vtt.Si. 1J r' f WflERffirtf' . ' W SJrfi''Sl'JT'WJ" wz&riswmm mm . iiiii . m i mm , . "WS"!' l ' . . ffc 4 ( - : , ".. ui 4 ., r i ' . . . 4 .'V'lii-' "' 1 ? -."-.- -- t W M ' . '" 1-. "? "-' -" ' -T --l-' 4 ' V '-.r ' V V . i"1 . - IJ V !" 't , "" " X . THE SCRANTON TMBTJNE-THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1900. y,- -"'.vw. Communication s of a news nature, per sonals and all Items for publication may he left at The Trib une's new offices In the Burke BiuMInc or sent by mall or 'phone. JOBDAN-10FTU8. A Prominent Scrantonlnn nnd a Pop ular Young Lady of Thin City Unite Their Lives. .1. M. Jordan, of Scrnnton, u welt known lawycr.and Miss Ulna V. LoUuh, of this city, wcro married yesterday niornlnR in St. Jtose church ut S.llu o'clock. Tho wedding ceremony wns witnessed by n very lnrge number of friends nnd wan us Imposing and bril liant un affair us over took wlace In this city. The marriage watt celebrated by a high nuptlul mnKs In which ninny jirlcHts of the dloccso asslHtr-tl. Ah tho wedding party entered the church and proceeded up the iiInIo Pro fessor S. V. Stocltmun, who wns at tho organ, .played the wedding march from Lohengrin In a manner that caused tho swelling tide of emotion to height-i-n In every heart. As the party grouped themselves about the altav the whlsperH of admiration of the bride nnd her beautiful wedding gown were MUltc audible. .She wore a magnificent dress of white duehesse satin, trimmed with white point lace and pearls, it hut of white chiffon, trimmed with gold, nnd white sntln slippers. The gift of t lie bridegroom, a handsome sunburst of diamonds, nestled In her hair. In her right hand was an exquisite pray crbook Inlaid with pearl. The maid of honor, alius Mary Uurns, of Susqtiehunna, was attired In a gown of light blue Lansdownc silk, trimmed with Irish point lace. Her hat was a black Gainsborough. X bouquet of bridal roses occupied her hands. The bridegroom's best man was Frank T. Jordan, his cousin. At the altar there were a number uf clergymen. The brother of the bride groom, Itev. J. J. Jordan, of Vtondliam, read the nuptial nintis; Hev. M. E. I-oftus; brother of the bride, was dea con of the mass; Rev. P. ('. Hearst, of Ashley, sub-deacon, and Rev. T. F. Coffey, of Carbondale, was master of ceremonies. Itev. P. C. Winters, of Jlawley; Hev. William O'Hara, of Archbald: Jtev. M. J. Mlllnue, of Dun morc; Ilev. Oeorge Dixon and Hev. Walter Gorman, of St. Hose church, were also present. During the mass -Miss Alice IJrldgett sang the "O Salu torls." As the newly married couple turned 'to leave the church Professor Stockman at the organ pealed forth the joyful strains of Mendelssohn' wedding processional. At the home of the bride's mother, -' Pike street, a reception was given to (he clergy and the guests. The Misses Mary McCawley, May Kilpat rli'k and Katie and Nellie I-ittli re ceived the guests. The bride and bride groom there received the congratula tions of their many friends. A splen did wedding feast was' served and it was a merry party that surrounded it. Many handsome gifts were re ceived and a room was set aside to dis play them. . Mr. and Mrs. Jordan left this city on the 1.18 train for an extended wedding tour. They will visit Washington, Philadelphia and many other eastern cities. On their return they will reside in Scranton. Mnson-Albiight. liaiidolph Mason, of this city, ami Miss Helen Albright, of Scranton, were married in the latter city yesterday afternoon at the bride's home in the Green nidge section. 'Miss Albright formerly resided in Carbondale. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Albright. Mr. .Mason was formerly city engineer of this city, but is now on the Delaware and Hudson englnesrlng corps. Immediately after the ceremony the couple started on a wedding tour of ten days' duration. On their re turn they will reside on Spring street. O'Conuor-Begnn. As will be seen on another page of The Tribune, Joseph B. O'Connor, of this city, was married yesterday after noon to Miss Frances Ilegan, of Scran ton, in the latter city, at St. Peter's cathedral, by liev. John Griffin, for merly of St. Hose church, of this city, but now chancellor of the diocese. On their return from their wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor will reside in their new and finely furnished homo on St. Wyoming avenue. Part of a House Fell on Him. While a force of Itallnn laborers were digging a trench iu the rear of V. I.. Blair's new house in tho rear of Sixth avenue, in order to connect with the water main, oius of them was hurt by a peculiar accident and was taken to the Emergency hospital, but was not seri ously hurt, Albert A. Wright, the car penter, hud the two gable ends uf the building propped up against the side of tho house while he was busy doln'v work on something else. The Italians had gone quite close to thsm in their course of digging a furrow iu the ground, and Mr, Wright cautioned them to be careful, as the gable ends, which were about ten feet square, might fall on them. Hardly hud he uttered the warning when one of them toppled over. Mr. Wright heard a shout of "Look out!" and Jumped to una side just in time to escape the heavy timber. One of tho sons of sun ny Italy, however, was not so fortun ate, for tho edge of It struck hlin on the back of tho head and tho shoul ders, doubling him up In a crouching position, The rest or tho men sprang forward and lifted the gable end, Tho victim of tho uccldont, whose name Is Fred Truant. or something like It was stunned for a time, but recovered sufficiently to bo able to walk to the street, when tho Harrison House 'bus i rove up and took him to tho hospital. Dr. Mnrk Halley, who was summoned, said he had received no other Injuries than a badly strained back. Union Thanksgiving Service. The congregations of the Presby terian, Methodist, linptlst uud Congre gational churches will hold union ser vices tomorrow In tho Herenn Haptlst church. Tho services will begin nt 10.30 a. in. The Itev. A. V. Clmffce DkBuU'sN ' Cures ill Throat uud Lung Affections. COUGH SYRUP Gctthegeauiae. Refute substitute. M Vis sure alvatraa OUctirw RfctuiatUw. 19 aj oU. CARBONDALE DEPARTMENT will preach the sermon and the other pastoi-H will participate In the exor cises. As soveral members of. the choir will be absent from town, no special muslo will be given: the remainder of the choir will lend the singing and the congregation will join In. All who do sire to give thanks for tho manifold blessings vouchsafed thorn as Individ uals or as ti people are cordially In vited to co-opernto In making tho an nual giving of thanks n success. The collection that will be taken up will be donated to tho Carbondale Emergency hospital. As this Is a worthy local charity and one that every body In the city is keenly Inter ested In, it should be the (recipient of a large thank offering. Mother Jones Speaks. Mother Mnry Jones addressed a large crowd In St. Hose's hall last night. Tho meeting had been arranged spec ially In reference to the silk mill strike, and on the platform were about fifty of the striking employes. Ilemy Collins, of the Central Labor union, presided over tho meeting, fie first introduced Edward Faagan, president, of the silk mill union, who oxplnlned the grievances of the employes. The crates with which the silk is weighed formerly, weighed about two pounds each. Sow they have become broken and in some cases weigh but 11 few ounces. For this difference In tho weight of the crates, he says the em ployes must prepare so much extra silk without getting any extra pay.. In conclusion, he said that the strik ers are perfectly willing to have the trouble settled by 111 bltrat Ion. The employes want a dollar n day. A young man named King, who is among the strikers, told how his wages had decreased peroral dollars, and then Mr. Collins Introduced Mother Jones, who was received with loud applause. She said the American people wns born in a strike ami now iu the closing hours of the Nineteenth century, even the children have to strike for their rights. She scored-tho mill owners for the way the clilldien are dragged almost from tho cradle to tho fuctory, and she then scolded the parents for allowing: such condi tions to prevail. She denounced on In dustrial system which allows the chil dren of the poor to shed their blood for the education and pampering of the children of the rich. The wage slavery of itoday, fine asserted, is as bad, every whit, us was the mini slav ery of bygone days. She roundly scored the- mill bosses for the filthy language used In hear ing of the girls and boys, and deplored the corrupting influences into which they are thrown. Such conditions will but foster a race of puny, good-for-nothing men and women. She bewail ed the fact that the children are drag ged so young from the school room. AVe will build jails and then make the criminals to till them. We won't give them an opportunity to earn an hon orable living before, but we will keep them for nothing after they have been forced to commit cilme. Mother Jones, in closing, urged that a committee be appointed to hear the grievances of the employes and then confer with the mill owners and sec if some agree ment cannot be reached. Following out her suggestion, tho following committee was appointed: Joseph Johns, Patrick Toolan, A. 3. Padden. T. M. Davis, Thomas Mooney, Hartley Plglilln, John Walsh, John Scanlon, George Spall and 'John Hermes. A meeting of the employes will bo held nnd the committee, after becoming thoroughly acquainted with the circumstances, will wait on I ha operators and endeavor to effect a set tlement. About fifty new members were enrolled into the union last night, Miss Lindsay Is Not 111. A statement was printed in an even ing paper hero last night that Miss Lidu Lindsay was sick with typhoid fever and was iu the Emergency hos pital, whore she wnuhl receive the best of treatment. Miss Lindsay's brother died from this disease last Saturday, and the statement that Miss Lindsay was also prostrated caused great sor row among the many friends of the family. The Tribune is very glad to contradict this article this morning. Miss Lindsay was ill the evening be fore her brother's funeral with an at tack of nervous prostration, but had recovered in the morning nnd uttended the obsequies held over her brother, and Immediately afterward accom panied her mint, Mrs. John AV. White, of Scranton, to the latter's homo, where she now Is. Aside from her grief at her late loss, Miss Lindsay is now ns well as sho ever was. Thanksgiving nt the Postoftlce. The postotllce hours for Tlianksglv- 1 ing day, Thursday, Xov. 2U, l'JOrt, a.-: ' For general business, from 7 a. in. to U noon: lobby open for lock-box owners only, from 3.30 p. m, to n p. 111. There will be one full delivery by cnrrlers and one business delivery by curriers. Xo money order or registry buslnes-i done, .1, II, Thomas, postmaster. Home from Philadelphia, Mrs. M. f Elliott returned to Car bondale the first of the week, utter spending a week In the "City of nrnth erly Love" She reports a most en joyable week spent attending tho stuto convention of the Christian Pit deuvor. New Music Class. , Prof. Ernst Thlele, of Scranton, has organized a muslo clafs in this city uiul will glvo Instruction on tho vio lin and violoncello. Prof. Thlole need'j no introduction to tho music-loving people of CurbnndalP. No Freights Today, There will be no local freight trains on tho Delaware and Hudson railroad toduy bound out. The regular daily passenger schedule will bo ntrlctly ad hered to, however, Tho Erie's regular passenger servlco Is also undisturbed, The Erie Excursion. Fifteen persona went from here yes terday morning on the Krle railroad's Thanksgiving excursion to New York. Dr. Lansing's Lecture. The next lecture In the People's Lec ture Course will bo given In tho Rerean Baptist church next Tuesday evening. The speaker will hi the Rev. Dr. Lnns- E.L. Hatfield, man ager of the Carbon dale edition) wilt be pleased to receive callers seeking Infor mation or desirous of Imparting It. Tele phone numbers: New aBrt: old, 0433, Ing, of the Green Hldge Presbyterian church, In Scranton, and his theme will be "Among tho GlaclerB of tho High Alps." Dr. Lansing Is a forceful speak er and Is one of tho brightest platform talkers of this state. Aside from his church work nnd lecturing he Is an Indefatigable toller, and among his many labors he Is an active member of the Green Hid go Mcii'm union, of Scranton, and has been foremost In that union's fight to redeem tho Elec tric City from the vice and bribery that have been rampant there, The Teachers' Institute. The third day's session of the teach ers' Institute was held yesterday In the Central school building. Dr. E. O. Lyte wns the first speaker of tho day and he continued his Instructive course on the use and abuse of the English grammar. Superintendent Coughlln followed with an Interesting talk on geography. Dr. Elson's his tory narrative wns brought down to the lime of Lincoln nnd the Civil war, nnd ho related a number of incidents of that heroic phase of the country's life The programme today Is very inter esting and no doubt a large number will take advantage of tho holiday to attend the two sessions. The evening session, which was scheduled to be held in the High school, and at which the Smith Sisters were to appear, lmn been transferred to the Grand Opera House. Following Is the programme for today: JIOliNIM!. I'.SO, Mtliie. D.lll, Cullmv lit Hi,- Will ,Siii, l.uiiL'lilili. lli.-'u, l'riin.ii.v Aiitlmiclic. JII Ane .1. Mi'MolLin 11.011. Mu-ir. 11.10, IIMoiy, Ur. II. W. Kl-on. AITIHiXOOV. I..';0, Mii-lc. 1.10, M my (ioim, iU'i Ariici J. McUdUii. L'.'.'i), lllHioiy, Dr. II. W. r.lson. S.00, fuic. Il.t'i, Knowing by Tlillikins, Siii(, Cuuglilhi. Foot Ball at the Park Today. The line-up for the Thanksgiving day game of foot ball at Alumni park between the Indians and the Dunmore Athletic club Is as follows: I'l.tiuHTy cviiUt J. ll.insrn II. mm right stunt Comlti-. Cir.nnt left Kiunl Ciormuu OWill licht tackle M'HOn lLiggt'ity left tai'klc Ncary lilllijli lislit onil Mcllalc Kuan Iefl. end McLain (lllinurthi qnnitci' luctc (.'ratio i:. .lolnwm rii;lit half hack Hope DeBow left hair hark Minph.v .Scasiavcs full back Hansen Uiiiuuoau. I'usitioii". lndi.UK The game starts at :!.30 11. ni. and the admission fee will be but 15 cents. The above line-up may be changed some what when time is called. Daughters of Bebekah Elect. The election of officers of Lucretlix lodge, No. 103, Daughters of Kcbukah, was held Tuesday evening, and the fol lowing were chosen to guide the af fairs of the lodge for the ensuing term: oble grand, Emma Knse; vice grand, Iiertha Harbor: secretary, Edith Haw kins: finnnclul secretary, George Hughes: treasurer, Eva Dix; trustees, Canio Wells and Ann Huddy. The election of representative to 'the grand lodge was postponed to the last meet ing in December. The officers will be installed on Tuesday evening, Dec. 11. The Dance Tonight. The "Recherche Dancing class are making great preparations for their social this evening in Burke's hall. Over 200 invitations have been sent out and the Indications are that there will bo a large response. The music will be under the direction of Prof. John Firth. Lutherans Invited. St. Paul's Lutheran church will hold Thanksgiving services tonight at 7.30 o'clock. The Itev. Mr. Witke, of Scran ton, and the Rov. R. Conrad, or West Plttston, will deliver addresses. All Lutherans are invited to unite with this congregation for these services. Change in Mail Delivery. Owing to the change In the time of the Delaware and Hudson north-bound mall train, formerly reaching here at 2.52 p. 111., but now at 3.23 p. m., the time of the last mall delivery haa been changed, the mnll carriers now making their rounds thirty minutes later, Will Install Officers. Carbondale Canton, So. 40, Patri archs Militant, will assist lu tho In stallation of Rebekah degree oflicors in Archbald on Doc. 5, in Carbondale on Dec. 11 and in Jerniyn on Doe. 10. Change in Situation. Hurl Brink has accepted a nositlon with It. AV. Pethlck, the furniture man in the Rurko building. Mr. Brink was formerly employed by Meyers, of Suleni avenue. Meetings Tonight. George 10, Randolph camp, No. 138, Sons of "Veterans. At the Grand Opera House. Tonight Concert by the Ariel Ladles' Sextette. Where They Will Eat Turkey. George Sykes will help to pick the bird In Scranton. John Ciuno returned from Atlantic city yesterday morning. A. 0. Ball loft today for Now York, where ho will stay until Saturday, Mrs, T. O. Loomls, of Lincoln avenue, will spend Thanksgiving In New York. Mrs. II, P. Loomls, of Famo, ,wll spend tho day with her son, on Lin coln avenue. Al Hlrkett and wife will spend Tliunksgtvlng with her parents In Susquehanna. Mrs. Charles Perkins, who has Iwen visiting In New York some time, has returned home, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur E. Frlsblo have gono to AVyalunIng, Pa., to spend the day with their daughter. Miss lOvelyn Hate, of Park street, is visiting iu White Mills, whore she will remain until after tho holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fltzslmmons, of Clovelund, o aro In town visiting tho former's mother, on Canaan street. Mrs. George Foster, of this city, who has been visiting her son, Roy, in Plttston, for Borne lime, has returned homo. Roy accompanies her for Thanksgiving, Mr. and Mrs. F. N, Hlbblts have re turned from lliclr wedding tour nnd taken tip their reBldenco in this city. R. H. Strickland, manager uf tho now Cnrbondalti Gas company, went to Rochester yesterday to spend tho hollduy, Mrs. George iM. Lnubshlre, who hu been visiting1 her mother In Port Jer vls for Bovernl weeeks, icturned homo lnnt evening, Miss Margaret Thomas, clerk for Al derman B. H. Jones, left for Now York city yesterday, where she will spend Thanksgiving. John Stott and sister, Mrs. AV. J. McDonough, left for New York nlty yesterday morning, where they will spond several days. JERMYN AND MAYFIELP. The Installation of the ortleern of Mlzpnh lodge, No. 115, Daughters of Rebakah, will take place on Wednes day evening, Dec. ID, Instead of Dec. 0, us previously announced. By the recent collapse of the Buf falo Land Improvement company n number of Jerniyn residents have suf fered severely. The lots were well boomed here some years ago, and on the strength of ono of the promoters, who wns known and related to resi dents of the borough, the lots went like hot cakes for a time. It Is said that local people Invested In tho neigh borhood of $13,000 In the enterprise, among the Investors being some of the prominent business men of the town. Other Investors were hard-working men, who, In some cases, Invested their life savings, and on these the loss, of course, falls most heavy. This Is not the first land Investment In which Jer niyn people have been caught, but It is almost certain that the painful lessons taught by the collapse of the Buffalo Land company will make Investment!! of that kind extremely unpopular here ubouts for a few years to come. Today will bo observed as a general holiday among the stores and business places. The Delaware and Hudson col liery will be idle, and it is probable the other neighboring collieries will not be able to operate much of th day. The usual holiday hours will bo observed nt the postoiUce. Thanksgiving services were held lu the public school yesterday. Tho pro grammes which were carried out by the scholars consisted of recitations, singing, dialogues. Instrumental mu sic was very creditably given by the children and was much enjoyed. The Jermyn schools have hitherto suffered somewhat from the absence of recre ations of this kind and on this account yesterday's entertainment was there fore all the more thoroughly enjoyed by those who participated in it and those who were entertained. Mrs. II. N. Barrett ably assisted by her orgun accompaniments to the Instrumental solos. AAMIlie Caveney, a young man resid ing on the East Side, was arrested on Monday night at the instance of a' young woman named Doud residing in the same, vicinity on the serious charge of rape. Caveney was taken before Justice of the Peace Munley, of Archbald, by whom he was com mitted to jail. Ho was released yes terday on ball. Thomas Warwick was at a meeting of the local miners' union on Tuesday night appointed cheek welghman nt the Delaware and Hudson colliery. Mrs. Dr. Baker and two children, of Duryea, are spending Thanksgiving here with relatives. Miss Eva McLaughlin, of Forest City, is the guest of Jermyn friends. Fred Richtmeyer, of Port Chester, N.Y., Is circulating among his old friends here. There will be no less than four games of foot bnll played here today. The first will be a game this morning on Fowler's field between the Miners as sociation and a team from AVest May field. This afternoon a game bfttween the well known Rlchmondalo Rovers and Jermyn will be played upon the same grounds, and there will also be two games playsd on the East Side grounds between the Peckville and Jessup High school teams and the East Side Indians. 'Miss Nellie Foundy, of West May field, Is visiting her school-mate, Miss Bstner Tretheway, of Parsons. The Misses x.ate and Murtlm Walsh, of Mayfleld. will spend Thanksgiving holidays with Miss Nellie Jackson, of Duryea. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Dtiesbneh and family, of Hyde Park, are spending Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason, of Second street. MOSCOW. Mrs. Kurianchke, of Carbondale, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Max Lonstein, returned homo Satur day, Miss Alice Harden has returned homo from Scranton, where she has been spending soveral weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Perry, of Dun more, are moving in part of George Bortree's house, on Spring Garden street, Warren Barber, of Brooklyn, N. Y Is spending Thanksgiving here. ' An excellent temperance sermon was preached by Rov. G, H. Prentice last Sabbath evening, Mnx Lonstein bus purchased a house In Duryea and expects to move there In April. Mr. Augustine, of Newfoundland, Is visiting his daughter, Mrs, Erhhardt. Miss Ivu Swnrts, of Scranton, Is spending Thanksgiving with her par ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Levi Swarts, A good-sized audience wns In attend ance nt tho stereoptloon entertainment given by A. A'. Bower, of Scranton, Tuesday evening, About one hundred views from I'ompoll were given, which were Instructive, as well as interesting. Mrs. Fanny Brown spent part of this week with Scranton friends. H. Q, Frlsohkorn, of Plttston. spent Sunday with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. F. Pelton entertained Mr. A. A', Bower, Tuesday evening. EMHURST, Miss Mary Schlnneiilng, of Thorn hurst, Is Miss Blessing's successor as teacher of tho prlmury department, She left last evening to spend Thanksgiv ing with her iwents. Rev. AV, H. Williams, the "drummer evangelist," will deliver his lecture, en titled "The Last Romp With the Tiger," ut tho Baptist church on Friday even ing. Admission free. , An offering will bo taken at the close of the service. Ilov. James Morris, of Passaic, N. J., will preach n tho Baptist church Sun day morning and evening, Meetings will also be continued tluough the fol lowing week. At this time, when naturally a spirit of Joyfulness and thanksgiving should pervndo tho very atmosphere, a feeling of gloom and sadness has settled ovor the entire community, caused by the sudden death of Mr. E. AV. Duvls, who for n quarter of a century had fitted most faithfully the position of station agent at the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western station. Mr. Davis canio from dinner ai his homo on Tuesday, fooling ns woll ns usual, nnd entered Upon his duties for tho afternoon at tho station. Sonic time after a rail road man, falling to attract his atten tion an tifliint, went Into'the station and wns shocked to find Mr. Davis l.vinir on the Door of tho ofllcn unconscious. Tho alarm was quickly given and Dr. Knedler summoned, who found that a stroke of paralysis had resulted In the bursting of a blood vessel In tho brain. The unconscious man wns conveyed to the homo which ho had left but a short time before in health and good spirits, nnd everything that medical skill or loving hands could do was dono, but of no avail. At 1 o'clock yesterday morning he died. Ho Is survived by a widow and three chltdren, Fred L., aged twenty-one: Charles, aged thir teen, and Florence, ngod seven. Mr. Davis wan a faithful member of tho Presbyterian church of this place. Ho was also president of the borough council, and a man who always threw his Influence on tho side of right. Ho was a devoted husband and father, and tho stricken family have tho deepest sympathy of the entire community In this sad atlllctlon. The funeral ser vices will be held nt his late home to morrow at 10 u. ni. His pastor, Rev. J. J. Rankin, will ofltclate. On account of the death of Mr. Davis, the Ladles' Aid society of the Presby terian church have postponed the social nnd supper which was to have been hold at the Fuller home tomorrow evening. 'Mr. nnd Mrs. W. B. Edwards and Mr. C F. Edwards went to Nicholson on Monday to nttend tho funeral of Mrs. Julia Carpenter, n sister of Mrs. Ed wards, who tiled while, on her way here to visit them. A. B. AVilllums, Jr., of New York city, Is spending Thanksgiving with his par ents here Mrs. Byron Buckingham attended a regular meeting of the Order of East ern Star nt Scranton on Mondny even ing, and was re-elected- secretary for the tenth consecutive year. A number of family gatherings aro to take place here today, and many are leaving to enjoy the same at other places. Miss Ida Slmnnsou, of Scranton, spent Sunday with friends here. PECKVILLE. Chicken thieving has for the past few 'years thrived within the borough limits and a number of fruitless at tempts have been made to capture thn guilty parties, but no use: they al ways escaped. The membeis of Class No. 0 have captured an alleged chicken thier, and he is to be tried before a court of justice at Ledyard hall this evening. The trial will be given in the main hall and before Judgp AVearno, District Attorney Gay lord Keller will act for the common wealth, ns prosecutor, while Attorney Stanley Evans will defend the cul prit. A jury of tried ond true citi zens will be picked and tho chlckrn thief will got all that is coming to him. To pay expenses and to help swell the treasury of Class No. 9, an admission of 13 cents will be charged at the door. Mr. R. E. Bile, of Dorrancelown, is visiting his cousin, Mr. AVillinm AVal lace. A large number of our townspeople journeyed to Scranton yesterday to testify in the Louis AVelsberger vs. Ontario and Western case. It will be remembered that Mr. AVelsberger was the driver of the team that was struck on the Ontario and Western crossing about a year ago, when the AVnlsh boy and a Polander, who v;pro riding in the wagon, were killed. The case did not come up yesterday. Mr. S. F. AA'hlte, who Is lumbering near Unlondale, is home to spend Thanksgiving. The ladles of the Presbyterian church will serve Thanksgiving sup per at tho church parlors this "after noon and evening. The Peckville Athletic club will hold ?i ball nt tho Grnnd 'Army of tho Re public hall this evening. OLYPHANT. The Red Cross and Sepulchre degree was conferred on several members of the Eureka commundery, Knights of Malta, by the Washington command ery, of Hyde Park, at Keystone hall, last evening. After the conferring of the degree, a smoker was held, which was attended by a. large number of knights from different towns. Refresh ments were served, Louis Blockberger was called to South Scranton yesterday on account of the death of his brother-in-law. Frederick Engen, at that place. Mrs. Mary Cummlngs, Miss Annie Doud and M. AV. Cummlngs, jr., at tended the Loftus-Jordan wedding, at Carbondale, yesterday. The- LaPorte Comedy company will open a week's engagement at the Father Mnthew opera house, commenc ing next Mondny evening. Miss Margaret Evans is spending u few days at Plttston. The Kingsbury lodge, Free and Ac cepted Masons, will meet tomorrow nigh and elect officers for the coming yeur. The members of the Congregational church will hold an entertainment in that edifice, Monday, December 10. The postoflice will be opon today be tween the hours of 7 and 12 o'clock. Miss Annie Patten has returned horns from Bloomsburg to spond Thanksgiv ing. The young peoplo of tho Blnkely Bap tist church aro mailing preparations for a bazaar, to bo held during the holi days. Misses Mu in le Nealon and Katie Donnelly tire visiting relatives at Honcsdalc, Mrs. Mary A. Davis desires to thank tho many friends, the Odd Fellows and veterans of the Grand Army of tho Re public ana Spanish-American war, far their kindness during tho Illness and at the death of her lute husband. David It. Davis. Miss Mamie Owens, of New York, who has been visiting her aunt, .Mrs. D. L. Grllllths, left yesterday for a month's tuy lu Ohio, Miss Bessie Tonners, of Horuellsvllle, X, Y., Is the guest of Miss Jennie Pat ten. Miss Ruth Terry, of Wavorly, bus io turned home, after spending u tow days with Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Hull, of Blukely. ' When You Get a Headache don't wasto a minute but go to your druggist and got a box of KrnuBe" Headache Capsules. They will pre vent pnln, even though your skuW were, cracked. They nro harmless, o. Read the guarantee. Price 25c. Sold by Matthews Bros. TAYLOR. AVhen Jreek meotn Crook, then comes the tug of war. TIiIb phrase may be used with almost perfect adaptability In describing what will happen nt the foot ball contest this afternoon on tho Riverside grounda, when the Gendall nnd Bttrna elevens bnttlo for supremacy. Both teams comprise some good players nnd have been well trained and a good game can bo expected. The contest will commence nt 2.30 o'clock. Tho line-up of tho teams will be: Gcndnll eleven Left end, A. Marsh: left tackle, Hoop er: loft guard, Connolly; canter, Pow ell; tight guard, lnglls: right tackle, Beceham; right end, Reeso or Stone; qnnrtor back, AVntklns; loft half back, Benrwolf; right half hack, Tubbs; full back, Gondait or Marsh. Burns' eleven Left ond, T. Glynn: lett tackle, Da vis: center, Oulkle: right end, Owens; right, guard, Jordan: tight tackle, 'Hnmmond; quarter back, Burns; left half buck, Day; tight halt buck, Scan lon: full hack, Evnns. A number of young people of the Archbald visited the Interior of tho Archbald mine on Tuesday evening unit witnessed how the dusty diamond grows. After n. few hours of enjoy ment, the party were hoisted to the surface nnd bore as much evidence on their faces as tho miners. Those who comprised the party were: Mlssc.i Annie Stevens, Beatrice Carey, Minnie Kahn. B. Cnrey, Ala Pfftff, Mabol Gaul, Jennie Davis and William Nash, Harry Barrier, Ezra Gaul, Thomas Mortis, tteese Thomas. Joseph Hart nnd John Englp. The Sunday school class of John F. Tubbs. 'of the Methodist Episcopal church, will conduct n Puritan social at the church parolrs this evening, commencing nt 6 o'clock. The younff I ladles In charge have prepared 11 I tempting menu, which will consist of nil the delicacies of tho season. Sup-. ! pet" fee, 10 cents: ice cream extra. I The borough schools, In observance 1 of Thanksgiving Dny, held exercises I .vestrday in honor of the occasion. I The programmes were very Intcrcnt- Ing and enjoyable. PoBtofflre hours for toduy will be from !) to It n. m. Th money ordir department will remain closed nil day. The condition of Mrs. Robert Cnomb't is growing worse and It if feared that the end Is near. A dispatch has bean sent to her bro'her, Thomas W. Evans, who Is studying for' the ministry nt the Crozler seminary, Lowistown, Pa., to come home at once. Councihiinn David H. Evans, of hto First ward, U a candidate for re-election. Bvan G. AVatkins, Frank Decker, Stanley Miller, are spending Thanks giving in New York. Taylor castle. No. 2B7, Knisdits of the Golden Faglo, will meet this evening. Superintendent John L. Neiger Is spending today at Newark, N. J. Liazie, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jos eph AVoodworth, of North Main street, is seriously ill. Lackawanna A'alley council. No. SI, Junior Order United American Me chanics, will moot in regular session tills evening. This evening the Young Men's Christian association will give a ban quet to its members In their rooms, on South Main street. A grand time is anticipated. Thanksgiving services will be hold in the different churches here today. The eisteddfod to Iw held in this town on Chtistmns dny under the aus pices of the AVelsh Congregational church, promises to be a grand musi cal treat. The 2-year-old child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert "ITpdyke died yesterday, after a lingering illness. Funeral an nouncement later. CLARK'S GREEN. Dwight Chapman and son, E. B. Chapman and wife, of Hamllnlon, vis ited relatives here last week and re turned to their home on Saturday last. Union Thanksgiving services will bo held In the Baptist church here this morning (Thursday) et 10.30 o'clock. Services will be conducted by the pas tor, the Rev. II. Paiiatt East. J. C. Hlggins visited relatives in Scranton over Sunday, returning home last evening. Miss Grace A. Davis intended the Hodgson-Ruwson wedding, at the As bury Methodist Episcopal church, on Monday evening Inst. Tho reception was held at Greenwood, the home of tho bride, Miss Elizabeth Rawson. The wedding of one of our most es teemed young ladies, a member of the Methodist Eplscopul church, and who took an active part In all Its branches, was solemnized at the home of thn bride-elet on AVednesday evening last. Tho bridegroom is a resident of Ben ton township, Mr. Floyd Colvin, nnd his bride is Miss Maud Mullinex. They will begin housekeeping In a homo In Carbondale on Thanksgiving day. Tho guests were limited to those of their relatives only. Mrs. Maud Mullinex Colvin will be much missed In her circle of friends, and all extend to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Colvin most heartily their good will and best wishes. It Is also currently reported that out young hardware merchant, AVillard P. Coon, will wed on Thursday, at Hones dale, Miss Edith Decker, daughtor of Georgo AV. Decker, of that place. Miss Emma Coon left on Monday morning last to visit relatives nnd friends in Carbondale and Hnnesdale, Miss Josephine Swallow, of Douglass, Otto county, Nebraska, is visiting her ninny relatives and friends here for tho first time, her father, Joseph Swal low, ami family having moved from this vicinity some twenty-five years "K. Air, nnu airs, sums vvnue win occupy their old home here this week, after several yearn' absence. They will be welcomed by their many friends. William Hall Is suffering from an attnek of tho grip, ,T, D. 'Knight's barn was completely unroofed by the wind ami rain storm on Monday night. Miss Minnie Oernon has accepted the position of teacher In mom seven In our High school building and usstimed active control on Monday morning Inst Joseph nibble hail nn accident Io his train on Monday Inst by running his engine Into a train ahead and wrecking the caboose, Mr. and Mrs. II. F. CourttiBht left on Tuesday of this week for un ex tended visit with relatives and friends In Clilcaeo and Aurora, HI. James Pentecost will spend Thanks, s-lvlng dny with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas AV, Pentecost, The preparations fur the fair which will be held lu the Methodist H.nlsto pal church on the till, 5th and Gth of December are progressing rapidly. This bids fair to outsit ip any ami all prevlr ous efforts. Oysters will bu served In many wnys by thoiladles In charge on Tuesday evening. A fifteen cent sup per will be served on Wednesday evon Ing. Do not fall to patronize tho fair and supply your many friends with Christmas presents. 'Ji--jBTOV. We let the cat out of tho bttf at last to tell you of our good fortune in being able to sell you Underwear and Hosiery at a figure much lower than you would have expected. See our special lines of Gloves, lined nnd unllned. New lint Neckwear at 48c. 412 Spruce Street. , . L- Fast Time to Portland CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY fHE "CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPE CIAI." leaves Chicago 6.30 p. ni. daily, via Chicago-Union Pacific and North Western Line, arrives Portland, Oregon, iiflernooii of tliiid day. Xo change of curs; meals in Dining Cars. Buffet Library Curs with barber. Tourist Sleepers daily. Personally conducted excursions every week. The best of everything. The Pacific Express leaves 10.30 p. in. daily. Call on any -agent for tickets or uddrebs 49t Brondtuat, AW Ytrk eatChtt't St.,Pkl!adtlfh)a 435 Virt St., Cincinnati tOTSmithfUSl., eitttbura 3S8 Waihtnghn St., Bouton 134 Suptrlcr St., Cltveland tfCtmpwMariluB, Oitrott zur mam St., Buffalo ttl Clark Si., Chicago', !KingSt.,Catt. Toronto.Ont. NEW YORK HOTELS. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irvlns Place, NEW YORK. American Plan, &I.G0 per day and upward. European Plan, ?1.W per day and upward. I. D. CRAWFORD, Propriclor. For Business Men In the district. li;art ot Ilia wholesale t For .Shoppers S minutes' walk to Wanamakers; S minutes to Slccel Cooper's Big Btore. Easy of access to the ureal Dry Goods Stores. For Sightseers One block from B'way Cars, gtv Snc easy transportation to all points uf Interest. ; HOTEL ALBERT NEW YORK. Cor. inn ST. UNIVKHSITY PI Only ono Block from Broadway. PiftHI! f lln RESVAUKANT liuuiuj, v up prices Kuajonaois 4- - WINTER RESORT. 'Through the Hesperian Gardens of the West" Buns the Luxurious "SUNSET LIMITOD." The Finest Thing on Wheels, AND IT TAKES YOU TO THOSE DELIGHTFUL Summer Lands of " California." f-ncclnl tlinitisli 1 1 .tint rrmlllitij of sleeping anil dinltiK-iMr will 'l'av '"' Vtnk eveiy SjI urd.iv, TucuLiy ami I liui silay. foim ai-t i nsr ill rretl'v wllli the "Swiiot Limited" at New Otluina. 1'u'r lull iiitm 11..1I ion, tu-c illiHli.uul iminpli lets, nupi awl timr-l.iMi'S nlo limct run-, fclccplnz cur UlI;cU and li.-uwsc ilivikdl. .ipply to Southern I'Jiifi.- Co., ltti K. TI1I11I street, fhlhuh'lphU. I'J. A Skin of noauty Is a Joy Forever. DK. T. 1'RI.IX COi:AIH- OKIfcNT.VU CKEAM, Olt A1A11)AI, lllCAUUriKU. lleniovet Tun, rimpli-i, FreckiM, Moih luti'lim, 11.1.-U, nnd Hkln dUiMNi". ui'l tvttt bliinlsh on wiuiy, ana u?nes di-tivilon. It haa Blooil tsa teat or n Tnn, and la ao harniliu ire tnite la In ho Mirt.lt ltt prop crly niailr. Accept no counterfeit of tltnlliriiniu. Dr. I. A. HuTrft KAlJ tO m tally uf tha baut-toa tu patient)) "A you tadicKwlUtisetlicfn, 1 rc-omnirnil 'Ocur uud'sCreADi!" tba Itnhl harmful the Miln prepa tlona." For aala til Ml "V tlona." For aala br all nmirffliita ana Itaor-OJOda Daalera In the C. S., Canada, onU Euros. nu. t. Hor-tma. vtm'x, a ort Jaa bu m.t. 11 LIVERBTA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL I CURES IBiliousnoss. Constipation, Dyspepsia, Sick-Koau lacbo and Livo.' Complaint. Ktl&AR COATED. PILLS Holtl by all dnntelst 1 or ecsn; ny ianu. JNertlta Mtelcal Co., Cblcajo Hold by Mcfiurran & Thomas. Orin,' gilts,, W LncUuwarr uve., Scranton. Vj. Found Guilty of Murder. Ily Uxtliiiltc Wilp limn The Vwui.itnl I'll"" lluiitliiBdoii, V. V.i.. Via. v'S, -lieoiiji. I'olltr. vji tudjy fouml guilty of mun'ef in lh h'iuihI UeijUT. Ii' ua iluHH-il Willi killing IVti'r tjtuiiton, liU pjiluci, 111 the liu.lno-i et rai'.ly maMi'tr. Jl rc.i u.u. ii'iiuiiimiidnl In I hi- Jmy, To Cure a Cold in One Dny Tu!o I.nxntlvo Iiroino Qululno Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. B. W. Orove's wig, nature 1 3 on each box. iloe. .M .ffigfe. w JS-JvT1 mf -S V llHtlillnfCUH MfM 100 I 26 :i ;. ... jV r ' 1 f.S