The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 23, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Dr. Hand's
Condensed Milk
With Fhosphahs and
Hypophorias Addad.
Builds up the brain and
tissues.enriches the blood
and is equally beneficial
to both children and
Best flllk for Family Use."
"Babies Thrive on It."
At Grocers and Druggists.
Write (or Booklet.
Dr. Hand Condenssd Milk Co..
Ice Cream.
AC Per
JC Quart
3eltplioneOrdra Promptly Dtllvtred
!3f37 Adams Avenua.
ScranfoD Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct lo Hotels
and Private Residences.
Office St., X. & W. Passenger
Station. Phone C25.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Office Hours f a. in. to 12.80 p. m.: I to t
Williams Building, Opp. Papto'.ne.
SPECIAL PnOCiRAMMC Thrrc will Ij. a spj.
eial musical piogiainme .it the Miiuii tonight,
111 Franklin avenue, at 7.M.
SALE OP SEATS bale of heat for the "spoon
on," opens this morning at 0 o'clock foi their
entire engagement at the Academy of Music iiiAl
week, bpecial TlunKnglwiii; in itiiu-c.
MONTHLY Mi:Kll.C Tin' moiitlily uieetin-:
m the Ladies' Homo Mi-!oiui society of tin
Second l'rcsh.vteiiau ihuuh will be In M thi
aitcrnoon at 1 o'clock in the iliunli pailm.
II VXD CUT nV CAlt.-ll.iiry HaRiii, .1 diivcr
hr. u- No. 5 shaft, lliiumoic, li.ul lu left hind
might undjr tliu wheels of a niiiio ear .vo.-tcrilii bailly nt. It i'j dics-ed it (Ik- l.aek.
wiium hosnital.
t'liUEL CONDUCT niAliiillP. -lames ll.,y.i.
of t!.2ti Adams avenue, was yesterday l.ild in '.-)
li..ii by Alderman Kasson, 011 tin- clmxis 0,
Litiil conduct anil non-uppoit pixuriul y his
wife, Mrs. Jlyitlu Dojor.,. The l.ittir ,ilke,es 1h.1t
lid- hushand 'tinned lur out of dooi, .,inl iclu..i
to support lllT.
HORAX'S HAND C'IllMli:U.-Micha, I li..iriu,
et C.iibon firm, liul his tight 1 1 1 1 -. . I ln.ll,'
iiiislud ycstii-da.v vlillo at woil. .it the I'iue
ItlOok shaft. It was. slunk 111- ,1 -hih."c ll.lllllllt'l
u-. I lip result ot the slipplne; irf tin- drill lie w.u
holding, llo li.ul tl.u wi-und .tt ---. ! .it the
I ..1 1 Uwaniu ho-pital.
-I ItUCK M" STKi:j 1'IIAMi:. .Mejus.
01 Mo' Wyoming iivciiiil, was taken to ihe l.uh
mv.iuna. )i.-lud,iy jiioi tiiliK l. iih ,1 biokui
light leer, the lo-ult of luins stunk lie a stii!
iraine whih- at. woik .11 the li k.ui l.iuomoiiec
wnl.s on riitf stint, Mi i.ts 11 is ,ve,u ot .11.
and is tinplojtd a-, .1 l.ihor 1io.
K1IAST l)AV.-ll!hoi llolun iilil,i.u,d 111.IS.
nt the rhapcl ot St, fieelu's ooiiMiil .vestotd.iy,
it lielliff tlic feat d.ij ot St. renlia. itir 111.
mass lie nddtVAiil the sistiH .it. J pupi', i;in
a biief skcicli of the life of St, ( eieli.i, with an
iiiliTistiii',' aicount of lur tomb mi tlie Apjilan
Way, and the trinslatiou of her mimiiij liy
i'ope l'astlial, TI10 pupil of ,M. I'neli.i Ai'ioU
rii'.v tro ghen a holiday alltrwards In honor
of the day,
IXCTUliK TO Till: WOJIKN'S CI.rH.-.l, Al.
fieil lVniiington ill jfivn an illustrated ln-ture
upon "TI10 Ilistoiy and 1'nnMiui.tion of the
l'ianofortc" to the Cimi l(ldne Woman's ilub
tonlKht, al the Coiisenatoiy of Muolo ul S
o'llock. After tho lecture, .1 short piogiaiiinit
of (oiicertdl and 10I0 nuinlieiK -will lie uudeied
by the inembeni of Iho fiiully, Mr. IViiiilnKton,
MUs Trench and Mr. Ilulfiuastir, 'this !.-. the lii-t
HKetllig ol the tuusle set lion of the Women's
club and U open to all inliiested, both lmn ami
TOMOnilOW'S FOOT ll.M.I. (:AMi:,-I.oea! pa
toiu ot foot ball will bo kIuii their l.i.t oppoi
t unity Eatunlay aitenioon to see the fast team
of joungsttrd who lepie.-cnt hcranton on the
gridiron, cIum; the pigtkln. liib'li
eliool will be the opposing eleven, an 1 the fast
Btiurtry tfanto put up nil season by the Liurrnitn.
ntsurea a well contested tiialih, The two iIcmih
hau met onto tliU (all, uud the lo'.il .11 nor.,
were victorious. Totnoi row 'a Kaino 'ill be dis
peratcly contested on both snlet, rud time
ought to be a large attendance lo ilaer 011 the
(iltllAT llKMAXl) 1'OH bi:.VT-U will be good
news for those interested in tlie career of tho
Iticltal club and the interests of tho lljlui".
Iiiaun liosjiital to bo told that tlic $1,30 and s'l
scau for tlie operatic rati,lal for tho nU'lit of
December it, are piactKally all sold. 'I here ha
been an unprecedented plenum! for tlckits anl
with the exception of 'lie matinee perfomiant 0
very few good siaU ruiulu. As tho matinee
will bo in every rupect as coniplcte an I of as
iilgli a degree cf extclleucc ua the evening',, en.
tertainment, It i liopid that patrons will help to
lilt up the house for thU time. A n
liearsal has reaiiltnl in a biirprl.iui; digue f
protlcieucy In the entire programme and the
public may be assured that it will be the bist
onutcur effort ever giu'ii in thU city. A. II.
titonv, ths business nianagir, has plaiul placatds
on alt street cart and is meetii.g with great su"
if 33 in his work of adducing tho Intuiots of
ihu proposed attalr.
DOK.vTio.NS roa ocrrouuu. ihc diieiiou of
the ilahneinann hospital appreiiate icuiilng th.)
follow ins donations for thu luontli of October:
Miss btucton, reading matter! Mrs. Henry lltlln,
Jr., medical supplies; Mrs. T, II. Watkins, 0110
bolt rouilin, out bolt raiubilv, to bolU flannel;
Wre. Ocorgo Saudenou. bed spread, two blanket,
riirJnlni, lowrt), witnh rag (RttnletMin toom)
Mnt. It. ft. Matrhtllr, lioltle nlilskrj I Mr. Iln
nali, Jelly, fruit, old musllnt tekaw.tnna Dairy
roinpany, one ami one-hall irallotn Ire rrcnnij
Mm. II. M. Holes, (ttanllly cake, lour lltnnl
Mm. 1'. I, t'hrlstlan, nit boxes rr.itkrrsj Ml
Mitlfgle ConnoM, two enn. fruit t Mr. William
Miafcr, reading; matter! A I'rlend, fnutlrcn emu
fruit! Mr. D.ij's Sumhy mhool 1an, I'.lm P.trU.
ehurth, flowm: Mrs. X, fl. Itoherlion, nitgli il
iiipllfsj Mm. tlcnige t'allln, quaiillly milks
llorhert fl, Vox, tnenlj.foiir hlrt, eentern
ii!m dracr, men'o ward) Mm. A. M. Iictl.11 ,
iw InfanU' flannel ilroMe, lemon jelly, four
liintseU RNlpcii Mm. deorifr1 II. inlth, blmkeli
ln. Amu HneMam, rending inalterl Mr. I.iten
Oakfonl, two gallons Ite crennii Mis. II. II.
j, one doien r,irn wip. llev. Mr. Alrleh and
rioicliic Weir lotiduited rell(tlous sertlen.
11.1l niiulu was riiutrlbutiKl by Mr. I'. I).
ilrewslcr and Mm. II. T, Jjjne. lntruinenUl
mulc by Charles Docmnni.
Board of Trade Committee to Discuss
Ways nnd Means.
Tlic membership committor) of tits
board of tratlo will moot tomorrow if
tornoon rtt 4 o'clock for the purposn
ot cortHlderlntr waya and means for ln
crcnsltiK the membership of thu or
K'tnlzallon to nt least 300, prior to
the January mooting-.
The plans under consideration Is to
have each member of the committer
mtilse an active canvass" among tho
business men of the city In an endea
vor to Induce them to join the board.
Tho question of dues is Kolng to bo
thu subject of much discussion.
Some of Iho members favor the re
ductlon of the dues to $15 in case Iho
membership In Increased, while others
maintain that the dues should bo kept
at $23 a year, as at present. A com
promise on $20 Is expected.
Mistake in Identity Results in His
Release from County Jail An
Ignored Bill the Cause.
The county jail authorities and Chief,
of Police Holding and the other local
powers-that-bc among the custodians
of tlie law and order are deploring the
escape from custody of Patrick Car
den, who was last week committed to
the county bastile to await trial on
the charge of obtaining goods under
false pretences and who early this
weak was released from jail due to a.
case of more false pretences.
In the list of bills ignored by the
last grand Jury appeared a name simi
lar to Garden's own and he was re
leased from durance vile, the lock of
his cell was turned and he walked
forth a free man.
Shortly afterwards the Individual
the bill against whom was ignored put
In his bid for liberty and then the mis
take was discovered. The police Indus
triously scoured the city, but in vain,
for Carden was gone.
Carden was arrested Monday, Nov.
11, by City Detective Aloir and Patrol
man Gnerlltz after ho had disposed of
about one hundred feet of hose at
Carr's meat market which he had
obtained at the Scranton Supply and
Machinery company's establishment
by representing himself as purchasing
It for Mulherin & Judge, the lumber
dealers. He Is tin out-of-town man
and is considered tin all around crook.
Given by Mrs. Edwin W. Gearhart
Yesterday Afternoon.
.Mrs. Krlwln AV. Gearhart gave a
beautiful at home yesterday nt'her
resilience on Vine street. The chrysanthemum-adorned
rooms were attrac
tive to a degree and illled with a
throng of handsome gowned guests
they presented a brilliant appearance.
Mrs. Gearhart was assisted in re
ceiving by Mrs. V. 11. Gearhatt.
About the rooms wetu: Mrs. 13d wind
I.. Fuller, Mrs. T. H. Watkins, Mrs.
H. ('. Sharer. Mrs. G. M. Hallstead
and Miss Lillian Gearhart. Mrs. H. C.
Darker and Mli-s Strong served frappe
from a bower in the ball. Mrs. H. W.
Kingsbury and Mrs. 11. II. Hrady, Jr.,
presided at the table In tho dining
loom, where the colors were in pink,
Immense bows of pink satin ribbon
being caught al the table eorneiv.
Mrs. Albert (i. Wheeler, of New York:
Miss Kipp, of West Plttslon; Miss An
gusta Arehb.tlil and Miss Itennell as
sisted In serving.
Mr. and .Mrs. Gearhatt entertained
at a supper lust evening, when tho
Indies who agisted anil a few other
friends were present.
He Is Now at the Head of Cornell
At .1 meeting of the Cornell Alumni
association at M'llkes-Uarre Wednes
day night, George II. Davidson, of this
city, was elected president and F. U
Urown, also of this city, secretary.
I In try I., ilrown. of Plymouth, was
The following ftom Scranton were
present at the annual meeting and
bantiuet: James Gardiner Sanderfcon,
T. D. Citmmlngs, George H. Davidson,
It. II. Williamson and C. It. Sander
son. George n. Davidson responded to the
least. "Tho Scranton Alumni," and
.lames Gardiner Sanderson to "Cor
nell Stories."
1 m i.
Street Car Collides with Wagon
Driven by Douglas Green.
While driving along tho main road
at tho terminus of the Scranton Rail
way company's viaduct at Old Foige,
Douglas Green, a Mooslo baker, had a
narrow escape from death Wednesday
evening. He hud just reached thu
crossing ut the end of the viaduct when
II car ennm down the hill at a very
rapid speed,
It collided with the wagon, killing
both the horses drawing it, and burl
ing Green over the embankment onto
the tr.tfkH of the Delaware and Hud
son i-allroad company, where he was
found lying In an unconscious state,
Ho received serious injuries mul was,
yesterday, iirnnounced to bo in a very
critical condition.
Scranton Business College
Since the ending of the strike stu
dents have been feecurlng positions al
most nt the rate of one a day. Wero
Principals Duck & Whitmore able to
qualify them rapidly enough the rate
would bo much higher. The demand Is
greater than tho supply.
Tho Ilappy-Oo-Lucky foot ball learn would like
to play the High uhool sciond team, Luckaw-anm
school, Dunmore High school or any other team
in tho city under 123 pounds Thanksgiv ing morn
ing 011 tlie Moses Taylor grounds. If satisfactory
answer through The Tribuno befora Tuesday, Nov.
S7, 1'almcr Price, manager.
Dinner at Jcrmijn bu Members of
the Lackawanna Bar to Cele
brate His Election.
W. A.' Wilcox,, as Chairman of the
Committee Which Arranged for the
Dinner, Introduced City Solicitor
A. A. vTosburg as the Toastmaster
of the Evening Toasts Responded
to by Judge Kelly, W. S. Dlehl,
George M. Watson, Frank L.
Phillips, John M. Gunster, James
Gardner Sanderson Poem by Rich
ard J. Beamish.
Lackawanna lawyers seem to never
tire ot displaying their admiration for
Judge John P. Kelly, their brilliant
young brother, whom their efforts as
much, If not more, than anything els?,
elevated to tho honorable position Into
which ho recently came.
Lust night they further attested
this admiration with a complimentary
dinner given at the Jermyn. And it
was a compliment. It wan probably
the most representative assemblage of
lawyers the county has ever seen and
each seemed to vie with the other In
doing honor to tho guest of the even
ing. The applause which greeted Judge
Kelly when he was formally Intro
duced at the conclusion of the dining
wns a veritable ovation nnd the gray
haired seniors, judges nnd ex-judges
among them were the most enthusi
astic of the applauders. It was an
honor that comes to few men at Judge
Kelly's time of life.
Incidentally, it was also a highly
enjoyable affair. As is their wont In
all things, the lawyers "made the most
of it" and as all who were present
will agree the occasion was full of op
portunity. The very first speech was the signal
for an outbreak of quips and Jibes and
good naturcd raillery that would put
the Clover club to shame. The wits
of the bar were all there and they
were at their best.
To be Interrupted in the midst of a
flowery bit of eloquence with a cry of
"speech," or, If the address had the
semblance of having been first con
fided to paper, to have It met with
"hand up your papers" is not pleasant
at least for the speaker, one would
say, but with the lawyers it was taken
for grunted that a man is not to be
"pliazed" and so that sort of thing
goes, without offending.
Kvery one voted It a success and
warmly congratulated tho commlttej
of arrangements. W. A. Wilcox, John
IX. Kdwnrds, Clnrence Uallentlne, Wal
ter Briggs, John M. Corbett, AVllllam
H. Jessup, jr., Frank M. Lynch, John
F. Reynolds and Hon. M. F. Sando.
The dinner was preceded by an ln
iormnl reception in the Turkish room.
The lawyers, as they arrived, were
ushered thither and presented to the
guest of honor by the chairman of the
banquet committee, William A. Wil
cox. At 9 o'clock, the dining began. The
tables were arranged to form three
Hides of a triangle, with the orches
tra occupying n place at the open
The intiM- side of the top table wa
vacant. Tho far side, nearest the
Sprue street end of the dining hull
was reserved for the prominent fig
ures of thu dinner.
At the center was the guest of honor.
Judge Kelly. To his right. President
Judge It. W. Archbald. ex-Judge W. If.
Jessup, Frank I,. Phillips, John M.
Gunster anil Richard J. Ucamish,
whlln on the left. In the order named,
woio W. A. Wilcox, ehairmam of the
banquet committee; City Solicitor Al
ton A. Vosbutg, tile toastmaster: ex
Supronie Court Justice Alfred Hund;
ex-Judge II. A. Knupp. W. S. Dlehl,
George M. Watson, James Gardner
Sanderson, Hon. J. J. O'Xelll and Hon,
John F. Reynolds, of Carbondule,
At the longer tables were: Major
Everett Warren, Joseph O'Hrlen, Colo
nel Louis A. AVntres, Walter- Hriggs,
Frank M. Lynch, Ralph L. Levy, John
M. Corbet t, Clarence finlentine, Dis
trict Attorney- elect llllain R. Lewis.
Robert J. Murray, George S. Horn,
Thomas P. Duffy, Chailes McMe.ins.
Senator J. C. Vaughan, John F. Mur
phy, C. O. Donovan, M. .1. Donahue,
John 11. Jordan, f'harlsH A. Van
Warmer, AV. II. Jessup, Jr., John J.
Murphy. A. X. Walker, P. AV. Stokes,
James AV. McDonald, Alilton W. Low
ry, T. J. Dttggan, Edward Merrlfleld,
M. J. Martin. AV. AV. Riylor, Hon. (
P. O'Malley, Court Stenographer H. H.
Coston, AVillurd M. Dunnell, John M.
Harris, R. H. Patterson, Hon. M. E.
McDonald, Hon. M. F. Sando, L. R.
Carter, George M. Okell, AVulter 15.
Gunster, Thomas Hundley, Charles K,
Daniels, R. H. Capwell, E, AV. Thayer,
Herbert I.. Taylor, Assistant District
Attorney AV. Gaylord Thomas, O, 11,
Partridge, J. E. Rurr, R. D. Stuart,
Major K. D, Fellows, Charles E. Olvur,
W. N. Curry, Thomas F. Wells, A.
V. Rower, John R. Edwards, James E,
For what','
Simple as tho question Is, ono
would bu safo hv -staking dollars
for one honest answer, considered
from a common-sense standpoint.
The world Is full of people who
uro WAITING wafting ,for some
thing to "turn up." So long have
their Imaginations magnified their
desires that, with the great ma
jority, an aimless waiting has be
come; a fixed habit a sort oC
mania; and the dawning of Eter
nity's morning will find many uf
them still waiting. A sad plight,
AVhere or when have wnitlmr
ways ever won success? Echo nn-r
swept echo "wheie, whenV" No,
ACTION steudy action, alone, at
tains the advantage sought Mut
ters not how small the deed; only
so it bo constant In action llko
some of our weekly savers und
success Is asbuted. ,
Savings Department
Cor, Wyoming and Spruce
AVafklns, Thomas P. Hobnn, Frank E.
Donnelly, Chnrfes it. Pitcher, George
D. Taylor, James It, Torroy, Robert
C. Adams, James K. Ocaihurl, Hon.
AV. AV. AVntson,' M. J. MuAmlrew, M.
J, Ruddy, James ,!. fVMalley, Joseph
F. Glltoy, C. W. Dawson. W. X.
T.encb, L. 11. Hmru, or HnoltensiteU, ,'.
Judge Archbald en mo In soniu time
after the others were scaled nnd was
given a hearty grcellnn.
Judge Edwards' absence was duo to
his being mlled,tn Doylestown to hear
arguinentn In two cases tried before
him some time ago. Illness prevented
Colonel Fltzslmmons from unending
and responding to the toast, "The
Senior Rar." A telegram of regret was
received from Deputy Attorney Gen
eral Fred W. Fleltz, who was un
avoidably detained In ilarrisburg.
Landlord Godfrey evidently believed
the lawyers wore used lo pretty good
feeding. This Is whnt he presented for
their delectation:
' r Blue, Point
Cclcty StufUil Ollvej
(VtHJitiinc, Montmorency
l!lolm of Oyster Crabi
I'lllct ot Soli" in Savoury Jelly
Krr.mesiiulc l'otaloea
, Siipmuc of Chicken
Trench 1'e.u Itrollcd tjuall on Toast
Julienne Potatoes
Punilt, Justice
Venetian Svlad
Straw berry Charlotte
XeSM'itodc lco Cream Assortment cl Cake
TuikMi Drip Codec Toiisted Knavish Biscuits
There were also some few other
things. Nearly two hours were con
sumed In consuming "all that was com
Tho speeeU-sjiaklng was opened by
the chairman, Mr. Wilcox, In the fol
lowing choicely trm-doi tribute to
Judge Kelly:
Iticnlllns the fact that when a bar dinner vvaa
last proposed a canvass- rrfiulttd In fluillntt less
than a dozen who would take patt, tlie present
committee, It mut Ik- ciiifeiHed, had sonic slight
misgiving about undertaking a banipu-: 01 this
kind. c tan all fee Irom the numlur heie pres
ent how little oiculon there wass for question
tliU time. True there sue some alwr.tecs, but
it Is due to them lo say that they lime all been
detained on unnirvii-rahle (.tcusci. The. commit
tee have tiied to cuuid the imitation to every
member of the bir and have loiind in, one but
Itronsly de,lred to tome hiie and assist in celi
liMtiiiK tlic election of Judgo Kelly oee.liee
justly lcgarding him as a triendj as one of the
most genial of men; and as one ot the combined
lustre of whoso learning intelligence and in
tegrity will suidy ulvc new- honor to and nev
coiilldencc in tho judiiiaiy of our guat com
monwealth. Such a testimonial rnnnot but .strength) n tho
high puipnse and conlldimc of lilm to whom P
conies 11.1rtieul.1rly whin it is known that It is
the spontaneous unanimous compliment of lift!
whole bar absent as well as present without
distinction of politics, aue. sex, race, color or
previous condition of pcivitude.
It is appropriate that this should be an oc
casion of much good cheer and neither the
toasts nor the speakers are a specially serious lot
jet one sentiment there is which wo may not
pass wide h liny appiopriately lie sepinleil a
little Horn the others. And so the committee
have eliieeled me to propose it inyadi before
pre-scnting tho toat master of tho evening.
Awxlatod with the name of one who was
with us when we last met around the banquet
table, but absci't. sadly n, tonight, it is a sen
timent vvldcli will find quick response in all
jrur heaits, and I ask that .vou will rise and
ell Ink it with me in .-Heme. I piopo-e to .,u
"'Iho Memory of .Indue fiunster."
I take pleasure in pioscntin,? to jon the
Ri'iitlciiiiu who has been selected to .nt, .is jour
to.istni.isUr, .Mr. Vosliurg.
Mr. Wilcox was accompanied all
through his address by a fuslluele of
happy "flings" and frequently Inter
rupted for long periods by uproarious
applause, but when ho tlroppeil his
voice to propose a toast to the memory
of Judge Gunster a deep hush fell over
the assemblage and a silence that was
more eloquent than the most expres
sive words attended the rising toast
and continued for many moments af
ter the diners had resumed their seats.
The jollity, however, btoke forth
again as City Solicitor Vosbttrg was
introduced ns toastmaster, "Oh, Mr.
Longfellow," enmc from some wit at
tile lower end of the upper table .-mil
it might be said lnughter was kept up
Incessantly until the gathering broke
up at midnight, except for the tlni
that Judge Kelly was speaking.
Mr. Vosburg had an unusually large
and excellent fund of good stories and
he told them In his usual clever style.
AVhen he came to his reference to the
guest of honor ho showed that he could
also be eloquent.
"This ellnner," he said, "means Just
what It purpoi ts to mean. It Is n
gathering of Judge Kelly's brethren
to express their admiration for one
whom they regard as an esteemed
citizen, an ornament to the bar and 1111
honor to the bench."
Judge Kelly was visibly affected by
tho reception he was accorded upon
bslng presented by Toastmaster A'os
bttrg. AVhen the applause had subsld
rel he proceeded to say:
"Mr. Toastmaster and Gentlemen: I
thank you sincerely for this leeeptlon.
1 thank you heartily for tho honor this
dinner accords me. It Is a serious mo
ment for me: I can not attempt to
bo anything but serious in what I say
to you tonight. There have been great
changes with me during the past few
months und they are duo In a, great
measure, If not almost entirely, to thu
members of the bar. Accept my sln
cerest thanks for your kindness-os.
can thank you for many things. 1
own inuny things to tho members of
this bar. I owe to them seventeen
years of pleasant practice; I evvo to
them my appointment; 1 owo to them,
if not entirely, very largely, my elec
tion, and I owe to them entirely this
honor I receive tonight.
"I feel seriously the importance of
the position Into which I have been
elevated, I appreciate the greatness oC
the man whom I succeed, that model
judge, that model of Integrity, tho kind,
Just, courteous, able Judge Gunster,
If I was assured 1 could In somu meas
ure illl the gai) his departure has
made I would bo satisfied that my ca
teer on tho bench wauls ue eminently
successful. I also reullzo what efforts
are required for ono to begin to meas
ure up to the standard or tho local
bench set by our worthy president
Judge und the senior additional law
judge. AVhat Is expected of 1110 1 fully
appreciate und I assure yuu I will
btrlvu inv utmost to meet the require
ments, "I hope tho good feeling, tho mutual
confidence which hus existed between
myself and other members of the bar
will continue. Let mo say along this
line that tho lute campaign from
which Brother Watson and myself
have Just emerged leaves no bitterness,
no enmity In me. I have no scores lo
pay. The election is past and gone.
This, I urn glut! to say, npplles to
every members of thu bar. Again,
gentlemen, I thank you most sincere
ly." Round after round of applause
marked the conclusion of Judge Kelly's
Following Judge Kelly IoiihIh were
responded to an follows! "Tho Bench
as Seen from the Rar." AV. S. Dlehl,
"Writs ot Estrepment," George M.
Watson! "Compulsory Arlhtrntlon,"
Frank L. Phillips! "Wurso nnd Verse."
Richard J. Beamish; "Tho Junior Bar."
John M. Gunster; "Torts," James
Gardner Sanderson,
Mr. Dlehl during 11 brief serious po
rloel of his response happened to say:
"It. Is not for me to say how the bar
looks upon the bench," "Don't, don't,
keep that quiet," some one cried out
and Mr. Dlehl had to take n new tack.
Mr. Dlehl started to loll a story about
Itlnckstono. Some one with serious
air Inquired: "Who the deuce Is he?"
and tho laugh nearly "phtiKed" tho
Mr. AVatson told In a truly humorous
vein, of his efforts to find out what
"writs of cstrepement" meant, mnk
Ing several happy hits on the judges
and lawyers. In his concluding re
marks, Air. AVatson said: "I had an
old uncle who was wont to console me
with, 'George, when It rains, let It
rain.' Like Judge Kelly, I ansfny t
boar no malice towards anyone ns a
result of the campaign we have just
passed through. I tun a firm believer
In thnt gootl old American doctrine
of majority rule being the law ot the
land. Judge Kelly, I congratulate you
on your victory, antl I hope you will
fully fulfill every hope reposed In you,
every promise you have made."
Three cheers for AVatson were given
with a will and a "AVhat's the matter
with AVatson?" evokotA ji (thunderous,
"He's nil right," and It had the true
ring of heartiness to It.
Mr. Phillips' reputation as a story
teller suffered none by his effort ,1nst
night. He concluded with ono of the
best things of the evening, a toast
which ho says was loaned him yester
day by his friend, Marshall P. Wilder,
whom ho saw in New York at tho
horse show. It was, "Hero's to our
wives and our sweethearts; may they
never meet."
Air. Beamish read bis poem nt this
juncture. It was provocative of nn un
ending succession of laughter, ap
plause and witty interruptions. It is
as follows:
1 111; tali; ok hvylou's ro'i.
Likes theie arc whole inuskullonge
And gamy pike, llko silver tlahis,
Part 1 ! reeds and locks among
And make their plseidat clashes,
lllvers where the calmon hide
.And bajs where lurks the kingly tat pun;
l'aradlsi.s where abide
All kinds of llsh that W.iUcns liaip 011.
Hut none of tluo mv sng,
A less than lake has all the glory, lei's Pond lies deep and long
int more, lwwevci, than my story.
Xever jet was water famed
As is this little sheet in Benton.
Many litigants hive rliimeel
A legal right to pitch a tent on
Mossy bank where, it is said,
One might behold most every minute
A doien fishes leap their bed.
So Hilly llujlor loved to spin It.
Hut the right of piscary
Drought casts Common Pleas and Oyer
And that's the reason why ou sec
They made of Billy B. a lawyer.
The rck-hiated Jarndyce case
Sinks into elesuetudc entire
Whin opposite to It you place
This tnwiring Uiylor legal spire.
Countless were the lawyers licaiil
On cither side in this great bittle.
M.uvelous the depths they atiireel
In arguments on real and chattel.
And, (he while each made his plea.
His mind turned to the darting lt-hos
In that eleep pond. He sighed "Ah me!
To angle there, my deaiest wish is."
(Kn- gle.ry laden elay in spring
Winn every living thing was dandier
With rushing life, theie came a thin't
That wondrous sornied beyond nil cllaticiiii.
Hilly lliylor asked .1 sot
Ot fisherman lo tany
At tin) pond and theie to gel
More gamy lUh than they could tarry.
Vou should have seen the elger haste
With which the lawjers. seized their tackles,
Sell eied bait to suit each taste
And ire vil themselves noin legal shatklos.
And then tlie Stirling sport began.
tliclil r.iught .1 ciab in one wild ttis'le
With his oar uud Donovan
And M, V. Sando caught a bustle.
Coston c-.uniht his bated bieatli.
And llorlholf caught an air lor liddlc.
Levy ntJily caught his death
While soii-cd in water to his middle.
C.ubitt taught a "ro.val blue,"
Mi Dun ilel caught "two pilrs of ladle;."
Tlie-lr hoises caught the Kplno
And, all the while, poor Bill caught Hides.
Apropos of tliis sad ihjnie,
Theie li,i.icncd lately an eleitioti
IMiich resulted In due time
In a most popular selection.
L'very voter, I suppose.
noth pro an ecu gave him well vv-Ulie.,
Judge Kelly lias as many foes
As llajlur'a pond that day showed (Wns.
During the course of nn eloquent
tribute to the "Junior Bar," Air. Gun
ster referred in most complimentary
terms to Judge Kelly, churaoterlzlng
him us a man of peculiar Illness for the
position he occupies; one who enjoys
the respect of tho whole community,
antl one wlio can be expected to add
some new lustre and more reknown to
the Lackawanna, bench.
Air. Sanderson proved himself an
entertainer eif no mean ability and it
wits with regret that the assemblage
saw him sit down, notwithstanding
that It wus then long past tho mid
night hour. Ho can be counted upon
us u. fixture on the -progrumnia of bar
Ladies' Night Observed by Scranton
Council, Royal Arcanum.
Tho members of Scranton council,
No. y23, Royal Arcanum, surrendered
their rooms last night to tho fair sex
and gave a progressive euchre and
bunquet to their wives, sisters and the
hitters' friends. From S.M o'clock un
til about 1010, euchre was played and
then the two hundred persons present
adjourned to thu banquet hall und
there partook of tho tasty viands
served by Caterer McQuhao,
Professor J, 11. Hawker acted as
toastmaster and called upon several
of thosu present for addresses. Among
those whom he summoned to speak
were; Regent Thomas Russell, "The
Good of tho .Order"; Past Regent AV,
AV. Berry, "Our Gems"; Past Regent
P. J. McCaffrey, "Something Good for
All of Us"; District Deputy A. G, Hew
itt, of Electrlo City council, No. 51
tit South Scrunton, "Sister Councils."
The committee In ehurge consisted of
j. B. Hawker, eliulrman; AY.' H. Dug
gan, AV. AV, Berry, Alyer Davldow, F
S. Cooper and Edwtinl Evans. Bauer's
orchestra was present nnd played sev
eral selections during tho game und
Tho ludles' first euchre prize was won
by Mrs. AV, H. Lewis and Airs. David
Spruks took the consolation award.
G. E. Evans won tho gentleman's first
prize und Arthur Dunn took the con
solution gift. .
When You Think
Ol i hrttiksRiviniT remember tlie tabic furnishing adds much
to the enjoyment of the day. We arc well equipped to supply
all your needs nnd would suggest that vou call to ce our com-
Eletei line of Turkey Platter?, Fish, Game, Salad, Bread and
utter, Berry and Carving Sets. We would like to talk about
prices, but too many prices convey little meaning unless goods
arc before the eyes.
Geo. V. Millar &
flnlii rVnttmcs 41 I
Gold Fillings $1
Bridge Work (T'0h) $3
Set of Teeth $5
All wn-.k guarantcrd for HI yens'. Call
and have jmir teeth evamlntd freo of
charge. Satisfaction or no pay.
In Our New Store
We are now located in our new store.
406 Lackawanna Avenue, formerly1' oc
cupied by Siebecker & Watkins.
We are showing a superior line of
Furniture and Carpets, and invite inspection
Carpet and Furniture Company
Work Has Been Commenced by Don
ahue & O'Boyle.
Tho actual work of opening Wyoming
avenue has been begun by Donahue &
(V Boyle, who have been awarded the
contract. They havo a large gang of
men at work and expect to bo finished
in about two weeks.
At the timo the project of opening
this street was first In-ought up the
Delaware and Hudson company agreed
to remove its sidings from that por
tion of the street to bo opened. These
are the tracks which run along the
e'tist side of the Wyoming avenue
freight station. Tho company Is now
keeping its bargain and the work of
removing these tracks to tho westerly
side of the station has begun.
Select Councilman John K. Roolte,
who has been tho fathei' of all tho
ordinances anil resolutions connected
with the opening of this streot, stated
yesterday to a Tribune mun that ho
would not iutroduco any ordinances
providing for the pavement of tho
street or laying of sldowulks until Cite
next fiscal year.
It now appears that tho viewers who
assessed tho damages to all property
owners along the lino of the improve
ment overlooked tho property of Ber
nard Dolon, which fuce3 Phelps street,
find which overlaps tho portion being
opened just exactly thirty-four Inches.
The damages which ho claims are be
tween $1,000 antl 51.200.
Services Conducted Yesterday After
noon from the Home.
Tho funeral of thu late Cnuidall AV.
Thompson was held yesterday after
noon from the family residence on
Sanderson avenue and was largely at
tended. The services were conducted
by the Rov. I. J, Lansing, D. D pastor
of Green Ridge Presbyterian church.
The burial was in Forest Hill ceme
tery, Tho pull-bsarers wero J. F. Hangl,
E. D. AVilllams, Arch Alarvino. AVllllam
Bright and AVllllam Richmond, of tlii.s
city, und Georgo B. Thompson, of
Plttslon. Among- those In attendance
at tho funeral wero Edward II, Chase,
estp, of AVIIkes-Barro, who many
yeurs ago wus a business ussocluto of
Air, Thompson, and Isaac Felts, of
m 1
Djr Kielmiv Wire from The Auoclated Tieu.
llanisburir, Nov, Si Tlu quaiterl.v meitliw;
of the ttatc board of heilth wu held hero today
at which the i'xltiucc of tjphoid fever at Hum.
melstovvn was reported. Arrainremeiits were
made for tho appointment of standing commit
tecs for the cumin; year and for parllelpatliiff in
the annual meeting of the ussociatcd fieilth au
thor I ties and the I'aii-Aiucritau medical lonerrcss
at Havana.
Co. "JJtt?.1"?!""9
We are now putting on anil guar
null dug 11 2iU (Jold Crown for
S!. 'this extremely low n.tcr will
positively only last until Xov.
!Ki. If .Vou in,' ill Heed ot any
Dental Work call and get our
piicoN boforu going clsewhure.
Wu will save .vou neaily one-halt
on all Dental Work.
Wo make a specialty of Painless Ex
traction, and If vou have any pain while
we are pulling your teeth will guarantee
to Jo all of your work free of charge.
Dr. Reyer, Dentist
514 Spruce St., Opp. Court House.
Call and Examine
Our L-ine of
B tt MS
A great variety of styles
constantly on hand. No
slipping and falling, No
more sore and contracted
nil 126 and 128
lllif Franklin Ave.
Established 1866.
No end of
pretty Mode It?.
Fine Furs,
Fur neck plecei
Our line or
Jackets, Ladles'
and Hisses'
Tailor Suits
will "Fill
the BUI.'
Fur Repairing
a Specialty.
324 Lackawanna Avenue,
Scranton Pa,
When in Doubt
play trumps, as tho M)iii U. If in doubt wfctrt
tei set tho right kind of undeiwiar, try in; vou
eau't low. Our leader for this wed; I, a 8II.II
ri,Ei:ri:u iaumi:nt. at tov., worth j.m. w
can tjlto 60 numlwia to ihoosg fiom, rauijiUK In
prim from is cents to 4J per farnunt,
tWiM $ ifln il
m E&i 3Vw
r fw j.I'
lf vfl
V Jj".
75JH j
1 ' 1 . - I ' !' Iv '
412 Spruce Street.
Try our lQv, cvllai; ncuc LcUw una
y f
...j.. , . ,