' "(V J i 8 . THE SCUANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, DECEMBER 3M 1900. mw 'shir THIS COUNTY'S CRACKPLAYERS MAKE-UP Or ALL-LACK iYW ANNA COUNTY ELEVEN FOR 1000, Foot Dull Stms Will Shine No Moio Until 1001, nnd Usunl Team Pickett nt the End of Every Season His Been Chosen by The Tiibuno Tho Two Vaughnus, Kel llher, Welssenfluh, Lnntrnn, Hng- perty, Fnnoll, Qcndnll, Tiopp, McAndiew, Hndglns, Membem. Till- ili'li id the runt 1 all tafill e'NOiy vein otCilslniH thi' t hoiHliK nf till-ml-loiro luiiim ofi tlic lilw Kilillnni". inn! th' pll'klllt,- Of 'I If lilfM'lltUtlW fit". I'll fitim the local dIiimk Tin- tnik thl'i win In nut all ims' niu' Tin tft'litinl of Hie , Unukiiu'itniiu, which In iniinei vettm lui'i itlunyt put ntit mic of the ipoiib I'Mt fk'M iir In the i olllilv. uh thli .seal ti'iirsi'iitP(l.h an iiKKii'h'alloii o wells that It fell i,n nsv iilhii In llltrh School's tec oml ti'Min. The i'l"i'is who in'e-t'iil miiilti for the all-ljit kawaniiii unnil tumi aie St. TlioniiiM, I tilth Sclionl, I'aiboiiilale Jiiilliilis Km tLii lllo anil the Thli ti'illth li'cjiint'iit Ol these, St. Thonias (limit' was Mlniii,i'i than last , pai. The othois M'Ollir (I all to lie wiinifici, llulitel ami l.iwer than the teiniii ivi't. 1'iiptiilii Tiiiii illil wniitli'is with his IIIkIi St ho'il MiniiKsti i. bin tin nh--'1t( e fl niu It ijl lasl .wut s eleians on ll not but In noted That i til of Blunt piianls. ilniiin .uul .Malla, the two licet halfhiK ks, DfHtiu ami Hieiwn, li.mlv Sohtllty, the t.u kit , ueie all nilslii;. Kiictoiyillle nKo was weukti. It'tli anNoa, the hiIrIiI. suiiin -Ii.iIi, il luilf bick, was Riuii' Mini -ei tie the ma Joiity of tie huskx laiiu who last enp made lCij stone Article nn one of tho most foimlcl ilile ikhii nation" f players In tltt. counts fAHBONDAkl! 1. N't MAN'S The Indian'., of I'nibotiliilc, wun only a little weakei, and I,.u k.iwiuin.i, is has illicitly Ixeu s ilil, iiiulil not he ronsiilpictl hi the sune i lus with the other tt mi j. The Tlmteenth n ulnicnt had proud matt i ill to tli.nv iioin and put on the tii'lil a ,'noil team, one MlileJi in 1101 -lll "kecjj 'em all suesiinii " Howpei, this eai the nun did not pi.ic'tlco enoiiKli. and aftti'the ell-ns-1 1 ous tlereit In fi Thoinii', lost liaait. The St. 'lliiiinib team while ioinpos.nl of many or last m.h's tin ins, also hail plcntv ot new blood to inlet t uin er into the ts.ini wolic, and is a ic sult easily pienetl the piemiei local team A nmte.li between si Thoin is and the Hlith St hool would h.ie iiotd a good otic, nn 1 thcie was a crcneiallv e)iesTtl wish foi sin h a same. The t oIIpkp lnenwtiiikl hae linn too lie.iw, howeier. fo: the lUlit I!l,?li School men. and unless ;)il l.ilti'j si moil bv stnl klcMnir it h ei Weill tit Utiles would hap been lji.inlee.el, as Tiopp and Wei- oiilluli aie the onh nun who eonltl be dipendtil upon to mIii stimuli In ilniuslntf in ull-t iiiinU team the niajoiits ol plates net ess.n lis ko to the "t. Thom is liitn is eeis plajei on tlie leini )inLil hlmselt ihmuiilinul the si json to be l l.u in his pollion. In beKhitiiiin at the ends, lolimn Vauuli in, tin --toiklls -built little ".Sen aioi" of (he ;-i 'I limn is te.im is im doubtulls tile hist hi in lo be consltl eied His oik diniiif Hip pu was iiiiifoimlv iMellPiit anil in the k.iiiips asainsl Wjtnuin,' Spininai ind rm.l h mi l'olle;e he did tspn 1 ills lino woik. He was do u Hit fltltl until i kicks in Ki.islioinid-liUe stsle, mil iuesltibly tlownetl the t iIiIili b lind, sit Ions taeklts V'heii 1,'iscn the hall lixiuu with, lie Riiiiiiillv iv.iinoil, ami made seSLi.il billll.iiu d isln-s iluilim the ea- M)ll 3IANV KAST MV.S riieie sveit nums otl't i lasi men foi tin positions) and .Mi Iluiih. who pins, ml pail nl the se.u with the hlnh sihonl would hise made i stmnn bid foi the ilat e li id lie tontinii"tl in the Liiiiic until the end ol the siasnn. Ills flefenMsp wink ssai much btttti than last season, and he inn is stioni? with the ball as most n tlie loial half bat ks. Pill the tilliei i lltl tlieie tiu likewise mans- t antlldate. Hans- 'aimii in, of the IIIkIi Stliool, Manley ami ninniut Kit kw ond, of St. Thomas, Adams, of the ThiitPPiith, unci Ilunp,, of Ko.si.tone, til plaseil hplentllil Kiunt h Manles- and Kirliwootl jilasnl i M.eedllif;lv .slloiiK hames, but .Mnnle.s's woik was only seen in two fjanivs in this ilty ami Kilkwood s is untoi tuniile in bienk iiif," an anl.lt tails In ilie senson, sslileh put him out ot tlie nice Hpei taculai and biillinnt woik in two oi thifc Raines (annul be "taken as a fall iiiteilnn, ami it is no shame to eitlu i of these steilliiR- plaseis that the fait ihnt tin1 had nu Iniv tippoi tunltie.s to (IIsUiikhIbIi iheuisilscs ielei,,itts them to tho uclllltl teaip, Hail 'aut,haii, ssltoso haul, steads woik ihioiiKliout the entile reason illil so imit.li to sticiifjthtn the HIkIi School, ssill be I'lsen this tiul, which his splendid de Icnshe woik and haul line IniPkhiK eaiuetl hill). Km' llKlll tat kit, .leii.s Kellihei, ot St. Tlimnas, looms up luiemost, a splendltl line hut Iter, his olliiisise woik Is lus-iilu ible nnd on ilefeui-e he Is niwilly xtuiiiK. Tiniii aflei time this MiiHon has lie bioken tliioiiKli his man mil downed opposlrur baeks lit loie they ould wet tall Is stm it tl. IJyiiou, ot thp llljfll .selltiol, also phi etl u kooiI tickle, nnd FlnnlRim, ot the Thli tetinth, did ASCII Anthony and ,loepli Jli Doinjltl, ol St. ThoiniiH, and Welsseulluh, ot the hih school, appeal lor lett tackle, each of them rIioiik on the ilctonse and u tleite olfenshii i)a.sei. The post (foen to the IiIkIi hcIiooI nmnatfei, liowesei. Ills luip-hiKkiiit,' iluilntr the wason ssiih the finest Men at Athletic pink with the posslblo eLitplliin of the woik of ThoniiiH iiKaliim Koullium, ami his de fnisls'o t.tttkK win it also nf tim (ii&t hiss, OUAKDS POII Ti.li: THA.M. Both Kuaids cm thu team will bo St, Thomas men, TlmmciH who plaed ThiinkJCBlvluif iiBuiimt Koulhain pliieil tllo llncst gtinicl of the Heat-on, hut one name's woil; will nut' cain liini n placu on (ho ulK'ounty team and Mm tin J.anipin and Ilustfeit.s will lm allotted the Biinrd postn, l.nntfan is u phiei of many yeaih' ppoilenco nnd both an u lino bucker nnd In (lefeiisle sU)i jmH uiwUjs piosptl a tiiwer of Htieimth to his team. HIb pnitnpf, HuBBoity, iiindo his Hist Jocnl appearance tills season anil played it lino fcMiui'. He is tho blfa'gest und heavltsst nvm who has played tluough niit thu tall at Athlotlo pail:, but for a lingo man Is nesci thelcbs very fast on Ills ft C! t . i:iwi)od, of high school, Is a young Vl'Cf who bus tlojiu splendidly ut i Rtiiiitl nnd In a year or two will make it inognlflLont plnyev. At center, tho majority of tennis have been lather weak this year, nnd Fnr lell, or 9t. ThotnnH, nppenrs to be the strongest candidate for the place. Ho If why and slicing, pauses tho hall well nnd has mined n pine c on the county ten in. Thete la n wealth of men In the backfleld to tliuw ft out. ltlgcno Tropp, of the High He hool, l, however, lltst i hole n foi iitat let back, Uurlng the nonson he only played pnit of the time nl (lii.ulcr, the lemalndcr ot his gnnies being at hitlfhnck. I1p Ih nutuiitlly, howmcr, n itiaitcr, and In sooial past peitfoiiF has .shown his ublllty In that line. Ills most foinildable opponent Is .Inmcs u'lloio, ol St. ThonuiH. The hitter Is n player of much (ho same, st.sle us Tiopp, nnd iluilng the senson has been i piled upon bv his leniu to do the bull: of the punting. Tiopp, how evi r, r the butt iill-niounil place and dtop kicker and punter In the county, and theiefoie phi lis his place, lie Is n sine and sii inns tatlilet, and with n sluing line to hold back the opposing side, Is at an t Inn- liable to menace his opponents' j;o,il with n Held kick. Its iiilllmek goes to lliitlglns, of the t'.iibouiliile Indians. This btllllalil1 plnscc was with St. Thomas In seveinl garni s, but nt'VPithi'less is one of the sttoiigpMi iiiembeiK of the Indians, and tlie fact t lint when the tJnibondfilp team lined up against the tollege that he was at fullback loi the loliner Uum pi opei ly i stabllslits the team to sshlah he ilgbtiull belong" lie is a h.iiil Hue iilimgei ami splendiil end luunei, hugging ills Intel teience cloi-el and being haul lo down. He Is, nun poser, an pmi'IIpiu plate klfltt't and good ptllltei. !i:.VUAI,l. (SIVHX A lUi-M'i: Olt k. (leliilltll, of tile Tllllte-llth, takts one of the liaises This scteian plajei put up n stiong game at h.ilf li'ick toi the soldier bo s, and agilnst High School phiM'd a gieat game, as tlld also his colleague, Oiegoiy. (Jen tbtll did not do so well against St. Thorn is, but this wus p.iitl.s due to the Intel lor suppoil glseti him by his com 1 nilcs ICtele. of the Tllll leenth. also pluul well at lujf. .McAlitliew, ol St. Thomas, the bunks little tight halfback, -will play the other half Thiougliouf the season lie put up .i splendid game, und also did line ih tt nl e woik Hanson, of the Indians, nnd lieeis, of Ke stone, abo pin isi tine liaises. TliN, then, swmld be the nil-counts' team: Cuds Hauy Vaugiiiin, High School, John A'uighan, St Thomu", tinkles, Wels-enfluli. ilTgli School, Kel lihei, St Tliom is; guaids, Iingan and Ilaggett, Sf Thomas, tcntei, Pan ell, St, Thomas: qiuii tei back, Tiopp, High School, h lis es JIcAndress, of St. Tiiorn.i and lit nd.ill. of Tliliteenth legiinent, tulllmtk, Hadglns ot Cai bondale Km line-but king Hip team would be supplied witli Iiangan, Kellihei, 'Weis seiilluh and Haggeits, ssho aie moie than Lompetent of tipping " pieces oji-po-lng lines Hadgins, McAndiew and Gentliill ue a foinildable piid-t tinning tllo, ami Hadglns ami Tiopp ss 111 moie than attend to the kicking depaitmenl o! the game Tills tiain ssould be a lppieseiitatls e one li mil the tounl and ssould abl lepipseiit Lackawanna upon the gild- i I on NDUSTRIAL 4--- ---Hy .s).4. Boycott Deolaied Otf. At a meeting held sesienlas afii i noon in tile Unlit tlimtle ot the inein beis of the Stage Cmplo.ses' iiulon, the dilfeienets wbith base existed between the union and the managements of the l.scpum nnd Atiideins tln-atics iluiing the last seat weie amicably adjusted, and ssllhln a lew da s the boscott against the plas houses will be tailed oil .Manage"! A .1 Uuft.s, of the Lsieuin tbeatie, ssas pie sent' anil held a oon ieieuce ssitb Oianlyei Pietl Dilcht r, of the Tlljled Uitie Woikeis ot Alliel 1 ii. ssho ssas piesenl In the iiitt i i?ts of the stage emijloses togi llier with I'lesldenf Jlaitin U Plnheit and Geoige If. Oothiei, ol the Ctntial I.almi miioii.aiid Scrietaiy.lohu I temp ses, ot the mine woikeis It Is iiiiclti stood that the maiuigt meiits of the two tlieafies hasp noss agicttl lo sign the scale, to appoint none but union men, and as ilils was llie piimlp.il bone ot cuntentlou Ihioughinil', the gilc sallies aie now inaetltalls at an end. Oltlceis Veie Nominated. A intetlllf, ot tllel'cntuil b.lboi Iiulon was la id scsteidas alteinoon, anil the annual nomination ol oilkPis took plntp, alter tlie liansaetlon o! the it gu ild loutine bllhllu ss, I'nsident .M.iitln i) Klaheits was iioinlnateil to sue iced himself, V, W. Uati i Is the iitiinhii'e tor hv-piesl-clent, and Nit hnl is Hmke unci John JJc- S llie aie the noinlmes foi leeincllng sicietais. lleoige II. riulhli'l's niune was glsui lm llnaiiilal hh-hiiih, ami noiuliiatiiins weie a u made :oi mis ttes mill sci go.iuu-nt-ai ins, These otll ti is win b- plectea at the meeting to be Iiclil a mouth Hunt sesteiila.s. Tiaimnen Elect Otfleois, At a icglllai meeting ot Moses T.l loi lodge, No. if., lii othei hood ot T'l.ilnmeii, In A, O. P. AV, hull jC.s. tetilay afteiiiDou, tin following olll i eis wpip eh r it'll lm the ensuing ear: Mantel, J, J, Muuay; ske-muiitei, T. J, Timlin: beuctary, V. 1. Htilll financier,' M. J. Lynns; lollettin, A. J. Cintal, Join mil agent, W, ,1. Muiut gh.tn, elelegiitu to biennial umvontlon to be hold al Milwaukee, Wis, a. M. McDonald, alternate delegate ivt'er K. May This nittl That. Tuillliuastei McCnnn, uf tlie Caeku wanna, bus acheitlsed satanelcs on tlallis 10 and Si. OignnUer P. M, Howe, of Hrmlfoul, will iiiiilghl comliict u nii'ctlng oi the city bnibcis at tho mlueih' htudiiuiii tfis, on fuLkawaniin avenue, and theie oigunie ii baibei.s' union, Tho South iScinutoU knights of the Mia.suis )mn alieady been oigniiUeil. Wednesday night tho expiessmen, cab dilvets and baggage men will bo foi mod into a union, Oiiruulei Kitdciluk Dllihcr, ot the United Mluo AVoikeis' union, who has been In thu city dining tho past two weeks, playing a ptumluent putt In the mgaulatlou of a number ot local labor associations, will leavo today for DlstilU No. 0, Ho will mako his heud quails;! s ut Hazlotou, and intends to band together the viulous ssoikeis and peifeot organizations among the labor ing men In the dlstilct. He will return to Scianton next Sunday und will thon begin a seiles of labor meetings to bo hold tluoutjhout Lucktisvanna county. ELKS' LODGE OF SORROW tConchiilrd f i om I'.ikc i keen lilctitlflnl n iincoiiipiomUIni; (u'i nl (lilt nolorlouc thiK tint lint). iiticiiiactl, llomWicil, for our a nitnrtir cil ii cmtlirj, lllrlmnl lliuUcil iirrlril minililiio silicro e'er tic ssclit. lie litil a lnil r.s liunli und ;l IUh(oii u Welti e( t In cr lor nit ssho xtooit hi luitl ul II, Vit no nun In tills coinnmnUi ilnoil In grullri Mill d( ihcr t ti in ltltliirtl lttKluil liliusttl, lur In nc tlm Miljjctl ol llie niiwt linnsiiiil mil is tiiiortlinnry nil'toi Itiiim. Mini 1ml n "Itnlitit 'l t'nliili lill coll kc lie i is loinprllul tr iilMiiiinn lilt bunk i to K" tniil i-nl, l"i I io.'I I 111 In I'liiot" I' .sou evno tnncriiit sillh tlio life ot I mm svlio m! not known tlie liltwlmr nt n ihv Jn e dim )lil"il pilii In twe ms Mir-, i iliiili ,; Hint tiini' liul itiqulieil mi tilmiitluu mi, I ii tui-(r-i-loii Iiitt aclilcuil iliilll ctloii .111101) lis in Sinkrin mill h ul ilnlir mtitli In iurll lite chit lite In stliltli lilc till ni win vp'iit, smiiiIiI .nu tint iKelaic Hint mi li u in in li nl wlllilii lilm nit tlie clTnenli ol uremic-? Vit stir li u mm Wu4 llkliitil lluittcil, inil iniilil-l ll nil ll' fOllllll time ti foi get lil-t ussli IiiIhiIit, in Miunllifug llio (iiilnwttl bum nt ntliiiK ll'iKir. lit s(li rttpjiiiint i ho tituti) nt linn i'. w 1,11114'm, t linnet ful uJ if 1 xlw il 1 lint " ik, 'I lio xllOlk III IfiullFll In llN ill Mil V h Ml leu ,ii- nllv lii lii oil itentiitiu Win riser xltilhu inni lirml piifoiiiul Mhulndilp, Juilltiil inltitilty .aid ilniilinl.li tontlll) ItlnlH In the KlKllltle mitlill nf the Utv i,n. nppioti ltd, liini w n Itll Hit iiiliinltl of Ills ih uli intl thiii si ii li illnl the inlirhls l id In th, liu)l ) ink, nt i i-innttl lit Ills plsllln' HIS IS Illil Itlilll Wit IS hillipk li ll Mil pinfntiiiil Hi Inil it i ni't iillMlur uitniirii lltn ft! the Rlt ll -liul Ihi Kuml In lili ntfcs Klnn, vit In his slmplliili lit dpmi' i ill il tint he liokl u pi up In Ih.' fit nt mil with tlu Kit ilnl ji.tl tin. iji-t, 'Hit. Ilbini itnmio limit hi- tohl iw, ' llltvnl le thi! Him Kill ftn Hits "1 ill tilit tin inn i ' Mir. '; , tin n. u tllll ssiin.' 1IIII.C htse lit, ll tin l ie-1-lllL of 111, r, s ll 'till ullt tu I' W. tlim-tii 1 1 tint Hi,. Ilnoiio of the la nut I vnltnl Unki of Hie I lit tl-, lm li , tint njr ill iilinllil.Mrlt' 14 nf tin lits, ft mill mini 1111 h il iitiitfiilliiii in ilbjt nlii' llmt ilismi' nuility slhh "ilrnfipiih i tin cnitlc inn fmin In ism " lo discuss liini In id mis nf l!n pol'iM cf cli-irsiillon. iltliti ns i nun i stnnlai, 1 iillii oi a jiulte. is it tusk snrtln nf Ih, ihli"t culiKi-t. I -ta)i.l ii on tin mas. ml ci.i f lis nil ili.nitnls tntl c.lani iiiK oici llitir s ul t'spiii c, (e my tl,in In d h et illimpt t iillliirf tiibitt I latils must inssiti "nu Ih li" " "Ills llfi' wis (iill,, mil the th nu l.ls so nasi it in him. liul n Hun miijit rliititl up Jli'J -r. Iii all llie SSnllll. 'Mils s is i in in " -mt Is Hip lus.s of i,uth Iii tit I cr dm nil ii i- I lust ma.tio) oti stotihl h.isi llii ihht-i iniii niiiiilts iiooi imhiil, tmil this lull.'' in i Until litis tin wul kitnlt We n ille Hi it sse ma mill mm h In pi 11 in thin Uses htfoio ns is ))i txunpli, ami ssc ss ish Ul ll-lifS ttl Ulir tlllllst tlLsill tu sn( Hnisi sihnm tin ilip.uloil, hi the iiiiinssoi 111J Itmltur null , li tse kfl Ih In tut In tin tspittsiun of inn -unost f.ii om 'lip'rl nl biolhtis sii t nn tills tilm tin ssntils of the illllslllDUS llliiiu ' Ul III tin r- Hits 1 1" ml in i lie silence nf Hie nu limp ssoil t the 'Jiintl nf Hit' isusts in, )Mi) nn tin firthii j-ltnre Tint lilt ilu uts nn Iheli stisltil I loss thu 1. 1-., nf thu lfinnl mtiiiiinir M ' THi: HOLY CITY" '1 he flisi iiru i ot the pi oii amine was Plough l to a close bs a comet solo by Thtiiuas Miles, niiompanlcd 1)V li.iuers oiektstia The Hoi Citv" ssas tlie it lii Hon, and llie tlnilon iiotes of llie fainilli'i an sst.it fjisen ssith adniiiiible teisoi and phlt. 'I he oiclitstia net plavecl Ituben sieip's .Melot'Ief m F, and as tlie last notes tiled awns-. Clubman Jonnlnitf stepiinl ltiiwiiitl anil "said "Ladies i nl sentlt men. It Is my pic isiiur duty lo noss piestnt to sou gentleman ssbostunls liijfli in oui oi del. and enn ssboni sou ssill all be pleased lo hear. Tlie Hem .loliii II. Koit, ol ('linden, X. J." As All loi' stt ppetl toi wdlt1 liessic loiindls Lritttetl bs- a bmst en heaiiy iPlilai'sp He planned instantly into Ills 'ubett, -il iklinr s" 1 1 bout ln.inu scilpt and ssltb a ieistn anil finene ss huh "boss oil boss deeply lie s.is en Kam tl in ids toplt. Ho dsselt piinci i ill itpuii the blstoi s- ol the oitlei, anil ik i lined lli.it s bile It is ouin all intended to be menly ol a social ti il in t- Its lossth was plienomeniil, anil ll speedily blanched out into tlie cum beiiesoknt and pietettiso older s.hlcli it noss Is He milled lllion all piescnt the lie it ssits- ot eoiitlntialls- ssoiUlinr loi the a' sot I iliiin'b Jnteiests, nnd tiiiiK in all possible ssiss to fiiithu ll aims. rorfs APDimss. Mi Pint, in tlie ionise ol his ie iiiinks, iptikt of the leellncfs ass-akencel in him bs the nieinonal speicb, and the thoughts nioutd In liini ot the membeis of ills ossn lmliti noss pas-ed iwas "Tlie oi del ul Klks,' lit said, "is not stneiated bPtause of Its iintliinliy, nor 1" it ot but iceeiu siowth. Its nnblo imposes sseie leli lonij nso, bs' tlie noblest spliiis "It ssns oiiiy'inaltd. howesii, n Toss .seats n;;o in Now Yoik by a puts- of liltth-ehaiae teied men ft inn Kncrland. AVheii chin l,s AIt,eiiinii Shines VIvlun Kntbeied about him one Hatiutlny uf teinoon those Hiendly souls foi n lew lioius of sotliil pit iisiii e, lie stunk ,tho kt's-nole of oui iniriinUatlnn, "Pioiii Hint little icirlil nieotltiKr npi uii oui Kieat in dci, Th elk, that nulintl licet nl toot, Hummus in 1 1 11 til nnd stioiiK In the pioticlkm ot Its witiu', naso the name to llici, issoeki tlon, ss lilt li now miuihciH sK liuudied lodges lu l his rouutiy "Kinni Manila tu Alaika, oui lnotb jetl totla.s leleblilli' the 'line set vices thai we me nbsei In1." Tlie unlseisality of Hie i:ik' cliar ll is Hie i tatcst "'' 'u' I'll! poses of llici iiiilei, the n)iiikei sulci It Is not like tho rold dimity dlspcn-ttl by tbn win Id, but Is ulsen In tho kindest and sentlopt splilt. "The sliiipllelty of llie oulei Is so Mint and lut piesslblc that none 1.111 i.inlestaiitl It unb ss full Initiated into lis m Millies Then, aie nu iclttoiiH ilistlnillons, hut oulv one 1 niutuon lu olliel hood. ' Tliei ladlts, loo, base theh mission in helplni: the 01 tier, an the ssife and the motliei, tho slstoi and the dauith fn base been ns eruofullv looked after bv the VilUc ns the husbniid and fathei Ouee a seal, llie oidet has its Kinnd IoiIko incettlncj, ul wliieli tho niembeis fissHiublo tnni all osor the toiintty. P.sen then mo tho Intettsis of the women loolted after ami, In dud, the aim and objtrt of Hut 01 imlatioii Is to niakii tmcr nnd hotter luisbinds, bieithuis, fntlieis and los' ms. , 'This day ot niemoil.il Is, nnd out-ht to be, nn eventful one ainoiu tin UHn, 11 imulndei that noxt ear nno'a own 11. line niuy ho loiind on tho 1 oil call of tho absent onci. Any man ssho Joins tho lodge fiotn felllsh motives, of cither a political or bocl.tl initiuo, lias not Imbibed thu tiuo sphlt iif i:ik dtnn. Ho should ho a nicmbei Because ho Iosb his fellow -mail, and Is wllllin to suffer unci die In humanity's cutis;). "Tho sphlt of selfish etltlclsm Is de bin 1 Pel, for ssltlioul tho noblest Ideal1 bffote him. none eun woik sutcessfully lu the older. All should Ftiise for tho best alms of the association ami In a ssay do mlssionaiy ssotk for It, by en eleavorlncj to enlist ns many now ssoikeis as possible, to carry on and promttlRnto its noble principles nnd deeds." 4 OONOtttmiNCI NUMM3H8, At the oloso of tho speech, (ho ppenkor received 11 hetitlv oviillon. ilohti W, ,Ions then jjeive it splenilld boss snlei. He satn with lino effect, Silence's "Tito Utlifiinds." and was en thusiastically applauded nnd encored. Miss Coin YmtiiR'K 11111110 ssns next on tho pioiriamtnc. and the little miss lecltetl, "The Two IJoi Halts," a poem by A. ,t, Colborn. Hho showed mm keel elee'titloniiiv ublllty and, tendered tho etnotlonnl lines of the poem with cotn inondnble tuso nnd gntce. She ssas piescntod with a litiwe botniuet of ehiyf-iintheinuins when sho toncluded the lecltatlon. And then, once 111010, the Klks on (he s(it(e lose ficiiii their seatd null pet toi nied the I'otielu lint tltos of the nicmoilal set vice. Kxalted Killer Smith piopostd the question as to sshethei or not the seivlco had boon iltils und coinpletely can led out, nnd ns tho nt'liinntls'e uns'ser ssas given, tapped seveial times .sslth his gavel, and the- orchestiti Inn si Into a selec tion, as a signal that the lodge of sor loss for the ear inoo ssas nosv osor. The affair was evcellenlly conducted, and all eiedlt Is duo the committee In c hinge, ssho cons-iHted of: Mi nun hil sirslir-l, I, ttiiiitiiil liul ('. II11.1I. T, llcisc .It tit s, inn .N. (lun-lir, V, . slum 11, 11 ins . Iliossn, l. ltosc, W. s. sill in, , s Huiilil. tltllltl)ll .1. It. fill. 1 11, I'. 1' (lllllstfl. . 1) , .!ns l.ss, M. I s(,, p w. siirlln, ,t. 1. Iliossn, I' I l'lt.mmiiiis, I) ) ItitiU, 0. I). Wicmiii, .Inliii lliiiiiu, 'I. f. Mtiiiilu. It, SV. lllislnhilll Merchant Tailoring 99999 It is impossible to get more for your money than we give you. Others may offer lower prices but they give you much inferior work. Some give good work, but exhorbitant prices, Our facilities are the best, our work the best and our prices the lowest. W. J. OAVi: 213 Wyoming Ave. or twt I fvt i.jvs lUiutlon, 1U OllULil lO I-"-' OLD BGfiM Lii '10 Norfolk, Ua.. Old Point Comfort, Ua. Richmond, Ua. Washington, D. C. stpjmos -ail ilills- esctpt Stimli) tiom IMci iO, Ntitli Itisci. fuiil if He nil stii'tl, .Siss nrk Tickets, nn I111I1111, 1111 lis mil Miitirnom jicnm mnil itiulis, s I IK) mill tipis ml lm mil Infoiln itiuli iipplj It) OLD DOA1IN10N STEAMSHIP CO. 81 Beech Stieet, New Yoik, N. Y. It n Msl It, J 1 if Ms-r. J J.HIIOW ,ll f A. The Dickson Maiiiiructtirins; (Jo. tiranton ami Wlllcos-Uura, IVi,, siuiiiifucurari o! LOCOMOIIVES, STAHONARV ENGINES Kiillcri, UoUtliii.'nnJ I'umplni: Aluclilnery General Office, Scranton. Pa. STRONG AGAIN. Yoil ss lio ome jKissessetl sturdy pliys. Iqiiesnncl steady tiers es, but uosv tuise Insufficient plis 1lc.1l force to properly nttentl to oullimry tliittes, sou ssho hiseaheiiseof "till t;one.iii.ss'riittertlie slightest exertion; uu ssho arc ctull, languid mid old In (spirit-, at an age svhen sniislionlil be full ot physical fire; j on svlio may feci tint jour life is not svortli the btmugle there iiObcientillc miaiii of rideetuiiii; nil the precious posserssshich seem to be entirely lost. Hase cured thousands such as sou. Don't experiment ss ith your health or money. WesvllltnUe the risk. It six boxes elo not cure you, your money is returned, 1'or jears sse have been curing men on thie tatlsfuctory terms, 1 00 per liot, 0 for & 00 moiled In plitu liacknge, Jloolc free. Address l'LAb Midilim: Co, Clcs eland, Ohio, Tor Mile l.y .Tulin II, I'lulpi, I'lminuiUt, eoiiui Wtoniin,' ass line nnd bprucii btlttt. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ,,. WANUFAOTUHED BV ,,, CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO, (iTAOTU Tllll .NAMK. H'L'i!itl'.i44iillili,i,,ilt,ttlllililllJil.lu 1 T'! W.. I klls4rl hla. I'a. Itadmlulirririt. Ui, 1 1 iat Ik IIQ4S In (Hid Allrr ftllnlliris fail PRIVATE: ifwf.pikys.oiscHARats.HUi.mHQS,KIJ: K Tit Tu-flu'J,' ;""1'i."eW'nli" ses,iooo misjn: :l0STMANKO00.WrlliKlrl,lurr,llciiuilni;,;V .ycitsiJtattiialftllirjtttiQi) iuKii(ricn'olnc;riiii) Z ;lictlifictciic4lnltiil,uyi. Tsvul llieitretnneni swIycfliiMasacatcli. Kulni rimmuiili. Seiulf rori. vlt.tlsiuvlaUAlluulirip. .(ptiic liralrrlrcirlctl fciu.UC ri'irillltlflllliy Hull. liiKlHiilll'ller." Ilrll, t MiUMiinmifrmiffiiiimmiuumtuiTTiri Short Sea Trips MinolJvSU)allac SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. All Around the Store I ' - What beautiful silks ! A.nd they cost so little. Did you see the silk display last yeek ? It will be continued this week. There are also the plain black taffeta silks J (guaranteed to wear) at $1.00 a yard; wider widths at a little more. And silks were never in such demand as f ; ; The new shadss are shown in the Jouvin Gloves for women in both glace and suede, in modes, pearls, greys, white and black, at $1.50 a pair. : : : -f There's a delightful collection of fluffy lace and silk neck fixings in all the new- est effects, such as Jobbots, Neck Ruffs, Fichus, Stock Collars, Ties, etc, at our usual low prices. 4. Pei haps housekeepers will be glad to know that there are some very hau'dsome 4- Linen Sets at below usual price. Table Cloths and Napkins to match, splendid sets, J at $5.50, $6.00, $6.50 and $7.00. Also a great line of Tray Cloths at 25c. f They have been very busy in the Cloak Room lately'aud there have been most de- - cided reasons for people "going in there, Good reasons today, but no space to tell more. X 4- If you are thinking of Christmas Gifts it is safe to decide on an Umbrella. -Here you will find the greatest assortment, the most reliable goods, the lowest prices. The lover of books will The sale is so large that we cannot keep all titles in stock, but we are doing our best. 4- Tlie display of Leather Goods, Pocket Books, Chatelaine Bags, Collar and Cuff t Boxes, Etc., is a characteristic of Connolly &. Wallaceone that means that there is nothing Licking. Prices, of course, are right. Attention is called to our great line of Ladies' Silk 4. colors, at $6.50 each, equal to any $10.00 Skirt offere I Ask to see them. 4- CONNOLLY ss THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON ORGANIZED 1B7S DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. Capital Surplus .. S200.000 soo.ooo VM. CONNOLL, Prcsiiient. tlE.NRY BELIN. Jr., VlcoPres. ILLIAM H. PECK, Casblir. Bpccla' attention given to busi ness accurnta. Threo por cent, in terest pal on lnteroat depoulta. 111 I Lager Beer Brewery Mnniiracturers ir OLD STOCK PBLSfiER 436 to 455 N. Ninth Street, .PA Telephone Cull, 233. THE i!C POWDER CO. Itooms 1 and'', Com'ltu BTd'j. BOBANXON, PA. niiilng and Blastlns POWDER Mccla etl Mootto and Kuittlalct Vfotlu, LAW.IN & RAND POWOBR CO.'S ORANQE QUN POWDER Shotrlo Hatltrlej, lUtotrlo Krplo4r, xplodlui' blusta, &rty I'unmi Reiaunn Ghanlcal Ca's exVvc i X 4 S15 I I1"" ,;lj IS now. find something interesting & WALLACE, i CARPETS WILLIAMS & ISSa total E till til ft mww&jil HP RIIOQ $m msm irn l s v w M WmL iS S Will appeal to you. WfEOT 129 Wyoming Avinus. f ARCMRm COTlKATIOrGAriEyBDjjj, AR0rAcPm(BOAIiiHMSDiWW5l rrmriTnr-r"'"'','''''f''m'r" These Game loarels have Rules or 50 Catnea including CROK.NO!f" n"'1 i11 '" OAnnoM GAMLS Florey & Brooks, 21 1 wAsvhe,nnlfet.on mcpMB i & DR. DCNSTfiN, .111 Spruce Stre.'t. bcran. ton, Fa. l cute mil Chronic HUemcs ot Men, Wont nan 'Children. Consultation and vsSsr:r9Ti ,,0J" Ua,ly "u4 MA VWil ' AAxitr-B!J J'iriiMY every day at the book table. Petticoats, in black and all anywhere. . 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE UgS If you're a lover of the Oriental, this superb line of - Wonder ful color combinations in all their Eastern splendor, Headquarters for AND DRAPERIES I """"r-TTTBiHTimnrf HENRY BELIN, JR., General Aecnt for thu Wyoiuln Uittrict (or Mining', niactlni;, Sportln;, Fmokelcs) and th llernunu Clicniliul Ccininnj'j ' lii:h Explosives. Safety ruse, Caps and Ejploderet, Room 101 Con- nell UulMln;, bvianton. AOEhCll'3: TU09. 10I1D ,.,., Pittatoa JOHN' II billTlt & fcOM , ,.., Plymouth U. MULUQA.V , t.mJkiBarr IcMULTY, POWDER. J '.- I li .1