"w hs I ' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1900. 6e erattfcm tri6une PuMlilieel Bally, r.scepl Fun.liy. by Th( Trlb em Publishing Company, t rilty CenU Month. I.IVY fl niCIIAtlD, Editor. O. V, nVXBKi:, llmlnes Manager. New Voik OHlc-l 150 Kimiu St. . , fi. S. VMXtiVND. Bole Agent for Foreign Advertising. Cntcred at the Pottcfflce t Scranton, 1'., Second Class Mail Matter. When apare will permit, The Tribune Is always did to print short letter Irom it frlenda bear, ini on ciurrnt topic, hut it rule la that thee must be algntid. (or publication, by the writer a real name; and the condition precedent to c iptntico In that all contributions thall be iu Jeit to editorial ,rcv Hon. SClt ANTON.', NOVI-.MHKR 20, 1000. It will bo noticed that Piosldi'tit Mc Klulny In hlo speech at Philadelphia Included ninoni: tlie finalities of thu lulc election "benelleent government under Atneilctn (.nvmi'lgnty In the 1'lilllpiilnoi." TIip "mitls" nmy con II n no tu line nnil to Inumlnc vnlu thlnsH. htu Hip IIiik now (IvIiir In the l'lillliilno iticlilpclncrii Is up t stay. An Object Lesson. FPIITURK IN'CJI'IIIY Into the dnuneler of tlie ilucoptlon pmctlLtd by William Diuiv, the Mtato HLMiutor-cliii't from Hip Viveiity-liihl dlatilut, dispels all M'mUbpk of the t'liutltnblc assumption that It iiiIrIiL possibly have been un intended by him and dup to his tin iHinlllaiity with the ways of politics. Testimony is aeeunuilatlns: iapldl fiom the mom ipputublp and i el la bio aouii'cs both anions Mr. Diury's life long nelshhois and in othpr commun ities within the ellstilrt to the unmis takable pinpoit that lie wilfully mls lepiesented bin intents and pnipoces mi thu subluet of the United .States srnaloishlp and gained pledges of political Mippoit by false and deeeitlul lppiesentallons, Whereas a lot might ago lie had a lepiitatlon for veiaeity and for honor able dealing which was very general and ery high, today it is leportcd that kuse numbeis of his former asso ciates f-luin his companionship and speak of his couise In politics in words and tones of abhoiienee. Politically by an act of ppifldv committed on the thiebhhold of his benatoiial caioer he lias clujr deep the grave of his own futuic and has Indicted unmeasuted liai in upon Ills standing as a ir.au ot honor, 3'Yir such a loss tl'eie is no possible equivalent. It seems to us that this case of Diury Is -woithy of widespread conld ciatlon, because it illustrates a point In in gent need of public emphasis. Ab solutely no exception could nine been taken to Dairy's, couise had he played fail Iv and announced at the beginning whoic he stood. Candor and couiage abop all other litues aie needed in our politics; the candor to speak out; the coinage to hold to convictions when formed. But the sneak or Mtlckter In politics is always c testable and tiiply .sn when pat tid ing in the ctments ot puiity and lcfoim. The backets of Diuiy announce their puipose to ptuify the politics of out commonwealth ami they Illustrate their conception of pur ity method by setting up an unfor tunate old man upon a pedestal of duplicity and false pietence which, be ing dlscoveied, covei.s him with ic pioath and gains for tlvir faction u ole that could hae been had witli less tiouble and I.ir les-s euensp by stiniglitfniw.iMl .ind honorable pio cesscs. The suggestion of fiiinptiollei Dawes that bank eam!nei.s --ImiuIiI ieclp a htalod salaiy is a good one, to which we beg leave to add that they should tiy to eat n It. m A Prediction. IN A 1'UHUSllL.D intei view- For mer Sccicl-aiy Caillhle, still one of the gieat f.n toi.s in shaping public opinion In the South, Is cicillted wllli having suid, veiy leasnu ,ibl, that the futuie of the Dotuouatie p.iity is chlolly t be dclei mined by southern niPiubeis ol that party, In. is much as ihe south supplies the gieat bulk of IJeiiiiieintle electoial Men. I'liou eciy Issue sae one theie Is, liowper, no substantial piesent iir pio.speitlve dllfeienie between a muuIi ei n Demount and a noithein Demo cial. They pioent the attitude of aKiueineiii" upon riuestlons of taxation. Thej au as one in opposing centializa tloii ni authoilty and in upholding, tlieoietluilly ul least, the dogma of states lights, pciuociais north of .!a. son and PImiii'm line have divided on the itiestion of it silvci or gold siand niil and upon the question of eNp.in sluii bur not inoie mi lliiiu the Uenio u.iih living south at that Hue. If I'lip ullsiu has tinged the iimtliein Democ uiey with tin delusive hues of social Ism and couinuinlsni none the less has it likewise (oloied the southern Denioc nicy. " In whal M'sicc'f, then, does the Un mount y of the south rilller uidieally f I oiii the Deniociacy of tile other por tions of'tnir countiy and vheielu, If it shall eeylso the deciding olce hi the Dcnioeratlt; le-allgnuients of the fu-l-uie, will it be likely to niaik out a new i mil 6a of jiollcyV The one gieat fact Btamp-jd all over the southern Democ racy and occupying Its mind and its; eneisles to tlio exclusion, almost, of every other tjonsldeiatlnu, is political fear and hatied of the iicgio. The snutliein Dt'inocuicy, fiom highest to lowest, with excpptlons bo few us haul- ly to be notlted, Is iletei mined upon doing away beyond nil peradventure with the possibility of negro rule either by dlicct black majoiliy vote or by the exeiclse of a bkuk balance of pover, To this end It Is deeieelng Ihe pegio's disfranchisement. The substiiiico of aV'ouveifaatloii late ly hud by the wiltei -with Colonel AVat teiuon, of the Louisville Cornier-Journal, may without Impropriety be. Klven as lllustiatiug faiily the position of tlio more Intellgent )nen of the south who mo nof swayed by Inheilted pre judices and tiy to look upon facts witli the eye of philosophy. This brilliant Journalist and orator says he first ap. pioaclied the race iiuesjlon with the indent! eympathies of an enthusiastic Ficc Soller but ho adds (hat thirty yenifl of Bttuly and exppilencc have wi ought it complete te vet sal of opinion anil belief, He asset ts that the nogio of the south Is iloteilouttlng! that the generation after abolition Is less lit for the fianchlse than was the generation heroic; and that them Is not u sign to bo seen to cncotitage the hupp of a pos sible upbuilding of the negio to a plane of nuiillllcatlon for the ballot. "He mop this black Incubus," Colonel Wat tpison said In crfect: "take fiom Ihe white men of the south who am the mainstay and ptop of Its Ufa and giowth tills ovet hanging meiuicfv of negio domination, that under no cir cumstances possible to concpu can ever become toleiuble to them, and the solldnilty of political action In the soiilh, as well ns most of the still lln goilliK spctlonnl pipjudlces, would van ish In a night; men would divide lit parties as they divide In oilier sections, and a goneinllon would see tlio soulh einpeople cairled foi wind on a wave ot piosperlty and lndusltlal development baldly within the power ot Ihe mind to mpasuip." This slite of belief can have but one logltal outcome. It must eventually ciystalllzp hi a conceited southern de mand for the lepeal of the fifteenth amendment. The squinting grand father clauses In the four state constitutions which hnve already pmueded to lob the negio of the ballot arc leeognlzcd even by their authors to be dlaniehlcally opposed to the letter and spliit of the fifteenth amendment. One or the other must jleld, The two cannot- exist at one time In peace. Inasmuch as the south constitutes the body and substance of the Democratic parly, what Is mote natuial than that the south should use the piity instrument within Its gi.isp to ioimulate and ptomote a de mand for the complete elimination or negro cllienshlp? We predict that this will be a vital Issue in the e.nly futuie. l.pplylng to a conespondent, the Raker ballot law was enacted In 1833, one year after the second election of Oiover Cle eland. Difficult Questions. IS COMPl'LSORY aihitiation ptac tlcable or desliable in this countiy? If not desliable in geneial indusliial enteipiises, would it be desliable in quasi-public service such as steam or stieet lall was, and, if so, how ran it be male (rffectlve? Aie state boaids of aibi tiatlon or state Interference of any kind piefeiable to voluntaiy aibitra tlon? If voluntaiy aibitration will tend to solve, along the lines or least lesistencp, the industrial pioblemsnow frequently l emitted for lough and costly paitial solutidli to such war like i'geneies as stiikes and lock-outs, how can it best be attained in this countiy.' These and kindled quertlons are to be discussed at a national confeience to be held in Chicago, Dec. IT-IS, under the aii"pice.s of the National Civic Fedciatioa. Among the eminent men expected to participate In the dcllbeta t'ons of the confeience may be men tioned, as illustiativo of its icpiespii tathe chaiacter. Can oil P. Wilght, United States coinnilsslouei ot labor; 11. Dana Dm and, secictaiy United States Indiistiial connnissinn: James M. ijilbeil, chaiiman New Vol k state boaid of mediation and atbitiation; C, II. Walcott, p-chalrman .Massachu setts stale boaid of aiblli.itiou llugli II. I-aisk, foinier menibei p.iiliainent of New Zealand; Samuel CJonipers, pie-.idp'it Ameiican redeiatlon of I.abot; T. J. Shaffer, pipsldPiit Amal iMimtPd Association of lion, Steel and Tin Woikeis; John Mitchell, piesldent I'nlted Mine AVoikeis of Ampucn; Frank Saigent, giand master liiotheibood of IocomotlNo Fitemen; V.. D. Kenna, lltst vice-piesldent and Rpneial counsel, Atchison, Topeka .t Santa Fe lallioad; Walter Fieldhouse, seemlaiy and t,i ea.sin er Association of Westein tauufactuiei.s; D. Doug las 'Wilson, vice-piesldent Inter national Association of Machinists; James M, I.vnt h. picsldenti Intei nntlonal Typogiaphlcal Union; Walter L, Pieic, piesldent Metal Tiad'rs' assoe'allon: S. M. Dalcll, i ball man i:ectitle Connnittce, The Illinois Coil Operatoi.s' assoiialiou; William II. Saywatd. secietaiy Natlonul Associa tion of Buildeis; Samuel I!. Donnelly, ex - piesldent International Typo giaphlcal Union: Peter J. Miduire, genual secietaiy ot United III other hood of Ca l peuteis and Jpiueis uf Amuira; William II. Plahlw, icpie si'iitnthe National Fouiidi.Miiur.s as sociation; D A. Ilacs, piesldent (Mass-Dottle Hloweis" iipsni'Iatlon of the United Stales and Canada Chillies H, (ioliiK. managiuK edltoi IJngluePi Ing Alag.uMne; Thomas O'Douuell, sec ietaiy National Splnuei.s' ausoclatlon; John II. I.eniinu, geueial scietary Journeymen Tallinn' union ot Ameilca; II, Al. Il.iton, geneial sccu'liuy Hoot and Shoe Wotkeis' union, and II, r:, 'Ini U, !?iund chief conductor Older of Hallway Conductois or Ameilca. The li"Id ot iuquliy to ho occupied by the confeience Is mil of dllllcullles, yet It Is one in which piogiess along evolutloutity and sclentlflu lines Is necessaiy If tlio tutine of the tepiibllo Is (o bo protected against class dis tinctions and clashes. As the easiest way to begin, It seems to us that public opinion should bo developed to the point of Insisting beyond denial that some, oideily tilbunal continu ously existing should in the labor dif ficulties and dlsugt cements ()f the futuie take a hand In a geueial wuy similar to that populaily ci edited to national chalimtui llnuna dining tle lecent mlneis' slilke and, by fouo of the iuiiupiices ut Its hack, und In tlio bioud Inlciests of peace and civiliza tion, compel a settlement substantially just to both sides in conflict. If this Is u n Ideal view let the leallty see haw closely It can appioxlmato to the ideal. Suicly ti allied model u intelligence, wot king with the advantages which civilization bestows, ought to be cable to fashion u belter lemedy for lu dustilal Ills than the lock-out, the boy cott, the strike and the violence that follows ghoul-like In their wake, In the couise of the movement, Just gatheilng foice, for the moial cleans ing of New York, some apologists tor organized vice me repenting lite nigu ment, sometimes lieuicl In this city, that results of a cettaln kind aie neo essary lit protection of reunite virtue, The ntgumiMit Is unmibstantlal; other wise, reasoning by analogy, we .should likewise localize and legullre theft, at son nml murder. M'he thing to do, both In New Yoik and In oveiy other city, Is to cut the lies or blackmail and Illegal subsidy which often fetter police Intel fet uncc with vice and then stilve with society's utmost might to keep the lavages or vice as small In iittnn tllv and as closely icstilcted In loca tion lis possible. ' A pilsoner was udeased Tieni Sing Sing pilsou on Satin day who had been committed from New York city thlrty tlnee yeais and one month before and had not In the Interval set font outside the prison walls. The changes noticed by him after his lelease and l etui ti to the city tcqulro a column In description. Dlevatcd rallioads, sky sct ailing (iichltectute, tiolley and cable surface cais, electric lights and a. thou sand nrlatIons of applied elccttlclty aie among the morp notable. If tlio pilsoner had been a Sernntonlan, what local change declining within the past tlih ty-tluee years would most have Im ptessed him and what would he have deemed the most nluable change? Here aie suggestions for an Interest ing speculation by our roadeis, fiom whom we should be glad to hear. Theie Is no accounting for tastes. In tluee days In New Yoik $100,000 lias been paid for tickets to Beinhardfs peifoimutice.s by people who will neither undeutand what Hie French nctiess mis nor dlscoer in her act ing any evidences of superiority over that of a dozen American women who come and go without lemaik. MMio cffoits of fake conespondents In the employ of some of the press buieaus to dispatch the czar of Russia Into eternity do not appear to be meet ing with much success In the way of verification. ( Tlie Ameiican ice tiust, it Is said, Is now leaching out for the-Pocono -water shed. Our own Lackawanna, however, w 111 doubtless bo safe for a time. A public conscience which gags at bolng but does not blink at foot ball Is feai fully und wonderfully con st! noted. Here Is Cadse lor Thanksgiving TIIKIti: IS jiiiipIc food fm 'IliJiik'siung re flet Horn in "ouic of llit? figmes lii li the ticisury Imteau of statisties lias juvt pic bontcil npcuulinK tlio coimurrra and aflalrs of tlie Tinted stales in these doling month, ot His eai 1'KW as conipaietl with conditions it the i one-ponding (Into in prerediiip eirs, und com piling )ioi-itrit( in the United Stitei with tint in other lountiifi. While the whole woild i-. pioiLioiu. the L'nilid Mates btcins lo he epe ti illy so Our exports show an UKrtJf of S-10-1.-111,178 In Ihe Un inonthn didins with thtolier, l'aai, i- compand with the conc-poniliiif; ten months of lo'H, and the (old foi the ten months is practirilH double whit it was In the cones ponding mouths ot ISO! Tin', of itseif thows a lennihililc jcticltv in nil lines of production, while the inipnit a- well as the tspuit. tigines inditjlc that the j(tilt in iniiiufHtiiriiig bms, ami (oligemic nlh the mcieised piiiiins of the millions enKiped in ihce industries must be eiy iritil V ru ion-Kid iblp shue of tlie mate nils Kquiud foi use in iiiinuf ulurine comes fiuiii ahiuatl, audi, for nistiiKC, as India lubber, tin foi u-e la itiam.facliiiini; tin plalc, hemp, jule, sisil, i iw silk, (Jliinet and (be wooiU, thiiiiitiN, liulis and slons and ceitain Kiidil ol wrnl mid tollnii, and bi measuimir the growti in the liiipoitation of these ai lit.lt s bome idea of the giowth In numifacturiiie ma; lip obtained. Hit told iiiipoil.itiou uf miteiiils of this diss ii-od in in iniif icliiimif during the leu mouths tndnu- Willi Otloliei, I'iOO, is xJls.i-.IIS, as compiled with S2l!.1'Hl,717 in tlie (oriespoudinK moiillis of ls'ci, and sU7,101,,)r In Ihe same months of isoi 'I liming again lo the export side, ii is fuiind thai Ihe eNpoilatlon of ininu-futuie- aline amount In the nine mouths end ing with S, pttnibn, I'M), to !M,C7sl.!l1, agilnit sj77,VU,fll') In the corie-pomling inoutlis ot Is"1! .mil fH'i.TIH.S II In the silile inoutbs of lSf'3. 'Iluis 1 lie cspoititiin of niaiiufat lines lias in i it i-ed limb y pel (cut. in one cac and inoii! th in doubhd in Ihe fom jciu fiom 1 S'W to 1'K.IO, while (he inipoil nlim ol lniuuf.ictiiri rs' uuUiiel. his also iniiiaved at i ici lapid late. t:poiK of itiaiiuf.il tun s of mm and ecl alone amount to tllu.lKKlUHl hi loiuid niiiiilifir. In the ten inunlhs Hiding Willi Chichi t, VW0, agiiint sjil, IHIO.IUKI in Ihe loiiispouding niouths of ISO!), and si,ikiii,MK) in tlie (oiropoiidlug mnuths of IH'JT. thus Indus' moil' iRui doubled In the three jiais fiom l7 lo 1WK). . ul in b lue Ihe m iiiufai tmir and tlie mil lions depeiidtiif upon Ids liulu-tit s'mud ill th1 pio-pirllj of Ih" .m.ii. but those cngiRtd in i',iKuItiui' and mining kiii to liaic bciu equal It pia-ptioiH, Judging lloiil Ihe muni shown be Ihe llguus of mil cput ioiiuikiic. 'Ihe e piiiUliou of ajliilllliu.il pioduils In the tin uioiiths eliding witli Ottnbir, t'XJO, is in louiul I tin-, s7uoiKhl,iMH), as ugaiiisl sf,j,-,,uuo,fluo in ihe - inie in mill- of isn't, while the pKidutt of the mini'. 1 ) finest uiul Ihe ll-hcilis alio show ail iiuit.ise in 1000 as complied wllh tlie (lollies of 1S01. 'litis inina-e in Ihe piuduitx of liidusti.t is c-puiilly Inli'ii-lnig In the tail Hut in nuiiv I, lit- It hows ,i hlt,hti in ant f.u a kImii ipun lilt ol liltoi, in, in otliii Holds, Itlghti pihes ii((bid foi tlie ailide itxlf as wdl a, an In iiii-e in tin' iiimtilt iiiihitul nml snlil In ii.llon, foi lii-umc, Ihe :i( i.i(.e cpoit iil(e pn (i, mi id In Ihe nioulhs of .sqitunba and Oi lu lu. Ihe lii(.iiinliig of the inn (niton .M'ar, bis htiu till pu (Oil, against ' "i' 'tint in tin -line month- tlio pimdliig ,ii.n, while in nihil i.iii ul Ini il pi mini lions and in Miiloul lints of in iiiufai tuns, i -n t iallt Iho-e ot iinu ami liel, and lu (he pioiliKIs of tlie mine, time am iuiiiiMil I'llus ni- null of tuuuily, and tluu beliii iaiuiui.s foi tliu-e nlio piodiiiii tliim o V cuiiipaii-oii of (uiidlliuiis lu Ihe I'lilleil stales with tboe III nthtr countries as liieasuiCil b tin fiidgn loiiiiurite liidieilcs a dogice of piuspdll.c wlildi compiles fitoiabl) with au, (Oiuill.t of the Woild. Dm unu ivpolls for tlui tin mouths Hiding witli Ot tuber show- an lie ilt'l-e, tiB Ins abiad Ikcii not t d, of lUi,(W0,00(l, while lu tlie ipoit. ot Ihe I'nltid Kingdom Ilia hitliiM' lu ten inontlH is )li(k'.l,000i while Ilia I'iOO llguies foi Hi lilimi, I'limi', Spiin and Itily Miow no IiKKase In (Nporlaliuiis iludiig lhat pirl of the jeai IKifl wlm-e iicnnl is now at all ahli, lu the ca.e uf lldhiuni, I'liutc, Spain, It lb, liirminy and the rolled lilnplom, the ex puiU ait giealei than the imrt. wltllo in our owl, i'n-e tlie expoils lasll.t (urd (be Impoils, the ci i -is of (i')s oci tuipoili, in Ihe tin liiiinllu eudlii? Willi Odoliii- Ileitis' $t'i'l,(V,7,)jil, or a Hlialir iwix than lu Ihe iniiopondiii'; pdlod of J i iv piicrding (i'.ii und u gleater ( (iv Hun that of any uthtr (ouulii In thu woild o - II Is not imptopri in lids reiliw uf the toiti. lie ice of tlio jui liaxi and lompnl-on with pio leillu,' jcais la ahn hilrlli icdew Ihu detail.' ami irnluij of wlikh it (onus the tlo.lng j tar. While It is not practicable, of (Oiiit-c, lo give tin co totd import and expnit fljuicii for Ihe calrndai tear Hl, the Inn can of statluiis ha completed Ihe figures of the fl-cal tear 1DU0 ending with dune M), and thus iiiule it practic able to compaif the toiinuerte of the ll-cal jur with pudding jur. running back lo the begin ning of tli3 puscnt foi in of goirrnnient. 1 Ids lable, ulilth kliow the InipoiU and ciporl anl exiens of Imports or cxportu in each jcar (join 17U1 lu 1000, U loo long to icproducc lu full, but it has in en fiiilhcr coiideii-rd by the bureau Into a lable ihowln,,- the liupuib and export 00X00Ov00000 The People's Exchange, A POI'fl.Mt Ctr.AIIINfl IIOL'Sf' for Ihe " Itenellt of ,ll Who llaxe Houses lu ' nnl. Hen! rl9l nr Olber.l'rnnrrtv to Sell , or I'x-cbangc, or Who Want Mtuatlona or i Help Thcw "smalt AihcrtUrnunts Cct ' One (Vnt n Word, FK Insertions for Kite i e cni a Wonl Kxcctit stiuauoin niimru, which Att Inserted KrteT ooooooooooooooooo For Rent. V4 , -vVVVt ro iii:.nt-sti:am iikati'.ii vi.atj, iu. i, ?il anil I0. W. T. llackelt, Trice milldinir, nm itKvrc-raiNisiicn iiowks, w anb rs. W. T. Ilat'kett, Price building, STom: for m:xT." $8 pkb month, in- qiilre Illchard Barron, Odd Kellows' building, Prlcebuig. roit ni:xT-i,Anni: pi.kasant nooMs; usb of hath. 811 Mulbeiry atreet. For Sale. k'VtN. KOIt SVl.i:-l)lNIX(l DOOM DUSI.SBS.S, OU) cviatilMicd plant; xdllmr on account ot ill heiltli. Address, W. T. Hackett, Price building. FlftE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFK TOV- tulas large welded ateel and iron xault. Was made orifrinallv for bank. Hurt be aold rromptly. The Weaton Mill Co , Pcranlon, Pa. I OR SILK-CONTEXT? OF HOUSE FURNI turc, carpeta, bcdiliDjr, etc. 6J2 Washington at enue. In Un-.u.ir periods from 17P0 tu 11)00, witli tip excess of Imports or exports in each decennial peiioil. This table la interesting not alone in its presentation of the import and export retold, but cspeeiilly in Its diowlnir rclatixe to the ex ccm of imports or exports during the one hundred and ten jears tinder romideiatlon. it will be Men bv an examination of the final column of the fable which Is pieented below that impoits exceeded ciorts almo-t ronliiiiioiih prior to the decade 1871-80 and tint since Hut time ex ports hic almost conllnuounl exceeded im rods, but that the excess ot exports oxei intporla in the decade just ending, lSlt-lfloo, Is extremely hrgo as compiled xvith any proieiling decade, while, as nlirad.t shown, the excess of exports o(er imports in Ihe single (ear 1100 will also bo greater thin in any pieceding jear in our his tory. o The table showing the (oinnieiie of the United stales by doccnuhl petiods is as follows: Ten j ear period Import Kxporls, 17U0 36OI) -5 I.M.sPi.nt $ '(.7.0.17, "U 1SII1-1S10 27.fi0.1.r.ll 7lj,lt'i,(KU lSIMS.'O SIIS.1 10,274 .W,S92,a!.l 1SJI-18.I0 7Jn,4',7s.-i f, II, 110,2.!.' liii-iaio i,in-,,:o(,,7t(i i,ar,uOj,oin lSll-lSoO I.lsll.n 17,7'K) l,pl,5t0,3r IbJMSGO -',SH,7.V),'n0 2,ISS,874,C0I isci-1870 :s, iib,cj70,'Jo .'iiv-Kii.oin ipti-iso r,r.,2r.ns ri,frM,oo7,im 1881 -lgon t,,lJl,Sir..217 7,n51.'iJ4,,)7(l IWMOOO 7,b.l.i,0'i2,Ofi 10,243, 103,US 'lolals .;i,32fi,S24,G40 s.:!,i7.!,412,633 'ten-tear Kxcess ot Impoits period ni cxpoits fa) 17') 1800 ? 12(1,897,042 1S01-1810 1S2..1 18,4411 18I1-1S2U 218,227,041 1821-1810 '1-..17S..-.41 18.11-lhlO rif),704,77l! ISIl-ia'a .114,001,,-; 185I-16GO !V,87ri,7S 1&11-1S70 77".s1lW.187 1171-18SO 3340,702,07-1 lSsl-IS'K) 720,480,73) 111M0I10 2,Ul'i,4J,J20 Total i f 2,O4(,,-,S,0U Nit exd-s of expotts, - -u to I'aH), 2,0411,"), 012. MULTUM IN PARVO. -. Ihe .ttirage wttdi is composed of 17ri dilfttcnt piece-. Next to (iihiiltir, M ilia is tlie stionge-t foil res m the wotld ll Ins been loinpitted lint there aie 100,000 lallnay locomolltes in tlie woild. the only ruiopein (oitulri which has a lower dtalh rati thin I'ngland is Vurnai. 'Ihe Chinese an- essentially cotton consumers, the ruiioritt of the people dressing in dollies of thai fibiu. One million eight bundled and fifty Ihousiinil hipine (aids of looking glass is iiiamifictuied in 1'urope .innuilh. 'Ihe cnlile eoilcttion of coins and medals in the liritlsh museum consists of ninrlv two htm died and fifl.t ilioit-inil -pednieu-. 'Hie war in South Africa his doomed the high lind kilt as a fighting dies- and il will now sutdte us i fi ti uie liuifoiiu onit. Two of tlie giutc-l bteran piodiu lion of the Cliliiese aie a dictionary lu ft, 020 xoliuuts snd an euitcliiiiedii in 22,017 xoliune. 'Ihe llift Protestant mlsaionaij in ("Idni was Ret. Ui. Unbelt .Moinson, who w.ii sent out In tin I.oudou Mis-iunai) sodet.t in 1MI7. Aililitid silk- lie made of wood liber, ills snhed lo a gliio-llko tonist(ii(,v li atids, foiled lluoiigh hohs in gli-s and diaun nut into tlinad-. 'Ihe New .lei-ev buudii of slat-ti(s Ins issued a c ii t ul ir showing liidease in wages for 1800 as awraglng OS pel cot. In iion and steel the adiincc was ahoie Ihe average. At tlie biisiuological ubsertatoi.t of Quaito, neir Florence, cihsertalions of inoic tluu 170 eaithiuakc8 wtic made in the .tear beginning No. 1, 18', and ending; Oct. ill, 1800. The laigisl nitloii ginning plant in tlie woild Is now under construction at l.'orslcana, lex, and the. next largest la bung constructed at tlr.ian, 'lex. third is being put in at Mexla, Tc. 'tin" garuieuts uf the Oiienlal woiiiin aie not siihjeet lu diingu ot fashion llio shape alwat s the Mine, from geitdatiou lo gencruion, mil for this uason tlnir wanltobes are tciy cvtin ie, 'Ihe onh foitli- in the I lilts el St.Hn I, I'orlie.s Monioe, in liginli. It Is siiiioumli.il by a moil fllltd with watir fiom eight In lifteiu fict deep and fcoiu se tent five to one bundled feet wide, 'the laigcst Inlloon i'u' eonstiiided and tap nblp of llftina; our six tons will ascend from llirllu shoitlv to in ike inotiomlogiial oh-ut.i-thine. It will be supplU'd wllh priid-lini, foi mhiiI weeks ami with twu beds. LET US SMILE. The thing tint goes the fart lust I oh, ini uiakiu; life woilh while, lhat costs tlie least and doc the inot, Is just a plcatam smile. The biolle that bubbles from a lieait that loej its felion-iiiiii Will ill he iiway tlie clouds of gloom and coat the sun again. It's full of wmili, and goodui'ts, too, with liuul.t kindnees blent It's wmtli . million dollars, and It doesn't cost a cent, 'I heie i uu loom for sadness when we see a i lull v smile; It alttija ban the same good look it's neter uut of atjle It nmis us on u tit again when falluic makes us blue; 'Ihe dimple of riiroiira.'rnieut are good for me und ou. It pats a higher inleiest, for it Is inertly Unt il' w oi I li u million dullir, and it 'doesn't coat a cent. A smile couiri my east ton can wrinkle up with cheer A hundred tluu before J oil can squeeze out a suggy teai. It ripple out, moreover, tu the hcarUlrltiKa that will lug, And a huts leave an echo that Is wry like u bug. So, smile awat. Folks undo statu! what by a smile Is meant, It's win ih u million dollars, and It dosin't cost a cent. Josh Winks, In Baltimore American. Wanted. WASTI D-A Ft IIMSIIKI) IIOFSIli MUST UK icry dolrahli as In location and evert nthtr lepcet. Address, V, T. llJrkdt, Pi lie building, Wanted To Buy. MAAMItMAAAISllAA-VallAAu WAXTi:t)-Sl:C0NDIIANH SIOT MirlttNl.M must be In Ruod older; stale particular us (n tuake ind prlie. Address I,. M., ucnu.il tic lively, Siraiilon, Pa. Business Opjportuntty. V rf- N-JJSj-S WALL STRKKT-tF nl) WANT 'ill MAKt! money in thu prcseit nnrkels, write n. Slocks, bonds, provision! (.iriiid nn 2 tier cent, incrgln. 1'. J. i'ctei3 k Co., "d llroidwuy, Xi ,v Jork. Board Wanted. noim wASTi:n-Fou tiihki: adults ami one small child, in respectable Jewish tain. Ilv, living in flrst-elasa neighborhood. Hlutc prlie. V. A., Tribune office. Furnished Booiiib. for iti:sT-niRsisin:i) room, 3ti:m iihvp. Mi Adams avenue. Help Wanted Male. MAN'AOF.R-RKmHU: FIRM WANTS CAPAnt.r. man to manage branch ofTice, taking dlrre. Hon of buslnessi oalary, fl,200 and llbent coin mission! good references and "JOOO cash niulrrd. Addles, box 330, Philadelphia, Pa. MAX WITH HORSK ANB WAGON" WANTFP to deliver and collect; no canvav'nr, $21 per week and expends; S1W cash deposit re quired. Collector, ilnx 73, Philadelphia. WANTUD-ENEnniSTIG SALESMKN. KXPKHI- ence unnecessary; liberal proposition; outfit free. Aller N'ursery Company, Rochester, N. V. Help Wanted Female. WANTKD-FOR CITY, I.ABV A0F.NT TO VISIT our customers and distribute cample Call in evening 633 Pittston avenue, tloston Tea Co. Recruits Wanted. Ayuvv MARINn CORPS. IT. 8. NAVY, RFCRUITS ranted Able bodied men, service nn our war ships in all parts of the w-oild and on laud in Ihe Philippines when required. Recruiting of ficer, 103 Wvomlng avenue, beranton. Money to Loan. MONEY TO L0A-STRAK1HT LOANS AT once. Curry, Conncll building. ANY AMOUNT Or MONTY TO LO xN-e'UICK, straight loans or Building and Loin. At from 4 to C per cent. Call on N. V, Walker, 314 113 Conncll building. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. KDU'ARD C SPAULDINO, C. P. A , 23 TRAB era Bank building. Architects. EOWAKO H. BAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNELL building, Si ranton. FREOERICK L. DROWN, ARCHITECT, PRICE building, 120 Washington avenue, beranton. Cabs and Carriages. RUBBER TIRED CABS AND OARRIAOES; BESiT of service Prompt attention given oiders, by 'phone. 'Phones 2672 and CJ32. Joseph Ixclley, 124 Linden. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILEN'BEHGER. PAULl BUILDINO, bprucc street, Scranton. DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRIVATE HOS- pltal, corner Wyoming and Mulberry. BR. C. C. LAUUACH, 115 WYOMING AVENUE DR. II. F. KEYNOLBS, OPP. P. O. Hotels and Hestaurants. TUB ELK CIFB, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AT nue. Rates reasonable. P. ZE1GLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR B.. L. & W. PxS- tcngcr depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICIOR KOCH, Pioprietor. Physicians and Surgeons. JAMES P. PURSI.f.L, M. B, spKCI LIST, Mental and Ncivon. Diseases l.ind'n street (opp. P. O) DR. W. E. ALLEN, 513 NORTH WASHINGTON av enue. DR. S. W. L'AMOREU, OFFICE D39 WASH- ington avenue. Residence, 1118 Mulbcriy Chronic diseases, lungs, heart, kidnets and geni to-urinary crgans a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. in. Lawyers. J. W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND COUNbEL lorat'law. Rooms 312-J13 Mears building. D. B. REPLOGI.E, ATTORN'ET-LOANS NEOO Haled on leal estate security. Mears building, corner Washington avenu; and ipruce atreet. niLLARD. WARREN & KNAPP, ATTORNEYS end counsellois-at-lawr. Ktpublican building, Washington avenue. JESsUP & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND COU.V- selloia at-lavv. Commonwealth buldlng, Itooirj 10, 20 and 21. JAMt.S W. OVKFORB. ATIORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 514, 51S and 51(1 Board of Trade build in. EDWARB W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. ROOMS (KM 004, 9th floor, Mears building. L. A. WATRFS. A'l rOHNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade building, Keranton, Pa. O. R. PIICIIKH. ATTORNEY-AT I.V, BOMIH of Trade building, Scranton, Pa, PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADERS' N.VUOVAI. Bank building. C. COMECYS, 9.1.1 REPUBLIC N BUILBINO. A. W, BERTIIOLF, ATTORNEY, MERs BIBG. Schools. bCIIOOL OF Hit: I. CKAWANNA, bCIIANlOUl Pa. Cour.e preparatoiy to college, law, med tine or baslness. Opciu) Sept, 12th. bend fur catalogue. Rev, Thomas M Cann, LL. II., prin cipal and propilctor; W, '.. Plunilcy, A, M , headmaster. Seeds, C, It. CLARK cY. CO., SEEDSMEN AND NUftV ervmen, sloie Ml Washington avenue; given houses, 1030 Noilh Main avenue; storo tele phone, ibi. Wire Screens, JOSF.l'll KUbFlEL, HEAR' 511 LCUWANA avenue, beranton, Pa,, manufaduier of Wiu bcreeiu. Miscellaneous, DRESSMMilMl I Oil CHILDItEV '10 WIPER; also ladles' vv ibis. I.uuis Mivcmikei, 212 Adams aviuuc. aTIi. llHItlCS CLEANS PRIVY llMssvi) cess pools; no odoi, Impruvcil piiuipi ti-ed, A, B. Bri.-gs, propileleit, l.eive uidiis uuo Nmi'i ...I.. ...n.il... tl e'l. !,' ll... .....I. nr....... AldHI ltV,.U . ...- . - ,VF,t, tUllltl Adaini and Mulbeii, TcUpliouu Oil. IIIIS b. T. KELLFIt, bt'M.PTREVIMENl, ftOt.; shainpooing, 50i,; facial uias-age; nunlciii lug, 23c.; cbiiopod), 701 Quluej, THE WILKES B lltlti: HElfllll) IHN i'E 11 U in bi rant m at the news siiuds of llei, n llios., 4W bpiuce ami OOI Linden; M. Noitutt, b22 Latkuwunna avenue, I, b. siluitii, 211 bprucc atreet. BUEU'S ORCllEbllU-MUSlO lott BM.Lb, picmtv, M'i'w. ,t:ti,iiuiis, tveuuuigs aitu con. cert work furnished. For terms address It. .), Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert'a musie store. UEOAHGEE BROS . PRINTERS' bUPPLII S, EX. tempt,, ii";. uuks, iwiue. ivsrelioeue, ioJ Wasbingloo avenue, Scranton, Pa. We Have Just Received A large assortment of .Miniature Calen dars for the coming year, such as are used for fancy work and designs. As the stock in chis partic ular line is always limited, we would ad vise that now is the time to get what you want. ReyooldsBros Stntioners and Engravers, Hotel Jermyn Building. nercereaim & ComraeM Now open for business at our new store, 132 Wyo ming avenue. We are proud of our store now, and feel justified in doing a little talking, but we prefer to have our friends do the talking for us, A cordial invitation is ex1 tended to all to call and see us. MMEEAIJ & CONNELL Jewelers and Silversmiths. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect June 10, 1000. South Leave Scranton tor New Yoik al 1.43, 3 00, S.40, 8.00 and 10 0 a. Dl , 12.63, S.JS and 8.10 p. m. For Philadelphia at 5.40, 8 00 and 10 05 a. ni.: 12.55 and 3.J3 p. m. Tor Strouds burtr at fi 10 p. m. Milk and accommodation at 3.40 p. in. Arrive at Ilnbokcn at b 55, 7.18, 10 13 a. m.; 12.03, 2.47, 4.4S, 7.19 and IM) p in. Arrive at Philadelphia at 10 00 a. in.; too, 3 41, BOO and S22 p. m. Arrive from New orIt at 1.05. 4.00 and 10 20 a. in : 1.00. 1.62. 5 41. 8.45 and 11 10 p. m. From Stioudsburir at S03 a. ir. North Leate Scranton for BufTalo and Inter mediate stations at 1.10, 4 10 and 8.30 a. m ; 1.55, 5 IS and 11.35 p m. For Oawego and Sjia rune at 4.10 fl. m. and 1 55 p. m. For Ulica at 1.10 a. m and 1.53 p. m. For Montrose at 8 SO a. m. ; 1.05 p. m. and 5 48 p. in. For Nichol son at 4 00 and 0 15 p. in. For ninghamtou. 10 23 and 8 50 p m. Arrive in Pcianton fiom Buffalo at 130, 2H, 5 r and 10 00 a. m.; 3.10 and S 00 P m. rrom Oswcfjo and Sjracu.-.c at 2.33 a. m.; 12.3S and 8 00 p. m. From Utica at 2 55 a. m ; 12 38 and S 30 p. in. Trom Nicholson it 0 "i0 a m. and COO p m. From Montrose at 7.53 and 10 00 a. m.; J.20 and S00 p. m. Bloomsbunr Division Leave ( ranton for Northumberland at 6 15. 10 0i a. m : 1 " ind 5 50 p in. For Pl.t mouth at 1 0"i, 3.40, S 1" ind 11.35 p. m. For Nantlcoko at 8.10 a. m. Arrive at Northumberland at 9 31 a. in. ; I 10, 1 00 ind 8 45 p in Anitc at Ninticokc at 0.10 a. in Arrive at Plymouth at 2 00. 4 32, 0 50 p m. and 12 30 i in. Ariivo at Scranton fiom Noilhiim berland at 9 42 a. in.; 12 3, 4 60 and 8 43 p m. From Nanticoke at 11 00 a. m. Fiom Pljmouth at 7.50 a. ni , 3 20, .3 C5 ind 11 10 p. m. SUBY TRVIV. Soulh Leave Scranton 1.40, 3.00, 5 40, 10 Oj a. m.t 3 3.;, 3 40 and 8 10 p m. North Leave S-eranton at 1.10, 4 10 a. m ; 1 53, 5 IS and 11.13 p. m. Blooinsbuis Bltiilon Leave Scranton at 10 05 a, m and 5 50 p. m Lehigh Valley Baihoad. lu Ellect Nov. 23, I'IOO Iralus have reunion For Plilladtlphll ami New- iuk via ,1 II It It , at tir, mid 11,33 I. m , mid 2 IS 4 27 (Rhck Diamond liNputs1, and ll.Ml p. in. Sun. dais I) k II. It It , l.r 0.27 p in. Foi White 1 1 it ( li, II ilcton and piiuetpiil point- in tlie ((ill usiihis, via D. II. It. It., (1.15, 2 IS and 1,27 p. III. 1 in Pottsville, (113, 2 IS ami I 27 p in. Foi Ihthleheiii, Ua-tou, lie ulinsr, IhiiNhtuir and ptlncipil inteiimdiati' slitinns vis I). - II. It. It.. (. 13. II. ,33 a. in.; 2 1'., 4.27 Oil id. Dia mond r.tpioi-), ii. 'in p. iii. Nimij.fi, D. .1 ii. it. It.. l.JS, 8 27 p. in. For Tunkhauuock, Timanila, Klmii.i, Illiu.i, (iiueva and principal inle iineilialc -latluns, via 1) L. &, W. It. It, SOS a. in.; 1.03 and .! 4U p. in. For Rcueva, Itoihctu, lliirt.ilo, Niairaia I'all', ( Jiic jko. ami all jnilils hI, vli I). & II, II. II., 1153 i. in, .1,1.1 (111 ul. Dliinnud I:pii3s1. 7. IK 10 41, ll.:u p in Milidtts, II ,1c II, II, I),, 12 03, S.27 p. in. I'lillmin pului and slecplmr oi I (high iille.v pailor call) ou nil tiaiu liettvemi WilKes-llme and New Yuik, Plilladdphi-i, lliiffiln ami Si. ptni.loii llililee. IIOI.LIN' II. Wll.llllt, loll. Nipt., 2n (olll.mil sued, New Yolk. ( IIARI.r.S s. ,i:i:, lieu Pas al , 2.1 (oiilaml Mud. New Y111I. A W. NON'.SF.MAl IIKII, Div. Pa-s Atit,, south lldhlcheui, 1'a. I'm tie kc ti and Pullman icmiviUoiis appl.v lu !0j lad. iwjimi avenue, Hianton, Pa, Centinl Haihofiil of New Jersey. M ilions in Nivv oik Foot of l.ilieit) htuet, N, 11., und huillh I'll!. viillu.uiU' coal ii.-id evtlilttlt, lm.iiiinK cliaiilluiss and eouifnil, iimh TAiir.i: i i:FFi:fT NOV. 23. l')0. 'Plains liaic 'iianlou Im New mk, Niwilk, I'lUibdli. Plillaildplila, Fastnu, llethh him, l lilitown, Mauch i'liunk and White Ibiviu, at f .0 a. in.; expie.s, 110; epu., .1.30 p m .Mm ilivs, 2.13 p. in Foi PllUlnn and Wllkis-llirie, 8 30 a in.; 1.10 and .1.50 p in, bumiivx, 2 13 p. in For llaltlninro and Washinulon, and pnlnU Suiith and HYtt via llelhleliiiu, 6 '10 ,i. m, 1.10 p. ni. Sundiv, 2.15 p. in. tor lamp Branch, Ouan (lietve, etc., at M.I a in. and 1,10 l. in. For Iteadlntr, l.thuoii and ll.iiii.hiirp-, via Al" liiiliiwu, SdO a, in, and 110 p. in. Siiniljvn, 2.13 p in. Fu I'ollhvllle, S.O il. in,, 1 10 p m 'lhiuui.il tiikds In all points' i.i.l, south ami wl at IohikI I ites at tlie siitiou II. P. IIM.IIWIV. Iltn. Pass c.t. .1 II 1)1 II VI M'A, lieu iMipl Eile irnd Wyonilng Volley, riinea Table lu Fffect Sept 17, loon. Ililns fm Ihwli) and local iioluU, lonnut lu al iawle with l.rie lailiiiad foi N'(W oik, .NhsIhiikIi ad iuternxdlatu point, leave Stian ion al 7,03 a in. and 2 23 p. in. 'I'm I in unite at iMranton at 10 30 a ni and tun p ni. SITUATIONS WANTED blll.WIOS WlKll-llY iOIMI I.VDY OF fipulcnu' ami ahllltj, a.-. Moiomaphti, 01" wiiter or bookkeeper; would a-Ut us lajlilu; open for eiuai,emeiit for the hollda.vs. O'llv lliUi.0 lueauluir to imploy luc need upplj. Ad ill cm MU UoUiillcr, 52.; buiiimi avenue, ill. biri'VUOV W.WIKIl-IO WORK OV DPI IV erj wai;oii oi In wholesale house; k'Ood icf cienccs. So.j 12 Fast Muikct Micct. 1RP k ILflU il Table Lflmeins for Thcainiks gflvmnig ooo ooo a After you liavo carefully gone over our unusually lnrgo and fine nssortinont of Table Linens, of which we aro making a Spocial Exhibit for Thanksgiving Week, you will appreciate the fact that the samo lias not been bought hap-hazard, but that down to tho minutest detail our utmost care and best judgment has been used in making selections. With this end in view, of giving our cus tomers not only tho largest and finest stock to pick from, but also tho BEST GOODS at a moderate cost; our motto being Reliable Goods at Reliable pr'ces. Wo invito you to examine our Now Damasks, by the yard, with napkins to match. Matched Sets Sail in every desirable size and quality Hand Embroidered and Damask Table Cloths, Lunch Cloths, Centres, Tray Cloths, Doylies, etc, in tho most exquisite designs and patterns, of Irish, Scotch; GerniaD and Belgium manufacture. See some 510-512 LACIAWANNA AYJENHJE COAL 'i ail a Coal of the he-t quilEtv foi domestic use and of nil bo, Indidlii; llut'.uheit and llnnscjc, delivered ill an pail of the cit.t, at llie lowci-t pi ice. Oiders iiteited it the ottiie, Conmlt lunld Iner; icoiii ;uo; telephone No 1702, or at tin mine, tdtphouc o. 272, will be pioinptiy at tended to Hi alcis supplied at the mine. Mepit Pleasant Col Co. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. rfiim!ft- HftiLli Schedule In Effect May 27, 1800. Trains leave Scinnton, D. &. H. Station: 6.45 a. m week days, for Sunbuiy, Haivisburij, Philadelphia, Balti moie, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsville, Reading Nonistown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun buiy Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays 1.58 p. m.,) for Sunbuiy, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hnzleton, Potts ville, Reading, etc. -week days. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbuiy, Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. .1. It WOOD. (ten. Pass. Act. J, 11. HUTCHINSON", (im. ilirr. - i ' ' - Deltuvtue and Hudson. In rib I Nm 23. inon, 'll'lln. foi t nhoiiilali leave -iiiutou at C CO, 7.3.1, 8. VI. in II a in.; I'OO I 2i, 2.11, .1 32, Z.:', (123, 7,37, ' 13, 11,13 p. in ; 1.10 a, m Im Hum mI i- i)2U, Hi li a in.; 2.11 and .3 2'i p. in. Feu ttllke.-llilio 0 13 7,1'. H. 0 1, n II, 11.33 a ni ; I 2-, 2 IS .1.1.!. I 27, 0.10, 7 l to 11, II Ml p in. I'm I. V It II, poluts-0,13, 11.33 a in., 2 11, 1 27 and 1I..I0 p in Foi PenuMlvaiila It II. imlnts 0.13, 0 3S a. in : 2. Is .ind 1.27 p m For Mb mi and all points north 0.21 a. in. and J.32 p. in 1'M11V 'lltMNS For ( iibuiiililc -'I.II0, II ! a, in.; II, 132, S 17, 10.32 p. ni Foi llkii..liiii-ii,.S, 11.33 a in,; 13" .. 2, 0 i1?, S 27 p. in lor Alli.iuv I poinls noilli-1,32 p m, For IU'iieilile not) i in ami 132 p in I,. am.. I ialih In ill point, lu I iillul i vi r -. mil (ni 'ill I , III IIBIC K. fl I' . Mlnnv. V Y. II. , ( ttwi l P. , si muni, Pi New Yoik, Ontoiio and Western R.R, inn: tuhi: in' ii'i'icr sfndvy, no. (, l." 0, North lliuiml 'li.ilm. leave Si.inliili 10 10 a O00 p in. I cite C'adola, 2 0.3 p in Iran Mriva Cai bond lie. La lovl I, II 20 a in 1 ui p in, illve Ciiihondile 0 )0 p in, Sjiilb Hound. Liavo i rit a ( aihoudalc. siiultin. 7.K) a in. 7 1 1 a in, ,1 II n. in I 20 i' m. Miiidats (lilt. N in III lliiind lev,, l.tilo lll(l beraiilon. raibondale. ('.ulonii, b.10 ii in. 10 'i ' 10 13 a in, M p. m. Aulve I'aiboi dale- , lu i m leave- leave liiivi i'jdtslj Ciibonilale. Siaiilou, 7 00 a. in 7 HI u in. ( i p. in 3 31 p. in 0oj p. in, 'lialns leaving Scinton nt 10 10 a. in. el lilt, and 8.G0a in. FunJav. make N'ew oil. Coin. wiill, Jllddlelovvn, IValton, Sidney, Norwich, ltonie, Dtiei, Onilda and 0-,wei;o connectleii. For further information rciistilt ticket .unit.. J. ('. M1I ltt-OV, fieii. Pi. At , New- York J. F. Wl.l.bll, 'liavclins l'jKii$er Ajrcnt, Sttin. ton. e V" i . L r- jv: .? J ' . .