The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 05, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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    v tr
iii' -imrifi"'v :". f-j'fHfxiv
ps -iT'lr-Wit '"f&s npi i? '-
Immense Gathering of
Whlte-Rlbboners at the
National Gapital.
Mis. Lillian itf. N. Stevens, National
Piesldent, Conducts the Exercises.
Tribute to the Memory of Frances
Wlllarel -A Message from Lndy
Henry Somerset CI ava Barton's
Specint Coiii'ipninldHC.
WiiHliliiKtiin, Dec. 4. The iiippIs of
tlio uaiiltiii were tliroURed with iiintlit'i--ly-lookluR
vvlilU'-rllilititu'r iim on ily us
8.30. when Hip iiuhiiIiik mayor ttiut'tllur
whs held.
At 10.30 the hunt' thi'iitti' vviih ."lli'itlnir
with I'xeltoil fi-nilulnltv uvimi to tin)
third irullcry, for tln rifiiilittliiiiM of
fspiitlnK urcordltiLr to lank and Impuit
anco weie very uti-iet and holly con
toiteri In some cascM. In fact, It wan
sninmv hut lutiKliitlile to see the niena
illcr air with which Keveiul olllcei.s itt
tnnpteil to pjeet Nome hiHlKnlflrant and
ftpparently uiiilenei'vlnc; females 1'ioin
the main Hour. Indeed, your reporter
lmd to .issiune all the brass of the pro
fession in sain a ft out seat.
Mrs. l,llll,tu ,M. X. Stevens, national
piesldenl, presided with all her wonted
authoilty, her poweiful voire belnir dls
tlnetly licnrel In the highest prallery.
Tlie opening, or erusade hymn was
suns; to tlie familiar .tune of "rit.
Thonia"." What a hopeful splilt the
swoet old words Inspire:
(iiVO lU llll' Vlilllll 1 1 1 V- fl.ll-,
llopi ami 1h- uiiiIUiu.ivkI,
(Juil Iu'.im tli. pt.t.ieis .mil luimi- ih, iniii,
(!oil fhall lift tip lliv lie nl.
Mis. Forbes, of t'oiiuectleut, llien led
in earnest piayer. Mrs. Clara Hoffman,
of Missouri, the national reeoidliiR; sec
retary, lead the minutes or tlie execu
tive mpplinas hold Friday and Satur
day. Then came the event of the moi-uiiicr,
the annual .uldie-s by .Mrs. Stevens. It
was a most vIkoioiis and sliikiiiK ef
loit, reviewing the work of the year in
a masteily milliner, showing the cttn
trasL of the pioscnt condition or the
society as compared with the meeting
in Washing-ton nineteen yeais ago.
She spoke with leellng ot; Frances
AVIllard's deslie that the final meeting
of the nineteenth century should be
held In the national capital, and ex
pressed the conviction that the dear
leader would even now lie allowed to
look down on the consummation of her
Deserved Tributes.
She RttVe HCVitnl line tributes lu.tem
pernnpp men, chiefly the dauntless Neitl
Dow, and Charles K. l,IUlplleld, eon
Rrpssnutn from Maine.
The reference to the wot It of women
in preventliiK luilymnnlst entering
i'tititriosi brought heaity applnuse,
which Indeed pllliptuated the whole ad
dress. Mrs. Stevens bears a nit miff resem
blance to Miss Wlllnrd, her line head,
wavy purled lmlr, serious 'and Intel
lectual countenance, reminding one ot
the Into leader, though her Voice Is
even more powerful mid nol so sweet
In Its intonations.
Xo tribute to Miss Wlllntd given at
the convention, however, could excel
the sermon of Dr. Frank llilstol, uas
tor or McKlnley's elnnch, the night
before. Treating- the Mlblo story of
Mary breaking- the alabaster 'box of
precious ointment on the head of
Christ, lie said even so Frances K. Wll
laid poured out all the tieasiirp of Il
licitly endowed lieuit and mind upon
tlie head of her Master, and thus on
the aching, weary head of suffering
humanity, since Jesus himself said:
"Inasmuch as ye did it unto the least
of these, my brethren, ye have done It
utno Me."
The enthusiasm at the close of Mrs.
Stevens' address was Intense. Hand
kerchiefs waved wildly, while ninny
sprung up simultaneously to demand
publication for It, and to move a vole
of thanks, which wus enthusiastically
given. ,
A motion for a cablegiam greeting to
Lady Henry Somerset by Mrs. l,oulsa
Hounds, of Illinois, was seconded, when
Miss Anna Cordon sprang to her feet
with the remark that "Illinois always
gets ahead," for having Just leeelved a
cablegram fiom Lndy Somerset, she
had been about to reud It, and move
that a leturn gieetlng be sent.
She jead the message, however, which
was it most cordial greeting to the socl
uly from their distinguished friend and
Following was a short nddtess by
Mrs. Greene, of Miooklyn, which led to
a beautiful and Inspiring pialse ser
vice, participated In brielly by nearly
a bundled, with .singing of the Coro
nation hymn In closing.
Afternoon Session.
The afternoon session was made up
mainly of repoi Is of organizers and
ofllceis, but with nothing dry or per
functory about them no hare statis
tics, but life and enthusiasm over tlie
pi ogress of the work in eveiy one, ap
plause being frequent. A pleasing fact
was that oL a, balance in tlie national
treasury of $2,0fl(i.4r;, all expenses being
paid for tlie year.
A very pleasant vaiiety was given to
tlie piogramniu by the leiidei lug ol a
stirring and humoious song by the or
ganizers, Mrs. Green singing tlie solo
In a cluuming and animated manner.
The tune was the popular one of "Just
One Olrl." and the words were written
by one of their number, Mis. Minnie I!.
Hnrneyi describing- the trials of the
"trump" organizer.
The evenlnc session was most en
thusiastic, tile climax of the day, unit
wits devoted to welcome addresses and
The welcome In behalf of the city
was given by a no less notable pet non
age than Miss Cliuu Uarton, of lied
Cross finite.
The welcome from the board of trade
rami! from Hon. John Joy Kdson, for
the district from Hon. Homy MncFar
laml, commissioner of District ot Co
lumbia, for the colored people from
llov. Waller H. Uroolcs, for the
dun-clips fiom Uo v. F. D. Power, D.
D for the Women's Christian Temper
nnce union of Washington, from Mrs.
Clinton Smith, president of the district.
Itespoimen were given by Mrs. l'eot,
piesldenl of the California union! by
Mrs. Stevenson, president of Massa
chusetts Women's Christian Temper
ance union; by Miss Nolle Kearney,
Mississippi national lectin er, and by
Hev. Anna Shaw, of Pennsylvania.
Among those who wont lo see our
repiesentatlve, the venerable (Inlushti
A. Crow, take his place, wan Mis. Klla
DePue, of Oreen llldge, well-known In
Luckiiwnnna county us an enthusiastic
temperance woiker.
Orlunu M. Williams.
Cum liuleil horn Page 1.1
'Never Mind, Mamma, Baby
Loves You."
But the childish voice is almost un
heeded. Tlie wife and mother has come
to a place where love cannot comfort
her, where even the voice and words of
love are so blent with her own misery
that they seem to increase it.
Imagine a magnificent orchestra play
ing in a factory amid the ring of ham
mers and the rattle and groaning of ma
chinery. The discords would dominate
the h.irmonv and the harmony itself
nicrtje into discords. That is tlie way it
is with all the music of love when a
woman is wrenched and racked by pain.
It seems to become part of the very dis
cord of her life.
When the cause of this suffering is
sought It will almost always be found
to be womanly disease. The throbbing
head, the aching back, and the dragging,
down feeling nre but symptoms of a
disordered and diseased condition of the
delicate womanly organism. When this
fact is understood flie one thing for the
weak nnd sick woman to do is to look
for a cure of the disease which causes
her misery,
for healing? If a woman were lost in
a western prairie and found several paths
which might lead to safety, she would
take the well-trodden path 'in preference
to the one which showed faint signs of
travel, Why not the same in sickness?
There is a road to womanly health
which has been traveled by hundreds of
thousands of women. Head what some
of these women say,
"I take great pleasure in recommend
ing; Dr. Pierce's medicines to other suf
fering women," writes Mrs. Mary Adams,
of Orassycreek, Ashe Co,, N. C, "I hiul
internal trouble very badly until it re
suited in ulcers of the uterus, 1 was
troubled with it so that I never fclept a
night for seven weeks. The doctors
said I could pot be cured, but I com
menced taking J)r, Pierce's Favorite
Prescription anil 'Pleasant Pellets.' Af
ter taking two bottles I could sleep all
night, and after taking six bottles of
favorite Prescription' and two of
Rolden Medical Discovery ' and thrre
vMs of 'Pleawnt Pellets,' my case was
cured. I thank God and your medicine
for saving my life,"
"Words cannot tell what I suffered for
thirteen years with uterine trouble ami
dnigging-down pains thiough my hips
and back," writes Mrs. John Dickson, of
Orenfell. AssinihoU Dist., N, W, Terr,
I can't describe the misery it was to be
on my feet long at a time. I could not
rat nor sleep. Often I wished lo die,
Then I saw Dr. Pierce's medicines ad
vertised und thought 1 would try them.
IJ.ul not taken one bottle till 1 was feel
ing well. After I had taken live bottles
of ' Favorite Presc.iption ' and one of
' Golden Medical Discoverv ' I was like
a new woman. Could eat mid sleep and
do all my own work. I would entrent
of any lady suffering from lemalc weak
ness to give Dr. l'ieree's Favorite Pre
scription a fair trial, for 1 know the ben
efit she will receive."
Mrs. Mattie Venghaus, of Tioga, Han
cock County, 111., writes: "I had been
sick for seven years, not hi bed but just
dragging myself around. At last I tool
three bottles of Dr. Pieice's Favoriti
Prescription and five of 'Golden Med
ieal Discovery,' and was well. It is hit
possible to describe in tvord the goo,,
these medicines did me. No praise ir
too high for Dr. Pierce's medicines.''
The woman who btgius the use of Di
Pierce's Favorite Piescription is justiliei.
in feeling that she has taken the first
step in the path to perfect womaiih
health. All womanly diseases inediealf
curable yield to the healing power 6
this wonderful remedy. It establishes
regularity, dries disa
greeable and ueakeniiii;
drains, heals inflamma
tion and ulceration and
cures female weakness.
The periodic headache,
the distiessiug backache,
and exhausting bearing
down pains are cured
permanently with the
cure of womanly dis
eases by "Favorite Pre
scription." Mothers find
in this medicine the best
pieparativc for mater
nity. It gives abundant
strength and makes the
baby's advent practically
Women suffering from
chronic forms of disease
aie invited to consult Dr.
Pierce by letter, fire.
All letters are privately
read and privately an
swered and womanly
confidences are guarded
by the same strict pro-
L , . lessional privacy which
is observed by Dr. Pierce and hi's stuff in
personal consultation at the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, UufTalo,
N. V, Address all correspondence to
Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
In a little over thirty years, assisted
by his staff of nearly a score of physi
cians, Dr. Pierce, chief consulting physi
cian to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical
Institute, Buffalo, N. Y has treated and
cured hundreds of thousands of sick and
suffering women.
There is no similar offer of free con
sulfation by letter or free medical advice,
having behind it an institution such as
the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Insti
tute, Buffalo, N. Y with its Tine equip
ment and skilled medical staff, TlieVw
consultation hv litr rrr,i i... r...
Pierce, puts it into every sick woman's
power to nave the opinion of a specialist
on her condition a specialist whose
great success in the treatment and cure
of womanly diseases, is in itself nn en
couragemeut to every sick woman, Of
the Muidreds of thousands of women
Heated by Dr. Pierce, ninety-eight per
cent, have been permanently cured.
"Favorite Prescription" contains uo
alcohol and is entirely free from opium,
cocaine and all other 'narcotics.
If you are persuaded to try Dr, Pierce's
Favorite Inscription because it has
cured other women, do not allow the
dealer to foist on you u less meritoiious
medicine which he claims to be "just ns
good." Ihere is uo motive for such
substitution except the Utile more profit
made by the dealer on the sale of the
less meritorious preparation.
a vai,uaiii,i: r.i rr
for any young couple is Dr. Pierce's
their circulation while red- ofng the
circulation tuxf the comptfjller of tlm
currency has approved 509 applications
to oignnl.e national banks, of which
381! were for banks with capital of Ies
than $30,000, and 1L'7 with capital of
I'.O.OOI) or moi-p. Eighty of the appli
cations were from slate banks pio
posed to be converted: 17.1 from stute
or private banks proposed to liquidate
for the purpose or reorganization un
der tlie national banking law, and :M
from those contomplatlmr primary oi
ganlzntlons. Since On. :il. W.l, ::3
hanks, with nu authorized capital of
20,0l',000, have been ebaiteied.
Of the 2(K new banks with $2.".0iio
capital each. -1 organised In the Xew
l'higlnnil states; III in the eastern
stuts; .'SI in tlie southern states: J.0
in tlie middle states: ,"S in the western
states, and I In the lieiile states-, thus
enabling many of the lemofer scctlo'ni
and small communities to secure nee
essaiy IiiiukTpit facilities. The growth
in bank-note ch dilution fiom Mulch
11 to Oct. Ill was lf77,.",S7.o:iS.
' National Debt.
On July 1 last the Intriest beaiini,
debt of the I'nlted States was $1,0-M,'-ll:i,.'.!)0,
a reduction in one year of .JJi',
r,li7,ri.'0. The per capita of money In
circulation .Vov. 1. lSfiy, was $L3.C0: on
Xo. I. J!)Ufl, It was .t.'T.S-j, the highest
amount on lecoul. Here Is a tiible
show-in?; the changes in one year in
the amounts of tlie sreral kinds of
money in the Pniteil States outsld"
the iieasiiry:
In Tin iil.iliini In i in illation
Now l, Iv'i'i. Sim. i, phvi.
s r.:i,(i,ii,7.:: s O'l.rci.a:
Spcilnl Id Ihe Sirankill Tl Iblltir., Dot, l.i-Mr. unit .Mia. Juiin. llulih
Iiib. who wen- mitoi Innately Inirnnl out liy ii TlitiMiLiy lilulil, have mouil t holt- lioucliiilil
licloiijtlnn.H lulu a Iioikp nn l'liinMin nlrn'1,
Somm-iiI nloliU uitii 1'iril Knottier, shut nf V,
I. Kimcllci. nf M.iln trrrf, w.w uirjliiff J
llglilul oil tui bom olio mum Into mnillnT,
v licit lit' Irlpiirit mill fell. tip'cltltiB tlir tmc
Into nn pinpty luliv tmrliiitt, hi nn tin;
limning oil li.ul Mttit.iln! em.Wlihiit .in. I a uni
on" file win for a tluu1 llniilti'iinl. Jt, Knurl-li'i-
tlui".v pk'in of r.upct mid lil.Uikpb on flip
II.IIIMH, mnntlii'llint lli 111. 'Mil' fin ill ! Ill c UiH
(toincwbnt il.HiiiKiil olid tlio uifict In tlie tuutn
Tlio H.ilMiwI IimiiI of I in ill' li liuw wiling
noun' of tlio Moik of Die Atinrltan Club- Mann
f.ii linliie iiiniian ii'ti'iitly li'inuicil from ttraiiill
to ll.ilUti'inl.
ll Tcip.i Miliuiiry 11m iliiiKCioinly 111 at
In r lioinc licit' viimilnir ullli (oiiiuinplloii.
.Mm. .1, s, .l.irr.lm- i.t si-ltliiR- trloniN nut ot
Ilillnllil Allen it rlHiilallliR n petti lull which
ulll lit' prfeiiliil to mini unking a lU-ne
lie Kl.'iilcil him tn opiti liulel o'l I'. ilk .Heinle.
Mlii ( Hull, a ctll lent ot tlie liunli':ll ile
p.irtmeiit of flip Sjimuhc mihtiilly, un Iioiiiq
Kit'iitlv on n Wt ullli tier p.iienli, Ml, nn'l
Mis S. 0. Hall,
.Mii, 1 'I li'ii 'llir.niy was ilnlllni,' ii'luiiri In
llniKhnniton Smulay.
MIm CcoikI-i DeWilt, of lllni;liain(uii, -pent
'MiinWhlUK ut I hi' hiiint' of Ml'. :iml Ml". (I.
M. taimli.
.lolm .Sniilh. the pupular li.u k.iu-ann I In.ike
ii.uii. :n ti.tiiiff in jilnt a ih.iuliiMil r.l Miti
oNou !i'i' ilaji alio wlu'ii it tiiiifo pli" f of lion
Jn initip wi,v Injini'il one of Iih IIiir-iM on the
ilflif Ii.iihI. Tlip tint loiiil of flip fliiEer win
ainpululpil lii A. I'. .Meiti'll, M, I).
Mv. I!. 1. Coiton ami son, Wlnllilil, nnd two
i!hik1iIu.-, .Mini hi and .li'imlc, bit Sunday fo,'
lullp, X V.. win ip Mr. Oorlon Is m- iiiipliiyeil.
TIipip is Hindi 111 fpcliiiir lieu- anion:',-! i.ill
to'ul inrii out the flit that Hip Ulnuliiiiifnn
ilidutt it daiii'ris lives of tluwp who-p il.ilj dc
ln.iiuls Hut llioy fnntl upon '1'p lops if frolitiit
.ais wliitli pi-s under flu" iilwl. Sppn (p0t
Hilded to tlio lielaiit of the M.idutt Moulii Imp
l.nioieil nil iliitiiiir and noelil liaip -immI Hip i iIj
iiiiiii a' il,uir.t;i' suit.
fluid I'nlll ....
Sl.iiid.iid -Ihir
1 us Mlur ..
fluid ll"tilll'ah's ...
slbi'i- uililii'.ili'i ..
Tii'ismy uijlt'-, ait
of .lull- II, imi ..
I'nlfpil Slate-, notes.
I'uiitiuy mtlHiMip-,
ai t of .Inn.' ,s.
National lnnk notes
I. ouo
of collect-
Toljls s.l.,ii.i,7lll,ls
Ni'l inili'.l-i'
Purlns the year the cost
inn- the Intcinnl revenue was reduced
lioni l.fiS to l.r.S per cent.
Currency Reform.
The report reviews at length the e.
tiiiordlnary jjains made during the
year In our foreign commerce in Hk
ures moie or less familiar: indorses
the lei'onimendation of the commls-'
sloner or navieation in favor of the
shipping subsidy bill; summarizes the
work of tin- iminliri-ation bureau, lire-
pnvlnjr service, steamboat 'inspection,
levenne cutter and other departments;
advocates a cut or $30,ODO.Onn In the
federal revenues, anil on the general
subject of the money standard anl
currency say:
A- to Hie iiik'inpili.n fluid pmwdt'il in llio
ruiiemy lit t of Manli II. while tin- pont'ii, ion.
fund upon Hie .suittaiy un piolubly ample fo
enalile a ?iulous ami u-aliliful officii- In proleii
full tlio tftiU lesuu', then' appeals to lip laik-iii!.-
ciifflt ficitint inandati 1- icipilri'inenl lo fm-lil-h
complete lonlaltuee iu Hie toulinui'd patil.v,
uinlu' all conditions, liinwpn our two foinn of
nutalliu inoni'', sIUpi- anil gold. f,n ,i
point fill tin r li"aislatiun liny liciuiiif ilcalialili.
A-, lo tin) tiirieniy, wlillp Hip libeiallini- of ion
dlticas lias found iespiuo To a netiwty In-
cri'a-u oi oanu-noto is-ms, theip is uuiiei urn
piCMiit i-,wrm no asMiiame wlialeiir that I lip
volume of hank uuiuiiy will he tontliiiiuusl)
iipioiisIm to the eountiy'.s nteiN, eitliei hy p.
paiidiliK as mih needs ii'ipiire or by tontiattiiii;
wlitn .siipi'ifluous in ainounl. Tlip Iliith K,
fafo nnil deslralilp as is our tuueniy i-y.tem In
nuny uifcls, it is not piopeily relai'eil. 'I lie
mipply of iiirieiuy U hul remotely. If at all, in
flucneed by tlio eMrtliaiinliii; letpiiicineiiU of
tiade and industiy, It in related most Inrsely,
if not entirely, to the pike of guw-uiineiit
bonds In tho niaiket. Iletuvi'ii the nteils of
tiade and eoniinerep for a medium ot ielunse
and for instniincnls of nedil, whliii a pioper
bank note furnishe.-, ami the investment piue
or alue of (jovei iiiuent bonds, which is at pus
ent the most influential fauor in ih'teiinlnitiR
tlie riiriiiiey supply, I here is no ilscemlble re
lation whatever,
I foibear at this time, iu lcv of the many
olhiT important Mibjecls whlih ilemanil atlen
tlon dining thu pieent shoit session of ronRrrsS
to pres-s these qmMlons for Imniedlale aclioii,
but I can not rcfialn from InWtlng the alien
Hon of senators anil rcpiesentatheH to a caie
ful loiinldcrallon of the inatteis thus tuirgeileil.
In tho nil of Maith U a forwaid alep was taken,
to llio meat benefit of all our inteiesn,
Nnlliintr should preienl timely and rell-ennlil-ercd
aineiidmt'tits while npiessaiy to i,oldlf,
tnd (omplitc tho work bo well iiuiiKiuateiJ.
8pei Ul to the Si ran ton Tiihune.
Siisiuehunua. Pep. 4, The pioposid ectiislun
of Ntsijui'h inna toiiut teatbi'is lo Wiisldnxtuu.
P. 1., lias lui'ii ah.iud'iupd. 'Hie propelois pould
not Kiiaiautie Hie lale of tin- iietessary nituiber
of liikt'ts.
-Mr. and Mi. (Ji'ome llu.iilen, of Oakland, r".
tuiueil liouip lod.ii fiom a huutim? trip in Pike
( trm kp Ml-di'll, of llioud .slieit, is nudiially
ipioifiiiiu: fiom an atlatk of (pboid feiei.
Uniijauiiu (!n'i:oi. has iptiiiui'd fiom a isit
Willi lelatiU'S in .iw .lei-iy.
r.iimus' iustlluii's wilt lip held in Mi-iiii'li.iii-lia
luilllly as follows' Alllilllli Penile, Pep. 7:
Moiiliosp, Dei.. S; lliuoklm. Pee. 10; 'Xtw Mil
fold, Pee. It; UeMi Hill. Dee. 12: fnioud lie,
Dei. IJ. Good -peakiis will be in attend.! in p.
'Ihe Mondiy i lull held an inlpie-tliii; tnei Hnif
list I'll'lliuu.
Shi lift William .1. Mase. of Moiiiiost, wiis
ollniillx ciivrmi'd in town on Mniidii.
'Ihile ale ililiu pnsoui'is in tlie i uinil iail.
"I In- V. I', S. C. II. ill Ihe I'le-li.itei Ian ililuili
will rleil iiIIUp's eieliili!,'.
'the Donas SuiuU ui'ihc Pii'sbi ii'ii.iu ilmith
will ipnejl the "I'ea-t of Hie -pm-ii Table-"
about Pee. 'J7.
The I'li'h leilili -mull will le-linn Hie pleas
nip of p ititf lor a pi-loi.
Mi-. .1. II. Moiu.iu, ol ( ailioiidale, I- Hie must
of lui patents, Mr. and Ml-. (I. II. "minions, of
I'.isi I Inn i 'i -tn pi
III it iletiitixes an liol-loolul aflei IbieM's.
I'lie l.adies' Aid -oi ieli of Ihe Oakland foil
j;ii li.ilioinl iliiurli tin- i- eiiini; liebl an u.i-tei-siippei
at Hip ip-ult'iiie of .fames Ctlatt, iu Oak
land. TIip illli,- Uuikeis of Hi up Upisiopil ihuiih.
of (.i.iklaud, this miiiiiii; held mi apiou -oi ial
aril liiluiiiiiii,' lonlPst at Hie tisidenee of Wil
li.iiu stamp, in
IUs Itesie Itioii-on, of Kioad sltitt, has le
iiiiiiiiI Iidiiic fiom a i-il wilh C.iilioii'l lie lel.i-
'(lie Cook buildim-;. Main -lin't, is Ki-'duaily
.ippinit liiuu i.iinpb lion.
'Ihe dm "s of the Sitsiuihanna Oakland
I'o.n .s linn de-iip homes foi two bots, apil !)
and 11 e.iis.
ll.ill... .1, Willi.lin-, of iih. u. i, has lelllltiid
liniue fiom a Msit willi Siisiiiili,miia friends.
lule lo be helil In lltln place nttt Ritttrilay, lite,
8. Kducator.s from nitiomnlliigs tonus will bu
ptc-rtit mill take pail in the exercise anil It Is
hoped Ihrio will be n laigc attend.inee ol
the p.ilrnns.
.Mr. ami .Mis. H. A. Hpencer, ol Point Clifiulaif
iptii, .V, Y,i utt lslllnn teUlbes atul friend
hereabouts this week,
Dr. (loml'-lti, of b.ilicilioro, Wat tailed to ton
suit wllh Dr. MeXatnarn at Turner Williams'
Stiml.iy. Mrs. Wlllliiins neenm lo be luiprovllin
at litis wtltltnri
Mr. ami Mis. (I. I. Claik and ilumliler, ic
liiriieil Sahhatli eiiiiliiu from a Tlmnksith Ittt llt
of reieral thijs duraflon nllli his parents, (I. I.
Claik ami wife, at flieeu (limp,
fleorgv' Orlalt, of "tralilon spent Hip S.ib
li.illi a ple.i.inl ittiet nt (1. I', Spent n't.
.I, II. Iliidd, esip, of the Korcst City .'pwi.
wnf ilolnp; Tliunipsnn jpsleulay In the Inlerpsl of
that paper.
IHulllcletit Inleiesl Ins been aroupil In the es
talilllilii(f uf n eiiiiiliiit facloiy Itple to -send
rotnmlltpps to the fowns where mtli plants ptlst
lo Inqnlip as to the fatlsfactloii lliey (the lltelr
projettois and patrons, who will itporl at nn
early day, when we hope to upoit tlie enterprise
a snip 'thliiK for Tlionipsoit,
('. ' M. f.ewls was tloliiir liinlness In Su-que-liniiiia
This has been u ety stoiitt) day ainl t .ills a
lull to most outdoor buliie.
Mr, and Mm, Paihl llohlnsoii lime the sym
pathy of the loiiimiinlty 111 the itenlli of lltelr
In lull! nnd Infeiesllnr; 7-year-old daiiRhter, Ada,
who tiled on TiiMilay, Nov, 27, The finieial ser
Icph werp lipid ul I lie home nil Thursday, toll
ducted by Hev. It, II, 1 1 petty. Interment wits
made Iu Many teiueteiy.
Mr. I'. .1. Smalley, of West I'ltlslon, has moved
his family Iu Mi. .fames fiia.v's home,
0. W, niodlipatl, of Moiiliose, spent -iiinilay
villi his pat nils of this plate.
Iloin To Hev. and Mis. stiimk, a daunhler.
Mr. and Mm. T. .1. Slewait lslteil ftiends In
Tailor on Sunday.
1 w
The Best Groceries -Cost
You Least Here1
If we'coulcl supply every family hereabouts with
their Groceries, there'd be no poor foods sold in Scran-'
ton. As it is, we are supplying the major portion of
There's but one reason for the growth of this Gro
cery Store, and that is the excellence of quality always
obtainable. We buy nothing but the best, even
though you pay us less for good goods than you do
others for inferior sorts.
TOMATOES riUU cases of tlie genuine .Scotland brand of solid
cold pack, Maryland, first quality; per case, l.'.H); dozen,
!.'; can .' 9C
CORN' ilfiO cases of Webb's cream siiwtr, finest selected,
creamy, and very
dozen, J. .ill; per ca
CORN r.OO cases
tender and sweet. -Ter case, 2.00; per
of the l-'loral Mrand,
Y. state, creamy,
Wednisd.. "Miami IJItU"."
'IIiiiimIii, I'iIiIi,! mil S.iluiilai and Sit mil v
nwllrei "W.u I mm u Cast."
Academy of Music.
All Week-'lite Ideals in lepeitoltp.
I'li-t Three Dais
l.a-r 'llitep Pais
-"(JHHIi of the Olient.'
"The (!.ty HtilleiH."
Mis-i f.uttip ('uitis, of Wiuwood
Suiidai willt her patents in Hits pi n p.
titer, wlili li had bem t ltasptl by ilna
Ihe Pelawiilp lilei fteitiotl, was ppll neal
tutu on Monday.
Pa., spiel
Cotiiiiioti Si-Jisu ."Medical .Adviser, con
iHining.looS larf,'p pgos and over tod
lllti.lrftlws,,u 'I'lt.'r. l.-w.t. ..-,, , '
.................. ..w uuui, win ue
JiCf to any adilres.; op receipt of .stamps
to pay expense of mailing only. Bi'iul
(it oiie-cent stumps, for the work liouml
in iluiuble cloth, or only 3f cents fi,r the
book in pup'v'i i-oici'i AtldteJs Dr.
R. V. 1'ierce, llulf.i!,,. X, .
The Mutilated Portions ot a. Human
Body Found in the Streets, '
By i:Musle Wire fiom 1h Assoeiatotl Pipm.
Paris, Doc. 4. The seveted head,
arms and less of a yoiini? man have
been discovered In some waste k round
near the Teuo Des Platrlers, at Belle
ville, and another packaKe, eontalnlng
a disemboweled and otherwise muti
lated trunk, was found In a uatoway
on the Hue Du Faubotfr, St. Unnls, a
mile and it hulf distant, The two dls
lovelies appuioiuiy connect with the
same mutder, that of up unknown man,
Which was perpetuited yesterday, au
cnrdliiB to the appeal ance of tho body
when It was found.
The (list package wur deposited lust
nlslU by hIx men, who weie seen from
a dwelling house upposlte, The c'rlmo
has c.tused a ureat sensutlon.
Carporations Oharteied.
Ily llMltuhe Wlie fiom The ,siopaleil I'kw.
llJilltljiuir, pie, I- 'hailrrs were glinted to.
da) In the Noilhi'rn t-'uwiltuie loinpany, Momil
Ipwi'lt, Mi Ki.tii iniiiiiy, lapltil, ij.Vi,i!0i)', ami p
l.iiiinerl 'lool ilaim'.n tilt I uir I'limpany, Wavnn-
liiilil. I'lpHil, SiU.lK).
5pci ial to Hit- Si union Tiibiine.
Hiipbiillom, Dei. 4.--There is InillKUaliou
nnd dist;u-l epiessed heieabouls on aitoiuit of
the uttlon of tin' niilroad uiliii.iii in 111 inn- fo
pipipitt the Sii.tuloii Dtiiy ionip,in fiom hand
liiift milk line. Tlie f.iitneis built and equipped
for Hieuisi lips a new itoaumj in otdpt- lo free
theiiisehes lioni Hie .lolie of oppiPssioit imposed
upon thtni by the Xow York milk e(liiui;e.
Now, atti'i- loutrattint,' Hieir pi mini t to Hip
Sritiiiton Daily eonipaii.v at a fair piitp. and
In fote their plant is pittliely ewnplelcd Hip tall
load lomp.tiiy would fotte the inllk ptodtueis to
ship t licit piodntt to New Vml; liy pietpntini;
the Sciatilou Pairy rompaii,r dolnir iitialness heie
by ilurftiiiK poibitant shtppinir Litis,
.Mis. Ik M. Titlany atlPtiiled Ihe taiiii
tal at the Lytt'tiiii, Si l. mum, Miiml.n eiinluic,
Tlie rnlvir-ali-t people aie loiuriatiilallnj,'
tlientselv-es upon their nuod fotliiup in si'Hullu'
as their pastor. Hev. L. T.. f.eis, who Is i
,-iouni; man of maiked stholaili attalttuttiits ami
a mott pleasaut manner. A I .Hue mid apptp-
i.itUc coiiKifiratinn t'lijo.M'il his .sermon Sunday
eienlm; on the subject of peaie, The tople foi
nest Sundav eienlnp; is "Belief and Cnudiiel,"
Mis. IE. W, Stapler i-pcut Satiinkty In lltn,
hamloii. Miss Mabel Ki.ins, ot Seuiilon, ilsllul Mlu
Alia I'ltiit oer Sunilay.
.Miss lli'ssle and Dean Tllfony ate allendlni;
sdinol ut Ke, stone niailemy.
ThleitB removed a window ula.s from the
poifoftlpe biillilliisr Satiudny nlsht, eililetitly In
tenilliiff to make oft with souip of the contents
of the plate, but for some reason they betatnp
falnt'lteaitftl nnd left their booty putked leady
for lemovnl Jnt inside the window openiitu;.
Mr. anil .Mi. Jainen lleuiik, of (lilison, will
i-pi'iul Ibis week lsllltu,' frifinls iu this ihinlly,
Mrs llt'rrlik' is litniB Iter paretiti at preejtt,'
'lite net pioteeds of Hie Tlunk-KiiliiK dinner
at the Methodist rliiueli were about j,
I'lof, Italph Archbald, of Waverl,, l'a,, was
a caller Iu town Sunday evenfinr.
Mm. Anllla Slaiitoti, of Stuiitnn, tailed on
frleuiU iu town on Saliuday.
Epeelal to the Stianton Tribune,
filltson, Pee. 4. Mis. Terwllllger Is ylsltlng In
fiiiiilnn Wescott, who has been upending a week
with his filends heie, lias returned to his work
near Ulkdale,
I'. W, Ilauott anil wilo spent Thanksghlin;
with Mi. Ilairett's parents, near Xew Milton).
Ilev. .lames I lei lit I; anil wife aie tistting Ihlt
week wltli Ilopbotlom and Mcholsoii fi lends.
I.. A. Sweet ami A. O, Stroiklu weie In Soulli
OlUsoit Satuulay in Ihe Inleiesl of te Tt'leplione
Wallir Lewis (.pent 'IhinksKhliig wllh .luiksuu
l'li'd I.enis ainl Mi-s Julia lltuou wen- nut
tied at the brldeN home, near l.akelew, on Ihe
evenliitr of Nov, li'i,
'Ihe annual nieetlntf of the flllnon Public II.
braiy will be held iu the Methodlnt KpUeopal
tliunlt Tuesday eienhiB, Dee. II. Kverjbody In,
lled to attend.
Miss Kllle 'llngley f sltlne Iter aunt In liar.
fuid. t
Hairy 'ntiii.ui. of, ujs ealllnu on
f i lends in town Ihe flint of Hie week.
The '"Kerry Gow" at Ijyceum
A play thai never cetns to isiow- old or
its (I1.11111 is the "Kpii.v How," wltlili was
wnted at the l.jteum last night hi- Joseph Mur
pity and his lompany. It Is a beautiful story of
Iiish life that is us pleading to theater-Roeis lo
day as It was .1 decide ago.
Mr. Muipliy has the support of a guod eonipaity,
Ihe leadlnn woman being Mi-s .Ifaitnette Ken ell.
Owing to Hie sppip tain sloim last niglit's audi
tine was utlier light. Tonight Mr. Muipliy and
iiiiiipanv will ijipm'iiI "Miami Itliup," in whii-b
tip- Mai sings his famous song, "A Handful of
I atlh."
"Northern Lights."
'I he i.idimy of Muti' was tiuwded lasl pun
big in -pile of Hip ilitlciiii'iil weather, whith,
in. doubt, kept a good many Hit'iitei-gopis in-
iloiiis. lite pl.i pie-entetl was ll.iikiiis and
llnliiiiu'.s gieal lilililjii lotnedy diama etitilled
"Noitliein l.lghls." 'lite ptete was staged hand
'oiui'ly and lostumpd imiettly. The
illeits weie supetb. The usual specialties weie
inlioiluieil between the nets.
The pity this afternoon is "The Lost IMiadise"
and tonight Will.ttd bee's steal sienie piodue
Hon of "The Ileal t of the Stoim" will be pin
dttied. All the oiiginal steneiy, losturnes and ef
lei Is have bent obtained by Mr. Ilininit'leiii for
Ills ptotliution of the piece, and a fiist elass
I'M'tiing's i ulpitaimneiil is guaiiinti'i'd In tliosp
who jtliml the Vi.uletny loniglil.
"Shaun Rhue" Tonight.
"When I saw Joseph Muiph.v's ailing iu "shaun
Uliue' Ihe oilier eM'ttliig," aid a tepitstniatlM'
of imp of Hip latgpst inanufai'ttiteis of monu
ments and leiehing aults, "I left the IheaUi
ii'.iil.v to donate a thousand dollat gl.iliile sluft
lo maik the gtaie of Lairy Donovan's moHitr.
His singing 'A Handful of lauth' was one of the
finest tilings, musically -and ilramatitalli. Out I
ever li-iened lo." At the L.ueuni Ibis evening.
"Way Down East."
"Way Down Kast," vvhiilt enfoveil sin h long
and piospt'ioits rtitis at the Manhattan lhe.ilei ami
Atailetuv of Musie will lie piesented ill this i ily
touiiiiinvv night, 1'iiday nnd Sattuday nights nnd
Saluidii matinee at the L.vtcum. The Mitte-s
of the play has bej-n leinarkuble. It eateis (.1
all ihisset of theateigoii.s and pieseuls a stum,; witltoitl a seimon being preaihed to vou.
H h owing to Hits latter point (bat It It is
ainued the litteipsi of the ileigy in Ihe ditletetil
titles in width il has been pre-pittpd. Dtuitia:
Hip pngiigeiiipiit al Hie Manhattan Hunter, Vew
Vuik, mmifioiis i leiit.vtiti'ti In tisetl it
as a text for Iheii mui iiiioiis.
"Way Down K.ii" i.-n b.v Lottie Ulali
Paiker, who, t'iu.i' ,n, wtole a rtirlaln
ral-er for the l.vten atpi i, tiled "White
Roses," wbitli met with gtput success. In Hit
pit'sput in-tauie the pieie "'.iy Down Kast"
was etaboiated and piodtned by that skillful
atlor, Mr. Joseph II. (iiisiuer, and Hie iutei
pretlng lompany stipplietl by Manager Wllllain
A. Brady is one of maiked excellent e,
"'.iy Down Kast" ilepiits life us one Hnds It
in Xew llampshlie and odmlt of elahoiate
staging, wbli It Managtr William A. Riady lias
siipplieil. Piobably the most conspicuous scene
Iu "Way Down Iktst" is the snow stoim which
is pie-t'lilid Ihioitghout Ihe entile tblld ait
sweet and very tender. Per ease, 1.5)0; per dozen. 100;
J)C1 Ctlll
STRFN'G 13EcirS extra small and perfectly slringless;
ease, 1 .!() ; dozen, 1 .00 ; per can '. 9C
I'EAS !!00 eases of Prize Medal brand extra small sifted, equal
to the J'reneh J'eas. Per ease, :.. 10; per dozen, j7u;
p( can,
J'UMPKIX Xew Golden; very line for pies. Per case,
1.80; per dozen, !)."c; per can
PEARS Choice Jersey, put up in heavy syrup. Per
case, .'1.40; per dozen, 1.7.1; per can
PINEAPPLE CHUNKS J7.1 cases, packed where grown, at
Singapore: very fancy and delicious. Per dozen, 1.00;
I'll Lull
MACKEREL, fancy No. 2 Shore, fat, per can
MACKEREL, fancv No. '2 Shore, 10 lb. kit
HOLLAND HERRI N'C, new and fine. 10 lb. keg
CO FISH, boneless, in one and two-pound packages, lb....
ZENOLA, cleans everything, large package
FRIENDS' OATS, fresh: per dozen, 1.15; package,
ROLLED OATS, kiln dried and new; 10 lbs. for
APPLE BUTTER, in ". lb. stone crock, line
JELLIES, all Havors ;n " lb. stone crock
LYE, powdered and perfumed, large can
APPLES, evaporated, fancy New York State, lb
AMM ONsIA, large -J gallon bottle, household
BLLTlG,large quart bottle, extra strength v
PRUNES, fancy Santa Clara, fine; " lbs. for
MAPLE SYRUP, pure, rich and heavy, gallon can
SALAD OIL, large quart bottle for
RAISINS, new seeded muscatels, per package
CURRANTS, new and thoroughly cleaned, package
COCOANUT, Schepp's dessicated, lb. package
GRAPE JUICE. Snow's, large quart bottle 42c
. 0c
. 10c
. 7c
. !)c
. ." flc
CONDENSED MILK. Dr. Hand's, the best. 3 cans.
I'.AKED BEANS. Eureka brand, large 3 lb. can
VANILLA CRYSTALS, Butler's, per box
WHEAT SHRED, better than cracker dust, pkg
STARCH, large lump, I) pounds for ,
SO P, full weight bars, wrapped, IU for ,
Jonas Long's Sons
People's His li'Vc lnO'4 tfcw'j 'i"17!,
V. .1. t'ential -.ltnJi H'iJ4 N' H'l
Sjuthi'iii I'aciltitl sJU si'4 si's 4lit
Xoifolh .V- WPhtun .. . 4-J'i -IJ'i IJ Al
oi Hi. Patiflf TO'i VOi:. Gil's 7U
Vnitli. P.Kit'.tti, Pr .... si Wij Sls !li
V. V. Cential 14 H'l l IJ IU
Onl. & Wet -J4ii -J". J4'' 4T,
Pflilia. It. It 14S--i 14 1 IU 14-J-i,
Patilip Mail 47-14 li In U 4,,';
lleailing in1! I'i'i I'J'i l'J'is
Heading. Pi- ul'i ill', tij-', 0J-,
Suittlieiii K. II 1", lsa I7T;
.sontlielii It. II., Pi .... lo's t'77; l.u7 07
Tpiid., ('. & lion iihi trtT t7 u7Jti
f. S. Leather .i VI IJ3; IJ'a
r. S. Leathei, IV 71 7l!4 7H4 74
V. S. Itubber is-Vi aa8
I'nion Paeitirfl II 71i 72V, 71 71 U,
t'liion Patitli, Pr Sl'i M', li M's
Wabash, Pr il'4 2J '.'I1 21
'Ihlid Avenue II.: 1 1.1 ill tl.l
ni:w vonK pitoDtTi: K.xriiANfit: nncrs.
Open- High- Low- Olos.
WHEAT. ing. e.. (St. ing.
Mauh 7'i3i Sfi'.i 7Mii tnii
May 7!l'4 7tT 7'i't 7n',
May 4J'i 4JH 4J'i 4J!i
Bcranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
''STOCKS. Bid. Akid.
I'itst National Hank ,1200 '...
SiiJiiloti Savings Hank tloii
Special to the Seranton Tribune.
1 lioniptoii, Dee. L Profisor Tinker hir a fine
programme arianged for the l"tal truihcrs' int.II-
Wall Street Review.
New oik, lief, 4, A'fuvollte poiados !u Wall
iitii'i't Is that a Mtrpilse is alvvajy epetleil ii,
sugar, Tlie pi he was tun up to 1U5H tills morn
ing when the ton was dlsseinliiattd tiul
uo nit Ion would bu taken on the dividend todai,
I'omeipieiitly the announcement a little latir
that the dliet'tois hud met at Hip privite io,I
deliee of the president of the company .tiul de.
tlaied a dividend of onl.v J",i pee tent, nmv
like a boiulMltell vpnii the spec ill. it he miitiii
gi'ltt, In their lush to b.ive lows they foiled
rhf pi li o down by lapid Mngo, inci'tliig M) sup
port exupt from piofessiouul hltoitx on the way,
Tlie ftoik U'lK li-.'tt IJ7U 111 tile last Itotir, vvlutlt
was S lull polittn lielow- the highest ami ilored
witlt a net o,i ot ii'.t. The violenl. uluiiip in
tills stock had a dt incusing iiillurtiie on the
vviiiIp market but tlte movement elsewhere al
no time appro ithed di'inoralbjllon. In fact
llieie wtie point') of stiiiiglli peisltlng heir
nnd lliue iu Hie lailmail list notably in ,the
l.'ilo stocks and iu Hie low priced Soutlivvemeiin,
but these .Welded lltelr gains iu the late ii'Ji
tlou, 1 the e.uly dealings tlte principal weak
ness was hhovvu by the kpeeialtles and e
peclallv Hie steel Mock. The latter group
hltovved good iccoveiies and except for Teiinetsee
Coal held veil in llio late weakness of Hie tail
load list. The pinssuie to hell the railroad
Blew steadily dining tlie latter part of the day
and a laige number of Hum show net lotted of
about u point. Chicago, lluilingtnn and Qtiintv
declined 1. Total sales-, C,U,r,0 shtrtt. The bond
luaikct kbaied 111 tho leactlonary teiidenei' of the
btotk niaiket, wa vailetl by new points of
stifiiglb. Total sales, par value, .i,S0j,00O.
I'nlted Stales new 4 advanced it per rent, en
the last rail.
The following quotations tie furnished Tito
Tl Inline by M. S. .lordau , Co., roonu 705-708
ifeaia bulldlrg, Scuittou, Pa. Telephone 000.1;
upen- High. j.o. Cloi-
1112. til. est
,,,MIU IJaii fin
lo?l mill nut
,,.".-, V(7V ,V1
... 41',i
.,, SU'i
... r.;
... 72i
,.. -It'.i
Tltitil National Oink
Diuip Depusil anil Disiouut Hank,.
Kcoitoiuy Light, II. i P. Co
Laika. Tili-l Safe Deposit Co
Claik & hiiovcf Co., Pr
Suanloii lion Pence & Mfg, Co. ,,.
hiiauloii Ale Woikti
Laikowanna Dahy Co., Pr
County Savings Hank A: Titist Co.,
I'list National Hank (Caibondale..
Staiidaul .Dillllng o
Tiudeis' National Hank
Siiaiilou Holt antl Nut Co
Seianloit Passenger Ilallivay, lii-t
.Moilgage, due HUU
People's htreet Itallvvay, tlit nioil-
gage, due JIUS
People's Slieet Hallway, (ieneiut
itioitgugp, due IH.'l
Dickson Mauufai titling Co. ,
I.aika, Tuvvntblp School ." per lent.
City of Stianton St, luip, 0 per
Siianttm Traitiou ii per tent
lined Sugar Sleady. Tallow Finn and Itlgher;
lily piitne, in hug'-lieads, ..; country tin., bai-lel-,
u'.aaSii-.; takes, iVJt'. l.Ivp Pottltij--Iktsli'i;
rovvN and thickens, tl'.alVai'. ! oh iooh
tutke.vs, llatlli'. Diessed Poulliy Unfhiiiigeil;
leis, liaO'jt.; diickk, ItilUe. i get'tie, S'jadHt.:
fowls ihoiie, UValUc: do. fair to good, &&,if)e. ;
old lostei., 7f.; neaiby iblckens, Pal2e.; wuet
titi tlo., Oallp.; turke.v.s, choice lo fancv, flallp.
Ilit'cipts I'lonr, l.iiuO bairels anil I.SOci.imwi
pounds in sack; wheal. SJ.000 btittheli; turn.
-JJU.MJO busltpls; oals, as.cHKI bushels. ,lilpnienls
Wheat, Itl.UOU bultselt; corn, uH.IXKI biuliels
oats, 7,n00 bushels.
Chicago Grain and Produce.
Ciiit.uo. Di
t lose ot liavij
leading Into!
.bit ttaiy i tosit
closed with a gain
. I.
.1 1 Ion
Aigentlne damage lepoils,
on thesea of Aov were
1 advance In wheat toda.v,
over venlciday. May corn
of ' ,1.1 Ue. Pti,vision.s at the
i lose vvete 2ii;iilrie. bight i. Ca-h quotations weie
as follows: l'lotir (Jttiet und Meady: No. .1
-ptlng vvlipat, (7laa71c. ! No. 2 red, 7Ju7de. I No.
2 oi it, :J7i; Nn. 2 yellow, .l7c.; No. " oats
JJlif.i Xo. 2 white. 2llaJUip.; Xo. II while, Mil
20c,: No. 2 lie, .'Up. No. 1 lia. s,l,07ii; No. t
iioithivpi.1, I.7(J: timotlij, sl,lthi4.:i0; pork, Ha
11.12'!:; laid, 7a7.02',il libs, ?).o0.i7i ihouldm,
."i7u(i',ie, ; sides, vk.Viati.Aj; whiskey, ifl.2".
Aiiivllian Sugar ,,
Ainelhall Tobacco
Am. S. i: W
Atth., To. : S. I'e ,,,,
A T. i S. l' Pr Tiutlloii ,,,,
Halt, k Ohio ,,,,,
Cont. Tobacco
Chov & Ohio ,.,, o7?
Cble, fr tl. W ,. UH
Chic. II. k O ,, ...... 1J0U
st. Paul vml
Hock Uland U3
Delaware k Huiison . ,,,tia7,
Kedeul Steel iS',1
Va.lar.1 Ut.ul P. IZlZ
Kan. Ii Tex.,Pr
LottU. Ii Xath , ,
Maiiliiitlau I'.Ip ,
Mimiuii PaeiBe
Seranton Wholesale Market,
(Collected by II, O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave,)
Hutter Cieamcry, 2.ia2lc. ; dairy tubs, 2Je.
Kggs Select western, 17c. ; nearby itate, 19c.
Cheese Pull cieam, new, WSe.
Heans Per bu., choice inanow, ?2. 411; nicdliim,
f2.S0; pea, $2.80.
Potatoes COe.
Oiiioia-OOf. per bu.
Hour Ut patrnt, ift.OO.
New York Grain and Produce,
New oik, Die, 4, 1'loui lime atllve, ll
Ing fieely al old pities and closing ti i lit. Wheat
Spot ttiin; Xo. 2 led, 7STi', f, o. b. alloal; No,
2 led, 77Tf. elevator; No. 1 noilliein Diilulh,
!.'ii. f. o. b, ailoat; options gentialli Itiltt
and higher, closed btiimu al !i,e. net advaiict",
July closed 7HUc,; Mauh, sOlje.; May, T0V;
December, 7i?e. Cinn Spot ktioug; o. 2,
4UH'. t'levaiot and luc, f, o. b. ailoat; op
tions active and ttl0itgi- led b.v a shaip li.-e iu
Herembi'l ; clo-rtl olroug; Mav closed IJ1,;!.;
December, Ii'.'.p, Oati. Spot Kltudy; 'o, 2,
20i,jc.; No, a, 2o!ii.; No. 2 while, Jil'.ji'.; No.
.'1 white, 2a?ii'.; Iiatk luhtd uwieili, 2oa-J7!Bf. ;
lltitk wblle, 'Js.fJk,: option, fhiiier but utltei.
vvi dull and fratuii'lr. Iliiltei i'liiii' iiejin
eiy, J7a2'i,(at'. ; failuiy, UalJije. ; June ticaiuci,
IbaJ.t'jC ; imltalloii iicameiy, lliapic, ; stale
dairy, lilaili. Clitee Stiong; laige Scptintbir,
llallUc; small Septeuibci, 11 'ii.; laige late
made, li-, ; kinall late nude, ll?(. Lggs--Slioitg;
late anil Peniisjlvaitla, 2Ja'.")t.; vvtsttln,
regular paiklng, 2la2V.; wcliin, Iim oil, 2Sp,
Philadelphia Drain and Produce.
Philadelphia, Dec, 4. Wheat-Firm and le,
hllfhci; t'ontract gudc, December, 7J)ia7.r.
Corn Firm and higher; No. 2 inhetl Deccmbei,
4JHaSf. OaU-Ouiet but lliiti; No. 2 white
clipped, 3tV. Wool UnchaitgcU. Hutter Vie,
higher; fteslt ueaiby, 'Jbc, ; do. wctteiu, 27i.;
do. outhvvetcrn, VUie. ; do. snnlherii, 2'n'. Cliiesp
Firm; New Yorf full creajni, fancy mnall, llli
tUVie.; do. do. do. fair to choice, lO'.iallc. Itt-
Chlcngo Live Stock Market.
hicigo, Dee. 4. Catlle-Htxt'lpta, fl.OOu; gen
eially steady, intituling buicltci' stoilc; nattie,
be-t on sstlc today, two cuik Chiisfiuas at M.10,
Hid to piluie steer-, $..4"ia(i; poor to medium,
Mri.:i."i; .splfttt'd Itedeiis, tteadv, Ts).,V)a4.25,
luKetl pluikeis, SJ.2."ia.l.70: covvt,, V.lki4.l.i;
beifiis, sj.i,-,., i.t,.-,; cannets. .$Ja2.00; bulls, i,Mi
4.l,i; calves, low, closiu; 2op, lower, t.50aS.Sii:
Texas fed stem, 'Slat.00; Texas aleer.t3.S0
ul.l.'i; Texas bulls, SJ.JOa.l.'i'i. Hogs lleedptn
loday, at.nOO; tnmoiiow, 10,000; left over, .1.000;
opened Miongci', ilosptl e.islei ; top, $I.87H;
iitlxtd and btitihei, good to choir
heavy, I..Via4.M; iiiugh Itcavy, ti4.IOj4.0O; light, bulk .,f ah.s, st.7Ua4.S0. Sheep--Iteieipts,
1ii,ik1; sheep and lambs opened btpade,
iloslug t.low; goodt o chilli e vvetlteis, $la4.D,i;
lair to choiip mixed, 51.7.'ia4.0'i; w-etein nhestp,"i; 'I' ex.tssbeep, !fJ,jl)a:j.C0; native lamhs. H
al.a.'i; fair to choice mixed, frJ.75a4.tVJi xvestern
hheip, 'slal.a.'i; Texas sheep,; natir
lambs, 'fltjiO; we.sleni lambs, 4.7Sifi.(iO.
East Liberty Stock Market.
Past l.lhe ily, Deo. 4. Cattle Sleady; eitra,
H40.ri.iiil; loinnitin, Vial.'iO. Hogs Steady;
pilme heaviis and mediums, fl.S5al.90; heat
nikiii, and good pig, ifl,6Oa4.O0; r.onurton t
lull, do,,; roughs, Ijsko0a4.i. Bbeep
Mioiii steitilv ; iltoiie wetbeis, $,1.803(1. rnmmnn,
s.ila2..ii); i hull e lambs, $o.a0.i3.u0U' Common tn
good, l.5rt.i1.2i; veal calves, fftl.SOiT.
Buifalo Live Stock Market.
Il.t-t llull.tlo, Dee. 1. ItecclptsM'attle, h cirn;
kin i p anil lambs, III cam; bogs,'H can. Ship
tut lite, Cattle, 4 cais; sheep opct lainbs, 0 cars;
hogs, 7 cji. Cattle steady; eholco to cictra,
S7.7' l.amlto Choice to 'extra, $a.SOa5.40 ;
beep, choice In exlia, lal.21, Ilogs Ucivy,
l,(ij.t'i; plgd, ir.1.
New York Live Stock,
New Yolk, Dec. 4, Beeves Steady; calves,
feeling steady; veals, ila3.80; little calves, 14;
graders, nominal. Sheep ami lambs Trade lim
ited but niaiket etcady; sheep, iJJ.WjL'JS; export
wiilifpi, Y4"V); lambs, $ja.o0. Hogs Noising
tlolng; noinlnally steady.
Oil Market.
Oil City, Dei. 4. tiedit balamen. 1,07; cer
tllicalcs, otteiiil H,mVy, 1.(H14 liW shipments,
Tli.tMi-'i luitils', uvuage. W.ITo batieh; i tins, 96,
774 lutiels; aeage, 71,130 barieU.
How's ThisP
We n ft it Hue lltiitdied Dollars ltevvatd for any
iae of Catauh that cannot be cured by Ilall'i
CatJrih Cuie.
P. J. CIIKNKV & CO.; Toledo. O,
We, tlt'o itiideislgned, have known K. J, Chfiiey
for tlie last lo .veais. and believe him perfectly
honoiable In all bti'lncu transactious ami flnan
ciallyable lo cany out jny obllgatiom made
bv tliolf Hun.
West k Tiiuv, Wholeaalo DiugghsU, Toltdo, O.
Waldlug, Kinuaii & Maiiiu, Wholealo Drug
gi.tti, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catanli Cure is takes internally, acting
illicitly upon the blood and mucous ur(aci of
lite sjetfiu. TcsliiiioutaU lent, free, Price 7c,
per bottle. Sold bv- all HruggUti.
Halt's Family pills aie Hie bet.
a.' r
-i- , - i
i- H --?d
, .jLpj
.j4 4iwli ifc'i .- -ShJu(-.- -W,a m-
t Hi. sZjHUviftT n-, ,