t,W'v m fi Hi 1 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1000. m ar-assv- f .':VW' ' V ' ' r:U Soci&lT mi In the Silence. Wi: OriUtl.l) thanks to I ! (llur l'or (lip (jowl llnl tiumicil wu miJ1I I'm' ttio hlcucil irnir mid llio plmly Ami the promise t mining iIijh, Wr smiled In tlio luury ilnlc Tint lo.iiiul iilnuit the huinl, Ami lifted grateful fmrs In I he licivnr p mlonil lint while Knitltiule Mm mini I 'rum the liH In hualilei uirlul, I'.m r In lrm liiiii-iiitilt, Walled u dlre iiiiliunl In the wnilil, 1'nr, ihep In u hiH-luom hidden l.lut"l Ml I re tint Mould nut he it 111 .Mill no wultl of hi allude lifted. Hut an- did wiillliut thrill 'J lie (,'lonm wllli lis iij of Inmtini; Kor the ilcir outs jrniie aui., io never (nine home to the In ittli side On miy 'lliiinlvgtliij Do. II, C. 1', 'Thanksgiving', tlio Bte.il homo holi day, when the home KitthorliiK brlnt together the dlhtant one!) inul foments mow the tlet of kinship, w.ih veiy Ktsiicr.illy obsoivcd In this i-lt . It was 1 epiarlcoil that mote jieoplu than ever heroic went to chinch on TliuliKnt;lvliifr morning'. The sphlt of the day heemul to enter Into tho hunts of the woi Khtppois and to pervade the eiv at nfoBphcro. Thoie weie many bcautlliil illnnets Klon In town, chlellv ronllned to fam llv aff .lit s. Theie was ii bi.uo dis play of pumpkins and the futlts of the season. A pumpkin centci -pljco ltm nhiB over with white and ptnplo Ki.ipcs, while old-tlmQ j.ti k-o-lnnteins occupied ptoinlnent plan.1-. One of the Inc Idetitt. of TlrmUsgh Ing which ha.s become an annual event was provided by the Spooneis. For live HtK't'eslvo jc.ns this the.itileal com bination has -visited Su. niton tit this st.ibun and oveiy e.ir the senloi mem. bat, Mr. Spooner, has tontilbuted eiy laijroly to the Thnnksjrlvlnir clinnet.s sent out to the poor by St. Luke's i hutch. This e.u the i;cncious old man did not come, fm he had gone away on si tour Into the unknown fiom which he nor nnv other tomes not back to tell of Its wondeis, but the management of the (omp.tnv (ontmtied the Kr.ieious rii'toin. gl lug ,i luge .supply of tuikejs and other ptolslons for dlstiibiUion. The Qpai.i-(iiiil.il Is the ihu-f topic or ioneis.iliii. Just at piesmt its deatlny vecei, a tiille mKed with that ol profcsioii.il bii'lhion mil slsteis, ina-.muih as ii is thiough the lomtesy of Miss Jlildied Jtolland.ol "The I'ouei Hehlnd the Thtone" eimip.im , that ie he.usals me taking place on the ly hum sUi;,e foi the amateur neiioim nnce of IMouuay night. The opei.i i ast li'hearscd -u'steida miiinitig, and as they wcto late in beginning, ail-s. Hol land called hi-1 own people Io the fovei, ttliete they went thiough with theii lolcs. She Kne.s uj the tin itie again thk-, foienoo.i. The ni.in.iueis of the llahm iiiann hospital uppnii.U i'd hoi giacelul aet and grave evidence or theii fieling bv .seniirig Tier bi.iullfiil loses jc-tetdav afternoon.' r.,i st night Jlr. ('. H. AVelles. of the hospital bond, ieetled a pietlv no to of thd.iks and a gift nl y, lor "standing loom" in the hospital, as she Uidlntly epiessed it. Theie will be .soveiiil box panics, compost tl ol muI ty people, at the "Power liehind the Throne" toi.ight, in fuilhei acknowl edgment of these com testes. j-Sefoio 10 o'clock jesteidav moining th" hou'-c tor Monday night at the opei.i was ail sold. A line of patient tfeket-lioldeis waited tioni .! ,"0 a. in. and extended acios Wjoming avenue. Theie aie still matinoQ seats to be had. Tho llrst two lows, In the upper g.illeiv ue lesetved for llfty cents, foi the e ening. The ladies of St. Luke's chinch will have a sale nest Thuisdav and Til ilnv irrtlio Pailsh Home, v.hon a line display of Chiistmas ankles, etc.. will bo on exhibition. Mis. V. N. Wllkiul is chaiiman of the leception commit tee1. Mis. 11. S Morfat will bavj thai go of the tea-ioom. Mis. Thomas Hpi.lgue and Mis. ?. T. Tfavcs will dl lert the alo of household ill tii les. Ml.s. L. S. Oakfoid and Mis. V. IT. .loimyn, laiuy vvoik table; Mis. It J. Fosor, Mis. C. D. Simdeison. cake tnblo; Outld of St. llllilu, candy; Mia. 3eiett AVaiien, doll booth. SMR Mr. and Mis. .lames Auhbald In fonnnllv entoi talnod at a ic option on "Woilnesdnv In honor of All. and Mis.. Joseph J. Albilght, o Uuiralir. .ihonij thc-o who as.sNted weie: Alls. II. Q. Powell, Alls. u. V, Aiehb.ild, Mis. Homy Pellp, jr, All A. Ar. Declcei 'Mit, V, 11, AVelle-i, AIi.s Bolln, Allss Hunt, Allss AleLiod, Allss Ken. licit. Allss Peunypaekor fjuvo a thlmbla tea m honor of Allss Aluile Tiucs-dale on Tuesday. Among those piohent weie: Mi.s. Aithur Twltehell, the Misses Alice, Helen and l.ouio Matthews, Alisses Amaiida Jessup, Helen Hand, Got Undo Kpiaguo, J.llllan Ocarliiutf, Annie Wntson. IMitli Hill, AJny Kingsbuty, Hvolyn Cilliuou, Hlea nor Reynolds, Hninin Hanley, nupctli Ayinton, AugUbtu Aielibald, Tho Now Year dance, w liicli w 111 t m , poratllv lal.o the place of the Uacl.el ots, will be held Tuesday night, Janu ary 1, iinsteid of December 'il, as at t 77 99 Now edition ol'Dr, Iliunpliroys' Manual, 141 imcs on llio earo ami trentmout ol' (lie side in all ullmonls. mulled IVee, Ills the vest pocket. CO LOS When tlio t'hllls Hill down join back, tulf? ','i7:' aiU-ilie Cold will Htop iltiht tliero. Vhen you commence to wiecie, take '77" and thut will end the fold. AVheu you begin to Cough, take ','77" and tliut end il. Wlion you feel thai sun am t.itins Cold, tako "77" t oiitc. lf you hiivu a Cold thut haiigu on Hilp take "77'' nnd bteak II up. At ilrugerlsu', 25c, llumplirty's Ioincon4lbIc .Medicine Co., Cer. William iKil John bts., New Vuifc. iPcreatml Hist niianctd, It will be the laigest dance of the season and will probably Include 200 or nunc guests. It will lie elegant In tveiy detail and attended with nil the elabotatlon of effect iios. hIIiIo to obtain In the pietty Ulcvele club. The committee consists of Mefsts. V. .1. Tone', M, 11. Fuller and Jnnies lSlalr, Jr. 'I he iiuniial Thanksgiving iiHcmbly was held last night at the Dlc.vcle club. Alts. t. P. Ill llllth, Mis. A. II. .StoilH, M i f. Hveiclt Win i en, AIis. 13. I.. Ful ler lecelved The committee consisted of AIis. p. u. lJuiin, Allss Aichbald and Miss Hunt, Tliss Bolln. The guests were Air. and AIis. A. H. Stun a, Air. and Mis. Wan en, Alls, filiillth, Air. nnd Mis. Fuller, Alls. K. 15. Jeimyn, Air. and Alts. Hover, Air. and AIis. H. H. Chase, Alls. H. 13. Stur K", Air. and Alls. A. i:. I'lutehcr, Air. and AIi. Klotz, Alls. Cieoigo itlce, Air. unt Alls. (P'jige Sturges, Air. and Alts. Watson. Allies Sandeison, Helln, Hunt, Auhbald, J lctcher, Alatthews, Uey n ibis. Huiii'i'iloitl, Paike, Boles, Dale, Ur. Claude Walker. Dr. J. W. Decker; Alessis. T. II. Dale, Bclln, F. h. Belln, S. H. Klng.ibuiy, M. I!. Fuller, Ijiionils, Shule, Iteyinlds, Sandi'ison, Men 111, H. S. Aloffat, Douglus Aloftat, F. C. Flll lei, W. J. Toi lev, A. CI. Hunt, living D 'nn, Klalr, J. II. Brooks, Andiews, B. II. Ilniiison, of Baltimore; Bessell, Huntington. Hanley was the cateter. B.rier fmnllicd music. ' Tho Tlniii.sgU lug day golf handicap lesulted In the vletorv of Air, J. II. Biooks, by a --coio of 78 The follow ing weie the entiles and highest cauls: (lioss lljiidkap. U. r w Him i 7i ii rs I linn Uhli, ji 8 S ','1 I' It llroo'v, hT I, St MoiuIh Moiritt tu 10 sj s II Thin nc 'II 0 si s II hiiip-lnii Ill 7 sr I. W. Deikir 11". 1S 'i; Ah and Alls,. B. 11. Smith, of Web ster ivenue, ontei tallied on Wednesday nlghl In honor of AIis. Geoigo Thomas, of Lebanon. The mid pai ty and Thanksgiving social at the Bcelsor i lub, Thuisdav niiht. w.ii will attended ,md must en jov.ililu Hanley intend. The Wault.i ilub will give a pliav.int dame at tl.e Bli yclc dub next Filday night. Ml s Anne Hind gave n tea on Thin silav fo hoi fili'iul, Allss Haul, ol llullliiiiue Mir. was assisted by Aliss Augusta Alurlll. .Miss Helen Hand. Allss ':ispetli Winton. Aliss (i.il pln and Alls-. Alii o Alattho.vs. Aliss Blspth Winton entei taiiuil tho Cud ilub Mstcidtiv at hei lionio on '' ming iiv niio At I1I2I1 : ,011 Thuisdav, All. invin S.iM- Hunt, of ciaik's Summit, and Aliss Al.uv l.elle Hiesei'koi. the daugh tci ol .Mi. arid Alls G W Ulesecki'i, ol Paid Moun. wen-nuiuieil Theieie moiiv took idiue at the home of Pie bi Idc 1 paietits and was pionounced by lt'V. Abl AViigley, ol Bald A) mint, .is slsltd hv I lev. Kevnnlds, of t'laik's Summit. Aliss r.leinor Biesoekei was bildt small! The usheis woio Atessis. AV'ebb Swallnw, ol Ciaik's Cieeu, Oiin Jaiohs, 01 ,'Uitdale, Pa ; Ai thin I3Ie scckei, John Shelly, Joel Shell, Will lam Blescck'r and Foidham Wtiglov, 01 Bild Alou'it. ( Mi Hunt is well-known in this city, while he is employed as a. bookkeeper b J O. AVIlllams ,t Bio The jouiut o.ipk' will leslde 011 Hankson avenue, this cltv. The 111.11 ll.ine of Aliss Fiances Helen, d.iulile- ot Mi. and Alls. II. ( Al biight, to Mi. Uandolph Fit-Hugh A!,min, ol ('i lliondnle, took place Wod-ne-duy at the Teuaoo. The bilde woio white stitln, leal laco and a veil. She 1 an led biido loses Atlss Caiolhto 13en nell, hei iiiuslii, was maid of I'oiiin. All. Clui'les Oichiul, of Plttsbiiig, was bosl man. The niiiiil of honor woic white ciepe do chine, and can led pink loses The lillde was given awuv bv lioi lather. Tho leunion was nei louni'd by Pi'V. All. Heniy Bansomo, of St. Amlien'.s Hplhcopal chinch, But falo, X. Y. Bauii luinished music. At tlio bietklast which tollowtd, but .1 small compiny ot ilose ti lends and li'lutlvi's wei" piesent. Among these won- All. and AIis. J. J. Albilght, Alhs Albilght, Alessi.s. Buj niond and Langilou Albilght, ot liuflalo; Di, and Aln. Wilson, ITtlc.i; Allss Almy Al biUht, AValei flap; All. Hamilton, Cai bouiliile; Bev. and Alls, Bansomo, But falo; Alls. J 1I111 Bauett, Mooto N. Y.; All. and Jim, H, H. Albilght, AVIndsor; .Mis. Stiong, All.ss Stiong, Tanj'town, N. Y,; Colonel and Alls L. A. Waties, Air. and Alii. James Auhbald, AIis. Bcnni'll, AIis. John Hull, Allss Hull, Air. and AIis, W. B. Aiuluilon, Mr. and Alls. John Slieior Allss Sheioi, the ABssob Aiclibuld, of Sciaiitou, All, Joseph B, O'Cormoi, of I'nibon dule, and AUsd Ataiy 7:egan, of New slieet, weie united in niaiilagu at the ciithtili.il, Wednesday, Bev. John J. Oilflln olllciillng. The gioom was at tended by lil-j biothet, All. C. P. O'Con nor, and Mm Alaiy Buike, of Penn iivcuue, was lHldesmald, After the ceiomony a let'eptlon was hold at tho residence of (lie. hildo's aunt, Mis. John M01 an, ot New .sttorit. Mr. Albeit 11, Selilnger and Allss Nlnu B, Abbot wnto nintiled at the 131m Paik I'liisonuge, Thuisdav, by Bev. C. Al. illllln, D, D, Tim wedding wan attended by a lew Intimate ft lends. Attorney John B. Joidiin, of this tlty, nnd Jilys Blna Loftus, of C111 boiid.ile, weto iiiuuh'd Wednesday moinliig In St, Boso chinch In the Pio neer city, Ab tho bildnl pm ty uriKoi'dod down tlio iniiln aisle Alias Alice Eihlgott phicd Jlendelssoliirn weddlutr inaicli, Uev Al, i:, Loftus, of St. Paul's, Soiniitiin, meeting tho bildo and bildo gliuilli at the altar mil Alust, was eel obiateil by Bev, .1. J, Joulnn, of Bend luim, n hi other of the giouiii, Bev, Father Loftus, In other of tho bilde, was deacon; lluv, 1', O, Huist, of Ash ley, sub-deatim, and Bev, T, F. Colt'ey, master of cetenionles. Other pilests Ptescnt weie I lev. V, C. Wlntuis, of Haw ley; Bev. W. O'Haia. of Aioh bald; Bov. Al, J. Millane, ot Dunmore, and Bove. Oeorgo J, DU011 and Walter BV Goiman, of Caiboadale, After the ceiomony u w eddliitf break" fast wns served nl tho hnme of tho bride's mother, Mrs. Utldgot Loftus. dm Plko slreot, followed by n reeeptloti to Mr. and Airs, Joulnn, The home of Mis, T. J. Jones, of B7 Tin nop Mtloel, wiIh the scone of a pietty Wedding, Wednesday evonlng.wliL'ii hei tlauglitoi', M'ss Sara Jonos, was united In mat Hugo to Air. David J. Weston. The 1 ei oniony Wat peifoimod by Bov. Dr. B. 9. Jones, of the Welsh CoilKie gutlimnl church. The bildesnuilds weto Allss Alttiy J Jonos and Allss Bllzaboth Weston. Air. Wlllluni J, Howell anil Bobeit Weston woie usheis. Al!. Bllstaboth Bawson, datightor ot Alt. nnd Mrs. Honry Buw.son, of Clicen wood, was man led Alonday evening to All. Clitionco Hodgson, of this city. Tlio teieinony was pet foi mod ntt As biny Aluthiidlst ehutch by the pastor, Bov. Dr. W. O. Simpson, Allss H. B. Bnwbon was maid of honor. Air. Wal ler Hodgson was giooinsinati Ptc vlotis to the toi oniony, whkh wns-nt- lendeiod bv 11 latgo number of guests, a wedding brcukfast win served al tho home of the bride's paicnts nt Uteen Wood. The bilde was the leclplont of many beautiful gifts. Air. and Alts, llodg-011 will leslde In Green Bulge. Movements of People Mri II. 01. Mciirm a'"l so", B ly, lie hi New nik. Ml-i Kithiii 1'iiitt Ii it homo fiom colleKC, at l'lnilrn, (tiiiiml SiierliilLinltiit Clailie nnd wife 111c In Ni York. Mr. 1). 'I', Sweet li H lelurped fmiu 11 trip to Witiiiu,ton Miss (Irue Sprij-ne , h relm noil fiom a vNIt In Xew Vork. Mi- W. s llomlih,, ot Albion, X. Y U vi-.. illn.' Iiluidj In Dili til. Mn (Jioirc I, 1 kid, of nomine, X. .1., ii vNiling nl itive-t In the clt. MM HunKcrford, of Vilirtmvn, X. V.. N the Billot of Mlw Htlcn SindeiMin Miss S (I. Unison, who wis In the iln sitteiul ing In. r sister's wuhiinir, has nlurnid to lllooms Iiiiib slit,, ui til it 'thool Mrs. lltnr W. liawson left home on nines di iiioiiiIiik for i sl or cl(,lit wetks' si i in llio wistcrn put of this stale. Miss lime l)iU, of rink's r.ieen, who wis I Kiiel nt the lliiilgsiireltiMsnii wuliling left for hii home on Widiudi nfliinnon Attorney C'FI. Sopir l.s gone to I)iiliuiiie, low 1, to ipDiir for .r, tin (I. 'J limn is in , suit ill the United Still s iletrlc touil. Chillis Idwiu Smt Is it linnie from suniuc imhii-ltv, speniliiM 'ilnnk-miliic with l Id pn tnls, H?v )r. inil Vlrs .1 II Shi lI. Mi. end Mrs Mu?lnll II. 'lolles, of s0n, Noiwalk, Conn , no spenduu' a few ill's with tliur son, I'viritt W. Tolles, of Snuee stiitt. l.'dw ml 0. (iillini, supeniMns ihputN of the l'l ilrrnltics Viiulent Ordir, ot I'hil idi lphii, is 111 Hie 1 it on husiniss roiincttiil Willi tin oidu Itii. I'. I' ltolilii'-ou, 1) P. his gone to spinil Hie Sihh.ilh wiIh 11 pniph of 1 foiuiii clinic, Ihi Sumici stmt I'lisliiliiim iliuiih, iif lim v. ltd III nn Mr IIkiius Mil rod mil Miss Mi l.i oil, uf lliiiokHu N V , who spuit Ihniks giiinir .is iruests if Di I inn . Milled, hue n llllllill to thin Ii Hill Mis I 1 Biown, of I ipoue iwiiin, iiioiu piiinil hi Inr iliiijitu, Mi-s li, fi nl Bunks Uiiinj it Wi-t 1'itlston, tin 'iuth if Mi and Mis C ii-iui loiipkiii- H HER POINT OF VIEW SHU AVAS ,1 l.ugo I ul, at the Hobo ken station, and she was anxious for Intmm ition legaullug the tlmi, degiec, i.iuse and munnei ot the U'l.i waie, 1, a Lawann.i and AVestein tiain--. Tlio t'ikel man at the window was mildly .unused at her eplanatlotib ot how she happened to miss the 4 o'clock, and he was endeavoring to convey the Inipiesslon that she had also missed the 7 o'clock, as it went at C 30. All this time theie was a stilng of individuals waiting in line to get at tho ticket man and t .itch their ti.iins The l.u go lady was so occupied in endeav 01 ing to eonipiohciul the fact that she must wait two bonis tor the nest tialu that she was utteil oblivious to the anxious pations, who watched her with unconcealed Impatience, She piuchased her I'ullm in ticket, counted the change Mvei.il times, and Kept on with hoi questions nnd icm.iiks "You see, it was this way," she explained. "I was down at Wan.imakei'.s and I happened to lemembei that 1 bad 101 gotten to got some of those panne velvet i.m lnints at O'Xelll's Thov'll bo so nice foi t'lu Istmas bags and things It took me a while to go the ten blocks, and then I wanted n little lunch, so by the time T got to tho lemniint coimtoi It was pietty late. (What time did ou say the next tialu goes, il o'clock?) TI1010 was a lovely piece of panne Per sian, Just 11 half ynul tor u dollar, so cheap, and another woman was deter mined to have it, but I wouldn't let go, and, of com so, that took time. Any way, I've got it. (loudness 1110! Do you suppose I've lost It somewheie?" and she began to lndustiiously count oer bur panels, and Incidentally her change loi tho Pullman ticket, (Just heie the foienio.st man In tho lino looked as if ho might do some damage to somebody If he was not icsti allied.) "yes," she continued, "I live In Bciantun, Thoio weie lots ot lolka Horn our plato down this week. How Ions Is It since that 7 o'clock ti.iln went at ti.ao.' Since Juno.' Oh, I guess you miibt be mistaken. I novel hoard then was a change. Alv son is over thou wutchlng tho lost of the parcels. T knew thoio was no uso .sending hlni hem to ilml out anything, He never will ask 11 question. Why, he'll go blocks out of his way lather than ask a pollceiiuin the light stioot to take, I don't. I just say, 'Olllier, please,' and they aie so polite after that. Why, one led me so cniefully by tlio aim uwav act oss Hioadway today, (The lino of men lengthened out and the fiowns became ominous.) "Do ou .suppose I can get Into tlio car now and be conifoi table?" she In sulted sweetly, and then she leluet antly moved on 113 the ciosa man In tlio lend poked a patcel containing a hat which she was e.u lying. Then those men made a wild plunge for tlio ticket window audi a still wilder plunge for the dooi, and the loquacious lady's sou leniuiked, iiitiveiontly; "You kept that whole bunch waiting all tho tlnio you wero chewing theie, and somu of 'em's missed their tialu." A look of dismay 111110 over her face, and she gasped; "Why on eiutli didn't you tell me, Tom? I never noticed them." "Oh, It was too muesli fun to watch their faces," said tho hemtloss Tom, "You ought to have seen 'em, Thut ope old dulfer In piiitlcular. I wus un jojlng It, but ho wasn't, I bet lie's out there saying things jet." "Well," icinaiked Ills mother, after a. moment of ioi!cutlon,"l suppose thoie'll lie another tialu," and she couldn't bee why, her son laughed to long. Tho loyal load to beuuty seems to be us mythical as the royal load to learning, AVomen will do almost any thing to achieve beauty except go to bed early and bo careful about their illel. They will surfer almost anything except a little "elf-ilunlnl lit tho wuv of Hwoots ami it little ttotlblo in tho way of pmt'or nnd f.steniiHlc ccar clse They villi ondttic almost any In convenience, that can be tindeicone Himsnioillcnllv! bill to Inku tip 11 method nt u foi 111 they Won't. The other day 11 Now Ymk woman bmitght a rime Into mutt agnlnst a (leitimtolnglHt who hud guaranteed to remove ceitaln wilnkleM which my lady etmslili icil HiipeilltioilH. Whether or not the specialist did what ho agreed was not Hpccitloil. The ground of com plaint wan Hint In his allempts to ob lltointe the .i Inkles he loft soais sov 01 al times us objectionable, llenco her teuis. Hence her action In law. The man'i; defense was that ho could hnvo made a billllant success of his vmik If my lady had only been con tent to allow him the privilege of tniik liiff silts on lur visage wheio his know lodge and experience dictated. Tho lady In the case had her own ideas on tho subject nnd insisted upon Hflectliirf the exact spot on her coun Ic'iiaiico where the Incision should be innilo which was supposed to take up seveinl laps of skin in order to tighten it and smooth out tho wi Inkles. The man declined (hat her choice made It Impossible to have tho wounds hetil without a scar. Ho his patient has 11 disfigurement which she tonslders nioie dhnsltotis than even a cioss section of wrinkles and Just as ln effaceubk. Hence sho wanted damages. Tho coitit seemed to bo lather unsym uathetlc. Of course 11 1 oil it is torn poed of hoi 1 Id men and now we know they n'vor could uiuleistnnd, so mv ladv's pathetic plea was lueffi et na!. Theie ot'ght to be some suit of a 1 oiler an angenient connected with our scalps so tint when the skin on our fates beconi' s a tilllo loose, bv a few turns of a crank we could tighten It up like a puVcy belt or awlndow .shade. The other dav a young woman made .1 gieat sensation which also was chionlcltd In tho eomt proceedings be cause ot hot ttcentilu methods ot getting lid of her money methods which her kinsfolk umbilicial hlirhly lepielionslble. AVhin they appealed to legal means to lestialn her tho fact be came known that she hail bleached her hair by some powoiful Fiemh nostnuii and that ever alter her hi.itrt had seemed to be aftectcd. Theie Is a somewhat piev.ilcnt idea that people who blo.ub theii li ill have something the matter with their bialns pievlous to the piocess, but It Is not always that such definite lesults ate manifest ed theiealtei It takes a om.n of consldei ibie balance of thai actor to witness with cqulnninlnity the first iippcai.iiKc of .1 gi.iy hiiir along with its sisttis and its 1 ouslns anil its aunts, a dob ful tiain. In the (list shock ot th" appalling1 dlscuvciy thu platitude rogaullng "pieniatmely tinn ing" a "boai'llul flame tor a jouthtiil late," 1 distinctive tiown ol ilignltv, etc , etc, eti , aie ot little uimfoit and she ftels like tin owing things at her minor and Is apt to be lathei silent ut dinnti. That is tho peuod In hei caieer when s-he iculs with .ipp.uent ab'-tiaetloii the "11 maikable vegetable disi meiies" ihumleled ill the Ufws pipois as rood tin falliiis bin and wan. mted to icstoie giav titsses to their mutual 10I01. Then t is tr.it .she believes the guai auteos ami pULH to esjiei inuntiiif, 011 her unluek.v In ail. She possibly tnes tci thing liom hiimless walnut iulte, whitb a.ilns liei hi.ilp and lln geis a lieh, d.uk Flemish-oak tint, to the wilv blci.uhcs, wlilib intie acti'.eh at wmk, luu'iy perfoim a mhaile moie or less hoiil'yiiirf to the viitlm Onu bleai bed, theie .no two eo.tises opn to liei to kec") it bleached anil hive all her li lends look askanie nl hei, or to wait dolelully lot the uueise lesults leading thiovgh pile se.i-giten locks to hideous stieaktd tftetts made up of M igej-jollou and old m.ihogan, with the hntelul gi.iy h ilr piedoiniii.iting. Then It is tint she pithetiiallv decides that the mil" woise thing thin to have gi.iy hair Is to have it bleaihitl aitlllci ally. No w.mdci, in some eases, her intellect tottns on It.s tin one and hei lelathes liiv to get out a commission in lunacy, it isn't halt as much the lesult 01' tjie chemical ellect of the bleach as the mental piociss of wouy anil humlllarion Alen aie much to blame lor ibis dole ful condition of lemlnlne pilde ami Anniv We are going to celebrate our Seventh bargains all over the store. Cloak Department . 50 new Shot tJackets.Sio. -ind $12,50 . -. gaiments. Anniveis.iryS.ile Pi ice 4.5U Misses' and Ladies' Coats. We have taken CoaLs at fiom $12 to 15, and made one puce on the lot. Anni- t p.-. vers.iry Sale price ip 1 U.UU Old Ladies' Capes. Best line in the city at reduced prices. Misses' Box Coats. Many Ued and Castor. Sizss8toi4 years, Anniversary Sale Pi ice p5.5U For Misses and Children. Clan Plaid, All-Wool Golf Capes . . . $4.95 WoolTweed Coats, made with a cape 40.y5 Military Blue Cloth Capes, made with a cape, silk braid trimming npO.SD Boucle Coats in pretty shades, very . , stylish ip4.95 Princess Long Coats, entirely new. - 4 to 10 years ,, t)d(v5 Ladies' Heavy Street Skirts Special Values at $4.95, $6,50, $7.50. MEARS & HAGEN, 415-417 Lacka. Ave PAINE'S Restores Health Cures Indigestion, Nerve Exhaus F1 tion, Purifies the Blood. il - nto. u mSWmWSr 3 mwm&zmMi ia i f il B5SrJOWv X57 vfflWlflSylPfflS 1 mmmrmsm tmiMMiMy 1 -wmfW J. M. OLSON, Alachinist. mv digestion was very bad ; I had palpitation of the heart, attacks of dizziness when getting up in the morning, and was in a generally run-down state. Paine's Celery Compound it to purify my blood and keep me healthy." J. M. OLSON, Elkiiorn, Wis You Can be Well Do you go home from work feel ing exhausted, with a tired head and an aching back? Do you wake up in the morning with dizziness, poor appe- SI -v tite, and nerves unstrung: lames Celery Compound will restore your health, give you strength to work, your blood. USE ONLY vanity. They will peislst in s.ijlng to their wives and rclatvcs, "Why, ho Kiay j 011 aia getting;.' 1 should think you'd do burnctlilng. Shows iikc." OL (oui so, such fiendish biutalltv must pioduce des,iei.itIon in the mind ot the .11 cused and the lesult Is conuibion and humiliation, fot nobody is 11101 e unleel ln; in ills comments or his thoushts about jour bleached hair than the man who caielesslv icinaiked, "Why, how gi.iy ou aie Blowing!" Saucy JJess. BROOKLYN. fcppinl tu tiic Sirinlim rriliunc Riooklyn, Nov. 30 Mis. Ledger llatk h visithiK lrionds in town. A child of CSeoige Gaidner is eiy bick. The Thanksg-iviiiK dinner and sale of lancy ai tieleb held bv the ladles ot tho UnhoihalNt cbuich In the Odd Fellow h' hall was .1 hiiccebs in eeiy way. About ?M) weio tuken in, of which neaily $70 is iiiollt. Mi"? lamina lIdiidfre, of Sct.inton, JIlss Lll t'hambeiliiin, of llontioso: Mr. and Mis. Clamor Tewkbbeuy and Dewitt Tewbbuiy, of Scianton: Mi. and Mrs W. A. Titswoith, of Monti oso, spent Th.inUbK ins; w 1th friends in ton n. MKs Jessie Dolaway visited fi lends in Wllkes-Bniie last week. ersary CELERY "Patnc's Celery Com pou ncl is the only medi cine that ever did me good. I have worked in the machi n c shop's since I was ten years old, and I was troubled with nervousness and indigestion. My whole system was weakened; makes me well, and I now use nerve force, and purify PAINE'S CELERY AT TWILIGHT. Writtui fur llio '1 illume: In the otil liome .ilouo it tulliKlit rioi. .W lnpliL fiilils In t lolips o'er Tli inKsKUinp tin, I am iliiiining iiKiiu li tin flnliRlil'b glow 'llio luiiitiftit ilrnins nt llio lung .igo. long ao, when mv awinl feit WjiuUicil 'mid litmus m1i1 mil sneet. AN lull licails mcio golden anil t-!viis weie blue, And bfo nllected eith gloiium hue When tho ileirest jm ot the ghnNomp earth Was the blush ot iilmtiis the Mold's liutli, And the ilirpcst of ill in ilnlili-.li woe-i W.ls MJtihing tlio bright pttiN fill from the roit I'alc i-. tlio blossom I bluiliing Xncw ud iti lnf oierllowlng Midi tins ot dew, the violet sobs js Mic ihcwU her lie ut, "You loie me not as jou loicd the ileul " liambliiig o'er mosi- iiiin gr.il, li the rghntine of the .hip-, mil tod ty Its bright thoins gleam in the autumn sun, Hut its blossoms lme fallen, one bj one. Ah! I Know full well for my thn'ts will stray s I &it alone in the 'hailows grij, Tho' tho arbutus I1I0-.0111 and mrit liilir growi That eierj petal is gono from tho ne 1 Uoao unlt Srnece. t For a Cold in the Head Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets. Sale Anniversary by giving Dress Goods. Plaid Back Skirtings. Oxford mixture, former value 1.25 and $1.50. Special prices 75c and VOC Oxford Pebble Cheviots. 5o-inch, one dollar and a quarler value, Special price v DC French Pebble Cheviots, 50-inch; - r $1.50 value, Special price p 1 .5 Black Pebble Cheviots, Very Heavy, $1.50. Black Henriettas,' fine plain, 75c value, Special price 5"C tor Children's Wear. Suitings in Plaids, Plain Goods and . Mixtuies, 23c to 50c value. Special price. JiOC Fancy Silks. We are showing over 100 different styles of Taffetas, Plisse, Etc, , at , 5vC Cashmere Taffeta Silks, 27 shadss, ff guaranteed to wear ,.,,,,,. JoC COMPOUND I vow HKk - Film li m Mw'iiijiWWMSflis?-jgg'jiiffljiy COMPO UNO. A BEAUTIFUL MME. A. RUPPERT'S WORLD RE NOWNED FACE BLEACH AL MOST WITHOUT COST NO MATTER HOW BLEMISHED THE SKIN, FACE BLEACH WILL MAKE IT PERFECT Unilamo A. Rupport Bays : "My I'm g Bleach H not n new, untried reni"ily, but lias liocn used by tho best people tor yeniN, mid for clissolviuf and romo lass forevei pluiplos, Trickles, moth patcliis, blaoklieadi, ctzeiun, tan, sunburn, gallon noss, rouKlinesa or rcdnoat of the Bkln, nnd for brihtenlnernnd bcuutlfyiufr tlio comploxlou It lias no equal. It 1 absolutely harmless to the most delicate skin. Tho innrvelloni improvement nftor a fnw applications Is modt npparont, tor tho skin becomes 11s nature Intunded It should be, smooth, clear nnd white, fioo from overy iiiipuilty ami blemish. It cannot lull, tor Uh iu t Ion it) mich that it drawn tho impurities out of tlio Bkln. and does not cover them up, and is in isible during' use. This is tho only thorough and permanent way. Uurinir tills month, I will offer to alia trlul bottlu of mynuild icnowned Face llleueh, sulllelunt to xhow thut it Is nil that Iilutm lor it, nnd miy reader of tblscan Biiim mo 1 Lents in stamps or silver, and I Mill send tlio trial bottle, eocurely pncki d In plain wrapicr, scaled, all charges plenum. Jly book 'How to ho Dcuutitul' will bo mailed fico to nil who will Write for it." HADAriE A. RUPPERT, 6 East 14th Street, New York lime. Rupprrt's Oruy Hair Restoratle iietiuiUy restores Bray nalr to its natural cnlor. Can be usisl on any shade of hair, ami is not n dy and docs unt discolor the i-lilu nor rub oif 1'orftLtly llarmle8and al wiij s i;l cs natlsfnct Ion, Mine. Kuppert's Depilatory removes fiiiperlliious liair In IHo uilnuus, without pnln; -.-itl not injure) the most delicate skin, rime. Ruppcrt'a Dejptlan Halm tor soft eniniruiid In nl in u- tlio taintiud hands. rime. Kuppert's Mnlr Tonic i usltlvely reninwfliliindiuir, nil ptalp dlonbt8, stops tiilllni; hair, and In many l.ik-s restores lmii. Mine. Ruppert's Almond Oil Complexion Soap, imide ill pilio iiliuoiid oil and wax, DollKhtful for tho eoinploxinn und war-lante-d not to chap tho mint dolleato skin All of thonbovn tnilot jireparatlons arq always kept In otuolc and inn be had from our local uicout. Alme.A. ltuppert'H Celebrated Com plexion SpeeiultleH aie for salo Iu Serunloa by Jonas Long's Sons EUGENE I Given Free FIELD'S POEMS A $7.00 BOOK to eaih pcrton interest, id in bubsoriliins to tlit I'.untim Held .Mount imiit Fouunlr riinil, hulistrilio any am unit ilulud. huliM-ilitloiu as low as SI 00 will en title dnnor to liU daint ily artMic oluiuc. '1'li.l.U ll.vlHlib" clot II hoind, Sll), ai a icrttllt-Jti! of euluciip. tku to (und, Uork imitului a selection ut' I kid's best and umjt 'illllllnnUorilio tentiii j.HhihI- MIIII0l J IIIS- tMli'd by tnlr tj.two of tho world's (ireul. tst ArtlNlH, nnrfsentatbe works and is ruidy for de Hud. Hut (or tlio noblo lontritiiition ol tho world's krejtest Jrll.to IhU hook lould unt li.nf beiu uuimlj(.tuicd (or kbs than $7 00. Dm I'mid lU'Jttd U ditliKd iiiull be. (nun the liinlly o( tlio lato Iluueiic field und tlio I'mid (ur the building u( a monii Hunt In tlio numory ot tho piloted IJ01.I of ihllUiiooil. Addrm liuij.'iii; l:lelJ A onument Snuvcnelr Fund Chlcujo, III II joii also rtbli (o tend postage, cncloii 10 leuts COMPLEXION f w " Vrfst 41 fa