The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 29, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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.. m erinae
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Will Open on Monday Evening In
tho Banner Block Exhibit Will Be
Vory Elaborate Gorrity-Cawley
Nuptials nt St. Patrick's Church.
Chrysanthemum Social, Dance In
Mcars' Hall, Banquet at Fnirchlld's
to Successful Candidates at Kecent
Election News fcotcs and Per
sonal Paragraphs.
During tliu week beginning Die. :S
tlic Young Women's Christian nssocln
tlon will hold a "Dolls' Carnival" for
tliw edllleatton of West Scranton chll
tlron. The object of tin- carnival t.s to
secure money to raise tln debt against
thu organization. Jti order to in teres) t
Hie public the co-opcratlon of the blisl
noss men, ull leading eliurcli workers,
as tha association Is iiilcr-ilcnomlmi-ilonal,
must bo secured.
To Induce the business men to extend
their support the committee decided to
s'll spaces at a given price per run
ning foot to the leaning merchants In
ilie city to exhibit their wares In as
attractive a manner us possible, the
only restriction belli;? that no two
houses shall exhibit the same line of
goods. Knch proprietor will decorate
and otherwise beautify his own space,
the committee bavins erected a scaf
folding for the purpose. The value of
securing a space at tho carnival is two
fold: First, as an advertising agency.
In all probability thousands of people
will view the dolls during the week,
and visitors noting these different ex
hibits will know Just where to go and
purchase their Christmas gifts in a
manner pleasing to purse and taste.
Secondly, it will serve as an aid to
the organization holding the carnival.
Once the association Is put on a work
ing footing, llnanclally, the girlhood of
West Scranton cannot help but he
raised to a plane of higher Ideals
through contact with the association
and Its workers. This will mean an
increase in homes and better homes,
a decrease in financial drain upon the
public purse for houses of refuge and
correction and prison taxes.
The result is obvious. The better the
class of citizens, the better the business
interests. The co-operation of the
leading church workers has been se
cured and already these different com-
Another Mansions Bargain
Sals of New Fancy Dress Goods
The time for au active effort to clean up season's stocks
has arrived and we begin the work n right good earn
est in our Great Fancy Dress Goods Department. The
stock has bscu gone through with the usual care and
every piece iu it marked down to a price that will insure
the object a med at,n amely
A Complete Clearance of All Goods
Of Passing Fashion Before Stock Taking
As this is an Annual Sale, the genuine merits of which
are well known to our patrons, it would be sheer waste
of time to elaborate further on how and why these
extraordinary values are offered. If you are interested
put our statements to the test by coming to see the
goods at the new figures placed on them. That will
settle any doubts that may exist, in a jiffy.
A Few of This Week's Bargain Specials
A Wonderful 25c Lot
Hundreds of pieces in the newest
fthncles and weaves, all 38 inches
vtdo, and most of them worth uo
much more than we are asking'
that the actual reductions would
seem incvedlblo if wo stated them.
Choice Oul
or mis Lot 25c
A 19c Surprise Lot
Only hall a hundred pieces here,
so they wout last, because they're
right up to the minute in fashion
nnd all good styles. 25c. a yard
was the price n few days ago.
' . Choli'D Out .
or This Lot 19C
Less Than Half a Dollar
Now, and yet they sold freely at
75c, a yard. Files of silk and wool
mixtures and all wool weaves; 40
inches wide and the best color ef
fects. nioico or .
This Lot 49C
46-Inch Henriettas 49c
Every thread wool, nnd the best
05c, cloth we have ever shown.
Best dye and finish, with full range
of shades.
Special Price A
Diii'Ihk Hale 49C
The Sale Is Now
Globe Warehouse
mlltoes have solicited from nil sections
of the West Side dolb to ho Hold for
tho henollt of tho association, dolls of
every hind, baby' dolls, tailor madu
dolls, rag dolls, hoys, sailors unil
"coon" dolls, cheap dolls and expensive
dolls, dolls to suit the heart and purse
of every child In the city. A veritable
Hnnta Clans land. And nil well dreasod
and the clothing made to last.
In addition to this work the ladles
have charge of candy and refreshment
booths. The' workers have also se
cured the very best musical talent In
the city to entertain the visitors carh
evening. A full programme will be
announced later. To secure the chil
dren's Interest you must touch some
thing close to the little ones. What
can be of more Interest to the wee
maiden than her doll, or to the sturdy
boy than his knife?
The committee has Invited all girls
to register their dolls at 10 cents each
and some little girl will at the end of
the week carry home that beautiful
work basket or doll as a prize, and the
boys will possess the foot ball and
camera. These three prizes are offered
for the best dressed doll and the deli
cate knife work In the line of (lulls'
Remember the date, Monday even
ing, Dec. :!, at 7 o'clock, Kvery one
should arrangement to be present dur
ing the carnival. Announcements will
be made later of the program, booths
and donations.
Wedding at St. Patrick's.
The marriage of Patrick Gonlty, of
330 Fifth avenue, and Miss Margaret
Cawle.V. of Pi lee street, was solemn
ized nt St. Patrick's Catholic church at
1 o'clock yesterday afternoon In the
presence of the relatives and friends of
the contracting parties. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. P. K. Lavclle.
The bride was becomingly nttlred in
a gown of seal brown, Willi white satin
trimmings, and hat to match, and car
ried a bouquet of white roses. The
bridesmaid ,was Miss Kate Griffin, of
lioslon. a cousin of the bride. She was
dressed In a costume of blue, with pink
trimmings and hat to match, and car
ried pink chrysanthemums. The groom
was attended by his brother, Michael
Immediately after the nuptial knot
was tied the wedding parly enjoyed a
drive to Olyphant, and upon their re
turn were tendered a reception at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John C.iwley, liOHo Price street.
Dance In Mears" Hall.
A jollv crowd of young people in
vaded Mears' halt last evening in at
tendance on the representative dance
given under the nuspices of the St.
Patrick's 1-adies' Irish Ciithollc Denev
olent union. The participants were
costumed to represent their country
cousins and tho gallant lads of long
niro, and all entered Into the spirit of
the occasion i 1th much pleasure. Tho
dance music was provided by the Star
The gentlemen who assisted the la
dles In conducting the affair were.
Frank McDonough, master of cere
monies; John Crawley, M. J. Jennings,
John Gallagher, P. McAndrew, P. Mor-
These Are 69c a Yard
Rich silk and wool Tartan Plaids
in the most complete range of clans
and fancies ever shown in this city, ,
Actual value hoc.
Yonr Choice
DurliiK Mlo 09C
42 inch Storm Series 49c-
Extrn wo'ght, pure wool and very
best finish; navy and black only at
this price.
A Vo,' An
lixira Value 49c
48-Inch Pebble Cheviots 75c
Pure wool of course, and the
highest $1.00 a yard grade. Tho
color list is complete,
Your ruolco ,
This Week at 75c
54-Inch Venetians 89c
These are new late comers; all
the new effects and shades are rep
resented. We intended to say $1,00
a yard, but let them go
Duriutr 'this -
Hale Only at 09C
Yery Special
We have lust received n full 11, 10
of tho new polka dot cashmeres in
all the new pastel shades. The"
aie much wanted for waists nnd
fashion's first favorite this year,
in Full Swing,
Ran, James Degnnl, John ShiiURhne'
r.y and Frank Dillon, lloor committee.
Itufroshments were nerved by Mr.
Carson nnd Mrs. Sharp. Hevoral hun
dred people participated Iu tha af
fair. St. Mark's Lutheran Church,
How A. Ii. Hamer, tho pastor, re
turned from WllkcH-Harre yesterday,
where ho delivered a, lecture on Tties
day ovenlng.
Hpgnliir Thanksgiving services will
Im ht'ld In the church today, beginning
at n. m. A special sermon on
the observance will hu delivered by the
The Hcranton and WIlkeH-tlnrro Iai
theran Pastoral league will meet tit
ttov. Itnmer'n homo at 10 o'clock next
Monday morning. A programme of
muuh merit will he prepared, and each
clergyman will speuk cm a given sub
ject. Kev. Humor's references will he
madu to "Baptism." A general discus
sion will follow each subject.
Flowers, Music and Recitations.
Tho Suntlay scliool class In the
First Welsh Baptist church taught by
Miss Mile Thomas, sold cut llowers
and chrysanthemums to n large num
ber of patrons last evening and Inci
dentally entertained thuin with mi cx
cdlent programme of music, recita
tions, etc.
The participants were 11m. 13. 15.
Thoiiius. Mrs. S. 1). Pettlt, .Misses
Kliznbeth Hughes, Pearl Jenkins, IjIvs-Kit-
May Howell, Veriia Williams, Mar
tha Dnvls, John Evans and William
Evans. Ice cream, candy and cake
were also served.
Successful Politicians Banquetted.
District Attorney-elect W. It. Lewis,
Clerk of the Courts Thomas P. Dan
iels and Select Councilman Edward
James, jr., legislator-elect, were ban
l.ietted at Falrchlld's holel last even
ing by fellow members of the Robert
Morris Lodge of Ivorltes. Covers were
laid for about fifty guests.
The speakers were Charles E. Dan
iel", John J. Davles, John It. Farr, XV.
Oaylord Thomas, rjeortje Howell and
the honored guests. The Schubert
quartette also assisted in tho festivi
ties. Other Recent Marriages.
Charles P. Metzgcr and Miss Jennie
Smaller, both of 316 North Bromley
avenue, were married in the court
house on Monday afternoon by Aider
man Kasson.
John G. S. Bauer and Miss Effle War
rick, of 810 South Ninth street, were
united in marriage last Friday evening
by Rev. James Bennluger, pastor of
the Hampton Street Methodist Epis
copal church, at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Warrick.
Funeral Announcements.
Kev. E. A. Boyl, pastor of the Ply
mouth Congregational church, officiat
ed at the funeral of the late George
Wyatt yesterday afternoon. The ser
vices were held at the house on North
Sumner avenue. The pall-bearers
were four young companions of tho
deceased. Interment was made in tho
Washburit street cemetery.
Services over the remains of Master
David Handle were held at the Salva
tion Army barracks yesterday after
noon. The pull-bearers were four lit
tle Kirls. The officers of the local
corps conducted tho services. Burial
was made in the Washburn street cem
etery. The remains of the late James Mur
phy, who died at his home In Tripp
Park, were interred in the Cathedral
cemetery yesterday.
A solemn high mass of requiem was
suns in the Holy Cross church yester
day morning over the remains of the
late James MeCIovern. Interment was
made in Hip Cathedral cemetery.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Lena
Shifter will take place at O.HO o'clock
this morning from the home of her
parents on West Lackawanna avenue.
Services will be held In St. John's Ger
man Catholic church and Interment
will be made in St. John's cemetery.
Notes and Personals.
Mrs. B. G. Morgan and son Ray, of
South Main avenue, will spend Thanks
giving as the guests of New York
Mrs. R, Roderick, of South Main ave
nue, is entertaining Miss Charlotte
Brown, of Honesdale.
AH the West Scranton barber shops
will close at 11.30 o'clock this morning,
and remain closed during the afternoon
and evening.
A fi-yeur-olc! child of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Koe, of North Garfield ave
nue, was severely scalded recently by
fulling into a pall full of boiling
Alfred Twining, associate editor il'
tho Times, entertained a party of
friends at his home on Swetlantt
street, Tuesday evening.
Portions of the brick pavements on
Hyde Patk avenue, between Division
and Lafayette streets, has been con
demned by the city engineer and 'Will
have to be rulald.
The cantata, "rtuth," was rendered
nt the Chestnut Street German Pres
byterian church last evening, under
the direction of the pastor, Itov. Jacob
Schoeltle. Philip Martin, Henry
Gelss, Ailnm Idling and Cliarloi lf
illng, known ns the Plumbers' tatar
tette, also rendered selections.
Kdward Lewis, of Hampton strent,
nnd Miss Miriam H. Davis, of Kynon
street, went united in marriage iu
centl.v by a clergyman In Taylor,
Mlwi Kmnia Bradley and Robert
Bradley, of New Yoik, are here to
spend Thanksgiving with their rela
tives and friends.
The di awing for nn uptight piano,
under the auspices of Division No. 15,
Ancient Order of Hibernians, hns been
postpone! until March 17.
Tho loea! postolllco will bo open to
day from 9 to 12 o'clock noon. Car
riers will inuko one delivery und col
lection In the morning. The leglstry
and money order window will bo closed
ull day.
The members of tho Washburn .street
Presbyterian lllblo school elected ofll
curs last evening for thu ensuing year,
A sun wan born yesterday to Mr. nnd
Mrs. 1. V, Tague, of Jackson street.
Th usual 'weekly prayer meeting at
the Jackson Street Buptlst church will
be omitted this evening, owing to it
being Thanksgiving day
How's This?
Wo otter One Hundred PulUrs ltewant tor jny ot Cttairli that cannot Ik lureO liy Ihll'd
Catarrh Cine.
V. J. OIIKXIIY i CO., TolHio, O.
Wti, the iiiiik'isUiud, have Kuqah l' J. Chciii'y
(or the lust If, .t-arri, and hdlcwt him perfectly
lionoubh In all Ini&liien transaction and tliun
ilally ublo tu cany out My Dbllfatlona mudo
by their firm.
Writ & Trunk', WIioUajIc rmipnUts, Toledo, O.
Wuldlni,', Klnnan & Jlaivin, Wiiultulu Drug
Kiel, Toledo, O,
Hall's Caturih Curo U taken internally, actine
directly upon the blood und iiuuou turface ul
the kjitrni. Testimonial wnt free. I'rlie "iu.
ntr bottle. Sold by all PrugKitfi.
iUll'i family I'ilU arc tha best.
The Junger Macnnerchor, Scranton
Saengerrunde, Schweitzer Maen
nerchor and Arbiter Vereln, As
sisted by Bauer's Orchestra, Ren
dered a Delightful Programme in
Worklngmnn's Hall Close of tho
Apron Social Will Brennan Ar
restedOther Newsy Notes.
The grand concert given last night
In VVorklngmen's hall, Alder street, In
honor of Pi of. Gustav Schmidt, the
director of the Jungor Maennerchor
and Arbelter Vereln singing societies,
was a magnificent tribute to a worthy
man and the spacious hall was
thronged with Ids friends, eager to
show their appreciation of the work he
has done and is doing among the
music loving classes.
I To itmlw this event n success, the
united talents of Bauer's orchi'stra,
Junger Maennerchor, Scranton Saen-'
gerrunde, Schweitzer Maennerchor and
, .Nrbelter Vereln were brought into
play and a more varied or delightful
concert was never given In this sec
Thu programme rendered was as'fol
lo ws: '
Ovciture. "Kino; MJ.i" EilcnbcrK
".Mullulleb" Vulght
Junicir Maennerchor.
Duct. "In the Still IIkIiI,"
Misses I'.iiim.i S'liriich .mill Kinmi Sued
".Munnvaiucht inn Illicin" Moyer-Olicjlun
.IilliciT Marnnerrhur.
Uaritone Solo, "Wi'tm l)u Socli lUne Mutter
Unit" Nounun
William Jlatier.
CitH.v DaiKu Rirriht
llauer's Urclii'str.i.
"Ifcrlle OcliPiiiiieiii" O. Pchnoll
Scrjiitun SacnsiTTiiiiiIp.
"Out on the Jltcp." Ilav fcolo White
.!, ob Kill;;.
"Hciiiiatlilleil" Solim.i!iergcr
hcliuvitrtr M.ieiincreluir.
"Ilu Hist Uliic Illume," tenor solo .0. Canton
Allrcil Outlirlnz.
Tho committee in charge consisted of
Fred Hermann, Theodore Lewort, John
Keinpher, Charles Burkhouser and
Emil Bonn, of the Maennerchor, and
Herman Helnrlch, Paul Deitrich, David
Schorr, Gustav Rolsch and August
Straub, of the Arbiter Vereln.
Thanksgiving Exercises.
Kxcellent Thanksgiving exercises
were held yesterday afternoon in Miss
Edna Klaumlnzcr's room, at school No.
3, when the following programme was
rendered by the children:
hliujin!? "What Makes Thanksgiving bay."
Recitation "Tonimoy Hob" Arthur Davis
Itecitutlon "Tin- Letter 'V "....Daniel Vaushan
Solo "November" Mary O'lloni
Itecilation "Mairic Vino" HuMa Stoir
SliiRine; Selected School
Recitation "Grandini's Can" ....Maitln EilTcit
Recitation "The Pumpkin" Otto Troy
Solo Selected l.ouio Schmidt
Recitation "KNir's Tliankslving. ...Klsie Own
Recitation "Little Mi- Apple. Albert Irion
Solo Selected ltulli Xoidl
SiintclnR "Over thu Itiver" School
Recitation "Novemhir" Ulslc MorlanR
Recitation Sltct(d (Jertiude Dipprc
Solo and cliorm Daniel Vaujhan
I.ouiic, Huhla Store.
Recitation "The Srmiirel's Arithmetic,"
Helen Schauta
Recitation "ThanWivitiff Rhjmc,"
Jennio Width
Recitation Selected Mary WuMi
Singing School
Close of Apron Social.
The nivron social, which opened on
Tuesday evening In the old Presby
terian church building, on Hickory
street, came to a most successful close
lost evening', after a finely arranged
and executed concert by the famous
Touhlll family, of Plttston, who gave
a delightful concert on stringed instru
ments, assisted by MlS3 Ethel Stroll,
The s-oclnl was conducted by the
Ladies' Aid society of the church and
a large sum was realized, for which
Ihey deserve much credit. The com
mittee In charge of tho arrangements
consisted of Mrs. Rosen, Mrs. John
Scheuer, Mrs. Carl Rosar. Mrs. Heps,
Mrs. Bahls, Mrs. Becker, Mrs. John
Lohmann, Mrs. Welte, Mrs. Boetger,
Mrs. Budenbach, Mrs. Buntz, Mrs.
Mary Lowert, Mrs. Kornaeher, Mrs. H.
Linn, Mrs. Lena Hafner, Mrs. Hansel
mann, Mrs. Emma Hanselmann, Mrs.
XV. Mursch, Mrs. Katherlne Kellerman,
Mrs. Emma Miller, Mrs. Mautz. Mis.
Charles Neuls, Mrs. P. Mursch, Mrs. O.
Sohns, Mrs. E. Arnold, Mrs. Schautss,
Mrs. Carl KIrst, Mrs. Dora Leng'er,
Mrs. Mary Schunk and Mrs. Margaret
Andrew Frantz Surprised.
Andrew Frantz, the jolly, jovial and
well-met grocer of Cedar avenue, was
tendered a surprise party at his home,
on Cedar avenue, Tuesday night, tho
occasion being his birthday celebration.
Mr. Frantz watt taken completely by
surprise, but soon had things righted,
and proved a Jolly entertainer. Later,
refreshments of a substantial nature
were furnished, and Mr. Frantz was
not only congratulated on having
passed another milestone, but also In
having someone to cook good meals en
Those present were Mr. and Mrs, Ed
win Frantz, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. B. Stur
devant, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Borgor, Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Phillips, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Searfass, Mrs, Amos Borser,
Stella Frantz, Viola Borger, Esther
Hturdevant, Mary Borger, Fred Hues
ter, George Phillips, Samuel Borger,
Willis Schupp, irvln Borger, Jr., Rob
ert nnd Frank Searfass.
Brief News Notes.
Will Brennan, who gave his resl
denco as Taylor, started In right early
yesterday afternoon t'o celobrato
Thanksgiving and In so doing Imbibed
too freely and became disorderly and
abusive. Patrolman Jones ran up
against him nnd arrested him. He re
slsted fiercely, compelling the officer
to tap him slightly oyer the head to
persuade him to go along, Hu was
taken to tho Alder street police sta
tion, where he spent the night.
Patrick Rooney, whoso homo Is In
Wllkes-Barre, a laborer for Contrac
tor Coons, was tnken to tha Lackawan
na hospital yesterday, suffering from
a severe attack of pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McDonough, of
Plttston avenue, arn receiving con
gratulations upon tho advent of n
bright buby girl.
Salvator Piccolo, of Plttston avenue,
a stone mason had several lingers of
his left hand badly smashed on Tues
day by having a heavy stone fall on It
while doing mason work on u cellar,
Dr. J. J. Walsh dressed his wounds.
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & U. T, Howley,831 Wyoming ave.
Tho pupils of Clrammar C grado of
No. 27 school held an Interesting
Thnnksglvlng exorcises yesterday nf
ternoon. A Thanksgiving play "No
vember Dnys," with little Vera Haw
ker us Thanksgiving, was especially
enjoyed. Tho rooms were tnstefully
decorated and several appropriate
musical selections wore sung by tins
school, At school No, 2tf several of the
rooms had special exorcises, consist
ing of music and recitations, and ended
with a phonoimiphio entertainment,
which was greatly enjoyed by nil pres
ent. Miss Klla Honey, of Mousey avenue.
Is entertaining Miss Vlrnte foitiert, of
Brooklyn, and Miss Ocne lllgbe, of
Tilnglmmton, N. Y.
Miss Anna Kelly, ot Wltkes-Barro,
Is a guest at the home of J. D. Main,
of Delaware street.
Dr. C. XV. Troverton, of Sanderson
avenue, was called nut of town yes
terday to attend Ills uncle, George?
Oliver, who H dangerously 111 nt hl3
home at Beech Lake, Wuyne county,
Marriage of David Weston nnd Miss
Sarah Jones Celebrated Last
Night Other Notes.
The marriage of David J. Weston and
Miss Sara Jones occurred last evening
ut S o'clock at tho home of tho bride's
parents on Throop street, Rev. R. S.
Jones, D. D., pastor of the Welsh Con
gregational church, ofliciating. Tho
bride was attended by Misses Mary J.
Jones, her sister, and Lizzie Weston,
sister of the groom, as bridesmaids,
and the groom's attendants were his
brother, Robert Weston, and William J.
The bride and her maids wore cos
tumes of cadet blue, and each wore
corsage bouquets. The marriago took
place in the parlor, which was nicely
decorated for tho occasion, and was
witnessed by a number of the immedi
ate friends of the happy couple. After
wards the couple and the guests en
joyed a wedding supper and made
merry with social pleasures. Mr. Wes
ton and his bride were the recipients ot
a number of valuable tokens of the re
gard of their friends.
After a short wedding trip they will
take up their residence in this part of
the city.
Briefly Noted.
The Alpha Gama foot ball eleven, of
North Scranton, will play the High
Scliool second team on Friday after
noon at 3 o'clock at Athletic nark, to
which the admission will be free. Tho
Alphas will line up us follows: Right
end. Moore; right tnckle, Gillespie;
right guard, Carter; center, BIrtley;
left guard, Taylor; left tackle, Norton;
left end, Nichols; quarterback. Lid
stone; right halfback, Collins; fullback,
Cullen; left halfback, Mackey.
There will be a meeting of the bar
bers tomorrow evening at William
Jones' barber shop on North Main ave
nue. Next Tuesday evening the Wilkos
Barre Young Men's Christian associa
tion basket ba'l team will plav tho
North End Stars at the Auditorium.
Mrs. John T. Richards, of Ohio, has
returned home, after visiting Mrs. John
T. Evans, of Wayne avenue.
Mr. John AVoIf, of Ithaca, N. Y la
visiting frlend3 on North Main avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mayo, of Hen
wood's drug store, are attending the
Mayo family reunion at Plttston to
day. Miss Georgia Cure, daughter of the
Rev. G. A. Cure, pastor of the Metho
dist Episcopal church, is confined to
her home by illness.
Mrs. Stephen Mlddleton, of School
street. Is ill with typhoid fever.
Constable Bernard Davis, of Oak
street, Is confined to his home with Ill
ness. The Excelsior club will produce the
four-act. drama, entitled "A Convict's
Daughter," at the Auditorium thi3
I Miss Grace Sickler, of Providence
road, Is convalescent from her recent
William Lynott. of West Market
street, clerk of the common council,
left yesterday for Buffalo, N. Y., whore
he will spend a few days.
I Frank B. Nichols has accepted a posl
' lion with the American Woolen Mills
Valentine BIrtley, permanent man at
tho Liberty Hose company, Is on a
hunting trip In Wayne county.
Andrew Ta-IkIiIoii, who died at bin home in
llrooklyn, N. V., .Monday after an Mucks of two
wceki, wad one of the moat enlenslve manufac
tuicrs of wood acid in tho United States, bav
ins factoiiei at Methol, Cook's FallJ, llortonj
nnd HU; llrook, In Delaware county; and in the
north woods he was tneasiil In the construction
of a plant that for sire and capacity is tho
equal of anything of the kind in the world. Mr,
Leluhton nlo had other laruo Interests, luting
one of the laifrcst general stores on the line of
tho Ontario and Western railroad, between Mid.
dlctnwn ami Oswego. His holdings of Delaware
county real estate und timber lands were also
valuable. Tor many years Mr. Leluhton was a
resident of Hlniihamton. Since leaving there,
nnd until u few months atro, he lived on his es
tate at Methol, in Delaware county; hut moved
to llrookbn, from which point he could most
conveniently conduct his nnalrs. lie posseted
marked bublness ability and leaves a larsto estate.
Ilcntdes a wife he leaves four tons and one daugh
ter. Ills burial was private yesleulay at Glen
burn, his birthplace".
Mrs, Julia Mahon, wife n( John It. Mulion,
of fltxs Harrison avenue, died at O.;l0 o'clock
yesterday morning alter a llntrerlnK illness, dur
ing which notwithstanding that tdio nuilcrcd
greatly, Mm displaced gieat Christian fortitude.
Mis, Malion was fnrmerl) Mlns Julia Geary, Sho
was 30 years old. Her death U tho third with
which her family has been afflicted within the
past year bho is survived by her husband and
four children, Andrew, Merit ile, Noibcrt and
(lerurd, Tho funeral will lie he-Id Saturday
inorulnif, Services will be held at fct, Peter's cj.
thcdral ut ti o'cloek and interment will lie nude
in Cathedral cemetery.
lV.niel Jlnnohue, of &Jf (hchaid ktict, dhd
, etitcrdny ut his home; after u thoit Illness. Ho
vvai tin idd lenident ol South S anion, und Is bur
vivid by the following ihlldicn; Mrs. Joseph
Kivannah, Mrs. Daniel Honohue, Mix, Michael
Oaburuc, Margaret, Daniel und Cornelius. The
funeial will bu held Saturday morning with ter
viciM at tit. l'ctcr'a cuhedri! mid interment In
tho Cathedral cemetor,
fieorgp 11. ltoberM died recently at Ottawa,
HI. lie was a relative of founer County Com
missioner Cilia Itoberts, !r, Henry Mounts and
Mrs. Sarah Haitley, of thid city. Mr, goberU
wan born In Wyoming county und in li'-'J ic
moved to Illinois. 1'or many jeaii prior to bis
death he won one of thu moat prominent busi
ness men of Ottawa,
The funeral of Mr. Una Shifter, daughter cf
I'etir itoji, of t3 West l.irkawunni avenue,
who died Monday cvenimr, will take phco thin
morning at 0 o'clock. Sen Ice will be conducted,
in the Ucrmau Catholic thurch ut 0.30 o'clock.
Interment in the Ceruiju Catholic cemetery,
Hyde Park.
Concluded from Vtife fl.l
of the Harvest." A collection will bo
taken up for tho Homo for the Friend
less. The union Thanksgiving services In
Dtinmorc will be held In the Christian
ohurch, on Tripp avenue, Rev. A. J.
Van Cleft, of the Methodist Episcopal
church, being in charge. Hpccial mu
sic is to be arranged for by the choirs
of tile churches Interested.
The Presbyterian executive commit
tee on missions to people of foreign
speech, throimh the nctlve service of
Rev. F. Von Krug, will dedlcato to
the worship ot God the KIrst Magyar
Presbyterian church, ot Kingston, to
day at 2:30 p, m.
There will be two celebrations of
Holy Eucharist at St. David's Episco
pal church this morning at ".no .and
10.30 o'clock. At the hitter service n
sermon will bo preached and an offer
ing taken for St, Luke's hospital, South
In St. Luke's church today there
Will bo two celebrations nf the holy
communion, at 7.30 a. in., and 10.30 a.
m., when there will be morning prayer
und sermon, followed by the commun
ion service.
At the Providence Welsh Congrega
tional church the services today wlir
ho at 10 a. m., :j p. in. and at 7 p. in.
The Christian Endeavor of the church
will conduct a meeting at -I.30 p. m.
Thanksgiving services will be held
this afternoon und evening in tho Me
morial Baptist church. The pastor,
Rev. XV. F. Davles, will deliver a spec
ial address at each meeting.
Thanksgiving service ut tho Rescue
Mission tonight. The service will con
sist of both vocal and instrumental
music. Refreshments will be served
at the close of the service.
In the Adams Avenue Presbyterian
chapel on New York street, this morn
ing at 10:30 Rev. James Hughes will
conduct a service. It will last for
one hour.
Thanksgiving service in the African
Methodist Episcopal church, Howard
place, at 10.415 this morning. The ladies
will serve supper from 6 until 10 p. m.
At St. Peter's cathedral there will
be masses this morning at 7, S and 9
o'clock. The last will bo a solemn
high mnss.
The Women's guild or St. Mark's
church, Dunmore, will sive a turkey
.supper in the church parlors this even
ing. The ladies of the Court Street
Methodist Episcopal church will serve
n Thanksgiving dinner and supper to
day. This evening the pupils of St. Paul's
parochial school will give a musicale
in the school, on Penn avenue.
This evening, in the Auditorium,
Noith Scranton, the Excelsior Drama
tic club will present "The Convict's
Daughter," a four-act comedy drama.
St, Cecelia's Total Abstinence so
ciety of West Scranton will conduct its
annual entertainment and social in
Mears' hall this evening.
The Young Rachelors' Dancing club
will conduct their first social of the
season at Economy hall, on. Wyoming
avenue, this evening.
This evening in Guernsey hall the
Twenty-third public recital of the Con
servatory of Music will be Given.
In observance of Thanksgiving there
will bo no session of court today, all
cases going over till tomorrow.
Tho Fordham and St. Thomas foot
ball clubs will play at 2.30 this after
noon at Athletic park.
Number of Miners Have a Thrilling
Experience Revival Services.
Other News Notes,
That nn accident of serious propor
tions did not happen here yesterday
was more the result of good luck than
good management. The miners who
work in the Mountain shaft are carried
to and from their work upon the cars
that carry the coal from tho shaft
down to No. 1 breaker, a distance of
about two and one-naif miles.
Yesterday morning a train of ten
cars, upon which about ono hundred
men were riding to their work, was
partially demolished. Several cars In
tho rear part of the train left the track
as they swung around nn unusually
rough place on tho road at a rapid
pact. Tho cars weiu over-turned,
throwing the occupants around In a
lively fashion. Many scarred faces
and bruised bodies resulted, but,
strange to say, when faces were count
ed, every one was able to answer pres
ent. This lias been considered n dangerous '
ride by the miners for some time, and
It Is not likely tho experience! of yes
terday will do much to assure them
of its safety.
Briefly Noted.
Mrs. Florenco Jennings has re
ceived word of an accident happening
her brother, tt former resident of this
town, but now superintendent for the
Prudontial Insurance company In
FottHvllle. Mr. Qttlnlan foil down n
lllght of stairs In coming from his of
lice, receiving sovro Internal Injuries
which conilncd him to his room for
somo time.
Tho union revival meetings wctn hold
Iu tho Presbyterian church ittst night
and ov. A. J. Van Cleft, of tho Meth
odist dhuroli, delivered the address,
Ho took for Ills topic, "You Must Hit
Horn Again." The audience was not
ciulto as large as on former occasions,
but an excellent spirit pervaded the
meeting. The services will bo held In
the, church this evening and
new W. P. Gibbons, of tho Presby
terian church, will deliver the address.
Mr, Victor II, Pinkney, who has been
Willi General Davis In Porto nico for
somo time, Is soon to .start for tho
Philippines, Mr. Pinkney leaves Porto
lUco on Dec. 15 for New York. It Is
expected he will have a day or so to
spend with Ills parents hero on his way
to San Francisco, from which port he
sails on Jan. 1.
I The Young Men's nepubllcan club
Syrup Figs
Cleanses the System
Gently and Effectually
when bilious or costive.
Hvsentsin tho most acceptable farm
the laxative principles of plants
An own 'to act most beneficially:
fvr sale by druggists - price SO per bottle.
'"'BurKiiniter & ReM, Le.ucEtand Mnier
A. J. Dully. UujlncM A1nger.
AND NlelHT nUY. 7
America's Most Notable Mla(rd Organization.
Stiictly a High Claii Performance, lntr
during only the Best Comedians, dreatcst
Vocalists and Most Astonishing Acta.
Trices Matinee, 23 to 75 cents.
Night, 25 cents to $1.00.
Friday NlRlit, Saturday Matlneo and Night,
November 30. and December 1.
M-. Ed. C. White announces the first appear
nncc in this city ot
Hildi-eil Holland,
in her new romantic play,
The Powar B.'ii nd the Throne
A superb company,
A masMve scenic production.
A fortune in costumes and accessories.
Trices Kiening, 25o. to $1.00.
Jl.itmce, '.5e. and 50c.; children, 15c. to any
pait of hoiuc.
tt A. BROWN. Munax.T.
rrrpentintr I'rlday matinee, "A Wife's TeTil"j
Friday niejht, "Two Oi plums"; Saturday mat
inee, "Uncle Daniel"; Saturday night, "Wagcj
of Sin."
John A. Hlmnicle'ina' Company,
Itcgular Trices.
New Gaiely Thsaire
II. It. LONG, Lessee and Slanager.
Three Davs, Beginning Thankwlvlns Matlneo,
The CoIovjjI Extravaganza Burlesque,
Trices 15, 25, 3, SO ccnU.
hold a meeting in Frost's hall last
night. The time of meeting was main
ly taken up with a discussion of con
stitution and by-laws. They meet
again next Monday night, when every
Republican voter in town Is urged to
be present nnd tako part In the meet
ing. Key. XV. II. 'Williams, tho "drummer
evangelist" and of tho Anti-Saloon,
league, will speak next Sunday morn
ing at lu.30 o'clock from the subject,
"The Young Man and His Company,"
at the Dudley Street Daptlst church.
Tho pastor, Hew J. r,. Kreamer, will
preach a sermon at 7.30 o'cloek in tho
evening to tho Dunmore council of tho
Junior Order United American Me
chanics. The borough schools closed yesterday
for Thanksgiving, but will resumn
work on Friday.
Personal b.
Mrs. Hnker, of Wavorly, and 'Mr.
Hall, of Sprlngvllle, are visiting Mrs.
A. VS. Hrown, of Green Ridge street.
II. M. Spencer, of Drinker street,
left yesterday for New York. Ho goes
to witness thu testing of a gun, In
which he Is Interested, by the govern
ment at Sandy Hook today.
Mr. Horry Young, of Drinker street,
now in ills benlor year at tho Univer
sity of Pennsylvania, is home for tlu
Thanksgiving holidays.
Miss Nellie O'Malley, of Apple streat,
is visiting friends In Avooa,
Hdwnrd Snyder, who left town near
ly three years ago, Is back from a visit
with his parents. During Ills absence
Mr. Snyder has visited all but two
States west of the Mississippi river.
He s now located at Two Harbors,
M. J, Murray, Jr of tho University
of Pennsylvania law department, Is
spending Thanksgiving ut hi homo
on Monroe avenue.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup
His been used for over FIFTY YEn8 ly
Is the be.t remedy for UIMIRIMKA. Sold by
UruKicUt '" u'ry '"t of the world. B aurn
and ask for "Mi. Winslovv'a Soothing Syrup,"
and take no other kind, Twenty-ftrt rnU a
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pfMjm.-..jf-g. i
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