gwwEPTW.'M,ni'TM: fcWji-nrarTi Mp. ""-& J.-, 1?w""m ;v-itaiV-. "t i 2t, J 4. .'Tim,, ' tvi"8' V 41 . s :'t-e . , ' .(.j, 'A-f '- W ".'' ' w fc - . ' 1, - rtbtine A ,!! ' l t-'' THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICb OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., THURSDAY MORISING, NOVEMBER 20, 1900. TWO CENTS. TSw? fP!l FIRE EATERS ARE CHECKED Great Britain Assents to the Amer ican Position Goncernlno Gliina. flARS WORD ULTIMATUM Foreign Ministers at Pekln Who Wanted to Institute Wholesale Decapitation Offhand Under Pen alty of Instant and Bloody War Are Halted in Their Sanguinary Aspirations and It Is Uncle Snm That Holds the Check Rein. fly Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Nov. 2S. It developed today that the chief point In the ex changes concerning: China, which have been going on during the last few days among the powers relates to the wis dom of delivering an "ultimatum" to China, using the express word "ulti matum" In the text of the demand to be handed to tho Chinese envoys in volving the possibility of a resulting ilcclurutinn of war against China In case tho demands of the "ultimatum" be not complied with. It appears that some of the powers dcired the ex press use of the word "ultimatum" in the demand relative to the decapita tion or other extreme punishment of eleven of the princes and other high olllriuls responsible for the outrages, and this view of using the most ex pressive term of diplomacy septus to have found favor with the ministers at Tekln. AVhen It became known at the sev eral capitals, considerable dissent be- j came manliest. Aoout a weoK ago, Japan tool; the Initiative in appeal, nnd this received the favorable con sideration of the United Stales, France. Russia and probably Croat Britain, although a positive statement as to Oreat Britain cannot bo made. About the same time, Secretary Hay look stops to exress the view of this government that It was inadvisable to jirocecd to the extent of an ultimatum against ChinaT,' but that tho demands should not be beyond what China rea ronably might have the power to com ply with. The unanimity of sentiment among the powers gives grounds for the be lief that the demands of the ministers will be modified by tip- abolishment of the word '""ultimatum," although it is not clear whut the final attitude of tho remaining powers, Germany, Aus tria and Italy, will be. The negotia tions in this particular were carried on in London, through Ambassador Choate, and it is regarded as signifi cant that one of the parties to the Anglo-German alliance should give its adherence to the moderate position ad vanced by the United Stales. The British ambassador and the Chinese minister were among Secre tary Hny's callers tit the state depart ment today, conditions in China be ing among the subjects considered. In formation has been, received from the southern viceroys, representing the most pacific influences in China, show ing great concern n their part as to reports that another punitive expedi tion is on its way against the Shan Bi province, THE GOVERNOR'S VETO. Another Suit Brought to Test Cut in School Funds, By Exclusive Wire fiom The Auocla'id 1'ici.i. Ilarrlsburg, Pa., Nov. 2S. C T. TCi'utz, of Norrlstown, appeared In court this morning and usked that a writ of mandumus be issued ngalnst State Treasurer Barnett and Superin tendent of Public Instruction Sehnoffer to compel them to pay the school ap propriation on the basis of .I5.",5un,00, instead of $o,000,0uG under the gover nor's veto to the townships of Nurris town and Worcester, in Montgomery county. Deputy Attorney (leneral Fleltss op posed the motion and the court siH Dec. 11 as a time for argument. BACK FROM SOUTH AFRICA. Number of Americans W ho Served in uflty English Army. By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 28. Fifty-eight Americans who were with tho Kngllsh nrmy in South Africa arrived hero to day on tho American Hue steamship Helglanlnnd, from Liverpool, They left tonight fur their homes In Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans. Their passage to this country was paid by tho English government. Tho men loft New Orleans last sum mer as muleteers, but In South Africn they enlisted with tho English forces ' us conductors of armored trains. POPULATION FIGURES, Ily Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Nov, !W Tliii popuUlion of t tic Itatu of Washington Is utS.lfti, against ir,VVl in 1690, an incriase of H)S,7ia, nr IS.'J pti- cent, Thu population of Oklahoma ij UJS,'J13, 11,811 ill l&W, an JuavitMi of iKU.lll, w 611 per rut. The population of Xitv Mexico i IWS.olO, uitalmt l.V,."iXI In 1WJ, an lniriii! of 11,717, Or 7,1 per cent. The popuUlion of Koitli IKikola is, Oftnimt IS-Ml'J In lbW, an Iucicjso of U'U,i:7, or 74.(1 per cent, 'Hie population of South lUUoia Is 401,570, igalnit uiS.SOS in UPO, ai Ineicjse of 7-.',70i, or h.'.l per cent. 'Jlw population of TVinictico U 'J,0i0,ill(l, ngaliut 1,707,518 ill l&W, an lucieato of 2W,Wi, or J 1.3 per cent, Tho population of Idaho is JCl.Tr.', awln.t 81,. tSS In lbW, an incicaso of 77.3ST, or 01.7 per cent Standard Oil Goes Up. By Exclusive Who from The Atsotiatcd rrc.. New York, Kov. 2S. Standard oil shates iu the pen market today oltl at 7W, a new liigh iecoid. CONTEST WILL GO ON. Bryan's Letter to the Home Guards of Lincoln. Hy llxeluslte Wire liom The Associated Pins. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 2S. Tn answer to u congratulatory address Issued by the Uryan Home Quanta some days ugo, V. J. Bryan this evening sent a let tor to H. P. Hockey, thanking him for the expressions of esteem, and con cluding us follows: When a political party meeta with reverses the greatest consolation the candidate lias, aildo (rom the npproval of conscience, is the knowl edge that he retains the confidence of those with whom ho was associated and I thank the guards for this assurance. The contest between democracy and plutocracy will ro "n a"d those who believe In the declaration of Independence and the doctrine of equality before the law must .still defend human rights from the en croachment and greed. CRUISER YOSEMITE LOST. By Exclusive Wire finm The Associated I'rcsa. New York, Nov. ii.K cable dispatch from Manila received hen! today report the sinking of the United States auxiliary cruiser YosctnlU In a typhoon at Uuam Nov. 15. Five of the crew were lost. Washington, Nor. M. The Yosemlte was first commissioned April IS, 18')S. She hid been station ship at the Island of Guam since tho djys of tbe .Spanish war She Is a sIxtecn-Knoi converted cruiser, of (1,179 tons displacement. It is fiihl that her anchorage at Guam was off the harbor of San Luis D'Apara and that ottntnp; to her draft she Has obllpted to He six miles otf fhorc. The harbor Is a partlculoily dangerous one, owing lo the existence of u rocky shoal In the middle nnd a particularly crooked channel. DINNER OP THE- AMERICAN COLONY Given in Honor of Thanksgiving'. Speeches Made by a Number of Prominent Frenchmen. Dy Exclusive Wire from 'I he Associated Preffl. Paris, Nov. 28. The annual Thanksgiving- dinner of the American colony in Paris was given this evening. In the absence of General Horace Porter, the ambassador of tbe United States, the chair was given to George Munroe, the banker. With the exception of John K. Gowdy, United States consul general, all tho speakers wen- promi nent Frenchmen, who did not neglect the opportunity to refer to the cordial relations existing between France and the United States. M. Jules Cambon in the course of his remarks said: The United State lave become by their prt-atntfes the nianvl and admiration of tin- world, and we, after a century of glorious and painful Hliiarclcs, an- beginning to place the destinies of I he French ilcinucmcy under the bhcltcr of re publican institutions. Xowheie, howev-r, at any point on the globe do the interests' and ambitions of the two countries cl.uli; anil every day brings a fiesh development in their ielati(n.s. Klghtecu months ago we signed a tlcoty of commerce in Washington; mid we Late leastin to hope that thu United States congress and our parliaments will con-'etrate by their vote this new instrument of peace, union and concord. Mr. Gowdy, speaking In response to tho toast, "The Day We Celebrate." said that Thanksgiving day wus to the American a fete of religion and natri otlsm. "A grateful heart will be a true heart. A grateful people will be a suc cessful people. Thanksgiving day with the Americans is not a selfish feast. We are akin to the whole world, a peo ple of every people, a nation of nverv nation. We crown our success" with good from all and entertain only kindly feelings toward the homes of our fathers. "We rejoice that the cordial relations between odYselves and Franco have been strengthened and that our trade has increased. But while thinking of our own country, let us not forget the welfare of France, whose hospitality we enjoy and who always extends to us sueh cordial welcome and such fraternal greetings." Si'. Comely, of the Figaro; M. De Rlowitz, Paris correspondent of the London Times; M. Gaston Deschamps, and others spoke. COUNCIL OF SEINE IS FOR ARBITRATION Unanimously Urges France to Take the Initiative The Elghtinp in South Africa Goes Bight On. Dy j;.elusIto Wire from Tho Ao(i.itcd I'rcM. Paris, Nov. i!8. The general council of the Seine today unanimously adopt ed ti resolution that tho French bov ormuuiit should take the initiative In the endeavor to bring about an arbi tration of the Issues between Great Britain and the Boers, Edenborg, Orange liiver Colony, Saturday, Nov, 21. The Boers are most active between tho railroad and Pasu tnland, south of Ladybrand, Thabant ohu and Bloemfonleln, Oeneral D Wet and former President Steyn are at Dmvetsdorp. It Is believed they are preparing for a descent on Cupe Col ony for recruits and supplies, As a counter move, two battalions of the Guards, Grenadiers and First Cold streams hold nil tho fords of the Or ange river from Allwal North to tho Orange river station. Hut small par ties of mounted Uoers uro able to cross tho river almost anywhere. Tho Brit ish have great need of more mounted troops. Otherwise the capturo of 1 Wot la hopeless. Judge Craig Heard Argument, Dy Exclusive WIro from The Associated I'rcsi. Struudsburu, J'., Nov. 28, Judgo Cralit to. day heard aruuuunt In tho I'ocouo Spring WUr Joe company Injunction cass brought by the Lt'hitfli Coal and Navigation company, who claim that the tilling of the large Ico dams In the I'ocono mountaiai is u bcrloua injury to navi gation and to the furnishing of power tn Indus, tries along tho Lehigh Valley, Ai tmnicnt was not concluded. m Plucky Woman Foils Burglar. Dy Inclusive Wire from The Associated Prcsj. Union Hill, N. J., Nov. 28. Mrs. 1'icderlrk WeUmaun saw a man tying up bundles In her room. She bprang for the fellow's throat. Ho knocked licr down and struck her in tho face, threatening at tho same time to kill li Shu held ou and screamed tor help, tad tho burglar rin. PLANNING TO REMOVE VICE Tenement House Commission Holds an Open Meeting in New York. ONE PASTOR'S PLAIN TALK Bev. Sr. Paadock, Whoso Work Has Seen Largely in the Tenement Dis trict, Describes Vividly Some of the Frightful Conditions and Ex plain What Can Be Done to Im prove Them The Crusade Against Prostitution Assumes Larger Pro portions. By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Pirss. New York, Nov. 2S. The tenement house commission held an open meet ing today, at which the question of "Vice nnd Prostitution In tho Tene ments" was discussed by the commis sion appointed for the purpose of In vestigating this feature of tenement house life. The Hew Dr. Robert L. Paddock, of the Protestant Episcopal pro-cathedral, said 'that the conditions as found by him In tho course of his work In what Is known geographically as the Eighth assembly district, were very bad, ex ceedingly bad. Ho said he had talked with many policemen, postmen and others, whose duties took them Into the tenement houses, and their verdict had Invariably been that there was a verv large number of the tenement hous?s in which apartments were rented to women for Immoral purposes, with the knowledge of the landlord, the agent, or housekeeper and the other tenants of the building. Ho had had hundreds of complaints from parents as to the moral effect of this condition of affairs upon the young girls and boys of the district, and stated that to bis certain knowledge thero were many men and wompn whose solo business was the .procuring of young girls to enter these tenement house apartments and lead a life of Immorality. Dr. Paddock gave it as his onlnion that the dark and unllghted hallwavs of the tenement were the chief reasons for the prevalence of the vice in that district. It was there, he said, that small children first came into tempta tion, and he suggested that the law re quiring the halls to be lighted be rig idly enforced. Dr. Paddock stated further that ho considered the gambling evil one of the most closely associated with that of prostitution. He also declared that he considered that the moral standard of the ent're East side had been lowered by close and intimate association with the women who live in flats and houses in the so-called "red light district." ROBBED A BANK; SHOT AN OFFICER Masked Men Wreck Illinois Institu tion and Captured and Gagged a Citizen Obtained $4,000. By Kxclusiw Wiro fiom Tho Associated 1'reH, Emden, 111., Nov. 28. Four masked men wrecked the Farmers' bank of Emden early today. Tt Is stated thai, they secured all the funds of tho bank, between $3,000 and $ 1,000. When the robbers discharged their first blast of dynamite the exnloslon aroused a ultlsen, John Alberts, four blocks away. Alberts hurried to the bank, was seized by one of tho robbers, gagged and bound hnnd and foot. He was dragged Into the hank, where he witnessed the gang drilling Into the vault door. "When the fuse was lighted for a second blast the robbers stepped outside. Alberts lay In the corner when it went off. He was not seriously In jured, however. The blast unhinged the vault doors, and the robbers made off with alt the cash. Securing u hund-or, they pulled iu the direction of Delavun. There they were met by Patrolman Sanfnrd, who attempted to arrest them. One of the robbors fired, and Snnford fell, mor tally wounded through the body, Out Mde of the town tho men buardud u passenger train ou tho Chicago and Al ton. All traces of them were lost. The bank building was almost a com plete wreck, and the vault was ruined. Was the Train HoodoedP Dy BteluJlva Wlra from The Associated 1'es. laneaster, I'a,, Nov. CS. A strango fatitllly seemed to follow a iniwd frilht and passenger train that arrived hero this alteration over the llawuliigton and Lancaster blanch of the Heading railroad. Ah tho train was leaving: liutvnliitt ton Engineer Andrew Frederick fell from hid engine and was seriously hurt. The ilreuiuii took bis place and Ilrakeuun Isaac Draper acted us tiremau. At (Ireenfleld Proper fell (rom the engine and It Is believed Ills fcxull It fractured. Composition by Sullivan. By Kveluslve Wire from The Associated 1'iesi. London, Nov, 23. Sir Ororgo Clement Martin, organist of til, I'aulM cathedral, bus the com. plctu bfore of u Thanksgiving To Ileum com posed by the Utu Sir Arthur Sullivan ut the re. quebt of the deun and chapter of St, Paul's, suitable for tho teunlnallon of the South Afilcau war and dedicated to "Ouetn, church uuil country," Constabulary Bill Abandoned. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press, New York, Nov, 28. According to current po litical gossip the proposed state constabulary bill designed to place tho police of tho cities under ttate control, hit been abandoned by the leaders of the Itcpubllcun party, It Is said that Governor-elect Odd! opposed tbe measure. High Waters Becede, By Exclusive Wire from The Associated rreii. Pittsburg, Nov. 2S. The rivers are fl'tng rup. Idly. Navigation trill bo completely resumed out of the Pittsburg and tlieSvhecls of industry af. tecttd by the flood tide ought to be in running ordtr by Friday, THE CUBAN CONVENTION. Has Not Yet Expressed Itself as to Form of Constitution. By Exclusive Wire from Tin Associated l'rcu Havana, Nov. 2S. At today's session of the Cuban constitutional convention, In the Marti theatre, Sennr Llornnto attempted to have tho convention ex press an opinion ns to tho form of con stitution to bo adopted, whether fed eral or unitary. He wits speaking on the motion of Senor De Quesada to ad journ until Tuesday next, when tho first eight days of the permanent or ganization will have expired, and when delegates will bo ut liberty to hand In suggestions ns to the constitution. Senor De Quosnda had urgtted that the convention ought to adjourn be cause not to do ho would only; be wasting the discussion; Senor Llorente contended that the convention, shou'd meet dally. "There are many things to be discussed." he frald, "and we should not be earning our salaries If we did not meet." After nn uninteresting debate of two hours, the motion of Senor De Quesada was carried. ONLY ONE LIFE LOST. Several Injured in tho Train Wreck at Beaver Falls. T.y Exclusive Wire troin The Associated 1'reH Pittsburg, Nov. 2S. Train No. -11, on tho Cleveland and Pittsburg railroul. was wrecked at 1.80 o'clock, onn-half mile west of Beaver, this mo'n'ng. There were at first reports of heavv loss of life havlnrr occurred, but later reports put tho number at one, with several Injured. The cause of the wreck was a wash out. There had been recently laid some now tracks aong this section of the road, and the heavy rise in the Ohio had loosened the earth BODY OF THE LATE SENATOR DAVIS It Will Lie in State in the Capitol at St. Faul Messages of Sympathy. ily Kxilmivti Wire fiom The Associated 1'rc-rf. St. Paul. Nov. 2S. Tho mortal re mains of the late United States Sena tor Cushman Kelogg Davis have rested today in his homo on Fatlngton avenue, rest having come after ninny weeks of weary and painful struggles with disease. .The entire city mourned and from all quarters of the globe has come a stream of messages of sympa thy for the stricken home and for the bereaved city ami slate. President AfcKInley was one of the first to ten der his tribute of honor and love for the departed atatesmci. It was decided today that the fu neral services shall be held at tho resldonw at II o'clock Saturday morn ing, the brief service being in charge of Rev. C D. Andrews, rector of Christ Episcopal church, assisted by He-v. Theodore Sedgwick, rector of the Church of St. John the Evangelist. In deference to the wishes of the many friends who would be untble to attend the services at the house, and at the particular request of Governor TJnd, it was also decided that tho body shall lie in state at the capitol from 10 until ;; o'clock on Friday. A detachment of the National Guard will escort the body froni the residence lo tbe capitol and remain as guard during the day, Inter, returning to the house. The In terment will be In Calvary cemetery. Governor John I.lnd this afternoon issued a proclamation announcing the death of the senator and (taking for a general suspension of business between the hours of 10 and 2 on Saturday, tho day of the funeral. Washington, Nov. 28. Owing to the near approach of thu convening of congress, many prominent senators and representatives cannot attend tho funeral of Senator Davis, The seat formerly occupied by Senator Davis will be taken by Senator I fauna here after. STRINGENTUCENSE LAW FOR MANILA The Objectionable Places to Be Weeded Out and tho Number of Saloons Much Reduced. Ily r.ilulto Who from The AvxulaUd Pics-i. Minithi, Nov. l!S. A liquor license law for Jlunlln has been prepared, which will debar saloons on the Escolta and wime other streets from obtaining license in the same locality after the expiring licenses. The commh.slon nnd tho provost marshal Intend to relieve tho Escolta of the congestion largely due to the presence of so many saloons. Under the new law the license fee will be 'iiO In gold and tho term six months. Next Saturday the commission will mull to Secretary Hoot u leport cover ins tho llrst three months' work, out lining' existing conditions, the pro gramme, the present status or affairs and the situation generally, and em bodying suggestions as to the future, together with questions on ccrtulu mut ters. All the mllltaryi on duty will bo re lieved for tomorrow. Thunksglvlng day, with the exception of necessary guards on Held duty, Denial by AgoucUlo, Ily Kxelutlva Wiro from Tho Associated Press. 1'arU, Nov. 2S. Asonclllo, the agent of Again alito, declarer there Is no foundation for the statements that be has resigned the leldcrhlp of tho I'illpiiid Junta in Uuropu or that ho U go. ln$r to Hong Kong to superintend the supplying of arms to the l'llipiuoi. Society Women to Dine Outcasts. By Kxvliulte Wiro from The Associated Press. Chicago, Nov, 25. Thu Lake View, Woman' club, composed of society ttoinen, will glvo u dinner to (he female prisoners in ,1110 county jail. The society women it 111 wrve as waitresses, whtlo the outcast will tit at tbe table. -- Frightful Domestlo Tragedy, By Exclusive Wiro from Tbe Associated I'rcsa. Milwaukee, Nov, iS. Claries Ncaraug today shot and killid bis wife, then committed suicide by shooting. Thu tragcJy followed au attempt by Nearang to-vljy Ida three children. CORNER ON CORN WINS Shorts Settle with Speculator Phillips on the Forty Gent Basis. HE POCKETS FAT PROFITS Cornered In tho Neighborhood of Two Million Bushels of November Corn at 35 Cents nnd Made the Other Fellows Fay Him a Fifteen-Cent Margin They Resisted as Long as Thoy Could but Finally Had to Give in. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Chicago, Nov. SS. Finding them selves unable to produce enough con tract No. 2 coin to fill sales made to George II. Phillips for November de livery, the shorts, Including several leading elevator firms, It was an nounced today on the board of trade, bad agreed to settlu their shortage at r.O cents. The announcement came as a great surprise to those traders who had "tailed" the Phillips operation. At j the moment No. 2 corn was selling around at ."0 cents, one cent from the j highest price on the deal. A rush lo I sell followed and me market made no halt until just before tho closing bell, when, it rested at -11 cents. It is understood that those standing short to Phillips since he began gath ering up offerings of November corn, about a month ago, exhausted every effort to secure enough No. 2 corn to iill their sales. The local stocks amounted to a trifle over one million bushels and the new crop of corn was soft for delivery. Plans were even con sidered to bring back a lot of corn from the cast, but these were abandoned, and, as Phillips was tipbald by tho board of trade committee of appeals in his protest again a lot of kiln dried corn, the shorts finally, late yesterday, agreed to give over tho fight and setlie with Phillips at the even half dollar, where. It was apparent, tho manipula tor would have no trouble In holding the market. Various estimates were hazarded as to the profits of the "sqeeze." A' Phillips Is said to have accumulated a line of more than two million bushels around 85 cents It was admitted that his profits mart have reached Into hun dreds of thousands. On this point Phillips was. however, entirely non committal. REPULSED WOOER'S MURDEROUS REVENGE When the Girl He loved Would Not Marry Him and Sail Away He Shot Her. Ily KtcliHive Wlie from The Aofiatnl Pre". New York, Nov. 28. Gertrude Beer, 2tf years of age, was shot and fatal'y Injured by her lover today because she refused to accompany him to Ger many. Five years ago she met Charles Meis gaibor, a barber. From that time on their relations had been very friend ly, and she had promised to become Ills wife, but kept postponing tho marriage eeremony. A few days ago. Meisgur ber, sho says, told her ho had secured the position of barber on the steam ship Kensington, which sailed for Ant werp this noon, and lm asked her to accompany him on the steamer. She refused to do so, and shortly- before 10 o'clock today Meisgarber called at her lint and renewed his entreaties. Again she refused and then, she says, lie drew a revolver and. without warn ing, Khol her. Ho then escaped. IDeleutlves boarded the Kensington just as she was swinging out Into midstream, and mado a systematic search of the vessel, but could find no trace of Melsgnrber. Philadelphia's Dog Show. Ily Exclusive Wlie from Tbe Associated Press. Philadelphia, Nov. S$. The second bench of tho Philadelphia Dog Show aq uation opened today In Horticultural hall and ttlll continue throughout I his tveck, Thero are l,n.ia entries. I.. A Plum for Pennsylvania. Uy L'xelu.lve Wlr from 'fhu Associated Press. Washington, Nov, 2S. Tho Mate Ucpm Intent announces Hie appointment of V, Inln? Shaw, of Pernio) lvanla, lo bo United States consul gen eral at Singapore, Straits Settlements, DEATH ROLL OF A DAY. Ily Inclusive Wire from Tho Associated I'rcJJ. Pottstotvn, l'a., Nov. 2S. Jacob IVgley, presi dent of the National iron bunk and one of the ttcalthlcist men in thU locality, died nuddnnly iu his offlto today of heart disease, Hatton, l'.i., Nov, 2S, Adam Keller Michler, nno of tho old tlu.n incrclmit of l.'astou, illeil today of pucumuiiia and heart trouble, Ho woa S7 years of ago. Wii.hlnston, Nov. 2V-Nathaniel W.MN, u ttl Known clieiuUt, died hero today at I ho age of 107 jeari.. Ho was a louy tiuio Irlend of Par win, Spencer nnd lluslcy, Sir. Well v,-u htiong and well until four ago. Ills rules lor longevity were "say your prayers; keep cheir ful, cat heartily mid tale a bath dally." llu probably held the recoid for voyages uround tlio world, having made the trip twenly-iivo tlinej. New York, Nov, 28. Charles Hull (Iraut, pint vice commander of the New York state depart ment of thu (hand Army of tho Hvpubllc, Is dead ut his homo hi llrookl)u in his tlfty-eevcntli year. llageretown, Md., Nov, SSJIrs. Jlaiearct Ship ley, one of tho heirs of tlio fortune left by John McCaffrey, tho eccentric Chicago millionaire, died today at her home near Dotvustllle, this county. Wellington, Nov, 2S. Hear Admiral l'rcdtrlck fi. JK'Kalr, died ut his residence In this city tliU afternoon from a stroke of apoplexy, lie had been in poor lualth for many months and It was in contemplation to take him to llurope. Yes terday ho wus taken violently til and today hi condition became critical and be slowly sank away, lie was tho rankln? rear admiral of Hie nary and tlio offlicr next In line to Admiral Dewey. TM NUWS THIS 1101IN1NU Weather Indications Today, PARTLY CLOUDY. 1 tleiu ral Ifncle Run Holds Check Ueln In Chinese Alf.ilii. Corn Speculator Wins : fat Profit. HITorts to llcinovi! Vice in New Voik. Delay In OrgJiiUallou of New Yolk's Vice (,'rmade. 2 nencr.ll Cttrbondalo Department. .1 Local Ona Hay's llccoid of the Lackawanna Com tn. New Industry Is Seemed. .1 NVns nnd Comment. 5 Local-How TlunWivlne Will He Olwncil. lladly Squeezed on the 0 Local West tJcianlou iinil, T (leiierat S'mtlieastcin IVntii-yltanlu News'. 8 Local Live S'ctv of the World. riu.itK'ial and Comnieicial. LABOR DEMONSTRATION IS A BIG SUCCESS Over Five Thousand Men, Represent ing Twenty-flvc Crafts, in Lino in Fittston Parade. & to the Scranton Tribune. Plttston, Nov. US. A monster labor demonstration was held here tht'j evening under tho auspices of tin. Plttston Central Labor union. About .",000 men were in line, representing about twenty-tlvo different crafts. .Sev eral floats were In the parade line. The people turned out en masse, the build ings were all gayly decorated and there was an abundance of red lire. It win the biggest labor celebration Plttston has ever had and wns arranged in hon or of the recent victory of the anthra cite coal miners. After the parade a big ball was held In three different halls. It was labor's night out and a glorious time resulted. ABS0LUTELY0UT OF THE QUESTION Senator Hanna Will Not Allow His Name to Be Used in Connection with the Presidency. Ily llclii-itt' Wire from The Associated Prera. Cleveland, O., Nov. 28. The commit tee of the M. A. Ilunna Republican club, of thin city, which recently passed resolutions endorsing Hon. Jr. A. Hanna. as candidate forthe presi dency in liiOt, called upon the senator today to present tho same. President Gallagher, of the club, acted as speak er. In a. strong presentation speech ho told why the club members be lieved the senator has well earned the exalted honor of being chief executive oC the United States. The speaker re ferred to Jlr. Hanna as tho Hercules of the llopubllcan party. The reception accorded the commit tee by Senator Hanna wus most cor dial. In replying to his visitors he laid stress upon his appreciation of the honor conferred upon him, and said; "I believe In my heart I have only done my duty to the country, to my people. I seek no public ollice and f seek no reward. Although I deeply ap preciate the feelings expressed by in neighbor,') and friends it cannot be the crowning act of my life to sit in the presidential chair. I am growing old and expect to retire after my sena torial term expires. Your kindness and consideration in what I deem to be the proper course deeply touch me, but my candidacy for the presidency is ab solutely out of the iiiiestion." ALL LAMENT DEATH OF SENATOR DAVIS Former President Harrison Speaks of It as Constituting a Severe Loss to the Country. fly Kxclustte Wire from The Asioclated Press. Indianapolis, Xov. 28. Former Presi dent Harrison said today, when asked for an expression regarding the death of Senator Davis: 1 binned with ilu'p iCKiet of lli death of Senator l)atl. Wlillo I was in UVuhiIiikIoh t litevf to know liiui well and I unaided liim us ;m able man. He was n man of (.trone; person ality and of hleh IntelUctual acipiircmci.t nnd bad become n power in the .senate. His position lit the head of 111.' lomiiuttcu on forciiru attain ttas an iiupoirant ono ami his ik.illi at this line Is a betero lo-s lo tlio country. Cleveland, Nov. 2S.-dteferrlng to the death of .Senator Cushinaii K. Unvls, Senator Hanna said today: I con-ddir Senator ll.ivli' death a hint bus to ilio country and pailaulinly to iho United Statu mncle, where his position and ability made a piominent IIkuic and a valuable ami llu. portant factor at this time, 1 feel hl losa aj ii pergonal cmo as veil us affcclin;,' the tiliole coui tiy, Engnn Not Reinstated. Ily I.'xclusito Wlie from 'Hie Associated PriM, Washington. Nov. '.'S.-Olficlal, of tho ttur de paitniuit deny poltltely that t'oinnilswry Hen. cral IliUMii, now under tuspcmtuii fumi the nrmy, hat been reinstated. It Is fuvtlicr hiltl that General L.Viim has lilvd liu formal uppllui. Hon to hate his sentence ret uidc, Stiuck and Killed by Engine. Ily Krclii'lw Wire fiom Th. Associated I'reoS. HiirrUbiinf, Nov, ftj. William brown, aged 23, was woiUIn;,' in an .till pit at tlio IVnmylvMnla roundhouso tills nlteriionii when an inIne backed down tow.iriU him. In Ktttlin; out of the way bo was stiuck by the enyinc and Imtantly killed. Wnldersee Wants to Betuin. (Coricspondriicu of die Associated I't'tts.) Yokohama, Nov.10. Uiwcila, I'ranee, Japan, ami Anurlra latins practically Isnouil U'aldcf. teu'es credentials, tumors urv rifo that b lias asked for his recall. MtioVeagh Visits President Hy Exclusive Who fivra 1h Aooclatei Prera. Washington, Nov. S3. Hon. Wayne MacYeajh, formrrly attorney general, was at the white house today, lie bad iu iutcrticw with the (resident. WILL WAIT A PEW DAYS Oraanlzatlon ot Vice Committee iN New York Not as Yet Completed. CAUSE OF THE DELAY Committee May Be Increased to Twenty-five to Secure the Advice of Men Who Have Not tho Time to Devote to the Active Work of the Co'mmittoe Former Mayor Abraiu S. Hewitt Will Be One of the Advisory Members. New York, Nov. 28. Organization of the citizens' committee of fifteen for the suppression of vice will not be contemplated boforo Friday or Satur day. This delay Is occasioned by the great amount of good material rather than the scarcity. Charles Stewart, to whom was left the appointment of' the committee, Insists that the men who accept places on the committee of fifteen shall bo willing to contribute) liberally of their time. Funds will lv forthcoming In plenty, but there will be-much work to be done and this will fall upon the committee members. It is understood that one exception will be made. Former Mayor Abram S. Hewitt has declined to serve as a member of the committee for the rea son that he cannot give to tho work the time It deserves. Yet so keenly is It felt that Mr. Hewitt's advice will bo almost indispenelble that ho will be '. probably persuaded to reconsider hii retusal. It is possible that the com mittee will increase its membership to twenty-live, so ns to take In ten who may act as advisory members. "Hilly" McGlory's hall, on West Fifty-ninth street, was to have been opened tonight by a big ball. The po lice were notified and at the last mo ment the hall was called off. This evening six plain clothes men took their places in front of the hall, but they found nothing to do. A dim light burned in the barroom, but there wan no sign of life within. This Offender Gets Six Months. Michael Davis, proprietor of the "Black Rabbit," the most notorious den In the city, was permitted to p'eud guilty today before Keeorder Golf In general sessions! to keeping a disorder- ' ly house. He was sentenced to eight months in the penitentiary. Two oth er indlcements against thu prisoner, each charging a felony, the maximum penalty ut which would have been twenty years at hard labor in state prison, were practically quashed by the district attorney's recommendation the prisoner be discharged on his own recognizance. Pauline Sliader, who was present during the orgies when the "Ulack Itabhit" was raided, also escaped with only an eight months' sentence. Tn contrast with these s. 'encei Jules lliunniit, employed as floe tian tiger by Davis in the "Waelc I!... '.' tried and convicted before Judge Cow. ing lai-t week, was sentenced to four teen j ears In t-'tute prison. Kdyth Myrtle f.yndh, a performer at thr i "Kl.ick liabblt," tried and convicted 1 l,,.l'ii, Inil.-.. tl i.AlMlmn ,'(.1 (.een years in state prison. In dellance of the police, and appar ently undaunted by the vice crusade, Charles K. Aekron prepared today to reopen the Tlvoli. JIIs Intention be came known to Edward Cilennon, Chief Pevery's right-hand man in the Ten derloin police station, who sent word to the dlvekeeper that twenty-five policemen would bo sent to the Tlvoli and close the place if he opened it. Aekron concluded not to open today, but says ho will tomorrow'. THKEE BUKNED TO DEATH. Boarder and Two Children Perished in tho Plymouth Fire. Hy Inclusive Wlie from The Assucinted l'rets. Wllkes-Uano. Nov. L'S. The lire ai Plymouth at midnight Inst night de stroyed two double dwellings and two barns owned by (leorgu Da import and Hugh Templeion. One of the dwellings was occupied hy a. man named Mlchani T.,adii. He and his family were asleep nt the time. They were aroused bf neighbors, but the lire spread so rap idly that all thu Inmates could nut get out In time. The following were burned to deatlu Andrew Iloshes, u boarder, aged thirty live, and Mary and Andrew Taluda, children of Michael Talada. Steamship Arrivals. Ily llxtliiilvo Wlie from Tlio Associated Prem. New Yolk, Nov. "S. Clcaiedi l.a Lorain Havre. Sailed! Oiejnlc, Uvetpoolj Alter. (Jc lion; ltuiin?ton, Antwerp via Southampton. (Juci'iittuttii Aillveth Majekllc, Now YoiU for'ipuol, Suuthanipton Aihted: Tuvo, New Yoilc lor llienieu; New YoiU, New York, tiailnli l.alm (from llieiiienj New Yoili. Kotterdam Ar rltcdi ln.Hdam, from Now Yolk. Naples Ar rlu'd! I'ucrit llUnuuck, New Yoik for Ueuoa. l'ljnimiih Sillul; tlrnt WaWeiseu t,lrm lUue buis and lUiuloeuo), New Yuil., Coal Shipments South, By Inclusive Wire from Thu Associated Presi. I'ittsbunr, Nov. So. In lets than two wcelfi l7,.W,M bushels of coal mined hi th'i Pittsburg district has been stalled ou its way to southern putts. Kentucky Arrives at Smyrna, by Ilxcluslvo Wiic from The .Wciated Pieu. Washington, Nov, in. The battleship Uentueliy arrived at Smynu this invriiliie;, WEATHER FORECAST, Washington, Nov, !!& Forecast for -f eastern Pennsylvania: Partly cloudy 4 f Thurtduyj 1'ilday fair; piobably solder; 4- variable winds becomins fresh tvciterlv, I I . -., J i