, il t " w 1. V " JniOgv ,Pr. r'Tp- rrfjriirrwwTT v ... ' ':r V4 orcwttoit Y THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SEKVICh OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. Wl TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, 1A., TLJUHSDAY' MORNINU, DICCEMI3EII 15, 1900. WO CENTS. eributt-e. W TO REDUCE WAR TAX Bill Introduced bu Glwlrinan Paune of the Wans and Means Committee. THE TAXES ABOLISHED Custom Housg Biokcio, Ciicuses, Theaters nnd Other Exhibitions nre Stricken Out Reduction on Yarlous Aiticles of Daily Use Will be Repoited to the House Todrty. Hi I'xelnlic- Wire fi 0111 'J lie A"ocl ttcil Pii-. Washington, Doc. r. t'linli tnsin Payne, of the- wnvs uud means com mittee lo-chiy Inti minted tin- bill re ducing tlio taxation uni'cr the war levcnue art after tin. lii'puhlit.iu members of the i-nmmittt-i lind ngied cm the foiin of tin measuie-. The bill ptovldes an nugicgnt-.- ledttitlon esti mated at iMUuOO.'ilS. Tin c-tlmated i eductions in detail us given out by !Mr. I'ayne ate as follows: llrei, ,!. SSJ.Tl'J; eigni.s, f::,iSt,TCt tpcilal t.ivs (section 2), eonimoici'il biokei-, '.-.-JIS1 custom house Inokeis, $S,li;r; chcus, 11,741; llie.itus, StT.ITS -hlbltlons not otherwise provided, jsl, 21S; total special tuv, J.'ST.r.SO. Schedule A Hank checks .sT.OOO.m.rt; rortlflcntcs of deposit. ?:00 000 iliaCl-, Inland, $500,000; piomi'-soiv notes, -v;,-f.00,000: postal ordeis, Jf. noj.OOU: lor eign bills of exchange, 5100,000: espoit bill of lading, $100,0C0; t-.pr- ss it-iolpts, 81,200,000; 'telephone me-.-ges, ?J1 ., 000; bonds ol h'deinrlt,, Jri0.on0: mr tillcutes other than of piolil, SJOO.OOO I'hartor parly, $100,000; bio'.eis cou tiacts, $100,000; com e aiic.es, 5 i.OOO, 000: tclcgi.iph dispatches, $u0,000, in-suiance--, ii,ooo,roo; h-.ue.s, sjou.uoo: mortgages, 8500,000; passage tickets, fSOO.OOO; power of nttoin-v, etc., ?10i -O00; inotests, ?J5,000; wait house le celpts, $250,000; total (schedule A, ?.! -".I'.'.OOO. Schedule B ?J,r.JS,2!3 Less ins. JtiOO.OOO S3.1,2S.! Legacies, e hill liable etc., S"00,000; gi.uiel total, r40,00u .lis. The bill pioidis a discount of 20 pp cent. In the tax of il pci baud on beer. In lieu of the picsint 7 1-2 per cent, i eduction, making the nci,- l.ito M 00 per band. The Sections. The sections of the levenue tax ing coimneitial btokei.s, nistoni hou-" biokets, (licuses, thelitis and othi'i o-Jilbltlons no stiit-l-.cn c at. The i.tto on eigais Is mule "?3 in stead of f.l.OU per 1,000, wi-ishing mm,' than tlnec pounds pt-i thou-Miid. Schedule A ictalns the lainp tax on orporate stock, bond;,, etc., sales, etc-, at exchanges or boaids of tiadi-.tteight H-eelpts, teitlllentes of i)toiit.s, t-nli v of goods itt custom houses, and c-nliv foi withili.iw.il of goods uoiu customs bonded waiehouse. With these ocep tlons, the stamp taxes under schedule A ate stiuck out I'hrtliman I'a.xue'.s .statement gives In detail the stamp taxes omitted under schedule A Schedule 15, which icciuitecl stamps on piopiletaiy meclh lues and piepaia tions, peilumeiy and cosmetics chew ing gum, etc., is amended m that sparkling or other wines aie the only inoducts ii'nuliing sUimiis, Section 21) of the war ic-venue act, elating to taxes on legacies, Is amend ed by adding at the end of said section tho following:: "Pmvided that noth ing In this section .shnll be constinecl to apply to bequests or legacies fen uses of a idlglous, llteiary, chnilt.iblc or devotional cluuactei Including woiks of art." Section !!() of the net is amended as to ndmlnlsttatlve leatmes, and sec tions 10, 11, IS, 111 and 20 an lepe.iled, as they relate to ndmlnistratlv" fea tures no longer neeessaiy. The bill piovldes lor ledeemlng lev enuo stamps hetetofote Issued and not used. Tho concluding section nrovldes that the net shall tnko elCect thlity days after Its passage. Chairman Payne has ealkd a meet ing of tho wny.s and means committee for tomoirow morning, when ho ex pects to have tho bill lupented to the house. lie will then seek to have the hill considered nfter the niinv, oleo margarine and legislative bills aie dis posed of. COAL HATES ADVANCE. jPiices of All Kinds for Local Con sumption Incieaso at Hnzlcton. llassleton, Dec. 5 Tlio pi Ices of all kinds of toal for local consumption weie advanced ;5 cents ttiday by tho Jehlgh Valley Coal company. This is tho first advance made since the Btrihe. Tho mineis In the legion hav ing been tliotouglily organized elfoiU will now bo made to fenni unions among nil the tllidesinen, Vied Dllcner, a member of the nit tlonnt board of the T'nlted Mine Woik eis, au'lveel heio today to nsslst In niganlzlng tho luovvery umployes and tho gills employed In tho minus fae totles. It Is oxpccled that the batbets, idumbers mid stieet car employes will be organized befoie Jan. 1. Verdict in Buck Mountniu Case. ' Uy nvfliiibe Wiic.lroni 'llio Aveoclaleil l'ip., SIiciuikIimIi, I'.i , Die fi. "I hi? jure helmed by liinty Ciiioiier lllwill, ( AIjIuih ill. tl) ilHlUlll) Illll) tile' Clll-J'i wliH 1 1 lul to llu cleutli ei( till m'HU lltlnn ei( Hie heent lltiel. Maintain exiiulen uinlirul u veiillet litv litt nlglit ieiiMitiii" .Mlnu liopeeloi .Suin .mil the' ollileUU ei( tliu ll ('lev I. roll einnii!i liu lliailltjllllllt; Ull lllljiiel .lelll n( lOi.illklillK' lir in tlio iniiio. Inspection of tho Pennay. t) CxcllliltC Wile fllUII 'flu .UHKUtlel I'llM 'lillaelelilila, lfi. t. I'lealclefit t'axdl, .ic rimiianiol by a iiuiul'er of oilier oIikIjU el llir i'liml.Jiu lluilioul einiiiui, cliilnl tulj) oil u tone of iii.icttieii of lis lints I'Uv.euc 1'liil uleliilila uiul I'lttsbiirrf. IIk pari will lie fcuin. mil) t'ticU. TOWNE WILL BE SENATOR. Has Decided to Accopt Appointment as Successor to Late Mr. Davis. Ity I'xrliul.e Wire Ircim Hie ocllccl I'reu. Duluth, Minn., nc. r,. Chillies A. Townu tonight conllrmed the reiunt that Ooveinor Kind had tendered him the fnlted States semitorshlp to suc ceed the late Senator ( K. DavN, and said that he had decided to accept the appointment. He has telegtaphed the governor to that e-rfeet. Mr. Towne le I Hied to discuss the nuttier fuither, but said that he would leave for Washing Ion, via St, Paul, tnmmtuvv morning. Theie Is gieat satisfaction In Duluth over the nppolntment, as liiespectlvo of party lines, the feeling Is general that Mr. Towne Is the most prominent member of Governor 1. bid's pai ty In the stale and that timlei the clictiin stance the honor of going to the sen ate should be his. WHITE OIRL ELOPES WITH COLORED MAN. William Mann Will Be Tiled on a Chnige of Kidnapping, By I.Mlrm Uip from The Awnclatcil Vtpss. Coining, X V., Uc e 5 Theie Is much excitement hiie over the elopement ol William Mann, uged 21, colotod.and Lottie Can-, a while gbl, aged in. Maun was ai tested In IMmlia tonight In company with Lottie Can-, as they were about to take a Xotlhein Centtal li .tin lor Tiov. I'a. lit will be hi ought back here tor til.il cm the eli.uge of kidnapping. MINISTER CONGER IS INSTRUCTED Societal y Hay Authoiized to Sign Agreement on Behalf of U. S. Il. 1 rlll-le Wile fioni tin" Ateocuticl I'li'W Aashint,'tcm, Pec ". The state cle p.utmtnt has been lutoimed that til foieign niin!ter at I'tkln yestcid.iy I leached an am cement which was sub- I mltted to the home ollke. Secietniy I Hay to-day cabled Mr. Conger auth- ' oilzing him to sign the agiecment cm behalf of the ITnltetl States govern- I ment. II is ellllleult to gather details of the iini'ui standing at this time. How ever it U known that In the two mi poitnnt nhnsrs that weie slill open, u.tiuilv those ifl.Ulim to punlsbineni ind indoirnlly, the view ot the United States government has pi pv ailed. As to punishments they aie to be llu -ee;est that tan be indicted by the Chinese government. As to Indemnity, the Chinese government Is to formally I'dmlt its liability and then the m.UUr is to be left for futui e negotiation. It was understood that on the other points the Fiench piopositlon Iuih toimed the basis of the agieement. KNOX MEETS DE WET. Kitchenei's Dispatches Dated at Bloemfontein Tell of the Latest Engagement. 11 l.vlibiic Who fiom 'llio soc.i.ilid l'rc" London, Dc. 5 The war olllte has leceived the lolloulng from Lend Kite lienor, elated Hloeinlontein, Dec. 5: "Ciuieinl Knox le-engaged De AVet, noith or liethulie on the Smlthlield load jesttiday. He diove the enemy lioin all their positions befene dailc, when they leticated northvvnid. Col onel I'llchei assisted bv a tinning movement on Knox's left." Lend Kitehenei lepoits also seveial minor ulfuirs. TOO MUCH WATER. Mines That Had to Suspend On Ac count of Drouth Aie Now Flooded. 11 lxe leiivi Win fiom 'llio V-wichtecl Iics. Iln.leton, P.u. Dee. .".While up to a few dajs ngo opeiations had to be suspended in man cohl mines In I.u aeinu and Schuylkill tounties on ae i ount of lack of water, the opposite conditions now pievall In some In stances, tiio downpour of lain of tho past few days has been so heavy that opeiations had to be suspended at Ctiyle Pi os,, Dick and Co.'s, the Ciavv fotd and Dugun, and the Heaven Utook stilpplngs. Seveial wnslieiles also hod to close down on account ot the weather and in some collieries the mine pumps had to bo stalled up to lellevo the slopes of accumulated water. RESUMPTION AT PITTSTON. Employment Given to About 5,000 Coal Diggers nnd Outside Men. 11 kuliiihii Wire' (mm 'llic Assoc hteil Press. Pittsbillg, Dee, n. Theie was a gen eial jesuinptlou of operations nt the liver coal mines to-dny, employment inMug given to about ilvu thousand dlggeis and outside woikmon. The mines have been Idle lor several mouths. Of the 30,000,0(0 bushels of coal that had iieeiimuliUed fully ono-liulf has been sent to tho southern nun hots and tho balanco will likely be sent out If u good boating stage lesults 1 1 oui the piesunt Kiln, Masonic Grand Lodge Oiilceis. Py l'iclushc Wire Irom Tlio Associated Prusj. Plill.nli'lilila, Pee fi.-'llii ki.iiuI IoiIijii o I'uiiisvh.iiil.i, I'n-i .mil Accfptetl .Maiiiin, toil.iy lielil lU uiiiaul iii(iliii" with I, 111' I ineiiibris In utliiiilaiief, 'II u. -i! offiurs weiu electe'cli lllwill u oi Hi kiiiuI in i.tei, liBnjo K WiiKtui; liRht woilli eleiuty Kiaml nutn, IM.u A, Tenuis; light unitli) miiIoi Kiaml warilcn, .laiuen W, lliimn; ilala woitliy junior uuml uiuliu, rim, Keniliiel., Ji,; ilalit uoilliy g iml lu.isuui, 'HhiiiuH II. PjIIuii; i lulit win Hi ituiij Miietai, Willi im A. blnii. -- No Decision on Revision of Taith. U' l.jttliitho Wlic (mm 'llu Avjoelitcel Pros? WanliiUttlou, Die. 5. 'llio tpeelul euuiiiiltleo o( t-lxtt en .i l'1'ol iit .1 h ttit last Picslijtcrlau ciisiii III to leiiolt to llio IliM Kinerul niietiiu; mi llu' lit t itm III i u V Mull u( tlio COIl(iiluil of (illli eoiitliiiiea lt Kisiluiw tmla. At llio clog nt tlio ilat'a liunluens llio jnnouiiieuioiit vJd iiijiIo thai liollillii lull Intii clone icOiicl llio ilUe euijlou o( llio luiinltoii under loiulele ration. ARMY BILL IN THE HOUSE Dau Devoted to the Mllitaru Reor ganization Measure-General Debate. INTERESTED SPECTATORS Lieutenant Genernl Miles and Other Aimy Offlceis Pi esent Speeches Mndo for and Against the Bill Mr. McCall Refuses to Follow His Party in Severnl Instances Phil ippine Policy Attacked Other Business. Bv 'LliHte Wiie linm The Asseci etc el Prci. Washington, Dec. 3 The house de voted the day to tho uuny icorgaulzu tlon bill, which was bt ought up iirder a special order, adopted at the opening of the session, which limited geneial debate to two limns on a side. Lieu tenant Oeiiei.il Miles and a number of in my ofllteM weie Interested spcctaton thioufthout the day. rhniiiunn Hull, of the mllltmy commission, who was In ehaige of the bill, and Ml. I'aikcr, of New Jeisev, who Is a member of the military committee, Republicans, spoke tor the bill, and Messis. Cochrane, of Mlssotnl; Klebeig, of Texas; McC'el lim, of New Yoik; Shafioth, ol Colo rado; Cummlngs, of New Yoili, an I Cox, of Tennessee, Demociats, against it. Mr. McCall, of Massachusetts, lte publican, aioused tlio only enthusia'in ot the day against the measuie. Seveial times dining the last session, notablv on' the I'oi to Ilium tariff bill. he lefused to follow his paitv. Today he nttocked the whole Philippine pjl icy of the admlnlstiation. Althougl tempeiate In language, he was plain spoken In his warnings of the dangcM which lay ahead of the government If a colonial policy was peislsted in. He alio ctltlrlied, ttchnieally, seveial fra tines of the bill, especially that lodging in the pieuIdent the disci etlon to ex pand or l educe the size of the aim at will. In concludinR, he likened the uiicon ciueiable spliit which opposed our sway in the Philippines to that of Washing ton at Valley Forse. Love of Independ ence, he said, was the "noblest heiltnge of the human heart." lie declaied that the United Slates should immediately Hive the Filipino people the luinnebl- assuiance that they should have a gov ernment of their own In leplylng to Mr. McCall. Mi. Hull declaied teat until congress acted to the central v. we must assert and enforce our sover eignty over the Philippines or di-giace oui selves befoie the woild, ami it was the duty of congiess to piovide an aimy adequate to put down the lebel llon. Eleven of the twenty-six' pages of the bill were ellspostd of befoie ad journment. Tomoirow the C5iout oleoma i garble bill, under a special oi dor 'muck at the last session, will displace the aimy bill, which will go ovei until Fiida.v. The Subsidy Bill. Washington, Dee. 5. Senator Viyoat today's session ot the senate conclude 1 his sneech upon the ship subslelv bill. He devoted his attention piiucipally to a technical explanation of the vaiiius piovlslons of the measuie, explaining with especial can that piovlslon which would admit to Ameiicnn icgistiy for eign built ships. Fiom seveial souices his attention was directed to this piovlslon, and It is evidently one upon which most of the foi thcoinlng debate will lest. Asldo from the sneech of Mr. Fiye, no busi ness of lmpoitanee was tiansacted In executive session. Tl'cNTY-SIX KILLED. Terrific Explosion of Dynamite at the San Andres Mines. By Ktclusltc Wire (run Tlio Assoc! itoel Pif'i. Mexico City, Dec, 5. An explosion of dynninlto yesteidny at the mines at San Andies De La Siena kllltd up wounded many mineis. At the latest advices Hi bodies had been recovered. Vlftien I n j il led persons, some of whom will die, were taken from tho wiecU age und the uilns nro thouglit to con tain other victims, It Is not known as yet how the ex plosion occurred but nine cases of dynamite blew up nt the powder house with appalling loar, shaking tho country for mile around. AVheu tho punlu bad puitlally subsided, the wives and children of Hie mineis hur ried to tho scene, finding all tho build lugs w locked mid dead bodies fear fully mangled lying about. STRIKE AT LATROBE. Fifty Foieign Mineis Brought in fiom Connellsvllle, lly I'vcluMio Wiro (roiu Tlio Utuclated Pic". Lutiubo, I'n Dee, !i, Nothing now developed In the stilko hltuutloii today nt tho works of tho Hessemer Coal and Coke company, About llfty foieign mineis weio bt ought In from the Con nullsvlllo icglon, but no attempt was Hindu to lun tho works. The sulking mineis mo still cmuped about tlio tipple and tho mouth of tip mines, but us yet they huvo offeiod to mako no fuither deninustiatlou. Steamship Ariivals. 11 I'ltlibhe Wire (mm 'llio ,octalcd Pies. Niw cik, Die i5. Airhtil; ('ciliiinbla. (iiiioa, (Meareil: I .a CjM.o'ia', llano, llottcrdiin, Hot. Uiclaii'. ballcil SI, l.ouU, Soudani-itou; .Xoiiidlainl, Antnrrp; Iciitonli', Mvorponl. PI) inoutli Arriied; Picloila, cw, York (or llaiu Iniilt. Scuiluinptnii Arrived: KaUcr Williiliu Per (lioe, .Ntr York (oi llrmien. Lluitiool Aniltd: Oceank, (v Ymk. I.Izard l'aAvcdi AiiuUnJam, Ne.iv York lot ltottcrdam. JUNIATA ELECTION CONTEST. Thomas Hackenilom Begins Proceed ings in Com to at Mlflliutown. tly t'xiluilta Who mm I lie .noelntul I'rrM. Mlllllntown, Pa., Dec. !. For tho pur pose of contesting the election of Tims. K. Heaver, Republican, to the leglsla tttte fiom this (Juiilntii county), Thus, N. Hiickendoin, Uemociat, today be gan proceedings In th" pntirt of rom nion pleas. Tlic vote as mmoiinccd by the l etui ti Judges wits; Denver, l.OU.l votes: Huekendoin, 1,001 votes. Heaver was given a ceitllkate of election. Iliickeudoi n alleges the returns of the Judges weie lulse beratfe of Illegal voting for Beaver In the foltowlng districts: Four Illegal votes In 'Mllllihtown: four In Mllfoid; three In Patterson, two In Vuyetto and four In lleale. llaeltendoi n olo alleges that Amos Viy, the Judge of elertlon In AValUer township, was Incapable of cceielslng tlm ollice of Judge nnd for this teason the voles cast then should be void. The I'lth day of December has been lived ns the date feu a healing In open couit. Notice of the contest anil a copy of the complaint was oidcrcd to be seived on Thomas K. Heaver FIVE MEN ARC- SMILED ON THE GRAND TRUNK Engine Runs Down a Hand Cai Con taining Tiack Men. 11 Inclusive? Wirt fioni Mil ,Voc tatcil Pipsi limlewood .lunrtlon, (Int., Dec. 5 An engine on tho Ctiand Tumk i .ill load near bete to-elay clashed Into a hand car on which weiu live section nun riling to their wink. All of them weio Killed instantly. Their names are: John Allen. Oliver Hill. i:,ul Mc Arthti Aithur Fiame John Teetzol. All weio mauled and lived In Chel tenham. PENNSYLVANIA'S PENSIONERS. Oiilceis and Employes Shall Be Rc tiied at the Age of 70 Years. 11 I xrliiilM Wile mm llio Asui I Hid Pie- Philadelphia, Dec. .".-A. .1. Cassatt. piesulcnt of the I' niT-vlvunia tau rine! lompanv Issued a genet il iiotlc to-dnv slating that in ,u ecu dance with the action ol the bmiel ol dliectois on Nov. 's. th" enuilo.vis on the lines o! Hie Alb qlienv Willi v lallio'ul and the We stein New Yoik it Pcnnsyl vnnl.i iaiIio.nl, which me nov em-biiu-ed in the Alliheiiy Valley and Philadelphia & Ihie genei.'l dhisions, ' o'jld, altei Jaftuxy 1. I'l'Jl, be en titled io the benelils of the plan foe the pevment of pension 'illowancs which was established by the com panj in the beginnln-v of tlio ptcsenr. v ea l . 'I lit piinclpal leatmes of tne jienslun pl..n aie that all oiilceis and employes shall be letbed and icceive pension allowanei's upon leaehiri, "0 ciim of age, oi who aie sixtv-llvc eais of age and have been tor tbit tv eus In the set vice and beione lhjslcally clls Miialllkil. GAS EXPLOSION AT ASHLEY MINES Six Men Aie Badly Euined The Colliery Damaged to Some Extent. fly I c ln-!ii Wiro dun I lie -t-ielittel Prii. AVilUes-Haue, Dee. '.. -While ,t niiin bet ol men weie dilvlug a plane In the Maxwell mine ol the Lehigh .i WIIkes-Raiio Coal eoinpuny at Ash ley this inclining, an e- plosion of gas eiceuutd which buine.l six men and damaged the mine to some extent, The names of the victims aie: Mat tin 'Moian. James ("Widen. Audio AVanto. John Potako. Paul Cetntkus. Aneliew Tamuslmn. Mot an and PotsUo aie etuile bully Inn rieiT and may die. Tho otheis will iceover. The explosion wus caused by one of the men Igniting a feeder of gas which was not known to exist at tho place wheio the men were at w oi k. SECRETARY OF TREASURY SENDS ESTIMATES. lijr IIviliiMlo Wiro (mill 'llio Associated Press W isIiIiikIoii, Dec, S 'llio sceietuiy n( llio Ire iui se lit to tonties tlio miiiual istlnntu ot tlio bih online nt for tho eouiln.' .uai. 'Ilioj iiltnciti iSiJcl.711,71'2, n MUit clciieiso (mm tlio total i-tliniln o( List eai. 'llio atiuo lulatlom (oi llio piueiit cu mo s'-ll.OJi, Uil, 'i lie latlinitu icnoi rtilj biaueli nt wiuu mint t-LHit-o Tlio war ik p iiinient tnifm lie s mo I'll.li.'W,'!!) and tlio mi ilcpiitiiirnt ss,. i.l,'.'IS. Aliuiiii; tlio public liuildliu' oiliii lies mo Alleioni, Pa., coin t lioiiso tuul iiustnfflei, .'i.eilO, WIlKos-llini', Pi. potuIiki, 7o,00O. 'llio tot it (ol lbil mid liulois, lueludlui; cimtiiiuliiK tontiuU, i- sit,;-!!!;, 'the tot it lor lenient ot poihlom U UI,iXi),noO. Mr, Thurber at New Orleans. by r.veliKbw Wiro (loin 'llu Aiuoclalcd Press. Xew Oilcans, Die, 6. At tlio session ot llio southern Indiiitnal eonuiitioii PhIi, eo.io al luillon was ild by tlw laieo audiinci) to the re idlun of llio piper of linn. I', II. 'llmrhci, pits. ldint ei llio I'lillesl St lies Kvport asioclatiou o( lw "iiirl., Mr. 'Iliiuliir vi.i (,'lien a eoidlal riicptlon on lil-i iipiuaiamu and vi oe wannl ap ilauded lii n ho Unbind. The Ballots Weie Too Thin. 11 I'lcli'tlii Willi from 'llu As.ocjid I'iiju. CiniikirH)it, Pa, Dee. 0 W, W. Ciittendin, llio elefi mil fusion iiil.dlelaii or kt.lli) Mllltor jn the 'luinl-li(lli ilblriel, lus taU-u stttu to eimllst tho election ol Mllon W, Wutcoii, Iti Hiblieau, on tlio allegation ot IIom IuIIom, elaluiini; that tliu papoi upon wlileli the billnls uoiu piiiilod .i not of a tlilcknos In eoniply itb sittlun 15 u( the ait ot Juno 10, Ib'jJ, Miss McComaa Mnu'led, lly llvelusl.u Wlie imm 'Hie Aosoelatcd l'iei Wadiliiulon, Doc, 0. Pirsldtnt XleKluley, ac dmipaulcd by Seeietury (Jago uud Private Sec. retaiy Coitiljou, todjy attended tliu tnariiagc o( illis ll-iry MiCoiuas, daughter of benator Jle Coinas, u( Mar land, and Clinton Cuodloo I'dgar, at bt. Jolm'a i:plM.-oial tluireli. THE CENSUS BY CITIES Fkjnrcs Goncernlno Certain Incor- oorated MiinlciDalitlcs In Peiinsijlvanla. BOROUGHS AND CITIES Complete List of the Places in the Keystone State Having Moio Than Two Thousand and Less Than Twenty-live Thousand Inhabit ance. 11 lAilimw' Win- (mm lliu Aisoclileil I'ms. Washington, Dee. .". The ijopulatlou ot certain Ineoi pointed places In Penn sylvania having mote than 2,000 but l"ss than JV'OO Inhabitants, Is as follows; Amllo 'J.'IJI MiDonild M7- Anlibilil .-i.J'HI MeKiiH ltoc ks ... illii Ashlinel d.lls Mid iiin.v 111 ll.MII Vslilev I.IIIH Maulieliu J.Uil V'liiu 1.711) Miileti.i i,C) Anion J.DHMaiiili Cluinlv .... 1,0.1) Am. i :, 17 Mn Hi In A.IHI lliiuui I iml Meiiliille- (iti....l(i,2')l llenei J.'n-i M'llitnlcslniii; ... .1,811 Poller ValU ... IOI1-.I Mtilli 1.071 Mi Hi mil y.ii.r Mm i-d iii :i,oj llclkronlc t.Jlil Miildklemn 5,niN Hi Hi Mie MlUMilliillo o.rW Hi rwitl ::,ll Milton 0.17". Ilithlilim T.-J S Minn's Mills -1,111 llndsboi -',- I Mincrsiillc I,8I" lllilisvllli I, NIMiim -J.IKIs lllikih t,ilriMniii-iii -',1')7 lllos.bui' .... J,IJ! MifKiiitalieli it. C.,171 lliaililuck . ...IVnlMt. (armil H.171 lliidfnid tin. ..rin.MMe.uiit Joy i.dlS llriiL-iHiit ICH7 Mount Olmr . . . 2,2'Ti llii-tul 7,101 Ml. Pie want 1,741 lliuiil villi .. .. 1,"1 s'linllioki f.'.llC llutli i in.s'ilK.iiictli 2..CH ( ilir.i un J.(ri Son llrieliton .. b.S.'O Cmoii bun; ... J, 71 1 i Keiislnto'i.. I.IiO'i ( nlioiidile I il. .11,1 iiXo-riitoun ll,i(r ( ir'Hi 'l.l.'UNeltll lllleliloc'. .. Il.n 1'iiniL.le 7,.ll Noitbeisl J.iHis ( itisuiipii .1,Hs Smlliiiuili, il mil , J.7IS (iliwis-i j.Uillliknioiit l.'ll (tntiilii -IMli Oil 111 ll.lill liimliiisliiirg ... s.fj.l Old Porno ",is0 (biiluni .ViKHIbpliint (i, ISO c lai ion 'J.IKII Dm col i -',".0 (hiullo .'. '71 Ovfniil 'J.iii: llcirlnld I,sI'imiib !,- ( liflim llemlits .. 1, 'U P.itton i.iiM (oilosiillo V7J1 Pen inil .',7sl I iiliiinliii l.'.Mi. Plioeiuwill. 'M'hj Ci iinillsvilli . .. 7.1W Pitt ilin '.liill ( ollshohoiUell . . ",7liJ PittMoli (lltl . I.' ri"ili ( m ipolis . ... !,'-) Pliim-utl U.iil") ( ori (it H. (') Pint Carbon . . .1.1.1- I'ondirspiirl 1,217 PottstoiM H.i.'n". llimilli S.I1U Poilsillli I -.,711) lljiln ,l'i Piiiiut iuiiii .. I,'. 71 Dull 1, il7('iiikriteiuii I.ull IlicUon Cilv .. . -I.'il-,! niKiii 1,771 Dm mi (ton ... . 2,211 Ittnom i. .. . 1.(1-2 D.iMiilnutoii 2,1 1 l.ciii'ililiiilli . :i, I'l l)oilituvii t.H.l lllrtirinj f,'l i Duliois 'i,!7"i Itoihi-tri I Cisil Duuuioii 12 5S lloioisioul' ...Y .. 2,1.117 )iiiiiisiu Il.ll I" -t. CI ill I.i'i l'i-t Coiifiniu-'b.. 2.171 si. Mini 1,2'n I' 1-1 Muni li ( hunk I. Pis me 1,211 1 il Pitlsluii?.... 2.SsisL,iilklII linen. I.1 11 IVt stiiiiid.liinir. 2,l.s Siottdilo I,2(.l 1 ik iiiImIiIi- .. . 1,10 s, will lie (."ids Ilmtl 1,111 sinninkln ls,2(i2 I'llivuil (11 .. .2.21 s,M,, s.oifi rinpiiiiiiiii 2, Id! slnir.liiiiir C.M2 I plum i 2,111 slmpsi llh 2,'I70 1-plin 2. ol sliiiiiiuloili 20.121 llni 1, .s ,lu i id a 2.'iS foul (in 2,s- sIiiiiihiisIiiii - 122" roie-l (Hi .. 1.27 s itliiirtim :,771 liiekillle -', Vi I south lletliklieui.l 12I1 I'l iiiklin fit.. .7,. 17 -oulh I'oik 2,isO liiiliud r,,'2'l south WilliuiiD (.lb Ion 2,!l nrt ',12s Cillilin 2,71 eriii.' ( ity '2 no (Mlislnus,' .. ..I.lli -Inlliin I'.'.OM (Jllliuloi 1,17 tiiuilsluir.' i,IVI Clriidiilli Mi' unimit Hill .... 2,lisil (,'iiiiisbiu.' ,o uibiii 'i.slo Cm in ilk' I.s -u-qr.i h inn l Depot .'.Ml lliinbuiL,' 2..1P iioursillb 2 201 lluinier 1. il f'.ini iii i 7, '207 llilliloli l ll.... II, -2 liiiuluui .1,172 llcilllilislnilg . . '2,'H l.i.llol I,'2lri lloii'iiili id 12.111 lineup -201 llmi,-,,!lo 2..M.I rmisiilli Cit.... S,'2II Hi iitluifdou i.,ol rowandi LOU-' bull in i 1,11' limn Citv 2.107 lii'.in 2.1'.' I in 1 1,, (ink I,2i,2 It initio l.so Puoue .1,M7 l.iKiiilim J.'l)'" I'nloi SJOI .kiliiMi 2 ui.7 I'liliiiitniin 7. Ill .Iiinoi -.liore 1,(1,0 I plind 2,111 .lolin.oiibuij :i,si indiiciKt 2,070 Kinc fi."i Maruii NOII Kiiustou 1 s(, t.timertuii 7.U70 Mtl.iiiniiiit: UK .ineslion .l.l'Ki hii.millc '.Ill Win 111 -bin ir 2,111 I-in-il il. '2,7.11 1 like ilv 2,171 1. insiliimic 2.1. ! V1IM111 2,,)ll I 111. fold Js-s'vw.i llothlilitin.. .1,11..! I l -ubi I.bll Wise. Cketel .... J)."St lilniirn Tit) 17,li2West lliletnn ...2.110 Tcoehbuiir -MVi Wri-t Xiulon .... 2,107 lehlirhtol l.l.'MU't Pltf-toil .....l.sll liuisburi,' l,li7We.t Wa-hinirton. 2 ii'H lliAistOHIl 1,111 Wllkiisluuir 11. Ml I.cek lliv.Mi Clt . "."lOMIIIIiislilirg ll.ssil l.ili run I.s7 w II1111 1 illller 4,170 bins 2.71.2 Million '1.121 JIiAdno 2,1.2 WiUlitHillle 2.M Zerbe Will Have Becount, lly live lu. In Who fiom 'Hie .Woclited Press, I ib. mull, P.i., Dee. S Dr. TliouMd Zerbe. who is i (Juiy lanilidato was uYclirnl den itid (or the- iisseinbl by Piofe-sor P. Ilenjunln' Illcr min, an antl-l'uiy iioiulmr, bv nine unjoilly, at tho leeilit oliclion, toil 11 li-ktd (or 11 ueoiiit e tho entile mil. A pitltlon tinned by twenty okr, piisiulrd In llu 10111111011 pleas couit, H'ts out Hi it l)i. A'tbe's did it wu aeioui pli.lud b the ckelloii benrd eoiinllui; iuiKU l.r und lllrifil voles (oi Piods.or llkiiuin. .liiildo riiigouil appiltind Die, 10 ns tliu Hire (01 luariiirf the eoinplilnt, DEATHS OF A DAY. By l.'txliisliu Wiro fioni The As.sociitcd Press. Uiiiii-buiif, Die. 0 M. W, lclariiiy, editor ot tlio Hun t-Uur TileKiapli, died nt Ids home lie ii- this afternoon, aired i-0 euu. Mi, Mc Al.une' wis postui liter of UirrUlniiR fioni 1S7I inilll 1M, lie v.u a (oiiner pntlilent o( llio boanl of 1 1 Tie and pioiuineutly lute 1 cutis) In tho lellgloiLS wenk of llu ell, During llio civil war Mr, Mi'Miini' miis iuno.st niiislial of the l.'luliteeiilli Piiiiinlwuii ilistilet, t'.ipo Ma, , .! Ik'c-, S Piiniiaii eiinlnir llliliaidMiii, poatin ulii o( Capo lliy City, iliul tod iy, v Allentoiin, Die, 5. Chirks 11, 1'nster, vilio repie(iilisl I.eld.li louut hi Hie t-tutc luniso o( lipiiseutatlies from 1&7 In lv-il, dlul today nt liimpuil, this ((unit, (10111 uiiiiuk'ia ol (he In ail, Hi wan 05 i 11a ot usi. Puis, Dec, '.-M be lni irlu-lt.-, wlio-e luipils. fuiiuent by llio Uciiiian. at Mil in Jv-7 marl led In m.i i' In Hue 11 Fume und (I11111.111, died lit Nam this afteiimun ol apoplevy. In April, l-.s", .1 (ie 1 man ofllelul diioed II. beliiuihilo, a I'liiieli pollei ciiiunilssai, to Hie (mittlir and Iml lit 111, ariebtid aul Imprisoueil. 'lids oceuued at a llnio when populu- delluir ug dust (lir many ran I1UI1 in I'l iiuv, New Yoik, Dee. B,- fcpeelal cable illspaleli to tho lliookl.111 i:i;le Irom ltonio sa.ta Mrs Abby SJtfu llkinidsuii, draiuatkl, poit, llterar) critic and ttau.-lator, dud u that city today, bho was the- vildow ot tho lato Albeit Peine Itlcliaidsou, tho iicnpaei man uud author, loii' timo eone-iiioiident ol tlio New York Tribune in the civil uar and alteriMird an editor on tint paper. Mr. Hlelurdviii Mies bona In Missacliu Ktls in 1S.17. Till; NEWS THIS MORNING. WtfUtlier Incllcatlorn Today, FAIR; WEBTEnt-Y WINDS. 1 (lelioiitl Kill of Neil laws (or Serond ( lni rillin. Popiihilliiii o( IIiuoukIh nnd Cltlis In IV1111- liu nia. limine- Cinlili m llu' Vim llroiLTinl-.itloii llllt. Illll to lleeliiii- Will TilX. 2 (iiliel it t'.irlinneliili' Dcpillinoul. ,1 I.01 tl H111 Dn M llieold ot Crliulli.il Coitil llollm. Seiililnn Will lime 11 splki- Mill. V. M. ('. A. eiTctirv His 11 l.lii'ly lime. I l'dltuilil. X'oli und Couiirient. .1 I 01 il- Mil unions l',-.iiipi ot 'Ihlil.i-lim Mm in Nil Ann Mini. I'lll n( Viii- I anil (or -n timl (lass t IIIih (( oiicludod). it Lni il We st ser.mloli and Subiiibiii 7 (k in l.il -(I lll.clili.' o( IciupeiiiHi. Women at Wn-lillicliin. X'lilhc'tistciu Pi nnsliiinl 1 Nius I'lu mc III uiul Common i il. ,s Iniil Mve Nims id Hi- lndiislihl W01I.I RULINGS MADE BY SUPREME COURT Opinions Handed Down by Chief Justice McCollum. By Inclusive Who Irom Tho Associated Prel Philadelphia. Dec. 5. Chief Justice McCollum, of the Supreme couit, In chambei.s in this city, tor' ty made an oider on the petition of t. . PHtsbutg, Johnstown, Dbensburg and Eastern K.ilhoad company and the Altoona and Heath Cieek Terminal Knilro.ul com pany, suspending an order of tho Su l)i eme couit, made May "29 last, which compelled the petltloneis to build their load and (onnection on or befoie Janu ary 1, 1001, and In the event of their fnlluie to do so the companies, under the couit's oider, would be obliged to sui tender the inilroad piopeity and the leased fiar-htses. The Altc.n.1. and lleech Creek Kail road company, lessees of the load, sought to iceover the iental for the 10 id due under the lease, and to com pel the petltloneis, in the paper acted upon todav. to build tne load and con nections piovided tor in the agreement of the lease The petition filed today with the chief lustli e savs that while the case was pending in the Kupieme court the Al tenn.i .uul lieeeb Cieek Ttnllroad com panv obtained fiom Judge John O. Love a will of assistance to take pos session ol the lallio.td propel ty and fianehlses. then in the possession of the petit'onei.s of today. On Mny lfi the shot III ot Blair county ousted the petitloneis linm the propel ty and de llveied It to the Altoon.i and Bttch Cieek company. The petition then says the case was taken befoie the lute Chief Justice Gteen, who made an .or der diicotlng the lelurn of the piop eity. The petltloneis then say that since the leturn or the pioperty on June 15, they have expended lntge sums of money for mad improvements, have paid the lentals under the lease and have otheivvlse expended money for im piovemonts. The petition says, in or der to connect the Altoona and Phll lipsbuig lallioad with the Altoon.i und Beech Cieek liillio.ul, as lenuhed by the leise, It will be neeessaiy to con stiuct eighteen miles of load, and since the l&th of June thiee of the eighteen miles have been tied, tailed and bal lasted, at a total cost foi the three miles or $10,500. The petltloneis then go on to say that they have started the grading of the road Into the city of Al toona nnd aie now pioceedlng to lay the track. They have all the rails, ties and miiteilals to extend the mud to Fnlrvlew, adjoining tho city of Altoona. TWO MEN DROWNED, Cables Across the Androscoggan River Snap nnd Let Seven Men Fall Into the Water. 11 Exclusive Wiro Irom 'llio Associated Pimi. Berlin, X. II., Dec. B Two men weio di owned and tlvo othets are suffei Ing fiom exposuie as tho lesult of tho collapse today of 11 suspension btldgo for the uso of laboreis on tho pioperty of the Kutgcss Sulphite FlbiM company. Tliu men who lost their lives weie Thomas MeKcovvn anil Thomas Rogers, of the llurgess com pany. The bildgo was suspended on vvlte cables nt a height of about 50 feet over tho falls on the Andioscoggan liver. Seven of the company's employes weie cios.slng the stuieture when one of the cables snapped, pieclpitatlng ull the men Into the water. Kogeia and MoKeovvn wore drowned beforo uny 0110 could reach them. Tho temnlnlng 11 vo were rescued after consldeiablo ellillculty. McKeown leaves a. widow and one child. Unguis was 21 yuais ot age and belonged In Canada. DEATH FKOM HYDROPHOBIA. Resident of Brownsville Dies Ten Weeks After Being Bitten. 11 I'xehL.lio Wire Imm llu Associated Press. Shenandoah, Doe, C Jmiies Law lor, aged lit yeais, 11 lesldent of Urowns vllle, a biibiub of tills pluce, died this evening irom 1111 nttaek of hydiopho bla. Ilo wus bitten by a dog about ten weeks ago, but felt no III effects fiom It until yesteidny when ho begun to show symptoms of inbles, Six of the best physicians In the country attended tho sufferer, but could nffottl no lelluf, and ho died In gieat agony this evening. TO. REPEAL THE FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT. P Exclusive Wiic from The Asooclulecl Pre Waslilnitlou, Die. 0. Ueprosventative Kllclun, of .Villi Carollni, lus introduced In the house 11 loaoluttou 01 a constitutional amendment tj uptal llio liftcenlli aiueudmcnt to tto cvsU-lutiuii. LOG ROLLING MAIN EVIL OP NEW LAWS SeGonil-Glass Gitu Form ol Gov ernment Readilu Permits of and Fosters This Sort of Thing. HOW IT WORKS IN THE CITY OF ALLEGHENY Although the Population of Alle gheny Is Only About a Fourth, More Than That of Scranton, Ita Cost of Government Is More Thnn Four Times Greater The Salaries of the Executive and Administra tive Officers Do Not Differ Very Materially, but in the Matter o Subordinate Officials and Employes, Who Aie Appointed by the Direc tors on the Nomination of Council men, There Seems to Be an Unend ing Variety and Profusion. ARTICLE III. T. J. DUFFY. Log tolling, according to the oppon ents of the second class city chatter. In PIttsbuig and Allegheny, is the great evil Incident to that form of government. As explained In pluv ious letters, PIttsbuig und Allegheny system of government ciuilo readily penults the municipal poweis to pei petuato themselves in ofiice, once they gain control. The councllmen elec t the department dliectois nnd they in turn, by building up a well-arranged, assessable and necessary subservient lighting force In each ward, can piac ticnlly dictate the election of council men. This, us Is evident on the iiife of It, means a close working nllintici between the thiee dliectois unci they councllmen, or, at least, such of the latter as are allied with the ascend ant p.uty or faction, us the case may be, and, tho consequent It Unit, the only check on tho city's nlfnhs Is the se-l(ish judgment of tin latter ns to how far things will sit etch without breaking, A suggestion from Mayor AVyniau of Allegheny, conveys a pro cl leal Idea of the evils of this lni lolling. "Ho sure." Mild ho, "to nuke your new otdinances stilngent in the mutter of limitations of department omplojei. Do not leave this matter to the dis cretion of the dlrectois. They may be capable , and have the most honest Intentions, but they uro onlv human and when one of their creators wants .1 man put on tho street, sewer, water or some othei force, they must needs exercise their giatltude and put him on. If the dliector should say theivs wasn't nny money available, the coun cllmen would remove that objection by having tho money loithwith sup plied." What Director Must Do. Tho dlreetoi.s must attend to tho wants of tho councllmen; the coun cllmen have wants; the dliect ois nio lesponblblo only to tho coun cllmen; the councllmen are themselves lesponslble to the people, but tho ward machines controlled by the director.), stand between them and the will or the people, and the icsiilt of it all la that tho government is not of, fop or by the people, unless the oflicUIti are willing thnt it should be. This boit of willingness, however, doe3 not seen to be greatly encouraged In Pittsburg, at least. Director I3Ige lovv, of the department of public: woiks "icslgned" last June. Inquiry among the Fllnnltos as to the caus'n of his ici-lsnalion 'will adduce tliu statement tluit he 1 of used to obey a mandate of councils. Tho other sldi will toll you thai tho mnudate of councils ho refused to obey dltected him to buy a lot for 11 pilco he deemed eTeOibitaut. Scranton city officials, to judge fiom past expeilence, mo 110 better than tho nvei.igo and this being the case, theie Is no nssui uncc hut that this city under a becoud clas-s foim of govern ment would bo mndo liable to thla same abuse in time. Tho fact that; the penpb at huge, being Ignorant of the declined woihings of the new form or government, would bo In a meas ttte blindfolded as to vhut Is n-jeos-Miy and what is superlluoub hi tlm matter of olMcluls nnd employes, makes stums und imineillato tho temptation to councils to citato olllces which, If nut wholly superlluous, would nt least bu verging on what might bo teuned extiiivngant. To show th-J possibilities of this .sott of thing a ptesentnUou of tho de tailed expense bill of Allegheny Is clemly dfinoiistiatlve. Allegheny's Population. Allegheny has a population of 120, ')0(i, or about 20,0011 11101 u than Scran ton. It is very hilly and locky, but Its men Is only snven -.i-ikim miles; as ugiilust SeinHtoii's iilmU'c". It lu-8 publlo water w 01 Its, public light ing und a publto mat hot, but tho-jo ought at least, to bo self support lug, and In malting a coiupailson of tho financial aftalib of tho two cities, ll'ontlnuecl on l'ai,'o o. f "f -f WEATHER rOBEOAST. tv Washington, Dec. B. forecast (or Uast- f cm Pe mis ban lai Pair 'IhurwJay uuj Irt- 4- clay; fiisli westerly vv I litis. -- t ft -- ; isi.