- 'Tj'f .m. -v l-H,- y jjy r t 1 fy t'i.. " 11 -V "J- THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- THUMSDAY, NOVEMBER 2!), .1000. 4m ir NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. CprtlM tn Hip Niimliw Tiiliunc. IIoili'Hil.ile. Nov H Thu Thh tccnth Itcglmont foot Itnfl tpum mill tin noni'pftnlt- tiimn will piny on the hIII iplll kioumiIh this (TliuiH(luy) iifU'iiioori lit .1 nVlocf:. The ln'Xl uttiactlun lit tht npel.i limiti- will In- Wlic laiirjlmlilo iiluy, "Down on the Piniti," 'I'ttpMilnv i'Vpii luff, Diiciiiiilipr I. . A now tluip-tnblp on the iJolnwntc find tl(1dni, "which wont Into plfeet luit untlliy, iinlsu only . ono litipiirtiutt I'hniiKo for'HoiiLidnlp. Tim tt.iln which inilvuil nt I.W i) in. now atilws tit n 01 p. in., leaving Heruntnn til 2,4 J p. in. This I" grand Juiy iniiit ck In Honct'dalp Mn-siH Hot tun M"iiiKr. CI. M. Odi um,', J. Sum III own nml A. (.'. Klmlitc ') ctmned Hti'tdny fi'oin a hunting trip I'll plkr i-mm with tin oe (Ipm ai a insult o their huni , "I'Iip .Tunlnr intl Spnlnr c'lnWtluii V.n tli?avoi' 'otlettcs ot tlu PipsliytPiInn dim eh held their itnnii.il pound nrli 111 tlv i h ipel Unit eU'iihii. Ovei two huiiilieil pounds of IIrIu KioteiloH, all lilniK of finned Hull and vecotnblo". lloiir. ttiiUeH, ine.it, potnloea, etc., asn a nlee Mini ,if itionej, im re- el veil to Klaililen the homes of niimv jiotn families with a Tlnnie-slviiiK dln ll( r. ot al .mil IhhIi iinuiital nut -de nud nn .'uheillheiuent patty milled to the cnjiivtiipnt of the eMMiliif. Light re ft ffhments w'ie teneil. The tuiiPial of Di. I'l.iienee V.. Pos ter whose sudden dcith wus an il ninied M'steid.iv, will lake plnie .it his Into ps,i-iiee Kildnv .illeinoon at ' n'( lad;, anil will he pilvnle. rii-v. James I'. Wtie. of (linee Kpixcop.il Mm oil, illl (ondlkt the seniles. Di. ''ostei was Itoiii In Honesilfile, June 1!0, 1V,7 and was theieloiM In his tinU louith veai. lie w is a son ol .losiah and n.ll'iibetli (Seholleld) Fostet. TIN tllhei h.id (h.HKe ol the roslei tan n fui .i mm her of je.-us .mil w.is one of the oilsln.il stoiKholdeis In the National b.in!. i;u (lied Janitan s IsT'i The iloi tin was madu.ited at the lloncMlulo UIkIi school In lS7r, the llit el.iss to lfieive illplianas ltotn this In . tltiitlnn In relnuniy, 1S7S, he hei.in ti) tud ol inedlthie with Di. C. A. OiislnhPiie and in the follow ln;j U to 1)01 hn enteud the Xew Ymk CollPqe of I'hsiians mil Siiikoii.s, and thie, etui latci he rereleil Ills diploma.. For si months lie seiveil in Hie Cliam-bei- stint lioiplt.il. New Voik, and foi tine" months In the New Yoik hos r ' t t 1 In .Inminrv. rss', he letmnpil to lionesdale and hid been In aetip pt io t" pli siiue that date, buildimr up i l.itjje inailke In whiili lie was emi JHiitlj siniesslul. He was idetitineil with the I.iLkawauna, i'ouut, the I l'( iins-vhanin biulv and the Amciir ut Atoilli il noiierles. Tie was aiso piesi ilent nl the I3(hatiFri 1.itnai aiul Soeinl club, mil had been a tim-tie ol Oskk tilhe 0 1 Ked Men sn(. u as Instituted, eight .eais ,iko On Oc to ll r 20, isss the Uoitur was unltcil In mauiase with Mis (ieoigia 15., dauqh tn of Colonel and -ills, CI. U. Ostium, '' Ilonisil'ile li" died NToembei 1, I1 Vi, leains- one son, Oiiikc O.sboi n, l. in Oi tob-M Jii, ISb'l Oilobei L', 1s9'i 'in doetoi was milted In niaruap-e witli 'lso JTa S daaihtei of .Tames P.. and i'i.u.1 fShiwI Tdason. of Sci anion, and "it on, Clan me Mason, was bom to th m, June 1, IS'M Oeshks his widow anil two sops, the deceased is, suieil bv his mot In i one biotliei. William SI., and one rlstei. Slis v. J. W.ud. Di I'ostei wis i looted emoner of Wn n r iunt In tsi'p and le-elnted in IS'i Ho was a member of the Ilonesdale Tiesbvtiiian ohuuh. BRADFORD COUNTY. spuiil to Uic Sir niton lillnitit Towanda, Nov. 2s Claieiuo A. Sle Ci aney, one ut Towanda's yuum busi ness men, died on Siuuulay allot a Ion; illness ot diabetes. T! was M veins ol ase and is Htuhwl ) a iite. Puneial was held ebteidav. The death ot Slis. A altei M Tua v loininos f i cut) Towanda one -t l mo-.t estlniablo Iadlos She had bei n ill auotit on-" month She leaves a Inn 1 and, one datiKhtoi and a hon. Fun. ml was held jesleiday at the house. Mis SI. j;. AVilson, ot Coudei .spoil, is iuTownnd.i lorn visit with lelatlve.s. Di. and .Mm. J. Ti. Cle eland, of Can ton, celebtatod their IlftlJth wedding annhersaiy last week. Pi. .1 ST. Cainoehan, of Suunton, Is 1sUIiik his inothet and othei lilejuls In town, Fianklin Steainet mmpany will hold a lair and festhal in FPliiuarv. Orv lllo W. Slosler, a veteinn of the THE FARL w&mis He has to. He must "make li.iv while the sun shines," no matter how he t"eeK The result is over uork. The stomach usually ghe.s the first sign of strain. The organs of diges tion and nutrition are deranged. Food does not nourish. Indigestion appears. In Mich :i case Dr. Picree'.s Golden Med ical Discovery re-establishes the health by a complete'cure of the diseased org ins of digestion mid nutrition. II cleanses the stomach, purifies the blood and re moves the causes of disease. It is a temperance midicme, and contains no whisky nor alcohol, I was troubled w it It indigcrttoti for about two years," writes Win. UonUer. Vv . of Jiillaette, j.utaliCo. Itl.tlio. "I tiled illftcrcut doctors nud, rcmi-diiJ but to no nnil, until mole to Dr. Ptace unci lie told me whit to do. I sufli-rid with a iain in my itouiji.li una ten s-iuc and tlioiiRlit It would Will inc. I amulail lowritcand let you know thai I am all rlirlit. I cauilomy worls now wltliout pain anil t dou't bac Hut tired feelius th-it I used to have. lir bottle of jlr. J'ierce'3 (loliieu Sledlcil Uincovcry and two lalsofliU'l'lensiiit I'dlets' cured me." pick people can consult Dr, Pierce by letter free. AH correspondence privute, Address Dr. R, V, Pierce, JitifTalo, N. Y, ywP8 it rwwm mard Vor a livln Civil war, tiled In MyuiAburir yeHtei dny, nfftd 70 ycnrM. Tlnee rmi rohheis, It Im utipposcil, hnvo been ni rested nt Snyre by Iohlfh Valley Detective Casltoy, chat Red with Rtcnllnt nt dlftereiit times. Their iiameH nre Duiilel Lnupheie and .Mich ael and JnmoM Uoylc. A movement Is belnr made by Hi nil foul county members of Company SI, Ninth toKtment, to form nn niftanln t Ion. Kied Neakey, a WyulusltiB lad, fell from n window on iSIonday and ie relved n broken neck. MONTROSE, Siicrl.ll to Hie s.miitou TiIImiu-. Monliose, Nov. 2S.-Slieilff William J. Stnxcy, OHHlsted bv Postmaster S. 3. AVrlRhl unit V. T. m ouster, csn con veyed four piisoners to the Eastern poiiltenllaiy at Phlladrdpbln Monday, vl7 Thoinas Hi lets, Frank Snillh and Stlihatl ljmii.s, who will each cerve fifteen months for jallbicaklni. mid Fmnk Fasselt, who wilt f-eive une year and eight nitmths foi hotse steal Irf,, iliick will nlso have to 'erve one voni and eight month for breaking and "nteiliif the Trie stntion at Client Bend. Pdltor James P. Taylor and f.tmilv nie the quests of Mr. and Slis. Nor man Stewait a( The SteillnK In Wilkes-H.uip. Thiw will leluin on Fi Idav. Ml" Peilha Oetillsnti, of Spiliifvlllr. has been vlitln( her mint, Sirs, i. V.. Men Itson. In this place. Aitbur rjiinis. of I-eistiishlre, N.-Y.. ".as the kuo.o of his paients, sir. and "Mrs. M. IJ. (iiltlls, In tills pinto, oer Smidav. Yiootnan (.laidinei, a etudent at tho Keystone Atadem.v. Faotoiyvllle. Is 1 homo to spend Thanks;;ivinfr. (lenn lluy, who holds a line posi tion as eleetiloul engineer at Sehenee fjdy, X. V., will spend Thanl:-nlvln, with ills paients, Sti. untl SIi. 'iZ. ilu, at I lie Slontiose Housf. Albeit Sillier, one of our popular trinsoil.il aitists, Ills been confined to bis home by Illness for a few (lavs. Vnion TlinnksKlvliiK rii(es will be held in the I'lesbvteiim chin oh and the seimon will be prcaehul by Itev. A. T, Henton, T I., paslot of the. ohm eh. Tlieie iiiomli,es to be a eiy laige at tendance at Village Hall tonli?ht. vhen "The Two Oiphans" will be pi -son ted bv total talent, for Hie benefit of r.esouo Hook and Ladder tompanv. r,ety oltien ol Slontiose and cpei -ialiy eciy piopcitv owner In the boi -ii.i!h, should eontiibute toward the II ninelal success ot the oicasion. Thiitv-two tons, tixty-loiii thousand pounds', ol poultiy, was .shipped hum i this station last week fot the eilv mullets The piiees paid ueie nine tentr lor i bloliens, ten cents for duoks and eleven cents for tuil.ojrf, mi aer ano of ten cents a pound, nmountin; in the .iKfiicsjate. to $('. 100 Quite n ileal sum toi out vlcinltv taimei.s to P'tt in theii pooketb. Clmiles W. nrodhead. of Slonhos-c. liienibei lor Susi)uehanim eounty of the state board or tiKiloultuie, has oomph-ted an iniements lor 'a numbei of fauneis' institutes, to lie held at aiimis )oints in ihH countj n-'t nionlh. I'lominent speakeis will b" in ationdance, and roione is ooi dlallv invited to attend The insti tute foi tills vicinity will be held in the com t house In this pl.ieo on Dee. S Mis. n T. Sweet, of Scianton, who visited hot sister. Slis AV. S Slulloid, in this place, last week, i chimed home tile blot of the week. The pupils of Sliss Uoau'.sloe held an inloimal i coital in the studio on Pfitmdnv afternoon. Tl.ev will soon Blu a public leeital in Villase Hall, to which all Interested in music will be hulled. Sliss "Mabelle Shaw will spend Tiuinksifivinp; v ith lelnliveh In Bin.T hamton. The pioposed exclusion of the teach eis of Siisriuehanua lountv lo the. nation's cnplial city, '.n take plac3 iict month, has boon abandoned, n the committee Is unable to truaiantee i ho sale of the number of tickets te (liilicd bv the lallroad compnnle.s. Sliss Lena Dooiittle. of Diisl ....nidh buifr, foimeily of this plaie, 1; vlslt In frnmonr fi lends In thii place. The Slisse.s lllddio will i lose their home on Clu'ich stieoi the first of the week, and witli their nlecee, the Slisse.s Halsev, will ti'tuin to riilla dolphla lor the wlntti. Sliss Anmi HruiliiRtnn left Slondav morninjr for !.enn, N". c, in muse her bi other, .Tames F. Haiilngton, who is ciltlcally 111 of typhoid fever. K1NGSLEY. 5-peiI il to tlic Simnton Trlliuiu'. KinRsley, Nov. 28 Hauy Van Dus. klrlc will move to their faim near Harford .soon. SIih. Tinier Smith has lehnned home. The Y. SI. "W. C. will hold a social In the lectuiD loom Fiiday evenlnsr, Nov. iQ. Sliss Daisy Hlituh visited her parents at Dlmock Satuiday and Sunday. nevhais in the M, K. ehutch this w eek. Kev. J. P. Slunwell and Miss Get tiudo Steams attended thu convention at Philadelphia last week. Mr. Stnn well fravo a veiy IntetestiiiK irmort Sunday mornlnir. ThankssrlvinB; services in the SI, K. chureh nt U n. m. Iiev. J. p. Slun well will preach the sermon. SPR1NGVILLE. SmlIjI o IIio Scuiiton Tlitniiu', SpiliiKVllle, Nov. 28. Two Intlua of aiioiv fell heie limt nlslit. Kdear It, Button has been sick ten days, but Is better now, and Is out on the btieet, N, If, Sheiiiiun Ik now In ehtuae ot the gioceiy lately vacated by Itobert S. Wilson. The heaviest luln that lias visited us since last winter cnine Sunday night, but yet not enough to leplonlsli wells, muny of which aie div. Miles Pilclmid has been on the slelt list but Is now at woik asuln. Robeit Wilson has had the western fever a Jong time, mid last week ho got up a Htmt for Red Lodge, Mou tunu, Peny H, Lyman, his broti-er-In-law, went wth him. Stanley Ly man, a brother of Peuy, has been at lied Lodge seveial yours, and has been hem on a visit, and tbo otheis wont with him on his return. Miss Leda Teiry Is slightly till this week, und is not able to be out. 1(9H Scott has been running the milk slntlon at Lyman durlnrc the sickness of the operator, E. L. llutton. Sirs. Ocitrudo Goodwin Is making; nn extended visit lo her pntentn, Mr, and Mm. Dnnlol Thomas, near hore. The chimney recently built on the end of Dr. Plcltard's looks rather odd, und yet Ib very nlee. S. O. Culver hnn lately been calm ing the Methodist Episcopal church and It looks very nobby In Its dress of enn nrv yellow and orange. Theodoio LaDnrr has moved his fain-, llv Into rooms over Henry Williams' stole that u'ete. lately vacated by Pleiec Kinney. Blba Lott has moved Inlo the Albert Tlcaidsley house, nnd Slis. Molvlh Terrv bus inoed Inlo the looms that he vacated. Evoiyono hnlls tlic change of time on the Montrose branch of the Lehigh Valley lallroad with delight. Wis now get the afternoon mall at :!::!" In stead of two liouiH after dtuk us formcilv. The morning mail gets here a little after It) o'clock. Harvey K. Sherman has somewhat Impioved In his Indisposition fo that he is now able to be aiound out of doois a little when the weather Is good. Encouraging lepoits come fioni lit tle Willie Hendeishot who Is In the hospital being heated for disability of the lower limbs. TUNKHANNOCK. frnielnl to Hit Jirnntmi I'rILi e Tuiikhannoek, Nov. JS The Tunk hannook foot ball team closes Its sea son on Tlunsday with a finmo with the shong High School team of AVIIkos Darro. The team has had a most suc cessful season and hopes to linlsh ut) with n vlotoiv lomoiiou'. Hon. K. J. .Toideti left heie foi Phila delphia toditv. uhcie he will spon tlie imlance of the week. The young son of Hon. A. H. Sipiier Is seiiously III with pneumonia ami' smnll hoiics me entortnlnod of his le covorv. Juiv CoimnlI.soner John AVall. of Ueaumont, was in town on Tuesday, lnoklmt up names to be placed In the wheel for the next ettr. The Jury wlieel will be filled on Dee. 1 for the. ensuing je.tr and the Juiy for Jnminiy teim of oouit diawn at the s.imo time. Elllah Kintnci, of Slelioopany, has been appointed to till the vaennev caused by the death of Commissioner Hoi ton Wood Hew Walter Dunnutt in meeting with gieat sucecss in his meetings nt the Slehtodlst chinch and they will bo continued throughout the week. A morning pi aver meetinsr Is being held each morning at S o'clock, in addi tion lo the afternoon and eveninr; sei-vke-.. Slis. Kul, wife or Justice W. P.. Kut, is veiy III, being affected with nemalgia or the heart. It is feaied that vhe -vv 111 not recover. Hon. A H.Snuiei will winter hl-s hot so Sunlight Chimes nt the stables ot sr. I.. Pen in. at PIttston. .Tnmes Cosgioe, a lormei icsidont or this place, died at the Pt. Toseph' i hospital at Philadelphia last Sundaj-. He had ber n an Inmate 0f the Soldiers' Home at Hnmpton, Vliglnin, for sonu time pievious to bis death, and his family still reside at this place. S. W. I'ysenbach and wife have le tuined horn a two weeks' nip to Now Vorlc and v.ulous ))lnce In the Ne. Ungland stales. Tiiey wltncsed the Yale-Hainid foot ball game at New JJavrn on Noveinber 21. The officers ol the new Junior Or der of Ameiican StoUmnlcs, just oi ganized heie, will bo Installed on Tlimsday evening. Nov. l'n. The sale of the peisonal piopeity of James O. Ltlshton, bv vlitue of Imnk niptcy puxeedlngs. takes place at the fa tm, lust below town, on Satuiday. FOREST CITY. Spuiil tn 1 1' Si i niton 'I i ilium' Foiest Cltv, Now 2S Di. D. Duj'or lias ieeoied the appointment from Judge'Seaile as burgees of Foiest Cltj", ite J. F. Gallagher, leslgned. A dance was held In the opeia house last night which was hugely attended and gicntly enjoyed. Piofessor Fhth. ol Caibondale, tuinished music, and W. J. Collins was prompter. About sixty have joined the Book club, which is. now complete. The oi dsr for the books lias been plaeed and they will be put in eiiculation in a week or two No school Thut.sdtiy or Fiiday. Fianels P. Hoban, of Caibondale, was a business caller In town Wednes day. T. W. Thlese has pm chased an In tel est in the blacksmith business ot G. W. Slooro. They will move from Center sh eet to Hlgglns" avenue. The dancing class will meet again Fiiday evening, when the question of Its continuance will be decided. The funeial of Sirs. William O'Keefo took place at T.43 this morning. Ser vices were held In St. Agnes' chinch nnd the remains were taken to Hones dale for intei ment. AVOCA. Postottlie boms today fiom 0 to 11 a. m. and horn 6 to 7 p. in. Evangeltcal sei vices aie being held this week at tho home of Sliss Marv Hastle. In the Noith End. J. Hudson Ballard, ofxKlmira, Is presiding. The public is eotdlnlly invited. - Sir. and Sirs. D. C. Slorton aie spend ing a. few days n New Yok cltj'. Sliss Nellie Claik has been added to tho corps of Instiuctois at the Intei natlonnl Couespoiidenco schools. Tho funeial of Thomas, the thirteen-veai-old son of SIi. and Mrs. Patilok Ityan, took place yesteiday nftornoon. The pall-beaieis weie Pahlck dee. don. Patrick MoAndiew, AVIlllam Fltz Patrick, William Studders, Thomas Queoney and David McAndrew. Inter ment was made In St. Maiy's cemotoij-, A social will be held in Saistleld hall this afternoon nnd evening. Andiew and Chailes Druffner aie spending the day hunting ut Clifton, Easy to Cute a Cold If you go about It Hunt. Take two or ttueo Krause's Cold Cure Capsules durhiB the day and two before retiring at nleiu. This will Insure a good nlsht's rest and a flee movement of the bowels next mornlngr. Continue the tieatment next day nnd j-our cold will molt awny, Pi lee .5c, Bold by Matthews Htos, t Special (u the S union Tribune. Duiyen, Nov, 2S. SI(s. H. Hushes has adopted the babe found In the cave at PIttston. SIUs Slaiy Nolan bus Impioved af ter a serious Illness of typhoid fever, Durjeu High school bus purchased a new typow titer. Mrs. James Hollls, of Miller's Glove, visited friends ut Dupont on Monday. Tle pupils of i.Mlss Doufher's and Sliss Dills' rooma held nn entertain- ment yesterday. School will bo closed today and tomorrow. Sliss Alice Drown Is III. Sirs. o. r. Ace has icimned her family to Slis. llenjamln Ulclinrilson'n house on Front Btreet. Mr. Walter Nnylor will occupy Mr. O. Itlchnrd's house, coiner of Front and ('hutch streets. Class No, 7 of the Ililetc Methodist Episcopal Sunday school will hold n. social nt the pnrsonago on Monday evcnliifr, Dec. :i. Numerous games wilt he Indulged In, stub ns peanut hunt, Pie race, fruit race, etc. All nie cor dially Invited. The Ilrlck Stetliodlst Eplseopul and Primitive stetliodlst Sunday schools nie busy preparing for the Christmas exercises. MOOStC. Miss Atke Heniy nnd Sliss TIol'Mi floss expect tn spend Thnnkslvlng In New Yoik. Mi p. Carrie Williams, of Ann Aibor. Mich., spent yesteidav at the homo of llev. J. N. Bailey. A special ThnnksRlvlng home mis sionary service will be given this evcnhir ot 7.:iC ut the Presbyterian ehuiili. under the iitispl'os of the Womun's Sllsslonmy society, to which service all aie Invited. A social time will be enjoyed and lerreshmentH served by the, ladles after the sci vices. How T. S. Annentroiil, who hns been nsslstlng In the meetings held this week In the Piesbytciian chut oh, 1ms been enlbd home by a death In his congiegation, utTd Dr. Hnrshaw, of West PIttston, will pirac.h at the pti. parntory services Fiiday night. John Close expects to spend Thanks giving Day in Kingston. Sfany young men of our town expect to spend todaj' hunting. The enteitalmnent given by the pu pils of Moosic High school j-esteulav was a great success. The lectin o on the battle ol Ootlys bliig. delivered bv Dr. O L. Severson, of West Pltthton, in the Sb'thodlst: Episcopal chinch of this place on Tuesday evening, was listened to by a good-sized nnd voiv appicclatlvo au illuioe. The speaker held his au dience spell-bound for about one hour and a hnlf. Occasionally he would le htte an Incident that would cause a lipple of laughter through the house, wlillo at other times his dosciiption of the battle was so vivid that me would imagine himself at the .Tine of the conflict. THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. -Ui-i's Mln-au K 'IIIUliMm ifliiuoon ami inidit KIIIPW .U SML'IIPW -MIMiiJ IlnlljnJ hi "The I'owii llchiml tin-vl lironn." salunliv tiulliiti Academy. -I lie sp mm is Gaiety. , inV- -I lu- 'luuilu I tub VI. I. Wl I K I.ASI Ullll I. "The Night of tne Eoiuth." (junto AUi, the ici-alili jciuu lniu tliu Willis the labks ill nl mi ttlilril have cnnrcl libn mhIi i ttule leiuitition iluriiij,' the 1 ut.i ti ii", his nut udiltil tu Ins tame to uit iptiu iiiIjIc I'Vtent lit the fiKL LOincdt, 'Tin' SUM nf tin Inuilli," wlikh was iJip.-tntcd t the l ii inn 1 isl nitlit bifoio i liir sl?cd audit iilp 'llin lirie hn 'onie blight up-lo-tlate dialogue lint It luilll nn the sjuie uod uld lines lli.it hic I'U t.iiletl (or jciio in Hie construction ot such af-fni-s. Mi. Ado li i-i oi!i;iiulitt but il dots nut i't tic from tho fine o that jon uuuM notlre it. 'Iho fjut' wis pioicnlul ut a tlNadt.uitino list iulit, cmbii iti tin- illniss of J bhoiiie Jliltlieni, v. lm, ulfli Ilarrj IliiUti, i IkIiik sluli'cd in thu piici. .Vlattliens' pl.iiL' ttas t.iksn In Philip II. It.ilc.t in a vert cjitlsfjcto-j nnii ncr, but he ui i.ot o foitunitc in thi; in tiler of hn unildstiidt. 'the loin uiRxinent of tho c it Ih it Vlattlu.ttt'dliu.bM made not-ciii lunk o,uo ot the snap out of tho nerformanrc ""I i uiactl i tlisarruiycmcnt of the "potialtics lliilgn proved liimsolf a (,'Hjt cnlLrtaiucr imt his clloilh vu'io ilily buppliiniutcil bv Philip II. lttltt. Walt oi Joint, of "1102" funo, oiio 1 Ulmllcv nnd Io,lo UcUilt. Diiiliu- tho aitlon of (he fme a nunihoi of thmounhh niotloiii bptcialtin llio introduced. A Double Bill. Hit ni; ons uf the Autk'im .,( lu,lt ttur well lepald for atteiifliii tlio pcifoitnuuo vis tudaj attcnioou -it that tlicitci. 'Ihu 'pooncn. nlrndy have tho roputatlon tlnmihmit (lie lountij or proatiitiiu; (list Ujss platn al popu lai prices that oqual If not -mpitn (be oiIkIiiiI prtiductlon of the pieces YiUnhy aiteinoun thej yaincil new laurels in Smiiton hy pit eciKliu; a ;,'und double bill. Tho cuitaln raUrr, intiUitl "Ilit tun Two rort"," vuittcn bj JIis Cecil "poonei, ipptilallv for liir hlstn, ttas veiy pliAdn, anil the aftei-piceo entitled "In 1778," was ariaiiRid and diumuUzed y Slits I'tliu Jlav 'poiiiiei. Is a beiiitlful -tory of the ilajx of the leiolutiun The phce ollonls plentv of oppoKuiutin foi (he display of liandroiue t,ons and tellings; the miiio hna 1h.hi lakt.ii advmit ijjo of bv (lie 'puoiii'is in tho slaglnR of (ids ploy, with the re-ult lint (Iielr porfomiinie jevtcuhv ittn iiotm of "In 177 ' h the prctllet-t etdonhl plij of the season. last cveiiinu "A Wife's i'ciil" was pioduietl The ft(cilaltli wlilUi aie a bltr feiluie with tlih oisanlrjitloii, add uicutly lo (he rijuljr pciforin nine, lite plijh for (ho balance of the will: are announced in a krparate spaco in tills pipei. West's Minstrels Today. I he tippciranco in this city ut the I.jceinn (hid afternoon and e cuing of the leading mite hlul oi'BanizatloM of Amcii a. "William If, Wtit'n ni Minstrel Jubilee," nnies witli (he iiiiiioimeiiuent a ileil of pleaauicablo aullLipe (ion iraid ami hobs, wutiles and anvlelj aie nil ahvuhid h) the happy jestK of tlic end man, the until uiiludlts ti lue inncn,, i lie comic nitty i of hours or tiiubouilne, aiul the wnuihr intpli ' im; acts In tho olio, i:crjliotly likea a gootl minstiel bhow. It appeals to all tastes, ami en urtalns and amucs (lie avciaire Ameiiuu cili ni as no other tljln of cntcrttiiiitiuut Mitieedi in ilolngr. "Power Behind the Throne." s Ml-s Jliltlictl Holland, who hv her womiuli. iu and ulenl has won ail enviable reputation tothlly ami artistically In the world of dram, atlti ait, lu aildcil new I.iurcU by licr rreilinn of (he lole of Aria In "'I lie Power Behind (he Throne," In (Ills new lonunlio ihanu Vli Holland liat verified (in picilktions frequently made by (he critics when ho vnm Identlfled with (ha An Kiieliu Dal.v pioductlons, (hat tome day the would occupy a portion hi (lie foremost rank) of America's IcadbiB emotional aitrcsnes. Ae. coidlng to Ihuat! viliu have been foiluimte tnoujh to witnt is her aril. tie poi(raj al of th, cvtrciiie ly diflkull lole, that day lias urrlvctl. Miss llollind pOMCitcs eveiy neiessaiy icqui' ilo tu SUCHS.S in hei chocii piofcvtlou, a chaiin, Ins; ic'ikonallly, ambition, cnthiulatiu, peuoiul uiaitiietltiii and cxtiemo talent, and has demon strated by Iter poiltJjal ot (his new nml rv tlimel.i dllticiiH lole Hut ihe is possessed of tlio neecssai) ttren.dli. Jorce und rcccrvc power to play iragedy il called upon tu do so. hho win bo teen at the Jjeruin (omoirow nluht and S.it. milaj ulleriiooii and nliiht. "The Lost Paiadise." On Monday night next, pations of (he At ad nil) will luvo an opportunity of whiuctlng u lever production of that well Known play, "Iho l.ott PdradUaV' by John A. lllmmeUliis h't company, "Tlic. Ideals," Inrludliiif llowa)ir Twentieth Centiuy hand and oieliextu. 'ils is ono of the old ami lonj estahlUlutl icpci'lolu uicaulzattoiu, unci Is btcond tu none pla.vlu at JONAS LONQ'8 SONS Store Closed Today. Thanksgiving; Day. More of the Great Sixty Minute Sales After the Thanksgiving rest, you'll be ready for the Friday Sale. We give you the news of it in advance, so that you may ponder over it during the holiday. Study each item carefully. Count the sdving, and remember that OUR GREAT ONE HOUR FRIDAY AFTERNOON SALES lay extraordinary opportunities across your pathway. First the basement. Be on time with the ringing of the gong. At Two O'clock Sharp. CLOTHES BASKE TS Made of best grade of willow, steamed and bent; good size and a great bargain, for One 1 lour At Three O'clock Sharp HHMBMHHHHHHHIHHMHIMHBM 15c LACES at 7c YARD An interesting lot, consisting of Valenciennes, Point de Paris, Orientals and Imitation Duchess in both cienie and white; exquisite patterns and designs, some of them very wide. Values from 1L' to lb'c the vard all to go Friday for one hour at .: ". 7c 20c GLOVES for 13c PAIR Ladies' Cashmere Gloves, a good deal better than most sorts sold at twenty cents. About four hundred pairs in this lot, four button length and finely ikeced. All sizes to choose fioni, an extraor dinary value Fricku at ; o'clock for, Pa- ' ' 13C 35c PILLOW TOPS at 19c Want some thing to help out dining the long evenings? Make a few Pillows. These Oriental Tops aie superb works of art. beautifully designed in the richest of colorings. Some of the patterns can be worked in tinsels, adding lo the richness of them. They'd be cheap at ;l."c. Friday t for one hour at 3 o'clock 1 vC At Four O'clock Sharp. ings. both light and dark, good qualil and nicely fleeced, better than on always pay Sc. Friday at -t o'clock for 25c OVERGAITERS at 15c Ladies' Ovcrgaiters, made of heav cloth in seven but ton length only; no one should go without them; they not only protect the footwear, but keep out the' cold and comfort to the wearer. This lot for Fiiday is of splendid quality and sold in some stores as low as 2."c Here Fri- dav at 4 o'clock for 1 5C In your travels for Footwear, don't forget this best ready to supply you with every needful thing at much' less Jonas popular inlici. Uintf licaiki l tin- uimuma lomcriicmic, MUi Head lie KarK'. Willi ilioS epcciJltlts mi- inliudutdl ut all pirloimanuw, uu utra Mture lifina; (ho Mulul llauiu, In (litir nutr) Hit, intrtuliicin a a llety of mmiial iuUunienW. ' amil followed by u mKU rout u nlll lio xiuii l lloufon'n Twentieth Century laml en MiMulai at II '0 a. im. 'Ihc uual onil4i ilail.t iiiilluci. will lc lilajoil JONAS LONQ'G SONS Sale No. 1. Begins GLASS TUMBLERS, 2c Heavy glass in many differ ent styles; iust the thing for evcrv dav use. Friday at L (clock : ". 2C TOILET VASES AND MUGS, 3c Of porcelain, made to hold Tooth Hrushes, etc. o'clock, for each , TIN WASH BOILERS No. 9 size, made of best quality of American tin, and a great bargain for One hour, . at 37c DOVER EGG BEATERS, the genuine "Dover" like which there "is none other to good. Plenty for all who come, at '1 o'clock 7C CLOTHES PINS, of hard seasoned wood, turned and finished perfectly smooth. Fi ickly for One n f . m Sale No. 2. Begins at 3 O'clock Sharp. 50c DRESS GOODS at 26c We begin the 3 o'clock sale with an extraordinary offeiing, icpresenting ten pieces of gen uine .'J-inch Wool Fteizc, of eha heavy weight. A matchless fabric for storm skirls and '.nits, requiring no lining. In strength, appearance and durability il is the peer of any fifty-cent cloth made. Reads at ." o'clock shaip Friday afternoon for, z ard '. 20C 25c HOSIERY at 17c PAIR A splendid lot of Ladies' very line quality weight and strictly all-wool Hosiery in medium weight with ribbed tops, double heels and toes, full fashioned and finely finished. A quality that would be cheap in any stoi e at lc, we offer Friday for one hour at 1 C somclv finished Sale No. 3. Begins at 4 O'clock Sharp. 35c POCKETBOOKS at 21c Maybe you need a new one to save up the Christinas money in. These are the kind for that purpose. Made of line imitation seal in black and colors in both double and single frame with patent catches. Nicely fin ished inside with oxidized, gilt and silver corners on the outside. Friday at 4 o'clock for X 1 C 25c STAND COVERS at 19c This is without question the prettiest lot of STAND COVFRS that ever peeped over our counters. They are full length, mostly white gioimds, with figured and floral center- in colois. Some of them have solid color centers with white figtues; all of them are fringed. Cheap at 2."e, but cheaper Fiiday for an hour I vC 8c OUTING ELANNEL, 4yic Had a sale of Outings like these three weeks ago and ou could hear the hum' of the scis sors all over town. ( )ntinir Flrmnok nf tlu most rlrvsirnhlo nlni. Long's Sons Fabhioiifible Wedding. Il.v rxclimhe Uiie from '(ho ,.oiia(nl I'u'.j. Iaiuabter, 1'J i : 2S.-'llio loipihl anl miMt faliioiiatilc iiMirio; lint hai Ufa nie liratnl in thii citi foi Vonie jiara otcurittl t lilt cunlntr w lu n JlUf Ciaiv Amu IIro.hu, daugli. tU'Of (Joiikiitrnji ilariioicllimiini, wa n.lul tu L'lenunt Jlllk'i- llnldlc, ot I'ltubuii,-, JONAS LONQ'G SONS. ' ' SVSu' uWUSlsAAO l sale at o'clock sharp in at 2 O'clock Sharp. fine decorated Friday at 2 31c On Second Floor. 98c BLACK SKIRTS at 59c Can't . wear am other kind but black, during these stormy wintry days and why should you? Here is a lot of ery fine quality fast-black mercerized Skirt-, that come in all lengths and aie hand- with corded ruffle. Price theni't am w heie in the cit and you'll payflSc for them. !'"i idav at :'. o'clock for 5VC $1.75 fiWANTS' CLOAKS, $1.33 Want to die-1; the little shaver in the pink of style and perfection, line's our chance. A fine lot of Infants' Pideulown Cloaks that come in both cicam and iul and exquisitely trimmed with angoia fur. 11 mas in the lot, and considered very low in pt ice at 1.7."). Friday at I! o'clock for One flour $ 1 .33 98c WRAPPERS for 59c You'll want one of these tine Flannelette rappers when you see them. Quite heavy material, made with full skirt, ti iuimed collars and yoke and body lined. All the sizes from '.VI to .":!. A regular 08c Wiapper to go Fi idav for one hour. . . . 5"C mam sorts for which .1 ' AiC 45c UNDERWEAR for 29c Children's and .Misses' L'nion Suits, which ate decidedly the most deniable for winter wear; of finest quali ty cotton ribbed, made on the same patterns as tlie Oiicila; perfectly cut and finished and con sidered good value at l.'e. Im idav at I , I o'clock for ' 29C of all Shoe Stores that is than others charge. IMust Answer Sorious Charge. Il.v I. xclu.ii e Wire from The AssocIle4 Vtui. HarrUhurfir, Nov. 'Je. Caicrnor Ston hit lioo. iiinl Hid rL'iuIiitio'it it Coveinw Yoorlifcj, c Ne Jar, in Dr. Giortso W. Bow and Mrt. luij llakl, of I'liiUdrlphfk. viho re iujr4 at Atlantic liiy (o atiiwfr wrlouj cbw Lroutflit by tho liu.laiul of ills. Ik'rlct, val ml m tie i . X 'I .'I .il hit ty i r "f ," Xr.tjt , wv h" 'i l . -IB Jul il,