j AVt''H'' '' '' f totf' "V-"r tV- -)'5ai,t.A-ftst - - V- Tpy1- ' f iSSs. 5' vv --(, -V tr Arw"'"' ,!"' ' f"'"'1 w '!? jjF-,--)i'-fl"A'TV' ,flta-i ltf. f.jiii 1, ."C?''1 ia-r. -nrf-fV "Jf .- t"! J ; THi4 SCUAINTOiN TKlBUNE-TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1000. ('. it, 1tt,'t -JvTf .) eonlrnt liow In lie r mUtcnl with llie tiialntrn nee nf law, order ntiil lojnlty. "The next subject In order of Imliorlanrp tionlil lip tlie oriMiilMllnri nf (rotfniinciit In flip Inrncr lulmltilttrnlhe illtWotit cnrremiidlii( lo iminllM, itci.iitinptilnl or provinces In wlile.li Zip runnnnn iiifpriTttn of liiiitiy or ncvcrnl tiiiinlcl lmllllcH fnllliiK wlliilii Hip i.imo tribal lines, or llie same tiatuul Bcoitntplile'-il limit, may brt tip milrrril li.v a ennnium niinlnltintlnn. Wlicncvcr Hip ininiiiMnii l of llip iiplnlmi lli.il the condition cl nlT.ilm In Hip Itlniuli li well tlul flip rriilnil nitiiiliilsliiilliin Inny intely lie linnsfrrreil fioin military lo tlUt control llipy will report lli.it roniliHloii lo joii, with their reeoinmeniliitlon'i in lo Hie foiin o( era! nil c" rniincnl to lie itl.il lll"il lor Ike puipo-i of tnklns oler llie coiillul. legislative Powets. "lleitlnnliiK Willi Hip M thy o i iiifiiitiei. 1I1M, llio nnlliorlly In eirrle, liet lo mv tippi-ti.'nl, tliroiiRli llie. ".eiietiiiy nf wii'. Hilt part of the power cl iioeinnient In Hi-' l'lillli pine IrlmiiN nlilcli l of lenW.illiP li.tttiie It to be Iriimfemd li.nn the nillilary KiiiiTiiiwr of the Inland to till coiihiiImioii, tn V iluii'ttllrr exerehed by them In the plate atul stead of the military Roicriiur, under mill rule nnl liRiitiittoiM ni )'(tl All all prenilbe, until llie est.ililUliineut of the (iW initial pnwiiinulil fer the lnl.mil lonteniiillled in llie 1.11 l"lik'i'l'K pnrii?rnp1i, or until ii'iimc nhnll otliirlsi pit' .lilc INi'lilw of llile lesl-l.illie aittlimlty will Include the mikliitf ul iul nml onhis, h.iHu the effect of law, f r llie lahlnit of i ., i-mie by tic, ciHtonn iltillt, iiml liiimwt: tlip appio prlntlon nml eipetulltini' nl public fiunl oi the llnd: tlm ratutilMitni-nt nl mi ulm lllnli.it all. tem tluoLnhoiil the llanilS llie i-il.ibl.shiiie.it of a njili'in to w.'iiir mi otfl. ii nt elill 'hinIm; the omanlr illon mill e-l ililMmif lit of mints; th" orgai izntioii at.il oliililihniciit of in muinl ami departmental i;oh nunc lit', .mil ull ollie nnttern of u dill intiire for wlilcli tlio milltni.v roicnior I now lonipotent to pimlilp I'J mien or orders of i. lisilaliu ili.u.n.tu. Powers of Appointment. "the. iniiimlioii will ul-o li.if power ihirinj; the same peilod lo appoint lo oltlie Mull ulli icrs, under the Judicial, ediiiatlon.il and til II icnico lerin nml in tin tnmileip.il and de partmental colelliineiils as lnll be prollded for. t'ntll the lomplele tianifir of lonliol tlio mili tary itoioinoi will iimulii the ililtf eeiutlie head of the (.'(jipinoieiit of the Wand, mill will evercln- the ei utile jutliniily now puwsM'd liy him and hot licicin i-pie.lj uitilicd to the tuniniMnn, vnlijiit. howeu'1 lo tlio 111I1-. and nlilei enailnd 1 1. the iiiiiiliil'loii In llie exeul'e of the hitMatlip poweis innfeiied upon them: In the imiiutiuip llie lnuntcipil and ilep.iitimnt.il Koiernnients will continue to icport to the mili tary iioieinnr and lie uhect to lili .iilniiiiNtu tile MipcixNnm and toiitrnl, under join dliec tlon, Inn tli.il Miwil.ion and imitinl will In iniiliiieil within the n.iiume'1 limit loiiiMent wllh tin- lupiiieuKiil that the powein oi ijimui meiil in lhi mimic ip.ilitif- and dipai Inn nl, xliall be honestly and etlictlvely esercisud and llmt law and oulei ami Indiiidiial fieedom lnll be in liul.ili-cl. "All le?Hl.itiie iule and omIpk, ptab'i-.liimiiti of Koieinmenl, and appoliitmeiil to ulliip li,. tlie (oiiiiiI-.miii will lake ctleit llnmiiliatel) . ol at Mich time a they ili.il 1 iliiiuiiate. ubjei I to .loiir appioial and .utioti upon tie coiiiim; In of the c onimiion'i lepmw, whhh .no to ! m.nle from lime lo liino u-. their ailion I t.il.en. Wherever ilsil Roicinun'iits ale lonstltulcd un der the illieLliiin of the romnii-,-inii tiiich uiilituy p"t, (i.uriM)ni and fouis will he continued fur the siippie-.iion of iii-.uirpc.tioa juJ liiisandaiie a the military commander Mull deem iPipiUltp, and the military force. shill be at all lime -ulijCLt, imilei hi cideiN. lo the eill of the ciil authorities foi lite malutename of law and older mil the uirmrSit lit of lln-ir authoiili. Basis of Work. "In the eMaldi-lnneiit of mutmlpal Kuvem mi'iiK the niiiimivioii will take a- the beds of their work the iioieiunieiits e-.tablislieil b the uiilitiiiy Kuicitiot timlei hi oidei of Vnjr. S. 1S09, and lllldel Hie lipi.ll nf Ihc Iioml l ulKlillllt'il h the uiilitiiiy -oveinoi' lii hi nrder of .'an. "!', PKH1. to lotiiiulate .mil npott a plan of imuii up.ll coieiiimeni. of uhiili lli Honor I'jyitnno iellano, piesidinl of the Audieiiua, w.w chaii man. and they will iie to ihe com Itisions of that boaul the weight and lOUM'di'iation iihich the IukIi ih.iraeter and diM'iiiuuNlKil ahilifii' of it" uunibii-. iu-tifi. "In the const it lit inn of t'cpailuiniful or pio inci.il uvc Minimis Iher will sie epeiiil .11 leolion to the I'Mtiotr; Kovciuuicut of the Inland of Neurol, i ..list it uti'il. with the apptoial of Ihe people of that island, under the older of ihe ndlitarj -.mernoi in .Inly 22, IsTJ, and itter leiif.iiii!., -ii far as nuy l- piaiticalde, the le polls oT lln siiuissiut woikitiK of that on-in-nient they will he iuithi! Ii. the expeiienie Ihu niqiiircil s r.ir as it ma he applicable to the lomlifion eiliu in other poitioiis of the Phil ippines. The will .nail themselves, to the full ist lieure" piactiiMhlc, of tin- 1.0111 Itisions re.11 lied iiy the ptcviotir. eoiouiis.siou to the rhilipphies. Distribution of Powers. "In the tlNtiiliiition of powcn anion; the uoveiiimenln oiiraiiiiil by Ihe inriniis'loii, tie piCMimptlun i .ilua.vs to lie 111 favor of (he siinll sub-division, mi lli.it all the puvvci. which 1.10 propeily In eeicised hv the munic.ipil p;ov' iinmeiit -lull he veslid ill tint Knitiiimeut, ami 11 II tlic powei of .1 iiioie Ke11e1.1l cluiacter which i.fu be icitised by the depntmeptal jrovern ment -.hall h vested in 1I1.1I piveimiient. and mi that ill tlio Koveininental sistcui, v Iiii.li is the icsult of the pioeess, dp eenlial i;oveimiinnt of the inlands, followiuc tlie xjinplo of the ditii biition of Hie pawns between Hie stales and the 11.1tinu.1l piveiinoeut of Hip I'nited Slates, .slnll line no direct administration ewept of nutteis nf pmcly Kinciul romern, and slull have only "111I1 Mipcrvision ami control over lop.il u-ovcin-uients a may he neiess.iry lo m-puip and infoice faithful and cflkliiit adnilultratiuu b.i loe.il mil 1 ers. "'ihe. man dilTeient deiees nf c Iviliatiou ami vaiiities of custom and capieily nmong: the people ol the dllurent llaiuU pieclude veiy definite inslinetlon as lo the pan which tlio people (.hill take In the (.election of their own olllcers; but these seiipi.il lidos me to he ob served: Tli.it In all cues the municipal ollkm, who administer Hie local attain 01 the people, aio to lip selected by Hie people, and Hut wherever oftliei, of more iMrudcil jmisillctio'i alp to be selected In any way, nitives of the islands are to be picfcuod, and if tlipy cm be loom competent and vvilllm? to peiform the du ties, thejVuo to leceivp the olliics in prefeience tn any otTieia. "It will lie neicswuy to fill ,01110 otlke for the pieseiifc with AineriiiiiH whiili after n'tlme may well be filled by nitlveii nf the Islands. A noon as piaolliublo .1 Bj.lem for iisieitalnlii'r the merit mid ntiies of candidate for civil utile u liouhl be put in forec. An indispdisabb ipnli fleatlon for nil oilieo and position ol liul and authority in tlie island must be absolute and 1111condillou.il lo.vnlly lo the United i-tale, and absolute and uuhampeivd iiulhoilty and power to lemnve and punish any otlkrr elcvlutini; from that standard must at all times he retained 111 the hands of Ihe initial authority o( tlie Ulancl. Fundnnieultil Principles. "In ull the found of ituvci luurut and jilimiiU ratlvu piovlsion.s wlihh they are authoiiAil to lirstrlhe tlio coiniuissinn sliould bear in mind 'hat the irovcimnent vvhicli they me elaollshinii ilesiunrd not for our s.itlsfuition, or for tlie ipreislon m" 0111 theoretical views, but for ho liappines., peace and piosperlly of the iio ile of the 1'lilllppliie l.l.inij-,, mid Hie ini.ui.iii aelnptpel should bp made o conform to thiii nil. tonu, their habits, and even their pieulnej, to the fullest ptent lonshtpnt wllh the uiionv pllslimciit ol the iudUpeiia.ible leijilsltes of Jmt and cflecllve Kouiniuent, "At the aamv lime the luiiiiiiliAioii sliould btai In mind, anil the people ot the Islands Ihii1I Ihi made plainly to understand, that Ihno .up Kltaln (treat principle of gnieriiiutiu whim have been mule. Iho lu.U of our Koviiumeutal s.vttem width wo deem esseiillal lo thu mh o( law and tlie 111:1 i rii t ii.11.ee ot individual fiePdom, and of which they have, unfortunate I), hem eh. Iilfd ths e.vpeiil'lKO possessed by iu; that iheie arc aUo lert.ilu piactlcal uile-i of soul nun in which we have found tu bo essential to ll.e pus. rtvatlcn of tlieo tiif.it piliuiple ol llhtily mid law, nml tint Ihisp pilmliih and these rule of Boveriiiiicnt niu-st bu iktalilishcd ul main. iainrd In their islands for the sake of th. h liberty ami h.ipplmvi, ho .level much the may conflict with the uuioin or lavva of proeedmu with which they .11c familiar. "it U evident that tlio nuut piillKhirnod fhoufhf of the Philippine Island, fully jppieU lttj the impoit.inco of these principles and rules, and they will inevitably within u slioii time command linivei-ial asiint, I'pou every eJlviilcn and branch of the governmvul of Iho Dilllppllittf, llierofore, must be lmpov;d tluse InviolaVle iula: Inviolable Bules. "That BO petbon slull be deprived ot life, lib. rty, or property without due procesi ol law; tint private properly Mull lot be taken for public lisp without Juxt rompiii.illont lh.it In nil criminal firo-jpcullon the ai(iiul Mull enjoy the rlRht to rt peeily atul piiblle trlil. I he Intoiineil of tlio nature and riiup of llw afiiKU tlou, to lip tonfiolleil With the vvltiiesei( iiKillilil him, tn Imvp lonputiory pioee for hlitninliiti vvltiiescej In hit frVor, iitnl l.l Ii.Up th nlst tlliep of iimisel lor hi ile(eiie! lint exiesslle lull Ktntl not he leipllied, lim exnvslve Hue liiilnK.nl, nor inul nml unimnl puiilliiiinil In fliilrell tluil no pnon -li,lll bp put twice In Jropltdy lot lliii "iiuip olVen'i, oi Iu (onipellid in nuy trliiiln.il uiv to le a witness .iifnlii't hlnnclft that the lllit In he eeiue nualp-l uiiie.lsnli.ible wiiiIiib nnd minim slnll tint b' llohilid! tli.lt neither ilint-l Imr Invi.l'ililil'y seiiltudp nil .11 e.lit eepl us n punishment h't prime! tli.it mi bill nf iittalndei m evp.j'l-la'ln law siinll lip pj-sedj Hint Ihi law shall lie pinl iibildnlii,' llie' tr'"ilntii of spoieh or of the prevs, or the llnhtis nl the people 1st peaceably assem ble and petition the unit! tunc lit lor a ledics of Kilevance: Hut no Inw uliall be made n spnliliis' mi rstiihllshmnil of li'llnlou, or pi"' hlbllllils' llu- fl.Pi PMlcise Iheiiiif, nml Hut Ihe fin piiulse and, iiijn tm nl of lellnliiu" I'm fesshni and vvnishlp witluuit disiiiiiilnill'Ui ur pii'felrnep shall fviever lip allowed. neBnidlng' Lniul Titles. "It will be the duly of the mmiiiMoli lo uiiki a tlionniali Invisliuallini Into llie title tu Ihe laiis'i' trail of land held m claimed li Individuals or by lellsloii milt Hi Inln llie Justin of the claims and iinnplilnH 111.ul" nKali.'l sinli hiiidhotdei by the pi'nple of the id.ind or .111 pail of llie people, and In ul: by M'l-e nml pe.iee.lble lueasiiie u jul siltlimuil ol the lonlroviisle nml iidn-s nf vvimi; whPh have iaiiid sti Iff and blnniMied iu llio pl. In (be pel lot m.mcc M lids duly Ihe iniiimitsloii I lilniiipil to w Hut no liijiistlip I done: In havo 1 itr ml lot substantial iIkIiH ii'ml eiiily, ilisieitJlilln,' ticlinleallliis so fir us su'jst.ilitiil Unlit penults, mid In nhseivi I he li.llowii.vj inli--: "That the piovlslnn of Ihe Tieal nl Pali plnlltllii; the fiiltnl Mutis to the pinteelhui of all rlitlits ot properl In the islands, and a well the pilniiple nf our own noveiiini.'nt which pi.ilill.il the t.ililm, nf pilule piopeitv without line process of law, shall not he vlolalnl; lint the welf.ue of the peeiple nl Ihe l-!.iiuls. whhh should he a paianimiiit 1 oiisil..illoi shall be allalneil loiislsleiitl with this nile ol pinperty ilKlit: tint It It beioiues I111ess.1i for Ihe public iutire-l of Ihe penple of Hie !l mil In illsposp of 1 lalms to piopiit whhh the iniuiiiis slou linds to In- not liwfully anpilied nml held dispewilioii slnll be m.nle tlieniif by due b'i;il piondiiip, in nliiih Iheie sliall be 'full oppoi. Iiinlly for fair and imp11ti.1l heailni; .111.I JiiiIl--iiunt; tli.il if lim sinie public Inteicsts ieiiuie Ihe I'Minaiilslimiiil ot pinpeity livthU lawiiilly. .iiiiilnd and luhl dm 1 nuip. ii-.ilhni -ti..ll be in..ile nut of Ihi public liiMsiny llnielor, tint mi f 01 m nf ielii;liu mid nu mini-til of i'elii;ioii hall hi- foiled upon any 1 ommuult or upon .mv eltieu of llie islands', lint, uiou the olhu hand, no litini-ts 1 e.l 1. 'Union sliall be iiileiteieel with or molested iu lollowlnir his imIIIuj. and thai Ihe sepal. ilion between slate and eliinih shall he leal, utile, and absolute. To Extend Education. ll will be Hie dill of the nitini i-sioll lo pinmote and e-ctend. and, as the find ,ic.iinu. In impiove. Hie sieni ol education .1I1e.nl 111 .iiiKiii.ilnl by the 11 I11t.1i authorities-. ;i tloinu: this Hie should teuarel a of Inst impoii.iiii'p the extension of a s.v.slem of piimaiy iiluiatlon which shall be five to nil, and whiili -nail tend to lit the people for th duties ot 1 Itlcnxhlp and for the oidiniiy avocilimis of .1 enili''ed enmiuunity. This ili-lim lion slmuhl lie -ivin in Ihe' flist instance iu eveiy put 01 Hi' islands in the ljmjiMpp of the people. In view of the Kreiil number of Ijiikujcis spulun by the elillei pul tribes, it is especially inipoit.int to ll.e piospeilly of the islands Hut .1 common medium of communication 111 1 be establisheil, and it i-ohvioush- ilesii.dile tli.it this medium should he the I'ncli'h 1 mm. ore. l'speeial atlentinn should be .11 "iiee (jiven to alTniilim.' full nppoilunily lo all the people ot the islands to in die the Use of the llnglish IJieaiuisi. Taxation. "It miy In- well lint Ihe main ihauisis wbieh slioulil be made in the svsteui of lasalion and in Hie body of the laws under which llie people me noveined, ieept such changes as hue alteaety been made b,v tin niilitar.v Koveimuent, sliouht he lclcriird In the 1 ivil Koveiiuni'iit vvliieli is lo be istjblislie'il under Hie aiispiec. of the com mission, it will, however, lie' Hie ehity of the euinniisslon to itieitiiic diligently as to v.liethir Iheie an any fiiitlui ihant;es whiili ounht lint to bp di'la.ved, .mil it so, they an .iiithoiieel lo milip any sue It ehancri's, subject to jnur appiov.il. in doinn; so the aie to bear in mind that laics whiili lend lo penalize or lepre-s industiy and enteipiise aie to be nvoideii; lli.il piovisions lur tavalieui sliould be shnple, so tint they may be unelei stood b.v the people; th.it tney should 11 fleet the fewe'st practicable subject of taxation whiili will setve for Ihe ki-iiii.iI illstiiliutlou nf the buiiieu. Legal Changes. "'J he main body of the law whhh reuulale the liuhl and oblljalion of llie people should be maintained with a lillle inteifeienie as pos sible, I'luuKos linile should be mainly iu pro ee'diue', and in tlie eiiminal laws to secure .spmiy and i111p.nti.il dials, and al the same time effec tive administration and le-pect for individual lights. "In ih'.illni,' Willi the uncivilized fillies 01 the islands Ihe loumussieu should adopt llu same rouisc followed by eouuticss iu peimittiiiir the tube of our Ninth Aineiican Indians to maintain their tiihal oiK.inlaliou ami novernine nt;' and under whiili many of tho-e tiibi's .up now living in peace and content, suiiounde'd b a eivill.i tiou lo whiili tin lie unable or uuwillluc,' lo conform. -'n li lnl.ul uaveiiiiuent should, how ever, be rnhje'cted lo wi-e and film icKula'iou, and, without undue or petty Intel fen lice, con st Hit and active etloit should he cxeicised to pie vent luibiiou-j pr.11 Hies and intiodueo rlvillrcel customs. I'pou all o'lieeia and iii'pln.us of the United Slates, civil .nnl lullltaiy, .should be iniprcssi'd .1 sni of the duty not meiely to obseive the material, but Hie poiMin.il ami social iIkIiI of the people ot the islands, and lo heat them with the sime couite'sy anil ic-peel for their peisuual dUnilvj wliii li the people of the I'nited .States aie meii-tomcd tu lequlie fiom caeli otlier. Pledges Well Kept. "The uilieles ol capitulation of the eity of ll.itill.t on the Tltli of Avnjuit, lyi, concluded with these words; " ''I his rit, its inlnbitanls, its 1 lunches ami icIIkIou-j wuisliip, lot 11luc.1tion.il establishments', and its private piopeiiy of all deseilptlous, aie placed under thu special safcKuniil oi the l.illh and honor of tin Aineiiiau army.' "1 believe' Hint tills plednc has been filthtully kept. A high and saeied an c.lilltj.itlim icsl's iipull Hie (,-oveiinneid of Hie fulled Mate lo give pioteedlou for piopnty and life, elvil and 11 lie, iou fie't'doui, mid wise, film and uiiselllsli guid ance in Ihe paths of u.ice and pinsperily to ull the people of the Philippine Ijiii, ehiitre this conuulvilon to labor tor Ihe roll perfoiiuance of this ohlieralton, which concerns the honor mid 1 euisi ienre of tlieii louutiy, ill lee lit 111 hope that thlouKli their iahoi ull the inhabitants ot the I'hlllppluo Island may coiup tn look luck with ciratllude to the diy when fiod umvo victoiy to Aineiiiau aims at Manila anil set their land under the isovi iptmity and pioleetiem nf the people ot the United Mate's." Pioclamntion of Amnesty. Coluiidcutly with Hie entiaii'e of tin commis sion upon it lihor I caused tn be Issiieel by (leu rial MacAithur, the military goicmm: of the I . iiipplm, on .limn 2, 1IKKI, a pioilamallou ol amnesty Iu kcuciuus Umiui, of which many 01' the lnstiif,'i'nti took advantage, amon? ihtm u imiulitr ol liupoit.uil leadeis. The loiumissloii, lonipeised of etiiineiit lit lens iepu'entiist Ihe eliitrse ,eo:raphleal and pollil 1.1I iiili'iesU ol the inuntry, ami IiiIiikIiii; In their Ul, Ihe il liuiU of loin; and intellUcut senile in eiliiialiou.il, adnilulstiallvc. nnd Judh plat eaieeis, made ejli'.ll plonti'ss (10111 the nut set. A eail.v as Aujr. ai, IIkM, it unMnlltnl a pU'limiiniy lepmi, which will be laid before Iho I'ciusicsk, ami fteitii vvldih II appeal that alirady the eooel rfleeli, of iitiiruiiii; order ate felt; tint business iutiriiiplnl by lia.lllillcs v Imcii'Otlne; ii peuep enlni'lsi lhat a hnirer uiea Is lunlii suBJf lllttv ullii Hun ever befoit; that the iiistoin lcveuues die uiejtii than at au,v lime' din Int.- Ihe SpmUli rale; that rionomy aiul clll demy In the iiilliut adiulniilration have eiealed u suiplus fund ot i-Jl.lHUI.iUM), mailable for neideil piiblliaimpioveme-iitJi Hut a stiiUKent ivll ser vice law Is in ptcpaiatlon; that lallioad com munications au pxpaiidluo;, opeiilm; up 1I1I1 ills tiic tk. and lhat a coiiipiclieiistve .-ehenie of nlu latlon is beliiB iHKaiiiwil. I-ltcr leporl fioin the (ominlsslou show ,vet more ('ucoiiiuiciiii; ad vance towarel Infcurlni; the benrflU ol liheity ami good Boveiiunint to the rillpiuou, ill the hitciest of humanity and with the ulm ut builalne; up an i-ndurii't;, aelf-iuppoitlm; and aelf-adiulnUterln; community lu those far tjnitrn eeau. Fvjyouhl Imprfv upon llie conarcf lliul what, ever leitMal lot; may lip enacted in trptct In Ihe l'liillppltii! Island .sliould b" atoiter Ihce Itetierou. line. The forluitp ol war ha thrown upon lltl ti.tlloti nn unsought trust whhh should hi imselllshly illschanipil, nml developed upon lids Kovclliinenl .V lnol.ll ns well n luilellnl re(ponlhlllty towiiul ,lhee tnlllloii ivlioiu we. hnvp treed lioni 1111 oppu salve okp. I tnvp oil nnolher ceianlon called the I'lllp Ino "Ihe waul of the linllon." Our obligation ii Bii.irdl.111 w.i not lluhtly asuume'di It niut not be otherwise lh.111 honestly fultllled, nlmliift lint ot nil In lie lie fit lliu-e who have coluc under cur fuMciIng nire. It is our duly so In tieat Iheiii that our llajr may be no lo. be'oveil In the mount iliw ot l.uon nnd lln fertile 7oiiea ot .Mlndau.li nnd Nckio than It I nl honn. that Iheie a herp It shall be llip reveied in bed of lllirrly. rnllithlininent, and pr.iH" III eveiy nvenue nf development, 'Lie I'ltlpliios are 11 laep cpilck In lemn and 10 piollt by linuvvli elite, lie would be rah who, wltli the te.iehltiR ol coutempoiAueou hkloiy 111 view, would IK' n limit to the ili'Ulie of culture and mlviiucciueut et wllldn Ihi loach nf these people II our duly timiinl limn be fallhfully peifoimed, Porto Rico and Cuba. Tltli flVll, HUVWINMIIM' ol I'liito lllio provided for by the ait of the lomtiess up proveel April ).'. JlW. I In intippsslul operation. The court hive bien establMuil. The noviiimr and Ids tLMeiclalis, woiklnir iiitelllc'intl and li.illiioniou-ly, nie ineellni; with 1 ommeiidable pucies-!, (hi the lilli nf November it Ki'iitt.il eleetioii was held In tin Island foi tuinibn of the legls. lattiii, and Ihe body eleeti it has been Hilled lo eoiiveue on the Hist .Mmnlay id Dee eiiibei . I lecomiuenil that ln;ishitlon be nun led b Ihe coin;ic-fS lonte'iiini; upon the seiicluiy "f lb" Inteiinr mihi vision over Ihe public lands In I'oilo lllio, .mil that he be dlrerted In aceitalu llie location and ipuntlty of lands the tlllc lo vvhicli iem.ll I In Ihe 1 nmn nf 5-pilli at the date nf cession ol I'oilo lllio to the I nlli d Slates, and that nppmpiialloiis neeesvaiy for suivi" be made, and that the methods of the disposition of curb lands be pie'scilhed by law. Constitution for Cuba. On the Uvth of .Inly, Hum. I dure led lhat .1 enll be issued for an cliclion iu I'ub.i lor mem beis of a toiistltullonil convention to frame n iriistitutioii ai .1 lia-is foi .1 stable and I111I1 piiuleiil Kovciiiiuent 111 the Islind. In piiHiMtiei thiieof Hip lullili.iy $uiiiiior Ismi el the follow in,' iiistiuctions; "Whcli'.l", 'Ihe tousle ol the fulled Mated b.v its joint icsnlutiin nf Apiil 1:0. is'j. de ilirnl " 'I hit the people of llu' island of tuba aie, and of liiilit niiirht to be, bee and indepenilenl. " That the United Mates hereby disci iim jiiv ib'sposilloii 01 intention to exeicise sovereiuul, jutisillition. en contiol over said island except I01 Hie i.ii'ifli.ilioii tlieicnf, ami assents its eli te imination, when tliat I aece'inplisheil, tn leave the Ffoveinment and tnnltol ol llie island lo lis people'; .end "WbeiiMs, The people of 1 uh.i have i'-lahlished luuuhipal soveiiinipiils, ilnnine; tlieii aulhoiiiy fiom the siiiriaucs ol ihe people cciieu under ju-t and npial laws, and .lie now lead, iu like malum, to pi on pel lo Hie (-tahlishmi nt of a KCtici.il kov eminent whiili shall .isstnue ami ess ctcisi sovetcimit. juiisilhllon, and eontiol ovu the island: "Tlietefeite, It is mill led that n sincr.il elec tion be held iu the island of Cuba on the third 'ittuday of September, In the ear nineteen bundled, to licit dihit.itis to a convention lo meet in Hie e it of ll.1v.1111 at 12 o'clock noon 011 the Hist .Monday of Xovenibei,, in the car nineteen bundled, lo flame and adopt a in stitution foi the people of Cuba, and 11 a part tlie'li'nf lo provide lor and agtoo with the rov enmient of the United States upon the iclatlems to exist between that giivpiiiiiicnr and the f,'ov cnimeiit nf Cuba, and to ptovide for the eleetion by the people nf iiiflcei miller mirli cein-titution mid the transfer of KOveiiitnent lo the olheerN sa elected. "The election will be held iu llu sevnal vol. itiK piceitict of the island under, and ptusu.int to, Hie pinvisions of the elecloial live of Apiil Jt, lliOO, anil the amendment tlmoof." The eleetion was held on the loth of stplem bei, and llie inmniliou ass"iiibleil on Hie ."ith of s,ovcmbei, IWm, and is now in si's-mo, Lines of Convention's Work. lu tallim,' the convention to older, the 1111II taiy (toveruor eif Cuba maile the followim; slate lueul : "As inilil.usj Kovcinot of tlie islanel, lepie sd.lin the iiresidcnl of the United Stales, I call this convention lo 011I11. "It will be onr duly, ili-t, to f,.nne and iidnpt .1 e-oiistilulioii foi Cuba, and when tint his In i'ii done lo loimitlale what in otu oiinloii mitslil '" ''e tin ii'lalions between Cuba and Ihe United Stale. "The eoiistitutioti imial be aileipuie to seciiie a stable, oreletly, anil flee liomniiicut, "When j 011 have foimulitcd the lelations which in vour otiiuion ouaht tn exist hctvv ecu Cuba and the Unilcd State the tfoveinment of tlie United, Mates will doubtless take such aitiou on its p.ut a shall lead lo a Una I and aullioritntive auieement belweeu Hie people of Hie two couii tiles lo the piomotion of their nmiiiion iiilei psts. "Ml llienels nf Cub I will follow eilir llelibei.l lion with the deepest intuesl, e.iiliestly dcsiiiu; tliat ou slnll icach pi-t conclusions, and that by the eliKtiit, imliii'lu.il sedt-iisiaini .mil wise coiis.tvati-iu wliii li slusll ehaiaeteriie our pin icedin.' the capicity of Ihe f'ouluii people for rcpiescntitive goveinmeut may lie signally illus haled. "'llu fuudaineiit.il distinction between hue iipi'i'sentiitivi fin eminent and die latotship is tint in the former eveiy lepiese'titative ot llie people, iu whatever olllee, contlne himself tstric t ly within the limits of hi eletlned poweis. With out silv-li icstialnt there can be no fiee constihi tionil gov pi mm nt, "Under the ouler piiisuaut lo which you have been ilected and convened jon have no duty and no autlioilty lo lake pail in the pte-ent itm cimuent of the il.uid. Your puvveia ate stllttl limited by the teinis of that oidei." hell the ninveulloii rnncliules its labois I will transmit lo tin toiu;m. the eoiistitution as fumed by Ihe 1 .invention for Its cousieleia Hon and foi' sin h action as it 111.11 deem advls. able. For a Pacific Cable. 1 ic'iicw the ircoiuiuimlatluu made in my spe cial mess.iefe ot I VI j. 10, IS'JU.-as to the nctc'silty for cable cnumiuiilcalinu between the United Stales and Hawaii, with extuisloii to Manila, Slucn then ciicimistauce have slilklngly empha sized this iiecd. Smvpyj have shown tin entire feasihllity of a chain of cables, which at 0.11 li slopplm," place shall tout h on Auicllian teliitoiy, so that the Rstcui shall be under our own com plete contiol. Manila nue'e within tclcepaphtc each, connection with Ihe sv stems ot the Asiatic co est would open Iniie.isod and piolitable oppor tiiuitie for u mole direct cablet route from our slinies to the Oilent than is now allonled by the tlnu.s-Atl.iuUc', li.iiis-i 0ntl11cnt.il and tians-Asi.iii lines. I urge attention to this liupoilant nutter. Army Reorganization. Till! Pltl'Si'NT shensth ol the atniy Is 10e,eW0 men fl.t,0ni) leetidai ami :Jj,jiK) volunteers', I'lider the act of Match '.', 15W, 011 the .SOIh of .lime next Ihe present 0l11ntrrr foiip will be dhch.UBCil, and the Hernial aimy will he le ilueed to 'J, 117 ollieei. and '2'),lr: enlisted men. In ISSS n home! of othier cuiiicncd by I'leshleut Cleveliiid adoplril a louipieheiislvp fchtuie ot po.ist-defeusp foitlfli'jtloiis, vvldih Involved Iho cul l.i.v of sDiuethimj uver one huudicd million iloll.us. This plan lecdtcd the appioul of the coUKipss, and uliicu then iricular appioptiatlous litvc been made and the woik of ioilltii.it iou has steadily progressed, lloio than sixty millions of dolktiri have been Inve'slnl In a great nuiiiber nf foils- and Kimii, with nil flic loiuplieated ami si'lcutllli' iiiaehlneiy and clechieal appliance nee ejsaiy for their ase. The proper tain ot this defensive michiueiy ict'iiltcs many trained men In its me. The nutuher of men necessary lo pen foi in (Id duty alone l aseeiiainnl by the war depiitmeiit, at a inluliumii allowance, to be IS. 1211. Iheie uie IKly-eiLr..! or ino.p mllltaty posts in the United Statij oilier than tiic loa.t-ilefeiw. firlllie Jlhin.s. The number ot these past is iK'Ina lomtautly incieu-cd by the eongifM. Moip' than ?JJ.''0,ii have been opriideel in huiblini; and ciiilpiiiiut, and they ecu mil be eaied for by ihe regular aimy. The post now in existence and ollnis to be built piovide for accommoda tions for, nml if fully KinUuiied iei)uire, 0,000 troop;. Many of these pojt aie along our fron tier or at important siuti'ijlc poliitt, the nccupa. Hon of vvhicli U necessary, ': We Itave in Cuba between 5,0ni ami (l.tiexi 1 1 oops: l'or the picscut our Hoops lu that !! and cannot be withdiavvn or materially dimln filled, and certainly not until the eonehiiion of the labor of Ihe loiislltiillonal itmventlou now III seslon Hud n itovrrnment provleleel by Ihe new constitution shall hive liern csUhlUbiil nml It Mablllly nisineil. In I'ortu lllio we hale reduced Hie it 1 r r l-iti In t,UMI, vvldih Iniliide sip nillvp lroois, Hump I no imiiii for futlhei leilmtloti here. i will bp lrijiiliri1 In keep a I'onsldeiable folec III the I'hlllppllie Islands for some time lu foinp. I'rniti Ihe best liilotmallnii nhtalnahlp v.p will need time (or the liitliifill.lte fulitie (10111 I'.OUO to eai.tioi) melt. I tun sine the number may be ted'leed r.s Ihe IiiiiikiiiI shnll lome lo niknowledae Ihe iiuthorlty ot tl.p United Sliilej, ol whli h Iheti nie iiMtitlna: Indie at Ions, II litllsl he ilpill(il lint we will teiptltp .111 mmy nf about lai.UUU. mid that ilurliiu pie-ntt rnndltloii In Cub 1 nml Hie Philippines the presi dent should hale authority lo Im tease the fntee to the pieeiil number of IKMiOO. Included in this number anlliorll should h- nhcii to rtle native Hoop In the I'lilllppllir up to Ii,i1ih), wltli li Hip Tall eoinlnllon lielleve will be I e elleetlve In ilplirllnir and nppies.lii mierlllas, assassins and ladioni" than nur own sohlleis, The full disiitssloli of lids "iihjeil by the n" rotary ol xtv lit Ids annual icputt I i.ilhd lo oui raniest attetitloli. I renew the leiouuimiilallon made in my lal anniiil inessiiue that the inmtrrs provlele a spe. il.ll medal of boliui for the volunteer. IcRiilars, sailor nnd 111.11 lues on duly lu the Philippines who voluntarily letnaliieil in the service after their trims of enlistment had expired, I tutor lliitocomminilattoii ol the soeielaiy nf war for 1I1I- tit till of olliei'ts (nun tin Hup of thp iirmv when vacancies nuur In Hit iiillu Inul tipiit'iul'i depirlmiiit. lnpeilor iti'iienil'! ilepailtneiil, ru.irtiriii.itii's ilepailiiiint. siilnist ene e elepirtmilit. pa ilepaitmetit, oiihniite de p.itliucut, and signal imps. The mm, cannot be loo hUhl eoiuiuendi'd for its faithful and elTeellip venlie in itetlve Inlllljiy o)rtiilloiis In the Held ami Hie illlthult wmk nl till! adtiilulstiiitliili. Miscellaneous. Till'. ltr.MAINDI.lt or Ihe mcssairc e,,ii-l-ls lu.tiul of leiMpllill.il ions of vailuus elepitt inelttal lepotts. The picshlenl sltounly lavois lare extension of 1111.1I flee drllveiy nf mill; appiovc-j the rn omniilidatioiis nf Scttetaiy of tin Vavy I.011;; sututii uies Hie work of the interior and aerlcultlii.il depiilmenls; elves liaiue show Int; a .vear'a iuokic-s iu llauull; uiiri'-e the nn ploment of a peiiiiaiuut foiee of census expetls; recommends that h.iikioss at Its piesent feshm apporllon iipresentallnu .tnioiiK Ihe scvoi.il slates as provieleet by the constitution; ptesses the ur (tent neeessllv ol a hall of public leeonls; tells nf the plans hid for ielibiatiu; oil Dee. I:! the itiitinnlal amilviisaiy of Hit estahllslitucnl of the seat of kovcuiiui lit in Hit llisttitt of Co lumbia; and iu loueiiisloti say.,; lu our ccl i'ii t piospi.ity we inu-l sn.ild atralti't the i1iiici- It invites nf exhavatratiie in irovein lueiit cxpendlttties .nnl appiopilatioiis; and Hie thesiti icpifsfiitatlvn, of the people will, I doubt not, furnish an example in lln-ir lcjcilatioti of that wise renin, in whhh is In a seison of plenty husbands for the fiilme. lu this eta of KU.it business uetlvil.v and oppotlunlt caution is not uiitimc!. It will nut tetaiil. lint picouotc, lCKtt im.ite ltiihtstri.il and touiiiieiel.il expansion. Our Kiowlui; power blunts with It teniitatious and peiils ieiiiiiiu; ion-tint vlt;llaiiii to avoid. It must not be u-eel to invite lonHiets, noi for op pression, but foi the mole efl'eetive maintcname ef those pilot iples of cquallt and Justin- upon which 0111 institutions and happiness ilrpend. f.et us Ltep alu.ivs in niin.l that the foundation of one Koveinni'iit is llheily; Its sui,r.trui (itu peaue. NATIONAL CONVENTION. Meeting of the W. C. T. IT. at Wash ington. Special to the ei.inton Tribune. AViihliltistoii, D. C, Dec. 3. Uliistliiie,' untie 1 an his, lt.it II im; ovei litlires, hifintr bv Hie tent is, ltunibliui,' "ink 1 hiidites. spetl tlie Scrantoii elelt'KUtlim thrmiKh the' Iovvpi toal regions, tlitougli tho kali'ldo'scople chaiiKes of mountain KceiiPiy pt-oelui'ltis: what is called the "Switzerland of America," through evet'-liroailenlutr valleys beluvv, till the ciiialnt suhtttbs of the City of Brother ly Love greeted the eye on, tlrelpsslv throtiRh the gathoilnir sloom, across the lo whin. Is of Delaware anil Mury latid, ariiving- in a lmr.st ot light at the national capital, to ineol hosts of sweet-faced "vvhlte rihljoned" matrons In the greal station, lient on giving each delegate the heartiest welcome. Saturday was occupied with Im portant executive nieetlnss, for the transaction of business preliminary to the great open meetings of this week In the Lafayette opera house. The former sessions weie held In the Foundry SI. K. church. Mr. Lillian M. X. Stevens presiding, and there were representatives piesent from nearly eveiy state and territory in the I'nlon. The moinlng was occupied with re ports from the far west. Arizona and Wyoming, whose unions have evidently been doing that during the past vear which will cniiM? the woik of temper unce to advance in giant strides. The committee on resolutions were busy all day ttirmulating a platform which vv.Hl be promulgated during the convention pioper. The delegates pres ent went to the Lafayette opera house and selecteel their respective seats b.v ballot. The location of the various state delegations during the convention will be m.uketl by distinctive state banners. Mrs. Lillian SI. X. Stevens, national president, also led the Sabbath services held at o p. m. In the opera house. They were most Impressive unci well aUended. The devotional exercises were con ducted by SIlss Kllzaboth Oreenwood, and the annual sermon was preached by Mrs J. K. riarnoy of IMiodu JsIiiihi. from the theme, "The AVatchworel for our lluttle." AVhat an eloquent and Inspiring ills course this was those who have heard the earnest words and ringing voice of our round-the-world missionary can Judge, and, with such a stirring topic, she was able to excel all former efforts. A young people's mass meeting -was held In the evening at the Vermont Avenue T'leshyterlan chinch In the Interest of the Y. W. C. T. IT., with Sliss Klla Boole, of New York, as prin cipal speaker, Miss Slurtfaret V. Leltch, fiirmprlv missionary to Ceylon, spoke most thrlll Ingly on "Protection of native ivtces In our Islands against Intoxicants." which certainly Is a burning question of re sponslhlllty entailed with our new possessions, As some lecent writer has said, whatever Is seen or heard In Washing, ton has the great fair daunt of the eapltol as u background, and the Woman's Christian Temperance) I'nlon wish It to ue so now as they jrathor here hi Its shadow for deliberation on the best m.'.uis of advancing it cause that concerns the wholu nation iu a vital way, from Us deepest needs to Its highest .possibilities. Orlaua M. Williams. PRESSMEN STRIKE. Seventy-Six Job Printing Ofllceu Tied Up in Philadelphia, lly Exclusive Wiic fioin The .Woeiateii Piens. Philadelphia, Dec. 3. Six hundred members of the Pressmen's union, crm ti oiling the work iu seventy.nlx Job lU'intlng olllces In this city, went on sttlke today. They demand .1 uniform rate of pay of $12 a week, Within an hour after the sttlke was begun, seven Ilrms uiinouncVil their willingness to grunt the strikem' de mands, but the men suy they will re main out until ull the employers make the same concession. REPORT OF SECRETARY OP WAR ll'oiie hided I10111 l'nee I.) which the unity dlschntgpd the trust committed lu It III Porto ltlco, and he uthls nn expression of gratuftil appioel ntlon of the devotion, good temper tnul ability exhibited by rieneial Davis. The report treats Aluskuti cotullllnim very briefly, the main point of Interest In tluil connection being the itVoiit menitatlun that 11 inndernte appropria tion he made for the Ksqulinuux who are nllllcted by a series of fatal epide mics, nntl me In duttger of extermina tion. It Is said that several hundred while miners unsuccessful and Impov erished, who might have perished dur ing the arctic winter wetu brought home on government transports. Hut the principle Is a bad one, and notice Is given Hint the war department does not again Intend to finnlsh transporta tion. 'Pouching the mllltaty academy, Secretary ftoot corillally endorses the recommendations of the superinten dent, Colonel Mills, as to the reuulre ment of a fuller preparation on the part of 11 candidate In the nuttier of study. Army Reorganization. The (subject of army, reorganization Is trailed at some length, but most of the del alls have been touched upon In the letter of Secrelary Hoot transmit ting the reorganization bill to congress. He says that the military reqtiliements In the Philippines may he summed up as follow m: I'nr the Immediate futine about 60, noi) men. This number may be prog lesslvely decrease-d by the gradual dis appearance of real Insurrection, and the restoration of order, and by the substitution of native troops costing less than hair to support. A I no dis tant day the Islunds themselves will be able to pay for their own police pro tection. Provision should be made, thereftiie, for u minimum force of GO, 000, with an authorized maximum ot 100,000, antl with authority to use na tive troiipx in place of American sol diers. JURORS FORHf JANUARY TERM Were Drawn Yesterday by Sheriff Pryor and Jury Commissioners Wiggins nnd Dougherty. The iliHt jurors for the year 1H01 were drawn yesterday by Sheriff C. K. Ptyor and Jury Commissioners Charles Wig gins and Prank Dougherty. They are the tlrst names taken from the wheel tilled last Thuisday, and will serve on the grand jury, bealnninB Januaiy 7, antl In the term of criminal court, which begins February 4. The list follows: (ilt.VNIl .ll'HV, JIOMIW, .IAN'. 7, 1WI. I'liHi'i Mouithaii, laborer, .-ituiituii. I'.irt S. Thomas, machinist, hctantori. John IlrooKs, mini!-, ul pliant. William lleflion, "itiiuei, Sciatiteiu. Dolph Atnohl, lonstubie, Vamllliiir. Ilci'w 11. Davie-, laboiet, Sei.inton. Utili Sluip, eltiK. sooth Abiiits'ton. John 1!. Owens, agent, 'fiileu. lohii frosahi, t It'll;, sciuntoii. i:. A. Mcccn-i, meicliunt, Dunmoie. Waller MoXicholas, laboiei, Nunum. .lames WaNh, miner, Cuiboiidale. I'lauk I'llllier, millhaiiil, Sciantou. ('In isti.111 Wiitlt, mlllhaud, Sciiiiitoti. lieu V. Mono, fanner, south AbliiKton, Allied K. I.istct, eniriiieei, -siranlon. .Maitin Lawless, iiilnet, Sci.iriton. T. X, (j'ordou, nah'Miiau, biiautou. lohii A. Wooelbritlire, farmer, Daltou. N. V. N'iihols, eletk, South AbitiKlon. . 'I'. Teehei. iuslilJlue JKClit, Diinniure. loltu It. .loites. miiiir. "nniiitou. .Miles Delmer, miiii'i, Srraiilun. .lames .IiuIki. uiim-r, eiJiitoii. I'llTIT .IllltOlfs, MONDAl, KKU. t. 1H00. Ilheii (.'itfllths, gtulleiii.in, Sei.inlou. I'etir Xelson, iiilnet, Sii.iiiton. (', I', SJIlse'iibaueth, I'lipeulel, lllllimoie, I.'. S. I't.itt, mc'ie li.llit, Seiantou, II. ,1. Jttt'sf, vveiKluu.isti-r, l'tckvllle. Jlimcl I). I'ettll, tleik, Seiiiuton. lotni Younxhlood, ltotel, 'J'aloi, Samuel Ulill.uns, bather miuhaut, --ti.iiit.iii. I'.ittich Ciiden, biiteinler, sam,,!,. .lames I Illckc', laboiei, Si'ianlou. 1'. .1. lli'S.111, jovvoiei. Seiantou. John l. Itoche, ieiuilei, Siutiuoii, I), W. lleirnhaker, janitor, llimiuine. (irillitli T. I l.l vis. luiliauil, ciaulnu. (Jeorue W. .lenkiiis, iluwisl, til, IMvvard I..votis, niiner, 'I'luuop. IMvvaid niehetker, Kiocer, Seiantou. I'. M, Mollut, lianiessuiakci, Si rant nn. Ail. 1111 Mi'ilili.itl-iT, llteuiiiu, til, t'hailes (j. ltoos, eltk, Sttanton. Will lam I!. Kane, barber, nuautoii. Ibin.v Sc.uuaus, Kent., Denlnu. Cliailes .Nicklci, teamster, Seiautuii. William Mcl'o.v, opeintot, Xa.i" An-'. Wllllum Wheeler, tanner, Siott. Ht'V. 1'. W. I'ovvell, cletujman, M,ieliun. NViiliam Xealson, mailunist, m union, l'leel Itc'lhl, caipeutei, Seiantou. Iiintcs Collins, nittier, Dtimnoie. Willinm (Millions, miner, Olvphant, Slilnpy llakir, assistant foreman, Setatiton. Thomas .loidaii. dockin, buss, .Sttauroii. Ciotet W. Davis, ihuuKisi, Stiautoii. 1'. ,1. ('illumine;-., tiniili.iul, snaiitoii. 1', W, lleale'. 111,'ent, Si rant nn. Ullliiim lliiKbe, hiakcuuii, Ciihoiidale, Kllicst ('. ll.lll, clgat-iiiakei', Seiantou. loscph Vie a is, Insuiauii uictut, Dmimote. loll 11 llilifis'io, iniiier, Scrauloii. 1). II, lliailsli.tr.-, tleik, Scmulnu. .lohii I'. Heath, ear hitildei, Srratilou, lteesc II, I). iv Is, Kcnllcnun, -sciaulon. -leilin T, Jones, teacher, Seranlon. William .lteis. Ice dealer, Arehbihl. Ch.ule.s llarih', bookkeeper, Suiuilou, William Hall, vvaKoii-mukri', Diiumore. .Nelson Auilernon, miner, Sitantoii. It ic I1.11 it it, Thomas, driver Ihmk, Scianloti, I'loteiict' I'ellon, uicicltant, Muellsou. Chiile i:. Whitli'iuoip, machinist, thy, ('. I.. Van lluAlik, clnk, iscraiitoii. .luliii I;.l. Holiday, timekeeper, i'cuntuii, .leioine llelles, tailor, Straiitou. Kdvvard I.011I, tarpenter, Diimnoie. II. I'. Smith, bookkeepei, Seranlon. A .1. Dull, justice of peace, Auhhtbl, 1'ijnk Jle Civv ley, eleik, Scrantoii, licorice (.'hainpliti, laiuier, Seiiith Ahiuitioii. (ieotKe Klttholt, r.irenter, Seiuutoii, 0. .1. Ilandolph, comhietor, Dumnoir, 1'irrrr juiton-s, mommy, vvm. ii, iwh. .I11I111 Cany, ex-fihoul eontioller, Siranlnu. W, S. Klonlskl, druKk'ist, ell, .latins Case', tneielunt, Scianlun. Iiarney Itosenbuii,', thoemaker, Siraittoii, Henry Sehuheit, meicliant, Seranlon. Thomas 1. (illgalloit, collector, Setaiiton. Wc-leltner 51, Sivallovv, fannei, South Abimjtoii, .1, P. Schvvenkcr, tailor, Seiantou, K. II. lloiubakcr, faiuirr, Madison. .Ijinn. ivtlh-, eleik, Moscow, 1, W, (isihvvlndt. uioeer, Scrantoii, John itink, laimer, llinluu. v i'alilck CiinimiiiKs. mliiei, Tavlnr, T. S. i'.nkiT, fanner, South Ablniiloii, Charlch Miller, enieuukei, Hcraitloti, Abraham Well hid, eleik, Seranlon, i'lcd, .Miller, moulder, bcrjiilon, .lohii (lllio, iiilnet, Ait lilulil. X, T, swattH, laimir, Madison, John II. lilliscpic, clerk, Se union. i:. I". Spauldlu,'. aeeoiiiitaut, seiauton. (I, A, (iav, teacher, .south AhliiKtou. 'ihomas Mulkc', harueM'Utaker, .li'im.vu, .loM'plt W. l.erch, miller, 1S011H1 Abluejlou, 1'cli'i Xtihn, inaeiilnlst, .seiantou, Alvin Haines, cmciucc-i, "scrantoii. John lteesc, ,-ioeei, Seiantou. I'. Mooie. hotel t It 1 Is, OIpliuiit, John tl, llrirmiller, uiloi, Siruitioii. Charles Delsiui;, eoiidiicloi, Seiantou. Iloinliiick l.uiraiii. ele-rk, l-iikuwaniu. W. II. Iltiher, foiemau, Dunmoie, Lewi lijrdella, iiteichaiit, Seiantou, ll II. MOite, impel hi er. Sciaulon. Wllllum Kruiiid, bank tlerk, Stuntoii. 1'jlilck Wal.li, inlmr, "-erantou. II. I). t-Yior, bailier, I'cekvllle. John faeliitlber, lejui.,l.er,..Scuiiton. Daniel Wnnlen, i-aiv.vtr, I-i I'lume, Adolph Moier, clcik, Scrauloii. (I lieu Stojiton, fat met, South blugtun. I'jtrlik litniiy, laborer, Atehbalel. .lames 0. Mauler, foreman, Duumorp. Thomas II. Howell-;, ftrlght ageiu, Scianioii. Ii. I., l.lusay, tontijctor, Lincoln Height. John liud, moulder, Seranlon. i'ted I). Stevens, merehant, Pmimoic. fAITCC Of Kidney Disease Is oftentimes en vittltJC slu'ouded in nlystery. CpcCfT Of Kidney Disease is NOT mysteri CrrCv 1 olVs, but is known to all. CURE PROOF FltllK HAM I'l, K Wurner'sStifp Cure on repelit of iiostnl ciirel. Aildiesu, Wnrner'a Hhro Cure ('11,, Kocbester, '. lent V. atrniinmiiniHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiimiiiHiHinmiiiiHiiHtiWji I A Christinas In the selection of a Christinas Gift an article possessing tht following live requisites will never fail to please : First It should be APPROPRIATE to the receiver, to be acceptable Second It should be BEAUTIFUL, to please the eve. Third-It should be USEFUL, to be sensible. Fourth It should be DURABLE, to serve as a lasting reminder of the giver. Fifth-IT should be THOROUGHLY GOOD of its kind. All the better if it serves a general purpose, so that the EN TIRE FAMILY can enjoy it as well as the favored member, whose good fortune it nuy be to leceive the gift. There aie few arti cles that meet all of these requirements equal to a FINE MUSICAL INsSTRUMENT. It is a substantial gilt for the home and will re main a constant enjoyment in the family circle for many years. MANDOLINS FROM $;.S( Ul CUITARS FROM 4.00 UI BANJOS FROM 5.00 UP. VIOLINS FkOM !2.n0 UP. KF.CilNA MUSIC BOXES FROM $10.01) UP. Cases, Music Stands, Music Rolls, Music Cabinets, Duet Benches, etc. A Fine Line of Piano Steiols-and ScnrN. s Our Goods s Our Prices 1 Our Business flethods j George W. Finn, 138 Wyoming Avenue S OPEN EVENINGSS- irrtiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiitiKiHiiitHiHiiiiiiiiMiMiiinmiiiiiimiiiHii 'I'ablo D'AmliiM, liuhl Kte-pii, lliiiiiii'nr, luliii M. Iltiriilul.i'i. rjipeiitcT, N r.iuti'ii. .Man In I'. Smith, slilppiui; iltik, l.iiuiiln ll.ii;lils K A. .Me,tii, faiine'f, shihIi Vliliituu. William i.otiKluicy. liriil.eiii.in, S i.ititiiu. (Ji'urge Mr.iers. f. inner. Soul li Aliiiiietun. I. .1. 0'1)0II11III, hlllIll'lll. .sU.lllloil. Thompson Htjit, ai;tnt. Mi.iuion. .lolui M, Nn iik, iloil., MjUIsiiii. t.'ilosi Kolicrlt, Kt'iil, DjIUiii. t.OOIITf Mllltl, UJtllll.lll, Meisieiw. W. II. I'lillri', loiiiliiclni, Se'Liiiluii. Allit'it .liiliiiinii, lilmriM, Wjirily. NICHOLSON. Ppptial to Ilii- Siianlon Tribune. N'irholson, Dei. ?,. Hisses Cora Field, of Ashley, unci llllle Pulnitr. of Si'ran ttin, wpro the guests nf Clara Tiffany over Sunday. Dr. and Mis. V. '. Deuker sjient ThanksKlvins at Falls. Mi-h. II. H. AVIIklns cnteitaliied at illnnci', Stiniloy.DeoHmber L'. The eue.sts were Dr. and Mrs. II. K. WllUins. Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Wllklns, of Scrantoii: -Mrs. 13. H. "Webb, uf Jersey City; Mr. F. N. Uoyle, of .Su.iejtieliiiiina : Mr. and Mr. H. B. AVIIklns, '. II. MacConiiell, Florence AVillcins and Jluth Johnson. Dr. and Mis. K. II. AVohb. of Jersftv city, .spent ThunksalvliiB with Airs. Webb's parents, Mr. anil Mis. K. F. Johnson, of State street. Mr. John Nlver, who litis been upeni'I-In-r some time with his uncle, J. A. Nlver, returned to Ills hmne In Scran ton, Monday. Mrs. A.V. Stark and dittiBhter, Ethel, spent Thanksgiving at Laeeyvllle. Mrs, K. Tl. AVt'bb, ui'companled by her sister, Kutli Johnson, were calling on friends lu Faetoryvllle. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. i II. MucConnell vli lled the former's imrents, at Harford, last week. They were accompanied by Hay Snyder. Mjss Ktlllli MacConiiell, of AVIIkes Harre, visited her Mster-ln-lav, Mrs. C. II. MtiuCoiiuell, Weduesdny I'venliiK', She rotuine(ll lir ho me In ifanford, Thursday mornlnK. TUNKHANNOCK. ?pe-el.il lu tin Hii.iutc'1! Tilliunc Tuukhuilliock, Upc, 2. The papei.s III the mntter of the contest ot thu ollleu of representative) lu the seneral as sembly from this county were (lied to day nnd served upon A. II, Snuler, who holds tlio cortlllenlo of election, The petition embraces -every dlstviiit In the county mid alleues mistaken in 1'imntliiK ami Illegal casting of bulliits. The petition Is signed by the following: electots of the county: M. 1). Kelly, M. W. SUiilieiw, V. 1.. .Smith. F. A. Oolvln. I. AV. Hillings, F, M. Williams. AS'. W, I.'jHoy, O, IJ, I'ratt, E. I), IK'll, 11, It, Champion, AV. W. Johnson, I-'rank 15. Proper, Stephen U, Juy, J. M, Carpenter, .''htirles c. Shlifer, II, W. Kline, II. A. C,ardni'i', .lospph II. Harding, F. I,'. Tllfanv, II. S, Stephens,. .1, A. Nlver, tleorge ,-J. 1', AVainer, AVul ter Williams, D, (i. Hlack, .M, I,. Il. lings, c, It. Neiton. II. ll. Walker, and viUh hwout to Imfoie Nathan V. Wilcox, justice of the ponce of Xlchoi son botough. I 'pun this petition nu order of court was nitidu convening the court of common pious here on Dec. 17 for the purpose of n hearing. At that thno such oidcrs w be made r.s will appear necessiu'y for the further ing of the hearing of the case, At torneys Henry Harding, James AV. Piatt uinl II. S. Harding represent the petitioners, ami Mr. Sqiiler will ba For all forms of Kidney Disease is Warner's Safe Cure. A vegetable specific, and for the past 21 years favorably known in all parts of the civilized world. Illill Noith Asltluatl Avp.,lTilcHKu;ltl, AUK. 'i'l, IflOO. WAItNI'.lt'l M.VKK t'l'lH Co. Oentloinmi When my pli.VHlclmi flrxt told ntPlhtl I1111I llrlis'lit'is illseiisp. 11 colli chill went over m nntl I felt 11B If I vvcreit tloometl limn for threes inonttu I took hln prescript leni antl Kept acttlnt; vrorso, vvlinn my driiKlll, who wiih a pernonrtl nienel, totit iiip Hint in his optnTnn, Wiirtipr'HMiifu (,'itro wns the bent, medicine) on enrlh for HrlKht's ellsctisp. 1 tool; n bottle nl ouco nnel gradually felt telle vcd. I kept lukltitc II put lotitly null rpftilnrl.T for tvvo luiiutlii 11 uel weifils enunol deserlbp my feetlnKS vrhan I fiiiinil tlttit I vrim eiiri'il, IIi'IkIiCh illnense ISa lltliiKiirilie past nnd I would Ilk to suy tu evoryiiiie Htinllnrlv nfTHi'lnl, try Wnrner'a Hf Cure. Viiiiis very reMiPctfitll.v , .11 IK KnfsK. .Mention this I'tip-T. IB set Gift Are All Right represented by AV. K. and C. A. Ut ile, Asa S. Keeler and E. J. Jorden. The boaid of county commissioners were at llocky Forest on Saturday and disposed of the old wooden brids" at that place at public sale. The price brought was $48. A contract for a stone at eh bridge at that place wat let some time ago to M. V. AVandalll of Mehoopany, and the ni-w, bridge In practically completed. Jury Commissioners John AVall, o' Northmoreland, and Elijah Klntner. of Mehoopany. were in town today for the purpose of lining l lie Jury wheel for ihe ensuing year. Judge Dunham, of l.aporte, was also here to aid the com mlssioneis. Three hundred innmea go Into the wheel for nevt year. AVOCA. The Ladles' Aid society of tti Muthodlst Episcopal church will meet tomorrow afternoon at ihe home of Mrs. K. C. Kelluni. The 8-yP.ir-nlil ilaiiglitpr of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Connor, died on Saturday evening, aft"i' sulteilng several day- with diphtheria, lutermrnt was mad yestorduy in St. Mary's cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin McGlynn. o: New Yoilc city, are spendinif a fev.' days at the Urehony residence, on Orove Mtreet. Mh;s Nellie Shaiighnessy, of Wlll lamspoi't. is llie guest of her sister, Mrs. T. P. McGrell.) Miss Kate Campbell, of Seranlon. has leturned homo after spending a few days AVltli friends In town. David Parry, of Illchmondnle, hu.i been appointed one of the mine tnv men at the Hillside colliery. That Mr. Allen retires from the du ties as foremun with the b"st wishes of his fellow men was attested on Satur day evening, when the employes of l..iw shutt assembled In O'Malley's hull and presented him will) a hanil miiiki oaken Morris chnlr and a mee.r h'auni pipe. The presentation speech" were mndo by Dr. Hew and Attor ney M. .1. Dixon. There was u mut1 I'ttl inogramnie, after which refresh ments weiti served. Mr. Allen was t-e overcome that he could scarcely llui woidH to ixiuess his feelings. Diirlnf the pust thirty years he has been wit the men and only words of regret can bo heard since he resigned. They liom he will be spari'd many years nf happy letirement. A tolegiam was received liere es terday, nnuounclug the death of Mis. Joseph Taylor, at Falrinount, AVeM Virginia. Deceased had been a rem dent of this town for many year, but lll lie if heveral yeurn ago, to bet ted their lliuinclal condition. Tn thW she succeeded filial since their resi lience there they have uccuiniilateel a coiisldernble amount or real estate. Shu was a sifter of Mrs. John O'tVeil and Mis. Patrick O'Mulley, of the AVst Side, The funeial will tuke plae" on Thursday morning. Mrs. O'Mniley, John O'Nell, .lohn Meade un Ml.ii Ilrldget Meade left yesterday to at tenil the funeral. Mis. Wlnslow's Soothln-f Syrup .11.1.11 n an '-i"i tt'ni.si nuu I.ULIU, (nii U llie best remedy lor DIMIKIIOKA. Solei hi llti'Mlsts In feiy part ol the world. Bo auit ami als for "Mi"). lnilo'j Soothing liuf." mm a.s w. .. -.--.. - - sw. aMWf, ' mul take im bthtr klml. lwtntjf.fl, raati l(tllt. u bern u-etl for 01 r I'ltTV YKARS Hv MII.I.IONh "' ilOJHKUh (or l!iir t'HII,UHKN Wllll.i: TKKTIIIMi. illi I'KKrKfr SUCOM-J II b-OOTIIKS tlic fllll.l), SOfTK-NS the QIJmS k " ii -M-. -. . .