t THE SCRANTON TlUBUiNja-MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1900. c TllaMollEtH ItAlllHTAIt Ifonl YOUR r READING ROOIVU Wilt be well lighted If It has tm r our PllOP IitnilTH in It. The. largest assottmcnt In tlie ( Ity Is here to select fiom. SIiukIm aie BoWen Hitirr antique opium, polished bias's, old btass, pic. Similes In nil the latest styles nil ul uu sonnble pi lees. Foote & Shear Co. JJ9N. Washinfton Ave OOOOOOOOfct L. R. D. & M. YOU CAN'T HIDE YOUR FEET On MIiiiiKohinir IM i piii -f nui now slum will .uM to ioiii ippL.11 into In tlu ptur in I ipnllh otn vIiom hip ju-.t wit 1 1 ifi wll ('uhMtl in ill (i wnum I'liniros mil ou &I1011M not fall to kl tlitni Come in LEWIS, RUDDY, DAVIES & HURPHY 330 Lackawanna Avenue. Lackawanna THE" aundry. ;ev Pcnn Avenu-. A. B. WAR.MAN METEOROLOGICAL SUMMARY. (ini liinj.t i jtuii l'inti- it t i Dili Mix Mm Mini I Hum nt iIj I I n " 1 ( leiile J I-'. II "I III ( li ii il .1 AH n ( loul I ii .. 4i, II 1 I uuil " (U ii 4S II V i loude "l : u il ( Ii ii o . . Mi I) ( lulllll s 1 .1 II! .J"i ( louih 'i ii I. . or ciouij I'l in i. il 0 I' ilmuh I II .li .1 III ( lorn!.! J H (. 10 floiiiH )l "n .1) II n (lmiU 11 311 -.7 . III ( luiili l' I .'". il ill ( loud 'il J" -i il r 1" ilomh '7 Ji. 1 H7 ( Ii.iii i Is "iii I Is I' loi ill i' i ii ii r fioini M in il il : (Inmlv H 7. II ".1 .li", ( loui'e !! 7 Hi il P iloiuh ' 1" 'I Is HI l t Ion 1 'I II .1 .s .ill (llllllll II .7 III il I Ii.uill '! ."7 In ,s. ( , ,uilt !7 IS III .11 .1: ( lonih ! 4J Ji. .1 II 1' loiiili ' 17 7 12 V llouili .a 43 il 17 HI ( I ii si mm u:v. Mi in Wuin.plitili I'll siik 1 .i in, uosile- fllli., llUlCit pilllll, in III ill ci 1 1 4, Kill, hiv- (t picsMiu, 2ri III iIpripps, Jlilli M m I impel -Itiiro, 41 iIpi;ipi, Inflict tcmpeiiiluip, 7i ili jncs til-l ; lijKct teinpii iliup, JJ litems, ltitli, til Itlat lllll I lll-l' nf lllllip Hull, 'JI ikvliii., riit ; li i-.t diilv t mp nt tempii ituu, ' ill pin, Dili; pitiniliiij: iliii in m if wind, umili. list, tut il iiinMiiiint of wind, ii.uo mllis, jiiviiniini viloilh df wlml, illrcitluii aid ilite P-llllllllll! nioiil), Is mllci., rtit mi the 'JM fntal pin ipltntlon, J .17 inilie-.; iiiiinlni of ilni Mill .01 1iii.1i or nun i ut piedpll ilion. lei No, lleir ilijs, .1, pnlh iliiiiil; iliis, 7, iluud l.is, JO. Jntnl Miimi ill, 2 1 Inches W. H. Iluiulil-nn, Olciu, Wt-Ulioi bm tin THE WEATHER YESTERDAY. IonI ilil i fur I)pl. S, lfHW. lij-lioi-t I rm pi 1.1 1 urn Aj ilii,n uHiht luiipualuro ul ilprifa lunililil 8 a in s-, ir cct, 4 p. in , il pu tPiir, PERSONAL. Mls-S Illlit,l'lf. Ill, Of lUllilllOIP, III III- (111 at if Mivi llilcn sniiluMiii on Nut Hi Wjslimplun luniiB. ' llinltl Ilmr U o(ciio liiLf liU m home on Itumoii UMime, itcinli.i imiuIiimU from fi. .7 lifbcil.ri. Mini Jljijoilii Uurr. n i.pnit i li.i tiksi,! v hi-r ulth Ipr iurfliU nn Miiillkoii uiiiiiip. Hie In liluuinl o Farlnli'Kli . 51 1 is llinil, nf ..lirlouii, .V ,, vliillns i the hemp of .Ml. anil Mm. (I. 11, J j ml, on 't llcl cull uMline. Mr. and Jin I!. . ( IjiI.o, who Imie litrn Il illtMiuli, Mcnljni, fui mieiil months, it. iirntil to llils Ul I'rlilaj nltl t, ami aic ut the Vmon. Air, ami 5lia A. W, J.icKon ami fjuiil,, of UIKcIlain, pont pair of lil wirk 'willi 1 1 a. JaiUon's piunu, Mr, ami Mis. S, J, l llH', of ljuilll liM'lllU. AiiDouiutiiifiit wh innlp on Salunln of Hip nairlaKo lat aloiuli ut UUIiini II lillk'lli' uml Uiu Mcloili II Manloii. 'Jht Kioom l will mown about llio ill), uml Hit' bililo li a djuulo let of vx-Juili,v William II. Stinluii, City S.)lkltor A . obuiic went in llaiiU ruiin f-atuuliy to uifiif the .Noitln.rn Jlouloaid uu wan.inlii pa ip, ami liu W1I i;ii fioni ibai 0 i'lillauMphU lu aiiiuu an appeal fioiu Sihul) Jll tounlj before Hit, upcror louil. John It. llliaiiL liaa ri'jlsnnl hU portion a. teUtant poatmaittr of UIIKis-llalie, to beiome ;riiate stculjn foi L'oiiKrrviuaii Willi jiii Con. ull. Mr. William foimcilj Mtu-tl In u tluillir nparlly for CoiiRru&tniau Moigau 11. Wllllauii, if ilkri'llarrr. Scrunton Athletic club'a fair opens tnilght at Athletic hall, Alder uticut. tdmUslon, 10 cents. LisJMM THE FINAL REHEARSALS. Everything In Readiness for the Opera Cnrnlvnl. The llnul icheitlsiiN for the uiMU t'litnKiil weio held Hiiltttdiiv nlKht. The iletullt me now nil I'tiiniiletut toi Hie llneit mtuttuttf event eei kImmi In fcinntnn. The nuitliiLU iieifoiinnnec will begin til .Mi thlM nf let noon. The DioKinnime will not limt loimer than two hotits, .ScitlM i'oi the iimtlin- nmy Htlll be Heeuii'd. The I'MMilntr hoU'e I.m nil talten. It will iilctme many of his friends In UiIh elty to luiow thut Mi. UKIe nulveil yetioidttV and will auld In illiectttii tip opeia. Mi. and Ml". UKIe me KlH'MtM of Ml. .mil Ml". T. H. Wntklif. The PDllM.Milt ilo;;uinmie, w hit li Iiiim been In dun He of Mt. A II. .SlolM, N unique and effective. IN nieehnnl leal umk Is the donnllon of the Intel -tiiitloti.il roiicrtitoiulPiiL'p SpIiooIh to the hosiillnl benellt, and Is tntlstli' and beautiful with title uml iinmo-imKfM of the oiieins done In poster style. The I'lliunilnr, Caelituhn. with lltlv ilnne-'is. Is one of tut most nil aetlv letuii. uf the elite. InllililO'ir. while In' inutriillleent ai la ftoin "Minima," miiik bv .MtH II. J.J. Iturd.v. Is the cll- iniit of the iuuitle.il iiioKiittnmc. The eloslnK number Is the "Mikado," with Miss spent cr, Mls flnllen and Mls DtiiiL.m us tin' three little nmldn. Messts. Kineiiek, Uunnell and Wllllnnis III the othei Idles. Dauet'H otdteslm will nl iv for the entettnlnnfenl, Clint Irs Doei-uin eon tluetlng'. TWENTIETH CENTURY FORWARD MOVEMENT Flist Convention in the Wyoming Distilct Will Open in the Simp son M. E. Chuich Today. The Iniiistitiil toinentlon in the Twentieth (V nliny Toiwaul Movement ot the M-tliodlst llplseop.tl chtitth In the V;niiiilitf distiltt will be laid lo d.i.v and ton. oi tow In the Sttnpsoit JIi'tliodNt l.pisiop.il thuidi. JIanv of the most pinmlnent and dNtlnsuNhed dciKvmen m the Wjomilifi: eonleienee vlll lend th ii piesenee and aid to the movement, ind some Intel estinpr nieoL ItiKs aie .iiitidi nted. The Hist styslon will beiiln .it J o' luck tins ntUiiiooii, when Itev Aus tin Gilllin, U D. the piesldlng eldi'i. will state 'lie object ol the convention. Rev. W. II. Peaue. D D. or Wilkes It.nie, will illeuss the new movement, and Itev (' I'.. Jlotjff will answet the question. "A'lil the New Tentuiv De mand a Ni'W Methodism.'" The aftei noon discussions will be pai ticlpated in by Rev H. II. Diessti, Itev '. It Heniv. Rev. H. II Wllbui and Rev. II. V Smith. Tills evenhiK Rev A AV llavi", ). D. or Rini'.iiamtoii. N. V.. will dellvei mi addicts on "Five Histotie flmves, ot Lessons lor the Twentieth Centurj " Tomnuow luoinlnj' Rev. t, L. Spi.iKue, D D, ptinclpal of AromlnB hcnilnaiv, will bpe.ilc on "Out SthooN In the Twentieth Cet.tuiv," and Rev. S Jloote. D ) , will lead the discussion on the subiect. Rev. G. A. t'uii', M A , will toll whv "A Positive Cluistlan IXpei lento 1 Neeessaxv foi a f'ltils tlnn Woiku," and the subject will be discussed bv Rt S Jav, .M. A. and Rev. AVI11 II Ilillei. A Cbiistiin Wotkets' confeience and open p.nllamenL will tnllow, and din ner will be :-eived in the thatch bv th Ladies' Aid soclet.v A sjmposlutn will be held In the afternoon, and yove-.tl Impoitant tubjcels will be discussed. The subectn aie as follows. "Power i.f Pcisonal Inteiview," Rtv. ('. M Suidam, "Pieachlnt- Tint Stlis to Action," Rtv. Manley S. Hind, I). D , "Kntiante to Chinch Jlade r.asy," Rtv O. M. Glllln, D. D The tlobltm' session will be held tomouow evening, when Rev, .lames Benninger will kail the devotional eseielses and the polite costal seiMcewill be coiiducted by Rev. M. S II.U 1, V. V). THE TWELFTH ANNIVERSARY. Yestei day's Sei vices at the Hickoiy Stieet Piesbyteiian Chuich. Tlie conme-fntiou of the Hickoi v Htieit Ptesbv tetitin ihindi jesteulay tolebiatod tlie twelfth annlveiaiy ot the dedication ol the new i hutch and the filth annlveibiiiv ot the pastoiate or Rev. W. A. Noidt. Roth the niomliiK and evnltiK' set Nlces wete veiy well attended, and .an ostia eollectlon taken up lor the chin cli met with n eiy scneious ie sponse. Di. Notdt's tuoi nlnjr thenu was taken fiom ,Iohn:.v: r, "I am tlv ine. je aie the blanches. Ho that abidotii In me, and I In him, the same btliifreth toith much Unit, for without mo ,vou can do nothing" Pi, Noidt incidentally lelened to the fimiulinp ut the chiudi mull the woik actonipllslted b it s-iuee Its be KlnnlnK:. I.ast nlKht ln , those us It!-, t"t, "The Lord hath need or them, Matthew wl: ",. "Just ns the dlel ples of (.Jhi 1st helped the Savior to enter Joiusitlem," he pteached, "so it la today. The Lend builds, his king dom, tluough his disciples" Dmlng Pr. Nordt's pastoiute, tip chuich has Meet eased its Indobtedue.ss lotm $1,100 to $u00. The apt on social hold last week netted C2.'..'3, and on ThanksKlvInK a $.Ti collection Win taken and given to the Home for the niendless. Scianton Businesb College, "Schools may tome nnd tchools ninv go, but we go on foi ever," ndveitlsed u fotmer competltni. lie has been koIut neuily over .since, Otheis, too, have been coming and tjolng mom or less leeently. AVc aio "staytis," how ever, FUNERAL OF MISS DEVERS. Was Held Saturday Afternoon fiom Home of Her Sistei, The fuuei.il of the luto Mlus Noin Dever.s was held nt a o'clock atuulay af tot noon fiotn the home of her skster, Mis. John Mellnle, of 410 Ollvo stieot. HoiiowhiK tilonds ot tho dead woman weiu ptesent In huge tlnougs, both at the house and ut St, Petei's cathcduil, vvhtne i-oivlies woui held prior to Inter ment lu the Cithcdinl cemeterj. Tho pall-beaieiH weio Redmond Roche, M. JI Illgglns, AVIIIIuui Pug gnn, James I'lynn, T, X. Cullen and William C'uslck. Spend Your Evenings Piofttably. Younu men and women who aio em ployed duilng the duy should cjuallfy themselves to earn larger sulntles by spending their evenings at the Hciau toil llusiness College night school. - Lady Bookkeepers. 1'or bonie months past theie has been unusual demand at the Scianton llusluess College toi lady bookkeeper. AGREEMENT ARRIVED AT TERMS THAT THE COUNCILMEN ACCEPTED. Men's Union Attorneys Will Ask for Veidict of Not Guilty Todfty in Consldeintlon of the Indicted Men . Reslgninrj', Admitting They Did Wrong, Agieeing Not to Seek or Accept Public Ofllce for Five Yeats nnd Rnising a runt! of i?B,200 for Chailty. AN hen cilmlnul com t opens thin nit tiling It Is cpoetod that nttuinejs lor the Men's union will teqtiest the i tint to penult v indicts ol not i;ullty to be taken In the ruses dunging ue-"ptliiR- nnd soliciting bilbes against ti.e following: ('oniuiou Cuiiiii llumli P II. Reese, Kit st wind; I'utninoii C'cttucllman JI. ". Mini Is, Second wind! Common Omui'llnmn .Tuines ,1, tiller, Thltd waul: Ciitnuion Counill ninn Y. V. (Iilllllhs, Filth wind; Com mon Couiiclltnnn C. R. fioilshnll, Filth waul; Common Councilman C. R. Wen- U loutttenth waul; Cotniiion Coun (ilumn T. .At. Wiitkliis, Fifteenth waul; .(minim Cotiiicllmiin T. 1 Mutils. JKhlceiith wind, Select Councilman Button Thomas, roiiith vatd; Select Cntiiicllniun Coyne, Twentieth wind. Totmer Self it Councilman II. T. Fel lows of the Fifteenth wind, Is also In cluded In the list of the eleven Indicted. This action will be taken as the if i lilt ol a eonfeieiito concluded about 11. W Satuiday night in tile olllte of .itlotr.ey M A. McCilnlev in the Con i'c II building, at which the above men asiecil to the lollowin? conditions. 'I'liej' wiote theit teslgnatlons as e-uitii ilmen to take effect Pee HI Tiny signed it papei agieeing not o setl ot accept a public otlke dining the ntt llve-jeats and admitting that tl'cit iitlleiai conduit at some time sltue thjy enteied counells was such as to leave them liable to a ptosetu turn Tliei agiee to make up n pmse of .' iOJ, whith is to lie devoted to tliui itable pin port's 'I I iie have bjeii manv coufeieutes Iictwecp the iciuiii Ilmen and tlielt at ioiiuvs, .Inveph O'Uiipn Getnge Hot n, M. A. McGlnlcv and Joint P. Sctagg ilutiii,? the last v.etlt and at lhes lonteteuces vanoiis piopositions wete t.ilkid ovei and pifsented to the otll-lO-s ol the Men's union. Late Satui day n'glil the i oiini lltipn decided to aci c pt the above as the best conditions they could obtain In oidet to avoid the eion,-e and nototiety ol a til.il, to t i" t t'lhln, ol the unpleasant i iuis o.uitiics Unit might follow. Till: MATTRR OF MONRA". Tip pavment ot the monej was the baldest pioposltion tor the touucllinen In i:valIoT At lli.st the union de nmntled $J bOO, claiming that amount had con bpent among the counillineu. A cumpiomise w is dually effected at $-','.')) and the money will be In the at lotnevh' hands this morning Tip papets signed by the coiiiu lliiieit will be plated In the hands ol V A. All"i and will be bv him kept foi live vi.ns 11 In the meantime noth iiv,' pi!es Hint will necessitate theit use :l ev will be dcstioved. Wh P the toiitt has not given ttnv ii.tituailon as to how it will lecehe. the ieiiO"-,t to allow vet diets ot not guilt j to be taken, it Is thought that It will ente" no set ions objection, since It ("ems about the best aiinngetnent all mound that could have been made and will ei've the county the clogging of Its ci iirilnal com t mathlneiy, which would follow the ellott to tty all the cases i. gainst the councllnien within th j ear 1101. Tl.o attorneys lot the cuiuicllmen have fccontpllshed u good snoke for th"lr clients, as well us foi the county, unco It will save them the wouv, an nojance and expense that the ttiul of Jhu t uses would Involve, sti etc lied out as liny uoiess.nlly would be oven n.any weaty months. Jminedlately alter tlie Oiler ttlal oiei line", weiematle to the Men's union to have the cases, lu u seti!e, disposed ol out ot toiitt, and have been lu piog teji totitlnuously since. OTHRRS NOT IN IT. An f-Hott was made to huvo the cuses ayaliiM the lounclluien now inidet ai lest, that Is It. H. Williams, P. F. Me f'nuu, Rdwnul James, Jr T, C. Melv in nil-l in. other cu.se aguluat Simon Tl.om.".'- disponed of at this time lu the same wuv and under the snme tprms, but 11. la Idea was abandoned, as the men have not yet been Indicted, Mackerel We offer fat No. i. Mack erel at ioc; value i;c. Norway Bloaters, Mackerel, large, finest fish imported, Finest Cod, (without a bone) packed iu 3 lb boxes. Cream Cod, desicated, ioc per box. Boneless Herring-, in glass roc, Euglish Smoked Bloat ers, Keuebeck Smoked Sal uiou, New Lobsters. E. G. Goursen Best Goods for Least Money, M'ANDREW'S STATEMENT. Denies the Robbeiy Stoiy In Its En thety. x Police Olllcci John MeAndiew.uf 01 v phunt, tells a nloiy whltb puts it veiy dlffetcitt lUht on the yattt spun bv Pnttlck Mui'ir.v. The latter Is uu old man eight j-thter yenn of age, and the other duy he swote out u waititut be foie Alderman Mlllut for lite attest of McAlldleiv, who he alleges took $7 float him while lie wtis a ptlsotter lu U e Olvpliaitl lockup. McAndiew dinlcs the tobbeij slotv In Its finitely and says that It Ifus been je.iis sltue Mm uty hud that much money at one time, having hi en fur u long time almost continuously a chtitge at the Hillside Home or at the alms house of the Illakely dlsttlcl, "The fact Is," -aid .Mr. MeAnillew, In slating his ease to a Tilbuno nuin, "old man Mtnuiv Ir not altogether noiind mentally and has ulven us no end or tumble, lie would ttsk to be sent to the ulniHhoiHe and after being theie for a hhoi l time would leave uml ionic buck to 'Uyiilunil. living us best Iip might until the humor would scire him that he would like to go bin k In the almshouse. "Fieriiienlly.whllo he has been aiouud Olyphiint. I ht'Ve allowed him to sleep In the lockup, tiithei than see him ie main on the Mtuetsl'oi thenlght. Rvery bodv In Olyphiint known thut It litis been many a thiv since Mutiny had .7 on his po'son at one time, and when the wanaiit wa set veil upon me It was so tldlculoiM tl.ut I meielv went before Justlte of the I'eace Ciitumlngs and waived a In.nltig and enteied ball. 1 did not deem It of sulllclent Imptntantc to win unit me In going to Scianton to have a heiiing." In Olvphant, Otlli er McAndtew li highly ie-irded, and the rliaige or old man Muiiiy has been siouted on nil sides. AWAY FROM HERE TWENTY-FIVE YEARS William J. Fieeman Has Returned to This City After a Quniler of a Centuiy in Patagonia. In August, 1S75, a ntimbtr or r.iiiiillis lift tills t'itv rot South Aineilcn. and attet a Joutne.v ol loin months thev leached Patagonia. On Sutuidav. theie leltitned cine ol tho uinnbei, in the pin son ot Wlllinm J. rieemtm, who Is now visiting at tlie home of his btothei. Thomas Fieetnan, at the eoi ni i ol South Main avtntie and West Locust stieet. Mi Ft ec man is now a tesUlent ol a colonv called "The 10th of Ottobei," which is the date on which a settle ment was ellectul Othri lesldents nt lh.it lot.illtv, who aie known to niuiiv ol the nldtt lesitletits of AVet Scian ton, .'ie AVIIIiam Uogeis and fanilll, fonueilv ot Pvnon -ticet, Thomas Pugh and l.imih, 'oimeilv of Hamil ton '-tieel Rnnth Puts and Mi . Pa viil Jones, a sMet of Alts Wlllinm Rleliauls, of Fftuiteonth .'tu el Title .no about 1 oOO people n tlie lolonv, and the Welsh Impinge Is spoken bv them, both in their honp and business liio Mi. Fieeman v.ts twentv -seven da -, iouitieving ft am the colonv to Chuiicil. a tlistunce Vi mo miles, and tlie entbe jouinev con sumed al'tiuL foitv live davs in com ing, as toinpnetl to fotn months uhei be went hum bete a qtitttei ot a cen tutv ago He Intends umalnim, heie until at toi the holldavs, thiI expects to -visit Wales be ton miking his lioniewaul join tie v next Fobiuaiy. Ptioi to coming to Srianton, Mi. Fieeiuin visited in Ne,v Yen k, Chica go, AVllliamsbutg, Iowa and AVest Yir iliia lie man els at the ptogte-, made In Ninth Amotion outing his ub seiut mil is pai ticulatlv astounded ul tin- 'ast Improvement and Indus liiil giovth of Scianton which was onlv it village when he left liete There is nn lompaiison, ho sivs. between Noitlt and South Ameiii t es legauls ptogiesslvenoss. Tlie climate Is slmllai, he sjvs, but teh suiioundlng counttv whete ho live- Is eiy spaiselv settled, the neat est town being" Chubnl The clilef puiilut is ot the counttv .no sheep, c tttlt, wool, hides and wheat, but the poor tt mspoitation laeillties sniottsly itHeifeie with the hading The wool is u.uispoited acinus the lounttv in bilge wa-rons, to whleh six nt mote hiiiscs are attached 'Che lounti.v was Hist inhabited bv Indians, but lriunv foioicueis hip be coming acciualnled with the lesotuces and ate guiduallv taking advantage ol the oppottunltles nfioidcd The Spanish itto in the niajoiity In Pat i gonhi, and that langttago Is taught ixtlushelv In tlie public schools Com pulsoty education Is genual. Deunos vies Is one ol tlie Iu.kosc cities lit the AikPiilino Uepuhlit, AM. Fieeman sivs, anil is quite liioiletn In Us ion venitntts, having gin. stieet eats, telephones mid other appliances. He has alteadv ti.ivolled ovei 1.1,00) mile since Having home, and tho un til o tilp will consume nemly u eat's time Yestei day n nuntbtr ol' the tiavcllu's teliitives and ft lends railed upon him nnd lonewed eld uciiialnt ances. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Vii iiiiuiilul iii i In ilion in tin iilt nf rUintiuil l)ils iinl wile .ik'ilibt tlui Su niton Jtjlln.iy ioiiip.un wn. cm s it in, Iii tile il b Welles ,V 'lui. njll tho attoiui'. (or Hit- phiutllls Mi, uml Airs Dull aio sulni; the roiupiiij foi JO.OflO iI.iiiheh. Do tit wile pauPiiKUs on a i u width w ii closing the Diliwirc mul lliuNiui tilths on I n lion btieet on thu nlchl uf Dee. JI, IsOS, Jul which uai htiiitlt In u 1 1 1 1 ji In thill iK'i laratlou the plilutllVs aur tint Vlr. II Hi, lu hlnn) luil nonoiii pio.-lniloii ur, Uu imili of In. Jul Us llu.i ncebiil Hi i ha-luiul iIjIiiu iljin. ai;is for the los ueiauiieil thiitbi. ('unit on siiuiij (onllrmcil the npoit nf Itt tibtr i:CHlt Warun in II"' tqult) piounlliiki tlowlnt; mil nf llllbiilion lulwun V 1'. Unity anil V. (1, Rilmoii', ami tlie ilcoil toi the I in I iliipoiiil of u i illruliil lu be ill. mil in Uior Uf I 111' plllClllM'1, Vllouiij f, VI, I uiih. Imiotmh olli llor of Dlvplianl. has ankiil (cult to Kiant .1 rule to Mllto oif Hid appi d of the 01iiliant Siwaiff lump mi In the nutter eronlni; out of u supr In the 1 Irt fcwci ilUlikt of the IoioukIi, Vahnlltip .1. tobnoIU, tUioiihh tilth altor tip,, D'llilrii uml Martin, on Saluulav begun ii mil in auiuiit lo mover on a JihIkiiii nt for ?Is7 oblaluul in M A'oik agiiiut bouU Ihiisen. A Hilt lo klmw iau.-c w I i.v l lun dial shnuhl noi be hijiiUiI in the iilibialnl Hum II poml ia' ut (illilit aiuiiiit Siwtt v is iianlul on Fat null) ami nuile letiutiable lu jit'iiuunt tomt. Scianton Business College, Since the ending of thu stilke sttt donts havebeen secuilng positions al most at tho rate of one a day. AVeie PilnelpaU Uutk & AVhlttnoie abte to qualify them lap Idly enough the tato would bo much higher. The demand Is gieatei than the btipply, - Costs Little. Young men should lealUe that it eo3ts less to spend their evenings at the Scianton Mushiest, College night school than It does to spend them on the stieet. SCRANT0N AS A SECOND CLASS CITY ll'ulll llllllll f l mil l'lgp b of veto. His onlv appointees ute five police muglstiatts. if he has any an Dilations In the way of being it "boss" Itls position of nui.uir will not help him unv. lie cannot succeed himself, while the tluee "big guns" of the tllv, the dllectots of public wolks, public safety and dimities, can, and, In PltlHbutg and Allegheny, do succeed themselves, Plttsbutg has had the siim dliectoi of pubilf safety fiom the time I he olllee wus t'teated, In 1V17: the saute dliectoi of public vvcuku dining the same pel toil, (until June of this vein), and the dmnges lu the dliectoi ship or public clt.it Itles have ull been due to dFtilh ot voluntary l cc lunation, In Allegheny, the same condition obtains, The dtiectots of public ehtnltles unit pub'lc.stifetv have been In ollii e slm Alleglnuiv became a second class elty, Itt f'tl, and the one I'hange that was made Ituho olllee ot dlleetni' of public wotks was due In si intpo othei thun political. It Is possible foi these depintment dlicptots lo be continued lu ofllce, be in me Ihey nte not sttblei t lo tlie whims of the people at huge. Once In ofllce, they can build up i "constllu encv" iu elicit wuul that a candidate Kit (Olinclls must at leist be witty of, nnd, as evpeilence bete has shown, one let tn has been all sulllclent to gle tin 111 A life tentlte. Majoiity of Councils. Ml this means that the Fllnalts huv flimlv Inttenched themselves iu c out) ol. Whom th" chut, good people tnuv elect mavor matteis not a tig to the powt-is that be A tnujorltv of louncils is all that ti.e 'bosses" lequlte. A niajoiity of councils, even in an equally divided elty like Plttsbutg, Is admittedly e.tslu to seettie thun a niajoiity oC the people nt laige. Siinntonlans need not have the modus opeiundt explained to them nt length. It is quite familial Willi hlese conditions In nihiil, it it quhrs no gte.it slielch of the Iniiigin allon to see that Scianton Is about to plunge into a lot of legislative bothei. The Qunvites, backed by man of the best men or Plttsbing, who ate Pcmoetats ot else men ptotnpted bv ll ltd lor motives, aie bent on ovei tinning the second class citvc baiter so as to lehubilitute the tnuv or with the povveis that were taken horn him by the second class i battel and vested In department eli te e toi s The Fllnnltes ate detei inlned that this shall not be done, and will go to almost nnv extiente to pie vent It. lot with Plttsbutg out ol I hell M.isp, anti-Qualsin would be dealt a, possibly, ratal blow. liple.td ot getting into the company or cities whose thief aim Is to pet feet a code of government that will be lo" the Dottetment ol i Iv ii conditions, it is to allv itself to a city Allegheny is onlv a kite-tail which, accoidlng to tlie accusations of Its own eltlens, males the bettetment of civic condition-, an incident to the pet poll ation of politlcil bosshlp This accusation mav be entltely wioiio'. The Fllnnltes dec hue It to be unjust 'tnd 'a.v the Quav Ites aie le sponslble tot the accusation, tillegin.? thul the latten ate willing eten lo tjlve the citv ovei to the Peinoi iats it thev could but ovei tin n the ptes ent hi dot of things. Well Governed. The riinnltes suy tlie dt is well and economleallv goveined The antl-ehai-tetites sn.v il Is not well gov ntied and that the taxes ate high The total lev foi Plttsbing Is 20 mills This in titules city, school and pool tax. In Stianton the city, school and poeu taxes amount to 1!S 8 mills. Second cias-, city ptopeity is assessed fen about eight-twelfths of Its actual value In a thltd class city five- twelfths Is about a fair aveiage ot the asessois' valuation Aceouling to the pio-chuiter people, Pittsbutg natural ly is the most e.xpenslve clt in the I'lilted States to maintain, because of the onm minis expense It Is put to by its niunv biidg's and the unending suc cession ol hettvv, tockv glades Lie sides this, Pitisbuig bus leiently been buving unci Itnpiovlug a nuinbet of huge paiks and levies each eat u tax sulildent to tetlie one-thlitleth of it.s p.uk bonds, besides Its bonds for oidln aiy and necessai Imptovements. Ai. npptoptintlon of $160,000 atone was made tot the Cntnegle llbuuy hist eiu, although tho conditions of the gltt call for only 40,000 in thtoty the pio-chut tetltes say; "The chut tei Is meiltoiious because It desttoys one-mun-povvoi and stii) keeps the Individual le.sponslblllt.v within nauow confines: the tluee men who ate tesponslble pai ties being dl lectly unswetable to the councils, which can mote leadllv deal with them If they ate delinquent than the peo ple at huge could with the major uii det .slmllai eh euinstunces." The Opposite View. The antl-churteiltes say: "The tnuy or Hhould have the exetutlve tllstne tlon now scatteied among seveial of llceis, because the mayor Is directly nnsvveinblo to the people, while these dep.iitment illteitois me unswetable to a body of men which chunges eveiy two jetu.s, and which Is ptnctlcally answet able, In consequence, to no one. Tho department dliectoi s ate elected every tour yeais by an expltlng toun cIIn It the dllectots can conttol these rullDress Toggery "Paris Dress' shifts with or without cut'fs aUacued. E. & W. shiits, the newest thing out plaited bosoms cuffs attached. White Vests, newest styles, Butterfly and Bat wing Ties, white or black, Dents Gloves, peail or white. Fine silk and lisle hosiery. The Issues That cairy weight fail dinner pail, full value, full quality. Value and quality are our cam paign motto always. Just look at this : Wines and Whiskies From 5oc to $2 Per Quart, at Casey Brothers', Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. loliuillmen who ate about lo go back into obsitnltv thev can coiiliol eveiv thlng." Poes Scianton want to adopt the roint of gineiniuent outlined above iu ptaetlce and tin city.' Il she does theie ate no gteut dllllAiltles to ovei come In making tlie tiansltltin Senator 1'llnii savs theie Is puietleallv a eoln plete code ol' sec oud class eltv legisla tion and City Attorney Uuilelgh stivs the same" tiling. Plttsbuig has soup special rhuitcr laws piesetved In hei piesettt laws and Allegheny has le talned soup or hen special thut lei laws which she i at tied with hei tluough her tluee veins of tlthil class city inembeislilp None ol those whom 1 have seen weie able to toll Just what 1st lai king to make up n com plete second i lass city i ode, but eaelt was or the opinion that theie is noth ing Impoitant lacking. By i omblnlng the second class elty Inws under which Plttsbuig Is winking with thosie under which Allegheny Is wot king, a ptactl tully complete cod" Is obtained. At least, such wus the opinion ot a tuim bet or the city authoiities lo whom tills diflltultv was ptc'senled. The general uctN of list und lS'J.I governing municipal lmpiovemeuts, such as pav ing, guttling, sew ei big and the like, aie applicable to second e lass cities. These acts. Senator Fllnu sitjs, ate ptuctl cally a complete wot king chatter In tlpnis'lves loi aiiv city. Avenue of Escape. If Scianton does not deslie to go Into the second class It has an easy avenue of escape. All that is nei es satv Is to go Into tlie next leglslatuie nnd beroie Apt II at lives pass a bl'l tlxing the limit between .second and thltd d tss cities at 103,000, or anv oili er llguie above Stiunlon's popttlutlon and below that of Alleghenv, which is JJ9.000 As fai as 1 tan leant theie Is no new legislation in couise of piepaiation foi second class cities It is reported bene that the Quiyites in the next leglsla tuie will again attemot to makn amendments to give the mayor the powei lie enjos in thltd class cities, but nothing definite Isknown bete of the matter. Special Monday Bargains in All Departments Today. Clarke Bros i i The Oriental Gills nelt t till hum, wpneil iiulll llulit 111 I-. .Q, Extraordinary Jardiniere Offering l'iiiiil uf nil limiumo lino of llms iwlul oiuainiiili., iiiiiiiln to the ex ti tines, iu point ot vailely unl piiie; vp aie otliiiiiK i ill holiili ultoppiu sink Jalillneif aliii as un iifvu lit fou uiualliil ,(s pi oof of this we iiienllou; uitilliini kle, oniluiPtit ul ljiillmc-ii, tlul lllu nuts lias oeldulu iluplt latHl; fur 39c. Gruener & Co. 205 Wyoming Avenue. Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue We mala a ulill of fane liuiiuiv llut tei ami Htlitlj ln-li ikKi- ami tin p. lie Is .!. low us Hut ihisi uoodi i iu liu tohl at, We Jo uul have mil i-puhl halii, or kadi la but ul all linns tain is luiupletu a line of .MatkPl lloodi, I'aui (iiuiults mill 'I alio Klli i ties as tan I o found lu Hit laii.l New Vol!, or I'lillaiklpliia Jlalketl uhlih v mII at rlkht pi ins. W. H. Pierce, 1 UckiDD. lu. 110, 112, IU ftno Alt. Promtit delivery. W i r ft.' s-- , w Gloves for Working Men I have always made a specialty at this sea son of Gloves for work ing men. Strong, well made, durable gloves at the lowest possible price I can afford to sell them. This year my stock is larger (han ever. CONRAD'S 305 Lackawanna Avenue lj....1 r.M Carpet Facts This stock is absolutely new not a. yard, of it but wh i absolutely the best valu pro curable at the price asked. W want YOU personally to ace this stock. If you're a bit hard to please come and eee our ideas of beauty. DRAPERIES, RUGS, f WINDOW SHADES P. McCrea & Co 427 Lackawanna Ave. The Fopulir HimefurmUMif Star Satiy Jfoliday Buyersr tin ri'ip .i limeit iu our bull" il"painin nt. Prices will rrmWn the h me, hit tlie" pick of ilainly lilts of iiievpptisUc basket wira fniu an iiiilin Ki u slock will re ply the eaily .hopper. A eliolce sliav voik bjl.ii, .atln htifd, sells hue foi 4I (ki. I Foote & Fuller Co. HEARS BTJILDZHO, 1-10-42 Washlngtoa Ave, BOMCTHIHO NEW BVKfty DAY, "ECONOMY." Something About Screens 'loilav and Monday we Intend to SKM, hi reus llnen't laid muili about tli'm lalely- uo lime. liut the lire siitli beauties torn, in 1,111 li pietl) denigm and pattern, that we iinuot help tcllluia' oit of thun. Uul heio il an ludiiteliKiit to set ae iualutedi prell acieeu, powifd Willi lllioluie, liili itdors nut eleniijiii, figured elfu'tk, J panel.; aih piuel 60 inehei lilkh, IB liuliei widt; golden oak funw; will pill ligelliei, iliongly lun.tiucltd ami well liu do lu riei wat. Was eon, liluul tin ip at il 'ai, Drawing Q7(V Cavil VS CREDIT YOUP OERTAINLYJ jtWt? (cCONOMY -sWsi-K.. 231-223-235-227 WyomlngAve ? wtm i - AvU,'h-a--fc v