The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 26, 1900, Image 1
4 Vs?? .U W cranton rRftSiSCRANTON PAPBR RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENgtgS fl SCKAKTON, PA., MONDAY MORNING, NOVtiMJttill 20, 1000. tWO CENTS. l Srifoitie. vfcQk M'KINLEY ON THE ELECTION The President Speaks at the Union Leafliie Banquet in Phil- FEATURES OF INTEREST Mr. McKinley Pays a Glowing Trib ute to All Who Helped the Repub lican Party to Win The Assist ance of Honest Men of the Party of Opposition Appreciated Things That Arc Settled. 8y Excliiihe Wire fioin The Avociatcd TrM. Philadelphia, Nov. i!3. President Mc K'nley for tlii' fourth tlniu ln?a Ik- has been president wns tliu guest last' night of the Union League of this city. He arrived at P.road street station, aci-oni-panlcd by the members of bis cuhlnot, with the exception of Secretary Hoot, on a special train at :i.!IO p. in. The station and Mm streets leading: to It were crowded with people desirous of seeing lliu president. As he passed from tho train to his carriage leaning on the arm of President Joseph ("5. Darlington, of the Union League, he was erected with cheers. At the Fif teen th street entrance to the station carriages wore In waiting and the pres idential party was seated. The First Troop Vhiladelphia, City cavalry in their led dress tinlfonns formed the escort of the party to the house of Mr. Edward K. Slnrcsbiiry, '.Twentieth and "Walnut si i cuts, tins jnute taken being: south on 13roud street vo Spruce, thence went to Fifteenth, north to Chestnut, oust thence to Tenth, south to "Walnut and west to Twentieth, the home of Mr. Slntesbury. All along- the line of march crowds had gathered and they received the presi dent enthusiastically. The president occupied the middle seat of the long- table In the I'liion league banquet room, back of him be ing a bust of General Grant. Above the bust was a portrait of the .same general, draped with the Stars and Stripes. To the right of President Mc Kinley sat Hurry S. "West, Vice President-elect Roosevelt, It. O. Huge, K. T. Stotesbury, .r. "W. Griggs, .T. Pierpont Morgan, John D. "Long, Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Bishop Ozi AV. AVhitaker. O. Stuart Patterson. Senator Sewell. Major E. N. Bensonn-WHHumrVllers and John 'Waiiui.iaker. To t-ho left iiC the president sat President Darlington, of the Union League, John Hay, Gov ernor Stone, Charles A. Pugh, Charles Kmory Smith, Charles S. Forsyth, K. A. Hitchcock, Dlmner lieeber. Secre tary Wilson, Senator Wolcotl, Clement A. Grlscom, Silas "W. Petit, Secretary Cortelyou, James Milliken, Ahraham Barker and Clarence H. Claik. The President's Address. Mr. Darlington introduced the preM. ilent, who said: (ientlemere ot tlic I'ninn l.e,isuc: Ah .ilto ilinncr speech is to mo always .1 tlillinilt pi ! fonnancc; an allcr-elcctlon t-peoilt nttrr dinner i still a more difficult tak, and 1 ..lull do 1 i 1 1 1. more tli.m make ntkiiowltiiKiimut to (In-. 'tii otic n-Hoe-ation for it inu-..i-inur loy.iltv in the j,o cnimi nt, for tlic canu'-t Mipporl it In. ciiM to the present in (lir t r. irir cm tlirongli which it. Ivt pawd, ami ipui. my Klncfio thank for the honor llut till iiicetltiK ami dcmoiintration l.rins:- to inc. width should be hliaii-d by mi ilUlinc-uMitil a-.ociat" on tho nation il ticket, tin1 ii e-juc-iiUnt-ele. i a well as lhoe connected with un in the eon. eluct tif public affah. Wo are always in dawur of c liquation on .in onuioii nf cniltatimi our a ilitnrv, mill while the rc-iilt U mainly due to the ill'tuU i if our splendid party, then- is i'imtiuici a ten dency to Bivo too III tit cieiht in other fume-, which, (silent though they may hive hem, mui none the lo potential. We niul nut withhold giucious ackiifluHilwnicnt trout tint bmli if (air ritizi'ns who, bcloncini," li .inothtr pulj, pwcrfully .i-,ltcil In tlio in hlcvuuciit nf the u Milt which jou telehrate tuniuht; nm limn that other luge binlj, foiuur uiiiulu'i-. if niir mn paity, who with IhuuM) nf puii.i.o M'p.atnl fmrn us o few jura URii nn Iiii.iikIiI Imio-, hoo now- itliiincil ami :ii' home .ikUii In -li.i. 'f is any Accounting lor the iitiuy elihir Ju-l or ariitratu whhli lcne- nut in' tho lahulatloii the almost uuliiokrn inluiiin nt liluu-, uikr.i;:i'l in iiiot-li.inios ami umitulttut', whidi ujuliil the filsu iloctiiuc of t l.i-t. iliitliiclinn as h.oiiiK im place In tho republic, ami whlih ulmknl ilio,. tiadiinRi wlilch wnulil uV.tiiiy the liltli nf American imnhoort in Auuiiian ili.uih lei- and American itiitltulioiiN Tlio bu-lncss mm in evuj part nf Iho iniiutiv, Ijplllcil by till Kriat unrinir.uldn. weie i mlidity fattor in tho tccent unitoi. Ami miy wo not aNo iitiHk' uiiiih to I lie luihieuie nl the home, .tllli il nllili.illiuiy In miy piciiuiis c I, . lion it i.'11'alir, or in any ilM I lie (,.iui.i'N ot the fllolile iletuiiillie Inme lit let ly Iho lull cf tho (Itttouf .Notlilli!,' In gOM-iiniii tit i. in be iimie impioili'ii than a national clcitluli, wlnie hu pinple !. It -ato their poiur ami iuiet their I'niiMllullt.nal iiR-eiits with nuthulty to eMinto llntr hchct-. Tim vtiy ch.ii.ti.tir of I lie ti jii.jc fii.ii i..urj li with (.oleiiinily. It is k i!oii l,u,Ii,.,N n, jue arc always iiioimiilnu-. What a hiiu In ep (.incrilineiit It teachia! .Mtuii mill iot l nteu on the nine ilay, llirnitiilinni iiny mlinu of the Vnlteil Mate, diluvium; ilnii mainhie ami ie conlliiK- their will! llnne b. tlio penph. In (up own VoninuinlHi'ii, in the my nf ili.i Inline, tuiiler the upei(limi of lluii own fclhnv 1'ilir.ens ami i Iiocti oltuials, .iml, in luiiue Its flection! ami iutlipeuihiiu', Ihe billnt a itnl onr noil foib.ule that any tlllui . IttUil .,t ihat uac red tlilil (.hnuhl em :u 1 tin pt to tllvett tho will of Ihe Rtiit'ieluu pinple, nt laniptr with the Mtietily of their ballnls, Soiiin clUappoIiilmeutiv tollow all elation,, but II men rejoleu when an eltetlnu U .. iletisive it to luluilt of neillur ill-pute imr lonieal, The laliin of a iiiini can only be riuhtlt mi.i'-urtil ami appriiialeil r It amis as til as by what it aiioiupli.he.. It U foi,. fnr the party in ikiwci- it' it iimlcrstjuil, (lie iiiki neaiilnt' of tlio icmiII, 'JIioh thaittetl hj the ptrple witli iiilinliiilratl(ii ami lf$t!atitiu ;iu nqiilutl to InUipul as will .a. to csetuin tie piiblin will, ami fls I Wilful iulttpiitallnii l even Hal o its failnliil isttutien. Things That Are Settled. We cannot oMrcsliiuatc (ho great iuipmlantc iml the fat-teaihlna: oiieiii(tiios nf the riir. loraln ronttt whith (mini en the uth of .Sntuii. bt-r. t has to me nn iiimiiu phae. It U not the triumph of an, ur allt'ither nf party, hut an rmpli Hie tit t loil by the jmi. pic of whit I hey delicto an. I winihl hue nuln. ialiifil in sov rnmt nt. A t-'rcit aiely of tub jt c t uj urtjcnkd ami iIUcumciI in the uo; nm nf the (.tnipalsli. Wo may illfirr .1 to the PNtetil ol Iho InlliHiieo or the tevetal lu in Mjlvcil, hot we an all intrri'il n In tetlaln thlnss il setllcil. It liLonls tin) liiinui'v tloncJ ttifnrectnonl nf Hie uohl Kl.iinljnl. IiiiIiM trial InilepcntltiKC, taoatler liurkels, lOintneielil i'piiiluii. ii'dpriieil traile, the opiti ilnor in fhln.1, Ihe intlolablllty ot public tillh. the In ihpcmleute ami nuthnrltv of the jmlklaty niirl ptaco mill hencllcent rom riitnenl under American Miirielirnly In tho t'lilllpplnes. Attteiiuii iretllt tein litis uiilnipilretl, Ihe American inme iinlm. pen lied, the holme of Aniciicau nun titKlillitd nntl tho ohlluatlons of a rinlileous wat iiinl tieaty ot peate tiurtpudlalcit. The ltepuhllciiu pally his plintil upnii il In" mi minus H'!iiilbilllli. Nn pnly could aW for it hialur i"pics"lnti of iniill'li'lite; It Is u Kieat Ihlnv to li.itu this t.Milliteiiepi It wilt he a Kioiter thing to ilesone and hold it. Tt IhlJ patty nn loniniltlrd new ami craie problems. Thev .ire loo caltttl fur p.irtlsan'hip. The tal: for n It lenient Is for the whole American ioople. Who .will ny they ale to It! I.llnity has not lol, but Kaliitil in streiiKtti. The Mint lino nf Ihe lathers f.tanil inure upon the foundation on width they talfctl it, ami U loda, as It has been in the tears past, anil as It will lie in the ji.iis In tome, tho "ttoicin tut ul of the people, by the people and for the pet pie." lie not tlMuihoil; there Is m ilituter front elepiiej therr' It no feir for the republic At the conclusion of Mr. McKlnle.v's address, Colonel Roosevelt, Senator Woleott and Senator Lodge made .speeches. Charles Kniory Hinlth followed Sena tor Woleott In tt brief speech, after which the banquetters adjourned to this reception room, from where the president and fiovernor Roosevelt re ceived them. President McKinley and the memliets of his cabinet left u few mlnute.4 after midnight for Washing ton, Governor Roosevelt returning to New York. THE CONDITION OF P0RT0 R1C0 Commissioner Elliott's Report Shows a Complicated Situation on the Island. By Kv.liijho Wire fioin The VvtocUlt tl l'los Washington. Nov. 2.1. The commis sioner ol the Interior for Porto Rico, William H. Elliott, In his annual report to the secretary of the Interior, says much expert manipulation its well as detective Ingenuity will be needed to untangle the mass of cross titles, du plication and lapping of grants and concessions and unauthorized occupa tion of public lands that have grown with the centuries of rule In the in terest of the favored few. The ar chives of tho island were found in :t disordered condition. .Many teconls of cases never have been closed and are mixed with those disposed of. Re-arrangement and clas- slilcation tire necessary prior to Inves tigation. During the early history of Porto Rico the governors and captain generals held or assumed the right lo make grant of lands. Guarantees ap propriating land In e.ees-t of their original boundaries and their succes sors claim ownership. Many grants were abandoned. In numerous instance.-, intruders took possession. Prior lo American occupation the Spanish government ordered a careful listing of the real property In each municipality, but either because of the expense or for political reasons failed to execute the work. This listim.-, ae coi ding lo the commissioner, must lie accomplished before the numerous questions of ownership eun be definite ly determined, , Tlie llrst great crylns need of Porto Rico, tint report says, is good roads. At the time of the Ameiieun occupa tion there was one really good road, that front San Juan lo Ponce, anil most of the island practically remains with out other means of reaching a market or communication between towns thai: over dilapidated anil dangerous trails, often impassable fur days, as all streams there are torrontlal. The productiveness of lite soil is so great and the necessities for existent' so Inexpensive that people can and do live and multiply in mountain districts, but lemain foi over pour and Ignorant. Permanent roads, it is predicted will work out the sadly needed reforms In education. The commissioner ptoposes to suggest to the legislature that n loan be filiated large enough to build the most needed roads at once. The repot l of the president superior of tlv board of health of Porto Rico says the number of iiiie. lepers on the island piobahly does not uxcecd one hundred and It Is eoiilldenlly believed Unit the disease can be totally exterminated In a few yeius by ettrelul segregation of very case its it Is dlscoveted, STEAMER STRANDED The Margaret Jones Lies Veil Upon the Beach Near Ocenn City, Md. H,i Ksclu-lie Wlui from Tlio SMnlittd I'lem. I.jwes, Del., Xnv. 23. The Krltlah steamer Margaiut Jones, Captain Wil liams, lu bnllnst, from Malta for Puiit- waro llreakwater for orders, .trnmW nt :i o'clock this morning directly op. poslte tlio itflunil or wight life savltn; station near Ocean City, Mil, Plio was Immediately discovered by tho life savors who manned Hair surf --boat and went to her assistance. The steam er Is well up on tbu beach about tli'ty yards from low water marl;. She Is lying easy In a moderate bea and per fectly tight. Tho captain and crow of i:' men refuse to lenvo the stenmer so tho life-savers returned to sboro with dispatches from the captain. Three tugs tiro now close hv and will endeavor to draw the vessel into deep water. It is not likely the steam er can bo limited on to-night's ihlgh I water. It will no doubt take several tides to ilout her, The ainrgarct Jones I Is owned by tho Margniot Jones Steam. ' ship Co., nf Caullff, She Is eonslgnpil to Prtor AViight it Pons. Philadelphia. The vessel is SOG feet long and of i.uu net tons burden. Kite was built in U!i2. STEAMSHIP ARRIVALS. Ily Kiclu.bc Mire from 'hc AuocUted Prm Vw Vnrk, Nov. '-. -Arilud-l.i l.w.iuc, liawv; jliiimapoli., London. Sailed: Aimlci ilaui, llniikv-n and lloitcidiiu. Q'i"tivti.uji SaiUd: Dtmria (from i.itcinuol), Xcw Yoik. REPORT OF COMPTROLLER Condition of tlic Giiirencu lor the Year That Ended Octo ber 31, 1900. RESOURCES OP BANKS The 3,871 Institutions in the Coun try ( Show Aggregate Receipts of S5,048,138,4G0.'!20 Amendments and Improvements to the Banking ' Laws Arc Suggested. Washington, Nov. 25. The annual report of Charles G. Dawes, comptrol ler of the currency, for the year ended Oct. 31, 1W0, has been prepared f".' transmission to congress. The report starts with a nummary of the reports made during the year by tho national banks In response to the call of the comptroller, which shows theaggiegate resources of the ::,S71 national banks reporting on t-'opt. , 1000, to be $.'.,04S,13S,.ty9,"l). Between the Sep tember call of 1S9U ami 1D00 loans and discount inc'i cased JlTu.WS.ndl.lti. The loam: and discounts on Sept. r. I'.mIii, were ?:'.6G.75!l.ii4L,..'.T, and Individual deposits were ,$2,r.US,2,r..i7.."!. The cap ital "lock or national banks reporting on Kept. " was $B3,'J!i!),0:i(). In the. review ol tlio operations of national banks under tho currency act ol March 1 1. ISf'", the report shows that out or approximately one thousand in formal applications for authority to organize national banks, tiled in antici pation of and as a result of the law. .'aw hae been made formal and have been approved by the comptroller be tween March It and Oct. 31. lPOO. From 1 the iO'i formal applications came 3 IS uclu'il organizations of banks between March li and Oct. 31. Of these 313 i banks actually organize d. L'4? wer.j banks of less than $.',nn eapital. rep- resenting a total capitalization of 3'5.- r7.",U00. nnd !0 were banks which could have been organized under the old law witli an individual capital of $a0,0u0 or over, representing a total capitalization ot S10.inn.000. The bonHF deposited to secure cii dilation by these new insti tiuions between Match 14 and Oct. 31 was $."i,31s,'J'i0, or only about 30 tier eenr.. of the maximum which might have been deposited. The total inciease in the circulation secured by government bonds of till national banks In the system since March 1!. 1900, has been SL',434.U70. The total outstanding circulation on Oct. 31. moo, w;is $33i,Gt.VJii!. or which k::.', 7S4.20I is secured by lawful money and . is- in process of retirement. The total bond-secured oil eolation on Oct. .1!, I!i00, wns $98,S29,0ii4. On Oct. 31, 1900, there were 3,93a na tional banks in operation, with a com bined capital of $thl'!,j0.'.39ri. The com bined .resources of the national banks being over $.",000,000,000 is greater at any time heretofore. Amendments Suggested. In complying with the ieiultemeti;'i of section 333. providing that the comp troller shall suggest amendments for the improvement of the banking law, he first calls attention to the fact that under section 1 of the act of July 12, 1SS.2, under which extensions of na tional bank charters may be granted by the comptroller, he Is limited by the act to one extension of twenty years' duration. I'nder this section the char ters of 1,737 national banks wore ex tended for a term of twenty years fiom the date of expiration of their llr.U eliatler. The llrst of the extended . charters will expire on July 11, 19o2, and the others will follow In due couise. The comptroller then says: Without additional 1. sMittmi authoii;in :i f-irllier i"tleiiinn, il hinh ihsiifiig lo enntinuti in lni'liici-s untlt r Ihe national si.lcm uhno miporate iTlstiMicc has luen nine t Mi mini will lie rcmipellerl to ito Into liquidation nl the is ion of the period of its eMorudon and n organize :t a lien- a-oct ttiuii. 'Ihi couim will itiulur neteviiry Ihe complete wliulluir up nf the nO.iiis of tho retltliiK haul., tin- mpiuiiiuit of its liiiulathm, the of Its hotuls and tlie iMiiintr of a new uilltkalc nf iiiilhnrttv he the. (omptinller, with a ilMlncthcly new tltlu and ehartir number, n Is .it puvent tin cae with nn entirely new org.mi.itioii. Wldlu the icoruanlzerl association might loutluue to Im in all re-peeti the Fame kmk, ultli pr.utlcally tl.u same stockholders, ducttois, and oflltni, the legislation licieluafler leiuiiuninileil Mould loiiiJir tmneeeary these ideps, ulihh would ! attended witli liuonvetileiice lioth lo lliu lub ne-s puhlle and tlic UinL, t therefnie iespn.1 fully reconiuutul an anieinlnii nt of -.tlion 1 of the .ut of July 12, 1E2, .iiiUioiiinir Hi" ininptrnller of the tun em y cUmd lor ,i fuillicr peiiod of tiunty ,eari, tiudii the mudi. tlons anil limitations lnipoed by hi id net, the iharter of espiritii; .iMiKittlnu as may tie .ire tej continue In the national banking Restrictions Upon Loans to Bank Officers. The most Important recommendation niailo by tho comptroller, and thac which is the chief feature of tho re port, is one for additional real tie tlons upon loans to directors and executive olllcers of banks. Tho comptroller states that the largo percentage of bank failures attributable to excessive loans to directors and titllcers, whlnh amounted to t!2 failures, or 17 per cent, of tho total failures of national banks, led him to a careful Investigation as to all directors' loans now outstanding in tlio national banks of tho country. This Investigation showed tbnt on June 29, 1900, the date of tho comptrol lor'u call for a statement of condition from the national banks, of 28,709 di rectors of national banks In tho coun try 1S.W1 were dliectly or Indirectly indebted to national bunks under their management. Tlio aggregate sum owed by theso 18,534 borrowing directors and 2,279 of ficers and employes who wore not di rectors was $202,287,41t. As tho capital stock of the national banks of the country on June 29 was $63,53u,l6l, it follows that the direct find Indirect liability of directors mid olllcers amounted to 32.S3 per cent, or about one-third tho capital. Theso direct and Indirect liabilities of directors and olllcers to banks under their inanao nietit amounted to 7.7S per cent, of th-' total loans and discounts of tho na tional system. The comptroller ap proves the bill Introduced nt 'the Inst session of congress by lion. Marriott Mroslus, chairman of the committee on banking and currency. This bill has been drawn so as to Insure a greater degree of p.ifoty lit loans to directors and ofltcers with what Is believed to be a minimum of Inconveni ence to such olllcers consistent with the safety of hucIi tiaiisiictlons.. The text of this bill is printed in the report. In substance, It ptovldes that no national bank shall loan to Its olll cers or employes until the proposition for the loan shall have been submitted In writing to the directors or executive committee of the bank and approved by the majority of them. A Hue Is lixed for Infractions of this section. It pro vides that at any regular incetlnu; Urn directors of a national bank may llx by resolution the limit of credit which shall bo extended to any director. Within the limit of credit thus J'.xetl the executive olllcers, in, their discre tion, may loan to directors without other action by tlie hoard. Unless the i limit of credit has been thus Used an application for a loan by a director must be in writing, approved by two other directors. Hitch a loan may be mudo by an executive otllcet, but must be brought to the attention of the hoard of directois at Its next meeting for purposes of record. A p?uullv Is provided for violation ot this section. I Other Recommendations. I The comptroller repeats the rccom lnendatioii made by his pteileeossors that the present law should be so amended as to provide llxed salaries for bank examiners, to be paid from u fund collected from the banks, to lake the place of Ihe fee system now In force. The amount allowed an examiner for the examination of smaller banks is not sulllelent to compensate him for the. time necessary in many eases for an I extended examination. Tlie present system encourages, to too great an ex tent, superficiality In examinations, and interferes greatly with the proper and wise anportlonment of time of cxam- . Iners among the different banks. Among other lei imiinendatlnns the comptroller stiongly urges laws regu lating international anil Intercolonial , hanking as distinguished from domes tic banking, and pi hits in an appendix the lesull of investigations into bank ing conditions in I'orlo Wen, Hawaii, and the Philippines. CAPOTE IS PRESIDENT. Cuban Constitutional Convention at Havana Has Effected a Perma nent Organization The Re publicans Win. , Pi i:ihiiite Wiie fiuin '1 lie Atxietatnl I'ux Havana, Nov. 2.".. The ('(instllulluunl Convention yestordnv adopted the le porc of the committee on rules, and elfeotod a permanent oiganivatloii. Mendez f'.tpole, who was netetary of state In (Seueial llrooke's eabluet. w.n elected president by ,t vote of 17 tn 11 1 This is ti victory for tlio lb-publicans over the Nationalists, or 1ovci anient party. The Mite wns ,i Miiprlso to the Nationalists, who supported ISduuriin T.imayo', the candidal of the Inde pendent.) of Santiago. SenorACr.pote iccetved nn enthusi ast!" giifroline:- when he took the plel torm. Senor l.Iieeiile, the temporuiy ('r.uirman. complimented the on fieli" selection, and propon-il cheers for the eoiiventli n which lepresented five Cuba. Senor Capote ' raid every delegate must woil- faithfully to adopt a con stitution, and lie had no doubt of s't"-(ei-'i. I tills Wveia and l-'ciior l-Iurenle were cleclerl vir.e-pte.-ldents. ri'id Sends and VlllPiiiules secre taries. Uuis Hivera intiodtieeil a resolution of thanks to Ltv. who, he said, always had been it loyal and con sistent friend of Cuba, and had helped do leetl lh" starving while the Cubans wo iv lighting for independence. Ho invited Cenentl to visit Cuba again when independence is obtained, Senor Liorent" said Cuba was in better condition now. although tlf situation -was somewhat mixed. Hum when Spain governed the Island. FREIGHT CONDUCTOR KILLED AND CREMATED. Uv H!icliiilu Wiie fioin The AMiiiat'tl I'n ,s. Ilullalo, Xoe, '.'.".-CeiiiiiL Sullu, a. New imU ( tieiu'hl tuitlui.lvr. i.i Mllid nt lU'pen lat nisht in Ihe wteck ot Ills eihooie, width iwis i iiuhcd hy a InlKiit train, MlilHt i..u tutu it. Sultci'a tiaiu Mis ,tat!(liu on 'i trail, in flout of tho l)(tiv htallfii ttlien . lu.iiy lrelht train di.mii by tuo uitfliie.s came upon it fimu the I ear, crushing Ilia i.iIioom ami t.o freight tan, wlilt h nih-eiiicntly I'liniul. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL DEDICATED Ily Krcluslve Wire tiom The .soelated I'res. Woodbine, X. .f., 'oi. 2.'. The new Dunn li iiKiieultlual ami M-lionl hii. Inif, ill here, was uiiliiilul todai, ni.iiiy picutliieni llihtewii ot I'ltlliiilelphia end .Vew erk belnt,' piitotit .it iho icrnuouiu, Tho whool, tho uliit of whit It l tlm Iraltiins; of Jeniilt jouiie: meii and woium to bienine pi.u and intelligent faiiuois and asMant in dairy, pouhty, lioitit iilcnral and other faiiiiltn; UipattmcnU, Is a part of the nialuiltural plant ctiihlMied lieto Mine vein aim by Iho late ll.irnii Miuticu Do liltcli nud opeiiitnl r tho iliteclion ot un American loaid of truttccs STARRED A MILLIONAIRE. Uy iVioliulvn Wins from Tlie Afotiited ytt. MiuneaiKilij, Nov. 21.I.ion.ird Day, u joung lullliuiiilru society man of thh. city, was stabbed Li death in a tu.itiel at 2 nMucU thli luuinliif In tlm billiard loom of the Wibt hotel, 1' 11. Hamilton, a newspaper man, is under aunt limited with halnt done tlie stubbing 'flic men, with otheni, hail bun drinliiug to a eon sldeiable etetit before the (jiurnl ane, Him ilton c-aine heie latt i-piins and has rtucc ln-en einplojed at tpmlinir rcpoiler on ono of the local paptw. WILSON'S CONDITION CRITICAL. Uy Kucltuiip Wire front 'Jhc Awoelated I'icw. ljhitij;liii, Nov. 25. 'Ihe condition of Hon. fieortje ; WIImui, eoiiuiiiloner of internal icv rnue, in ny critical tonight. He U weaker than on .lctcrdiy, but t ill ictalus i oiuclousncb. Mrs. Wilion, who iui absent I loin lliu illy when tliu iiwuubvioiKr J stricken, lm returned to Ilia city wiiU her eUui;Utcr. TO INCREASE THE ARMY It Is Probable That Thlrtu-Thrce Thousand Men Will Be Rcimircd to Fill Exi'stiny Vacancies. THE RECRUITING EASY Officers Have Thus Fnr Been Able to Pick Out Men of High Standard. The Department Expects That Many of the Soldiers Will Re-Enlist at the Expiration of t Their Terms Ry Kkcliitivr Wire fiom Tin Aociatfd Tic. Washington, Nov. 1!.". In view of the probable call upon the war department to make a sudden Increase in the en listed sticngtli of the uimy, after the present legular force has been dis charged, it is a mutter ol" considerable Intciest lo see what may be done bv the various recruiting oillees toward building up the new regiments, when Ihe number and strength or these Is determined by the passage of the army reorganization bill. Jt Is said at the war department that for several mouths past the chief ttouhlc has been to keep ftotn over-reertiltlng the regu lar regiments now In the service. In s-nlte of the fact that active war can httrdlv be said to exist, even In the Philippines, there has been strong piessute for enlistment, and the re cruiting otllccrs. It Is stated, have been able to pick and choose men of a very high standard of excellence, owing to tlie large number ol" applicants. The department counts with considerable confidence on the re-enllstmenL of a large number of the men whose terms or service will expire on June :!0, llltll. At the same time, if the army reor ganization bill provides for a perma nent force of sixty thousand men or uvei, and it Is not thought likely that it will rail below this figure, thete will be li.'l.nno men to enlist between the date of the passage of the bill and the discharge of the- present regulars on the 30th of .lune. The chief recruiting officer of the department, .Major John son, says that it is Impossible to make any predictions as to the speed with which the recruiting can be carried on, but that it will depend largely upon tlie number of olllcers that the depart ment can detail for recruiting duty. When the Simnlsh-Amcrlcau war was ofllclally declared to be ended and the discharge of tlie volituteei.s rendered the recruiting or fresh legintents lm peiative, thete were l'.'.OOii new men added to tlie regular establishment in the space of about six weeks, In spite of the fact that volunteer olllcers nf that time weio reel tilting all over the eotinliy to fill up the olutiteer regi ments. The llrst legltueuts enlisted for the tegular set vice were recruited, equipped and drilled, and ready for transput union on an avetage of forty four days each, more than ten elays ittilcker than the average for the regi ments enlisted ill the beginning of tlie Spanish war. LEHIGH VALLEY MEN GAIN CONCESSIONS Increased Wages for Brakemen and Extra Time Allowance for All Hands Report of Committee. II;' KvihiMie Wiie fiom The ..,cijIm I'ms. "Wilkes-.liiirre, Xov, S3. The griev ances of the brotherhood men employed on the J.ohlKh Valley r.tiltoad have at last, it is believed, been settled. At the conference held at llethleheni, Sat urday, bi-uveen the olllcl.tls of the road iind a. committee composed of twenty eight employes, reptesentlng the fed eiated brotherhoods, a in w wage scale was agreed upon. The brakemen employed un frclgiit and trains on branches of the road will lecelve an Increase of from 10 lo i." per cent. In wages. Kngiueers will also be allowed extra time for housing their engines. Ileretofoio the men have complained that they have not been treated fairly in the niatt'T of extra time. Under the new wage schedule all cxtia tlniii will bo paid for. The roprosciUutivcH of tho biother hoodn from this section who attended the conference itiaile a report lo a largely intended ine-dlng of lallroad ers held lit this city this afternoon. There was considerable discussion over the report. The delegates to the convention said all tlm demands asked for hail not been granted, but many concessions had been made, and the committee was satisfied that the agreement reached was a satisfactory one and should he so viewed by the employes. BATTLE AT BUOASON. Hy Hvdmiio W'ite hum 'iho Aoci.tted I'm., Manila, .Nov, :i'. Particulars ju,t luen reecho! from Hollo of tho battle, Oct, so, ut ilug.i-.oii, Maud of I'amy, when 2mi holuiucii ami fill linemen tho .Vimrlran-, who lo.t thrcu killed, Lieutenant If, .M. Kootilw, Kllthen ainl Cotpoial Hum-, all of Coiiii.iny V, Korty-louilli fnfantiy, H appears that (orpoul rsurns wtii bolocil while lecoiinoitciini; and j.tcu. tenant Koont ami Strgeajit Kileheii were pierced by icam whllu piing to ullce nit When the kiiIoii in forte iittail.ctl tlm ubtl.s feity-nlno ol tliu latter wire klllnl. Xone of the other parties of attaiking mtUcs made iiittili of n kl.iiul, and the inv.irt'iiit." lost 10.1 killed all told. IN HONOR OF HEROES. Ily K vc Wire from Tim Associated Pit, ITilIadeluhla, Xov. 2j. With tpet-Ial meinoilal ten It en at SI. Lukc'e Lpi-copal ihure.'i, .lint an oration by Mate T'rcasuicr lltrnett, colonel of the Tenth ligimeut at tin; urtnury, Ihe Thiid regiment, National (luaidi of 1'enalijnlj, ded. bated a tablet today in honor of the member bera of thu iceiuuiit win) died tjtiiiricr tlic war with Spain. 'I he tueiuorial stjlj beat Ultcen PJ111CJ. THE NEWS THIS 310KN1NU Whither tnillcitlon Today, RAINj COLDER. (Iitietal- I'le-tdcnt McKbilcj'n Aihlr'-u at the I liluu l.cauui' ilili'illi'l. Ittport of tho Ctiiuplrollct- of Hie Current y. (onare I'lnnM Athltralion, Plan In Iiicumc' Iho .nny. (it neut Cathoiul.tle I)e..iilniciit. S.ittndiJ'i l'ont Hill fl uml. I.ncal M'linoii by llev. Dr. Uln.ii on ni.iii- totrtt Mtiial Tone. Tilitt I.l-l fnr Deeimbir Qnarlir HoIon. rdltmiil. en'i ami (.'oiiiuu 1 1. Loral U(iiiiiui fni l'ii'eiit lllli Itntes on Sewer IMlin.lle. Mention of Some .Mill ol Ihe limn. Local Vel Setanloii .nut Siiluiibnu. (ii'licril-?ti)ttlif.ilrlli IVtin.llwinl.l tw. l.otal-Tilil LI-1 for Ditetubir (Ju liter Sei- slons (Conclud(il), (ilcanlii'. FLOODS EXPECTED TO REVIVC BUSINESS The Susquehanna and Ohio Rivers Will Float Lumber and Coal to Market. He I'.xclu'lie Wiie fiom Tlie Associated Pie-t. ! Willlamsport. j?a Xov. 2.1. It has j been raining ail along the wntershe'd of the West branch of the Susquehanna, ' river for the past forty-eight hours and the prospects for a freshet are very bright. A freshet is most devoutly hoped for by tlie lumbermen hero us there has been no flood the entire sea son on which the 100,000,000 feet or so ol logs could be floated to the booms here, a thing unprecedented In the history of the stream. Reports from Clearfield, the point, I rum which estimates of tho height of the water heie are bnsed, showed a three mid a half foot ris'o there and still raining. Tlie prospects are that there will be a twclvt-foot flood here before1 the storm ceases. This is what is consid ered ii good logging lionet and it will bring in all the back timber. No dam age can be done by such water but it will ptove a great boon. Between twenty-live and thirty mill ion logs is stranded between this city and Itenovo and the timber is expected to arrive here by the middle of this week. All the mills hi the city will im mediately start in tt ii el'fott to saw logs before a. freeze up occurs. Tlie balaurn of the limber will be held by it lecontly constructed boom nt Curwensvillo and ii large number tif logs will be banked. Pittsburg, Xov. 2.-. The Ohio river at the dam tonight Is S.-t feet and rising rapidly. l?y tomoriow II feet or more Is expected and ."i,000.0fi0 bushels of coal will be shipped lo southern points. The Consolidated Coal company has tir iiinged tor every boat In port, thirty live in number, to go out' on this rise and lite beats coming up with empties will be returned as rapidly as possible nn Li I tlie ::0,0U0,0inj bushels now loaded .lie on their way south. Tho engineers' sttike. so far as the Consolidated Coal company Is concerned, is settled. A number of the strikers conferred with the (oiup.ttiy olllclals and after much talk the men were granted the scale, but recognition of the union was re fused. The otlieials say enough men liave agteed to equip all tlie boats with lull crews. The scale agreed upon calls for M00 between Pittsburg an I Louisville and 5 ILM If the trip extend-! below that point. CONDITION OF THE CZAR. Emperor Nicholas Yesterday Passed a Quiet Day. Il.i l'.nliitivj win; fiom The .-i. i.ilt il Pn-jt. Heilin, Xov. 2.".. The following spe cial dispatch, dated St. I'eteisburg, November 21, :;. Ill a. in., hat been i-e-celved here: "It is persistently itiniored In St. Peteisburg that the condition of Km petor Nicholas is critical. Well In formed people here declare that the disease has mudo far gt eater pi ogress thai) the czar's physicians have pub licly admitted. -V filial issue is now gravely feared." St, Petersburg. Nov. L'.'i. The follow ing bulletin was Issued this morning at I.lvadla: "The czar passed ti quiet day yester day. At :: o'clock yesieiday afternoon his temperature lose to lo;i, the pulso being !S, At li o'clock In the cveuhicr tho tempo n tin o was HL',2 and the pulso SO, "Ills lllitjesly slept Well during lliu night, This moinlng his general con dllioii and siierigth are saiisi'tietory. Temperature. W.5; pulse, 7.". No com plications whatever have been ob served." London, Nov. 26. While the latest bulletin regaidliig tho czar's condition is much less favorable than its piede cesseirs, there Is nothing as yet to con Ill m alarming minors. (jtieen Victoria daily receives u tele gram from the czarina, and It Is under stood that no exceptional anxiety is yet displayed. According to the .Mos cow ciiiTcspondent of the Pally Kx-pie.-'s, an examination of water taken from the well used for drinking pur poses at Llvadla proved (he presence of typhoid germs. An Odessa dispatch to tho Pally News, dated Thutsilay, says: "Iteports for the last two days indi cates serious decline in the strength nf tlio czar," i -n im PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY. by l!cliobo Wio fioni Tlie Aoeiatcd l'n.j. Xew YoiK, Xov. 25. -The annual numan (u the Pmiuyltatili iicty of thi elty was prraihcd by the chaplain of tho society, Iho llcv. Dr. lieoise M. Chi Ul! in, in tlie Church of .St. Mary the ViiKiti, this afternoon. llUhop Potter is prcst tltlit of the IVnnltanla wcicty anil Andrew C'atncijie one of the ke n cldcnlj. MARSHAL OLIVER DEAD, Uy i:eltidic Wiie from Tho Associated l'rs. Auiiipolb, Xov. L'J. Jfanlial Other, a, jnofes. tor In Iho ntvy, tcsldtncc at tho tmal academy, diol uuy tuddcnly here thU aJternoe-n o uoop. Iey. ARBITRATION IS APPROVED Almost Unanimoiislij Adopted bu the Latln-ftmcrican Gon- gress at Madrid, CHILI ALONE HOLDS OUT A Significant Alignment of the SoutH American Republics That Will Probably Bo Useful in Preserving Peace in. tho Country Argentine and Brazil Alarmed nt Chill'a Wnj Preparations. By i:clntbc IVIro from Tin A-tsodated 1're.M. Washington, Xov. 25. Dispatch from Madrid received In official diplo matic quarters here make tho first an nouncement that in the debates befon tb 1,atin-American congress, whosa sessions havo just been concluded, tht principle) of compulsory arbitration urged by the Peruvian delegate has been approved by almost unanimous vole, Chile alone holding out and pro testing against tho action taken. The division not only favors compulsory arbitration in disputes between tho American republics, but also provides that guarantees shall be given for the faltblul performance of, the conclu sions reached by the arbitration tribu nal. Aside from tlie immediate question involved, tho decision of the congresi is regarded in South American quar ters as significant of tho alignment of the southern, republics on the increas ing differences which have arisen ot late and which are threatening to bring about a general crisis Involving most If not nil of tho South American countries. Severa events have occurred recently Indicating a widespread move ment. Peru has been making desper ate efforts to regain her provinces of Tacna and Arlcu. which are a sort ol" border hostage held for tho last ten years by Chile. Holiiia is Involved in tho same controversy, as she has lost her tea coast to Chile and is now seek ing to save a part of it. The hitter question was recently brought to .t direct Issue by the presentation of a demand from Chile, generally e m-s-trued as an ultimatum, requiring Bo livia publicly to acknowledge by treaty the sovereignty of Chile over the se.i roust In question. About a month ago ChiK adopted the compulsory milltr.i.v system, under which every male citizen on i "aching tho age of 19 years must servo as ii soldier. Tills has cau--e. widespread concern in South America, and has bd other countries to take steps toward similar military equip ment, llcuador has declared Its pur pose of adopting a system like -that of Cljlle and Peru, which now lias only two thoufiiud soldiets, and taken stept to have a geneial enlistment in Its nntlt nnl guard. Concern of Argentine. llut the chief concern has been ex pressed in Argentine and linix.ll, as it is the feeling in those countries that the powerful armament of Chile are not required against such enfeebled slates as Peru, r.olivla. Keuador and the oilier northern republics, but will be used against Chile's more powerful neighbors in the south. Argentine and Chile arc separated by a long bound ary line which is now In dispute. The boundary ireiiuently has threatened an armed conlliet and each country has be-'ti steadily inctensing Its armament, land and naval. It Is estimated by one of the prominent, observers in "Wasli liigion that eneh country hits spent about $.-iii,nOo,ni)0 on armament during the last ten years. Uracil recently ha- been brought Into the alignment by a restoration of good feeling with Argentine. Fnr a time they were op poed over tt boundary contest, but by thu arbitration of Ihe l'lilted States the award was made in favor of llra jill, and AigcntilK! has heartily ae cpted thii result. Tlie presidents of liraxil and Argentine hae exchanged visits, and during the stay of President Campos r-alles sit Mtienos Ay res lecenl ly eouslileiittlou was given to united action on some of these pending .South American eoutroveisles. Tlie sevetal movements have bad the general effect of establishing a com mon basis b'tut-eu iiollvlu, Pom, Ar gentine and ItruKll, Willie there Is mi suggestion thus far that these united republics would use force against Chile yet It Is Itppieel.tleil that Hit. pieseiu situation may It .ul to setlotis tc-nilt. The Chilean army Is illreeteil hy alii i Herman olllcets. the coiuiuuiidci' bdng. (leneutl Keener, a (Senium otllcer, who was placed at lliu head of tho arm about ten yais ago. Some forty oili er foielgll ollleeis, c'hlelly (iiU'lllllll, ills i occupy leading places mi the stall' an I line. - STATE OP THE COAL -TRADE. Uy Ksi lu.iie Wile from The -ocl.ited Pic.t. Philadelphia, Nov. 'IV-'Ihe latin r, In u teal tinkle iciiitiiio.c will .i.i ; "Ihe i Ui toai liatle i. in ifiv .tain- tondliioii. .Nturb ciet.i Mil ill dispute kit iml- .lid r Iho cloe of tliu Mlll.o ha been MtMai tiull mbit'tcd, ami theie i Miy at tin- winMiic. mi lull time at Ihe iitliie,, A lew lolliuiet ion li.iuiieiii h.t tho Hliuit wat. r iiidy, wliit It t Mollis iilli'iii,, but tho om put I at lili;e ,tt pi.iMc iiml lie) tallioiilt are dolus' their ituiol to tunic tin) eoal to nuilu-r. 'Ihe wiathir during Iho put week his Ineii mi mild thai it h.H lather Interfered with ordilluK at loiiiiiiupttnli for doiuettlo ucj lou tinuM liiht on tlie eaboaid. 'lliu coMar weithi'i' and tuows In tho went hate, however, stimulated the ih maud and (he Ihtt told i-pill hem will kiiuilii rutilt, A busy H-.i-ion till tin elote of tho tear it aulleliated. t-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-t- )- - -f--t-f-WEATHER FORECAST, Washtrston, Nov, 2. Porccctt for Monday and 'lie.diyi l.'attcni luntjl. i.mia lllin Jl'jiidaj', pot.-ibly tuiniir; inlo mow in noithvni peitlou; colder in afleriii-on or eieniii?. Tu .dn.v, Un; Dtirthwterly cilm Monday, bhilti if lo iiertlinctterly by neninj. -t -t 1 i ifeUfltesj.. ,.. R3eilw-irirv6f 4to&t&&&tteB - .. -j fit tiif jm