The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 23, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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tVhitneu, as Usual, Outdistances All
Competitors In the Wan of
Zoological Pacts.
Narrow Escape of Norman Slmeff.
South Gibson Man Wenrs Boots for
Forty Years Susquehanna County
Worunn Goes to Utah to Join tho
Mormons Story of Jay Gould's
fitinl lo tliu Smuton T illume.
.SUH(iueluiiina,Nov. 2!. Spvornl wr-eli-i
jgo a. wunile.-i'liijr Swiss, nccoinpanied
y a. nerfortniiiR bear came to the
ionic of J.'armer Wolcott, near Burn
(ootl, and i-ugKuil Micltci and food,
which were readily granted. The pecu
liar antics of the educated bear amply
repaid the tanner and his wife for
their ho.spltallty. Tho Swiss was suf
fering from a mill-shot wound received
in Scranton while defending the bear
afiainst a Rang of young hoodlum:.
The ne.t day the man asked permis
sion to leave the boar while he went
to a New York hospital to undergo an
operation for the extraction of tin
bullet. Farmer Woleott had no ob
jection and the Kwlss departed.
The bear slept in a wood shed next
to the kitchen. Jn the small houis of
Monday morning the entire household
was awakened by an unearthly giowl
ing and screaming. The men went be
low, wheio they found tiie bear, armed
with a churn dasher, dancing a can
can uppn the kitchen lloor. He wan
.unmistakably drunk. He had descend
ed to the cellar and pulled tho spigot
from a barrel of hard cider, and, while
the liquid ran Into the depressions of
the cellar bottom, lie had filled hlmseir
to the ears. After a. struggle, in which
the stove and a table Idled with dishes
ei-p wrecked, bruin was tied with
ropes and rolled out of doors to sober
Two hours later, as the Eric's: light
ning expiess was Hearing Forest City,
Engineer "Hub" "Wood peered ahead in
the gray 'light of the early morning to
see the huge bear, with a fence stake
in his paws, sitting upright and defi
ant on the track, a few roads ahead.
Tho engineer put on a tull head of
steam and in a moment the bear was
struck squarely and thrown high into
the air, firmly landing upon the pilot.
Bruin, amazed and thoroughly so
bered, hung to a flag-staff for dear
life. He rode thus for a mile and,
when the train slowed up a bit, he
shambled off and went rolling down
'an embankment into a Sdoor-yaid.
When Wood looked back lie saw the
bear waving aloft in triumph a red
flannel shirt which he had pulled from
a elothes-llns. And tho train sped on.
The Ttev. James Benton AVorner, a
foimer rector of Christ Episcopal
church in this place, has been made
vicar of Stamford, Conn.- Tn the
Church or Eplphony, Winchester,
Mass., November 27, Mr. Werner will
bo married to Miss Antoinette Julia
Bannister, of Woieester, Mats.
Norman It. Slmeff, :i Susquehanna
boy now employed by the North
Whlttler (California) Oil company,
was a few days since chased several
miles by a mountain lion. The tracks
of the beast, of course me.isuied the
next day, measured three inches
act oss.
Dr. and Mis. William K. Ileskett. i
cently of Susquehanna, are at Whlt
tler, Cal. They will lemaln In South
ern California for the winter.
Conressninn C. Fred AVrlght is pro
paiing to erect a fine residence in thte
The I.orJ appears to be tempering
the winds to the empty coal bins,
, In the editor's waste basket, like a
summer hotel, there's always room at.
the top.
Never ask u tall man, who is ti eat
ing, how lie cmie to be culled colo
AVhen we'ie getting along in years,
And moie of the world we see,
It almost makes us weep to think
How fresh wo used to be.
AVlnter Isn't half over yel. Stick to
your flannels and don't pawn your
Vou can outline a slander In half the
time you can argue it.
"Sidewlng" appeals to be the latest
ltnnio for whiskers.
A society note in a Blngliumtou
paper says: "The wedding was strict
ly pilv.ite, owing (to tile bridegroom
being Mill In mourning for his first
wife." His explanation should have
tutiMlcil those persons who felt offend
ed because they didn't get Invited to
the wedding. It would lie a hiud
heurted wietch who would Intrude up
on a man's grief at such a time,
Aloniso I. Klnnle.of South Olbson,
probably the oldest man In Susquu
Imnna county to go to the polls Nov.
6, Ills llrst vote was case for Andrew
Jackson for president, and ho has vot
ed at every presidential election s-iueo
then. Ho bus voted for every Repub
lican candidate for president, beginning
with Fremont and ending with Mc
.Mr. Klnnle Is now wearing boots
which he 111 st bioko in forty years
ago, and which have Miiee been in
dally use. The boots aio seemluRly
popd for foity years mine, as they are
not half worn oul.
The chief Erie ofllcluls were In Sus
quehanna on Wednesday,
There is u heavy coal traffic on the
Jefferson division of the Eiie.
Graded schools tire bobbing up like
mushrooms in Susquehanna county. In
the lurid language of the Iteveieml
Jaspar, ''The world do move."
In the pnst ten years Susquehanna
county has lost just fifty in popula
tion. ,
Anent tho current tumors that the
Vanderbllts are about to gobble up the
Erie, a number of Susquehanna peo
ple claim la bo distantly related to
tho above family.
Sonic time before lih death, a Sus
quehanna county mint wiole to Jay
Cliiulil, saying: "t am your cousin."
To whirl! the wizard made answer:
"AVliat do you want? "Nothing!"
wrote the local, cousin, "i will lento
It to you In my will," wired Jay, and
(he rorrespondenco closed,
Montrose bids iulr to have consid
erable exoltement this winter. The
season opened by jailing a negro, for
a brief period, for non-payment of
New Mllford is sad because the
.genial Colonel C. r. l'ratt has removed
to Blngbniiilon for the winter.
One Susquehanna county woman
has gone to Utah to join the Mor
mons. The census enumerator of the
township included her in his recprd of
Judging fiom tho pages of Republi
can newspapers of late, there will bo
plenty of Thanksgiving poultry this
The entire asctf of a recent Sus
quehanna county bankiupt was nine
AVhy "beloved wife" or "beloved hus
band," In the columns of a newspaper?
A simple announcement of death,
name and date, should suffice. Never
parade your affections and don't keep
your sentiments and sorrows on tap.
How noislessly snow comes down!
You may eo it, fee! It, but never hear
it. Such is Hue charity. AVhltney.
TUNKHANNOCK. to the b': i anion Tiibtinc.
Tunkhunnock, Nov. 2.'. The wiring
of the court house for electric lights
was completed today by Paul Billings
& Sons, who have the contract for the
Job. The county jail is also to be
wiied by the same Aim. The present
board of county commissioners hiivo
made many needed improvements
aiound the county buildings and prop
erty. Since coming into ofllce they
have painted and papered the corridors
of the court house, refitted tho Interior
of the commissioners' office, placed
electric lights in the river bridge at
tills place, have fitted the prothono
tary's ofllce with modern steel file
cases and have lighted the court hou-o
and jail with electricity. They will
further Improve the Interior of the
prothonotary's ofllce by , placing new
furniture, le-paperlng, etc., and it Is
to be hoped! that they will then give
their attention to the court loom,
which is Hkully in nejd of an over
Colonel E. S. Handrlck, w ho has been
ill at his home here for some time, ls
no better.
C. A. Sislc and Charles Gardner, of
Factory vllle, weie in town on Wednes
day in attendance at the Reynolds au
dit before O. S. Klnner, esq.
Tho personal property of James O.
Leighton will be exposed to public sale
on Dee. 7 by J. Wood Piatt, trustee in
Tho Tunkhannock eoi respondents of
the Scranton Republican and Wllkes
Barro Record have it that a petition
has been presented to Hon. E. M. Dun
ham, president judge of our courts,
asking for a contest in the matter of
the election for representative In I his
county. They are in error as to this,
as no petition has yet been presented
and Judge Dunham has not been in
tow n since lust adjournment of com t.
Owing to the closeness of the vote at
the last election. Squler having a plur
ality of only three votes, there has
been considerable talk of a contest,
but none has been started as yet. Any
one desiring to contest has until Dae.
ii in which to file the papers.
G. It. "AV. Ward, editor of the Drain
tiim Messenger, of Lacey vllle. was In
town on Thursday.
Mis. Kutz, wife of Justice W. P,
Kutz, is seriously 111 with neuralgia of
tho heart and her condition Is regarded
as dangerous.
Sporhl to tlio .Si rntiton Tuhime
Starrucca, Nov. 22. Mr. and Mir.
Barney Cole have moved to Straights,
Elk qounty.
Mrs. Mary Ann Piekertin, asetl S3
years, died at her daughter's home.
Thursday at 7 a. in. The l emu Ins will
be taken to Jackson.
Miss Mary Connelly, of Susquehanna,
visited friends in town Sunday.
Mrs. Marlon Cash, who has been vis
iting In Great Bend, has returned home.
Mr, and Mrs, A. C. Ciossley and son
an spending a few days in New York.
Daniel Daley, who has been living
with his uncle, John Sweeney, has le
turned to his home in Mlddletown,
The Oiegon Medlclnr company Is In
this place at the present writing.
On Wednesday evening a surptlsn
party was held at tho home of Miss
Auiora Cnlleiulur, in honor of her eigh
teenth birthday, A number uf young
people from town attended,
Spi'thl to the Scmntuii TiHuine.
Kinsley, .Vcn. SI, Alts. II. N 'Hflaii', of
Tillmj, was .i suest of .Mrs. IJiiu Tlfljuy Mil
Mr. II. V, .IcnVij and ilaiiRhler aio Uniting
rel.ithes heir.
1'icil Meow iiuilIijsci .i tine tram ot load horx'i
nt lluft.ilii last week.
Mis. 11. ):. Hi mid jxo is lsltlnc her daughter,
.Mrb. V. V, Adiius.
Sirs V, V.. Jfuoie spent Sunday lh Jfu. I..
W, Mooip, at Xrw Jlilfoid,
II. i:. Caipcnter has pnnlnscd a bullillng lot
olf the Kingaley CVaniery tompany.
Ml 3. W, .letters ,lsl(cd lllmlra oyer Sunday,
I'HMChiiisr nt tliq. StcthodUt episcopal iliuu-li
next S-utidjy at 2X0; Sunday school at 1,00, .Ml
cnidlally inviltd. All who ma sinking liool,,',
"I'lnot of the Wheat, No, 2," aro ien,iie$te.l to
tiring them to Mmd.iy school,
Spulal lu the .Scr.mtoii Tllliune.
UalUtead, Nov, 2i. An otter nipper wai
served Thuroday vtrulni; at the home of Sir.
I.'nust foluoll, on l)u Hols stiret.
Wednesday (lie Iicl.aNaniu emplora received
their pay for kmkei dining October,
('corgo A. C'lute, ,of Ujltlnioie, and X, 1).
Thaw, of KaHon, he been fpwidliii; the week
with their pauuits, Sir, and Strn. S. II. l'luf.
t'cvcral wagon loadj of people on 'Ihuiciljy
dioto from here to home of Jamca JaiUon,
in I'haiiibeilaiu dUtrlct, where dinner was berved.
Contractor )'.. II. B. Itoosa It crcctiue a lnmo
new turn for (Irtat lend parllea on Carl's Mats,
in the teai of the Oiuald llousr.
Sir. I.odciick, who has been roSiflued to hii
homo on Frsnsiin street, left Friday for a Iilt
ulth his daughter at 'liinklianuock.
The Youns; Piople's tuifily of Christian En-
tlcnor pencil n miccc.tul game supper In tht
parlors of the PrMbjterlan church Thursday,
Fpr-elal to the Scrnnlon Ttllmne.
Itirfont, Nov, 21, Mlw Clam Tiffany U llt
Iiir In ninnlmmton,
The IjiitllrV Mtalotury society met with Mm.
.Manucll, Wnlntsiliy, for let. All mjojcil u
fleanl tlnir.
"An evening In .tapm," Under the ampler)
of tho Mlwlonary cotninlttoi ol the V. I'. H. C.
)!., n liruely attended and all enjoxed a Rood
time. The room wai decoratfd in Japanese fash
ion, RVfrrohmrnli were terrd to the company
wlilie wited on the floor.
I.. M. Wnton li on ii liulneM flip lo .Scranton.
itev. ,1. p. Mamvell l ntlendlns the V. P. S.
C. K. convention nt Philadelphia,
Mr, mid Mm. frank lllnc aro flitting In lllnpc
Al.t. WCKK-lhe Scharf-Mopl" ltepertolre
bAST ItlllP.i: n.WS-Pipho nmtesqiicri.
Take Kindly to Vaudeville.
Pcranton's appreciation of good audellle waj
shown by tho larun aitdlenceii that jeiterday aftrr.
noon and evening Mted the byieiim, where a
(omhlinllon of nrlUts who nri managed hy .1.
K. Ilurko (rave mi cntcitalnmtnt tint was at
lIoo.ii an it was enjoj atilc. It is J new Idea thl-i
thing of InliigiitHT the be.-f of the vaudeville
I.IH here one day each week and Riving entei
talmnents afternoon and evening, and from the
way the audiciiiea applauded the turns jester
day It would seem that the Idea Is destined lo
he very populai heic.
The top linen of .vesterdav's bill, paradoxical
as It may emi, came nt the bottom of the pro
gramme. The.v me Mr. and Mr. -Veil Litchfield,
who gave a little sketch, "Down at Ilrook rami,"
that won more leal laugh than nnj thing on tho
programme. Mr. Litihllcld is a true comedian.
Iwho i .in get a laugh even while cssijlng the
loie or an ignorant countiy lout wiinoui inuuig
Ing In horse pliy.
A nuaitotte of vocalNls consisting of Hobert
I'ollinl, Oioige llrcngal, Ilany (iunson and Iteigli
Sforrison was Introduced in a lather novel man
ner by a bcene in a bachelors' club. They sang
several numbers vviiilIi weie well leieived.
A delightful sketch was contributed by Mr.
ami Mis. I'd kins Fisher, ft was entitled "The
llilf Way llousi'" and was thoroughly cnjojable.
"lilimpses of ffreat Attoi-" was given by
C'lurlcs I.pnn.iiil l'leUher, who began his I mil
with ,1 monologue and followed fhis with ci cl
ient iiiiilitloiis of Sir Iliiny living .us Hobls
tilenc, Ilk h ml SlaiHtleld as Ui. .Ii'kvll and Sir.
ll.vde, Do Wolf Hopper as Wang and Stuait Bob
ton as Untie in the "llimietle." In giving lb.
imitation of living and MansPeld the iniiersoin
tor dupliciitcd their make-up.
Frank I'.iiiclS'in did nine tiick woik with Iho
bones, the Itiibv Si-tcrs did singing, .liming and
contoition woik, llcndiisou and Uos-. did i
sketch of which tight mpp woik by Itdidei.oii
was the feature and IMctus ilemnnsti ited that
he is the mnl miiveloiis cqiiilibriiul who ever
visited this ill).
Sapho Burlesquers.
At thft (lautv .vcsipulay aflcinoou the Sapho
Bmlc-rpieis began i ttnee diy-. eiitfac.inenl.
"I lie pioiriannu" i.pctis with a uiiiiibei o! good
vaudeville "tunis." One o! them was tuntriK-
ulul b.v I lie I link in Hi ot hi is tin. bov aciobats ot
llii-. citv, who Ihvp been fiequcntlv e.'n nt
ainateiii' cntul.ilmncnK 'liny gave an evlubi
tion of tumbling Hill meiiled the enthusiastic
meption it icceiven.
Flank Mihiiii.u gave a Otiinan tn skc tcli
and Ihcte was .in aliii.iduie of Muging and dinc
nig -pi'iialtii-.. The peifoiiuanre il.i-.etl with
luirlcsiiie on S-.ipho.
A Great Array of Talent.
look .it the .may ot tiilent vvhiih Man
as, i t.tnkr, ot Hi" .iti.lcvill(. lomtitnv, piopijMs
biiiiging lo oiu lII.v fin linn! sgmng week.
1 irst inni"s the greatest and only linpeiiil Jap
anese tiiK.p nf eleven puiplc'ivp. oiall.v oiganieit
to appeal .il the IVils i.pnsitinn and nov" on
then w-.ij to Japan in a most vvoiideiful exhibi
tion ot athletic-, ever sun m thi eonuli.v. .Miss
Sline Jin-en, the beautiful and tahnted epieeii
of lomie niei.i piiuia-domiis in .some of tno
l.ilesi and meisl popul n- snugs. W. II. Moanc,
the star comedian ot llie "liiil hum Pain" and
"Hie Telephoni' fiiil" cnni;i.iiiies Horn the
I'.isino tliejtei, Xrw Voik, a-sistid by the lieiiu
liflll Alice llolliiook, hue pilma-donui ot the
1'jstle Nuiaio Opei.i company of floston.
Miss Josepiiiue ifassineii, without ilonlil the
bet singer of coon songs ever heard, assisted
by her two clever piccaninnies in their wonder
ful cikevvalk and othei negro iicciitricitic. I). -llieie
& Co, tin- t level magician in in entliely
ltw and up-to-date outfit of ltlil-ins li.elmling
the ttovvei trick. Tho Aiiiitrou" brothers,
lii'li conic. li.ius and chiuipion tlaneers and story
tilltis, and Vemon .V- limp!, ct centric- i oniccli.iiij
anil comedy ctuli u'glers. Tliey will be at the
I.jccum next Slomlay aflnnnon and evening.
The Spooner Company.
the pli.v, "I'ncle Daniel," is conventional in
the waj of the old iihool of melodrama and liko
all ila.vs of ihe same e.ilitiie, it lias a lousing
inline lite on the audience. One thiag thai
contubutes o the success of the performance
moie than any other is sjenter Paton's vciy
e.cclicnt cliiractcr study m the role of "Uncle
Daniel." Cecil .spooner is congenially ca,t,
while Udna SIa.v, a ahvajs is wholly dimming
in lie? work.
Truman Johnson, h daik and deep-ejed as the
Mllalu in the case. Mr. Johnson always makes
a partlcuiaily able and interesting bUckguaid.
The specialties are excellent, Kclua Stay Spoon
n's Illustrated s-ongi. an- espedalli rnteifatulng,
while Cecil';, dances lire alwa.vs a fealuie, The
company will be at Hit Academy of Jfuslc all
net week.
"Eedora"' at Lyceum.
I'lidoiibttdly the most pleasing anticipation of
the immediate tutuie in stoic fur local pla.v
goeis, is Iho coming appejiauco of "I'eilouc" at
ihe l.vceuin theater on the date of 'rue-day, Xov,
27. This play is iccognUed b.v all follovvcis of
tlniiiiutlo literature and cuiiueut critics, as tiie
liiasleipieco of the woild'o mot fatuous plaj
write, al1lnll, It has been hithcitn pla.ved only
by the two greatc-t actiesscs of two continents;
baia Ileiuhaiilt, in Km ope, for whom the play
was written and Fanny Uavenpoil, who alone med the Amciitan lights to pjvsent "Fedora."
The success won by them in this s,reat rols,
lias In ,i uitauie ii'Liutly been uvalled, by an
other joung ailicss of American production,
lllcanor i'lankliii, who was selected as Fanny
llaveniioit'iv successor to this role, over the
heads of a bundled ambitious applicant, many
ot whom were much older, more eipr rieoc ed
and unowned, tli.m this .vouug and beautiful
vr)jiiau upon ehouldtrs, icsponsibllity anil
comparison with the founei dtllneatois of the
part sits so light and pleasantly,
Ml si Frsiikllu is ably assisted in her poitiajal
of th life, passions and emotions of the th tr
ailer, bj a selcttctl company of Xc-vv A'ork ac
tors, headed by Brinslcy Sliuvv, who as Lolls
Iparolt shares tho plaudits with her, 'Ihe scenlo
cmlionmcut of the play is culled by the loiii
pany. -Sf i I.
Madame Keno, America's greatest
palmist and llfo rea'der, who reads one'a
life from cradle to grave without ask
ing a question, Is located at 14-1 Frank
lin avenue. Fifty cents, overvbotlv.
, $100 Reward $100,
The rcadcts of this paper will be pleased to
Irani- that there Is at least one dreaded disease
that Bclcii'e has been able to cure in all its
ttages and that is tauirh. Hull's Calarih Cuio
U the only positive iuu now- known lo Ihe
medical fiateinlly. Catarrh being; a comtltu.
llonsl disease, Ifipilres u constitutional treat,
ment. Mall's CaUilli Cuie is taken internally,
acting dlieetly " the blood and mucous tur.
faies of thu s.tom, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and glvlmr the patient
atrcugth by biiildina; up the lottotitutlou and
tssUIIng nature In doing its work. The proprie
tors have 60 much faith in its curative powers,
that they offer one Hundred Dollars for an
caea that it fa Ha to cure. Send for list of testi
monials. Address. F. J. CHENEY fc CO., Toledo, 0.
ijold by druggists. 78c.
Hall's Family Pills are the Lett.
Wall Street Review.
New York, Nov. 22.There was the .ime ehli
and How in todaj's stock market that liuve that
ucirtfonl it for aceial dajs past. NMthrr tin'
beglnlng nor the end, however, waa ao well de
fined as they weie ,rstcrday. The currents and
lion contents weie very tonfuslng all day ami
made it. difficult to anal re the tone extent dur
ing ii period of pronounced reaction, which do
".eloped after tho opening, and an equally pro
nounccil iciovery befoie the close. The close
Itself was reactionary and weak, under the li.
tliifnec of a violent break of Vt points In An
il lean Steel and Wlie. That stock got up to
CI in tho general rally of the nuikel lint
plunged downward to 1C4 in n fen1 minutes anil
cloied about there with heavy ofTcrlngs allll com
ing on the market. The break In Steel and Who
aerved to unsettle sentiment very considerably
at (ho close. Tho bear conlngent auecectlctl in
pretty well gttlng Ihe upper hand early In
Ihe day. The market opened with price cur
rcnts moving In whirling eddies. There was
continued stiong absorption ill somo of Joater
day's strong slocks, the local tractions and St.
Paul being conspicuous. Later a sliong demand
del eloped for Chesapeake and Ohio on liming
aild lo he for Philadelphia account. This stock
moved up an extreme 2?a- Thl movement, how
ever, was not sufftccnt .to discourage the proht
faking and bear prcniuo, width had been more
or lessi manifest, esieclally tn the steel stocss.
from the opening and the whole market fell
away without much support to the lowest of the
day. The tally was Inaugurated In hi. Paul.
That stock was carried to l.W and the other
Grangers, Sugar, the local traction stocks and
Cleneral lllectllc made the readiest response. An
effort was made to continue the movement bj
the tlnm honored device of bidding up the
Vanderbllts, but this proved unavailing In face
of tho acute weakness shown by the steel stocks.
Total sates tcday, 1,181,200 shares. The bond
market wat notably stiong In spots but weak
ened at other points. Total sales, pir lalue,
sl,jir,00(). United States refunding 2s advanced
antl the new 4s ', per cent, on the 1.1st call.
The following quotation: are furnished The
Tribune by SI. S. .Ionian .': Co., rooms T0.1-V09
.Hears building, Scranton, 1M. Telephone fiOUl:
i Open- High- Low- Clos
ing, est, est, ing.
Acini Iran Sugar IM'1 1.17 ISUa. lr.i-j
American Tobacco lllVi It'J 110'4 111
Am. S. 4: W MM M JiTi 47
Ateh., To. A- S. Fe .... 40V1 lo'i r,'.)i Xt'A
A., T. & S. P., Pr KM blV S! KV
Brooklyn Traction 77!i 77'6 7.",-j "(Hi
Halt. Ic Ohio S24 Mli S2'4 82-S
font. Tobacco .17'i H71A .lfi"i :t7i's
Clics. k Ohio 31i aYa ."Hi SflyV
Chic. eV (,'. W llU IVA UH U'i
Chic, P. ,t Q 117-74 11SV4 lWlTd 1.17',..
St. Paul 127Va 130 127H Ml)
Rock Wand 110 117 1i:.ys ltd"-
Lackawanna ifll 1S1 lRl 1S1
Federal Steel 3174 fiiU ofl'A 501",
Federal Steel, Pr TV'J 77't 7li 70
Kan. k Tc., 1'r 37 :t7", JWTs -17"-i
Louis. A: Xish 82'i f.1 SlTi 82'-'.
.Manhattan I'lo 1117s 114W 1I2!i U3','I
Siel. Traction Co Ii". 17V,. 17JV. 1731',
Missouri P.nllle (fls m .VlK. OT-"i
1'eople'n Killi'- ioi "-i Oi 1007J
X. .f. Central Ill 111 111 111
Southern fat Hie 42Vi IZ 111, 4174
Norfolk Ic Woslcin .... II''- ll"j. Il'rt 44U
Xoith. Pacific 7P4 T.lli 71 72H
North. Piclfle, IV S.!',4 81','. S74 &!;
V. V. Ceidiai 1411 14114 r."l'l 1I0'
Out. & IVcst 2,-,i; 2jii 2V4 -i-i4
Penna. ft. It ll-i's 14 Us H2i H3
Pacific. Mall 41 11 13 f,
Heading lo'1; I'l'i 1S4 n
Iteading, Pi fii's (i.1 Wi IH
Southmi Tf. It 14U 147i IPs 1IU
Southein It. It., Pi .... f.'l WSj, c,2'4 CJi,
Tenii. P. A- Iron 7r 77 74''. 7'iH
I' S. f.ratbei IV 4 I.V-i 1.V, TH
1". S. Leather, I'r 701; 70',i 7.1 70
itiibber ,iiv tii'i :;.u; AH,
rnioii Paeilie 72"-i 7,1'i 7.J14 7.,r,
I'nion Pacific, I'r Mv 82H S17m Si
'.V'ihnli l'i 21"-! 21'J 2t"-i 217t
Wistiru I'liion S" SI S4 SI'i
ni:v AoitK Piinnrci: i:iiianc.k rttiCFS.
Iipen- High- Low- Clos-
WIIKAT. ing. est. est. ing.
Ilcccmber 77'H 7S 777 777s
Ma.v Mil.'. WlVj .(l'i 80"
I Olt.V.
llecetnlier t"4 41'i, V UU
Jliy IJU IF3 Ii1, 427s
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations -All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Bid. Askod.
First National Rank 800
Scranton Savings Hank 300
Scianton Packing uo
Third National Dank
Dime llepnsit and Discount Dank .
Fconomv Light, If. -t f. Co
Latka, Trust Safe Deposit Co. ...
S.i. ml on Paint Co
Clark k Snover Co.. Pr.
Scranton Iron Fence & Mfg. Co. ..
Scranton s.le Works-
Lackawanna Dalrv Co.. I'r
County Savings Hank k Tiust Co.,
First National tlanlc tCarbontlale).
Mi Mlii id Drilling Co
Tratleis" National Bank
Scranton Holt anil Mil Co
Stianton Passenger Railway, first
Mortgage, clue It lis
People's Street Hallway, first mort
gage, uue juie no
People's Street Hallway, General
moitgage, due 11)21 115
Dickson Manufacturing Co
Lack Township School S per cent. ...
City of Scranton St. fmp. 0 per
Scianton Traction C per cent 113
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected hy IL O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.)
nutter Creamery, 2Sa2lo.; dairy tubs. 23c.
L'ggs Select western, 17c; nearby state, 10o.
Cheese Full cream, new, HVc.
Beans Per on., choice mairovv, ?.M0; medium,
(52.30; pea, 2.S0.
Potatoes 00c.
Onions 60c. per bu.
Flour Best patent, $4.60.
Philadelphia Grain and Produce.
Philadelphia, Xov. 22. 1 heat 1'ii m, Ic. high
cr; contract grade, November, 72ia72y;e, Coin
- Finn; No. 2 mlsed November, llSiattTsc Oats
Firm; No. 2 white clipped, Sba'JUc. iluttci
Stcatly; fancy western creamer, 20U-C ; do.
pilnts, 25c, Uggs Steady; fre-li, neaihv, 27c;
do. western, 2t!c; do. southwestern, 23c; dt.
southern, 24c. Cheese Steady; Xevv Yoik full
creams fancy small, llallUc.i clo. do. do. fair to
choice, lOalOHc ltcftiicil Sugars Unchanged.
Cotton Steady. Tallow Steady; cily pi uue, in
liogsheads, 47ic ; country .lo., baireld, !-iu t?c. ;
cikcs, flic t.ivc rouurj iuiet nut strain,
fowls, ftiOc, ; old roosters, tiaOiic; spring chlck
ins, 7'jab".ic,; tluiks, Oalc; geese, Uafliic; tin -licjs.
tlalOo, DicnMHl 1'oullij Mead), fail de
liiaud; fowls, choice, f'Uc.i do. fair to go id, M.-a
IV,; old losoteis, H1(ia7c,; ileal by spring chickens,
Hl.ilLV. ; wcstcin do., ballc; turkeys", choice tn
fancy, lOallc, Itcceipts Floui, a.uoo bairels and
1,710,000 pourds in sacks; wheat, l'l.OO.) bushels;
com, 208.IHIO bushels; oats, 4,000 bushel), hhlp.
nuuU, .12,000 bushels; com, 212,000
bushels; oat, ci,l0 bushels.
New York Grain and Produce.
New Yoik, Xov. 22. Flour Well attained and
fairly active, without change. Wheat Spot luui;
No. 2 red, 7i'. f. o. b, atloat; No. 2 nil, 77',sC
elevator; No. I northern lluluth, 8aHc, f, o, b.
atloat; options geucially firm all day cccpt foi
an iuteival of depicssiou at noon ; i os,ed Itrni
and pirlly Uv. net highei; Much dosed 81c;
May, Wisjc, j Xov end cr, 77-Jic". ; December, 77Ts''.
Coin Spot fctcadv; No. S, 40c, e-Ievjtor and
4114!'. f. o. Ii, atloat; options irregular but geu
cially In in; closed t'liii at ',4a?-'. net advance;
Slay closed 427ic; Dcccinbei-, 4l',ti". Oats Spot
steady; No. 2, Hic; Xo. 3, 23?4c; Xo. 2 white,
2i'c.; No, S white, 28',4c.J track mlted westein,
2.Va27c; tiack white, JSaait-,; options dull
but fairly steady, nuttei Steady; cieamciy, VI
aide; factoiy, I2at0c; June creameiy, I8a2.1c,j
imitation creamery, lOalOc; stale dairy, 10u24e,
Chepse (Juiet; laigo September fancy, lOftc, j
email September fancy, lie; large October fancy,
KHic, ; small Oi tuber laucv I0,e, Fggs Steuly;
atato ami Pennsylvania, SlaiScj western regular
packing, 2la21c; westein, loss off, 27c
Chicago Grain and Produce,
Chicago, Xov, S3. 1h November torn deal
coiner claimed attention lo a gnat extent on
the boaid of trade today, that dcllveiv as well
as for December closing ',$0. higher. Wheat was
dull and closed uuchnnged. Oats at the (Iomi
W'lio o. higher ii net provisions u shade to Se,
lower. Cash i-uiiUthioiis were as follows: Flour
Dull and seasyj No. Hng wheat, UOifa72c,;
Xot 2 led, 7J'ja7lc,t No. 2 coin, 44iija45Vai.i
No, 2 ,cllow, 44'a43','aC. i No. 2 oats, 2Jic;
Xo. 2 white, aStjaSJ-SJc. i No. a white. 2l'4a2Uc,j
No. 2 DC 4.V,4c-.; baile), SOjIOi.; No. I flav.
M.OOijal.TO: No. 1 northwest, isl.7l; timothy,; pork, 10.67all; lard, 7.10a7.12'jj
ribs, -tr.23a7.73: shonldei), liTiaQVsC.; sides, fd.Ma
6M whiskey, fl.23.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, Xov. 22. I'attlo ltecelpts, 13,50flj
best steels, steady to slow; other lual3c, lower;
buk lu is' stock mediums, steady; other weak
fo 10.', lower, canneis strong, uctlve; natives,
best on sale today t'w carloads at sV).C3; good
to prime steers, $V23a'i.76; poor to uiediuiii, $4.21
5.15; selecleil feeders, alow, tJ.7JSa4.2; mixed
atockers. weak, $2,2a'f.tW; cows, .Wa4.:ji; lieil
m, f2.73al.7.; cauneis, $-'ii.Cl; bulls, sttonf,
2. 50.1 1. 40: calves, steady, 4a5,75: 'tVvjs fed
steeu, .flal feC; do. glass steers, l.23il,10; do.
Friday's Great Sixty-Minute Sales.
IF THE CROWDS that attend these sales keep on grow
ing as they have done the past few weeks, and we keep givirig
additional floor space to them each Friday, soon this entire mas
sive building will throb with the excitement of
Last Friday's attendance was marvelous. The store was
literally jammed with people a great, busy, buying throng.
But every Friday must go ahead of the last one. and so for an
other great sale this week. Read carefully the details concern
ing goods and prices, the hours at which they are sold, etc.
And heed our warning and BE ON TIME.
At Two O'clock Sharp.
Thanksgiving offer of Double Roasting
Pans, large size with ventilator. Regular price is
;"( cents the set. For one hour onlv,
each .'. lZC
Another Thanksgiving offer is a fine Eng
lish Porcelain Dinner Set with underglazed dec
orations in flow blue and dove colors, shapes arc
At Three O'clock Sharp-
In the Millinery We've made up -00 Chil
dien's and Mu-scs' Felt Hats, with hoft puffed
edges of velvet, Tarn crowns ornamented with ro
sette of silk. These hats are worth $:. For
one hour Fridav price will t 0
be 41. 9o
At Four O'clock Sharp.
The Men's are genuine Dongola Shoes, but
ton and lace, made in the newest shapes, fits per
fectly, are durable and have the appearance of a
higher grade shoe. Sizes 11 V to '1 Remember
these shoes are worth $1.-5. Friday at
1 o'clock the price will be o9C
See Our Window Display. It Would Pay You to Study Them Daily.
There's Bargains in Every One of Them.
Jonas Long's Sons
t.iillj, (J.BOal.23. Hoc lUtelpl. toelaj, 40,000s
loinor-ow, M.WlUi lelt ove-r, 5,100; Me.iily to 60.
limn; ten,; liiicil anULmo lie-re, Hi!04
Uij gioel 10 iliole-ti lic-tuy, ljl, rough
lifi-y, 9l.Mal.T3; lit-lit, 1.0'M'.87Vi; 1ml ko J
files, $l.7aa).0. Slice,' UiHClpm. 1I,W; aheep
unit lainlii, funi, a. tUe; i;ooil to cholee withiui,
(IjI.30; fair lu ehoko mUeel,? .'l.hOal;
aliefc-- iflnl.'il; 'iVxan ulicep, .-.J.iOaJ.W; native
Ijh.Ih, fl.40j3.ti); Mcstcm lambs, tl.SJai.Oj.
East Liberty Stock Mtu-kst.
Kakt Liberty, Nor. ti. Cattle Steady s etr,
$3.40a5.i0; inline, UJaS.'A'.; eouiniixi, &1.U.IS0. Hog
Lower; prime lieales, $1.07VjJ3; mediums,
fl.Wjl.CV, l)Mt Yoikas anil )t(;s, f-l.e3d4.00i
le-uglm, $3.25u4.50. Sheep Slow; tliulce ttetli
er, ls1.7JaJ.83; conmion, I.SOjJ.W; cliok-e. laintu,
I.W)j5; common to good, $3a4.7S; M-ali, fil.CU.i7.
New York Live Stock.
New York, Xov. tt. He-v ?- 'ei HUle li.ul.
Sale No. 1. Begins at 2 O'clock Sharp.
The Big Cheerful Basement Puts Forth
Some of Its Best Bargains to Open the Great
Friday Sales.
Grey Steel Enamel Ware, the cleanest, most durable cook
ing utensils known. Your choice of H-quart Tea Pots or 2-quart
Coffee Pots that retail for .55 cents. For one hour only .
each 19C
Blue and White Mottled Toilet Sets, ewer, basin, covered
chamber and soap stand. Regular price $1.05. For
one hour 7 VC
The crowd at the Broom Counter two weeks ago was too
great and many were disappointed. We've purchased another
big lot, the kind that retails for
dav take them at each
Sale No. 2. Begins at 3 O'clock Sharp.
Still Another Tremendous Dress
Goods Offering:.
:(i-inch wool Homespuns in grey, blue and brown mixtures.
.'H)-inch extra heavy Diagonal Tweeds, suitable for storm
skirts; needs no lining.
ao-inch plaid back Suiting, extra fine quality. Your
choice of these three big bargains at, the yard .,-. sCDC
Large sized linen Ruck Towels, with border, hemmed
and ready for use, worth 15 cents each; Friday, for one
hour 9C
Blankets, full size 10-1. heavily fleeced, worth fully 65c;
alhO good heavv Comfortables in dark colors. Your , .
j choice Friday at o'clock
Sale No. 3. Begins at 4 O'clock Sharp.
Calicoes in light and dark colors, designs are fancy figured
and stripes specially useful for wrappers and quilting A
purposes; for one hour only, at 4 o'clock, per yard. . .. -TaC
Women's Fancy Striped
hem, warm and comfortable
days, go on sale on first lloor at four o'clock at, each. . XtjC
Vestec Suits for the boys, just one hundred and eighty-five
of them, all choice patterns, sizes i to 9 years, regular price is
$3.98; many of them were marked $1.50. You'll get the bargain
of the season Friday at 1 o'clock when the price
goes down to P I .OV
Little Men's and Misses' $l.-'5 shoes for 8!)c.
The little men's are' Satin Calf Lace Shoes, made solid
throughout; will resist the hardest wear, yet made neat and
dressy sizes Hh lo 13A.
Strictly high
shape seats, box
Ina; ftio corn of rough stuff 0M at lurcly teaiiy
tirleiM. Cahes-ljulet lut; cmiii, jIhw
un.l eailer; cas, ?luS; iti'i'''!''is. '.'."'iil.'iUj feil
ami niKeil ralu, t--J.70aJ.Oi, Mitip Uull uinl
iM-ak; little miner feelln; for prime) 1111I rlioiee
Iambi; oiluis aluw; bliee'p, fJ.tJ.73; culls, $1.C0;
lambs, ?lai; ga.M o e.!ioie.e I'anadl laillki, 1.7.1 1
fi.lvltoi olio ear etia, f5,23. Ilom Xomlnall-i
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
U-ut Uutlalo, Nov. B.S HiulpU-UJltl, 03
imik; ulieep nnil ljnib, 8 i-ars; ioi;s, li'l ears,
fclilpmentn Cattle, 91 ii; fclicep il Umln, ")
eius; hoes, 13 car. Cattle Light elc-iuauJ:
t-ahes, iholec lo etin, $7.7Ca4, tjlieep ami
laimbs Natives, elioiec to extia, 3475ai; fbup,
mixed. W.COa'S.03. Iloji lU'ivy, 3a3 03; pigs,
U ton ft.
Oil Market.
Oil City, Nov. 22. Orctlit balance, -(103; cer
Doc. ror one hour rn-
-. -
new and pretty. Set consists of 100 pieces,
worth $0.50 For one hour only
our price will be p09o
In the Grocery Store we offer large, plump,
meaty prunes, this season's crop. Usually -.sold
for (c per pound. Friday at 2 o'clock,
li lbs for -. xdC
.-. 0tC
A $1.00 Child's Reefer for $2.19. 75 all
wool Coats in good shades, some with trimmed
sailor collars; double breasted, tight fitting and
box backs. For one hour in our
cloak rooms at, each ''tV
Flannettc Skirts, made with deep
garments for these cold
grade Dining Chairs, servutiue
fronts, guaranteed hand caned,
three banisters m back ornamented with seven t
spindles, heavy three stretcher under stock and
steam bent brace arms. These arc regular 1.75 ;
chairs. Friday at 1 o'clock not more
than six to a buyer, at each p I .."
tificates, no Mil; klilpments, 1E0.074 baueU;
.lui.iijo, u 1.171 barte'ls; tuu, 110,2'ih arreU; ay-.
cimit, b7,W'l ban eli.
special to the eratiton Tribune.
Dilliea, Nov. !!l. Ml. William St, Hobbi,
tlreiiiaii on tin Lehigh VJtey fell from I1I1 rn
glue mill ua slightly injured.
ills.i Mary Nolan, who li.u been lerlously ll
T,ltli typhoid feter, it -.lowly impioMiiff.
Mr. John Jones, mine foreman at tha Hall,
-.lead mine, n injuiel ulilla at work on Wcd
Mr. William Naylor's homo still lemalo In 4
critical rouilltlon.
Mn. S. V. Ace will occupy Urt. Beojamla
RlcharIon's houo.
Mr. W, Najlor will occupy Mr. lh Rlchardr
house, corner of Church, ttiatt au4 Ktck 1914,
"ac, iv-afe:. ' -XL S
1 Iv
"- 4B-- E3I
, &mmm&mij