The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 30, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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"'i "'rnirarri ' .'v,'w . " tt''- v- ?cs' -v ' ' .ATvrc,i' "v' tpv'v"
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TtiE scrantojt tribune-Friday, November 30, 1000.
Hunting' Yarns from Pike County.
Annual Ball of the Erie Hose Com
pnny Rnllrqnd Matters Tersely
Discussed Feci a Horse with a
Spoon A Lndy with Two Lovers.
.' In llif "ciaiitnii TilliUiio.
SilHciiieliiiiinu, Now i!!. Thuri! comes
a. tiny near tin- laal of November, when
tllnciH ill a well-spread table limy feel
inclined to lepeut the remarks of a
new meruit at West Point, come time
kIih'o, The yottnir nam was u rouph
diamond, a recent Importation from
the rural districts, and when the car
ver was ready lo serve him, he mild:
"And now, Mr. (". , what part will
You take?"
The answer was at onee forthcoming:
"Impartleiilar." raid Mr. C . Ulpr
piece anywhar!"
The Hrle shops, the sel'ools anil the
hanks are closed today.
The funeral of the lute William P.
Munson, who, died at (.'edar lake, Oeor
Kla. will occur on Friday afternoon
from Christ Kplseopal church.
la Pike county, a few days slnee,
Frank lloyilen, of the Oakland side,
awed eighteen, killed a magnificent
hack, which when dressed weighed li.'O
lionnils. It was the largest deer killed
in that section in years. Its great ant
lers have been sent to New York city
lo be mounted.
I'ric Hose company. No. 1, held Its
fourteenth annual ball In IIokuii opera
house last evenlns', and It was a suc
cess In every respect. DoVan's orchestra
furnished music, and the banquet was
held at the Central bouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Kdwln Brush, esteemed
residents, left on Wednesday for lierk-
loy, California, their former place of
lesldonce. where they will hereafter re
Some men speak from the heart, and
some from experience, but the most
listeners lately have surrounded the
man who spoke from the stump.
In the fall the honest farmer kills
the "pi-miters'' In the moon: In the fall
the rural , sportsman hunts the wild,
nocturnal f'oon.
It Is the ! person who talks most dur
ing the performance that, always ap
plauds loudest and longest just at the
long t ine.
The human race is divided Into two
classes those who co ahead and do
something, and those who sit still and
yell: "Why In the deuce wasn't It done
Hie other way'.'"
The faith cure people appear to be
dying here and there. It Is fully time
lo end tills species of killing, but bow
ate fools to be protected?
If wo may judge from some of the
recent lawsuits being instituted, a. man
does not 'know who his wife Is until he
A number of vicinity newspapers
"note with thanksgiving the stable
condition of the business interesls." In
springtime, more especially, a major
ity of the people note with sorrow the
"stable condition of Susquehanna's
chief thoroughfare." It's offal!
Our own C.'liaiineey Depew denies the
current report that the New York Cen
tral people are to gobble up the Erie,
".fust now we are running railroads
not buying them," says the genial
The l'hie is practicing with tele
phones In telegraph olllees, prepara
tory. It is said, to placing the former
Into signal towers.
Since the death of the late lamented
Scott Hauls, of Owego, (.!. M. Wrighter,
also of Owego, Is the only survivor of
the galaxy of old-time Krle passenger
conductors. The ilsi Included Captain
Henry Ayrrs, Samuel Crouch, Ira A.
Post, Jerome Dennis, I-rod IJutlt'r, Sew
ard Cioss and Charles (liven. They
were nil gentlemanly, jovial and atten
tive to passengers. Creen be their
There Is, a good freight tratlie on the
Jefferson division of ih(. Erie. Tli.i
Delnvn: and Hudson coal, which
formerly came over the division, now
croes over the Carbondnle nnd Hones
dalo branch of the Pelawnie and Hud
son road,
A Susquehanna dentist lias a practice
of S3.00H u .war. and yet he Is often
seen looking down In the mouth.
A Scranton Judge has decided that a
man Is In duty hound to tell his wife
where ho spends bis evening when he
is away from home. Ho generally
does, but nine times out of ten he
hasn't been there. And when ho tolls
her the truth, she thinks hu has been
somewhere else anyhow.
The little blue bird that perched
Itself nn the tree tups u few days ago
has abdicated, and the cold-hearted
Icicle, will soon have his position.
A niiighiiiutim cashlei, who has
served twenty-tlve years In thai po
sition and always showed a square
halanco, was tho other day presented
with a ring worth ! by the haul: di
rectors. This Is another llvlntt pioof
that honesty Is certain to bo rewarded
In the ond.
The church fair Is novur referred to
as a ''fair exchange,"
Tor a week the Thanksgiving tur
1'oy has looked over his shoulder every
time ho stooped to pick up' kumel
of corn.
A man In Montrose used a colli n
handle tor a door knob, and there is
not a negro In the town who would
open that door even though the house
was full of chickens,
"Nothing Is over really lost, or can
lie," sings KHu Wheeler WIIi-ik.
Kiln appears never to huve played
A yU'lnlty vetetinury surguon in.
rently performed an opeintlon on a
horse that Is said to be the first of
Cures a Cough or Cold at onoo,
Conquers Croup. Wlioonlue.Conpli, ProucliHU.
Grippe mid Cuuiuiiiplloii. , C" c... Mirt it.ulin
&r,Uyll'a I'M cure Coicitiputloo. otlplllj ill?
Us kind, The aiilnml's lower Juw liml
been broken by a klek, and In order
to properly reduce the fracture It was
necursnry ,to encase the jaw In pllahl'j
copper, In which position It will have
In remain for about four weeks, dur
ing which tltno the animal will be fed
with a spoon, on gruel, milk and eggs.
The beast's recovery Is anticipated.
About fprty years ago there was n
young lady In Ararat who had two
sweethearts, and, not being able to
decide between the two, she set oil:
two wild locust lnishi.H In the yuid,
naming one for each of her two lovers,
believing In the old adage, "If he loves
me the bush will grow." and uceord
Ing to her faith, so It lir.ppcncd with
One of the bushes soon withered,
but the other nourished, and In the
course of time she married the nuvu
for whom the growing bush was
named. They raised a large family,
who are well known throughout the
state, and tho locust bush also grew
and multiplied. Time hns laid bare the
spot upon which the old dwelling stood,
and nothing remains to mark tho silo
of this once hnppy home but the lo.
ctist bushes, or which there Is a com
plete hedge about fifty yards In length.
The lady Is a Methodist minister's
daughter, and the husband n Haptlut
minister's brother.
Truth Is stranger than llctlon be
cause there Is Ies of It'
STARRUCCA. to the Scranton Tribune.
Stnrrucca, Nov. H!). Miss Margaret
Smith Is spending Thanksgiving in
Forest City with her sister, Mrs. Hugh
Miss Kdltli Sherwood him returned
t-o her home In Pnrkorsburg, W. Vn,
About live years ago her mother died
and she came to live with her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wood
mansee. For the last year she has
lived with her miele, John Woodman
see. She was of a pleasing disposi
tion and had a host of friends among
the young people. Although- she will
be greatly missed, her friends wish her
success in life.
Clinton Leet', of Ringhamton, is
spending- a few days at home.
Messrs. Uusell Mumford and Charles
Clark, of Pleasant Mount, were in
town Tuesday, looking for their in
terest in the Northeastern Telephone
company. The people or Pleasant
Mount and vicinity have for a long
time been anxious to gel a telephonic
connection with Derrick Center. Last
spring a solicitor visited that section
and found no trouble In interesting
people In the plan. Over four hun
dred dollars were subscribed and the
greater part of the money paid over.
After waiting all the summer and au
tumn, the people are getting anxious,
but about all they have to show for
their money is receipts, empty holes,
and a few crooked poles. We did not'
learn that they found their interest In
this section.
Misses Harriet and Iva Mumford
spent Thanksgiving witli friends in
Spi' lii the Sri'.inliii TiIIiiiiic.
Duryea, Nov. '2'J. The pupils of Miss
Dill's room of the high school, gav-i a
grand entertainment in the auditorium
of the high school. Wednesday after
noon. The entertainment was carried
out in a creditable manner, showing
the discipline used in preserving cul
ture In the Duryea schools. The pro
gramme rendered was as follows.
Opening address, Mr. Charles Aee;
song, "America," by the school; reci
tation, Thanksgiving Kve." .Miss Al
ice Foster: recitation, "Now," Mis.-,
Anna Jones: song, "Landing of the
Pilgrims," school; recitation. "Thanks
giving Story," Miss clara Walsh; son-,
"The Orchard," school; recitation,
"Thanksgiving Time at Orniupa'.4
Farm," Miss Margaret Price: recita
tion, "Wild Ooose Chase," Miss May
ltegan; song, "Don't Talk," school'
recitation, "Our First Thanksglviiur
Day," Miss Helen Mulr; song, "On
Where filory Wults Thee," school; dia
logue, six girls; song, "The Forest,"
school; recitation, Miss Maud Pickens;
song, "Long Live Columbia," school,
cantata, "Last Days of Autumn": rec
itation, "Thanksgiving Pies," by Miss
Deatriee Perry; recitation, "When
Father carves tho Duck," Miss Klsio
Hughes; closing song, school.
Uev. 0, F. Ace has returned home
after a few weeks' visit with friends
nt Wllkes-Parro.
Hev. II. Oreone spent Thanksgiving
with his family in Now York state.
The Polish Catholic church Is boln,s
Improved by having the steeples paint
ed. The high school has secured new elec
tric lights which Improves tho school
wonderfully, The expense of putting
mem in was w.i,
John Bliss visited friends In this
place recently,
Frank Lane bad the misfortune of
having his leg hurt while at work on
The trustees of the Brick Methodist
Kpiscopul church uro preparing to
have tho parsonage repaired In the
near future.
.Miss Suslo Wntklns, of Mooslu, visit
ed friends In this place on Wednesday,
Tho ladles who will aid the Law
rence Hore company with their fa,' In
tho near future hold a business meet
ing Wednesday evening.
Frank Lane has opened u crmfeo
llonory store on Front street,
Spci' lo I In' Si'i'iiiitmi Tillmur.
Klngsley, Nov, aa. air. and Mrs,
William Cupwell, of Dallas, were visit
Ing W. AV. Adams on Monday.
Mrs, a, J, ltabcock, of Blnahnntlon,
Is tho guest of her sister, Mrs. Pollv
Mr. ujid Airs, y, p. Tlugley have re
turned from a lslt with Dlngliaiuton
and Hallstead relatives.
Mrs. llerteh. of Hopblttlm. and Mis.
Case, of Alford, spent Fildiiy with
their mother, Mis, Wagner, who bus
been 111 at the Inline of her daughter,
Mrs. II, 10. Carpenter,
Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Adams, of Brook-.
yn, and .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams,
of Hampton Junction, N, j called on
relatives here on Thursday. '
.Mr. and Mrs, A. T, Swuet, of Har
ford, were guests at the home of A. J,
Adams on Thursday and Friday of last
week. . -
Mr. and .Mrs. P. K. Moon on Thuis.
day attended the wedding of their !-
ter, Miss Jennie Moon, lo Oeorge
Leonard, at New Mllford,
Those from Harford who recently
called on friends here 'Were 'Mrs. J, 0.
Tanner, Miss Olam Tiffany, Miss May
Sweet and Mis. I 13, Carpenter.
An entertainment will he given In
the Methodist Episcopal church at this
place next Wednesday evunlwr, De
cember fi, for tho benefit tit the Sunday
school orchestra. A Una programme Is
being prepared, Including music, sing
ing and recitations. Miss Sadie Sagcr,
ot llopbottqm, and others will assist.
Admission, ten cents; family tickets,
twcnty-flvu cents.
On Tttesduy morning, us Mr. W. Far
ley Jumped from a moving train nl his
home, he fell and broke his leg ubove
the knee. Dr. Hooven, of Harford, was
called to attend hlttf.
Lewis Buckley has moved In the
house recently vacated by Dr. Merrill.
Mrs. A.or Phllo and Waller
Leonard and two sons are visiting rel
atives In Scranton.
Among those who will attend the
Delseeker-Hunt nuptials at Dald Mount,
today are: Hev. and .Mrs. C. 11. Hoy
nolds; Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Hunt. Miss
Oeorgla Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Swallow.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Chambers and
son spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and
Mrs. John Twining.
'.Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Case are visit
ing relatives In West Scranton.
George Nichols has his new hous.;
on Wlnola avenue nearly completed.
C, .11. Henjnmln Is digging, a cellar
near Mr. Pnnncrs' on Summit Paik
and intends erecting a lino new house
The farmers' Institute will b held In
the Methodist Kpiscopul church on
Monday and Tuesday next, beginning
at 1.30 o'clock Monday. Supper will bo
served Monday, also dinner and supper
on Tuesday In the church parlors.
nilDAV AM) SATt'HDAV.- -Mllilinl
in "Tl.c Puwi-r II.'MihI i,(. Throne." Satuiiljy
-Tin1 Si-noncr"..
all wi:i:k.
Tllllin: UAVS.-Thc Tux'il,i
West Minstrels.
It k.h illilli'iilt lii jfi'l even sl.iiuliiijr l until ;il
(lie l.jii'imi ycMcril.iy nftmi or i'riin,lirii' II. WMV l,is niliMii'N w.i tin. .iltr.n
lion. Tlir mnp.iii,y is .1 l.ncc one .mil tin- pii
fotin.inii' tin- hot ol' II.- Mini irlifn In Sornnlmi
for soin,. t hin.
The pmgrjiiiitnr opi'iii'il uilli Hi., v
flisl p.nt. in nliirh the m-:illN unil ioiiii'iIIjiis
or the coinp.iny limp tlic-tr Inning. There .mi
tunny mm, I tiilt-ps in ir ri.iiip.inr :i ml ln nni.-ir-ill
niiniliriurip icntl.v cnjoynl. Tim fun nt Hip
Ili-I p.irt ici1ul .iioitnil Hilly Vnii. ItjMiioml
Tim I, i:ini;l Trmicy .nid Cli.nlr- Wluh'ii.
In tlit ulio ;ippi'ini.i Hi,- I),. i:imo nil,, in .in
ni-fiihic lr i-t : Teal unil Wlnilcn, in .i
MjiI, ski'ith ami tin. inimiiiil.lo Hilly V.iu
in iiionoliiKiip. Tlio W.ili'rliiuy iliutlit'i.-. .mil Ten
ny j.mvo u net Ihat win fiitfi tnlriins .unl
sitnii-in .mil the priluiin.ini i- coniliiili. with a
ht.'iitlliiB (.hiliillon of noil, on tin- iIiik
hy I lie !iii lliollius.
Academy of Music.
tin- iciLiinly koI Ihrir r', of
Si'i,inlcini.itis' tiitii,v .Mslnil.iy At lioiii i-i-li-i
in. linos ,h Iioiko v.s nrwih-it to the doors,
Mats wt-ii' .it pii'iiiliiin .mil in.iny wru- loiu-,1
to ht.inil. wen. tnim-il uw.iy on in-cinnil
( tin.- luck ot loom. Tin' iii.lli.iui-.Ti'iil ii.ulil
llJVl' t-.lvily iilllil lo lloll-i -. the rap.icit, ot tile
In the I la- play pKMtiteil u:i- lli.w--u
il t Jail's i-oineil, ' ili.mi.i. "The Nihliei' ol I lie
Kinpiii'." whieh was nl-n playeil on .Muinl.iv
ricniiig anil ji.oe mkIi MlMartion a was
Ihoiishl l-t lo upeat it at ycli'iil.ty'.. ni.ti
ii.te. la the eeiiinc a pif,e wrllten eii'ei.illy
for Jli-rt Ccril Siiioner was pii'-i-nli-il. "The
till I tiom Tes.1-,," Hie play i full of lite anil
d.iili from Matt lo fiuUli ami , the .nnlienie
iiiniifiisi'l.i . The .pi'(l.ilties pii-M-nleil lij the
vauileille meinhcis of the company wctc hcailily
'1'llls .Utclllnuli the play to he ploelllci'. is ' A
Wife's IVrll" anil t III eii-iilng Kate Clas'lnn'.,
unil itTsioii ot the "Two Oi pilaris" will lie pin
ilueeil. Tuxedo Club Burlesquers.
The Th.mki:iiuk' Day iittractioii at the d'aictv
i- Hip Titxi'iln Chili lliiilcsiiteis ami ihey ihcw
wont aiiiliciii cs afk'iiinon and eiriilnir,' The
show opens with an olio and with a hit
of nun-iiise called "The l-le of .Mixed Dibits,"
in uhlili the .Miutli ami lic.mty as well as the
inirlli proviiKiinr powers of tlie lottipany are
l.nlshly illsplditil, The In-. I fe.itme of th'e olio
Is Hie (-light ot h.iii.l work and sh.iilowKiap'm of
Arthur (iuoihii.m, who khvu il '""',l pleasin;; e.
hlhltioii of his pmii'is, .M.iiininii and lncrvV
nit on the hoiiontal h.n altractnl lunch alien
thin, line of the team has only one Ick, hut
notwithstanding this li.unlUjp he performed
feats on the hais that would shame a man with
lnc li'siil.itlim nniiihir of leys and ninis. I'at
White' his coiiieplioii of "Casey ,t the
Hat," the Mk-es Sclgel and Winston sang, ami
Williams and Melhuiti lontlilnlled a sl.etih. The
coiiipaiiy will he al the (,'alety today and lo
inotrow ullcrnonns nnd i-icnlnss.
Mildred Holland.
The tlr-it art of 'The I'mvcr llelilnd the
'limine." the new play In nlilili Ml.s Mildred
llullaml liegati lur hi. -u ring tour on ov. '.!'.!, is
ilcMiiiie.l as heing one of the most heautlful
exteiiov stage pieltitcs evir piesi'iiteil. It upie.
scuts an willow grove and wallcd-in
tliiwei' ganlin, with an old ( coltase on
one side, To produce the desired clfW'l tlimis.
amis of plants and vines nt v.alous urlcllcs aie
rallied. The other tluee mis will he equall;'
peuect in eniy detail, all the necessary unil
tine was especially hullt for the production.
The locale, ol the play Is laid In nn Austrian
lirminre at the end of Hie (IchtcPiilli rriiturv.
The story Is a typical one of Ititiiguea of that
time, finin whit It the niithui' has evolved r.n
Mu'i-dliigly inlrii'r- and liiteicllng drama, leplele
Willi many kticug situations.
The piodiictlon la on an ehiliol.lle scale, uiHi
historically toiirit sccniiy, fiiinllmo and otner
aci iWMirlri., .while the lonip.iny is mid.' up o(
wvlld.nouii aili-ts lompiising out llilitv on.
lde, Tnniglit, Imiinnow matinee and nlghl al the
Tuesday Night, "Kerry Qow."
When one witnesses Joseph Murpliy'n inipeisou.
at Ion of pan (I'llaia, the hl.icUsiiiIlli, in Ju -
Iwiiitlfiil play of "Keiiy (i,iw," theiii are tm
iii.illllis fo atiouyly apparent that lliern l. an
aln)il (onstant c 'ii tl i, t of un.ilj.U. As the lui-l-llthioiis
inlMine of old bbli and hrokru Kngllsh
wlilvh we am pliMMil to call thu "lllii iW.i
In l" falls ainontli ami full fioui the lips of thu
Kciry siuilhy, we aie ioiilralncil to celieii! (iu
the actor Is puicly Ideal in his ait; .nil line,
again, ulii-ii we ev the piitureipu i;imiii at tho
Iioimi In lielin; Ut li il with a ,!ioc Just iiudu
on the ta;tc hy Mr, Jliuphy or ulien we hold
iiuiwbes in pleasiirahhi iiapeisp awaltin,' the
atilwl of the Iraliiid i an lit plueous with nous
luiin the laie iiiuise, we are coiivine'il ihat
the uctoi- is a nu-itii' nl icjINiii. Thu t tit It H Mr. Minphy is hlniply a toiiscliiitl.ius :pUa
w In gin's his hest illnil ul cavil lagi of liU
pcrfniliuiici-, ami mi is hohcl the ?e,'i'l if the
jatiii',' pontlarlty ami pmspeilty ( tin.' only
legitimate lil-h at lor now liefnto I he Auieiieaii
Tuesday nlujit, "licny (lo"j Wi-dueMiay
night, "Miami Ithue."
Mrs. Wtnslow's Soothing Syrup
lla, been Used for out FIl'TV VIIAIIS by
MILLIONS ot MOlllI'dt-S fi (licit- rilll.UliKN'
wiiti.t: TiurriiiNfi. nii imiiikkli' bi;cci:(,s.
It SOOTUKS tho lllll.l). MII'TI-INS the (il.'MS
is the be.l liluvdy for 1)1 UtlttlOKA. .Sold by
l)rug)(t In cveiy urt of tlio woild. lie ,ni
jnd'usk for "Mi. U'ln, low's .So.)hii.a; sjtup.'t
toil tU- no other kind. Tfiity.fli; icnU u
bottle. V
, IComliiilfil from 1'iige 1,1
ten yards for offside play, so Captain
Hare thought the easiest way to mako
a score was to kick a Hroal from, lhr
field, which hu did from tho twenty
yard llm...
Captain Hare tried another Held aoat
after tho ball had been pushed almost
the length of the Held to twenty-five
yards In front of thu Cornell goal posts,
but tho kick was low and the half
ended with the score unchntiRcd at 10
to 0.
A few minutes after thh second half
bemtn, Penn secured the It pherold on
her own llfteen-ynrd line on downs, and
without losing the ball carried It, with
the assistance of the guards' buck,
nlncty-ilve yards for the third touch
down. In this march down the Hold,
every man was asked to carry the ball,
with tho exception of the center and
After Cross had made nn unsuccess
ful try for field sronl from Pcnn's forty
yard line, the Quakers asalu set their
KUards' back machine to worklns: and
slowly pushed Cornell back, yard by
yard. Captain Starbuck's men this
time, however, stubbornly resisted the
Quakers' onslaughts, but It availed
them nothlni,', as It only made the
Quakers work n little harder for their
next touchdown.
Penn's last touchdown, as already
stated, was made by Potter on a fifty
live yard run. '
The Audience.
Tt Is conservatively estlmuted that
fully i!."i,000 persons saw thu two teams
Play their last game of the season. The
foot ball game between Penn and Cor
nell Is the feature of ThanksRlvInK day
In this city, and a IIr holiday crowd Is
always In attendance. Tt was a very
enthusiastic throng, conslderlnK the
slow frame, and cheered every good
play, notwithstanding which side made
It. A band of ubout 500 Cornell stu
dents, who came hero from Ithaca this
morning, made things lively on the
north stand by keeping up an almost
constant yell for the white and car
nellan. The red nnd blue had three
well-organized cheering sections and
they made a great volume of noise
when they cheered together. The Penn
students signalized the victory by a
great snake dance on the Held, which
was led by the university band. When
they had tired, the Cornell men formed
in line, ten abreast, and paraded over
thq gridiron, clieeilng for both old Penn
nnd their own alma uuitcr. Following
is the line-up:
l'eiin-.ihania. Po-iliou.
Hodge left vlul .
Home left tackle
Ihile (captain).... left guild
McClnskey center
Teas light guard
...N. noick (l)nrnrr)
......Puinrr (lliiuli
V. lilac e lighl tackle Mexander
W. (I.inlliier tight end Cro-s
.1. Ciatdiner.. qu.itter hack ..lli-ewster n'innticanp
Poller lett lull luck t'uicell
H,uiil-.iii (Hainli... tight half hack Minii-on
(Davidson) (Nchoclkopt)
Mcl'iacken.... full h.u k . ...Smilmi-k (captain)
final coie: Pennsylvania, -J7; Cornell, I).
Touchdowns I hue, Wallace, Paiiili-on, Poller.
Coaks Ironi touejidnwits ll.ue. -J. Goal from
lielil ll.ui, . I'mpiie I'aul .1. D.isliicl, of
I.i'high. ltefcice II. .1. .Ucl'luiig, l.ehigh. Time
keeper Paul Mill--, Vale, l.inestnen I'oi- t'eiin-(-.ihania,
Woodlcy: for (;oincll, Duvall. Time
of halves Tlihly-flre minutes each.
Columbia Defeats the Indians.
New York, Vov. SI. The .Columbia foot ball
team deteatid the (-'.nil.-le tndlaiis on Columbia
lii Id in this cily hy a note of 17 lo h. The
hil half M-me was Coltinibhi, It; Indians, II.
.Veailv -Jj.lKlo people watched the game mid lliei
-aw as clean anil iiccuriite an exhibition as ius
i-iei been put up on the gioui.ils. Tho sky was
ovcii-isi and the field was In iniseiab'e loudi
(ion (or goi-il playing. Jt was .-' .suit that large
quantities of i-.iu'ilu-l had lo be sprinkled over
I lie field in .spots, to itisine a fooling. About
Hie middle of the second half a dii..le stalled in.
nuking the ball slippny, (he playing uYad and
pulling .1 iljiupcr on the cuthiisia-iii ol the
gnat nowd Two M'lis.ilious maikeil the gain.-,
the lust a .splint of (llty yauls liy Weekcs, for
Coluiiilita'n l!il loiulnlown. His play was p.ui!j
due to Hie splendid iiiterleieiii'e or Wiight, who
l.n. willi Weekes all Ihe wiij down the lieln
mid blocked off CailKle'.s link mail. The other
I'niliiri' was a tumble made by .Morley In a dan
gcions attempt at n kick when CatlNle was only
seven yauls fii'tu the Columbia goal. This sent
the lull lolling towards Columbia's goal and
Pain fli" I thiougli the line and fell on the ball
just oer the Hue between Ihe posts, .scoiing the
touchdown for the Indians. The oilier two touch
downs undo by ( nliiinbin weie scored 1, pushing
llerriiu and Austin over the line when the ball
was hut a lew yards from goal. '
H.i.l Pa., Nov. -."i. With but eight seconds
lo play, Cine sent the ball between the posts
fioui Hie 4"-yaid line and won a victoiy tor
Lafacetle mir PickllHou (Ids afteuiouii. It w.ii
an exi'liiug close of Ihe foot ball reason. Thi
linal seme was 10 lo (I. In the flr.-t half Sliif
fei got the ball nn a blocked kick and carded
it over Lafayette's Hue. A'goal was kicked and
the half ended II to II in fainr of the iilors.
In Hie second half Cure sioied two place MoV,
the Hrst inn, fioni the .'in-yanl line. When the
hoc mill was iiiado and the game won the t lion
Kinds of peoilo who witnessed Ihe contest uisiied
on the Held wildly cheeiilig Cine, the heio ot
Ihe day.
Other Games,
nurlliu.itne, .",; Willlanifcpnrt Wheel club, 0.
l.ehigh, 17! Swaillitiinrc, il.
Ilcltyslnirg, 0; franklin and M.nsliall, 0.
Iloiiiislcad. lii baliohe, 0.
puiiur.-'iie-WashinKloii-Jeffeiiion game postponed
cm Ing to flocideil paik.
I'nivvrsily of Chieagn, !."; IJniieuily of Michl-S-iii,
The rnivpisily of lliiltalo, defeated the Penn
sylvania Mali' college by a scoie of to to 0 at tlio
UiilUtft Alliletiii field today.
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100. ,
First National Hank
Scranton Saving? Hank
Scruntou I'm king Co
Third National Dank ............
Plino Deposit and PUiount Hank
Kcononiv Unlit. II, li V. Co. ...
Lack. 'Print b'afe Pcpoilt Co. ,
Heranton Paint Co ,,.,
Clark k (mover Co., I'r. ,
Scianton Iron Fence k Jlfg. Co.
Scianlon Axtc Works ,
Lackawanna Dairy (-'o.. I'r
Hid. A-tkei
500 ...
300 ,,,
US ,,.
... 300
115 ,.,
lu'i .
113 ,,.
J(5 ...
,,. '100
... Wi
County Savings Hank k Tiust Co.,, tiou
rTit National uaim ic.aiuonciaie),,
Standard DrUIIiiar Co. ..,,, ,,,,
Traders' National Dank ..,,,,,,,,,,
Scianton Holt and Nut Co ,,
HON 1)3.
Scranton l'ajfnger Hallway, that
Mortgage, duo 1W0
l'eople'u Street Hallway, first inoit-
gage, due 1018 ,,,,,.
People's Street Hallway, floneral
mortgage, duo 1021 ,.....,.,
Pickion Maniifactuiliig Co. .,,,,,.,
I.ucka, Township School a per rent.
City of si-rantou Kt. imp. B per
. nt .....i ,....,,,,,. ... HU
hi ran ton Tljctlon 0 per cent. ,,,,, 113 ,,,
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Are.)
Butter Cicamcry, saasic.i dairy tubi. 23c.
t'Ktf Select west tin, 17c; nearby tate, 10c.
I'hecie I'ull cream, new, tUtc.
HcJiw-lVr, bu., cliulre marrow, $'.Mi); niedlum.
2.3l; pea, JJ.SO.
More of the Great Sixty-Minute Sales
After the Thanksgiving rest, you'll be ready for the Friday Sale. We give you
the news of it in advance, so that you may,. ponder over it during the holiday, Study
each item carefully. Count the saving, and remember that
lay extraordinary opportunities across your pathway. First sale at 2 o'clock sharp in
the basement. Be on timewith the ringing of the gong.
At Two O'clock Sharp.
CLOTHES BASKETS Made of best grade of willow, steamed and bent; good size
and a great bargain, for One Hour 3lC
At Three O'clock Sharp-
... ..'11'WW1TW
15c LACES at 7c YARD An interesting
lot, consisting of Valenciennes, foint de Paris,
Orientals and Imitation Duchess in both creme
and white; exquisite patterns and designs, sonic
of them very wide. Values from 32 to 18c
the vard all' to go Friday for' one hour
at ' ' 7C
20c GLOVES for 13c PAIR Ladies'
Cashmere Gloves, a good deal better than most
sorts sold at twenty cents. About four hundred
pairs in this lot, four button length and finely
tk'cced. All sizes to choose from, an extraor
dinary value l'Viday at :' o'clock for, .
.pair 13C
35c PILLOW TOPS at 19c Want some
thing to help out during the long evenings?
Make a, few Pillows. These Oriental Tops are
superb works of art, beautifully designed in the
richest of colorings. Some of the patterns can
be worked in tinsels, adding to the richness of
them. They'd be cheap at .'iiic. Friday t
for one hour at : o'clock '. 1 yC
At Four O'clock Sharp.
ings, both light and dark, gootl
you always pay ,.Sc. Friday at
25c 0VERGAITERS at 15c Ladies'
Overgaiters, made of heavy cloth in seven but
ton length only; no one should go without them;
they not only protect the footwear, but keep out
tlie' cold and comfort to the wearer, This lot
for Friday is of splendid quality and sold in
some stores as low as U.'jc, Here Fri-
tlav at l o'clock for 1 5C
In your travels for Footwear, don't forget this best
ready to supply you with every needful thing at much less
l'oUtocs-COc. ,
Oiiloiu-i0c. per bu.
riour Beat jatcnt, 1.C0.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chlcaifo, Nov. 29. CattlcHc-lit, 3,0iKj
it vein, stroni; to UV. liltflicr; liulc !ici" .lock
(.tciily;. iialUcf.' I'Cil rn Kile tod.i.v, luo cl
ot hc-u slow, .yi.Uul.23: iiilvcd .toe km weak,
loads; goo' to prime kticiri, ."i.. 1Vi5.ini; pour lo
niclhini, $luV2; M'li'ctc.l irc'iluif, i Ik. iic. Hi in;
Sale No. 1. Begins at 2 O'clock Sharp.
GLASS TUMBLERS, 2c Heavy glass in many differ
ent styles; just the thing for every day use. Friday at
2 o'clock ZC
TOILET VASES AND MUGS, 3c Of fine decorated
porcelain, made to hold Tooth Brushes, etc. Friday at 2
o'clock, for each oC
TIN WASH BOILERS No. 9 size, made of best quality
of American tin, and a e;reat bargain for One hour,
at : ' 37c
DOVER EGG BEATERS, the,genuine "Dover" like which
there is none other so good. Plenty for all who come,
at '2 o'clock C
CLOTHES PINS, of hard seasoned wood, turned and
finished perfectly smooth. Friday for One a g
Sale No. 2. Begins at 3 O'clock Sharp.
50c DRESS GOODS at 26c We begin the 3 o'clock sale
with an extraordinary offering, representing ten. pieces of gen
uine :.n-inch Wool Freize, of extra heavy weight. A matchless
fabric for storm skirts and suits, requiring no lining. In strength,
appearance and durability it is the peer of any fifty-cent cloth
made. Readv al ," o'clock sharp Friday afternoon for, , -.
yard ' '. 20C
25c HOSIERY at 17c PAIR A splendid lot of Ladies'
very fine quality weight and strictly all-wool Hosiery in medium
weight with ribbed tops, double heels and toes, full fashioned and
finely finished. A quality that would be cheap in any
store at 25c, we offer Friday for one hour at 1 C
Sale No. 3. Begins at 4 O'clock Sharp.
35c P0CKETB00KS at 21c Maybe you need a new
one to save up the Christmas money in. These are the kind for
that purpose. Made of fine imitation seal in black and colors in
both double and single frame with patent catches. Nicely fin
ished inside with oxidized, gilt and silver corners on ,L
the outside. l'Viday at -I o'clock for 21C
25c STAND COVERS at 19c This is without question
the prettiest lot' of STAND COVFKS that ever peeped over our
counters. They arc full length, mostly white grounds, with
figured and lloral centers in colors. Some of them have solid
color centers with white figures; till of them are fringed. t
Cheap at 2fic, but cheaper Friday for an hour 1 yC
tnese tnree wccks ago and you coulit hear tlie lium of the scis
sors all over town. OutingVlaimels of the most desirable color
quality and nicely tlec'ccd, better than
I o'clock for. . '.
Long's Sons
f.'J.1jJ..VI; urn'., blcady, '.mijI.I.V, lulkih, y.'.r.l
al.JO; ciunrro lou', .'.i2.SH; lml, nVm; '.'.Sila
l.l.'ii cities mcaily, irl.Wj.",..'i0. Tevjn., f.-il
U'i'lV, Ijlll.mi; KIJvi ic-C'ltf, '; Imiu,
W.JUjil.jJ. IIOKs-Oponcil utiongcr, i-lut:d i.limi
uliudy; top, !M; mixed anil Inikluin, ifl.Ul.i
I.0JJ kooiI lo c-lioliu heny, it.iijal.'ji; iouli
heay, Sl.50al.ujj light, l.Jal.uJi; Inilk if
wild. fl.T3Jl.UI. Sliccp llicclptu, S.iKlOj iliffp,
ntcaily; Iambs tioiiit tu lOiliJc. IiIkImt and
actliuj pood to choice wethers, flal.3; fair In
llioice lulned, fi.uU.t.Wj wotcm hci'ip, ..4t.,.1)j
On Second Floor.
98c BLACK SKIRTS at 59c Can't wear
any other kind but black, during these stormy
wintry days and why should you? Here is a
lot of very fine quality fast-black mercerized
Skirts that come in all lengths and are hand
somely finished with corded ruffle. Price them
anywhere in the city and you'll pay 08c
for them. Friday at V, o'clock for 5VC
$1.75 INFANTS' CLOAKS, $1.33 Want
to dress the little shaver in the pink of style and
perfection. Here's your chance. A fine lot of
Infants' Eiderdown Cloaks that come in both
cream and red and exquisitely trimmed with
angora fur. All sizes in the lot, and considered
very low in price at .7i. Friday at '
o'clock for One Hour p 1 .33
98c WRAPPERS for 59c You'll want one
of these fine l'"lauiielctte Wrappers when you sec
them. Quite heavy material, made with full skirt,
trimmed collars and yoke and body lined. All the
sizes from 32 to 552. A regular 98c
Wrapper to go Friday for one hour. . . . 5vC
Had a sale of Outings like
many sorts for which . 1
.' 4C
45c UNDERWEAR fop 29c Children's
and Misses' Union Suits, which are decidedly the
most desirable for winter wear; of finest quali
ty cotton ribbed, made on the same patterns as
tlie Oneita; perfectly cut and finished and cou
riered gootl value at ITie, Fmlav at f
I o'clock for ' 29C
of all Shoo Stores that is
than others charge.
TiAii.-, lu-c'i, yj.4ilu3.5ils lullm Uu,,, kii.50i5.23;
Misleili IjiiiIk, tl.ftluS.-JU. ""...J,
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
:j1 llulfuK-, X. v Xov. :. KreeipU-CsN
tli-, ..: cuij hliccp and luiiilu, lj call! hns. It
raw. Miipiiiciils-Catllc. M pan: l,....,r n,i
, .. . , . - ,-. . . .-::..- -v
1 ....!.
'",""' lJ."i "UK, e. I'attle Still wmVj
I'ulvw. clicilco lo extra, T.TSaSj lamb, choir
to exlru, ,.'A5u-.40i hcop. choice to extra, IU.7J
al. ItoKs-llcuvy, Vi.lfti4.UH; pip,, rl
. .Jt
r"...,m .,