The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 30, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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" v.
Communications ot
a news nature, per
sonals and all Items
for publication may
he lett at The Trib
une's new offices In
the Burlte Building,
or sent by mall or
The Honors Ave Claimed by Both
Teams Dunmore Made a Protest
on What' Seemed to Bo Poor
Grounds Claimed the Ball Was
Out of Bounds When Indians Made
Their Touchdown.
The football panic In Allium! park
yesterday nftornoon between Dttnmoro
mid the Indians of this city was a fine
exhibition If wo lose stent of the many
delays nnd the awful rumbling. As
a result of the gnmo both teams are
victors It their own wotds are taken.
In the second half Murphy, for the
local team, secured the ball on a fumble
after a punt and sped down the Held
for a touchdown. The Dunmore team
claimed that the ball had gone out of
hounds nnd the Carbondale eleven con
tended that It had not been within ten
raids of a boundary lino. The referee
decided In favor of Dunmore and the
umpire nnd the two linesmen In favor
of Unrbondolp. The game then broke
up with both teams claiming a victory.
Dunmore, by a score of 5 to 0, and
the Indians by a score of C to i".
The day was an Ideal one for the
parnp from n spectator's standpoint,
but loo warm for the players. Cap
lain Iloran of the visitors won the
toss nnd chose the north goal.
The game started at 3:40. Hansen
kicked to Horan, who gained fives
yards. On a criss-cross between KII
llan and Johnson, three yards were
made. Two line bucking attempts
gained nine yards. Johnson added four
yards and Killlan covered three. A
center play netted eight and a second
attempt four. Johnson skirted the end
for four, and Killlan duplicated the
feat around left end. The Indians
held for downs and on first line tip
tackle formation madu two. and Han
sen clipped off eight yards. Two un
successful attempts to gain forced
Tndans to punt, Moran fumbling on the
catch ball secured by McHale for the
Indians. Ball on Dunmorc's 25-yard
line. Hansen and McHale covered
three yards of real estate and lie
Halo circled the end for eight yards.
Til no bucking netted two and wedge
play gained two. In the next two at
tempts the necessary number of yards
was not secured and the ball went to
Dunmore. Ouards back made two
ynids and Horan punted. Hansen
catching the ball and advancing it six
yards before being thrown heavily to
mother earth. Now came the sensa
tional play of the game. The ball was
fumbled and secured by Duane of
Dunmore who started down the field,
Hope followed in his wake. As the
latter sprang for a tackle he was
pushed on" by Horan and Duane, scored
ii touchdown. It was a grand dash
of over 100 yards and the crowd flocked
on the field. Horan failed to kick a
goal. Score 3-6.
Hansen kicked off to Horan, who
advanced the ball eight yards. Mo
urn made two yards around loft end
nnd on a center play two yards more
were chopped off. Two attempts at
line bucking added four and on the
next play Moran lost two. Carbon
dale's ball on downs. Hanson made
two on center play. The ball was
fumbled and secured by Dunmore. Mo
ran made one yard, and Horan eight.
Duane tried to circle end. but the ball
was fumbled and the Indians secured
it. Hanson made four yards, to which
Hope added three on an end run and
Murphy struck left tackle for thr-ja
yards, and Hope circled the end for
tlvc. Murphy added three nnd Hanson
three yards. Crane punted out of
hounds, J, Hanson secured the ball.
Hope skirted the end lor three yards
and Murphy added three. Thirty sec
onds to play! Ball on Dunmore's 2.",
yard line. Hansen attempted a placj
kick, the ball being blocked and nnd
secured by an Indian. Another try
was made for a goal kick, but it proved
a miserable attempt, and Dunmore se
cured the ball. First half ended with
score In favor of visitors or C to 0.
Dunmore kicked off to Hope, who
made four yards, following with an
ond run for the same amount. Crane
punted and Moran fumbled on tha
catch, the ball falling into the hands
of Murphy, who sped down the rteld
with five of the Dunmore team in
pursuit. With cheers ringing in hi
ears Murphy outdistanced the 'men
In his rear and j-eored a touchdown.
The goal was kicked making the score
i! to 5. This was the play upon which
the protest was made, and the game
ended In a tierce dispute. The ball was
not out of bounds. The ciowd surg
ing on tho field and covering the
boundary line caused the Dunmore
eleven to think the ball had eross.rl
the line. Tho game wns rjplet,.' with
lirljllu'ht plays and the crowd, which
wuKlurgo, enjoyed it. When tho game
broke up tho ball could hardly be semi
on account of diukness.
The line-up wns as follow:
Mi.Miny tciiir j, il.ui,,.,,
IImjii right giuxl CuirniiiH
firji.t c-lt
O'.Vrtll right tui'l.le SullUuii, , lilt .....Vcaiy
Moui light pint ...."vIiIIjU
lliurie lc(t in. I Mi I.Jill
(illiiuitlii.,,, quarter I'JiK Cuiie
K. Jolmton,.,, ilslit h.iU ,,,,,, ,,,,,, Iliiic hit li.lir h.iiic Mmiliy
Sr.ngr.iv ... , full kid. Iluiwu
rtcfeife Mr, Ktlliini, or fccr.uitnii. Uiiiplio-
T. .Vcilnn, o (.'arlmmljli'
May Go South,
William F, I.nftus, one of the most
popular young men In town, who for
some tlmo bus been representing the
W, H. Heck clear factory of Deposit,
expects to leuvu in u few days for
Augusta, Oa. Mr, I.oftus' many Cur
bondale friends will regret Ills depast
ure from tills city, but will be pleased
to lieur that ho 1ms had an uxcellrint
situation offered to him in the simile
ern town.
The last Session.
Tho teachers' institute will hold its
final session today at 9.30 a. in. and
adjourn at noon. This series of teach
ers' gatherings have been very bene
tidal. The instructors of our boys unci
girls have acquired much additional
knowledge on subjects that especially
appeal to them and on which too much
light cannot be shed to make them suc
cessful In their professions. Besides
tills, their friendships have grown
stronger, acquaintances have become
better known and many additional
numes bave gtown familiar to theih in
their category. The exercises for the
final session of the Institute are ns fol
lows: 9.30, muslu; n.10, "Use of the
Dictionary," Miss Agnes J. McMollan;
10.20. "History," Dr. H. W. Hlson; 11,
music: 11.10, "The Pedagogy of Head
ing," Superintendent James M. Cotigh
Burke's Hall Thronged with a Gay
Crowd of Dancers.
A Thanksgiving social was Riven last
evening In Burke's hall by the ltech
erche Dancing class of this city, and in
spite of tiie rainy night It was ono of
the most successful holiday dances ever
given by this famous body of merry
makers. Over seventy couples were in
attendance and they were all young
persons Intent on hnvlng tho best time
that could be obtained. The foot ball
teums of Dunmoro-nnd tho Carbondale
Indians, who had indulged In a rougher
pastime In the afternoon, were present,
and all traces of resentment that were
manifested nt the game had disap
peaicd. Kach wore their colors and
the membeis 'of the Recherche Danc
ing clas all had their light blue badges
on. Kach gentleman was decorated
with a white chrysanthemum and the
ladies were nearly all adorned with
flowers. The partukers of tlm enjoy
ment were representative of the most
popular and prominent circles of the
city. A lack of space forbids enumer
ation of those present. Prof. John
Firth furnished the music, and Joseph
Walker prompted. The fun was kept
up long after Thanksgiving had de
Makes a Visit to Pioneer Castle, A.
O. X. M. C. and Praises the Work.
District Deputy William Itawling, of
Jerrnyn castle, No. 162, Ancient Order
Knights of the Mystic Chain, was In
this city Wednesday evening for the
purpose of paying a fraternal visit to
Pioneer City castle, No. 205. Mr. Baw
ling is the genial deputy select com
mander of this district, which com
prises Carbondale, Jerrnyn and Peck
ville, and during the business under the
good of the order, made some very flat
tering lemarks as to the growth nnd
standing of the order throughout Ills
jurisdiction. He also mentioned the
fact that a new castle Is soon to be
instituted at Forest City, and predicted
better prosperity for the order during
the coining year, and closed by exhort
ing the members to be true to the piln
clples they have espoused and to do all
they can to get new members Into the
fold, and then they will have one of
the most flourishing' institutions in this
part of the country. Mr. Ilawllngs' re
marks were received with much ap
plause. Visit Brethren at Olyphant.
A number of the members of Temple
commandery, Xo. 2SS, Ancient Order
Knights of Malta, of this city, went
to Olyphant Wednesday evening to at
tend a special convocation of Eureka
commandery of that place. The beau
tiful lied Cross or Sepulchre degiee
was conferred on a number of candi
dates. Attended the Amity's Ball.
Among the young people from this
city who attended the ball given by
the Amity club, of Honesdale, on Wed
nesday evening, were AVnlter Car'. M.
H. Tappan, Albert Rutherford. Thomas
Xiavin and John Pldgeon. The young
men returned yesterday morning and
report having had a moJt delightful
Fell from Street Car.
While returning from the foot ball
game at Alumni park, yesterday after
noon, a young man named Nelson fell
from a swiftly moving street car on
lower Brooklyn street, but beyond a
sad besmirching from the mud and a
few abrasions of the skin, he eseuseel
The Crystal Lake Hotel,
itnpld progress Is being made on the
new hotel being erected at Crystal lake
for Mullaney Brothers, of this city. The
carpenter work is almost completed
and the plasterers are now on their
finishing coat. Painters will begin their
part of tliu work In a few days. The
hotel will be larger and more up-to-date
than the one which was burned,
May Use Electricity, ,
It Is said thut In the near future K.
K. Ilondrlck will entirely supplant the
use of steam In ills Dundaff street
shops by electricity. Hit lias had motors
In use in part of his works for srnmu
time and has found them highly satis
factory. Van Bergen & Co. have ulsu
definitely decided to use electricity In
place of steam power lierealter.
A Family Dinner.
Among the uli'Uhnutest of the family
dlnneis hold yesterday wus ono at the
home of Mrs. Juliet A. Ilevnolds, mi
Wyoming street. The afternoon was
given up to a social leunlon, and for
several hours representatives of three
generations greatly enjoyed the diver
sions provided.
Association Foot Ball.
An assicgatlon of old. time foot ball
pluyers from Vaiulllng Journeyed j0
Jerinyii yesterday afternoon and de
feated (Haven Jerniyultes In a game of
association foot ball, Willie most of
tho contestants hud been "out of the
game" for some time, niuny good plays
wciu made,
Meetings Today and Tonight.
Teachers' Institute, 9.30 u, m,
Kuiekti chapter, No, l(U, Royal AuJi
. Junior Order I'ulled Anieilcau .Mo-
Services at Trinity This Morniug-.
Communion services will lie held nt
Trinity Episcopal church tills mornln'r
at 11 o'clock.
U.L. Hatfield, man
ager of the Carbon
dale edition, will be
pleased to receive
callers seeking Infor
mation or desirous of
Imparting It. Tele
phone numbers! New
a86! old, 0433,
Generally Observed in This City and
Many Homes Made Bright by
Family Reunions.
Yesterday wns generally observed in
this ulty and Its environs In accord
ance with tin; proclamations issued by
the president of the United States nnd
the governor of Pennsylvania as a tiny
of thanksgiving, Many hearts were
lifted up In devout praise to Him who
doeth all things well and Who Imu
blessed the nation and the homes with
such abundance during the past year.
At the Hereon Baptist church n Inrge
congregation was present, the lurgost,
In fact, in some years on Thanksgiv
ing Day, The congregations oft the
Baptist, Methodist, Congregational and
Presbyterian churches held a united
Thanksgiving service hi this handsome
stone edifice, nnd tlievarlous pastors
took part in the proceedings. Rev. Dr.
Whnlen, pastor of the Berean Baptist
church, presided over the meeting. The
Invocation was made by the Rev. V.
B. Crow. Presiding Elder J. F. Wnr
ner read the 147th Psalm for tha
Scripture lesson; the Rev. M. C. Kl
llott, of tiie Congregntlonnl church,
road the Thanksgiving proclamation of
President McKlnley, nnd the Rev.
Charles F. Lee, of the Presbyterian
church, delivered the prayer of thanks
giving. The sermon wns given by Rev.
A. F. Chaffee, of the Methodist Episco
pal church, who based his discourse in
the sixth chapter of Deuteronomy, part
of the eleventh and twelftn verses.
"When thou shalt have eaten and be
full, then beware lest thou forget the
The sermon was a masterly nnd for
cible exposition and dwelt on the duty
of the recipient of Cod's bounty to
render thanks to tho Olver of all good
gifts. The offering taken was a gener
ous one, the congregation liberally re
sponding, and the proceeds will be do-,
nated to the Emergency hospital of this
city. The benediction was pronounced
by the Rev. Y. C. Smith, of this city.
At Trinity Episcopal church services
In accordance with the spirit of Mie
day were held at 11 o'clock n th
morning. In the evening the regular
weekly service was omitted. The of
fering wns donated to St. Luke's hos
pital. At the Welsh 'Methodist church two
services were held in the course of the
day. The first took place at ,1 o'clock
In the afternoon and the second at 7
o'clock in the evening.
At St. Paul's Lutheran church a
Thanksgiving service was held at 7.30
j o'clock last evening, The Rev. Mr.
Witke, of Scranton, and the Rev. 11.
Conrad, of West Pittston, delivered ad
d resses.
In the evening there was an Invita
tion dance at Burke's hall, given by
the Recherche Dancing class. The six
Smith sisters gave a musical entertain
ment at the Grand Opera house, the
proceeds of which were donated to the
Carbondale high school.
Many homes were mude brighter
throughout the city by the presence ot
loved ones who hud taken advantage
of the holiday to revisit the old hearth
stone and once more hear the clet."
voices ring melodiously In their ears
and feast their eyes upon faces that
hud a strangely familiar look. The
hearts and nomes thus gladdened were
happy abodes for the son and daugh
ter, or brother and sister who had loft
this peaceful city to till out their lives
In other and perhaps wider fields, were
"home" again. And the dimming eyes
of some old gray-haired mothers filled
with the dews of a swelling bosom as
they rested lovingly upon the face of
the child who had gone out in the
world to win fame or fortune, and af
ter a long, sad absence, had come
back for another kiss from the trem
bling lips nnd to hear the sweet, well
remembered tones of mother's voice,
grown mellower with the flight, of time
since lie told her all his boyish roubles
and cares and was soothed by the
sympathy and love that was his balm.
On next Thanksgiving Day some of
these dear old mothers will not be here,
and the yearly pilgrimage will not be
.tnken by the son, but a pang will
steal to his heart as he remembers
the days ot his boyhood and the lasi
Thanksgiving Day lie spent with her.
The Passing' Throng'.
James Jordan, of Olyphant, was In
town yestei day.
Con. .Sullivan, of Vandling, was a
visitor in town yesterday.
Frank McDonald Is out after a faw
days' confinement from illness.
Patrick Mulhearn, of Taylor, spent
Wednesday with friends In town.
Miss Madge Gannon, of Jeriuyn, vis
ited friends In town Wednesday.
Peter Lynch, of Cottage street, spun:
yesterday with friends in Scranton.
John Brown, of the Park Clothing
liouse.spenl Thanksgiving In Archbuld.
Editor Colder, of tho Forest City
News, spent Thanksgiving In Carbon
dale. Carl Hemmerfatein, of Port Jervl'i,
vuis among the Thanksgiving visitor
in town,
Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Lathrop, of Gar
lluld avenue, spent Thanksgiving In
Mrs, V. J. McDouoiigh, of John
stieet, Is visiting her sister In New
York city.
Willie ('liner, of Park street, lias
recovered from a severe attack of
scarlet fever.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Colburn Jour
neyed to Ashley yesterday to spend
John J, Nolan, of Lehigh university,
Is spending the Thanksgiving vacation
with his parents,
Mrs. Benjamin Pitts, of Scranton,
spent Thanksgiving In town. She
formerly Miss Mary Jane Reesa, of this
Arrungemenls uie being made by the
ladles of Trinity parish for on elabor
ate entertainment to bo given during
tiie ilrht week In January.
Tommy Golden, Anthony Golden, jay,
O'Hara and Tlionins Taylor, of Dun
more: Charles McCann. James Mooney
and William McKulg, of PJttHton, vis
Ited Carbondale lust ovuning,
A lleiuely contested gunie of foot ball
took place between the locals und class
No. 9, both of Peckville. ending with
a seote of 8 to 5 In favor of the locals.
The main features of tho game wns it
ninety-yard run by Joseph English und
a magnificent touchdown by Oaylor
Keller, good yuul gaining around the
end by John Williams und the flue
tackling by ncese and Thomas WI11
latiH. Class No. 0 outpointed the local
by a large margin In scientific playing",
which reflects much credit to them,
conslderrnff the short tlmo occupied In
preparing for this their first game
Tho line-up was ns follows!
Locals Gallagher, right end! Rolls,
right tackle; D. Taylor, right guard;
P. Taughnr, conter; Taylor, loft
guard: J. Walker, left tackle; A. Eng
llsh, left end; C, Coleman, quarterbnek;
Taylor, left halfback; E. 'Curtis, right
ihnlfbaek; H, Curtis, fullback.
Class No. 0-T. Williams, right end:
W. Williams, right tackle! Coats, right
guard: F. Keller and J. Walker," cen
ter! Thorpe, left guard; Reese, loft
tackle: J. English, left end; B. Gcndall,
quarterback: J. Williams, left half
back; G. Keller, light halfback: F.
Gendall, fullback.
Referee, Dr. J. B. Grover: umpire, C.
W. Harding; timekeepers, Swingle and
Colemnn: linesmen, O. Rice nntl John
An Interesting game of foot ball was
played yesterday between Peckville
and Jessup teams, on the East Side
grounds at Jerrnyn. The Jessup team
wns defeated by a score of 6-0.
Two very Interesting games of foot
ball were played here yesterday after
noon. On Fowler's field tho Miners as
sociation team met their second de
feat tli's year at tho hands of the
Rovers, o Rlchmondaie. The looal
team 'did their best to even up vhelr
previous defeat, but the visitors hud
no trouble In renchlng the Jerrnyn
goal and after scoring four goals, al
lowed tho locals to get a goal, the
game ending In a score of 4 fo 1. The
game was witnessed by quite a large
number of people.
Simultaneous with the above, the
East Side Indians were giving tho Jes
sup High School team a. hard tussle
on their grounds on tho East Side, and
they succeeded In upholding the honor
of the borough by defeating the visi
tors by a scorn of C to 0. Lutey,
Brown, Bruce and McAndrew Jld ex
cellent service for tho homo team, and
the first three nindo some pretty runs.
Murray, one of tho visiting players,
met with a painful Injury to his
shoulder and left the game just af
ter the second half commenced. The
line-up wns as follows: Jerrnyn
Doughor, center; W. Trotter, left
guard; McAndrew, left tuckle; Rowe,
left end; H. Trotter, right fruard; Lts
lle, right tackle; O'Brien, right end,
Brown, right half back; Lutey, left
half back; McGovern, quarter back;
Bruce, full back. Jessup Rolls, cen
ter; Hoban, right tackle; McAndrew,
right guard; O'Connor, right end
Walsh, left tackle; Gallagher, left
guard; Kennedy, left end; Clark, quar
ter back; Brown, right half back;
Burns, left half back; Murray, full
back. Timekeepers, Bruce and
Hughes. Referees, Hunter and Gavin.
The funeral of the late Mm. Rob
erts took place yesterday afternoon.
Long before the hour appointed for the
sad services, the home on H street
was surrounded by a large number ot
friends who wre anxious to pay their
last tribute to their departed friend.
Service was held in the Primitive
Methodist church, whore Rev. T. J.
Cook, pastor of the church, officiated
and pi-eached a very forcible sermon,
which made a deep impreslson upon
those present1. Interment was after
wards made in the borough cemetery.
The pnll bearers were Harry Smith,
John Mason, James Tucker, Thomas
Puckey and J. Luxmore.
While playing with a number of
boys on a truck, used for transport
ing mine supplies nt the Delaware and
Hudson' colliery, last evening, Andrew
Lee, son of Charles Leo, sr., of the East
Side, bad his hand painfully injured
and was obliged to receive surgical
An unknown und unbidden visitor
visited Dr. S. D. Davis' premises dur
ing Wednesday night and selected four
of his choicest roosters and departed.
The thief showed some charity for
the doctor by leaving the others be
hind, for which be is grateful.
Elmer Miller received a painful blow
to one of his eyes while at work In Che
Hendrick shops at Carbondale Wed
nesday. Attorney Proas, of Wilkes-Barre,
spent yesterday here with his mother
Mrs. Freas, of Main street.
On the Riverside grounds yestei day
afternoon, in the presence of about
700 people, tho Burns and Gendall
elevens buttled for supremacy. Both
teams put Into the field the best of
their material. Tho Burns team had a
line like a stone wall. Full Back Ev
ans was a tower of strength, us his
line plunges were of the best. Day,
at left half back, and Glynn, at left
end, also did good work. Tho for
mer distinguished himself in the first
half, receiving the ball on a fumble,
currying the ovul for forty yards and
a touchdown. The playing of the
Gendall eleven was not marked by
any particular features, save the end
running of the backs, Gendall and
Tubbs. Both the Burns team touch
downs were made by Dny and Evans,
and Left End Glynn kicked the goal,
Score, Burns, 11; Gendall, 0. Refetee,
Lally; umpire, lllder; timekeepers,
Murray and Powell; linesmen, How
ells and Sullivan.
Tho Puritan social given last even
ing at the Methodist Episcopal church
parlors, under the auspices of J, F,
Tubbs' Sunday school class, was a suc
cess in every detail. Tho menu pre
sented by tho little misses was Im
mensely enjoyed and was served In
the highest order.
Local branch, No. 1013, United Mine
Worke'rs of America, will meeit In Im
portant' session when nil members are
requested to bo piesent.
Nows wus lecelved here yesterday
from Hyde Park, announcing the
death of Miss Edith James, daughter
of Mrs. Thomas A. James, formerly
of this town. Interment will bfi made
in the Forest Home cemetery.
The funeral of the child of Mr, and
Mis. Robert Updyke will occur today.
Miss Mary J. Williams, of Rendhuni,
visited fi lends In this place yester
day, Mrs. John Service, of Wilkes-Barre,
Is visiting at tho homo of her par
ents, Mr, and Mis. J, F. Taylor, of
Main street.
Invincible- commandery, No, 232,
Knights of Malta, wW meet this even
ing in regular session.
Mr, T. A. Evans visited friends In
Peckville yesterday,
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Davis, of
Wllkes-Biirre, spent Thanksgiving
with relatives In this place,
Washington camp, No, -', PuUloilc
Older Sons of America, meets In ses
sion tills evening,
Stops the Cough
i nnd works off the Cold.
Laxative Brotno-Qulnlne Tablets
cure a cold In one day. No Cure, No
Pay, Price 2? cents.
The Congregations of All the Pro
testant Churches Gathered in Tripp
Avenue Christian Church and Lis
tened to a Most Eloquent Sermon
by Rev. A. J, Van Cleft, Pastor of
the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Revival Services Still in Progress.
Other News Notes.
Tito nnnual union Thanksgiving ser
vices were held hi tho Tripp Avenuo
Christian church yesterday morning.
The congregation was. the largest that
has attended this service In many years
The church wns handsomely decorated
with waving ferns and beautiful white,
chrysnnthemums, the splendid big
autumn Mowers giving a very pleasing
efrect to the loom. The musical pro
gramme was very ably carried out
by the choir, composed of singers from
the various churches in town. The solo
"On the Golden Threshold," wns very
beautifully rendered by Mrs. Horatio
Keller, of Scranton. The organ was
presided over by Miss Blackmail, ot
Wyoming scmlnery.
Rev. J. D. Dnbney, ot Christian
church, road nn appropriate passage
of scripture after which a very fer
vent prayer wns offered by Rev. W. F.
Gibbons, of tho Presbyterian ohuroh.
The president's Thanksgiving procla
mation wns then read by Rev. J. L.
Krenmer, of the Baptist church.
The Thanksgiving sermon was de
livered by Rev. A. J. Vnn Cleft, of the
M. E. church. In his usual happy man
ner. Among other things he said;
We are aemlilcd hero toilay In accordance
with the call ot the luesictent of the United
Ktnlps and ot the (tencrnor of this common
ucnlth, to thank find not alone for our country
ml 1U 1lcs.srtl Institution!, but also for the nn.
tnoroui mercies and bindings of tho past .voir.
With tho IVjlmlst we can say, "Tlinu ciown
eth the your nlth thy goodness," There Ii much
to he thankful for. Wo have hJil this year
ahtindant harvotn. There lia.i tieen mi usual
vlold of fruits and grains. Our land his been
man eloinly productive. Labor has been te
w.irdcd and the Industries uf our country have
been more prosperous than tor many years past.
No pe'tllcnce has gone abroad in our hind,
and no great ialauiltio have Lif.illcii tho dlfter
ent pails of our country, save tlut which over
whelmed the city ot Galveston; nnd as the
picsldcnt has well said, this has made evident
the sentiments of sympathy and Christian char
ity. Dy virtue of which we arc a united people.
The president says "our commerce has spread
over the world. That our power nnd influence
in the cause of freedom and ciilichtenment
have CTtcnded over distant sens and lands."
Wc have reason to be thankful for the unlet,
jet Rtcady advance made in the schools of our
country, and the increased interest in the sub
ject of education. Kspcclally in the southern
states. Another reason for thanksgiving is the
providential care and deliverance of our mis
sionaries fiom the savage hordes of the Boxers
in China.
We can only attribute the ni.uvdous deliver
ances to providential interference. We thank
God today for the advancement the churches have
made. While the incicasc in membership has
not been as large ns some j'cars yet the divine
watch-care has been strikingly manifested. A
spirit of revival is alnoad in the land and it
looks as if it was to become general. That this
may be the case is my prayer.
I thank God for the union thanksgiving ser
vile, but especially for the union meetings
which arc being held. That the membership of
the dlffeicnt chinches can join hands and sing,
"litest lie the tie that binds our hearts in Chris
tian love." That wo lie Baptists, Christians,
l'Kshvtcrians and SlethodisU but also that we
bo bicthrcn hrctluen of one common Lord, chil
dicn of one common Father. Thank God for
The limit of tlmo f 01 bids tlut I continue
longer the enumeration of the favors ot our
hcneilrcnl Father. It remains for us to yiy that
thee many blessings not only inspire gratitude,
but they place us under corresponding obliga
tions. Then while we ollor our thank-giving tu
our God today for Ills cvor watchful, merciful
and gracious providential caie over us, wc pray
the Holy Sphit to guide u, and aist us in
the inquiry.
The speaker also gave a brief outline
of some of the duties devolving unon
citizens of the United States at this
time. Among these, he mentioned the
necessity of a general reverence of nnd
obedience to the laws of tho land; the
necessity of every citizen interesting
himself in the politics of his countrv
and town; the necessity of stopping
the trade In demoralizing literature,
and the necessity of every citizen using
his Influence In promoting tho cause of
sobriety anti temperance.
Revival Services.
The union revival was held last night
at tha' Dudley Street Baptist church.
The house wns tilled to overflow, but
excellent interest maintained through
out the entire service.
The Rev, W. F. Gibbons delivered
the address, taking for his topic, "The
I.ove of Christ." AVo have not had a
more forceful sermon since the revival
meetings begun.
There were a nunibcir who arose for
prayers at the close of the services.
The meeting will be held in the Tripp
Avenue Christian church this evening
and Rev. Krenmer will deliver the
Another Chad Dead,
Another of the children of Mr. Clar
ence Hedsclln, of Throop street, died
last night us the result of a recent
sickness with diphtheria. The child
had recovered from tho disease, but
did not seem able to rally, and grad
ually failed until death relieved him.
This Is the second child of .Mr.
Hodgellns that has died within tha
past week. Tim stricken paronts have
the sympathy of n huge number of
friends In this, their hour of trial.
Tho Thanksgiving siippn herved In
St. Murk's parish rooms lust night win
fully up to the high standard set by
this hoclety In previous years, which
tact alone stumps the committee in
charge as being very cupable provid
ers. Mr. P. AV, Kimmeriimn, who lias been
ciitlcully ill Willi typhoid piiuumouU
for a week past, bus passed the tlungni'
point and is In u Inlr way lir a rapid
Mr. ami Mrs, Duple) Mlnghain, of
Tlawley, spent yesterday itli their
daughter, .Mrs, a, M. Putter ofDiink
or street.
H. Out iiihI family of Dudley
htreut urn visiting friends in promptou,
Mr. Pet or Holiday, of Shoemaker
avenue, who was liijiuml in n hunting
accident In Pike county, yoverui weeks
ngo. ui(d sine? 'has been In tho Moses
Taylor hospital, has so far Improved
that lie was able to be moved to his
homo In time for Thanksgiving din
ner, Thomas Young and friinuel (longer
started yesterday fop pike county in
tpiest of large game,
A large number of football en
thusiasts Journeyed to Carboudalo
yesterday to witness tho gume bo'
I ween the Indluns of that place and
( Often Caum of Bad Health,
That bad health and coed living often
go together as cause and effect ia a prop,
oiltlon which will be accepted at once
by anv practising physician. Common
sense living would demand that we ate
only when hungry and that food should
be clioscn first tor its nutritive value and
then for its palaUbleness. So-called
"good living" reverses these rules.
Meals are taken at stated hours without
reference to hunger or physical require
ments. If appetite is lacking, stimulat
ing cordials or liquors are often used to
induce a false appetite, I'ood is not
chosen with regard to its nutritive value
but for its pleasure to the palate. As a
natural result the stomach is over-loaded
with a quantity of innutritions material
and the body is deprived of its due nour
ishment. Presently disease of the stom
ach and digestive and nutritive systems
begins, frequently involving heart, liver,
kidneys and other organs,
gives every man the opportunity for
good living, and almost every man takes
advantage of the opportunity. The aver
age laborer iu the united States lives as
only very prosperous people can live in
Europe. He lives too well. It is a sing
ular thing to say but it is nevertheless a
fact that one of' the greatest evidences of
national prosperity is found in the great
army of dyspeptics which is being newly
recruited every day in the year by good
livers. The great trouble is that when
a mar wakes up to the fact that his stom
ach can't be abused with impunity, the
damage is already done. He has joined
the army of dyspeptics, the people with
"weak" stomachs. He can't eat much
now without it hurts him. His stomach
seems unduly distended after eating.
There are bitter risings and belchings,
a constant feeling; of discomfort and
weight in the region of the stomach.
Probably, too, the liver becomes sluggish,
and there is a feeling of lassitude with
These are only a few of the signs and
symptoms of a diseased stomach involv
ing tiie other organs of digestion and
Disease won't cure itself, so that it's
folly to neglect treatment thinking "it
will be all right again after a time."
Disease never stands still, so that every
day's delay in using the right treatment
means a worse condition.
" I was a great sufferer from dyspepsia
for over two years, and I was a complete
physical wreck," writes Mr. Preston K.
Fenstermacher, of Egypt, Lehigh Co.,
Pa. "Had many torturing, gnawing and
aching pains, I think about all that a
dyspeptic has or ever could have. I also
the High school team from town. They
came back with colors flying, the Dun
morcans being victorious by a score
of 5-0.
Moses Kellam. a former engineer
on the K. Sz V. Ar. lailrond taut who
has been traveling as instructor with
the Now Yoik Syndicate Air Brake
Car, has returned home and will re
sume his old position at an early date.
AVo tit has 1 cached here of the snf"
arrival in England of Mr. and Mrs.
F. C. H, Dreyer, who tire enroute home
from China, where they endured many
haidships as missionaries during the
past few months.
They had a .--ix hours' stop atGenoi
where they met Mr. Henry Dreyer,
who is pursuing a course of musical
C. i Herring and Italph Winter
spent yesterday looking for game in
the vicinity of Reorgotown. 'lo-nay tn
game is looking for them..
AVord has been received here by
friends of James AVilson, 'vvho recently
went to British Columbia, that tho
accident he met with 11 Miort time since
wus not as serious iih nt (list re
ported. Mr. AVIlson suffered from burns
about tho arms and face but at this
writing Is considered out of danger.
Miss Klsle Kvuns, of Kuiuntan, is
spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Ira Kiesge.
Puul Somers, of lluzleton, spent
Thanksgiving day with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Somen.
AV. A. Dean spent AVednesday and
Thursday at Allentown.
The union Thanksgiving service held
In the Uaptlst church yestei day morn
ing was well attended, llov. A. AV.
Cooper had chuige of the service, and
Rev. Robert 11. Thompson pi cached the
Mciurluu U. Dean Is liouio from .Vow
York city for 11 few days.
ThomuH McXulty, who has been 111
for the past two 'or throu weeks, Is able
to bu out.
Tho Oreeii family leunlon was bold
yesterday at the home of .Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Snyder.
Mr. and Mis, Miles AVndenian. of
Peckville, worn tho guests yesterday of
Mr, and Mis, U. R. Von Storch.
Mr, and .Mrs, Munry M. Ives spent
Thaiiksglvlna- in Wyoming with Mrs.
Ives' parents, Mr, and .Mrs. ,1, D,
Mrs. Flunk Colvin attended tlm
funeral of her uncle, Mr, Albert Titus,
ut Foster, Tuesday.
Mrs. James Foster visited hur daugh
ter, Mis, Ft ei Bipwn, at Foster, this
Prof, i:. II. Hauyon, Jr., mid Renege
Smith are hpeudlng u few days In Mow
York city,
Mrs. Krotl P,inier entertained rela
tives from Scranton yesterday.
Tiie Misses MnrJoiic llaslum, Lottie
Smith nnd Mr. Lawrence Smith left
AVednesday to spend a few days at
Stroudsburg with Charles Smith, May
Iltislnni and l.uuru Tiffany, who uro
students at the Kast Stroudsburg Nor
mal school,
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mason narrowly
suffered much with conittpattoa. I tried
many different medicines which were
recommended to cure the trouble but
these only made me worse and my con
dition was more sluggish nnd weak than
before. My stomach was in such n weak
condition that the least and easiest kind
of food to digest would get sour in my
stomach and I had such n weak and de
bilitated appearance that it seemed as if
I had hardly any blood in my whole
body. Muscles were soft and flabby,
circulation poor and slow. Suffered
greatly from cold hands and feet. At
last I came across an advertisement of
Dr. Pierce's. I wrote to them for a
question Hat blank which I filled out
and returned to them stating my symp
toms nnd pains. To my great surprise I
received by return malf the best and
most substantial advice that 1 ever be
fore read. Thia advice gave me the
greatest confidence in the world's Dis
pensary Medical Asaocla
tion, even so great that I
at once left off all former
remedies and tried Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery and 'Pleasant
Pellets.' I uacd about
eight vials of the ' Pellets'
nnd ten bottles of the
'Discovery which
brought me back to my
former state of health."
not in monopoly but iu
medicine. The medicine
that has the might and
power to cure such a dis
eased condition as Mr.
Penstermacher's is the
right medicine to use for
the cure of similar forms
of disease. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discov
ery cures diseases of the
stomach and other organs
of digestion and .nutri
tion. t It enables the per
fect digestion and assimi
lation of food so that the
body is built up in nat
ure's own and onlv wav.
by food perfectly digested and assimi
lated. Organs remote from the stomach
are often involved with it in disease be
cause of its failure to supply the nutri
tion on which tiie strength of each organ
depends. "Golden Medical Discovery"
enres these diseases ot heart, liver, lungs,
kidneys and other organs, by curing the
cause of disease in the stomach and its
allied organs of digestion and nutrition.
"I have received more benefit from
your medicine than anything I have
taken," writes Mrs. N. Bernier,' of 461
Kim Street, Oshkosh, Wis. " I had liver
complaint for the last fifteen years, com-
? Heated with dyspepsia and gall stones,
have doctored with seven of our promi
nent doctors and not one or all ot them
have done uie the good, nor began to do
what your medicines have. I have used
three bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery, one vial of his ' Pleasant
Pellets' and one bottle of Dr. Pierce's
Pavorite Prescription, and have gained
about eighteen pounds since I first began
to take these remedies. Can say truth
fully that your medicine is the best I
ever found for liver complaint and dys
pepsia." There is no alcohol in " Golden Medical
Discovery" and it is entirely free from
opium, cocaine and all other narcotics.
Sometimes the dealer tempted bythe
little more profit paid by less meritorious
medicines will offer a substitute for
"Golden Medical Discovery" claiming
that it is "just as good." Substitutes
are always suspicious. The only way to
be sure of the cure you seek is to get tha
medicine which cured others "Golden
Medical Discovery."
Dr. Pierce's celebrated work the " Peo
ple's Common Sense Medical Adviser"
is not for sale. It is sent free on receipt
of stamps to pay expense of mailing only.
This valuable guide to health contains
1008 large pages and 700 illustrations.
Send 31 one-cent stamps for the volume
iu cloth-binding, or only 21 stamps for
the book in paper-covers. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y.
escaped being asphyxiated by coal gus,
while sleeping in their home lust Wed
nesday evening.
Mrs. M. J... Street, of Scranton, spent
Sunday nt the home of F. M. Colvin.
The regular union temperance ser
vice will he held in tho Uaptlst church
next Sunday evening. Itev. A. W.
Cooper will preach the sermon.
The funeral of the lute Sylvester
Fallon took place from the home of
his brother, Thomas Fallon, on Sus
quehanna street, yesterday afternoon
At :i o'clock the remains were con
veyed to St. Patrick's church, where
the funeral hervlces were conducted
by Rev. P. .T. Murphy, the pastor. The
obsequies were attended by large
number of friends of rhe 'family. Bur
ial was Hindu In 'St. Patrick's cemetery.
The Record yesterday celebrated its
anniversary by appearing iu an ar
tistic colored cover. The Record Is
eight years old nnd Is one of the innpt
pros perous weeklies lu this section.
Miss Xelllo McAndrew Is visiting
relatives at Avoca.
John W. .Ionian, of Blakely, wus
united lu mnrrluge to Miss Marwurnt
Walsh, of Parsons, at the placet
yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan will
leslde In lllakely.
Mrs. Spencer, wife of Rev, Dr. Spen
cer, Is slowly Improving from her 10
ceiH' Illness.
Sea Trips
of two U fie tlo' iliiration,
urc ullueil by the
Norfolk, Ua.
Old Point ConRforf, Ua,
Richmond, Ua.
Washington, D, C.
SltMinci tjil ilJll.v tuqiL Sund.iy hum I'lrr W,
.Vuitli IliU'l, lout tit Ik'Jili stuji'l, New York,
TliKols, iiiiluilini; iiicjU and ntuhinom jiioin.
nii'iliitliiui., ijU.ou etui up v. aril.
I 'or lull liiloiiiKitloii apply lu
81 Beech Street, New York, N. Y.
II U.WAI.KUn,Trjl.Usr. J.J.nitOW.V.O.P.A.
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. 11
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ii .-. &UL K-TWa