The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 04, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Clever exhibit under aus
pices OF THE Y. W. C. A.
Something to Dollght the Children
i' and Interest the Older Ones Fea
J tures of the Affair and Programme
' for This Evening Lutheran Pm
, tors Meet at Bev. A. L. Earner's
- Study George Ginader Attempts
'. Suicide by Cutting Himself with a
' Razor Death of Former Resident.
'v The doll's carnival was opened last
evening In the Uuniior block under
very ausplclotiH conditions, and tin; pa
tronage was excewlltiffly Ki'iiltfylnir to
the promoters. The exhibition Is' t-er-
ul illy cleverly arnuined and theiv ;nv
holls registered by many, oi" tin; flint
ntnllleH of the city. An accurate des
cription ot' all the dolls would requite
unlimited space, and a visit to the oar
nival will give a more pleasing Impres
sion than a word picture.
The booths nr! arraimed on either
side of the store room, and ale decor
ated artistically. Kspeclal care has
been taken to Interest the children,
andiniany a little lieurt will be glnd
rlened'by the sight of such an array of
dolls. The exhibit will continue
throughout the week, afternoon and
evening, and a general public Inspec
tion Is invited.
The entertainment provided lo.t
fcvenlng was given by the association
quartette, composed of Misses Klizn
beth Helser, Bertha Sanders, Edna
Saxe) and Vie Jones. They fang ad
mirably and. received much praise for
their work. The JINserf Suxu and
George JIartin played instrumental se
lections In a clever manner, and de
lighted the large assemblage present,
Mr. Jf J. Boberts Is chairman of
the doll committee, and the following
ladies presided over the various
booth last evening: Mrs, O. A. Wil
liams, Miss Edna Williams, Mrs. Hai
ry Nelmyer, Misses Anna Morgan and
"Laura Davis, Mrs. Clarence Shryc-r,
Mrs, David J. Davis, Misses Mason and
Westcott, Mrs. B. G. Beddoe, Misses
Kmma Lewis, Marllla Mott, Elizabeth
Heiser, Anna KdwardK and Florence
The exhibitors are Florey & Brooks,
t'luronce L. Shryer, J. E. Hess Baking
Co.. Lewis, Ruddy Davies & Murphy,
J W. Tague and Claike Bros. In ad
dition to the merchants' booths, there
are four stalls occupied by the asso-
in ii
In Always o iitiii'l l
Ms in ill tt ii Is
And we have placed our stocks in. these departments
in the pink of condition to meet it.
Among the Coats for Ladies
The Princess back claims' first place as a favorite. It
is an easy fitting garment with lots of style to it,
and entirely lacking in the slouchiness which marks
others of the fashionable art.
. A Score of Other Novelties in Sbort
Medium and Three-Quarter Length Coats
Await Your Inspection This Week.
Among the Small
We show everything that the heart of woman can
wish for, from collarettes with long tabs to the neat
little Boas, or in sets with Muff and Neckwear to
match. All the furs known to the trade are repre
sented, and there are many pretty ideas here which
are not to be found elsewhere.
Furs for Children as Well.
i i
1 1
Globe Warehouse
elation for the exhibit of dolls, iha
serving of refreshments and selling
candy. Many dolls are for sale, while
the registration dolts arc merely on
exhibition. The latter are all tastily
dressed and present a fascinating ap
pearance. There Is also exhibited a Scotch las
sie, through the kindness of James
Lawcon, formerly of Aberdeen, Scot
land, nnd the French doll donated by
Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt (Is to be sold
to the highest bidder. The highest of
fer thus far made for the pretty prise
is $5. In one ot the windows there Is
n life-size doll, und among the ex
hibits Is one they call "baby," which
Is tli size of an ordinary Infant.
Several pieces of doll's furniture tno
also exhibited, nnd Miss Westeott's
embroidery class have a pretty dis
play of dollies, collar tabs, handker
chiefs, fancy ribbon bows, etc. The
Hess exhibit consists of a miniature
reproduction of their bakery building
and accessories, The merchants' ex
hibits consist of their stock In Hade
and all are cleverly arranged to at
tract the patrons.
The piogrnnmie for this evening will
be as follows: Selections, 'Washburn
Street Bible School ntehcitr.i: trio,
Miss Elizabeth Lewis. William an
John Evans: piano duet, Mrs. D, B.
Thomas and Miss Elizabeth Hughes
vocal solo, Mrs. Frank Brundage:
duet, Mrs. Randolph Jones and Mist
Vie Jones: vocal solo, Miss Helen
Thomas: recitation, Miss May: dra
matic posing. Miss Sadie Jones and
Lutheran Pastors' Meeting.
The Scruntou and Willies-Hit lie Pas
tors' association of the Lutherun
church held thir monthly meeting yes
terday In Rev. A. I. Ramer's study,
on South Lincoln avenue. The follow
ing clergymen were In attendance:
Rev. L. Llndenstruth, Rev. V. L. Hun
ton. Ph. D Rev. H. V. J. Seneker, of
Wllkes-Kaire: Rev. Theo. Zither, ReV.
O. F. RttWPln. Rev. W. Conrad, of
Plttston: Rev. F. Elunger, of Carbon
dale: Rev. r G. Spleker, Rev. .W. C.
L. J.auer, Rev. Jumes Withe and Rev.
A. L. Ramer, of Scranton.
The opening topic for discussion was
the study of the gospel lesson in Greek
for next Sunday. A beries of business
discussions, pertaining to the church
followed, and then the pastors took
cognizance of an editorial printed re
cently in the Philadelphia North Amer
ican, pertaining to Rev. Charles Shel
don's attitude towards secular pus
times. The clergymen observed thai the edi
torial in question was most appropil
ate and timely, and they characterized
Rev. Sheldon's methods as being "inoie
blasphemous than sacred." Rev. Lin
denstrutb presented an excellent papei
on the question of "Proper Instruction
to the children In the church by the
catechetical method."
He gave uu historical study, tracing
the method back to the primitive c-hiis-Uon
,'hnrfh nnil tll church histnrv
shows the method to be efficacious. The
discussion which followed crowded out
.several other papeis, which will be pre
sented at suosequeni meetings.
The question of preparing ull Krister
programme w'm discussed, nnd (he
pastors thought It advisable to pre
pare separate services to meet the re
quirements of their respective churches.
The next meeting place will be de
cided upon by the officers of the as
sociation, Rev. Ramer entertained his guests
at dinner at Hotel Falrchlld during tha
noon hour.
Olnader Attempted Suicide,
George Ginader, the Jackson street
barber, who recently created a sensa
tion ninong his friends by mysterious
ly disappearing from home, yesterday
morning made an unsuccessful! at
tempt to end his life by cutting his
left hand with a razor, Inflicting an
ugly flesh round, from which he near
ly bled to death.
The relatives of the unfortunate fol
low are very reticent about the matter,
but from what could be learned of the
circumstances Olnader had been drink
ing and went to the shop to steep. He
was found by his brother Fred lying
on the floor In a pool of blood, and Dr.
L. H. Raymond was quickly sum
moned, When tlie latter arrived Gin
ader wus very weak, and It was with
dlfllculty that he was removed to his
brother's home.
His condition yas changed for the
better last evening and hopes are en
tertalued for his ultimate recovery.
This Is the second time Ginader has
tried to end his life, the flrst attempt
being made In the shop by him some
time ago, when he turned on the gas
and was nearly asphyxiated. At that
time his brother discovered him In the
nick of lime.
Ginader Is a young man well known
about town, and Is married, and lives
with his family on North Bromley ave
nue, near Lafayette street. He has
been In the barber business on Jackson
street for a number of years with his
brother Fred,
Weekly School Deposits.
The following deposits for school
children were made at the West Side
bank yesterday:
No. 13 David Owens. $1; Martha
Watkln. $1; Elizabeth Lewis, 1:
Bertha Kelly, .15; Edna D. Kvans, .10:
Nellie Richards, .X2; Catherine Phil
lips, .78; Sarah McDonald, .6: Kllza
Pi Ice, $1.79; Mary Harris, .'-': total,
No. 19 Miss Lees, $1.40; Miss Mur
ray, ,62; Miss Nichols, .46; Miss Beam
ish, .91; Miss Morgan, .90; Miss Hut
ton, .S:i; Miss Davis, .60; Miss Evans,
.70; Miss Kellow, $1.30; Miss Flynn,
$1.11: Miss Wade, $1.23; Miss Murphy,
SI: Mrs. Ferber, $l.n; Miss Peek, .47;
total, $12.99.
Death of a Former Resident.
Mrs. M. J. Cromer received word
yesterday of the death of her sister,
Mrs. W. B. Hurlbut, at Hillside Park,
Leverville, Johnstown, N. Y. Deceased
was 29 years of uge. and had many
friends in this city. '
She is survived by her husband,
mother, hister and two children. The
relatives from this city will attend the
Misses Harriet Lunney and Celia
Coniner, of Jackson street, spent Sun
day with friends in Wllkes-Uarre.
St. .Mark's Lutheran church council
met last evening and Ilev. Ramer's
catechetical class also received their
Mrs. Gwendolen C. Evans, the evan-g'-llst.
of Nelson, X. Y will pi each at
the First Welsh Congregational church
this evening.
Washington camp, No. 17S, P. O. S.
of A., will hold their anniversary en
tei tulnment and social at Mears' hall
on Wednesday evening, Doc. 12 The
proceeds are to be used in furnishing
the new hall. A drawing will also be
held for a silk umbrella.
Thomas Blair, who recently moved to
New York, Is spending u few days In
Nicholas Andiews. of Hampton
street, left yesterday for Wilmington,
Del., to permanently reside.
Announcement is made of the recent
marriage at Hackensack. N. J., of Da
vid T. Evans and Miss Lillian Dawes,
of 221 North Lincoln avenue.
A Parlor Bazaar for Sale
of fancy articles for Christmas cifts,
home-made candy, also Ice cream, at
home of Mrs. Newman, 318 Webster
avenue, Friday, December 7: 2 to 10
p. in.
A mectiiig ofthe stationary engineers
will be held in St. Mary's hall on
Thursday evening, Dec. 6. All station
ary engineers are requested to be
present as Organizer C. W. Baxter
will address the meeting. Mr. Baxter
will hold meetings In Olyphunt, Dun
more and Hyde Park this, coining
Henry Twining, of North Main ave
nue, ha? returned home from Os
wego, where lie visited the home of
Rev. William Edgar, formerly pastor
of Providence Mothodist Episcopal
The Runners and Drivers held a so
cial at St. Mary's hall last evening.
The funeral of William Jenkins took
place yesterday afternoon from the
family residence on Dean street. Ser
vices were conducted at the home and
grave by Rev. A. G. Cure, pastor of
the Providence Methodist church,
Mnnv floral designs were given as
tokens by close friends or the de
ceased. Interment was made at the
Forest Hill cometery. The pall bear
ers were all nephews of the deceased.
George Perry ha resigned his
lion nt W. D. Davis' drug stoio, on
North Main avenue.
John Morrln, a sailor on board the
battleship New York, Is visiting liti
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morrln.
of Keyser avenue.
This evening the Young Men's
Christian association, of Wilkes-Barre,
and tlte North End Star basket ball
team will play at the Auditorium,
Roy Davenport, of Park Place, wos
arraigned last night before Alderman
Myers on a charge of larceny and
malicious mischief, He was lined ?10
and held In $200 ball for court,
Marquette council, Young Men's In
stitute, will hold a regular meetlns
this evening.
.The board of Investigation of the
Father AVhltty socloty met last night
in their rooms In St. Mary's hall.
Raymond Westcott, of Church ave
nue, lias returned from Susquehanna
county, after a very successful hunt
ing trip.
Miss Florence Slekler and Charlotte
Grey, of North Main avenue, have re
turned from a stay with friends at
Miss Nunangst has been visiting
Miss LelBenrlng, of Nantlcoke.
This evening tho Rev, W, F, DavH,
of the Memorial church, will deliver
his lecture on "Henry Martin, tho
Cornish Linguist and Missionary."
For many years one of the leading
and attractive social and church fea-
It Cure tha
Made from the pre
scription of an old
Tested by years of use.
Pleasant to take docs
not Bottle in the bottle.
Last dose is tho same
strength as tho first.
Tho one safo, novor
failing remedy for
coughs and colds of
every description.
At all Drug Storoa.
85 cents a Bottlo.
Don't Accept
tures In the North End of the city has
been the annual turkey suppers and
Christmas sale of fancy and useful
goods of the ladies of the Providence
Presbyterian society. Promptly at R.'IIO
o'clock Tuesday evening they will be
ready to serve their patrons. Tile sale
of Ice cream and candy will also be at
tractive features. All the preparations
are elaborate and the ladles will be
glad to serve four hundred suppers and
transact all the affairs of the occasion
on a proportionately large scale.
The Home and Foreign Missionary
societies of the Providence Presbyterian
church have their annual praise and
thank offering service this afternoon.
A special programme has been pre
pared for the occasion. It will begin ut
2..10 o'clock.
Mrs. William Warner and son. Wll
lard, of Hyde Park, spent Sunday the
guest of Mrs. P. .Gorman, of Jones
Mr. and Mrs. John Armbrust spent
Sunday with friends on Short avenue.
A. H. Keisling has returned home af
ter spending Thanksgiving In New
York city.
The union revival meetings weie re
sumed last night at the Methodist
church. The Interest Is growing, as
the audience last night was .in evi
dence. The large church was well
title 1 and all who attended had a
spiritual feast.
The address was delivered by J. T.
Dabney. of the Christian church, who
look for his theme, "The Gospel Is the
Power of God Unto Salvation." The
services will be held in the Presby
terian church thl" evening and Rev.
A. J. VanCleft will deliver the ser
mon. The Young Men's Republican club
held a meeting In Frost's hall last
night. The constitution passed final
reading and other loutine business
was transacted. A large number of
new ineiubrs were present and the
indications are that it will exert much
Inlluence in political affairs in the fu
ture. Letteia remaining uncalled for dur
ing the period ending Dec. 1, J'JOO. Per
sons calling for these letters please
sa "advertised." Mrs. E. Barthole
mnn, care J. D. Jones' Harriet O. Bar
ley, J. A. Cross, Mrs. Patrick Deinp
fiey, James I.. Davidson, Clay avenue: Sarah Drelbellles, Louis Feld
man, John Golden. 217 film .street:
Mrs, C. Kimmel, Mrs. John Lyons,
Miss M. F. Mnlley. Mrs. John Mc
Donald, 790 Preseott avenue; Rev. W.
T. McArtbur (2)), Mrs. Yale P. Nyc.
812 Fifth street: M. Ruddy, Swart;: At
Blown, Giihsle Zwlck, Lingl Magllo,
Pollegrliio Napolltano.
A larue foico of men in the employ
of the Klnilra Bridge company are re
constructing the tiestle work of the
Krie and Wyoming Valley Uullroad
company, crossing Blakely street.
Tlte Dunmoro Dancing class will
meet In Manley's hall on Thursday
evening. This Is the Initial dance of
the class recently organize-l M re
place the defunct Twentieth Century-?.
Oscar Yost leaves for Philadelphia
this morning, where he will purchase
holiday goods.
Harry Young left yesterday for
Philadelphia, where he will resume his
medical studies.
Miss Mlda Enslei't, ot Butler street,
is visiting friends in Franklin, N, J.
Mr, Frank Sanders Is busily engaged
in moving to Pltrson, whore he for
merly resided.
Miss Pearl Sutliff is visiting fi lends
In 'hlenberg.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Krot
zer, of Chestnut street, a son.
Dr. Bevan, of Blakely street, has ic
turned from a recent trip to Wash
ington, D, C.
11h. Anna C. Klulinff, agn 7.1 illcil on
Sumlay evening; .it llie tamlly rrtiJciuc- en Inir.i;
avfiiue, alter i lingoilng illno-i. '1 lie dci i-.iscii
was a MkIiI' iyih'c-Ici1 lesldent of the Souli
Bitlo. Mi wjb born In 'lllchidc, 1'nisMu, May -27,
1S27, came to Anierfia la May, IMS, .i- mar
licd in VHi'i tn tlii surUvin' lunluuil, .nid !-in-m-d
to Kcranton in iwli, hhe Is RtmUtd lim
ine following children: Mm. Kllralu-tli l.twnt,
(icortre, of New Ymk iltv; l-'rrd V, Kialioff,
of tlii- eoiniiil.HklciikTa' oftWf, and Will, of tliU
city. The (uncial iinlin will Iw hold WVilnci
day mcrnliiK .it 10 o'llod: in tho Hickory SI loot
VmlotvrU iK-liuii'h, by llcv. W, A. Xoidt. In
terment will bo nude In Dieemuwd rei.ietei),
.laiob lliltrr, aucd SS jrcJis, ot IlU-koiy ttict-l,
a prominent young nun ot Smith Straiitnu, dliil
yisterday momint; at his homo, after an lllneM
of three years, 't'hu Uci-eaieil w.u iiiiltcmally
liked and was picsident oi thu St. Mjtj'h Glee
and Dramatic association .uid wciolnry of St,
Mji.v'h bodulity, and a piominent member of St,
John's chuuli. Fuiuial ThiUhday inornliiK .'it
10 o'clock, with u hU'li ma.i-i in St, Marrf
church, and inleimcut In (icrnuii Catholic ceme
tery. Illohuid Ml.. aged "ii eam, dint ut the
homo of his niece, Mm. Jeptha Von Stwih, of
Jimiui, on Sunday last. Tho Itinera! will bo hold
this mcrnln? ut 11 o'clock at the Mount lletlitl
The BeBt Cold Cure
Ir one ynti can take without Interrup
tion to business. One that does not
effect the head or hearing like tho con
tinued use of quinine. One that cures
speedily und leaves you feeling fresh
and clear-headed. Such a one U
Krause's Cold Cure. Price 25c. Hold
by Matthews Bros.
If You Wish
to buy, sell, rent, Insure, exchange or
npprulse u property, or buy or sell a
business, see W, T, Hackett, Price
building. 126 Washington avenue.
An Immense Throng Gathered Last
Night in Athletic Holl Which Had
Been Splendidly Decorated for the
Occasion Thoso Who Presided at
the Many Booths Death of Ray
mond Llsk in the Philippines.
Birthday Party Given by Miss
Clara Wayland Other Notes.
The Scranton Athletic club threw
open the doors of Athletic hnll on Al
der street last night and welcomed the
public to Its fair, which was most aus
piciously opened, on Immense and Jo
vial throng being present.
Tlie hall Is lavishly adorned and fes
tooned with bunting, drapery, flags,
streamers, banners and palms, and ns
one enters It presents a charming and
varied kaleidoscope of colors. On either
side of the hull nre arranged booths,
five In number, which are tent-llko In
form, varied In color, and from which
spears and banners nre hung, making
the aisle a veritable midway.
In the center of the building is n
flower booth, conducted by Marvin &
Mulr, und at one end is a small candy
booth, while the Irrepressible llshlng
pond occupies a prominent corner. The
booths have been adorned and deco
rated, and are in charge of the ladles
wives, sisters and .sweethearts of the
boys of tlie club.
The articles for sale have all been
donated by various llrnis In the central
city and outside, and are ot all shape,
design and appearance, from dolls'
cradles to bedroom suites, and from
wash wringers to parlor heaters.
Beautiful fancy work, exquisite needle
work, quilts enough to stock u county
air, lamps, harness everything is
displayed. A rummage sale is u weak
ling compared with this.
While the crowd present was trying
not to part with their cash, by dodg
ing the young ladles with chance books
the rtlnggold band, seated on the stage,
discoursed the following programme:
Maixh, "Ilomeop" Duncan
0,-crtuic, "The niacl; Prince" Palhy
Scliclion, "IIIiip and (bay Patrol" Djln;
March, "W. V. Y." Duncan
Refreshments are for sale In the
basement of the ball. During the even
ings tho fair Is conducted, there wilt
be a short entertainment, differing
each night. A phonograph concert will
be the drawing card this evening.
The following ladles have charge of
the booths:
llootlt No. 1 Mrs B. V Moore, rlialrl.idy. A?-H.-dnnt-i,
Mn. .1. I'. Host, Mrs. T. II. lnuks,
Mrs (.'. A. Miller. Mis. S. J., Mis.
1'hlllp Hubimon, Mix. ( l.arlca Ilolor, Mn. .1. M.
Kohnflturnm, ML Maine LoftiM, Mi-" ljnni.i
(.laelmcr, Miss Julia Mill. Miss Klizabetli Lloyd.
Itootli No. -J Mro. Jacob Rallus, chaiilady.
.Wistnnts, MKs I'.mm.i Wlith, Miss Anna I hi,
Miss Xcltie Phillips, Mis Adolpb Hciimih-, Mic
MuthiaH none, Mks Amelia llartman, MKs Min
nie Zinu;, Miss Kate Koar,
Month No. it Mr. August Schneider, chalr
bidy. Assistants, Mrs. Chailes Munch, Mih.
Adulph Ilaminen, Mrs Peter Xeuli., M". deorKo
ll.iitmau, Mr-.. Hichard uieier, Mis Tecuir
IJc-Miicr, Mi-s Lena Il.n Ini.m, Mks Lena laden.
Ml- Lottie Ltutle, MU Louisa Iloinz.
booth No. J Miss Hannah Meyers, chairlatly.
Astintunpi, MRs Pauline Lindner, Mrs. William
Koch, ji .Mis. W'll Klein, Mrs. Linll llciker,
Mis Ani.a (Iraebner, Miss Jennie Kaestnei-.
Booth No. 5 Mis. I. V. NeuK eiiairlady.
.U-b-tanR Mis. C. I'. Armbuist. Miss Lena Ait,
Mis Yctta Ait, Mis. Geoiire Wirth, ir., Miss
Anna IIURhau-ir, MK-, Lena nershau-er, MIs
1 iiinin lischwindt, Mi- Kate Krt, Miss Alice
Iiii-ck, Miss Maine Dippre.
Ilefieshmcnt lonnnlLtie Mm. Chailes Wirth,
tli.iiil.uly; Ml.s Anna Hippie, Mist llnr.i Hnii-le
111- ami Mrs. S. .1. Fiihimin.
A Birthday Party.
A very pleasant surprise paity was
tendered Miss Clara Wayland last
evening, at her home on Stone avenue,
by a large number of her friends, the
occasion of the Kiadsome visit beinir
her fifteenth birthday. The evening
was most enjoyably spent In Indulging
In various games nnd amusements, In
terspersed with music, songs by Miss
Jennie Creedcm and recitations by Miss
Frances Meyer, and dancing, the music
for which being furnished by Miss
Sadie Noon. Later, refreshments were
served, and the young people departed
for home, wishing Miss Wayland many
happy birthdays.
Those present were Misses Jennie
Creedon, Tessle McGoldrick, Frances
Meyers, C'ella Barrett, Maine McGnv
ern, Mnme Lynch. Belle Keennn, Anna
McGovern, Cecilia Kearney, Josephine
AVrenu, Margaret McDonnell, Anna
Pryor, KUa Golden, Anntik-Shaw, Kate
Wrenn, and Messrs. Edward Kotz
wlnkle, Hairy Hlgglns, Joseph Hlgglns,
Joseph Under, August Kelper, Frank
Magulre, Thomas Kennedy, James Jor
dan, John Burns, Edward Mi-Govern,
Joseph Shaw, Peter List, Owen Myers,
Andtew Koche, Will Itogjin, George
Hahn, Henry Lavelle, Patrick Connois,
Will Walsh, Will Cieedon and Thomas
Pleasant Evening Spent.
A pleasant suipiise party was ten
dered Joseph' Narody, of Elm stieet, at
the home of Mrs. Narody, Saturday
evening. Tlie young man was sere
naded by the South Side Polish band
and the Morunska 'band. Uefreshments
were also served, prior to which there
were games and dancing Indulged In,
Those present were Misses Welomka.
Lucille and Julletta Nurodzonek, Jo
sephine Nadolska, Anna Plaszynsku,
Anna Keller, Julia Keller. Emllle Hell,
Valeria Mauroeka, Anna eeker, and
Messrs. Joseph Xurodzenuk,, John Po
lentz. Joseph Yerka, Joseph Uarszczow
ski. John Sklbluskl. Fiank Nledbalskl,
John Gorczynskl, Joseph Keller, Alex.
Sltyczynskl, Adam Ilzackl, Albort Paw
luk, Vincent Hess, Joseph Torba and
Leo Sklblnskl.
Death of Raymond Llsk.
News was received yesterday through
thu columns of the Now York .Sun of
thu death In tlie Philippine Islands of
First Sergeant Haynumd Llsk, of Com
pany D, Forty-seventh United States
infantry. Nov. -i. His death wuh
caused Uy pulmonary congestion.
Tho deceased formerly lived on Ce
dar avenue, where he was a popular
young man, and was formerly a mem
ber of the Thirteenth regiment. His
death will, no doubt, be a surprise to
his relatives and friends in this part
of the city, who have communicate!
with the war department for partic
ulars. Young Llsk was of exemplary char
acter und enlisted in Scranton ten
years ago as u, private, but, by close
application to duty and hard work he
rose to tho rank of first sergeant and
wat commended for gullantry In action
several times.
Thomas Moran, of 810 South Wash-
The largest, the best, the mos
complete assortment of Holiday
Novelties in Silverware, Jewelry,
and Cut Glass, at the store of
Rogers, - Jeweler
213 Lackawanna Avenue.
P. L. Crane
Established 1866.
Furs and Fur Garments of
all kinds, and our prices are
low, it is in fact unsafe to
pay less. Call and see our
Laylored Suits Jackets. Long
Coats, Box Coats, Neckpieces
Boas, Muffs and Children's
Furs. We carry these in full
Furs repaired.
Doctor of Mwfr, the Dean oi Auu'ikan
1'ianofortu 'iY.tctieiF, anil a iuuMci.ui wliue
Knonlcdgo of his cliont'ii instrument is ton
MimiiiaU', wiltra as follows uKdrritug tlio
Mason & Hamlin Pianoforte
"Auk. 1, 11)00.
"Mason I: Hamlin Co.,
"Hentlcinen: Tin l.'pnitlit I'lauofoite liiili I
recently punha-ril of ou is a comtant source
of delight to inc. Its beautifully loi.o
and delicately u.pousie action arc in Midi ad
mirable adjustment as lo induce .1 lini-kjl state
on the part of the pl.ijcr and een Miitist
musical ideas to the toiunoscr.
"While lapalilc of rarcst-linr and pathetic ten
del litis, it Is .il-o liiilllnihiiiu nuclei Inanira
pa-.san'!, and in this u-s.pct it nppmu-lm the
nature of .1 C.rand l'i.iiiofoitp,
"It I an instrument fur the niujliallj intelll
pent, cialh for those to whom a drawl
l'ianofoilc Is for any ic.ison debarred."
We delight In showing the Mason & Hamlin
1'prlRht, and the Iliby (hand, to nil persons ap
preciating an absolutely aitisllc piano.
131-133 Washington hi
inglou nvenue, employed by Leonard
HrothorH, of Lackawanna avenue,
while working on the roof ot" a hulldluK
on Adams avenue, Saturday, fell to the
ground and sustained s-jveral bad
body bruises und contusions. Dr.
JIanley Is attending the young man.
An alarm of lire was turned In yes
terday afternoon ul 2..".1 o'clock, from
box ."7, l'roHiMict avenue und Kim
street, and tho AVIIllam Conned, Cen
tury and Neptune companies respond
ed. They quickly extinguished 11
small blnzo In the home of Joseph
Oaluskl, 11 1'olander. The damage done
was slight, The cause of the tire Is
Tho members of tlie Xeptuna Engine
company met in regular business ses
sion lust night.
Foster Kennedy, tlie young son of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kennedy, of Ce
ilur avenue, Is 111 with an attack of the
measles ut his home,
Mis. Charles. Coleman, of Tleech
street, is convalescing after nn Illness
of beverul weeks.
The Orientals and FiutoU's Indians
played an exciting game of foot bull
Sunday, which resulted In favor of tho
Orientals by n .score of 5 to 0,
Camp No. 4H0 Drum corps will hold
a special business meeting tills even
ing in Freuhun's hull. Cedar avenue.
All members aro requested to bo pres
ent. j .. . - --1
"The Merry Milkmaids" will be re
peated, by request, In the parlor of tlte
Green Hidgo I'reEhyteriun church on
or about January 1.
Or, Lansing's class will hold their an
nual social in the church parlor of thu
Green JUdgu Presbyterian church 011
Thuisday evening, December U.
Green nidge conclave, No. 1!)9. Im
proved Order of Heptusophs, held their
annual election und banquet at Ma
sonic hall, on Dickson avenue, lust
nlslit. The following olllcers were
elected for tlie ensuing year; Archon,
F, A. Hrleg; provost, J. U. (H'lper;
llnancler, G. E. Haldemau; secretary,
It. 11. Bykes; treasurer, E. G. Stevens;
prelate, Charles Droelsbuugh; inspec
tor, Georgo Miller; wurder,, Kzra Gray;
sentinel, F. G. Deem; trustees, M. M.
Dennett, Joseph liangi, Henry Helbe;
l)iirunder & Rel.s, Lessee and Manacai"
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager.
Tuesday and Wednesday,
DECEHBER 4 and 5.
Tho Legitimate Irish Comedian,
In tho most successful Irish plays over written,
Tuesday Night. .. KERRY GOW
Wednesday Night, SHAUN RHUE
Prices Ordiestra, T.'ic. ; orchestra and drasf
cirilcs, jOc; entire balcony, BOe.
roi'ii PEitroitiiAxcns.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday Night
and Saturday MatEnea.
Mr. Win. A. BiJiIy'i Beautiful Production,
'Way Down East
r.lubiiiatid by Jos. It. (irifimer, as played
127 times In .New Yoilc city.
120 times in Philadelphia.
'jmi times in llclon. 131 times in Chicago.
i:cnine; I'liics 'iic., C0e., 73c. and $1.00.
.Matinee Prices Kntiio lower floor, 5l)c; entire
lull ony, 23f. Seats on sab- Tuesday at 0 a. m.
H. A. I1ROWN, Alunagar.
John A. Iliiiiniileiirs Big Comedy Company,.
Tiiesilav Matinee "ilagle's Nest."
Tiicsilai MkIiI "Xoithl-rn I.ljihts."
llwnii.ic Prices -10, ".(), .10 cents.
.Mjtliiie Prices HI ami 20 icnU.
M Gaiety Theatre
II, II. LONG, l.eeo and Manager.
'llllir.i: DAYS, COMMKNCI.Vil
A siiipri-e to our lutiuntl A !2,000 attraction!
to star acts anil c.uli one a feature 1
Won't MM the Burlesque.
Time Han., Cnmim lit intr. THURSDAY, I)KC. t.
A C'lcui' Conjiloineralion ot Sufficient
l'ielt- filrls. Catchy Music. Gorgeous Coatumes.
riticrs l.ic, 23c, :i.v-., 50c.
Heating Stoves,
Oil Stoves,
Gas Stoves,
Steam and Unotflro
HotWatar nBdlHlOi
A Skin of noauty Is a Joy rorsvar.
JJ CllclAU, OU UADltlAL UKAtllirllk.
lii-moiM Til, rtnyiw. moaiaa,
UulU I'.ttliw, lliiS, ud aki
a in r Ezsarr-u auuuwi. w vrj bimuu os
m. M 3 fi C M . (Ll.ln.J .k . MM
tn, ana la a
ariulna taata
to oa iw It U prop.
any vaaa. cotp
bo eouaurftlt ot
IniUarauM. Pr.U
Ivly cf tkt kaatp4ai
(a jialUDtli
I recatniatna -uotia-aua'tCrtani'ula
Iati4 barmralaf all
tho ilkln pnsank.
tt&ej-QooAt Dalers la taa U, S.. CauwlM, an Buaaw,
tVlit- T. JWfKlNa. frait'r, K Oraat Jaaaa B.T.
repreBentatlve to Supreme conclave at
Hoston, J, V. Hopewell.
Tliere will be a salo on Thursday
at the home at Mrs. Townttend I'ooro
forvthe benellt of the areen Hldge Ll
biary nssoclutlon. Many beautiful and
useful articles will bo on sal.
immJF w
mi . arrmkw " km vii v
I y . J. JJ-v
lt. -..-r.
.A, Tiiilv.,.44.'M.-.;AVJ -V