The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 24, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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ONU OF the prominent fenUirec "f
Ynuiitr Men's Christian ns.soclu
tlon woik everywhere In Uhj Hitn
eluy iiCtuiiioon mootlm? for .vomit?
men. Very Irttio Im wild nbotit
this work ntlier than the rpRUliir u
nounccmi'iUH conccrnliiR II. But when
we eonliler that lit the muiie hour
every Sunday ufti'iiioiin more tlinn
" fourieen lniiulii'tl iissnulutlim'H wither
itmllPUc-i'H nveiiiRliut line hundred mid
flffy nr n total of twenty-one thousand
youni; men for the iIIhcuhhIoii of- non
.het'turlnn, yet vltiil teilKlmin truth, It
cnn he heeii tlmt n tieiiiendoiiH Influ
ence In exeite.d by Ihlw iineney.
In the enrly days of Younf,' Men's
sClii'lHtltm mwielathm i-rforh this tiieel-ItiK-
was open to hoth Hexes, hut be
cause thin necemiltiiteil a service much
'nlonir the linn of church Horvlces ami
waa In no wiiee a dellnlte work for
yoitnir men, tin- mixed meeting was
ahollHhed and men's nieotlntrs iirrunsod
A peculiar zest and Inleiesr seemed
at onre to attach Itself to these i;ather
Iiiijh of men. 'I'll" deep ilch voices of
an audience of men, made I he muqlu
n powerful atliactlon, and the song
service iH'inmc a. lveoRiilstoil feat'inc
Specialists In uurl; for men were eti
nbled to handle personal purity and
other topics without uloves, and so
forcefully, that men were aroused and
started otilof a life of peisonal Im
purity. Tlic formality of a mixed audience
failed to hold flu- men's meeting In Its
ley grasp and thus in every city and
town wheie the Young Men's Christian
association exists the men's meet
ing has become a power for good,
Mrongly evangelistic, hut broadly tol
eiant of every form of belief which
recognize" .Testis Christ as Hie Ktcrnal
fcon of Ood. who made sulllclent atone
ment on the cioss for the sins of the
win Id, and was raised fiom the dead
for our justification.
' In these meetings more than four
thousand young men have been led
.In the past' year to accept the princi
ples of the Christian religion and to
ally themselves with some church.
'While the local association has been
without a building, yet Its distinctively
religious work lias been more vigorous
ly rnriliHl on than before, and flic re
salts accomplished are seen In the
changed lives of nearly two hundred
men who in the past two yea is have
Mven up sinful practices and forsaken
places of evil resort in an effort to
build up clean and pure manhood In
the name of Je.-us fin 1st.
General Seeretaiy tleorge C Mahy,
of tlie local association, who befoiu
locating in Scran ton was state sveie
tary, has returned from a brief
tour among some of the associa
tions in the western part of the
Mate which were under his euro
while in that ollice. The usssocia
itions at Kranltliii, Bradford, Wai
ivn, Oil f'lty, Krle and other places
v. eie reorganized by him at that time
and aided In securing the mini of elgn-tV-soven
thousand dollars for new
buildings and current expenses.
On t'he present trip Mr. Mahy gave
several public addres.-.CH, three of them
being before union mass meetings, and
i i a one day's canvass secured the
hull; of the money needed for the cur
rent' expenses of the Oil City associa
tion. At 'Warren, where nine ypais
ago tlie association was unable ii re
tain their seeietary for lack of funds,
they have now a beautiful property
costing- In the neighborhood of sixty
thousand as a tesult. of a ten
days' visit from Mr. Mahy at that
time, Franklin has a beautiful build
ing costing forty thousand; Hradford
has propei ty costing fifteen thousand,
Oil City Is moving for a new building
and Erie Is paying off Its indebtedness
wlille cairying on a vigorous all-round
These aie illustrations of the value
of the complete organization which the Young Men's Chris
tian association and which by banding
Mien i together through state and Inter
national committees makes them per
manent and successful In the face of
many obstacles.
A Thanksgiving Sabbath evening
nnd anthem praise service will be lipid
tomorrow evening in accordance with
the custom In the Providence Presby
terian church. Besides the Thanks
giving music by the excellent choir,
the congregation will unite with the
choir in singing several Thanksgiving
hymns. liuv. Dr. (iuild will have
charge of the service and will give a
brief address, Musical Director Clms,
F. AVhlttemore has arranged the fol
lowing special choir selections:
Prelinle In (' Calkin
Mli. William McDonnell.
AiiIIiiiii, "I Will 1'eeil My n.wk"..C.iUb &lmpcr
llr. Ileberlinir mill Choir,
Solo , Mr. .loMiua ,li,lni
Pilot, "In-plrer ami llcdiir of Pi"., . .Cirilu-l
Mlw Smith ami Mr. llebcilln;.-,
Mile mullein, "lliivc.t 'I'iilii",,,.!:. II. 'iiu.tcei
Antliim, "t Und, Hun- Muiilfiilil"., Caleb Simper
"Mi. .Icilni, Mr. Il'chcilliiu', Mr. Moiisan anil Choir,
Oifeiloiy in l) Tnliliii
Pinllmlc In Clail;
"Tho Drummer Kvangellst," J lev. W.
II. AVilllams, speaks "tluee times to
morrow on the "Wayno circuit of the
Kvangelleal church In Wayne county.
Trldny, Nov. :!0, 7,!!0 p. m Uaptlst
church,; Sunday, Dee, a, 7,:so
P. m union temperance meeting, Kae
toiyvllle; Sunday, Dec. o, 7 p. m Ply
mouth Congregational church, Hyilo
Park; Tuesday, Dec, 11, 7..JU p. m
Presbyterian church, .Mehoopauy;
"Wednesday, Dec. Ii, 7.90 p. ni,, Haptlsf
church, Russell Hill, Heglnulng with a
tvatch night service, Mr, Williams will
conduct two weeks of special revival
meetings In the Methodist church.
Dunmore. Jan. 15 to 21 Inclusive, speJ
ilnl revival meeting In Ash Street
Methodist church.
Oospel service at the Young Women's
Christian association Sunday afternoon
at 3.15. Superintendent Sanborn, of
tho Hescue. mission, will conduct the
service. A most cordial Invitation la
extended to all women and gills Iti lie
On account of Ood having wuiked
during the week, at the rovlvals held
In the Undenominational church, cor
ner Luke unci Kirk streets, kittle Rag
land, in saving souls, and manifesting
Himself In convicting1 many others,
tho revival will continue every night
next week ut 7.15 o'clock. All uro wel.
come. Q. C, Ynn Hoesen, from D, I
Moody's Chicago Bible Institute, Is In
charge. Sunday morlilng at iO.r.O
o'clock. Sunday school; Sundny after
noon the song service begins ut i.'M
p. 111. l'rcachlng at 'i.V. ttegular
evangelist lu services In the evening at
7. It o'clock, All uro welcome.
At a recent meeting of the stock
holders of the Wyoming Camp (Hound
nsi-oelatlon the following managers
were elected: flew A. (Iilllln. W. It.
Suxe, W. H. Jackson, T. W. Kyte,
West Plttston; Ituv. C. R Mogg,
Wlikps-Harre; llev. (7. C. l-yninn, J.
L. Crawford, Scranton; llev. L. C.
Murdock, Kingston; llev. Clarke Cal
lender, Carverton; Jlev. Stephen Jay,
Wyoming: I-Mwln Davenport, Ply
mouth. The managers mot and elect
ed the lollowlng olllcers: President,
llev. A. Clrlllln; vice-president, W. It.
Saxe; secretary, llev. S, Jay; treas
urer, T. W. Kyte; executive commit
tee. Messrs. Crawford, Orlllln, Jay,
Jackson and Kyte.
In Simpson Methodist Episcopal
church on Monday and Tuesday, De
cember :i and !, tho Twentieth Century
Forward Movement convention will be
held. Tho gathering Is In charge of
a committee consisting of Kev. Austin
Orlllln, D. D., chairman. West Plttston,
Pa.; Rev. Charles M. Glllln, D. D., Kim
Park church, Scranton; Rev. Levi L.
Sprague, D. D., principal Wyoming
seminary, Kingston, Pa.; Kev. Webster
If. Peaice, D. D., First church, Wllkes
Darre, Pa.: I lev. Jnhn'B. Sweet, D. D.,
Simpson chin cli, Scranton. The pro
gramme will be ns follows:
riHST tsCsfslOX MONDAY, 2.1X1 V. M.
Dei nl Ions comliiclud by llev. V. A. Wagnci.
i.'.,lll "Object of .1 Comentinn"
llev. A, Giiflht, D. D.
2.1,", "Why a 'i'wcntirtli Century Moe-
niont?" llev, W. II. i'miic, J). D.
lt-v. II. II. Driver, l.'c. C. U. lleniy.
::."0 "Will the New (Vnlnry Deniunil .i
New Mctlindism"
llov. C. i:. JIo(?if. Ph. 1). llev. II. H.Wtllitir, llev. II. I). Smilli.
DiMitlons I(pv, W. 0. Siniihnn. D. D.
Aililii'M) "J'lp Historic !r.iC'3 or I.e-vMH for
tlie Twentielli CYiilurj"
l!cv. A. V. llaji. HiiisliniiitDii, X.Y.
THIRD SKSSIO.V T0i:sD.Y, li.Ol . M.
DeMitfoM kev. '.V. J. Hill
!i."0 Dusiuesf.
10.(10 "Our Schools in tho Twentieth CYn
(uiy Movement"..
llev. b. I,. spiMKU", D. D.
Ili-ous-ion liev. P. Mooie, 11. 1).
10.I.1 "A 1'0'ithc i:ictiiiu tho
Necev-itj for a Chnlinn Wiuk'V
llov. n. A. Cure, M. A.
Itiv. S. .lav, M. A., Rev. Will If. Ihller.
tl.l'i ChiNti.Hi WoiknV Coiifeirnie anil
Open I'aili.imenl.
niL'UTH SlSION Tt'i:DAY, J.(m 1 M.
Dentioi llev. r. TV. Vouus
S.iiniiOiium "Ho that wiimeth oiih is vio."
2,:!0 "I'nwrr of IVr-onil Intoniciv"
Rev. C. M. Suidam.
Di-iiiviou Kev. . I., 'llimpr, llev. O. b.
isi't ciiioii. Ph. D.
:i.;lO "I'li-jcliiiij,' Tint si In to Action"
Rev. Mauley s. Hani, D. 1).
DIm iiikicm Rc. John Drailsliaw, I'll. D.,
Rev. A. .1. Van Cleft.
I.iiu "llntunci" lo Cliuiih M.iilo Kaj"
llev. C. l, (iiflln. D. D.
Diicii-icin Ituv. V. S. GoiNhall, Rev. II. V.
I'lKTII Sl'.SslOX TT'i:SDAV, 7.:W V. 3t.
DoMilioiw llev, .lames Ilcniilimci, l'h. D.
Piltlinnt.ll Vllci', COIldllltdl by
llev. M. S. Haul, 1), D.
( hiin:r.
T tho Hi t In l ii oi W.wmiini; Diliitt:
"t 111-, tomention takes the place ot our ti
tuinual MiiuNterial a-od.'ition niecliii. Wu Ue
die thai It -hall he i-xoooilinsly helpful both to
luton .mil (lumlie?. l'liae nttenil ami o enn
liihute to iti Miciis. hiWlc the oflUiaN of
join chinch, urging Hie impoitance of the inii
M'l.tion; pivt lally invite your plcilucil Chiitin
wnikiis Notice tho cluiactor of the proxiuiiinic
iinil to whctliei ymi can airoul to miss any ot
thee annoiiuteil uooil thins.
The hospitality of Simpson church is pumi
liial. llinniT ami ten will he fiecly ficrvcil to all
.ittc iiiling on Tuesday, whilo the
lncthieii will find generous and hearty rulerralii
nieiit tliioiigliout I he eutiic ses-ion.
It is no moie than riclit that we should notify
the pastor, ,f, D. Hwrct, a eatly a possilile, .u
In the time ot comiui; mid espected leusHi of
blny, r.o that proper piuiion can In) made for
nil. simeiely and linpeddly, journ,
The Committee.
Xext Tuesday evening, beginning at
T.Kn. In the Second Presbyterian church,
an "echo meeting" will be hold of the
gieat annual Christian Endeavor con
vention of the state, which hus been in
session this week In Philadelphia. A
number of the Scranton representatives
at that convention will make reports
concerning the work reported done dur
ing the year and the work outlined for
tho future. The new president of the
Scranton Christian Endeavor union,
Dev. Luther ITess Waring, will an
nounce his committees and present
plans for tho coming year's work. Four
superintendents of departments will be
eleoteib Pro?. J. M. Chance will have
eharge'"of tho musle, Miss Julia Allen
will play a violin solo, and Mr. CJIppel
will sing a solo. Dot every Christian
Endeavor .society In the city turn out
In a body unrt respond to toll-call by a
verse of Scripture or n sentiment,
Religions News lMes.
The subject fur dlseusslon at the
Uaptist Pastors' cnnfeieneo at 10.SU
Monday will bo 'Church Extension
and Federation."
Bishop Ditddcu, of Syiacuse, has Is
sued an Irrevocable oider against
dancing and caul playing at church
entertainments, The bishop holds
that such amusements In connection
Willi church affairs are not In con
formity with the teachings of the
Catholic, church in these matters.
"They that bo far from God shull
perish" Is the subject of an address
by Mr, Georgo G, Mahy, the general
secretary, at the Young Men's Chris association meeting on Sunday at
:i.J," in Guernsey's music hall. This Is
a mm-sectnrtun meeting tiuo for all
men when "hobbles" and "Isms" aro
not discussed, but where practical
every day religion Is illustrated and
Mr, W. E, Fenno, of Now Haven,
Conn., will addiess i meeting for men
onl at tho llallroad Young Men'a
Chilstluu association Sunday, Novem
ber 2Stli. nt '11.45 p. in. Tlie nrchesfra
will render special music, and usslst lu
the singingr- Uaritono solos by Mr. D.
W. D.ivls, formerly soloist at Cent nil
church, Wllkes-Uarte. Every man Is
welcome, Building opposite I.acku
wunnu depot. Come and enjoy the
An effort Is being made to make the
fourth Sunday in November an annual
"Universal Temperance Sunday," tlie
object belnK to bring about concerted
effort on the part of all churches and
religions organisations to the end that
a mighty wave of Christian temper
ance Kentltncnt may sweep over tho
land and the people nrotised lo see the
uvll of tho Manor traltlc. Tho plan com
mends Itself to all em-nost workers for
temppraiicp. The appeal Is to pastors,
superintendents, Sunday school teach
ers, and nil pnrnest workers for tem
perance, November 2S will ho observed
this year.
Toiioirrow's Services
Methodist Episcopal.
Illni Park ttitirch Pmver ami praise vrvlcc at
D.SOi picathlncr At 1II.M a. in. nnd 7.!i0 p. lit.
by the putor, O. M. nlflln, tl. D. At 12 in.,
liilMmur Illlilc study in Sunday school room,
S'uiidiy school at 2 nnd I'.pnmlli lcaRiie ut (I."1
p. in. At T.JIO, lople, "A Hole in Hie Wall mill
a I'rep at the Alioniliialioni ot Scruitou."
At the Mission, lain I'ine street, Hiindny si hoot
ut D a, lu,; l.puorth league ut U.'ltl p. in.
Simpson Methodist llplscopal church Re. ,1.
II. Sued, D. D., pastor. load at 0 o'clorl1,
led by tlie pistnrj sacramental oenlce. Holy
C'oiinnuiiluii, at 10110! Hund.iy school nt 12 in.;
Junior Kpwortli league nt i!.r,0: Yoimi; Men's
tiiccllng'nl 4; llpuorlli Iciriii" at fl.:ili eveiilmc
prcjchlnif serlee at 7..10, sermon by the pastor.
Text, IValiu 132:01 snlijert, "l'l.ijer, I'ciii! aid
l'lospnlly." AH seats fltc. A cordial welcome!
to all.
Akbiiry Jlelliodlst church, nitner
.Mousey avenue nnd Delaware street llev. W, 0,
Simpson, D. I)., pastor. Devotional inecllinr ot
the lliotherhood ot St. Paul, 0.30 a. ni. ', prciclc
linr, n. m.j Sunday school, 2,30 p. tu.i Kp
worth league, (1.110 p. in.; proacliliiR, 7.W1 p. in.
Piajcr meeting Wednesday, 7.S0 p. in. Iluslncss
lueetiii"; of the IliothrrlioDil of ht. Paul on the
second and fourth Tiicdajs of each month nt
7.;!(l p. m. Seals fice and all ore welcome.
Hampton' Sheet Methodist Kplsvopal chinch
llev, .luiiies llennlnerer, pastor. Services on Sun
thy as follows: l,oe feast, 10 a. m.t preaching
at lO.IJO a. in. by the pre'ldlnff elder; Sunday
scliool at 2 p. in., .1. T. nendle, superintendent;
Junior IcaRiie at ,-l p. in.; Senior IcaRtie nt 0.30;
ci ruing picachini; sciice nt 7,:!0, iiihject,
"CleanslnR tlie Teinple."
Ash Sheet .Methodist I.plscopil church Rev, .1.
It. Austin, pastor. Moining piiachlni; sen lie at
1H..7) o'cloik; class tneetlnit nt 11. "0 n. in., .1. 1!.
Masters, leader; Mind.iy school at 2 p. in., 11.
V. Stone, siipciintendent; Junior IcaKiic at 3 p.
ni., ilisi Kilo, leader; Kpwortli Iriguo
at (i.4," p. in.; evening preaching erlcn at 7.S0
o'clock. A eoidiai welcome to all,
N'ay Aug Methodist Kpiscopil i hurch llev. .1.
II. Austin, pastor. Sunday school at 2.:0 p. in.;
class meeting nt 3.50 p. m., I'l.inl: Tinner, lead
er; prcachiii!; service at 7.,':n p. in. All welcome.
Ceil n- An line Methodist Kplsoopal chun h Rev.
F. I'. Doty, pastor. Sermon by (he pastor at
10 30 a. in.; Sunday bUion!, noon; Junior 1!p
woitli league, .t..')0 p. in.; Kpwoilli lejgue, 0.30
p. in.; ccuiiig seiniou, 7.30. Htratmors lordhilly
I'loiiilence Metiiodlst Episcopal church The
Iliothcrliood of St. Paul meets at 10 a. in. Pas.
tor's morning subject, "How to Defeat Jcus";
Sunday school at 2 p. in.; Kpnoltli league at
0. la, topic, "i'rat-o tlie Lord," le.uhr, Kloienee
Walker; eenlng rolig scivice, 7.50 to 7.t.", led
by large chorus choir, enlivened y bolus, duels,
etc. Pastors evening suhject. "How the Saints
in Heaven Are Clothed, and Why." Ilevival tei
iccs will continue ereiy evening of next week,
but Silmday. All wchnme.
Court Street Methodist I'.niseopal cluireh llev.
O. C. b.Mnaii. pastor. Class, 0.13 a. in., O. 1).
Pi" Witt, leader; preaching, 10.30, subject,
"'lhanksgivin'"; Sunday school, 11.43, (3. II.
Clark, supciinlendenl; llinthciliood of SI. Paul,
" p. ni.; Junior league, .'1.30; Kpworth league,
1)1.0; preachins, 7.W). The new choir will sing
at both services. Come. All aie welcome. Sials
I'irsl Ceimaii Mcthodi-t llpiseopi'I church,
Adams avciiui" and Vine streit (1. llohiliu, pis
lor. Preaching services, 10.."0 a. ni. and 7.30 p.
ni. ; Sunday scliool at noon; Kpwortli leagua
meeting at 7 p. in. The congiegation will unite
in levhal services with the Herman MethodUt
llpiscopal chinch, on South Side, coiner Prospect
ftvemie and nireli stieel, this week, eviry evening
except -Saturday.
Aliicau Jlellinilist i:piseo)inl chinch, Howard
plaie D. S. Kent ley, P. D., pislor. Prrai hinj
at 10.50 a. nt., subject, "raithtulne-s Ilevvarded";
Sunday Khool at 2.S0 p. in. At 7.t" p. 111.,
pleaching, suhject, "The Close of Summer." To
all t lies.. i,ci vices a cordial invitation is extended.
Itnnninii" Methodist Kpiscopil elnirch llev. A.
J. Van CIc ft. pastor. Tho. pastor will oienpy this
pulpit at lioili i he nioriiing nnd evening suviies.
Tlie subject of the morning seunon will be
"Profit nnd Ws." 'Hie suhject of the talk lo
the children will lie "The Locusts." The Sun
daj school will he held nt 2.30 p. m., Mi. Dan
Powell, siipeilntcndelit. The other services will
Sunday School
November 18.
The chapter lo be studied tonus p.iit of Paul'!
litter lo one ot his helpers (II Corinthians'), the
pastor of the church in Ctete. It may be dl
vldcd into three pails. The lb si exhibits thu
desirible qualities of the minister; the second
shows where he must seive and how; the thiid
assigns the if.isons tor faithful teaching. Taken
ns a whole, the passage contains wholesome 'n
stiiictinu (or all classes and indicates what kind
of society would be formed if tho precepts anil
spilit of the gospel vveie applied to real life.
Tin: Mixisrars oualitiln.
M)i;.ND D0CTItl.'i:.-(Vels." 1) He must bn
well giouudeil in the ialtli. He must know tli-j
sat (in of ilnctrinc! contained in tlie Sciiptmes,
and he must nut blend with that any of thu
vagaries or fallacies of men, put forth by those
who formulate their opinion instead of iuqutriiiic
what God hath levelled. (Pphcsians, iv, II.)
Tills doctrine is sound because It Is healthful
and iiouilshiug, designed nud able to build on.i
up in all goodness (II Timothy, lit, 10-17) and
iiecaiiic" ao it inclines ilia most soaiclung c
ani'iiitloii by the most gifted minds. In nil
a.'s It Ins been appiovcd as Divine. Tlie more)
It Ins Ih'i a- studied the more It has been nib
iiiiud met praised. The minister must therefore!
hold and niiioil these undent williitf,
(.bullies, 5,)
GOOD P.VITP.HS (Veise 7). Truth icu-ivcd in
tho mind muA bo incarnated. Jesus bald, "1 am
tho truth," a living embodiment and illustra
tion of it. (John, iv, 0.) So it must bo with
tho minister, He limit livu ii the tiuth !(
quiics. Ills charade r must lie tho pioduct o
Iho ilocttine which he holds, a commentary le
vcaliiig its gloiy, commending Itself o all be
holders, hi this way he becomes n good pat
tern tn men (II Te ssalonlans, ill, 7) who cm
understand what they sen more icadlly than
what they hear. Tlieio is after all no testimony
ho eloquent as that of a good lite. No one run
say aught against It or icslvt Its argument and
power, (I Timothy, I, hi.)
SOUND SPIIKCH (Veue Rj. Still, the truth
ii to be piodalnied. It mult Nud expression In
vvoids ns well as in lives. Ily speech the eau
and mimls nnd hearts of men must bo reached
by u piot'Cis wholly uuliko Hut when they be
held a good life. Truth In Hie concrete cannot
make tlie same iiupiesslou as tiuth In the ab
Utait. We must all loam that there aie gn-at
principles and rule, denial and precious, which
wu must aiquhe and by which we must live
whether any othcis found them and lived by
tlieiu. We aie not to bo elombuted by men, but
by the verities of God, And so the minister,
having the Utah and laving a life ill nevoid
vvltli it, Hint acquire a kpeech, lu at le and sub
stance (hat Is well xuited lo convey lo men the
absolute nud unchangeable tiuth. This is not
the speech of the world but that of the Implied
w i Iters. (I Coiliithians, ii, 1.) ,
HIGH niHIAHl). (Veins 15.)-llv all the.-c
means by what be knows, by what' he is, and
by what lie says the minister ought lo win the;
iMput of ull who know him. He should expect
u good icputotlon and dcilici it. (I Timothy, iv,
12.) Ho limit not seek it by compromising him
self or by lowering hU standard, but rather by
lifting up a lofty Ideal bcfoic hl mind and
striving after It. He should challenge criticism
ai Jesus did (John, vill, 4b), ami welcome it so
long as it is justly delivered, bee'.uuu by it ho
may know and corieet his faults. Ami lie should
not bet pulfed up by expressions of oppioval, but
be liclil s usual. Seats free and all made wel
come. Baptist.
Pcim Avmue llaptbt church, 1'cnii avenue, be
tvieiii Spiilce mid Linden stircls-l'rr.icldng
morning nl I0.1W and rienlng at 7,30 by the pis
tor, llev. Ilolicrt I'. V. I'leice, 1). D.t rooming
pr.rjcri in tlie lower temple, Mrs, llcorgo. 11.
i'niltliry le.idlns Hie service. Toplo of morning
mmon, "Tlie ritorlllfd Life." The Sunday school
will line their Itlblo day exeubes at i
o'clock in the auditorium of the chinch, Suii"
day school at Hie Memorial mission, on 1'ioscntt
avenue, at ,')."0 p. tu.i V, P. H, (!. K, tuertliiK
at O.HOJ topic of evening trillion, "The Over
llovvlng Cup," an object trillion. The sixty
minute service will have many prnctleal nnd
splt!tii.d lessons. Ilaplkin preceding Hie ser
mon. Ilvangcllstlc meeting In lower temple from
8.30 to n o'c-loek.
I'lrst lljptlst cliunti, Pfliilti Main avenue llev,
S. K, Matthews, pastor. The Usual iwrvloes Sab
bath morning anil evening, 11.30 n, in. and 7,31
(. in. lu tlie haspinciit of Wrtsli ll.ipllst ilmuli;
Sunday school, -..':0 p. in.. Plvnioulli I'hiiiih,
Dr. Ileddoe, superllitiliilelit; II. V. P. It. seivlce,
tl.50 p. lu. at Ivorile hall, Covenant incetlug,
Wednesday evening, 7,30 p. m. All are welcome
lo tin so fervhes,
Jackson Street llaptbt church Moinlng piuyer
mertlnij at !l,30, leader, llrolher Davis; preaching
ncrvicc at 10.30 by the pistor, llev, Thomas de
(Irucliy, D. D., topic, "Naomi, or Cloud and
Sinislilnr"; Sunday school at 2 p. in., Aided
llolieits, superlnbmlent; evening seivlce at 7;
gospel conceit followed by a short addiess on
"A Plea for Tlntilcsglving." This service Is nb
uavs hilulit nnd clieeiful. The public Is made
Cieni ltldge lljptlst c Inn ch llev, W. J. Ford,
pastor. Morning prajev meeting at 10 a, in.
Church services at 10.30 and 7.30. Suhject in the
moinlng, "Tlie llvangelieal and Die Skeptic;" in
tho evening, "The Condition of the limned."
Sunday school at 11.4.1; meeting of the Junior
society at 3.30; monthly missionary meeting of
tlie Senior society at 0.50.
Dudley Street Daptlst church Preaching by
the pastor, llev. J. b. lvreamer, 10.30 a. in.,
subject, "Taking Away tho Stone." 7.50 p. in.,
levivnl service, subject, "Ine Young Man Who
Left His Home." Tlie pastor will sing a eoto
nt Hie evening service. Sunday school, 12 o'clock
noon. All welcome.
I'list l'resljjtcrian church Morning seivlce,
10.30: evening, special praise herviie, 7.50.
Thiuksglving service on Thursday nt 10.50 a, in.
Dr. Thomas 11. McLeod, of Uronkljn, will preach
the Thanksgiving sermon.
Second I'lt-Jiytrilun church Services at 10.30
a. m. and 7.30 p. in. Dr. Robinson will pieaili
In Iho morning on "Helps in lllndiaiices" nii.1
lu the evening on the "ttich Pool." All arc
Sumner Avenue PreJi terian chunli. corner
Sumner avenue ami Price htrrel llev. Prank J.
Mibnan, Ph. I) will prenrh nt 10.30 a. in. Sun
day school at 2 p. m. At (! p. in., dilegates
fiom the Voung I'onple's Society of Christian
Pndcavor state convention will speak. Young
People's Society of Clnlstian 1'iidcavor after the
evening service; suhjceL "Praise the Lord,"
l'sdani 147, 1-20, n thanksgiving meeting. Meet
ing of piajcr and pulse Wednesday evening at
7.43 o'clock: theme, "Tliangskiving." All
strangeis welcome.
flieen nidge Presbjlerian cliuuli Iter. I. J.
Lansing, pastor; llev. L. II. Poster, assistant,
10.30, service of worship, with sermon by the
pastor; 12, Hilile school; 8.30, Christian lln
rieavor; 7,30, service of worship, with pennon by
the pastor. Subject. "A Worthy Oift to the
Child of Hie Twentielli Century." A special
invitation to citizens and strangers to attend
all services.
Piovidence Preshjteiian The pastor,
Ttev. Dr. fieorgc II. fiiiild, vvill occupy the pul
pit as usual. Sunday school at noon. Ludeavor
meeting at 0.13 p. m. Thanksgiving and an
them praie service nt 7.30 o'clock. The seats
of the church are free.
Washburn Sheet Prcsbj terian church llev.
John P. Moffat, D. D., pastor. Services nt 10.50
a. m. and 7.50 p. in. Ilihle school at 13 m.;
Christian Kndeavoi, special reports from dele
gates, o.20 p. m. Prajrr meeting Wednesday,
7.50 p. in. Picparatory service to communion.
Friday evening, the 30th. The pastor will
preach a sermon In the morning appropriate lo
the fifth anniversaiy. In the evening a popular
service vvill bo held. The orchestra will be
pieseut and spei ial music b.v the ihoir will bn
given. A blief erinion by the pastor vvill be
given. Ml cordially welcomed.
'In.vlor Presbyteiinn church Professor W. 11.
Pluniley, of the Sehuol of the Licknwanna, vvill
preach lu the inclining. No evening .service. A
congregational meeting Is called for Tneidiy
evening ill S o'clock r1mu llev. Di, Moffat, Hie
Prcsbvteiian moderator, will preside.
Adams Avenue chapel, New Yoik street The
Sober Living.
Titus ii, 1-15.
consider thc'M" as so many means for iiicieashi'r
ii-efiilness (o he employed witli cue,
AGl'.D MUX. (Verse "J.) It might seem a
piece of piesumpllon, especially in a young in in,
to epcal; to those much older than himself, at
whose feet he might pioperly sit to learn. Hut
he has n duty to them which may not be neglect
ed, and it is piobahlc that they ninie than any
othcis vvill have lespect for his wonls. He must
commend to them what will be recognized by
all .us highly becoming lo their jears guilty,
teinpi'ianee, faith, cliaiity. These four vlitucs
would render any old man an object of pecullai
delight to all beholders, and prep.ue hlui to ex
ert a most bilutaiy influence upon those about
him. They aie the crowning qualltte.s of mi ex
tended experience in I he service of Christ.
AOi:i) WOMK.V, (Vcr.e !).) These must be
urged to u clepoitmeiit that becomclli holiness,
a euuiso of life comporting with the teachings
of Clirlstlinlty, Thl9 Is substantially the same
as was enjoined upon tlie uged men, only it is
the obverse side. Here gospel ideals me to bo
regauled; their manly iclcjls, yet gospel also.
The reason for this is tint woman's pljce in that
lime was less detlncel, Paul cautious against two
unwomanly piadlecs which must have been nulla
common or they would not have heen mentioned
false accusal Ion, or slandeilng, and intemperance.
It see ins vciy strange that suih vices should
have disgraced the women of that time. He rn
Joinj that-tlicse aged women be teachers of good
tilings to the tmng women, lluiiby extending
llicii Intlin in r. (Pioverhs, .xxxl, 20.)
yolIXti WOMUN. (Verses 4 and .1.) A beau,
tlful duster of vhtues must lie pieseiiled ley
tho minister to (lie voung women of Ids ion.
Biegation. Tluco of them uio personal she must
bo discreet, thasti", good the dementi of tt no
womanhood hi every land and age. Two of them
am domestic kerpcis ut home, obedient to lnu
bands. It nppcnrs Hut the nilvlee is toi .voting
iinirled women, the uniuaiiied women aiu bound
by thu law of their parents. (Kxodus, x, 12.)
She who enters into wedlock is thereafter obl.
g.itid tn in.iku her home the lentci of hei world
and regard heiself as the help-meet id one who
makes that honm lor her. (Reiictls, .xl, 18.)
What is heir enjoined is for the Chiistlin house.
holds, The wile may tlieio well obey her hus
band, not In servile fi-ai, but In holy love, count.
Ins him the rightful hc.ull
YOtlNfl MKN, (Verse l).) Paul cxpoeted tliat
Thus would luie voung men in his audience nud
that Instruction would be glvili them, lu our
lime it is no easy tisk to secure their presence,
At iutciiaW the pieaclicr announces n discourse
ea series of dUcouisei to attract them, Vailoiu
aie tlio I hemes discussed, sometimes with rhetor
iu und uritory, with anecdote ami seiisjttou.
be."? how biielly and simply Paul treais this part
of ministerial (eivlcc It is ull dona lu a
single sciitcrice. lie dors not refer to tlie prac
tices, a.soclationi and dangeis of young men,
but stiikcs ut Iho iery center of tho subjeit,
Sober mhidedncss, lu opposition to fiivolity, l
all that ho enjoins. That seiurcd, all other ex
cellences follow, (Lamentations, Hi, 27,)
CHRISTIAN SKUVANTS.-(Veises 8 and 13.)
It would have been very strange if Paul had
vale nothing on the labor question, Servants
were slaves in those days, and by common con
sent thry vveie left under their masters without
instruction, but some of them became Chris-
Itev. James Hughes, pastor, will preach at 10.30
and nt 7.30! Sunday school at '3 o'clock, Mr.
Clniiitlirr, superintendent. The pastor will teach
111" Men's llililo tlass! C. K. society will meet
it 0,43. Consecration society. All welcome.
Pllnl Luke's Parish, llev. Ilonsrs Iuel, D. D.,
rector; llev. K. J. Itntigliton, senior eitinlrt Bev,
M. It, Nash, Junior ciirale. Sunday nc.U before
St, Luke's church 7.5U a. in,, Holy Commtuv
Ion 10.30 a, m morning projtr qtul sermon ;
7,30 p. in,, evening pis.vor and sn-mniii n,1S a,
in., hitiiday school und Dlble eltsser.
St. Miiik'f, Dunmore H a. m.. Holy t'oinmiin
Ion; 10.30 . m morning prajrr ami sci-mou;
7.30 p. in,, evening piayer and sermon; 3 p, in.,
Sunday school and lllble classes.
Hast Knd Mission, I'lesentt avenue 3 p. in.,
Sunday sellout nnd Dlble clssirs', 3.30 p, m,,
ovenlnir pra.ver and sermon,
South Stele Mission, Fig stuel 2.30 p. in,,
Sunday school and Ulblc classes.
.St. Oeorrte's, Olypliant 2.30 p. til., Sunday
scliool ami lllble classes; 3.30 p. 111., evening
prajer and sermon,
St, David's L'phcopll church Celebration of
the Holy Kueharlst, 7,30 a, ni.; Matins, libinv
and sermon, 10.S0; evensong, 7.20; Sunday
scliool, 2...0. llev. K. -I. llc-nry, rector.
Christ's church, corner Washington avenue and
Talk street Iter. I", S. nallenlilic, p.istoi. Ser
vices, 10.30 a. ni., 2.30 p. in., 7,30 p. in, All
seals free. All welcome.
Reformed Episcopal.
(iiiici" Iletormcd Kplseopit eliiuch, W.voniliig
aveiiue, below Mulhcuy street llev. II, b. Al
rich, pastor. 1'i.iyrr and praise service at fl.30
n, in.; divine worship at 10,30 n. in. nud 7.30
p. in., preaching by tlie pastor! A. m., ''The
Commandments," "Only One Ood," Kod. 20:
bit; p. m,, "lllble Tempeianee." Prnv. 2J-31",
Sibbalh scliool nt 12 in.; Y. P. S. ft H. nl 0.50
p. inr Scats are fice. Strangers cordially In
vited. Lesson study on Wednesday at 7.30 p.
in., followed by piayer mcellng at S. All aie
welcome. .'
Evangolinttl Lutheran.
Kvanftellcal Lutheran Twenty-fourth Sunday
after Trinity. Oospel, Matthew, lx, 1S-20. llpls
tie, Colosslain, I, ti-ll.
St. Mark's, Washburn and fourteenth streets
llev. A. L. Ilamcr, Ph. D., pastor. Services at
10.30 a. m. nnd 7 p. in. Luther league, C p. in.1,.
Sunday si hoot, 12 m.; catechetical Instruction,
Monday, 7 p. in.; Wednesday evening service-,
7.30. Mission band Satmday, 2.50. Morning sub
ject, "The Paiable of the Ten Vligins;" evening,
memorial set vice for member who died during
the past church jear.
Holy Ti hilly, Adams avenue nnd Mulbcny
street llev. ('. G. Spleker, pastor. Services at
10.50 a. ni. and 7.50 p. ni. Luther league, 0.30 p.
in.; Sunday sihnol, 12 in.; e'.itcchetical Instruc
tion Monday, 7 p. in. Dlble study Wednesday
evening, 7.43. Mission hand Saturday at 10 a, in.
SI. Paul's, Short avenue llev. W. C. L. Lauer,
pastor. Sendees 10.30 a. in. and 7.50 p. m. Sun
day .school, 2.30 p. in.; catechetical insliuctioii
S. I." p. tn. Luther league Weelncsday, 7.30 p. ni.
Ziun's, Miflliii avenue Kev. P. K. Zlrelinann,
pastor. Seivices 10.30 a. in.; Sune1.iv 'school, 2
p. tn. Memorial service for the dead.
Chiisl chinch. Cedar avenue and Iliicli street
llev. James Wltke, pastor. Services 10.30 a. in.
and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school, 2 p. in. In the
morning meinoiial set vice for tlie dead.
St. Petei's, Picscott avenue Kev. John Ran
dolph, pistor. Services 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p.
in, Sunday scliool, 2 p. m.
firace Knglish Lutheran church (Geneial Synod)
comer Madison avenue and Mulberry street Rev.
Luther Hess Waiing, pastor. 9.30 a. in., Sunday
school; 10.30 a. ni., divine worship. The pastor
will speak of the lessons from the gieat Phila
delphi.i Christian Ludcavor convention; 0.41 p.
m., Y. P. S. t". K.; 7.50 p. in., divine worship.
I'.vcohndy welcome.
All Soul's Universaiist church, I'ine stieel. be
tween Adams and Jefferson avenues llev. O. II.
Deardsley, pastor, llesidence, 029 Adams avenue.
.Morning service 10.30; subject, ' temperance;"
evening service, 7.50, subject, "Tho Old Daguer
lotypes Pound in the Dead Soldier's Pocket.-'
Sunday school, 11.50, Mis. S. Ilenjaniin, superin
tendent. Como and worship with us. Strangers,
welcome to all our sen ices. Special meeting will
be held commencing the evening of Dec, 3,
Calvnry llefoimed church, jlonine avenue and
Gibson stieet llev. Maiinu L, Kiror, pastor.
Services Sunday at 10.50 a. in. and 7.30 p. in.
Sunday school, 11.43 a, in,; Christian llndeavnr,
0.13 p. in. Subject for morning, "Wise and
Foolish Virgins;" evening, "Death, and How
to Die."
Plymouth Coiigiegatlnual cluncii, .lack-son stieet
10.50 a, in., morning service, sirnion by th"
pasloi ; 12 in., Sahbalh school, A. II. K.mioii,
J. E. Gilbert, D.D
Secretary of American
Society of Religious
thins. To pass tlicin by in silence would he a
reproach to the Rospel. But what instiuctlon
shall be given, to meet their needs, to piepare
for a better order of society? The practical part
of the advice is vciy beautiful, The order lo
adorn the gospel is all important, A slave may
shine. (Phil., iv, 11.)
D1VINH (iRAOi:.-(Vcrse ll.)-Thls kind of sciviee, and this kind of living on
the part of those addressed, is to be toinincnd
cd because we live under x, dispensation of guce.
(Pphosians, Hi, 2.) It is tlie free favor ot Ood,
and not any uieiit in man, that brought people
into the relations in which they are expected to
live to Ills glory. Out grace ought lo be a
coiishaiDlng furci", inclining men to goodness II
Coiinthlans, v, 14-15). This grace brings salva
tion fiom sin and wiulli to faitli and holiness.
This Hut is enjolnisl Is Hie very end nought
by divine grace. To live in this way h to
live agreeably lo the design uf Cud.
DIVING TI.'ACIHXC.-O'crso 12.)-Mou-over,
tho giadous revelation is a teaching process. It
Is not merely u call or command, a life or a
pattern, but n seiles of precepts, all running in
ono dhictlon nnd urging men to deny ungodli
ness and worldly lusts and to live sobeily and
righteously. It is no longer a matter of Infer,
liiee, but a rouiso of wholesome institution, As
such it is mi appeal tn the good judgment and
reason of those addressed,
HLKchlll) IIOPi:.-(Verse 13.) The sospel bids
men to look foiwaul and o be inlluencid by thu
things ot tlie lutein", llcietii It is distinguished
linui most pmcly human svstems of thought,
'Ihey lest laigely upon tlie past, the memory of
whlih cieatcs a. consrivatho splilt, Oileiitall-m
is confoimity to the iiistliiitiniH of the fatlieu,
llincc, the eastern world Is slatloiuiy. Hut tho
(hlhti.iu nations am progressive because, they
aie iloinlnaled by hope, hi this Instance Pinil
iltcs us tho giouuil of hope which lie calls
blessed, "tin, glorious appearing of Jesus Clnist,"
PKCm.IAH l'i:oi'Li:.-(Verse ll,)-'iually, ns
tho potential of all niotiics, tho apostle
mention', the end which Jcmis sought to accom
plish by Ids self-saiilnciug life and death, lis
tame into the world, taught, labored and died
Hut he might gather out ut tho gieat masses,
of humanity a pcuple for himself (Matthew, I,
21) who should lie distinguished from all other)
by tin. lr purity, by their zeal for good winks,
that is for right living, and by Iheie qualities
might be a vciy peiullui people, (Upheslaiu,
!d, 10.) This being lliu rase the ministry wlildi
Paul urged and thu doctrine which lie outlined,
as well as the kind of llfu which he enjoined,
wcio all so many iiecessaiy piellmliuiles to the
accomplishment of our lord's purim-c,
SlIMM.MtV. We seo what pointed and piac.
thai woik the minister has to do, a woik not
lee iinpnitant hi our day than in the flist ccn
tuiy. We sec what J large placo the minister lias
in perfecting society. Ho is tho teacher ot th-3
people, Wo bio how the various ineuibeis of so
ilety obi men, old women, vounif men, joung
women, tirvanls-aic to conduct tlicmselves to
wind each other; what dispositions they should
cherish, what practices they should avoid, what
practices they should Indulge. The maxims pre
sented herein me old fashioned, quite contrary
to modem thought and custom, but good homes
aud orderly communities would icult from their
faithful application.
liqicriulcndcnt; J.L", p. m., Mission S.tbhilh
school, Sherman avenue, John It. Thomas, super
iiitendcnl; 0 p. m., Chtlstlnu Lndcavnr, lla.vileii
Oliver, piesldentl 7 p. in., evening service, cr
mon by the pistor. All sen Ices aro hi I'.nglhsli,
llev. IJ. A., pastor.
Zlou United Kvangellcnl rliurch, 1420 CapuiKO
avenue. Preaching at 10.11 a. in. and 7.:(0 p.
ni. by Hie pastor, llev. J. W. Messinger, subject,
"Hod's .Mark" and "The Vital Question"; Sun
day school ut 0.43 a. in.; Keystone League lln
ileavor at p. tn. Scats aro free. All lnvllid
to attend.
People's Prohibition rluucli Iter. Dr. Ilirel,
pistor. There will be no regular pi caching ser
vices on Sunday in .Morel's hall, ns tlie pastor
leaves the city today for the Adirondichs to hold
a series of revival meetings in tlie Congrega
tional church at Wilmington, N. Y.
Tripp Avenue Christian church llev. J. 1).
Ikilmey, pastor. Preaching by p'istor morning
and evening. Morning topic, "A Sober Life";
evening topic, "The Jleasuie of Heaven." Sun
day school at 10 a. in.
First Church (Christ .Scirnlit), Sl'i Adaini
avenue". Sunday seivlies, 10.31) a, in., 7..10 p.
m.j Sunday school, 11.1,1 u. lu., sulnei t, "Hod
the Only Cause and Cieatoi"; meet
ings Wednesday evenings at S o'clock. Tha
church Is also ojieli cvciy day liming the week.
The Dlble and all Science literatine
is kept in its fiee public! reading room. '.Science
and Health, with Key to the Scilpture," by
Mary Baker iMdy, win . loaned lo invesllgi
tora without charge. Visitors and letter of in
quiry are welcomed and Bhcn cuinleous atten
tion and information fire.
Marvelous Mechanical Toys That
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There are many' persons -who never
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When this mammoth ioy is put in
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An equally elaborate toy Is the prop
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A Russian prince has a mechanical
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cal part' In the voices of tho leading
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A $7.00
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Put lor the uoblu contilbiitlou ot tho
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The Knml created Is divided nu.illy he.
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Clilouu, III.
If joti alo wish to send postage, em. lose
Ifl cents
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OltKAM, Oil MAlUUAL llllAt'llt'lKJt.
Hemores Tun, PlenijlCB, FrecWlatL
Slolh l'utebud, Itiiii. und all la
UlieaiKs, uii eurj blemlili ca
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olowl ibo twt ot M
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nn.iiK. ,
In be Mire it 1 uron.
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amount of coal; automatic dampers
regulate the heat and prevent iudden
chantrcu of temperature. It is an econ
omy of both fuel and heat.
One purchaser heated 13 (arte rooms from December
I to April I xvlth seven tons o! chestnut coal. Send Im
booklet giving the experience! ol other purehuctl.
New Discovery By
The Misses Bell
A Trial Treatment FREE To Any
One Afflicted With Hair on Face,
Neck or Arms
We hitve at last made the discovery
which hus battled chemists nnd all other
for centuries tbnt of absolutely destroy
ing supertlous bair, root and branch,
entirely anil permanently, and that too
without Impairing in any way the flnett
or moat sensitive) akin. It is scarcely
poisibls to overdtato tbo importance of
rliisiliscovory. or the great good and satis
faction It it ill bo to tboso afflicted with
ono of tbo most dtafluiirliiH1 and aroravat
liiKblomishcs that of superfluous natron
the fnco of women, whetherJtbe araui
tuciio or KTOwth on the neos, cheeks or
Tim Misses Bell have thoroughly tested
Its effli'iicy and are desirous that the full
merits of their tieatment to which they
have eriven tho ilcscriptlvo name of "kll-Abb-HAIR"
Bhnll be known to all atiik-ted.
To tills end a t rial will bo sent freo of
limrges, to nny liiely who will write for It.
Without a cent of cost you can see for
yourselves what tho discovery Is; the
oviduncu of your own senses will then
convince you that tho treatment n'KILL-AI.I.-HAIK."
will rid you of one.of the
irrentest drawbacks to perfect loveliness.
tUoKTowtli of teuperfluousbalron the face
or neck of women.
1'loasc understand that nporsonal demon
stration of our treatment costs you
unthlng. A trial will bo sent, you free,
which you cun use yourself and prove our
claims by Bonding two stamps for mailing.,
78 & 80 Fifth Avenue, New York
ibe Hisses Bell's Complulon Tonic Is a
harmless llepiid for external application to
thu skin. It rcinov en entirely nil freoklcs,
ninth, blnclchctids, pimples, and tan, and
rules out holy none uud eczema, and
heiiutlfle the complexion. Price 91.O0 per
buttle, three bottles (usually required to
clear the e-ninploxlnii) $2.7.
The ITissec Hell's Copllla Renova is a
iiiepanttioii for naturally restoring gray
lucks te their oilffinal eolor. Capilla
lleunva is really b Ilnlr l'ood, and atrengtb
rnsntiil invigorates tho hair in a natural
way, nud thus rest nics Its original color.
Prli'O 51.0H per bottle.
The Misses Hell'5 Skin rood Is a sort,
li-eiiiny, ovquisliiiy scented ointment, for
mild cases of roughness, redness, pimples.
oti1.; is a cure in itself. Is an excellent
ri'tlrlmr crcmn I'rlcn 75 rent per jar.
The MImcs Bell's Lambs' Wool Soap Is
nmde, from purn oil of Lambs' Wool. Pi-ice
Wcontf per cake.
A I'omplcto line of abnvo exnulsitn
pi rpnrnt Ions uro always kept In stock, anil
1 an ix!!"d fiom oi" local nceut
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place,
American Plin, $3.80 per day and upward.
Euiopcan Plan, $1.50 per day and upward.
I. H. C1UWTORD, Proprietor,
-----f-fs--r-f ---t11f 't1'-'f1f1"
X For Business Men X
4- in the heart ot the wholesale 4.
-r district.
j For SIioimht.s
z minutes wuik 111 vvanamaKers;
S mlnutca to Bleed Cooper's Big
Btcirc. nosy of ncocss to the ureat
Dry Goods Stores.
For Stehtseer.s
One block from B'way Cars. glv.
Ins easy transportatlott to all
points of lnturest.
Cor. 11th ST. ft UNIVERSITY VU
Only ono Hlocl: from Broadway..
t Rooms, $1 Up. Pr'TRA.u.?offi
Fast Timet to
Salt Lake
fSjO CHANCiK of cars via Chicafo
Union Pacific and Nolh-Wesleni
Line; ull meals in dining cars. Faster
than any other route. Trains leave Chi.
CJgo 0,30 p. m. and 10,30 p. m. every
day. Tourist tickets are sold at all
prominent ngencies the year round. Call
011 any ugent for tickets or address
fSlflrcaiW;, , rsrkl43S Vim St.. Clttlmttl
WtChn't St., miniilthlJfiOl ml(V'ef ft., nUtkmii
)SaWMn)tvSt.,Baitar&tiinrlrV., ClmtlaU
301 Ualn St., A4 17 Cameui-afwifel, Citrtll
313 Clark St., CAOJjj((iBSt.,talt,rl,o.t.