JP'fr'EjSr: ' "it&tri'iir.'-SVi-'t " l ;,i , " X '. -4, , - ' . THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- W13DN J3S DA V, NOVEMBER 28, 1000. 3 NORTHEASTERN FACTORYVILLE. to Hit f-ti.nitnti Tt Ilium. 'itcloryvllli, Nov. 27.--ovoi nt I-iut I'mev, at Hole! FonielllT, (lien will ln a whtmthiK mutch tiinuii't'nw nil tiny, oml (i Kiiml hntii'o to not your TlmtikH KtvlllMT tlltlti'.V fur it few COHtH (If yiii tire pnnl i'IioukIi ii nlwt). T'ti' Tilliklmiiiint'lc Illch si'litml lentil ri'ilip over liiHt Sntltrilitv, nnil u kooiI ly tldi'trullim Iii"1(Iom I'liiiH alonij to wliiHip-'i'c-ttp fuf tli l)oy.. iwul mot Ui'yRtrme tPitin on tlio Ri'ldli'iiii. Al ihniiKli th"ii' wiim u i1tl7.7.lhi niln fall lni; all Hie tlnif Hip Kiiini' wiih iiliiycd, lint" tin- Kcystoiif tram played n nlrc rlcnti, Bluirp RUim tlirmtKlioul. At no tltnc diirlair tlif rriiini' was Ttmklinii ntick a tlaiisrfnait uppDimnt, iililinucli tlmy nmmiKi'tl to l.r-t'P Kcyntono twin uroilnir. It was tint' nf tin ttof t Kanit-s lilayod on ICt'yttiiiH''s nnintls this Hi'ii Hon. Tun iitj-inlnntf hnlvoii won play fil. i't tlio end or which nflihor shin lintl soort'tl. It. .1, C'i Ismail k'ft "nitty I'm n mock's stay with nitMitla In Portliinil. I'.i., and Hiilni'Sliui'Ki X- ! Cards arc tail niiiioiindnK tht- coin ins niarrlacri' til Miss Mortha r'apwfll tu Jlr. llowiiiil Halloy, tif J-h I'luii"'. on AVcdiit'sdiiy, Jiercinlinr Mil, at IL o'clock, ut the Imiiir- til" the liriil"'.t ,Mi' onts, Tvlr. and Mrs. Hnrnvm fnpwofi. Wonl lv.iclicd lu'ic Aloml.i.' li'itll'y-Jnp- Hie ip:itlvi'S of the tltUh of Pi. TJnnlr-l 1 low aid Ciiiiwpll. of tinriiion. Ton a. lie was tin- oldest and only mmlvilitr Mill of Mrs. F. M. f'.ipwli. who is a sister 01' Mrs. Tlcnrv Walter and Wt-lr-y Itcynolds, of this place. The ilticlor was in years of 'irc an! enjoyed a line prnclleo In Ills -locality, and was held In IiIkIi r-Mooin ly all Mini Km w hlin. He Is survived hy a iff and two miuh. .le.sse and f'hailcs. The funeial was held lat Monday. T'lcttiryvlllt' pneaniiniKilt. N'o. SI''. Illilepeildellt order of Odd FelkiW. Jit-Id a smoker this evenlm; after the. l-tmiilit li'.isliK'.-s had hern gnwa ihioiifrh Willi. liefroi.hincnts v.ere hl'I'VPll. . -. limvvn was in Ser.iii'.on en iin-lnpss vcstord.iy. Mks Xellle Miller spent the day in Permit on yesterday. nnn't forKPt the Thanksfflvlnsr .er vlrcH and dinner at the M.'lliodls' Hpfscopil cliurcli. NEWJKHJFORD. li i.ii In tlif -minion Tilliinic. NVvv Milfoid. Nov. 2i.-J!r?, Jtillll ilonnelson ami daughter, of Susque hanna, spent Sunday with friends in this place. Mr. l),iltl Daxenpoil will fro V Kingston, X. V., on Wednesday, where lie will spend a few day.' with his on, lSeV. K'rctl M. Davenpoi I. The YnuiiK 1'eoplc'i Keilflllis cln le liift at the Juinu of .Mt. O. ValilJii' Kirk Mon ay evenliis. Airs. Sidney Musters, of Sui-(iiehan-n.i, visited her s-oii. t'liarlcs Culver, tl:e l'oie pail ol the week. Miss Alel'onoll and .Miss .len nio lioyle. who are atiendinic school ol r,ini;hanilon, eie home Satuiday and Suntlay. Mr?. T:dwla Adams entertained iter mother and --ister, of Fall dale, last eel Mr. and Mis. Frev. of Klinhiusl, who have heen eiinductiuK lovival ,S"i vleen at tile Methodist church the pint i wo weeks, closed their woil; here la-s Kildny evenini;-. MeriiU Hoyden, who lias been suf- feiing with a broken aim the pa IVw w eks, lelurued to fills school work again this week. . Alls. II. Hamilton Is spending a week with HalKtead friends. Allss .May Prndley wax In Hlnghai.i ton a few day, last W"K. flay lilcsvtng. of Scranton, was In town Suntlay. Frank Dale is employed lit F.dwm Adams' shoe shop during Air. Adams' Illness. Since the election of the new t ream ery, New Milford has tlio finest cream ery plant in Susquehanna county and is, indeed, very proud of it. At a re cent meeting of lis stockholders. I. V. tllllrt was elected president: A. O. barren, vice president; K. "W. Alor giin, secretary: T.,. G. AteCollum, noils urer, and 10. 1. Tyler, J. .1. Hand, W. II. Aldrieli, II. M. Cm pouter ami !:. It, Tllfany, tliiectois. It lias been leporu-tl that Columbia I lose company. No. I, are planning lor an entertainment to he held Dee. 7. Hurley Shell' and Hubert Plummor are packing apples at Clifford. HALLSTEAD. Special l Hie St union Ti ilium. Hallstead, Nov. 27. Tin Sunday school board of the Alethodist Kpisio pal church held a meeting Monday evening to arrange for Christmas ex ercises. Nest Tuesday, Dec. I, a donation for the pastor of the Presbyterian chinch will bo held in the church parlors. This Is an old custom that has exist ed for yem.s in the church. l N. Frudd has been appointed ohm. if,ter of the Alethodist Kpiscopal church. Justice (.'. k. Crook has beu ap pointed osecutor of his father's estate, that of thu Into' U It. Crook, Hon, S, 1!, Clias'o will addiess the. tainlly mooting- at tlio Ha II road Young Alcn's Christian association next Sun dnv. John Williams, of Great llentl, was recently appointed guardian of the es tute of James Stralney, an habitual , drunkard. Fred Laiiiereaux, this week, iiiadu his lliiltlal tilP as n brakeman on tlci il.aekawaiiua. Airs, Junies Scolt, of this place, has lecn removed to the hospital for tin: inane at Dnnvllle, IN, T. Mitchell and brother, Alfred, lere visiting In Blnghitnittm Saturday, Misses Jennlu ami Alelissa watkins attending school In Ureal Hend. petition Is being clicuhited by thu Id uc tors hem to have Henry Halsey kstated In the employ of the, l.nek- vuiu. and .Mrs. Will llolun. of Albany, -ht a llttlo chlhl here for burial lay evening. The child had died lihthoi'la, hence a public funeral I'ohiblted. The. parents have ral- Ihern, Sawyer biothers, fouuerly of lad, but now of Hlmlrn, aro the happy l'u titers of two children born last wpek. Mr. L. D, Sawor and Andrew Sawyer and their respeetivu wives ure to bo congratulatetl. The Hallstead board of trade,through their committee, William Knocllcr and PENNSYLVANIA T. JI. tlnyn, met with Mr. Will .1. Hand, of Hcranton, nt the American Chair MaiHtfiit'tiirlnK conipany plant tups day, and made timiiiRunienlH for the forninl (IpIIvi'iIuk r IIil new factory Into the hands of Mr. Hand and thu Char eonitiany. .Mrs. Frances .MeCrcary Is vIsltln.T her thuitthler In Hnyre, for several weeks. Ilehearsals are helm? held nlt;litly for the coining mlnHlrrta at Hip Young Aluu's Chi'Isllun assotdittlou, Mr. aiitl Mrs. John Pike will spend one month during the 'winter with their son, William, In Washington, V. (. SUSQUEHANNA. In the Suntnn Till Mir StiMpiehitniiii. Nov. J7. In the ath letic tournament at the late Paris ex position, Tewkshury, of Brooklyn, Sus tiueliannii county, a student In the I'nl- I ver.slty of Pennsylvania, was awarded j a sliver cake hstskct for his victory in I the L'On-ynrd run. He also won a pkiciitie tor his victory in the ISO-yard hurdle. III. Itev. lllshop Ilohan has Issued orders to the pastors of this (.Serauton) Catholic diocese to lake a census of all of the eoniniuuicants. Pranels Smith Is the guest of rula-" lives In Xew York cltv. ' The Krle shopinen received their du cats this morning. Weglnnlng Dec. 1, the stores will h; open evenings until after the holidays. The Susquehanna hand will furnish music at the fair, entertainment ami mast pig- supper to he h"ld in Hogan upera house. Dec, fi, hy the Avenue Methodist church of Oakland. Itev. William Fremiti returned to Princeton, X. ,r on Monday afternoon. I he recent rains have very mater ially Increased the water supply in Hi Sustiuehannii, Oakland and Ln'nesboro reservoirs. Patrick Connors, a ICric shop em- nlove. .sustained mi Ininrv to mm r his feet wlille at work on Mondav. I '''- blacksmith, Henry Dandridge The Krlo shop force Is gradually be- ', wno has sl"CD dieil)' wns 1(-'fiuircd to Ing Increased. ' i K u tI,(' stables dally to examine and Mh-s Uessle'llronson. or Drond street ' 'pP!iee all shoes that had become loose Is the guest of Carhondale relatives. ' I '' hecn ,,,Rt wll,1 tno nulleK woro "' Mrs. J. A. Smith, of the Oakland i work- n lhc "'''lainn referred to kIiIl-, who has been visiting relatives i above he had purchased a nefc shcep Jn Ptilfnlo, will arrive home this even- i f'kin aP'-on. whleh the mules had never Ing. ' seen, and when Dandrldge went into Still ruera In.lce or n,l,l r the stall without warning, one of them, Ibis place, and Dora Jtebekah lodge, will attend the Avenue Alethodist ehurcli in Oakland on Sunday evening, to listen to a sermon by Pastor lioutou. llliam Aiunson. formerly and for my years a resident of tlio Oakland side, died a few days since In (leorcrla. The remains will be brought hero for services and interment. Deceased was a son of the late Thomas Aiunson. of the Oakland side. For a number of years he was employed in the Kl..(. i Ireighl ofllce. He was unmarried, ills death Is regretted by a wide chelo of relatives and friends. , The Krle shops, the schools and the banks will lie closed on Thursday. NICHOLSON. . , l- tlio Snamoii Tril'unr. , .Mcnoison, rov. !,. George "Weaver, , of Scrunlon, spent bunday with his sister, Airs. F. The olllecr.' P. Stephens. and teacheis of tlio Methodist Kpiscopal Sunday school are ' lenuestetl to meet at the homo of II. V. Klillg. Wednesday eveilinc. to tie. elde upon the Christmas entertainment. i.orn to .Mr. ami AIis. C. 11. Prown, of Alain street, a daughter. One of the must enjoyable gathciings ! held in Nicholson for some time was ' that of last Friday evening, wlipn Dr. , and Alts. H. K. Wllklns. of State street, j -lei mined a number of young people j their lioine. Dining the early part i he evening llashllghts were taken, i r which cards and ciokinolc were , wmTmTfTTtttttTttVnttttl T was tlio last hop of the season, Curruthors and Oltjii Helmartlt were danciu-s" nnd many saL down tor the purpose of better observ ing tlieni. No (.lie at The Hlllows danced as did these two with such exquisite Kraec, such perfect unity and poetry of motion. And then the pic ture i hoy made he, towering" above. Die n erase man, llnely proportioned, ills blonde skin tanned to a golden brown by hours on the tennis courts, tho liiikt, the lake. Phe, tall, too, with n foun of eluirnilnK symmetry, and a dark, beautiful southern face a fact fell of character and Individuality fiom the sweep of the line black brows to the fun, crimson lipr nnd round clefr chin, "I can't inuku myself think this Is oui last danca together," Cyril was snyliijj. an they swayed nnd drifted down tho loom, "I have had sueh a delightful time, here because of you." 'Theie, Mu whispered, "It Is over." i S'he took tho aim he offered. In I silence, they passed out on the broad I plaza, Others looked nflcr tliini with ! .sitmlflcant smiles, 1 Naver hnd a lllrlntkm aroused such , comment --.such speculation. Olgu Rel- mnrtli was wjll known at tho pleasure rcsoil, Thk) was her third season 1 hero wllh her mother. Hut hitherto, ! while iiniiiestloriably the loveliest girl there, she was also the most tin I approachable. Sho woro Ilia most j sw iiKn-er of ilnnnels in the morning, 1 the daintiest of dinner gowns, tho most piovokhiKly pretty of dance dresses, j Tut sho had not seemed to cnie for Mhe attentions the men wero only too I anxious to ofler. lbo sometimes ac I cepted more frequently declined them hut nhvays with tho air of a younu queen sweet but condescending. Car .uthers' coming, however, had altered till that. Hho appeared pleated by his admiration. Sho crccplcd ins devo tion. Sho rarely refused his pi offered curort for that of another man. Tlvy .had been much together during the Inst two "weeks swimming, rowing, driving, danelnqr. And the people said that at last fdgtt hud lost her heart. And there was nono to openly object, although tu the s-tiula of some men was envy, In tho minds of eome young women a dumb resentment. Now, leaning back In iter low chair and looking: out over the lake, all phosphorescent In the starlight, Olga felt, with it queer lightening at her licait, that the hour for which sho the. pastimes. At n nensonnule hour re freshments Wcro served. Those, pres ent were Misses Rthcl Stark, Jessie Stephens, Gertt title Smith, Vera Tay lor, Florence WllktnH, Virgil Taylor, Until Johnson, Huth Wlednuin and llertlni Dlx, Messrs. Fied Crock, liny Hnyder, Claude Itoherls. and Will Crock, Mr. and Mrs. It, S. Stephens cele hratetl their eleventh wrddlnpr nnnlver Kiiry, ut their pleasant home on State street, Monday evening. The guests were Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. T. Wllklns, Misses Susan Wnek, Clara Tlffitny nnd Mr. John Itnlley, of Scrunlon, Charles Davis, formerly of Nicholson, tiled Tuesday motntng at Hlnghnnittm of typhoid fever. The news of his death domes not only ns a terrible blow to his parents, hut ns a creat shock to his many friends In Nichol son. Funeral announcement will he made later. HONESPALE. Special Iti tlir Sir.inlim Trllimie. Ilonesdale, Nov. 117. Mrs. Catherine llchhern, wife of John ttehhern, died on Sunday nt the resltlenco of her son, August J. Hehbern. She was horn April 1!), 1J3,, In Germany, ami came to Honesdiilp In 1S4H. The funeral was held nt 2.::0 Tuesday afternoon. Ilev. AS'llllam II. Swift, of the Presbyterian church, of which the deceased was n faithful member, conducled the ser vices. Honcsilnle people were shocked this morning, on learning of the sudden death of Dr. C. K. Poster, which oc curred nt his home on Third street, about ft o'clock last night. The- doctor was around town as usual yesterdny afternoon. The time of the funeral services will he announced later, GREAT JUMPING BY A MULE. Over a Manger nnd Through an Open ing 21 by 30 Inches in Size. Pinm the llitlmiotid Tunes. A most remaikahle story, the truth of which is vouched for by Mnjor H. It. Selden. the well-known street ear man, and several of his employes, concern ing two full-grown mules jumping I lhroush ii small window in the old 1 hor.sp car stables In Manchester, has ! JU!,t t,(""e to n'hi- Tnu slorv aR re" I lated by .Major Selden, and sworn to ' several of the most reliable men in ! ,l-s employ, is ns follows: . "Pel," became alarmed at the sight of the leather and leaped through the open window to the ground outside. Major Selden says he came in about this lime, ami upon learning- the cause ! "( tl,L' excitement, ordered the man to go back into the stall, and when he started the mule reared up and was about to repeat the performance. He feared the mule might not be so for tunate in the second jump and told the man to come out of the stall The "Alaggic" mule, says Alajor Sei dell, jumped tluough a whitlow the same size on the opposite side of tlio stable and as far as he could discover, upon close examination, neither of lliem received the slightest scratch. j He says tracks weie plainly visible on i the outside where the "Ret" mule landed and made an effort to turn and aKll fnce tne window, she being still haltered to a scantling on the inside. The halter chain, four feet long, was attached to ii beam four and a halt feet above the lloor on which the mule stood. Window opening, 1 loot Inches by feel Ii Inches. Tmnih. I'eet wl.lo Top of Hough to lloor, li feet 11 Inches. From bottom of whitlow sill to ground outside, I feet 7 inches. Alajor Selden snys "Pet" was selected from forty-two mules owned by the Itlchinontl and Manchester Hallway coni'iany on account of her size, as "a regular tug, to draw ems up the hill from North and Cary to Ninth and Alain streets .and would weigh about !):,0 pounds. 'i'','''''',''y'i''y'''',''y'F'yyi.Fiy.t.. Sdged Jools &&& had waited had come. Mcny men had told her of tleir loves, had protested their passion. And bar one no man lrid ever mad" her pulse throb less equably. It had become an old story to her durlii,j her half dozen years of social supremacy, llut tonight this was dliferent! So might he say but no mure. "1 must meet you again if I have to make a special tiilgrlmavr-s down Soutli," she heaid him sayiuif. "you I know our business tnkes me up to Alaska a good part of tho year. 1 r"n erully tint! myself pretty well played out' by the time hot weather cones and take a vacation In which to biaee up. This," his voice dropping, "has Iioph . the sweetest of my life." She did not speak, but he found no disappointment in her silence, uno of her many charms for him was her pti feel repose of manner. She could b fill ,,t,,,i,,rl, "t til, low lint oil.-) ,i..tni, ' !-., .,.w..n, ,-- v , 1 was a woman lo weary nno, with cm nations vivacity. And Just now, in I her creamy laces, with his hothouse 1 roses at her bosom, and one jewel glit tering like a fallen star In the meshes ol her dark hulr, she had no need ol ' speech to fascinate, tu enthrall. I "Sometimes," he went on, leaning ! ngainst tho pillar near and looking down upon her, "I have hoped I have fancied that you would care a llttlu when our paths diverge," "1 shall always remember you,"' sho said, "You have made tho days pass pleasantly." "Is that all-Olea?'' It was iho (list time lie. had called her by her name, She started slightly at tlio sound. "listen!" sho said. "I (thoiiltl Jlko tv tell you a llttlo story, if when It Is quite told you .should wish to wrlto or come but you will not!" Ho bowed Ids head attentively, "it Is soon told, It Is about a dear girl friend of mine with whom I was at school In Hie North. .She was tho daughter of wealthy parents. Their generosity to her was only equuled by their lovu for her. Sho gave them upt her home, her fortune, her luxurious mode of life, all for the sake of a handsome and Impecunious young fel low who had won her affections. Indi rectly, and acting through a mere sense of duty, tho Bill's father pro cured this man a comparatively lucra tive position. For a while he was de voted to his glrl-wlfe, and sho was THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. Wi:l)SF;snAV.-"Thc MrIiI ot (lit I'oiutli." TIIUItSDAV, Wrnt'i .Mliilrtl, nltrnioon niul nlclil. I'lllBAY AND SVTItMIHY.-MIMiril tlnllnirl In "llir l'ourr llclitntl tlio Throne" ft.iturtlay litJllncr. Academy. AM, WT.KK. Tlif Spoonori. I Gaiety, TIIM'i: Pinsr l'.WS.-OrlrnUl llurlfiiicti. LAST Tlllllli: I) U'S.-Thr Tinnlo Club. "Fodorn" Revived. '"I'rili'in " Hjitloti'i Rit.ll Mlillklli iIj?i u lnc-iiili'il ot tin ti.Mi'uni lat nltht by a romp.iny IhmiIoiI by MlM Klranor rrniit.llii m,il llrlndry Sli.w. JIIm I'ijiiKIIii tss.ijeil tin ride i( li IVtlniii in uliltli Hit l.itt I'.mii.v t).icnpnit wiih -ncli n (Irii.iI trlmnpli .mil Mr, Sli.iw w.m run ih l.nrls Ip.inolT, hi wlilcli Itelirtt Mitilcll 111.11I0 lils I iow lufoii mi Amcriinii iiiiili Clin us Ml, l),iriimrt'H chief iiiihiiI, The il.iy pii.srlitcd in n most iiiluih.ililf lu.iniicr niilil .ilnl the nctois punpil they iirt oinml In tin ilcliuilil "f Sjrtlon nlhll ktlt! int'liHlr.iiii.i ulth Its ntnr untl I cii r on ulcc jml ticnos. Miss l'niiiklln has a flue nl.ii!" pii'icmc nml in tin ili.lui.lllr mcih'k with which lhc tlr.iinii Is thkkly aliiilitril cht wni rry clVectke. SuppoitliiE the pilntipiN js 11 lompany toiu poMtt u( ti nmnlirr of t'.ip.ilik pl.tjei". The utiiBliiB nai rlalHiulc jihI nrlktlf. Spooner Company. 'I liu Sponpis ilrew tne I.iibi .iiiiIIpiicc" at the Academy of Mudc , chlei 1I.11 . In the jfteinoon the bill pii'Miitctl V3i Knti ('l,ilon's RrHt niit te.Mt, "The Tito" The piece was tlngt'it anil tostiiuied in a li.itulvimc iii.uiiur. Ml Ikln.i .May Spooner uppeailnf in dendrite n:::l MKs Cecil Spooner aa l.ouise. I.ast ettuiux "t'nele Daniel, or 'The Mevsenci r trom .tank 'iTtliin." was pioilucetl In whltli Mks Cecil Spouei irinle .1 tremendous lit t in the nil,' of Clip, ,i .tonne hartini ocirum in which puts Miss spoomr h.ik 110 ctptal. The specialties intioduteil hetween the ael arc evceeillnitly ilrui, ( lamle Thank, ll.e nionologkt, niniis 'toon .ohk, which an new tnnl up lo date. Ceil! Spoonor's ati'l iharailcr ilances me trit.ilnly llm. .Miss. .Ieoi shuts eiy sweetlj, ile-erlptiii; lnll.ids and Hie optlgt.iplt. a lu.w moving picture iiih ihine, gives perfect views of plans of interc-l nko rninlc Mines fiom life. Tliis after noon a el .itii-1 doiihle hill will he picented. The curtain l.ikrr, "llelnten Two l'oi's," wiP he smiccdcd hy a beautiful pla) en- lilltd "hi l,,.-," an jug, tl and i iinatii'il by Mks IMna -May Spoonei. Tills evening "A Wlfo'.s Pciil" will he pioUuied. Tuxedo Burlesquers. The 'Oiienlal ltiiile-ipnis," whu tiul.ij closo 11 thtee-iliy (iig.isrini'iil al I lie (i.iiety, were ucaln (,'i'ietcd with a lare aiidiinti last evrnlns, who lilt the thoalei uiidiiuhttilly as wo 11 ik.iuil .is any audiiute win) ev,r al tended a perform aure at (his popular theater. Home little cn I'ttcmnil was caused tliuh.g the tuning hy the appeaiance uou the sieiu ot a mU.u1 ol sol dieis in full luiifmni. who weie in seairli of a dtseiler, and who ptotoeded lo ilosek scan tin t'Miintdiaiiii of eieiy w cup, ml of the theater leiwe they weie Kitklkil the siiil de-citer was not anions the audiente. 'lln "TiimiIii (lull" lliiiliiiie lompany, which louiis In the C.ilety lev iluee tlats heKiuiiing Willi luitinee mi rii.mKgiiiig afletnoon is mi ilouliti dly nne ot the intt e.liavaK.ini iiindut liniia Hint has ever been introduced to 1 hiian .iiullfiici. The piopiktors of thk fhovv have Miiioimdtd it Willi fpeiial steneiy and elee liicul cllccts and hive spued neither lime nor CMiuise to liiakt' this Hie li.innu attiactiou of (he spa-on, 'I lie (laiely it lindouhledly givinp: lis p.ilioiis (he vny hel lion-, that inone i.,u ohtuin. Matthews and Bulger. Theie k a ielcphone Jut iili'iit in the M-eond let of 'The Xiuht of the Fouilli," vvhuli is "lie of the fimiest things in the .inees-ful fane. The .vounj; law.ver has i live wne lumiitu; lioni the telephone down inder the lloei to oie' ot the thaiis in his oftlee, .so that when an.voit' sits ou Hit t hail (he hell riuiis. The it email tine not know' of the lO'itiiv.iuee and he t .ill . IiIiimU up on Iho 'plione i vera! limes, liualk neltir. itiln a mix up with tin live wne, while ci. 'in -hiiiks with lauhlei. Tht fine will he een ill Hie l.ti eillil I"-nii-hl. West's Minstrels. The iuiiiitntlouetl leader in lulie-tick.v is Will i .in II. Vct. who lias this season pill foith hij. create-t elicits and will pic-iiit to lhc piildic u pmely coiiudi and musical perfoinnnce, re ptile vvitli novelties. The fitst pail .sctlhu,- Is nit entiielv riw one, and piedoiuiu.itini; colois lielntc wlille ami sold, and the same silieuu of iilor is lairitd out in the ctmtuines, m.ikin&; happy, llut later, when the strain of housekeeping and tho care of little child! en began to tell on her, he found that It was necessary for him to have weeks of leisure apart from thorn weeks which the tired wife cheerfully permitted and which his selfishness never prompted him to ask her to share. la the story Interesting? Am I boring you?" "tlo ou," he said, Ills voice sounded I thick and strange. I T ....... ,1.1.. 11,11a C..l.-,,1 nP ...It... 1..., ' 1 Otlll l(((S KIKC lWW,tl( Ul ,,,((,V Jiei before I came down here, She was ex pecting her husband home froniM trip which should have been a pleasutablt vacation in itself. She told me he was going uwtiy during tho hot weather. I)ld she leave the city? Dear, no thoy could not all afford to go and the chil dren annoyed her husband! As skj spoke one little tot tugged at her gown; another waited in her tender arms. All her roses were gone. Shu had been a pretty girl. And sho was pitifully thin and worn. Hut she did not eomutaln at all, She was brave, nnd sweet, and patient. She" "For God's sake hush!" Someone In the deserted dance room begun to sing si lltle, sweet, liltlmr song. Tho man by tho pillar lifted hi', head with u startled air. Soft and low, uoft ami low, Wind of tho Western teal Y hy, that was tho lullaby Mario usid lo sins to her un by to her tlrst baby! Hn dropped his hands with a groan. "Then you were quite deliberate." "I was quite dollbetate for her sake! Besides " "Well?" he ii rued feverishly. "There Is someone, else. 1 am to bu married this winter," "Hut If them wcro no one else. If I too, were free woultl you caro?" "I might," She looked him straight in tho eyes now the look a man glve.i to u nun, "nut I would never be dis loyal!" "No, you could never bo that I" ho t?ald huskily!" And they heard the tendor, crooning song go on and on. Suddenly she rns' held out her hand. He hesitated an lu stapt then he took It. "Oood-bye," he said. "Pin "going homo tomorrow." "Do! And tell Marie you met me nothing more!" "I will. Clod bless you!" Omaha News. the picture one ol Hie mot beautiful ,unl tinijc nlflccnl ever i-nncclutl. Till ureal wrurcpatltin will lio al the, Lyceum toiuurinvv (.TliniiUgltlniO nflctnnon and night. Mildred Holland. There Ii all artht booked lo appear jit the l,y reiini theattr I'lldjy ami ft.duid.iy cui.lnjt and Patiuday matinee who should iccolic the litaity ruppuit of every pciron who Is a lover uf pmr, moral ami wholesome ila.v. A little woman vhop name has nevtr been tuinedril with a ami whose private life Ii n pure as any wo'iinn who ever attained mieresi In nny ejllliuc. A woman who has never porlrajut quest leiialde characton ami refused In appear In il'ipii' plays. filch n woman It Mildred Holland, who will lie seen In rcoiI advantiitte In her new role of Alia, in "The Power behind the Throii"," a new rniniiilli! play In three acta by Thtodore Kleiner, founded on Seliltler's tl.isle "l.nvo nml In triune." NEW GAME OF AUTHORS. An Entertaining Parlor Pastime Which Is Also Instructive. Henry U. Wootl in W'oiuan'fl Home Companion. The hostess may prepare n certain number of blank cards, with the head ing on enrh one "Who and AVhut?" On a second lot of cnrJa sho can hnvo pasted the pictures or some noted writers Thackeray, Dickens, Scott, Dumas, I'.alzac, Tolstoi, Hi owning, George Kllot, Carlyle, k,oni;fel!nw, Cooper, Kmcrson, Bryant, Holmes. The pictures of more recent writer.! will answer her purpose just us well. These pictures can be obtained from illustrtod catalogues of books. Of these cards there should be as many as there nri quests If the company be a. smnll one, or ns mnny cards as the hostess may desire; u dozen Is a very good number. Supply eneh guest with one of tho blank cards and n. pencil and then ftarl Into circulation the cards on wdtieh are pasted the pictures of the authois. Let' the gus'ts pasil 'tin cards fiom oil" to nnother, and write down, according to the number on the picture-card, and opposite the cor responding number on their own, the name of each author and some booh he has written. This will be found a more dlfflrult task than one Imagines, and numerous guesses will doubtles.s go wide of the mark. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New- Vul., Nov. 27. Selling- to take prollL afiain oveiiame the market today and the ccii einl level of stoil. juices i. lower tonight than il was last night. The day's ncl t liaiu,"-.-. vvhith .lie exiept hi a few slut La, illve no itha of the wide movement ot juices tlurini; I lie t,y nor of the notable strength -.hoim al times by a few stoiks. Till" is due to the fact that the lnaiktt vvxi (jcneially ttioiig in the eaily deal ings and was only tarried befovr nltdit's lent by a very hu leaeliuu, which also iciluced the gain of the Fining stmki. The notahly -tlDiig points were the CoalcK, Southern Itjil vvay, jiieferied, Baltlmoie kuiI Ohio, .southern l'jilfiu and the Arms lean Smelting Mucks. 'Hie. movement in the O.iku was helped hy the vvlntiy weither iipoilcd. TJie numiiieul cubed the levival of old rumors ol ioiu,olidaliun or change of tontrol, the elltit heiniir nolalily mani focl in Xew Jci'cy t'ential, vihidi lo-e t, poinu to till, leading I'j. The hulnes In the gioup was mii.i1 I exiept in the Heading, which le ileited wry heavy and conteiitt.itetl hli.ving. 'I lit. Hist pufeiieil ioo at one time '.Hi and tlw-etl .1 point lowir. kaige buying continued in .South ern Hallway ne!eired and rumois continued of a coining incieaso of dividend and a dissolution of the voting tiuM. This wan about the only -lock ccept the Denver and tlio (Itandes of jcflcril.i.v's .-Irong gioup wlilcli held out toilay. The Ameiiciu Smelting tock rnic i?i and l?i foi tho tnuimoii ptelcricd on talk of tlio uh Mirptlon ol the competing inli'irM. In I'ovver rose 1 jioints witliout exjih uatiou. shoitly hefou the Ooso vciy large bnj ing of Soiitheiu l'.itific came into forie, the In dividual running Horn one to tx lliousmd sliaies and lifting tin -tock jioinK Hilling the early jiait of the day while the gen ual m.uktt was slioug the site and topper Minks weie weak. 'Mie sin I aIikIo showid a disposition to i.ill.v. e.pctially Meet and U'iie vvlilt.ii got above II at one time. Tho stock lo-cil utuhangiil. Amalgam Ued Copper was very he, nil) sold and late in tin thy tell to 'il5d and timed Willi a nit In.- ot " 'Ihe gen le.ntion In the maikct was not .ueDiiijiiii nied by an unfavorable tliveltiimeiil In llu: gin etal tontlilioiLs, but to ttitppoiiitinent of fome .pi dilative expec titions. Total sales, !)9l,.10i) Eliarer. The bond market was active and pricci wtie higher. Total sales, par value, j.'i.oTJ.OOti, I'liiled Males .'Is ilerlineil Vi and Ihe new and old 1s advanced ,J on the last call. The following quotations aiu furnished The Tiil'iuie hy XI, S. .Ionian o" Co., looms Tlia-TOA Hears liuihlirg, Siramon, l'a. Telephont SOU: Open- High- Low- Clos ing, est. It", 1Mi Ani'iieau Tobano .,,.110 llO'.i Am. M. k W I.'l'.-j ll'.i Atch., To. ,t S. I'o .... ID'ii 41 A T. ,t S. 1'., IT SIH MU ing. I.tlltj umt s-i-?i 40 e.l?l 7:iTs fclli :iSTi ll'i ran 12S lir.'i 1I7U ISJ'i 4?i 7-.-i, J7i Sl-'i IIVI'j 17J .'11 imi',. Il7ii 4.Hi Wi 711, hi 1 WSi 10S"i r-U :i'i',.'. W's .l Mi it1.- i.'fii-"'; Drookljn Tiaction Tj'i rait. & Ohio MVj font. Tobacco , ,. ,'ii,Ai flies, k Ohio ::t:'i chic. & II. W Il'b Chic.. 1!. & Q l.'l.-Ji St. raul l'.'OVj llotl. kland IH.',; Del iw.ue ic Hudson .,,,117 l.tckavvann.v 11 i.j my. T'.a .''i?i m;. ins lint; 12T inn; ltsii 117'i 117 1s-!i ani 7it'i ::.',; M 111 17.1'J lll'i Hii!j ii'i tl'.i Si 1'ei'eral Sttel I'l?: 4t; 7.K', :i7 .sk, lii'ii'. l'l'i Mi imili 111 H',j U'A 70 M'1', 1 Hi'.i 1'edeial Sttei, l'r Ivan. A: Te l'r. Louis. ,v, Nash ,. .Miuh.llliin I'.le .. "Mel. Trill Hon Co ... 7fi ... ItTli ... M'; ...iinH 17.IH Jlb-souii l'aeiflc Id '4 I'euplos lias lllj . .1, Central lll'i Suithein i'acille 41"s Voifoll; & Wisleui .... l.iy, Noilh. l'atllie 72 Noilli. I'aellle. l'r eJ-U V V. ( ,,. Out, & West IVl.lil. It, It .... l'.itllit- Mail Heading Hauling. l'r Turn., C, k hou l'. S. I.eatlier l 1 . S. I.ealher, l'r I!. ,S. Ituhher .... rnlou I'acilie .... I'nlon k.ielDe, l'r Wabash. IV ... ,iiH4 . ,, -" .... 44 .... In'fj U'i .... :! .... iii; .... -ii .... :n .... 7.1 .... si?; .... 2Hi 2d 1 1-3 II i'h iiJ!'. 7.! in; 7il :iK 7.1s; hi -Hi lUTs lllli II in'! rj-H 71 ti II 7"i!i '."i li - ai', IVi'i iu ii I'Hi II! I , 1 ll't 7-i's ,1't 7-J',i el '-j 21 US'!! Third Avenue Uitf. Ni'.w voiik l'HODHci: i:ciianoi: rmcrs Opt ii- High- I.uw- ( Ins Ing. evl, est. in'.'. wiii-.vr, Deetinher May lOHN", Dectmhtr Xky TH'i 77 7!',G 7!i1l 7iib; 7'l'i 7l., 70 'a H'u ISU 4l"s I2',(, II'h ii; I2'i Scrnnton Botird of Trade Exchnngo Quotntlons All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. rimt National Dank Scranton Saving) Hank , , hcranton Tacking Co. ,,,, ,,., Third National Hani; , Dime Deposit and Discount llank ., Uconomy Light, II. fc I', Co I.acU. Trust tiafo Deposit Co. ,,,, fierantou l'alnt Co ,,,,,,,,., Clark & Snover Co., l'r. Scranton Iron Kenco U Jlfg. Co. ,,, Scranton Axle WoiKi ,..,,,,,,,,,, Lackawanna Daiiy Co.. l'r ,,, County Savins Hank .V '!"rust Co.., Hist National Hank (Coihondale),. btanduld llillllng Co ,,,,, Traders' National llank .,,,, Ktianton Holt and Nut (u BONDS. Scranton Tassenger Hallway, flrat Mortgage, dua 1020 People Street Hallway, first mort gage, due 1018 ....,,,,,,,...,,,. People's btreet Hallway, General mortgage, duo IKil t Dickson XIauufacturing Co ., 1-icka. Tow iiihip School 6 per cent. Rid. Askei Win , , , 00 ... w 42S ,,, 2J0 ... 10 1J0 bO 125 ... ,,. too OJ 20 ... 300 US ... It ... IU ... 115 ,.. 113 ... 100 102 City ol Scrantou St. Imp. (1 per cent ,, ,. ... 1W iiiatiton Traction 0 per cent. ..... US ,,, Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. 0. Dale, 27 Taickavvauna Ave.) Ilutter Cieamcry, 2-"u2k.; dairy tubs. $c. I'ggl Select vtcittrn. I7v. ( neoiL) utc, ICc. Cheese Frll tieain, new I Mm-, Jonas Long's Sons Keep the shoe store in mino when you need Footwear. It's A WORTHY BTORE WORTHY OP YOilR CONFIDENCE. A LIBERAL QU AR AN TE C WITH EVERY PAIR YOU BUY. Thanksgiving Linens When she dresses tlio table for her turkey dinner, the woman will look first to the white cloth beneath the "bird." It must be spanking clean, ironed and creased with extreme neatness. Perhaps you need a now Table Cloth, or new nap kins! Hadn't thought of it before? Well, aren't you glad we remind you of it? Here are worthy lots of linens all linen and at very special prices until Thanksgiving. T" hull Cieame Damask, extia lienv.t. line quality and all jiiire linen, AAr perjiinl - M ineli elri heavy Scotch linen, lull "7Sc bleached! tl patterui; pcrjard.. ,JV TU Inch Itle.ifhed l.iiiiik Tatile Mutii QRr In .ill the newest jialterns; per ,vd. "-"- lilt l line mc.u in-" ,.,ni.isn, ... inagtiincciit tloral paltem.. per $ 1 , 29 luih tine lied Dun.isk, in Thanksgiving Millinery ust a few lines picked at random from a stock that is as com plete as it is possible to make it. A dash of style in every hat, no matter what the pi ice. I nesc l nanksgiving prices: Illaik Tips tint wire Me,, leduceil lo....1.,e. Tips that weie an., minced in... .Sic k and Colored Wings, from Jft. to...l.-. Dig assoitment of (Jullls al !'' Trimmed Hats in Innd-onie vaiiely if Thanksgiving Groceries There are goodies here bj' the score to help make the Thanks giving Dinner a winner. Will you let us serve you with the best of them? , . .,..., , Please lemember that we cany nothing but the best of quali ties in Groceries. No inferior sorts at any price. There'll be no cause for disappointments Thnnnsgiving with any eatables you buy trom us. XIalasa ttiapcs, fancy laige eliwtei lb. Ciaiibeniis, fancy Cap' Cod. 'V1.11;'-'"-F.mev llixtil N'Ht. kl- v.U'etits, '-l'n " 1' ijier Miell Abifmls. Ilnc-l inipoittd, Hi. Tigs, thoiie Tutkish la.ver. per lb....... ClaicCitron, Lemon and Oi.mge 1'etl, iu Jellies .r,-lb. Mom crock, all llivors, for Apple Hotter. ::-lb. tltinc clock. .hinis, linest in lame Bla" l'"i for , Plum lMdding, choice, 1 pound cans .01 . l'umpkin, new golden, largo raiw loi.... Cleaned Cmiaiits, per package ......... Stedetl Itaisins, largo imi-catclle, pkge. Mi'sluooms, 1st choix. snull Prunes, new ilnice; ft pounds for.... .. riohlen Prunes, very flue ami Inge. Hi. NcLtailue?, evapoiatcd, thoice; lb ,15-. ,Uo. ,at . ,l!.V. ,1V. ,I.V. ,2i. ,-Jt-. ,l."h. , ill. , 7f, ,VA. ,10i. ., .,. ,-.n. ,1.. ,Lc. Beans Per Int., choice marroiv, -J-2.40; medium, ?2..'i0; pea, 2.::0. Potatoes COc. Onions W)e. per bu Klour Uet patent, -ftM). Fhilndelpliln Grain mid Produce. I'liiladelpbia, Nov. -27. Wheal- "ice. lower; tot.tijct grade, Nuvembei, 71'ia7l?ir, Coin l'lim, !-e. higher; No. 2 nii.ed .Viicinb.i, 1 1 -J alat-.; Diceiubii, Ilia l-i'ic Oats l'lim; ;' lilghci; No. -2 nuvcil November. U-4al.",i.; Ht timber, PlalSi'if. O.U Kiiini. No. -2 while t lipped, 2')Uc Iluttel -Dull 'id weak; l.mey western ueamciy, '2",a2.",i.e.J do. piinls, ieu. Legs .Stead-, tu-h I , 27i.; do. vestcii, 2Ue.; do. soutliwc-tein.; do. soulhirn, 2 It. Cheese Firm; New Yml; full eieams lamy small, UMi.; do. do. do. fail Iu chuiic, Kltiallc. Ito-ilut-d Nigaih - I'lHcltUtl. Cotton Unchanged. Tallow Firm; city prime, In lingsliraib, l?if. ; tounliv do,, hands, 4',iil?iv.; cakes. fiV'. Live t'oullix' St.iedv; fowls, SaUc; old roosui-, tli.; spiing tbiekins, tu'Jc; thuks, palOc; geese, n.t Ilk-.; tutke.vs, full. Picsscd I'oulliy l'lim; good demand; lowl-, clioic-c-, inc.; do. fair iu good, taDlic; old loslcrs, 7c; nearby t-piing iliickens, llHl-2c: westim tlo., K.illc. : some lots higher; vvcuteiu tlueks, Oille.; turke.. flnmt to fancy, liallc. Iteceipts Flour, l,,VHl barrels and 2,78l),(KHI poiuitU in sacks; vvlieat, 7,00(1 busb- K; coin, '2Sli.tHli) bushels; oats, 20.0WI bushils. Shipments Wheat, 3,000 bushels; corn, ,17,(K) liushcl.s; oats, M.iWO bushels. New York Grain nnd Produce. New York, Nov. 27, Flour Xtatket wan welt sustained, with a coduate dcni'ind at old prices. Wheal i-not lit tilt No. 2 led, 77Tc. f. o. b. atloal; 70V. elevator; No. 1 noiiliein Diiluth, h2t-. f. o. ti. alloat; options openttl nv and losed weak at tie. net decline; Maieb closed "'I'ic. ; Xtay, 7!ise.; November, 7o")ie.; Decem ber, Vliat. Coinfeput llim; No. -2. 47'iii-. ele vator and 'I7',ic. f. . b.; options had an opening nml dosed weak at a paitlul lot. ma luis; .M.iuh tlascd 42','iC.: Xiay, 4He. Oat, Spot linn; No. 2, 2C'lo.; No. II, 2(V.; No, -2 white, 20'ae.; No. 3 while, 'Julie: liatk luiMd vvesttin, -211.127160.; white, 2jiillli-,; op lions inactive and about steady. Ilutter .Stead) ; theamety, lSaiV. ; factory, 1-JjlOc,; .lime cieaui ti,v, S.i2.!l.; imitation tiiamiiy, lJaVJe, ; stale I.iirv, Itiailf. Cheese Finn; large .Si-pteiubu, lil-tsallt'.: small Siptrmber, llall'.Sc: l-irgt late made, I0',i.i1o&c ; small lato made, 10-Hc Kgns Steady; state and lnns.vlvaiila, 2la-27e. ; vnsi I'lii, irgulir pat Mug, J0a2lc.; Ht-tuii, lo,s II, Jne. Chicago Grain nnd Produce, Chicago, Nov, 27. Nov ember com e.l.iblishul a iit-iv high letonl today and i hisol It. our .u-steiilay, Hetcinlici ut the ilo.e was 'ji'ir. Dccemhir wheat .i!t-. down, Oats vu-. a .sh.ule up and piovisious 2)'jiai, tluvvii. Cash iiioi,ilioiis win as follows; Flour Dull and nut liiiigul; No. :i spiing wheat, t,sa71i'.; N'o, 2 led, 7'Hla IVici .Nil 2 corn, Ha l',ti , ; No. '2 jelluvv, I'l'-i uVJt.; No. 2, I'h,: N'o. 1 fla: stitl, jl.fil',-;; No. I noilhvvest, l.l'j; llmothy, l,2'al.,l.'i, piuk. ijll.l'Ji-iiiU.U".; lird, ?7a7.ti."i; libs. MLHJij iiU7'2!0; shi.uliKls, .? I'.'.ic. ; tides, MI.S-0.ui.iO; vvhiskty. -.,27; fciicuis, cut loal, Sil.11; gtanu- llli-il, s.'l('D. T " Chicago Live Stock Mniket. Chicago, Nov, 27-l'alth-lleiilpU, 7,lli stccis. giiieially about sleuly; buichus' -.tin I, , liislnu- weak In Ilk-, lowei natives, hist on silo tod i, lour cars at "i.o.i; good lo piiiue sletis, j.a."t.i.'; poor tn iiiedluin, l.Jli."i.2V M'ltiltil feedei-i. sleady, lf.l..,0al.2V, luKitl stuck- Us, slow, s-J.'J''i; tows, lsJ.isiil.'2'i; helleis, is-2.7tl.iLU.5; 1.11111111!, is2.l2.tW; bulls, weak, s2.tU 1,2.1; t.ilvts, weak, lower, ecepl rhoice, tl.tjili J TtNaiis, iitelptJ, WM; lust on sale today, four cars at tl.So; fed stttis, lal.,,1; grasi Hlitis, sil.illal.13; bulls, W.,Wal.21. Hog, -Hi. telpts today, IW.OtXl; louioiiovv, Jii.trtD esiliinlcil lelt ovcl, I.OtKI; Oalue. lovvei; itilive, ihtalug steady; lop, fl.WK'i luixed nml hultliiK, l.i.j.i LI'TW; god to tliolte heavy, l; lough heavy, !-1,.V".iI.Im; light,'i; hulk of sjIu, f,.M).il.lXJ. feheiis Itutlpts, l.'klihil; shetp, god tn ihohc si i "ii'I in UK', higher; nlhei slotv, lambs, llliISc, higher; good tu thoie.i vvtlliei., islal.U; tail' to ilioim iiiImiI,; vvesiem shtep, 20; Tevus sluep, MJIj luiive Iambi, ij-lal.Vi; .velern lambs, il.73a.1.2ti. East Liberty Stock Mnvkot. Last llheily. Nov. 27,Cjttie Slow; exti.i, $.i,10a.".f0; pilule, !s"j.i.V2.i; coiiimuu, ?.-Jj:i.J0. Ilogs Miadv j piiiue meiliunis uml .heavy luu, S.).lto5.1fj; liest Yoikeis, W.n.1a3.1U; pia., Ma S.10; louglis, ssl.S0al.7U. Slietp Slioug; iholea wetheu. 't.SOal; lommon,; tliolci l.imbt, tAiS.21; loiniiion lo gootl, .niMI.-!, vial ialvc, tf0..10j7. " '""" New Yovk Live Stock. New Yoik, Nov. 27.--Hecve8 Notlitng dying; ftcllng steatly; calves, maikct slow; grasseri imt wanted anil nomliut; vtxiU', fill. Mieep arf, I amis Sheep, stead.,; prime sheep itiong; lambs', firm; fair Iu ihuiie slieep, s-.Jal; co.u- I'llngeil Siti, Sill) sire, vciy line qtul ilyj one iloci VapUlns, jier CC IJQ llemslllched Sel. Sn1 ike, fine quality and newevt p.iUiins: iiocn Cf. Ill Xiipkins! et . I leiml Itched M, all pure linen. 8x10 --- - . ,..,,.. n erd .....T!?.!'...!' "!! $8t79 Mvle. leduted v'roin "5 1)0 to 2.P8 rhiliu'rn'ii Half, trinnucd with llk pom jioms: verv special .at 89c. nig lot of Ladies' Alpines and Chlldlcn'i Soft Hal", irdiicnt 111 pilce to- ti Peaches, ev.ipoialed, peeled. 2 lbs. for. ...25c. Pe.iM. evaporate,!, halved; 2 pounds for..25e. Olives, new and stulltd, per bottle 10c. Olives, laige Quern; per bottle 15c. I', cxu.i slflcJ, small, lender; can. ...Hie. l"-a, earlv June, vciy fine; per ran 11c. Com, N. Y. tale, creamy and tendtt; 3 cms 25c. saidinct, thoiie, iniporled; per can l'2c. .s.irdines. spited; large eana for ll'i. Chli-ktn T.imiiles, Xle, prepared; can, 2.1c. Civsl.ilired filnger, new; fancy boxes HrTnev, new. in I -pound boxes, 2 tor....2ac. l'ine.ipplo Chunks, packed ill Pingoic; tan ....Mi. Jlaple Si i up. absolutely pme; gallon can s"'- SORANTON'S LEADING FUR ES TABUSHMENT. F. L. Crane Established 1866. Furs and Fur Garments of all kinds, and our prices are low, it is in fact unsafe to pay less. Call and see our Laylored Suits Jackets. Long Coats, Box Coats, Neckpieces Boas, Muffs aud Children'3 Furs. We carry these in full assortment. i Furs repaired. RAW FURS BOUGHT. 324 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Hount Pleasant At Retail, Coal of the lt iiuallty for donioslie u'n ar I o( nil sizes, imlading lluckulieat ami Blrtisee, ilelivereil tn au.v part of the city, at the lowe.t prite. Oitlcis r-ieiuil al the ollke, Coimell build in,'; trom "nil; ttlephono No, 1702; or at llio mini, leliphoue .No, 272. will bu piotnptly at temitil to. Dealeis supplietl at Ihe mini', Motinf Pleasant Coal Co BEAUTY, Ii lONQUilF. BELLAVltA Ayoonio Bouuty Tablets nnd Pllla. A por. rnctlyb.ifuiiiiti giiji'iiuleritltrpntinnnt for all akitt dlaorderi. Hestoril thu bloom cf youth to faded Itcef. ID cli.ys' tiiMtment !i0ot SO rluys' 91.00, by rnnll Dona foroiicitlnr. Adtiiesf, ... . .El'VITA nmCM. CO.. C:ic!oj 4 Jackioa Sit., CklOT Sola by BtcOorrah Thomas, Drug slsta,, 20J Lackawanna ave Scranton, Pa. ninn lo pi imo lamlw, !l..Vlj1.0f); one. rar ihoice, s.l.T'l; ciilN, is.iii; Canada limbs, $.'.30. Hoes Suiuliiall) steady. Buiffilo Live Stock Mniket. Cut Huffalo, S, V Nov. 27,-Cattle-nidl and luwtr on tht loiiuiioii kinds; ralvct, rholc to rlll-4, ?7,Wi7.7"i. I.ainhs, choiiu to t'Mra, fl.9t; sheep, mlsed, K'i.Mi.i:t.7"i. HogsHeavy, SsS.10j3.ri; plt,, .ifla.' Oil Han oi! lllv. Nin', 27. - ( it'illt Ii.iI.iiuk, l.i)fj tn 11(101111)1, SI.1"' bid at tlo.-e; no s.ileij ahlpmeut., l,VI,,i) banelu; .miaK-e, if.i,-2il baiieU; inn,, n;,i,2S luiuls; avei.iHe, 10,312 ban els. How's ThlsP i oiler One lliiudrctl Dollais Itewjid foi auv case uf Catiinh that D.iinot be tilled bj llall'i CaUllh Cuic. 1 ,1. Clli:.N'i:V i CO., Toledo, 0. We, tho uiideislmied, hive known 1. J, Chmey for the la-SL lr jears-, uud believe him peifeetly lionoiablo ill all bu.-iiiess transactlona and Until tlally iible to cany out any obllgationi innde bv their Mini. VVestftV. Trua,, Wl.ol(ale Drugiiiits. Tolido, O, Valdiui,'. Kinnau k Maivln, IVholHlls Drug- gl.t, Toledo, O. Ilill'a Catairlt Cuic if taken lutenially. ctkr tlliectly upon the blood and mucoui iurfac ol Iho sjoli'iu. Ti.sliiiiQiilaU tent lice. Prko Ita, per bottle. Sold by all DruKjrliti. Mall's family Tiill are the but I V A ( t 1-4 i