The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 24, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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District Attorney John R. Jonea
Called Upon to Iiutltuto MnndnmU3
Proceedings to Compel the Chief
Executive of Old Forge Borough
to Sign the Contract Second Week
of Common Plcns Court nt nn End.
Wife Attends Dlvorco Henring in
Her Wedding Dross.
Mandamus iiroceedltws lisivu boon In
stituted by UnroUKh Solicitor John II.
Bonner, ot Old Koikc lo compel Utir
tfess It. Willis Hew to sluii the con
tract for uluclrlr I. Must, reeentlv
drawn In confoiinlty v ith an m-dlimnce
accepting' thu limpo-ml of thu Avoca
Kloctrlc lilRht company to llfilit tho
borough for a period of ton ycaiv.
The papcrH were yeslonlay placed In
tiho hands of DIstiict Attorney John H.
Tone and will likely bo presented by
him to court today.
Tho contract was to have Rone into
effect September 9, last. It was sinned
by tho president and secretary of tne
borough cuunell and then presented to
tho btirsess. Tho latter refilled to sign
H and as jtet has not assigned the rea
sons for his refusal. It Is understood,
however, that he considers thu prices
too IiIrIi nnd Is not a believer in either
the legality or wisdom of u ten-year
llRhtlnjr contract.
Tho contract pi lee N ?T-,0 a year for
each arc IIrIU, and $i!2.r.n for each in
I'lindescent Unlit. At the nuts-et It Is
proposed to erect thirty aio and thirty
incandescent lights.
Second Week of Common Pleas.
Tlie end of the second wcekls list of
the November term of common pleas
wis leached tiL .'! o'clock yesterday
afternoon, when a. erdlct for the plaln
llff In tho sum or iOi'.rji) was tllivcted
by Judge Kelly in the case of CI. T.
Harber iiKalnsl .1. Ueckwlth nnd others.
There was no appearance for the de
tendant. Jlr. Hot nut? represented Hie
Jiccnusc of the non-appearance of the
plaintiff, a non-Milt was granted by
Judge Kelly in the case of Wallace
Harbor asraiust the Hcranton Traction
company. The defense was represented
by Major Everett Wan-en.
I?y agreement, in Judge Arohbnld's
court, ii verdict for the plaintiff in the
sum of S100 was entered In the case of
K. tJ. Worden against Charles Kaest
ner. John V. Scrags repres-ented the
plalutllf, and li. A. Zimmerman the de
fendant. Juries were out nt noon in the cases
of the Kxeler Machine conipnny
against the Pine Hill Coal company,
and A. Boeiansky against the Scranton
Railway company. No verdict had
been returned in cither case up to ad
journing time.
A rue for a new trial was granted in
I lie case of the Kloctrlc City Land Im
provement company against the West
Hidge Coal company.
Twenty-three of the thirty-live eases
on the list were disposed of tills week,
which breaks all previous records. Ten
were tried; six, settled; two, non
Miited; four, rcfeiied, and one marked
off the list. The other twelve were con
tinued. Considering the fact that it
was the first time for Judge Kcllv to
direct affairs In civil court, the record
is no small compliment to Ills execu
tive ability.
Told of Bolnud's Biutality.
Attired in the carefully preserved
giay silk ilic-s in which she went to
hymen's altar twelve yeais ago, lira.
John 1'. Unbind yesterday afternoon ap
peared before Judge John I'. Kelly,
with ti nuuib(.r of witnesses, In tell of
the brutal treatment hich now forces
her to ask tho law to free her from
the ties which bind her to tho ninn
who promised to love, cherish and
protect her, on that happy clay when
she llrst wore the tenderly-treasured
Her story is truly a pitiful one. Only
u few years of married life had passed
when her husband began to tit Ink,
and In a short time he was so besotted
he would not woik, and what llttl"
money his wife earned as u washer
woman, he seized and spent for drink.
Tho poor board and board of asso
ciated charities contributed to tho
support of the family, and two years
ago the latter organization caused the
lour children lo 1l taker, away from
their homo and placed in tho care of
charitable Institutions,
Mrs. Duggau, agent of the associated
iliailties, and Alderman John T. Howe
testllled to Mrs. Inland having coma
to tlieiu on several occasions with
biuised nnd battered fate, to complain
of her husband's treatment.
She, herself, told that as a result of
one beutlng he gave her, In 1S0S, she
was III for fourteen weeks, and while
being eared for at the poor farm 'vns
deliveied or a sttll-born child,
Shu Is a woman of ii3, and bents
traces of having been reared amid
lvlinlnsr influence?. Her face still
bears scars of wounds which she
claims were indicted by her husband.
Testimony was jilro taken in the
case of Jones against Jones, In which
the husband alleges that tho wife ile
sertvd him, Thu wife is n sister of
When in Doubt
play trump?, as the .saying is. If In doulit where
to Kit the rltilit Kind uf uiulvrmur, tiy iu; you
uii't lose. Our leader fur tlihj week Ii J SIM.
n.i:ra:i dahmcxt. at Wc, worth ji.m. vb
ijii nc M number to choose from, mujlus in
jiriie from 43 tents to i'i per taniicnt,
412 Spruce Street,
Xty our IQv. collar; rose better wade.
Mrs. Mny Williams, the divorced wife
of City Assessor Philip Hlnslnnd.
Marriage Licenses.
iMwnnl lih ...... ....... 120:1 Hamilton utrct
Mlrimu II. I.1I 1223 l&non rtrcct
limitr. Icntlnowsky i i ......t'ltliiton
Victoria Wlfsiicitikl .Klin Mr.-et
.tnmrs Cup' .11(1 Mnry street
Mary Noone ,,,, ,,.,., ,,,.,. Wrtlci street
Jiuljre Kelly yrstenlay appointed ThornM I.
Ilolnn niulltur to illslrlliiite the tundt remaining
In the liamU of John P. O'Mnlley, odinlnUlrator
of tho estate of John bally, late of Taylor.
Dldrld Attorney John It. Jones was nt wont
eitenliy on the trial Iht for tho next term of
rrlmliuil court, the I.1I before ho retires from
nltlte. It will lie piililbhcd In Tho Tribune Mon
day inornliiff. There lire neatly four hundred
cu.cs on the Hit.
I).ill X, I.euli wan jenlrrday granted a llccnie
tor the leiiialnder of tho year for the hotel prop
erly he runs in the Second ward of Taylor.
Williams Jenkins Mas Rrnntcd a llrense tor thu
place, but failed lo tul.e It out. James II. Wat
klm represented the petitioners.
Wo Are Making Hendwny.
The editor of the British nnd South
Aft-lean Kxport Gazette hus been stir
ring up the British and South African
public on tho fact that American
manufacturers nie making rapid head
way In the markets of Africa. In a
letter to the leading publication In
London and re-publlshod In the British
nndouth Afrlcun Export Gazette of
November, 1000, just received by the
treasury bureau of statistics. Ho says:
for the Informal Ion of jour readers, I append
herewith :i list of -tune oidtrj) lately e.ticuled,
nr now being e.eeute'J in Amcrlea for Cape
L'nluny: In December, lwff, American makers
hid in hind orders fur G0 saloon euirUKis fer
the equipment of thu ca-,lciii becllon of the Cape
Cvti-riiiiunt railway, and in that month sK ."0
tou loeomotirei uerf. tlclhcnd at the Capo buv
ernment ralluay wciU from the Il.ildrtin worlj
of I'lilhuldphin. In .March, 1MK1, sK Itnpnutd
Pullman rars wcio landed at :ape Town for the
L'aipu Koit'iniitcnt ralluay. In July, llXXl, nev
tial Ilildnin locomotlics were dcllu-red nt
Cape Town in part completion of Capo r;ocrn
nient contracts. In tint month, nrcordlm; to
the pcneial in.iiingei- of the Cjpe uovernment
rallwaji, tlieiu were still thirty-nine engines
jihI about sytW.OfiO worth of tiuclts nnd other
rolling Ktnek on order In Kngl.irol and Amcrli-J.
I'mir cnuines built by MeAMS. Dickson k Co.,
Philadelphia, fur the Hijati railway, tunc bien
acquired by the Capo Kovemment, and aro now
tunning on the W.wibirg branch. In Keptemiicr,
10W, the Union Swltth and Signil company, of
l'iltslimg, lud in hand a largo order lor
licign ami Bultclies for the Cape goetiunint
waji,, nnd .sevoral side tank engines irom the
Ilildnin works wcio dally expected to be deliv
tinl at Cape Town foe the lailwaj. In Sep
tember, 1IHJ0, the l'ie-ed Steel Cat company of
rittcliiuir, L. Sj. A., had in band an order for
the Cape gocrnment rallwajs for beeial btcel
platform t.irs of forty tons capacity.
Apirt Irom tb(-e ituns it Is ignirtcmt that
for the year ending June ."0, 1SP!, the United
htafes of Ameiini .-hipped 40,601 tons of sleel
rail-, lo .South Afiita (value 1W.00O pounds Mer
ling), as atraimt :!,105 tons (alue 1:1,1 tl pound;
i-uiling) iu the pieu'ous year. In the estimat.-s
of the Cape goMimcnt foi tho current j ear tli,;
bum of 015,502 pounds sterling is put down lor
rolling slock, locomotics, etc., but nothing e.
of course, said .13 to uhore these large orders
Mill be placed.
I do not altogether blame the Capo Colony for
thus rliteiting a huge share of its orden lo oilier
tommies, for it is notorious as hir Waller
I'eau- has remaiked, that, us time is now the
c-ence of the contract, Dritiih engineering firms
lino been and me unilile to ruccpl them, the
iiOik .ill i. lily in hand being moio than (hey can
nt ei take. Price, too, U .in Iliipoiljnt factor,
nnd P'peoi.illy l this so with railway material.
Inrutnnthc and Imcks, which ro-.'. considerably
h's iu the Culled States thin in the United
Kingdom. It is, however, impossible to mci
look the f.ut tint many impoittint ordeis hive
gun" to America fiom the Cape that could have
ltn pliteil in lids lountry bad cltorls been
nude to this end; and, rightly or wrongly, m
picinn cUK in the mind- of iinuiuf.ictiiicn that
is entirely due to the :mf i-ltrit i-li teiidouiis of
tciue oi the ljpi-7. officials. Wlutcicr Ibe-rea-icn,
the emphe ;it large Mill agree that it la
dNgiaicfuI that other cnuntiies- .should reap the
mhnntagc of the m).iralUd saerillces wc have
made in the liner ar; and while admitting that
gonrnnieut, like individual'', timet be guided
by biislnes puidcnie, it will certainly be li
nentable if eiery eltoit lie not straiticd to check
the tcndiiicy to favor Hie foreign mauuiactuici'
at the expen-e of bis Ilrltlh competitors.
There is one way whereby the tender system
leads to the dhcrMon of eiders to Ameiiea. eien
dosplle the good iiitonlioiM of the Colonial giv
enmients. This is' in case wheio no illpula
llons aie iusiitcd ill the contrails that the nia
tnid implo.ied shall lie oideinl of liiithh inin
iifaituri'iA (Julie recently .in order for mils
for a Natal muuhipility round ill. May to the
Lorain sliel coinpiny, .loluisloun, Pa., in this
w,ij wholly, it is pcmibsitilp to believe, against
the intnniiiiis of the muiilelpil authorities, and
pik-llily against the intentions of the contraitoi.
Mini had prolubly baud their estimate on the
lower American cost.
Work Resumed nt Oxford.
Work was resumed at the Oxford
colliery yesterday, after an idleness
caused by a misunderstanding anion?
tho lormer employes. At present only
n small force of men aro at work, the.
operators desiring to fill the chutes
with coal for the local trade before
lo.idins? ears for shipment.
When coal Is mined for the market
a Iitrffe force of men will be eiiLjuped.
and curs will bo furnished by tho
Delaware, L.ackuwuima tind Western
company, over whose load nil ship
ments will be made. Home of tint best
veins In the anthracite region aro lo
cated in the Oxford, and tho coal has
a ready market us soon as prepared.
l;arpenttrs are now ent;uKed In ereot
ing; u new weltjhlliK ofllce on tho prem
ises, and additional Improvements ato
to be mude before tho plant Is fully
equipped. When tho colliery Is In full
operation, the People's Coal com
pany, who opernte the mines, expect
to employ upwards of -100 men and
boys in preparing their output for mar
Stove Makors Complain.
At n meeting of tho Stove Manufac
turers' association, held In OIiIcdko,
Oct. 0. 10Q0, u unanimous spirit of In
dignation seemed to prevail nt tho cure,
less handling of stoves and tholr other
wures by the railroaders In ritaiee of
their transition, and numerous opinions
were freely expressed that every year
the dntnago Is becoming ri eater "iid
the wholesale wreckage Is becoming
As a partial attempt at remedying
tho troublo resolutions wore adop ed
and forwarded to the various nillioad
companies, setting forth tho nvinir'ne
tureis' grievances. A copy of the reso
lutions was yesterduy posted for em
ployes of the Central Railroad of Now
jorsey.and accompanying It was a bul
letin order front Superintendent W. W.
Wentz, jr., which read us follows;
"To train nnd enginemen; Your at
tention Is Invited to the attached copy
of resolutions adopted by tho Htove
Manufacturers, Oct. 9, 1900. Parti u ar
attention Is caled to the causes leudlng
to damage of such merchandise, espe
cially as to tho lack of care In making
tho couplings, use of air, and In fail
ing to particularly proteot cars from
damage In making flying switches.
"You are enjoined to use great caro
In the performance of your work, and
thus overcome cause for complaint on
the part of our patrons."
The refolutlons lengthily state thttt
during the past several yeais the
breakage of stoves has steadily In
ci cased, and tho greater part of car
loads at a lime have reached their des
tination broken, tn small shipment of
from ten to fifty stoves H has been a
freauent occurrence for half tho cargo
tn be very badly damaged. An Inves
tigation made Into the cautcs of this
condition of affairs showed that auto
matic couplers were In a way responsi
ble, as they tended to Incrcnso oaie
lessness among tho railroaders, nnd It
tho first contact of tho curs did not
couple them, the engineers Jammed
them together with a force that cau ed
a terrlilo shaking up among tho con
tents. Air brakes suddenly applied to
a car going at high speed, also were
considered the causes of much damage,
and llylng switches, made carekssly,
wore said to be responsible for n uen
oral shattering of the wares.
Transfer stations not possessed of
the proper facilities for baggage hand
ling are deemed another cniuo of com
plaint by tho manufacturers.
D., L. & W. Board for Today.
The make-up of tho D., U nnd W.
board Is as follows:
l'rlday, Xov W.
7.E0 p. nt. M. J. llcnnlgan.
8.S0 p. in. A. .1. McDonnell.
11 p. in. .1. J. Dully.
Salimtiy, Nov. 21.
12.3(1 a. m. II. Doherty.
3 .1. in. (J. Klngsley.
1 a. tn, P. C.ivanaugh, with .1, Ilcnnlgau's men.
fi ii. in. II. Ilcnnetl.
il a. in. II. T. IVIIow-i.
8 n. in. Cllirtholoinew,
0 a. in. II. llllllgun. n. in. II. T. Sl.iplc-H.
Il.Sil n. in. .1. A. llu-li.
1 p. m. M. Cirmmh.
2 p. in. 1 h. llogeis.
:UG p. m.-d Wall
1.43 p. m. IV. I.i Rnr.
0 a. m., west O. l'rounfellcer.
P u. in., wel W. II. Nieholi-.
11 a. in , west J, Carrigg.
7 p. in., wist fiom Cayugi W. 11. Mtl.ine.
7 p. in., wist fnuii Cy ug.'i T. J. Thompson.
7 p. in., east from N.iv Aug K. U. Dully,
fl ii. in., east i:. McAllWir.
1 p. in., east J. Modcr.
10 n. in. Singer.
6 a. in., east 0. Hoiwr.
IL.'SO a. m., e.iit Moran.
7 p. ni., cast Murphy.
!) p. in., eait C. W. Dunn.
7 a. in. Caffney.
5.80 p. m. Stanton.
7 p. m. Jlagovern.
4.110 u. in.'
O. llandolph.
fl a. in. f,
I . .MulUn
II. JlcC-inn.
, O'llara.
, Gahagan.
-O. Iluit.
L. 'an Wonncr,
S. Carmody.
fl. Ilamniitt.
Ketch mi.
. A. Hartholomcw,
A. Cerrity.
i a. in. J.
7 a. m. A.
9 a. in. J.
10 u. in. J,
11 a. iu. .1.
12.30 p. m.
2 p. ni. O.
:j p.
4 p.
u p.
B p.
in. I.
p. in.
in. A.
in. A.
ni. W,
0.S0 p. in.
7 p. m. Tl.
6 p. ni.M.
Conductor 1'. L. Van Wonner and rcw will
run !! p. ni.. Wild Cat West, l'riday, ov. 2J,
in plac e ot K. Wall and crew.
This and That.
Henry Allen, of Cleveland, O., travel
ing freight agent for the Now York
Central and St. Lawrence railroad, was
in the city yesterday and visited Su
perintendent of Transportation J. M.
Daly, of the Lackawanna, at tho Int
ter's ot'lee. Tho two aro old friends
and co-workers.
The board of directors of the Mer
chants' and Mechanics' bank are now
considering five lots, which are desir
able as sites for tho now bank build
ing which is to take the place of the
old one destroyed last August in the
explosion. AV'ithin a few days one of
tiiese is to be selected and purchased
and plans for the new structure will
then be dravin up and submitted to
tlu board.
For a Cold in the Head
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets.
nn: axstaij mektim; or the siockiiold-
iis ot the ftciantuu Packing Loinp.iuy Mill
be held at the ciillco of the Company on Tues
day, l)i c mil. i- 11, VM, at I p. in., fov ihe
cltclion of diiiTlui-s lor the cn.-uii.g in-
.l.Ml 1 1. COX.NELL, Moietaiy.
' Co..
Krantoii. Pa., Nov. 20th, 1000.
A meeting of tho i-tiiikhuhhis of this company,
will hi- held at it.-, gineial ollhe, on the nunt.v
fointh day of A. 1)., 1001, to take
action on a proposed increa-u of the capital
btock of the tump my from to i-iJO.ouO.
L. M. IIUIITON, Seuctar.
TiiMiislilp of Clifton, County ot Laikauuiiiu
uiiil htuli of PcninIi.inl.i, decc.isul.
Letters of administration upon I lie uboie-nameil
t.-tatc haling been giautis! to the uuiliibigiiisl,
all pi-n-um h.iWi.g clainn or il-maiidd .iiiliist
the mIiI estate Mill present them for p.ijiuent,
nnd Ihos- indebted lluuto Mill ide.ise i ake iiil
nidlato pauneni to
W. K. 1'I.OWElt, AdiiiinUtrator.
1HOS P. WELLS, IMJ., liouhls'ioio, Pa.
Attorney for Estate.
lloruugh of Iliinmore, County of Lid.auann.i
and Stnte of Peiiiisyliaula, dee-astd.
Letters of uduiliilstratior. upon the uboie-num-il
estate having been giantul In the undei'ilgiKil,
all pcuoii3 having claims or demand, against
the- bald estate will present them for pa.wncnt,
and those indebted thereto Mill ideate make im
mediate paimeiit to
CHAItLOlTE LEI.', Administratrix,
Duninnrc, I'i, ;
WILLIAM K. SIMPSON, Admliiiitrator.
TIMS. I'. WELLS. ES(f I'lltaun, l'a.
Attorney fur l'tate.
Established 1866,
No cud of
pretty ..IoUbIs.
Flue Furs,
Fur neck pieces
Our line or
Jackets, utiles'
unci Misses'
Till or ults
will "I ill
tliu liilf.'
kFur Kopalrlngr
Ui aSpeclulty,
324 Lackawanna Avenue,
Scranton Pa,
1 li vt
It is impossible to get more
for your money than we give
Others may offer lower
prices but they give you
much inferior work.
Some give good work, but
exhorbitant prices,
Our facilities are the best,
our work the best aud our
prices the lowest.
213 Wyoming Ave.
Heating Stoves,
Oil Stoves,
Gas Stoves,
ftearrj. aad Unatnrn
Hot Watsr
The Dickson Manufacturing Co.
fccranton and Wllket-Ilarra, l',
JluuufaoiUrorJ of
Boilers, Holstlngand Pumping Machinery.
General OfBce. Scranton, Pa.
Men's Shoes
At $2, $3,$ 3.50
$4. and $5.
Made by the best of mak
ers of shoes, in Box Calf,
Patent Calf, Weluar Calf,
Vici Kid and Enamel. All
styles, all sizes aud all widths.
Ladies' Shoes
At $2, $2.50,
$3. and $4.
Made by Johu Kelly and
Gray Bros,, in Vici Kid, Box
Calf, High Cut Patent Calf,
aud Euaincl. Extra heavy
hand-sewed sole, manish aud
straight lasts, Cuban, Mili
tary aud Coturaou sense
heels. All styles, all sizes,
and all widths, A. to E.
Myer Davidow
307 Lackawanna Ave.
Extraordinary Sale
Of Ladies' Kid Gloves
$1.00 PerPair-i,oooapairs Ladies' Fine Street Gloves,
pique sewn, in a quality universally sold at a dollaf-fiftya
pair. These colors Black, Pearl, Browns, Tans,. Greys,
Modes, Red, Gold Brown. See window.
An Advance Sale
Of Holiday Umbrellas
At $4.00 Each-At $5.00 Each-Two Assortments.
200 all told. Made especially to our order, of the finest
silk taffeta, warranted to give satisfaction in wear. The
handles are all of fine pearl and ivory with heavy sterling
silver mounting. In our regular stock these goods have
always brought from $6.oo to $j 50 each. A rare chance
to buy your Christmas Umbrellas at a great saving.
See Window.
Capital SSOO.OOO
Surplus OOO.OOO
WM. CONNELL, President.
HEINRY BELIN. Jr., VlccPres.
Epecla.' attention Riven to bust,
ness accurnta. Thrco per cent, in
terest pal on Interest deposit.
llHMiracturera ?r
N. Ninth Street, SlHliii, PA
Tekphtms Cull, 2U1X
ttooms 1 and 2, 1'om'llh BTd'g.
ninins: and Blasting
llfi.t Mooito and Iluiu M WoiKl
Wvotrlo tlatt.rlea. ttlwtrlo Kxpliiltri.
xplodlui bl4ti, oafely f ui 44 1
Reiawj Cheilcal C9.'$ ux.l'.Vt.
We. want you to see tha new arrivals in our Carpet
Department. We believe we have the most complete stock
in Northeastern Pennsylvania, and know that, quality con
sidered, we cau give you value and a selection not to be
had this side of New York. A superb line of
129 Wyoming; Anmi
These Game Boards tiove Rules for 50 Games including
CROKINOl"' "' '" '" '""HM GAMES
Florey & Brooks, 21 1 teS.0"
Tbys'clan and Suroa
311 Sps) St,
liupo UUU BUllJlUg
All acute anil chrcnia dUc9 el men, to.
men and Uilldrcu. C1IUONIU NliUVOUS,
1ALTY. All iiisi-jca ol llic l.iver, KiJncjj,
Uladdt-r. bWln, UluuU. NiOij, Wumb, Uju, i-tr,
Nubc, Tlituat, ami Lunn, Cacutra, Tumorj,
I'llts, lluiiturc. Uoltrc. ItliciuiatUm, Antluua,
Caurtli. VurioLOcck'. l.o.t UaiiheuJ, Mi;lilly
KmlMiuiM, nil IVnule DUtiirs, Lrutorrhoia, etc.
(iuimurrlica, Kyi'liill. Illood I'oUuii. ludUcre
lion anl outlnul hMu ubliirruivil. Surgery,
fits. K)llepy. 1"J PC and Stomach U'ormj. L'A.
TAIIRUUZUN'K. fcpeclflc- ror Catarrh. Tlirc
inontlu trmtmrnt only J5.00. Trial free In
oitlrf. Connultuiion and i-atniiatlon dee.
OllUo hour diily and Kundiy, 8 a. m. to S
p. W.
127 AND 129
General Agent (or the Wyoming
District lor
Ulnlnff, niajllnsr, Sporlln;, Emokeleaa anJ ta
Iteuauno Chcniical Company 'a
High Explosives.
Ealety Fuse, dps ami Eiplodera. Room 101 Oat.
cell lliilldin,', Scranton.
T1IOS. KOItO ......Pittaton
JOHN D. bSilTIl k SOX ....,., Plymouth
W. V. UULUQAK .., , WIlkesDana
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