The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 06, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Communication s of
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Their Tioubles Again Take Up a
Largo Part of Justice Synch's
Justice of the I'ciu-e Dnn byncb hus
n ppcullaily fcitllo legnt section of
thlst city to govern. The part of town
mimed Simpson Ih proline ot ouit
tnsps. The Moinn family of late have
ircunlcd considerable of his Honor's
llni". A whort time ngo a Mrs. Motnn
lintl hei httsbnnd'H sinter, Mrs. Yundo,
nnusttd on the elmiRn or ihiontoiiinff
her mid iislns eiilthets not found In
Sunday school bonks. Now Mis. Mo
inn has turned her attentions to her
husbnnd. He was nuestod at bor
Inatnnie and put under bill I'lmiBcvt
with thrcntenlnB her and dWpluylni;
It Is n. nilxcd-up 'family quurrel. It
ntiglrmted when Nellie Maxwell mtu
rled Moiun. Hie family objected with
Krcat visor to the match and l of used
to iecele Nellie Into their hearts as
one of lliuir klndicc. Their Kilcv
imee was that she whs "stuck-up"
and too "high and miphty" for them
Kor n time William refused to listen
to the family ehotus to leave her and
loniain true to his prettv little bilde.
About two weeks ago Mrs. William
had her sister-in-law put under bonds
because she was too lgorous In her
denunciation of her.
' But William has ut last f.illen vic
tim to his .sisters entreaties, combined
with the other members of his kin,
.mil he left his wife. Now he has
,111010 tiouble, for Justice Lynch Im
posed 11 bull bond on him to appear
at couit. Some on" of the judges In
Pcranton will hac his fill of the case
If It comes to tilal thcic.
At Last Accounts a Truce Had Been
Declared Between Him and His
The troubles of George Washington
Smith and his foimei housekeeper,
"Mis Blackmoie, which have attracted
lonsideiable attention ot late, are just
now in a state of status cuo.
The first link of the endless chain
of woo for Smith was fciged when
he took peilously some playful sug
gestions of Mrs. BlacUmore that she
-would burn his house and do other
things of the same mischievous na
tuie. So Oeoige hied himself to Al
derman MntiNon and arlted for a wai foi his amiable housekeeper. t
tills time It looked more than black
lot M niackmoie and she shed
leais, not of lepentancc, howeei. She
parsed Si'llday eiv quietlv, being at
home to her ti lends only in the Cltv
hold, under the chaperonage of an in blue, with the expecta
tion of hj!ng another try at jus
tice on Monday afternoon. She had
plenty of time to leflect while enjoy
ing the hospitality of the cltv and
brfuie the houi c.inie aiound to appear
btfote the Aldciman. ho had con
1 octed a plan to checkmate her op
ponent She Moie out n wairant for
the anebt or Oeoige Washington and
hN son and heii on a charge of
adulteiy. Whcjn the plslntiff ap
pealed to pic-s his chaige against
Mis. Wntknicie. he was told that her
diaige must take piecedence. Smith
tiled to beg the question, but the lady
in the tasie said nay. After a long
discussion both chaiges were wlth
diawn, the two paited, and the chap
ter is closed, for the ptesertt at least.
The Chautauqua Circle Postponed Its
"Webster" Night to Friday.
It 1. lined so haid on Tuesday nleht
that but a few of the br.uest of the
membeis of the Chautauqua annex of
the Young Men's union ventured out.
There was to have been an eenlng of
llteiaiy and social features, and a num
ber ot papers hnd been prepaied bear
ing on the lite and manneis of Daniel
Webster, but the meeting was not held.
However, in older that they be not
wasted, It was decided to hold the
meeting on Fiidny night. The same
progt amine, including music, will be
rendeied on that evening.
A New "Shuffleboaid."
The YTi ung Men's union has added
another attiaction for its membeis,
making the list now a long one. The
new fcatuie Is a Miuflleboard. ' The
game comes fiom Clermany. It consists
of a long boaid, with brass disks. The
hoai d is coveted with sand, the discs
aio piopeiled by a twirl of the llngeis,
and .it eet tain muiks in the opposite
end fiom the players the disks lemaln
Ing 011 uio 1 minted. It Is a fascinating
pastime and .should be well patronized
these long winter evenings. It Is a
v.ilatlon of a game played on ocean
steamship'' to while away the time
fiom shine to slime.
A New Orchestia.
Caibondale'H musical elides have
btcn, enlaiged by the organisation of
.flStioW ou'liestia, composed of somo of
Slip Uty'x nest known musicians, The
nichestra espoct.s In a shoit time, af
ter it lias leheaised pioperly, to offer
Us sei vices to the public. If "compe
tition Is the life of t Kide" Carbondalo
ought to have some good music this
w Intel. The membeis of tho new or
ganization are; George R. Cmvellng,
Jne Bly, !. W. Illy, John Hallatead,
Mis, .lolin Hall.stead, CSeorgo C, Hulgln
and Theodore Spoil,
Mine Laborer Hint.
A Hungarian laboier, employed at
the Noithwest mines, was hint yester
day by a fall of conl on which he was
winking. He was painfully, but not
necessarily seiiously, Injuied about the
legs, and was convoyed to his home In
A Successful Beginning.
The Voting People's Hoclal society,
of tho Flist Congiegallonul hutch,
held "their (list eiueilalnment last
evening for the benefit of the chuicli
Improvement fund. The enteitaln-
In Burka Hall,
Thursday. Dec. 13, 1900.
Music by Miss Kate Iteardon, of
ment committee picpnied ti choice pio
gi annuo for the evening, and It was
thoroughly enjoyed. The excellent
gntherlng was delighted with the fol
lowing selections: I'lntio solo, "non
nle Doon," J. Fjnnklln 1'iowell; vacol
solo, rMs. W. H. Alexander; leclta
tloi, Mnntct Hany TJcnnls: llther solo,
J. Franklin t'lowoll: votal solo, Mis.
Owendolln Hvnns, piano duel, Misses
T.ottle nnd Tannic Pugliano; recita
tion, Miss Eleanor .loncs: duet.'Man
dolln and guitar. Messts. lllbrecht and
Ollles; vocal olo. Mis. Owendolln
j:ans; oc.ul solo, Hubeit I Clink.
This and Other Pilzes Are Offeied
for Mitchell Fair Pations.
A number of the stoies in this cltv
uie displaying Miilous prizes to be
offered In connection with the Mitchell
Hose company's fair. The comniltte"
have decided to give a pi be of $0 In
gold, to be chanced oft, and they have
also decided to rewaid those who will
vvoik In selling tickets for the di aw
ing. The lair will commence on Dec
17 and will continue foi one week. It
will be held In Watt's hall. A gold
watch will be given to the pel son sell
ing the largest numoor of tickets on
the pile of gold. This timepiece Is on
exhibition in the window of Jewelei
Fiank Uuir. Another prize will be
given to the poison making the next
highest number of alcs. This lew aid,
a diamond ling, scintillates In Jeweler
Cameron's window and the thlid
pilze, a silk-coveted umbiella, can be
seen In the window of A. S. Levvslev'.
The di awing for the gold will take
place on Satuidav, Dec. 22, at the
wind-up of the fair. C. S. Alexandei
has the tickets on sale.
Including Howson's Twentieth Cen
tury Band and Orchestra.
John A Hemmeleln's big c onipany,
"The Ideals," headed by the populai
comedienne. Miss Beatilce Kaile, and
including Howson's Twentieth Centuiy
band and oichestia, will be the at
traction at the fit and all of next week,
when Its pations will have an oppoi
tunlty of witnessing a seiles of high
class pioductlons.
For the opening play on Monthly
night the company piesent "The Loin
Paiadlse," which has not been seen
heie foi a good many yeais and which
is undoubtedly one ol the best pio
ductlons of its kind evei attempted. It
is given In a conect and elaboiatc
mannei, all the necessaiy scenorj. In
cluding the setting for tho famous mill
scene being cairied. Something lai
superior to the eustomaiy lepeitoiie
offeilngs Is inomised.
The Semi-Centennial.
A meeting of the executive commlt
of the Semi-Cent ennln! Celebiation
association was held on Tuesday eve
ning in the office of J. J. O'Neill. The
committee had an extended discus
sion lelatlve to the pioposed demon
stration. The secitaiy submitted
piogrammes, pamphlets, invitations,
and othei m.itteis he had lecelved
from ailous places foi sinillai oc
casions The question of finances was bought
up, and it was the opinion woiic
in this diiectlon should b"gln it once.
The committee will maet again on Fii
day evening.
A Peculiar Accident.
John Lee, a motounan on the Ti ac
tion load, met with a peculiar accident
on Tuesday evening on his tun lioni
this city to Peckvillo. On going down
the giado on Biookln street, tha
biake was on tight. When ho kicked
the latch off the biake swung aiound
too last to be handled and forced
the handle out of Tee's hand. On
the next 1 evolution the handle stiuck
Fee on the left ai m near the elbow
sllghtlv injuilng it.
A Terpsichorean Event.
"Oskey! AVa! Wa! Attend the In
dian dance of the C. C. I. foot ball
team," Is the Inscilptlon which attiacts
the attention all ovei the tlty, The
dance will bo held Filday evening, De
cember 14, In the IJiuke building, and
as the athletic pigskin chaseis ate all
teal good fellows soi hilly, thcie will no
doubt be a huge attendance. It is said
some novel featuies will be Intioduced
to make the affair ono of exceptional
To Work in Philadelphia.
Theo. Mm gun has gone to Philadel
phia, wheie ho has seciued a good
situation. Mr. Moigan has held sever
al good positions with nblllt, and be
ing a nung man of unusual eneigy,
will no doubt foi go uipldlv- ahead In
the Quakei city. He was voty popu
lar, socially, heie, nnd the best wishes
of a laige elide of filcnds will ac
company him to his new home.
Funeral of Mis. Mnnnion.
The fuiieiiil of the Intr Mis I'ntilrk
Munnian wus held vesieidny mniulng
.it St. Hose ohuiih Tho Hev, Futlior
Dixon oiHoluted tit the lcqr.lem mass,
The pall-beaieis whip John Keuinoy,
AIov McDonald, Patllev Iluike, .Ins,
F. Mm tin, John McArdrew and P.
Klllkei, Intoi ment was minlo In St.
Hose cemnteiy.
Barbeis to Oignnize,
The baibeis ol tlw city have nil
lecelved a call to most at F. Nitwit's
baiber shop on Salem avenue, to-night
at 3 o'clock, to ouranUe a union, Un
questionably this contemplated movo
will be made, thus adding one mora
tiudes union to the long II t aliendy
In existence In tho city.
Meeting Tonight.
llooige I!, Handolph Camp, No, 131,
Sons of Ycteians.
Division No. r, Sue lent Older of
United Mine Woikeis! No, .S7T.
Bianch No. T7. I;. O, Jl. C.
Local Council, No. ls), Hetnll CletU's
The Amity Club to Enteitaln,
The Amity club ot this city, Kill
gjvo a social on Thuitday evening,
Dec. "13, in Burke's hull. Tho muslo
will be furnished by Miss Kate Heat
don, of Scranton. The boys aie mak
ing great preparations for the event.
b'.l,. Ilattiel J, man
ager of the Carbon
dale edition, lll be
pleased to receive
callers seeking Infor
mation oj desirous of
Imparting It. Tele
phone numbers; New
aSG! old, 0433.
The Local Labor Unions, nt a Meet
ing Lnst Night, Indorse the Strlk
eis nnd Will Aid Them to Win
Their Fight.
A meeting of delegates fiom nil the
local labor unions was held In the
Academy of Music last night to dis
cuss tlie stilko at the silk mill. A num
ber of the stilkcrs wore present and
outlined the conditions as seen by the
employes. The strikers' committee,
which waited on Mr. Fileder to lequeat
a lalse In the wage scale, told of Its
The delegates weie unanimous In
their decision to suppoit the stilke,
and, It necessaiy, thu members of the
dlffetent unions will pay nn assessment
foi the benellt of the childien. Tho
whole mattcrwiiH thoroughly canvassed
and a plan of notion outlined. The men
say that the demands mnde by the
stilkci.s are oiy consctvatlve, and that
they will lend their aid In every way
possible to see that the young people
get what they consider but their just
lights A committee ot fifteen was ap
pointed. This committee, In company
with the striken s' committee of live,
will wait on Mr. Frleder, supeilntend
ent of the mill, tonight, in the en
deavor to leach some settlement of the
The Stormy Weather Still a Handi
cap, but Attendance Large.
The ladles of tho Tiinity Guild li'id
a successful day yestciday at their
national apion sal. The wintry wea
ther undoubtedly kept many Intend
ing puichaers away. There was a
good attendance all the afternoon and
evening, and some of the booths
showed noticeable gaps in their dis
plays, caused by the sale?. The felr
will again be opened this afternoon
and everlng.
Looking for a Site.
J. Walsben and F. L. Bennett, two
New Yoik men, weie guests at the
Hotel Hanison yesterdav. Their busi
ness in town was to look over the
Held piloi to establishing a large glove
store here. They suiveyed seveial
vacant stoies In the cential poition of
tlie city and secured teims. If they
decide to locate heie they will cany
a line of gloves only. They will piob
ubly decide whether 01 not to ventuie
their money In such an enterprise in
a d.iv or so
Signs of Christmas.
Two tiain loads of Christmas tiees,
which passed tluough Caibondale yes
teiday. enroute for the city markets,
jogged the minds of the lalhoaders anil
othei s who saw them leguullng the
lapid appioach of Chiistmas. Tiall
loadeis nay that many more trees aio
being shipped this year than any pte-
Ions season.
Progressing at the New Bieakei.
At the new bleaker ot the Fall Brook
foal company at the Falls work is
progiesslng very favoiably. Messis.
Giles & Loveland aie now turning out
fiom litteen to twenty tons dally.whlch
Is (list-iate foi a beginning. It Is whis
peied about that they have struck a
nine-foot eln of coal, but they aie
veij letlcent about discussing it.
To Smoke.
Fcdeial union No "204 Is ananglng
for a smoker to be held in the near
lutuie. ThK Is one of tlie strongest
unions In the city and is composed ot
the members of the different building
tiades. It has had several smokers and
all pioved to be veiy enjoyable events.
The contractors will also be Invited
to paitake of the pleasuie of the good
Edmunds' new biick building is neai
ing completion. T. A. Hendileks has
tented one side of the croiuul Horn,
In which he will embaik in the furnl
tuie business, It Is runuoed I'd Mason
will open a geneial giojs.y stoie in
the other side,
The boiougli council will hold their
iouIti- monthly meeting tonionovv
evening. It Is to be hoped they will
tnke some definite action towards hav
ing the ciosswalks laid at Main and
C'emetPi.v, and Main and t, stiects.
A huge delegation of ladles fiom
Mizpali lodge, No. lb", Daughters of
Ttebekah, last evening paid a v Islt to
the sister lodge at Archhald, where
they witnessed the Installation of otll
cets and enjoyed a social session.
Theie Is a noticeable Impiovenicnt
In the condition of Annie, daughter of
Mr. .and Mrs Ft (ink Cogglns, of May
Held, who 1ms been seilouslv ill for
seveial days past.
Dis. I. S. Giaves and M. J. Shields
last evening attended a meeting of
physicians at Caibondale,
In the local case of John Piltchaid,
of West Mnyfield, against Wallam
Oakley, In which the latter was chain
ed with shooting the fotmei's pet par
ted, a veidict of not guilty was ion
deied by the jttiy Tuesday.
A llttlo son at lived nt the homi of
Mr. and Mis. Fiank Muldoon, of tho
IJnst Sldo, Monday.
Tho laulies' Aid of St, James church.
aie engageu in marcing piapuiauoits
for their annuul Chiistmas buzaar.
The membeis of thu lllakely Ilaptlat
c hutch Initial society, whose bui names
bozln with the lettets G and H, will
conduct a supper In the chinch social
loom next Tuesduy evening. A delect
able menu will bu seived between tho
Iiuuik of 5 unci U o'clock. The pi Ice of
the stipppr will be twenty-flvo cents.
Both the school hoaul uud council
will hold sessions Monduy night,
The Juvcnls Dancing class will meet
tonight in Mahon's hull. Mis. Acnes
M. Maloti, of Sciantnn, will pieslde at
the planoN For their Chiistmas social
Cures Cough or Oold at onoe,
Couquer Croup, whooping Cough. llronchltl,
r.rippe ami Uoutumptlou. Quiet, bine re.iilu
)r,Uull' Pills curs Constipation. 80pllU Oc
the clans has engaged Lawrence's or
chpstra, The Boys' brigade, of Btakely, under
the direction of Drlllmaflter John Bol
ton, In making tuple! progress. There
Is at present an enrollment of nlnctv
bo.v .
Mrs, 1j, H. Ainer, of Rast AIntich
Chunk, Is spending a few weeks with
hor daughter, Airs. H. B. Bush, of
Lackawanna street,
Miss Maud Thomas, of Blakcly, lms
accepted position In Athei ton's cash
Tho many ft lends of Mis. Spencer,
wife of Hev. David Spencer, D. D., will
be pleased to learn that she Is recover
ing from her recent Illness.
Mrc. Hemy Spencer, of Greenfield,
who has been the guest of Mr. and
Airs. John Powell, of Susquohnnna
street, leturned homo yesterday.
Mrs. Klmer Dakln, of Oiavlty street,
Is III w Ith the grip.
Mrs. Louis Blockbeiger spent vester
dny with South Bctanton tclatlves.
Tlie following unclaimed letteis ic
muln nt the Taylor postofilce for the
period of December 1. Persons calling
for the same will please say advertised,
and give date: Domestic J. M. Jones,
John R. Atoignn, Samuel B. Alorgnn,
Alice Morris, PutiUk Walsh. Foreign
John Gelony, Jacob Gladys, Oeletal
Allhalynlak, Paul Petrov, Allholy Ho
bak, Filnk Itlpkn, Pete Semyn (2),
Pawet Suiyink.
This evening tlie young Indies of the
Calvaiy Baptist chinch will conduct a
social In the olass room, where tho
young ladles will serve cuke, coffee nnd
Ice ci earn, for the small fee of ton
The of tho Taylor, Pyne
and Holden mines of the Lackawanna
company will lecelve their pay today.
Lackawanna council, No. 81, Junior
Order United Ameilcan Afechanlcs, will
meet this evening.
The following ofllceis weie elected at
a lecent meeting of the Acacia lodge.
No. B79, Fiee and Accepted Allisons, for
the ensuing teim: Worthy master,
I'lysses S Uiown: senior warden, John
V. Tubbs; junior warden, William AI.
Stevenson: treasurer, William Daven
port: secietary, Andiew Doles: tepre
sentatlve to Oiand lodge, J. n. Wat
kins. Airs. John TI. Pi ice, of Ridge stieet,
is visiting lelatlves in Glen Falls, N. Y.
Air. and Atis. Isaac Low man, of Nich
olas, N. Y., aie visiting nt the home of
Alls. Samuel Biodhead. jr. of Old
Edward Andeison Is in Philadelphia,
lepiescntlng the Acacia lodge. No 579.
at the Oiand lodge session of the Free
and Accepted Alnsons.
John Youngblood, of Alain street, was
diawn this week as jut or to setve at
next February teim of court.
Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Welsh
Congregational church will conduct a
tuggot and Ice cieam social this even
ing In the church basement. Cake and
coffeo w ill Include the menu. Tickets,
ten cents
Taj. lor castle. No 267, Knights of the
Golden Eagle, will meet this evening.
AIlss Louisa, daughter of Mr. and
Airs. Rlchaid Nichols, of Middle stieet,
Is quite ill at her home.
The man who was killed on the Dela
waie, Lackawanna and Western rail
road on Tuesday, and whose icmains
ate at the establishment of Undertaker
J. E. Davis, was last evening identified
as George Rock, of Noitli Taylor, who
was employed as a laboiei at the Tay
loi mine.
All. and Atis. Floyd Colvln left heie
for their new home in Carbondale on
the 7.44 evening tiain on AVednesday of
last week.
A pleasant patty was tendered AIlss
Cat lie Hailan on Wednesday evening,
the occasion being her sixteenth birth
daj. Music was furnished by an or
chestial tilo fiom Scianton, consisting
of the following: Air. H. Einst, Choilcs
C. Coniad and Aithui Hudson, accom
panied by Mis. E J. Chapman. An
elegant lepast was seived. Those at
tending weie Mi. H. Etnst, Charles C.
Conrad and Arthur Hudson, of Scran
ton: Hnny Newton, Palmei Smith,
William Slmms and Floyd Finn, of
Dalton; Aich O. Couttilght, Oscar
Stone, Wallace Cook, Horace Davis,
AHIe Beemer and Mr, and Mis. E. J.
Chapman, Alisses Giace A. Davis, Anna
and Llllle Kibble, Sadie Beemci, Coia
Good, Imogene Ackeily, Bessie AIul
llnex and Hattlft Van Aken, of this
Airs. Saiah Boardman, of Dalton, Is
the guest ot bet daughtei, Airs. E J.
The fair in piogiess at the Methodist
chutch is a great hit It Is well pa
t ionized, despite the Inclemency of the
weuther, and will continue until Thuis
day evening, with usual vigor and In
tel est. The booths aie tastefully ar
langed and bountifully supplied with
elegant ai tides thnt will be sought by
those who have ptesents to make on
AIlss Maine Wells Is visiting fi lends
In Tayloi.
Alis. Albeit Hauls, of Eliuha, N. Y
Is visiting ut tho home of bet patents,
Air, and Alts, Daniel Pi Ice, ot Biook
AIlss Muigaiet GiluitliH is 111 at her
Examinations weie held In Pintessor
Osborne's room jestcrdny,
Alt, and Alts. Von Wagnei, of New
Yoik state, aie visiting nt tlie homo
of Emmett Iliodliead.
Air, Cliailes Kethline Is visiting her
sister, Airs. I. F. Pi Ice.
Instead of the death of L A, How
atd, which was announced In e-itei-clay's
paper, It was Ills daughtei, Lil
lian, of Ulnghainton, N, Y,
The Young People's Society
Endenvoi and iholr of the Piesbytei
lan chutch held their legulai business
meeting ut the home of W. C, Alonle
last evening. After the business ses
sion, a social time was enjoyed, and
icfiesltments seived.
The Kpwoith League business meet
ing ot the Methodist Episcopal chutch
was hold Tuesday evening at the homo
of AIlss I.tbble Bchoonover, of Dymoivl
The conceit that wafa to have been
given In the Piesbyteilnn thuich to
moiiovv evening has been postponed
unlit next Wednesday evening, Dee.
The muslcale to be given by tho
Young People's society of the Piesby
teilan cliuich will take place Wednes
day evening, December 12, Instead of
Decembei ", as piovlously announced.
To Cuie a Oold In One Bay
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists rotund the money
If It falls to euro. E. W. Grove's sig
nature Is on each box. 25c
The finest and most complete wholesale and retail musical es
tablishment in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Great inducements and great attractions will be offered dur
ing the Holidays. (
Have Been Provided for the Christmas Trade.
Prices will be made extremely low and terms reasonable.
Every instrument fully guaranteed. Don't fail to call and get
prices and see what money will buy.
Remember the Place-Guernsey Hall
314 Washington Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Company Will Deed All Rights on
Market Street to City if a Pave
Is Fut Down,
Tlii-io "-eom at last to be a wnv
out nf tlie Ablnirton tuinnilie muddle
and a vvav vvblch will be s itlsfoctoty t
to botb p.ittics toneemed, namely, tlie
elty ol Scianton and the Abington
Turnpike company.
The muttei is expected to come to
a head at to-night'"! meeting of oouii
ells when a eoinunlcition will be iejd
fiom City Solicitoi A obbuis, .tdv Isinu
that a joint eommlttee be appointed
to act in eoniuiictlon with the mavoi
In etfertliiK a settlement, with lb
tuinplUo i ompany.
The teims of this tettlement die
to be the deeding by the tut nplUe
company ot all its lights to all that
portion ol West MuiKet ptieet vvhleh
the city will agiee to pave. This
pioposltlou was .submitted to seveial
city oflkiuls seveial months ago, by
the turnpike company, but was never
biousrht to the attention of counelli,.
fit Sollcltoi Vosbuig appealed be
fote tlu attorney geneial on Monday
and nigued In. favor of the city's de
mand that the ehaiter of the Noithein
Boulevaid company be icpenled, At
torney V, V. AVatson appealed for
the company and vvhethei oi not tlie
elty 'olitlioi leulled that tlie case
vv is dead against the city is not
l.nuwu, but one thing is cot tain, nnd
that' Is that such a communication as
tlie otTe abovo lefened to will be
sent to councils to-night.
Tlie advantages of hettllng the tou
1 1 ovei y on this basis can be leudlly
seen. The pavement can be put down
at the expense of the abutting piop
etlv ouneis, piuvldlng a thiee-foui ths
vnlH of councils can be teemed: th"
expense nf lepaiilng the stieet evci'V
year would be saved iitul the endless
amount of litigation alining out of the
miittoi would be avetted foi all time.
The Souintoii Ttullwny company
soinci tin eo .veais ago Declined a finu
elilse fiom tho o!l to urn its ttaeks
out AVost Maiket uii"t but the tuin
plko company, which tonttols this
thniougliluie, oi which eliilins to eon
tiol it, leliined to allow tlin companv
to fiut clown Its tiiifks until such
time as the stieet was paved.
The people in that p.ut of thu idly
huvo long deslied stieet uir hcivice
unci It is uiidei stood that tlie Inigj
majotity of tlie abutting piopeity
ciwneis cm West Mltlket stieet liivoi'
a pave II a pave in.,unv i-tteot oar
seivke. Thoio Is baldly anv lines
tlon but that if the stnel was paved
th" tflieel Itullwav eompany would
tun Ith tnc-ks up that way. The oidl
nanco gtuntlng them lite fiaiiehlso
piovldes that If the stieet s uver
paved tliey must pay lor tlie pave,
ment between tho tiueks.
Some of tho stipulations which it
Is understood the turnpike company
will make tu o that tlie pavement!
shull be of biick and that it shall no
tit Mist twenty. (He fcol wide .lust
liuw tar out the Pave cuttld inn is -xn
open fiiestcin but It li htudlv piob
uble that It would iiiu any luilhet'
than No, 2J school, nrytuid which
theie uie vtiy few lioine-, This poln:
is nliotil thiee-iiuuiteis of a mllo fiom
tint squill e.
Meeting; Was Held of the Bookkeep
ers' Association.
A luigu number of tho city bookkeep
ers met Filday in (iucuiHcy hall
J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor
and leoiganlzed the Bookkeepeis' club,
which was last eur toimed. Tlie meet
ing was u veiy enthusiastic one, and
the outlook foi this ear's association
seems to be a ,veiy blight one.
It will be pai tly of a social nature,
and 'monthly entet talnments will be
given. The elub will occupy a suite of
looms in the new Young Men's Oluls
tlan association building, when that
stiuctuie is completed.
The following ofllceis weie unani
mously elected: Piesident, D W. Wag
nei , ice-piesldent, James .Smith, see-letar.v-tieasurer,
H P. Laudig. The
club will meet eveiv Hist and thhtl
Tuesda of each month. All bookkeep
eis who liuve not vet connected them
selves witli the association aie em
dlally Invited to join. Application foi
membeiship can be made by addressing
the Bookkeepeis" club
Judge Edwaids' Opinion in Caibon
dale Township Road Case.
In the muttei of a public load In
Cuibondale township. Judge Edwards
Tuesday handed down the following
opinion on a nile to open Html couth -mat
1 lif wliftli' jiui i limits in c (Jliiici linn Willi this
road nn uri nn Hist ic lur. 'the rrpm I ilsilt
in not .i- cIlji mill inlilllKilili i-, it sltoulil lie
If hoim ot the li'linion in to lir hcllcieil It
wonlil Mtm ilillkiiii tu In nut i in.ul i in-lni;
moil InCOIMUIIlllll tl III! pilipll IllllUltlll It
Kill u uotii oil fll-", III it one liiiiiiinis nf llii"
mail is liiilc Hnili'. II ), qiii-.iuiuilili' wjutlui
oi unl 1 1 M' tinnlims us iIi-m uliul In ilu pptlt Itm
pi-ts in fart
WV tlioiifoio feel ilinsiil lu ivtiii! tin in.
n cixtpil in us to iptii thill (oiilhniJtiiiu I lie iiiiillnii Hum nf Hit Minus upon is
opined .mil lite lepoil Um If is Ml i-kIc On ai
count nf tin nillii ult nltli tin It unituis refiuul
to u siimjp-l ilul inoictillus's l iniiuui meil ill'
The lipoit nf tlie loiuiulttrt ulll ilmiliilis lift
fiUMjhh coiisiiliriil.
Kiause's Headache Capsules
aie unlike anything piepaied In Amei
ica, Thev weie (list pitsulbetl by Dr.
ICtause, (iPiintuu'H iomous couit phv
sli Ian, long befoic uiillpyiiiic was ells,
covered, and ate almost mat vcious, so
Mpeecilly do they cute the must dlrttiobs.
It.gcasfs. Pileei'ic, Sold by Matthew
lb ok.
Can oil's Remains Removed to Home
of His Sistei-in-Lnw.
Tlte wife of John Can oil, who was
killed on the Delawaie ami Hudson
lallioad ti ticks eatly Tuesday morn
ing, nt lived in the city that oienlng
fiom Franklin Furnace, NT, J and took
chui fie nf the body, removing It to the
home of her slater, Mis, John Cllffcucl.
of Meade avenue, vvhmn he had been
fill i oil, it appeals, lott Fiaiikllll Fill
iirue seveial weeks ago and coining to
lllls city, wheie he foimoily leslded,
seemed a position a muclilnist, It Is
said he Intended to sund for his wile in
a week oi two. .Site demies that she
was In destitute ilicumstances.
It would appeal l hat C'anoll was on
his way home fiom tlie cential city
when he was stiuck by a tiuiu. t'oio.
per Itobctts viewed the icmnlns jestei.
duy and decided that un inciusi was
Ulllleirss Hi.
Mis. Winslovv's Soothing; Syiup
lias luili ueil loi mil I'lrH UHltS liy
MIlllON ot MOIIIllls for Hull C IIII.IIIIKS
Willi 1'. HI.IIIIMI. 'll' 1'KUl I iri' MUHjs.
It snOlllls lliu flllll). feOHI-Ns t,u (UfMS.
I.1,S all PAIN, UJIIhl HIMI ( Ol IV. unil
iV Um tft renuib f"i PIltltllOi: koM by
l)ruj;ult In cuiy part ul the worlil lie tine
anil uU foi "Mi. Mulo' Soolhliiif sj1Uj)f
ami take no other kind iucnl tho uiits a
Guernsey Hall
Established 1866.
Furs and Fur Garments of
all kinds, and our prices are
low, it is in fact unsafe tc
pay less. Call and see our
Laylored Suits Jackets. Long
Coats, Box Coats, Neckpieces
Boas, Muffs and Children's
Furs. We carry these in full
Furs repaired.
ISick-Keati -lacho
and Liver
26 CTS.
Sola by all clrugijUti
or nont by mail
Ncrvltn Medicsl Co., CblcifO
Hold by McUarra'4 & Thomas, Dru?
Cists,, 209 Lackawarra ave , Scranton, ?d.
A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forevar.
'-..'. ."..1, tiimiiii. llfllll IirlrB
IHbUil v ....... ....v ... ..
UemoTei Tin, ntnplM, mokiiL
(tiseaied. inti every blomtib o
dotfcUon. II ttmf
stood ih tm olw
ywn, and la
lurmlrti wo tut il
to ur it U pn
rly ude. AcceM
no counKrfcll ot
ImUtrnuna VT.b.
A. Bjro Mid M
Mr ot Ua bu-lo
I ullantli "Aaro
ladlM will u them,
I recommtnd 'Qouv
and Cream uthf
Iraki harmful of all
tlm HLin nrcnajm
-s. tiooi Yor ami br
lr all DrugaliU ul
Mwr-Ooodi Dealeri In tua V, e , uauauaa,u9 a.uia
riBB. I. BOPKIIH. JTw'r. W OtwH inm 8V. MX,
It Will Be Hold nt Pjlcebutg on
Tlie III mi local liuttltutp of the liMfb
eis cir the Tliiul cllstilct will bt lield
ul I'iicebiii(4 ni'liotil, No. .', Suluiiluy,
Oih'. 8, ut 1.3U )i, in, The piDRltuuniti
l lit its lullouN
l nn.' iiil.wi I" ,1'im m,ut tHIrniliiK
"tlut Mull Out It". Hot" 1'iof. lUlilol hrUe
"Hiiiunurj lici t,iuli" -iii . I,. I), llowril
IticilJtluii , ,, MIm itna Diukljiil
niljsis cif the "Mmoii of Ml I.Jlliilal,"
1'rnf. F. fi O.horiiii
"Unties ol I'.iliuin to schools,"
Hlltlim II. JIoiu-jii
llrcitutlun ,, ,..,,,.,.,,.MU? Kiu"l llcvih
I Cotllpuallif u ut. J, O, IjIui
jrEaM Jn
&y 1thVl
r sy