H THE SCRANTON lltlBUNK- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 3900. d - c b koooooooooo: 'in Moment HAtitnrAita Hram GUARD AGAINST' FIREo And protoct the little ones by putting a SPARK GUARD In front of tho open Are. FiGvents spftiko from Hying Into tho room, nlso keopn the children fiom rrettiiifr to tho lire. Mnfio of Tinned Cop per and lu'ass wire. Sizes 24 to 36 Inches. v Foote & Shear Co. 119 N. Washington Ave :xxo L. D. &M. HI KiVrti YOU CAN'T HIDE YOUR TEET On 'Jliinl 'Kiilnc l)i' 1 piii ff oui bliiion v II n,M n iimr uppcrim.. In 8tli, purr mil iiuilitv nui shoo- .iro int whit now irll iii toil m.n 'i i inuii lditmci ind uu Miould Hit fnl tu mp II tu Cum in. LEWIS, RUDDY, DAViES & HURPHY ."30 Lackawanna Avenue. A Wtt&t $8m ackawanna B "nn:" -aundry. , ' Pcnn A vcnu;. A, B WARMAN THE WEATHER YESTERDAY. Until hl i f. r VmihI Cl i. 1 VKV Mr. lust it i ipci.itini , .. f i turrets ! Wtit Ull pi l 1 1 lilt Jt, iltKUCi Unutiht . s a in 7d yfi cent o p III 71 I'M l i lit PERSONAL. Mis '-ill Mini, uf I'lniil iM, J., U in tuiwi n l fi l ll ln Minium lliilinil I IJnillu' iMinli lilt I i 1'iii.rhrintni. Wil'lim II I nuliill, it luu is l.ou'-. uiiv, U H'"iImiic I li,iiiK-u"Hiii- in iu link. M 5 MiiijjiiI I Itpiliirk, uf lllu.ikhll , I -pi ul IIiihWimiil: with in i lullui luli 1 itpitiuk. in Ailniii .ulihh'. 1 i ink M. I. nu Ml fn Niu uik (ill mUi ki. and will tod i.v itno'. (In fool lull u urn luirtnii I In' ('.nil. It lmllui-, md ( nhiinlili. Inlm Mihiu will lodu In on,1 01 tluk fpdli tn ni (ilimilni iimxri-in'-i 1 i-t loot lull n'inii tif tl c cion it i o. 1 In' Culiili IiiiIiiih II In t'ii opp iiiu" u mi. I lie iniiiiin,c of Mis-, Mniut W.il-li, of I'.u-urn-, iluiKliIci of M ti tin iMi, of llu- will I I own llrni if (.olden , W.il-li, to Jolm W ii 1 in. of (lhilnnl, foinuilv of Vmli Siinuion, 11 I iko il.m in i Jlmiiliiuk's ilmuh, I'.u I, ii, tills liiolliin' ,il M o'tloik. Ijiiioh (lilliiM, foinnrh ol litis illv, lint for tU lit tlin i u in of Mullini, Mil, i Iwie on l liii-Inosi ,trlp Mo upuvpnti, llio Mi'iilic steel iiimiii of W. II, Hunt Ho iqiotls mm luiuht iuu-pri.14 for Stilton, nwhu l tmiKiiloiit loutioii foi Iiiiii.ini-, .in J fouisfii tl I'le OFFICERS WEIIE NOMINATED. Fhemen's Relief Association Holds an Impoitnnt Meeting. At a mooting of the Plieinen's Itellof .i"-oeIatlon lield last nlt?ht In the com jnon cotintll (hninher, thu followiiiR membois weio uomltiat"(l fur ofllc"-: ihu electltm to take pluce next month: For piesldcnt .1. Y. Jloir, of Nny ukii; lor ico pieslilent. rimli Bonn, of Centtuy; tor tieasuifr. A. U. Holmes, of C'nluinhlai; for seuietaty, W. 1!. lilitley, of Ulieityn, nnd Jtloh 'tul rnii'll, uf William Connclls; for iustr(.j, AV. W. Simpson, nt LlbcityH, nnd 1), J Xowmnri, of Utyntals; for hollcllnr, A. A. Vn-jhtiiff. ) Tho lollnwlntr nominations for iIIh tilot phyficlniiH weio made: Fiist disttlft, 11 r. .7, J. .Sullivan: Roeond ills tilet, Dr. H. 0. Hedduo: Thiiil district, Fifth dh.U lei, Or, J, I'. AN'nl lorj SKth dlsulct, Or. A. II. Uern 1511 tli dlHtjkl. lie. .1 V. Lonff.s l:orj BKtli rtlstilct, Ii.-, A. II. Uern iluln. The mujuilty of the pieaont of IUvib and all the phyHleluns weio ru inmlnitted. I'otor ItiililiiiK. Jr., who wtiH one of tho delegates to the leeent mnto con vendon iinil who wiiri on the lliciuen's relief association committee, stated, in making a hilof icpoit, that Hcianton'n nso(.lntnn payu u hlBlier hmiefit to lis incmbPiH tlian'iiny association in thi- ftale. Tho local asfaoointlon payu $; per day, ho said, wheio the author uf thu hill ilomiliiiKT tho fund to cities of the thlid chisti, Mr, f'l.noni'y, In tended that no nioio than " a week should ht' paid. This caused a Uttlo treneutl illhcus Hiou find the opIUon was Kuerully rvpiosscd that a hlf? accident t a flic, injiuiiib", 'y hfleon or twenty in n, would come ptetty near banlt i lifting tlio usboelatlon. N U. J, Newman brought up the ipies tlon of tho Firemen's Exempt lit II, now pending hefoio tho JeelBlature, and at tho Huugest'on of A. Ii, Holmes tho followiiiK committee was appointed to beo tho menibeis pC tho leglslatmo nnm this pait of tlio Mute and en deavor to havo them use their In Ihicnco In Fcurlntr the passage of the measure; V. J, Newman, A. D, Holmes, k mm " ftllli TrrMwBaBiii'awi',-,V'' vr SfrJI IT l Til r 4 rJjf jrauar 11P Voter Ttobllnsr, Jr., W. Simpson nmt V.. A. Connor. A coininlltee coiihIsIIiie: of V. .! Now' man, W. W, Hlinpsnii tititl Albert 15n vis wno nppolnted tit nudlt tho Iroolti of the nqtoclnllnn for Hip nst year. Tho follow lni; claims wpip ouUuvil paid! I.oiiIh Maycv, of Uelleft, :S! .Incnb Pries, of Hellrf", 1l! 0. It. Huj' tlntii, of Nay AUrh, ?IG; A. 1j. IjK 'it Columbian, $11!. PREPARING FOR CARNIVAL. Advance Sale of Seats Promises to Be Veiy Large. MNt Mildred Holland, uf "The Power Hclilnd the Tin one," lias Islndlv nl Imved tlii' Opera-Cai nival east( the IiiIvIIpru of the theatre for a lehrarsitl on Kildny. It Ii n cottrtrsy mo'st av proolaleil and will irreatly facilitate tlif work of the week. The (jieat demand for ticket1 H still noted. The diagram will open tomor row liioinlnK, and It 3 cvpectcd I hut nn iintu'ecedenlud rush will lie chron leli'il. Many people propose to attend both peifoimances, nnd thus the mati nee promises also to be crowded. Tho young people uie devoting every moment to the preparation of thu opera. Mr. ami Mrs. T. II. Wntklni, who nia entprtnlnlnjj Mri. Dixie, throw oneii their music inntii evoiv afternoon to the lehcnrsalo, while Uuernsry hull is employed at nlfiht. MURRAY CLAIMED TO BE OFFICER'S VICTIM Aged Man Sweats Out Wanant for tho Arrest of Policeman McAn- diew, of Olyphant Borough. Paliick Murray, an S3-yoar-old man yesterday swore out a warrant before Alderman Millar for the arrest of Pa tolman John McAndrow, of the police foico of Olyphant hoiotigb, whom he t barged with nsault and battery and vlth the tobbeiy of $7. Special Ofli ci r Bjer, of Aldprmnn Millar's conn, served the wnti.uit and McAndrew en tfied ?r.or ball before Justlcp of the IVnip Ciimmliigf, ot Olvphant. VIiii-i.iv claims th.it thu assault and inbbeiy took placp Friday, Nov. 2, In the Olyphant council chamber, which lie had been uslntr as a lodging plncp, and that atler the commision of the ci line, the blue-toat limped Pel ion upon Oss.i by putting him in a bor ough pilson cell. He spent two weeks in the Lackawanna hospital, as a ie milt of ihp as.atilt. Jlmi.iy Is a veiy well ptesei-ved old man, nnd has a de cidedly patriarchal appeal .line. Long wliilo hall tails to his shoulders, nnd his beard i.s of a snowy hue, which, witlt his smnll, lather jocose face, nil twinkling little ojes, tomind one decidedly of tho famous Kip Van Winkle. He told the following stoiy to :i Tribune m in yestcrdnv af tei -noon, legartllng the afiaii: "I hap been llins with my snn-ln-l.iw, Thomas McHale, of P.lakely, hut nbout a month ago I hsd a falling out with him. which lcsulted in my lea ing his house nnd going to Ql. pliant. Tlieie I was gien permission' bv Mc Hnle to 'sleep in the council loom. "I used this for a few nights anil on Friday, Nov. L McAndrew came up to me md ginbbed me by tho colll.tr. lie led mo into the council loom, closed the door tightly and asked me for mv money. I h.id a bill and a $J bill tied up In my shiit. and when he asked me for it, I looked at him hnid an" h.iid Aie you going to iob me, John?' "You old .' be answeied, 'I'm taking caie of you and I ought to got .something for it.' Ho took mv monov away then, and when I tiled to get it back, he knocked mo down, tin owing me with lots of force. He then put me In one of the cells, but 1( fl .i dooi open, tluough which I es- i-iped. I came heie then, and went to 'i Lackawanna hospital, wheie for i eeks I lemaincd, leeeivlng tto.it- t for my injuiies. ' .ist Satin dav afternoon I went to hotiH'. and tlieie 1 mot McAndisw .i!n. I had tiouble In getting to the lour even, became lm has an ugly ilii,. which was stationed Mist at the u.ir and tlien tho fiont door to keep me off. At last, by the aid of .some nelgnhott.ftj was able to speak to Me Andiew, and when he saw me he called out, 'If you do not go away fiom here, 1 w ill shoot you.' " Minr.iv actiuainted Mm. Duggun. uient of the a.ssoclatotl chaiities with his htoiy, and yesteiday afternoon Al deimnn Millar was visited nnd the win i ant wab isMied. McAndicw has been ldenlilied with the Olyphant police for some time, and is ety well known in the bor ough. MONOLOGUIST HOWE. Delighted a Fine Audience at St. Luke's Parish House. A house ciowded to the doors gieeied Willaid D. Howe last nislu at St. Luke's Parish hall in tits nuinologu" "An Anieiican Citir.cn," adapted by L'dwaul It. Hlllot. It is much of a, ilsk to attempt to give mi entire play as a monologue and hold nn audience, but It Is to the cvci lasting ciedlt of Mr. Howe, the billliaut young man whose native home is West Pittston, that ho purfoinied tills feat and w cm led no one. Ho Impeisonatcd ten chnracteis timing ttis evening and incidentally told a climating love htory in vomica tlon with unfolding of the plot, "An Ameileun Citizen" Is a tihtmph of patriotism, love and honor and It Is no wonder that It should bo a lilt as .staged. Mr. Howe's delineation mudu It fascinating pluy, full of interest nnd Intense diainntln feeling, It is sufe to predict for hhn a gieat futtue in thu di umatln Held. Nut the least delightful part of the piogiammo weio the superb musical uumboi.H furnished by Hciauton's gift ed violinist, and by Miss Coidellu Fiee mun and Miss Illnckimin. Miss Free nuin was never Jienid In better voles and hho snug that most exquisite "ChntihonPiovoncalo'' with iaie sweet ness, CVlisn Allen's woiideiful Nlolln nnm beirf woio eucoied with eicatest on. thuslnsin. She gave a Chopjn-S.iiasntv aiiangement with u ikhness of touch and color unsurpassed bv any of the -it pievlously heuril from her in tijilicd llugeis. loh lllackman is not only an Ideal id'onipmilst, hut her solo woik lust ull'lit wus maivelously flue, It Is uul dom that three tu lists aie heard whose talents nieho uniformly well dlsti Unit ed. Tho enteitalnment was In every tespect o, gieut success. Spend Your Evenings Profitably, Young men and women who are em ployed during the day should qualify themselves to earn larger tjularica by spending' their evenings nt the Scraa ton Business College night school. OBSERVANCE OF THANKSGIVING WORK OF ALL KINDS TO BE OEITERALLY SUSPENDED. Delft waie nnd Hudson Mines Will Be Shut Down All Day nnd Those of the Delawaie, Hackawnnna nnd Western Company from Noon on. Most of tho Shops and Factoiics Will Alio Be Idle for the Day An nouncements of Today's Events. The Union Sei vices in Chinches. Today will be generally ohseive.l throughout the city and the uirlous local industries, with a few exceptions, will be closed down. Tho day will lie one ot lest and woikmen nil over Meianton will bo allowed to eat their Thanksgiving tuikcy with their fam ilies nnd spend the entlie pcilod In quiet and lesplte fiom woik. The mujoilty of tlie big nianufaclui ing eHtabllshmentH will give their em ployes a day off and most of the coal companies have giimted the mlnctit either the entlie or half a day. The Delawaie and Hudson flnltrond company Issued ordeis Mondnv to all their mine Rtipcilntcndents to Infoim the men that they will not be expected to report 'for work. During the past eight or nine years an attempt has been made but once to Induce the men to work on Thanksgiving and the le milts In attendance on that fateful Thursday caused a mental resolution on the pait of the coal department authorities to make a habit of giving Thnnksglvlng holidays. At the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western collleiles the men will woik until noon nnd during the lest of the day will be free. The yardmen, how ever, will woik throughout the day and In tlio car shops the employes will be busied during the morning only. At the Dickson wotks the entlie day will be observed and the Scranton Nut and Holt woi ks will also be closed during the twenty four hours. Mill hands will not repoit for work until Filday and the only notable exception to the geneial rule of granting a day oft will be tlio Lackawanna lion nn I Steel company, whose men will work during the w hole day. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THANKSGIVING DAY The First and Jackson Stieet Ltp tist chinches, Plymouth Congicga tlonal and Hampton and Simpson Methodist Kplscopal chinches, und AVashhuin and Sumner Avenue Pies byteiian churches, all of West Scran ton. will unite in .i union set vice at lO.oO this morning In the Plymouth Congieg.itional chuieh. Tlie following is the piogratume: l)ook.i; . IiitOLitioii l!r. JIiuiiiw ili d'luiln, II. 1) ll,nill. nciililip of 1'mi.liinilioii ltd. J. 11 su,.,,, ) , I'ruer Km. - I". litlicu llwun (ciiiujii liiv. limes HmiiliuiT, I'll 1) inruiiu fu . W t.. Itn. II. . lliI Il)inii Ueucilitiiiii Tlieie will be a seilce in the .Sec ond Piesbjteilan chinch lliis nioin Ing ut 10:30 when the pastor, Uev. .'. H. noblnson. will deliver an ad diesH on "The Patiiot's Dream." The following pi ogi amine of music will be lendeied: Oi'in imlmk' , Uiiluis iiIIi;iii, "0, r.oul How .M uiiiulil ' IIiuiIj.i I'liukllc .inJ Chun. Qiiirtilli', "Ittjuicv in the koiil" LaiiiiiiR Mi'spi Phc!, and Cauimi, .Mo-is Cii'l mill Moi,t,in. OlTinco, antlitiii, "Coil'n Ituunliful tinoil- lii"v' IJticiUtlo ami Choir OiRan tiostluUc Kullinant I M (li.illd', oi'init .mil iliucioi. ltev. ItoberL F Y. Ploue, D. D.. will j hold a uceptlou for the bojs and ghli ot the I'enn Aenue Dnptist chuieh and Sundnv school and the Ameiman Memoiial Sunday cliool, at tlie pnr lois of the ienn Aenuo chuieh today, fiom 2 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. In cousequence of the huge number who may attend, the Invitation will Include the young people from S to IS yeats of age. Each young peison Invited is piivlleged to f"ctend the invitation to one young ft lend, who will accompany them to the leccptlon. The young ladks of tlio Ciieen Uldge Prcsbyteilan chinch will give a can tata, "The Meny Milkmaids," in the chuieh pailois tonight. The ung ladies who will take the solo parts tuo; Miss Jc-sie Polhemus, queen; Miss Minnie Peclc, Doiothy: Miss Daisy l'euy, Monica, tho foitune teller: Miss HHzabeth Palmer, Ituth; Miss Hthel Shoemaker, Janet; Miss Jessie favhine, Juanitn; Miss Maiy Greeley, Margeiy, Gieer Paike will sing the tlual pints of coimnodoie and beggar, ami Fied Clunster those of doctor and pedlar. At lO.yo o'clock this niuinlng tlieie will be a union seivlce In the Penu Avenue Baptist chinch in which tho congregations of that chinch and nt the Hhn Paik Methodist Hpiscopnl, (liuce Uvangellcnl Lutheian and Oiaco Hefoimed chinches will Join. The sermon will bo preached by Hew Dr. Hobiut F. Y. Pleice, pastor of the Mackerel We offer fat No. i, Mack erel at ioc; value ic. Norway Bloaters, Mackerel, large, finest fish imported. Finest Cod, (without a bone) packed in 3 lb boxes, Cream Cod, desicated, 10c per box, Boneless Herring, in glass ioc. Euglish Smoked Bloat ers, Kenebeck Smoked Sal mon, New Lobsters, E. G. Coursen Best Goods for Least Honey, I'enn Avenue tliipllst chuieh, nnd the choirs ot that chinch nnd the Klin Pai It will tender n special piogmmma ot music, now beliitf prepnied by Pro fessor linjdn lvnns. The hour ot the Union ThnnHsglvlur service nt the Oieen Illdge Pre.sby leilan ohm eh Is 10.30, n hnlf hour eai llor than lust year. The Asbur Methodist, Clieen Kldgp Unptlst nnd Primitive Methodist and Oreen Illdge pastors ami congregations unity In this service, and the pator ot the Oiecn Uldge Presbyterian church, Hew Mr. Lansing, preaches the ser mon. The publics also, outsktci these congregation!, will he very welcome. Following Is the nrogiuiumc of llw T'nlon Thnnksglvlng service which will be held this morning In the Providence Methodist l'ptscopal chinch: Muslo by Methodist cliolr: Scripture read, by Rev. S. O. Holding. D. D., of the bap tist church; pinyer, by lluw It, V. Clymrr, of the Clnlstlnn eliuteh: ni ninn, by ltev. It. J. Heese, of tho Puri tan Congiegntlonnl chinch. The Thanksgiving service nt tho Flist Presbytoilan chinch this morn ing will begin nt 10.M o'clock. Rev. James McLcod, D. D., the pnstor.wllt h" assisted by his In oilier, ltev. Thomas B. McLcod, D. D ot Uiooklyn, who will picnch the seimon. Tho choir bus made special preparation for tho occasion nnd everybody Is lnit"d. Ill the Hlckoiy StlCPt Baptist church there will be thuo Tluinksglv Ing meetings. A tegular pet vice will be held ai lO.HU In the morning, at which the pasloi. ltev. .T. C. Schmltt, will speak, and shoit services will b conducted In the nftornocm at L'.'!') o'clock and In the evening at T.::o. Sei vices will be held this morning In the Hlckoiy Street Oeiman J'ics byteiian churcli nt 10.:!0 o'clock. Ho v. V, A.,Nordt will speak on "c Ite setveth Unto Us the Appointed Weeks ConllmiMl mi I'.ikp 0.1 TRAGIC DEATH OFFREDA.EGAN Car Inspector Was Killed by Being Crushed Tinder Train's Wheels While Attempting to Save a Passenger. I"i ed A. i'gan, of Hemlock stieet, :i Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western luilroad car inspector, was killed yes teiday morning at the Lackawanna station by being stiuck by a passenger tiain while making an attempt to save the life of a passengei. It octuiied about 11.30 o'clock. Kgan was standing on the station platform talking with a friend as the passengei tiain st.it ted to pull nut. At that mo ment an unknown man came i tinning out on tlie platform and stinted lor tlie tiain. He made a jump for tho second cai's step, but missed it, and had he not letalned his giasp pn the handle would time tallon beneath the wheels. Kgnu inn to his aid and .succeeded In lifting him onto the step. Just as h dW so, however, he himself slipped and fell under Hie wheels. Four cais passed oer and painfully mangled hi., body, sevei ing it at the abdomen. Tlio lemains were n-moved to C'u slek's morgue, where they weic jes teiday afternoon viewed by Cot one Roberts, who decided that an inquest was unnecessary. Hgnn was a mar lled man and lived on Hemlock stieet, South Scianton. The ftmei.il will bo held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, with sei vices at the German Presby tetian chinch. THEY TOOK THE KABBITS. And Then Invited the Man Who Was the Loser by the Operation. John C. "Welehel ow lis the Gaiety the atie building, on Spiuce street, and lives on the thlid floor himself. He Is ti meat fiiend of tho membeis of the 1'iystal Hose company, w lioe quaitets aie next door. If he was not, theio woTild have been moic than a little bit of tumble lust night. He lecenilv setuincd fiom a hunt ing expedition, bilnglng with him fif teen uibbits, which he hung out of the side window of his home. The Oijstnl boys t spied them last night, and .i daring scheme to kidnap the whole lot was evolved. Scaling lttddeis weie piocuieil, and It wasn't half an hour befoio tlie above mentioned fifteen labblts wou stewing In a. big kettle at Zenke's icstatuant, on Peun avenue, nnd sending up a ino.tt appetizing smell. When thev weie well looked, the membeis of the 1'iystal company gatli eied about the festive boaid and sent for Mr. Weichcl. Ho took tlio whole affair good-huinoiedly, and enjoyed the delicious stew as well as anyone of the paity, which consisted of the following membeis of the company: Chuiles H, Tiopp, Heniy Hlncs, Kdwaid Coleman, T. Fahienholt, Leon Hush, C. It, Illne llue, fieoigo Hobllng, II. Ulkci, T. Cal lahan, Gcoige Connots, 31. McMunus, Geoige Decker, Fiauk Seho'l. D. J, Slowe, John C. "Weichcl, H. Woolsey. PINE WINDOW DISPLAY. One of the Best Ever Sesn in This City. Of the many strikingly oilglmil show window displays mnde by Connolly & Wallace, the most unique one was yes teiday disclosed to the view of p.issois. by. The south window Is devoted to the stent hook collection, neatly classl fled und nitlstleally airangcd. In the center of the dlbplay stands a beautiful llguio, most exquisitely duiped (is "The Goddess of Llteiuture," On either side aio bookcases diapod In heautlful color combinations, Tho noi th wlnduw contains a very lenllhtlo foot hall scene fiom the Coi-.niill-Unlvcrslty of Penusjlvnnla game at Philadelphia, toduy, A nuniber of flguies lepiesentlng the playois nu In a nilxed-up mass In tlio center of tho window. Tho scene itiircseiits a down with live yards tu sain. Two beauti ful female llgutcs, tastefully diaptd in tlio lespectlvo college colois, stand in tho bmkgiound, holding aloft Pennsyl vania and Cornell peiutnis. Tlio woik wus done bv C, W, Huilbut, who de terves to be btyiod the piemiei window detorntot of the Ilnftcd States, Por Pancy Dress Photographs Tho Gold Medal Studio offern uno celled facilities for both comfort and charming lesults. The commodious diesslng rooms heated to Just tho light tpinperatuie aio piovided with eery toilet jequlblte nnd, like thu opeiatlng ukuii, mo absolutely frte fiom draft. Pig Boast Dinner At the Speedway Hotel, fiom 7 to 9 p. m. today. CRASH IN THE D..L&W..YARD CHARLES SINGER OF CLARK'S SUMMIT INJUavED. He Is a. Btnkcmnn nnd Was in a Ca boose Which Was the Central rig ure in tho Wreck Which Wns Caused by a Pushor Tlie Injtned Man Wa3 Taken to tho Moses Tay lor Hospital He Was Bndly Biuised and Suffets fiom Shock. Condition Not Seiious. f'liailes Singer, of Hulk's Stiniiult,v,n Lnckawnnnn biakcmnn. was taken tu the Moses Taylor hospital oaily this moinlng with his hip badly Injutcd, as the icsiilt ot a wicck In tho aid at 12.10 o'clock. 'Slngor was the occuimnt of the caboose of tialn No. 8i!3, which was stiuck by the engine of tialn No. S30, which hitter train was being pio pelled by a pusher. The caboose was tlausfoinicd Into u mass of btoken bonids. and No. 830's engine was partly thiown olt the Hack, but was leudjiisted in short time. The accident occtn led In the vatd, dhectly opposite tho station. Doth trains weie out-bound, the Hist, No. S.U, In charge of Conductor John Gnti ghan, consisting ot fifteen coal cars, and the second, No. S'iO, In chniee ol Conductor W. LtiUnr, being made up of thirty coal cais. No. SJO was being .shoved along by a pusher, and acquir ing u high guide of speed, collided with the forwaid caboose with gieat foite. SltiKer was caught in tho mass of tlmbciM, and wns extilcated bv the crews of both tiains and cnriled Into the baggage loom, while a nuniber ot men proceeded to clear the lucks. The Moses Taylor homital Was noti fied of the accident and Dr. Cainachan itsponded with the iimbulunce. Singer was taken to the institution, and It was tlieie seen that no bones weie bioken, but he was badly bruised and his sys tem had silffeied a severe shock. IS NOW A MONSIGNOR. Honor Confeired Upon Veiy Rev. E. A. Garvey, of Pittston. Veiy Uev. Eugene A. Gnivcy, icar genual of tho Diocese ot Scianton and lector of tln St. John's church, Pitts ton, was honored yesterday by Ibelng appointed a domestic prolate by Pope l.eo. Jit. ltev. Dishop Hobin received lioni Home the hi let containing the appointment. The office caules with it tlie dcgiee, Monslgnoi, with the title, ltight llev eiend. The oliice i.s an honoraiy one, anil this is the Hist time that tlie honor has come to the Scianton diocese. It entitles the holder to wear the purple ol a bishop. Dishop Hobau jeslcidtiy announced the following changes among the tier gv of tlie Scianton diocese: ltev. John O'Donnoll, asslslant priest at Holy Cioss cbui ch, Hcllevuc, transfened to assist Hev. leather Fagan at Great Bend; Hev. John McLaughlin, acting pastor nt Taylor dining absence or ltev. J. P. Mollltt in Huiope, comes to tin cnlhcdul, for a while; Hev. Thom as Mislckl tonics fiom Heading to as sume chaige of the Lithuanian Polish c ongiegation at Fieolnnd. ANOTHER SPEAKEASY CASE. John Moian Fined S75 foi' Selling Without a License. John Moian was jesterduy ai tested by Mounted Officer Joseph Bloch, tlmiged with keeping a speakeasy at the comer of Ciieen Illdge street and Nay Aug acnuc. Tlio mayor had ie celved numeious complaints regaiding this place, and he finally decided to send two of his detectives out to in vestigate. They testified jesteulay at the hear ing that they had putt based a com plete assoitment of Intoxicating thinks .it the place, including whiskey, beer and porter. Moian, who was Intoxi cated himself, oUeied no dclense, and the mayor actoulingly lined hnn $75 and tosts, which he had not paid at a late limn last night. SCHLAGER-ABBOTT NUPTIALS. Ceiemony Was Pel formed Yesteidny at Elm Park Faisonnge. ltev, Dr. C. M. Gltlin, of the F.lm Park Methodist Dpiscojial chinch, yesterduy uiitiilcil Albeit H. Schlager, of this city, to Miss Nina B. Abbott. The cere mony was a quiet one and was per foinicd at tho Dim Paik paisonnge. The bridal couple weie accompanied by u fiiend. .Mr. Hi'hlnger, who Is engaged In the iciil eslate and Insuianie business, is veiy well-known in the city. Mi. und Mrs. Schlager will leslde on Pino stieet. A Joyous Thanksgiving To AIL Let us unite in giving thanks for all things considered. We le.tllv have much very much to be thankful for, Today is our third anniversary, we have passed through another very successful yeai , and we trust deseivedly. When the sluuiy Puritan fathers on Saturday, December y, 1620, tirst celebrated Thanksgiving, they were devotedly grateful, Today, nearly 280 years later, this glad nation will raise its voice in one mighty unison ol thankfulness. Never in its magnificent history has this nation had so much to be thankful for. And this storebusier better and brightler than ever joins in the national spit it of Thanksgiving. The Issues That carry weight full dinner pail, full value, full qvality. Value and quality are our cam paign motto always. Just-look at this : Wines and Whiskies From 5oc to $2 Per Quart, at Casey Brothers', Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. ENTERTAINED INFOItMALIiY. Afternoon Function nt the Home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmes Archbnld. Mr. and Mi. .Tiunes Aielibnld enter tulned Infm mnlly yesteidny ni'teinoon nt tlielr home, im Jefferson n untie, In lienor of Jlr. nnd .Mrs. J. J. Albilslil, of Unffulo. , JIis. Ilinty Uelln, jr., nnd JIin. a. M. Decker pieslded ut the Inlilc In the dlnliiff loom. Anion?? the Indies who ilMlsled dniliiR the leeeiitlon weie Mis. It. Q. Powell. Mis. It. W. Aiehlmld, Mi. ('. II. WollfM. MIsh Uelln, Miss Hunt, Miss Ilonnell, Ml-a Mel.eod, "Less Than Four Weeks Until Cluistrans," AcraiditlK to Hohl level's Ilminw. net tlnu dnngerously ne-ir the lime when the Gold Modnl Photographer will Ijn rompelled to say, "Sorry, but T cannot pimnlsse the photos for Ghilstmas jou hnuld have come In last week." The Steeleograph Has Invouibly Impressed the lovei.s ot nilislle iihotoginphy, If the lmge num ber oidered Inst week at Scln level's Is a lelinble Index to public appteola tion. "i" Costs Little. Young men should reallt that It costs less to spend their evening's at the Seinnton UiiMncss College night school than It does to .spend them on the sti eel. Full Time Today. B l'tilmlio Wile fiom The Assochtdl I'icy. lliilcton, I'a , No. SS. MI t!u rolliciiM 111 tlie IIj1c1oii kiooii, .!th tlir cucptiuii of tho- I'peiiliil liy 0. U MiiMe & Co, will lit woikPil on full ittiio tomuriiw. In fuuuu ljis woik t Rmimulcd at tlio iiiinci oit 'Ihtii'iiMiii; ilj, but this fill tlicii U sudi a lu iliuiiuil iur toil tint lliu holiday 'Ull not be ohscncil LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE The greatest commercial economist in the world today. Compared to any necessary investment in business, theprofitfromaTELEpHONE is incalculable. Residence and Commercial rates at a moderate cost. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE AND SUPPLY CO JtaiiafCCi'i ofhu', 117 Admit atenue. To the flusical Public We beg to state that the most lecent Pianotortes by tlie Mason & Hamlin Co. contain points of constructional superiority (fiom a scientific and acoustic point of view) which lender them second to none. These instruments aie on exam- t ination and sale at the waierooms L. I POWELL Ii CO, 131-133 WA3HINQTON AVENUE The Oriental OrfU tdictnl now, iphchciI u.itil f hilat- IIMi l',L JUST ONE TO A CUSTOMER. Friday, Nov. 30 lliiGiikh Ihu iiior uf lliu sliinnlnir ili. p.iltmciit of a -Ni.w u. huu.n u hnn U((i(d an oicislnck of Ii iiidaoino u- crcl UlliC'. "WVI1 thin llioni bail,"- wa wind Tin' Uoilor icpllnl: "I won't u tuo fiilkht; Mil l lion nut in sciantui ut 50c a piece Vim niiht hi line vduimIi foi bilii-' late if )ou don't 'il mil.', Gruener 6v Co. 205 Wyoming Avenue. Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue I'o lii.-uio inoumt dilhciy and n-,t ikm1i i0 would 4 -pec l.illv luim'tt Hut 'IIuiiUkIiIiu ' ilcrs he lift i uli. Hut stixk, ut luiithliii; llu liuil.it alluld.-. is (uinpliti. rtlI"l,lltV-'lhauli;lilii',' ronltn nctfi was tj nlte as IhU Ji'a i mil will lm tultl t urv n-J-smible pil iJ. t'lluj. Ci a nl i nk', l.ittuii', ILulldus, 'pluadi, I mlilloiMr, lliaiis, 'tomato,. U;oplant, Ciuuiubiti,, etc. I rulli., Ojktii", I Mi-lu (ait we can 1111 .tour ouli i' lot tin- lunipkte dlnmi, luiiiuu'iiiliit," Willi IIluc I'olnti on llu' hilt flu II tu tlii; ili'iwit. W. H. Pierce, It Ltckiwtnni Ax. I A 110, III, lit Peon At - - s it ooooooooooooooooo 1-.Z .. I Don't get scared , 1 lT 4 0 it s a muffler, and X Oan extremelyS 0 dressy one. Anew o creation ior the o winter of 1900-01. g Ask to see it at x CONRAD'S? X 305 Lacka. Ave. s ooooooooooooooooo The Well-lCnown Modern 60S Residence Clay Ave- Lot So feet front by 160 feet deep. FRUIT, SHADE TREES, BARN One of the finest res ident properties in the city. A. N. KERR, 129 Wyoming Avenue. The Popular Hauscfurnlahlnt Storo b)e j7re Jhankful fur tlio Iiirc nifiMiii' of pnlion ni lirstDWod tipuii our ".lui. by a .ciiitoim lliotuli fxittinz ii'b li, Ui lie 1I1111U11I that tliii jppini il Ii h linn Hi' lu-iiH ot .111 larm-ir i llutl to pioWdn our IHUUllH Willi Olll till' li't of IiOIIHO (1111111.11111 ptoduol- ml llinllv Mo'rc thnilvfiil Hi it our Ktuttlll pumlU 1 luuuusi) uf btl ter 1U1111 111 tlio ji 11 before tu. tlOIIU CLO'sKU 10D.VY. I Footc & Fuller Co. IMXAIIS BUILDING, 140-42 Waslilneton Ave. Thanksgiving, 1900. Today we follow the custom of our Puritan an cestors and join in the na tional spirit of Thanksgiving This store, bigger, busier, better and brighter than ever will be closed all day. Accept this good will wish: Now good digestion waits on appetite, and health on both." Christmas is just around tlio corner. "'Wfc CQNPW 23 1-223.235.327 Wyoming At pmi! on Oi . f. 1P MMUlilriltfb,