TJV'V vtsT"0 ffTri ff-S - 5 tr'c 5? i V" K,,?f I'nJ'SfT''i 'J ""?- fl,4qj, i y.t; j jT1 r, i fti. it V ij.v -v ? - tr v nir-iC, f e - " r t a: THE SCRANTON tBIBUNE-TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1900. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA FACTORYVILLE. Speilal tn I lie "-million Trlliuii(. Piicloryvlllc, Dee. a Mr. IMiil Wll- con, of Now YtJl It, VVIIM lip lltltl fllt TliankRKlvliiK1 hoio wllli lilt parent J. tied .Inflict lnilRf, Nil. I..M, Itnlepi llil rnt Oitler of Odd I'ViIhwi uotiTui ' I tin? Ililnt dciinc ill lliell' H'Kiiliir iiir-ollim l?t fntunl.iy Hirlit. Nod Wtdi'iimn cime to tn i Hu ll iv night to attend loiln. and put his 1'iiy iiiaio in the liotel nl ilik-, Hi-'il with a neck i opt- hilltop. Wh"i lie wi'lil to act Ills hoi-m tn iro liotit lie found It dead in tin- stall. It hail o Month- j-nt fiiHt In Homo Hhapi' and choke 1 to death. The. Sti-nipleM fimill. held llii'li iiu iinul family leiiiilun mi TlmnkslvJHB dny at the home or Piofessor KiinmcU. of this plate. Those who pai took of the Thnnkiglvlnir illnni'i' fiom out of town vveie ieoiiru V. lleiulntr and family, of Noith Jlohoopany: J. . Kunsiiiiin and family and O V. StemplPM and family, of Mehoopany, and S. J. Tielble, of Vosliutn MIhs Kllulictli WilBley has aiiepted a position In Caenovln, N. V., when' .she. went last Tllday to enter upon hel duties. .Mil It. D C'liaxe and two ihllilien left Suiitliiv iilirht lor (lebo, Mont, -wheie nlie will Join her husband and make their tuttiiu home. Mi. Chase linn pun llnseil a puipelly thele anil launched Into business Mr. and Mm Wilson Stalk, of Hast Li'innn, spent TIuiimIiiv nlirlit and F'tl dav with ti lends heie. .). O. (Jlsei, ot Si I Hilton, spent ThankBlvlmr hen- at the home of Mr Hild Mm A A. Ill own Mr and Mm 1'ilie, of Moublc. and Mi. Kletllne ate ThanksBlvIng tmkej with Ml. and Mis ; T, W.itklns, of Mnln stieet The Utirdnei fuinllj held theii auminl leiinlon at the home of Ml. and Mm 1) C O.iklov mi Th.inksgU Iiir da, un nccoiint ol whleli appealed in vester du's Tilbtinc P.xulowna liebukah lodge. No IS, In dependent Oidei of Odd Tellows, w ill meet in ickiiImi session this evening and Install the ollkers-elei t Aftei which a social and lefiesliineiit will be t-ei ed. The boioiiKh council will meet and ( leai up what business ims .lrcuimilnt cd dining the p ist month Duuiinicr evangelist Williams uuti pled the pulpit at the Methodist I3pis i opal Uuiiili Sunilnv ev tiling and It being the liltrlit ten the union tempei .ime sei vices the nudieiue tased the full cip.ii It of the chtiiih. Mi. Wlll iams spoke fen ovei one houi on the vlls of fiti miK diink and was listened lo by .in uppiei ititlve congipg.itloii liev O It Smith, of the Baptist (lunch, will lietuie in the Baptist t inn (h at I'cckvllle this (Tuesd.n ) evening Subjci I, "The PiepJiatlon of rhiist foi Ills Woik " The Women's Chilstlan Tenipeiance union will hold u public sot this af ternoon at theii looms fiom '2 to 1 o'clock. A box of clothing will lm sent to the ftiilvestnn suffeieis and light ii iiesiuuents will be seived foi which the small sum of live cents will be i liaised. TJveij lioclv w t Iconic - SUSQUEHANNA. pn u tu Hip Scrmton Tribune Susfpiehanna, Dee. ! I'nngiessmun and Mis. Wi Itfht have letuintd to Washington Itussdl T.iloi, of New Yoik cltv, spent Suadav with Susipiehain i li lends Mi. and Mis William N. Tucker .spent Sunday with fiiends In Clmii i. The Avenue Methodist chinch, ol Oakland, will hold a lair and ioit-t pi,; supner In Ilogan Opeia Hiuse on Wednesday eeniiiK. The Suso.up hanna band tuinlshes music foi the ou i aslon. Cjeoige Sousa will leave this evening foi Alabama, to Join Olaik's-Clieus as a iiuislt Ian. William M. Post, esri , of Montrose, Mas piofpssionallx engaged in town on Satuiilay. Stmt in La lodge of Odd IVIIowrf. of tills plate, togethei with the Iltu.i Ue bekali lodse, last evi-nlng attended the Aenue MetlioiliBt chinch, in Oak land, antl listened to mi iiellent sei imm bv the pastoi, Rev. W, M. Bou ton. Moody Relief coips, fJuinil Ainn of tho Itepublle will he Inspected and hold an election of ollltois on Tucil ly j enlny. The fnneinl of Plmilcs H snu of Mr. and Mif- Oeoige H. laittlmor, of the Oakland side, look place fiom the home on Satuuliu morning. The ic- Collapse. Caused by ' over work? No, caused hy unucrnourisH ment. Work rarelv causes collnnse. It s i worry the outcome of n low condition of the nervous sv .stent and inadequate ..i.Miuuii nuiui Kc""y causes col lapse, ihe collapse seems sudden, hut in reality it ih a slow process. The stoin nch and organs of digestion uiul nutri tion are diseased, the noiirishinent in the food eaten is only partially extracted and imperfectly assimilated. The blood be comes, impure; the very fount ,of life is poisoned, and home day all the faculties and fitnctious. go on a strike. That's collapse. I)r, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the organs of digestion mid nutrition, purifies the blood and builds tij) the weak body with sound lieulthy flcbli, l wan cured ofa very bad case of indigestion, aoc;lateil with torpid livtr, by the use of Dr. Pierce's OoUle a Medical JJistover-." writes Mr O. R Bird, lof Brnsl(lc. l-utnam Co. V. Vn. 'Before I beKnii the uc or'ltoldeu Medical Div coverv' I hail no appetite toiiUl not sleep, nor work but yexy Utile, bowels constituted and life wan a misery to me After taLIng four bolllei. 1 felt so well that I went to work., but boon got worse, so I used it about eight weeks loiiRtr, when I was permanently cured Dr. Pierce'b Jletlicul Adviser is sent free on" receipt of stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Send ai one-cent stamps for paper covered book, or 31 stamps for j!oth, to Dr. K. V. Pierce, Hufialo, N. Y, Ull BjTBB Ml mains Ucio Intel led In MeKune loine teiv. Mm. Mnikliuitjytiii aged tesldent ot the Oakland side, 1 seiloui'lv III. Mlfs Sam Atideisou, of the Oak land ldc. who Is attending lchool In Washington, 15. (" , Is ut home for a lew davs Chillies III own silee-eds William tves no oi email of the 1Me lotlllil house. .Inlin O'N'elll succeeds Ml. Hiown as night (itiglne dlspatihei. l-i If l"li email (leoige Miown, of Ihe Onklninl side, was on Piidav night found iincoi'Mdous in the engine tank at On ego. He had been slil(l."ii with Uicmtctonm, and vviik In 'i eoniotose Hlate for nine hoilM. The f'lneial ot the kilt llowaul U Oillliths net ut led 011 Sunday nf tol lman fiom the fainllv icsldent" tit Ulilsh-llle. Itev. .1. I.. Williams, p'n lor or Ihe Sis(piehaiin'i Itaptlst (liurtli, ollklatlng. Inleimeiil was made In Maple Ridge ctinet"iy. l'dltoi and Mis. A. W. Cook, of It" posit, spimt Stindm with Oiklnnd sil, lelatlvfs. Hoy. II It. r.ake of niiihaiuton, oieupli'd the pulpit ot the Piesbv tei Ian thill ih 011 Sundav moinlng and even ing. Meetings will lit held In the Metho dist thuieli oath nviiilnu of the pies ent wek. The Ladles' Aid soitetv of the Oak lnnd C'ongtogatlonnl Inn li will hold nn oyster Htipper at the tesldence ol .lames (ielett. In Oakland, on Tuesday evening. ' A milk station and (lenmeiy Is be ing elected .11 Slevdis' Point Thompson is agitating the sublei I of a cinnlng Ini toiv. Mm M. U i:iHinan Is the guest of lelntlvs In Piovldeiue. It I. The ladhs ol the Baptist (lunch held a fait .mil plant sale m the liiidall building on S.ituidnv ( veiling. Thcv ir ilUeil $J"i The still or William Meisellus. of lilngh.inilou. ogilnsi Siisiiielianii 1 founts, to tot me the Jl.AOrt iwuid olfeitd lot the appiehensltm of Ihe nuiideieis of th. lat" V .l'i(kon Pepper, of 'tush town ship has been laid ovei ome mioi" Theie nie other claimants all or whom 111.1v ilh of old age beloie thev letelve nnv duetts fiom the county. BRADFORD COUNTY. ripishl to (tip StrmUon 'Irilmne Towaudn, Dec. " t'limliml tiiuit opens today with .lodge ranuing on the benth. A. B. CoiMin. who ( lainis Vestal. N. V . 1ms been placed tindei uiest on the (haige of being an aeessoiy to the lumilei ol Silas Moon, new New Al bany He will be biouglit to this counts on loquisltlon pnpets The W.valuslng people aie maklmr nn etToit to have the anti-bililaid and pool law ol the township and boiough lepeiled at the next scstjion of tlu1 legislaliue, John Peib, a Civil star veteian, died 1 1 out injuiks ictelved In a fall fiom 1 hotel window at Athens II" hid iclatives at Caibondnle The annual meeting of the BiadfoiJ County Agilcultmal society will be ht Id not Monday. The maulage of Miss Julia 11. Phln nes and C. Malcolm Mvei will of cm at ihe AletliocMst Kpiocojial t lunch on V dnesday moi nlng The Patilotle Oidei Sons of Amuilc 1 will hold theii annual liamiuet next Kildnv evi ning A tine pioianmie vsill be fuinislied and light loticthments sei v ed The leligious census of Towaiitln was loken Satin day to'enoon bv 12" Sun dav sehool woiKcm. A slight die oicuiied in tile P.vne block Fildiiv night. Consideiable damnge was done by watei. 1( Is now (1111011' that Supeilnlond ent Keith, of the Malnnov and Hii7lf ton ill" Nlon of Ihe J.ehigh Vallev, will talce the simii.ii position tilled by O. O Ksser, ot Sasie, who is oi) n feeble health J. A. Dioege. who Is now lining the position, will letmn to his old position as tialmnastei at Uaston. Mi. Keltl. k sutecssoi will be O. W. Hi ill. of Delano. The tenth anniveisaiy of Waseily's flee dellvei system was (elebiated by Ihe postal olllclals and mall ear llei at Postmaster Cienung's home Sa tin day. The lemalns ol Miss Kiln Ollumui', who died nt Wyoming, will be buibd at Ulster today. Tinted Statfs Jlollnn had business at Allentown f'lldnv. Hi, J. P .Me) tin Is spending some time in Delnsvaio lountv Willi 1 da tives A visit was made .11 a she known as the Heath house In lust fcjuyie, bv l.elllgll Valley Detective Caskey, Cliiule" Oildley, an Hile ndlclal and W, V, "Similes, ot III111I1.1. captain of police on the Susquehanna and Alle gheny division of tlie Ihlo, ac companied by otlieis, The place was seal (hod fiom cellar 10 ganet lor good? which vveie dalmed to have been stolen fiom the Kile and Lehigh Valley uilioads. Aftei making a thoiougli seuieh thiough the dw'ellln.r and oiitbulldlnss, the oillceis lound, undei tlie bain, nine bags of clntliiut;, (onipiising ten Hiilts, olghtfen over coats, a iliuntilv of silk plush, diess goods, linen, shoes, slilits, belt lacing, making a value of fl'.O. The oyeiconts v,oio foiinil to have been stolen fiom tile Kilo and belong to a lot of thll ty seven, vvhlili weie stolen last October. Thev also eouc.spoiiil with some stolon at Kaeoyv llle, It Is now thought the gang- of cai lobbeM has been feuetid out. Tluee of the menibeis aie now in the county jail awaiting Dial, their names being Michael mid James Boyle and Daniel T.ampheie. Mm. Daniel T-uniphcio has also been m lested on n wuiiaul ehaiglng her wilh letelvliig stolen goods. A Immiuet and p.oolf was celn braled by the nieiiibeis of tliw National 1'iotiUive l.eglon at tho Putilotio Or dor Sons of Anieika hull op lilduv evening, Tim event was attended by about MO mombeis and tlieli Invited guests and an addiess was given by the national secietuiy, fjtoigc A Scott, aftei which ho tllstilbiited checks, lioldlng the amount of divi dends which become. paiible at the end of Use ycais. Theio vveie fmty nieiiibeis to tecelve payments, wlijeu ill tlie nggiegnte, amounted to uhout 11000. The Tow.indu legion has a huge mcmbeislilp ut Towanda, Music was fiiuilshtd by the oichcstia, and light inficshnients vveie seived. MM. Lull! 11 Mayiiaid died or typhoid fever on Kilday, Her husband died 11 few weeks ago liom the same ills ease. This county Is liable to lose one of Its tlttee representatives Minulil a iifipoitlonment of th state lie mil neroidlng lo the last census. Th" Ladles of the Ataunbccs Snvie, gave their friend" 11 bamitii last vveUi llefnie election a wager Was agleed upon bv the Uiittl sup lioili'is to give the MeKlnleyltes a baiKplet If MotClnley was elected, and the Mct'llllev silipoileis would do the snnip If Ih an was the vvlnnei. Tlie DenioiiiiiH did nobly In piivltig the Wilgot at their bolilillllll icpast, which was en loved with dancing. A, tj, Suimmnn's esei' 10111 rdv ih 11 inn, "The Itml Widow Blown," will hold Ihe boaids ill Hale's op'Ui liniiio on Weilnesdav ovoli'. The 1 ompiin v has visited Towanda bcfoiu and will be given a lull house. SPRINGVILLE. spiilnl Id Ifii ci inluli IiIIiiiiio. Hpiliigvllle, Dee. I! W. B. Knoiis will move fiom the Newton latin to the John Young place neni Moutioxe and in iitldi t ton to the faun will 1 (induct a meat niaikot, Huiton Cailtou lias concluded to have Ills house lepalnteil. S. 0 Ctitvei, of this place, has been engaged to do the woik. As he has had thirty eus' expel Itnce In the business, the woik will no doubt be done In a woikniun llke inannei. On Satuiday evening last the fol lowing vveie Installed as ollbels of Vesta lodge. No. 187. DailghteM of Ite bekali: Miss Ktta Lake, N. (1.; Mis. Alice Tiavls, V. li.; Kiln N. Ptitchaid. letoidlng societal'; Miss Jennie Stang, llminclal sedotai; Lucy Wakelee. tleasinei. Kdgai L riutton has letoveied fiom his Illness and Is at Ills duties at the l.vnn milk station. Ch.ulcs A. Thomas lias so fai ie coveied fiom his late sl( kness us to be able to go over to La Plume and eat a Thanksgiving dinner with his (laugh tei. MM. S B Wage It. K MeMhkens has lented Stlliiit Rlle.v's tin m. Meultt Oaklev. or Nlcholsun, lias been (liculaling about town lately. 1 1 1 A Stiickktnd has been sei busy ol late la busing, packing and shipping apples He has In en pas lug L'"c. pet bushel. Stephen C Beemun has been vei slil; the past ten davs wllh pneumonia Auburn Center lodge. No. 10". In vited the meinbeis of Maple and Ls nn lodges, Nos 'I9J and I'd, Independent Oidei of Odd Fellows, to meet with them Satin dav evening for afiateinal visit William Gas lite and wile last week dep.11 ted foi Fltdibmg, Mas Klniei M. Coinpton nnd wife came over fiom IT.ufoid to spend Thanks glvlng, with lelatlves heie Klniei is piindpal of tile tjiaded school theie. 11. P Stang and Oiange Whitney aie engaged in la lug a iittantity or nag ging Toi James K. Aldilch. j Many wells and spilngs have been leplenished b the late tains, but un less mole l.iins come mans s ill le 111:1 in div. HONESDALE. Spuiil In Hip s, nnton Irilmne Hoaesdale Dec. '! The lied Indians, or Caibonilale, and the llonesdiile loot ball team vv HI plav on the silk mill grounds on Wednesda nftemonn. This game is looked foi waul to vvitli much Intel est, as It was in a lecent name with the Indians that the Honesdale boss suffeied theii 111 st deleat in two eius The tlilid niimbei in tlie Chilstlan Kiidcivoi entei talnment cotnse will be given Fiida evening, Decembci 7. In Ihe opeia house. Subject, VPhture Plav," fiom 'The Little Minlstei," by Albeit Aimstiong The elitet talnment Is sti hlglil leconiinentled b those svho have witnessed the play. Mr. Paik Schoonovei, an employe of the AVolls-Faigo LXpiess company at Puteison. N. J., spent Thanksgiving at Ills Honesdale home. Mr. Cieoige Com tiiglit, ot Philadel phl.'i. and sistei, Mis. L D. Kemmeier, ol Fat toi v ille, base been spending the ji 1st few davs with theii hi other, Mr. C. A. Couitiight, on Fionl stieet. Mr Zenns Russell has spent a shoit s.uation Horn school with his paients lute. .Mi Ch.ules Mauley, as Seth Hui k i"s. in Down on the Faim," at the opei.t house Tlunsda evening. This Is a comedv full of fun, and Is spoken of vei highly bv the pi ess of the prill tipal citlts as being slnillai to Den 11111 ti Thompson In ' The Old Home stead." The play eauies a stiong com pany. The give a noondas pai.ulc. . NEW MILFORD. Spei IjI tu II11 sLrJlnn Milium' New Mllloid, llec. I W. U Chup maii, svho has been seilnusly 111 with pneunioiila is convalescent. Mi. and .Mm. Unity Haitlett and daiighlei, ot Hlughamtou, aie guests of Mi. and Mis J, Vails Mls4 Catlieilne .Shields entet tallied 11 number or hei .voiing 1 1 lends at hei home Fiidav evening. Miss Chilli Indeilied lelianed fiipu New Voik last Wednesday, vvlieie she has lit en visiting iclatives tile past s vv eeks. Mr. and Mis. Auiliew Mead, ol Mont, weie, guests or Mis. 1'. F. Moss Ti Iday. Jlett Mooie, ol Hiooklyu, N. V,, spent a lew dns w'ith his motliet. Mis. L W, Moote last week. Thomas llutclilugs, 01 Ilallsleud, was (ailing on f 1 lends In town Satuiday, T. J. MiCailhy inaile a business tilp to Sciantoii last Wednesday. Cieoige .MtConiull seilouslv lujuied Ills aim last Wednesday while at woik lit tlie saw mill Mis, Ileiliy Hill tun l, wh'o has been siifleilng with blood poisoning tlie past lew weeks Is slowly lecoveilllg, (leiiltt (liudiiei, of Montiose, called nn iclatives tn town Sunday. Miss Maine lleltzmun, of liiighum ton, wns 11 hiicst at the home of hei biothei, Albeit Heltsmau, last week, JuiiHb .Millieady spent Sunday at ills home In Klmlia. D. Vim Husklik Is cuiot tabling his niece, Miss Uelkliap, of Alfoid, FOREST CITY. spuiil lii llic suniluii lillmm rnifst t'it, Dee, 3 Miss Holla fill clu 1st, who has been visiting iclatives heie, will letuiu to her home ut Coino tomoiiow. Miss Flo (lilclulst went homo Sunday, Miss Maile llionit lias letliiued fiom a visit ut .Montiose. Villi Mllllger, ol, letllim-d home Sunday, after a tluee diis' visit In Foiest Clt. Tlie uiliiuis of this vlclult uie anx iously looking toiwaid to tlie two weeks' pay Btcni, which, It Is thought, will come Into vogue with the new eui, Foiest City lodge, Flee and Accepted Masons, elect ollicei.s this evening. Mi.s Oeoige Oliver and duughtei, of Carboiidale, wcie guests at the home of A. l.Ige one day 1. 1st week. THEATRICAL, ATTRACTIONS FOR THE WEEK. Lyceum. I nod it "Kim (low," Wiiliiofliti "Huum Uliii1" 1 1iiril,i t . Itl lit mil Silimli; mi.l silmdn liutllief "Mil P1HM1 I'd't." Academy of Music. All Wik-'llip Moil In li(itiiln-. Qnlety. ' I'lKl Dili t Hits -"Viidli ul Un tlrluit." I il lliire Dili Tin- (Sit Itiltlfilb." "The Lost Pnindlse." The John A lllnitui lelu (onipanv, The Idi ills, op 'lied a w 1 elf's engage ment at the Academy of Music last evening, piesctitlug "The Lost Paia dlse." The house was fahly tiowded and the atlilleiice fieiiuelitlv show 'led foi 111 much mellted ilililatlnc, 1'lii play, "The Lost I'aiadlse," Is, wlllioui 11 doubt, the in littlest play evev ,i It ten dealing vvitli the doubles butwten capital and laboi. The play as wi It ten on bioad-iiilnded Hues and uoihluj Is exaggeiated, but, Instead, Is -in ( x act lepiodtictiou of evety dav life as seen by us all, year hi and .sear out. The clcctiluil and sieilie effects us"d In the piodtu lion of the pleie weic supcib; especially so was the mill Hiene In the tlilid ai I. The (in lain llses 011 that act show ing the olllce of the mill vvitli the ma chine shops In the leai and as tlie peo ple pass fiom the olllce to the shop a nuisslve door opens, showing n gigan tic llv wheel lev oh lug at a untitle tale ot speed. The din and noise heiud In thl iiel was veiy t.milllai to those who toll each day In the inachliie shops of this city. The iittlng company was all that could have possibly been ex pected. Miss lleattlce Katie dlspliied gieat diainatic talent In hei impel son atlon of the lole of Clndei, the fin loiy gill of tlie huppy-go-liu lev tvpe, and pleased Iininetiselv. Specialties weie Intioduced between the aits by tile vaudeville membeis ot tlie company, among whom ate Ihe Musical Havens, two as clevei niilsl ( huts as have et appealed in Ibis ilty. One of the big realities ol this company Is the band and oicliestia, each of sslioni letidei (lassie and pop ular music In 11 inasteilv manner Theie will be a flee open ail ((illicit by the band twite dailv dining the sta In Suanton. one at 1 o'clock and the othei at 7 p. m The plav this attoinoon is Fied Aideli's gieat scenic production. 'Tile Kagle's Nest." and tonight "Noithetu Lights," a beautiful ( cuned v diani.i will b" pio dilced "Queen of the Olient." A musical etiavagana full oL fun and devoid ot suggestive tcatiues oi intlccenl jokes was piesented at the Oaletv tlieatei esteiday under the title ol ' Queen or the Olient." The ex tiasagiina is In line of the "Tar and T.utai" and "Fatinitra" and spaikles with liumoi and blight music. The specialties aie intiodtiLed between the two acts of the phi, and those of Ashley and Woole .and Geoige H. Can and Kniilv .Toid.ui weie paiticu lai 1 good Miss Agnes H.uon, a oung lady who attempted to sing lag-time music, has evidently gained liei knowledge ot tlie subject enlbelv fiom he.usav. Lillian Thelma sang a beautiful ballad In the last act, svhith was, howevet, gieall mailed by two alleged lomedians and a bladdet. 'The Qu"en of the Olient" will be at the (iuletv today and tomoi iow, afternoon and evening "Keny Gow" and "Shaun Rhue." In a bile) thought as 'to the Iiish diani.i, so-c ailed, theie aie lew. eiv few, Ti ish piass that base lived, pios ppid and leniained.ln fasoi more tlian two oi tluee seasons, while those that have lolled up a recoid svheie the counting of theii lives ciri us Into the teens, mnv bn told on imp hand Title, the ranious "P.uldy Miles" and 'On 111' Last Legs" and the dianias of "Inshavogue" and 'The Colleen Bnvvn" weie populai foi man eais, but thu dining tlie old "stock" davs Thev novel had tin test of "i ombln.itlon" ilvalis, o that thev mnv be used In (.ompiiiKon with "Keuy Go " and "Shaun Rhue," Foi longevity of Iile and continuous popu Illlty and piospeilly. those two plays ate without llvnls "Keuv (iovv" will be mesented Tuesdav nlglit and "hli.iun TShtie ' Wetlnesdas nlglit at the Lvieum I "Way Down East." One ol ihe most substantial sue riistps scoied ill theatt IctiN In New Yoik ilty last season was the piodue t Ion of Joseph R. Gilsiuei's olaboiatlon of Lottie Willi Paikei's iiistle toinede dian'.i, "Wav Down Kast." it tiowd ed the Manhattan tluatei lot seven months season beloie last and itin i'oi the entile sejsou at tli " At odem.vKol Musk last w Intel, and nothing but th dog davs ot the latter end ol June caused Its wlthdiawal 'Wav Down Knsl" has duplicated lis Nlw Yoik sue ess In Boston and Philadelphia, and its piesentatlon at the Lyceum TluiMclav. Fiidu, Saiuiila nights and Satuiday matinee is Keenly await ed The scenes ol" this pluv aie all laid In i ill al New Kngland. .Mr, Cliismer's (tabulation lias been to make them nil mutual and .Mi. Rrady has t oiitcu uicl to the same point. This no doubt Is laigelv iesponiblo loi the j;ieat .sin less the play has iiiiuK The theater going public despise fXiiRgiiition, mid In a play of New Fngl.ind t.vpe of "siii( Acies" and 'Old Homestead ' older ibis litis been cast aside and the icsults have been highly pios,peious tn Ihell ownds The engagement or "Wav Down Kast" at tlie l. ctiiiii Is toi four pet foi malices, and theio hi liulo doubt but what the capadtv of Hint tlieatei Will be teste i (lining the ( iigngenieut. PITTSTON. Spuiil lu II ( s, lanlnn TiUmnv I'ltlson, Dec, :i. On Satuidav afte. noon tho late James (ilbbons, of this city, was bulled lu a casket mude to Ills own liking ovei twenty-live .veins ago, when lie was eugagid In the un dei taking business. Dm lug all tlie In tel veiling eais the i itllln was suite 1 tiway In an unusid t Inset In, tho I'hnenlx lltltl blnik, on South Mam stieet. The cisket was made of pine (oppei und was odd in loiistiuulou The sides and cuds weie paneled vvitli Fiepdi window glnss, Huougli whltji the handsome fancy lushmcic lining (oiild be plainly seen, The handles, Instead of bdllg siiewcd Into Hie Hide or the casket, weie held lu place bv L sli.iptd In ai cs lasteiied on tlie bot tom. The wishes of the "Sipiiie" con cerning his wcie fully cat I led out. After a set v Ice, c ovei lug a peilod of tifteeu jeiirs. Tallle Kvans Ims ten doled his leslBiiatlon as city edltoi of the I'lttston Unanlte, to take effect diirlng the latter pait of thin month. Mr. Kvans has not yet decided on deiinllo plans for the future. While (lilvinir under the Lohluh VaU lev's cut-nit bildge nl Duryca this af tei noon, n cut l luge occupied by a (tiutmii'M and his conchimin wns stiuck bv a WyomliiK Vnllev Ti action lonipuny's itir. The vehicle was de molished, but the Dtetttmnts escaped imliiiit bv Jumping. J. C. Hltchner. the well known "Till Hits" of West lMttston, Is tnulei going Heated al the bunds oi Dr. Slnk leai, In riilliulelphln, Mr. Hitchnct' Iris bten stiiTeiliig inllier sevoiely ror some time with stomach tumble. Mis. tlllchnei lias gone to Philadelphia to be ileal hei husband us much ns possi ble. N Mnt m T. ,T. L'onoian was luesented with a handsome gold medal yctei day uft"tnoon by a committee topic "pIUJiib the Kill tod Mine Woikers of this vicinity. The Demotlallc piluuiiles will bo held In this oltv on next Ratuidnv, and the eltv convention will be held en tho following Monday. Candidates v III be placed In nomination for the otllces of mayoi, ilty lleasmei, city lontioller tint1, tluee city as-seasois, also In the s ai Inns wauls candidates for the ofTleies of city ( oundlnien, school (outiolleis and (dectlon olileeis, Mm. Pntilck Hoston, aged CO years, a well-known lesltlent or Hrowntown, died this moi nlng about 11 o'clock, af tei a long Illness, of stomach tiotlble. Recent dentils: Mat tin Faddeii, aged -I years, of Can oil stieet. fu nci ul Tuesday at !) a. tu.: C, Fiauk Hagp-aid, aged 'Is veins, died at the Dinvllle hospital, funeial Tuesday at " p. in., Intel ment lu Pittston leme teiy: James Cohen, an nged lesldent of Hiowntown, died utter a long Ill ness, fiineinl Wednesday at s 10. California Excursions. Leaving Waslilngton every Monday, Wednesday and Filday at 40.4,"i p. in., via Southern Railway, New Tom 1st SleeptM, peisoually conducted, go through to San Fiancisco with out change or cats, conduetois oi porters. The route is thiough Atlanta, Mont gomeiy. New Oilcans, Houston, San Antonio, New Mexico, Arizona and Southern Calltoinla The cais are the sets- latest pattern ol' Pullman Tourist Sleepeis, bheh-wood finish, high-back seats, sixteen sections, supplied with linen, etc.. same as standaid sleepers, lighted with Plntsch gas, ivlde vesti bule, double sash, toller cut tains, lavatoiy and smoking loom for een Hemcn, and two letiting looms for ladles Tluee and one-half days to Mexico and AiUona. four days to Los Angeles and (he dass to San Francisco. The Touilsl Cai faie la less than via any other loute, saving fiom $23 00 to J30 00 foi the tilp. Cbas. L Hopkins, Distilct Passenger Agent, Southern Railway, 82S Chest nue stieet, Philadelphia, Pa., will be pleased to furnish all infoimition. Colds Melt Away It ou use Kiause's Cold Cute. Pie pal ed In consenlont capsule foim thev aie e.iss to take and effect i speedy cui" of the most obstinate cases. Piice'2-.i Sold by Matthews Bios. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New Yoik, Dec 3 Speculatlv e ac tivltv continued inther depiessed in stoi ks today. Business was on a ill miiiNhlng xcaie and lacked even the isolated fecttuies of gieat activity and stiength which gave It ehaiaclcr on tllffeicnt dos last week when the ten dency to (ontiact dealings was alieadv manifest. The opening of eongtess ind Hie piesentatlon of the ipiesi lent's message aie looked by tiadl tlou to supply motives for moving pi ices, but It tun baldly be said that any genoial influence was exeicised on pi ices jy those today. The message swis innde a device by professional tiadeis to effect some movement in Hie stei I stocks, that Is to say, alnim Ist rumoM sveie cm lent befoie its ap peuance of the stand taken on the "tiust" (iiestion. The stockp piosecl sulneiable to the beai attack and the decline bioiigbt out ( onsldcrable otfei Ings oi long stock effecting a decline il one time in Tennessee Coal of 4?i, and In steel and wlie of 314, Thes; weie tlie weakest stocks and they mi lled on shoit 1 ovei lug li nnd l'i re spectively. On the other hand, sugar was full ly buovaut. Using at one time t - and dosing with n net gain of JJi. In the outside mtiiket also, Standaid Oil sold at 810, leaving all pievlous 1 ei olds tar behind it. The upwaid iiish ot ovei six points in Pacific Mall was made at the opening tuut was iliomptcd by the geneial concurience in the views icpoited trom paity letuleis In Washington its to Hie pioml neiit place given liv the ship subsidy bill lu the pailv piogiamme foi the session. 'I here vvus (tuite a large shoit illteiest cauglll III the stock, which omplmsl(d the Use, Then- were also consph unus stocks In ihe uillioad list, which gained sliaiply, including Penu sylvonla as Ihe lendci. Total sales, liU.ino shines. The absoipllon of bonds coiiiluiKd huge, and iinpoitiiut piices weie gen eiallv hlghei. Hpecinl reatuies wcie Chieago and Alton 3!.s, King County Klevented ts ,,inj tlie t pel cent. Is sues of Noitolk and Westtiu, Vnion Pat ille nnd Reading. Total sales, par value $4,r.llS,n0li. 'Ih.- fnlluniiii.' iimUlloi in' fiirjiUlird 'Ihe 'Iriliine In M. S Ionian J In, rooms 7u5-70a Huns ImililliK, si union, l'j. 'Iilcplione ;)0.!, Open- lllgli- U)m H08. Iiik. rit. nt In;. Void iun silk n . .. .1MI',4 HI'i li '- .Viiuiliaii liiliui Idi l"W l.Hi IW Mil. Mid A Win. ... -HI H Wj Wi Vlililoni '' "i. .l'4 .'". Vlililuu I'l W M'i Wit Mj II K. 'hjcllon 7-"i 71 Tl'i 7! s ll.h.i .t (Hit., .Ml HIJ. I'll. 71l. Pil A. Illlil-nn 110 110 Hi1, UV, I iikawaiuu II, II I"J Is.' iv! sj I'liltMl Slid . , IUU J5 4S' IS5 I' Sin I, I'i, ... ,7Mi iii' 71pc Tft'S Kill .V liv , I'i l te-t 'Hl .li I011U 4. .NjIi W'i Si; S.11 . s., 11... Il.i.ti..! 11137.. IIXII. 1IUJ? IlikS. Mil 'tuition i;u4 I7I4 IMi'c irn'j Mb.11 IVillii' .... I0 IH'i Ml m; i'upU' i.js , .,, , iiui 101 m' umi; N I, Itnliul I'" -JI i)Tj. IplTs siiutliflll I'ulHu , , , IJ'i 4J4 IJ(i ii', Sullelk & mt ,. . IJJ, II I' UK Serllidli I'JtllK ,, . 70i 71 7Hi 70i nilli Pic llli, I'l , .! S.I li'i bi, V (tliiul Uh III'. ll"i HJTj iiiiuiiu i (i js jvj; y, -jv, I'liini 11. it 114 in3 iu unl I'ldllc MjII ,111 li IL 1711 H.aJlu,- 11 M i" Vh toil lluilinic IH,. I'l I Hi HIV 4 UP, MY, Siinliiin II. II Io'h fH Is'i b suillli. II, II , I'i . Iil US'i !'. (??, 'Uiiii Cull & Iro 7l'j 7-" liT'I U'l I. s IcjIIui Mi, l 2 liVi I S. lullici, Hr. . . "3 "s 75 7 1' s. Hiitilm i 'Jil'v , '"ili I'niuii I'JiIHe , lii 7J'J 71', :2 I'lilon I'jcillt, I'l. ... h! i s.' SJ, I'i ,..., .'I '!' .'I ul Vliiluii I ntin . . W si v si 'llilnl tdi.ii,' ., , , IIIVi mi, ii.i, i, JONAS LONQ'S SON8, rvyw-vvvS Christmas Things ind a Note . ''". SS$-1 C rsl 9 'w4 JfM' Thousands of Toys Kveiv ft eight train that comes into Seianton brings new ad ditions to' the tov Stock. As fast as they come in these belated shipments are marked and placed on,sale along with the rest. Altogether it is the (ireatest Toy Store Scranton has ever had. It would be haul for the little one to think of anything he might want and not find it here in some shape or other. That's the mission of a (iOOl) Tov Store, and wc aim to fill it. The Main Toy Stoic is' in the Basement. The Toy Annex on the Second l-loor is just as interesting, for much of the toy bed-room furnitiue, horses and eatts and sleds are quartered there. Our Dollar Gloves Tlie louas Long's Sons' Kid Qoves at One Dollar provide von with the erv best theie is for that money. They come direct to us from the g'loe center of l?rance, aiid from whom we think to be the maker of the best kid gloves in the world. You are not to compare them with any other gloves sold at one dollar, but von mav compare them with gloves sold at $1.2f and SI. .tl theii vott'll really see the merit in these dollar gloves. All shades in black anil white. Al sies of course. Christmas Books The Chi istmas -Book Store is in full blast now, with every wanted book on hand. If vou shouldn't happen to find what on want, it takes only a jiffy to get it here for you, and you'll pav us less than vou'll pay othei s. Some of the' holidav editions are quite novel in appearance this vcar. Most all of 'hem are extremely moderate in price. Thcie's going to be a good many sets of books sold these foi the ambitious student who is la ing the foundation of a li btary. We've ALL the good sets for ott to choose from, and at much more than oulinarily interesting prices. A Word About Shoes When ou go lo vour shoe dealer, does he tell you that if our Shoes do not give'peifect satisfaction ou may return them and get a new pair or our money back? Not much, he don't. Wc guaiantee every pair of Shoes that leave the store, antl make the guriiantee just as liHeral as we do on other lines of merchandise. Isn't it to sour inteiest to talk Shoes to us? Jonas Long's Sods NKtt U)KK I'ROPl'C i: VACIIWGF 1'RICPs- Opdi- llifc'li- low- I Im VWIKU' iB "' "' i' .Vlmih Tli'i 7H .Iik .tj Mil 7l 7!)'i 71 .'" Scranton Boaid of Tiade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS 1 net Uank llnl V-Ue.i. U'l s(l J II siuiilon .Savins'. lJin 'tliiul National Uiul. Dime Deposit jnd llisiunnt lljnl... Kioiioniv l.islit, II K V. Ci l-icku riusl Sifi Ufpoiit Co C talk, i snuvti to , I'l Scranton lion Fence i Vlfg. to ... siriiiton Axle WaxV- llcl.Jtt.iniH Dairv Co, I'i I ounlv Siiinua U ml- A. 'ini-t lo.. I n-t .Naliunil Hank (l aibuinlali).. suncluil DillllliR Co II idru' Nation 1 1 Umk viintoii Holt ami .Niu (o IIONUS N.iuiituii I'asMiigrr Itallttai, lii st V1oiIi;uki, din W I'fUplf'H sticit Ituilw.M, tli-t moi i - ItWC due 1II1S People ii Sluit llailwai, luiuial woilMM. dill" ',J-l llUkion JliiiiifurturliiK lo I uka Tuwinlilp Silmnl i (i mil. I'll) ot SLiiiiilon st, Imp il in lint siiautuii I r ii lion (t i mil 1o(l 1 (HI 'I I I I'l mi iij lii Hi 10(1 Itl J Ifti in Scianton Wholesale Maiket. (Collected by II. 0. Dal, J7 lackottanm Ave) Butter CrcamiTV, SlaJlc; elahy tubi, Jlo. njKSS(.iert wclein, 17c. j nearby .tale, lite Chees-Fnll cream, new, U'ic tlrans I'u liu , iliulce liuirou, fJ.10, medium, .'SO; pea, U 3d I'oiatoei 10c. Onions COc, per III 1 lour Uest patent, ?l CO. Philadelphia Qiain and Fioduco. I'l.iLddpliia, Hi i I Ulieil I inn mil i.i hlfcliu, contiail muilr, lln., 71 'ea7A I um I lliu, '.(. liislMi No J niKiil, Hit, IJ',1 IJVi . oiH "Hi- a nlinli III liu i ; No J ttliili Iih1, 0i. I lo ii -I nilianiiid. Iluiui -I i i in ; I nn , ttislein il iiiiiii, -'"i'.i . il. pilnlf. J"'. I ,u--l inn! llll liiJll', J7( . 'lo llHI i'i,; do oiilii-iiin, -Oi., do illinium JV. Ilieiix- I'Iiiihi. Niw oiU full iii.nii'., jn. ( Hiiiill. lllilllJi,t.i il do do, I ih lo i 'niu, H'-illli llillnul mikiis I i (iiaii),iil, (..IH li l-liu In At i , middling iiplind-, lu 7-1' e 'I.iIIhK Miaih (In iuIiiik hi liluU , lii' ,iiiii- I I iln , lililv , I vi l )n , ; I ike, ."iJi I In ioulll( linn and lihlm, fonl and ildikdu, lllll'l , Olll It tblt la, (lull il ; tint U-. .eoi ind lutlijr, t.i I (' . Ili.'-ul K.iilm Uoil, : liml-, ilioln', wl.ilH , do. fill In tood. SH.a"' . ol I l,i( l , 7(.; neiiliv ililikin, tlil-'i,. ttltli do.; iiiiI.()k, iliuiii lu faiu.i, Ui l.'iiilplk-1 1 hii, d.oiil tiaiirli, and 1,01 1.Umj ..niii'l- In; ((lull, r.niti I. ii. In I. ; i ul u, I7i,'ji I u-hel tnt. lii.'.iHH) sliipnitiilH HI i4i, l,i I iMkNj (Oin, J,iiou, oils, IU,ih.hi New Yoik Giuln and Pioiluce. NiV U'lki l I l"iu-'("lit and Iftlt all iIjv mil I lltll" mole at live al loiiuu iiiluc. Wlii.ll s,0i him, No i ltd, JS'.i f n h, and To'ii ilitaliu, No I nullum Um nil'. eM( I c l all mi. Option? hail a b""l llt iiiideiloiu all lav ttilli a lalih KlHi irfli nil ludf ( li- il nun and ";ia.i net dlui No 'J lid, .1 in . (loKi'd 77?i., Mauli, itl-'ei , Mji, TU'(,. I'u. i i"V ' "in "piil hi in l N" I', 'li'ti. ilnaioi, und l'ii. f. u li atloui. Optlou Uionir, iloitd hil'i at ' e i? . li I il taiut lai.uan tilled ll'it., Mai. Iir( , IM . 4l'ii, Oit--si nt quiet No J, Jii'vt., No I. .ill,. No. .' while-, Ji'.t , No ,1 ivluic, -fn , ti.iv k iiiImiI ni.liin. ihajiiji.j lud uliili, L'a'iatlli. Option tliadin will, loin, Inn u dull ul New oik. Iliitlir I'iuiii iiiinieit, 17 ui)la(.i iKtoi.t. l.'al i'it(.' -Jihk iiiamei, Il ail','i.; linllHlluii iiijiui'i.i, llal'ic. ; lato dull), llu.'li. I luce riiiuj lame fspt,, lit II', i.: mull sept , ll".., Iaii;i late made, iH,ilUo. ; mulNjli'. nmd. , JU. .lV(t..siiuii-, lnlr and I'uma , Viiin uiteiu. uvular patllui', iNiV , Moliin, o.s oil, ,. '' JONA 9 'LONQ'B &$$ of Warning liny early. That's it. Wi tlo not ;Mc jou to take the C'lnimtiias ("lifts away front the store, for we've, pleiity of loom to store them for on. Mtit'wc do ask yon to make our selections now, while the assort ment is at its best. In Toys, for instance. liver thing is new antl fresh and clean now. Wc yive the little folks lots of lee-way to enjov them. If ou wait until the day before Christmas' to buy, the very thing von may want, may be gone or soiled or broken. Too late to replace it then. Jluj now, and we'll lay it aya; for oii. Pay for it, or make a deposit on it, either wav that suits you best. Chicago Graim and Produce. Clucago, Dec. 3 Wheat Man failljr active ami tli in lodai on ImllUli etattnttcs, higher ctldei and a iiductuiii in the estimated Argenlliit; nir pin-, .l.ii i ii t elosiiiK '..c. hi?hf i', Jly corn closed '.i up and VI ii oatf, UaUc unproved l'nni-iui u the tloie were but little chanced fiinii sjmnlii. ( asli quotations were an fol lous. MvuiUull and itiadt; .No 3 sailng- wheal, H7ii701e ; No i rod, 71'sa7vllac i No ' com. Joiiti'it., No 2 jellott, .Wic; No i oatte, il ai.'ee , No .' ttliltc, JCiae ; No 3 uhltt, .'I'aJJbc.: .No. a ije, JOHr.; No. 1 flax, $l,Hi; No 1 noilhttel, il 00'a, timothy, fllfla4.)0; poik, Jllall li"., laid. 7a7Mi4i ribi, VI B0a7; -hoiililu.-, jjaail'ii ; sides. G triad G3; vrlilike), l 17, friiiiir. Cut loaf, 10.15; Rianulatod, ?"'.. Chicago Live Stock Maiket. Clilcjifo, Uie. 3 -Cattle HeoeipU, 18,009; (.ent'iillj adif, stroinr to lOe. Iilglin; hutch er iIulI.s, slow ; naliii, bfckl on tale lodaj, 7 i nlouU at si.; uod to inline iltcu, $5,Mtfc; pom lo niiiliiiiii. 51 loa'; selected tfedetf, stioti. i, M Vlil..'',; mixed btockcu, etead, t 2J alio, luws, f-' Ual.-": lieifci. choice, ationg- i, .' (jal tu; uiiiniin. u.iW; bullj, I35u X, lulMe, steady , ifj KOal M. Tcxaili. re nlita, lou, litsL on .i le tmlav, 1) rarloada ar ..'.',, IVsili fed AleeiA, flat 11; do, T -nn, Vltilil.n; do hull.. tr.'.OOaS.'ii lions -lUiilpla lodai, I,IKKI, tomononr, S7, (XHi; titliuattd left mil, 4.UM; -",i Iv & centi lower; top, s(,87H; tnised and buttlicn, V) IiS7'j, liou'l I" ihoiic heavj, tl 5ial 8S; rough Iicivj, iJI.IOalW, llglit, 4."0alM, bulk of xalo, s tial brt sheep llcccipts, 20.1KJU, cheep and lainW, ai -tin, 10 tu 1" tciils hlRhir; hood lo elioii't Mthil-, Sill 10. fair lo ilmlie mKtil, M.7."i I. Ill, ttestiiii fluip, iUii li; nallve laml'J, 4 ul Ml, elnn lamlM, l.71afl W New Yoik Live Stock. Vw uik. Dei. .1 lleeve-. Steera slow anl sltatli tin loiiiinoii isiude-i; good utile, lOt. Iiiuliu. lulls, aluih to ttioiiir; (own. 6le.iiti In Ih hiahci; t((ti, ! 1jD b.1; malnlr W.S5 i'.J'i, "Mil mid bl iki. jin()j.7a; bulla, ii! alii, lout, Si,nil7i (alws. maiket uteaili In a mailo Inttti; M'lh, H &0a8 VI. llltlc ralv, H, in iv.i-10, .'VJilj .Vfaililufs.'S-'ii'iOrMfl-Itlli. skSOjIill f " ".'' Simp and I imli1. -flood nliiep, lie, higher; ii.ii.iii.iii. kiiadt: itoiil laniKs. Jnjl&r. hiahei : ill Lriclrillini s Imp. 2.',al; fen ptport d . 1 l-i'jal i, mils. fl.MUJ; Iambs, hl.TlU-ilA; mils, -sl.'-ill lij CiiiUdi laiiihe; fKOaiTA Hogs I mtei, il !' nst Libel ty Stock Maiket. I'ad lll'iit.i, l)i(. .1 Caltle--sea(h; extra, i loai on, pi Imp, siliiilSi; uuimion, WjS in IIoki. -Dull and luuu; piiiue luailef nut mad. limn, 1 to, biM .toikiM and nod pig, H sOjj s-,: ipiuninii to fill .toikeii, l 'Ji f"; icuiglis, liOal.ial shtip -rWeadi, (holt well eu. VWaij coni, 1 W.i.'.'O, i holt i Iambi. tiJ0ai:,n; com. mini In iooiI, l Mli'i .i, iihr., JW Oil Maiket. Oil Cil II. i, 1 ( ll'illl baliiitft, Wl; ter tllltaltr, no bid Slnpiiii iiU- Nov. JO, 7S,iU; aielJfcf do,, Iri.lMI lliiu-Miv, dO, l."i,7; at riaki do, 111,170 slilplntnU )fi. I and .'. Ibi.ldl; amagf do do. M-.7.'. Iliiu.-llei 1 and J lli4li; aiiiat,e do, di ,! How's This? We oil. i One lluudied Dolliu Itfmid Jur an iase of I'alanh thai lauiiot be iiiiyd ht.(a, C'aianli Hit- ' V. .1. I'llr.Nr.V & CD, Toledo. 0 Wc, Iht) iiudeiidgmtl, have tuoAu F. I, Clirstt loi llu last 15 Jeaif, and jielleie hlni prtetl.i himoiahlt in all biuiuemi lianaadlimj and 6SM tiallt ulilf lo tan out aiij obligations i4 hr Ihell film Wtkt A Iiiuv, Wholesale DriiggUti, TtUdo, 0. Waldlng, luniuii k ilaiiln, WlwletaU Dm$, 'loletlo, 0. Hall's Cauuh t'uie l (alen Inttrnilly, icIojf rtlreet,lr,(iipn tjifblfoni ud uueoua urU.c v( UiVotiiWIa TealimoWIala test frt, lrfce tie', per bottle-, hold b) all l)nitalt IUU', rauillv I'ilU aie the Ceil. i