H f anton gs ,15 THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPBR RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRANTON. PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 21, 1900. TWO CENTS. Srimute. f WU TING FANG ON CHINA Views o! the Unhappu Kingdom Presented from a Native Standpoint. TALK AT PHILADELPHIA The Chinese M.nlster Delivers nn Interesting Address Before the American Academy of Political and Social Science The Cause of the Unpopularity of Foreigners in China Is Explained A word for the Missionaries. ly Rxcludvc Wire fiom 1 lie A-ocialeil l'lci. Philadelphia, Nov. 20. Wu Ting Fang, the Chinese minister, who ar rived here Inst night from Washing ton, delivered an address tonight be fore the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Mr. Wu, who has made frequent trips to this city, but never has seen the sights of the oitv, was taken on a tour of observation to day ly membeis of the academy. X visit was made to the University of "ennsylvania, damps' ship yaid, League Island navy yaid, Standard Oil works, and a number of large In dustrial establishments. After complet ing lils sight-seeing tour the minister was the guest of Provost Charles ('. Harrison, of the University of Penn sylvania. Speech of Mr. Wu. Tonight's meeting of the Academy of Political and Social Science was held In the New Century drawing room, and the auditorium was well filled with prominent men and women of the city, who came to hear the Chinese diplo mat. Jlr. AVu's subject was "The Cause of the Unpopularity of Forcigneis in China," and ho handled It ably. Mr. Wu, in part, said: The subject under disi usilun N .c delicate tin- (or hip lo handle. hen 1 was asketl to tin1 my lews on it my fust impulse uai to iccp out of (lip way ,is f.ir as poviblo. Hut titer Rhine the matter due loiiMdciation I 'oiwdcrrd it nty ehil.i in virey of 1 lie importance if the (.ubjcit to do my pirl in nvcil.iiuiiu: tho rral iausc-s .mil NiiKEt"tinir icniodic-. foi their if tioval. .So I have ionic hero tod.iy lo tpeak. for ,i.-clf as a Chinaman who lus llid anionic foi .'incrs mid can i-pc-uk tiom pclMin.il kuiivvlcdire, Wc llml dial Cliii'.i In ancient tiinei was not Indisposed to tr.ido and Inteicnm-o with the outer world. Foreigners came from the nciiih lioriiur coiinliic in Asl.1. Tluy inlciiiiinultd fieely with the nitivcd and vvcio ton-ielcicil ilur Iner their sojourn as Chinese. In fact they adopted our itivtnms and manners On the otlur hand tlio f liinoc novir luanlfolid any ill-fcei-Incr or aninioMly toward foreigners. In later limes we llml tint foieisiinia in (iilni weie treated not only villi kindnc-3 ami coiiMileiatiun but with frrc.it lc-pcct. Keen oflhial pot were ppen to thi-m,, Now it li an indisputable (ait (hat time is a ttrong feeling acailnl foieiKiieri at Hie present Hay. 'J he qui .-.I inn i-,; How has thl-. Huiiko came about? Wo have to ko bail, lo the refills of the hist half i rutin j. v hud that foreign ers from the west did not below; to the wiuio clacs of pel 6i .'is as we hid been .icciMouicd to deal with. 'Ihey wne ditreient in coloi. lace and language, and did not uh-civc- tmi cus toms and maimil.-. Dillh nllic-, and disputes ari-inp fiom inUundei.standlns ri'iiltcil in v.u fare. In older to make peace, China had to liianl extraordimr.v piivlli'Kcs to foieii;i(is ami piy heavy iutlcmuitiiw. fter Mieh a sid ex perience, is it a wonder that the t hinu-e- peo ple cnteilain anything but fiiendli .-cntinnnts toward foicignris? The Missionaries. It his been commonly supposed that inls-dou-Rrles arn the Kle r.mo of iiuti-toiei;n fieiins In China, 'lids charge is unfair, Mii-donaiies have done a ericat deal of Rood in China. They have tianslatcd useful woiki into the Chinese laiiKUJKe, published Miilitlllc and idin.itlou.il journals, and established ieliools all our the ounti.. Midleal lnis-iiunilis i-pni.ill,v hue I I'll ruuaikahly .suet,rful in their philanthropic uoik. On tlie oilier hand, we iim-t not lie blind to tlio fact that Mine of their liiethien, In their r(Csslo mA to couieit Chinese lo their faith, liaic been indlscicet in their luudutt. Installers are not wanting of luissloniiles Inleifeiin? in the .uliiilnistiatlon of justice in Chinese com Is, Dy tica.ly inlssluiuuis liai a lifrht lo rtside in any pait of China. .(Mini foiclKiieis ate al lowed to icsldc only in the tiraly ports. In (lie interior, a mUsloiuiy ciunot but ecite u Rte.it ileal of cuiloslty, icpielally when he letiuns his national drcs. Uhui be, nmn'mer, publlily comhmns the ilieiishul Irailllious of ( Idui, pro sltluu the worsliip of aiiresteis and idols In bo tiwlcss iicrfornunee, cle,, the feelitr; of the tlilnetc people cm be i.iilly umliintood. III, rionarira are plnied in a utj dclleati: situation, and not all of them uic cautions ami discieet. The ucneral attitude of foielKhcrs toward thi ncsc has had n prcat ileil to do witli their mi popularity. All foiciKners in China c.ury with Ihrui the laws of their icpectho count lies. The local authorities have no jinisdictioii over tlum. ronsen,ucntly they form a tort of priiileired clas,i, and consider tiieiusehea more as lords of the rountry than asbtransers in a stuiiKe liml. They frequently treat the cutom, tiadllliu and iu ttltutlotu of the countiy with contempt, .mil in this way excites the lll-tcellnx of the natiies. Moreover, their conduct toward the Chinese, in ether respects, is by no means exemplary, Chi nese merchants lime not atuaja met with the courtcsim due to men of their position. Analn, the general mass of the people irceio beaut courtesy at the hands of foieluner. Chines) coolies arc often caned and kicked In tlio streets without the least provocation. The beatlui; of ihair coolies and tenants Is a matter uf daily occurrence. Jlbcomidercd acts of this kind nie talked about, and greatly embitter the feeliui; of the liitiu-s against foreigners. It is fair In mention that time, are forclgneis who treat the Chinese with every consideration and who dis approve of buch higlfhandeil proceedings of their (ountniuen. Hut unfortunately the mischief done by othcis counterluUuccs the favorable Im pression created by them. Work of the Press. The geneial tone of the foreign pic In China, li, also, calculated to set the wjiolc Chinese nation against foreigners and things foteigu. Columns are ileioled dally to dinounelug tin. Clilnesu gov eminent and its oflitials and eon. demuiiig ever.vlliln' which the people hold dear und mi red. The icicnt unfoitiinate uprising Is a liod tend lo writers for the foicigu pm..-, H IiiniUhiM 1 luiii with maleiial for bljik(iiardli'g the goveriiuirut and people of Cdui without tllnt. Kcn the dlplouulle repicsentallvi's of China ubrojd have not cscjpul the geiural con. iloninalion. l)r, Moiilsou, a cimcpoiideut of tin London Tunes, went far as to iluige my colleague in Loudon, and mbClt, Willi baicfunl luendaclly, "Xt for no self, 1 hope Id be abii to Jito down all blander of this kind. Hut the mass of the Chinese people are not u philosoph ical. They cvniiot under tlio circumstances en tertain friendly scntlnicnli toward their slan derers. lUenls nf recent jeari li.o aVo done much to inerrase the liltter frcllnp; hctwren Clilncse anil foreigners. Tim sclrurc nf territory wlllioul compensation, the forcible takltur of lands from their Chinese owncis, (he rough tic.itment ii" celird by those) in defense of their rifthts all these h.ie added fuel lo the flame. In say ing this, t do not wish lo lomey the Impres sion that the Chinese are entirely free fiom blame. They are at fault In lliat they nrn loo suspicious of foreigners, and unwilling to learn from the outside world, .Vow the quellon orlse, What are tlio reme dies for this unsatisfactory state of things? first of all, foreigners should show more eon sldei.illou tor the feelings of the natives. Chi nese customs and manners are not neecssirlly bad; foreign ways nrc not alwajic the best, foreigners should be more Fparlng In their con demnation of things Chinese. In tlio next phee, foreigners In their dally intercourse with edu cated Chinese should remember that tt lie pollte nes Is the same In China ac elsewhere. In the tiiliil place, the foreign pic-cs In China should Swiinio a more conciliatory tone toward I lie government and people of China. Many Chinese enn reiil foreign papers'. It would ba i good thing' iiNo In send only medltat mis sionaries to China, if this Is impracticable, non medical missionaries In China should establish schools and lihiaries. In conclusion, China i-houM not be judged an online,- to the fniclgn standard. Mistakes have been committed en both sides, bet us profit by our past cperienie and avoid similar lntstakt-s in the fuluie. It Is unple.ismt In ultlcire other people. My aim In doing o Is lo remove clllfi initios and create hat monj and friendship. Other speakers at the meeting were Dr. William A. P. Martin, piesldent of the Imperial university at Pekln, and the Hon. George F. Seward, ex-minister to China. Minister Wu, after his lecture, was tendered an informal reception at the Union league. He will return to Wash ington tomorrow morning. AWAITING ARRIVAL OF PAUL KRUGER He Will Be Given a Warm Recep tion at Marseilles Kruger in Good Health. By i:elusive Wire fiom Tlio Associated l'icss. Mar.seillcK, Nov. 20. Former Ptcsl dent Kruger will probably land here Thursday, instead of tomorrow. Bad weather is reported in the Mediter ranean and the Dutch cruiser Oolder land, on which he is a passenger, may hug the coast of tlio gulf of Genoa in preference to heading direct for Mar seilles, so as to avoid the cross seas. Kvery preparation, however, has been made for Mr. Kruger's possible landing tomorrow. The police and military are held In readiness, and the Boer recep tion committee has not made any change In the arrangements for the re ception. Workmen have been busy erecting llagstaffs ulong the water side at Ija Joliette and at the outer dock, where the steam launch with Mr. Kruger on board will land. It Is cer tain that Mr. Kruger's arrival here will be the occasion for a great, popular demonstration along the route from the dock to the hotel, which is situated on the principal boulevard, known as the t'anneblorc. It is equally certain that the formal proceedings, receptions, etc., will not be invested with the great Im portance, owing to the abstention from them of the prefect, mayor and other functional ies in their official capacity. A surprise came today in the shape of the arrival here of TCloff, Mr. Kruger's private secretary, who left the Gcldor land at Poi t Said and came ahead on the French steamer Iaos. Kloff left Mr. Kruger in perfect health and spirits. The former presi dent occupies cabins situated in the stern of tlio Gelderland. His dining room Is decorated with portraits of the Dutch royal family, a picture of Queen Wllhelmlna having the place of honor. The Hoor delegates, Messrs. Fischer, Wessids and Grobler, who have also arrived here, expressed to the repre sentative of the Associated Press their earnest 'wish to have the American peo ple with them in their efforts to secure a termination of the war. They s.aid they knew Mr. Kruger also appreci ated American sympathy and still hoped It would lead to practical results favorable to the cause of his country. Tim delegates, however, were unable to say exactly what Mr. Kruger will decide to do after landing In Franco. After landing In France, he will prob ably look around before issuintr a dec laration. There Is much talk in Marseilles to the effect that a counter demonstra tion will occur, or that anti-Knclish outcries will be raised which might re Milt in street disorders. Hut neither the piefect, nor the mayor, nor the Kfiullsli, nor tho American consulate attach the slightest importance to these rumors. A pro-Boer commlttco has Issued an appeal, copies of which were posted on tho walls of the town this afternoon, calling on the people to cheer for Mr. Kruger and the Boers, but to refrain from any Anglophobia demonstration. NEW TIIIAI, FOR KENNEDY. The Alleged Murderer of Dolly Rey nolds Will Have Another Chance, By Kxcluslvo Wire Irom Tlio Associated Tress. Albany, Nov. 20. The court of ap peals today handed down a decision granting a new trial to Dr. Samuel F, Kennedy, the Now York dentist, con vloted of tho murder of Kmellne C, Reynolds, better known as "Dolly" Reynolds, Tho Reynolds woman was found with her skull crushed In In a room at tho Grand hotel, In Now York olty, on tho morning of August in, 189!). Dr, Ken nedy was the lust person seen In her company, He was sentenced to bo electrocuted the week beginning May TEN YEARS FOR LARCENY. By EicIujIvo Wire from Tho Associated J're&J. DoyleUovvn, I'a,, Nor. SO. John Bojd, aliaj John Slum, pleaded tfullty today to the Isrieny of a team of horses owned by Dr. J, X, llleh ards, of FulUlngton. He was sentenced by Judge Vcrkes to leu years in tho penitentiary, - GAME COMMISSION, Dy Kuclieihe Wirt from The Auocialed Press. llarrlibuur, .Nov. !20. (lovcruor Mono today re-appointrl Irvine A. Sirarns. of ' WllleesPaire, and Charles B. Penrose, of Philadelphia, mem bers of the state gaiuo commission. SCHEME FOR FREE DELIVERY Earnest Plea for Wide Expansion Made bu Assistant Postmas ter General Johnson. PLAN OF OPERATIONS Under Ordinary Conditions a Full Route Is Twenty-five Miles It Is Believed That an Expansion of the Service Can Be Affected with Very Little Additional Expense. By Exclusive Wire from llic Associated Press.- Washington, Nov. 20. An enthus iastic plea for a wide expansion of rural free delivery Is made In the annual report of W. M. Johnson, first assistant postmaster general. He nays that the extraordinary developments of this system during the past twelve months, under the stimulus of appro priations of $450,000 for the fiscal year IS'JH-iyoi), and $1,750,000 for the 'llscul year 1000-1001, Is conclusive as show ing that hereafter It must be a per manent and expanding feature of the postal administration. The service can now be extended as swiftly as congress may direct or us the means permits, until it covers all those portions of tho United States now reached In whole or in part by the more primitive methods of tin postal service which have come down to us nlnio.it without change from colonial times. This change, Mr. John son believes, can be eltcctcd without excessive cost to the government, fu ller ordinary conditions, a full route is considered to be twenty-live miles, so devised that the carrier does not pass over the same ground twice in the same day. The congressional rep resentative controls tho appointments. The pay of the rural carriers Is now from $100 to $")00 per annum. There are no rival service restrictions, nor restrictions as to sex, but it is Inex orably required that appointees shall be of good character. Tho present policy Is to extend rural delivery in accoi dance with the demands made from all parts of the country, so that each individual route may be dove tailed upon another route hereafter to be started, and with this idea con stantly kept in view, rural free de livery is eventually to extend over all well-settled rural communities In the United States. t Hearing on the question of cost,- a statement compiled from the books of tho office shows that from December, 1S99, to November 1. 1900, 439 star routes and mail messenger services have been discontinued or curtailed. IN PURSUIT OF AGUINALD0 Oeneral Macabolos with 100 Picked Men Will Soon Be on' the Trail. By Pxclwlve Wire fiom The Asnociated l'rc-s. Manila, Nov. 20. General Macabolos. the former Filipino chief, is prepared to start in pursuit of Aguinaldo with 100 picked natives, supported by Amer ican troops. Other ex-rebel Filipinos will be used In campaigning in the country. Their offers have not been formally made yet, but they are ready if tho authorities will accept their ser vices. Aguinaldo, it Is supposed, is in north ern Luzon, according to statements made by ex-rebel leaders now In Ma nila, confirmed from other sources. Allpay, a renegade native, priest, long an insuigent leader in Northern Luzon, has written to friends In Ma nila, asking for election news and re questing to be Informed whether a decision has been reached concerning the relations between the church and state and the disposition of church properties. Tlio replies sent him con tain tlio Information that church and state will lie separate and that entire religious freedom will be allowed. m I, CHAIRMAN MANLEY RESIGNS. Ily Exclusho Wire from Tho Asooelated Press. Augusta, Me., Nov, 20. Jamci. Jfanley, for sl-. lecn yearn chairman of tlm executive committee of tho Mainu Itcpuhlicans, today reined to take effect in the new year when the incoming committee la organized. Mr. Manley has served continuously for twenty jeura on tho commit tee and for nineteen years as a nicmhcr of the executive committee. KANSAS ELECTION RETURNS, By reclusive Wire from The Aoclated Press. Topcka, Kan., Nov, 20, Tho official leturns from Kansas counties just compiled show that the total vote of the etalo was 310,017. For president, McKlnley received lh7,6Sl Bryan, leij, 77; for coventor, Stanley, llcpuhllean, UP.tlVi ihcidenthal, fusion, IGS,830. Tlio Kepubllcans will have a majority of 71 on joint ballot In the next legislature, IRISH LEAGUE ENTERPRISE. By Eicluslve Wire from The Associated Press. Dublin, Nov, 20. At a meeting of the direc tors of tho United Iiisli league today John Red. inoud presiding, a resolution calling on the Irish members of parliament not to attend the house of commons In December but to stay home and make a success of the convention for perfect, lug (ho Nationalist organization, was unani mously adopted. KILLED BY BRICK. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. UltsMII, N. V Nov. 0.-By tlio collapse of a section nf a brick kiln In the Pastern Paving Uriel; sard this afternoon, one man, an Kalian, was killed, six others wcic injured, three per haps fatally, DEATHS OF A DAY. By Exclusive Wire from Tlio Associated Press, Lexington, Ky No, 20. Captain Peter Ever ctt, who served under the Confederate Hag with General John Morgan, died hero today from cry tipclar PORTO RICO ELECTIONS. Work Attending First General Vote Proved No Small Task. By Exclusive Wire fiom The Awoclalcil Tress. Washington, Nov. 20. In a personal letter, Governor Allen, of Torlo lllco, describing brlelly tre? great work at tending1 the. fliigt general election In the new' possession, soys it proved no small task lo lnlng the people of the Island up to a proper understanding of the Importance and nlgnlflcanee of the occasion. They always had risen governed by military rule and tho privilege of the franchise was some thing new and novel to them. Therj was a total registry of 122,000. As a rule, tho Federals refrained from vot ing. The Republican hail a majority of (10,000 and elected every member of the legislature. Great interest is shown in the coming meeting of the legislature, on the third proximo, as It will be the first tlm in its history that the peo ple of the island huvo had an cppor tunlty of legislating for themselves. TORNADO SWEEPS TENNESSEE. Three Persons Killed Outright Much Damage to Cotton. By Exclusive Wire from Thn Assoelslrd Press. ' L'aGrange, Tenn., Nov. 20. A tornado struck this town today, causing much damage, and killed three persons out right. The storm made Its appearance shortly after midday and swept every thing in its path. Klght residences and three churches were destroyed. The damage to cotton In the roll will be groat. PREPARING TO REDUCE REVENUES Secretary Gage Says They May Be Reduced $30,000,000. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Picsd. Washington. Nov. 20. Secretary i"5age and Commissioner Wilson, of the internal levenuo bureau, were before the Republican members of the 'ays and means committee for some time this alteration. The secretary told the committee that in his opinion thero might be a reduction of revenues of $20,000,000. The war revenue act now raises about $100,000,000. Commissioner Wilson went over the schedule with the members of the committee and both he and Secietary Gage were questioned as to where reductions could be made to the best advantage from the treasury view-point.- A considerable part of the discus sion was confined to schpdulo B, which taxes medicinal and proprietary arti cles and preparations, perfumery, cos metles. chewing sum, wines, etc. There was also discussion of stamp taxes. The discussion Indicated that the committee favored quite a change in this feature of the law and reductions wherever possible. The committee also desires to eliminate the taxes on con veyances, of which there lias bpen a great deal of complaint. It can be stated that In a general way It will be the aim of the commit tee to abolish tho most burdensome taxes and to grant relief from stamp taxes as far as possible. The committee late In the day called on the president to obtain his views on the pioposed reduction. The commit tee will meet again tomorrow. After there has been a general Inter change of opinion on the proposed re duction, It is quite likely that a sub committee will be appointed to draft a measure. The measure, after it has been agreed upon by the Republicans, -will be sub mitted to the Democrats of the com niltteee. KILLED HER SON. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Picas. Philadelphia, Nov. 20. While hinillinpr a ie volvcr today, Jlr,), Pon.ihl MiL'oimick, a .minis mauled unman, of Diamond Ml ret, ahuve Nine teenth, bhot ami hMaiilly Killed her li.vcar-nld sun, llaiold, 'Ihe revolver nan one that the woman's husband, who is employed at uighl, had idvcn her lo protect herself with in his nbneme. The shock which followed the Mioolliij M unnerved the mother tli.it It was ueceasary to hend her to a hopilul, llei condition is ncri ou. NEW BASE BALL CIRCUIT. By Eclusl,e Wjre Irom The Associated I'rcus. (.'liliMlfu, Nov. W. President .foliu-on, of the Ameilcan ll.iso Ball Icairuc, tttalcd today (hat ho had ueeived tiller. inn fiom all the tluhs in the league e.xtcii-llncr for Ihiity ilajs ilia pieseut five-year aitri'cnirnt vvhlih expire lo iiildit. This will erivo Ihiity days In wlilrh to meet and peifcet the oriMiiizatiou with tho new circuit which is to include Washington and Hat tlmoie. DIED AT 103 YEARS. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. llatavia, N. V Nov. -0, Michael Carney, who claimed to bo till jean, uf age, died today, lie claimed ho was born in Westpnrt, licl.mil, on August 0, 1707. Ho bad been a resident of lla tavia llfty-elght yeira and had enjoyed com paratively good health until recently, Ills oc cupation was that of u day laborer. STEEL WORKERS LAID OFF. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Cleveland, Nov, 20. All the liicjittnicn em ployed at the Newhure mill of tho American bleel and Wire company in tills city, have been laid off, About 1,000 men uro said to bo .incited by the order, live olhcials of the company iu. fuse to make any statement concerning the mat ter, DEATH FROM GAS. By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Press. Ncvvaik, N, J,, Nov, 20. Nicholas 1'iolnilo waj found dead out Nicholas X.ula dlng, fiom ga a'.phvxljtluii In it loom In the rear of a. baiber shop at Eigltfli avenue and Bovden fctieci, litis eltj, today. I.n Investigation showed that Ihe Kas had escaped frcm the main In tlio sired, entered the cellar and pxs-eil up thioutjli the Hoor into the loom whric tlm men slept. KICKED TO DEATH. By Exclusive Wire from 'the Associated Press. llarrisburg, Nov, 20. Philip Bender, a faun baud, whllo turning a horo today at Bridge- -or I, had an ciilcpliu fit and fell under Hie animal's feet and was kicked lo death. Bender was 50 )rars old aud was employed by James t'rauklio, a fanner. NOTABLES OF NATION DINE Members and Guests ol Ghaniber of Commerce Enlou a Ban quet at Delmonico's. FOUR HUNDRED PRESENT Hon. Charles Emory Smith Re sponds to Toast to the Presidents of tho United States Ohauncey M. Depew, Bishop Lawrence and Others Make Addresses President MoKinley's Regrets. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated PrM. Now York, Nov. 20. Pour hundred members and guests of the chamber of commerce sat down at the one hun dred and thirty-second annual banquet of the chamber at Delmonico's tonight. Morris K. .Tessup, president of the chamber, presided, and with him at the table of honor were Postmaster General Charles Kmory Smith, "Whltelaw Reid, Levi P. Morton, Senator Chauiicey M. Depew, Klshiip Potter, Bishop Law rence, of Massachusetts: .John K. Co wen, of Ualtlmoie; Frank A. Van ilerlip, assistant secretary of the treas ury; Supreme Court Justice Edward Patterson, Samuel D. Babcock, Charles Stewart Smith, Alex. E. Orr, St. Clair McKelway and Murat Halstead. Bishop Potter said grace and Mr. Jessup an nounced the toasts and speakers, which were as follows: "The President of the United States," response by Charles Emory Smith, postmaster general: "Her Majesty, Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom and Empress of India;" "The State of New York." response by Senator etiaunecy M. Depew; "The eolation of the Material Prosperity of a People to Their Morality," response by Right Rev. 'William Lawrence, D. D., bishop of Massachusetts; "The Transportation Interests of the Atlantic Seaboard," re sponded to by J. K. Covven; "The Judiciary," responded to by Alton B. Parker, chief justice of the court of appeals of the state of Now York; "The Army and Navy," response by Albert S. Barker, United States navy. Mr. Jessup made some introductory remarks, and read the following from President McKlnley: lAciuiiie Malleoli, V adduction, Not. 1'.'. Dear .Mr. .rnstip: 1 write to assure con ftet in.v deep leepet that I have been nimble to ae ept Ihe scry kind Invitation extended to me by the chamber of enmmeire of the state- of ?sovv Voile to attends its annual banquet on til" even iucr of the '.:0th instant. It would have oflorded tin- a great deal of plca-auc to be present but the prosiuc of my official duties renders it ini-poM-ihle for me lo come- lo New- YoiU at this lime. I li.cve promised m,i.iclf tho pleasure if llic piivilegc N acrain ctcndtd to me ol at tending; one of the future banquets of the clum ber of eonimc! co. Please eUond my coiili.it greeting to the membeis ot join onrnniraliou and their fe-iiests at Ihe banquet and my" Rood wishes for a most onjo.t able oecasoln. Sincerely jours, William JIcKlnley. The president was toasted, and then the speaking began. FRAUD IN VERMONT BANK. Cashier Gave Worthless Security for 316,000 Loaned to His Son. Ilv- Eiclusive Wile fiom The Associated Piece. Montpeller, Vt Nov. :'0. A report that . L. Clos.son. cashier ot the First National bank of Sprlngflled, was $20. ono short In his accounts caused F. G. Field, president of the bank, to make the following statement: "Cashier Clnsson some time ago al lowed his son. O, L. Clossnn. jr., a numbers of tho defunct brokers llrm of Knott it Olosson, of Burlington, to draw J1G.O0O fiom the bank, Riving as security a deed of real cMato which has since proved to be worthless. As the deed was mude out to Closson per sonally, his bondsmen have been culled upon lo make the amount good. They huvo usked that Clos.son he re tained as cashier whllo they ore mak ing an Investigation." The credit of tho bank Is in no way impaired, and the institution is doing business as usual. . " . FIGHTING OVER A CORPSE. Oliver Bond Sues to Compel the Re turn of His Wife's Body. Special lo the bcranton Tribune. AViilkes-Barre, Nov. 110, Oliver Bond today brought action In the civil couits against his daughter, Mrs. Henry Lent, lo compel the latter to return tho dead body of her mother to Us former burial place In City cemetery. The father alleges that his daughter had (ho body of her mother disinterred In ono cemetery and re-Interred In an other comotory without authority from him. The action Is creating consider able Interest, ns there has never been a similar case tried in this state before, STEAMSHIP ARRIVALS. By Exclusive Wlro fiom The Aoclated Press. New York, Nov, 20. Arrived; I.'Aqultalue, from Ilavie. Cleared; Majettlc, Liverpool; Wcitciiiland, Antwerp; New York, Southampton, hailed: Trave, lircmcii via Southampton; Iiovic, I.lveipool; Ilelejiavla, llanibiirer. ItottcrdaniAr lived: llottcidani, New York via lloulogne, HoulhamptoH Arrived; Kalseiln Maria 'fherrtla, New York for llieincn. Gibraltar Arrived; Ivali-er Wilhelni II, New York for Naples and ficiioa, li mouth Sailed: Patricia, from Ham burg and Houloirno, New Yoik. SILK MILL TO CLOSE. Py Exclusive Wiie fiom 'J lie Associated Piesa. Paterson, N. J Nov, SO. Tlio Pioneer Mlk i-onipany, the oldest concern of the kl-nl in the cily will, it is tU(eU, ask for tho appoint ment of u ue eiver tomorrow to wind up its af fairs. The company haj mills hero and at Al Icutouii, Pa. It in ulaleil that tho business of tho companv ha.s been die reailiijr for homo time pait but It will be able to pay off in full all in debteduos. The closing of Ihe milts vvill'thiovv out of employ mi nt Ivvu thousand hands. 'Ihq mills wire founded by the lato John P)le. TDE NEWS THIS M0KNINU Weather Indications Today, RAIN, (leneral t'abti ct at Washington Dlscaw Chinese .Situation. W'ti Tlner I'lincr Talks on tlio Troubles of China, Pinner of the New York Chamber of Com merce. Scheme for Vice Poftal Delivery, 2 Local Annual Jiecliiiir of the Hahnemann Hospital Directors," 3 Local One Day's Courl ltecord, Councilman lloehc'.s Plea for lli'.niony in Munlcpal Affairs. t Editorial. News and ('ommeiil. j Local A Local Editor l!oi-evvlilpied. Hoard of Assoc lated Ch.nltlcs Li-tens to hlart Hiir Statements. i! Local West Seranlou and Suburban. 7 Noitheasteui Pennsjlvanla. 8 Local Live News ol the Iinhistii.it vVo-ld. CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATION No Efforts at making a Change in Apportionment Will Be Made This Year. Hy Exclusive Wire from The Asoelaled Pie's. Washington, Nov. 20. Representative Hopkins, of Illinois, chairman of the house committee of census, which committee will have charge of the leg islation affecting the apportionment of the house, today expressed the opin ion that there would be no decided elfort during the next session of con gress to decrease the congressional representation of the southern states because of the disfranchisement of ne groes. He said that In all probability the subject would be discussed, but ho thought that upon the whole the committee would favor the plan of basing representation upon the num ber of Inhabitants. Discussing the general subject of ie apportlonment, Mr. Hopkins said: "The committee on census will meet during the first week of the session lo frame a bill providing for reappor tionment. I 'think that a proposition will be adopted which will increase the present membership of the house. It has been suggested that we author ize one member for every 198,000 In habitants. That seems to be the ratio that is In general favor among mem bers of the committee. This proposi tion would entail an increased mem bership of from l." to 20 members. "According 'to calculations t have made, this reapportionment would add members to the house from Now York, Pennsylvania and Illinois and perhaps other states. States like Nebraska and Maine might lose members by the pro posed law. Some of the southern states might also suffer from the pro portion agreed upon, although to what extent cannot now be ascertained. NO CHANGE OF RULES. Republican Convention in Philadel phia So Decides. By Exclusive Wire from Tlio Associated Pn-s. Philadelphia. Nov. 20. The P.epubll can convention to consider a "evlstou of the rules governing the Republi can primary elections in Philadelphia, met today and adopted a resolution that the qualifications of a Republican voter shall remain as they are at pres ent. The rules now make eligible to vote at a primary election any who voted for the Republican stati or na tional candidates at the preceding c;en eral election. Tt had been expected that when the convention met today that the rules would be amended to leeiulre that the voter must have voted the entire Republican ticket. If a resolution to this effect had' been car ried It would have practically read out of tho Republican party all thosa who voted for tho McKlnley electors at tlio last election, but who cut Ihe Republican county ticket and voted for tho Municipal League candidates. The convention took no additional action other than the appointment of a committee of seven to consider any necessary changes In tho rules. THE CZAR'S CONDITxON. Less Favnrable Bulletin Issued by the Emperor's Physicians. By Eiclusive Wire from The Auoclatcd Press. Llvidia, Nov. 20. Tho bulletin Issued by tlm czar's physicians today (Is lsa favorable. It says: "Tho emperor passed a satisfactory day yesterday. At ! o'clock in tlm evening the patient's temperature was 102.2, pulse SO. His majesty slept tran quilly until 3 o'clock In tho morning:. Subsequently his rest was broken and perspiration appeared. IThls morning his condition was falily satisfactory, temperature 100.4, pulse 70." m CHARLES H. HOYT DEAD. Py Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Pi ess. Charleitovvn, N. ll Nov, SO.-Ciiarlca H, llovt, Ihe well leuown plivwilaiit, died at his leol ilencc hero toniuiit of paresis fiom which ho had been kuOeiiutr for tevrial months wt, Ever suiie hU retvrn to Cliarleatovvn, after his li I.umj fiom a private asylum in llaitfoul by older of the court eaily in .iiku&1, It bad been known by Ills ntteiidanti and nearest fi lends that Ids condition was sc-rlnis and that thero was little or no cliartu for his leeoveiy, Ho steadily lost itrenath and this morning ho wittered n relape, and becuiue unconscious, in which condition he remained until dc-alli camo tonight, - STUART HELD TO BAIL, By Exclusive Wlro from The Associated Preu. Wilkes-Ilane, Pa Nov, 20. liev, Stuart waived a hcailnsr before Pmiiro Hess, ol Wyoming, on i-harKo of uboition and wa sent In jail. After warcU tin' squill' admitted Stuart to $1,01X1 bail for a hcaiilicr tomoiiciw as counsel claimed the olfcn.se was .1 mere misdemeanor and wou ball able. FIRST DAKOTA BLIZZARD, By Fxcluslie Wire from The Associated Press. Crane! Fork. N. U, Nov, ax 'the llrst blluard of tho season cxcuireel last night. Tho storm vva general tbiougbout tho stale und roaiU are badly drifted. Seven inches ot tuow 1104 fallen uul tho toun ll still ranging;. THE CHINESE SITUATION Was the Main Topic lor Considera tion at Yesterdays Gaul net Meetlna. AMERICAN PROGRAMME Our 1 Government Not Disposed to Join Other Powers in Making De mands Upon the Chinese Imperial Authoiities Whioh the Chinese Government Cannot Comply with. The United States, However, Doe Not Propose to Be Driven Out. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated PrcM. Washington, Nov. 20. The Chinese situation was the main topic under con sideration at today's cabinet meeting. The administration is not disposed to join with the other governments lit making demands upon the Chinese Im perial authorities which the Chinese government cannot comply with. So far as our government 1s advised, the foreign ministers at Pekln ihave not yet agreed upon all points under dis cussion. Jlr. Conger has reported from time to time, the various propositions under consideration, but he 'has not yet indicated that the end is at hand or that anything In the nature of an agreement has been reached upon which the various powers might act, and -which is to serve as a basis of negotiations with the Chinese author ities. Sir. Conger has not, however, been heard from for a week, and this fact has caused some discouragement to the officials who expected that this phase of the difficult Chinese question would soon be closed. Having pushed over the stage of prescription or the Chinese leaders wno wore responsible for the Boxer outrages, the foreign ministers are believed now to be en gaged with the ellflictilt subjects of In demnities and guarantees. The last United States proposition was In line with the .Russian project to fillow the Hague commissioners to adjust the In demnities. It is believed that this proposition has never commended It self to the British or the German gov ernments, and falling such a reference of the question of Indemnity, It is be lieved that It will be a most difficult taste foi- the ministers at Pekin to reach an agreement on this subject, particularly of the existence of a very strong suspicion of the motives of some of these ministers. This apparent difference in origin il purpose between the United States government and some of the other powers have operated to prevent a. settlement of the Chinese question upon the broael lines laid down la the state department's proposition. Jt Is true that all of the powers sub scribed a more or less reluctant as sent to sueli proposals as look to the prevention or the partition of China and the guarantee of an "open door" to all comers, yet it begins to appear from the course of the negotiations that either this promise is not sin cere in all cases or that some of the makers honestly have changed (heir minds as to what shall be done for the present in China. It may be stated, however, regard less of the embarrassments and de lays that follow from the existence of this state of affairs, .the the Unltetl States government does not propose to be driven out of the concert relative to China at this juncture in tho negor lions, for, notwithstanding the w lnh cherished by the administration to free tho government from these entangle ments at the earliest possible moment and move our military force from China, it has been definitely deter mined that this shall not bo done until all proper Interests of the United States in China have been conservcf". BIG BOND SALS. Controller Color Holds an Important Sale in New York. Dy Exclusive Wile fiom Tlio Associated li e-a- New York, Nov, 20, Controller Color held the biggest bond sale of tho year today, when f-",,13.'i,96S of threo and one half per cent, corporate stock was dis posed of. All the bonds are p.iyablo Nov. 1, 1910, except an Issue of f.ioo.toi) for tho sanitary protection of water supply, which Is payahlo Nov. 1, lSfc'O. The interest is payable semi-annually. There were llfteen bids received, Tho highest wore those of Vcrmllyea & Co and Harvey Flske & Sons, who jointly hid 111.077 for tlio bonds of 1910 to the amount of $4,8.13,965, anil bid 107.177 for tho $500,000 worth of bond payable In 1920, and the joint bid of Kuhn, Loeb it Co. and Farson, T-cacV & Co., of 110,35 for the whole Issue. Tho controller said these llrms would probably be awarded tho bonds. CORPORATIONS CHARTERED. Ilv i:.Yclulvc Who fiom Tliu Abociated 1'ii's.t. IlarrMiun;, 'ov, hi), (iiaiten were ismed by tho t-t tit- dcpailiueiit todiy to the following corporations: ilm Citizen-,' hank, tiettyaburc;; capital, f.'ii),imn, hnuthvlevv lluildlnir and Uou uinoi l.ition, flaldwln township, Allegheny e-ouu-I); capital, tl.aw.urt). NEW BANK EXAMINER. Py Kxlusiio Wire fiom The Associated i'reJ. lUrrhbun,'. Xov, 20. Clarence K, Seit, ot Paelon, a ile-rU in the auditor neneral'ii office', lixi been appointed a bank cxnnlucr to All tb vacancy created b) t lie iiMeinatiun of C, C, Law, of liltbui(,'. 4 t - t WEATHER FORECAST, WmMngton, Nov. 20. Korecajt for Ea.tetu IVniidjlvanlai Palu Wednesday ami probably Tliuuday; colder Thursday; freili boutlierly vvlneU. ''ftt trtf.lll ,1 . ,r VJf&l'h. ?,i6 He, 't