Mi.i iisk"fl",is.'"'!'-f ""V",7-iifrFiMi1j,R', 'ij-Ktr-yns , I'wi; TjwvT-7irgi -- iffy '?wH' e V $ a - t.,.u i .,iufl;)sv e r: : ' - w v ' v'ftjckj: . y ' f i' M ' 1 THFc SCRANTON TRIBUNE-: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER. 22, 1900. ii l In. ruhllahett Dolly, Ktcept SV,,!i,J,i,i3;.TJ"tJnrlh' uni ruhllkhtnit Compony, at filly CrtiU Monin. t.lVV P. RICHARD, Editor. n, F. UYXDKK, DulnM Manager. Ktw York Office! 180 J. B. Bole ARCnt for Forelim Advertising. Intered it the rovtofllce it Kcnnlon, Pa., M SecondClasi Mall Matter, .When upacc will pirnilt. The Tribune l IJ (lad to print abort letter from IU friend btir. tnu on current topic. Imt lis rule i that Inrje mml be Ripened, tor publication, by tlio vvrlier 1 real name: and the condition precedent to ac- eptance Ii that all contribution aliall e "" Ject to editorial rcvllon. SCRANTON, NOVKMRRR 22, 1300. Ot'iicrul MmcuIioIom, u foinu-r Filipino chief, has been ticpullised to convey ncHH of election to Agulimldu. .Miiou IoIoh will be nucompnnlud by 100 picked men. who Impe to convince the yellow nsltatnr that the ofTnils of IiIh wood Amcrlciin friends In the way of hi'iiipprlnrr proRi'CHH at Manila, will always be conllnecl strictly to talk. Possibilities of Invention. A"f"" HK MAN who piofeseeM hi be I able to luu ni'M.i the ocean JL and acquire mechanical power fiom the waves Is .Willi at the fiont confident Hint the problem of milking the seu do the world's work without letting the wat ers wreck the ocean-motor whenever they become "troubled," lias at lavi been solved. Heretofore, the uncertain conditions of the surf have been an obstnele In the way of success whenever a machine has been set In motion. AValer engines that looked well on pnper anil even worked to the theorel'ical limit of smoothness and elliclcney In calm weather would go to smash In the first heavy surf. The latest essay In this line, according to the Washington Star, proposes a series of submerged pistons, worked by buoys whose constant motion Is expected to compress air. The question is whether the piston machinery can bo anchored .sufllclently to prevent It from being swept away by the heavy undertow of the surf. The beaches avo always changing their formation, and It may prove a serious pioblem to secure an adequate foundation for the compress ing mechanlclsm. Some day this great invention may be perfected, and then it will be In order to see a transformation of our seashores into continuous mechtno shops. There is no doubt that power derived from such a. source would be much cheaper than thut derived from fuel. The fuel problem is not yet piess Ing. but If industries multiply In the coming century at the ratio that has prevailed during the closing century the generation of a hundred years hence may sorely feel the pressure of this need. Increased use of cataract water power. such as at Niagara, has served somewhat to chock the develop ment of this crisis, and doubtless in the course of a few decades the water pow-.-r will be utilized to the limit now dreamed of by enterprising promoters. Meanwhile the sun-power inventor is at work, hoping some day to transform the sun's energy into mundane motive force. But little progress seems to have been made along this line of late, as few announcements of discoveries and perfections of mechanism have ap peared. As between the sun-power and the sea-power machines there ap pears to bo a decided advantage in favor of the latter. Although the sea Is occasslonly calm to such a point that it would probaly hardly "earn its salt" in the production of power, these peri ods are Inslgnlllcant compared with the number of hours in each year that the sun is not available for work. In other words, the question of storage -of power is by no means as pressing In the casa of a machine driven by the waves as of one driven by solar heat. Tlio unconsured dispatches from Manila show that the correspondents did not have much up their sleeves after all. Army Recruiting. K lIIOM PRESENT Indications the United States recruiting offlcois have no light task ahead In filling the ranks of the aimy, soon to be depleted by the discharge of a large number of men who have seived their time, and unless the high standard of qualifications for legular army service la modified it Is dlftlcuit to see how men can be secured to take the places of those who will In a few months quit the service, At the present time there Is Mich a demand fur ablp-bodied men In the rejuvenated industrial world that the recruiting stations offer no Inducements for the acrage young American. The man who can earn two or three dollars a day at employment that he can leave when It suits him Is sonic wlTat averse to taking up with army llfpj at ?lf, a month. "lie overlooks the rati Mint he gets his food and clothes In-lfieurmy, and medical attention nnd little th'.ings of that sort that he must pay for, In pilvate life. Kiguivd up ut the eniT1 of the year, the volunteer Is not fur behind In the matter of earn ings, and ho has in addition an excel lent opportunity to see much of the most interesting part of the globe at tin; expense of the government. Yet the recruits, are not coming so plenti fully as they might and the problem of attracting recruits may piove moro serious than now anticipated, It Is possible that the establishment of ie cnjltlng offices In tlio country districts, where' wages ate not so high as In the Industrial centeis, may help out, but the drawback in such places Is thut thero are not mi many men from whom to select. -- The. secretary of the treasury, In his forthcoming report, will without doubt 1 commend the abolition or reduction of war stamp tuxes to the extent of fiom $15,000,000 to 3O,OOO,O0O a year, The difllculty in determining what taxes ahull be discontinued will prob ably be the only obstacle. In the wav of a satisfactory arrangement of the chunge. The gleutest objection to the stamp tux in most Instances conies from tint .fact that -,U ' " nuisance rather than from the trifling expense. In rase of Iho bonk chock, where the stamp Ii usually pilntcd upon Iho blank, but lltllo trouble Is experienced In fulfilling tho mandates of Uncle Sam, but In the telegram blank! the small note or lease, the stump busi ness become nn annoyance. While It may not be possible to please ull In the reduction of tho revenue tux, It Is piohablo that the public In general Would merer the abolition of taxes that urn a nuisance rather than a sllcht reduction upon all or the tax. Latest news from Turkey eonllnns the report that the Sultan has the hlohest regard for America and our ofllolttls and Institutions. It Is need less to add that these assurances of good will ui unaccompanied by a check. ' Contributions to Our Wealth. AN KXC'HANCIK has under taken to give an explana tion of some of the elements that assist In muklng this rnuntry richer, In following the com so of securities: At least one-half of all the American securities held abroad four- years ami, It Is said, have come back home, it muy be added that they have come buck at a lower price than they went away, nnd mna of them at lower prices Hum now prevail. Under tho llrst threat of Hryanlsni and fiee sli ver In 18UG, there was a perfect nanlc among European holders of American shares and bonds. American capital iccovercd confidence long before that panic subsided and took over largo lines of securities at the bottom prices, the Increasing American exports sup plying European credit for the ab sorption. Since the late election, however, there have been marked evidences that Europe Is anxious to recover Its Amer ican holdings. The stock market flurry began In London, nnd during the most aotlve days there were heavy buying orders from abroad, the sellers belnc on this side of the ocean. In as far as stocks have been going abroad again this year, or may go next year, there Is a large profit on the American side a credit in addition to the heavy excess of exports over Imports. Europe is contributing to our wealth. A surprise Is doubtless In store for those who imagine that the vice-pre,sl-dency will prove the political sar cophagus of Colonel Roosevelt. The Butter War. N THE MINDS of. candid observ ers of the trend of events in agricultural lines, there seems no I question that the cow Is In danger of following the horse on the road to extinction. It is scarcely with in the possibilities of natural history, says the Chicago News, that this noble animal can long survive the machina tions of the makers of oleomargarine. The butter men deny with scorn that there W any plan to form a creamprv trust or that, in the nature of thines, any such trust should be formed. They point out that the creameries are too numerous to be bought up and con solidated. Then they show that the high price of creamery butter Is prob ably due to the oleomargarine makers, who are 'buying up the product and advancing prices in order to prejudice the mind of the consumer and to create the impression that ereampry butter Is an aitlcle of luxury, obtainable only by the rich. Thus it appeals that while the creameries are so numerous that nobody could buy them all It Is quite feasible for somebody to buy all the butter. The end Is plain. The malevolent oleomargarine men will go on buying butter and advancing the price until the people cannot stand tho tax and In despair will resort to tho cheap sub stitute, "bull butter." But every cloud has a silver lining. By the time this Is accomplished all the creamery men will lie millionaires through selling butter at exorbitant prices and the oleomargarine men will be bankrupt through having Invested all their money In high-priced butter which no one can buy. Then the rich creamery men can whip the poor oleomargarine men at their leisure. It has been announced that Secietary Long, In his next annual icport, will advise the formation of a naval reserve out of the seafaring class to strengthen the navy quickly In case of war. This Is common enough hi other maritime nations. Merchant s.illois are paid a small sum, like millt. '-y icserves, to submit to peilodl.'ivl training and hold themselves icady for seivice In time of need. This would be very different from the present state organizations of naval militia. Members of these belong to the samw social class ns tho National Gun rd. They are no more sallois than tho others are soldiers, They me en thusiastic young men of a dozen dif ferent callings, none of which perhaps Is related to the sea or llts them for the hard labor and stern discipline of shipbouul. The young gentlemen of the naval mllltla thai got on men-of-war In 1S98 had tho expeilence of their lives, and the bravest thing they ever did was to enduie it without a whimper. The secretary proposes to leave the mllltla to the local duty of coast de fense and to get lake mid coast sailors Into tho reserve, A specimen of tho Inequality of representation in. cougicss Is given in the offlclul vote of Mississippi, which with tho results In from other states, have put Into thu hands of those who wane to reduce representation in con gress to it basis of quulilled electors u weapon of an effective character. The volu was 51,70(1 Democratic, o,7.":i Re publican, and 1,611 1'npullst; 5D,103 In ull, Thesu W.OOO votes eleot seven members of congiess, The population of Mississippi In IS'JO wus 1,'.'S!),G00. In the Fourteenth New Vork district, for Instance, with a population of Silfllis, one member of congress was elected this year by u vote or about CS.000, neglecting the scattering candidates; or some 10,000 juore tlutn chose seven members of congress hi Mississippi. This "is a condition of inequality and Injustice thut will rankle continually In the American mind, whutever fear there may be thut to take uny specific remedy proposed would perhaps make a bad matter; worse. Home of the Philadelphia speakeasy proprietors havu been given sentences of two years In prison. In tho Quaker City the wave of reform seems to be accompanied by thu elements or a hur ricane. Mr: Debs seems to be the only presi dential candidate who Is not content to settle down unit enjoy tho prosperity that has accompanied his defeat. "Coin" Harvey's figures nt present do not appear to attract the attention that would bo accorded a last year's rail road time-table, f i i m In tho matter of Incieaso In popula tion It may be noted that the Keystone state kept well tip with the procession. Another Cartlst uprising It due. Cabinet Officers of Early Days 1'ioin Hit- ILillliiKire American, Till) llltVAN cabinet ninkon li.nl llirlr lii nliiKS of 'peculation bcfoie election day. 1 1, hit now become lmm.itcil.il whctlici AllKcM, Tow no, Cruder, Wellington, I'd wind Atldmon nnd oilier m.ilconlcnH would li.uu lut'n hulled lo u st.it at tlii piejldent'n ollirlnl table. Tlie rilstiwlon oer the make-up of Mr. McKlnlej'd ond term cabinet has HKi' io lost mucli of lis 11:1 v or since it Ins been iiMiounred (lint all of Ms niescnt iuh'l?or.s bail lipen aKetl to remain. Ordinarily, they would tunc tendeii'd tlielr resignations on AIjicIi t next, wlilcli, In the ia.c of those whom the piesldi'iit wUhcd t letaln, would not lie accept ed. It teems iiMMiiulily certain now that, with ii'ih.ijw one or two eveiitlonn, they will all .'njll tdennehes of the expression of eonll ilenco just piomuliralrd by their ehlef, and con tlnuo to gie tlielr seniles lo the administration which rciciu'tl sued a ILUtciinc endorcinent on Nov. (!. It is inlercstliii.'. nevertheless, to oli sine what In tdc jiast lus been the ronine of piHilonls under Minil.ir circumstances. In Hie eaily d.ij.s ot the cm eminent the Wil li re of cabinet olllceis was fni more secuie than It became under subsequent administrations, Hlu'ii V.ihinirtou r altered upon his second term he retailed his entile stalf. All of these In of. (lie at the close of the second term were lo tolnd by Adam. The only addition be made was Ilcnjamln Stnddert, of -Maryland, Ibvt holder ot the then ncwly-ticated uaiy portfolio, .lef ferpon was the next executive to serie for eight (oniiecutive vcjis. lie: made but one chance on takine bis oath for tde second time, trans ferring: Secretary of tde Navy llobert Smith, of Marjlaml, to l.ei Lincoln' place as nttorney Keneral, nnd tlllliur the navy lacar.cy by tde ap pointment of Jacob Ciownlnsdield. Madison likewise made but one change when in J&l:t, be cntoicd upon a set nnd leim. Momoc made none at all. Among bis secretaries two sened dur ing bolh leims, two for nearly that length ot time, and two others for the and siv .icus, rc Kacithely. o the opening ai( Ambew Jack-on'.-, second tcim witnessed an almost coinplela' "new deal." Jaek mii's notion Dial his "adWscis" weie mere an. lomatons, employed to do Ids bidding; without liiestion, led to fiequent ihaiiKcs in bis cabinet. N'u less than three secretaries of the treasury were named in succession befoie be founal one Time to italic the order withdrawing the Roi ernment deposits fiom the United States bank. Taney himself was ncier continued, a f.ut which did not help to allay the distentions width ic Miltcd ultimately in the passage of a ole of ceiMiie fur Jackson by the senate, which was, howeer, expunged ncjr the cloe of his admin istration. The attitude of Lincoln, the next picddcnt to be re-elcclcd, was in maikeil tou I HKt to that of Jackson. lie caiiicil with dim into the second admiuisti.itioii, wild one excep tion, all of the cabinet memhris who wcie in oflice at the close of the (list. In (irant's sec ond cabinet there was but one hangc, whin lleuh.ell ohmtarllv withdtew fiom (do treas-iii-, to lie leplacril by William A. ltiiliaidson, Hamilton 1'ish, who hud accepted the state port lolio near the beginning of (irant's rtrst leim, to irlicw the picMilcnt fiom embairiisiuent, clue to an enoneoits imiic.s.sioii that Mr. Fish had ac aiplcd (lie piiifli-iiil liouoi, irmained in office nelly eight iiis. --o - 1'our ieo-piisialint-Tlci, l'lllnlol.', John-on and Artluii -siucculoil to the ollice HiioubIi (lie death of tlie incident. In neatly all cases this happened near the beginning of the term. Vet changes in the pusonnc! of ide cabinet were tlie rule. This result is a naiuial coiollaiy to the piactice of .selecting as ice-piesident the lead ing paily opponent of Iho president. It was, tbeiefoie, perhaps not uniiatinal that Tler should hae disinls.-etl all of the Hauison secretaries except Woliilcr, who-e services in the state ilu paitmeut weie ton aliuble to lose. Killinore ic-appoinled none of (ictici.il Tayloi'R aihisers. It is line (hat Ambew Johnson lelained tlie nicmbci.s of Lincoln's cabinet, but it was not a happy official family. In (he first (bint months tllfleieiices aiose which led to (he leslg n.it Ion of his altorney-geiicial nnd Iwo of Ids scoclaiics, and forced Stanton out of the war dcpailnienl befoie his teim was half ner. It Is krowu that Piolilmt Aithur iniitrd the fiaillcld cabinet In its cnlltiiy to remain, but Itobeil T, Lincoln wiis (he unly one lo do so for any length of (line. Becielniics Html and Kirkwuud sta.tcd in until suitable, sucusaoi-, could be found. The other meinbeiK declined to stand in lln w-.ty of policies xvhli li Aithur ilerhed tu cany mil, and willed weie not allogelher tlio-e of bis marl led picdcerssor. I'lesident tievektud was tin- only incumbent of the ollice chosen to nil II it sceond time, but liol I'onscetitiui.v. None of Ills (Irst In m si'c trlaries flirtim! iliulng (be seronel. DESTRUCTION OF DEWEY ARCH. New Yoik Coiie-iiundence Pittsburg Disiulch. At last (lie llewcy uit.li is stone, A gang of uou-si'iitlmi'itliil laboieis nttjtkeii the Miullson Sipiaio Memorial early this morning, and a eloen luumionplncc- pick-axes were more than u ituli.ii fur the piaster and cauws aitillriy, hoiseineii and raiiagtit betcies. Ilellc liunttis were in tlie wake ot tlio dcstio.ihig folic, in iisuil. I'lug menls from the bJlteirtl sUtuu ot Vietmy were e.igeily sought, and 1'ailJgut's head was auc tioned in ftotit ot the Hotliiun Ilutise, belli; krueked down for -tu cenls It, a Oerniait fiom .leisc-. The pitiful IliinslncM of lie Dewey iniinoilal was made jppJicnt by Hie bitsle of lu tlesl nle (Ion. A single stout blow miild demolish l whole gintip of liRHtcs and mako :(-foot holt In the Imitation slone columns, lt.v daik n e loud of choking white dust and a pile ot shape. Ie lath and nioiliir weie the sold oucnhs of l)i'W('s trluinpli.ll conquest of New York. In teicst hi lite memorial fund is reviled by tlie destitution of tde lenipotaiy aieb. 'Ide fun! exceeds $200,IHK at picn'nt, but mote than twicu that amount Is lieesary lo ieipetiMte the tie. sign In inutile. MUCH IN XITTLE. (I il lit', sail, biead and steak me put Into the ciatlle of a lien- bout baby in Holland. Kiviug U nliuext unknown jn Japan. mother iicu'l' klvm htt child, a lorn Hour kisses his swielbcait. South Dakota lias an aggicgale of 1 1 ,0(K),(Xil acres of meant goieinnieitt lain) willed Is now subject to cull- by qualltifd jppllcaius. So useful ate loads In gaideiis Hut tdry ate (OKI in I'ijiki' by (he tl'jion leu stocking gaidrns, 10 flee Hit in lioni malty Injiiilotis iiisecu. ide sjsj s.1 tiok-s bank sisleni is in opcutlou in Austria, llii'ilmn, Catuila, l-'rauee, liungary, Italy, Ni'thi'ilaniU, hweden ami lit mot tit the lolottici. It takes 5,1mm) bees In weiijli a H,iind, but when I lie Insects ecu. e in lirh fmui the Ileitis and llowiw. fitigltted wllli hone, l.t-- wvlkii neaily llnlie us much. 'Ibe number ot l coins In a douse, of window or doois in u loom, cien of lungs on a ladder, 11 Slam must ulwjjs bo odd. Lion nuinlicrs tire ionsieleiecl unlucky, liowets bloom in Iho Sandwich l.ljnds ull the t'jr round; thenioif, it is belicicd that titat lountiy is more desculng Ibau Japan of the title "Flowery Kingdom." A lee cut issue of the I'Jll-Atnelicjli Atlas pub lUliecl In' llerliii sajt theic ate ils,o00 persons o( Oennan lilrlli f.r descent In South ml Central America nnd tlio rt Indies. l-'orly ears ago Japan hod only coasting les sels. Now It has scicmI sleamsblp lotttpunles, tlio largest of willed inns Xt vessels. 'Hie Turkish tnolher loads Iter child xvllli ainnlels as soo-i ns It Is born, ihd small lilt of mud, steeped In hot walcr, prepared by prexlmis iti.inns, Is stiu k on Its foieltead, PERSONAL DRIFT. The lair MasaUta Stehaelil Tnmna, of Toklo, .. .. II.. ft . ... .t...l..l ... It. a ttMtfn.sll,. .,s nip uisb .lup.inesc riiMirns .. iii ..n.. fj M Mlehlgan, where lie atudlcd from 1973.7.V He was connecled with tlio Imperial univrrmy nnn a rloae friend of (he Marquis Ho. tluiirnor ltoocell was IlioUht ' hoy !' be of ii weak rniisllliillon. He early dexoletl iniieli ntlrtilloii (o exercise and spent all the lime that he could In the open air. Tu this he alhlbutes Ids present bcallh and endurance. Secretary of (lie Nay Long was In Denver on election day, and hud an opportunity lo nbscive women voting. There was nothing to Jnr the most sensitive spettalor, he says. On tlio con trary, the tendency was to elevate nnd bioatlcn, rather than to degrade or Impair. Queen Victoria Intends to spend the gtealer pait of next March and April on the continent. She will reside for between five and lx weeks nt llorcllgltera, on lite Italian Riviera, and will (hen go to Cobitrg. After leaving Coburg, she will stay for a few dijs nt Darmstadt before re turning to Kngland. On Maud 4 next (wo offlens xvell known to the navy will rclhe from lite actives list. Tlics! are Rear Admiral Philip Hlehbom, United States navy, chief of tho bureau of construction and re pair, ami Pay Inspector Henry O. Oolby, United States navy, bold of whom will reach the ,nge of 02 years on the same ilite. During the Illness ot Max Muller at the end of last year public pra.vcis were offered in a Hindoo temple nt Madras for his recovery, . distinction never before accorded to a European. When the news of his last Illness arrived all the priests and punellts of Ilcnnrcs assembled and agreeil to ofTer pi.iycrs in their sacred temples for his ucovciy. Lotd Lansdnwne, the new Drltlsli foreign aec retaiy, owes Ills title anil estates to a petliller, who was so poor tliat he lived In Paris for three weeks entirely on walnuts. Managing to earn an honest penny, he took out a patent for a letter-eoplng machine, wtoIc on ait and sci ence, piacllecd chemistry and physics, sum moned the first meeting of the Royal Society at Ills lodgings, was appointed an army physician, invented a double-bottomed ship to sail against wind and tide, founded iron woiks and opened lead mines, commenced a fishery nnd limber trade, and left a fortune to lib sons. LITERARY NOTES. Itudyjrd Kipling's new novel, "Klin," will dp gin in the December isue of McClure's Maga zine. Tills Ls a tale of life in India, and In it the lller.trv genius gives a profound study of Oriental life. Tills is the author's masterpiece, sinel It fulfills In lis larger scope all (be promise of bis earlier and shorter works. One of Hie most exltaordinary. yet permanent, successes of contemporary literature was that made by Anthony Hope In the "Dolly Dialogued.' America and England alike rejoiced in the ie fined and subtle humor, the clear insight, tlie pervasive human interest of these; conversations. McCltnis magazine for December will contain tlie first in a series of "Moie Dolly Dialogues," In willed all tde cdatni of the earlier work is continued. 0XKX0KX0 The People's I Exchange. A I'OPl I.Alt ( LI'AltlNG 1IOUMB tor (be r Henefit of All Who Have Houses to ' Rent, Real llstalc or Older Propel ty to hell or Lxebange, oi Who Wttnt Situations or lleln These imall Advertisements Cost One Cent a Word, .Six: Insertions for rive i Cents a Word Except Situations Wanted, iviiiclt Aie luscilctl rice. ooooooooooooo For Rent. KORHLXTIi:N-ltOOt HOrSr', IN FIRST, class order; 518 line sheet, between Wash ington and Adams avenues; furnace, g.ib, bath; rent i educed. Charles I. Jadwin. For Sale. l'OR SALE A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OP iciily-mnde clothing and gent's furnishing; goods at n bargain. J. L. Tracy, Real Estate Exchange, Waveily, N. Y. FIRE AND RUIIGIiAll TROOI' SAFE. fON- talns laige welded steel and iron vault. Was made originally for bank. Must be sold piomplly. The Weston Mill Co., Scianton, Pa. FOR SM.E-CONTENTS OF HOUSE I'lJItNI. ture, carpet', teddinj, etc. 0J2 Washington avenue. Wonted To Buy. WANTED-SECONDIIAND SLOT MACHINES; must be in good older; state pailicular us tu make and price. Addicss !., Jl genei.il do. Ilvcry, Scranton, I'a, Business Opportunity. rOltMiAU'-MY INTEREST IN A COOD PAY.' ing business, established ten ear; pi cot nt dim lated high In bold agencies; will sell Ini ineiliiitel) ; party engaged In other business, Addicts, X, this office. Boarding'. 1IRS. JAMES T. KENNEDY, LATH OF NEW Yoik city, hu3 opened a first-class boaidlni: home at 514 AeUnis avenue. Gentian table. Everything new and homo like. Table bonidlng. Wanted. WANTED-A (lENTLE bOUND FAMILY t'AIt riage team of hordes. Addtess X. Y, '. , Tiihtino oftiie. Board Wanted. BOARD WANTED FOR 'UIIIEK ADULTS AND one small child, in U'opci table Jewish tain. Ily, living in first-class neighborhood. State pi Ice. W, A,, Tribune office. Rooms Wanted. YOl'Nd MAN DESIRES HOARD AND 1IOOS1 IN' private family, neaso state lernu. Ail ill ess A. WANTED TIlllEli Oh FOUR ROOMS FtUI nlslted, for ligbt liousekeeplng'. Walking distance fiom cotitt douse. Slate teiuis. Ad dress U, Help Wonted Male. WANTED-KNEROEilO SIiEsMKN: ENI'Klll. euco unneces-sjiy; libcial pioposltlon; iiuliit free. Aller Nursciy Conipjny, Itocdcstcr, N. Y. Help Wanted Female, WAiDroTnTEAt our LUstotncM and Ulsliibute samples. Call in evening JU i'iitston avenue, lloston Tea Co, Recruits Wanted. MARINE CORPS, U, S- NAVY, RECRUITS wanted Ablc-boclled men, servlco on our war thins in ull parti ot tho world and on land in the Philippine when required. Recruiting; of ficer, 103 W) omiii avenue, Scranton. Lost. I.OST-A MARTIN COI.LARIXI'E. r"INDKB will be suitably rewarded by leaving same at 4-10 Wjctnlntr avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED STlOtHtMiTnit til ion! good lefcrenecs. ,, V, l, 'Irtbnne. SITTrVTION WANTEIVaT'sEAM HEWiNtTTl ii illnlng work. Apply 203 Mciidiau slreel. SITUATION WANTED-I1V A VOUNtI tlllll. TO ilei dining mom work, kltthtn wink or lei nurse chldlren. Apply SOS Meridian sllret. SITUATION WANTED-IIY YOtJNtl MAN' DltlV Iiip teainj das dad experlente lu the gio wry tiiLsiniM and Is well acquainted viltli all pails of tho city. Address 12 E.tt Market St. SITUATION' WANTED-IIY A WOMAN, '10 DO washing and Ironing, or tu take washing licnici best il(y rcfcicnces. Mil Pleasant street. A YOtlNO MAN WANTS A POSITION' OP ANY kind! lias bad six fnrs' experience In Rro eery business nnd can speak English and fleiinen. Athlress H, E., ii5 Ue cnurt, clly. WA.NTr.D-IIY SIN'OLi: MAN, POSITION AS watchman, or at any other light ttvrU. Ad. eltess 8ai liceeli stlect. SITUATION WANTED-AS RUTCHEIt. RY ONE who tdoiougli undeistunds lite busl'ies. Ad dress Uittcdcr, Tribune. SITUATION WAXTED-HY A ROY, Id YEARS old, to work at anything! lore prefciicd. Ad dress 1355 Dickson avenue, tlrccn Ridge. SITUATION WANTED TO CO OUT BY THE day. E. J. A., M') Washington avenue. SITUATION WANTKD-RY A YOUNG LADY IN an office, with a reliable business firm; is a capable bookkeeper, Address Uox l"I, Factory villc, Pa, AMERICAN LADY WOULD MtvT POSITION AS muse; could assist in plain sewing, or lake charge of house. Address, II. J., Tilbuii'! office. SITUATION WANTED HY A YOUNG OIRL, TO assist In liouscwoik. Apply "32 South Wjom Ing avenue. POSITION WANTED BY A COMPETENT YOUNG Iran, as a bookkeeper or as assistant book keeper; references as to Integrity and ability. F. R. II., Tilbune office. A SITUATION WANTED BY A LADY TO DO mending and darning' of fine underwear for ladies anil genls; will do neat work on short no tlce. 622 Dlx court clly. LEGAL. NOTICE IS HEREBY C1VEN THAT AN APPL1 cation will be made to the Governor of Pcnn sWvania on tho 10th iliy of November, J00O, bv 11. M. Holes, E. D. Boies, W. S. Hutchiiurs, .1. D. Slterer anil A. F. (lebharelt, under the Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act to provide for the incorpmatlon and regulation of certain corpora tions," approved April 21, 1874, ami the supple ments thereto, for the charter ot an intended cor poration to be called the Mayfielcl Electric Light, Ilent and Power Company, the character and ob ject of which is to manufacture and supply light, heat and power, or any of them, by electricity, to the public in the borough of Mayflcld, county of Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, anil to sued persons, partnerships and corporations, ie siding therein or adjacent thereto, as may de sire tho samo, nnd for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all of tho rights, benefits ami privileges of said Act of Assembly and the sup plements thereto. It. D. CAREY. Solicitor. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD O. SPAULUING, C. P. A., 23.TRAD era' Bank building. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, COXNELL building, Si ranton. FREDERICK L. BROWN, ARCHITECT. PRICE building, 12G Washington avenue, Scranton. Cabs and Carriages. RUBBER TIRED CABS AND CARRIAGES; BEST of scrvlre Prompt attention given orders, by 'Dhone. 'Phones 2672 and 0332. Joseph Eclley, IU Linden. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBERGEH, PAULI BUILDING, Spruce street, bcranton. DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRIVATE HOS . pltal, corner Wyoming and Mulberry. DR. C. C LAUBACH. 115 WYOMINQ AVENUE. DR. H. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AT nue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. & W. PAS- atsger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VIC roil KOCH, Proprietor. Lawyers. J. W. BROWNING, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL-lor-at-law. Rooms 312-313 Mcars building. D. B. RF.PLOCSLE, ATTORNEY LOANS NEGO tiatcd on leal estate security. Meat's building, coiner Washington avenus and Spruce street. WILLARD. WARREN & KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and counscllors-at-law. Republican building, Washington avenue. JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COU.V ccllorsat-lavr. Commonwealth bulldln;, Rooms 1(1, 20 and 21. JIMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 514. 515 and 518 Board of Trade build Inc. EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. ROOMS WV1-00I, 9th Boor, Mcars building-. L. A. WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD ot Trade building, Scranton, Pa. C. R. PITCHER. ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON 1: WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Bank 'building. C. COSIEGYS, 0-13 REPUBLICAN BUILDING. A. W. BERTIIOLF, ATTORNEY, HEARS BLDG. Physicians and Burgeons. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 513 NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. S. W. L'AMOREAUX, OFFICE MO WASH- ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry. Chronic, diseases, lumjs, heart, l.ldneja and gcnlto-urinary organs a specially. Hours, I to 4 p. in, Seeds. G. It. CLARK & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NURS. erymen, store tot Washington avenue; green bouses, luxn Norlh Main avenue; store tele phone, 7t2. .Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, SCRANTON, Pa, Course pieparatoiy to college, law, medi. cine or business. Opens Sept. 12th. Send for catalogue. Rev. Thomas U Cunn, Lb. D prin cipal ami pioprietor; W. E. liumley, A. M., headmaster. Wire Screens. JOSEPH IvUETTEL, IIEAU Bit LACKAWANNA avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire bcrcens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING It'll CHILDREN id OIIDEIt; also lilies' waists. LoiiU Mioemikei, '.i'i Adams uvniiie. aTiL IlltldfiS CLEANS PlilVY VAULTS AND ceil pools; mi odoi, Improved pump, vi-e-il. A, R. Hiikim, propiletor, Leave oieleia uui Nmili Main nveituc, 01 Khka'a diu stoie, (Oilier Adams anei .snuuvi,., , n-,viMimT u.,,, MRS. L. T. KELLER, SCALP THKATMENI'. 5Vcj thainpooing, cVX-.; facial iuas..age; maulrui- lllg, .JV., .... J. ', -S --- THE WILKIN BARRE HECOIID (UN l!B HAD In Nrauioil ue cue iich sviuims 01 IU-1SIII.IM Bros., 4Ui Spruce mid M.I Linden; M. N'oitem, g-.'2 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. rScliuUri, -il Spiueo Itrect. UAUEH'B OIICilESTBA-MUSK! lORUVLI.s" picnics, parties ireeptiom, weddings and con. celt work fuinltlice). For terms aefdress It. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wjomlng avenue, over Hulbcrt's inuslo store. UEGARGEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN. vclopci, paper bags, twine. Waiehousc, loO Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. We Have Jyst Ifeceived A large assortinent of Miniature Calen dars for the coming year, such as are used for fancy work and designs. As the stock in this partic ular line is always limited, we would ad vise that now is the time to get what you want. ReyooldsBros Stationers and Engravers, Hotel Jermyn Building;. flercereaiui & Coeeell Now open for business at our new store, 132 Wyo ming avenue. We are proud of our store now, and feel justified in doing a little talking, but we prefer to have our friends do the talking for us, A cordial invitation is ex tended to all to call and see us. IEECMAU & GONNELL Jewelers and Silversmiths. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect June 10, WOO. South Leave Scranton for New Yoi I: at 1.15, 8.00, 6.10, 8.00 and 10.0., a. m., 12.53, 3.3.1 and 8.10 p. m. For Philadelphia at 6.40, 8.00 and 10.03 a. m.: 12.65 and 3.33 p. m. For Strouda liurg at ti.10 p. m. Milk and accommodation at 3.10 p. m. Arrive at Hoboken at 6.55, 7.18, 10.13 a. m.: 12.03. 2.47, 4.4S, 7.10 and 9.43 p. m. Arrive at Pliiladelnhia at 10.00 a. m.; 1.06, 3.4S. 0.00 and 9.22 p. in. Arrive from New York at 1.03, 4.00 and 10.20 a. m.; 1.00, 1.32, 5.43, 8.45 and 11.30 p. in. From Stroudshunr at 8.05 a. ni. North Leave Scranton for Buffalo and Inter mediate stations at 1.10, 4.10 and 8.30 a. m.; 1.55, 6.48 and 11.35 p. m. For Oswego and Sjra ruie nt 4.10 a. ni. and 1.55 p. m. For Utica at 1.10 a. m. and 1,53 p. m. For Montrose at 8.30 a. m. ; 1.05 p. ni. and 5.4S p. in. For Nichol Kon at 4.00 and 0.15 p. m. For ningliamton. 10.25 nnd 8.60 p. m. Arrive In Scranton from Buffalo at 1.30, 2.53, 5.35 and 10.00 a. m.j 3.30 and 8.00 p. m. From Ow-ego and Syiacuse at 2.55 a. ni. ; 12.38 and 8.00 p. m. From tltlea nt 2.55 a. in.; 12.38 and 3.30 p. m. From Nlcliolwn al B.50 a. ni. and 0.00 p. m. From Montrose at 7.55 and 10 00 a. m. ; 3,20 and 8.00 p. m. Bloomshurp; Divlilon Leave Scranton for Northumberland at 0.43, 10.03 a. ni. : 1.55 and 6.60 p. m. For Plymouth at 1.03, 3.40, 8.3S and 11.35 p. in. For Nanticoko nt 8.10 a. ni. Arrive at Northumberland at 0.35 a. m.; 1.10, 5.00 and 8.45 p. m. Arrive at Kantlcoke at 0.10 a. m. Arrive at Plymouth at 2.00, 4.32, 0.60 p. m. and 12.30 a. m. Arrive at Scranton from Northum berland at 0.42 a. m. ; 12.35, 4.60 and 8.45 p. m. From Kantlcoke at 11.00 a. m. From riymouth at 7.50 a. m., 3.20, 5.35 and 11.10 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. South Leave Scranton 1.40, 3.00, 6.40, 10.03 a. m.: 3.33, 3.40 and 8.10 p. m. North Leavo Scranton at 1.10, 4.10 a. m.; 1.55, 5.48 and 11.35 p. in. Bloomiburir Div Ision leave Scranton at 10.05 n. ni. and 6,50 p. m. rehigh Valley RaMdnd. In L'llcct May 27, 11)00. Trains Leave Scranton. Tor Philadelphia and New York via I). II. H. It., nt 8.43 a. m. and 12.03, 2.1S, 4.27 (Black Diamond Exprcii), and 11.30 p. in. Sundays, I). Ii IL R. B.. 1.63. 7.48 p. m. Tor White Haven, Hatlcton and principal pointa in the coal regions, via D. k II. It. It., 0.45, 2.18 a.id 4.27 p. m. For Pottavillc, 6.13, "'For 'Bethlehem, HaMon, Meadine, H.nrivburj; and principal intcimedlato stations via D. & II. 11. ., fl.45 a. in.; 12.03, 2.18, 4.27 (Black Dia mond Express), 11.30 p. in. Sundays, I), k II. It. It,, 1.68. 7.48 p. in. t Tor Tunkhannock. Towanda. Klmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermediate utailoni, via T)., L. & W. It. IL, 8.08 a. m.; 1.03 and 3.J5 For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falli, CIiIcobo, and all points west, via D. A, II. It. It., 12.ftt73.ai (Black Diamond Expicm), 7.4S. 10.41, 1LS0 p. m. Sundays, I). 4: II. It. It., 12.0.1 p. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lelilah Yalley parlor cars on alt Iraini between Willei'.vRatre nnd New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo anil Sin- pcialon Bridge. ,...,, KOLLIN' 'I. WILBUR, On. Sunt., 20 Cortland street. New Yorlc. CIlAIiLl'S P. Ll'K. '.'en. I'asn. Ast., 70 Corthrd street, New York. a. w. nonki:mai:iii:, wv, pj. Agt., south Bethlehem, Pa For tickets and Pullman reservation! apply to 300 Lackawanna avenue, Scianton, Pa. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Stations In New York-Foot ot Liberty iti.:t, N, !!., and South .Ferry. Anthracite coal used , exclusively. Insuring cle.tiilltitcs and comfort. J'imi: tabu: in urarr may a. imw. Trains leave Scranton for New York, Newark, i;iljliCtli, Philadelphia, L'aston, Bvthltheni, ,. lentimn, Mamli Chunk ami White llavm, at 8.,-a a. III.; express, l.SOj cuprcM, 4,00 p. in Sun. dl'oV lMttbtoiaiie Wllkcs-IJarre, 8.30 a. m. j j,o ami 4.00 p. in, Sunda.vs, 2.15 p. lit. For Baltimore and Washington, and polntx South and West via Bethlehem, sUO u. in., 1,20 p. ni. . Sundays, 2.15 p. w. For laing Branch, Ocean Oiove, etc, at 8.50 a in, and 1.20 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon ami HariUburg, via Al. Icntiuu, 8..I0 a. m. and 1,20 p. in. Sunday, ".l.'i p. m. For Pottsvllle, 8.3(1 a. ni., 1,10 p. m. through tlcl-ets lo all kiIiiIb cast, south and west at lowest i.ites at the station, .1. II. OIII.HA1ISKN. (lcn. Sitft. H, P, BALDWIN, lien. 1'jts Ast. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Tunes Table lu lilfcet Sept. 17, 1UJJ0. Tialm for lUwIey ami local point., coiiitn t lug at llawlej with Krle rallioacl'for New York, Ncwburgli ad Intermediate points, leave Scrau tun at 7.03 a. m. and '.'.25 ),. in. Tijin-i aulvu at Srrautou at 10 30 a. m. and (I.1U p. m. Honey to Loan. MONKY TO l.(l.N. UATTGNBKKO, ATfOR. ney, 307 Council Uuliuing. WONKY TO LOAN-STRAUIHT LOANS AT once, Curry, Conntll building. ANY AMOUNT OF MONTY TO LOAy-(jUlCK. btuight loam or Building ami l.oi.i. At from 4 to (I per tent. Call on N, V. H'alktr, 311-315 Connell building. MLEY'S k Shirt Waist Materials Are probably more in demand now than any time heretofore, and although the supply so far has not been equal to the demand we venture to say that for com pleteness our present assortments are un surpassed. Comprising in part: ' (Plain or figured,) Flannels,. Silk Embroidered Polka Bot Caslmeres, Etc, Etc. ALSO an unus ually fine line of S. 510-512 LACEAWANNA AVENUE COAL At Retail Coal of Ihe best quality for domestic ue an1 ot all sizes, inel'idiiiK Buckwheat and Birriacyc, delivered in any part of tho city, at Ihe lowe.it price. Orders rrceived at the office, Connell huild intr; icom :tufl; telephone No. 17G2; or at lhs mine, telephone No. 272, will ho promptly at. tended to, Denlcis supplied at the mine. Mount Pleasant Cal Co. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect May 27, 1000. Trains leave Scranton, D. &. H. Station: 6.45 a. m.. week days, for Sunbury, Hairisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 9.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsville, Reading Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays 1.58 p. in.,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, Potts ville, Beading, &c. week days. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. It. WOOD, (ten. rasa. Act. J. II. HUTCHINSON. Gen. JIT. Delaware and Hudson. In Kffctt Oct. 21, 1000, Tuln for Cathondale leave Scranton at 8.S0, 7.KI, 8.51. lu.ltf a. in. I 1-.0O. JAJ, 2.20, U.52, 6 25, 0.2S, 7.B7. 0.13, 11.15 p. m.t l.ia a. in. Ture Honesdalc 0.20, 10.1:1 a. ni.; '-'.2 and S.'ii u, in. For WilkeS'Darre-0.45, 7.-1S, S.43. O.IJO, 10.43 a. m.: 12.03, 1.2S, 2.13, 3.33, 4.27, 0.10, 7.4S, 10.11, 11.30 p. in. Tor Ij. V. R. It. polnl-0.45 a. in. I 12.03, 2.18, 4,27 and 11.80 p. ni. I'or I'cnnaylvanli It. H. polnts-O.JS, 0,33 a. in.; 2.18 and 4.27 p. m. lor Alhany and all points north 0.20 a. in. and 3,61 p. m, SUNDAY TRAINS, For Catbcndalc--J.W, 11.33 a. in.; 2.20, 3.62, J. 17, 10.52 p. Ill, For Wllkcs-Harre-O.rS a. m,; 12.0.1, l.JS, 3.2?, 8.27, 8.27 p. ni. I'or Albany and polnli norlh 3.32 p. m. For llonebdale 5.00 a, ni. and 3.52 p. m. Lowest rate to all pointa in United Stales and Canada. .1. V. BUIIDICK. (7. I'. A.. Alhany, N. . II, V, CIlO3, I). I', A., Scianton, I'a, New York, Ontario and Western R.K. TiMii tahu: in r.iTi.f-r (jUnday, nov. 4, lor.o. North Pound Tialm, Leave Leavo Airivu SilJtituii, CaiheMulJle. Cadoila. 10.40 a. 111. M -'0 I"- 1-ul I', m. il.m 11. 111. Alllve Carhoiiil.ile 0.10 p, in, .Villi h Hound. leave Leave Arrive L'adojla. Cailiondale, Seiaitlon. 7.(10 a. in. . 7.10 a. nt, 2.0.5 p. in Ml P. i". I-'.O l. I". Stindaa only, Norlh Duttnd. I.etve Leave Aulve fccrJiitou. Carliondale. Cado.ua, 8.30 a. m. 0.10 'i, nt, 10. U a. ni. 7.00 p. ni. Auive Caihondale 7.10 p. tn, I.ravv Leave Altieo ('atlciij. Cuitioudilc. Vcianloii. 7.00 a, nt. 7.10 a. lit. 4.30 p. lit. 5.51 p. in. 0.35 p. in. Traiitt leaving Suit ton at 10.10 a. in. dailj, and 8.30 a. ni. uiiclav. nuke New Yoik, 0ni. wall, Micldlelovvn, Walton, Sidney, Norwich, Home, Utlca, Oneida ami Ovveifo connection i. For further information consult ticket ncnt:. J. C. ANDEItSON, On. l'aa. Ast., New York. J. K. WIILSH, Travellntf 1'assenger Agent, Scranton, V $ 4 4 . V....J'..., .l . .-- i.-t- a jWtV 4 nf-atf i. ,& - . Al' ttfg !&' &