltlllh leslde.
Mi Walkei has bten a lile-loiu, u-s'.-detil
ol Wtst Sei.iuton. and wlill. his
tit pal tin e is lCKieltetl, his many
11 lends will be Khul to It am ot bis
piomntion to such a tesponslble posi
tion tj
"Jeii" was in town last e 'mm? ui.l
bade Imewtll to inan ol bis 1 1 loinl
His household elicits will be ship) !
to It.iimoi todav.
Minot aud Lnboieis Injuied.
A lall ot uiof ott lined In I he Aith
bakl mine on TuesU.iv and thiee
woikiuen weio Injuied John Phillips
u inluei, lesldim; on 1'iice stiept, had
his loot badly cut, Joseph llatlol., a
labiiii'i, ol L'oiitiiicnlal Hill, knee tap
dislocated, ntid John O'Mnra, a labor
er, lew fiiicltiicd,
In the latter rase ninptilallnli a
necessaiy. The men weie renin veil to
their homes nnd cittctl for.
Notes nnd roisonnls.
A Iuikp number of coiilaitlous ills
eiipo.s aie lcpnrted by the pliysltluns,
nnd oxtiaiutllnaiy cute nhotild he tak
en In the cate of chltdioii misecptlblc!
to sickness.
A daughter him been boiu lo Mr. and
Mis. litibett O'Mulley, or Jackson
st i eel.
.tunies K. Madlijan. of Dioadway, Is
lsltltiK Hlentbi in CIiIciiri)
AVIIIIaiii Lee, or Holltb Klliuoio ae
iiue, was s.llifhtly Injuied In the IJla
mond mine on Monditv.
The lt.tlo Pailt Father Mathew roi'I
ety will t (induct u tlrawlmi and enjoy
n smoker and social Kesslon tit their
looms next Sunday iiflui nnon.
Mtillcatiler Walter McXIchtdK. or
Tenth sticel, foil down a IIIkIU of
steps nt his home leivntly and sus
tained painful Injuilcs, which will dis
able hltn for Rinne tlnie. Ills route is
beliiK coM-iod b Substitute tinny
Ur. (teoiije lie.icb, of South Mali
avenue, bus iittllll"d fiolll Xew Yolk,
uheie he took u npeelnl eouim In his
pitifesslon. He will open mi olllce In
the tltv niter the holltlay.
The inoiiibeis ol the ltampton Stuet
Methodist Hplscopal Sunday m liool
will elect olllcci.t tills ovelllniT.
The Woman's flulld of SI. Mink's will sere a suppi r In
the basement or the chinch ThuiFiliiy
nut FlIdll.N ovf llinis, Dec. I.', and II.
The West Side t Villi. U llepubllian
club will hold a lcKiihu incetlnpr tills
This tvenliitf at " M o'clock In tho
I'liiNideiu c I'lesbjteti.m social iciiuis,
the iiul.t s will otien tliol.1 inand annu
al lilt anil icsthnl. Th luike,- sup
pei' will be nath pionipt' ai tne
Imill ami the .sale or Chi l dm s ;.. ,N,
ne ticim and tandi Mil cciililine
ihioiiKhtitii the evenliK Muuv funnel
intinbeis ol the con'vie'tatio'i vlll
tmubtless mail ilieiusi l , il me n
t ,.il ploasuies or the o m i ion
I'.itiltl. Loltus, a mill", in i lie Mn
vlne'mlne, was iniuied Al m lav while
a. woik. lie was In th1 itt jI tiidl
Imc a 1 i le w lit n all al i. a pit t e "t
mot i fell ii'itm bhn. His I. II iw
uoikmtn Iitnitt lilm ki mi an 1 euic kiv
i aliu to jiiil him i'h coil v i.s I"
iiiovetl anil be w is tainted 1 1 the mii
1 itt wheie uie'iit -1 il" iliue'it was
-,icn him. lie will tint' ,ilie'il -n the
n !ne iiii'bulante an I lai.ei. to hi' 1 nni"
mi "st .l.nkec --ii t . He -est ill. id
seeie f tnilusloi.s .hint 12c I'M11
The ii" stone l,ltein and 111 nm
allt t lull, who pindiitcil 'The Com let's
naucblfi" 'on Thanksf,'h iiifT, will ludil
t lie i l .iiinii.i 1 ball In the Audltoiltliu
on Tuesilaj, Ian 1 The Kevslone
club Is toniposfd ot some popul.n
Minn; nun ol this section, and imi
tations lime bten Issued foi theeent.
I. lines 1 lafiffei t , of Oak stint, an
nounces hlniM'll a t audi laK '! . nin
iiion toumllmau on the Driuoci ,i' I
ticket Horn the Thbtl waul
Di H '. llowci, loinuilv ul Ibis
platt, lint now ot I'lilladeluh' i. it
liuned home lust tvtiiln, aft."! sp ml
int? a lew tlajs witli II lends theie
Mis , .I Kownlhoi t.lllctl on hel
swtci. Mis ; Hohinsoii ol Ninth
Main avenue
Miss Sidle Vail has u tut net home,
ill li t v isltim,- .Mis Olio () Mvi,
William t'nisbe ot Colinnbiu ave
nue bail a llnj'ei Iniuied while at
woik al iht SinipMin shot) jcstoitlav.
(I ("Ink liiiild bis letuintd fioin u
ThanUui,lv ins: season spent In Xoith
ainntoii Mas-
lanus Smith, of llolllstei avenue,
and I'ob it Walkei, of 'I'Ihooji slieel.
have leiuiuid liom a huutim, tiii).
In iii'cln,: in a Kootl b,i,; ol K.ime lor
the lime thev weie out
Ve'tenl.iv while llaiiv .I.i nit- ol
Till nop slit el who Winks til the Le'r;
j.eils I'M ' slut t, wui asit tiding; on
the i.niiaKe. be bin. line ov ei b.ilunted,
but inau.iKt d to sue hlmselt, his din
nct pail l.illiim; down the hnlt
(iPiald Rill el I ol I'.llkel stieet, who
bus h i u 111 at his home Is now able
to be w lib Ills pi i mates.
The iiiiimi seivlcts weie held
In the liaptlsl cluuth last iii'ht. The
attendant e was Rood, but not as lini
as al some pte lolls nu ctliif.-.. The Itev.
AV I' (ilbbnns, o the Piesbj teiluii
t bun h, addiessetl tlie met tiiiK- and took
tin his suhjtct, "What Will You Do
with flu 1st." tie Insisted that all imM
take i stand elthei fur in .until it
fill 1st Theii t mill be no middle
Minimi, '"'tl that in the Una! Judgment
the (iiustloii will In, What will c'hilat
do with us' The m i v lee.s will be held
In tin fluisiiJn thuit li, on Tiipp ave
nue touicjil ittv. .1, I. Kieimor will
be In i blithe.
Dumuoie Inline lliolbeihood ol Hall
way Tialnnit u, al tie Ir last leitu'at'
mcetiiur elct li tl the tollowliu oIIUi'Ib,
Masttr. Samuel Sn.vdei, leineseiuailve
for Join lllll, John I.Oieil, setletuiv, I''
II, lluniiil li.UMtlKi, Ml hael Kell.v ,
lluani lul i.tciitui.v, Al It o'lltna n'j).
lcsi'iitutivi lo aiiilll il i oiiveiitloii, Al
li o'llinu
Uuuinoie i out lave, luipiovetl Oidfl
ol lit ptnsophs, will meet In Odd Kel
Iowh' hull on Filduv nltrltt. at which
lime ollb 1 1 -. for the itnnlniv .vear will
be i In tid and a slum .social session
Tim Ladles' Aid Mitlttv ot Hie Dud
le Stuet llnptlst ehuii h will meet thin
mill iilnvT ul 10 oiltuK lit the clinic b.
All those luteiestcd In tin c lunch uie
IllV'lltd to i nine uud bllllK llfedlis
Ihinible, lotion and icls-ms, ptopuecl
lor woik.
The iiiciubei.s of the bt. Vim cut de
141111 soelely of Si. AIiii'h chilli b will
touiluct a pimjiesslvc ouillle, ill Wash
liiKlun hall. In the iie.n rutin e,
Jim 1', .1. Ilointi, of fhcstuul .stieet,
Is Hpenillus a lew ilnyn in New Yoik,
Mls.s KMa Shaffer, of (Jiavlty, Is vis.
tlluk' lilihds In town. ,
All and Ati.s. Uiliu;t, til I'aibondnle,
(tie spoudliiK n te duvri with filPinls n
Allcs Alumc Moiilli n hutiiti liom u
slitut htny at Alt hbiild
I lei mini I.udwiur U ill ut his homo,
beliiK tlll'iulelied w)tll jiueilluonlit,
The boiotiKh i tut iu 11 meet In ici;ular
niiuithb .scislou tiuili;ln.
1 loin -To Mr. ami Mis IMwIn Howell,
of Omul; Hticel a .son.
How's This?
Uc utltl Out- lluulic-il Hullai4 IttH.uil Itn jii
m.f uf l Jturili Hut iniiut W tuml Ly Itjll'd
( uuiili Cuit'
P. .1 CIU.M: It) , Tot till), (
v, lliu iiiiiliriiiitili luio kiniwii r, l, c.lmitj
foi I ho lit 15 )i itr, ami lullfir lilm pciitttl
Iwiiuiulilv In ull lu-lmv li iii-jitlon-, uml lliun.
ci illy utile" Iu tin nut .in j ulill.'atloiij undo
l. tlirlr film.
Wol i. '1iiii, Wlinli.ilo J)i eights, lolttlo, O,
Wiililln,', KIiiimii & Mjnlii, Uliolo.ilo lliu
liists. 'lululo, 0
I lull's Culuirli Cuii' l talau lultiiijllj, ac tlntr
diittily upon lhi lilooil uml iniicuiit uifdu ul
the kjltiu. 'lisliiuriiljN Kiit flu1, l'lkc 7jt.
iitr livtllt. Sulci i all PiumUk,
Mall' ranilb t'ilU jiu the U,l
I Hi
Many a Scranton Citizen Finds
the Struggle Hard,
With a back constantly iipIiIiik.
With dlHtiesHlmr mltutiy iIIhuiiIcih,
Unity existence is but u Hti unfile,
Xo need to keep II up.
Doun's Kldupy fills will cine you.
Scranton people endorse this claim,
Mr. A. W. Klot, of 151-1 Lafayette
.street, painter by tiatle. Hays: "Five
cais aifo f took a novel o cold, which
settled In my bladder. Kver after my
kldnevH t lobbied me a Bleat deal, t
lined many dlffeient leinedlcs nnd look
medicine fioin a doctor, who pto
liouneod iny ttouble catauli of the
bladder, but f Rot little. If any lellef.
Aly condition vvtm continually kiovv
Ini? vvense and lliete was a constant
dull pain mv buck when Hit
tins' down or on Kcttlntj up and tuiii
Iiik about the pain became very shaip.
I had to woik ol ten for limns In a
stooped position, and If I stialL,'hteii"d
up mv back lelt us though It would
snap In two. The kidney sccietlons
weie luemilai, of a hlfih color, and n
dWdLriecable odor and accompanloil by
loo lietnieiit action I was finally laid
up, unable lo do an.v woik. At this
time a filpnd letonimeiided Doan'M
Kidney t'llln lo me, I had not much
lulth In them, but I went to Mntthews
lit ot lu i it' tltuj; stoic nnd Kot a bo.
I lecclvetl ho much benefll fiom this
that r continued Ibe tifntmont until
Km sule bv all tlealeis l'llce, i"0
tents. roslti-Alllbuin Co. Htilfnln, N".
Y, sole incuts lor the t'nlted Stales.
Kc member the name, Detail's, unci
take no othei
Matter was 3i ought to the Atten
tion of the Bonul of Health nt
Its Meeting Last Night.
Is the It e supplv ot the t tty ol St i.m
lon puie 01 Is It not ami b theie anv
tlantjei of an t iiltlemie ot contiiKlnus
tllse.ise le-sullliifr li 11111 the use of nby
ol the ite soul in this tltv? That Is
Iht- rpicstion v.hith nirilrited the bo.ii 1
or health last nieht.
Tho .iKstion tame up in the tin in
of a lettu tiom Ileni.v O. Sllllman,
tulllnr iiilention to tlie laet i-ow-.ift'
finds its wav identilullv Into
Jikc A I lei fiom which ice Is cut lu
th'Wintei. rotlaKci- at Lake Heniv,
of 'vlllrli he Is Ibe oivnil, want the
lnlvilese ol siweiipc, Into th it l.lkJ,
bill up to tills thi" he lias ic
tus id pei mission Ifowevei, il nic-inc-
tlestio the lull unties he olil I
Ilk. to be iiitoimcd that he uiihl Klv '
the Jlike H'liiv c ott.i,'.ci - the boon
tin v ask nn I still l-tain the ability
to boils i lee Ironi the lake In winter.
lii.isiniHh as All. Sill.nnn's lettei
a-ked loi iu opinion as to w bethel cll
seasi oiins .'ne Killed bv the tuc
Inc, inoctss, lb' Ulh Otlieoi Allen
askul to (jive his vhws on the mallei,
some cioinis .no detuned by fiet.
imr" said he, "and some aie no,,
Mnont. those width cue not dtstio.vid
b iiee?ilU .lie the c?el ins ol tvpludl
level, that most ditaded di-ease. tf
ilc'ie aie dNe.ise f.'t i ,ns in writei and
that wilti is liotr. and then us d
ov people, ill the lonn ol ice, theie
is ol i tun -e a lisk lliat tboso pei sous
will contimt the dlsetsi,
"I think this is a veiv sei ions iiues
tlon and 1 would udvbe. that ciunmu
nlcatiou be matte tllitttlv v.ll'i the
(iimpanies liuiil-liiiiK he to the illy,
loi the pill pose ol lllldhu out whelliei
oi not thev will HKiie lo hnllltj; a
b it li tio!o,'iiul eMinilnniitni made at
Hull own evpeiisc ot tlie w itt i in the
aiiou-- lake- I mm vvhlih thev oblaln
theh stippl of he Tills exaialn l
tion i oiild bi made uiu.i'i th" dine
Hon ol th" boaid ol 'lealtb and when
the lesult was nuule known we could
tit i lite at onie width like, IT any,
.slit cilil be t oudenined."
It w.ii-i decided to insliutl Captain
ItitiKe to couler nt onto with the olll
i iuls ol tlie vin ions lie c onipuiilc's It
thev ute wllliiift to have the eNuinm.i
tlou mule, tlie health olllccr was In.
sliucted to piniuie samples of the
water Hum nil the lakes Horn which
ue is h n vested anil lot waul the same
In some epeil bactei ioloKlst,
The boa id uNo tool: up tin ,'i dilu
tion ilieslloli w tilth laid nvel lit
thi lust meet lint. Pi. Allen hud n
topv of the .ul of IMi'i with him nnd
lead pm lions Koveinhu, ibe vuulna
tltm ot ililldltu Tin ait piohiblls
inn pilntlpi'l ol a sellout liom pennl'
IIiik anv i hlld to ifiiiuiii In sellout who
t niliot piodlice a coitlfaale slinwincr
thi t hi oi Hi,,, ims been vneclii'ited.
It wan decide tl to have the doctor
upps.ii belme the lioaiii of control ut
ne' Munduv nikhl's meeting and
point out to them tlie uu;enl nercs-s-t
t ot cnloiiiiiK the p.uvUdiius of tills
The dot tot iipmted aNo that ty
phoid level uud illphtlicu lu tile on the
tin lease while measles aie cumins' lo
the fiolll, theie bt Iwf ilKhl cn.sps n
pot led last month.
Tlie lepoit of the seiiduiy lot tlie
month ot Vovembei' showed llllll the
I iii'iuiil illy niniiallt:, m have lien
IU, with Ji ileittus tiMi.tiimr tiinu ut
i lileutH. Th'Mt wie in blitlih ami HI
i iifi's ol iiiiiliiKious dlieiM",
- -
The Woman's Tenipcinnee
i'nlon ot ill een Uldm' will meet this
ul lei noon ut ;i o'clock ul the homo
nt Ati.s I,. Al Howell. T.'O (ticen ltldKo
Mtitct. S"bjeet for lllPetlns; "Social
I'ut'iy All i. I'anipbell, cupoilulend
eut ol i lie tlepai linen t, will have
eliuiu'ii n the meeting. A cm dial In
volution Is tiuended n nil.
Coufatilnr to SluBupoto.
Il.i I'Mliitlu Hie lima 'I lie fclalul Pu
Wiijliliutini, pit j ilu mii He luili; tun.
Iiiliiul Hit Mi'iiiliiiUnii if hvlii snu, ,,(
I'liiii.ih.iiu, iu liu cuhmiI Kciiual Jl sln,'i'uu',
.- -
.It mint, tho Infjiit him u( ill .mil Mte. Will,
i mi l.i wis, et J Jit, Munsij JUiiui', illil iiti.
day. '1 1m fuiiiul will be' lulil al 1 .M n'lluil,
ll.i.i ufteinuui) liom lit lii'ini'. Kliku will In
lulil at ht. Slnj's cliuicli ut S u'tloc-k iihI ln
ttiiiitut uill lu in ulo in Hit smith SirJiiloii
(itiinaii Cutlinllu ct melriy.
I'loiciitf, lliu hifJiit dillil t'f Ui. ami Mii.
John Clhblf, of KJI1 Nollh Kilnioic .inline, illul
'luoiljy nullum ami will u luiiliil in tlie- 'u.-li-Iiiiiii
ttiitt itiMitm IliU uftt muoii. 'I lie f li
ne I a 1 soil Iiii will bo icinlucltil ut the l.uiku at
i n'elwk liy llci. II. J. Jklkiii), ot it. IU
vitl'3 llibioiul iliuieh.
A Lingo Coiijieijntloii Piesnnt tnst
Night, Wlten n. Most Eloquent Els
courso Wns Delivered by Rev.
Thomas Houston, Who Pi cached
fiom tho Text, "Tnko Ye Awny tho
Stoiio" Eunoinl of Mrs. Anna
Khchoff Newly Elected Ofllceis of
Branch 220, E. C. B. A. Other
Special evauKellstlo or levlval nor
vlces weie be;run lu the Cellar Avenue
AlelbodlHt cliutch last nluhl, nnd will
be continued fur sever il weeks, put
Intr the services, ttev. V. V. Doty vv 111
be assisted !v itev. Thoinas Houston,
the blind evuiiRellst, of r,?ubclh, N.
.f wlio nptihu last evcnlliK to a larce
coiiKtesatloii, fiom .Inlin, ll:!W: "Fake
M- away the stone."
Hev. Houston bus u commanding
piescnce, unci Is the posscssru of a
iiuiRiilllcciit b.nitone volee, which he
used with splendid effi et last iilulit in
Hie lendltlon, tlui lug tils tllscouMc, of
scvct.'il old and familiar songs. In his
set mon, lie lutetied lo tho i.iistnir of
Laxaitts, and chew fiom that mil ado
the thought of the uilsinir oi lcatuiec
tlon of the soul dead In sin.
"Scranton," he said, "Is, llttiuatlvely,
a ccinoleiv, unit the bouses, Hie tn cater
n.irf- nCtlintii .. lull. In ed i on I !l llllmr t tie
,....... ........ .,......... ., V .... -, ....
bodies nf men like Liyuius, dead In sin.
von shudder at tlie coipse In ph'sieal
life, vet about the cm pse of tlie soul,
dead iu sin nnd mlseiy, joii Joke and
latiKh. and do nolhlus; to levlve it." .
He then ltfetied to tlie stones cover
ing these sepulclnes of tit ad souls, uud
Kiive Instnictions how thev could be
avoided and lenioved, "The Hist stonu
lo be lemovett out of the pith," slid
be. "for C'lnlst espec Is and looks to
us to tin our shuie in the woik. Is the
stone of iiitlllfei ente. Tndlffei t nee to
w in ds the impnitance of saving one's
soul, on the pint of the sinner, fndlf
leienee on the pai t of Hie Chiistlun In
looking utter ttiisiivcil souls.
"The second stone Is indolence. C'lnlst
wants us all to be woikcis tn his -v Ine
vtul With Indolence eomt s liullfler
cnie, and the weight of the stone Is ln
titascd. Do not let voui selves become
'The Ihh d stone Is Inconsistency,
sujiiifv one tlilnif and tloinjf another: IiIiir; and not piat liclng-. Tills Is
lo piny the hvpouite, and is to bo all
ium cd.
"The lout th stone is inteinneiancc,
unit is a he.iv v stone nnd one which
shout jc mlled fiom the tountiy, the
same as Mtninoiilsm, bv tho ballot bov.
The s.iioon vdll be downed: It must be
downed, nnd the sonnet the (Mulstlan
people ol this nation lealle II. the bet
ter It will be loi all loneeinod."
Set vices will be held .main this even
inn at 7 "il o'clock. All (lie Invited to
Tuneial of Mis. Khchoff
'I he ol' Alls. Anna Kintlolf
took place vesleitluv in. lining at 10
o't lock fi inn the home oi hoi son, 'Will
iam Kiiclinlf, ol iiviiiR avenue, uud
was eij hugely attended. Impifssivo
fiuiei.ll soi vices weie held In tile llitk
oi Slieet Oeiman I'tt' chinch,
whoie Itev. W. A. Xoiclt pitMched an
elotiui nt lunciat sermon
Attei tlie soivltcs in the church, tho
toitCKV moveil to the Deluwu.o, Lacka
wunn.i and Western station and the
1L' " Main loi Xow Yoik was taken,
wheie Intel inent will bo mnde this
inoiiiltiK IiiOiei nwood t einetciy, tbook The nall-beaieis weie Clmles Kan?,
William llainmeu, John J. Schneltlei,
eh n Us St lit ut h, Oeome Xt her .mil
.lolin lliihn The lluwPl-beaieis weie
Chailcs lloiisnci and Hemy Same".
Ofliceis Elected.
'1 be meinbeis ol ISianeb "..'li. Ladles'
Catholic Uenev olent association, met In
Phainnitv hall, Tuesday evening-, nnd
elected the lollowiim; ofllceis' Past
piestdelit, Allss Ci.inies Z. AtcCJeo;
piesitlent, Atlss lllla Oavan: lce
piosldcnt. Alls. Dm. i O'Alulle.v; second
lie-piesideut, Allss Maiy AlcAndiew;
lot older, Allss Aliny Hlewltt: assistant
leeoider. Alls-. S.nah Alinle: tlnincla!
.seiiet.ny, Allss Small UoiiKlieity:
lieasttiir, Jlls Lllabelh 'Wulsh: mill -hluil.
Allss Ann i DiiKRiiu: tnianl, Allss
Kale Ciavin; liustecs, Alls, Kcntlinr,
Allss AlcCbe, Miss Little. Allss 'IV-sle
Cavou. Ali.s. Ihnma Uenipsoy; audi
tors, Allss fiances Alt l!ee, Aliss Kuth-eilnc-
Ciiivln, ami Mis. Hannah Ciune.
Alls.s Pi antes 12. Aft flee was elected
tleloRiite to the nulional tonvintinn to
be held ill Dotiolt, Mich., Ill July, 1901.
Atlss Hllu (tivln wus tleclod ullninate.
Told in Newsy llievities.
A Veiy pietly ellllsteiilnir look plate
last evening Ul 7 o'clo'k ut tile home
of All. unci Ali.s. William lloibadi of
Cedar .ivenue, when In a elicit? ol ad
uililiiK filcnds and lclittlves, Ibolr In
funt i-on, I'm I ndw.iul, was baptise I
li.v Hev. W. A Xiuilt, of the illtkory
Mi oet I'rcbb.vteilnn cliuicli, Alls, Ohns.
Win nke beltitt the child's godmother,
and John Lje Kndlathei, Afiei tho
i on mon v the Kuosts tat down to a
hotiiullul hiippei, ufter which, socitl
ple'iisines weie Indulged iu, be
IiiK phoiioifiaph selections by Will
Hoi bat li, t'Ultur solos bv (tustav
Klii'Miier ami n redtatluu b Allss
lai.ulH'lb Hotbndi,
Tlie numbeis ol lMiilotlo council,
No. MJ-'. .lutilcr Ottler HnltPil AniPilcnn
Mechunlts, will at lend divine services
Suuda eveiilm? ut tip? Cedttr AMinut
Methodist i lunch, Alembers will pin
teed Individually to the chinch,
Hleittle City council, rt, Hoyal Ai
tanuin, will hold tliclr letjulnr busi
ness mcetlllHT tills evenlm? Ill Ilill't
man'n liull, I'lttstou avenue, Hlictou
ot olllceis and eluht Initiations will
tullo place.
The b.iiini'i' ndvertlsltitf ol tho Atli
lutli club full ut the ciuuci of Aldoc
slieel uud Ccdur uveiuie, which vvur
blown down iccontly tins been re
placed by a now' and sliudv canvas
di i cm ne r.
Wallet, tin? 12-.vcai.nld ton ol Vin
cent AViluklu, of Stouo iivonuo, vvhllo
on hlH way to hdmfil ycstciduy nioin
lui;, loll aud bioko his left loie.iiin
near the elbow. Di. J. J". Valll icsot
the fi.ictiue.
Ticket Xo, 540 won tho floor piU'?
Tuesday nli;tit ul the Sciaiitcn Ath
letic! club's fair. The piUu was a
pair of Mlppeis, ladle's or fjcnileiuun'H.
The (IshhiK pond, the "K.iliesi"
vvliocl anil the lee cie.un nooer weiu
nil busy last nlKlit while the "bofc
icfiestunent" mini did a iei;ulu:'
Ftuutli of .Inly busliuts. Tii'iilBlifrt
enteitnliunent will beijln by rioio
Hios.' Alaiitlolln chili. A lino enter
tainment is piomli-otl,
Haivcy Kolb, of Maple alioet, Id ill
at Ids home.
Away Down
And the Many Things. There Are in Toys.
It's wot th a trip to the store just to see the Toys.
Gutlieruii in the Basement nnd on tho Second Floor, they
make n great show of themselves.
We have pnthcied largely. .
Wc havegiitheted wisely.
Everything that tlie child ought to have to play with, will be
found in the collection, and at the fullest of all (air prices.
- Some Dolls' Furniture that wc purchased away under price,
may interest you. Ask to be shown this "special priced" stuff.
Here are some of the hints Iro n the Land of Toydom. Mark
what you want nnd bring this list along with you.
J'arlor Room Sets.
Noah's Arks.
Wooly Dogs.
Leather Covered Cows.
Wood Shell Drums..
Trolley Cars.
Kiro Kngiiifs.
Passenger Ttains.
Police Patrols.
Express Wagons.
Donkey Coal Carls,
(""iimner's Outfits.
Kit emeu's Suits.
Toy Pianos.
Huildiug P.locks
Parlor Games.
P.rownie Ninepins
Read through this list and
the pift line of intetest to you.
Doesn't it stamp this stoic
1 !)()() Calenders.
Fancy Pictures.
Pillow Tops
Shopping Tops.
Chatelaine Hags.
Tortoise Combs.
Toilet Aiticles.
Dress Suit Cases.
Music Rolls.
Ebony Goods.
Fur Garments.
Fancy Neckw car.
F"ire Screens.
Kid Gloves.
Dinner Sets.
Men's Neckwear.
1'ancv Stationery.
The Big Store's Third Anniversaryrionday
Next--Will Be a Great Day.
Jonas Long's Sods
Diamond Pins
Diamond Studs
Diamond Rings
Diamond Brooches
Diamond Pendants
"Why is a diamond like a baby ?" the
fellow asked, and he got a reply : "Be
cause it is a dear little thing."
Quite light! Gin you
Chi istmas Gift? Doesn't it touch the pioper chord ? $
Isn't it a safe way to invest your money ? Did you C
ever see agood diamond but what you could sell it for x
its worth ? 0
Think over these questions when you're buying q
pi esents this year. Spend your money practically. 0
We cany quite tlie best assoitment of Diamonds in 0
Scranton, if you consider "quality" as repiesenting the
best. Pute water stones, imported direct fiom the Dia- X
mond Fabiik of Amsterdam, "Holland. 5
312 Lackawanna Ave.
Bvllur.jumler &. Kel, Lessee anil Mun ij
A. J. llull.v, uiiiinesi iiianu'(.T.
mi it I'lntioiiuvMi..
Thursday, hlday, Satrday Night
and Silunlay Mdtlnoi.
Mi Hm V lliiilv'ii llcaiillful I'lmliiillciii,
'Way Down East
1'l.ilici iliil l; Jim II lliUimi, a-'' iIjji'I
l7 Uiik in Ncm oil ilt.v,
U0 limci lu I'lilli.Kli'hl'
200 I inns ill lloMOll. IJ'l lunn in I hlcj,''
lvc-nlnrf i'llccc-J'.i flO. , T'i iml i l)
Miillnci I'rlne I ntilL linui iIihii, IHi , uilliii
laltonj, J'ii. SeaH on mIi 'liiiiiia) it i a. in.
UBIs & HUItlUSl)t!I. I.sjsj:s.
II. A. UUOVVN .Muiu.'jr.
Ml 'litis HI.1K
Join A, lllimiU'Ulii'.j tlie t'oiuccl luapinj,
I'lc.Miitlr,' 'lliuudjv initiiKf, ' I laming
Millliii."! IIim-cIi. nii:lit, "ItiKle' Ns.l"i I'll,
iliy iiulliut', "l.oit 1'aiaJUu"; I'iWjj ni'lil,
"Vuillurn 1 Ifclils."
.ml vm:i' hi:i:k.
l'.ciiliiir liius 10. 20 ami JO ctnU.
I Mdliiuu l'llce 10 anil 10 ccnU.
in Toyland
Wooden Cannons
Laundry Sets.
Donkeys with moving heads
jumping Jacks.
Steam Trains.
Mechanical Trains.
Imit Patrol Wagons. r
lose Carts.
Vpright Engines
One dorse Wagons.
Wood Swing Horses.
Tool Chests.
Target Sets.
Soldiets' Suits.
Toy Stoves and Ranges.
Camp of Metal Soldiers.
Pewter Dishes.
lOoll Furniture.
you'll be sure to find something in
as headqu.n ters for Holiday Gifts !
Hooks of All Kinds.
Cm Glass.
Pancy Cushions
Fancy Baskets.
Fancy Pei funics.
Manicure Sets.
Leather Satchels
"Work Boxes.
Coats and Suits.
Pretty Fans.
Fancy Ftirnituic.
Fancy Mittens.
Sewing Machines.
Silk Skirts.
think of anything nicer for
PSew Oaiety Theatre
II It I UNO, I cfc,eo and Manager,
'Hun' M C oiiiiiirnclni; Thilisilay, Pec, 6.
A filter iiiii'Ioiiiii ilion of HifiKlsiit ccccn
llm,) 1 i s l.iiiiimiiiiiu' VI.iimI xy, Doc. 10.
Itll I! iV, llVIIIOVh
1'tlio f, 1", ' ami V'c.
Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue
He make a spuhlly ol Hni) riimi-iy Hut
(ir uml UlUl fuli c,'i."j-aiij tho price, u as
low ui llit ilasi icucL, can be kolil ut.
Ho ilu not luie un nmUl fc.iU'i or leader
lint at ill 1111104 eauv a rotnplitu a lino oi
Mirkit (i'lniLi, I'jiiij (in) ul?:) uml'le Pi lieu.
iks h cm be fouiul in tho largest Ncn Voile
or I'lilladilhliU JlaclaU vliicli vvc fill at right
W. H. Pierce,
2 VrJi.
19 Lackawanna Ave.
l'ruiiii( dcllury,
119, 112, IU Vtaa Alt.
v .
fei..t -'-J.
ft lav" i