The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 06, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Tim Moment Uahdta. Srom
'Tie tiuc, but It's the beat
time to make your holiday
pui chnses. Clerks nn give
you more time. You have
first choice of goods nnd
don't have the crowds to
bother you. A glance
through the list below may
help you.
Mnnicuie Sets, Scissor
Sets, Shaving Sets, l'lie
Sets, Chafing Dishes, 0
o'clock Tens.
Foote & Shear Co.
J19N. Washington Ave
L. R. D. & M.
On TliinUgUfncr l'iy " P iti nf mil now hlinut
will ndil to vnur nppr-.r mi e. Ill stllc. pure
ami ipnlll our riion arc just whit eteiv vxcll-(ln-.ul
in in i wninm Tilmiit ami ou rhonld
lot (all lo hc tliLin Coini in
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
" Pcnn Avcnur. A. B. VVARAIAN
1m il ilil i fm be u mini IllfKl'
HlUir-t tilup l illin
imM li nipt l linn
41 ili(,iin
'I lUlds
s i in (1 pel mil.
S p 111 (il )ll i out
uinfall, 24 limits nullum S p m li will
I-!uiIm' W. II lis-up ml tinnh liii iiusiJ
litir rounlii liiini' in Vtemliiw anil Imcc re-
111(111(1 to Oils mi fill lu Ullllel
l)i. John W, lliuilei, jiuuui u siiioiit lirtuse
HUM'"! il tin l.u l.iw nun liospu il, letiiincd
M-linlii fiuiii lMiilulilplil i mil Vlhiitic (In,
iliiri lie ".pun llii 1 il Heel..
Mil' lioisish.H' wlniJl losiph Vliuplu iiihIi iliu-
nir tin pi ifuiiii inn oi 'iunj l.ou" it die
mi urn mi 'I in -ilu int,lil, ai pii-inlnl li tlw
ii tin to 1. 1 ( im, win, is t w inn lneiul uf
Dr. Cnil E. Dufft Will Be the Vocal
Thi' musli' committee ot the
lon Symphony Oicheatia suiiet, ufler
inietul consldei.itliin, have seemed tlie
senlee-, ol Di. ('ail U. Dun I. Ameiha's
sieatest basso soloist, lo assist tliem in
their cont'd t on Monday oven Ins; De
t ember 10. in tills city. Di. Dulft hits
lieen hefoio tlio (iiucprt-soiiii; nubile
for many yeais, and IL is doubtful If
another lias evri attained the iiosltlon
on the coneei t stiiKe thai Dr. Dufft now
holds. This Kicat ai list shows si cut
skill In handling: his xolee, and ul all
times shows that lie is an at list in
eveiv sense of the wind.
Dr. Duflt'.s voice is a ilch basso and
one of Kieat stieiiRth and hirudin, and
the manner in which he lendei.s his
solos is at all times pleasing. Dr. Dulft
is now touiliiR the United States, and
ids appeal anee in Set anion .should be
looked foiwaid lo with mueh Inteiest.
Faultless Caipet Sweeper,
Messis. Williams & MeAuulty will be
pleased to have you call and huvo the
demonstiator .show you thy, most pei-
fect caipet sweeper ever pioducod,
Sctnnton Business College,
"schools limy (onie und schools may
ro, but we go on foievcr," advertised
a foimor tompotltor. He litis been
Koins neatly ever since, Otlieis, too,
have been lomlntr and koIiik mom ir
less lecoutly. We ate "staveis," how
ever. AMagniflceut Ghilstiuas Gift.
Now Is. the time to select it, Go to
J. W, Cluiensov'n dellBhtiully urianged
musli. stoto and seewhat tempting bui
gains can be seemed on a cliche piano
or 01 Kan, Don't fmget the place,
Queinsey Hall, HU-HIO Washington ave
nue, Seianum, Pa,
Spend Your Evenings Fiontably,
Young men und women who me em
ployed during the day should iiuallfy
themselves to eaiu larger salailes by
spending their evenings at the Bcian
ton Iluslness College night tcliool,
Meeting of Elks,
The Scranton Lodgo of Elks will hold
1 tegular meeting this oenlng at 8
o'clock Hhaip. when number of can
Jldutes will be Initiated. A full attend
ance is tequested.
Clu lo aiai'Quliae's icstauiaut, Wjo
iiilue and Linden, for chicken dinner
Filduy. Turkey and goose. Pest regu
lar meals. f
SbmmiiJJiiiI mmtmmwKmmntaimmm
tCnlu liiildl Irom 'f 1 1
might fnhly be taUrn out of fonsliler
nllon. ltmiglilv spenkltiB, AlloKheny
U onn-fourtli IttiKcr thun ycrnnlnn,
The apprnptlntloiiH for the fiscal year,
bettlnnltiK Mnich 1, lflOO. In Allesthenv
weic $J,?:a,74i,40. In Htiattton the np
pioprlatlons for the same pmloit weie
JT.'.'.T'JS '.'(I. To innko the tompnilson
11 fair une tli Alleghenv .ippiuptla
tlons must be 1 educed to $1,319,073.11,
by sttbtiactlng $107,!ifi:t for the bu
teuu of watei; JlOi.tdl for the buieitu
of pttblle llKhtlnc;: $i.riiO for matkels
and bark measuieiiient; $7u,67f).f.O lor
the denattment ot charllieg, and J10.
OO'i fot I1UI1 school btilldlnr lav. fiom
Sci anion's btidget, thctP should like-
wisp be subttuetcd the cost of woler
and light, or VAOM.K.
This would leave the conipatnble ev-
penws of tli two cities nt $1,319,07.1.11
tor AlloKheny and '271,7-13:11 for Sctan-
ton Allegheny only one-foui th linger
limit .Scinnton, costs fie limes as
much to govein! That AlleRheny 's
not n groat deal ilcher thun Hciau
1011 Is attpslcd bv the fact thai lis
total Mtluntton Is $70,17B,tiuO on u futl
valuation, while Scinnton Is $23,l.M,0ll
on a valuation of one-third for land
nnd about one-hnlt for inipiovemerts,
lleii' are the piincipnt Items of thf
ep"nsis of .Mlpgheny:
SlIlliM f
Intcn -si.
Drpartiiioiit of piiblle nifiMt, Rinenl
of fl(i-
Ciirruii of tf
llnrciui of iioIIit
Dure ill of limit li ,
Uurriu nf rlritruiH
Prpartmont of pulilir miK, rpiihi tl
Ilureait of eiiginof ting; mill Mimiii ..
Hincjii of luglina.'.H ami drnris
Biirriu of wali'i
Rurptii of utter i-,eiAriii ntR
Nurrjll of public liglitlng-
iliiioiu of pitks
Iluifjil of iit pioputv
NMiaiM-i mil lniillng
"tarki ts tinij IniK liu isiniiii,s
Wrilfin 'lluuli)(jif il neinln 11
Ilipiunient uf dtiritio-i
spuhl sinking fill") ta
onlmifois LlaitiH
IMkIi sihol liiillilini: 1 1
CunCKic Pioi libi in
Outstanding iiunti
nut lnfrenl fund
Iluirim of lilirin buildliiira
Bond of iisvessom
Si 11k Iiir fluids
Piupni of building inspiHlor ...
UiiiiiKiNopruini; and .Mddiiiijr si1Pn
J5,700 W
J,"r ,111
2,(K i
4,(W 00
IT,7',S 50
w to.! ;,
4,0oS Ii0
l.'.Ti", 00
r.ouo oci
U.ITU Oil a
I07.'" !'4
',7W 00
lrtii.ldt IX)
7,7u 00
i,7SI I!
.1 HO 00
(, "0 00
',100 Ml
7,(,7l) VI
1S,II 90
100 000 no
lO.OoO 00
ls.oOO 00
J.00O 00
.n7, ; 1;
i.iito 00
i,,oo no
10,000 00
l"il,VH IS
1 11 1 2(KI l
'lolul .... . . -. .. 'jl.SJ,,715 10
A few dliecl eompailsons aie possi
ble and aie ghen below:
iiliiur a),(nX) 01
lite H,0.'2 7
i ilopntini'iit 147,7"iS Si
inn of lioiltli 4(,,0"S (X
lmnsnnil M?ers ist.lljl"
blic Unburn; iou,4til m
lbn includes wild nppiopti itioiis
Appended is an outline 01 what
Seranton's salaiy list would be like
under the new foim of government,
allowing for the woik the silaties now
paid in Scranton for the woik nearest
apptoathlng it, and estimating what
would be a fair compensation fot new
offices which liae no countei pit l at
piesnt in a thhd class citj
"M i c i $
Muot's (
( i lontiolln
(Inn' iluk
tssistant (.Ink
Clt (leisiiiti
( but ibrk
Sjiistllll. I'll Ik
( it. (Ink
Chv (Ink
Mi ssengrr , .
CnliPLtoi of doliiiquint taxes
rblrf iloik ....-
Cbli f a-ispvsoi
Pom assist mt .isspssuis
rilj MlllLlllir
(in soliiiioi
-sistint soliiiiin
I!iriln nf public woiks
Chlif (.Ink
siijiorintinilcnt of poIkp
1 Imf (Ink
siipu internum luneju ot oleiiiuin
siipniutindcnt lmuaii of In iltli
tl. lis
'llirec (,cik 1 il inpp(toi
Meat HHpiiloi
building iiiiiHiiit
PUiinbiiiir iiispuior
"-iH'iitnli nilciii nf bine m ol liif
As.-1-lunl supi riniciiileiit
J 000
1 (100
4 000
1 0)0
1 IKrt
l JIH)
1 OilO
1 Hull
1 110
Diieilm of public woiki ,.
Tliiif diik
superiiitiiiiknl of (iifeinieilui,' and sm-
in s ,
suKiinkndiiit ot 01 hl'lmais
.lllll hl'WCIX
Siipilllitenilcnt oi bin can nf paiks
Diudoi of piiblio cluiitiis
(Iilef link
K .1 ml in 1
'ho iiispoi Ui" ,
SiipeilntciiddiL ot linine
I Iburlin
Tlie same woik Is now done In
Sciautou leaving aside tlie public
charities depaitnient for $44,270. Add
Scrunton'H shaiu of the cost of admln
Isteilng ptlblio charities nnd the total
will be in lound numbci.s $47,ni)0,
The live police maglstiates jirovlded
for under the .second-class law pity
lor themselves. In Allegheny one is
puld $500 and the other four $50 apiece.
How Scianton'.s levenues will be af
fected by the cluiuge In government is
dltllcult to aiilve at even apptoxl
mately. With llipior licenses inn eased
ftom $530 to n,100 apiece It would mea.i
the doubling 0t the 1 avenue of $7u,00J
fiom that souice if the number of
(lealeis lenutlned the same, but us most
of the liquor men complain that they
can III affoid to pay the piesent iato
of license it Is fair 10 piesumu that
a very decided deciease In the number
of licensed dealeis will follow l he in
cieusu in license tee.
The general city tax would, of totuso,
have to be Increased to meet the In
creased expenses, whatever these will
be shown lo be when tlie oidinuiice
adopting the new chatter und ptescilb
lug the otlices und salailes Js passed.
Tlie Inciease would have to be mado
by a e-aiiniiBeineiit of the valuations.
Under the second class city law all
piopetty Is assessed at Its actual value.
City pioperty pays taxes on tlie full
valuation, suburban pioperty on two
thiitls of the valuation and agiicuitutal
propei ty on a one-half basis. Tlui
matter of discriminating between city
and suburban piopeily and between
MUrIihii s, 1 mlon
Pi ml iiij.' 0,(lO0 00 s J.Os", 00
Pollto H,0.'2 7", ",1,70(111
1 no ilopntini'iit 147,7",S SO 1.211 ,i.
Iliiinu of lioiltli 4(,,0"S 00 7,111 IX)
lliidm nsnnil M?ers 1S4, f 15 00 lii,07i 01
Public Unburn,' 100,4til no 4'-,77l 'i"
suburban and ngilmilturni Is left to the
illsuetlon of the ussessois.
In Allegheny nil closely built up
nulgliboi hoods are in the city ptoperty
classification and only the ptopeiiv
thai Is distinctly siihutbau escapes the
fllll levy. Thnle Is 111) agiletlltuinl
pioperly to spears uf within the t'ltv
limits, the whole nicu of the city being
only about oue-thltd that of Wcianton.
One rouicu of IncrtiiBed leveiiue will
be In the change ot the system of
collecting delinquent tnxc. This Is
all uttendett to by one collector who
does the woik by conttact and nt no
expense to the municipality. Its Is al
lowed as ti fee the live per cent, pen
ally and he must make good every
pennv or the duplluite. This will
mean the snvlng of many thousands of
(IoIIhis unniiully to Scruinoti.
(ieneuil city and school taxes theie
Is no poor ta are paid to the tteas
uier In two equal Installments In
Match and September. By paying tlni
whole amount In Match a rebate of
five per lent. Is allowed on the second
Installment. This mmtlts In the big
taxpayeis coming In rally and does
away with the possibility ot the city
having to bouow funds to tide over
the summer and fall as is sometimes
made net.essaiy lieu by the fact thai
taxes can usually be paid without pen
alty at anj time befoie ihe (list of
tin eur. AVater Is paid for at sched
uled rates that aie about the samo
ns In Stranton.
Allegheny has it business tax of onu
mill 011, lhe dollar ot sales and a li
cense tux on busses, stteet cats und
the like, it bus decided, however, to
follow the example of PIttsbutg and
do awav with the business tax, as it
was touud thai the Allegheny linuiu
facttitets and like Institutions, wete
letnoving their oltkes to PIttsbutg, and
some tuctoilcs weie lefusing to locate
theto tit all on account of Ihe tax ana
going to some other PIttsbutg: suburb
whole they would be mote favoied in
tills ICLMtll.
A lesldence ptopeitv lit tlie subutbs
uf Allegheny valued at $,000 pays for
city pui poses a little over 1T& mills
on .1 two-thhd basis. Tills includes
pool tn. The school tax depends on
the assessment made by the sub-board
of tlie watd In which it Is located. Jt
v titles all the way 1 10111 the fi action
of a mill to eight or nine mills. Be
sides this thete is a geneial levy foi
school puiposes amounting to about
thiee mills. 'fhls latter Is for the
maintenance of the high schools and
the p.ij.menl ol salai ies of oflleeis and
teatheis and the cost of books, sup
plies and the like The sub-boat ds
lew lax solely foi the constitution
and m.iinten.ini e of buildings
The Watei s of Sulphui Cieek Pour
in a Tonent Into the Lacka
wanna Company's Mine.
Dick Mitchell, who lcskles on Ninth
Slain stieet, Pcckville, was sutpiised
on Tuesday morning when he walked
out ot his house to Unit thai what
bad been once a level g.itden spot on
his piopetty had disappeuted, and in
its place was a hole some twenty feel
A sulphur biook 1 tins alongside ot
his piopeily and upon investigation it
was found thai another cave-in had
occuiied in the bed of the cicek, and
the iieek, swollen by the heavy lains
ol Monday and Monday night, was
pom lug down the cave hole In a tot
lent The Lackawanna Coal onipany,
whose mines had caved, Immediately
sent a huge foue uf men to the scene
to stop the watei riom pouring into
the mine, which was being lapldly
tilled, despite the fact that the pumps
weie w 01 king with full powai. Some
1,000 gallons pet minute weie being
pumped out. but the water rapldlv
gained, until neaily noon, when the
men sun ceded in tinning the channel
ot the The Lackawanna peo
ple will build a flume foi the cieek to
pass thuiUKh oei the pail affected b
the 1 ave-in.
Mammoth Sale of Diy Goods, etc.,
at Retail,
William Nisbet will on nidav te
npen the diy goods stole at No .JOS
Lackawanna avenue, louneily known
as The Fashion. The entile stock will
be sold at low pikes, nnd when the
suae leopens Fiiday moinlns, Sciau
tou slioppets will be given an oppor
tunity to puuhase eveiy dollat's woith
uf this stoik tit the lowest pihes evei
known in the hNtoiv ol Sn. niton.
Lndy Bookkeepeis
For some months past 'heie hits been
unusual demand .it the Sciuntou
Ihisiness ( nllegc foi 1 uly bookkeepeis
Colds Melt Away
It oti use Kiause's Cold Cute. Pie
litii ed in convenient capsule foi in they
tue easy to take and pfleet-a speedy
cine of the most obstinate casus.
PlkeLTic. Sold by Matthews Bios.
Costs Little.
Young men should icalUe that it
costs less to spend theli evenings at the
Set anion Business College night school
than It does to spend them on the
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. P, & M. T. Howley,231 Wyoming av.
Fresh Vegetables
In Tin
Are absolutely harmless and
are sweeter aiid fresher than
anything now on the market.
We offer faucy Maine
Corn, packed under our pri
vate labels, from 10c to 15c
per can,
Asparagus Poiuts, Faucy
Stringless Beans aud Whole
Tomatoes, packed With the
greatest care to insure whole
some food, and at the lowest
price consistent with the fin
est quality,
E. G. Coursen
430 Lackawanna Avenue.
Thlrtu-Two Men Narrowlu Escape
Bcliui Buried Alive In Nau Aim
Mine In Dunmore Borough.
Foi email John Gibbons and Gang of
Thirty-one Miners and Laboters
Weie Working In Vein No. 1 Yes
tetday Morning, When Fall of
Roof Occuiied After Two Houis
Confinement the Men Escaped
Through Air-way Theie was
Gieat Excitement About the Col
liery During the Houis While the
Men Weie Penned Under Giound,
A patty uf thlity-lwo nilueis, under
Foienmn .lohn lllbbons, had a mliactl
lous escape from being bulled alive tit
th- Nay Aug mine of the Nav Aug
Coal 1 onipany, In Dunmoie, josleuluy
morning, A l 3 ISO o'clock then was a
sudden cave-lit In veins No. 1, 2 and 3,
ubotit f'Uir acies of loof, In all, col
The men made their est ape by i lear
Ing tho debits fiom an old aliwuv, and
passing tluotigh this to tlie loadway,
after first digging their wav ntioss the
fall which blocked the main gangway.
Neither Foi email Olbbons not one ot
the men suffeied a sciatch or the
slightest injuiy. Five mine mules, which
weie being used lu the 'vein at the time
of the fall, weie neiessailly abandoned,
bill Foieman Gibbons deelaied vesfer
day that he expected thai the animals
could be llbeiated today.
The cave Issaid to have lesulted from
the supports of vclnt, - and I!, the low 01
ones, giving way. The suppoits, il is
said, weie weakened by the tains ot
late, and then, too, the opinion Is ex
piessed that It was the lesult of a c.ivi
In the adjoining winkings of the Penn
sylvania Coal company, wheie the sup
potting plllais weie in a veiv weak
namhs or Tim jinx.
The men who had such a nauow es
cape fiom beliif, walled In, aie:
MUcTIV WVWI Uuici bus
W. KNOX, loinpiiij Iniiii
I'VlRICK 1.VKK1N, 111 m 1 mil tut, liilm, ri
1'VrHlLK liritNIA". iiilim, anil tn l.lmiiii
IIIOMVS O'lIAKl. iiiiini '
III NltV 111 HMIMIIII. imncr.
WIIJI Wl Ul.l 10W, liliniu
1 vi uir k M'vNimt'.w, iIiimi.
IOIIN DI.IlH,'. (uiiipuiv Iniiii
Pi II It W Msu, iiiiuu, null (mj lit, ,1, is
Mnrin.w (.iiiviis 1 iijoiii
WIIJ 1 VV1 111 I I N N, iboier
IOIIN ct NMNC.llVVf, liboior
.IVVlis I'llll.l II'. 11111,11
111 V 1 IK llii: ind to I1I1011M
Vllkl DKMVIIKO, iiiiuu
Klsl I'll SAUIO. latum 1
WIMIVM Nl UON, lun, p 1111 Imml.
TilOVIVs (.11 V1JN . Liiiiipint 1 1 1 11, 1
I.IlW Mill HLHCI, iuiiium luml
VtlfllVI.I, Hlf.NVt, lmiiei, mil lilinns.
PVUIK K bOI (,lll HIV, lniiid, -1111I Jibirir
The Nav Aug lollieiv vas opened
mote than thiitv ago by the
Koaiing Biook Coal company, and
about twenty jeats ai;o was aban
doned, it being then thought that the
supply of coal jvas exhausted. Tne
Nav Aug Coal company was organied
about live veais ago, and woik was
again staited A bleaker and vvashet v
was built and since then liundicds ot
thousands of tons ot i oal have been
taken out of the mine. W .1. Hand is
its piesident; C L Biadbuiy, seci
laiy and tieasuiei, and .1 (J. McAskle,
the geneial manager.
Yesfidav's cave-in seamed the en
tile hillside with gaps and tlsstti '-.
Theie Is one long continuous s'-ain
about two bundled and fifty feet in
length, and langlng fiom two to thiee
feet In bieadth, while foi Hilly lout
fines the eflccis oi the collapse ol
the loof is lellectid on tin stnfaie hy
pits and holes, nnd lagged stt etches of
bi dken laud.
Tne suitaie piesenls a genual sunk
en appeaiance, and the niajoiity of the
men employed at the mine entertain
the opinion that it villi not be In con
dition foi a continuance of woik foi
between one and two weeks.
The exact damage sustained by the
c onipany has not et been definitely
ascei tallied us veins Nos. ' and .1 weie
vesteiday sllll inaccessible and the
amount of ihe cave In these woikings
could not be use ei tallied. The tan
house at the opening lulu No J vdu,
sustained the brunt ol the flist fall,
the shock blowing oil Its muf.
The company auihoillies weie un
able to give any appioxlmnlo estimate
of the lois und deelaied that any llg
Uies would be Impossible until entiy
lould be nuide into the two veins. Tho
extent of the i.ive in No I vein is
said lo he about thiee tines Ptesl
deitt Hand jcsteulay said that too
liiucll eiedit could not be given to
Foreman Olbbons, whose cool headed
ness kept the men togethei, and pie
ventlng any geneial stampede piob
ably saved all their lives,
The wattling to Foieinan Gibbons
shoitly betoie the (ave occuiied was
given by two small dilver boys, who
while at the opening lino No. J veh.
telt the shaking of the giound mid
woikings, which insulted In their luii
rylng lo ihe men In No. 1 vein, with
their warning message.
It Is said that tho cave stalled In
the Pennsylvania woikings Immediate
ly adjoining No. i vein. This was the
first of the Nay Aug veins In which
tlie collapse oicuuvd, nnd as Its sup
poits gave way It hi ought No, 1 down
with It. Gibbons nnd his men weie
vvoiklng In No. 1 vein, about eight
bundled feet from tho mouth of tho
slope, tho entianie to tho vein. When
Win ned of tile appiouchlng inve Gib
bous dhected his little baud to with
diaw as far baik as they possibly
could, and thus tliey escaped the main
It was about '-'' o'clock when the
wanting came. A sudden gush of wind
went tluough the vein, extinguishing
tho miiiets' lamps and Foteniun Gib
bons immediately penelved that some
thing wits wioug. He lott ills men,
mid 011 walking tow aids the main en
hance met the bovs who tame to
wauls him, calling loudly that theio
was going lo bo it cave-In at the vein
GiliboiiB walked 011 a little fuilhcr,
and then his own expeilenco In mines
told him that a cave was coming, as
he could feel the trembling" of the walls
ami the giound beneath him. He hast
ened hack to his men, and nciplaliited
tliein with the existing conditions, A
few minutes Inter theie was an eai
splitting lepoit and hundieils of tons
of looiltig fell, completely shutting the
men orf fiom the main gangway, About
llftecti minutes Inter came iiiiutliei
deafening nimble, and vast (luauiltles
of loot fell, lncieaslng the blockade be
tween the mlneis anil the outside
win Id.
Aliatigemellts weie Immediately be
gun bv the outside employes to go lo
the aid of their comrade, by uppioiich
lug the vein, thtoiigli an abandrined ad
jacent wot king of the Ponnsvlvniila
Coal company, but while piepuiatlons
Weie being made, Matthew (It lines, the
flisl of the walled-ln mlnets to emeigo
fiom tho vein, made his uppeaiunce,
followed by the lest of the men, With
Foi eniun (llbbons biluglng up the iear.
Thousands of men, women and chll
dien welcomed the mlneis as they
came foith. The shock of the fall had
'been heaid for miles utouutl, and, In
deed, had shaken fiom theli founda
tions sevei al usldcnces. All over, a
geneial appiehenslon was felt for the
safety of the fathers, husbands, broth
els and sweetheaits, and In the i rovvd
which assembled theie weie a gieal
number of women, whose heaits had
been heavy as lead, who fell on their
knees and offered thanks us they saw
their deal ones safe and sound.
Kveiy one of the men acted like a
heio, and their ptesence of mind In
their dangeious positions was 11101 e
thun commendable. As they emerged
to the stlifaee, faces and hunds blade
nnd grimy, they weie haidlv reiognl.
nble and some of them, In the icacllon
caused by their dellveiy foi the time,
lost contiol of themselves.
One of them, In a voice 1 linked with
emotion, stalled to tell a uestneaied
miner near him how one William Knox-,
In the e.Ncltemonl and constei nation In
the vein, hud actually been guilty of
eivlng, and only ceased his nan alive
when the Individual he was addiesslng
angillv looted, "You'ie a llai," and the
lb st miner, coming to bis senses, pet
celved that he was talking to Knuc
Theie weie inanv little Instances of
this tiutuie, but It Is not difficult lo ac
count for them, when the high-ttung
feelings of the men, caused bv theli
two houis' confinement In Ihe choked
up vein, is taken Into cousldeiatlon. ft
took them Just about two bonis and a
ciuuiter to dig their wav out.
Piesident Hand, of the Nay Aug Coal
eoinpanv. last night said: "If the men
had not been able to dig theli wav out,
all communication with tlie outside was
not shut otf foi them, as a boie-hole
one handled feet deep was lecenllv
mule, which lid to the No. I vein, and
we weie lust aiuinglng lo use this and
ttv to get some won! to the entombed
millet s when thev emetged.
"Fiom the lit st, we hud no fear but
that th men would be able to make
their way out, when we heaid that John
Gibbons was in chaige ot them, as we
had all confidence In his ( ool-headed-neus,
and subsequent lesults pioved
that this faith was well-desei veil."
Foieman Glhbons vos seen yeslet
duv afternoon bv a Tilbune man, and
exjj' esspd hi. opinion that the 1 axe
In was eiused bv the weakening of
pillais in the adjoining eins, opeiated
bv the Penn vlvanl.i Coal company
"At 7 o'clock 1 walked thiotigh our
veins" he deelaied, "and theie was
pol the least ign of nnv weakening1
01 cave-In The flisf indication that
T had of the appioaching double w.ts
when a sudden ust 01 wind blew
tluough '.lie vein, e.xtengulshing all
the lamps Then dime a couple ot
diivei boys who said that thev
though! the place was caving "lu, aitl
I got out wheie T could gel a. good
look and 1 could sec t'i cave-In com
Int.. When ihe Hist fall happened, we
weie woiklng just iibotil eight hun
ch ed feet Mvaj and weie in 110 actual
daiM 1
"f waned the nun to keep out of
the wav of i.ny il.ving plei es of cost
and thev ubeved as 1 result of which
no oi .-.uffeied even the .slightest
'Aftei about fifteen minutes, wh, n
we hart given the cave ilme to sell 1
I statted mil mi iinuthei Investigation
accompanied bv a iiiiuit-r, William
Knox-. Av'e found the main gangway
irnipletelv blocked, bill knowing of
tne old ail -wav ovet the loial cave
we diu; tun wav tluough, and passed
tluough this The niuUs, of coiuse,
weie iiualile io p.'sa ever the eaves,
and nii' left behind. 1 think lhat
we will he able lo H"t them out to
day. CAPsJi: OF THK I'AVK.
"I lie 1 oof on our plllais shj., d no
slpns of Miueelug or me and the
only lea son to which 1 can attilbute
the cav is the lobbing In (lie Penn
svlvinla's adjoin tilng vcliib"
The cavc-ln Is thought to have
bioken some of the pipes of the
scianton Gas and Water company
which inn cIoe by the tolllciy, mp
phlug Utiumoie with watei,
Civil Hngliieer W. M. M.irple of th
Water company was on the spot
etnl.v esieitluj alleinooii and will 1a-Hiiii'i-
his examination this lnoiniug.
He wnu unable to ascei tain jestcrdav
afteiuoon Just what damage was done.
A uunibei of the lesldenqes within
fcf v si nl liundied attls of the cave-lit
weii' seilously ullected by the gieat
shock und subsequent shilling of tip.
Stylishness does not
f mean expensiveness heie
Superb patterns in fine
Bright, new und snappy
with a dollar's worth of
Coon & Go's
2 lor
If you need undeiweat,
hosiery, gloves twill pay
you to buy them here.
-on fljAgmqr
T WMklnUil v.
f4--f-f4--f---f-f -f'f-f ---f-f--
The Issues
That carry weight fail dinner
pail, full value, full quality.
Value and quality are our cam
paign motto always. Just look
at tlm :
Wines and Whiskies
From 5oc to $2 Per Quart, at
Casey Brothers',
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
sulfate Til" home of Joseph Mehln,
which Is In dluet line with the euv
bul several liitnclieil vntds away fioin
It, was almost loppl 'd over, and It
piesent nnpniiance somewhat ieem
bles that of the haalng lower of
Three Lnige Factoiy Buildings to Be
Seveial umti.ti tins ol the i llv an
furnishing llgities to the Niimaia P'tills
Power Co. foi ilnee new buildings to
be cieclcd on the coiiipanv's lands.
The colitractois do not know whether
tlie buildings me for Ilnee illll'elelit
111 ms 01 w bethel thev aie lot one Hi in
whose pioees lequlics the luilld
Ings The bids aie pielhnlnai "and
Mr. A. il. VanCleve, of the Powei
company, Is cousldei lug them, Nlag
aia Falls (iaetle, Nov. .'(!. I'lOO.
For paitlculais legaidlng
Falls leal estate, nihil ess II. II. Ilstu
biook, ."10 Spline stieet, Sci.uilon, I'.i.
Washington, D. C, and Return, Only
On iKiotint ol the celelna
tlon of the of gov em
inent In the Dlsttht ot Columbia, to be
held in Washington. I). C. Dec 1-',
1!)00, ticket agents ol Hie I.ackawaun i
railroad will sell special exiiiislon
tickets at late ol one wav lute loi
the lound lilp, on sale good going on
any legulai tialti Pi c. II. and lot
leltiin until Dei II liuluslve '
J. W. Guernsey
lias jti'.t leceived a huge and beautltul
stock ot pianos and oigun- loi tin holi
day trade, the finest ever seen In
Scianloii. Please call and get pi li es
and teinis. Oueiusev Hall building ,f.
W. Gueinsev. piopiietoi, .tl 4 Washing
ton avenue, Suanton, Pa.
Sciautou Business College.
Place Hie ending uf the slilke stu
dents have been seeming positions al
most at the late ol one a day. Weie
Plincipals Buck & Whltmote able to
quality theni tapldl, enough the l.ite
would be much bights , Tlie demand is
gieatei than the supply.
Fioie Bios.' Mandolin Club.
At Athletic dub lair tonight.
The greatest commercial
economist in the world today.
Compared to any necessary
investment in business,
theprofitfrom aTELEpHONE
is incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
ilanigei 's ofllLf, 117 Ailam iifiiiie.
The inttiiiMc merit of the icceiit
Punofoites by the Mason & Ham
lin Co. has called foi tU the follow
ing remaikable expiessions fiom
men who stand pie-eminent today
in the musical lile of the world.
"The Mason &. Hamlin Piano K t
believe, an tiistiument of the veiy
Hist lank,"
VIUIlll. MllsUOsWM,
( unipum, i'l.uil.r, 'li'ail,er.
"I believe the Mason A: Hamlin
Planus to be of the vetv (list rank.1',
Mlllll'lt Nlklscli.
Hip iriuitulrrcl ifijtit uf musli il j llvlt; In liu.
lope (oiln,
"It Is itlisiupasstd."
mil, I' VI II,
Cuiiintii I'lillluiiiiuiili. Oi i Iii-Mii, XiM Vulk
A stock ot these stipeib instru
ments may he seen at the waie
i coins of
l3M.1.i WtisliliiKtuu Are.
A little leflection will eiLable
you to see that the chafing
dishes which we are Belling' foi
$4,50 and $5,50 aie a genuine
baigaln. Consider what you us
ually have to pay for the same
aiticle and you'll buy ono suie.
Foote & Fuller Co
Hears Building,
i p ,
I V Vr -?.L.J
Gloves for
Working Men
I have always made a
specialty at this sea
son of Gloves for work
ing men. Strong, well
made, durable gloves
at the lowest possible
price I can afford to
sell theuL This year
my stock is larger than
305 Lackawanna Avenue
The Well-Known
Modern 605
Residence a"y "
Lot 8o feet front by
160 feet deep.
One of the finest res
ident properties in
the city.
129 Wyoming: Avenue.
Gifts seletUtl now, reserved until Oiritt-
Those beautiful lepioductlonsf
ot the old inusteiH. .lie here in
such xaiielv us to peinut selec
tion to exptess jour ex-act Idea
in llie at lislic
V Ihuiic iuist, "The
I sM'tl-m (ail," ti'ia indies
mclii liiffli iix inlnr -vvjsli
ilili mil ivmniiUct
nui tu ki I pin
Gruener & Co.
205 Wyoming Avenue.
Man. . .
reminded us of rainy-dy
goods; incidentally of our larjr
stock of
Umbrella Stands
Can we inteiest youP
We will tiy by reducing
pi ices on two lines:
Twisted wiought iron tand,
extia heavy, scvol-wotk f
fects, in designs so popular Jn
wrought hon. A prtty UMful
ornament to any horns. fS.OO
value at
Wood fiame standi, kry
iron pan, .duiable, well oou
tructcd; $1.50 value t
But the weather man hti mot
hiterfeied in the least with our
big sale (advertised SuBtUjr)
It goes on with a ruah,
231-223.825.887 WvowlayAvt
Sole or Exehange