The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 24, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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TII13 AllUANORMHNTS for tlio
operatic iinrnlvul ure ni"rilty
liroRvcs lng. Curtnlnly lliu bl Bieit
yntttiK, jiooplu of. thlH town do
servo a lot of cretlH' for the earn
estness uiul ontliusltiHm with which
they take up micli IiUcivhIh and carry
them through to mich super)) hucccsh.
People who ko to tin entertainment
and watch with crltcul Kane the per
formance' of one evening Klvu little
thought to the .tticrilleo anil expendi
ture of energy which luive tnnde the
perfection and cnioothnests of detail
a possibility. Kvcry night the mem
bora of the opera "cast unci the dances
are devoting time and nervous force
to the patient, persevering task of
achieving satisfactory results In the
entertainment which not only brings
them no tangible personal return but
entails considerable expense outside
the hard work. They are practicing
early and late and are .practically giv
ing up these "weeks' to Hie proposed af
fair. It Is a satisfaction to bo able to state
definitely that the opera will bo a suc
cess financially as well as artistically.
The best seats for the evening perform
ance are nearly all sold, and It Is hoped
the demnnd for matinee tickets will
be as urgent. .
The rehearsals are being conducted '
toy Mrs. Harry DIxMe, who Is working
Indefatlgably to perfect the vu'ious
roles and choruses. Miss Grace Fprngie ;
la accompanist. The programme is to
bo brief, with nil the Intermissions
lined wit n cnarmlnir dances and tab
leaux. The musical portion at this early
date exceeds all anticipations ns to Its
excellence. The chorus is cspecia ly
good. The entire affair will he a geit
credit to Madame Tlmberman-Kan-dolph
and her pupils. The diagram
does not open until next Friday, si
that those who purchase tickets need
not fear but that they can secii'o seats.
The following Is a revised east:
"Chimes of Normandy" Mrs. Brady,
nermaine; Jilt's Clara Iangford, of I
West Plttston, Herpolelte; U. D. Will
lams, the Marciuis; Harold liattin,
Notary. Chorus of fifty voices.
"II Trovatore" (The Prison Scene)
Miss Spencer, Leonora; T. It. Will
iams, Wllkes-Uarre, Maurlco. Miserere
chorus, twenty-five men.
"Fatlnltssa." Miss Susan ni-ick, Prin
cess Lydla; Miss Eliza, Vladi
mir: Mr. Hall, the General: Willanl
Bunnell. Julian.
Operatic duet from Komlramide
Miss Black and Miss Garaeun.
Finale, "Mikado" Yum-Yum, Jibs
Spencer; Peek-Boo, Miss Grace Dun
can: Pittl-Slng, Miss Hose Gallon; Ko
Ko, ?R. Bv Williams; Nankl-Poo, Mr.
Willarfl Bunnell: Pooh-Bah, Mr. Fred
'The following are the other members
of the company:
Chorus Mrs. . Lister, Mrs. Speeee,
Misses Bellamy, Gearliart, Boies, Vail,
Sprague, Marshall. Burns, Callender.
PtTnye.ll, ,.HollIster, Ijelchai t, Helen San
derson,' Jessup; Eleanor Reynolds, Ger-'
trude Sprague, Pcnnypacker, Delaney.
Men's Chorus Messrs. Thayer, Hol
llster, Kingsbury, Merrill, W. J. Tor
rey, Itawlson, Florey, 1'etry, Myers, T.
Hull, A. Hall, Gutheinz, A. K. Hunt, jr.,
M. B.'EuIler,' James Blair, Max Uessell;
Battln, James Dickson, 'liodcrick, Sur
dam, Weaver, James Wlialen, William
Cachucha Dance Mis. A. J. Bister,
Misses Gertrude Sprngilc, Killed Bole-!.
Amanda Jessup, Grace Callender, Helen
Sanderson, Bertha Powell, Bula Albro,
May PennypackiT, May Albro, Kleanor
Ifuynolds," Clara I-zangfonl, Hose i!al-i
len, Alice Burns, Grace Saiuleison,
Anna Salmon, Messrs. William J. Tor
rey, ltulph Williams, Mortimer B. Ful-li-l
Thomas Hall, Kdward Hall, George
D.Bogers, William Meyers, ;o.s Sur
dum, -Bert Merrill, Kverltt Hunt, K.--ilen
Kingsbury, Huberl Thayer, Harold
Battln, James Dickson, James Blair,
jr.'. CV L. Florey.
Artjst's Dream James Gardner San
derson, artist; JIIsm's Augusta Aroli
linlil. Alice Bolin, Helen Stevens, Mabel
Schlagrer, Ethel Fletcher, I'lare Rey
nolds, .Mr. Willaidl.). Howe, now th pri'sl
((tjnv'of the Yale Dramatic club, will
nppenr next Wednesday night at St.
Luke's parish hull In the delightful
monologue, "An American CltlKen,"
Miss Julia Clapp Allep, Miss Cordi'lla
Frf-email a'nd Miss Cliurlutti- lilaekman
will, furnish tin.' musical programme.
Mr. Howo assumes many roles in this
arrangement of a gtvat play, and gives
Thanksgiving Coat Sale,
Commencing Saturday Morning.
We offer a new line of Garments just received at the lowest
prices of the season. We were in New York on Thursday and
visited all the prominent manufacturers, selecting the best of this
season's garments and now offer the greatest bargains in
tadies' Jackets, Three-Quarter Coats,
Long Autos, Capes, Tailor Suits,
Walking Skirts, Misses' and
Children's Coats and Capes
We are positive this is the largest selection of Outer Garments
aver" shown in this city.
MEARS & HAGEN, 415-417 Lacka. Ave
thu different types the most faithful
characterization, Thu entertainment
Is for the benefit, uf St. Margaret's guild
and deserves the most hearty support,
Mrs. K. X. Wlllard, Mrs. Kveivtt
Warren, Alls. I A. Wittros, Mrs. John
Jermyn, Miss Jormyn, Mrs. W. D. Ken
nedy, Airs. George B. ,Ierniyn, Airs. K.
II. Jermyn, Airs, K. H. Hippie, Atrs. It.
J. liettnell, I.Mss Ueiinctl, Airs, lingers
Israel, Airs. H. W. Kingsbury, Airs. T.
11. Wat kins, Airs. D. K. Taylor, Airs.
H. J. Foster, Mrs. Arthur Twitched,
Atrs. Henry Pcnnypacker, Atrs. T. K.
Jones, Airs. William Alatthows, Mrs.
C. B. Penman, Airs. W. A. Coleman,
Airs. T. C. Von Storch, AIlss Aids Dale,
Airs. F. II. Jermyn, Allss Susan 13,
Air. P. Hopklnson Smith likes Scran
ton. He said so frankly to sovetal i:o-
ple Thursday night. He liked the size
and the personnel of his audience nnd
said that It was one of the most ap
preciative he ever had. The delicate
little touches of humor, as when the
colonel majestically presents his card:
"Colonel Carter, Carter Hull, Cartor
vllle, Virginia," and the author stated
"He does not write 1. S. A. for tha
reason that ho does not consider that
It will add dignity to his title," wero
acknowedirod with the brightest littlo
tipples of enjoyment all over the house.
Air. Smith says that most of his audi
ences regard tills portion of the pro
gramme with tlie heaviest solemnity.
The Young Ladles' society may as
well make a standing annual engage
ment with Air. Smith during the term
of ills natural life, for the people of this
city will invariably throng after him,
even if he should never write a new
line and should continue to read their
old favorites. It may gratify patrons
to know that the society realized more
than WOO. Last night he read before
a cultured body of listeners in Honos
dale. He Is about to publish a new
book, whose scenes arc laid in the
South in the period just preceding tho
war.. He never makes the mistake of
tiling the public with hastily prepared
books, but when every one longs for
something In the same carefully stud
led line from his pen, a new work
comes out, so well written, tho lan
guage so faultless, tho human nature
so deep, .so true and lovable, that his
vast public reads it with slneerrst sat
isfaction and then proceeds to re-read
the other books whose characters ho
has made familiar as the dear ones at
our own firesides.
Airs. Edwin W. Gearharl gave a
beautiful at home Thursday at her
residence on Vine street. Airs. Gear
liart was assisted in receiving by A(rs.
AV. II. Gearhart. About tho rooms were
Airs. Edward L. Fuller. Airs. T. II.
AVatklns, Airs. II. C. Sliafer, Airs. G. AI.
Hallstead and Aliss Lillian Gearhart.
Airs. H. C. Marker and Allss Strong
served frappe. Airs. H. AV. Kingsbury
and Airs. II. H. Brady, Jr., presided at
the table in the dining room, wheto the
colors were in pink, immense ehous of
pink satin ribbon being caught at the
table corners. Airs. Albert G. AVheeler,
of New York: Allss Klpp, of West
Plttston: Aliss Augusta Archbald and
Allss Bunnell assisted in serving. Air.
and Air. Gearhart entertained at a sup
per in the evening, when the hulls a who
assisted and a few other friends were
On Thanksgiving night, Nov. 21), a
cantata will be given in the parlors of
the Green Kidge Presbyterian church
for tho benelH of the Ladles' Aid so
city and under the direction of O. F.
Whiltomore. It is called "Tho Merry
AlilUmalds." Tin. following are the
Mi. .Ii'b'ic I'.ill.lllU'.; Qltl'i'll
Mi-s lllii.ii' 1'iik Iloitithy
Mi-, lul-y I'iUj MuiiiCu .llnf tuimiio tiilu)
l! I'.lijliitli I'.iIi.ut Until
Ml... l'.tlii'l HiiH'liul.cT Lin, L
"ll-.i ,l.'--ic r.nill.' In. mil, i
Mi- May !niii',v .M.iirci;.
(iiur I'.nki' I'.imiiui'liiiL' .iml lliti-'n'
l'uil ijiiiMir Poi'txr ami 1'
The Sma Girls held carnival last
niulu at Slegcl's Dancing Academy,
nnd their affair was largely attended
and proved a great hiicots. Tho rooms
were handsomely decorated and nu
iicrims couples took advantage uf th'i
dance inuslo played by Lawrence's or
chestra. The patronesses of tho ;vent
were Airs. John K. Hoehe, Airs. F. J.
McDonald, Airs. James J. Burke, Airs,
,1. J. lb-own, Allss Alary Donnelly, and
the committee in charge consisted of
the Misses Alnitdo I. Campbell, Etta
M llurkc, Mary 11. o'Boyle, Helen V.
Golden, Isabel I. Hnfter, Atnl At. Our
roll, AIniion A. Jordan, Veronica. J.
nui-mun, Ktitheiine T. Ihirke, Laura
P. Campbell.
Atr. Mortimer J!. Puller gave a din
ner on Monday night at his homo on
Jelferson avenue, to thu I'll I AtphnH.
The beautiful dining loom was a pic
ture, with the chrysanthemum dei.oiu
tlotiM, a huge bowl of tho brilliant
blossoms of varied hue forming the
center piece ot the table. AVhlto
chrysanthemums were the boutonniuro
The guests wore: Alrsrs F. J. Piatt,
II. II. Braily, .It., B. K. Watson, V. Jt.
Belln, A. C. Twitched, A. O. Hunt, .1.
II. Brooks, James lllalr. Jr.. H. V. Aler
rlll, A. E. Hunt, Jr.. F. C. Fuller, AV. J.
Torrey, Theodore Fuller.
Tin. KoIq-IiIm of Columbus club hottse.
on AVashlngton avenue, was last night
the scene of a pretty and very wou
atlended dnnce, one of tho series ot
monthly affairs which are to bo given
by the knights. Leo Crossln furnished
the dance music, and to this about
eighty couples gaily danced over the
polished floor.
Tho committee In charge was made
up of Prank AlcCawley, Prank II.
Cniichlln. T. J. Duggan. B. AI. O'Brien
and Thomas Bushnoll.
j The Auditorium was the scene ot a
i pretty affair on Tuesday evening, No
i vember 20, when John Hoe Athelton
1 entertained at a dance In honor of Allss
Isabelio AVntt, of Carbonda.le, the
fiancee of his brother, Thomas S Ath
orton. Tho rooms wore tastefully dec
orated with palms and potted plants.
Lawrence furnished the music, and
Hanley catered. There were a number
of guests from Carbondale and AVllkes-
The- Cornell Gloo club will g!v6 a
great concert at the Bicycle club Dec.
2'.. Air. Senior, of tho university, his
been in the city making arrangements
for iho coming of this popular organ
ization. The visiting college men will
bo entertained at a tea dance and a
reception during their stay.
Dr. Lee B. AVoodcock, a young .phy
sician of billllant attainments, a grad
uate of Princeton, tho universities of
Pennsylvania and A'lenna, has just os
tabllshed himself in Scmnton. Dr.
AVoodcock Is a finished performer on
tho violin and a fine singer He is lo
cated at S30 AVashlngton avenue.
Air. G. T. Slade gave a dinner at
the Scranton club last night in honor
of Aliss Truesdale. The guests wore:
Air. and Airs. E. B. Jermyn, Allss
Truesdale. Allss Jessup, Allss Dale,
Messrs. E. E. Lootnls and J. H. Brooks.
The Cornell Glee and Banjo club's wi'l
give a concert In St. Luke's auditorium
on the evening of December 2ft, instea.1
ornt the Bicycle club, as announced In
The Tribune on Alonday last.
The Thanksgiving dinner1 which was
to have been given .at St. David'1!
church, has been postponed by the
vestry on account ot the recent
I There will be a mixed handicap to
day at tho Country club, when it Is
expected a largo number of entries will
bo made.
Tho Allsses Neltleton gave a dancing
party last evening at their home In
Green llldge.
Aliss Denned will entertainat din
ner tonight, in honor of Allss Albright.
lovemeats of taple
Mr?. If. C. Sanderson b in New York.
Sheriff Pryor was In Xcxv Yoik this xxlch.
.Mr. 0. P. AlatllicwA has returned from Xr'.
Yurk. Mps. lllalr i.s xisilinir friomU 111 Xrxx
Mrs. T. i 'Nun Moit'h h.u returned from
Mr. nnd Mr.-. .1. T, UUlunU li-luiiu'd Xt-xx- Ynik.
Mr. .lohn .lennxn and MNs .lirinyn xveie In
Xt-xv York this xveek.
Aitwney M. .1. Ponalioe and f. IS. an1
on a business (rip In llnllaln.
Mis. .hull's A. I.inin and .Mls I.ineu arc ticnd
Inif a ffv das in Ncxx- Yoik.
Mis. A. li. IVherler, of Xiw Yoik, U iho siie-t
nl Mr, and Mr-. Ik W. (iraih.ut.
riiini!lni,iii I'lnn eNpetts lo occupy hi- clenant
efxv linii-i' on .Main i.uv.t early next month.
III-. Charles W. Wuiider, of tho laiekawanua
liH..pital mid. lit stall, left for .N,- Yoik clly
..-.illy this inoinlni;,
M.'rs. Cliaih's Kiuimieh and .lohn laixx-nn, ni
Iho W.t-t Side, haxe Htiirned from a liumiiin .
p.dltion xxilh ihirl.x-lixo ralililts
xtr. and Mrs, S. li. Kerr have leluiiiid Iii.iii
an extended xlsit in tin- xxvsi, aitoiuiHuled hy
lli.'li nlift', Ml-s Katharine Xolilf.
Ml Tiuevkilo, dauaiiler ol Pie-ident Tru.s
dale, of tho railroad, Is the aucst of
.Mis- Aunnd.i .lc-i:i. on Day nxeinie,
.Mr, mid Mrs. Ccrce llrode, of Allenlottn, xihu
xxeli' rerently Innniul, are spin.liin,' Ihelr lioue.i.
tuooti at tlio litinit' o. ll.'V. and Mr-. Kain.-r, ol
South I.lneoln .tven-ae.
$ $
THKIIH'AUK women ot today who
are prepared In assort that Alothcr
Kve's error did not so much roll
hint In jtoltlnB swindled lit a fruit bur
Kiiln I'oimtoi' us In riulcavorlut; to es
tablish stvlt'M In dress.
This dress question Is liucotitlnrt
soinelhliiff inoro than n burden It Is a
nlKht inure, a horror, a noisome vnm
plro which Is sllllltiir tho breath of Up
raeo or woinonklnd In civilization. To
look nt it counter of dress a turfs nnd
nilorninonlH hi a went 1k,I today Is
for a wonian or modurato nientii! lo fuel
appalled xxlth the wild Impossibility or
attempting to appear up-lo-date.
.lust as we had reached thu delect
able, spot where we hud achieved the
tallor-nown, a niarvcl of sultnblllty for
every purpose: shupl.e, severe In Us
lines, plain In Its details yet absolutely
correct fur most day occasions since
thu removal of thu Jacket revealed a
bodice which could not bo limited In
Um elaboration Just when this inlllcn
lal preliminary hud been itttntmal.
tilonis" comes the edict for trimmed
dresses. No more severity of finish, no
I more discreet stltchlin? and one loiv(l
I effects. No more olcRant simplicity. All
' this la chunked, Such absurdities of de
tail! Such extravagance of decoration.
Such limitless expenditure, as was
once only dreamed of In court life! The
plain little frock must he relegated to
morning shopping. The cloth dress
must become a garment fearfully and
wonderfully made, with an Infinitude
of vests, a luxuriance of garniture, a(
bote-nolr as to cost. For bo it known
that the plain gown Is no more. It ban
j gone the way of all good things and
must give place io the ornate, the
flamboyant, the giddy and tlnselly.
The most ordinary cloth costume oiw
sees noxv In the best shops, has un
ilnrslcovps In the coat, nnd Is built on
elaborate linos, as to rovers and freaks
of finish nt tho hot torn. There Is some
thing incongruous in the Idea of undor
! sleeves or oven thu loose fitting bishop
' sleeves now so much In vogue, In a
street gown.
As to vests; one tan cloth costume
meant for (ho street has no less than
four different waist coat effects, all in
use at the same time. First there was
tho coat proper, a cloth cut away from
the front and finished with gold braid.
Just inside, showing only a line of
color, was a soft pale blue broad cloth
with tiny gold buttons set close to
gether, within that was a vest of white
cloth elaborately embroidered in bl-iclc
chenille and and gold, the rovers
thrown back over the others. Still
beneath this was a full pouching
blouse effect of Persian panne vel
vet combining the tints of tan, blue
ami white with a dash of Pompellan
red. Expensive? Of course. That is
why the modistes make styles. Hut
how discouraging it all is!
Yet tlo you know there was never
such an opportunity for tho deft fing
ered girl, the wonian with ideas and
time and a knowledge of needle work
as today? These gold trimmings, the'ie
rich Persian' embroideries so much in
vogue cost tremendously. Why a little
band for tho hat is marked $6.00, al
though with Its yard or a trltie more In
I length its glitter of gold and. bronze or
! silver, it makes almust the enure ti mi
ming. It could be absolutely repro
duced for one-tenth of that sum. All
needed would be a package of gold
paillettes (cost 10 cents) some bits of
tiny gold cord and a supply of tltv: gold
thread. These sewed In a pattern on
net or following out the design of a
chantilly lace will make as elaborate
a strip for a velvet hat as could be de
sired. To add richness to the effect cut
out a flat flower design from black or
brown velvet and appllriuu it at Inter
vals, following tho border with a Una
of gold thread. A wild rose, with
stem: a leal design, a conventionalized
blossom of any sort will give an indo
sirabiy rich effect.
.. 4
As to the Persian embroidery it costs
$ a yard at tho least calculation
when sold by tho piece. T examined
some the other day which seemed a
mass of glittering sumptuous color.
And what tlo von Mjpposo?
It was simply tho Persian velvt with
the Intricate palm leaf design which
looks like a Hokalira. rug in coioi'ing,
and tho linos were followed out with a
fine gold bra 111, the brilliant rods and
rich blues gleaming between. Ymt can
buy that Persian velvet for $1.10 up
ward. The gold braid costs about "0
cent's it piece, of twelve yards. It makes
the most gorgeous trimming for collars
or rev.'is and a III tlo .scrap of it will
brighten up a whole costume and Ionic
luxurious indeed. The cost would !)
The beautiful gold laces one seen
antl the expense of which Is so gr at '
can easily bo copied with coarse Uus- '
thin lace and gold thread. It is a
pleasant and fascinating work and will
give many possibilities for Christmas
Tli. iwnv Kohr.lnl.s til' llm Scranton
Hallway company is a great boon to
certain sections of tho city, noticeably
tho patrons of tho Laurel Hill lhi",
wliero the service lins been very Irro- i
giilar. liut tlie new met hod has been
the source of troubles to tho conduc- i
tor. "Hotelier I've answered moron
fifteen hundred questions already,"
mourned a conductor on that division
at the closo of the first day.
"They want to know how close tho
enrs run, and by thivthue 1 figure that
nut they ask how many theiv a;o an
hour, and I forgot to ring up fares.
Then they try to make mo tull how
long tho compuny'll keep this thing
up, of having enough cars nt noon so't
they don't have to hung onto tho ren
tier, and when I tell 'em 'Hlaniotlnn,'
they look perky, us much as to say,
'1 told you so,' Then they want ma to
commit myself to stating tho exuec
minute when the earn will pass a
certain corner und while I'm a try
ing to make a rough guess at II, r
pass tho corner where they want to
gel off, nnd then they fall lo cussln'
me." "T don't know," ho added re
flectively, 'which is the worst; to get
cussed for not having curs enough for
folks to got Into or to have so muny
that you can't nnswer all the foil
.questions they lire at you about the
now schedule." .Saucy Hess.
.i m
Thanksglvlue Day at Niagara Falls.
One Tare for tho Round Trip, via
the lehigu Valley Bnilrond.
Tickets on sale and good going No
yember i!S, limited for return passage
to December ' Inclusive, and will be
honored on uny train, except the Hlack
Diamond express. For additional infor
mation, consult lichish Vulloy ticket
i i
For a Cold In the Head
, Laxative Bvorao-Quiniuo Tablets.
I Could
i - wf'' r ", -j -' t v t '
I iy i -i -
"I was suffering with
rheumatism and was dis
tracted with the pain when
I commenced using this
wonderful medicine. I
had tried several different
kinds of treatment to no
avail, but two bottles of
Paine's Celery Compound
did me so much good that
I am able to do my house
work, sleep well all night,
and wake up in the morn-ino-
feeline refreshed and
with new strength.'
255 Ogden Ave, Chicago, III
ti.v. H f Ji-vJ;";. . .iw. '
Before buying, send for catalogue.
t? , at i . r, &, at at at at at at at st at
j Plays and Players j
at at at at at at at at at , at at at at at at at at
Tin' sfaniiii tour of Miltliotl Holland
in Iter new i.l.iy, ''Tin' I'mur llchiuil tli"
Throne," will I'cciii Xo. '--. Tlie lotalf of thu
play is laid in ail Atnlrl.iti in-mimi: at the eml
ot lliu viitlilct'iitli century. The dory is ;i l)ii
oal one of iim-fews of tli.11 time, fiom wliicli
the author lias eolfil nil eueeilitwly intiiii!
ami iiiteudin-,' ilraina, reilule willi ."Iroiu; sllti.i
tiotn. The inntluelioii will lie 011 an el.ilioiafj
feile, with lil-todoally coriert scenery, fninitmr
acil other at ct"iiric, while the (onipany will
I10 tnnile ii of well Known 111 Hits roinprLtlii
over thirty people.
".Vidian Hale," Cljde ritch'-t l.eaiillfiil ami
powerlnl play, will -ooii sn on tour with Ilowanl
Kjlo niul Nannette (.'oiiistotl; in the
liai.iitei4 of Hit patriot .py ami liU sweelhcait,
Alice Ailaiti,-.. 'I he oiliriual iiiaunlfltciit proline
lion n.- K'lii ilurhiK the nii-inorahle 11111 uf tint
play at iho KnlckeihocUr thcatir. New Voi!,,
will he pic-ciiliil in In entirety in rc'.-auhs cos
tumes ami fcienerj. ".Nathan Halt" is 11 play hy many l eonhlireil flj-ile I'ltrh's In-,1
wotk, ami when it J- reealltil till.- auihur
Iih writleii "lie nt llriinitiii'l" ami "llaihan
Fried hie," "Nalhaii Hale" tiitbt imleeil lie .1 play to iltHUi' 11114 prai-e. It must lo
leyaitleil as a repieentattvo Aineilcan pliy, ileal
Inu arf it iIoik wiilt .1 tliimu essentially Anurl.
tan. lis ctntr.1l chaiacter, Hut of tlio jiiiiiik
patriot -py, whose one regret was lie h.vl
hut one llto to lno for his country, must Mir
tho pililoliiiii of the most Miiuuish. Tho tlnr
mien of tho play ate nearly all historical ami
tlio nlinosplieio of tlio levolutionary times ii
fully picserwil. The play, apart lioui lielntf In
clnatlnuly iiitcreslini;, is nIo hl-storically liislriK'.
live. It is a play of tense tltuations ami ranucs
in its tleiueiils from lisjlit ilalnty coineily to In.
tense tr.i(,'le patlim. The tour will lie umler tlu
tliieclioii of W. M. Williiiison.
At tho i:ititiut of the American Hiaiinlliti
clulj at Micrry'.s on Suiulay ninht, AiikusIiu
Thomis referrcil to Joseph Artlinr as Hie flrs-t
American author o personally etuily the life ami
eh illicit r of the legion liealeil and put tlieni
Into his pl.ij, which he malntaiiieil, was Iho
ti 1101 metlioil of dramatic willing. To wliicli
Mr. Arllmr nirnleally replleil that, eiuco bonia
clitics acciisid I1I111 of wiilln? willi a screw,
diivrr, lis iliovitjlit that title ot drauritiu
maeliinljt inli;lit Milt him hctter, Mr, Arthm's
latest realistic drama, "I,nst Itlter," is an
nounced to end its rtiinrliahlu run at the Tour,
tccntli street lliealer, New York, 011 Dec, t!i,
nhoitly after tlio teleluation of its one liundiedlli
perforiuaiice, and already tlio managers iIhoukIi
out the countiy aro vicing with i-adi other lo
look the misatloiial succvni of the i-eawni. The
lloston " Kiier," an exact duplicate, of tho
New York iiodiietlon ktarU on a lour of New
lliiirlaml nest wcckv, after a month at the Paris
theattr. Su ft wuidd seem that Mr, Aithur'4
preseilptlon for plajwritlng, whatever 111 in
Ktcdlciits, is euiiiiently elfeetlve, and like a u-,-.
lain patent medicine, "patiinls ciy for it."
l.iehlcr & Co, liavo accepted tto Dllricli.
Hein's ilianutl.atlon of Ituhert (jrant's poweiful
l-.oH'l, "lliilcavimil llread," und aro aiianitlng
for it; kpudy inodiictioii. Hot li orlvlual author
and maiiaircrs arc cnthmlaitlc 01 er Mr, Dltikh.
.teiii's adaptation of all the itiomjcat eploiles
of tho tlory Into dramatic foim, and it is ah
ready predicted that this highly unconventional
drama will create a distinct sensation, l.ieliler k
Co. liavo luado an arraiiKtiiient willi Mora.
I.a-shellc and llauiliii, whereby they will mtuio
the service! of Mins Kleanor lloUou, the llonlti
ol "Arizona," for the balance of Iho hcasou, and
to her will be assigned Hie role of l'loIo Will
lams, one of tlio most fakcinatiui; and thoroush
ly feinlnlno characters ol modern fiction. Ml.s
Itoluon't iirouounceel meceii us L'ouitaucc in tho
special iirodnclion of Uiuwniug' "in a Ual-
Overwork has first effect upon the nerves;
wasted nerves drain the vitality of
stomach, liver and kidneys. Impurc,'thin
blood is made; the body grows weak for
want of nutriment and there is indices
tion, acute pain in the back and head.
Not Do My Work
& i . 5 " 5 5 5 - ? S t t t S . ! t . t at at at at et at at a; at v. v. at at r. a at
I Hayes & Varley;
424-426 Spruce St., Bet. Washington & Wyoming Aves
te : - -
Reduced prices on every Ladies' Tailored Suit and
Jacket, saving you from $2.00 to $ 1 0.00 on every gar
ment purchased.
All this season's new, stylish goods.
An inspection will convince you that our claim is
no idle boast.
Thanksgiving week we show a handsome line of
Fine Neckwear, Gloves, Umbrellas, Etc.
A'A-ATa'"-4'-A4"'A A'''''''' '''
vtvi'V W'So
3 V32?M,
Iyeriten jmi
jl AT 't& -' fesfeii
tZTic. ftTMKBfcfs- arm rr.a$.
n$ tawwb.
B WHifil WiSSaI.'........ "$i-i,-vk Yi'C '
K P''';;,Jfiliu.ZXZ.AK-axM XT')'
n 'trs '.wrrtuo-jBTir.c'Si'..e
215 Board of Trade
tony," with Otis PMmicr and Mrs, LeMuyno at
Wallack', will he icealled. Mr. Hubert lalciem,
tho ntlgiiial "l.llllii Minister" who iceently tup
(ioiIciI Mis. 1.1'Mojiic, will jilay tho lending milo
lulu nt Wilbur Littleton. .Nobody will lw
Alevauiler llnnias peiv, the nullic-r of "Munta
rristti," was an octoroon, lienco tho polul In
tlio tory wliicli James O' Nell I tells of tho f.i
mom I'renclinian'.s encounter wih an inlirvicwcr:
"Von niv an oitoroon, aro oii not, Mi. llii'
"And jour father!"
"He w.H a ejuadrooii."
"And U father) '
"A iiiul.itto, hit-, a mulatto!"
"And his father)" '
"A nettro, ilr, u nesiol"
"Mljilit I presume to far a lo ml; what lili
father wa.l" .
"An ape, lr, inon Dlcu, an ape! My peclftfice
ends wliero j-oum coiinni'iices!"
K. K, Solheiu, Iho actor, U ill a wiy scrloin
roiiilltiou, ami while Hiiro U at prevent no au-tliiiiI?cil.-iiiuoiinii-mtiit
that lie will he foiced In
ilefiullt'Iy fionj, Hie itane. It H ccrlain that liu
foot, which waj Inpaied by a falling tword din
luw the duel K-eno in the production of "Ham.
let," at Iho liaidin theater a month atfo, has
become iuteitcil to nil alaiminu- decree, and tho
clforls of the phylclaiu to tounteract the poi.
son of tlio wound haw availed little. Mr. h'oip.
tin U conlluul to hi horns in bixty-flflli stieet,
New v(k, and hi foot Is swulltn to twlco its
lioiiual kie. 'i'lio latest uri;ieal operation upon
It wa undertaken .teslinlay, ami liicludetl tho
icmowl of 0110 ot Iho small houcJ ot tliu b'teat
Tlie dramatio number of Collicr'fc Weekly con
tain:) an interesting eway by Sarah Couill
I.cMo.mio on "Cood KnjlUh and Dramatio Ait."
Mm. I.cMojuo i considered an aulhoiity on
eloculioii) ami t, uoiv writini; a treatlso on the
iubject, will be publUlied toon. I.oni; fa-
A 4 A 1 i ,LAJ.l.a-.J
i flies tiiui aiiaiu." birin v-iuu icucr iu
a lm- in't
4- 'r"cs 'Iniiulit on iiiled lines.
. Has auloniatio typo-cleaning lutisli.
T- ,.. ,.... ir..i.i... I t 1 l..
"Jirs.e i Jin. nisi, iiiainiu..,. , Putin, .ii....,,.
OrflS" l'!l 1'lw lightest touch to kcjs and least
mix '"-
Tlie ,!i:T.TT hall-Iieiriug eaructso "iietis
the win Id."
Tho .li:Vi:TT limn- is easily tho most
devil- ileiiee.of 'ts Lmd.
The .IIIVVnT is mod in, ui-to-dali', sim
ple, fuliM nii-lit, thualilo .iml l.iphl
New York Announcement,
Horner's Furniture
is U10 Kiibjiictot'tliitjiiiiiioiiiicomiiiil.
Tlio torm sttuula for ovorytliiiiff tliufc
iHi'olitibloniKll'usliioiiablo in Furni
ture, in both tho niinpH) ii'iltl orimto'
liia'H, wliiiUifr wiiitotl for town or"
country homes. Two other impov
tnut font urns tiro tho nioilonilo prices
at whieli tlio floods aro niurlcoil, untl
thoir Hiiequtilleil assorlinontH. . ',
Ditilng-Rooni Furnlluro In all fmlslies of
Antique. l'Klan, Flemish mid nol'Jjji,
with Tables, O.nntf, CU irs.Cliiti.T. Closets
and Suk Tables lo match.
Beelroom Furniture in all tilt; va.rl(iiis oJ'i,1
and finishes, Including special lines (or
country homes, Brass HoJsteails- in owr
70 jiattcrns Irom upwaul, Unam
(.leu lion Hedsteads Irom S, up.
Latet designs in Pallor Furniture, Library
FurniHire, Hall Furniture, Venetian Car
ved Furniture. '
Couches, Settees, Fasy Ciairs. Rochers,
Aionis Ciiairs, Dressing Tables, Choval
masses. Writing Deshs,'ctc, etc,, "all in
unequalled assoitinents, anJ'ull puces. ,t
Peml for Illiutiatrd HandliooV, "OurAuieiienn
Jlouiej and How to i'uruUu TUcm." .
R. J. Horner &. Co,
Kiii-iiKiire ainUei-H uuil Iniiiiieteisi,
01-05 W. aJid St., Now Yorls
(Ailjoliiliiur HUeu aiimce)
tnous at a dramatio leader, lite suctesi m an '
acini has been'riilntly njviiouiKid, and he U .
t- lirewiit iuruiiu'llferM'coni tttllji- toiu 1n
"I'lio (Jautist 'lltlns in tUe Weil J,"
r '-
: .s.s Ti
h&&&, fe r V;vs.,tvJ