w v:; BUNJ3-THUBSDAY, DECliiiJHfiR (J, S)OQ 3 i sffiftVvXY3sJj ill I iUW KT'iVV-iV"-? taMpim MBB&JMll mwmigs AclrfJetisaiitfy andhoNipfy. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. resents int tlte most acceptableban tie Iterative principles of plants Jcnowit to act most icneficial!i' TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANrb. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCft SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE , KY. HEW YORK. N.Y. for sdlc ty tfrjffghts - price SO per iotfe -3 Ice Cream. REST IN TOWN. &a r- Jc Quart. LACKAWANNA DAIRY CS '-UleplioncOrctors Promptly Pall voroi .-ar-37 Adann Avcnus. Scranfon Transfer Co. Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Piivulc Residences. Office D., Z. & W. Passenger Station. Phono 525. DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST. Eye; Ear, Nose and Throat OITSre Hours 9 n. m. to 1?.J p. m.: 5 to t Villtnms Hullillnc, CI;-;.. T'o.tiiint'tt s UJjiOM( JlABEL 3iM- -Tf - r TY NOTES - -f-'---t---j. t- l.MTlSVIIKi: M.ITIO.V Hie I.lMalni'e hi Hi.ii if lln' t.'uen llnhro Woman's dull will 'mm ,U the (Irun lliilt lil.nr.i mi 'I'liniMlay hi I u. in. Mw.vtiKisv Mi:i:n.fi "iiitu. un i . luclin of the linn iiri r- of tlio llnn.t li.i i,n' j imiUhb't at t'.I.O u'llotl. lotnniinw nit.itiuu in tho Yuunjr Women's ( hii.ti.m .iwiciatiun loonn. I .M)V ITU.. U the miiis Wmmii'-i I liilitian iismkI.iiIi.ii tn ii" "111 lie .1 iiifinli"!-.' nni.il nml (.nul.i pull 1'iiil.i.v fii.in 1! In I 'tlnrK. AH mt'inlii'is it tut' nv.u i.iiiou ,iii iiiillul to ho lursiul. Illll WAS llllOhV.V. Jaum. Ii.jn.ilim. .i l.il r II tin.- Smith hleel null, w.i- li..ill,v Inlnied while nt wok loldil.n .it the sin I mil-., Hi w.is Itlkell to till' Mli'i T.I.I hl' Im-pit.ll, while it WAr ll'lUlll tll.ll ull( ut Ilk lih- W.1-. liiukill, ciiriirii rpiMiii. -Tin- i.hii,., (r u. p, mi Airline RlptNc eliuuli Mill hiic one nt th lr pop'.ll.ir supp) in t lii-. owiiliu; in llie pnlm of the chuiih. in; utli lithe mum h.i. Ik'cii preuiil, I m l,c i helm," the piimipil fea. iiiie. Tlie eiTii"i' will Im'iu piomptly at 0 i.'iIik!,. ciiAiiriiin with 'i tint: -i . k iik-imi TiniU-i'lili of Iliiimmie, was in I.I In (."ml lull jn. It nl.iy liy AUIciin.iii Kawm nn the . lume of Ihie.lU piefeneil hy I'li'il W.inu'i, of TJ 1 I l.i.v avenue, lliininoie. The latter ili.ii mil lit r with luvliis; threatened tl.u lilt- nt Ml. Amelia f inri, Ills wife. AUT KX1IIIIITI0X. All eNhllillli.il nt uuik of the puplli of the art ilcputniint of the Il.n (lenhelKli kIhh'I Mill he nil ill nn I ho .'iTU'iiiumis ani) euiiln-s of lite, 10, 11 ami IJ. 'I he uoil. ioiiiUU of ih-.iim.'n in ihui'i'.'il anil watei dilur fiom the i.lijrcL urlKlnil iU'sIkii, mul hlultln'1 In poii nml i ii lr. Ill ItT IIOr.TIIM .UIHIX'TlIli.-lliiil lloliliani m.i iiin'Miil t.iit nl','lit on .1 w.inaiit ismkiI l.y Ahlciiiian Mill ii" '.liuiKlni,' tilm nllli lauei.y. 'iliq MJriant .u isriieil nt Ihu insl'ince nf flioic l'lulu'o, of 1-I I.liiileii til I i'it, Willi v.lioni llcllh.iiii liuaidiil. lie dui't'i'i linn wllli Hi'iillni; ii rail' of tion-iis nml ii ..ili of slme. Hollliam Mill Iw ulen ,t l.earln? llili ntoinln. IWV-IUYS. The lid mate an I lliiiNmi llail roail coniuuy uhl itn emiln.s at lh North Riranlon rtpair thnpi, i.ml Hie mivnu .mil cai rieiitrri all alonj Iho mail, Tho Diliw.ue, I,iJ; ni'.anna ami Wenleui llallio.ul coiiip.ini pjh the H h 9t k k h tt : n h w : n ; CIGARS Specially selected for the HOLIDAY TRADE. Boxes each. of 85, 50 mid 100 Finest brands of IMPORTED, KEY WEST, PORTO HICO, SPANISH, DOMESTIC. Lowest prices on finest goods, by tho box, by the hundred, by tho thousand. E. C. Dean j 408 Connell Building, PHONE BSS3. J linn nt Hie (Kfont, Do.lpce mul Hclteiiie rollltrlM, ami tmlny ilie men nt the car hon anrl the tnliTM nl'llie l',nio, Tit.vlor nml llolilcii rolllrrlei will tcrrlte their woifen. D. & H. WANTS MORE MINES. Possibility of It Securing the LnMn .and Lnngcllffe Properties. In ypsterilny'H Trlbilno thur ni lipureil un Assnolntcil 1'ri'SH dcsimtcli from WitkcH-tlnrio nnuoiiiiclnir that noffotltttlotiH iii-c umlor way for tlin jiurchuno by tlio Dcliiwuro nml lltnl Hon uiimimny of tlio. collieries nf the T.allln nml l.iiiiircllrfr' Coal pomiiany nt I.nilln anil Avnca, rwtpuetlvely. The local ulllucrn of tho company way that wlillu the Htory Is partlnlly true the matter has nut yet reached a Btnjju wiiere It mlRht he salil that iH'Ktitlatloii.H are on. Two parties hove linked If the properties could ho botiftlit anil an altlrmatlvo reply was given In each ItiHtoiice. i.iikIiiooi'h who are, It Is undei stood, represontltiR the Dela ian anil Iluilson company, have been looltliip; over tho properties for somu ttnie past, but nothtiiK In the way of nn offer or In fact nay other dealings tendlnp; to a transfer have occurred. Hoth properties are on the line of the Delaware and Hudson road, but their product Is now shipped by way of the New York, Susquehanna find Western. FOUGHT A DUEL IN A DARK FIELD Secretary Maliy, of Young Men's Christinn Association Has An other Exalting Experience. If Seciotary (ienrue O. Many, of the Vhiihk: Men's Cliilstlau association, hems the nppeiir.iiii'e today of a limn "who has been shut at and missed," his appcnrnui-i' will lie only In keeping with his Kcnor.il make-up perfectly honest. Air. Alahy, lust nlKlit, had that not al tiiKVtliei iJcllKhtftll expel lenee of dndir inR ii lmlli'l. .Mr. Alahy lives on Qulncy avenue. In the last house nn the left-hand Hide, KiiIiir north past the Mos-ps Taylor hos pital. Just beyond It are the commons sUiitlii", the lictindary line between the city 11 ml lniniiHitv. Three yumiK1 Kills from Pine Urook. wlin had lieeu vl.sltinn- the housemaid at Fieil it. Stark's home, which Is next but one to Mr. Many's, sliw'tcd on the 1 etui n Journey throttnh the hip Held about !i. I.'i o'clock p. in. They had pro ceeded about seventy-live yards into the dark Held when they espied a man sttolliii"; on ahead of them. They al tered their course somewhat to 11 void passim? near him, and w'te roIiik iiIoiik unmindful of harm and without further thought of Ihe man, who ha i been lost sight of in the darkness, when Middenly from a hollow, which they were Just about to cross, the dark llgure of a man spuing up belore Ihem and made nil attempt to .seise the neare.--t girl. He stumbled as he was about to lay hold of her, and she thus escap'-d his clutch. Mefore he could make another grab, the gills were iipeeding away In the direction when they came, shout ing at the top of their voices for help. Secretary Mahy heard the screams, and taking his revolver, rushed out to Investigate. The girls by (his time had reached Qulncy avenue again, and al nui'.t ran Into Mr. Mahy as he emerged ftom his front gate. The villain still inif-ued them, but when he saw them reach a point of safely ills disappoint ment evidently nngeied him and he let lly a largo cobble, which nairowly missed one girl's head and bounded ueioss the stieet. lie was tinning about to lelreatwhen Mr, Mahy turned into the Held to eap tme li 1 111. The man did not 1 un, but stood stolidly watching .Mr. Mahy comlnir towaids him, until the latter was within Ill'teen yards or so, when he raised a pistol slowly and deliber ately and llred point blank at his would-be cantor. The bullet whlzze 1 past Mr. Mahy's head, but it did r.o: halt 111 111. Leveling his own revolver, he routined the lire, while advanclns; on a inn, and as the whiz of the bullet and the Hash of the powder showed that it was not a case of filing in the air unintentionally, the villain ducked low and scooted down the hill. Mr. Mahy followed, firing as he ran, till the live chnmbcis of his revolver were empty, but as on the occasion of a visit from a. burglar live weeks ago, the shooting was all in vain, and lief 01 e they had half crossed tlte commons the fugitive had secured such a lead, with the aid of his terror- Inged heels, that he succeeded 111 losing himself la the daikuess. .Mr. .Mahy, wlih Mr. Stark and John McL'ouit, who had come on the scene shoitly after him, scoured the field In search of the man, but without success. The girls went home under escort nt Mr. Stai k. AT THE EXCELSIOR CLUB. Novel Entertainment Will Be Given Tonight. A novel entertainment will be given tonight at the Kxoelslor Social club's house 011 Washington avenue, the pro ceeds of which aro to be devoted to the building fund of tho now Jewish temple. The llrst part of the pro gt ammo will consist of a muglo doll show, In which n number of bonn-lldo llesh and bono Individuals are to enact the roles of the saw-dust and kid variety of puppets, , Tho curtain will rise promptly at 8 o'clock, and following tho doll show, another novelty will be Introduced In tho form of the tombola, a French lot tery game. In which for a small In vestment 11 person may secure a valu able prize, A number of tickets hnvo already been sold and everything points to a great success, as the result of tho evening's entertainment. One Faro for the Round Trip to Washington, D, C. For tho centennial celebration of the establishment of the cent of govern ment ut Washington, the Centiul Rail road of New Jeisey will sell tickets from all stations at 0110 faro for tho round trip. Tickets gootl to go on De cember 11 and to return on or boforo December U, J Scholarships. Tho combined scholarship (a contract entltlluB the holder to both complete courses), now offered by tho Scrunton ISuslness College for $100, Is so liberal a contract that very many are Dur cluiHlng H, This offer will soon be with drawn. Pianos nnd Organs at Guernsey Hall at greatly reduced prices for the holi days. Terms are rusy and goods the llnest In tho market. 314 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa, Toys, Hardware and Furniture. At bargain prices. Athletic club fair. SALE OP JUNK BY MINORS LAW SAYS IT IS ILLEGAL TO PURCHASE FROM THEM. In the Porter Cases Which Were Called Before Judge Edwards for Trial Yesterday Attorney John F. Scrngg Raised the Point Hint tho Law Which Was Pnssod In 1800 Ib Contrary to the Constitution. Judge Refused to Qunsh tho In dictment on That Ground. Ueforo Judge H. M. Kdwnrds yester day Attorney John P. Scrngg raised tho (luestlon of the constitutionality nf the act of 1&DD which makes It a misdemeanor to buy junk from min ors. This Is the llrst time the mutter hrts beeh before the court and wiw raised yesterday In tho cases against Alomunzo nnd AI0117.0 Porter, the Wear Lackawanna avenue Junk dealers wh 1 are charged with receiving stolen goods, buying from minors, and fall ing to keep a record of purchases of Junk as required by law. After the case was called Mr. Scrngg filed the following paper asking that the Indictment he squashed: Tho tlefctiil nits In this 1 i rrieclnilly le qiii'its Hint the imllrltiKiit in UiIh eas agaiu-it them he (tmt'.lit'il. t'liit tlciniwi! the art of .isseml.lv 01 nth of May, 18'Jll, I'. I., ivi'.i, pane 217, under wlileli the liiillttimnl Is ihaiwi, U iimoiealt'itinnal In tint II is in iimlliel vdth Arth le I, Sulln'i I of the (ointlliitloii of I'tnn.i.vbanla In tint II pre vi ills uYfciiil nits aiqnirinjr ami pos.-.i'liii; pioneity. sVeoml llocau-c sahl at of .iKimhly is in ill reet conlllit Mllh S'iIIoii . nf ithle I nf the ermtilutlon nf the I 'lilted Stairs in III it it im pairs the nlilliratluii of comtialnK Judge Kdwards refused to quash the Indictment, and Air. Scrnpg had an ox ccptlon noted. In the event or the con viction of his clients, un appeal will probably be taken to the Supreme court and the constitutional point Involved tested. A Jury was secured In the case yesterday afternoon, and this moinlng the work of taking testimony will be gin. The other cases heaid yesterday were: JUDGE ARCHBALD. After court opened yesterday inorn inging John Medon wnsj returned not guilty by the jury before whom he was tried Tuesday on a charge of kicking the young son of Steve Mnrk awilz of Mnylield. lie was recom mended to the extreme mercy of ill court. Tuesday night a .tiny was swoin In the case of John Kukan, harg"d wllll selling liquor without n license. Hub ert AVllson of the .Municipal League, was the prosecutor, and he and his detectives bought intoxicants In Lu kan's place on Capousc avenue. No evidence was offered by the defensi bu,t Attorney Joseph O'llrien, who represented I.ukan, objected to the In dictment oil the ground that it charges I.ukan with selling liquor without a license when, as a matter of fact, he lias a bottlei's license. Mr. O'lhien 'aid the indictment was at vaiiuiu" with tho facts and should be squashe 1. Judge Archbald refused to do tills ami submitted the case in the jury. A, verdict of not sjttilty was relumed. J. ('. Taylor pleaded guilty to sell ing liquor without a license ptelortvl by Hubert Wilson, of the Municipal League. He will be sentenced Satur day. J. J. Hartwell did not appear to answer a charge of selling liquor with out a license preferred also by Mr. Wilson nnd bis bail was forfeited and a 1 aplas was Issued for him. Plysses Meyers was not present to answer a chcrge of laro nv and ! celving, lodged by J. A. Taylor. HI 1 ball was I'orlelted and a capias was issued. Halls were also I'm felted in tlio following cases: Adolph (""rup. inltsky, assault and battery, Alberta '"ruplnltsky, prosecutrix: Antonio Shelkopskl, attempt at crimmlnnl as sault, Rosa Hnrvclskekl. prosecutrix. John TtC'ga did not nppctir to prose cute Joseph Ylllolo of unlawful re lations and a verdict of not guilty was taken. .Michael Clallngher was tried for gell ing liquor without a lleen'o at 113 Clearfield avenue. Robert Wilson was tho prosecutor. Several of his agents testified to buying liquor there, and theie was evidence )f some other sales. The defense was that Galla gher owns the building and tented th. basement to his sister, Kate Galla gher, who runs a small grocery stoie. He knew she sold liquor and protested against her action. She closed tho place in August and Is now In n hos pital In Philadelphia. In rebuttal At torney It. L. Orambs testified that Gallagher and Attorney W. W. T.ath rope visited his law olllce to con sult with his partntr, Fred K, Deers, about securing a settlement of tho case, Mr. Wilson also testified that Gallagher visited hltn at his home ami made overtures for a settlement. Tho ense was given to tho jury about 1 o'clock and a verdict had not beon reported up to the hour of adjourn ment. Owen Curron, who was convicted Tuesday of beating his wife, was sen tenced to pay a tine of fl, costs, and upend 30 days In jail, JUDGE CAMERON. John Mm covin), Joseph Ntllpht und Mlko llllss wcro yesterday morning returned not guilty nf aggrevated ns suult and batterv on Peter Orowok, and tho costs were divided between Mike llllss and the prosecutor, Drunk. Patrick O'Malley was returned not guilty of having stolen an overcoat from a man named O'Hrlon at Oly phant and the county was directed to pay the costs. Louis Welsbiirger, who conducts a wholesale liquor store at Wlnton, wa found not guilty of fotclbly throwing Alfred Cooper out of his pluco and the costs were divided in equal pro portions. George Do Joy, an old Frenchman, wlio Is unable to spoilt Nngllsh, was arraigned for attempting to sot lira to tlio bum of James Merlonie at Dal ten. Do Joy wont Into tho barn mu night and as Jt wiih cold he built a lire on tho earth Poor to ep him self warm. There was no ovidenoj that he Intended or tiled to burn tho barn and 11 verdict of not guilty vm returned, A verdict of not guilty was directed by tlio court In the coeo of Albert White, who was dunged with a re volting crime on Ihu person of tho llve-year-old son of John W. Jones. Tho boy, could not Identify AVhlto as Dm guilty person and court thereupon directed 11 vVrdlct of not guilty. The last case tried yesteulay was that against Udlth Pond, the colored footpadess who Is charged with steal ing $135 from D. H. Johnr.on, nn engi neer who resides nt Stroudsburg. He said that a few weeks ago he was walking along Iho street ono night when ho was accosted by tho de fendant who after talking with hltn for a few ntlmttpH shoved her hand Into his ti owners pocket and took out his pockpthfoU bonlnlnlng $13". She then rah away with It, lie Identllli'd the il fuidntil as the ore who took the money. Later In the night tho police nr restcd her at her home In Duiui'ii patch and $C! In money was found In n trunk, H wns, also shown that tho defendant has a bad police record at Cleveland, O., and Indianapolis, lnd for pocket picking nnd larceny. She served a term In tho workhouse nt In dianapolis under the initno of Yeager. A short time before her arrest for the offense for which she was tried yes terday she picked tho pockets of a man on Linden street and when ho tiled to take his money away from her she stabbed hhn. The defense was an nllbl. The Pond woman alleged that' she spent tint entire evening and night with her husband a mnn who goes by the nntno of Mori Is, and who. tho defeniRint ?n Id, Is n professional gambler. First they went to a club house at Lacka wanna and Adams avenues wheri they played pool and from there to the homo of Mrs, Stevenson In Cen ter street, where they visited for a lime going from there directly home, A verdict had not beon returned nt adjournment hour. JUDGE EDWARDS. John Most was tho ill at man tried In the morning. He was charged by Joseph Nyear, who runs a saloon at the KIdgo, with eartylng concealed weapons. There was some evidence that Most nourished a revolver but none that he carried It on his person and court declared a verdict of not guilty. John J. riuiko was arraigned to an swer a chatge of malicious mischief prefer! ed by Airs. John Shonlt. Sh.' ctstifled that llurite threw 11 stone thtoiich a door of her home. Tin atone also hi' her in Iho back. I'pon that showing Hurke withdrew his plja of not guilty and substituted one of guilty. Mrs. Mary Haronko and Airs. Mary Clttpko reside on tin Moosic moun tains. They had n quarrel one day about Airs. Daronko's nog, which re sulted in Mrs. Hoianko severely beat ing Mrs. Crupko. She was found guilty. tlooigij Chun nnd William Ttlven burg were returned guilty of stealing potatoes, pork, etc., from John A. T.ne, 11 Scott township farmer, and Walter Reynolds of revolving somip of tho stolen goods', (iiailes Reynolds, win was indicted with the others for tho larceny was returned not guilty. STOLEN AT LOCK HAVEN. Owner of Jewelry, Found on Davis and McMnnus, Discovered. A sltoi t time ago Chief of Police Rob ling sent out letteis to the heads of the police depai tnients In all the cities within a radius of 00 miles of Scran ton, giving a desciiptlon of the jewelry found in the possession of Geoige E. Davis and Philip Me.M anus, alias Frank Sloane, who were nt tested on suspicion by the police iv few weeks ago. Yesterday he received a communica tion from Lock Haven, stilling that the jewelry mentioned was stolen on the night of October 2S from the jewelry store of T. C. Hilton, 'of that place. McMnnus and Davis weie arrested here just three days afterwards. McManus was found to be an escaped prisoner fiom the Klnilra reformatory, to which Institution he has been taken, while Davis was released, there b"lns no evidence to hold him. The Jewelry, which Is valued at $3t), will be returned to the Lock Haven jeweler. OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR. At the regular meeting of Peter Will iamson lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, held Tuesday night, the fol lowing officers were elected to servo for the ensuing Masonic year: Worshipful master, Alfred 13. Con nell; senior warden, Walter L. Ken wood: junior warden, Itobeit Peck: secretin y, C. L. Van Tlusklrk; treas urer, Thomas K. Lyddcn; representa tive to the Grand lodge, Charles R. Dawson: trustees, HonW. D. Connell, D. A. Hill and Colonel L. A. AVatres. Put Yourself in Line. New students are enrolling almost daily, and, too, nearly every day some student secures a good pnying posi tion. Young men nnd women should put themselves In line by enrolling at onco. Guernsey Hall to tlio ni.ien tn huv a beautiful nlnno or organ for a Christmas gift. Call and get price's and terms. J, . Guernsey, proprietor, 314-31C Washington avenue, Hcrauton, Pa. COLD WAVE COMING. Bargains in California And Honesdale Blankets. Down, Cotton And Wool Filled Comforts. MEARS&HAGEN 415-417 Lackawanna Avenue, A SPIKE MILL FOR SCRANT0N NATURE OF INDUSTRY SECURED BY BOARD OF TRADE. The Name of the Firm Is Timrncs & Hecht, nnd They Are at Present Located in Brooklyn, N. Y., Where They Operate a Big Spike Mill and Galvanizing Plant They Will Es tablish, in Addition, a Rolling Mill In This City Buildings Will Cover 32,025 Squnre Feet. The exact nature of the new Industry which Is to bu located In tho Kovscr Vnlley, lu West Scranton, through tho efforts of the board of trade, as previ ously mentioned In The Tribune, can now be disclosed. It Is to be a rolling mill, with a splko mill and n gulvnnlss Ing plant In conjunction. Tlie niiino of tho firm Is Tlmmcs & Hecht, und they come from Hrooklyn, N. Y where they nro at piesent located on North Sixth street. Mr. 'Ninnies and his father befjorc him have been In tho same business for sixty years. Mr. Hecht Is a now partner, taken In within the past two months. Mr, Tlmmcs was in tho city vester dny with tho plans and specifications for the foundations for the buildings to be erected, and was to have met a number of local contractors In the morning. He discovered, however, that a change would have to bo made In the plans before lie could secure bids, and ho accordingly left them with a local architect for alteration. He left on the 3.30 train for New York, leaving Instructions with Secre tary Atherton to secure bids on the re vised plntiH and forward them to him for consideration. Ho will return here next Monday, when ho will confer with Mr. Hecht, and award tho contract, Mr. Heohl will arrive the latter end of this week and will permanently locate here. TO HUSH BUILDINGS. The Idea Is to get the foundations of the buildings completed before the snowy weather sets in, so that the work of erecting the superstructures can be commenced in tho spring, as soon as tlio weather permits. Tharo are to be live buildings and after a glance at tholr dimensions It is not surprising that 4 1-3 ncrea of land were purchased by Messrs. Tlm mes and Hecht. Tho buildings and their dimensions are ns follows: Rolling mill, 200x80 feet; spike mill. l.'iOxijO feet: galvanizing plant, 125x23 feet; warehouse, I5i)x;'.0 feet; office, liOxuO feet. All the buildings will be of frame construction, one story high. On ac count of the nature of the Industry it is probable that tho ceilings will be at least twenty feet high. In the rolling mill, the machlnery for which is being now purchased by Air. Hecht, the Iron rods for the manu facture of spikes will be prepared. The fit m .manufactures railroad, boat, ship and dock spikes of all kinds and all sizes. At present they buy their bar iron already prepared, but they have decided that it will ba cheaper to pre pare il themselves. 'galvanizing plant. In the galvanizing plant, whiidi is a new industry in this valley, they will galvanize certain varieties' of their spikes and will be prepared to do any and all kinds of galvanizing work which may be sent them. They expect to have their plant in operation by the early part of next summer. It Is undei stood that Sec retary Atherton's estimate of the num ber of men who would be employed was much too conservative and that when operations are commenced no less than ISO men will be given employ ment. For Sale. Our warehouse pioperty, corner West Lackawanna avenue and Eighth street, being about 23 feet front on Lackawanna avenue and 130 feet on Kiglith street, and about 147 feet on the line of the D L. and W. R. R with 11 live-story brick warehouse, tiack and switching privileges. Also our bain lot on DIx court, about 85 feet on DIx court by 90 feet deep to Lee court, with brick stable and frame warehouse; located between Lackawanna avenue and Spruce street. Tho Hunt & Connell Co. Guernsoy Hall Is headquarters for J. W. Guernsey's beautiful music warerooms, whoro you can And an endless variety of the finest and most charming pianos and organs ever exhibited In ono place. Prices are low and terms reasonable. Please call and examine. 314-316 Washington ave nue, Scranton, Pa, Blankets kwvyywvvvwywvvuwwywwww Santa Glaus9 Will Und this store n convenient, comfortable, satisfactory, aaf S plaoo Tor finishing up tlio season's shopping. To those who are wt undecided ns to what to buy: For a lady, we would suggest a g piece of cut glass. We ate solo agents for Llbbey's, und can give 2 you a Berry Dish for $U0, a. Punch Bowl for $!)0, nnd 11 hundred m inner nrucics 111 prices ranging between tllem. There Is nothing "n made In china that Is desirable that we havo not In stock. Christ- Sp inas purohuses delivered ns lute VvxvtCVC&. iQ Oen. V. MtUnr . , . , .... TEETH EXTRACTED PAINLESS Gold Crowns $3 Gold Fillings $1 Bridge Work &) $3 Set of Teeth $5 All work guaranteed for ID jcars. Call and have jour teeth examined free' of charge. Siitlxfiatlnii or iiu pay. ROCKERS One Hundred Parlor Rocking Chairs In both Oak and Mahogany of a Unique and Stylish Construction, Strongly Put Together, and Upholstered in Rich Patterns of Finest Ve lours and Tapestries. Bought to sell at 4 and worth every cent of that figure. See Them in Our Big Show Win dow, and take your choice of the lot while they last at 1 In Our New Store. 406 Lackawanna Ava. KKKKKKKMUKKnKSKUKKMKKKKKM i B1TTENBENDER ff K5?K5UKnnKK)JOinKnjrKXKK3nK Everything 1 In Toydom's When you bring the little fellow here to see the Toys, prepare to spend the day; it'll take him longer than you think to see the massive assortment we have to show you. Toys of every kind from the simple little wooden affairs, to the most expensive creations of the Toy makers' art. You don't have to pay us so very much for them either. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312 and 314 Lackawanna Avenue. ft ck J and Th Hnlv Duir ctafp Wo havo the hrgost and finest collection of Persian I ne uniy KUg Jiore. and TurS, Rll(!S miJ c.irpcts, Wltsn you buy your rugs of us it mj.ins you are sure you are getting the bust at th.' lowest price. It will certainly pay you to see our holiday bargains. 1 Dale of Kazek Hugs at $10. each, worth $12 to $15, 50 Large Size Mowonl Persian Rugs at $18 to $25, worth $25 to $40, The latest desiens of Wilton and Smyrna Rous at a special discount. MICHAELIAN BROS. & CO. EMPTY HOUSES CAN BE READILY FILLED IF ADVERTISED IN t THE "FOR RENT" COLUMNS OF THE TRIBUNE Partner us Christmas morning, Cn. IM Wjromln Atcimib 3 - walk In .ltd Inok around s We make a peel.ilty of lino Crown ami nrldse Work ami it will ny J oil to eidl ami net our prices before going elsewhere. All work absolutely Painless. Dr. Reyer, Dentist 814 Spruca St., Opp. Court House. $2.50 Scranton Carpet & Furniture Co: (HKQIUTEItBD.) Call and Examine Our Line of N A great variety of styles constantly on hand. No slipping and falling, No more sore and contracted feet. pn 126 and 128 III., Franklin Ave. 1 Realm J Dnrvc Carpets 3 li 124 Washington Avenue. L ,lr j' r. .' fcjU-t, j' nt tyVlXr, 4 . icrf- -Jl-.