The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 26, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Interesting Programme Rendered by
Mcmbei-3 of the School George
Wyntt Dies from Injuries Received
in the Mines News of the Various
Churches Mr. Reynolds' Position
Defined West Scrnnton Water Eup
j,lyY. W. C. A. Notes and Other
Paragraphs of Intel est.
TlKinlsHglvlni? 't'serclsi-M W"iv Ik'M
yesterday isfturncmn In tlm Ktiiultiy
.school of tlio First V.VIhIi Uupllt
uluiruli. The nervlreM wore opolii'tl
Willi HlnKlnjT from ulio tloipol liymns
ntid SiipLTlntcnili'iit lirxvlil J. Davis ilo
llvered an address. The ScM-lplurp Kv
koii was road by Miss Surah Jluildltll.
and prayer wan offered by Hon. John
T. "Williams. IMIss Both LcwIh pluyod
n violin solo, and u quai-loUe composed
of John Kvans. William HilKlirx. Bar
bara, and Ktlznhutli T.iwln. sunn two
elections, "Hoim- of Kist," and "JJfsiv.
Mo Nearer."
JJecitatlons were kIvoii by Alma Clea
loy, Pearl Jenkln.s anil I llllan La liar.
Miss Llla Watklns played a lil'ino
.nlo, and Miss Sarah T."vls sans; n.
pleasant iiolo, "Xol Kar from Hie
Kingdom." David AV. Davis roinlen'tl
"Lead Kindly Light," in an effeetlv
manner, and JIlss Jennie AVIIliams
read a. paper on "The Origin of
Thanksgiving." At the conolu.sion of
the programme an sitldiiwi wan de
livered by the general supui inteadent,
John D. Phillips, and the during prayer
was) offcrcfl by isiiperlnteinlent Davis.
The exercises were held instead of
the regular Sunday sehnol lesson, and
were attended by many of the older
mcniboivi of the church ah well as tlm
children of the school,
Plymouth Congregational Church.
Tomorrow evening Sunday school Xo. S, taught by 'l'. A. Lynon,
will conduct an entertainment and so
cial in the church. An excellent pro
gramme has been prepared and ic
cream will bo served.
The Ladles' Aid society will hold
their weekly session on Wednesday.
Union Thanksgiving services will Ivi
held in tin church on Thursday morn
ing, commencing at 10 o'clock.
The umiiiI weekly prayer meeting
will be held on Thursday evening, af
lr which the Sunday .school teachers
will meet.
The choir will hold their rehearsal
Good Enough Cough
jemedy. Dufour's French
Tar is what you need.
Another Marvelous Bargain
Sale of New Fancy Dress Goods
The time for au active effort to cleau up season's stocks
has arrived and we begin the work m right good earn
est in our Great Fancy Dress Goods Department. The
stock has beeu gone through with the usual care and
every piece in it marked down to a price that will insure
the object aimed at,n amely
A Complete Clearance of All Goods
Of Passing Fashion Before Stock Taking
As this is an Annual Sale, the genuine merits of which
are well known to our patrons, it would be sheer waste
of time to elaborate further on how and why these
extraordinary values are offered. If you are interested
put our statements to the test by coming to see the
goods at the new figures placed on them. That will
settle any doubts that may exist, in a jiffy.
A Few of This Week's Bargain Specials
A Wonderful 25c Lot
Hundreds of pieces in the newest
shades and weaves, all 38 inches
wide, and most of them worth so
much more than we are asking
that tho actual reductions would
seem incredible if we stated them.
Choice Out
or nits Lot 25c
A 19c Surprise Lot
Only half a hundred pieces here,
co they wont last, because they're
light up to the minute in fashion
and all good styles. 20c. a yard
was tho price a few days ngo.
OIlOlCI! Ollt .
of This Lot 19C
Less Than Half a Dollar
Now,tand yet they sold freely at
75c. a yard. Piles of silk nnd wool
mixtures and all wool weaves; 40
inches wido nnd the best color ef
fects. Choice or
This Lot
46-Inch Henriettas 49c
Every thread wool, and the best
15c. cloth wo have ever shown,
flest dye and finish, with full range
at shades,
Special Prico
During Sale
The Sale
Is Now
Globe Warehouse
Filday evening, At Innt evening's ser
vice they rendered an anthem, "Extol
Thee, Oh Lord," under the direction
of (.'horlster William Phillips. The
choir will give a cancel t on New War's
The members uf the Sunday school
began rehearsing the Christmas exer
cises yesteulay.
Among the Churches.
Rev. .1. H. Sweet conducted the third
quarterly meeting at the Simpson
Metliodls', Kplscopat church yesterday
murnlng, which was largely attended by
members of the (dun ell. Love feast
was enjey( il at ! o'clock, and was fill
lowed with the sacrament of lite Lord's
supper. In the evening the pastor de
livered a helpful sermon on the subject,
"Prayer, Peace and Prosperity."
The lifth anniversary of the pastor
ate of Rev. .1. 1'. -Moffat, D. D at the
Washburn Street Presliyteilnn churclt
was observed yesterday. In the morn
ing Dr. Moffat preached a hoi mini up
pinpriale to the occasion, and In the
evening a popular service was held, In
which the Hlble school orchestra as
sisted. Tin' Christian 'Endeavor dele
gates made their reports at the iS.".i)
o'clock meeting and the choir rendered
special music at Hie evening service.
Bezaleel mown, delegate from the
Sumner Avenue l'lesbyterlan church to
Hie state Christian Kadeavor conven
tion al Philadelphia, gave an Intel opt
ing repoit or the meetings at lust even
ing's service.
Uev. Austin (Jrillln, 1. D presiding
older, conducted the communion service
and preached the sermon yesterday
niornlg at the Hampton Stteet Metho
dist episcopal chinch.
Memorial services weie conducted
Inst' evening by Kev. A. L. Rumor at
St. Mark's Mitberan church for mem
bers who died during the pa.3l cliuicli
A gospel concert was eoudlKleii at
the Jackson Street lluptist chinch last
evening, and was followed by a .short
addicts mi "A Pica for Thanksgiving,"
by the pasror, lies1. Thomas tic Gruehy.
D. D.
Hy. A. I'.nsons preached at ihe Nebu
Congregational church at Iiendhain
last evening, illustrating hU ueranm
with ciayon sketches.
Mrs. Henry Hess conducted the ifos
pel service al the Young Women's
Christian association rooms Satin day
evening, which will he held In limit"
instead of the Sunday afternoon meet
ing. The music was In c'.riigo of Mrs.
Randolph Jones. The new departure
Is destined to become popular among
the young women.
Pirst Baptist Church.
At the First L'apti-t church the
pastor. Rev. S. F. Mathews preached
in the morning fiom the tenth verse
of tile fltty-llrst Psalm, "Create In
me a clean heart, O Cod." In the
evening lie took his text from the
thirteenth verse of the same Psalm.
The pastor pi cheated his subject with
such force and clearness as to very
strongly appeal to the large congrega
tions present at both services.
The R. Y. P. V. and Sunday school
arc nobly upholding the church .so as
to make IL a power which will be felt
These Are 69c a Yard
Rich Bilk and wool Tartan Plaids
in the most complete range of clans !
anu rancies ever shown in this city.
Actual value 85c.
Your Choice
Diirlng-tiulo OvC
42-Inch Ste-m Serges 49c
Extra v o ght, pure wool and very
best unibli; navy nnd black only nt
this price.
A Very
bxirn Value 49C
48-Inch Pebble Cheviots 75c
Pure wool of course, nnd the
highest 91.00 a yard grade. The
color list is complete.
Your Choice
This Week at 75c
04-Inch Venetians 89c
These are new late comers; all
the new effects nnd shades are rep
resented. We intended to say S1.00
ft yard, but let them go
IMliinj? This 0
Sato Only nt 89c
Very Special
We have just received a full line
of tho now polka clot cashmeres in
all the new pastel shades. They
are much wanted for waists and
fashion's first favoiito this year.
in Full Swinjy.
throughout the length and breadth cf
the city.
Died from His Injuries.
George, the 10-year-old sun of Mr.
and Mrs. George Wyatlv of C24 North
Humner avenue, employed as a driver
In the rjlnmonii mine, had one of his
legs Ncvctcd and the other fractured hy
being run over hy u car while at work
on Saturday,
The lujuted lad was removed to his
home, where Dr. George U. Reynolds
and Dr. Moylnn did everything pos
ilble to alleviate his suffering. Later
In I ho day ho was removed to tho
Mimes Taylor hospital, wltero ho died
at 3.110 o'clock yesterdny mornlug. The
funeral announcement will bo m lute
In tor.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
Hlblc class will meet today at 4 p. m.
Xo girl's education Is complete with
out a thorough knowledge of the Bible.
Hurely one hour a week devoted to this
study Is not too much. All girls are
invited to attend this class Monday al
I o'clock.
All dolls should be registered before
Krlday of this week. The rooms will
be open at I p. in. today for reglslia
llon. Hvery girl Is Invited to register
a doll. Kce only 10 cents.
tieneral meeting of all committees
and patronesses of "Dolls' Carnival"
Tuesday at I p. m.
The Thimble club will be entertained
tomoirow evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William X. Chase, on Xorth
Jlroinley avenue.
A regular meeting of the Martha
Washington chapter, Order of the Hast
en! Star, will be held In Masonic hall
this evening. A large attendance is
reiiuested as business of Importance
Will be considered.
Stephen Lyman, of lOynon street, and
Miss ICIIzabetli, of Alder street,
were united in marriage recently by
J'ev. George Stopper at the rectory of
St. Mary's German Catholic church.
John Armstrong and Victor Xoth,
two well known athletes, are arrang
ing to open a school for classes In phy
sical culture.
A Chrysanthemum social and enter
tainment Will be held at the Flist
AVelsh Uaptist church on AVednesdny
The choir of the Jackson Street Uap
tist church will meet at S o'clock this
evening to rehearse Christmas music.
Kev. 10. A. Doyl, pastor of the riy
moulh Congregational church, otllclat
ed at the funeral of the late John Da
vis Saturday afternoon. Tho services
were held at the house on North Hyde
Park avenue and interment was made
in the Washburn street cemetery.
Announcement is made of the ap
proaching marriage of Kdward Lewis,
of lion Hampton street, nnd Miss Mir
iam II. Davis, of 1223 Kynoa street.
The funeral of the late Elizabeth
Kvans wilt take plneo at 2.S0 o'clock
this afternoon from the house, 'fill
Jackson street. Interment will be
made In the Washburn street cemetery.
Mrs. K. J. Xorthup, of Glenburn,
and sister, Miss Gertrude Athertnn, of
i 'lark's Summit, have returned home
from a few dtijV visit with Mr. and
Mrs. William X. Chase, of Xorth Drom
ley iivi nue.
.Mrs. W. H. Wright, of Philadelphia,
returned home on Saturday from a
week's visit with her parents, Mr. and
James Jeremiah, of Lafayette street.
Mrs. Thomas Plannery, of Xorth
Sumner avenue, is entertaining Miss
Margaret Fitzpatrick, of Brooklyn,
X. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Smith and son,
of Meridian street, have returned homo
from a live weeks' visit with relatives
anrl friends in Xew York and Xow Jer
sey. Mr. and Mrs, George Brode, of Alien
town, are visiting Uev. and Mrs. A. L.
Rimief, of South Lincoln avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fessenden, of
Honesdale, are being entertained by
Mrs. W. C Vosburg, of Sixth street.
Mrs. Thomas Jacobs and daughter, of
Dalton, are the guests of Mrs. B. K.
Smith, of Jackson street.
Miss Bessie Kelser. of Ashley, Is u
visitor at the home of Kev. and Mrs.
James Benninger, on South Ninth
Mrs. U. X. Greenslit, of Philadelphia,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Benjamin
Bennett, of Luzerne street.
Dr. and Mrs. P. I Struppler. of South
Main avenue, were called to Susque
hanna county recently by the illness of
the doctor's mother.
Goand have a good time at the chrys
anthemum social to be hold Nov. 28 at
the first Welsh Baptist' church.
The revival meetings which have
been in progress for the past two weeks
at the Methodist Episcopal church will
be continued during tho present week
each evening except Saturday. Last
evening's service was preceded by tho
Kpworth league service. MUs Florence
Walker was tho leader, Tho subloet
was, "Praise the Lord." Then fol
lowed a special song service, in which
an enlarged choir took pnrt. .Solos,
duets and anthems were sung, as well
as congregational singing. The pastor,
Rev, G. A. Pure, preached an Interest
ing and thoughtful sermon on "How
Saints in Heaven Are Clothed, and
Why." Before the borvico closed un
Invitation was extended to thuso who
wish to lead better lives to present
themselves at tho altar to receive the
prayeiH of the congregation. These re
vlval meetings nre proving of much
benefit to the church. They nro large
ly attended and earnestness Is shown
by the members of the church and
those who coino to be buiielltud bv
them. Thus far a considerable num
ber of converts have been helped to
a realization of bettor things and a
greater love for tho Lord.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Lucy" Waterman,
wife of Nelson Waterman, took place
on Saturday morning from her into
homo 011 Jones street. Tile services at
the house nnd grave were conducted
by the Ituv. H, G. itouding, pastor of
tlm North Main Avenue Baptist church,
if which tlm dveeased was an noiivo
and earnest member, a iiuartetto from
tho chinch choir sang hum-iuI selec
tion.', and Itev. Mr. Heading hpoko Im
pressively, Theio was a largo attend
ance of relatives and sympathizing
friends at tho services, and they
showed their love and lugaul (nr the
deceased In a unniber of Moral (okeiiH
among which were "Gates Ajar," a
pillow and cas-Uet bouquets. Interment
was made In Forest T 1 111 cemoteiv.
The pall-bearers were Giles nail;, H.
II, McKceohnn, KruiiK Laniberton,
Krnest j.utham, Daniel McFnrlaml
and ('lark .Miller. Tho ilowur-lHuirer
was (). V, Palmer.
O, V, Palmer, of North Main avenue,
has returned from New York city.
Don't mips tlu vaudeville at the Ly
ceum to-day.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Krnemer, of
Stone Avenue, Celebrated the Hap
py Event on Saturday Night Pat
rick Lavello's Hand Cut Off Thos.
Flaherty Injuted Funeral of Chns.
Britton Held from His Late Home.
An Apron Social to Be Conducted.
Other News and Fcrsonnl Notes.
Mr. and Mrs, ,looph Kraemci, of 71S
Stnno avenue, celebrated their fortieth
wedding anniversary on Saturday
evening, and In honor of the happy
event a large number of their rela
tives and friends gathered nt their
The evening, which was spent gnlly
In amusements, was enlivened by the
appearance later of the members of
the Junger Maennerchor, who sang
beautifully several selections, and the
Forest band, which also gave a de
lightful concert. After a well-spent
social hour, during which Mr. and Mrs.
Krnemer were made happy by well
timed and costly pieseiits, a .sumptu
ous supper was served and around the
bountiful board till made merry.
Those present were Air. and Airs.
John Klotz, Air. and Airs. Frank Krau
mer, Air. and Airs. John Stoehcr, Air.
and Airs, will Kraemer, Air. and Mrs.
John Phillips, Air. and Alls. Philip
Ultimo, Air. and Airs. Joseph Alvers,
Air. and Airs, llunkshaft and Air. and
Alls. Geoige llnrlnmti.
Two Accidents.
Patrick Lavelle, of Genet street, a.
well-known young man, met with a
most distressing accident on Saturday
evening at the South steel mills. Young
Lavelle Is employed as a brakemnn,
and while coupling cars, shortly before
7 o'clock, he slipped. Ills left arm,
near the wrist, was caught between
the bumpers of the cars, badly smash
ing it. A Alones Taylor hospital am
bulance was called and he was taken
to the hospital, where It was found
necessary to amputate the Injuted
Thomas Flaherty, of Cherry street,
employed as a brakeman at the South
woiks, had his right foot run over yes
terday by an empty Iron ore car. The
member was badly crushed. Ho was
removed to the hosnltal and had his
wounds dressed, and was later taken
Fuuernl of Charles Britton.
Charles K. Britten, who died on
Wednesday at the Soldier' Home at
Erie, was buried yesterday afternoon
at a o'clock from the home of his son-in-law,
P.. At. Coss, of 511 Pear street,
with military honors. Tho services at
the house were in charge of Uev. V. I.
Doty, of the Cedar Avenue Methodist
church, who preached an eloquent and
touching funeral sermon.
The funeral was In charge of Kzra
Griffin post. No. 133, Grand Army of
tho Republic, who turned out in a
body. Interment was made In Wash
burn street cemetery. The uall-bear-ers
were taken from Post 139.
An Apron Social.
Tomorrow night the Ladies' Aid soci
ety of the Hickory Street Presbyterian
church will open an apron social in the
old chuich building on Hickory street.
Alore than iiOO aprons have already
been made and are ready for sale.
There will be all kinds of anions on
sale. There will be aprons to use and
aprons to look at; aprons to scrub In
and aprons to knit in: aprons with
pockets and aprons with none; white,
led, jlnk aprons and aprons of all
Largely attended memorial services,
In memory of those members who died
during the church year, were held yes
terday, both morning nnd evening, in
the Prospect Avenue Church of Peace.
Rev. K. J. Schmidt preached appro
priate sermons on both occasions and
lead at each meeting the list of mem
bers whose funeral orations he had
preached during the year.
The gospel meeting of the South
Scranton Young Women's Christian
association, held yesterday afternoon,
was led by Aliss Anna V. Mussclman,
secretary of the North Scranton Young
Women's Christian association, and
was well attended and marked by deep
spiritual interest. Special muslo was
The Junger Alaennerchornnd Arbelter
Voreln held a largely attended practice
meeting yesterday afternoon In Gor
manla hall, on Cedar avenue. The two
societies are preparing for the benefit
to be given Wednesday evening in
Worklngman's hall, on Alder .street, to
their musical director, Prof. Gustav
Schmidt. The class of music rendered
by these two societies needs no men
tion to the music-loving people of the
South Side.
dairies LOiveit, of Alder street, a
bookkeeper for ,M, Robinson's Sons,
celebrated his twenty-seventh birthday
Paturilny. In the evening he. was sere
naded by a double fiuartotte from the
.lunger Alnennerchor.
Popular priced matinee, lluikes
Yaudville, Lyceum to-day. "
Airs. James Van Allen, who had
been the guest of Airs, A. G. Thoinason '
of AlonM.'y avenue, returned to hor
home In litilfalo Saturday.
Warren, mui of Dr. Charles Thomp
son, of .Market street, Is suffering funn
an attack of pneumonia,
Aliss Grace 1'utrlnk, of .Monroe ave
nue, Is entertaining Aliss Kthel Young,
of Clark's Summit, and Mls-s Johnson,
of Wilkes-Burro.
Veteran D. D. Hughes, of Dickson
avenue, is cuiituird to I, Is home with
Union Thanksglvliig services will 1"
held in tho Green KldKv) Ptvsbyteilan
church, Thursday morning, at l').::i)
o'clock, Sermon will be pleached by
the pastor, Itev, 1, J, Lansing, D. P.
Aliss lleunell, of Washington ave
nue, gavu a veiy dellghtliil illiinsr
party Saturday evening in honor of
jier cousin, Aliss Albright, of Ithaca,
N. .
Mlt.s Jesblo Pollieuius will bo the
leadiny soloist In the cantata to ha
given in tlw Presbyterian church
Thiinkbglvlng livening.
AIis. j, i), Alason, of S-'amlHson, has
i eturned fiom a visit with her dangle
lor. Alr.i. Foster, of Jloiiesdale.
Airs, eh Connor, who has been 'tlm
guest of her sister, Airs. Theodore
Sareth, of Sanderson avenue, has re
turned to her home in Plilladclo'-la.
accompanied by Mrs. Sureth.
'nufnunder A Keli. I.ees nd MnieM
A. J. putty, lliilne Mnger.
Monday, Nov726. .Wint.
Burke's YaudeviU Festivals.
The following imMtninnie:
Takezawas Imperial Japnnese Troupe
10 In numlicr in.
M.irlo f.imnn. Hie iiiulir timitr-npn i prim.!'
ilomi.ll H. & Ci.. I.ili' Sim "Ti'liiliuiir
Cllil" Co.! Alimlruuir llrollirni .liorplillic tl.lM
man! Ilrtlilu' & Compatij j Vei mm k Kinpf.
I'llrc"" MiiIIiipo, ." niul M irnl. M.'dil, 21,
.1.1, 60 ami 7.1 eptiK
NioiffoNLv.. Tuesday, Nov. 2X.
Greatest of All.
Only One Performance.
The Event of the Season,
IMcumr I'lanldlii .i lVilniii, lltliMcy Minv
l'rlui 23c, :oc, T.V. ami M.iM.
oxi: xir.iiT oxi.v.
Wednesday, November 28
llf.NNi; & IIYM'V
M.vrninws .v. ni'i.cii:ii.
An All sur Ci-l hictiiilli.v WAI.TIII! JOM'U
und JOMK IHIWTI f. ill their am
mii!r,il ioiiuiI1..
The Night
of the Fourth
I'rlu'n-lile. to Ijl.Ofl. Silo nf "call will npcll
A!iiiii1.i,i', Ni.v. til, Jl U .r. in.
.iiii'rli.i' Moil Xotiilile Miiiiticl Oig.iniz'llon.
S-iiictU a Illitli (.1.151 IViformance, intio
ilmlliK only Hie Jtest ('iniicdloiii, Orcili-it
VnulNti ami JiiM. A'lnnUliiiii; Art".
Pliic.v Matinee, 2.1 to 7,1 conli.
XlgM, 25 cents to ?I.U0.
BUKUUNDHIt HBIS, l.:si::f.
II. A. BROWN, A'aiae-r.
am- this vi:i:k.
M4tlr.ce daily eucpL Mnmliy.
Opening peifuiinauce Monday Kmhiiii;. '
A Soldier of the Empire.
A Mriy ot Napoleon .it Kiln.
Kienintr I'riiei 10, 2U, W cents.
New Gaiety Theatre
II. It. LONG, Lesee nd Manas".
Tlucc Dni, Coiiinimciwr
Three hlmut-. in One,
I'omi'ily. Vaudeville. llurlcsfpie.
Tlncc av, llrKiiinine Tluiikisslviiiir Matinee,
The IVdno-al IMiavaiiaiuj llinliquc,
Prices 11, 2.1, !.', T'll cenlp.
Barn Owned by Mrs. Owen Fljmn
Burned List of Unclaimed Let
ters Other News Notes.
A. flro alarm was turned In from
bosc 21 located at the corners Saturday
nlKht about 7 o'clock. Tho cause oC
the ahum was a lire In a small barn
owned by Airs. Owen Plynn and located
on Chestnut street. Owing1 to the eltl
cicnt work of tho Neptune and Inde
pendent companies, who were promptly
on tho scene, the damage done to the
properly was slisrht.
The firemen weie greatly pleased
with Hit Improvement in tho water
supply, this boliiK the llrst lire silica
tho Scranton Gas and Water company
assumed control of the supply ot
flre-llfrhthiK liquid. The barn was
rented hy John Novak, a butcher, who
recently opened a .shop at tho curnurs
and at the tlnio of the lire his horse
was In the barn. Tho tiro seemed to
bo between it and tho dour, so as to
make iosuuij Impossible, nnd it was
smothered to death.
It N said that tho man who tool;
cart of the horse left a. lighted lantern
In a place that tho horse could kick
it over and in tills way tliu lire was
Theie was no Insurance on either
barn or contents. Total loss about
31 no.
Unclaimed Letters.
Letters reiualninn; unclaimed durliu;
period 01111111)'; November, -I, 1I01.
Persons cnllinu for th?se letters please
"advertised:" Keiib-n Hullert, CIO
Monroe avenue: Allchnel (lavlBan,
Swnrtz street; Sara, llolten, Mbort
I-lusklns V. .1. nieharils, At, Al. Wlllser.
Itiwu Al. Arnold, win. nundar, Hi
Aladlson avenuo: Floyd Aliiiison, Altv.
tlraeti Htanlon, Keriuto Yaiiln, Nicola,
l.auzl, Diuueiiico f'lilffalln, Calvin
SwiiiKle, -I0G .Monroe uvciiuo j, s.
Tanrsoy, lBid Adams avenue; Aim, Jan.
Briefly Chronicled.
The union luvhul Mil-Vices Will In.
ciiiilluueil ithrnuKli next week, Tho
iiU'ftiiiK' tO'iilKht will bo held at III')
liihtian church and will bo In charKO
ul Itev. Kt earner. These meetings nro
excltliih much interest uuioiik' tho peo
ple ami trrcat khihI Is apparently coiu
Iiik: freiu Hum,
Tho school board will endeavor to
minuet a quoinm for Tuesday iiIkIii
next, when nislit school teachers will
be appointed.
Airs. AU'ks and ilaiiKlittr, uf lllooms
burir, nro vlslihi',- Alis. Al. AV. Cham
bcrlln, of lllakely mreet,
Tho funeral of Thos. valrh, the !0.
year-old child of Air, and Alls. Walsh,
if Win street, was liHd yesterday
altcrnoon. Intermcut was made In Si.
Alaiy's Cithollo cemetery.
('. W, Zimniernian, uf Cherry btroet.
is III. Ills mother came mi ft urn Hiinr
hninlon and in with him at this rlt
lab'. ,
Important Sale of Cloaks and Furs.
Splendid Garments From Manufacturers at Special Prices.
Manufacturers of Cloaks
Philadelphia find a new
seasonthe problem pr warm weather. In no sense
has it been "cloaky" weather. Many of the best
makers in the country find themselves with immense
stocks on hand; the market is flooded. They are ready
tu oegin ineir piociuci 01
Summer, but they have
unloading evcryming in
At Prices Much
We had tho pick of
New York last week. Practically made our own prices '
on them. Bought them to
as cheap as we did.
Ready Monday morning,
2.98 for Children's
4.50 Coats.
75 of them in tan, blue
t and reel. Princess of
tight fitting back, with
or without capes; real
value 4.50.
4.98 for Misses'
' 1 1-
6.75 Coats
5o of them of fine all-
wool kersey, tight lif
ting or box back, high
collar, all lined through
out; real value 6.75.
5.98 for Women's
'7.50 Coats
Elegant Jackets of
American Woolen Mills,
kersey cloth in red, cas-
. tor,blue and black.storm
collars, and coat backs,
new bell sleeves: real
'value 7.50.
7.95 for Women's
10.00 Coats
60 of them of fine all-
wool Kersey cloth, cut in
the new 3 length, semi-
fitted back, six-button,
1 double-breasted front :
real value 10.00,
9.95 for Women's 12.50 Coats
Women's and misses' Coats of
1 extra heavy all-wool kersey, 27
inch length, lined all through
with guaranteed satin, shaped
back and nicely finished; real
value 12. qo.
12.50 for Women's In. 50 Coats
Handsome Princess and close
fitting coats of all-wool Kersey
1 and cheviots, lined with choicest
silk or satin, ten rows of stitch
ing on bottom and stitched re
veres; real value 16.50.
1 Many Finer Garments, $15 Up
Magnificent garments of vi
cuna and melton materials, dou
ble breasted, tight fitting or box
1 styles, fur trimmed collars and
1 reveres, elegantly lined and tail
, ored.
4.98 for 7.50 Golf Capes
50 of them in ladies' and mis
ses styles; made ot an wool
1 shawls: hood or yoke in back;
1 strapped with kersey; real val
ue 7.50.
5.98 for Women's 7.50
Plush Capes.
Fine quality of plush, 30 in .
1 long; lined and interlined, edged
with the best fur. Full sweep
1 and real value 7.00.
Jonas Long's Sons.
Mi. (Jtliriine (1. T.ijlor ilinl on Satuidjy
enMiliii; al tin liiiini' ot lur s.011, Willi.nn II. Tay
lor, ol bill W'oMor avenue. The iIcicmiI wo
man was "! old, liaWus l'n bom in Iat-rit-nu,
". .1., in !.!, ami caino to tliU ully In
iMiil. SI10 was a it Kill it- ultriulant ai tliu I'ir.t
I'rciliytorlan 1 lunch .mil .n lilulily ctleciiicil for
I11T many luwlili tulH of t-hanielrr, hlio U
furiol hy on sun, William II. ami una ilaintli-U-e,
Jin. ,. (!, Wlifi'li-r, o( Xew Yoik. Ihe
I111ifl.1l will lie I10M tliU alloriumii at U.irt u'cloik
fiom Mr. Tajlor'a iniiliiici. 'Ihe biriicis will
lm eniiUiK'liil by Itev, Dr. Jamc. MiLiud, in
tviinent ill lie mido In Alli-ntcinn.
Jjiiiim jlit.'ovein, of .110 i'oiiilh street, illcil
j-1-.tenlJy aflirnotm u, a o'lloil; alter a brief III
ne&, 'the deciaeil wai well knoun and .mil lilt
death will li inoiiriied by liU in my frienili,
llu wan 17 ea of .ik'e und U sunived by liU
uidiAMil niollier, Mi., 1'atriH- MilioMrn, twi
iUU'H, .Mjri,Miel mid .kiu. two biotluiii, Owen
11111J .liiNepli. 'I'lie funeral will lie held WrilnriiUy
nioiiiiiik" at n u'iIikU and a Milium liluli u.m
of ieiiiieiu will bo teiibraled ill Ihe Holy l'in
ihuilli. Ilitetuiilil will be liudo in the I'jtludial
Mr. ,rmiiiiU XictJ, wife of Hi, C, M, Xeild,
died tally ji.lenlay iiioi niutr at the family red.
iluiie, HID N.inlu-m aiuue, l)eeiai.eil wjs Hi
yeara ut m,'e, and iu bom In Xiuluu iowuliii.
hlie had bem a ielduit of liieeii llhli;u for the
pait twiuty '.earn and wai au otiuubte woiiuii.
Her iHHb.iiid .iirvlny licr. The luueral kcivjies
will bo eoudlKleii at tho li"ii-o loiii'iuow ntler.
noon ut -."0 o'tliHk. Intciiiieut will bo nude
In t'oirnt Mill ceimler).
John llutklu, of 1W 1'ioiiut airline, aittd M
.lais, died Je.Urd.iy morniiiii at bU lute us.
dine.1 of gimral diblllty uud old Hire. f)eera.ed
u.ii 0110 nt houlli Nr.intou.s well kuonii and hlKli'
le respected iltlzenv. lie U sunhed liy a Kroun.
up lainlly. l'uneial will bo held on Tuesday
moriiliiK at 11 o'Uod; from St. I'etfi'. cathedral.
liiteniKiil will be nude in tho Cathtdral u me
te ry.
' -Mary A. (Jiovir, ajed t) fJi'i illcil SalunUy '
and Suits in Now York and '
problem confronting them this
guiiiit-nib 101 next apnng ana
no room to do so. So they are !
Less Than Regular.
the best of these bargains in '
sell you shall get them just '
and until I hanksgiving.
7.50 and Upwards for :
Ladies' and misses' handsome
all wool kersey and new golf'
capes; appliqued in kersey and
heavily stitched; fine satin lin
ings, Some fur trimmed; others
trimmed with braid.
1.75 for Handsome Fur Scarfs
Cluster bcarts or superior
grade of electric seal; cut full
size and trimmed with cluster of
tails; real value 3.50.
3.75 for Stone Martin Scarfs
Some in Stone Martin fur and
others of electric seal; trimmed
with cluster of tails. Elegantly
made and finished; worth 5.00. C
4.95 for Combination Furs
Combination of Seal and As
trackhan Victorine, wide collar
and tabs in front, trimmed with
cluster of tails, very stylish; real
value 6.75.
7.50 and Upwards for
Very elegant Fur Sets of sable
fox, lynx and Eastern mink;
also stylish double Scarfs, hand-'
somely trimmed and mounted.
at her homo en Academy ttrcet. The funeril
heroics will bo held at the liouao at 8.M o'clock
tomorrow mortiinsf and will bo conducted by
Uev. d. p. Moffat, P. P., of Hie Washburn Strett
I'lcibyteriau church. Tho remains will ba takoa
to Jlllllln, l'a., foe Interment ou the 9.S0 Dela
ware and Hudson train.
After a brief illness lm. Mary Almley died
of pneumonia jeileuljy inornlnir at the home ot
her aunt, Mr. William Moore, of Wert Mtrkec
urcet. .Mrs. Almley rulditl In tut ThompMii,
Conn., and wa Uitlner friend in Scranton. Her
leiu.iliii will bo taken to KJit Thompson' for
John llog.iu, aged M years, of South Ii!si;
avenue, died yrstenl ly ut Ida lato home after an
llIncM of nevcral wetki. Deceased li lurvived by
a grown-up family. The funeral announcement
will be made later,
llarbaia, the U-ycar-old dauehtcr of Mr, art 1
Mm. IMwjid I'lyiiii, ot !U3 HalUtcad court, died
jiMerdiy iiiuiiilui; uf diphtheria. The funeral
will bo held thb. ullcrnouii, with interment In
the Cillmlril cuneter,.
JIij. niljbelli KJiw, asid 10 .tears, died Frirtiy
nlKht at 'JtUI Jackson stieol. Tho funeral will
til, pl.iie at :m o'tlock t lilt aftemoon. Inter
ment will be made in the Washburn street ceme.
'Ihe funeial of I'attlik MiDouald, of 1WJ Ty
lur aieime, ulei died l'rlday, will take pUce at
I) n'tloek this liioinini,. Sen It f J will be con
ductid at St, Mar' iliureli, llumnore, and in
Irimint ulll bo mado In St. Maii ceroctcry,
'I lie tuneial of William Iuiniiiond, of 43(1
l'help.s Mnet, who was killed t'liday by a fall
id rock ut the Tine llrook shaft, will be held al
o.LO o'tloik tlila liioinlii;. Sirticei will be con
ducted in St. l'etcr'd cathedral and interment
will Ui made in tho Cathedral cemetery.
The funeral of Mm. I'.itilck Unk'aii, of Price
buitr, will be held tomorrow morning from her
lite home. Seniec will be conducted at 10
o'tlock in Ihe Oljph'iut Catholic tUurcU and
interment will be made In St, Miry'a ceetir
in Duuiucre.
J, i