The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 01, 1900, Image 1

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The Former Ultlanders Arc Ear
ncstlij Urged to Take
tlie Field.
Speech by Sir Alfred Milner in Cnpo
Town The British High Commis
sioner Admits a General Miscalcu
lation as to the Time When Peace
Would Be Restored Troops to the
Afrikander Congress.
By K.xcliklvc Wire from llio Associated IN cat.
Cape Town, Nov. fio. In the course
of his address .to the refugees com
Jiiltte on Tuesday, .Sir Alfred Milner
nilmitted that there hud been a gon
eral miscalculation as to the time
when pence would bo restored. Cluer
x Ilia, operations, Intended to Inflict tho
maximum of Injuries on the victors,
lie said, wt'io riming delay, and he
finally pointed out that those fit and
willing to render military service could
bnsten their own loturn and that of
tho other refugees by joining the vol
unteers In the field.
Sir Alfred expressed sympathy with
Iho refugees over the continued re
fusal of the military uuthoiitlos to pcr
anit them to return to their homos,
but said that his recent visit to the
Transvaal had thoroughly convinced
lilm that It would be only a cruel kind
ness to permit any considerable num
ber to go back under existing con
ditions. "We believe In taking the people,"
bo said, "into our confidence. I would the refugees to form an ad
visory committee and to consult with
tho authorities as to the best possi
ble measures."
Three hundred tioops will be des
patched to tho camp at Worcester,
where the Africander congress will
meet on Dec. C.
Kitchener in Command.
London, Nov. "0. The war olliee an
nounced this evening that Lord Tlob
erts handed' over the command of the
Uritish troops In South Africa to
Lord Kitchener.
It Is further nnnounced that the
queen approves Loul Kitchener's pro
motion to lieutenant general, with the
junk of general, while in command In
South Africa.
Steady Stream of People View the
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Aisoci.itid INini
St. Paul, Nov. "0. For five hours to
clay a steady sticam of people of all
nges and conditions slowly filed through
the governor's rooms in the state capi
1ol to take n last look on the silent and
lifeless body of Cushman Kellogg Da
vis. The.CLcapIon was an hnpresslve
one, and' every one In the long line
s-eomed to realize tho loss hud
come to the Mate of Minnesota ami the
nation. Neaily IIO.OOO people passed the
silent form, paying their last tribute
of respect with a look of regiet and, in
home cases, with a sob as if for a per
gonal loss, Wot alone the people of ills
Jiome city, but from all -parts of the
ttato camo citizens of all cieeds and
politics, of ad colors and conditions In
life, to Dhow their esteem for the hon
ored dead.
At 3 o'clock the line of people seemed
to be without end, and It was found
necessary to close tho doors, turning
thousands away. The cotlln was then
again carried to the hearse by the stal
wart artillerymen and the same simple
escort piocsided back to the states
man's late homo, wheie the bei caved
wlfo and the stilokon patents awaited
In sorrow for their dead.
Difference in Election Figures in
Wyoming Co. to Be Investigated
Uy Uuluslvc Who fiom Tho Avoclaled I 'km.
Tunkhnnnoek, I'a Nov. !10. II, 1.
Tllfany, i:opiiblleun, has illed papers
Instituting a contest of tho election of
A. II. Squlcrs, Democrat, to the legis
lature. Tho election board of Monroe
township certllled that Tiffany re
reived 10S voto.s In that pieclnct, whlL
tho tally sheet showed but lOIi. The
computing board accepted the tally
sheot as conect, which hud the effect
to reduce Tiffany's vote sufllclently to
give the election to Squler by a ma
jority of three.
In Tiffany's petition hu nllpges fraud
In several precincts.
fly l'.xeluihe Wire from Tho ,ioiatul INec
)o,v Irstovwi, I'.i., Nov. , Louis l, Vuuliliu
lull, late cashier of Ihi' Po.tlotottii Nation i
link, died lit hi I oiiio hole loil.iji Imil been
In Ill-health hiiKO his leliinnoiii limn ImdiioM
tat minuiei, .Mr, WorlliinuttJii uj lmiu li.
Bii'-kiiigli.iin township in ISM,
sluinokln, l'.i,, Iu, :i). )i. l'l.miii, M
Hulk died ut Inn homo Inn- lod.i.e f luul.uiti,
lit' was u graduate nf .li'iriru Medical mlleac,
1'hiliidilphl.i, mid was olio of tin- imi pioinn
rut plijulci.ins in till, put of tin' ht.itc. Ihiilu.
tlm Civil wai In- iii.iii lied wllli Minium In Hu
ll a.
Corporations Charteted.
Jy Kulushu Wile fiom '1'lic Associated INim.
aui)mi.', V1. U0. -I'll. rlru .hk ii.ued ut
lie Utc ilcpailiueiil at follows: I'li.j 'sandy
,:il.i' tVatiT wull.i, Sandy bake-, Meicer county;
apital, .10,U). 'II if HiehJIidnah he Co, hlmi.
liiiki.ili i capital, .'j,l)0. 'flic New lliiulituii
Sucl t'u., Niu llrlablim, Peatii muni j iup.
Ul, tl5,W,
Killed by a Car,
y llxcliulic Wiio (nun 'I lie Associated I'icss.
WjIkrD-lljne, Xnv. su. Alexander AihIcimui, .i
Iwede, while walkluir on I lit- Imik uf the cln'.
llo ullttiiy ul Wibtmori'lanil, ni'Ji lii'ii-, u.i
ihi iIomii liy u iiml liVUntly kllkil. 'Iho
iuii uas on .1 Ult to loljttiivt in till touiitr
mil vols aliont to ntuin liuinu wlicu he met
NiUi tliu act Iduit.
Rents House In Harrlsburg and Will
Conduct Fight.
Ily Kxdudrc Wire from Tlip Assort itcil PreM.
Itarrlsburff, Pa Nov. .10. Colonel
John A. Olenn, of tho auditor general's
department, has leased the Etter resi
dence, No. 20f! Pine street, for Colonel
Quay, during the legislative session.
Tho ex-senulor will false possession
January 1, -uid will remain until the
senatorial fight Is over. The headquar
ters at tho Lochlei hotel will be re
tained. Tho new lesldence Is but a shott dis
tance from the capital, ami Is on tho
street leading from the executive man
sion to the executive department.
An Effort to Punish Policemen Who
Clubbed the New York Negroes
Some Time Ago.
Ily i:rlusltii Wire fiom The Awciatod Prr.
Now York, Nov. "0. Frank Moss has
sent to Governor Roosevelt, Mayor Van
AVyok, the police hoard and the district
attorney con inunicatlons regarding the
late negio riots and the part taken by
the police, especially in the Investiga
tion ordered by the mayor. The com
munication was signed by W. II.
llrooks, president of the Citizens' Pro
tective league, an organization of col
oi ed people. With each communication
is sent a coiy of numerous witnesses'
testimony of clubbing by the police
during the riots. The object Is to have
the policemen who did the clubbing
(and the officials, the league declares,
are shielding them) prosecuted and
diiven off the police force.
Sir. HrooKs writes to the governor
that the ponce commissioners have dis
continued their investigations, pigeon
holed complaints against higher offic
ials and htive not preferred a charge
against a single ollleer.
The governor is asked to consider the
matter sent him to the end that ho
may take action. The letteis to the
mayor and the other ofllcials cover the
same groir:d.
He Is Accompanied by Dr. Leyds.
Herr Kerdyk Receives Applause
at the Hague.
By Exclniite Wire fiom Tho Aiwci.itoil Prow.
Paris, Nov. HO. .Mr. Kruger re
mained indoois, ungaged Jn, consulta
tions with his advlboih-p.nrtf.nelvlm,
callers, until shortly after- o'clock
this afternoon, when, accompanied by
Dr. Leyds and the usual military es
cort, lie called on M. Faltleres, tiresi
dent of the senate. The Interview
lasted ten minutes, after which Mr.
Kruger returned to his hotel.
The Hague. Nov. :!0. During the
course of the debate on the budget In
the second chamber today Herr
Kerdyk, Itadlcal, reiterated his opin
ion that the Netherlands ought to have
declined tho honor of convening the
peace conference unless the Transvaal
was admitted. Ho highly approved of
the offer of the Dutch government to
Intervene between the Transvaal and
(heat Rrltain before the war and
especially commended the oiler to
place the Dutch cruiser ("leldeland at
Sir. Kruger's disposal to convey him
from South Africa to ICurone. This
act, he said, had been applauded by
the whole world. The remarks of
Herr Kerdyk weie greeted with loud
Mr. Krupi-r, late this afternoon, vis
ited M, 1v.schunol, president of trie
chamber of deputies, remaining with
him leu i.i. mites. M. Deschanel le
turned the call.
The clergv of the Church of the
Sacred Heart of Moiitmaitie will to
morrow, at the moment of Mr. Kruger's
departuie. tell the famous snvoyarde.
the second bugesLbell In the woild, In
memory ol ine Fieneluuen who died In
the Transvaal.
This afternoon Mr. Kruger paid a
faiowoll visit to Piesldent Loubet, who
returned it.
Once Famous Poet Dies in an Obscure
House in the Latin Quar
ter of Paris.
By ntelusho Wire from 'llio Associated PreM.
Dublin, Nov. SO. A dispatch to the
Kvonlng Mall from Purls says Oscar
AVIIde Is dead,
The 'llspalch adds that he expired In
an obscure house in tho Latin quar
ter from meningitis, and was received
into Ihu Catholic church on his death
For some time he had been indifi
posed. In October he was obliged to
submit to a borlous operation, fiom
the effects or which ho never recov
ered. Ho died at 2 o'clock this (Friday)
morning at the Mulgon Du Polrler, an
obscuio hotel, In the presence of Lord
Alfred DougluH.
Paris, IJec, I, Lo Jouniule says It
Is rumored that AVIIdo committed sui
cide. AVIIde ha been living In a hotel on
the Hue Des Deaux Arts, whern he hud
been known for several months under
the name of Munmoth,
Ily K.idiisiu' Win: fiom Tho As&ocialoil I'nu.
SiiMiui'li.imi.i, Nov, !iO. At (.real Item), SiiiUt
li.iiina touiity, tliU hum ulng, ft) on loul, of tail
l.aik, the properly of tho Aniuicin lllile ami
Luther iimijiJiiy, was iloshoyt-il In Uio, together
with Iho liiilMIn? containing It. 'llio Ore ! U-
licud to lave bom of li.comliary nrlatii.
' m
Ten Per Cent. Reduction.
By i:xdushe Wire fiom llic Aswiatoil I'rcu.
Iluriialiun;, Nov. SO. A notice u posted at
Iho 1'im.syhanla Mtcl workt, Modioli, this
cuhlntr, anuouiicliij; a loiliutlon of ton pa- cent,
in wt,i' to lake ulitt Jan. 1. 'the loJuetlon
aficits all uf the men.
Edmund J. Bell Admits Having
Taken $2,000 from the
Story of the Theft of Large Sums of
Money Sl,507 of the Cash Is Ss
cured The Clerk Opened Wine and
Gave Diamond Rings to Lady
Friends Will Be Held for Trial.
Py i:r1inln Who from Tho Asoelateil IN em.
New York, Nov. 30. ICdmund J. Hell,
nged nl.ieteen, was arraigned today bo
fore United States Commissioner Alex
ander by Chief I'ostolllco Inspector
King and Inspector Jacobs, charged
with having robbed the malls of $2,000.
Hell nn-lo a complete confession when
arrested and later wnlved examination.
He was held for trial. ,
Hell had been employed In the regis
try division of the general postofllce for
seven months. The theft was a very
recent one, and $1,51)7 of the money win
On November -i tho ISufaln National
bank, of Etifalu, Ala., sent a registerrd
letter containing $2,000 In ten, twent:
and fifty dollar bills to the Western
Nation il bank, this city. The letter
reached Here November 27 and oass.-Ml
throush Hvjil's hands. He opened it
and took the money. Hell at that time
was under sunlclon of having stolen,
early in Novunbor, $201 from a regis
tered loUer scat from Hatlletd. Mass.,
and was bob.g watched very closely.
Watch on Bell.
AVhen the $2,000 jobbery was maiSe
known the vatch on Hell was re
doubled. On Wednesday niKhl he was
seen by Inspector Jacobs opening win"
in a report. It was also known that
ho had made very lecenl purchases of
Tills morning, w hen Bell left the
postofllce, he was followed by Inspectoi
Jacobs. He fitst Went to a house In
the West ido in Harlem, whore he
called on u ,;oung woman and remained
there for two hours. 1c gave her a
diamond ring woith nhout $r0. He was
then followed homo and arrested.
When.iuv.-sleil the house was searohel
fur. the remainder ot the money and tha
$l,.'i07 -ecoveied was found in an ol 1
closet in the bas-ement of the house.
Bell wore, -when arrested, a diamond
and tUKiurnse scarf pin. woi th about
$7."i, that he gave up, and the Inspectors
say thay wjli get the ring he "gave to
the young woman. Hell also bought a
diamon 1 iln and save it ti. a youm;
woman In the Tenderloin.
The Girl Supposed to Have Been Kid
napped Tells How She Eluded Of
ficers to Join Her Aunt.
IlyKcluio Who iiom The Amiatnl Plows.
Cleveland, O., Nov, 30. Marguerite)
Kelly, the 13-year-old girl who was
yesterday reported as having been kid
napped near WIlkes-Harre, Pa., has
arrived here and tells n thrilling tale
of how she eluded her relatives and
tho olllceis ol that place and suc
ceeded in being restoted to her tiunt.
Alls. Kiuhailne Kelly, of No. fiS Mc
Lean street, Cleveland.
In company with a man sent after
her by Airs. Kelly, the girl says she
left the school at Miner's Mills and
walked many miles through the moun
tains, finally teaching Iho village of
Wyoming. From that point a train
wtis taken to Rcranton. At tho lat
ter place Mrs. Kelly mot the girl and
they immediately started for Clove,
Airs. Kelly soys she was appointed
guardian for her nieces by the probata
court here soon aftir tho death of
the child's mother, but Hint Airs. Kin
ney, of Miner's .Mills, declined to give
her up, notwithstanding the strim
dosiro of Maiguurlto to live with her
tolallvcs here,
Striking Article in tho Spectator
Dealing with Pekin Devel
opments, Ily lUchifclio Yllo fiom The AhmKiUiI I'iim.
London, Dec, 1 3 a, m. Tim Specta
tor In a striking article dealing with
tho Chinese crisis expressed tlm opin
ion that the most recent dovelopmeats
at Pekin foreshadow a Chinese vlclorj
over the alllss. "The quarrel has boon
brought to the tost of force," It suv.i,
"and force on the civilized sldu has
proved Insulllelent. The result Is
mainly due to the attitude of Itussla
and the United Status. If China es
capes Willi the payment of mnall In
demnity and many proinls-s on jvpur,
as seems not unlikely, sluuo Clevmuny
and Oreat Uiitaln may not bo willing
to Incur the expenditure and risk In
volved iu pei'Mstlng In their donirrwls,
It will bo equivalent to a victor v Dr
China, for nothing has occttried which
will convince the Chlneso that tliulr
mighty empress has been defeated or
that Kurope cuu avenge any futuiv
By lluliuhc Wire fiom 'Ihe AtooiLinl Pro).
llaiiliburs, Xoy i'fl. 'I lie nUto' lliwiuial uf.
fuiiij .iimouiit.c that ut Ihe i Ids.' of I lie lUcal
year loilay there vai $r.,tll'),U).7? in the ilato
tiuiiiiy, of uhicli $l, v in llio icon
cial find, ami .',.127,(1..13 in the t.lnkii'K' find.
During Ike J oar there vaij leuiveil at the ttutu
Iro.-uury, $17,tui,'.il,7$, the lait rccelpta in
one year in the liUtory of the ttate
Death of a Left Tackle Columbia
Player FataLy Injured.
Ily Kxrlmlic Wire fiom Tho Auol.ileil Prow.
Johnstown, Nov. 30. L. Trumh.tll
Kelly, left tackle of the Capital I'ul
tute foot bull club, of this city, died
today from tho effects of an accident
yestetday titlernoon In n game with
the Indiana State Normal Schnol
team. Kelly tackled Full Hack Long
and was thrown. 1 ong's knee nttiktng
him on tile back of the head. Ho
never regained consciousness.
Kelly's home wit" at West Superior.
Wis, He was a Yafo graduate and
was employed as draughtsman by the
Cumbria Iron company.
Lebanon, Nov. 30. Chillies Lehman,
left tackle of the Columbia, INi
Olympic Athletic Club foot boll team,
Is In the hospital here, suffering wilh
three broken libs and an Injured
spine, as the result of the ball
game yestetday bet wen Lebanon and
Columbl'i. The Injured man Is not e:
pectd to recover, and today his family
wtis summoned from Columbia.
A Philadelphia Boy Tortured in a
Fiendish Manner nt West Point.
Ily KMliiolir Who Tho A iitul INr,.
Philadelphia. Nov. 10. A special t.
the Press from T'rislolS P.I., says:
"(."scar L. Hong, a young man 21 yean
of age, lies at the point of death at
his home on Coitar stieet. About a
year ago, young Imio,: was appointed
by Congressman Wanger to the West
Point military academy, and the par
ents, decline that the hazing adminis
tered nt that time was of such an
nttocious untitle tha' the death or
their son inav lesult.
After Ihe hazing, Cougressni'in Wun
ger's appointee was left in siuh a
physical condilliii thai he 'mil to re
sign ids c.tdetshlp. Jt i allogjd that
tobasco sauce was pomed down liooa's
tbiotit, red penper was thrown in his
eyes, hot grease poured on his bare
feet, a tooth knocked out and fiend
ish operations g net ally Indulged In.
The Ifoiiz family loue no hesitancy
in declaring that the basing received
by Oscar Is responsible for Ids precar
ious condition.
Results of Collapse of a P.oof in San
Francisco List of tho Dead.
By i:cliiibo Who fumi The .Usoclntnl Hum.
San Franobco, Nov. 30. Four per
sons injured in the glass works acci
dent yesterday died this morning,
making the total number of dead sjv
enteen. Several more of the injured
will die.
About ,the morgue today (there have
been crowds of anxious iuiiuirers, rela
tives and friends of those who ate
known to have been victims of the nc
cid 'in, The dead have all been iden
tllled. Cntil the dead shall have been
viewed by the coroner's jiuy no bodies
can be taken away from tho morgue.
All of the hospitals are ciowded with
the maimed and injured and a large
staff of physicians and nur.ies are at
Following is a lovlsed list of th3
dead: John Brough, aged 111; Hubert
Harrison, 13, of Tupcka, Kan,: Law
rence Mlel, school boy; Tallvrand
Barnowell, 15: 11. K. Kckfeldt. 12; 1'M
ward Flahven, b"; Loen Glrard, 17;
Charles Monaghan. ."2; Hector Mc
Neil.. 13; Hubert .Miller. 13; J. A. 'Mill
rooney, miner, !!S, Spokane, Wash.,
Virgil Newby. IS: William Uotheu
.steln, 13; Thomas .1. Hippon, 21; Alek
kevan Dyk. 40; William Valencia, IS;
Dante Monaco, IS.
Subject Considered at the Eighth Bi
ennial Convention of the Ameri
can College League.
fly Huliisiie Wire from The s.M)ei.iteiI I'
Philadelphia, Nov. ".0, The matter of
tho disfranchisement of college stu
dents In eleven states and the removal
of this disability, Is tho chief subject
before tho eighth biennial convention
of tlm American Jlepublloaii College
League, which began hero today.
F. 11. Whitney, of Williams college,
the league iepresentatlvo wilh tho Ite
puhllcun national committee In Chl
c jo during tho campaign, submitted
a loport of the work accomplished by
the students in doubtful stales. The
.student vote, he said, wits especially
elfeetlvu In Indiana, South Dakota and
some other stales, ulid he claimed that
It practically carried Nebraska for
MoKlnley, About 92 per cent, of tlm
student voters, he said, was UepuPII
caii, the vote In Indiana alone totaling
Addresses were mado by H, n. Klti
land, of Harvard, and Horace It. Ban
cioft, tho'lattor representing William
J, Bryan's old collego in Illinois.
About suventy-llvo delegates, repre
senting 237 colleges, are at tho conven
tion. '
Farmer Commits Suicide,
Dy Uxcluilio Wire ficni Tho Awoclateil Preu.
Pittslmrif, Nov. 30. UiIioji lienor, u pnnii. ami wealthy fanner of Cullior tnuaihli,
InlDinitteiJ Mlltiile loill) li.v tlu.otlng iilinef in
Ihe with un old iiiuule loadlui,' nil.', Nn
loatou U iiulitneil fui th miuilo. Ho had ul lieiu thlnkuij; of thu niitler fur bum. tlm;',
.H the family onoo hi duo cauitht hliu with lli;
1 1 He while he ai making iiapiiatloin K. kill
Pittsburg Coal Floating to Market.
Uy Kuliidio Win from Tho ,Woilitoil I'icm.
l'lltoliurg, ov. W). About tf.OftVXJO hudiil of
oo j 1 iitarteil for thu boutli Unlay, ii(uli inr 11J
toal boats mill til bau,'M to carry, Toilay'n
eliliiiuiit briiik'n I lie total for the present lUe
up lo lbOHO.OX) Inbhel. Tho Kiunk (iiluiore
ktuiled fur Ntu" Oilcan with thu Hut uvle
IHudent tow time the comMiutlon was fyiiued.
Sub-Committee Makes Report as
to the Conditions in the 8th
Assembly District.
Though the Committee Bcported the
District Clenn nnd Orderly Evi
dence Is Olven by Paul Klopstock
to Show That Houses of Ill-Hepute
Are Kept Open for the Reception
of All, and That the Cheap Dance
Halls Are Running Full Blast.
Il.v INilniio Wire from The Asioei.itoil Prfi.
N.'W Vork, Nov. .10. The Tammany
investigation committee held a meet
ing today, i.t ivlilcli tho sub-committee
appolntr I for tlio purpose of In
vestigating lee condition In the Eighth
assembly district and remedying them
rendered a long leport on the results
of their work. This was the district
which was romphtitiL'd of by Mr. Straus
in bis i"pot, before the Tammany ex
ecutive committee, which led to the or
ganising of the investigation commit
tee. The Mlb-committoe icportod that
from Police t'aptnin Titus and other
sources it had learned that the district
was clean, all the disorderly houses
and resmis -.ltlch had been complained
of having Von closed. It further re
ported tha1' efforts had been made to
seeuie the l.atues of the persons who
owned the houses where vice had flour
ished, for th'j purpose of starting pi ose
cutlons, but owing to the means em
ployed by iur.dlords to cover up their
tracks the effort had proved abortive,
tliouj'.i the Investigation was to be
kept up.
When tlie leport was finished, Chair
man Nixon asked If any of the citizens
incsent had any Information to pie
sent, Paul Klopstock, chairman of a
committee recently formed to ferret out
vice, gave KDme evidence which tended
to set at n night the report of the sub
committee icpresenting the district to
be clean. Klopstock gave the commit
tee the add! esses of several houses of
lll-i eptite v Inch were open the night
befoie. Hj also told of dancing halls
which yeie tun as "social clubs." and
wheie youiiT boys and girls, In all cases
under eighteen, met and spent the
ovoHnirs and the better part of tlie
night In dancing.
Chairman Nixon said tho informa
tion given by Klopstock would bo sub
mitted to (.r.ptain Titus.
Secretary Root Describes Hin Cuban
Tiip Chinese Situation
Ily i:eliisiie Wire from The Associated I'icsil
Washington, Nov. 20, For Hie first
time In many months all the members
of the cabinet were present ut today's
meeting. Much of the time of the
meeting was given up to listening to
Secretary Hoot's account of his Cuban
trip. Ho described conditions as he
found them and the situation as ha
painted II was regarded as generally
satisfactory. Secretary Hay explained
luiclly the new features of the Chi
nese situation, which, however, were
not of much lnipoitunce. It is under
stood that one of the Chinese viceroys
has been proceeding energetically
against the Hoxer.s, punishing guilty
persons and protecting foreigners and
Hut notwilhst idlug his commenda
ble course tho same Information was
to the elfect that the Germans were
nol satislied mid that they were con
templating a hostile movement ngalnst
him. Owing to the deaths of Senators
Davis and lleur the president's mes
sage will nol be transmitted to con
gress until Tuesday.
Clarence Mohartcr Kills His Cousin,
Clarence Cope,
By KsiIihIic Wire fiom The Associated 1'rcji
WIlkes-Harre, Nov. HO. While Clar
ence Cope, aged seventeen, and his
cousin, Clarence Mohnrter, of the ume
age, both residing In Sloeum township,
were hunting yesterday afternoon, Cope
shot at a bird und missed It. Mohar
tor, who was a few" foot behind, then
shot at tho bird, but ho llrcd low and
tho contents of the gun lodged In
Cope's buck.
The lad died In groat agony. He was
conscious to the last, and tuld the
shooting was purely accidental,
Steamship Arrivals.
Ily Uxcliuhc Who from 'flio Associated Pre.M.
New York, Nov, .10. Arrived! XoonlUwl, from
Antwerp. (ieiiiedi Malunlim, Ilottfrilam Ma
lloiiloglie;, bluipuol; Cap i'rlo, Hani.
Iiiiil?, Ilriliilii Aiiheds Tale, from New Voil;,
.Movllk hillnl; 1 : 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 ((mm (ilastotv), .Vcw
Vork. Southampton Silk-il; peuUchland (fiom
Ilaniliuri,). New Vork ia L'lieibouig, I.lturil
1'asMil; l.'Aqiiltaliie, New- Vork for Havre. Hot
teidam Sailed: Si.iaiinljiii, lloulogne and Nciv
Double Hanging Arranged.
Dy i:ihnhe Wire fiom 'Ihe Associated i'resa.
llariWniij;, Nov, SO. (loumor Stone tod.. tc.
tpltid (leoiite Wuiil, tho WujlilliKtou lounty
liiunkur, Iiom Pec. 1 In .Ian. U, 1WI, 'Ihe
iIjIo of the execution of .lames Join's, of the
bjiiio count, was llxeil I'm Jan. U, and ut the
l(quct ot the county olikiali Ward wa ieiitnl
until the laltci dale that both intglit hu hanged
en the wiiiu da).
Trouble in Roumanin.
Ily J'Aihuho Wire fiom Tho Awoeiated Prew.
Iluduiet, Uuiiinania, .No, U0. A rUine; of
Molduiiau pea&inta against tho new prune tphlls
lias taken plaic. Tho military thot twenty
men and liao mado many I'llsoucrj.
Weather Indications Tody, fair.
1 Tnmmaiiy Vln Inveitlitiillon,
Hall tlotibcr Cniti-mM.
Aid Aikod to fiioll the llnrri,
Tiuki-y Will Settle tip with 1 title Sam.
2 ffenirnl Ciirtiiinilito tKiartimut. '.
3,' (lo"li.
I'or tho ilc I,ooi.
Vow Ye Pushloii).
I IMItorlat.
Weekly better on Municipal Allaiirt.
r Social mid
One Woman's View.
(I Local t'oiut Plot eeiHliK".
Ilrllicry C.wos May lie Settled.
7 I.ooal -Jljior N In lnr of (loin; Into
Sirtillll-(l.l City.
Do Cniniy Miiv I In Ueilumd
S Siimiton and Suhiuhiii.
!l (ienual -N'mthonstirn IViiiiibniil.i.
I'liiaiielal mid Ci.uituoiil it.
10 Slurj "A Country ("oiiIii."
11 I.ooal miLiy Sohnol boston foi Touinnou.
ISelluInus Xiws of tho Week.
U I.ooal-Live .Vows of tho IndtMiljl World.
Fears That the United States Will
Become the Banker of Europe Are
Expressed in the Reichstag.
Uy Kelusie Wire from Tho Awotialod INes.
Ueiiln, Nov. 30. In the relchstug to
day during tho debate on the loan
bills. Dr. Von Thielmun, secretary of
the imperial treasury, wus asked why
tho loan for SO.000,000 marks was placed
in America. Ho replied that thi Her
man money market in September was
in mi unfavorable condition and tlie
government had been urged to avoid
doing anything to raise the rate.
Therefore, it was considered advisable
to draw money from America and
Great l'lifain, as they both hud a
great abundance, especially the Un ted
States, and the 'government had to be
careful not to deplete the German
money market towards tho end of thu
Count Von Kanltz, the Agrarian
leader, said he regietted the loan was
not placed in Uennauy. America, lie
added, might easily become tho banker
of Kurope.
Herr Husiug, National bdbcrul, ob
served that patriotic heart-burnings
were unnecessary. Oreat Britain had
also plaeec a, loan in America. Hut, In
his opinion, a clause should have been
inserted prohibiting America from
placing a loan In Germany.
Dr. Von Thielmun, replying lo ills
critics, declared the apprehensions of
Herr Busing wore groundless. Should
ti scarcity of money occur in America,
a contingency which, after the ie-elec-tlon
of President MeKinley, be did not
fear, Americans would only be able
to return the loan to Germany at a
"I can assure Count Von Kanltz,"
concluded Dr. Thielmun. "that we did
not run after the Americans. They
came to us."
Dr. Arendt, secretary of the German
Bimetallic league, approved placing
the loan abroad. He said its issue In
America protected the market ftom
rises of discount.
Herr Koch, president of the Imperial
bank, also approved the way the loan
was placed. He said he did not entet
taln fear that the loan would be used
by Americans to draw gold from Ger
many. Dr. Von Siemens, president of the
National bank, said it was unnecessary
to go abroad for money. After fur
ther dlscubslon tlie subject was
Official News of the Disaster Be-
ceived from Admiral Remey.
Guam Natives in Danger or
Dy Kclujitc Wiic from Hie Associated l'ies.
Washington, Nov. HO. The navy de
partment bus received thu following
cablegram ftom Admiral , Itemey, in
reference to the sluicing of the cruiser
t'aiiie, Nor, ;,0.
Ollliial 1 1 pull fiom tiuain Jul iiveiicd. IV
lowing nit II iliiiuiiod JJth: .lo.i. Audoi&iiu. eoal
lUNtvr; .laeob boioy Mrliatfij, iippii utliv, tut
il.iv.; (loo. Auhol, xoimau; William I'lieleikl.
DiWi., llri nun, Hist class; 1'iaiik Salaii-ou, u.
KVMiin, Two liodiei itioM'ii'd, luil were iiuiio
oj.nI:ibli. I'lHirnor ltpoKs ilanser of Mima
lion, ,U.S !J,001 pounds Hour, ;ii),U0li biiul!,
1,Uio wnrar, tiO.iKV) ball puik, ai.ODi) itio, till for
destitute iiathes, Mill I H'lid by our iiul'ir (iuaui? iSigiieil) Itemey.
Secrutury Long has dlreelod thnt the
supplies be
Ily rAilu.lVn Wire from Iho .Wociatul I'ioh,
Philadelphia, Nov, :!U, Tho 1'iuin.ilvant.i Hall
load ioiiipaii'i loinpaiUoii of earnings und t
peiiM'S for month of tletoher, wi, mid foi ten
liiolltlis ending Oct. 31, II), wltll name puiwU
of lS'Jt) is ns foll'iwi.;
bines iliioetly opeiateil, mouth of Oetoher, PH)
firoi"i c.irnlngi., iuiivaso "l.',:!00j oxpiiuos, in.
ciea-o ifiW.inil; net larnliiis, IncieaM1, S,',0.!,C0.,
Ten months rncliiiK Ott. ill, J'K)-(iom eain
Inirn, iiioie.ivu silO.M'.'.TOOi i'pensi., ineie'iue SH,
IKJ.SOO; net ciinliiifi, ineiease A3,mO,ixi, 'Ihe
dhow ilKuiiit do not fi.iluile the opiiatlom of
thu lluttalo mid AlleKlieuy Valley dhidou.
Northein Central Hallway company, niontli of
October, DiV)-(iiuM ruriiiuiid, decrease l-l'ilui;
i-pciiics, ilieieata; lii.toil; net tainiUKS, de
ilfjsei $i:il,50O.
Tell inonllis Hiding Oct. .'II, 1J0 OroM earn
iiii;, iiicnase $171,1011; eiicues, iucreaio 1'jD,
WO; net culling, iuueae Albino.
Keenan Escapes Murder Verdict.
Ily I'xchikltc Wire fiom The Awoclated Pre'i.
llellefoute, I'J., Nov. :W. In coutt lieie today,
John Keenan wjm adjiulKCil not guilt ot caculiii'
Ihe death hy hootlii(r of Anuio llobbiiu, ot
tilllentowu on Sept. 'M. Tho wi'laht of thu cI
diueo tended lo bhow- the reMvcr Usi'd to bale
been difcluiKed in the eti ngglo for its possesion
betweiii Keenan and the uirl. The nun will
now- hu Iritd for cuujlu;; concealed ckadly
AcGordlna to Constantinople Opin
ion American Glnlms Are
Practicnllu Settled.
An Irnde Has Been Promulgated
Providing for tho Building of a
Cruiser in the United States Stata
Department Not Particular as to
1'orm of Payment Question of
Exequatur for Consul nt Harpoot
Hemains Open Porte Probably In
fluenced by Bussla.
Ily Kxclu-tiio Wire from 'Ihe Asiutlated Picas.
Coustiiiitinople. Thursday, Nov. !!!i.
Tho oiilnlon Is expressed In diplomatic
circles here thai the American claims
arising from tlie Armenian massacres
"may lie regarded as practically set
tled by tin Irnde piovldlng for the
building of a cruiser in the United
States, which lias been ofllcially pro
mulgated." The question of the consulate at
Harpoot (Khaiput) remains to be din
posed of. The l'orte Insists In Its re
fusal to grant an exequatur to Dr.
Thomas 11. Norton. Tlie moral effect,
however, cienteil by the presence of
the United States battleship Kentucky
at Smyrna, in support of the represen
tations of the American legation,
tnkbii In conjunction with the settle
ment of the other claims, lends the
legation to hope for an early nrrane--ment
of all outstanding differences.
London, Nov. SO. Nothing in regard
to llio United States battleship Ken
tucky Is coming direct from Smvrnn.
The authorities there are evidently
censoring all desoatches.
In a IJeuter dispatch from Constant
inople, it is suggested that Russia Is
prompting tlie l'orte to refuse to grant
tin oxquatur to Dr. Norton. The dis
patch adds:
"It is an open secret thnt they dis
like the foreign consuls In Asia Minor,
especially tlie Americans, whom they
suspect of aiding the American mis
sion work in Armenia."
Washington. Nov. HO. No proposi
tion lias come to the United States
government lrotn 'I'm key looking to
the payment of the missionary claims
under the guise of an order for a War
ship to be built In the United States.
While it is hardly expected that any
formal proposition of this kind will
be forthcoming, It is, of course, beyond
tlie power of the state department to
Interfere with any arrangement that ,
llio Turkish government may enter,
into with American Milp-bullders and'
individual claimants. The point is.
after all. to have the claims paid, and
tho state department ollicials are not
very particular as to the form In
which tho payments tire made. Per
haps they are indifferent In mat re
spect because of knowledge of the fact
that the Turkish government might
be embarrassed by th-v pressure of
Kitropean ci editors weie the United
States to Insist upon certain form.i of
pioceduiv. I
Theie are no developments in tlie ne- j
gotiations lespectlng the exequatur of
Dr. Norton, who would be United
States consul at Harpoot. The matter
Is still one of correspondence, and the
authorities here are confident that the
Turkish government will, In tho end,
ily i:clutic Wiic fiom 'Iho Associated INfW.
New oik. Nov. SO. It. (i. Dun .; I'o.V Week
ly Heiliw of Trad, tciinunou' will m)"
"llolidi setall trade btuiti. oil well. Tho week.
lias licru c iiaracieiiul by miny ndianeea lo
pirn'-, hut Iho niu.-i idauilicaut U Iho Miiall rit
in hunt- and thm?. v.hleh of nil the cleat in-iluiliio-
has been Mowi-I lo conform to the geu linprciMiotiil. A l.ngci demand tor BOOdf
for ciiiicul consumption is tlie repoit from near
ly all diiectiuis 'iho diy Roods trade, recov
illiii; ntter luent liipilcl iticit, shown lmsiurM
cspiudini;, but iiriKiilarly and rdmvly. liood
news continue to lomo Iiom iion and jteel ucc
tlvib. Mlo- ot pis hen in tluee weeks havu
iilatiicatiil tion.oixi tons ut lilt into and idle fur.
linos mo ipiing lulu, Imliiatinu a lnueli
laiiai- Lipiclty now than or. Nov. 1. llujimr of
nil llnUhcd liiini'. ImiiM-es, und i-omis orders aie
placid at tdlidilly higher iiiintulioii. Hailioails
an- iiiiic'lM-iiiig most lihoially and iiiaohlru-rj N
ill ( ileiuaiid. A-. Ml llio iidiauu iu i"i
inii cnods is not nt all ill piopuition In Iho ttJlu
in law uuteilal. 'Iho wool tuiiket is luou'ilnic
fimii llio hhoek of heal) (ailuies. Wheal is
turtlur fiom ,1 dollar Hum nt any time kIiicc llut
pi lira was pieiliitul by I hiiih niitliority mul
tho iiual linnors of dimauo fiom Julutliu heforn
frot fall us (is they hue done Iu plenum
yiuitf. An uiuplo cum clop ili'l nl prevent a
ilevir unnliulitor firm eouiliirf imitiul of tho
uiailablo stocks ul 'hie-ago. and foiclnt; Urn
pileo mi tu SI ce.ili. foi the cuiient inontli'
Ily Kxi'liblvo Win1 Irom The Auoclalnl Pros-.,
litUluiit-'. N. ""hi Iho I'niled Mali", illi-
triit court, .lames K. I'.ijo, a lively nun of hu-
ijiiiliaiiii.'i, tiled his pelllloii ill liankniptoy, ll
owen JJ.ItXi ami has assets of $.!ai.
'llio llKil.ui Milk t'o., ol i:rlo, filed Its sclied-
iile of u'eti and llabllltli-, 'ihe I'oinpany own
A polilioii in haukiiiptiy was tiled ai;uliit It.
A. SlcOaitiicy, of Ilutlet, I'u., ullcKing dial on
Ant,'. 1. lids '". be "'Id and dUpoed ol lilt
utocl: in trnle.
,1, 11. Klalicii&clilag wa.s appointed Kicher of
llair M Hon, ot (Keeola MIIU, Cleaitleld county,
'Ihomis IIoIIoImukIi, ot (Teaitteld, was dli
cliait'cd bu'ii bankruple.i .
Charteted in Dover.
Dover, Del, Ni, .W. A terlifiiate cf incur-
potation was filed ncro toda) fur thu Imperial
liudeiwiar lonipJii.v, of ftiuiitoii, Pa,; caplltl
tlock, tfW.OOU
4. -r -r -t t ts
Washington, JCuv. 110. I'oreeist for Sat- -fi
-- iirday and Sunilai ! l'-utern Pcnnl- 4l
4- vaiila (iiiiwally fair hjturdjy and San- 4-
i- daj ; freah went to noilli wimli. 4
i t -r-rt ttttttt
A .