, 4. . ' c THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1900. n y FORDHAM MEN METJ)EFEAT BT. THOMAB COLLEGE DOWNED NEW YORKERS, 10-5. Quarterback Swotmnn's Goal from tho lD-Yjirtl Ltno In the Second Half Saved tho Visitors from Be ing Blanked Thomas, the Heavy weight St. Thomas Guard, Played a Splendid Game, and Bucked the Line with Ram-Like Force Recep tion Was Tendered Visitors. In the best played, largest attended and moil Interesting local football gnmo of tho season, the St. Thomai college eleven yesterday met the fast team of players of St. John's college, Kordhnm, N. Y and at tho end of the second half, the cnlois of tin visitors hnd been lowered for the first time thN season, and the Scranton men hud gained a splendid victory by the score or 10-5. The slight rnln which fell during the morning rendered the field u trlllo soft nnd slushy, but this was partially lemedlcd by a liberal application of j raw uusi, anu on mu vtiiuiu uiu kii" irou was In fair condition. It was prop erly roped off and a t-iuad of eight patrolmen kept back the crowd, and prevented the least Intrusion within the confined space by the spectators. On either side tif tho field there ox tended double lows of seats, which were occupied principally by the mem bers of tho fair sex present, who with their flying colors of purple and white, and waving banners of the local col lege, acted as mighty incentives to the brawny youths on the field to stiuggle for victory. Here and ther;, too, were seated pcattercd partisan of the visitors, who, indeed, found numerous friends among the crowd, by reason of .the plucky fight they waged. AT THE PARK. The members of St. Peter's drum corps, in their nntty red and white uniforms, precreded the St. Thomns players In the march to tho park, and were accorded seats of honor along the side line. A tiny solemn-looking don key, wearing a pair of football pants, and drawing a small vehicle in which was seated young Bart Cuslck with a megaphone as largo as himself and the quadruped, was also present, and the big 'phone was used to advantage to cheer on the local players. The Fordham men ai lived at 1:3 o'clock at the Lackawanna station and after donning their football togs-, journeyed to tho park, where the 1st. Thomas boys had already arrived. They wore led onto the field by Cap tain Dick Harrington, and as they went through their preliminary prac tice more than one of the wiseacres .resent shook bis head and declared Unit they would piove too fast and wientlllc for the bulky Scrantonians. The visitors probably averaged 160 pounds, while the St. Thomas players easily went ten1 pounds higher apiece. Mitchell and Maloney, the Fordham taeKley were the team's heaviest men, and neither of them vent more than 170 pounds, while on tho Scranton side big Thomas, the left guard, tipped the scales at 2IJ3 pounds, and Haggerty, who was at left tackle, consisted of 1:, pounds of avoirdupois. Langan, i lie other guard, isn't a lightweight uther, and in fact Captain O'lloro, MeAndrew, Hadgins, Kelliher, and Fan ell are all heavy men. COAT- FHOM FIELD. Fordliam's solitary score c.mio in thu second half and wiw made by a beautiful Uiop kick fur a field goal from the 13-yaid line, by Quarter back Swelniiin. St. Thomns made both ot Her scon in the first half by rush ing the ball down tho field. Thomaa proved the most reliable Bround guin u time after time cifibhlng through the Fordhum center lor lie, ten, or lifteen yards. Hadgins and AleAn drew ran well with the ball, as did sil&o Captain 0'Horo and Lankan. The two ends, Manley and Vaughun, played earnest that reminded one nt the work done by collegiate end rush es. Both men travelled down the field under kicks, like gi ay hounds, and tackled with tho tenacity of bull dogs. They defended their positions in splen did style and repeatedly repulsed, any attempts at end plays. On the Fordham side both Captain Harrington and his fellow end, McKenna, put up Fplcndid exhibitions. .WcKeniia is one of live men on tlte team that can do the one hundred yards in around ton fiat, and ho demonstrated his sprinting ability in the faccond half by a great 25-yard run. Full-back McCarthy's placo Kicking and punting was finely done, as he drove the ball far and high, giv ing his ends plenty of timo to get down the field under it. Swotman tried two kicks for goal in the second half and his second was successful, rnul vety prettily done. It was kicked from a dlllleult angle, and sailed humlKoinely between the posts, Curley and "White also did well O'HORO WON' PASS. The gaino started at a o'clock, Cap lain o'Huro winning the toss, and tak ing tho kick off and the south goal. The kick-off was made, but Vaughnn in his eagerness to open up the game, v.'uh otfslde and tho ball wus brought back for nnothur kick. JIcKenna, who J)r. James" Heudncho , Powders. NERVES ON EDGE. It la when the nerves are . irritated mul disordered that headaches coino. May ho nny one, of a dozen primary causes, but tho result is always tho same. Dr. James' Headaclie Powders Soothe and restore tho nerve force make it impossible for headache to exist. Terfectly harmless no unpleasant after-effects. So not affect tho heart iu any way, At all Drug Stores. 4 doses 10 cents. Cure Where Othcri ran. caught 11, was downed Without gain, but moro offside play by St. Thomas gave tho Fordhum men ten yaids, St. Thomns easily held their opponents Tor the necessary downs, Hnrrgorty breaking through nnd throwing Mc tOnntt back five yards on tho thlnh St. Thomai could not gnln and .T. O'llnro's kick was run back twenty yards by Swotinnn. It writ soon Scrnnton's ball onco more nnd the mnmmtith Thomrtd, who was eagerly awaiting his chance to show that ho hadn't forgotten all he Itnow about tho game, hugged tho oval tight to his Jersey and pounded lilt way through for fifteen yards. McAmlrow, Hndglns nnd O'Horo con tinued the gnlnlng work, but on the ln-yurd lino Fordhnm recovered It, A Kick followed, which win secured by J, O'lloro, nnd then followed somo terrible plunges by Thomas which brought the ball to tho r.-yard line. "Guards- back on tho left" was the signal and Thomns and Lnngan opened up a gap In the Fordhnm lino through which chunky little McAndrew shot for the first touchdown of the game. The field was In nn uproar In ttn In stant and everywhere could be seen a tumultuous wave of the purple and white. J. O'Horo missed a ruther easy goal. r McCOUMTCK'ti KICK. McCormlek'H kick-off to the 5-yard lino was cnrrled back twenty yards by Captain O'Horo's fierce rush, nnd a ten-yard run by Hadgins nnd one for twenty followed by Manley. Down the field rushed the heavy Scranton men then and after a brace of hard plunges by Lansnn nnd O'Horo, Tackle Mn lonev's shoulder was Injured and he was removed to the side lines, Fahy taking 'his place. Dr. C. W. Wunder, of the Lncka-. wanna hospital resident staff, was on tho field and examined the injured player's shoulder, which was rather badly sprained. The ball was soon brought to within three yards of tho goal and there Thomas look It over. J. O'Horo also missed this goal. Time was called shortly afterward with Fordham holding tho ball on St. Thomas' 20-yard line, where It was so cured on Y. O'Horo's dropping Mc Carthy's punt. After a fifteen minutes' intermission, the came again started. In this half the visitors played a far more aggres sive game, and their superior training and endurance manifested itself, their bulkier antagonists beginning to tiro a little. Shortly after the beginning of this half, Quarterback O'Horo dropped the ball, when about to punt It out, nnd like a flash Captain- Harrington had dropped on It for Fordham. White dashed through for five yards, but Mitchell was shoved back and Swet raun's attempt at a goal went wild, owing to several St. Thomas men breaking through and charging at him. The ball was recovered by a Ford hamile, however, and the two teams lined up with the pigskin resting on the 10-yard line. McCarthy's attempt to go through the line was stopped, and another attempt proved ineffective. MALONRY'S PREDICTION. "Now watch Swotman drop a goal," muttered the Injured Maloney on the side line, and just then the little quar terback fell back to the fifteen-yard line, received McCormick's good pass and accurately measuring the angle, booted the ball hetween the nnsla Wnri- gins kicked off to McCarthy, after this, and the Fordham fullback was downed by the Scranton ends. On the first play, fast-fooled McKenna dashed around the St. Thomas left wing and did not stop until ho had gone forty yards. It was a great run, and for awn lie it looked us though the New York col legians would score. They were held, however, and St. Thomns secured the ball. And then came one of the moat sen sational plays or the day. Hadgins signal was called and tho cc-Carbon-dale Indian fiercely broke through the line and starte down the field. "Danny" had a clear field before Tilm and a good start before the dazed Fordham men fully comprehended the situation. Had gins is by no means slow on his feet, but lialf a dozen of the New Yorkeis were after Him, and Curley, one of the hundred yard sprinters, at last caught him and by a splendid Hying tackle downed him, after he had covered thirty-five yards. Lansnn then rushed into the line for five yards, and a series of plunges brought the ball to the. Fordham 10 yard lino, when time was called. And then, amidst roais oMsheers for tho victors, and liearty applause for the vanquished, twenty-two tired young warriors limped from the field. The line-up of the tennis follows: roiillitni. St. Thomas. Haiiiimlon (O.ipt.) ...Ml c ml Vaiignin "Mitchell kit iuilvlc Ilniwilv lieniey left guard Tlionn; JlcC'oimkk renter I'.inoll Iitte right muni T.insra'i I'jhy, Malonej light taiklc Kvllilkr alette una. light mcl Manle Surtin.li quarterback .T. 0'llorr Curley light lnlf luck ......McAndicw 1'iHr.iitv lctt lnlf luck Il.tljlm McCarthy full bul ..W. O'lloio (.dipt.) ltciciec MeumMi. Vntplie Tliajcr. I'lme. Keepers Horn and Cutlc. Linesmen l'wnld and (iallaghei', Tow lulon iiv McAudrtiw and Thoni.ie,. Coal from tleld-hwetinan. Turn o.' Iiihci Tnrnlj-nie and twcnli iiiliiultj, HIGH SCHOOL DEFEATED. Blnghamton Boys Make Local Team Bite the Dust. Captain 'Clene Tropp's eleven of hard playing High school boys yesterday journeyed to Ihnghamton, nnd In their last game of the season met ignominy ous defeat to tho tune of lli-,i ut th.r hands of tho doughty Parlor Ul:y youths. The latter put a much strong er team Into tho field than they did when they played iu this city, nnd throughout tho afternoon toro to pieces the Scranton line, scoring twice In the first and once in the second half, Tho Scranton players made their only score In the second half, when Tropp nicely made a drop kick for a goal from tho field. Tho ball left his foot at tho 20-ynrd lino and sailed nicely between tho posts. Vaughnn and Powell, tho two Scranton ends, played exceptionally strong games. The team lined up with Vuughan and Powell at tho ends, AVelssenlluh and Eynon at tackles, Elwood and Van Qorder at guards, Stone at center, Phillips and Tropp halves, O'ltellly quarter, and Shultz full. Phllllpi' spialned back caused his removal front the game in the second half, and Mo Gownn took his place, The team returned from Dlnghumton on the 1,45 Delaware, Lackawanna and Western train. A big delegation of Scranton rooters witnessed tho match. NOTES OF THE DAY, The Fordham team Icnea tho rity at 7 o'clock tliU morning. The Thirteenth Iteglment team yesterday jour nejtd to llonesdalo and wo (hero defeated by the btrong team ct that plait1. laut night before Lehigh broke tialnln, at Uethlchun, Alexander Lardner Poinlu, of Ilethlchcm, llaaa of 1003, was unanimously year. Dornln lias pUycd end for two yc.irs. He possesses the ruck or getting All there la out of a plajer and besides Is ns ponutir ns nny man at the college. The I'ordliam bojs forked with comldirnble meerss jratcrilay tho piny of pending pait of the Interference around one end and tho runner around the other. t l-'rom a Htmn'.U! point of ilcw yvitcnhy't Rnine Win a grand meceis, as it liVitlinated mat neiueen tltteen and sixteen miiwrcu per sons witnessed tlis uillih, jfir. An Interesting game wa )eterdnylpia)ed at Wllkes-riarrc between Wjomlntr semlnny and the lleieres of Litiijetlc college. The Kings ton. hoa won by the score of 5-0. Tho members uf the l-'ordhani team Sverc last night tendered n reception by the MUset Clnrk at their home on Monroe avenue. Kuchre was played and a general social lime wis enjoyed. Pordliam jestcrday snlTned Its flrnt defeat of the season, Numerous foeinan's' scalrw dangled from Hie collegians' belt", and they claim tint their blgge-it game of tho eaon, that with (iorgetown, was n tie, although the latter team's follower say differently. McKenna, Kordham's fjst right end, whose 40 jnrd rim In the tecoml lnlf was one of the most sensational features of the game, liono of the college's lilt-around athletes, lie Is a natuiut sprinter, nnd at.) plajs pitcher on the mi lt go's crack bae ball team. It was a peculiar coln Idenro yeitordiy tint Ihu only goil from the field Kicked Hits jenr In Snnnton should be diopped ut the park and In the game at lllnghaniton, 'tlenc Tropp,, of the high school, should make the only goil from the tltld of the j ear, kicked by a local plnjer. Ilrfore the game startrd tho St. Thomas team, with substitutes, roueh'.H and nunagirK, had lt picture taken. Pick Klikwond, list j ear's cap tain, who made his flrft nppiaratice after a long utttitk of typhoid feicr, from which he Is now folly recoveied, was acconled n position Iu the gioup, and steed side by ldc with tits blolher, lhimier, whole injiued ankle, kept htm nul of the D., L. AND W. BOABD. Today's D., L. and AV. board Is as follows: WILD CATS EAST. Thursday, Xov. 20. 7 p. m. .lohn Sivaits. fUMl p. m. T. Mif'ulhy, with ,7. .T. Duffj's men. 11 p. in. A. fierrlty. 1'ilday, Noi ember SU. 12.S0 n. in. P. Y. Stevens. .'I ,u in. O. ltandolpli. 4 a. in. T. Xauniiii, tl a. m. J, ,KnnU. 8 n. in. ().' Kearney. ! ,t. m. M. J. Ileniilg.ui. 10.SII a. in. I'. Hallett. ll.no a. in. T. nomllean. 1 p. in. I). Wallace. 2 p. in. J. Gerrity. H p. in. A. .1. Jh lloniiell. 1.15 p. m. J. Define. SUMMITS, fi a. in., east i:. McAllister, fl p. in., east If. (Jilligan. 8 n. in., wist i, I'luunfclktr. 1 p. in., wist Can igg. T p. m., west fiom Cayuga Mel. inc. 7 p. m wel from Ca ug.i Qinley. 7 p. m., cut fmm Nny Aug II. Duffs", PULLED. 10 n. m. Singer. PUSHEni 0 a. in. G. Hotmr. 11.30 a. hi. Moran, 7 1'. .m. Muiphy. U p. m. Thomas. PASSCNCEft CNCINUa 7 a. ni. HifTney. S.:,0 p. in. Stanton. 7 p. in. M.igovern. WILD CATS vi:sr. 4 a, in. rilpalrick. 7 a. in. O. W. Smith. 8 a. in. 11. Caslmr. 10 a. m. -II. Smith. 12 noon (7. Kingsiey. 1 p. m, I. K. Masten. 2 p. in. C W. Dunn :! p. m. A. I". Mulle'i. 4 . in. T. ,1. Tliomp-on. 5 p. in. .1. Ilathei. (I p. in. A. (!. Il.iinmitt. 7 p. in. .r. Mi Cunt. S p. m. .1. O'llar.i. Weak Nerves People cannot help worrying when their nerves nre weak. That feeling of languor, du!lne-.fc and exhaustion is the tearful condition which often pre cedes insanity. The power to work or study diminishes and despondency de presses the mind night nnd day. If you are suffering the tortures of Nervous Debility, there is no knowing how soon you may decline to something more horrible, out you can getwcli. The youthful strength, buoyancy nnd happiness can be restored by the use of They have cured thousands, and we have so much confidence in them that we give an iron clad guarantee with a So 00 order. Sent anywhere in plain package. SI 00 per box, 6 boxes foi S5 00. Hook flee. Address, pkal Medicine Co., Cleve land, Ohio. for sale by John II, Philps PliaunatUt, comer Wyoming; aieiiue and Spiuco sticit. OR. DBNSTEN, jii Spruce Street. Serin ton. Pa. II cute an i Chronic Disease ot Men, stunt nan Children. Consultailonand examination free. Office -Hours Dally and buiiJay S a. nt. to 9 p, m. ARaiARim COMBINATION GAME iBOARIXJ These Game Bo.trds have Rules for 50 Gatnci includiug CROKINOf" -1 " ' rft""OM GAMES Florey & Brooks, 2 1 1 wXt" Merchant Tailoring nun It is impossible to get more for your mouey thau we give you. Others may offer lower prices but they give you much iuferior work. Some give good work, but exhorbitaut prices, Our facilities are the best, our work the best and our prices the lowest. W. J. DAVIS, 213 Wyoming' Ave. UAaAAi144AAAAAAAtAAAA THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED IB7S DEPOSITARY O. THE UNITED STATE3. Capital Surplus ssoo.ooo . aoo.000 WM. C0NNELL, Preside at. HEMW BELIN. Jr., VI.Pre. WILLIAM H. PECK. CisVi.v. Epeda'. attention given to busi ness accornts. Three per cent. In. lercat pal on Interest deposit. ;fflVfVfffMMffffff?f THB iIC POWDER CO, Booms 1 and 2, Com'lth BTd'g. 6CEANT0N, PA. nining and Blasting POWDER li4e at Mooilu and Ham late Worm. LAPLIN A RAND POWDBR CO.'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Kl.otrlo Batteries, Kleotrlc ICipIoiteri, xplodlui: blasu, safety fuse nul Repauno Chemical Go.'s BXPoa" IVE Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers r OLD STOCK PILSNER 435 to 455 N. Ninth Street, I, PA Tclcpltou; Call, 2333. Prof.G.F.THEELM.D, n.s,i. St., l'lillOrlpl,l. V'. lliidriilTlirriril.l.iii ,3Vitein(uie rnif Alt wikhsk9. ihui.oi. 10S1 MANMQOp.VMICOCIll STRIOtIhC SSSMpricllfnlAUCJHli'r,l"",l,'ni,lcl"('r"n,"v 8i.uJf.rlBuk"lrulh''tpoll'mnlrlllrlrtrrurtl 1 t - iii s r w-1l m Coiuioli?IiWallac SCRANTON'S SHOPPINQ O ENTER. The Great Annual Book Sale As usual, each year, with the arrival of -Thanksgiving Day, we start our Annual Book Sale.' It is ready now and is larger and greater this year than ever1 before. There is no need for us to elaborate on this book sale. The public knows too well of the merits of the books we offer to require any argu ment on our part. The public has grown to look upon Con nolly & Wallace sales as events, and our reputation for selling the best 12 mo. book at a lower price than any other house in the business, will be fully maintained this year. Price, j2c Each Gilt top, 12 mo. cloth books, of good book pa I C OOO Per' wk are" cear tvPe y?e caU tne 1 tlUU Library Edition of Eminent Authors, and con sists of 255 titles as follows: Abbot, Tlic : Scott Adam Ilcilc lMlot Aisop'.i Tables Aire of l'alilu Ilulfllncli Alice Dulucr Alkr in U'oiulorl.HHl Ciinill All Alioaid nilir Optic Ail ,Soit .i,l Conililioni of Men, Ik'-unt .mil llii e Antlci'son's 1'uiiy Talcs Antiijiiiiy Scott Arabian .NifililH Aulatli Coiclli Amnilcl Jloltii Maty Cecil Hay Autocrat ot the HieaU.ibt Tabic, Olher Wendell Holmo A Wiek on the Coreoul arid Meirimau llnci Thoicau llacon' Ksn.is Itcidc the lionnic Drier ltusli ..Ian Maclaren Illacl; Tulip, The Aleaiulii Dumai Boat Club, The Olher Optic Uonnlr I'linic fliailic IS. A. Hent Hoy Hunters, The Mane Heed Hoy Mae.-, Hie Manila Heed Hoy Tai, The Mayne Heed ltr.icebridsje Hill IniiiK Iliide of Laimnci mofir Scott llrj.mlN 1'oetiial Worl.-i lly Orilci' 01 the King Hugo lly Pike and DyLe. A Tale of the Hie ot the Dutch Kcpublio ,...G. A. Henty Itv HiKht of ('oiiiim ut llenty California and Ouon Tiail, I'rancis 1'arl.inan Cluilea O'Mallcy Lever (.'hildicn of tho Abbey Hoclic ('liild'H HKlori- ni Kiiftlatid Dickens ChiKtnui, htmks Dickens C'liionicles of tlic St litiiiberg-C'otta I'ainily, Chirlei ('IoIhIci and the Health Chailen Heade Conlc-slon ot an ihiglMi Opium-lUter, He Qulnecy Conquest uf 1'eiu Prcicott Corinni- Jladimo do Stael Counter Miali Ohnet Count ot Muiite ( rislo Duma t'uiiltim; ot Dinah hnadd Klpiint; Cranford llu, GatUcl! Citiilfl.lon of rhilip fctiuiii?, Chailes H. Sheldon Daniel Deiollda UlloL Data of Kllik's pemer ).iil CoppcrflcM Dickens Deemster Uall C'aluc Depi bl a j 1 r Cooper DcsLint of Man Darwin Douibey i: Hon Dlcken Doiioi ail Lj all Don Quixote C'u vante. Dora Deana Mary J, Holmts Drauon and the lt.irn; or, the Days of Kim; Allied CS. A. Henty IMucatiou Spencer Kciptian Pnnce.'.i Eliirs Einhlli Ciusadc, The Dumai Kmeriion's KasJ J t, Kngli'Ii Oiphans Maiy J. Holmes niiKllsti Tiails Kmcrnon Drne.it Maltraeia Uulucr IMlicr Watew (Seorgc Mooie Kugeiie Aram Iitihur Fair Maid ot l'eitl Scull I'alry Iarnil of Science Iluckley Familiar Quotations llartlelt Far from (be Maddening Omul Hardy l-cllv Holt Klint riitecn DecMie Uattles .. E. S, Crcaasy I Final lteckoniiiff. A Talo of Uusli Life I J4 .lt 121 ,123 j lh 11 Aufctralia (!. A. Henty Firm of (SirUlistouo l)ole FInt Vlolli Jesilo KotheiKill Footprints of the Creator ....IIurIi Miller Foul Play Clurleu lteadc Fieikiick the tii en t and ills Court, T,. Muhllmh Frholoiu Cupid Anthony Hope (ireat Kxpeilutiom Dickens (I rl mm's Fahy Talcs (iuy Mamuning Scott Hany Loriiqiior , Uut Holy Hninaii Kniplio Urjir Heart of Midlothian heott HUlory of a Crime Hugo Uonirttcad on the IlliUido ..Mary J. Holmm CONNOLLY & HENRY BELIN. JR., General Agent tor the Wyoming District for DUPONTS POWDER. Ulning, Blasting, Sporting, Smokeless and th Repauno Chemical Company's High Explosives. Safety Fuse, Capi and Exploders. Room 40) Cou ncil Building, Scranton. AUENCIKSt TltOS. FORD .-. ......I'irwton JOHN B. SMITH & SON ,.., Plymouth W. 12. MUIXIQA.V t,,,,,,.WIIkciBrro House of the Wolf ....Stanley .1. Weyman Howudji in Syria fScorgc W. Curtis Humphrey Clinker Smollrt Hunchback of Notre Maine Hugo lb pat la Charles KinRsley Hypci ion Longfellow Inez, a Tale of the Alamo, Augusta J. Klaus In 1'iiedom'it Cause. A Talo of Wallace and llruee (.'. A. Henty In Ills Stepn C'hiirliii M. Sheldon Intellectual Life Uamerton In the Ciolden Das Lyall Inland, The; or, tin Adtenttue of u Per son uf Quility H. Whltcing It Is Never too Late to Mend Charles lteadc Ivanlioe Syjtt Jack An her. A Tale of the Ciimci, (S. A. Henty Jane 1'tre Droutc John Halifax Mulock Kenilnorth Scott King's Stratagem, Thtf ..Stanley J. Weyman Kipling's Dan ack-Doom Ilallads and Poems. Knight "'riant Kdmt Lall Koran of Mohammed Lamplighter Cummins List Da.ix of Pompeii llnlwcr Last of the Mohicans Coop'ir Legends l the Province House, Nathaniel Haw'lmne Tjena Kivii Mary .1. Holmes Led Misei ahles t (Iiuo Life of Christ '. I'anar Life of Christ Geikie Lion of the Noith. A Talo of (Sustains Adolphus (,'. A. Henty Longfillow''. Poetiial Works Lorna Doone ; illackmorc Macaillay'a Specibes . , Maggie Miller ."T.". Mirv .7. HoIiuoh Man in Blaik KU.iloy J. Weyman Jlarllns of Cro' Maitin . Leier Meadow Hi ool; Maiy ,1. Holmes Micah Clarke . Conni Dojls Middleinarch HI lot Mill on tho Flo,-, Blioi Mine Own People and Other Sioilis, Kuiliaii Kipli-ig Mlnistci'a Wooing, Tin- Until I IV-'iier !"ico Molly Haw n The Durhe-,-. Mosses fiom un Old Maine . .. .Hawthorne Moths Ouida My Friend the Murdricr ....A. Conn Doylo Mysl cries ot Xajioleon't. Court Zoli Mysteries of I'aiis luin-j fuo Mvsli nous Island Verne apolemi and His Maishils Ileadley Natuiil Law in the Spirituil Woihl, Driimmcn 1 Ninety -Tluee Huso Now or Neur Ollv.'i1 Optic Octoioon, The Mu- M. K. Ilraddon Oillcei's llride Octal e Fcuillet Old Cuiioslty Shop Dn'iers Old Mam'sellc's Secret M.ulitt Old Hcd Sandstone Hugh Mill'T (llhcr Tuiat Diesens Only the fiuveiness Cany Oiangc and (Sicca (I. A. Henty Origin of Species D.'tnin Otlicr Worlds Than Oura IVcctor Out in the Pampas IS. . llenty Palmer Coe's Brownio Book I 'a! blinder Cooper Pendenuis Thackeray Phantom Kickshaw Kipling Pickwick Dicker rilai Ims- Piogrer:s Hunyan Pilot, Tho Cooper Pioneers Cooper Plato on the limnoifility of thu Soul .... Pleasures of Life Sir John Lubbock Plutarch's Lives l'on'.s Pro-e Talcs Poor and I'roud Olher Optic I'utlplur Papers (Seorgc W. Curtis Piairio , Coopcr Piinee ot the House of David, Itev. Piof. J. H. Ingrahain Piofissor at the Breakfast Tabic, Olher Wendell Holmes Pnio and I CScoigo William Curtis Put Yoiuself in llli Place ....Charles Iteado Quecchy Kllrabetli Wctherell al !I3 fi 07 t)S mi 10J int 102 10.5 jot M- lOti 17 10S 0) 110 111 11J 113 114 n:. 110 117 IIS llli 3 JO 121 l.! 12.1 1H7 12S 129 1.10 131 132 IM Ut W", ISO 138 130 110 111 112 141 114 113 14(1 117 US its 130 131 1j2 15.1 154 153 150 157 IBS 131) 100 101 10J 1G3 101 1 160 107 ldS 00 no WALLACE, CARPETS m rugs We waut you to see the new arrivals in our Carpet Departtneat. We believe we have the most complete stock iu Northeastern Pennsylvania, and know that, quality con sidered, we can give you value aud a selection not to be had this side of New York, A superb line of I WALL PAPER T I BRASS AND METALLIC BEDS I . WILLIAMS & McANULTY, 129 Wyoming Iraui. Quo VadLs ...Sienkiewica Hcd Itoer , Cooper Hepiesentativc Men Kmcraon Kitle itaugers T..Mayno Held Hobcrt Uaidy's Seien Days, Charles 'M. 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Arthur Ten Thousand a Year Warren Testimony of the Hocks Hugh Miller Thaddcus of Waraw Porter The Light that Failed Klplhi-jr Thelma Corelli The Son Paul Bourget Ihonis and Orange Blossoms, Charlotte M. Braeirtu lime CuiriNinen Dumns Tin co Mm iu it Boat Jerome J. Jcronia Tlnougli the Tiay. A Stoiy of the Lud- (life Wots G. A. llenty Tluough the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There Carroll Tollcm of the Sea Hug Tom Brown nt Oxlord Hughes Tom llrown'8 School Days Hughes Trc.wnc Maud Stevensoa True lo the Old Flag Henty Tiy Again Oliver Optio Twenty Yeais After Dura?! Twice-Told Talr Quwtliornn Two Admirals Cooper Uncle Tom's Cabin ...Harriet Beecher Stow ruder Drake's Flag Henty I'nder Two Flags Ouida Valentine Vo Cocktou Vinlly Fair Thackeray Vendetta Corelli Very Hard Cash Charles Read Viiglnians Thackeny Wanda Oulda Wandering Jew Eugene Su Washington and Ilia (Sen tills Ileadlej Water Witch Cooper c Too L)i.ll White Company, The A. Conan Do la Whlttier's Poetical Works Wide, Wide World Eliiabcth Wethtrell Widow Beilntt Papcis Whitchcr Willie Rellly William Carleton Wing and Wing; .Cooper With Lee in Virginia ,, ,.. Henty With Wolfe iu Canada Henty Woodstock ., Scott Wooing O't Mrs. Alexander Won by Waiting Lyall Wonnw ood Corelli Young Iluglcis, The. A Tale of the lVniiisulir War G, A. Htnty Young Colonists, Tho. A Tale of the Zulu and lloer War O, A. Henty Young FrancTireuis, A Tale of the Franeo-PrusMan War O, A. Usury Young Vojagcu, Tho), or the Boy Hunt em in the North ,,,, Captain Maynt KtM 172 173 174 173 170 177 178 17 ISO 1S1 IU 183 184 183 ISO 1S7 188 lh'l 1W ltll 1!C2 1.I 194 11)5 I'M 107 11)8 11)9 I'OO 201 202 SO) 201 205 206 207 2as 2(r) 210 211 212 21.! 214 215 210 21S 211 220 221 222 223 224 225 220 220 250 2.11 2u2 2.1.1 2.14 !Ui 23(1 237 MS 230 24D 241 242 24) 244 241 24b 247 243 2tl 2VI 251 25.! 2.14 233 wash'toR 'bnub DRAPERIES I I 1TI . yi i ti A eUcUd cintalu of the, toot ball team tor next I fi lit L. .H- '. " -J;,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers