The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 23, 1900, Image 1

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The Venerable Boer Leader Landed
at Marseilles yester
day Morninrj.
The Citizens Turn Out in Large Num.
bers to Receive the Visitor from
South Africa He Makes a Speech,
Thanking the French Government
for Its Sympathy with the Trans
vaal Government and His Cordial
Ay Inclusive Wire from The Associated Pir-m.
Marseilles, Nov. 21!. Today's weath
er conditions were us favorable to the
celebration In honor of President Jeni
fers' nrrival as yesterday's were un
favorable and the delay In the arrival
f the Gelderlnnd was a fortunate dis
appointment. The Dutch cruiser was
tieen In the ofllng at o'clock, but.
the crowds had been made (skeptical
hy yesterday's fiasco and were not on
hand so early to greet her approach.
By 9.30 o'clock, however, when the ves
sel entered the harbor, the visitors
and townspeople were out hi force and
the streets and quays presented tin
animated scene. The decorations,
which had been taken down on ac
count of the storm, reappeared this
morning on the houses. The boer flair,
crossed with the French trl-color. pro
dominated. At the Jollclto landing
stage, the decorations were the mo-it
elaborate. The entrance tn the hotel
Noailles, where Kruger will stop, was
also ablaze with color. The Geld in
land doaked at 10.30 o'clock. The quay
was packed with people, the Boer dele
gates in the foreground joyously halt
ing the aged president of the republic
Whm Kruger apptared, the crowd
cheered madly and "Vive Kruger"
sounded In a steady roar.
On entering mo Harbor, the Gelucr
innd gave a salute of twenty-emu
guns and the light house batto'-y im
plied. Dr. Leyels and several of the
leading delegates embarked in a.
launch and greeted President Kruger
on board thu cruiser. At 10 o'clock
the launch was seen returning and the
crowd supposing that Kruger was
coming ashore, cheered the launch
loudly. It proved to bo Mr. Von Hum
mer, the president's interpreter, who
had come to tell the committee that
. Krugro would not .land till noon. The
committee represented that It had
waited already thirty hours and was
getting tired. So the interpieter re
turned to urge Kruger to hurry. Ho
finally landed at 10.43 o'clock and re
ceived a vociferous ovation. After
handshaking at the quay, the pollen
made a path to the carriages and
the procession started for the hotel.
The Boer president took tint leading
carriage and was elic-end lldl along
the route.
Kruger's Speech.
The following is the text of Mr.
Kruger's speech, on landing:
I thank the president of lire Mars.-ill..", inm
mittce and tlie nrcilJuit ol (he com
mittee of the independence of the lloiis fir
their welcome. I thank all (his population c
ncmfilcd In great concourse- to trrccl inc. for al
tliough I wear mourning for the mlsfoitiuu-s of
my country and although I have not come to
peek fcstlvitief, htill, I, nevcithclce., accept with
all my heart these aeUnou lctliiiiiiiiti fur 1 Know
they aro dictated to Jon by the inititiniu, which
aru inspired in you by our trials and ly jour
i-jnipathy for our cause, which is Hut of lib
erty which awalcnod you. I am truly proud aim
happy at having chosen ies my point of landing
a port in Trance, to i-ct foot on free oil and
to bo rccehed by jou as a free man. Ilia my
first duty is to thank oui- covcinmcnt for all
the tokens of interest that aerain only recently it
was pleased to Hive me. I heliee Inland, hid
eho been better Informed, would not haw con
cerned to thb war and the expedition of
Jameson, who wished to hcie the two ripublles
Ttithout the necessity of iitinir a ritie idiot, I liave
never censed to demand n tribunal of tibltrath'it,
which up to now, has always been refusal.
The war waged on us in the two republic!
reached the last limits of barbarism. During
my life I have had tn liuhl many times the
aavaifM of the tribcn of Africa, but the barb.n
iaim wo hate to fight now are uoi&e- than tho
others. Tliey even uro tlio Kaftlrs iieraiust uj.
They bum the fanns we worUcd so haul to con
struct and they drlvo out our women mid chil
dren whose husbinds and biothcne they ham
killed cr taken prisoners, leaving tlu in unpro
tected and roofless ami often without bread to
tat. liut, whatever they may do, wo will iic-ut
surrender. We will light to the end. Our Rival
Imperishable confidence rcposis in thu cto,-nal, in
our God. We Know our causa! is just and if (ha
jibtica of men is H.intiug to in, lie, the,
who is Master of all peoples, and to whom be
longs the future, will iicut abandon u.
I assure you that if tha Transvaal awLthe Or
ango l-'reo State must lose their inileptiidoucn it
will bo because all the Boer people luvc been
destroyed, with their women and chihlicn,
The only Incident which marred the
harmony of tho onthuslusni was tlio
throwing of small coins among tho
crowd by guests of a hotel on tho
boulevard as Mr, Ktuger passed. Tho
crowd thought they wore thrown at
Mr. Kruger, and an uproar ensued,
S which necessitated tho Intervention of
the police. There wore no serious con
sequences. Much Indignation was expressed at
tho hotel Incident, us previously
cabled. It now appears that the crowd
called upon tho party throwing sous
from tho balcony to take off their hats
as Mr, Kruger passed, Hut thu seem
ingly plausible explanation was given
that they woro l-higJIshmon, did not
understand French, and foolishly
threw small coin Into the crowd, which
they had frequently done on similar
occasions in England. The French
men misunderstood this and imagined
tho sous were thrown Insultingly ut
Mr. Kruger, hence tho tumult.
Tho crowd endeavored to invade tho
hotel, und hu police prevented this.
"Hut tho hotel people were obliged to
Close their doors and late In tha day
un unfriendly mob was stationed be
fore the building, which was cordoned
by police.
After luncheon and a little repose
Mr. Kruger descended again to tho
hall of the hotel, where he received the
delegations. Kventually the effort be
coming too fatiguing, he asked that the
other addresses be presented to hint
In writing and then withdrew again
to his apartments, where ho passed
the evening quietly, receiving no oi.
Tho following message was read:
"I am fatigued and am In motirnlncr.
Moreover, 1 never attend banquet.
Otherwise I should have liked to spend
a few minutes with you and to thank
you. 1 shall never forget the warm
welcome I have had in your beautiful
city. Your reception of mo has sur
passed all 1 could have expected oven
from the city which gave Franco her
admirable national hymn, that 'Mar
selllase,' which is the song of all peo
ple whose iudcjiendence Is threatened
and whu are struggling against in
vaders. "I would that your acclamation
.could be heard by alt those lloers In
arms who are encamped In our moun
tains. They would thank you from tho
bottom of their hearts. I thank you
In their behalf.
"Could I have been with you I should
have expressed my thanks to all
France and would have raised my
glass In honor of her worthy presi
dent, M. J.oubet."
Dr. heyds then said: "In tho name,
of President Kruger I have the honor
to drink to the health of the president,
of the French republic."
Air. Kruger will leave for Paris at !t
o'clock tomorrow morning, remaining
one night en route at Dijon. A recep
tion is being arranged.
Citizens Are Advised to Give Kruger
a Warm Welcome.
By Kxclusivc Wire from The Associated l're,.
Paris, Nov. 22, 10.10 p. m. The com
mittee f Boer independence has post
ed a placard in Paris, calling upon
Parisians to give Mr. Kruger tho
warmest possible welcome.
"Welcome him," says tlio ojipeal, "In
the name of that liberty which you all
have at heart. Give him a most posi
tive testimony of our profound admira
tion for and ardent sympathy with, tho
race of heioes of which he is a mag
nificent incarnation.
"Paris should say to Mr. Kruger that
she is entirely with him in his sa
cred mission. Paris should warm
again by its tlanie an old man. over
come with mourning, who remains
steadfast in tho defense of his coun
try.' "Nothing, however, should be done,
nothing should be said, thaL might
embarrass the work he conies to ac-
, complish. Cry only. 'Long live Kru
ger,' 'Long live the Boers,' and ' Long
live the South African republics.' "
Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Great
grandmothers, Great-grandfathers
and a Great-great-grandmother.
By ENtlu-iie Wire fiom The Atioriated I'lr).
Dover. Del., Xov. 2i hawer Dela
ware has a world-beater in the person
of a child with ten living grandparents.
Little Mlss Georgia Davis Maloney,
born last week into .the family of
George D. Maloney, of Clayton, has
two grandmothers, two grandfathers,
three great-srandmotheis, two great
grandat'liers and one great-great-grandmother.
Llttl" Georgia's birth,
therefore completes live generations of
Delawareans living and enjoying all
their physical faculties.
On the father's side tho baby's
grandfather is George B. Maloney, of
Ulayton, and thu great-grandfather Is
I Thomas Maloney, of Brenford. On the
I mother's side the grandfather is John
I Grillln, and the great-grandfather is
' Samuel T. Griflln. both of whom live
at Big Oak, on the State road, below
Bill Will Be Presented by Senator
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Pittsburg, Nov. 22. Senator Charles
W. Fairbanks, of Indiana, who passed
through Pittsburg today, en route to
Washington, stated that thu bill pro
viding for an increase In the regular
army will be presented shortly after
congress convenes. Tho Increase, ho
said, would not bu less than thirty or
forty thousand.
The ship subsidy bill would also re
ceive favorable consideration and ic
was likely some definite action would
bo taken on tho Isthmian canal meas
ure. Tho senator believes this meeting
of congress will be tho most import
ant short session of congress held In
the past quarter of a century.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, Nov. 2--'. Captain William Me
redith, of Illinois, has been uppolnud chief of
tlio bureau of engraving and printing. Captain
Meredith ferveil as chief of the bureau of en
graving and printing during tho Harrison admin
istration. Ilo is a practical plato pi Inter and
at present H in charge of the plate printing de
partment of tho Western llanlt Note company, of
By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Nov. 2i The nMdenco of Wul
tir Magtir, 3411 I'mvellon aunue, West I'hllu
delphls, ,is robbed last night of diamonds and
other Jeuvlry- valued at ti'.GOO, The thieves ran
sacked the upstairs rooms whllo the family was
in tho lower portion of th home. Among the
articles stolen vcic dlamoad brooches, rings ami
plus, .numeious tilnkcls adorned with opals and
bcral watches.
- i -.
By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington, Nov, 3.'. The population of Wct
Virginia is PS3, 600, as against 701,791 In 1S90, an
increase of JW.OOU, or SJ.U per rent.
Thu nnmilation of Mtsiilnnl U 1 .111 97ft .
I, against J,2b,C0t) in 1600, an increase of 201,070,
Tlio population of Missouri Is 3.1HG03, at
against 2,070,181 In 1S0O, an increase of 27,$il,
or 15.0 per cent.
State Meetinrj of the Christian En
deavor Union Has a Bril
liant Finish.
Five unrlse Prayer Meetings C. E.
Daniels, of Scmnton, Among the
Leaders Recommendations by
Committee on Resolutions The
Junior Rally Movement Looking
to Better Observance of the Sabbath
Is Inaugurated.
1 auiiMi.u Wire from Thu Associated l'ies..
Philadelphia, Xov. 22. What has
proved to be thu greatest convention
tho Pennsylvania Christian Kndcavor
union has ever held came to a success
ful and brilliant end tonight. The con
vention began on Tuesday and
throughout the three days the utmost
enthusiasm was shown by tho dele
gates, who numbered nearly 14,000.
Today was an exceedingly busy one.
As on yesterday the days proceedings
began with five sunrise prayer meet
ings at live different churches. The
meetings were led by the following
persons: Mrs. O. AV. Daversplko, jl'
Kitlanning; C. K. Daniels, of Scran
ton; Miss Bertha Williamson, of Mil
ford;' Frank Palmer, of Harrisburg,
and the Hev. D. P. Lansdorf, of Cress
well. The topic under discussion at
each meeting was "Prom the Upper
Boom to the Harvest of Souls."
Previous to the business meeting In
the Baptist temple there was a "emict
hour" service, led by the Bev. Floyd
W. Tompkins, of this city, who spoke
on the subject of "Sanctitlcation." The
regular meeting was presided over by
J. Henry Stauff, of Pittsburg. Reports
from the various committees were pre
sented, one of the most interesting
being that by Hev. George B, Stewart.
D. D., of Auburn, X. V., on "11i:
Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor." Among other things lit:
"This society stands for e-ertalu im
portant elements In church life. It
lays emphasis upon duty. The back
bone of the society is its pledge and
the pledged stands for fidelity to duty.
Young people through .this organiza
tion are taught that whims, conveni
ence, comfort, personal interest hava
no voice comparable in commanding
power to tho voice of duly."
Among tho recommendations made
by the committee on resolutions were
that Feb. 2. 1901, be made Decision
day; that all members of the union
pledge themselves to abstain from the
use of Intoxicating liquors and call
upon representatives in state and na
tional legislative bodies to pass pro
hibition laws and that tho sanctity of
the Sabbath be maintained. These
recommendations were unanimously
Before the meeting adjourned for tho
noon evangelistic services in various
prisons and industrial establishments
throughout the city, addresses woro
made by the Itev. A. W. Spooncr, T.
D., of Camden, X. J., on "The Claims
of the Junior Society"; the Rov. L. C.
Barnes, Pittstburg, on "The Sunday
School": Robert 13. Speer, Xew York,
on "Missions," and Walter C. Doug
lass, of this city, on "The Young Men's
Christian Associations."
Tho Junior Rally.
Tho principal feature of the after-
I noon was the Junior rally, which was
i held In tho Second regiment armory.
rPlln linni'r! ,,1' Aam.ntlnii 1,11 r-,n...'l
a holiday to all public school pupils
who are members of the junior branch
and several thousand of them marched
to the armory In charge of E. O.
Howell, of this city, chairman of the
During the afternoon, the following
committee conferences were held: Mis
sionary committee, How 13. S. Hagan,
York, leader; look'out committee',
William M. Pepper, Sharon Hill, lead
er: Bible study and comrades of tho
quiet hour, M. D. Lathrope, Carbon
dale, leader; conference of county, dis
trict and local ollicers, Hairy W. Kel
ler, Pittsburg-, leader.
Officers Elected.
President, Rev, Clarence )'.. Illierinau, of I-ui-carter;
secretary, II. l Lincoln, Philadelphia;
treasurer, J. Henry t-tuulT, Pittsburg; hUxrln
tcndeuti of junior work. Miss Mlnenu J. Karly,
of llarrUburg; missionaiy work, Itev, I.. II. Win.
ing, Scranlon; good citizenship, Hev, tl. W,
Welsh, of Manheiiu; evangelistic woilc, Re.
Charles A. Oliver, York; correspondence work,
Miss Anna II, Beard, of NorrUtown; press work,
Itev. J. Klockton llodily, lluirlsburg; Intelmu
eliate nnrk, Jinks II, UobliiMin, Philadelphia;
transportation agent, John M. Hltikk, Lin
caster; historian, Charles 11. Daniels, Bcrantun,
Vice presidents ; The Itcvs. Chailcs Itoads, U,
n,; J, W, Cochran, William M. Yatw, Wayland
lloyt, D. D., and Floyd W. Tompkins, nil of
I'hiiadelphla; J. T. McCrory and Joint Weidley,
of Pittsburg; W. J. Lehman, Allegheny; Itufiu
W. Miller, . U.. Reading; H. t'.uuleld Jonc.
I.'rie; Mahlon J, Kline, Harrisburg; It. G, Dan
lion, Williauisport; II. I Y, Tierce, Scrantuii;
W. A. itutoell, I'itUburg; fieorgo McDonald, Al
toona; W, II. lull, Philadelphia, and J. C. Read,
" '
By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Trtia.
New York, Nov. 22. Arrhcd; Anrhorij,
Glasgow and Moille, Cleared: L'Aqultaltie,
l!are. Bremen Arrhcd I Kalscriu Marli Ther
esa, fiom New Yoik. l'lyinoulh Arriu-d: Au.
gusto Victoria, New York (or Chcrlraurg and
Hamburg, Quecustown Sailed ; Teutonic (from
LtH'rpool), New York. Lizard l'ar J ; L
Champagne, New Yoik for Hawc. Rotterdam
Sailed; Potsdam, New Yoik la Boulogne,
tidily Passed! Bulgaria, New Yoik for Ham
By exclusive Wire from The Associated Picas.
Paris, Nov. !i2. A dispatch to the Tfmjw from
Rcmo nays the- pope yesterday isltcd thu llailllc.i
of St. Peters and experienced audi fatigue that
lie had to taku to Ids bed. It Is further claimed
that b fainted twice.
Order of Bishop Els in Michigan
Causes Discord in His Diocese.
Hy Exclusive Wire from The Awoclateel l'rcw.
Ishpemlng, Mich., Xov. 22. A stir In
Catholic circles In Mareiuetto county,
as well as In other parts of the dloccso
of Marquette and Satilto Sto Marie,
has been created by an order which
recently emanated from the episcopal
oiltce under hand and seal of Bishop
Frederick 101s, and which, according
to prominent Catholics of foreign
birth, will result In a formal and public
Tho order dlrected that all priests
of the diocese should henceforth pro
mulgate tho gospel In thu Kngllsh
"We're all Americans." was t..e spir
ited manner in which the bishop's eln
cree was made, but many of his par
ishioners feel that the patriotic move
ment, however commendalile, is un
wise owing tei ths Injustice which will
result from an enfore-cniunt of tho
episcopal order in a diocese where
there.' is a large foielgn eleuii'iit. As
yet there has been no visible- demon
stration of discontent, but It exists
in a strong decree, and there are; un
mistakable indications of a vigorous
public protest. It Is said an appeal
may be taken to Koine.
English Composer Expires Suddenly
in London Heart Disease the
Cause of Death.
By Ecluit Wiie from The Associated 1'ie-.-.
London, Xov. 22. Sir Arthur Sulli
van, the musical composer, died today
from heart disease. It occurred at 9
o'clock this morning. He was laugh
ing and talking in his house a few
minutes before he died,
Ivater It became known that Sir Ar
thur Sullivan had beon ailing since
he returned from Switzerland, in the
middle of September last. Ho caughc
a chill there and his chest and lungs
became, affected. Ho took to his bed
a fortnight ago, but was' convalescing
and sitting up in his bed Just before
he1 expired.
rthur Seymour Sullivan was hum in London
nn May 11, 1842. Ilk musical caicer was iictnm
tweho years latci, when he entered the choir
of the Chapel, Windsor, as a choikter. A
jeor liter he publkhed his first song, and was
fleeted the first Mendelsohn scholar. He studied
o year in the .Uadciny of Miiiic, under
Stemd.ilc Bennett and O.. and in lS.jfi ucnt to
Leipsic, where he stajed (or three years, Mudy
inc with Moschelles, llauptmann, Hichtcr, Plaidy
and othcis fhiring uhich time he uroto his (hit
music that marked him as a composer if prom
iM the oeiteirc to I, .ilia Itookli, sonic hiring
onarlcttns and hk incidental music t" ShaUc'1 "The Tempest,"
Sullivan'.- contributions to aeilnin ui'ihlc neie
irany and important. Hi orcheiiral and
crks wcic among tho best that Knzland hai'. Among his ehoial ttoii.s may bo
mentioned Kenilworlh (loM), the Prodigal Son
(IHO. the Light of (he World (l'JJ), the
Martyr of Autioeh (lO), ami the doleltn Legend
(JiSil). He wrote alsn ttto ballets. Pile en
tlanto (lfJil) and Victor! in nnd Mcnic Lnglauil
(1M)7), and incidental inivle tn ihe Tempest,
tho of Venice, Meny Wiecs of Wind
sor, llemy VIII, Macbeth iivl King Aitlmr.
But it will be as a composer ot opera, and
especially of light opeia, that he will bo lies'
rcinemhoiiHl, and it is in woik of that cl.i-.,
lit' takes suih an impoitaut place in musical hi'
lory, one with which (hat of t)nuhi'li m t'i'.mn
Jdune is compaiablc. As eaily an 1S07 he began
work in that line-, his (h-t attempt being (ho
e'oiniii piece, "Box and 1'ov," width still is
giun at amateur riitcrtaininciiN. That was
followed in the same year ly "The Cimlm
bandlsti," a work which was icwritten siv cars
bro for l''rarcis Wilson and achieved onlv a mud
cute success under thu name ef "The Chlcltain."
In Ihil came a thin! and now almost, hngotten
i work called "Thepl-."
j Then came un alliance which had .is its
a sencs ot masterly pieces of a light natme which
stand out alone in comic opera as belli,' uii.ip
pioaihed by any of that genre, Sulllejri's pait
nerslilp with W. S liilbert began in sV5 and
wvs continued uninterrupted for ilflecn year-, in
which time their work eh lighted the whole of
, the Kimlh-lespcahin? race. Their first opera w.n
I "A Tiial by Jury," a little pleic widen has not
)it lost Its freshness, and is still mug now and
then. That w followed by "The Zoo" (p,7.'i)
and "The Sarcoid" (KT7). Tho fouiier was lit
tle known In this country mid tho latter nctcr
had much popularity, although it has bien re
ived tmn time to time let the Savoy in London.
, Hut the nct year, 1S7S, brought out "II. M. S,
' I'lnnfoie." No e'lii can forget the srniation tint
made in thk country. It was a rewlition of
the possibilities wiilch lay in this foim ot amuse
ment. 'Tinafr.ii" was followed by "'Ihe Pir.iicn. of
Penzance" in 1S?0. Then came "Patltme1" in
lfl, "lolanthe" In Hf-. "I'rince-ss Iel.i" (not so
succcsi-ful as the last) In 1SSI, "The Mikado" in
1SS3, "Huddigoru" in 17", "Tho Yeoman of the
Ouard" In ISfcS and "The fioniMIcrs" in ISA).
The height ole xcellciioe ws re-ached In "The
Mikado," for, although thu last three ruined had
decided merits, and "Tho fiondoller" especially
achieved considerable popuhiity, none of them
was so successful as the preceding ones and aic
now rarely lieuiel.
In the meantime Sullivan li.ul turned hN atten
tion to grand cpei.i and wiote "Ivanhoe" (1S01)
mid "Haddon Hall" (lf2), but It was plain tint
his talent did not lie in that direction, and
neither of them had moro than a succes il'rstlme.
With P. 0. Ilurnond lie rewrote "Tho Couira
bandWa" miller tho title ( "Tho f'ldcflalu,"
but It wat practlcilly n failure. In 1.VJI he
vroto "Tho Grand Duke," also with Buimiid; in
Ih'W, wlili 1'incro, ho wrolo "Tho Beauty .Stone,"
and last year with Badl Hood he wrote "I'ho
Hoi-o of Persia." At tho time of his death hn
was pulllir; tho finishing touches to another
piece, of which Hood was the librettist, au Irish
opera. But much of his old-tliuo facility lad
left him, his fpontancity had gone, und while
his muslo was Immensely superior to that of
Hirst men wilting comic opera, hampcied by
poor librettos lie was unable to nuke cnduiiiig
By Inclusive Wiro from Tlio Associated Press.
Hazlcton, IM,, Nov, l'- V'rank Arch, ono ol
the Hungarians under ball oil the charge ot
rioting at Oneida, bchuljkill count)-, during
Hie rcunt coal strike, committed lulclila today
bv shooting himself tliiough the head. John
Ilarcur, another striker, ulxi of Oneida, is on
trial this week at I'otlsvlllo on the chargo of
murdering Ralph Mills, the guaul who was
killed during the riot. Arch was to stand tlial
next week.
By Escliishe Wire from The Associated Tress.
Baltimore, Md., Nov. 23. Mrs. Lllen Young,
50 ) calis of age, was shot last night by her hus
band, John Young, 70 jcars of age, died today,
and the aged murderer is in custody, Tlio
couple had quarreled frequently and it la claimed
by Young that his wife) threatened to kill him.
becuring a shotgun the old man sent u charge
ol bird shot into bis wife's face and neck.
Allows Himself to Be Interviewed
for tue First Time Since
the Election.
All Democrats Were So Confident of
Success That the Sweeping Repub
lican Victory Came as a Severe
Shock He Believes Mr. Bryan to
Be a Great Man Uncertain as to
the Coming Issues Thinks the Sil
ver Question May Solve Itself.
By i:elurhu Wire liom 'Jhe Avsotllled 1'ie-w.
Little Hock, Ark, Xov. 22. United
States Senator James IC. Jbnes, chair
man of tho Democratic national eom
mlttee, spent the day In Little Itur-lc
and left tonight for Washington. l!o
toro leaving he said in an Interview:
The election icsult was :i gii-al sllipii-e to all
Democrat. All ucm m conhdcnl id siicccs)
that the suce-ping Itepublicin klury nine as u
scutp hhock. i:cu on the eeenlng i thu day
before- election ic.Hstiring telegrams came from
leaders that Ne-w nrk was sate fur Hry.iu and
from leaders in other Mates Ihar the
Democrats wcro suie to win. Ic was the-e foie-c-jsls
that buo.ved up to the- last moment niel
made the- actual icsult nmrp startling.
Hut Mr. Bryan is a gicai man, one ol ihe
greatct in America today and his inlhienco will
b felt for many ye-ais to come in Amciicin poll,
lien. He is a giant in intellect and simple- iwli
fatigible in the prosecution of .e campaign,
i Whether he ivill be u candhl.itc for the pini
deiicy In the near future" n-malns to he seen,
but it is not probihle that he will. It k lil"H'
reasonable to presiinic that he would di-eliuc tin Ion even should It be ofTcicd to him.
Reorginlzation? Oh, that's all nonsense. 'Hum's
nothing in it and it will blow otcr in ihirtj
"lajs. It is precipitated by those wh.i eleocited
the party and gave aid and comfort to the cm my
and does not represent the strength or the spirit
of the genuine Democracy. Whit (hey should do
is to adopt all the polii ies ot the li-publlcau
party and be Demociats only in naiitj. Bu'
granting (hat there is cau-e or stiengt'i lor so
called reorganization who has the power within
the paity to do it now? Noi the di-giuntied di
organizers who have raise-el the- Issue. If then
is to be a leorganization of national ommittec
or platform it cannot be done- tor four .u-ir.-, ui
until the next national convention.
As to Issues.
As to the- issues they must depend l.iiail) upon
thu natloml and deeelopnients of
the four yearn. It may he- lild ilmvn pri
marily, howcer, that the Democratic party will
never vary from its csUbishelfitudimeut.i1s, s
strict construction of the constitutlun and un
unswerving adheieucc lo its principles and an
economically adminlsteicd goiTlutiieia for tin
hcnerlt of tho governed. The llcr question miy
sohc itself. Should the amount of gold pio
iluced be eiinplo to mainlaiu i sufficient edunic
of metallic money and insure the s(ahilit) of
prices the silver question will be siiboidin.ite-il;
but should the supply l.lll shott of tho iki.iit.di
of tiaelc, the rihe-r (iiestion will be made piouii
mtit. 'Ilir- question of imperialism may r.lo hiiil
a siihilluii outside the ballot box. I believe tho
si milt will deciilc agalu-t the l'mto
I and should this be 'dune, then- will
Lin eii tlu part of the Rcpublicim
against the retention of the Philip
iiir. Hut just what the issues of 1001 will lie
no one c'.-ii pie-lici with any degree ot eeitainly,
The Casualty List Increased by
Latest Reports Much Suffer
ing Will Result.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
Nashville. Tcnn., Xov. 22,Latest re
ports from the districts swept by Tues
day's storm show that seven persons
lost their lives in Williamson county.
One more death, that of ulayton
Tucker, has occurred near Columbia,
making the total in that seotlon twenty-four.
Three persons injured at No
lensvlllo are in -a critical condition.
Tlnee inembi'rs of the 13111s family
at Walnut lake, Tunica county. Miss.,
were killed,
Clarence Thomas, living near Cor
inth, Jllss., was cartleil away by tho
wind and no trace or him has been
In Arkansas, six dead and 25 injured
have been reported. Tho victims are
principally negioes. Much suffering Is
reported. Tho streams aro swollen,
and altoguthor the storm section pre
sents a scene of terrible devastation.
Enters in the Night and Damages
Books and Furniture.
By Kiclnslve Wire from The Associated Press.
Washington-, Nov. 22. Emrleli Wal
do, nn escaped lunatic, broke Into tho
room of tho comniltteo on public build
ings and grounds of tho house of rep
resentatives at the capltol, this morn
ing at 12.30 o'clock, and before ho was
captured by tho police ho had dam
aged furniture and books to tho extent
of about $300,
Ho was turned ovento the city police,
who say that ho Is nn Inmato of tho
government hospital for tho Insane.
By Inclusive Who from The Associated Piess,
Phlhdclphla, Nov, p.'. Mrs. Thomas I'loumey,
died at her homo hero last night in her one
hundred and fust ), She was tho wife of d'eiu
i-ral l-'loimioy, an nffle-er In the war ol lbl2 and
her father was Major Reading Howell, ot Phila
delphia, a distinguished Hihllei- eif the resolu
tion, The swords ho used in the sen ice lun
on the walls of Independence hall. In btr
lounger days ho was celebrated for hor bemty.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
boniton, O., Nov. S3. Prank Speannaker, post,
master of London, and a prominent business
man, committed suicide today,
By Exclusive Who fiom Ihe Associated I'resa.
Washington, Nov. 22. Ihe receipts from the
war revenue act for the Urst lour months ol the
present fiscal jcar wcro ?33,303,8W,
Weather Indications Tolay.
1 tleiienil Prelilcnt Ktuger In France.
Chairman .tones Was Kurprlsid at the Election,
Ihiile.noicrs lllcct Olfiecn.
Stormy Passage of the KaUcr Mllhelni der
(1 reuse'.
2 rieneial Uirhoiid.ile News- Department. .
.1 I.oe al Dinner to Judge Kelly,
Patrick Carilcu W.i I.ueky.
-I (ion-ilp. '
5 I.ocal(lri-fiiw-ood Hotel Man's fciiiciJe,
I'mpoi' of the K.-llei Hill ill llqulty.
i! Local West he union and Suburban.
7 (ieiifial Noillie-.islcru I'eiinvjlvatilil Now.
l'lnnnilal nud Commercial.
S Local Lie e Nevs of the' Industrial World.
Trains on Western Railroads Obliged
to Move with Great Caution.
Traffic Seriously Delayed.
By L'Tcleuiie Wire fiom The A-soilated Pn-n.
Denver, Xov. 22. It ii impossible fnr
the railroads lei estimate the amount
of damage sltlfeieil from the wind
storm which swept tho lines for nearly
ono hlillelioel tulles nliing the liase oi'
the mountains yesterday and last
night. The wires were' blown down
anil trains iw-o moved with great cau
tion In the absent e of telegraphic or
ders, seriously delaying traffic. .Many
freight cars on Killings had their roofs
blown off, station buildings weie d'ltn
agcil miiiv or less all through the
storm region and the trucks were
slrf-wii with vtii'i'kngf. which further
retarded the movement eif trains.
lit'twoen I'llublo anil Colorael.i
Springs houses were damaged. h:iy
staeks blown away and out-bulldlngs
ileinolisheel. The pioporty loss will he
heavy amnug the ranchmen. In th-1
city of Ciilotatlo Springs the proprty
leiss ainiiunts to SHiu.Ofirt.
The Lehigh Coal and Navigation
Company Endeavors to Control
Water on Pocono Mountains.
Ily Ku.-lu.siie Wiie fiou: The Atoci.ilcel Press.
.Stioiidslmrg, Ia., Xov. 22. A great
legal lis!". I on ill tho jvlemroe countv
courts hi twf-e-a the Lehigh Coal silul
Navigation e-oinpany. which furnishes
power to many corporations in lead
ing cities along the line of the Lehigh
Valley anil the large lee companies
whose- plurts arc located in the Poconei
mountains In this county. A few days
ago an. injunction was Issued by the
.Monroe county e-ourt on application ot
tho I.ehlgh Coal and Navigation com
pany, restiiiining' the American ice
company from erecting dams or pools
in the Lehigh river or Its tributaries
for the pui pose of forming and gather
ing ice.
Tlie Ameilcan lee company paid un
attention to the court's order and an
attachment, for contempt was issued
against the company by the court, unel
a rule a granted to show cause why
a rule of sequestration should not ho
grunted against the American Ice com
pany, lessee of the Pocono Spring Wat
er company.
On argument, however, before Judge
Craig and associates today the Ameri
can Ice company was relieved eif tho
charge of contempt, General Frank
Keetler, counsel for the company, hav
ing tiled an answer claiming that' the
Ainerionu lee company had no control
or authority whatever over the pond
eir dam of the Pocono Spring Wati'r
Ice company, which company is tlio
real owner, the American Ice company
being only the lessee. An Injunction
has now been obtained by tlio Lehigh
Coal and Navigation company against
the Pocono Spring Water Ice com
pany. The argument em the Injunc
tion Issueel last week against the
American Ice company and the Tohy
hanna Water Supply company will be
hoard tomorrow.
The light between tho hehlgh Coal
anil Navigation company and the Ico
coiupanlos is due entirely to tho pres
ent drought. Thu Lehigh Coal and
Navigation company denies the right
of any corporation or individual to go
upon tho Lehigh river or its tribu
taries, which aro tho Tobyhanna nnd
Tunkliannock cieeks, In Monroo coun
ty (tluy being In fact tho water sheil),
and erect dams or pools for Iho pur.
poso of gathering lee, thereby holding
the How of tho water.
Supreme Court Affirms a Decision in
Pavor of a Michigan Child.
By I'Ailiwive Wire from Tho Associated l'ies.
Kalamazoo, Mich., Nov. 22. Tho de
cision In tho United States supremo
court In tho case of Ruth 1 Fye vs.
Charles A. Ohapln, sustains the decis
ion of former Circuit Judge George Jr,
lluck. Henry Fye, father of a little
girl, hiought suit for $23,000 damages
against uuapiu mr uumuges iniiicteit
1.i Dm lnilnl-'M $40(1 Kowfollndlimi t lm
on tho child. Tho jury gave complain
ant damages tor sw.uue, vvnicn Jiuigo
lluck doubled under an obsolete law.
Ily Exclusive Who, liom The Associated i'resa.
Montpcllcr, VI., Nov. 2V. Tlio hlijh license lo
cal option bill with rclercnduiu older was de
feated in thu legislature today. The vote against
thu mcijuic in the scTiUc was 17 to li; in the
house 111 to 01,
Dy Exclusive Wire from 'flic Associated Prcsi.
Nnv Yoik, Nov. 22. Thursday and Filday c!
lionc bhow week have, barring; eicesahcly dis
agreeable weather, proved tho banner days ol
padt exhibits and it will doubtlcM bo tha same
this car as today's attendauca vnu tha largest
of tho exhibition.
The Kaiser Wilhelm tier Grossc In
hired bu tlio Gales in
The North Gorman Lloyd Vessel Ar
rives Forty-eight Hours Overdue,
and to Add to Other Misfortunes,
Is Stuck i'i tho Mud in the Lower
Bay After Passing: Sandy Hook.
Wrecking Steamers Summoned.
Passengers Disgusted.
By inclusive Wire, from The Associated Press.
New York. Nov-. 22. The North tier
man Lloyd steamer, the Kaiser Wil
helm 13er Grossc, arrived today, forty
eight hours overdue, and tev add to her
other misfortunes, grounded in tho
lower 'bay, after passing hi Handy
lttiok. Tho cmifo of her delay was pri
marily thcivveather. From the moment
of leaving Cherbourg on Xov. 14, she
experlencoel .stormy weather. At time
the seas boarded Iho high side ctuft
and caused some damage to her rails
ami tlttliiKS. On tho 18th at 8 p. m.
one blade of tho port propeller was
loaf and thu engineers were obliged to
slow down the engines. This, with the
successive gales, reduced the dally av
erage; of the steamer over 100 knots.
The following days the weather con
tinued stormy.
On the 21st a coal trimmer named
Knick, jumped overboard and was lost.
Ho was a. German about 17 years of
age. .
Today a Sandy Hook pilot hoarded
tho vessel. On rounding- tne southwest
spit, the steamer being under too much
headway te turn the sharp angle of
the channel ran into the mud. Later,
In backing; off she fouled a spar buoy
and it Is supposed that tho chain
wound about the propeller as the vessel
stopped and was unable to move. Two
wrecking steamers went -to her assist
ance, but the captain and piloL.thought
the tugs wore not able to tow the vessel
in. A diver's services will bo used to
morrow morning to ascertain tho ex
act condition before any attempt Is
made to move her.
When it -was learned that tlie Kalbi-r
Wilhelm Der Grosse nud grounded in
the lower bay, tho deputy health officer
WftKt with tlie revenue ctitti3it-t'c- l'tv
steamer and examined the passengers
and granted pratique. Tho Kaiser Wil
helm Dor Grosse has on board tl2ri
saloon, S28 second csibln and 673 steer
age passengers.
The passengers did not eappcur to be
in any way excited tonight, but all
were disgusted at the sudden stoppage
so close to shore, and many chafed
at the delay which resulted in their
detention on board for another night.
The two wrecking- tugs are lying near
by to render any assistance necessary.
Board Elected for Next Year at a,
Meeting- in New York.
By Uvcluslec Wire fiom Thu Associated I'ii-v.
New York, Nov. 22. Tho following,
named were elected to tho board ejf
directors of tho associated Press at
the meeting of the members lost
Frank 1?. Noyes, tho Washington!
Star: Charles W. Knapp, tho St.
Louis Ttepubllc; Victor P. Lawson,
Chicago Record and Chicago Dally
News; Stephen O'JIeara, Boston Jour-
nel; Albert J. Tlnrr, Pittsburg Post:
Harvey W. Scott, Portland Or.egonlan
and Portland Telegram; OeorgvJ
Thompson, St. Paul Dispatch; W. L.
McLean, Philadelphia Evening Bulle
tin; lion C. Seltz, New York World;'
Herman Riddor, New York Staats J5oi
tung; Thomas G. Rapier, New Orleans
Picayune: Charles P. Tart, Cincinnati
Timi's-Stnr; Charles H. Clrasty, Balti
more Kvening News; Whltehuv Hold,
Now York Tribune; M. II, DoYoung,
San Francisco Chronicle.
He Warned Men Not to Marry Too
By llxclmlie Wire from Tho Associated Pics.
Unlontown. Nov. 1'2. William Slnims,
colored, who shot and killed his wife,
LllUe Hollo Siinms, at Dunbar, Pa., on
Aug. It!, 1S09, was hanged In tho Fay
otto county jail at lO.-li a. m. today, In
tho presence ot six hundred peophr.
This execution passed off ciulotly,
.Siinms mot his death uullluohlugly.
Last night ho gnvo out a hitter
claiming thut the crime was commltteel
In anger because of Infltlollty, Ho
warned all to be careful whom thev
married, and not to marry too young,
By Ktfliuha Wlie from The Associated Tre".
PitUbursr, Nov. 22. Tho movement of coal to
tho Hutheiii inirLcLs commenced in the ilonon
pnluli and Ohio pools lodiy nnd t-hippcis h"M
to iud ten million biiahcls southward within
Iho iie-vt t'firl -eiijlit hours, tiotulthstanding this
kliiko of initio cue nicer J which is retarding
them to Miiim estenl, Tlie total amount ot coal
awaitiuir fclilnunt U thirty million bii,licU
Dy Exclusive Wirt from The Associated Preai.
KluinoUii, Nov, 22. The Union Coal com
pany announced loday tint the Scott shaft
which iraj abandoned III 1S01 would be re
opened 33 foon us poslbh, , bleaker will I14
constructed on tho iltj hctiucn here und Mt,
Carmcl and when in opoi.Ulon will give) employ,
incut to 500 men and be.ti.
I -f
4. , 4.
Washington, Nov. lor -
Eastern Pennsylvania: ficucrally fjlr 4
rrtday add Saturday; frcoti south to -i
4- west windj. -f.
ft " ttt.t
"-s.!ft-.i'; ' .,
. I.e .
J-.w A.
: s n l - , -
1 hi vjj4x'4.alft3io.aiuiillti.a
iAgl? faJtJAu u
iAo, .--iVt -d.. i