, ac -x j v, t , ' I 1 ' .'V t; ""."- t;;j7:": Y,ftS ' -w . .w wigH?W3 ? nap . l-V ..)( i THE SCRAiVTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1900. I NORTHEASTERN FOREST CITY. Sptdal to Hid Stranton Tribune. Forest Oily, Nov. IP. Hov. P. It. Tower, of Thompson, prraohetl In the MctlimllHt clutivh yesterday, ImsltiR his illscoui'Ku on tlio Itcvclntlons of St. John. T. Warren tJuilit nnil wife spent Hunilny with their piii-onta, Mr. unit Mrs. J. It. llutlil, In thin place. War ner wiih married on Wednesday lust to Miss Kinmu Foley, un cstlmauls young lady of Alilcnvlllo, nnd lie re ceived the hearty conirratulntlons ot his friends yesterduy. The couple wilt reside In White's Viilley, whore ho is In business. John It. Hell lias received his ap pointment from court to the olllce ot poor director, made vacant by tin death of F. P. Holmes. Ho will ns sunio the duties nt onco. Mr. Hell li a successful and conservative busi ness man, and will no doubt 1111 the jio'dtlon with ability. Miss Flo. Clllchrlst, of Como, spent Saturday and Sunday with relative.-) In town. She was returning from the teachers' Institute at Honosdule. H. F. Maxcy, of Scranton, was a vis itor In town the latter part of last week. Mrs. Sarah Waters, of Jormyn, was the guest of her son, J. C. Waters, last weelc. The second annual ball of the Star drum corps will be hold In the Opctu House, Dec. IS. The committee of ar rangements is Thomas Cavanaugh, Anthony Oaffney and Fred Gunning. "W. Healey Is general manager, as sisted by Walter Drain. Joseph Gallagher has accepted a po sition In the olllce of tlio Hillside Coal and Iron company at Mooslc. Ills largo circle of friends here regret bis departure from town. Mrs.. Ida Swartz and daughter, of Wayne county, have been visiting at the homo of Samuel Seeley the past week. J. D. Nelson Is now driving for Ezra Thomas. The price of coal was to-day ad vanced to correspond with the scale of the D., L. & W. and T. & II. on local sales. This is a raise of S5 cents Dn the larger sizes of coal. Poor Director 1.. Klltz Is rejoicing over the arrival of a brand new little boy at his home. W. H. Wlldcnbergor Is moving his jewelry stock from the Ames build ing to that lately used as the post ofllce. FACTORYV1LLE. Special to the Scranton Tribune Factoryville, Nov. 19. Mrs. Henry Harding is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Barber, of Scranton. Miss Ella Carr, of Scranton, is at the home of her mother, slightly in disposed. The ladies of the Methodist. Episco pal church meet at the home of Mrs. A. .T. Gilmorc's this afternoon. Miss Alma Wrigley, who lias been spending a few tlays at the home of her parents, returned to Scranton yesterday. T.ast Sunday was Bible Day at the Baptist church. Mr. J. T. Bush is entertaining his sister, of Carbondale. George Baser, of Philadelphia, the ell-known drug salesman, was a caller hero Sunday. He was en route from Lake Winola, where ho has pur chased the B. G. Morgan cottage, and remodelled It Into an up-to-date cot tage. Mr. Baser will occupy It next season. Mr. C. B. Shryer, the North Main avenue druggist, was a visitor here Sunday. Report reached here late Saturday night that John Rink had been ser iously, injured In Scranton. The par ticulars could not be learned at lint time. Ex-County Commissioner .1. W. Stark, Beglster and Recorder W. V. Sliaw and George Derslilmor left yes terday 'for Pike county on a doer bunt. f Rev. Hully and Putnam were busi ness visitors In Scranton yesterday. C. R. Shryer, of Scranton; A. A. Brown, E, L. Wntklns and N. A. Gard ner are on a hunting trip over at Lalfo Winola today. HONESDALE. Special to tlio Scranton Tribune. Honesdalo, Nov. 10. The Baptist and Presbyterian Christian Endeavor so cieties will hold a union meeting next Sunday evening In thr Presbyterian chapel, which will bo addressed by the district president, Mr. Knapp. The regular week-day coal trains were run on Sunday over the Hones dalo Delawnro and Hudson branch. Over lib cars of coal wero brought to Honesdale. The church supper at the Baptist church will bo given Friday, Nov. 22. The "Wayne County School Directors' association, at their annual session, held in Honesdalo last Thursday, olected the following officers- for the ensuing year: Hon. J, E. Woodman Bee, president: II. S. Salmon, vice president, and Jolm Lipport, secre tary. i It Is not base bull, but the (lying golf balls that the pedestrian must bo on the lookout for. Since the crazo lias readied Honesdalo, they aro ily i(ig. In all directions. "When You Get n Headache flon't waste a minute but go to your druggist and get a box of Krauso' Headache Capsules. They will pre vent pain, oven though your ukuVl wc.ro cracked. They aie harmless, ya. Bead tlio guarantee. Price 23c, Sold by Mntthcws Bros, ' ' , PITTSTON. Special to tfio Scranton Tribune, Pittston, Nov. 19. All abandoned babe about threo days old was found wrapped up In a shawl on North Main street near the Ituvlnu crossing about 9:30 o'clock Friday night, by a young man named Henry Belser. Ho took the little babo to his homo on Curtis Btrcet and later turned It over to the poor authorities. Mrs. Mary Staples, aged SO years, was found dead In bed at her home on Fulton street Friday morning. The woman's husband is a. blind iiian, well known about the city streets. Un known to tho neighbors the woman had been sick for two days with no oiia to cire for Jier excipt her blind husband. Harvey iynp, a Wttston boy, arrived L' .V t-0 fjU'i.MI.' PENNSYLVANIA home last night from Santlngo, Cuba, where ho was a member ot Troop 1C, Eighth Cavalry. Several months age he wns accidentally shot In the head nt a target practice nnd has since" boon In a hospital at Santiago. Ho has boon given a tutnl disability discharge. A piece of ox bono wns transplanted Into his skull, but the operation has left Ills left side partially paralyzed, and ho Is at times subject to spusms. Ho .expects to undergo treatment in a Philadelphia hospital next week. Miss Martha Nort and Miss May Worth, of Scranton, wero visitors to day at the home D. U. Bannister, on Park street, West Flttston. Tlio Welsh Congregational church lias postponed tho eisteddfod an nounced to bo held under Its auspices next Thanksgiving day. Miss Clara Schmaltz, ot Upper Pitts ton, has entered the Moses Taylor hos pital school for trained nurses. A fatal premature blast occurred In the Exeter mine, at West Pittston, this afternoon. Anthony Usltls, a minor, was tamping a hole loaded with giant and black powder, when tho blast sud denly went off. Usltls was instantly killed and ills laborer, Anthony Sobor oskl, was fatally Injured, dying tit tho Pittston hospital about four hours after the accident occurred. Motlska Losltl, another laborer, was slightly Injured. The three men aro Polandcrs, tlio for mer living at Sturmcrvillo and the lat ter two at Frogtown, this city. Professor Henry Harris, of West Pittston, will be the adjudicator ot musical competitions at an eisteddfod to be held in Nantlcoke on New Year's day. SUSQUEHANNA. Special to llie Scranton Trlbt.ne. Suoqiiehanna, Nov. 30. Rev. nnd Mrs. Charles Henry Ncwlng were called to Florence, Now Jersey, on Saturday by the deatli of Mrs. Now Ing's mother. , Miss M. Louise Curtis, of Jackson street, today assumed charge of a de rat tnint of tho graded school at Win wood, Wayne county. Considerable damage has been done in the Presbyterian parsonage by tho bursting of n water pipe. Rev. Mr. Bouton, pastor of tho Ave nue Methodist church, Oakland, on Sunday morning occupied the pulpit of the Susquehanna Methodist church. William Allpaugh has returned from a deer-slaying trip to Pike county. Mrs. Lcgg, of Now York city, Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Sutherland, Oakland side. Mrs. O. Sutherland, of the Oakland side, is seriously ill with cancer. Tho Misses Beebe, of the Oakland side, left today to visit friends in Now York city and vicinity. Mrs. J. H. Doolittlp and Mrs. Emma Hull, of Giand street, have returned homo from a visit with relatives in Now York city. Rev. Alexander Woulters, of Poland, N. Y., on Sunday morning and own ing occupied the pulpit of tlio Presby terian church. Miss Agnes Severy, of Binghamlon, spent Sunday with Oakland relatives. Tho Combination Social club will hold a social hop in Hognn Opera House on Wednesday evening next. The Young People's Society of Chris tian Endeavor of the Oakland Coiip.ro gational church will hold a Night Cap social at the residence of .Tool 1). Blown, in Oakland, on Wednesday evening. Tile riuftnuehannu High school pu pils will next month begin the pub lication of a magazine, The High Pchol Record. It will be published at the Journal olllce. Tho banquet for the annual ball of Erie Hose company wilt bo furnished at the Central house. George J. Sousa. of Lexington, Ky., is visiting relatives in this place. Ancn t the proposed excursion nf Susquehanna county teacheif; to Washington, 7). C, the Erie has made a round trip rate of $12 per capita, for a ten days' excursion, 'v la Nuv York, In a special train going, and with stop-over privileges at Baltimore, Philadelphia and Now York. The funeral of Mis. Edward Cray, formerly of Susquehanna, occurred on Saturdav at St. Clair, Pa. Decease! was a daughter of Mrs. P. Blake, of this borough. A eongiegattonal meeting will' be bold In the Presbyterian church this evening, to vote on the question: "Is tlio congregation ready to cliooso a pastor?" Rev. George Comfort, of I.anosboro, on Sunday evening, occupied the pul pit ot the Susquehanna Methodist church. Rev. George W. Loach occupied the pulpit of the Avenue Methodist church on Sunday morning. Tho tlftconth annual ball of Erie Hose company, No. 1, will bo hold in Hogan Opera Houso on Wednesday evening, November 25. Doran's or chestra will furnl-'h music for the event. It will lie a sfllar social occa sion. Tickets aro 'oUI'ig rapidly. NEW t.lLFORD, Special to tlio Scranton Tiilnme, Now Mllford, Nov, 19. Miss Florence Inderlled spent Wednesday with Bing hamton friends. Colonel C. C. Pratt and family have taken up their residence in Blngham ton for tho winter. Mis, II. J. Tiffany has been visiting f i lends in Biugliaiuton. Mrs. Edward Hendricks, of Hall- stead, called on fi lends In town Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Tucker re turned from Brooklyn, N. Y., Wednes day, whero they havo been spending bevoral weeks with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ward, of Hall stead, wore pleasant callers In town Tuesday, Miss Dora riuminer visited friends at Elinhurst, recently, Miss Mabol Chamberlain, visited her uncle, In Harford, last week. Mrs. L. W. Moore and daughteis, Nina and Jennie, were guests at tho homo of Fred Moore, In Klngsley, Sun day, ' - AVOCA. John Blggar, a resident ot this town for nioro than thirty years, died at the family residence on Grove street after a brief illness of pneumonia. Deceased was born In Scotland Jlfty-llvo years ago and came to this town when a young man. Since that time he has mado many friends, who sincerely re gret his sudden death. Besides his wlfo lie Is survived by eight children- s- yS Hj&4"fr U , ci, Mrs. Alexander Gillespie, of Pltlstonj Isabel, Mnrgarct, Elizabeth, William, Walter, John nnd Thonmsi. He wns a member of the Knights of Honor. The funeral will tnko place to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services will bo hold at Lnngollffo church. Inter ment will bo In Langcllffo cemetery. Rlchnrd J, Howe, tlio four-months-old Ron 'of Mr. and Mrs. William Hoto of the West Hide, died yesterday morning after n brlct Illness of pneu monia. Tho funeral will tnko place to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. In torment will be In Langcllffo ceme tery. Mr. nnd Mrs. Carpenter, ot Tunls hnnnock, spent Sunday nt tho resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Snyder. Tho blacksmith shop temporarily erected on tho E. & W. yards was de stroyed by fire on Saturday evening. John Richardson, of Lincoln Hill, accidentally cut oft the greater part ot the Index linger while killing ft chicken on Saturday evening. Mrs. William McGraw, of Spring street, Is critically 111 ot neuralgia of the heart. L. E. O'Brien wishes to announce that he will bo a 'candidate for re election as councilman. Miss Mary Kearney attended the funoral ot a relative In Duntnoro on Sunday. Tho drivers at Law's and No. 13 shafts of tho Pennsylvania Coal com pany turned out yesterday. They were Informed that they must report for duty at C:30 o'clock nnd have tho mules cleaned by 7 o'clock. For this half hour extra they wore offered no compensation. Sidney Williams wa.i In town yesterday and stated that an agreement would bo effected to-day. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Tunkhannock, Nov. 19. In the mat ter of tho distribution of tho funds in tlio hands of Charles Gardner, ex ecutor of Philetus Reynolds, deceased, O. S. Klntncr, esq., has been ap pointed auditor and will moot the par ties interested at his ofl'ce on Wednes day at 1 o'clock p. in. Letters of administration were is sued by Rcgtcr of Wilis W;. U. Shaw to Fred J.vintner, on the, estate of Bradford Wandall today. AV'andall is the man who was killed on the rail road just above here on Tuesday last. Tho-estute amounU to about $2,000. Fred J. Klntnor. justice of the peace and countv auditor, of Meboopany, was in town on Monday. W. U. Shaw, G. P. Dcrsbimcr and Spencer D. Reed, of this 'place, and J. W. Stark, of West Nicholson, are over in Pike county on a hunt for deer. Paul Billings & Sons are finishing up their electric light contract at tho court house this week. The job was started before last term of court, nnd had to be suspended during court week. Henry Harding, esq., nnd .Tamos L. Vose winu at Mehoopaiiy on Saturday afternoon, where they assisted In the, Inspection of the Grand Army of the Republic post, of that place. V. N. Reynolds, jr., of Wilkes-Uarre, was In town over Sunday. THEATRICAL. ATTEACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. TU:M)Y Itnlnil FiUsliiitnoiis in 'Tlie lluii nl Di.u.Kviiiilli." illFH.MlAY Hi.il.r's High Un-s Vaudeville. Altciii.ion iiml ui;ln. Academy. At. I, Wi:i:ii 'lliu Sihuf..MmiU llcpiilnirc conip.ipy. Gaiety, rillir TlllCt:i: DAVS-TIu- Oilsinal llio.ulw.iy (Sill-. I.AhT TIIi:K DVVS Sapliti Hmli'squcH. "The Devil's Mine" Presented. Hit1 Sdmif k Mollis innipini opcncil .1 wpcL's engagement .it the Ai.iileiny ot .Muile l.i-.t eu-n-iiiL', pie.-entins Wolfonl fc U.iiej'i- '.eiisitlon.il ueMein niclo-dunu, "The llewl's Mine." The In uie was fairly v.M lllhil uuil the iiinlience lilt the theater Hell pb-.i-.eil. Specialties weie introduced heuweu the act by the uwdctillc contingent of the company, 'this nfleinoon "Hie Devil's .Mine" will he re pelled, and toiiijilit "The Smuggle!-." will 1m pucntid. Tho Broadway Girls. "The liioadn-ay Gills" appeared in .1 dler?i (led pio;i. inline at the Cijiety theater jisterday at the lieglnnintr ot their three daj.s' vnirage luent, and pic-cnled some, meritorious (eatuies woilhy ot 111010 than pacing mention. Though nonio ot the nieinhirs were inifoituiute in (.elect iiu? a line of plane Rasa that liao been pietty well t in knl over thte season, there va still ii'oiiuh of the otlslnal to pioloko enthusiastic applause at times. Hello Harvey, tho vocalist, was liist fo cap tivate the uudiencn by Iiir peculiar style ot singing popular I1.1II.11U and coon songs, and At He Vhlin'd unditicn of "Goo-Goo Uve" was cue ot the he-.t. Clifford Cordon us the. Hutch alderman cieatcd some lauplikr in ills act nml as-Mul uiatiiially in aiouslng the audieuio fumi its apparent stupor. Tho biojibvay tllus will be at the Gaiety today and toinonow, afternoon uuil evening, Fitzslmmons To-night, The world' greatest fighter, Itolicit Titz (linnioiH, will Iiu seen at tlio Lyceum to-night In- "Tlio Ifoneit DlaiUmlth," a comedy drama ot homo and (.polling life by Willijm Gill, sup polled hy Ids wife, Mrs. Itoliert l'ltzsiinmoni, nnd their ton, Hobble, Jr., in addition to a full dramatic company f unequalled limit. "Tho Honest niacl.smltli" U full ot Stirling situations and nnimlng comedy incidents, from the rise to tlio fall of the curtain, hut is free fiom any of the "Wild ami Woolly" older. Ilohert l'ltslniiuons lias alwajs lieen known as a man ot meat lou for home, and in ap pearing in tho "Honest DlacKsmitli" with Ids most estimable wife he la giving 10 (lie woild a Uvid illustration ot what can he accom plished hy confldenie, esteem nnd love at the homo fireside, Tills wonderful athlete has hecn traded In a manner that could not hivo hecn possible hut for tho knowledge of his homo af. fairs which the author, Williapi Gill, has so truthfully portrayed in ills pen picture, Tho Foenery ned in llils production Is from tlio brush of that internationally famous artist, 1 Dodd Arkermau, High Class Vaudeville. Attention has been called to tlio fait tti.it high class vaudeville is to bo fstahiislicd at tlio Lyceum for one afternoon and evening caili week during tho balance of the season, com mencing next Thursday, the S21 Inst. It should ho undeistood that while tho name, llurko Vaudeville company, will stand, that each en. teitalnmeiit will bring a complete new com. hination, so that those who tie tho opcnlni; performances may attend tho subsequent events with the urtjlnty of witnessing new and pop ular pcoplo In cvirjthing olleied. Mr, llurko is making tho experiment of es tablishing vaudeville, as It is given at Keith's and Proctor's and at his own beautiful theatres In Baltimore and Washington, in a few cities like Heron ton, whero cultured dramatic tasto ij proverbial. lie understands that many will pKituse the name of vaudeville with that of variety, to tho dlsadvantugo of the former, and in order to enlighten playgoer In this nutter ho asks them not to give themselves any uneasi ness concerning the character and artistic qua), tty ol everything that will be offered during the season. Iiu sain that a test of this will be given at the first ol tlio scries on Thursday out, both at the matinee and evening perform ances, lu his Washington theatre scats are al- -r A.f -i.iJf f. u u y-.f '.$-- siiJL Test for Yourself the Wonderful Curative Properties of SwampRoot To Prove What the Great Kidney Remedy Swamp-Root Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of "The Tribune" May Have a Sample Bottle Free. Reporters Have Convincing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bischamton, N. 1 U7 RnVLE. I (I ' HOQKIN." I Gentlemen : I feci it my duty to send you an acknowledgment ol the receipt of the sample bottle of Swamp Root you so kindly sent me. I had been out of health for the past five years with kidney and bladder trouble. Had our best physicians prescribe lor me. They would relieve me for the time being, but the old complaint would in a short time return again. I sent for a sample bottle of Swamp-Root and found it did me :i world of good. Since then I have t.iken eight small bottles bought at my drug store, and I consider myself perfectly cured. It seemed as though my back would break in two after stooping. I do not have to get up during the night to urinate as I formerly did, three or four times a night, but now sleep the sleep of peace. My buck is all right again, and in every way I am a new man. Two of my brother officers are still using Swamp-Root. They, liku myself, cannot say too much in praise of it. It is a boon to mankind. We iccommend it to all humanity who'are suffering from kidney and bladder diseases. p. My brother officers (whose signatures accompany this letter), as well as myself, 'thank you for the blessing vou have broimht to the human race in the compounding of Swamp-Root. We remain, yours veiy Iruly, JAMES COOK, HUGH E. BOYLE, Officers of the 58th Police Precinct, Greater New York JOHN J. BODKIN. Nov. 16, 1899. THEODORUS VAN WYCK. former Editor of the At. Vernon News, ami now one of the most prosperous real estate brokers in New York, 12S South Eleventh Avenue, Mount Vernon, N. Y. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCLRN : I ha.i been a sufferer for over four years from severe attacks of rheumatism and Kidney trouble, probably contracted by exposure on ImntinK expeditions and wading trout streams. I tried many reme dies, the patent and other kind, but none of them see.ied to do me any jjood. 1 was pers laded bv an old and valued friend to try Sw.1mp.K00t, and fr.inMv confess it has benefited me as no other medicine lias. I now tl like myself ai?am. I do not have the-con-stant aches and pains which at one time seemed to make life un bearable. It is ,1 positive benefit in ailments of this kind. I always keep it in the house, as it is just as necessary as bread and butter. Very respectfully. EDITORIAL NOTE. Swamp been mado by which nil readers of a book telling all about kidnoy and and women cured by Swnmp-Root. ICilmor & Co., Binghamton, N, Y. v,,t.. liiil ji-iilc on onu lay in tl'u wed; for tho wllr nf thf prr-iili nt .mil c.iliinrl ntllrci-, who fliul in tho iiiiny menu supplied only Hut which cxjIIs ami please. Palmistry, llailame Jieno, America's greatest palmist and life reader, who leads one's life from cradle to grave without ask ing a question. Is located at Ml Frank lin avenue. Fifty cents, everybody. S100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper will bo pleased to loam that llieic ! at ki.st one UicaUeil dUMse tliat Eiirnvo liai been able to cure In all Hi ctagc and that i vjtaiili. Hall's dlauli Cure U tlio only positive cure now known to tlio medical fraternity. Catnrrli beine; a ronilltu. tlonal diHe.iae, reipilrcs a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting dhcctly upon the blood and mucous bur. fates of tho sjmtom, thereby deitrojin? tlio foundation of the illseaie, anil giving tho patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing it3 vvoilt. The ptoprie. tors have so much faith in its curallti! powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any cues that It (alia to cure. Si ml for list of testi monials, Address. K. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 7fic. Hall's Family Pills are the best. DALTON. Mrs. O. 1 Stoll Is entertaining her friend, Mis. Severson. Mrs. H, D. Swartz has gone to attend tho wedding of her sister In Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. Hull have moved from this place to Scranton. Tim Epworth lengue of tho Metho dist church has changed the tlmo for holding Its devotional meeting from Tuesday evening to Sunday evening, preceding the church service, Mrs. Charles Turdy Is visiting rela tives In Montrose, Mrs. Ellu Palmer Sinllh, u trained nurse, has accepted -a position with tho International Correspondence Schools, of Scranton, The gospel meetings In tho Baptist church nre being very well attended and considerable Interest Is manifested. Rev. S. J. Arthur, of West Pittston, Will preach each evening. The public Is cordially Invited to attend, Tho Kmersnn Literary socloty of the public schools gave a pleasing enter tainment In tho school building last Friday afternoon. Quito a number of tho people from the town were pres ent, Tho following pupils participated in the programme: Lawrence Smith, Mildred Smith, Harold Runncll, Hesslo Loomls, Cora Knight, Philip Cojvln, Lyman Decker, Emma Decker, Harold Stoll, Norton Johnson, Clayton Moxley, Alvln Miller, Fanny Dershlmer, Mar Jorlo Haslam, Lizzie Pruner and Nellie Von Btorch. Mvs. Winolow's Soothing Syrup Has been used for over FJKTV YI.'ARS by MILLIONS of MOniUUS for their ClIH.UIiKN WHILE TKin'MKO. with 1'KuTKGT SUCCESS. It KOOTHKS the CHILD, SOFTKNS the C1UMS, ALLAYS all PAIN; CUKES WIND t'OLIO, and U tho best remedy for IHtRMIOUA. Sold bv DrugitUti In every part ol Hie world. He sure and ask for "Mm. wiiulovrM Soolhinij Sjrup," and UWc no other kind. Twenty-Hie lents a bottle. ft - j . ar-J Interviews with Prominent 58th POLICE PRECINCT. V., a. Dictated S. R. - Boot, tho Great Kidnoy, Liver and Bladder remedy, is so remarkably successful that a special arrangement has The Scrauton Tribune, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent absolutely free by mail. Also bladder troubles and containing: many f the thousands upon, thousands of testimonial letters received from men Be sure and montion reading this generous offer in Tho Scranton Tribune when sending your address to Dr. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New Yoik, Nov. 1'), 'the tell in:,' piessiire ludiy jia.iiu piiiwil uioH- than tho nniket could .ib V01I1, ami prices aio very irenerally lower as .1 lesult. Tlicic ai a few cNccption., both in tho i.dlruad and industiial ilcpiilmeuts, but tho Mrcnirth in these few- stocks was not free fiom :in iippc.1r.1nco of manipulation hy tho hulls for tho putpu.u of Mistaiuint; tho ui.uKct and en (humkIiik leiuwcd buyinir for Hip advance. The downward cuur-e of piices piomplly set in after tin' market had opened genoially higher. Kasler money in Loudon and tho evtcnt of the. advance for Americans prompted sonic speculative ven turn in that market and there weie stories cabled from nbroad of great trunk line consoli dations, showing that the rumor monger had been regaling the UiilWi public with much tho same Kind of fain as that which h. been of fered in Wall htieot for home time past. The lower prices here in New York attracted buying by tho arbltrago brokers which served as a su tabling iillluencc but tho continued evidence of depicsslou in London turned heller and liquidated veiy heavily, the sales 011 balance being esti mated at upwauls of 10,000 shales. Selling from domestic souices was also very largo. The mil roads as a rule vvcie ino3t affected and in my stuudaid stinks wero f 01 coil a point or over below Saturday 'h level. In the late dealings a strong ilenmuil developed for Northern Pacific, which carried that stock up 2i, to B87J, (Jic.it North 1111 prcfeiied lose canity and cMieuie Vi point, but this rally, while It alTcctcd the market gen erally and drove the beais to cover, did not hold, long stock coining out on the advance. When the beam perceived tills they made a ficsli at tack and iliove piices down again, nml while the level ot tho market did not fall generally to the early low point the closing was active nnd easy. Amowrho points of special Mrength should bo mentioned Grncral Klcclrlc, Metropoli tan, American Ice, f-tccl and Wile, Colorado I'm I nnd American Smelting and for u time Sugar ami JlrooMyu Transit. The announcement of 11 fail, lire of a board member had sonic slight Influence mi sentiment until It was learned to ho of nu iinpoitancc. There was no uctu.il newa ncvelop. ment to account for tlio iliivvmvatil course of prices nnd it was largely duo to tho technical I.UH1S. The ir.bred custom of professional oper. atom to tale tho hear uide of tho market against 11 public bull position asserted itself, mid tl-eia was much tollrt opinion to be heaul tint tho Use in prices bad over-run itself anil that u reaction was overdue. Total xalcn, J,2.'i'),WK) glutei, The vulumo of bublncbs In bonds lis well as in Mocks was coiisldciably diminished, bat piices of bonds held Armor than tliosn of stock, Total F.des, par viluc, HBiniOO, I?. S. refunding 2i nnd the coupon 3s advanced Vi and new 4s, U per cent, cm t lie labt rail. Tli following quotations Tribune by M, fl. Jordan & Mtora building, Scranton, l'a American Sugar l.iiM American Tobacco Ill Am. Steel & Wire ,,,, V) Atchison ,..,,, ,,.,,... S Atihlvon, I'r. ..,,.,,,,. S3','j Hiook, Traction ,,,,,.,, 71! Hallo, Ohio ,,,,,,,,.,, bi7, rout. Tobacco ,. UUU Clics. & Ohio , .11 Chic. & Ut. West IIU ( hie. II. & IJ ,,.137 Kt. 1'uul ,..., lilTa Hock Ldaiid ,,.,., ....UHi Del. li HiuUoii ........lliii Lackawanna it. II. , ,..1W l-Ydcial Steel bl'.h federal Steel, Pr, ..,.,. K Kan. & Tex., I'r. , SS',4 Louis. & Nash. ,, 61 Man. novated .,, Hi Met. Traction 170Va Misso. Pacific ,., bl Pcoplc'b Uas .,..,,....,102 N. J. Central UlU South. Pacific Wt Norfolk & West 43 North. Pacific 07 North. Pacific, Pr, ,.. t0i N. Y. Central PvitJ Out. k Wot. 21 I'cuni. it. It. 1. ,.,.,.. lUX rt fumlBlud The Co., rooms "cW.70a i Telephone 003; High- Low. CIoj, est. est. WH m?i 111 JOS'i inr M-iH luali OUH f 1 I'J'.i !I7U H sin tali 11U I w?i l-i'llj II t'i 117 IS! n'l'.i 74 arn sow ncv; 170 6'JT, ova mil 12 u,i 7!Hi 1-TlVi iWt IM'i a: WW 7a?J SJT'i 3Ni 3l!i 1:17 12IT4 113ili 117U ISi M,3 77 3Ui 8l9i 112 173 Olty llW-X HO',3 Wk 4)H W?i 11 3)s't .!'!4 UU'y !J?T i 1115s ill v: SOii as 81 U0T4 174; 69T. l"i H5',i 42 4s!f, 07 SI!& li'i mit J People in Greater New York Greater Nuvv York. His Physician Prescribed Swamp-Root. NEW YORK, Nov. 18, 1899. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I was all run down in health and spirits, from overworK on the Exchange floor. I developed nervous neuralgia and also suf fered from an acute attack of rheumatism. Of course, I had careful medical attendance, but while conva lescing my own physician himself ordered me to take Swamp Root to build up my nervous system, and put my kidneys in shape. It helped ine more than any curative or tonic I overused, and now I always keep it in my medicine chest. With best wishes for sufferers, 0Zt&7xJzS: f&A 55W" s.p& (Z'-yu. oJ2Zz y Pacific 5lail tfii$ W -lOVi Hi ailing- Hv. :) 20',i 20 2n Iteadiiig, I'r. Ill ill HI iHli Southern It. II 14:1 Ills H ll:li Southern, I'r. Ill 01 Mis l-lT Teiin. Coal J: lion .... 7!l 7:)91 77 77i t'. S. Leather I.", 15 1r. 15 V. S. Leather, I'r. 77',(. 77',i 77 77 I', s. itnbber 37V1 :;7'i Wi i.r.'i I'liion Pacific) 71's 7JU f.ri'H 70Vi I'nion Pacific, Pr. SI'S Sl-li SIU St'V Wabash, I'r ! 22 2l"i 2 Pi Western Union Ml SO S3 SV,a Thlul Avenue 112 112 112 112 NI1W YORK PROIUTCK HXCIIAXOC PRICES Open- High- Low- Clos, WHEAT. nig. Mt. est. Inir. December 77-71 77"A 7i!TA 7H7s May SO'a SOvi Ttfi TliVs CORN. December 42ri 43!i 42vi 42i!s May 41' !2'i 4l?i 41 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. nid. Asked. First Natioml Bank FOO Bcraiitnn Savinga Hank 300 Scranton Packing Co 93 Third National Hank 4J5 Dime Deposit and Discount Hank ,, 2i0 ... Economy Light. II. fc 1'. Co 40 Laeka. Trust Safe. Deposit Co 130 Scranton Paint Co b) Clark & Snover Co., Pr. 12j Scranton Iron Fence k Mfg. Co 100 Scranton Axle Works ffi Lackawanna Daliy Co., Pr County Savings Hank & Trust Co... SOU First National Hank (Carbondale) 300 Standard Drilling Co 30 Traders' National Hank 133 ... Scranton Dolt and Nut Co 100 HONDS. Scranton Pacnger Railway, first Mortgage, duo 1020 JH ... People's Street Railway, llrt mort gage, duo 1013 113 People's Street Hallway, (leneral . mortgage, duo IWl 113 ... Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 latcka. Township School 5 per cent. ... 103 City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per cent "I Scranton Traction 0 per cent 113 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II, O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.) flutter Cieamcry, 2Ja2lc.i dairy tubs, iic. 1'ggs Select western, 17c. ; nearby date, 10c. Cheese Full cream, new, lllsc Deans Per bu., choice marrow, $2.40; medium, 2.30; pea, W.30. Potatoes COc. Onions C0c. rcr bu. Flour Best patent, $I.C0. Philadelphia Grain niul Produce, Philadelphia, Nov. 10, Wheal Vie. lower; con. tract BlJdo, Nov.. 7Miu7l',4''. Com iic, lowci; N11. 3 mixed, 12!'jU2?sC Oats steady; No. 2 whllo dipped, 2iVtc Floui Dull nml vrakj whiter buperior, I?2.30a2,50; do. extias, f.'.Wa 2.S0; Pinna, idler cleai, $-M0x').30; do. c'n. tlralght, W.:i3a'i.l3; western winter clear, $?.;.i 3.1UJ do. do. straight, s'l.l0i:i.C3; do. do. int ent. ?J. Max 8.3; h'nnsas iitialgbt In backs, (-I.1U u'l.liO: do. patents in tacks, W.tJlal.sfl; bprlng ileal, ?2.b.3.U.23; do. Mralght, W.OOa.l.'j; do, patent, ssj.v0al.13; do. favorito brands, Tl.i0.il.33; city mills extra, S2.bO.r2.fO; do. clear, W.2IU !l. 10; do. straight, s).43a3.(Uj do. patent, i?3.7.3 a J. 1.3. Ityo Hour, dull -mil easier, at ftl.a3aa.KJ per barrel for ilipico Pcnna. Huttir Finii; fan. cy western irraui'iy, 27c; do. pilnts, 30c. llitgs Firm; 'fresh nearby, 27c, j do. western, 2Ck-. ; do. southwestern, 23c; do, southern, 21c Cheese Quiet; N. Y, full creams fancy small, llall'.ic ; do. do. do. fair to choice, lOahHio. Refined sugars Dull and weak. Cotton Firm and 4c higher; inlddlliu' uplands, 10 G-lOc. Tallow Steady; city prime in hluls., 4)ic; country do., bbls., 4!!a44c; cakes, oic Live pcultry Dull and barely steady; fowls, SaOc; exceptional lots, U'.Jc. ; old roosters, vaOVLc. ; spring chickens, faOc; ducks, OilOe. ; turkey, ".iIOc,; geeae, OaOijC. Drced poultry Finn, good Ueiuacd; fuwls, choice, 10c; do. fair tu good, IMDlic.; old rooster), tH7c. j ucsiby Regarding Wonderful Cures How to Find Out if You Need Swamp-Root. It used to bo considered that only urinary and blndilur troubles wore to bo traced to tho kidneys, but now modern science provas that nearly all (lliensos havo their beginning In tho disorder oC those most Important or grins. The kidneys filter nnd purify the glood that Is their work. So when your kidneys nre weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body Is affected, nnd how every organ seems to fall to do Its duty. 9 If you arc sick or "feel badly," be gin taking the famous new discovery, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys nre well they will help all the other organs to heulth. A trial will convlnco anyone. Weak and unhealthy kldncyn are responsiblo for more sickness and suf fering than any other disease, and it permitted to continue fatal results are Kuro to follow. Kidney trouble lrrl tntes the nerves, makes you dley, restless, sleepless and Irritable. Makes you pass water often during the day and obliges you to get up many times during tho night. Causes puffy or dark circles under the eyes, rheuma tism, gravel, catarrh of the bladder, pain or dull ache In the back, Joints and muscles, makes your hend achs and bnclc ache, causes Indigestion, s.tomach and liver trouble, you get a sallow, yellow complexion; makes you feel as though you had heart trouble; you may have plenty of ambition, but no strength; get weak and waste away. The cure for these troubles Is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the world famous kldnej remedy. In taking Swamp-Root you afford natural help to nature, for Swamp-Root is tho most perfect healer and gentle aid to the kidneys that Is known to medical sci ence If there Is any doubt In your mind as to your condition, take from your urinp on rising about four ounces, place It in it glass or bottle and lee It stand twenty-four hours. If,,, on ex amination, it Is milky or cloudy, If there Is a brick-dust settling, or If small particles float about In It, your kidneys ura In need of immediate at tention. Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take apd is used in the leading hospitals, rec ommended by skillful physicians In their private practico, and Is taken by doctors themselves who have kidney ailments, because they recognize In it the greatest and most successful remedy for kidney, liver and bladder troubles. If you aro already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need you can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles at the drug stores everywhere. spring chickens, 10al2c; western do., 0al2c. He ccipls Flour, 2,(100 barrels, and 1,683,000 pounds in sacks; wheat, 4.000 bushels; com, 119,000 bushels; oats, 1,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat, 113,000 bushels; corn, C0,000; oats, 7,300. New York Grain and Produce. New Yutk, Nov. 19. Flour Market quiet and batcly si only j closing weak and lower to sell, in M'nipathy with wheat, Wheat Spot weak; No. 2 red, 77!sC. f. o. b. afloat, and 7(l',ic. ele vator; No. 1 northern Dulutli. S2a827sC t. o. h. ulloat. Options opened firm and were strong nil tho meming. In tlio afternoon lliu maiket broke seveielv and closed weak nt ,i,4c. net decline. .March closed sue; May, 70Hc; Nov., 415sc.; Dec, 42'j;c. Corn Spot easy; No. 2, 4.3 e. elevulor, and 10ic J. o, b. afloat. Op tions al lint slionger, but tlio market reailed uuil ilofed weak ut unchanged prices. May closed llicj Dec, 12ic Oats-Spot dull; No. 2. 2c ; No. 3. 2.3','jc. ; No. 2 white, 2914c.; No. 3 while, 2sc; tiack mixed western ,23iii 27"C; tiack while western, and state, 2Sa.t3Hc Options dull and unsettled, closing easy. Hiitlor Stc.uli; cirameiy. lP.i'!7c; lactory, 10il5!c.; .limn ciennuiy, lF.i21c; Imitation creamery, 14 IMlc; hlate dalrv, lGr23c. Cheeso Cjuitt; laigo Septeinlicr I mcv, luio ; small Sept. fane, lie,; large Oct, f.uicv, muc; 6mnll Ocr. fancy, 10',io. Eggs- Steady j Hale and Prima., 22a2Sc; western, leguljr packing, 2Ia23c.j western, loss oir, 27c. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chic ago, Nov. 111. Citlle Receipts, 2,IIOii; iii.i-.llv in to 13 cents lowir; hutdieis' stock, iihniil' htculy; uallves, bet im sale today, 3 unloads nt Ki.SO; Ijuod In piimo steer.', f.'i .ICa O.t-0, poor to niedlum, I.3j.i3.23; selected teed lis, f3,7.3.il.l0; mixed MocLon, f2.2.3a3.70, Cowi-, s.2.b.3.il.23' hcllets, $2,; cauutirs, Sl.COa 2.11.3; bulls, W,23al.3j; calves, .U5.75. Tcxans - Texis fed hlicln, S2.u0all.2j. Hogs Hen Ipt.s today, tll.lHK); toumuow, ISO.OWI; cslliuated left civrr, 2,000; 2',s tu .1 cents lowci ;. iln-Ing linn; tup, s3; mlvcd and butcheis, 9t. a3; good fo diolie lie ivy, s-I.SjalWJi; luiiftii li-iivy, ?l.70.ilu; light, l.iUal.UTUi hn'k ' bales, ?,S0al,i0, sheep HiciiptB, 20,000; sheep and lnndi, slow, lUc lower; good tu cliolco welheis, (.1.b al,2o; fair to cholcn mixed. ?3.Wj3.ti3; wrvtern blieqi. fi.D0.i4, 1.3; Texas .sheep, S-'.30al..3ll; na tive lambs, fl.IOa3.ll); western amb, ?l 85.i3.ll). Chicago Grain and Produce, Chicago, Nov. II). A featiue of lodavN board of n.ido ussloii was the lliuiy in Novemher corn. Fears of ,1 coiiiicr In Hut option cauicd an advance at 0110 time of Kc '1 lie dos was ut an ytv, advai.ee, Deicmbcr oats declined He I'lovlsluns wcie liaidy bleady and clobod 1111. changed to 2 lie higher, luti quotations wero as follows: Flour Kasv; No, 0 bpilng vvlieit, ii7a71'.4p.; Vo, 3 led, 71',s.i7lc; No. 2 mixed. 40!8a(0ir.; No. 2 yellow, 10t&il0.t'.: Ifn. 2 xvhllo oats, 2U SiHjcj No. 3 while, 2lfta;MlSi No. 2 U. 4l',qc.; .No. I ll.iv, sfl.OI'v; No. 1 northwest, sl.lUl timothy, srl.:0: poik. $10.5ail0.02l,j; lard, S7,17!ia7.20; rilw, S7.2Ja7.73; bhoiihlcis, SHl CT'l.; bides, ;n."3a0.83; whUkey, $1,87, Sugar -FncluUKCd, " . 1 New York Live Stock. New Yoik, Nov, 10. Beeves Slcers In heavy tiipply and J3v23c lowci; bulls and cows, low er except for fat stock; htecrs, ?I.Ooa5. 15; tups, f.S3; oxen and btagb, $.1.00; bulls, $2.23a3.aV, rows, $L2.3a3.cl3; choice fat'do., .I.SSal. Cahei Slow and 2.3c. lower; veal, W.60a8.25; tui-, fS.uUj little lalvcs, $1; grasscrs, fi.Wa; main ly at Y-.WJ-'-7.3. Slice p and lambs Market demoralircd 011 heavy ri'iclpls; bheep. 23al0c. lower; lambs, 40a5Oc oft; bheep, S2.'2.3al: culls, fcl.tOaS; lambs, $1.23 aS.2.3) Canada lambs, $3aS.2i; culls, $3al. Hogs Market lower at f3.15a3.50. East Liberty Stock Markat. Fast Liberty, Nov. 19. Cattle Dull and low rr: extra, $3.40a5.60; prime, $6aS.29; commota, s)a3.W. Hogs Lower: all grades, $38.03 ( rouefct, $J.fiUal.70. Sheep -Lower; choice xvctlieri, 3.75a).Mj coma inou, $l.COa2.lO; choice lambs, $35.26 1 tea 111011 tu good, flat SO; veal calve 7a7.(A i