jrffi 4fi?lihr3F7lp$t - ywv -y 7, THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, DF,CEiMBER 1, 1900. P Religious.... THE MODI-MIN Ainoiloun Ulble, trnnMutctl ly Prank Sohell Ual Icntlno: pubtlBhurt by Thoiuun Whltlukor. New York: Till Is it imiiRlalloii of the bookH til the Hlble In nt 'tliitn Ameilciin hllotwUlo Kngllsh with notes. The notes uie lit-pi-nry nntl miu-UcjuI. They uvohl the innnnui- unit tnilrll of thuobiKlc fon troversy untl ib-al only In tho.o Kienl fumlnmuniul trutliH which tend to the bulhllne; up nf ti Hti-omr --nil biiHt chmwtpi- on thi Hoek, 1'hrlnt .Teaii.". As the X-w York Chuii'hnmn .-ms'H: "The attempt to toll the gospel Htoi-v in the oi.lln.tiy form r our American literature with a aeitslblu and urn-fill Idea. One kiiIiih front Mr. Ballentlne's version of the Greek text new Hunt and added ileal iip.hm. Ills short, epi grammatic si-ntt-noed iinvc dliectuess and force -mil familiarity of diction. The notes aiu brief, imbgchIIvo and usually add .some dlstlnet IhotlKht to the Interpre'atloii." The New Yoik HvniiRellst says: "The Greatest s:a!:t is In the presentation of the text to the eye." i The New York Christian Intelligencer says: "The. different literary forms nro printed In a manner characteristic of modern typographical urrunRumenl. Poetry Is JPrlnted as peotry, and prose as prose, liy this method the Hebrew 'parallelism of prose as well as of i poetry Is clently brought out. The con versational pnrts of the Ulble are ar ranged, as la all modern stories, after the method of Henri I.esserre In ids T..es Saints Kvnnglles. The volumes are conveniently small; can easily be car ried In one's pocket, are neatly hound In flexible cloth with gilt top." The Outlook, of New York, says: "Mr. Ilullentlne emphasizes the Ameri can form: ho uses dollars and cents In his version, not pounds, shillings, pence si nil fartlUngHc makes some popular changes, .'too -'ohaiger to 'dish;' 'mam ,moh' to 'money;' 'watch of the night,' 'first hour,' etc., to our present desig nations of time. The arbitrary divis ions into chapters and verses are dropped, and the print runs, not In two narrow columns, but actoss the page. The notes well emphasize t lie text." The Plilltelelphia. Church Standard says: "These- two clearly printed and prettily bound volumes aie a first In stalment of a new edition of the New Testament 'In modern form and phrase.' Mr. Ballenttno's translation is both pleasing and edifying. It is another Illustration of the fact that any faith ful and reverent translation, on what ever particular plan it may be made, Is a publication of the word of God and must tend to edification. In addition to the translation, Mr. Ballentine gives an appendix of copious notes, some of which are really admirable." The Sunday School Times, Philadel phia, .says: "We have come to ap preciate the value of simplicity, and Mr. Ballentine seeks to make the nar rative more simple and more natural in American readers than It Is in either the authorized or revised version. He drops all anllquarianlsivis, such as the final 'eths' of the verbs; ho uses the familiar terms' In place of those which are obsolete; ho employs quotatlon ninrks, mid thus escapes the necessity of repeating 'ho said.' He prints cjuci tatlonS from the Old Testament in homewhat smaller type. In Matthew's gospel, he tries to reproduce the effect of the Hebraic lythm by the free use of parallelisms In printing. The effect is generally good. The great est innovatijn is in the close rendering of the tenses of the original Greek." The Tresbyetrian, Philadelphia, says: "The author has devoted much care and pains to his undertaking. Under the arrangement lenewed interest is awakened in familiar truth, and In some cases it better understanding or it ntny bo obtained. The spirit that 'characterize--, this attempt to modern ize the Bible writings is reverent nnd devout." Mr. W. E. Pluinley, of the School of the Lackawanna, says: "For many ye-irs to come, I hope your translation of the gospels will ho found within easy reach upon my desk. May I say witnout seeming Irreveience tnat It is a most delightful book That you should have found time and Inspiration for this beautiful task beems to mo wonderful." Our former townsmun. Prof. Walter H. Buell, 3uy: "Every nttempt to make the Knullsh Bible more intellig ible, more Interesting and more popular Is a matter of general commendation. Hut when the attempt Is replete with such literary appreciation, painstaking How Will She End? Just budding into womanhood, so fresh, so fair and fine that we turn to watch her as she passes, she trips along the street a picture of health and beauty. Among the passing crowd of worn and wrtntlcd women, she looks a being from another world. Will she ever be like them? Could they once have been as fair as she? No beauty can last under the strain and drain of female weak ness, from which ine majority ot i women buffer in a greater or less de gree. They might preserve their fair ness of face and form if they would cure, the disastrous diseases which affect the woman ly organs. Women are cured of such diseases by the use of Dr. Pierce's l?a vortte Prescrip tion. It stops the enfeebling drains, heals itifl.iimiiru y Hon uud ulconi- iiuu, cuics ucur illg -down pains, strengthens the liervous system, nnd lestores the gen critl health. It contains no opium, co caine or other narcotic, "I bail been a ureal sufferer from female weakness," writes Mrs. M. II, Wallace, of Mum tier, Cook Co., Texas. li ltd four dwtois and twin did mt any good. I suffered klx years., but at last I found relief. I followed your advice, and tool: eight bottles of Dr. fierce' puvorite Prescription and four of his '(ioldcu Medical Discovery, J now feci like a utui uomau. I have gained eighteen pounds." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bil. lousness. I syta'ffif B '-4l scholarship, and consecrated devotion It Is u mutter ot Rene'-.il con gratulation." The, laying of the coi net stone of St, Mary's Ilosaty Slavonic church at Ash 'ley took piece Thui.sduy moinlng at WIlkcH-Dnrre with Imp'-slng ciiemuny. At 9 o'clock n number of girls Pro ceeded from the site of lite n 'v chutclt to HI. Leo's church Trey uere dressed In white untl wtne wieAth" on their heads. The girls conducted Hlshop Hobiin and leather Joseph Mergos, Father .Mat hew Junkola, father An drew Pnvco and Futhor Klunowskl to the coiner of Charles and Newport streets, heie the new church Is being erected, and the ceremony of laying the corneistone was conducted In the presence of a large concreuatlon of Slavonic-speaking people and many vlsllnis from Wilkes-Banc. Five Slavonic societies and thtee other Catholic r.ocletlcs of Ashley participat ed. The basement of the chinch has been finished and the congtegution will woishlp in It until the stiuurstruclure Is completed. This will he of brick, 7f bv 30 feet, and It will have some im posing architectural features. The congregation numbeis nearly -100 mem bers and they Kcneinlly form it thrifty element of the comunK.v. ll"v. Dr. Thomas MoIod, brother of Dr. Mel-pod, of the First Piesbyterlnn church, has been twenty-three years In the Congregational church, ot Brooklyn, of which liu is the pastor. There were originally three clerical brethren, one of whom died in the missionary work In South Africa. Their father Is still living at the age of !S. Th" regular monthly meeting of the Kaptist pastor's conference will be held in the Bereun Baptist church at Caibondalc. Alll women and girls are coidlaliy Invited to attend the Gos-pel service at the Young Women's Christian as sociation on Sunday afternoon at !!.4S. The Twentieth Century convention, which will take place next Monday and Tuesday In Simpson Methodist Episcopal church, is to be the most important meeting of the year which is closing. It is for the purpose of forwarding the Twentieth Century movement. Tie v. Dr. A. W. Hayes, of Binghnmton; Hev. T)r. Mogg and Uev. Dr. Pearce, ot Wilkes-Ha lie; Dr. t.. U Sprague and M. S. Hard, of Kings ton; Rev. Dr. C. M. Gillln, Hev. G. A. Cure and Bev. C. M. Surdam will par ticipate in the programme, while many others will be represented in the dis cussions. The Ladles' Aid society of the church will furnish ti dinner and tea on Tuesday. rt 1 Suggestions of tbe Evangelical Al liance for the week of prayer, ftotn Jan. ti to 13, Inclusive: Sunday, .1 in. li,-Appiopiiate sennuns and s,i. V ire's. Moml.ij 1'i.ijc r for bettt r utilization of .-.pint-n.i I Until and a helli-i tliiuto ot -.phitu.il icali lies j a dealer vision' of llu ledi-i-luiiiK ClnM, and of tin' actual need aud llu illini-ly Intended Klniy of tlie hoi Id wliii.li lie ledwinid. Tuesday I'ruj n for a ilimi.li uliWIi. IIiuiiikIi faith in Clirlit. nnd liy the indwelling of tln Holy Sjiii It, should lie wholly (iulstfjii. doinif Cod's will and winning the world In I hriit. Weili.esdiij Prayer fur such C'liilsli.rn diaiacler nnd life as shall he plc.l.inl In the home, honoiul in ltusiiit'Ss relations, wchotiicil in the ntiijhhoi hood, helpful in (lie i lull cli pel mjiijI lellKinn liclnic llim manifested in its ilirhltul alti.utlve-lie,-. Tlmrsd.ij 11.1 or foi HkIiI lelaiions in Buiety and llie nation, with the Oohliu Hide ohe.xed as hetwem man aud man, aud all social and politic.il action uuided hy jii-lhe and i;ood will the Cluisllaii ideal. I'ridiy 1'r.ijcr for all iiitiiiiillini.il lelilion fliipi and all lntcinalion.il art Ion, (hat they in.iy be liased on the Chi lti.'in plimiplrs wliiili apply to the indbldual the niu of the Prince of Peace. Saturchy 1'i.ijer foi all niisi.Ion.iilc, and all iui-.sion.uy oiKaniAitlinis, ili.it heing wholly in fplied liy fliritian devolinn and wiiolly giifilej by Cluislian wisdom, the niay fpcedily and trluiuplKinlly 1111 the KaUour's list eounnand. Sunday, Jan. 1.!. Appiopiiaie "TTTT'.on anil sei i ices, William n. l)odi;e, Plesidiut. !,. T, hambeil iln, Set-ietniy. Xew Yoll;, Nov, 2J, 1IKW. The revival meetings, now running through the third week in the Provi dence Methodist Episcopal church, are attracting largo congregations and de veloping a deep Interest. The opening song service Is Inspiring. The half hour prayer period following brings down an atmosphere of loving solici tude for the unsnved, and prepares all to listen thoughtfully to thu argu ments and appeals from the pulpit. Thnnksglvlng evening the last of til's century was made memorable by six persons, all adults but one, present ing themselves to God at His altar. The spirit of a great awakening at tends nil the montlngs, nnd much good will doubtless be done. The meetings will continue every night (hut Satur day) of next week. Special music Sun day morning and evening. ' The Bev. W. V. Davies, of the Me morial church, will next Tuesday evening deliver his second lecture In the course which h gives hla propln during the winter months, The sub ject of the next lecture will be "Henry Murtyn, Ihu Cornish Linguist and Missionary." Tisiwrw9s Services Methodist Episcopal. i:im 1'ail. chiiiclii'ijjiT uud piuUe setvlce at !',:;u; retention of Members and preaihins liy the pastor, t M. fillllu, I). 1). at ll).:;o a. u 12 in,, lialMiour llllde study In hiiudjy school room, Sunday fcchuol at 2 ami Kpwuith league at (l.SU p. in, At 7.U0 a lhankKlviug rfoiiK" H'l lce and short addri'is hy the pa, tor, At the Mlsklon, mil) Pino bluet, Sunday school at II a, in. ami Kpwortli league at O.iiii p, in. Simpson Methodist llphcopal chinch Itce, ,1, It. Sweet, ll, p., pator, Storiin' prujrri, U.ai; ineachlinf senlce, Jtl.co, tcimon hy "tho pastor; holiday school, is; Junior Kptvoilli league, 2.5(1; jouub men's incclliiK', I; llpwotlli lejKiif, U.3U; rii'iiiiii; bcivlee, ,.:io. At tin. eNi'iilnj sen Ice all, ll. U, lllller, who lias nad u wide etpcrh ciuo anionic the indljm, and is an eloquent pcalicr, will ilvllu'i the aililie.i umU-i tlie alb. pice of tho Women' Home MLiioiijiy oclel. All beau tiee. A welcome to nil, Hampton Stievt Jlethodlsl i:pleopal Chuitli ltcv. Jmcj llinuliiKir, paitor, Pleaching ti'iUio at 10.:i0, Subject 'of K'linon, '''hc Succe.iful IteUu of CliiUI." ClaM iiuctlni; at 11. ".0; Sun day school at '1 p. in.; Junloid at :i p. in.; Kp wortli leayuc at atll); leader, Amu laliter, t:rulns pieatlilntc etlce ut j.'M. hubject of urinon, "In the Gaiden with the ,n;'cl." , welcome for all, lViWdcnce MithodUt Eplsoiit! church Tho llrotlirrhcod of St. Paul meeti at 10 a. ru. Pastor' iubjcvt ut 10.30, "U Clul.t Uueliauge. ablcf so, How Will 'lli.t mrcct Me?" Sun. day school at 2 p. in.; Cpwoith Itauue ut U5 p. in., llplc "Sp.Mnlini,- 'l pue and Tukliij Aini for ClifW," C. h. tlcnjjniln, leader. Suljrcl of cienlno; icrmcii, "Huw Hindi 1 1'nt Thee Among the Children J" Jer., IIIH3. Htf (lenuaii MetliodUt t:plcopflt rliurcli, Ail mm nicnue ntul Vine street tl, llobllln, paotor, I'ir.uhliiK erilcei, W.SO a. in. nnd 7,30 p. m. Sntiiliy nluKil nl nnoli. llpttorlli Irngue meet Itiir nt 7 o'tlnek p, lu. Allium MetliodM i:pl(0ul ilnncli, llovvaid Piaie-llr. II. S. Ilentlei, pjdor. I'lrachliuf nt 10.1111 a. In. Milijcit, "Ihe Cliurcli nt Work I" S.'W p. m,, Sunday school, nt wlilcli all younsr iilin-wl.o ileslir lo beiome inpinlinn of the jiiiiiik iniiiV lllhle i (jm aie Imltrd; 7. li p. m., inh Jeil, "I'ullure mid Sunew." A weliome Is e lemlnl to nil. Iter. li. 11. Oilrlrii, of I'lllibuit,', il leiy Mluewfnl c.iugilll, will be In Hie illy mi the 11th ntul ns!t the putnr In his rlc of relliiil tnri'llni; fcrilces. Baptist. Prim Afnue llpllt ihuuh, I'enn nienue he. tweieti spincr slid Linden lteet Priuchlng, tiioinluir nt 10.30, and eidilliK at IQ; motliili piajcis in the lower temple at MS. The iiioiiiIiit hour will be uViutrd t UKely lo u tliJhlgtiiiur and ioiimcieHkii elc" and a Xiimlly icntlieiln of Iln- mcmliiidilp of the thuitli. 'I liu pastor will pie.uli a brief seinion nnd the timrt.li will obterie the I.oid'.i mipper Toi the last time In the old jiur. Hand ol let low.blp lo new ineinheir "I lie Sunday mliuul will hiue tlicti ninuiil Ulble tluv -enlces pol poneil fio, n last SiinHay, nl 2 n'tlutl.. V. P. S. 0. II. iiici'tliig at (l.;io. In the lty minute cM'iiliig senlco (he pastor will ishc a "I'laln Talk on u Popular Sin," 1'lr-t llaptUl chuiih, south Main incline S, l Matlirut. putor. I,n9unitf, I 111 Hoik street. .Mm. William St oil, the dl-aiiutnWied cnloied nijtnr, will speak on behalf of Hie home mi.lon liitutstit in the moiiilin; at 11. :n) a, m, In the eteiiing .laini'S U. Ilalley, of Ko)ione academy, will puaili. Sen hen ut 7.::n p. in,, the Lord's Mippor followlnif. Siiiulay Mliuul al i:M p. m. at t'l.i mouth thuiili, Dr. llethlne. siipeilliteiiilent. II. V. P. P. ken he, 11.30 )i. in., Iiorlle hall. All are wclioine. .laclMin Slieet n.ipll-t c huiih -Momlliff play er iiifellnir at U.lil, Ill-other llawes, leader. I'leathlnsr senile at lo.."0 'Hie pator will Udcli ins hflh nnuu.il Minion. The paslor, Ilin. 'Iliunus de Cruelty, U. D., will IickIii IiI flftli ear with the eliiiuh. Sunday school at 'J p. m. IheniiiK sen Ice at 7. Special senice; gospel nniirriit Injf lit il,n .1.ib fl'lw. ...n U, Iiipmb iiiiiii.li uu vj I in- Vliuil. I III- liriJH.1 I VI- IUIII, Ml. Siotl, will tkl her an address. .Mrs. Scott ,.,i.. ..tun, win niinri an uoiiii'ss. ,,ns. coic i4 ii ii-i y lu(ellli;rnt lady aud pieenls the possl dlllles of her line. Iliimr Voin olferlmr. Kieiy. i I budy Is welt nine. Shltoli Ilapllt i him h, !;o'i Center street l're.ichliur by pastor, Hev. J. A. Sinclair, 10."0 a. lu. and 7."0 p. in.; pia.cer meeting. R p. nl. ; Lord's suppir. Ml welcome. (iiein Itidae ll.iplll iliuiili Hee. W. ,T. Foul, pastor. Mornine praer at 10 n'lltuk; preach. lint by the pislor at Ul.WI and 7,:a). The Loul's "iipptr will follow Hih motniiu: seinion; Sunday -I'liool al Jl.11; nicftlug of the .Innlor society at 8.. ill; praCr iileotilicr of Hie Si nioi intlely at II.Su. Xoitli Main Aienue llrpli-t ilninh-S. ( llniiliir,'. pastor. Seniles al 10.110 a. m. and "."I p. lit. Thome na liioiuitur, "Miiruin Alone"; loiiuiiiiiiiiin at ninrriiiig Miiiie. Thtine for eicu Iiib;, "A Uooined I'll." Sunday mliool al 2 p. in. .Munoilal HaplM ihiuili He. W. 1". l)aii-, pallor, '-'iniies toiuoiiow- at the usinl hoai-.. The pisloi will puaili WeNh in tip morning end IJicll-h in the eicniiu.-. lllhle -ihool at 2 p. in. Ihoiire ll.nies, supirtinicndent. IJI.iI.ely llapli-t chiiuh Pastor Spencer will pieich at 10. oil a. in., theme, "The IXpeclant (hilst," aftei wliitli the Loul's Supper will he ohercd for Hie lat lime in Hie nineteenth teu lnr : lllhle -c hor.l at noon; II. V. P. I'. at 0.1", p. in.; 7.:;o p. in. -ubjiit. "Hie.ikf.isl on Ihe Caiilcau slioie": c a Holistic after meetini;. i;elbod welcome. Presbyterian. I'iit Pnsbteiiaii elnuch Pr. Mi la-od will pleat hinrr. moiuiiii; :md eveniiiLr. at I0.:I0 ami 7.o0. Vnung People Society of Chilstiuii Lndcavoi, C."0 p. in. .Sunday school, 12.1.1 (noon); initbweek MTiice on Wediirsiliy eieuiiiff, 7.11. -iconil Pit.li til Ian ihuuh Hev. (italics 1). Hobitisou, 1). 1., pastor. Seniccs 10.30 a. m. and 7.:10 p. in. Tlie Hei. Silas II. Persons, ot CVmno- sundLeyssonh001 The Rich Young Ruler. j.E.Giibert,D.D lOr . . t . . Secretary of American December 2. Matt x,x ,6"26' fffi.2! Re,lEi0US iNinontJCTioy. CO.Ti:T Our last lei-on lu the uo-pels (I. like, xulill-lll). was on the ten IcpeiK. Ue Iwciii that and the picwnt lesson the nam live lovirs four iutiicnlintf ltcitals, tlie Com lug uf the Kingdom, Hie Pharisee? unci ilia Publican, The Law of Diloue, the lllc-sting ot Little Uiihhcii. Two of thce aie by Luke ruly, two hy Matthew and Maik, and one ol tlieiu by all thu S.Mioptics. A little study will slum Ihat these topks havu no logical lelatlon. ClnNl wa- tniMKCtl In miscellaneous aud occa sional instruction, adapting his wolds to tlio,o who gathered about Him, Then; is, however, a blight connection between the stoiy of Chiit and the little ihildien and the ttory bctoie lis. One shows the U'ligloiw condition and alti tude of llio-e who arc in the morning of life, while the other ehlblts the change which takes place In niatuio jcais. The contrast is very Milking between a little child In the aims nf the Saviour and .1 young man who hesitates became of hl wialth to become a follower ot Christ. SUUSTAN'Ci:. The lesson is lu two gicat paits. The firat, veises 10 to ii, cuveis the eomei-a. Hon between Jesus and the young man; the sciond, verses 'SI to "JO, represents an Interview between Jesus and his disciples. Tlie theme of the. first part, "The great question," was pre sented by the joung man who hpoke twlic, Jesus re-ponding both times. The theme of the second pirt, "The Oicat Obstacle," suggested by the consideration ot the Hist, was introduced by Jesus, who made three statements, the sec ond and thlid being expansions and explanation of the first, Tho remarks of the apostles con tained the cvpiesslon of their surprise at tin Matin' wouls, ond 1 errata! the state of their minds and the extent ot their knowledge. Al usual, Hid icutial figure is Jesus, who stands between His followers nnd an anxious youth, disclosing Himself to (he founer through the question of the latter. Tin: nni:.T Qt'r.sTiox. Tlie siipirme topic nf the day is up again. It wasi introduced fuiincily by a lawyer (Luke, Mia), now It Is i.ilsed hy a ruler (Luke, xvliltlH), probably one of the Sjuliedilii, the Mipieine couit of the deninh people, of which .Nicodrmus was u member (.Mm, 111:1), Appioach 1, A notable event a rich joung man, running, kneeling, seeking to know tho way to lifel Cnnfiineil Ignoiance, worldly honor, Immense wealth," becoming reverence, eager haste, all at thu tret of tho fiallleanl the salutation was unique, "(lond Master," an acknowledge ment of wisdom ami character, not picviou-iy given, but then specially valuable (Luke, sill; I), 2. Tho ouug man ncrmed to be confident of Ids ability, "What must I .tat" What good thing (Malt., NkilO), He believed there was a merit in good conduit, a purchasing price whiili he was willing to pay for the life lo come, His was a siuceie seeking for peison.il prollt, not an attempt tu annoy. In the midst of haste and duplicity such an approach is an occasion for rejoicing, llllsPONSi:. 1, .Usui gave addition tli.t to (he title. It was no new thing (or llim to be st) led Muster, He had been so addicts, d by flltniU (.Mail., l;o) and foes (Matt,, .Nll:.l), ami had so spoken of llliuulf (Matt,, KXllliSj. Hut whit good? He did not question lii-i rlbt to be so icgarded, but the lea son piomptlng (ho icinaik. Thru litM added, vvliat the inler kniw (I Sam., 11:2; IV1I111, cxli03j, ', licit is none good but Ood." The Intircme was, If t'lnht Is good He ii Uhlne.'aml should lie itcog-nli-.ccl as such. '.'. No response being made lo this logic, Jcsm said (Malt., xlxilMS), "II thou wilt he pufcit keep the commandment)," prccUely (he advice given on a prior occasion (Luke, .v.iiS). "WhUlii" was tho quick In qulry, .Jesus quoted tho second halt of hj decalogue, but In a dlftcieut order (Matt,, six: lb), coining man's duly to Ids fellow nun. lie did not tl'criby Intend, as many now at tempt, to Ignoie duty tu (lod, but to apply la, S, V,, will preach morning nnd evening In tlie absence of Ihe patl,r. All te weleome. (Irecn llldae I'resb.ileitan cliurcli Hev. I, ,1, fainsliiif, paslor. ltcv. It. II, Foster, assistant, 10.30, 'trilce, wllh reception ot members, nib ilrcss a li J Loniiiiunloii ot hold's mtpiiert 12, lllhle cliool) (l.liO, Chilstlan KndfiHui; 7,"0, senlic ot woisblp, with srimon by the pasloi. Alt aie welcome. Hiislibitin Stmt I'resluteiiaii thurili Hev. loliu I. Muffnt, II. I).. utor. Seniles it to.llfl ii. to. nnd 7.nn p. m, lllhle sihool, IJ m, j Clnls tl.in Cndealor, (1.20 p. in. Tlie n rnineiit ot the Lord's supper will he ndiulnlstelril nl the morn lint Aenlic. Also Hie icicptlou of new hicmbcls. Adult and Infant liaptUin will he ndmllilsteieil, All nrc reiiiestrd to iut their torrect address on Hie tokfn cards, lndlUdu.ll cups will be usrd nt the communion sonite. The pistor will pieaib In the cu'iilnu. All toiillally Invited, Sumner Avenue l'reb.lirlau lIiiiiiIi, emner Sumner avenue ami Prlie Heit--1tei. Frank .1. Mllman, Ph, 1)., pastor. Pieaililnir nl 10.no a. in. by Hev. A, II. Coiiuci! nt 0 p. tu. by Hie pis tor. Sunday nhool at 2 p. 1"., .Mr. llr?.ileel tlrown, superlntetidcnt! Y011115 People's S01 lely of Christian I'.ndenvor at 7 p. tn. subject, "Spending Time ntul Tnkh"- Pains for Christ," Ma It how, xv, l-H, Pra.ver ineelhu: Wednesday eienliiff, 7,45 o'eloik, All welcome. Tn.vlor Pri'shyteilan iliitie.li Professor ) 11. Plumley will pleach at the inoinlnif senlce, PI..10; no ciciilng ten Ice. Professor Pluinley will supply the pulpit nt Hie mornlnjr ccrvlic ilurinK the month of December. Adams Avenue chapel, New York street. The ltcv. .Inmes IIiuImv, pastor, will preadi lu the inoriilnir. at 10.:i0 and - t nlng nt 7.110; Siiiulay at-lioul at it o'clock, Mr. Ch miller, superlnteiident. Mr. Hughes tenihcs n 1 laM for men lo which Ihe men of the iirlirhboihond me tuulially In vited; ('. II. mr-eth's at 0.11 p. 111. Come with us ami we will do .toll Rood. , Episcopal. St. Luke's Pnrl-h Hev. Hmtcis I.uel, 1). I)., rtctr.r; Hev. II. .1. llaiutliloii. senior t mate; Hev. Jf. II, .Vjli, Junior 1 urate. I"ht Sunday In Ad vent. St. Luke's c I1111 c li 7.110 a. in., Imly tnninuitilmi: 1 0. Till ,1, 111,, tonlltuiatloii, "erinoli mid holy colli innnloii; 7."0 p. in., eunlm; pi.i.ici nnd viiuuu; SI. 1 .5 a. m.. Sunday stliotd and lllhle classes. St. Milk's, Uuninoie S a. in., holy touiuum loii; 10.:;0 a. 111., luntiiim; pi.i.Hr nnd miiuou; 7,."0 p. 111., evenlnK pia.ver and wrmon; :i p. 111., Sunday si hool and lllhle 1 las-es. Iist Lnd Mksloii, I're-cott ineiuie2 p. in., Sunday stlmol and lllhle ilases; :i..1il p. in., even Inc piajtr and neiinnn. Sooth Side Mission, Vlg slnet 2."0 p. 111., Sunday stlmol and lllhle i!a-,4. St. (iciirue's, 01 pliant 2.HU p. in., Sunday stlmol and llihle r lives; ."."0 p. 111,, evening pi.i,ver and sermon. Chinch of the flood Shcplienl. iciiicr Mon-ey nieiiue and Oircn Hidue slieet Het tor, He. I'liincit H. Rail man. Advent Sunday .sculc."-: Holy loininuiiion. 7. !'J a. in.; inornln,' puiv, holy iiiiiin, union .inn seimou, li).:;(i .1, m. 'Jnc rtitor will picaili. yun.l..y siliool limi Wide ila-t.s, 2.M) p. 111 ; cvrnimr pia.itr and -eiinoii, 7.;i0. -tt which l!!lioi Talbot will pleach, and the Hies Ii.iu will be Mini;. Aiillieiu, "Par lioni I'heir Hum" (Wnoilwnid). Evang'olicu! Lutheran. (iiaee ,.am,'i'lleal Lntliei in thuitli (Ciiieial S.viioiI), loiner Mjdivin .nenue mid Mulbeiiy -licet Hev. I.ullier lle-s Warinir, piHtnr. !I.:I0 a. in.. Sunday scliool. U the cdo-e of the Sunday sthool li'"Oii the pi-tor will tfivc 11 bl.11 Uio.ild talk on Old TiM.iment llelnew. Ili.HO a. 111., di vine woisblp; topic, "Hod's Peslie Couceiuins .Man's Dcstin;" li.4.1 p. in., louiiji: People's So lid' of (lul-li.ili Lndeaioi; 7..I0 p. 111., divine woi-hip; topic, 'Tlie NVed of Piniels Today." i:veibody welcome. Miscellaneous. Fht Chilli li (Clui-t Scientist), Jin Vil.itns ave nue Sund.iv senlce- lli.HO a. 111. and 7..10 p. in.; Sunday -cliool, 11.4,1 a. 111.; -uhject, "Hod the Picserver of Man;" testimonial meetings Wed nesday eveniiiKS at S o'clock. The chinch is alo open evtiy day during Hie week. The llihle and all CI11i-.ti.1n Science litiiatuie Is kept in its flee public leidim; room. "Science and Heiltli with Key to the Suiptute," by Jl.uy llakir Kddy, will he loaned to invc-.tig.itoi -s without what ill Hie sequel would u-vial the slate of 1I10 in.m's boat 1, l)Kli'..VSi;. 'I lie .voung man tlaiiued Hut be bad ubsfiviHi all this I10111 Ills .votit'i. So fat .is the letter was concerned, tli.it was piobahly line, for it is .said thai Jesus loved him, the only pel. son mentioned in thai manner, ex cept tin- incinbeis of Ihu lietli.uiy family (John xl:0), and the apostles (John :!i). Theie may lave been, howevei, Mmcthln; ol l'liarNiiu boa-t in the asseition (Luke .iii:ll), even beyond the truth (Ki'.v. xxxiii,::i), Paul had .similar ex pcrientcs which lie de-sciilicd .ifitr his ioiivci hlmi (Ait x.vi:.l-'J.'i; I'lill. iiitti). At best it was a pu unduiy pc-itoiuuuce uf outwiuil duties in the light of cxpicss injiictiou (II 'liiuolhy 111:1), quite below the spiritual measiuc (Horn. iil:-U), uftciwaul made known under the gospel (ltuui. ill:3 and 4). Still, the honest fceher after lltu miswcicil the best ho knew, and his wolds weie kindly leceived hy the Grt.it Teailur. UllKKCT. 1. "One thing thou lachcst," was the ieily of Jesus. Hcinarkable! A young man like hint pass muster in our day, and he le icived in the best society, lie would be ie irardcel as one of a thou-.lnd. Kuitunately theie is one thing lacking. What is it? 'llieii' the seaichllght was tuiiicd on. "Ho sell what thou hast and give it to the poor and follow inc." Is wealth a cuise or sin? Is pow-ity a-blcs-lnij or a virtue? Sometimes but not alwajs. Ill gotten gain louupw, degiades and lulus. Hut iiidustiy and economy aie enjoined (Prov, vl:fi), and they generally biing ilchei. besides tho godly 11-e of property lias the pronilsn ot the Divine blessing (lrov. ill;0-1U), and many eiul iiLiit saints have been wealthy (Hen. xlilrJ; Job xlllsl'J), ruilheiinoif, piopcrty may be an agent of usefulness in man ways (I Tim. IcIU-lT), Why then, the Raiiour'H command? Alight not tho upright outh letalu his liiht-a? s. The Savium's "follow me," will solve Hie inyleiy. ill- desired the nilci's services, and had the right lo presiiibu the mode and loudliion of such service. Demanding a full coiiscuatiou ('. Claon. xxix;6), and Hie surieiider uf that which lie had, He ncvcilheless iroinlttl lewaid, "treas. ure In heaven." Hut what has this lo do vsllh "tin- lack?" We shall presently sei-. fiOHHOW. The joung man went away gilcvtd, rt fusing Christ's seivlie aud piomise (11 Tim, lv:1i), it was a painful hour, Two emotions ciinteiuled a de-sliu for life ami u desliu for vvojldly honor and possessions. He would glad ly have taken both. And who would not? Hut tho ultimatum icqulied choice (Matt, vlril), Klther dm ruler 1011I1I not be u disciple ol Jesus uud icl.llll Ids I Iclies (.Matt. xili'Ji), or else Jrsus could not employ him as He dcslicd with Ids piopeily, Without stating the icasou, Ihe Master icqulied tlie sacrifice (Luke .tiviiiS), The sorrow proved tho wisdom of the requlicinenl by c.vhlhitiug the state uf the nun. What toiild Jeaiw have done Willi a disciple who loved lllui less than he loved tho world? (I John ihn). Uf what value is legal molality when wealth holds thief placo in tint hrait? (I Tun. vliiuj. Ah, the lack, siipicme loyally to the cuusu of light eoiisiiess as icpieseuttd in Jesus, (he Cluist! 'J III! HllliAT OHVl'AU.i:. The juuug map paused aw a), fuicn-r i1Uap prating fioni the page of sailed hMmy, 'I lie nipoitunlly of ids lite was Ju-,1, He inle,lit have iiiacle- ouo nt Ihe noble baud that Usheicet in the kingdom, bet timing u inter Indeed (MC- vi : 23), Hut lie founs tho lev! if a bib! dlseiiuiiu lo the disciples, a solemn wurn. tug lo nil who may tome alter, llOv.TIIINK.l. Jesus "looked round abemi" (Jlail; Nl; 11), It was 11 pei.,onal, under, si'.iulilng Inquliy into the thoughts of those pear llim (Maik HI: 3; v; a.'). The ejes of wisdom gaud Into the depths of human hearts (Luke xxll; 01). He doubtless saw that time was peed to be supplied. Ho had personally lu st rue ted the little band oil another occasion (Matt. ; u-10), but general truth must he slattd. 2. Heie t Is; "How haidly Hull they cliarue. Visitors and letltts ol Innnlry ate wee rciiiicd and nlvcn courteous attention and In formation tree. All Souls' Itiihersullst Chtireli 1'lne street, he tween Adlins nnd .leHerson aicnues. ltcv, 0, It. Ilcatclslcy, pastor! tcsldence, Hill Adams nve hue. Moinlti).' fell Ice, lO.llO. Suhjicl, ".Modelu Llbcrallsinl What Shall We Call 111 histlmt nr fallh?" Kvcnlmr mililut, "The I'lilrilliiieiil." Sunday sihool at 11,11(1, Mr. S, llenjaiuhi, in pcrlntemletit, Come and Join us. Spcrl.it meet lints IickIii Monday evrtiitig, December il. All ate Imlkd to attend, Calinry llcfotmul ihunli, .Monroe avenue and nllnon street ltcv. Million L. Flror, .pastnr. Servhes Sunday lU.::o a. in. and 7,;io p. nl,; Huii day Krhool, 11,15 n, in,; ClirNtlan Kndeaior, 0.15 p. in. Morning i.;jcil, "Heboid) He Comelht" eienlng, "luteiniedlate State, nnd Is Theie a Purgatory?" ll.1llio.1d V. M, ('. A, Professor W, r. Plum ley will nddie.ss the uieetlng ut il. 13 p. 111. Hail road men and their families aie utsmed ol a tonllnt weltoiue. Tlie Free Mctliodlsl-Hev. D. .1. Saiiluilre will pieath In Finn's tbapel Sunday at Hl.rtO mid 7,:i0, All are welcome. THE ACTOR'S ART. From the JCevv Yoik Sun. Th'onson Howard writes In the Cen tury Magazine against the common be lief that the art ot acting Is tile art of doing things on the stuge exactly as thev ate done lu real life. On the contrary, he holds with most or the experts that the art lies lu produc ing the effect of naturalness by un natural meant, Joseph Jefferson often says the same tiling lu his addresses to students, and so does Henry Irving. Mr. Howard tells how the actor must unite the people In an audience, sonic of them 11 hundred feet or more away, think that he Is moving, speak ing and appealing like the character assumed; and in nine cases out ot ten the only way to make them think this Is to be not doing it. For example, nothing can he conceived more unlike a delicate and refined woman in a drawing room than the painted creat ure with daik shadows about her eyes and llagrant carmine on her lips and cheeks, who looks, to her pretended admirer on the stage like a gaudily painted doll. She speaks to him con fidentially, three feet away, so that everv man In the back row of the auditorium can hear what she snys, moving her features, In the coquettish by-pluy of timid love, with the well dellned and positive motions of u Jump-Ing-Jack pulled by n spring. If the most graceful of our ucti esses should carry the technical methods nf the stage to an afternoon reception she would be a curiosity. It Is not true in real life, Mr. Howard points out, thul our emotions always show In our faces and gestures or attitudes. Nearly all of us have something of the Ameil can Indian's stoicism. If we take a dozen good actors in the cast of a piece, their tones, expressions, glances, gestures, stai tings, gasps, nearly all of them are what the actual nersons would not give under similar circum stances. They are urbitrary and un natural. The actors are merely trying to convey to a distance, by artificial means, an idea of the thoughts sup posed to be passing in their minds. To do this well requires tlie keenest knowledge nf technical means. Such is the actor's difficult art. The purely artificial means of appearing natural Is what our schools for the stage are teaching and what professors of the art have' always taught. For a Cold in the Head Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets. that have tidies enter into Hie kingdom of heaven." That was a wonderful vitteianie, A little while bcfoie Jesus e.pie.-sed Ills purpose to build a kingdom out of eldlelitu and ihild-like adults (Matt, xviii: 2-3). .Vow He dedaies that it will he dillltiill for ridi men to cuter if. Stiaugo kingdom, that! Destined to ciiduie foicvcr (Dan. ii: It), and to tiiuuiph nu'i all opposition (Matt. Mi: Is), alisorhlng nil other kingdoms (Hev. xl: 5), it will be Indcpfiiilent of that which has been the chief element of power of all human iindei takings, Theie Is one course in whiili nun lannot hy gold puuha.e Hist plate (Acts xiii: -JO). MKANiXO. 1, It is not siunge Hut the apos tles weVe "astonished at His wolds," allliough aflcnvaid they said substantially the sainc, and made- appioprlate deductions (James 11: 2-5), width Ought to be le-pi cached in our day. 2. So Jesus cvplilned. They that "liu-t in liehes" wcio the poisons Jn His thought. A camel might moie easily go tliiough Hie eve of a needle (the small passageway In the wall of .1 city) than sudi an out- could cuter the kingdom. Kor (he loice of this see the oiien talisin. The man then is not lejccted, neither Is his wealth. The heart of the nun, Influenced hy Ills wealth, is the obstacle. Jcmis had just called a rich man whom be would gladly have leceived, but whose lie.ut, lonuptod by woihlly goods (John vii: 21), could not be puiified but by suircnder of the goods (Luke '.lx; f.). But the man Is 111010 than Ids propel ty (l.nl.e xit: lo), (let the man flrt. Hear il, all Ha com ing centmles. The dcsiie nf Jesus is foi the men who love lllui (John xU; la), POSSllJI.i:.-. 'Hie obstacle is ellseoveied. It Is In (he heart lint goes out to this woild (Matt, vl: Ml). Hut the apostles are 11101 e as tonished than eiei, They understand the rut in al Inclination of the humanity, and the c. piess their suiprise by asking; "Who, then, tan be siicili" In this question they wan dcicd from the main thought aud liitciiielcd jiopular phllosoph, Jisus was speaking of a piestnt sphlliial kingdom, 2. The question was answeicil only in pall. "impossible with men" but "pusslble Willi Clod," No nun e.ln dunce his heait (Jer. Mil: 2S). Left to him self he inut icinain forevir what lie is. Hut t.'ud can change ll if man will jlcld lo III1.1 (1'hil. il; 1.1). Heie, then, Is the sublime lii-lglit of Ihe (iospol. Tel take uway the heal I that fixes its italics upon this world and give a new heail that irjulces in heavenly tica-un-(Lain. Hi; II), this was the prophetic mission uf Messiah (Kzck-.' xl; 111), gloriously icallml in Jesus Cluist (Matt. I; 21; Acts 11; IJ; Phil Hi: S), INhTIU'CriOX. 1, Wealth and honor cannot satisfy the- soul (Luke vl; 21-'-a). Ill its better hours come ampliations that provoke anxious questionings, 2, Ouo may he lovely without Cluist (Wise 21),. polished after 4 piltcili, tonfoiiued tu ides, uppiovcil by human mavlius, but sonuililug is Lacking if Hie thought ol following llim awak ens soiiow, .'I, Money given to Hit- poor Is hot ler than money toiiupiiiig the heail, but money held for f.'luist is better, Wis may be stewards nt Ills bounties (1 Pet, iv; 111), J, The c elumie of gold lor heavenly tieasme is good baiter, (lain is not godliness, but gnilllucss in train (I Tim. vi; 6), ft. Let the ehuieli lctiin (hat Jesus tloes not iiicaMirt- nun by Huh biiik iiicouuts. Tbe (lop.l is not a leveling, how, ever, but .1 puri(lug and elevating foi'c. (1. Men must come to Jesus lightly to be helped. His t'ceiJncvs moves divlnlt; His divinity de mands surrender. that suri.ndir must be on Ills terms, His teims aie not arbltiaiy, but including to man's needs. T. It is li.iie), but possible tluougli Divine grate, to make men. Tow loving wealth, lo love Jcsiu. Well men, villi renewed licaits, fWicimeii and rulers, this is (,'liristian socialism, Ihe need of this day of mammoth foiluuea and laW slill.es (Piov. xiil 2). Iteiuiiiieis.s. the nue walehwoid Is Christ's tall M'clluw Me" Full Package FREE AT MATTHEWS BROS,' DRUG STORE, 32) Lacknwnnnn Avenue, Scrnnton, P., from 9 A.M. to 4 P.'M, Tucmlny, December 4. 5ce Particulars Below. Ihiobbiug, p.ilpll.itiug heail. Mi-i-plcss nights. Sudden staitiugs. Moinin? languor. Hi ain fag. Inability In wolk or think. IXhausliou or cseilion. I'lagging appetite. Tin- gnat siicre-si nf Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills in removing above symptoms', mike Hits Piep.nation much de-lied, lu iiidci' lo eb-nion-tiale to Scrantou, Pa., people tint Hill Medi cine is not uf tin- ordinary soil, a full package will be given free to any sufferer from ibove symptoms by culling at iiddicss given, mi date named, ltemember it Is for people who need them now Ihev are lice to nut lo Litp in the bouse tu c:uo they might be needed. ; . u. 'tilth in 0 iimple as a 8Uve Daylight Of. Paill Minneapolis CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY T1IK 9.00 a.m. train; a trip unsurpassed in beauty. Other trains from Chi cago are the North-Wcstern Limited electric lighted O.30 p. ni.; the St. l'aul Fast Mail, 10.00 p.m. , and Night Kxpress, 10.15 p. m., all daily and tlie best of everything. Call on any agent for tickets or address 461 BroaJay w York 43S Vim St., Clntlimatl COI fmt st.,fniiiimipnia 38) Wailiinijton St., fioilon SOI Jain SI.. ' Biiifal). 007 SmllliflJSi., PiUltiura 334 Supenur f.f Cltmlat d 17 Casipm Martin), Ditrolt 312 Clark SI., Chkaau. SKIitqSt ,eit,7oron!o,0.t. NEW YORK HOTELS. ss wv rnvx WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. BUtrrntli SI. and Irvine; Place, NEW YORK. Amerltiu I'lsn, S.l.&i) per day and upward, b'uiopcan I'luu, ?I.W per day and upward. I. U. CnAWl'OIH), Proprietor. "-" -- 1 III IIU.-SIU1..11 .1IUII st- In tho heart ot district, Die wholesale j For sSliupiMsis S mlnntea' walk to Wanamnltem. S minutes tu B!trcl Cuupei's Jilt; Sturc. T.ntiy ct ucc-cas 10 tho sreat Dry Oootlft atoi'us. For SlKlitseops One blocK from B'vvay Cars, civ, luf easy traiibpoi'tatlon to all polnta ot Intoieat. ! HOTEL ALBERT I X NEW YORK. ror. nth st. UNjvnusrrv nrs . Only ono Dloclt trom Uioaetvv.iy t HOOlUa, 0)1 Ul, rCes Keasonabl: f-fsl.s).4-s)-s).-fsy-f4-f Tlio Dickson MtiuiiriictiiPiii Co, tciuuton am! VS'llkes-lIarro, I'a,, .Muiiufuotureri of LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY ENOINES Boilers, llolitluu and Humping Machinery. CNnertl Olflce. Scranton, Pa, Digestion slow, l'ooel heavy, llusilv excited, nervous. fsTtTfigtli falls. Tiembliiig hands and llmbsv, Loss of flesh. Loss of muscular power. liritablc, despondent. ., Sperl Heaters (Steam or llolWctcr) furnish t!:s fempcraturc of Minimcr throcicihout the house, day untl night. Ths atitoninllc damper and fuel feed lalec the work and the vvcrry of wutc.'iinrj off your hands nnd Keep the heat ct (he tlcclrcd point; n licnlth ttil heat Irci: of dust end cUcr.sive odo:.s. It ta n lemperatnrt: th.it can he 1 cjiuhitcil lowered or rots oil nt ct:r will and the economy cf feci iu won tier- ful. Catalogue tncittctl free. The Sperl Heater Co. Crnbottdulc, Pa. Bgagi3kMS3iBaSZa3SaIM7mgTJfff., TRIAL DEATH TO HAIR ROOT AND BRANCH New Discovery By The Misses Bell A Trial Treatment I-'REE To Any One Afflicted With Hair on Face, Neck or Anns Wo li.ivo at but mndo tho discovery vvhluli bus b.illh-cj clicmisis uud nil other furiHHitiii-lui- Unit nf iilitilutelytlesti-o-luer Hiipe'illciua liulr, loot nnd branch, t-nllrelv mid in-i iiinucntly. anil that too Utlmut tmiuiirliiir In uuy woy the finest or must tcpslllvt- elsln. It Is scarcely pusslhlu In nve-inliito tho Importance of ihUtllsuovi-iy, tirtbOKrcnt good and satio-riie-tlon It will In) tu tliosti ullliclcd with nun cil' tho must illsllerurlup nnd nircrriVTSt. Iiur bleiiiislius tliatnl hiiperlliiuus till r on tlio incu 01 vvimii-n, whether it Im 11 mus lin ho 01- Kiovrlli on tho noe-k, checks or The Mls-es Bell luivo thuroilitlily tested U i-lliciii-yiind mi) desirous tlmt (lie full melius id thcli' lit-iiliiiunt to which they liivoilve-iilliudpsi-rlpllvoiiiiraoef "KIM7-AI,l,-II,llt"slnill tie- kiitivvii toullBflllctesi. To this t-iul 11 tilul will bo t-eiil ,fice ot. cli-irKi-3. tu uuy ludv who will write lor It. Without 11 cent of cost s, 011 can see for' nuisoyi'. what the ilhunreiy Ikj (h i-viduiii i tr your own tpnsi'H will then miivim-n you Unit. 1 lio tit-atracnt "KlLi; AI.I..IIA1K." will ild you of one of the iriinitt-st iliuvvbucltB to perfect loveliness. UiitKi'uvvtlt iil'Mipci'lluous huh-011 the face or neck tit vvoiiiuii, I 'U-iwo iniilerstn net t lui t a persons! demon sti.itloii 01 our trcutnient costs you noililnif. A trial will lie hent you free, which you cm u?o yourse-lf ami prove our ilaliiistiy poiidlnsc tvvi)!,taui)3for inslling, THE MISSES BELL, 78 & 80 Fifth Avenue, New York 'Ihe Hisses lull's Complexion Tonic Is a harmless ihnild toroxtcrnul application to 1 Im r.kii. t icincivcR entirely ullfrccklei. ninth, blucliheiiiU, pliuplcs, ami too, and chics uiitiieily tie-no uud L-e-zoma. and ' heUlltllliM lllticoiiiiih'xlon, Pilt-o fKIOpsr luittlu, Unco licit tics (usually icciilred to iii-ii-thi)i'ciiuil"-liiii) tS.7.1. - The rilserc llrll's Canlllu Renova Is a pup.iratloii for iiatinully resturiuir gray IiicUs to their urlslnnl color. Capllla Itonovu is ically u liulr rood, ntul btmnirtht ciisiind luvlKoratts the luiir in 11 mitursl w,iy, unit 1 tins it-stmes Its orjurnnl color. Price Shod per but Ho. Tlie; Atlsses Hell's Skin rood is a soft, . cie-diiiy, uxiu9itiiy scented ointment, for mlhl tiuHH or reniejIiDCisj, icelncss, pimples, etc.; is a cine in Itself, Is an exccllenl ruth Imr cream Prie 75 rents per jur. The Misses Hell's Limbs' Wool Sosp Is iuuJo from puro oil orhuiubs' Wool. Tries il cents per cake. A complete) lino of ubnvo exquisite preparations nro ulvvays kept iu stool, and 1 an bu t'l.i tioiu oi-r local ajtcat. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS ?SN Iff - ft i-f , tfr'V, - N .1.. ' ,.is "- v