The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 01, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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He Wns Picked Up on West Lacka
wanna Avenue Yesterday by the
Police In a. Helpless Condition.
Slight Fhe on Luzerne Street.
Doll's Carnival Prizes on Exhibi
tion Tenth Wedding Anniversary.
B. Y. P. U. Notes and Other Events
of General Interest.
A fellow nuinril OllletU'. who 1 entiles
In Dtinmoro, wan lucked up hi I lie ri'li
trul pollen Htutlon lnsl iiIkIU In a lielp
les.H eoiulltloh, ami til inlclnlulit was
Honiowlial dellrloiiH from tin- fffi-otH of
what was muppohciI to be "knockout
drops." The patrol wiikoii was muiii
inoncil to AWst'kitwanna avenue
and Ninth .street lit .".:: o'clock, wheie
pollrcindli found the man lylnj; on the
From what could be leanu d about
the ease, the man has been on a pro
tracted epiee fur several weeks and
during that time wandeied around the
city. Yesterday afternoon he was
seen In company with a woman on tli"
AVest Lackawanna avenue bridge and
later the couple entered a question
able res-orl not far from there. Some
time afterward Ulllette left the place
alone, and staggered along the slde
walk until he reached Ninth street,
where he fell unconscious.
A large crowd was attracted by the
man'.s peculiar actions, and when sev
eral men attempted to arouse him
they found it was Impossible. A mes
sage was telephoned to police head
quarters and Patrolmen John Thomas.
Matthews, Hockenberry and Dugga-i
responded with the patrol wagon and
carted Gillette to the central police
htation. The fellow remained in a
stupllled condition until nearly mid
night, when he was aroused by Desk
fcjergeant Rldgway.
The latter administered a dose of
"jag drops" to the prisoner and his re
covery is now assured. When asrd
about his actions, Olllette could :'or
remember whore he had Jisen. He li !
not have any money cm his per m
when arrested, but was fairly w!:
dressed. First Welsh Baptist Church.
The Baptist Young People's union
held an interesting session in the tor
ture room of the church last evening.
One Day s Sale of
Ladies' Liberty Ruffs
On Saturday only we will offer as
handsome a collection of Liberty
Ruffs for ladies' neckwear as you have
ever set eyes on, at the following re
ductions from regular prices:
Ruffs worth $1.00 will be sold for
Ruffs worth $1.25 will be sold for
Ruffs worth $1.50 will be sold for
Ruffs worth $2.00 will bd sold for
Ruffs worth $2.50 will be sold for
Ruffs worth $2.75 will be sold for
Ruifs worth $3.00 will be-sold for
Ru Us worth $3.50 will be sold for
Ruffs worth $4.00 will be sold for
There's other neckwear in abundance
at remarkable value figures and it's all
made ond finished after fashions latest de
mands, but the sale of Liberty Ruffs over
tops every other event of the season in its
l'rrie, and it's a bargain chance that will
never come again.
'. (. !
Globe Warehouse
The feature or the meeting uii the
leading of n paper on "The Origin and
Karly Practices of Thanksgiving," by
William Kvuiih.
The young ladles of the church arc
arranging for a Japanese enlertii'ii
ineiit to bo held on New Year's eve.
Frizes on Exhibition.
The prlz.M for Ihe Young Women's
Christian n'l.oclatlon doll carnlvul are
now on exhibition In the south win
dow of .Tcnltns' drug store. The girls'
prizes are ,. handsomely dressed doll
and a very pretty workbasket, which
will be given to the girls exhibiting the
best diesscil doll dining the carnival,
The boys' are a foot ball and
camera, for the best finished niece of
doll's furuhuie. The 'milwit Is at
tracting much attention and many
prettily dressed dolls will be seen dur
ing the we"., The affair opens In the
Iianncr block Monday evening and wilt
continue dm lug the afternoons and
evenings of the week.
Excitement on Luzerne Stieet.
An ahum was turned hi fiom Itox
32.1, Fifteenth and J.itBerne streets, last
evening til 7.u0 o'clock, which was
caused bv .1 slight blnsse In one of
Stephen Flanagan's houses. A pin of
giease on a stove was overturned and
caused the Maze. No damage resulted,
ns the flnniM were extinguished before
gaining much hendwuy.
While tl'j (.'olumblas were respond
ing to the alarm, their hose cut rinse
encountele 1 a rut In the street and
was somewhat damaged. In conuo
fjuence It Will be out of service until
Recent Social Ev-.-nts.
Miss Alary McDermott, of Sumner
avenue, wnj tendered a pleasant sur
prise party 1 hursduy evening. Danc
ing and other amusenvuitu were en
joyed by the assembled wuetts.
A bhlhd!! party was tendered
Jlasler l.errv Clianacher at the home
of his parent:., on North Uiomley ave
nue, Tuesday evening.
Funeral Announcements.
The funeiv.l of the late Kdwaid Da
vies will tuk" place at -'."0 o'clock this
afternoon. Si rvlces will be held at the
house, .'!j."i North Lincoln, avenue, and
interment will be made in the Wash
burn stieet cemetery.
The of the late tidlth James
will take plare tomorrow afternoon at
U o'clock. Sei vices will be held in the
Calvary Raptlst church at Taylor, and
inteiment will be made in the Forest
Home cemetery.
NOTES AND PERSONALS. It. Jones and Hiss Sarah A.
Jones, both o" Plymouth, were married
by Rev. David Jones, of the First
Welsh Congregational church, at his
home, on South Lincoln avenue, Wed
nesday nftei'ioon.
.Miss Maud ninkely, of Rochester, N.
Y., is the guest of Miss Ksther Thomas,
of Lafayette stieet,
Electric lic,ht wires running Into Ran
dolph Jones' taloting establishment, on
Jackson street, were pulled from their
fastenings yesterday afternoon by a
high derrick which was drawn by on a
wagon, and for a time electric sparks
weie omitted fiom other overhead
when. Fortunately no damage resulted,
but considerable excitement was caused
by the Incident.
Kmerson 13. Owen returned to New
York yesterday, after Hpendlng Thanks
giving with his parents and friend!
Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Hepburn, of
Meridian strcei, weie the guests of.
West Pitlston friends on Thursday.
St. Loo's' bnllnllon will meet loinor
low afteinoorp to consider the advisa
bility of ex'endlng the lease of Ihrtr
Dr. T. W. Thomas, of Wllkes-Unirc,
wus the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William
R. Williams, of South Main avenue, on
Thursday evening.
The services at St. David's Kplscopal
church tomorrow will be held at 10.30
a. in. and 3 p. in., Instead of the usual
hours. The Sunday school session will
be omitted. The bishop of the diocese
will ntteiut the nftcrnonn service,
James Rrown, M. T. Fltzglbbons, J.
R. Coney, Edward Mcl.aln and Frank
Mi'Laln have been appointed a commit
tee to arrange for St. llrenden's coun
cil new home festival, which will be
held during the holidays.
Rev. James Uennlngor, pastor of the
Hampton Street Methodist Kplscopal
church, wilt conduct the gospel meet
ing this evening In the Young Women's
Christian association rooms,
L. M. Keene will conduct the services
at the Sumner Avenue Presbyterian
church tomorrow moinlng at 10.30
o'clock, In ;ho absence of the pastor,
Rev. Frank J. Mllman, who will oc
cupy the pulpit of the Piovldence Pres
byterian ulnji'ch.
Miss Maine. Larkin, of Van Jturett
avenue, a stenographer for the Lackn
wtiumi Lubricating company, will leave
on Monday for Wilmington. Del., where
the company's plant will be located.
Michael Sullivan, of New York, spent
a few days this week with his parents
on Tenth sti.'et.
The Lincoln Heights Social club will
conduct a drawing for a chub on the
evening of December 10, at the Lin
coln Heights school house.
Miss Nellie McDermott, of West
Plttston, nnd Miss Cella Morun. of Al
denvllle, Wayne county, are the guests
of Alderman and Mrs. John P. Kelly,
of South Seventh street. A dinner was
givea In their honor on Thursday.
The Young People's Dancing class
held their weekly social in Mears' hall
last evening.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Relle
vue AVelsh Calvinlstlc Methodist
church will hold a social Wednesday
evening, December 5.
Mr. and Airs. Thomas Husband, of
Kdwardsville, were the guests of Miss
Jemima Jones, of West Locust stroot,
on Thanksgiving day.
Indoor Baseball Being Resumed in
This Part of the City Two So- '
cial Events Other Notes.
Two nines, composed of clerks from
the stores of Fenner & Dlckerson and
William Chappell, played Indoor base
ball at the Auditorium last evening.
A large number of Interested specta
tors saw the revival of this lively
sport, which flourished to so large an
extent here a few years ago.
Th contest was spirited from start
to finish, and every close play of the
clubs called forth applause. The game
ended In favor of the club representing
Fenner it Dickerson's store, by a
i-cnru of &'-''.
Two Social Events.
Miss .lesslo Ross entertained a num
ber of her friends last evening at her
home, on Blair avenue, (lames nnd
dancing weie the ehioC amusements
of the evening. At a seasonable hour
refreshments were served.
Those piwi: wie: M!' ! 'iwn
dollne Thomas, Lizzie Fldier, Ltla
Danvers, Maigaiet Edwards, Rena Kd
wnrds, Rachel Phillips, Lilian Ross
Anna Ross, Jessie Ros and Miss
Bishop, of AVIIkes-Burre: Messrs. Oav
tleld Davis, Thomas Carwerdlne, Grif
fiths Thomas, William Nothaeker, Wil
liam lgler, Jeseph Kngland, Oswald
Price and David Kvans.
Miss Ultima C.'rolhnniel was pleas
antly surprised at her home mi (Siove
street last Thursday evening. A very
pleasant lime was spent by those pres
ent. Relreshiuents were served. Thoa
piesent were: Misses Freda Staub,
Sui.ih Courtrlght, Ruth Creby, Mat
tie Lesh, Kdlth Miller, Oiii"p Moore,
Vmeliii 1 Vkersley, Lizs-.le Kckersley,
Margaiot Hilderlmuu, Annie Phil
lips., Mniy Phlllllps, Esther Crothumel,
LUziu Crothamel, Kraniu Crothamel,
Marie Liehling; Messrs. Hnrry Uro
thaniel, (leorse Tammon, Otto Htaub.
Walter Staub, William Behllng, David
' Behllng. William Brelg. Fred Behllng.
William Staub. lohn Richards.
Brlejly Noted.
ISert Talr and Joseph Cornell i
turned home after spending a fw
days hunting In Wayne county.
The North Km! Slats basket ball
team will play the Young Men's Chris
tian Association of W'llkes-liario next
Tuesday evening.
The Alpha (lama foot ball eleven
play the High School second team at
the Athletic park. A huge crowd wlt
nexxed the game, which was a very
lively one. The flrht touchdown was
made by the High School second team
and the second by the Alpha Qamn,
making the scene C-.".
Sidney llenwood, of Henwood's drug
store, returned home from Honesdale
William Bui Up, of Jones Mi-eot, Is
In New York city.
A regular meeting of the Local No,
143, United Mine Workers of Ameri
ca, was held in Mulherln'.s ball, on
Brick u venue.
John Wolf, wlio tor the pust few
days was visiting friends bore, re
turned home to Ithuca, N. Y.
Mr, and Mrs, Oeorge Millei, of West
Market street, urn rejoicing over tho
urrhul of a baby boy,
Louis Latcliani, of Leuii stieet, J3
recovering from a severe illness.
How's This?
We nflcr One Hundred llruaul ur jny
(.ix tit CiUrrli llut i.iuiiot bo turcd liy lull's
Catarrh Curp.
y. .1. rilKNCV k CO., Toledo. 0.
We, llic imili'itlKiK'il, liase known l .1, L'hciit-y
(or the last 13 jimu, uiu lie I lew him peifcctry
honorable In all butlmn. transactions and llnan
ciallv able t'j cany out uny obligation? nude
bv tuclr linn.
'(t & Tiimx, Wliolwalo PrugKlsti, Toledo, 0.
Waldlnt,-, Iilnnau K Man In, Wholesale Unit;
rLU, Toledo, O.
llall'i Catarrh Cure J tikcn Internally, acting
directly upon l'' lilou and inucoiu turbir of
the FyMem. ' 'iiiofiial fint fiee. Price 73c.
per bottle, b y al Pmgglttf,
UiU'K family t'UU are the be.l.
Y. W. C. A.
The Members of the Loynlty Club
Gave an Entertainment for Their
Many Frionds Family Social Con
ducted by Scranton Saengerrunde.
John A. Schroedcl Captures nn
Eagle In His Yard Twelfth Anni
versary of Hickory Street Church.
A Thanksgiving social was given
last night by the Loyalty club of tho
South Side Young Women's Christian
association In the association rooms
on Cedar avenue. It was well attend
ed and was marked by deep Thanks
giving feeling. Prior to the social hour
there wns a short Thanksgiving gospel
The exercises were opened with n
plnno solo, which was given with
splendid effect, by Miss Anna Scbetler,
nfter which followed the reading of
the piesldent's Thanksgiving procla
mation by Miss Freda Kornacher and
thq governor's proclamation by Miss
Dora Sehetier, which was followed by
the Loyalty club singing "America."
Miss Prances Klnumlnzer und Miss
Vreda Kornacher executed a dKTlcttlt
plnno duet and Miss Minnie Hafner
followed with a thoughtful and ex
ceedingly well prepared select reading
on "Thanksgiving Day."
The Loyalty club then sang In spir
ited style their club song, nfter which
games and music were Indulged In nnd
lator several well-laden nnd snowy
tables were brought Into use und the
merry party Indulged In light and
dulntljy prepared refreshments.
A Family Social.
The Scranton Saengerrunde gave a
most enjoyable family social last even
ing In Athletic hall, Alder street,
which was very well attended. Dur
ing the forepart of the evening a .lollv
social hour reigned, which was fol
lowed by a fine literary and musical
piogrommo given by the Saenger
runde's Jolly entertainers. After the
entertainment refreshments were
served and later the hall was cleared
and dancing was Indulged In until a
late hour.
The following Is the programme as
rendered: March, "Kroeffungs," Hans
Saft; song, "Ach Weist du es Noch."
Saengerrunde; phonograph selections,
George Horbnch; song, "Died der
Hose," Saengerrunde; recitation, "Dr.
Ungefuelllge Apolheke,'" Hen Anton
Flsch; song, "Hardenroesteln," Saen
gerrunde; recitation, "The Puzzled
Dutchman," Fred Otto; recitation,
"Kin Salansltreleh," Anton Fisch;
song, "Helzlletchen Meln," Saenger
runde; dialogue, "Klsen Bahn Aben
teur," Messrs. Fisch and Otto; song,
"Nnehtswnschterleid," Saengerrunde.
The committee in charge was com
posed of the following: Messrs. Gus
tav Sehultz, Fred Otto nnd J. J.
An Eagle Captured.
John A. Schroedcl, of Cedar avenue,
of Schroedel's bakery, captured a
magnificent specimen of the American
eagle yesterday afternoon nnd he
wasn't hunting, either. He caught It
In his back yard on Cedar avenue,
where It had come, evidently, looking
for food or water, as It was ratbiT
The bird Is of dark grnv color and
measures nearly live feet from tip to
tip and is larger than a full crowa
turkey. The strange part of It Is that
the bird, after making one or two
turns above the yard slowly settled
down, as if totally unmindful of its
surroundings, and walked about the
yard as confident as it would i.eroh
on Bald Mount.
It was evidently hungry, as it looked
for food, and later made a visit to ths
woodshed, whore Mr. Hchroedel cap
tured it with no struggle whatever. It
will be put on exhibition ut the bakery
Twelfth Anniversary.
Sunday morning and evening the
congregation of the Hickory Sii"..'
Cieiman Presbyterian church will cl
ebr.tte the twelfth anniversary of the
dedication of their new church home,
and the llfth anniversary of Hew V.
A. Nordt's pastorate in that church.
Both the morning and evening ser
vices will be marked with special mu
sical exercises and He v. Nord. who
has been so successful In this charge
and who has completely won the high
regard and esteem of the people dining
his live years' stay in the city, v!ll
deliver two appropriate sermons.
A special collection to pay off the
small debt now remaining on the
handsome odlllce will be taken, it Is
needless to say that a large audience
will be piesent on both occasions.
Told in Brief.
The Sunday afternoon gospel meet
ing In the South Hido Young AVomen's
(Mu Mian association will be led Sun
day by Miss Florence Weir, ,of the
Heseae Mission. Miss Weir is a help
ful und practical Christian, und her
talks are nlwnys enjoyed. All women
and 'Jills Me invited to attend these
services, f neclul music will also bo a
Fied Lenles, the eldest son of Alder
man John Lentes, of Cedar avenue, Is
confined It the house with a sevoie
The funeral of the late Fred Kirun
will take place this afternoon at 2
o'clock-, with services at the house by
Rev, W. A. Nordt, of the Hickory
Stieet I'resuyteiian church. Interment
will be made In tho Plttston avenue
The four children of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Knoll, of Beech street, aiu ill
with measles,
Miss Cinra Ilertstog, of Hickory
street, is Hi at her home.
John Hastings, of Homestead, re
turned home yesterday, after nenrly a
year's stay at tltat place, and is stny
lug with hU patents on Prospect aye
line, Mrs. George Klrchaff, of Irving ave.
nue, mother of County Commissioner's
Clerk Fred W. Klrchoff, Is fatally 111
with apoplexy und her death Is tno
mentaiily c:;rected.
St, Mary's Glee and Dramatic usso
clution will hold a business session on
Monday evening In St. Mary's hall,
Hickory street,
Will Dunieavy, Patrick Ituane and
F.dwurd MeQioarlty, of Plttston ave
nue, have ttturned from a visit to Car
bondalc, OBITUARY.
Ilrmut, the G-jejr-oM son of.Mr. and .Mr J,
Krltnd llallock, of '1 droop stieet, Punmorr, died
jcilerday inoniiut;. Mention lias been nude in
(bene columns of tbe tore affliction ol till family,
reven tncmlicri IicIiir lcW with tllphllirrlit ill
ono time, Tlill ! tho first fnlnl use The
otlicM nro reported m Uolnif well. The funerjl
lll tako plate tlili afternoon at v! n'tlock
from the home on lluocp itlcrl nnd will ho pit
Utc. lnlormrnt will be In Diniinoie I'inictory,
Methods of the Rattler nnd the Xing
Snakes In a Duel to the Death.
from the Youth's Companion.
If the rattlesnake Is Justly called the
king of Atnerlca'H woods and rocks,
yet his crown Is not hold without dan
ger, since ho Is hunted diligently nnd
successfully. His fangs are, Indeed,
deadly, and he wears a flue suit of ar
mor, but the deer and the wild hog
never fall to attack him, and lie lias
an enemy of his own still more dan
gerous to him.
Snakes may bo divided Into three
clnsses. Those which ore venomous,
the constrictors and those which are
neither. Unless the second of these
nro wonderful for their size, they se
cure little or no attention, and yet they
are generally beautiful In colors, most
graceful In action and often our best
friends. ,,
In Florida we hnve two constrictors
especlnlly notlcenble the black racer,
which grows to a length of twelve feet
and makes a business of waning on
rats and other small deer the farmer
bates; nnd the king snake, whose mis
sion seems to be the extermination of
the rattler.
One day I was returning from n
day's hunt, tit peace with the world
and myself, when I heiird a sciulrrel
scolding as If he were a ward politi
cian the night before election. The
noise he made was so loud and so In
sistent that 1 turned out of my way
to see what could be the matter.
I found the little fellow on the trunk
of a pine, about ton feet from the
ground, jumping about as If in con
vulsions. He would flourish his tale
wildly, scold In anger, threaten an as
sault, run back a little way up the
trunk, and then return and scold
I looked carefully and saw that his
anger wns directed at a rattlesnake
that lay colled at the foot or the tree.
The snake was compressed Into a ball,
from tho middle of which Its rattle
sounded continuously; Its blazing little
eyes were fixed unchangingly upon
those of tho squirrel.
The buzz, buzz, droned on the sum
mer air with a sleepy effect, but the
squirrel scolded in an ever ascending
key. But for the hint or the squirrel's
eyes I could never have located the
rattler. His color and bis variegated
markings offered but little contrast
to the surroundings. His monotone of
noise was indefinite, and to sight as
well as In sound ho seemed only a blur
on tho background of the dark sand
on which he lay.
Was the squirrel only curious to
satisfy himself as to the onnracter
of that strange object, or was he hyp
notized? I have often amused myself
by exciting the violent curiosity of
that little animal, but never did a
waving or jumping object awaken
such Intense and painful emotion as
the rattler always demands.
I knew what must soon follow; that
the squirrel's eyes would soon grow
weak, that lie would grow dizzy, and
finally tumble from the tree,, hang a
moment by one claw, and then drop
into tho jaws of the living death that
lay In wait. I raised my rllle to save
the little fellow, when the tragedy was
interrupted from unother quarter.
Swift as a light, a form raced on the
stage. It was clothed in a gleaming
coat of beautiful white and black
spots; it shifted and shone like a neck
lace of precious stones, and I knew
the king snake claimed a victim.
Tho newcomer was smuller than the
rattler; Its ground color wns greenish
gray, and the spots scintillated in the
sunlight which sifted down upon the
scene from the tangled branches over
head. At the first rustle of its approach the
rattler lost all Interest In the squirrel,
which ran back into the tree.
The king snake held Its bead high
and raced around the rattler In a wide
circle, while the rattler tried to slink
away. The king darted forward as if
to attack, and the rattler threw him
self Into a coll. The king was again
away and rnclng around, with a
swiftness the rattler seemed unable to
follow with his eye. The rattler was
cowed already; his ciest wus lowered,
his buzz, buzz was jerky nnd uneven,
and although ho presented a very dif
ferent appearance from the self-conll-dent
arbiter of the woods which he
had seemed when I had first saw him,
T could think of nothing but some hu
man bully surprised in the act of tor
turing his helpless victim, and sudden
ly compelled to face aa adversary
worthy of his strength, The king
snake seemed to enjoy the situation
as a cat does her cruel dallying with
a mouse.
Hound and round went the king
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood
Cure Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of
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Nervita Tablets
Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Un,
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Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the
Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By
mail in plain package, $1.00 a box, 6 for $5.00 with our Bank
able Guarantee Bond to cure in 30 days or refund money paid.
Nervita Medical Co., Won and Jackson sts,, Chicago, III.
snake, nnd the rnltler followed the
movement (III lis neck was twisted.
Whenever It attempted to turn the
king would spring forward, nnd It
was evident that the first failure of
the rattler In swiftness would be ithe
signal for muscle to clinch with
vemon. The king would race from left
to tight, and then reverse, and If tho,
rattler failed to follow that wnuiti
be the end of him. This happened,
and I saw tho king in the air, but
could not catch tbe strike, so instan
taneous was it.
There was a contusion of Hying pine
noodles In a cloud of white dust, and
t saw that. two Inches of the king's
coll was about the throat of tho rat
tler. Over and over they went, tho
king's head above that of his enemy,
nnd a curve of Ills body noting ns n
buffer to keep up his motion, which
enabled him to take another turn nnd
still another.
And so the struggle continued, till
tbe rattler did not writhe freely, and
he was held as a vine wraps a tree.
When ho lay still tho king snnke be
gan to uncoil himself slowly, and ev
ery motion of bis enemy the constric
tor's folds contracted and crushed
with killing effect. F.ven when there
was only a quiver of tho tall, the king
still grlppled the tln'oat. tt wns plaln(
lie had a wholesome respect for tho
fangs that were still terrible.
As a last precaution the king ap
plied his nostrils delicately to those
of the rattler, and repeated that sev
eral times, as If to detect the faintest
breath. Satisfied at last, It released
Its enemy, but still watched, ready to
ivsnme Its hold at the slightest sign
of life.
There I left him, keeping grim guard
over the body of his vanquished foe.
As I turned away, the voice of the
squirrel in the tree broke out again,
saucy and defiant ns It always Is, but
no longer filled with agony nnd terror,
ns at first.
I.iirlilnlm? blls tail trees ery oflen, especially
when their loots reach nitinliiK wiUir. The llfjlit-ninu-blaaled
oak or clui Is a familiar object in
limit landscapes.
There nre moie than twice as many blind per
sons In ltussia as In the whole of Ihe rest of
Kuiope. '1 hey number IDD.nuO, which is equl
latent fo two in eicry 1,000 of the population.
lliiston has a llo.itlnj,- hospital, which makes
a dally trip clown the haibor with a number of
nick women and children. Some of the patients
arc taken by the day only, but the moie seri
ously afllleted arc priinlttccl to leinoln on tbe
vessel constantly until tilled.
Tins people of tho Southern Appalachian moun
tains number about 2,000,000, their cleMcnt be
ing (rem the S'totih-IiMi, French llugcnots, Kng
Mill and Oenuans. They have been in thct-0
mountains jdnce loner befoic the revolution. They
hue their homes, and mlnslo but Utile with the
outside woild.
Mollis fly against the candle llime because
their ejes can bear only a small amount of
light. When, therefore, they come within the
light of the candle their sight is overpowered
and their ision enn(iised, and as they cannot div
tlnmiish objects they pui-uc the light ilclf and
lly against the flame.
Death from suffocation is pleasant, according
to Jo-eph timely, a Wlnsted (f'onn.) plumber,
who was in a "cae-in" until umonsciiiu-.. He
said: "I thought of every prajcr I bad heard
and lepcalcd them over and over. I could heir
the iiKii walking abnie me. Then tame sweet
music, the fweelcst I ever lie.nd. That was the
lat I remember."
It Is believed by vegetaiians that .1 puiely
vegetable diet makes people amiable, gnmbiiv
lured and geneious, and that those who cat
largely of become ipiairelsomc, (.cltl-li and
An example of patient liiilustiy is the sorting
of hogs' bristles as it is carried on at Tien Tsin,
China. Ktuli one of the bristles lias to be piekid
out, measured and placed in the bundle of baiid
of corresponding length.
A presidential elector in New YcuU receives
the sum of $13 for each day in attendance at Al
bany, together with "10 tents per mile, eai h
way, from bis plate of residence, by the most
traveled route, to the place of meeting."
Aluminum has just been employed for Ihe
coiLstraction of .1 new fireproof curtain to lie
used in theateis. The curtain is 00 feet wide by
St feet high, is composed nt aluminum bheeU
one-tvvellth of an inch thick, und weighs 1,000
The average annual total of water which fills
as riin or snow- in the United Slates is 1,107
cubic miles. This amount of rain would moie
than twice All I.ako Ontaiio. To laise this
water to the clouds from which it tell would
requite the work of SOH,000,UUO hulscs woiklng
ten hours a day throughout the jcar.
The public building-, of the United .'..ales have
cost, since the foundation of tho government, ex
clusive of tho buildings in Washington, and
those cmploved by the aimy and navy, s13l,
T".'.,:iS4. Of "this the sites have cost fJa.T.Ti.til",
and thine leiualia ij'il.SJ.i.OT to be expended on
these buildings before they are completed.
Kvery depailnient of the new United Males
mint, now building at Philadelphia, will be de
pendent to a very great e.xtint on electricity for
power. All the piesscs and milling machines ate
to lie opei.ited by Ihls power, 'lheie vvnl be It
motors of -O hoise powir, !W ol Mioi-o power,
li of H.VIiol-e power, ami a laige number of
smaller motois.
The 1em.1rk.1ble number of ilialh by ihownliig
pious Ih it too unny piisons vtnluie into
vvateis without knowing how to swim. About
SO per tent, of those drowned last hum
mer did not nave tliat knowledge. This is all
the moie woudtiftit when 11 kiiovvlidge uf swim
ming may so easily be had. A pcium of aver
age phjsltpie should lie able to swim several bun
died feet utter a ilocn lessons.
diseases, all ettects or selt-abuse or excess
and indiscretion A Nerve Tonic and
Blood Builder. Brings the pink glow to
pale cheeks and restores the fire of vouth.
50c nar box. ft boxe.
IT r." -w--' ---
Bankable Guarantee
Wo let tho cat out of the bug
nt last to tell you of our good
fortune In being able to soil
you 3 n
Underwear and Hosier
nt a figure much lower than
you would. have expected. Sei
our Bpeclal lines of Gloves,'
lined and unlined. New lin
Neckwear at 48c. .
412 Spruce Street.
"Bunjunder & ReU, Lessees and Managers
A. J. Duffy, Buslnes Manager.
Friday Night, Saturday Matinee and Nlghi,
November 30. nnd December 1.
M". Ed. C. White announces tho lint appnrs
umo in this city of
Hi Id red Holland,
In her new romantic play,
The Power Behind the Throne
A superb company. J
A massive scenic production. .. t
A fortune in costumeH and acccssoilcs., , ,
1'rices livening, 2oc. to $1.00. ,
Matinee. Hie. and 00c; children, 13c. Jo. any
pait or house. '
Tuesday and Wednesday, - ' "
DECEflBER 4 and 5.
The Legitimate Irish Comedian,
In the most successful Irish plays ever "written.
Predentin); '
Tuesday Night.... KERRY dOW
Wednesday Night, SHAUN RHUE
j -
Prices, Orchestra, TCc. ; orchestra and dresi
circles, Cue. ; entire balcony, SOo.
BUKaUNDBR & RBIS. Lksssei.
tt A. BROWN, Manager.
Prcbenting l'tlday matinee, "A Wifrji. Vcrrt";
Kfid.iy night, "Two Orphans"; Saturday mat
inee, "Uncle Daniel"; Nituiday night,, "Wagcj
of Mn." K
John A. Ilimmeleins' Company,
ltegtilar Pi ices.
New Gaiety Theatre
II. It. I.ONO, Lessee and Manager.
Three Ways Coniinriidiig
Thursday. Nov. 2.
Daily Matinee.
Tho Colossal
The Tuxedo Club
New, Novel and Original.
Prices 1jc., 25c., SOc, .')0c.
A Skin of Beauty la a Joy Forover.
lit. T. Kfcl.l.V UIIIJiCAUU'S, UlllCST.Vb
VKt.Aai, Hit JllVUIt'Al, tll.AU. x .Jfcjfr.
ItemoTCB Tan, rlmplcs, Frecklta,
Moth I'nlcftbu, ittun. and Blfia
aibiuiicd. autl every blcmliUi o&
lue.uijr, una aenea
ueeccuon. 11 omm
stood tli. tmc elM
J earn, and U a
rmlcia w tajte It
to be sure It la pr?i
erly mode. Accept
no counterfeit of
almllaruame. Sr.L
A. Burr" uld to a.
lady of tie. htut-toa
( lAtlont)! "A. JOB
jadiej wl li UM them.
I recommend 'dour
ami'. Cream a tba
loB.t harmful of alt
tho SUn prapara.
tloni" Foraalblj
.11 Dmratpta ana
ranoj-aooile Dealera to the D. S., Cauadu, and lairoaaj
VCED. T. floritlNS. ProiVr, Ora Jontt It MX
Memory, all wasting
for 2.50.
- -
Bend fo
circular and, copy of
Immediate Result?
uassaffcTssO .Ti
j V1 j 1
j.-.1 , it,-. ri . "g 1 1 ,. t -. r . iSi.
a. r4 , 4, XaJfr
aJjtfMtoaU ,. - --r
rf . - ,-iAi -.ft