The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 03, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    rW.'il'j.''!"'' V !
trVvt" nT"i ' -."
", V'j-Tt "V"
' i7Ri'5'j'?v'wn('iw.n-!.,?rv ft't!SKiri- -, -ss;f
pllVW'TTf.' '",
"Js W'V1' c.
"Best Milk for Family Use.'
" Babies thrive on It."
milk I
With Phosphates
and Hypophos-
phltc3 Added.
Tnstc not changed.
Sold by C.roccis ami Druggists.
The Dr. Hand Condensed Milk Co.
Wriui for booklet, SCRANTON, PA.
Ice Cream.
lelepboneOrclera Promptly Ha-llvorei
!3,-33j Adams Avenua,
Scranton Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Office D., L. & W. Passenger
Station. Phone 525.
Eye, Ear, Nose aud Throat
Office Hours . m. to 12.S0 p. m.: 5 to I
Williams Building, Opp. Pcistofflea
-.(". W
-T 1-
-f ---
DIRECTORS' MrXTIXG. Theie will ho a
nicctirg of the dinctors uf (lie I 'Intuice Criiteti
ilcn mission tomonow morning nt 10 u'clui s. at
the tui&lon on lliuii.soii ,'iuinie.
SACRHD COXCr.liT. A sacrcil concert is to ho
held on Sunday c.cniinr, Dec. 1(1, at I ho I.weum
for the benefit of St. Joseph's roundlluir ilonip,
which institution is at pieM-nt badlj in need of
WtlJi'S CLnARlNOS. 'I he dealings ripoit
rd for the wick enduiir Ike. 1 by the Siraiituu
Clearing House association an in billows; li,.
day, $IG(,S09.61; Tues-day, IT'J.'.Tj.IS; Wednis.
djy, fl37,:il0.M; l'rid.iy. 01,y3 2J; Satin da,
?1J.,4(.S.; total, 5o22,'JSS.90.
linLD IN MOO B .11.. John Timlin w.i-, on
Paturday, held in ?J(iO bail by Alileimip Millar,
on n cliaigo of latceny by bailee, pief-md by
I.yneil k Uealey, commission inni Irin:?, whu
lontind that he necr retuineil (he money ic
cdud for a load of goods which be sold lor
T,AST WRnsraxri uvrrn.-Mhe i,,t ,,.,t.
ling match which S'lraiitomaus will b,ne an op
portunity of witnossinar for pome time will be thu
one which is to be pulled nil tonionou night
at the Iliejelo Club house, when Pinti'ssui M. .1.
Iluycr, of Ibis city, will cinh.i.oi In down Piank
Heiilck, of Pro, idem o, It. I.
1'AV DAYS. The llelawnie and Hii.Noii com
pmv on Siturday paid its ilcihs nt Siiaiilon .mil
r.irbond.ilo and the employs at Hie Mm, illc
mine, 'the Delawaie, l.-ickawaniu and Wi-dem
company paid at Ihe Auhbild and 11 do Park
mines and will today piy nt the Continental,
Sloan and Hampton collieilcs.
OIU11V IIi:i.D 1.V II Alb. Mi hnl liiady. nf
Hellenic, was airalciictl before Aldunuu Mlllir
on Saturday niclit. chained Willi n-..mlt and
battel' by W, W. Mmiran, ot 2iJi 1'ilnk tuet.
MoiKan'a head was bully cut and he .illcu'd
that Grady stunk him wlih a die. (Ii.ulj was
held in hail foi hU uppeaiaui c at omul.
,N. Y., O. & W. Xmas Excursion to
New York.
The annual Christinas excursion of
tlui Now York, Ontario nnd Western
Hallway company will tnke place on
Monday, December 17th, 1900. As our
leaders know, this Is one of tho most
popular excuslons in the stale, as It
tnkes the excursionists into New York
just nt the lime thnt Hy is arrayed
In Its holiday attire, and nil the lnuin
innth stores arc displaying their Xnms
wares, nnd the places of amusement
nie offering their star attractions. We
lecommend all our leaders to take ad
vantage of this excursion nnd visit
New York city, our nation's great me
tropolis. Extremely low rates have
been authorized, and tickets will be
sold nnd good going December 17th,
nnd will bo nvallabla returning any
tlmo up to and Including December
22d, 1000. The nearest New York, On
tario nnd Western stntlon agent will
be plensed to afford you any Informa
tion you desire concerning this ex
cursion, or you enn communicate with
J, C. Anderson, O. 1, A., Mi Denver
Ftreet, New York city,
Our specialty, Finest Goods
Freshest Stock,
Distributors of the cele
brated brands of Domestic
Geo Fox, Maneto,
i Four centuries,
Low Prices by the Box.
Wholesale Price to Dealers,
?E. C. Dean:
408 Counell Building.
raci. (Jf rf
Hearing Saturday in City1 Solicitor
Vosburg's OHice.
A hearing In Hip nppeal of Morris
WorniHor from aummiiry conviction by
Mayor Molr was held tin Hnturday uf
tcrnoon In Olty Solicitor Vosburg's of
flt'O before MIsh AtiUtlc Thnniiis, com-
Wormscr, It will ba rcineinboicd, Ib
h "bailkrnpt pulp" t'lotbliiK iiicrt'lmiit,
who nevor BtnyH tnoro than a month
or two In u ell j. He has conducted
HtoreM on several occutdonH In thli
city, HoinutlniL-.s on I.ackuwaniiit ave
nue, and BomutlmcH on I'enn avenue.
Hu wiih arrcHtcd twice by Thief of
Police ltoblhiB for Hellliif- without a
lleenHe, tui required by the act of 1S!H,
anil wag lined each time by Mayor
Ito obtained permls.Hlon from court
to tnlc mi npiieul and the matter was
referred to Alias Mattlu Thomas, ns
coinmlssloncr, to take testimony. At
Haturdny'H hcarlni; City Solicitor Vos
burs appeared for the city and At
torney M. J. Martin for Mr. Wormser.
The witnesses examined were Chief
Itoblhijj, Henry J. Collins, Louis Dries
en and Frank M. Vlner.
Messrs. Collins and Drlcscn are cloth
iers and they testified nt leiiRth as to
Mr. Wormer's metnods of dolnjr busi
ness. Mr. "Vlilor was employed by him
as a clerk nnd stated that ho was only
hired by the day. The defense offered
no evidence, ifs they Intend to test the
constitutionality of the act of 1S9. II
Is contended that It Is unconstitutional
because It Is special legislation dls
crlmlnatlnR' against transient mer
Mike Boris and His Wife Are Dan
gerously Wounded by Joe Koo
lic. the .Woman's Brother.
A stabbing affray occurred ut Oly
phant on Thanksgiving night In which
Mike Boris received two ugly knife
wounds In the back and shoulder, and
his wife now lies at her homo In u
precarious condition as n result of a
kicking and beating she received from
her brother, Joe Keotic.
The brother and sister quarreled and
the husband Interfered In behalf of his
wife, when Keotec drew a knife fiom
his pocket and plunged the blade dean
into Boris' flesh. The woman's nose
was broken, her face and body fright
fully bruised and added to this she is
fiL-om to become a mother.
Five stitches wore necessary to close
up one of Boris' wounds and lie suf
fered considerably from the loss of
blood. It was feared that he would
die, but the attending physician now
has bopes for bis recovery. Keotic
was arrested by Corstable Murray and
held In ?l,00(l ball by 'Squire Cummlngs.
He Will Wrestle Dwyer Tomorrow
'rcstler Charles Herrick, of Provi
dence, it. I., arrived in this city at 11.30
o'cloi I: last ' night and paid a brief
visit to the Tribune editorial rooms,
iteirick is to meet M. .1. Dwyer before
the Bicycle club tomorrow night in a
two cut of three falls, catch-as-catch
can bout. The men will wrestle at
catch weights and a lively match Is
anticipated. Dwyer will weigh about
Itl'.' pounds, and Herrick will go about
eight or nine pounds higher.
The Rhode Islander is a finely built
mar. and somewhat resembles Jim
CorLott. He Is about live feet nine
inches In height and at present weighs
1T0 pounds. He was Tom Sharkey's
'.wos'ling partner during the latter's
preparation for his last light with Jef
fi les. He bears a splendid reputation
among the warriors of the mat and a
hard fought contest is expected to
niv.Yow night.
It Is Said That Marguerite Kelly
Willingly Went Away.
According in the Cleveland Press. 1!1-year-old
.Murgueiitv Kelly, of Miner's
Mills was not kidnapped at all last
wek but went willingly with her aunt,
Miss Catherine Kelly, to Cleveland.
The girl is quoted as saying that she
Is happy to be away fiom Miner's
Mfss Kelly was appointed guardian
of thu child by court before Marguerite
and her mother It-it Cleveland for
Minoi's Mills and though airs. Kinney
claims that the girl's mother left a will
making her the child's guardian, Mar
guerite, It Is contended, never liked
Miner's Mills anil longed for her for
mer home In Cleveland.
According lo her story rlie manner
In which she was to leave with her
aunt was all aranged beforehand. .
December Sessions Will Be Opened
This Morning.
Thu December term of criminal
court opens today and promises to be
an especially busy one. Judge Areh
bnlil will preside in court room No. 1
this morning, while Judgo Kdwnrds
will sit in court room No, :,
Two minder cases uro down on the
list, but ihey will not come up until
next. week. One Is that of Samuel BU
lotl, who Is licensed of stabbing u man
named Herbert in Cnrbondale several
weel;s ago. The other Is that of Si
mon Narushas, who is charged with
brutally murdering John Mlskua
in North Scranton four years ago.
For Sale.
Our warehouse property, corner
West Lackawaunu avenue and Eighth
strict, being about !Ti foot front on
Lackawanna avenue and 130 feet on
Hlghth street, and about 147 feet on
tho line of the D I and W. It. It.,
with a five-story brick warehouse,
track and switching privileges,
Also our bain lot on Dlx court, about
85 feet on Dlx court by I0 foot deop
to Lee court, with brick stable and
frame warehouse; located between
Lackawanna avenue and Spruce
street. The Hunt ci Ounnell Co.
Tho combined scholurship (a contract
entitling the holder to both complete
courses), now offered by tho Scranton
Business College for $100, Is so liberal
u contract thut very many uro pur
chasing It. This offer will soon be with
drawn, DIED.
IYDDOX Mm. Marijaict I.yddon, aged 71 years,,
at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. William
Hosacr, corner of Electric and Jelfenoii uve
i:oei Funeral this morning at 11. SO o'clock.
Interment at Elratra, X. Y.
Hon. John Port, of Camden, N. J.,
and Hon. C. P. O'Malley, of This
City, Were the Orators of tho
Night The Three Members of tho
Lodge Who Passed Away During
the Year Were Hon. F. W. Gunster,
Richard Busteed, Jr., nnd Thaniel
C. Snover Order of Services.
Once again have the members of
Scranton lodge, No. 12,1, Benevolent and
Protective Order of Klks, paid their nn
nual tribute to their dead, and In sol
emnity and quiet conducted thu lodge
of sorrow In memory of the members
who will bo seen no more.
Last night's memorial services were
conducted It. tho Lyceum theatie ana
proved fully tin Impressive as those of I
m'iii-s past. Tile names. 01 unco le
spected and beloved brethren who died
during the yeur were thrice read by
the secretary. Three times he calle 1
them aloud, but there was no answer,
nor ever more on this earth will there
be any answer heard from the lips ot
Hon. F. W. Ounster, Hlcbard Biisteed,
jr.. nnd Thaniel C. Snover.
The orators of the night wore Hon.
C. P. O'Malloy. of this city, and Hon.
John H. Fort, ,i prominent attorney, of
Camden, N, J and n past grand tius
tee of the Older of Elks. Mr. O'Malloy
gave the memorial address, and Mr.
Fort's speech dealt with the history,
principles and alms of tho organization.
It was 8.20 o'clock when the curtain
arose at the Lycouni. The theatre was
thronged by annudlenee of great num
ber, and .Handing room was at a pre
mium. The scene which met the spec
tators' eyes was an Impiesslve one.
The stage was handsomely adorned
with palms and potted plants, and
everywhere in evidence was the mys
tic paraphernal la of the order. Over
the head of each of the oflleers loomed
the head of the elk, strong and power
ful, Its branching antlers casting a pro
tecting shade.
Seated on the stage In a half-clicle-were
Exalted Ruler Fred C. Smith, Es
teemed Leading Knight Solomon Gold
sinllh, Esteemed Loyal Knight T. J.
Jennings, Esteemed Lecturing Knight
Fred C. Hand. Secretary William S.
Could. Ti-i.-isurer II. J. Schubert. Es
quire John O. Reese, Chaplain Alex. T.
Connell, Inner Guard W. L. Holbert
and a number of the members of the
memorial -vivlce and leceptlon com
mittees. After Bauer's orchestra hud
played Auber's "Bronze Horse" as nn
overture, Exalted Ruler Smith gave
the signal and, with the other ofllceis,
arose. The solemn memorial service of
the Elks was then conducted, the ex
alted ruler stating the purposes and
alms of the lodge, and then briefly cate
chising tho other officers.
Secretary Gould read the names of
the thiee niembeis who- passed away
during the eai. Each name was cal'ed
three times, and then all those on the
stage arose and gave the sign of grief.
'Hie blessing pionounced by the chap
lain brougnt the service lo a close. Th
complete li:,t of Ihe "Absent Brothers'
of the lodae follows:
SCOn' D. SHOCMAKUn, Am. M, iv.
Dl'M'AX WltinilT, JI Apiil 21), isj:.
i:IAXUnL ZIZKMIAXX. .lull f, Isui.
(1HO. S. T1IHOOP, M. )., March 2.1. 1)l.
llL'MI'imnV nilAULKY, Sept'. !, 1WI.
AI.HN X. I,i:r.T, June 12, IsO'i.
C'llAItLLS ZAXti, Sept. 21, 1'HJ.
L. T. I'AIM.', lYb. Hi, ls)7.
rnr.11 kai'.mi:vi:i!, ji.u n, t'7.
II. II. TllitOOl', M. p., '.Inn,. 2d, v,y,
1:. r. 110YI.1:, auk. 12, i-.'i7,
1.. AMi:it.UAX, Oil, 7, 1SU7.
!i:0U(ii: KlltllV. Dee, PJ, IMC.
WM. P. COXXD.L, .Maicli .!, Pm.
WM. MAIIOX, Apill 7, lMfr.
JOHN IU'ltXi:iT, K-pt, .-III, 1 vis.
P. S. l'ACC, May II, IS')!).
A. M. MEItMXi:, Mjv St. luw.
T. .1. .10KIUX, Auir.'iM, ivi'i.
T. .1. M'TIfllli:. Oit. 21, 1MI".
iiov. r. w. (irxvrnit. .i.m. ;:o, nno.
IIICHAIID Ill'hTKIlU, .lit., .lime 22, 1MJ0.
T. J. .s.VOVint, Xo. 20. IPOO.
Jllss Kdlth Benson then gave n so
prano solo, singing with excellent ef
fect, Verdi's "Oh, What VNIon," She
was followed by Hon. C. P. O'Mnlley,
who was Introduced to the audience
by Chairman Jennings.
Mr. O'Malley's address was splendid
ly dellveied and produced a profound
Impression. The refeiences to tlie
niembeis of the organisation who died
during the past year wein heard nniid
u deep silence, which paid a unit
but eloquent, tribute, to the speaker.
Whin the name of Judge Gunstor was
mentioned, a thrill senned to pass
through the audlencp nnd manv an eye
(iimmcu 111 mo remembrance of the
llinil. Who Indeed thought that "til! '
qualify of mercy is not strained," and
whose kindly splilt blessed many a
home. The speaker's address follows:
r.xalled lluler, Diotlier Klks and Ladles and
It is, nnd nlwajs has l en, one of th. laimih
est luinciplcs and highest determinations of the,
Heiiotuleiil and Piotecthe Crdei of Klks Hut ub
li Ion shall neier hide from earthly inenioiy nor
eaitldy rcg.nil ,1 hlnglo one of ien lis most
humble members'. No nutter how far from Id-,
pnient lodge Hie winds of tlie world may wait
fit til or the imliils of tlie lomp.i-.-, draw hlin, or
in what distant dime the angil with Hie swoid
may lay hU rait lily liibirnclo to moulder, his
Many who have succeeded, as
you think, had no better chances
than yourself; perhaps not so
good as those confronting you
even now.
Where's tho difference? piuln
enough: Their chances few or
inuny, little or large were IM
PROVED. Tho only sure wuy to
Savings Department
Cor. Wyoming and Spruce
mga will sblile forever In the Itearta and Inlm'i
of hN In-utlicr lilM-lii M'hlt lio will cer dwl!
unions llirni.
The ilrrnil of bcllif? forgellrn by tliose whom
we Imo left belilnd u h one of Ihe Mint liar
roulng that nlllleM Itio tout nf mankind. To piu
(roin the inlnili of onr nolchboM, our ftlendi atnl
(hi! win lil, lll.e ft lilhl "lit of the tlukncx Into
the il.nkiu'w. like nn iiti-nolnl rrne In n flilltlni:
paiioninin, like nn mom wae that rlmtlrM Itaell
liprtii the Inr, Is 11 pulnele that toinl.mll.v jiro
nctili llelf In mill of ih, ami whlili we and
cull of 111 llnil inet.'ndioly, Indeed, In colli em
plate, for win 11 we .110 forgotten, then of n,
truth nic we do id,
Mrs n.oit.Mi
And po It It thai this oiiMiilzutJon, thu nation
oer, III Hlriu delhiniii to llio ublllerntlm." Influ
emu of lime, has clioin ui one of lie lloial
emblems the nwwt and limter "l'ornit-iiic.not,"
and dedlc.ited Hie lat hour of rath iIjIiir ilay
Id IIic absent, When t tie clock III the timet
eblints the hour of ileieu, wlirreer lllks are
asMMiilikil, tliey icno for n while t tic Ii- unions
punnilti of fancy, fun or fiotlo to drink n sllenl
tout Id Ihe plc.i'.iiit lucmoiy of "our absent
biothers." Thercfoie, It It, whin, ,i now,
the II11.1I st'iewii -of the ilcp.irthiK ear turbos
the llenoMileiit and Protetthe Older ol lllks
Riilhora In due decorum and formal and folrnui
i"lim to publicly unil pioudly proclaim the
thoiKind lrtucs of its rlepailed sons. WhiteMM
foibles they tuny hae had have been imcrlluil
upon Ihe canils and tlie tide of Christian charity
bus washed tliem all away, Imt their litues
liau been boldly thlseled upon thu eternal Kinn
lie of memory, to be iilleLlIonately recounted by
bioth-r lllks as Ion;; as they and thin organiza
tion alildiK.
Xo society eur formed boasts a more unselfish
pmposo or a holler iii-lum than the ono whlih
we tibsonc tonlulit. It Is luiliilnled by any ot
the Kiosnvr llilliicmes of the world. It i broad
In Its imsellisliiuss, piofuuml In Its clurltj, ten
der in its sentiments.
That death loes n sliitilng mark Is n maxim
lo the tiulli of which the archhen of tills order
bear, alas, but loo comlnclng testimony. The
10-tor of the nbsu.lecs who will not iiturti lo
us, no mailer how earnestly we linploio nor
how lung we wait, has been woefully leimtliened
of laic and with nanus the inot honoi ible and
Illustrious in all Ihl alley. Since this lodge met in iiieinuri d session tlnce of He num
bers lne "wrappetl the diapeiy of tlielr couih
about tliem and lay down to pleasant dreiins. '
They me lion. 1'. W. llunsler, Iiich.itd Iliisteed,
esij., and 'Ihaniel C, Snoicr.
Tlie nnccrlnlnly of lite and the Impetuous as
sault of denlh .lie, but too well illuslialed by the
absence from our miiUt touiglit of Thaniel ( .
Shout. Two weeks ago he was one of us. To
niglit he is but a inenioiy. The thill blasts hale
as yet scaup had time lo s-lllfcn the clo Is that
rest upon him, I'iw iiele'3 tnidd honor TiianUl
C. Snirter. ihi the cnnt1.11' his name upon their
lolls vuiihl be an honoi lo the most dislimiuisliod
of tlirm. The joins' of Ihe gieat rebellion rc
icaled blm v the t.nlfnim of Uncle Sam, llght
liil! tlie laltlis of his country. The. ensuing cars
of ( ili-clocd him (limbing the heights
of pioiperlty In the foicumsC lank of licranton's
men hauls; and iii.iiiiifatturcrn.
men ix Yi:.ns axi) noxon.
He died lull in eir', ami honor, and woildly
goods. HI-, wealth was boldly Imc'tcd in ftcran
tou iiuliistiics and Scranton enterpiises. He has
Iclt a lnoiiimuut to his inenioiy more itiduring
than liia-.. Ill Ids v.ift t onliibulions '0 that
great indusliial foice has made our tlly
lilo 0111 as the nw. lie neM'r lost faith ill
Si Linton, and lij hundrids 11111H jou count tho
who dicw tluii diily Mi(rnince from the in
dustiies (sl.iblilxil nnd piomoted by 'niin. As 1
soldier of the nation. .1 pioneer nsident of lie
1 it v. and one of the piimipal factois in lift
pin-pirity, mrelj his f.nnl'y and the !t.dge of
lMks will not inniiin him alone.
Another name whiili will alwajs be spoken
nilh the utmost tenderness in tlie lodge loom of
tin- Klks is of Piebald Bustoed, cup, one
of the trio of lose.s mi-laincd by the lodge dur
ing tlie year. Mr. Ibistccd was not known
in Setanlon as well .1- he might been, nor
as well ns bis ineiits de-ened. lie came among
11", as he himself said, "like a bild of pissngc,"
fiom tlie busy wluil of Long Island politics,
wlnre be, and his f.illur hefnro him, had long
Continued on l'agc S
City's Objections to Boulevard Char
ter to Be Heard Today.
This afternoon the bearing In the
quo warranto pioceedlngs brought by
the city to annul the lecently ac
quit ed charter of the Northern Boule
vard company, will be held before At
torney leneral Elklns.
Cltv Solicitor Vohburg will represent
the city's- interests, while Attorney AV.
V. .Vatson will appear on behalf of
the company. The arguments will be
prneltc.illy the same a.i those made
when Ihe granting of tlie charter was
Both A10 Over Seventy-Five Years
of Age.
Dudley V. Dox, aged seventy years,
and Mary Gardner, thiee years his
senior, were granted a marriage license
on Saturday. The woman has been a
widow just n year, and is quite active
for her years.
Both are well-known lesidents of
Elnihurst, wheie they have icsided for
many years,
I'nder llils heailing short Idlers of inferst
will be published when ai 1 oiup.niiod, for nubllca
lion, by die wiilet's nnme. The Tribune docs not
attune rcponibllity for opinions litre txpresfced.
Hntton Tells About the Zeno Incident
1MI lor ot The Tribune
sii: Will ou l.iiidlv gic space to the fob
lowing few lines, I wbdi lo set the iuaor light
in a critnlii liall-.ution lefeiud to In the dis
tiuuuy t-ijie ot the siuntouun, i., the ac
"'ptil'g of a bnmMiun rw one Madame Zeno.
lhi 'loiinn was niicsien lor loiiune telling, and
wns bound ocr lo cumt In the sum of ?.;0D by
ihe 1111 or. The man who lraeled with Inr and
wlio now clilms lo be lur husband, but whu
slated in Ihe maor's court Hint ho wa not
her husband, was unililu to souuo Ihe bondsman
ieiiiii(d, lie Ihiur: around the nuor'rt office I'll
the aflernron 1 lying and sa.ilng tho woman
would die if sent to jail, and finally olleied to
put up a diamond stud as secuilly, Tlie imvjbr
n du.'d to niiept it, lie Hun asked luo if I
could help him out, I tcld him peisciully I
coul not, but ii be would come aiound about
7 01101 k in tho iwdiiug 1 would bilng a man
with me who would go the woman' bail, pro
Aiding ho lould glw the neoosaiy security, and
be Kit Hie ofllce at that. Whin I icliiined in
the eidiing Zuiu was lliero with D. V, llyan,
who he said th major bid agreed to neiipt
as secuiity. That being Hie I stepped out
In the inrridor and told the man I had biougbt
with me how llilngs stood and he said nil rilht,
nnd went home, Tho ma 01, about that time,
made his appearance, nnd nflev asking Mr, llyan
about Ills real estate, and Mr. It) all's aduiUalon
Hint he had no leal elate, he, tho major, did
us ho was bound to do under the circumstances,
lcfuso tu aucpt Mr, lljan its a liomlsnuii, Zmo
again cauio to 1110 and linked niu If I could cet
the man to go the woman's bond. I told him
the man had jjono home, and that he would
hue o wait-until llm inoinliig, He urged fo
strone for help, sating aualu nnd ngniu, If the
woman had to stay In J. ill mer night she
would' suiely die, that I went lo tho nuor
and told him about Hie man I had brought down
culler u tho euadng, and that ho would qualify
Us bondsman hi ihe morning, I'nder thede ecu
dillous, and my assuring tlie major lint pio.
ldlug tho linn would not nullify, I would be
nspoiisible, he, the mayor, finally fomented lo
the icleasc cf the woman. In concliuiloii lit mc
assure Mr, and Mm. Zeno tint If the lady can
be locatul he will bo obliged nett to glc
bonds to the court. II. O. Ilatlon.
Scranton, Pa,, Dec. 2.
Scranton Business College.
"One of tho largest business tialn
Ing schools in America." Western
Penman. ,
Scranton Afhletio club's fair opens
tonight at Athletio hall, Alder street.
Admission, 10 cents.
In the Morning He Confirmed a Class
at St. Luke's Church and in the
Afternoon Spoke at a Special Ser
vice in St. David's Church Last
Evening in the Church of the Good
Shepherd He Gave an Eloquent
Dissertation on Peter's Epistle Con
cerning Day of Judgment.
lllght Hev. Bishop Ethelbert Talbot,
of tlie Protestant Episcopal diocese of
Central Pennsylvania, visited this
city yesterday and conducted services
at three of tho city churches.
In the morning he was nt St. Luke's
church, where he administered tho rite
of continuation to a special class of
seven members, afterwards prcach'ng
an eloquent sermon, bnslng his rs
murks upon the text found In Romans
xlv, 12: "So that every one of us shall
give nccount of himself to God."
In the afternoon he visits I St, Da
vid's church, In West Scranton, where
n special service was conducted. He
delivered a brief sermon upon the par
able ot the wise and foolish virgins,
afterwards holding nn Informal recep
Hon to 'he members ot the congrega
tion. The bishop wns In Green Ridge In tho
evening ns the guest of the congrega
tion of the Church of the GocJ Shep
herd. He delivered one of his char
acteristically vigorous and thoughtful
sermons, taking as his text II Peter,
III:1: "And saying, where Is the pro
mise Of his coming? For since the
fathers fell asleep ull things continue
as they were from the beginning of the
The bishop in his opening remarks
stated that the words of the text were
not the words of Peter, but the words
of the unbelievers and the wicked,
who scoffed at the idea of Christ com
ing back again to judge the quick r.nj
the dead, and who demanded that llm
apostle give them proof of the promise
of His coming.
"In this season of advent which be
gins today," said he, "we look forward
rather than backward. During tne
rest of the year we look back at the
various phases of Christ's life. We
think of His birth in the lowlv stable
at Bethlehem; we think of His young
boyhood spent in Nazareth; we think
of His glorious manhood when He
astonished men with His wonderful
powers; we think of Him as He hung
upon tho cross of shame at Caivn.-y,
and we think of His triumphant -rising
from the grave.
"But in advent we look forwarl to
another day; we are bidden to antici
pate the great day of judgment; tho
day on which the majesty and un
speakable power of the Lord of Hosts
will be visible to all men and when
God will be in the thought and mind
of the whole creation."
The bishop at this point explained
how impatient the early Christians
were to see Christ again and how
many of them believed when they went,
to bed at night that before the dawn
of day Gabriel's horn might be heard
calling the wicked to judgment and U13
good to their reward.
' Tney were Impatient to see the
Son of God again," he said.
"This is characteristic of Christians in
our own day and generation, who of
ten became imiiatient with God be
cause they found it hard to reconcile
many things with the divine law.
"How does Peter answer those scof
fers who taunted the early Chrlst'.un'j
by asking them why Christ did not
come again? He tells thein to wait
and states that the element of human
time does not enter into the Divine
consciousness. He tells them tho
uniformity of nature has gone on since
the creation of tho world and asl-s
thfm if they do not re'i.embev w.ii.'ii
God suspended the laws of nature nl
the time of the deluge.
"He tells them that the tatth will
not be finally destroyed by water, but
by fire, and who shall say he was not
right? Science tells us that the inter
ior of the earth Is a mass of fire on-i
tout we are but living on a crust
formed on the outside. What is there
incredible in the thought that some
day in the fullness of tlmo Go.' shall
let this lire penetrate the crus: and
consume the inhabited part of the
"He tells them that they make a
mistake In measuring God's intelli
gence by their own and points out that
one thousand years may oe us one
to him. God lives not In tho past or
in the future, He lives In the eternal
present. Another argument which Pe
ter uses Is that God has another mo
th e and that that motive Is love. He
says that God wishes none to perish,
but desires all to be saved and that
Ho may not come till all the world has
learned to love Him,
"God Is coming all the time. The
days and hours are hastening and Pe
ter bids us to be prepared. He says
all must be patient, good and full of
abiding faith. He tells us to beware;
to keep awake; to keep our vision
clear, and to keep our lamps burning.
These arguments which Peter uses
were Inspired by the Holy Spirit.
They are grand, unanswerable and
The absorbing fact that the Son of
God will" come again to judgo tho
world should till every human heart.
Wherever we shall be laid to sleep,
there shall we rise. There are many
things In this life which are uncertain.
W' know nothing about the mysteri
ous future, but we know that God's
word tells us that He will come again.
"Let us then be ready In peace, In
hue and in sweet abiding charity, so
that when the great call comes you and
I will be found watching,"
Sheriff-Elect Schadt'WiU Not An
nounce His Appointments,
Sheriff-elect Charles H, Schadt has
chosen as his legal adviser Thomas P,
Hoban. Sunday News.
When Mr. Schadt was seen yester
day ho refused to confirm the state
"I have made all my appointments,"
said Mr, Schadt, "but no man knows
who they are but myself. Tne names
of the appointees will not be given to
the public until they are announced
In court on the day l go into ofllce.
"The appointments will be of my own
making and somo of the men I will
appoint will have their first knowledge
of It when I ask the court to confirm
my appointments-"
of sensible gifts Nothing is better appreciated as a holiday gift
than some article of China or Glass for the house, it is always
in ubo and always a remembrance to the donor's thoughtfulnws.
China covered steak and chop dlBhes are new, much handsomer
than silver and much lower in price; finest French' China dec
orated cnop dish and cover 85.60, steak dish and cover $7.75.
You will nowhere find a large or more attractive line suited for
gift giving than at China Hall, Christmas purchases deliv
ered as late as Christmas morning.
Oen. V. Millar &
Te. ' - --
tlrAA. rrnnine cfc 1 I
vjum iwiuniia P"
Gold Fillings $1
BridgeWork (Th) $3
Set of Teeth $5
All work guaranteed for in ycatt. Cnll
nnd have your tec-lh I examined freo of
charge. Satisfaction or no pay.
One Hundred Parlor Rocking Chairs in both
Oak and Mahogany of a Unique and Stylish
Construction, Strongly Put Together, and
Upholstered in Rich Patterns of Finest Ve
lours and Tapestries. Bought to sell at $4
and worth every cent of that figure.
See Them in Our Big Show Win
dow, and take your choice of the
lot while they last at ;
In Our New Store.
406 Lackawanna Ave.
Look at everything else in
onto something here.
We never ft..thered so
leaning toward the practical.
to some use or other.
In the novelty line, Ebony
carved the wood into all sorts of
ebony is added the glitter of the
appropriate for Christmas.
I Presents. J
These are but a few inklings
here. About the quality if it's
worthy. About the prices We
if you consider the quality.
A. E. Rogers,
THE JEWELER, 213 Lackawanna Avenue
More than thirty now members weie lecehed
by Hev, Dr, C, M. Gilfin yesterday morning at
Elm 1'ark church.
Prof. W, t). Vluniley addressed a lanjtf family
meeting yesterday afternoon at the Hillroad
Young Men's Christian association looms,
Hev, Marlon Ii. Flior, pastor of Cahary It,
formed church, pre.iched a control cr.lal sermon
last night before a Urge congregation, taking
tu his topic, "Intermediate State and U There
a Purgatory,"
Hev. Silas E. Persons, of CasenoWa, X, V,,
acceptubly filled the pulpit of the See.
ond Presbyterian church yesterday, In th
absence of the pastor, Rev. Dr, Charltt t. Itob.
Inson, who wai In Tror, N, Y.
"A Boomed City'1 was the topic o! an elo
quent sermon preached last night at the North
Main Avenue Baptist church by the paMor, Hev,
H. O. Heading, D. P.
Hev. Ltther Hcm Wailng, pator of Grace
Lutheran church, preathed a etlrrlog sermon last
Co. '''!'"'
- vmk in anaiooic arsuna
In this brant li of Dentistry we claim su
periority over nil. We extract teeth abso
lutely without pain by it locnl application to
Hie gums or by tho administration of Gu.
We aUo tnke out by 'the same pro
ccs.s, rendering alt ions of the mouth,
both lllllng mid extracting, absolutely pain
less. Call and bo convinced.
We make a specialty of Painless Ex
traction, and If you have any pain while
we are pulllns your teeth will guarantee
to do all of your work free o( charge.
Dr. Reyer, Dentist
gU Spruce St, Opp. Court Mom.
Scranton Carpet
& Furniture Co.
the gift line, and then fall back
many gift things before that had a
Almost everything here can be put
predominate. Genius has
To the intense black ot
that forms many articles
of what you may expect to see
worthy, it's here: if it's here, it's
ask you the least that is possible,
rf"V"V'SV4V,SSvrvSrf"w'VS, I
Call and Examine
Our Line of
A great variety of styles
constantly on hand. No
slipping and falling, No
more sore and contracted
CO., fZ v..
night 011 the great need in this country today o
men like Daniel of old, who will 'come out
boldly end bravely ami spiead the truth tint
Is In them.
The members of P.leciric City, Roaring Proolc,
Slocum and 11 da Park castles, (nights of the
(olden Eagle, numbering about 400, gatheml
last night in Zion United Evangelical church on
Capouse avenue in full uniform and listened to
a special and appioprlate sermon by the pastor,
Hev, J, W, Messenger.
Put Yourself in Line,
New students are enrolling almost
dally, aud, too, nearly every day some
student secures a good paying posi
tion. Young men and women should
put themselvea In line by enrolling at
Scranton Athletio club's fair opens
tonight at Athletic hall, Alder street.
Admission, 10 cents.
. !?' f .. '' ' ..A
4& -jf, ; i jj.i- -
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