&Qf$ BW mwm? . ?"&$& wm! ' H riw;:; 7 Jf-J ". - vP 't 1 4 'j " 'r. t T X . -ft' - .. -r ' i? :' .- ?l t " - kii THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATtfR DAY, NOVEMBER 24, .1900. 8 1 i&JPW! WEST SCRANTON NEW SOCIETY ESTABLISHED CAMP OF MODERN WOODMEN ORGANIZED LAST EVENING. Jfflcers Elected nntl Installed by State Deputy ZInk, of HarrlBburg. Names of the Charter Members. Two Delirious Young Men Arrested nnd Lacked Up in the Stntlon House Two Miners Injured Wed ding at St. Patrick's Other Notes nnd Personals. Hyde Park wimp, Xo. Mt.'l, (if the Modern Woodmen of America, wmt formally organized In Ivorlte hall lust r-venlnjr, by District Deputy J. Ti. Hushes, of Kansas City, Mo. The fol lowing olllcors were elected and In stalled by State Deputy D. C. ZInk, of llurrlshurK, assisted ly vlsltltiff mem bers of tin? order: . ' . Venerable consul, (3 corse Howell J worthy advisor, K. K. Kobnthau; hank er, T!. W. Lueo; physician, Dr. I!. Ii. JIcKcoko; escort, L. A. Howell; clerk, lohu H. J 'Jill lips ; watchman, .lames Thomas; outer sonny, Philip' Wil liams; trustees, one year,. W. C Wil liams; two years, John .1. D.ivlcs; three years, K. W. Thayer. The camp starts business with the following charter inemKrs: It. I!. McKciKc. David Owens, Uoorfie How ell. Kly Harris, P. W. Taijue. J. AI. 3'owell, ISenJimiln W. Williams, James 3'. Thomas. D. P. Williams, J. A. At kinson, K. K. Itnhnthnn, Luther Price, John P. Williams, Charles C. Mason, John D. Hushes, W. C. Williams, It. AV. TjUcp, Aloriuiu Thomas, (', M. Storm. IT. T,. Morgan, M. J. Pox. E. AV. Thaver. John AV. Howell, J. Alfred Hevnn, J.. A. Howell. John H. Walker. K. V. Harrison, K. S. Joseph, Arthur Vnllii, Fmd Wurnkf, Thomas D. Thomas-, John J. Davies, John H. AV11 llnins. 10 van li. Reese, (leorgc A. Weslcott, Joseph Pliilllps, C. 10. (lod sliall. T. 10. Price, David H. James, Fred O. Peters, John K. Orntsicr. Hen ry A. Parsons, William P. Williams, John Ti. Davis. liy card John H. 'Phillips, Charles Ubordorfcr, Charles A. lOynou, J. T. lieese, iOilward W. Uavis. The new iirKnnignilou will moot twice, a month and the place of niret intf will lie decided upon by a commit tec apoplnted for that purpose. The JUodorn Woodmen of America is a fraternal Insurance society, simi lar to the Hoptnvnplis and Royal Ar canum. It has a membership of over S.OOO in Pennsylvania, enrolled during Geta Good Enough Cough remedy. Dtifour's French Tar is what you need. l Timely n Glove w n m 11 V n Glove fashions lor Winter are now fully set, and if you waut to get an idea of what they look like, con sult the windows today. You'll Find Many Changes In styles for both Ladies aud Gentlemeu. Some show decided improvements, while others merely ex hibit passing fads of the hour, but anyhow they are all here, aud as liking or dislikiug is purely a matter of taste, the selection of with yourself. The New Walking- Gloves For. Ladies, with one buttou and outer edge seams are exceedingly popular. We show them in all shades aud makes and think you'll like them. Gloves for Social Functions Are also a feature of this display and their variety is unlim ted. But why do so much talking over the mere matter of gloves, when everything that is good aud stylish in that line for Ladies, Gentlemeu, Misses' and Boys can be sepn at a glance, if you care " to pass the store or step iuside, Globe Warehouse the past three years. Up to Oct. t( I'JOO, 122,0(11) new o.ortllleutes were Is. sued this year, anil the order has a total membership of over 500,000 In tins United Hiatus. The society selects Its own territory and bars from mem bership those engaged In hazardous occupations or In anywise connected with the Honor trittlle.' The local camp was launched under very auspicious circumstances, nnd the roster Includes some of the most prom inent residents of West Setnnton. Wedding nt St. Patrick's. Domlnlck Mo ran ami Miss Kate Healey were united In mnrrlnKe at St. Patrick's Catholic church Inst Wed nesday mprnliiK nl 11 o'clock by Hev, J. J. Ituddy. The bridesmaid was Miss Hose Healey, sister of the bride, nnd Hrlun Dolnn acted as groomsman. The ceremony was witnessed by many friends of the contracting parties. The bride was becomingly (tttlf.'d in a gown of pearl gray, trimmed with point lace and chiffon nnd carried a prayer book. The bridesmaid wore a Kown of blue, trimmed with white satin and carried a bunch of carna tions. After a wedding dinner Mr. and Mrs. Moran left for New York and other points of Interest. They will re side In West Scrnnton upon their re turn. Mine Accidents, (le'orge TCvnns, aged CO years, a resi dent of Quay avenue, and a company baud In the Continental mine, was severely injured while nt work yes terday. In placing a prop In position, It fell and struck him on the head, In dicting a severe gash, and io of his ears was almost torn off. He was re moved to his home, where Dr. D. J. Jenkins attended to his Injuries. Lewis Williams, of North Main, ave nue, a miner in the Diamond, was In jured by a fall of coal yesterday. He was conveyed to his home and a physi cian called;- who attended to his in juries. Y. W. C. A. Notes. The Oospel service Saturday evening will be led by Mrs. Henry Hess, with Mrs. Randolph Jones In charge of the music. All women, girls and children, are invited to this service. The Sun day afternoon service has been dis continued. Notice to Juniors; All members of the Ultehcn garden classes are request ed tv meet in the roor Saturday af ternoon at " o'clock. The advance les son, "Table Setting," will be given. Any girl under ton years of age, may Join tills class by payment of ten cents a month. Ladies' Garments. The largest selection of Ladies', Misses' and Children's ready to wear garments ever shown in tills city, at special prices today. '" Mears & Hagen.. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Thomas Williams, of Montana, who lias been visiting his brother-in-law. Thomas V. Lewis, of Kynon street. the prettiest and best lies ', was railed homo suddenly this week, owing to a serious accident which 'be fol his wife. Oospel services will be hold tit the Young Women's Christian association rooms this evening, and Mrs. Henry Hess will bo In charge. Special music will bo rendered and all women, girls and children are Invited, The Ulectrlo Hpark Social club will conduct their first annual social In Meat's' hall on December 11. Mrs. David M. Jones, of South Main avenue and Kynon strool, Is seriously 111. Curds are out announcing the com ing marriage of Margaret, the oldest daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Caw ley, of Pino street, to Patrick Ocrrlty, of Seventh street, which will take, place at St. Patrick's church at 4 o'clock Thanksgiving cvo. Penjamln 11, York, of lstf Krlnk street, and Miss Delia Healey, of 1531 Luzerne street, were united In mar riage recently at the rectory of St. Da vid's Episcopal church, by llev. E. J. Mcllonry. The couple were attended by Thomas Jones nnd Miss Margaret Healey. The fair and festival announced for next Week at St. David's Episcopal church, has been postponed on ac count of the recent strike. Mrs. Martin Early, of Eynon, street, Is the guest of friends In PIttston. Mrs. Reuben Hobblns, of Humpton street, Is 111 with an attack of ty phoid fever. P. McCnnri, the North Main avenue merchant, will erect a two-stor.v brick addition to his building. Mrs. Orlando Utler, of Chestnut street, Is 111 with typhoid fever. The third quarterly meeting ser vices will be held at the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow morning .comemnclng with love fon,Jt at 9 o'clock, to be followed at 10.S0 with the sacrament of the Lord's sup per. Heretofore, this service has been, conducted by the presiding elder, but the pastor will be In charge tomor row. Class No. S, In the Plymouth Con gregational Sunday school, taught by T, A. Eynnn, will conduct an entertain ment and social In the church next Tuseday evening. The programme will be announced later. Attorney David J. Davis and Will Neville will witness the Yale-Harvard foot ball game at New Haven today. Hy. A. Parsons will deliver his il lustrated lecture at the Nobo Congre gational church, llendham, tomorrow evening. Crayon sketches will ha used. Services over the remains of the late John Davies will be conducted this af fernoon at the family residence on North Hyde Park avenue. Interment will be made in the Washburn Street cemetery. The remains of an Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Williams, of Sny der avenue, were Interred In the Ml nooka cemetery yesterday morning. Don't forget the chrysanthemum so cial and entertainment to be hold Nov. 1!S, In the First Welsh Baptist church. The lector of St. David's church wishes to announce that the fair and supper which was to be given on Thanksgiving has been postponed un til a later date. DUNA10RE. At a meeting of the Young Republi cans, held in Frosts hall last night, a permanent organization was effected, with the following ns'otllcers: Presi dent, William McCullouah: vice presl dnnt, Charles Prock; secretary, Charles O. Cole; treasurer, G. C. Her ring. A committee was appointed to make arrangements for a suitable meeting place and report at a mpct ing to he hold next Wednesday night. John Wert, Fred Marsh and George SlianU were appointed on ihls com mittee. A by-law committee of live members was named, composed of fl. C. Herring, William Pottur, Ernest Tiffany, Charles Oliver and George Shank'. Various plans of ('(inducting the club weiv discussed, but nothing definite was done as regards plan of action, etc.. these matters being loft, in tin' Imnds of those present to talk up bofoiv the onext meeting. The watch chain charm being con tested fur by Arthur Spencer anil El mer Jackson, for the boiiellt of lodge Slfi. Independent Order of Odd Fel lows, was won by the latter, he hav ing collected .$40. .Mr. Spencer turned In about $:!.- and was presented with a pin by the society. A young child of .lames Polph died Thursday night, afler a short sickness of membranous croup. Funeral will be held thl' afternoon at 2 o'clock. In terment In Dunmore cemetery. Patrick .McDonald, an aged resident of Taylor avenue, died yesterday. Mr. .McDonald had lived in this town for many years nnd was highly thought of by those who knew him. Funeral no tice la tor. The .school board failed to meet last night on account of luck of ipioruin, lembers Spencer. Co.stello and Hag- gerty only appearing. Miss Susie Fuhr, of Grove street, is Improving, after her reci.nl Indisposi tion, The union levival meetings are still In progress and seem to be meeting with favor. The audiences through the week have been all that could have been e.xpecled, and the addresses have nil been highly appreclatld, The meet ings will be continued the coming week, going from church to church nnd the various pastors will deliver the addresses. Tim service last even ing was held In the Dudley Street l!ap tlst church. There will be no moot ing this evening, and on tomorrow morning and evening the pastors will hold tholr services as usual in their respective churches. The next meet ing will be held In the Tripp Avonuo Christian clnuch Monday evening. Ladies' Garments. Tho largest selection of Ladles', Misses' and Children's ready to wear garments ever shown In this city, at special prices today, Mears & Hngen.. OBITUARY. I'liaili' 1), llillton, an nM uml highly icpct- cil icstih'iit of thf South HUi', illcil WuiniMl.iy :it tliu Sulilk'in' lnuiic, Itrle, l'a. Piieaml s.iw uvl- ho u'n kn timing tliu (.'hi! war. Ik- U Mir- vivi.l by n wife nml two tUiiuhlira. Kunvr.il Sunday ufU'lltt'im st - u'tloik. Service at the home of hU htm-iii-Uu', It. M. l.'o., cm lV.ir street. llt'V. K, l Poly will have jlurse tl the nn in. IiiU-rinent 111 H'luslil.uru ttivct rriw'tcry. I Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Ui Ufii usimI (or our 1'IKTV YIIAItS by MILLIONS of MOrilL'ItS for their t'llll.PKK.N W1IILK TIXnil.NCi. Willi I'KltKIIOT SUt'CliSS It hOOTHKS tho CHILD, MJKTKNS tho OUJ1S. ALLAVH nil I'AIN'i CUHRS WIND COLIU. anO It the beat remedy for DIUtltllOIIA. Soli l,y Drufulsta In every part of the world. J)o suit) and ask for "Mm. Window' Soothing Srut." and tula no other kind. Twcuty-Uvu ceub a bottle. V : THE CTHDC .md THE STEPS TO HEALTH !-f Are in daily of the use of WARNER'S Tens of thousands of victims from Kidney and Liver Troubles have been cured when all other means have failed. Bright's Disease, ,.the curse of mankind, has ben mastered and its terrors banished forever. f f f f f f f If vou susnect kidnev trouble don't delav SAFE CURE. It makes the vital organs sound and well by enabling them to purify the blood of poisonous deposits ; it tones up the whole system and speedily cures Dyspepsia, General Debility, Nervous Prostration, Female Complaints, and Urinary Disorders. No other preparation has ever done the work of WARNER'S SAFE CURE, and no other has one-half its long list of victories. 1'ico sample of Wnrncr's Safe Cure soul on appll cation, t'loj'ic mention this paper wlun writing for a sample. f f f- f f f Bright's Disease Cured. OXFOPD HOTEL, OMAHA, NEH., Feb. 1, 1000. "Thanks seem so little when compared to service rendered, and after the wonderful restoration to health I now enjoy through the use of Warner's 'Safe Cure, I want to more than thank you, hence I gladly give my testimonial. For several years I suffered with Bright's SOUTHSGBANTON COMMITTEE SOCIAL AT THE Y. W. C. A. Beports Were Made Concerning the Different Branches of Work Mrs. Peter Xellerman Entertained the Members of Her Sunday School Class Joseph Keegan Set Himself on Fire in a Novel Manner John Campbell Struck One of Contractor Coons' Workmen Memorial Ser vice at Church of Peace. .There was very largely attended and veiy pleasant committee social held last evening in the South Side Young Women's Christian association rooms, on Cedar avenue, which was partici pated in by the di.terent standing committees of this branch. The ob ject was Instructive as well as social and reports from various members, pertaining to the progress and wel fare and looking toward Improvement were heard with Interest. Each com mittee had a good report to make and many new and novel suggestions were offered. After the different reports were heard a social hour was spent during which light refreshments, cake, coffee and sandwiches were served. Those present were: Misses Anna Van Nort, secretary; Esther Rowlands, Anna Rankin, Amelia Helm, Kate I.ewert, Anna Kreb, Ida Eck, Lizzie Chrlsto pliel, Anna Stahleber, Jessie Hageu, Ida Rentscbler, Alvlmi Smith. Tlllie Zolgler. Anna Faust, Yetta Elkis, Em ma Greener, Marion Dyer, Mildred Ap lanalp. Kate Meyers, Freda Dieslng, Rose Platter, Gussle Scliuman, Mar garet Fuchtcl, Kate Xeher, Anna Schiller, Amelia lilcchert, Philopina Greener and Mrs. David Humphrey, Mrs. August Kraft, Mrs. Andrew Klhle, Mrs. John Scheuer, Mrs. George Jones, Mrs. I. Inn, .Mrs. Guoser, Mrs. Hartman, Mrs. J. W. Slocum, Mrs. Frud Haker, Mrs. William l.ush, Mrs. Minnie Knoble and Mrs. .1. II. Jacobson. Entertained Her Class. Mrs. Peter Kellerman, of Cedar ave nue, very pleasantly entertained her Sunday school class of tho Hickory Street Presbyterian church at her home last evening. The evening was spent pleasantly Indulging In games, music and charades, afler which re freshments were served, the guests de parting at a seasonable hour. Those present were; Misses Lizzie Fetzer, Elizabeth Chas:-, Lizzie Keller man, Maria I.engler, Kate Erhhardl, Lizzie Aspenschhiger, Carrie Fetzer, Louisa Hanselmann. Lizzie Wlrth, Carrie .N'ape, Tracy Hrlll, Lena Keheuer, Katie Kellerman, Ida Chase aud Aiiiiii. Hartman. Set Himself on Fire. Joseph Keegan, of H27 PIttston ave nue, enjoys an after supper smoke as well as any one, but from the experi ence he had Thursday evening It Is not likely that he will "put tho pipe" for siunti time to come. Keegan fell asleep pulling on the pipe and ho awoke some time after with tho contents of the plpo on his shirt, which Ignited. He yelled and rushed down the porch steps, evident ly looking for tho lire department. Theru was nothing nearer than tho sower trench on PIttston avonuo, which was half lllled with water and mud, uml, llko tho scared frog, mado a beautiful Stovo Urodln dlvo into tho 'trench, completely quenching the lire and nearly drowning himself. Keegan was slightly burned about his breast and left side, nnd was at tended by Doctors Dunn and Walsh, who resuscitated hhn from his mud bath. Ladies' Gtuments. The largest selection of Ladles', Misses' and Children's ready ro wear garments over shown In this city, at special prices today, Mcurs & Hagen,, NUBS OF NEWS. During an altercation Thursday evening about a curb-stone, John Campbell assaulted one of Contractor Coons' workmen, hitting him above the eye with a shovel. The Injured man had his wounds dressed at the Lackawuuuu hospital. No arrests have yet been made. The 3.45 o'clock Sunday afternoon gospel meeting of the South 'Side Young Women's Christian association will bo led by Miss Anna V. Mussel- man, secretary of tho North .Scranton from four to SAFE CURE. six tnblespoonfuls ----4- branch of tho Young Women's Chris tian association. Special music will be a feature. All women and girls, those who no not attend any other service, are earnestly requested to bo present. The Prospect Avenue Church of Peace will have services Sunday both morning and evening in memory of those members of that congregation who died during the past church year. Special services and ssrmons have been arranged. At 10.43 Sunday morning Rev. F. P. Doty, of the Cedar Avonuo Methodist church will speak on "While We Were Yet Sinners Christ Died for Us." Tho regular Sunday services will be held both morning and evening, at which all persons are Invited to attend. Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of next week the Ladies' Aid society of tho Hickory Street Presbyterian church Will hold an apron social in the old church building. All wives and pros pective wives can here llnd any amount and variety of necessary household goods and aprons to suit all tastes. liy tomorrow evening tho brick woric of the now Cedar avenue pave will have been laid and from one week from tomorrow South Scranton will have added another block of pave to its list. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mutchman and family, of Elmlra, X. Y.. who were visiting South Side friends, returned home yesterday. Miss Lizzie Keifer.'of Prook street, has returned homo after spending sev eral week's In Now York city. Miss Ethel Lindner, or Clark's Sum mit, spent several days with Miss An na Jenny, of Cedar avenue. George Kirchoff, of Xew York, In visiting his mother at 020 South Irving avenue, who is seriously ill. The Fourteen Friends society are preparing for a social to ba held at Pest's hotel, Xov. 24. Mrs. August Oefterlng and sun, Aug ust, are spending several days at Xew York. A birthday party was held at thf homo of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred llallhorn, on Birch street, Thursday afternoon. In honor of their daughter's, Eifrie da's. fourth birthday. Those present; were: Lulu Lynn, Itosa Lauler, Alma Rosar, Frances Rosar, Louise Rosar, Martha Kornacher, Emma Kornachor, Rosa Smith, Elfrieda Eallhorn, KaMi Sanies, Mr. and Mrs. P.allhorn, Mrs, Tross, Mrs. L'luler, Katie Lynn, Mrs. Martha Ahlendorf. NORTH SCRANTON. The funeral of the late Mrs. Eliza beth Wescott took place yesterday af ternoon from her home nn Theodore slieel. Impressive services were held at tliu house by Rev. It. Y. Clyiner, of tho First Christian church. The funeral was largely attended by friends and relatives of thp deceased. Many hymns were sung by members of the Chris tian church choir. The pall-bearers were tho four sons of the deceased and two grandsons; ilrant, Irving, George, Calvin, Merlon and James Wescott. Tho interment was mado in Forest Hill cemetery. Hubert Sanford, of McDouough, X. Y spent Thursday with friends on West Market street. Mrs. Irving Wescott, of Church ave nue, who has been 111 for three weeks, Is convalescent, Drummer Thomas, of Xorth Main avenue, has purchased a line team of bay horses. Mrs. A'au Camp, of Holllster avenue, visited frlonds in Jermyn yesterday. Miss Margaret Jones, of Bradford eounty.is visiting Miss Charlotte Jones, of Xorth Main nventie, John, tho young son of Patrolman Charles Perry, Is 111 at his homo on Parker rtreot. Miss Sadlu Villi, of Scott, Is visiting at thu homo of Alderman Myers, of Church avenue, Tho funeral of the lato Mrs. Nelson Waterman, of Jones street, will take placo this morning at 10 o'clock', Inter ment will bo made In tho Forest Hill cemetery. The funeral of Miss Mary Murphy took plavo yesterday afternoon at is o'clock from tho family residuncu on Cayuga street, Interment was made In the Cathedral cemetery, i Tho second annual ball of the Olym pla Social club was held last evening In thu Auditorium, The hall was beau tifully decorated with bunting and (lags. There was a largo attendance, and the affair was u thoroughly enjoy able one. John Juck and Jerry Tcnchou wore arrested and arraigned before Alder man Myers, on a charge of stealing geese from Annie Posco, of Illonm ave nue. They were held under $300 ball, They could not get a bondsman and were committed to the county jail. "The Convict's Daughter," a melo- druniu, which is to bo produced on Thunksglvins evening' ut the Audi 4-4 4-4 - - Kgarfgya-TT a day. Be on the safe Addresi, WAItNF.U'S SAFE CUllll CO, Rochester, disease which no doctor seemed able to cure; the medicine I took gava only temporary relief, until I put everything else away and used War ner's Safe Cure faithfully for four months, when I felt better than' I' had ever done before. This Is over eight months ago nnd I am entirely well now." JOHN E. WRIGHTER, t r Treasurer Sons of Temperance, 4- torium, Is being rehearsed nightly. A surprise pnrty was given In honor of Miss E.stella Benjamin, at her homo on Jones street, Friday evening. A most enjoyable time was spent In play ing games and other amusements. At a seasonable hour refreshments were served. Those present were Diana Watktns, Zuba Swartz, Lottie Birtley, May Bisbln, Anna Keillng, Anna Sny der, Blanche Conger, Ruth Perry, Bes sie Birtley, Belle Robinson, Messrs. Roy Miller, Robert White, Stanley Mil ler, Joseph Watklns, Rufus Richards, John Mnekey, Rosar Price, James Els by and Albert Benjamin. The Young Women's Christian asso ciation gospel meeting has been changed from Sunday afternoons to Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, and hi lts place a Junior meeting has been substituted. The service this evening will bo open to all women. There will be a nice preparation for the Lord's day and the religious committee has planned to make these meetings as helpful as possible. Tho Junior meet ing tomorrow will bo at 3.30, and all girls are Invited. A new art. needle work class will meet Monday evenings; free to members. The girls' club will give a party at the rooms next Fiiday evening. Members of tho club will re ceive, and all young women- are wel come. Charles Miller delightfully enter tained a number of his friends at his home, on Deacon street, In honor of his birthday. A feature of. tho evening were solos by Miss .Gertrude La Rose and Willard Leonard. At a seasonable hour refreshments were served. Those present were Messrs. Thomas Davis, Edward Leonard, George Woolley. Jo seph LaRose, Rustin Halderman, Wil lard Leonard, Charles Miller, Max Mil ler, Fred Miller, Archie Miller, Misses Gertrude LaRose, Ida Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waldlmar. At the Christian church tomorrow, "Boys' and Girls' Rally Day for Amer ica" will be observed. An excellent programme has been prepared by the Sunday school to be given in the even ing, (n tho morning 'the pastor. Rev. Air. Clymer, will in-each a short s"r mon especially for the young. Many of the Sunday school will bo unred to deelde for Christ, Collections for homa missions will be laken at all the ser vices. The Harbors' union formed a tem porary organlzallon at the meeting held Thursday evening at tho shop of. "Will Junes. Ollleors were chosen as follows: O. P. Miller, president: Thym us Savage, secretary,' and William .lone". I'visurcr. All tho North Scran ton barbers are expected to join the organization, and when this is accom plished steps for the betterment of trade conditions will lie taken. Ladies' Garments. Tho lai'Kosl .selection of Ladles'. Misses' and Children's ready in wear parm'enls over shown In this city, at special prices today, Jlears ,t llatreu.. A WALKING GROCERY STORE. Arrested Tramp Had His Pockets Pilled with Edibles. Patrolmen David Parry and Thomas Evans last night arrested three tramps who wore caught acting In a disorderly manner on Lackawanna avenue. The trio of wanderers were escorted to tin Center street station ami there searched. Parry Jabbed bis hand Into tho pocket of the oldest vagrant of tho three and at tho first trial pulled out a can of salmon. Ho again thrust In his irood rlirht and u box nf kjiviIIiich ' enmo to light. When ho completed iu ntfuri.il uuet: uu.e m mii'iiiueH anil r. three cans of salmon had been found upon the trump's person. CENTRAL'S DEPOT REPAINTED, Afler three weeks' work, tho corps of painters who havu been laboring on tho station of the Central Kullioid of New Jersey, on Vosl iiokawaun-i avenue, have now practically com pleted their task, and loday will murk tho appliance of the, '.nlshhig touches. Tho entire exteri'J' of tho building has been repuiiilol ami now presents a very clean and freshened apifear anco. All of the ironwork and ra'l lugs have been gone over wlih dirk green paint, and now lurnhli a sti Ik ing relief to tho lighter green and yel lowish hue of tho woodwork, The olllco of rjistrict Passmigor Agent .1. S. Swisher has also Icon re painted nnd now hu the sam air of freshness and brightness that marks tho entire work. For a Cold in the Head Laxative Dromo-Quinlne Tablets. . v'K . . . -f sasxs ' - J ' 'i side, take WARNER'S.. T -f N. Y. 4, ; : ' 4 -f --- . -., AMUSEMENTS. I YC!UH THEATRE Huri.'U"tler & Uelj, Leisenand Managers' A. J. Duffy. Builnest Manager. Monday, Nov7?6. fisgl - SF.COXD OK Burke's YaudYil.e Festivals.' The following great programme: Takezawas Imperial Japanese Troupe 10 in number 1Q. JInilc Jansoii. tho popular comlc-opm , prima. ilonna; W. II. Slnnn & Co., lato Star "Tclcplioito' Olrl" Co.; Arnibtrong Brothers; Josephine Gasa-ni.-i n: Delleiro k Company; Vernon & Klapf. ,' l'rite.t Matinee. 2i ami 50 cents. Night, 23," 3.", 50 ami 75 cents. -, T nwotonly. Tuesday, Nov., 2T Greatest of All. wm in Only One Performance. The Event of tho Season.' ' Eleanor rrariKlfn as redora". Drlmlcy, Shw ajt Loris. ' "' - l'riecs 25c, JOc, 75c.- ami $1,00. ' '''' ' ONE NIGHT OMY, Wednesday, November 28 DITXNH .fe UYbEY Present at attii i:vs & ulci:r, An All Star Cast liic-linllns WALTER JO.VUS' ami JOSli: ni'.WITT, in their new nui-.k-.il eoincily, The Night of the Fourth Prices '.!. Moiul-iy, Xi'V. to $1.00. Sulo of seats will open '.'li, at 0 a. in. 1 ACADEHY OF flUSIC, IIUKUUNDBK & HBIS, Lessees. tf. A. DROWN, iMuna.'.-r. iialaxu: or wi:i:ic. i).ir.YMATixr:i:. Sc'iarf-Morris Co, ai.Ii xr.xr wixic. "THE SPOONER S. lMn.i .May ami Cecil, la a llppertiiiic of IHg Suwessci, Kvuiii.i; Trices in, i nml !S0 cents. Miitirro I'rli'ea-lfi ami -0 cent. New Gaiety Thsaire II. If. I.O.Nfi, Lessee jiiJ Mmiaijer, 'llneu Pays, Commencing TUL'IISU.VY, KOV.'S. "Sapho tiurlesquars." Xeu', Xnul ami Ih ie.ln.ll. A ('nnibluatlon of Mirth and .Melody, lleauty ami Humui-. 'Hiiro ilajK comiiii iielne; M"inUy, Xov, 20, "ORIENTAL BURLESQuERS." I'liti' 13c, iJc., 3.V., 0c. NERVITA PILL Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood , Cure Itn potency. Night Emissions, Loss of Mora ory, mi wniiiuu diseases, all olTocts of rclf-utmso or excegs uml indiscretion. A nerve tonlo and 60 PILLS 60 oiooa Duuaer. iwn tho pink Klovr to palo fr. chocks unit restores tho tiro or youth, liy mall CTS $8.60, with our bankable uaurimtee to our or refund the money paid, bend for circular unit copy ut our bunkablo Guarantee bond. Nervita Tablets EXTRA STRENGTH Immediate RtiulU , (YELLOW LABUL) Positively fniaruutred euro for Long of Power, Varicocele, thulovoloped or Shrunken Organs, 1'nrus.is. Locomotor Atnxiii. Norvous Proitra Hon, Hysteria, Fit a, Insanity, 1'uralyeU and tb ltesulta of lixccsitro Usnof Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, By mail in plain pack-Hue, 01,00 a box, 0 for $5.00 with our bankable ruar anteo bona to cure in iiO days or fuud i money paid. Adilrosi NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts , CHICAGO, ILL. Bold by Mcaarra'.i & Thomas, Drug gists,, S09 Lackawarra ave., Scranton, . ' APPEAL OP POWERS. By Kiclinlvo Wire from Hie Auociitcd Prei. -Uli'inli'vliaiii Ml., Nov. 23. A btrikc Wij Mjttul liy the TjpuKrjpliical union licic tliti moinhii,'. llu-ry job priming udlco in lliruiiny luin U tli-J up due to thu ivfuvjl of Hie Qrmt to uiloit a H.tc of wjiriii recently, proposed by, I he union. 'I he ucvpapcr uru not, ytt altectcO. Tlicy lutu Lun sltiii unlit MdrnJay to bign tho bcalc. TSB tw I . A J. I V t V- . , - 'X L. a HHhMbaL 2. - aaaVak j k,- ... I VJI.-Zmv -wrMJ$5a