The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 24, 1900, Page 6, Image 6
tw-iT'.frliSHIBff&4)'(BrTfti?r - -' --'.Vf 4 --' " ''VMa-TN fT'iV XilBLTK "') 'WJi"7l C" t ir ,;,.-'-' n -' 1 ..?' ?re , 1 ' .V !. .4 f" ,1 .' , V '.. T" ' . . ;lV - - i f tV i 1 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1900. ,r IB" . If 1. 1. SYRUfrfiGS Acts feasanty and Jfompty. .Cleanses the System Gently and Efectuhlly 'When bilious or costive. Jrcst'ttis int the most .icccptnolebrm tho Jfixntivi principles of plants Anoirt to net most ieieflcialy: TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANF'D. BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. SAM rRANCISCO, CAL. IOUISVILLC.KY. HIWYORK. N.Y. For sjM by drvgplsts -price 504 per hottle - ' Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. on per j)c Quart LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO 'JclephoceOrderi Promptly Dell veroi !3,'32j Adams Avenus. Scranfon Transfer Co. Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. OfllcB D., I. & W. Passenger Station. Phone 525. DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST. Eye, Ear, Nose aud Throat Office Hours a. m. to 12.30 p. m.: 5 to 4. Williams Building. Opp. Postoffli!. ; CITY NOTES I f 'f-f -4.4----f---- MIW TIMi: TAIJMJ. A new lime UM U11 po into i-nut on the Central ot New Jpi-i-y on Sunday, Xoi, 2', with Uianjcj. ACtf-ii) or A'.Aur.T. Joiiph jr.iir.pi, .t Ciiljoi'ilale, .n coniniiltiil In tin- co'iuly j.ul !.il nlBlit hy Ahleiinan l.jiuli. lie ii 'iiirgeil villi ai-ault anil luttcrv. 1ti:ili:.l.l, 'IODAY. Thuo will bo :i ii-lu-arMl of the ImlKV il'iirus of the open tr.rl.iy al 2 p. in., at the homo r.f Jtis T, II., 'the will npi.ii lor (he opu.i net 1'iuliy. , riltM' liCN'l.llAb Jli:i:t'INR.-Tlic OikI Bin. nierllna; of iho liuen Ithlue Woman's iluli will he liihl Jliniilii, Ni.i'. -JH, nt ,1.:;0 i. in., in the 'pulvin ul the (.'urn lliilue Piilryti-rlaii IIIIIIIIJIIV IICAIIIMI I'OMTO.Nl'll.-llwIw' lo the iinbllliv lo n'line iiilaln itnees. Hie lie.nlns in tin- uiiiiuiliii.inic brlbeiy mIii'iI. iiieil fi.i l.ii ni;,iit at I'lillu's mine J p.i-tponoi! till net I'lhl.iy nlghl. JIKMIII'IMIII' Mil l.l The ,,f Hi.,. iviIIm ennui II, X... 20, l)o;;iip of I'ocohout.u will hnhl ,i incnibi'Milp mhI.iI anil m.ili.h.ur Xov, -Jij. Mimliei-. will Miiilly biim- hoineihlns foi the Sr.ili his, Ire ire .Hit ejl,u fue, All 111!-, .it the iiel iiiiiiipII lttp, M'M'I'I'IIA.NXA MAX AlUU'lTI'll.- llniiy Me. Ciulhy, of iwpieli hum, w.i-, .iii.ilsiail heroic A. iliniiiii ,11-ntuil.iy on the ehiriio-ir loiini,' Iiir about the IM.nuio, .mil Him. in xlullon ami (lion- Militltius aim,. He w.n ii lul in the louuly jiil fur iweity ilaj.,. Sni.l, .!i pl.-(IIAII(ii:i).-.l.n.,1, .,ul w.n .Mfiinl.i) .iiialKiiul In iuu Ahli'iiuin Ibme, o7i thwj iliaiue eif moduli I biltuj, piefcru-il by Jli. .Mary feiitiH wile. Mi, Si nil iUi.i a Willy bl.n.Wirioil eye- ul die lie.nliii; nml ih il.ijeil Unit )ill'Jiii,lianil Inllieleil ilil,, but thij lilii'i- Ii1i,j)ji-i;iI that bl wife h ul fallen ihmn a liihl of Cl.1v mill tluw Iniaiiin iujiiieil, Tli) ra-o wj iHkiliaiiieil, I t'1 " " -- IIIIM;1'.y"'I!AI.U-'I'Iio tillll, ainuml hall of Jlio ir.ntnn 'lypninaphlcvl uiiinn will be hehl il Mii'-lu hall on Xcw Yearn vie, lieu, ill, , ih.ijiiui; wlU-il) lake plan- for a prim of $n. Tliq committee of jiuiiRcim'iitt tncliules .lohii I'olliiH, iniliniau: K, J, roniiuy, .eeietaiv: IVttr llaan.V. J, .VcIiiim, A. J, banyan, Wil. JISaJgLAgent X V V x ' X X ti H $1 $i ti ft' ft' ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft' wing; brands 'of High Grade Cigars. ft' I ft' 4 ft t ft' Corina, Solace, 'w Due de Alba, "J. 'El Caracter, . Four Centuries, Geo Fox, Alaneto Dealers sunnliorl. ii,-l-il ft bn'ces to the box trade, : ! 5'E. C. Dean ' AfK Cnmipll RnlMlnr ft' A f- " - MMIIMIIII !nwi"r.'Raf,.-, ft K K n l ! n H H K limn HnltliAiti, .Tolin .t. Moigan, TliomM lUltor, Tmij MalJ.i anil ucoige Ooltl. licit 1IIIIII) OITHNMI!. Mrs. Anna Jloltiile. of Mnlli Mieet, Writ Hcr.uiton, win yesterday nr lalanrd bcfoio Aldrrmali Mjluu Kaon, thara-ed with telling liquor without a Ik-cine I)' Mayor Miilr, 'Jhli t lie llilnl time alio ha been nr. rcMcd for Hie name nltctie, nnJ i)i win (he line lliipivcil. i. Mull.ile ttai ome pluti i lilut liy Mayor Voir nml nn nnother orr.-nlon wnfl nnrstnl nt Hie Instance ul Aurnt Wllenti, of Hie llrn'i iihlnn. She wm reprecnlril t jrel. Iriitny's Inuring by Attorney M. I'. Corny. Tctl' moiiy wai alien to the rflrtt that Itiloilranl Were ul her Ii1jc oh vailom occtilons .DIEDERKRANZ MINSTRELS. Programme That Will Be Rendered on Monday Night. The native meinbcishlp nt tlm Scran lon LliHtci')riui2 society will glvo their minstrel show on Monday evening, Nov. L'(i, nt MtMc ltnll. They will pre sunt a mugullk-ciil ilrsl n spectacle entitled "The Shlrt-Wolst Men." Fol-lowing- Ik the musical programme Opcnltnr ifinm.ri tly Cotnp.iny 'n CaKe Cornel Too Illuli (or Me" Wllt r.mwlcli. "Tin' .Sinui of !.utijr Ae" (Itw Uepcit ".luil a l.lltli' lilt Off tho Toi" '' lluili't lleitino. "At tin- llottoni nf tho Deep lllue Soa" I "l I'll Wl'lllH, "The LiiiMmt Coon In Towii"... .Billy Wllllann "i-hp' n tjucui" 1 AHu'it luli "My PiMtct I'.il U Albert, l'llnu- of V.ili." (Iiw Weill!'. " ll.v-Rones He Ilygoncs'' l.ouln Ounuil "Tho Ohl Cliinih Pom" ( lu. II. Wi-nrel "My Smlo Amu from l.niil.lin.i" ...Picil Poftlcy (lianil Imalo "Tlip ('.ike Walk In the- Skj" - Sololils, 1'ieJ Wilti'.s ami Will I'meilili, nMiil hy entire roinpany. Ollu .Incoli llllti, tho womlcr; tho ll.i.m family, ltitnuliii.iii!r the joiinaest team In the county; Will I'meiiili, "lliu I'aei- on tin- ltjnouin ITooi"; Jntin Mlilui, torcliliRht cx- hlhltlon; Will DoiKii- ami Ceo., the .itlih'lr ami ilunii; Purklii I!io., In their won ilfiful tinnlilliifr ai I. After tho performunce n Imp will be Blven. Jluslc; will bis furnishr(1 by Lawrpiice's orchestra of twelve pieces. Tlclti'ts can be had from any of the ac tive members of the soelnty. MINER ANdTaBORER KILLED WHILE AT WORK William Lnmmond and Joseph Mar- kosky Met Instant Death by Fall of Rock in Pine Brook Shaft. William Lummnml, of Phelps street. a miner at the Pine Urook shaft, and Joseph Jlarkotskj", of 23S Newi street, his laborer, wore instantly killed yes terday mot nine b- a fall of roof, while at work in tho China vein at the mine. The tragedy occurred about 11 o'clock. The two men had been at work since 7 o'clock, and suddenly the loof gave way, and with a terrific crash, fully five tons of coal and rock came down upon the woikeis. When the miner In the other veins lushed to the spot, thej- found the chamber blocked with the mass of de bris, and it was onlj after several hours' work that the bodies of Lam mend and JIaikotsky could bo extri cated. They were removed to Cuslck's morgue, Ahore Coroner J. J. Kobcrts examined them yesterday afternoon. He did not perforin an autopsy, and there w ill be no Inquest. Lnmmond was .1 years of age. TT-i was unmarried and lived with his un cle, James Jtuddy, of Phelps street. Rlarkotsky was 21 yars of age and is survived by a wifu and child in Po land, One of the driver boys brought an empty car Into the chamber early in tho morning, ju&t after Lammond and his laborer started to work He went off and returned In about an hour and a half to take the car out. When he got Into the chamber, ho saw thoi-3 had been a great fall of roof. Onlj- a few lumps of coal were In tho car, s-o that the fall must have occurred shortly after he left the chamber. MRS.. CANNON FINED S25. Charged with Escaping from an Of ficer While Under Arrest. Tklrs. Kate Cannon, also known as Kate Collins, was lust night arit'sted and arraigned before Aldeiman John P. Kelly, charged with disorderly con duct and escaping from an officer when under arrest. She was lined $!!." and in default of this was committed to the county jail. Airs, Cannon was nrrested only a few dnys ago by .Special Ofllcer George Donlln em the charge of keeping n speakeasy. She eluded his vlllganee, however, and managed to most beau tifully "give him the slip." HENRY O'MALLEY APPOINTED. Selected from Among Many Appli cants for Third Ward Assessor. After thoroughly canvassing the claims of tho seven claimants for tho olllco of assistant city nssessor for the T third ward, tho board of assessors yesterday tilled the existing vacancy by naming School Controller Henry O'aMlley for the place. There was u vigorous light among the various factions of the Tlilul ward for the honor, for It Is not much more, and much Interest was evidenced In the outcome. Another Comrade Deod. lleitdaunrteis Lieutenant Ezra S, flrlf- fin Post, 139, Department of Pennsyl vania, Grand Army Republic, Special Order, No. 12. Comiades: Another comriulo has an swered tho last roll-call. Comrndu Chillies E, Hrltton died ut tho Soldleis' Home at Erie, Pn November 22, und will bo burled from tho resldenco of his dans-liter, Mrs, C'oss, Ml Pear street, Sunday, November 23, at 2 -p. m. Interment In Washburn stioet cemetery. Comrades will as.serublo at tho post rooms, In full uniform, ut 1 P. in. Hy command, Asa II, Stevens, Commander. Attest: N. F. Hlno, Adjutant. For Shattered Nerves, A leniedy that will foolhe, build up tho wasted tissues and enrich tho blood Is Indispensable. LIcluVs Cel ery Nerve Compound has boon wonder, fully successful in oases of nervous, ncsa, as thousands nf ratefu people will testlfj-. Hold by MctlhewsTlros. Scrnnton Business College, Since the ending of the strike stu dents have been becurlng positions ul most at tho rate of ono u. ijuv. Wero Principals Huek & Whttnioro ublo to UUttllfy them mpldly enough the rate would bo much higher. Tho demand is greater thun the supply. Mahon's Store Is a family "shoo store." Any member of the family can bo supplied with foot wear, Million's Shoe Store, 508 Lack awunna venue. SERVICES FOR THANKSGIVING HOW THE DAY WILL BE SERVED IN THE CITY. OB. Special Union Services Will Be Con ducted in the Central City, North Scrnnton and West Scrnnton Con gregations of Elm Park, Grace Evangelical Lutheran, Ornce Re formed and Penn Avenue Baptist to Unite in Latter Church Many Churches to Have Individual Ser vices. Tho lust 'Thanksgiving ehiy of the Nlnctenth century will be appropriate ly celebrated hi this city next Thurs day by all tho churches In all pui-t-s of the city. Union services will be held lit tho central utty, West Scrnnton and North Scranton and special services will be conducti'd hi all the churches not Joining in these union services. Ad 10.C0 o'clock there will be 11 union service In the F'enn Avenue Uaptlst church In which the congregations of that church and of the 121m Park Meth odist Episcopal, Grace Evangelical Lu theran and Grace Reformed chupthes will Join. The scimon will he pleached by Itcv. Dr. Robert F. Y. Pierce, pas tor of tho Penn Avenue Baptist church and tho choirs of that church and the Elm Park will render a special pro gramme of music now being prepared by Professor Haydn Evans. The congregations of the First and Second churches will have separate ."orvlcos ut 10.30 o'clock. At the for mer church. Rev. Dr. Thomas 13. Mc Lend, of Uiooklyn, brother of Rev. Dr. James McLcod, will preach the sermon. At the Second church, tho pustor, Rev. 33r. Charles 13. Robinson, will preach. Special musical programmes will be rendered at both churches. AT ST. LUKE'S CHURCH. Services will bo conducted at St, Luke's church at 10.30 o'clock when a number of Thanksgiving anthems will bo rendered by the surpllced choir. There will be a high muss solemnized at St. Peter's cathedral at 9 o'clock. A union Thanksgiving service will be held bj- the English Protestant churches of AVest Scranton in the Ply mouth Congregational church on Jack son street at 10.!!U. The following Is the order of the service; Posolusj. Imocallou ttov. Thoinai ilrtirtic'.i.v, 1. 1). J I Willi. lle.ulin of pioiliiiiation Hev. J. P. Sweet, 1). I). eripiuic Won rtev. .1. I. JIofTatt, P. 1). 1'iajei- Hev. S. P. .Mathews M.MIlll. M-rniou Hev. .lames BeuniiiRcr, I'h. D. lllVeiiiv fur V. W. C. A Hev. V.. . Poyl ll 11111. Ileneilicrion. The churches participating are First and Jackson Street Baptist, Plymouth, Congregational, Hampton and Simpson Methodist Episcopal, Washburn and Sumner Avenue Presbytorinn. The union Thanksgiving daj- services in North Scranton will be held in the Providence Methodist Episcopal church at 10.30 o'clock. The sermon will be preached by Rev. R. G. Reese, pastor Providence Methodist Episcopal church Thanksgiving day services will also bo fittingly observed in tho different churches in South Scranton. Appropri ate services will be held In the morn ing in the Hickory Street German Presbyterian church at 10.30 o'clock. Row A. A. Nordt will speak on "He Reserveth Unto Us the Appointed Weeks of the Harvest." A collection will be taken up for the Home for the Friendless. HICKORY STREET CHURCH. In tho Hickory Street Baptist church there will be three Thanksgiving meet ings. A regular service will bo held nt 10.30 In the morning, at which tho pas tor, Rev. J. C. Schmitt, will speak, and short services will be conducted in tho afternoon at "".SO o'clock and In tho evening at 7.30. Regular Thanksgiving services will be-held In tho Prospect Avenue Church of Peace. The sermon will to by Rev. E. J. Schmidt, at 10 o'clock, on a fit ting theme. Tho union Thanksgiving services In Dunmorc will bo held in the Christian church, on Tripp nvcnuo. Rev. A. J. Van Cleft being In charge. Special music Is to bo arranged for by the choirs of tho churches interested. WERE KEPT ON THE MOVE. The Brennnns Had a Lively First Day in Their New Home. Yesterday morning the family of Martin Breunan moved Into Michael McDonough's story-nnd-a-half frame dwelling at GU Meridian stteet. In the afternoon at 4.30 they moved out npaln In as big a hurry as they were capi'.ble of. An hour later they moved back again, more leisurely. Fire wns responsible for the mov Ings. The flue was defective, and when they lighted the stove tho build lug look fire. The lire gained such a headway before It was discovered that they hurriedly tossed their be longings Into the street and had them all removed when tho Eaglu company. 'In response to a still alarm, arrived, It reriulred tlueo tnnks of Uro poisot' lo extinguish the blaze. The damage amounted to about $210, Tlio flro being extinguished, tho Brennnn's moved In ngnlu,' oooxxoxxooooc V EXCLUSIVE GLOVE AND COflSEr . STORE. A Special Offering, Ladies' Kid Gloves $1.00 a Pair. Iu, both Suede aud Glace Kid. Popular shades. Every Pair Guaranteed, PRICE k JENKINS, 130 Wroiuluir Avoiiiia. , i OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I FUNERAL OF T. O. 8NOVER. An EnormotiB Throng Attended the Services. 'J'he funeral of the lute Tlmnlcl Con dlt Snover wus held yoMerdny nfler tioon nt o'clock from the family residence at 131 Adams avenue, and the enormous throng of friends pres ent showed the great respect held iby hundreds for the dead mnn'a memory. The services at tho home were- es pecially simpler nnd wore conducted by Rev. Dr. Charles E, Robinson, pastor nt tho Second Presbyterian church. Ho spoke but briefly, Hinting thattho life of the dead man spolte for llsctf. Music was furnished by the rtuarlotte from tlm Second church, comprising the MIsrcs Black and Oarragan and the Messrs. Glppell und Morgan. They rendered a number of selection), Includlmr, "Asleep In Jesus" nml "Thy Will Bo Done." There was a great profusion of llornl offering1 In cluding 11. broken column from the di rectors of the Axle works, a square nnd compass from Peter Williamson lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, and n pillow from the Elks. The latter or ganization attended the funeral In a body. The pall hearers wore as follows: Colonel K. II. Ripple, John Flack, AIox. Rarrowman, T. F. Wells, Ed ward Slebecker and Garret Bogart. The flower bearers were Thomas Bar rowman nnd Walter Henwood, of the Clark and Snover company. The Interment was private and was made In the Forest Hill cemetery. , DEVELOPMENT OF THE PIANO FORTE Discussed in a Lecture Delivered by J. A. Pennington Before Musical Section of Woman's Club. J. Alfied Pennington, director of tho Scrnnton Conservatory of Music, de livered an exceedingly interesting lec ture last night before the music sec tion of the Green Ridge Women's club, taking as his theme "The Development of the Piano-Forte." He traced the development of this In strument from the early ages of his tory ami pointed out that as early as the first century there were organs with keys on them. The instrument from which the piano was evolved was the monochord, which was known to the early Greeks. The monochord had but one string, and from It was evolved the clavichord, which was an Instrument with many strings. The action was caused by a brass tangent, which pressed against the strings and caused them to vibrate. "The action of the clavichord," said Mr. Pennington, "was &o slight and the tone so tinkling that composers of clavichord music wore obliged to raut In many little extra nourishes. A ciuiv ering effect could be produced on it which cannot be on the modern piano, and this loss is greatly to be deplored." A contemporarj- of tho clavichord was the harplsehord. On this Instru ment tho key operated a piece of mech anism which plucked the strings as one would pluck tho strings of a harp, producing a tone totally unlike tho tone of the clavichord. Up to tho be ginning of the eighteenth century, ho said, the hammer had not been used to produce tho tone. In 1709 Chrlsto Farl, an Italian, In vented a hammer action and produced the first piano. It was a small, thin toned instrument. The chief improve ment on tho piano was tho invention of the full Iron frnme by Babcock, an American. This, he said, was later im proved bj- Chlckerlng, and is now used all over the world. The Iron frame allows the uie of heavier strings and a larger hammer, thus Insuring a fuller and more sing ing tone. Mr. Pennington said, that nowhere were such splendid pianos produced as In this country. In conclusion, a number of selections were rendered by several of the mem bers present. m AN ECHO MEETING. To Be Held in the Second Presby terian Church. On Tuesday evening, November 27, the Christian Entleavorers of Scranton and vicinity will nssemble at tho Sec ond Prehbyterian church on Jefferson avenue for the purpose of listening to those of their number who were per mitted to attend tho grandest of the many groat Christian Endeavor con ventions of the Keystone state. Tho newly elected president of the City union, Rev. Mr. Waring, who was present at every session of the state convention, will preside at this echo meeting. Professor Chance, of the Sec ond Presbyterian church, will have charge of tho music. President Waring Intends to call the roll of tho societies connected with the City union nnd ev ery society Is expdeted to respond with a full delegation. DILCHER RETURNS. Will Take Up tho Work of Perfecting Organization of Mine Workers. Frederick Dllcher, national organizer nnd member of tho national executive board of the United Mine Workers of America, returned to Scranton yester day morning with the intention of tak ing up tile work of perfecting tho or ganization of the union In tho nnthrn clte region. A series of muss meetings through out district No, 1 Is to be arranged by Mr, Dllcher and the district executive board and other aggressive stops will bo taken to bring every mine worker in tho region into the order. It Is Mr. Ditcher's Intention to make Scranton tils permanent home In the near future. URICH WAS PROWLINO, Capouse Avenue Woman Awakened by a "Man In the Room." Anthony Urich was held In $500 ball by Alderman Millar yesterday on the chargos of forcible entry und attempt ed burglary preferred by Mrs. George Wlnurstlh, of Capouse avenue. Late Thursday night, when her hus band was at work, so she alleges, Urlch climbed to the porch of her residence, removed his shoes and wan in the not of entering her room when she screamed aud brought In the neighbors, Urich escaped, but he had been re cognized and early yesterday morning n warrant was Issued for his arrest. In default of ball lie was committed to Jail to await trial. Mahon's Shoe Store are leaders in ladles' shoes. DOS Lack- awanna avenue. TO BEGIN WORK OP ASSESSING ASSISTANTS ARE TO START ON THE WSK TODAY. It Is the Tri-Ennlal Assessment When Every Property, Occupation nnd Other Assessable Thing Gets a New Rating Board of Assessors Send Out a Letter of Instructions in Which Among Other Tilings It Urges the Assistants to Be Strictly Impnrtinl Names of Assistants. Work on the triennial city assessment will be begun this morning. The blot ters and maps were furnished to the assessors j-esterdaj, and tho latter turned them over nt once to their twenty-one assistants, with Instruc tions to start out at once. The outsldo work Is to be completed before December 31, nnd the Inside work before tho first of March. Tho twenty-one Assistant assessors who have been appointed to look arter tho twenty-one wards uro: first w.inl, Pan It. Walldns; Second want, ThutruM Shotlon; Tlilid ward, It. .1. O'JIalley: fourth ward, (leow Shell; Klflh waul, David W. Owens; Sixth ward, John It. Jonri; Seventh "an!, William 11. Kane; KIkMIi ward, William II. Tliomnit Ninth ward, Hewitt A. Tewkesbury; Tenth ward, lldnanl Wrntel; Eleventh ward, Peter P. Nculs; Twelfth ward, .tolin MeDonoiiirli ; Thirteenth ward, l'.ugeno Rylies; l'ointcentli ward, W. It. Steiem; Fifteenth ward, Klien I. Pavlj; Sixteenth ward, billion Hcliral; Seven teenth want. Robert P. Koebler; Klffhteenth ward, Edward Manley; Nineteenth wrard, O-car Slr.iucli; Twentieth ward, John 11. O'JIalley; Twenty-first waul, John G. Nicholson. With the books and maps was de livered to each assistant a set of in structions reading as follows: Assistant assessors shall obwne the followlnt rules: The assessment shall not be coninienied before one of tho boaul of city aisciuors Is on the ground to instruct the assistant". When making the assessment the assessors lull besin with the lowest numbered block In the ward and proceed numerically to the highest numbered block therein, and shall In like number begin with the lowest number lot in the block and proceed to the highest numbered lot, the object being- to complete the aMewment in each block, numerically, before the succeeding- block is taken up or commenced. The assessor shall also assess all the property and occupations on each lot before commencing the succeeding lot and shall always assess the owner of the lot for occupation If he resides thereon, on the same line with his property, Ibis being lo prevent the practice of making a spe cial assessment or lino for occupation, which should have been included in the property. In ciciy case wluic a dog is assessed the assessor shall note whether it is male or female and shall note his lolor, or breed, under the heailinir 'remarks.' The assessor .shall in all cases ascertain the house number of cicry house assessed, and, if the numbers are not conspicuous, they shall ascertain thcin from the inmates of the house. All piopcrty in the ward, taxable or exempt, is to be placed on the blotter, but when copy ing to Hie assessment book the exempt property is to bo placed on one page or more in the lat ter part of the book, under the lieadinjr exempt property, and shall have a separate footing fioin that of the taxable property. It is requited that you report, in writing, to the board, once each week, stating what pro gress you are making, and whether jou need any further instructions. After you have com pleted your assessment, do not total blotters until the same have been examined by the boaul of assessors, the same to be completed by Dec. 31. r"ur advice to you, while making jour assess ment, is that you have no friends nr enemies in making the same. Our ambition i.s, and should be yours, also, to make this the most complete and banner assessment ever made in the city. Hespect fully, riililp lilnsland, f!w ilj m A. Jones, John A. Xculs, City Assessors. GARBER OFFER ACCEPTED. . Mayor Moir Yesterday Signed the Compromise Resolution, Mayor Moir yesterday attached his signature to the resolution providing for an adjustment of the damage claim of Philip Garber against the cltj which has been hanging Are for nearlj' five years. Garber conducted a barber shoo in tho basement of the old Coyne house. A hydrant at the curb became leaky and tho escaping water, finding its way into the burber shop, did all sorts of damage from giving him rheuma tism to rusting his razors accorling to Garbcr's storj'. He sued tho city for $1,900 damages and arbitrators allowed him $S95. Coun cils thought this figure too high and directed the city solicitor to take nn appeal. Garber wns tired fighting and offered to settle for $G0o. Councils ap proved n resolution accepting the of fer nnd yesterday the mayor also ap proved It, The settlement was effected in the face of a resolution passed recently providing that no damage claim of over $100 should be settled outsldo of court. "Health Is Better Thau Riches." Keep tho feet warm and dry Is the best' advice wo can offer. Million's "Queen Quality" heavy sole shoes will answer the purpose. COS Lackawanna avenue, Solo agents. Important Changes in Delaware and Hudson time table Nov. 23. See table in this paper. Action on Death of T. C. Snover. At u t.icilal lucctiiu- uf Dm ljoairl of directors of tho Lackawanna Trnt and Ma Deposit com pany, held thU day, the following aition ivai taken on the death of the lain T, O. burners The pireident annouuied to the boaid the death of T, O, bnoicr, wlicicupon tho follow ing expression ot their lovi uj ordered placid upon the minutes. This board makes iccoid of the death of T. O. Enowr. witli u deep 6enso of the !os thereby jiiitalned, For many year a-uoilated In the management of tho company, and nUltisr it the benefit of u sound ami intelligent Juduiuciit, ion pled wltll tlm IiiHuciico that comei (10111 u shone und sturdy iharjctir, he rendered Kiiitea substantial and alual)le. Tho boaul extends to hU bcicaU family their ileipenl sympathy, tnullns thai their ios I.s simcwhat atsuaued by tho iKogullioii Hat, al though ho w.u only pcrmltcd lo icicli three score yean, his death wan bill jii curling to a long peiiod of llluiM aud suffciiiiir, duiitijr which ig displayed a palhnce and buu-iy (hat touihed ud inspired hU buluerw associate, M well aj those more Intimately irlaled in him. Suanton, Nov, il, 1IXJ0. At a meeting- of the boaul ul iliietluu uf the Siiautun Axle wotU held Nov, ".1, tho follow ing resolution WM4 udoplid on tho death of T, O. Snover, (he late xlie.pu-slilent of Iho com pany, Tlio board of diiei-loit uf Iho tcianloii ,l.lo works ha-t heaid with tiuiciu icgiel the an linuncemilit of tho death of T. L'. a'uom', one of its nn inlii rs and Ucc.piciilcul of the ivinpauy. Wo desire to moid our testimony u In his wortli 04 a cltUeu, busline man ami an oill icr of thU company, lie was faithful to all the trusts committed lo lilm, wlc in hU loun. il end Judgment, and thU lompany has suf fered u great lo3 In hU removal fiom our board. i:ZKA 11. IIII'l'LE, President. It. II. WfclsKNl-l.UK, SeueUry. :v J3H v'rCfl'iRxflfv 4r VW-w YutvaJYCgXV. Geo. V. Millar & wmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Gold Crowns. $3 $1 Gold Fillings Bridge Work (Th) $3 set of Teeth $5 AH woik guaranteed for 10 years. Call and ha-.e your teeth examined fiee of charge. Satisfaction or no pay. KKUMUnnKUKKKKIUKMKKKMKKKKKK B BITTENBENDER I rjrjjrrwxjnjfjrT...r 0Mf0jf0X0P0$X0P0SX0"aji0M In Our New Store We are now located in our new store. 406 Lackawanna Avenue, formerly oc cupied by Siebecker & Watkins. We are showing a superior line o Furniture and Carpets.and invite inspection Scranton Carpet and Furniture Company REGISTERED. -4- -t- -f - -f : New York Life : - -t- 4 Insurance - -.-. -- -.--. . -. s- f Insurance That Insures. Policies iucoutesta- .. able from date of issue. No restrictiou as to residence, travel or occupation, as to habits of life, or as to man- ner, time or place of death. Policies nou-forfeitable X after first premium is paid. One month's grace iu the payment of premiums. Cash loans can be obtained at X X any time after the policy has been iu force two years. f Policies combine insurance and investment. X i r : B. H. BETTS, Scranton Branch Office. 607 to 610 Mears Building, Scranton, Pa. 444.4i4- 4t f l -t' The Doll Family Madame Doll, the Queen of the Doll fam ily, invites all the little folks to come aud see her at Williams', She will be there until Christmas eve, entertaining with a royal hand. She is surrounded by a large retinue of Dolly frauds and they will all be glad to see you, Dolls from the tiniest, wee bits of things, to those of life size so natural that they seem to talk but they don't. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312 and 314 Lackawanna Avenue. Your Thanksgiving Dinner..,.. will he eaten with more relljh If eaten oft dainty dishes and It don't cost much to buy at our store. Pinner sets nt 112 plern, deenratirl Kng- in Cfi lWi l'onclaln, for V.OU lOO-pkce set of China, for Vl!,",,, $18.50 If you don't want but a few piece select what you w-inl from one of our Ofen .Stock Pat terns. Co. LJWXASB TEETH We are now putting on and guar anteeing u 22k Gold Crown for fl. This extremely low o.fer will positively only last until Nov. 25. If you are In need of any Dental Work call and get our prices before going elsewhere. We will saio you nearly one-hall on all Dental Work. We make a specialty of Painless Ex traction, and If you have any pain while we are pulling your teeth will guarantee to do ail of your work free of charge. Dr. Reyer, Dentist 5M Spruce St,, Opp. Court House. Call and Examine Our Line of 5? jr 0. D HnSS 8 u o A great variety of styles constantly' on hand. No slipping and falling, No more sore and contracted feet. p rn CO.. 126 and 128 Franklin Ave. Company . mm. ... . : Agency Director : -f -f-f 1 i I m 5 ( . P'V q?.n f-- br r, ts 1 "'til' SH Ami-T v- .fVq .