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All of the ad drosses wore of a nature calculated to Insure How Lewis a safe journey and l-oturn. William J. Morris, of the First Welsh linptlat church, was chairman of the meeting; and made a few remarks. Letters of regret were read from Col onel 13. II. Ripple, who wan unable to Toe present, and Rev. T. t. Ij. Kvnns, of Gomer, Ohio. An original poem, dedicated to Rev. Lewis, was read by Rev. D. C. Phillips. Others who spoke were David Vaughn, Richard 15. Thomas, William 13. Reese, Rev. D. P. 'Jones. Mayor Motr, John R. .Tones, Rev. E. A. Roy, John J. Howell and Rev. Lewis. Rev. Lewis ban been a resident of Kcrantan for over forty years and Is one of the best-known Welsh preach ers In America. He will sail at noon tomorrow afternoon from New York on the Majestic, und will spend sev eral months In Wales. Another Narrow Escape. Shortly after Mayor Moir signed the viaduct ordinance on Saturday, a start ling Illustration of the necessity for ' this publlc.lmprovement was furnished nt the West Lackawanna avenue cross ing of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad, when a street car became stalled on the north-bound track. The conductor had suae on ahead of the car to see if the crossing was clear, rtnd bad signalled the motorman to go ahead. Just as the car struck the north-bound track the trolley slipped from the overhead wire and left the oar powerless In the middle of the crossing. A few sconds later passenger train No. 3, Which leaves the station at Geta Good Enough Cough remedy. Dufour's French Tar is what you need. Dress Goods At the The Buck Glob Has often formed the topic of conversation among Dress Goods experts miles aud miles away from Scrautou, because of the completeness, variety aud extent of the stock carried within its limits. Outsiders cauuot un derstand why a stock of such magnitude should be car ried in a city like Scranton, when stores with much greater pretensions than ours in New York, Philadel phia, Pittsburg, Chicago, etc., get along with half the assortment Ave offer our patrons. The "Whys" Regarding This Fact Are not worth discussing, however, for while we are proud of the distinction of having one of the most com plete Black Dress Goods Departments in the country, we have no thought of becoming vaiu-gloriously boast ful about it. Indeed, all we care for is to impress this one fact upon the people from whom we look for pat ronage, viz,: If Black Dress Goods Are Wauted And the Weave or Design Sought for Is Wot Antiquated, We Have It at Its Best And at a lower figure than it can probably be bought for elsewhere. It will be found in our Black Dress Goods Department as soon as it makes its appearauce on the market. We do not wait to see whether the new style will take or not. Experience has taught us to solve that problem at a glance, consequently we never hesitate, These facts are uot easily grasped and taken at their true value by the mere reading of au advertise, ment, but if it should happen that you are not familiar with our Black Dress Goods Department, favor us with a call at an early date, if for no other purpose than to look it over. After that you'll be as firmly convinced as we are of the truth of our statements, Globe Warehouse o'clock, going north, was heard coming up tho track. Mevoral Iluginou rushed down towards tho bridge and succeed ed In having the train stopped before It reached Hie crossing, thus averting a serious accident. The trolley was re adjusted and the train went on, Five passengers were on the oar at the time, and as soon as they realized their danger, mudo their escape In safety, liut for the timely action of tho men who (lagged the train, tlrro Is no telling what the result would have boon. A Novel Proposition. A well-known young man has re ceived n. liberal offer from an enterpris ing real estate agent, which, If accept ed, will prove an Interesting public event. The proposition Is to the effect that the young man assents to a pub lic marriage ceremony on the land company's tract. The company In return offers to build the couple a new house and fuinlsh It throughout, and when the minister for mally pronounces them husband ami wife, a deed for the entire oriullMioiit will bo turned over to them. The only stipulation outside of the above, Is that a brass band shall play the wedding march. Tho young man Is now en gaged In looking for the girl of his choice. Forty Hours' Devotions. Forty hours' devotional services were begun at Holy Cross Catholic, church, Bollovue, at the late mass on Sunday. Rev. John O'Doniioll preached the sermon. It was his farewell ad dress prior to his departure for an other parish. Rev. Father 0'IInrn, of ArchbaM, conducted tho Sunday evening service. Other priests in attendance were Itovs. W. P. O'Donncll, pastor of the parish; Fathers Duddy and Lavello, of St. Patrick's; John Honlcy, of Mt. Pleas ant; Moylan, of North Scranton, and Loftus, formerly of West Scranton. Masses were celebrated at G, T and S o'clock yesterday morning, and in addition to tho regular masses to-day and to-morrow there will be mass at 5 o'clock. Rev. Pagan, of Htizleton. preached tho sermon last evening, and Rev. Broderlck, of Montrose, will preach the final sermon this evening. Twentieth Century Movement. The Twentieth Century Forward Movement club will hold their con vention in the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church on Sunday and Mon day, December 2 and 3. Five sessions will be held. Rlshop Rowinan and others will deliver addresses. Papers on various subjects pertain ing to tho movement will be read by prominent workers. The meetings will be open to the general public. Washburn Street Church. The fifth anniversary of Rev. J. P. Motl'at's pastorate at tho Washburn Street Presbyterian church will be ob served next Sunday. An appropriate sermon will be preached In the morn ing and a popular service will lie held In tho evening. Tho Sabbath school orchestra will assist. The Young Ladles' Literary society Department le Warehouse held their regular meeting last even ing, at which tho usual exercises Wcro Indulged In, The lllbte ttchool has decided to post pone tholr election of ,olllcera until Wednesday evening oC next week, A. 13. Morse and F. 11. Thornton aru In Washington, D. C, representing the Chi Upsllon sbolcty at their an nual meeting. Misses Sarah Krcrgo nnd Cather ine llurral will represent the Christian rhidenvor society at tho state conven tion In Philadelphia during the pres ent week. Mr. McCoy's Departure. Peter McCoy, tho popular ollleor of St. Paul's Pioneer corps, who went to llradford, Pa., sonic time ago to ac cept a position In a hardware store, has decided to remain there, and In consettience has resigned his com mission as captain of the pioneer corps. Mr. McCoy was a prominent temper ance worker, and was also a member of St. Uremlun's council, Y. M. I. Ho hold a responsible position with the United States Kxpross company In this city. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Mist M.ny ll.ilnct Hall will Kpoil; at Hi: Young Women's Christian asocial Ion rooint thin cuiiliii; to (jltls und women mi "The fare of the Hotly." Tlio lcUiiro will he free iitnl all vomi'ii ii iv halted. A hlgli m.iw ot requiem will bo ccIoImjIiiI at 0 o'clock this inornliiK in St. Patrick's C.itho lie church over the rcnuint ot tho lato Miles (llliljont. Interment will bo tnado In the Uath ih.il winctcry. Stephen Meyer.', of Xorth Iimiiilry avenue, Is Mifleilti; a fracture of the loft aim at the wrbt, caused by falling from a r.iiron. Dr. I.. It. lia.Milond Mi the injured limb. (teniae (iollilrr, ot South Main atomic, will riprci-ciil the (Vnlril Labor union nt the ion Million of the American Federation of Labor to le held In Louisville, Ky., next month. Tiimoirow eenlti',' the ladies of the Plymouth (VngH'tf.itlonal chinch, vho-c iiamnM liesiii Willi tin- initials ):, 1', O and 11 will scne one nt their palatable' Mippira between the hours of ! and 1) o'clock. St. Patrick's Ladies' Irish Catholic P.cr.cvoleiit union will conduct their cIkIiIIi iiiiiiuiI social r wnt in the fotni of a riprcont.ltlve dance .u Meals' hull on Tlianksglvln? cw. A lanre num ber of tickets li,i. aln.ul)' been dl.-p.ned of. The deposit! from Xo. Ill school jestcru.iy wire as follows: Mis.- l.ccs, 83c; Miss Mm ray, $1'M: Miss Xkholls, iiSc; Mi's lleamUh, $1,511; MKs Slniiran, .inc.; Miss llutton, MJ; Miss Hails, 77c; MUs Kvnm, $l.lf; Mi-t Kellow, SI.O.",; Miss n.vnn. ij.1.21; Miss Wade. c.; Miss Mmphy, t'Sc; Mrs. l'erber, ifl.SO; Miss 1'iclc, Ole.; total, !?ll.S'i. ll.iin To Mr. and Mis. John Joseph, of l'rko tired ami Or.uit .ncnue, a son. .Mr. aid Mrs. William li. Willi ims, of South Main avenue, are c.pc ted li"iuu this week from a three months' lour of Wales Druwist II. M. Jones ot South Ma'ii awnti, 1ms been bawlm,- panic in Uie'icinit.v of Moscow during Hie past few days. ticome Allen, of Koiiiteciitli sheet, lias an noumcil hhmtlf as a candidate for the ohice of ici-lcr of Mitel's in the Koiuth distiicl of the Tilth ward. Thomas Mar.-Jiail, of South Main aMiue, is be iiv.? mentioned tor the appointment of uiciean. tile npprai.-cr. Mrs. A. S. lPissell. of South Il.nlc Park ac. line, is solely .illliiti-il with throat I rouble. Mr. and Mrs. John If. flail; hue returned fiom a usil with friends in Moutio-e. l'lnf. Harry I!. Jones, of Philadelphia, a well known mu-Jciau, is 111 at the home of his mother on 1'ikc sticct. An important nicctiiif; of the f.leanOiV souety will lie In-Ill in Kiiiiii-'in MilhodUt i:pl-oop.il (hiircli this cvonhi,'. Vhc Ladles' Aid widely will meet on Thms.day. Mr. and .Mrs. J. T. (traiiaclirr, of Xoilh ltrom ley avenue, aie culcrtaiiilm; Mr. and Mrs. fieorge LUUrr and children, ot bt.-oud-butg. .1. 0. Deiliick, ..of Xorth Main acnue, has lcliirned homo from a hunting tilp at Tanners Mile, Pa. MUs Mae Thomas' Sunday school ila.ss will rondiHt a luyjanthciiium social in tin- t'ii.st Welsh Uapliat church on 'thanksKivin-r fie. A lmi-iral pivianune will al-n be rendered. 'flu proceeds will be used in fumi-him; (lowers for the pulpit Sunday evenings, after which they will be distiibutcd anions the faick memlicrs of the coiKic)jatioii. The Sunday school of the l-'iist We-l-h lliptist (liiuih is uhi'irsim. tin- cantata "Joy to the Woi Id," for tbe I'liiUtmas eercics. John l.uns i in charire of the woik. Abilella Abr.m, of Xorth Ninth Mr.. I, fell from a Puiyc.i ear on Saturday and sustained severe injiuies. Dr. J. J. Itrctmati is atlciidiiif-: him. The Luce hu!h1iii at 12.! Xoilh Main avciiuo is hcinjr umodcllcd for St. llrcnden's louucii. They cvpoi-t to occupy lheir new iU.irterj about the lit r of ricceinber. Miss Viola i:ans, of T.afa.wtle street, has le tinned home from an extended lslt with fl lends at llatli. . Y. Mm. Kdward Kinu-biny, of Sadie place, I.s borne fi.'io a isit to llostou, Ma--'. A il.uiErliter was icciiilly loin to Mr. .'Hid Mis. Louis A. Howell, of South Hyde I'.uk ave nue. NORTH SCRANTON. Henry JenUlns, llvlncr at 121 Parker street, a fjato tender In tho Dickson shaft, was caught between the nate and tho rib by a trip of cars yester day afternoon und suffered a bad sepieeziwr. Ills Injuries, however, ara not serious. Jenkins Is 1(1 years old. lie was removed to his home. Mrs. II. AV. VanSeluiIck, jr., and ditUKliter. of lbiltlo frerl:, Mich., are visitors at tho Ipimo of the former's aunt, Mrs. A. Ij. Francois, on Kast Market sticot. The Andrew McCuitIii avIio broke In a pawn shop on I'enn iivoniie, nnd Is clmrifcd with other offenses is not the Andrew Mc.llurrin residing at l."2 Vost Mnrkot street. The culprit evi dently j?avo AVesl Market street as bis address so that tho blame would be thrown on an innocent person. The funeral or the 3-year-old olilM of Mr, and Mrs. T. D. Hayes will bo held from tho residence, on North Mala avenue, this afternoon at 'i.ilO o'clock. Interment will be made lit Cathedral cemetery. The t'raekiTjiioks will on "Wednes day nlKht endeavor to show their .su periority to the public as basket bull players, against the North Knd Stars, However, the Stars aro ready for them, and an c.xoltliifr game Is prom ised, A social will be held at tho con clusion of tho game. Mrs. J. r. VonStorcb, of North Main avenue, pleasantly entertained tho members of tho Homo Missionary co clcty of tho Providenco Presbyterian church, at her homo on Saturduy af ternoon. Mrs. William Moore, of West Mar ket htroot, Is entertaining Mrs. Mary Alnley, of Kast Thompson, C'unn, Itev, . O. Heading left for Wllllams port yesterday afternoon, where ho will spend tho week with his family, Mr. William Hill has removed his family from Church avenuo to Hyde Park. Mrs. Kmory, of Church avenue, Is ill. jrho ltunners and Drivers' Local, 13'i7, gave a dunce In St. Mary's iliull lust evening, Tiie Kxcelslor club will produce tho drnnia, "A Convict's Daughter," in the Auditorium Thanksgiving night, Tho rummage sale conducted by the I.adles'OuIld of tin Christ church will be opened tills morning In Osterliout's hall. v All news matter for The Tribune left nt Davis' drug store will rceelva prompt attention. Charles J, Church and son, Charlie, of North Main avenue, have returned homo from Now York. Miss (lertrtido Kmory, ot Church avenue, Is Indisposed. Poteinan Anderson, of the Ulrard Construction company, left last even ing for Philadelphia. Misses Kllzttbcth Pldler and Agnes Walsh spent Sunday In Carbondalo. The suh-postolllce Is pleasantly lo cated nt Davis' drug store, comer' of Main und Market', where posltil orders nre Issued and letters registered dally, except Sundays, between the hours of !) it. m. and T p. m. This atcrnoon, Tuesday, at 4 o'clock, Pastor cl, L. Alrlch will begin a series of tllblu readings at tho Young Wo men's Christian association. It Is tin Intention of the Young Women's Christian association to give a series of musical and literary entertain ments during the winter, with special privileges to members of the associa tion and also members of the girls' tub. The llrst of these wilt bo a muslcale on next Thursday evening lit S o'clock and will be free to 'Voting Women's Christian assoeltlon mom bors; also to members of the girls' club. A small admission fee will bo charged to others. The programme will bo as follows: Duet, piano and violin, Messrs. Allen nnd Weston; vo rnl solo, MIhs Kami: plnno solo, Mr. Weston; duet, Misses Smith and Kann; violin solo, Mr. Allen; duet, Mr. Al len nnd Mr. Weston; duet, Misso.s Smith and Kann. Tlio Mlble study of the Sunday school lesson will bo on Friday even ing of this week at 7.30, Instead of Thursday. DUNMORE DOflNGS. Theodore L. Purcell Dies as the Re sult of a Blow Received from an Unknown Man. Theodore Ij, Purcell, the nineteen-year-old son of W. J. Purcell, of Drinker street, died at Ills home at 4 o'clock yesterday morning. Ills death is tho direct result of Injuries received by him while pursuing his duties as a driver for the Sunny Side Dairy com pany. On the morning of November 5, while delivering milk to his customers on Marlon street, above Adams avenue, at abcait 3 o'clock In tlio morning, ho noticed a man standing near his horse's head. As he stepped upon tho step of his wagon tblH man hurled either a sand bag or a heavy stone at him, which struck him squarely in the stomach, partially dlsablng him. He managed, in his weakened condition, to lire three shots at bis assailant from a revolver he carried, evidently without effect. Hemorrhages began almost immediate ly and continued since, with the excep tion of a few days previous to last Thursday, when they began again and continued until dentil relieved him from his suffering. A post-mortem examination was made yesterday morning by Drs. Bern stein, Garvey, Gunster and Thompson, who found that death was tbe result of tho rupture of a. largo Wood vessel in the stomach. lie was a young man much thought of by his employers and those who knew him best. To these his death in such a sad manner comes as a great shock ab this time, as the fact of bis serious illness was not generally known. Ho was an only son, which fact makes tho grief of his parents much harder to bear. He was a member of the Epworth league of tho Methodist Episcopal church. The funeral will bu held in the Methodist Episcopal church on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made in the Duu niore cemetery. The attention of Coroner Roberts should be called to this case, in order that an Investigation may be started and stops taken tu capture the guilty parties. Revivnl Services. The first services of tho union revival meetings were held in the Dudley Street Baptist church last night. The house was crowded and everybody came, it seemed, with the Intention of having ti spiritual feast. The ltev. W. F. Gibbons, of the Dunniore .Presby terian church, preached an excellent sermon on "What He Says Unto You, That Do." Mr. Gibbous spoke very effectively, and the audience appreciated what ho said. He Insisted that we must obey what Christ commanded us, tilled with faith aud hope and love, No hiilf hearted service would be satisfactory to our God or His Sun. There was a most excellent spirit manifested in tho meeting. The Hov. Mr. Kramer sang a very lovely solo at the close, and many arose, asking prayers for their friends. The services this evening will be held in tho Trltm Avenue Christian church. ' und the Kev. Mr. K reamer, of tlio Bap tist church, will preach. His topic will bo "A A'lslt from Jesus." All Christian people are Invited to come and bring their unconverted friends. Let every body work for the upbuilding of the cause of Christianity In Dunmore. There will be good music, and every one Is welcome. Mentioned in Brief. Tho remains of Mrs. ltuchol Donlv werii laid at rest in tho family plot in the Dunniore cemetery yesterday. Short services wero held at the grave, music being furnished by a ijuartetto composed of Mrs, George Simpson, Miss Anna Powell, Kev, A. J. Van Cleft and J. W. Plunell. Tho pall-bearers were Messrs. E. W. Wert, C. P. Kussell, J, S. Knight, Henry Nickerson, J. W. Pin noil and J, G. Itoue. Tho Ladles of tlio Golden Eaglo will hold a lodge social at the homo of Mrs, William Price, on Hoylo street, this evening. All members cordially in vitod. The members of tho Women's guild of St, Mark's church will hold a special meeting Wednesday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs, William Webber, on Drinker street, All members aro re quested to bo present, There will bo no meeting of the Ep worth league in tho Methodist Episco pal church this week, owing to union services being hold In town, Nell, tho big1 black flro horse of the Neptuno company, Is out of service for a few days, caused by a severe attack of colic. Superintendent Davis and Readmits ter J. E. Hood', of the Erio and Wyo mlng Valley railroad, aro in St. Paul, Minn., on a business trip. James F, Connolly, of Avoca, was a caller on friends la town yesterday, William E. Smalltidge, of South Blakely street, has returned -from u week spent hunting In Plko county, The Ladles' Aid society of the Dudley Street Baptist church will servo a sup per In the church this evening from 0 to 8 o'clock. Supper, llfteen cents. The public is cordially Invited. SOUTH SCRANTON ENTERTAINING SOCIAL GIVEN BY ST. IRENE'S SOCIETY. A Most Excellent Programme Given Last Night in Pharmacy Hall. Goorgo Detrlck Tendered a Sur prlso Party Benefit Planned for Prof. Gustavo Schmidt Funerals of Michael O'Hora and William A. Troy A Number of Accidents Chronicled Other News Notes. The St. Irene's society gave one of their delightful and entertaining so cials last evening In Pharmacy hall, on Plttston avenue. Tlio hall was beautifully draped with American Hags nnd there was an abundance of potted palms and ferns. A short literary and musical pro gramme preceded the social period. Miss Kate Reunion, organist of St. John's church, opened the evening's entertainment with a piano solo, which' was rendered In faultless style. She was followed by Miss Margaret Cox, who recited, with much dramatic fervor, "Servossa"s Ride," from tho "Fool's Errand." Mrs. J. J. Walsh followed with a vocal solo, "Only a Word ot Parting," which was rendered faultlessly. A sex tette, consisting of the Misses Durkln, Alice Gibbons, Mnry Murray, Matilda Mageo, Nellie Rcardon, Elizabeth Dur kln, then rendered several selections, after which followed a vocal solo en-. titled "Calvary," by Miss Elizabeth Durkln, and tho solo, "Answer," by Sidney Hughes. Rev. E. J. Melloy and Rev. F. A. Fleming wore present nnd spoke brief ly, the latter touching upon his recent tour to Rome. After the literary ex ercises refreshments were served. Benefit for Prof. Schmidt. Preparations aro being made by tho leading singing organizations of this part of the city, namely tho Junger Maennerchor, Saengerrunde, Lieder kranz and Arbeiter Vereln, for a bene fit to the musical director of the Maen nerchor and Arbeiter Vereln, Prof. Gustav Schmidt, who without doubt, ranks among tho foremost musical di rectors of the country. Tickets will bo sold for 2.1 cents, and a large crowd will no doubt be pres ent. A feature of the evening will be a choir of 150 male voices. The bene fit will be hold in Worklngmen's hall. Alder street, at a date to be selected later on. Two Funerals. The funeral of Michael O'Harn, Who was crushed to death at the steel mill, took place yesterday morning at 3:30 o'clock from his kite homo, 409 Pros pect avenue, and was largely attend ed. A mass of requiem was celebrated in St. Peter's cathedral, after which Interment was made In Hyde Park cemetery. The funeral of the late William A. Troy took place yesterday morning at ! o'clock from his late home on Crown avenue, and was largely attended. At 9 o'clock the casket was closed and the cortege moved to St-.Tohn's church, where a mass of requiem was cele brated by Father Melley. Interment was made In Cathdral cemetery. Number of Accidents. Mrs. Boyle, of Irving avenue, slipped yesterday afternoon nnd broke one of tho bones in her left forearm near tho wrist. Dr. Walsh reduced the frac ture. Anthony Kilcoyne, of Cedar avenue, a brakeman at the South Mills, while coupling cars on SatiTrdny last had several fingers badly bruised by hav ing them caught between the bump ers. John ICnvin, of Cherry street, hnd his right foot badly injured Saturday by being caught under a car at tho South Mills. Told Briefly. A pleasant surprise party was ten dered to John Dietrich, of Crown ave nue. Mr. Dietrich showed himself a capable host. Flashlights were taken by Mr. Miller. Those present were: Misses I.owi Kossler, Lily Miller, Bar bara Kefliart, llattle Kellerman, Teresa Miller, Maggie Sosson, Mary Bieden, Emma Meyers, Georglana Ohio; Messrs Adam Mans, Henry Sohwenkor, George Haan, Peter TTaan, John Haan, William Capu, Robert Barneko, Frank Marquette, George Molting. William Miller, Joseph Reld niiller, Albert IJrook. Auaust Naegll, Ernest Williams, John Dietrick, Clara, Francis, Eva, AVllllam, Columbus, Fred Dietrick, The different committees of the Smith Scranton Young Women's Chris tian association will bo served tea on Friday evening, nt which they will talk over their different work. The Junior sewing class will meet at 3.ir. o'clock tills afternoon for regular lesson. The Ladles' Aid society of tho Cedar Ayenuo Methodist church will hold a meeting on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock In the church parlors, to com plete ariaiigonients for their annual Thanksgiving dinner, Tho Brotherhood of St. Paul will moot this evening In tho lecture room of the Cedar Avenuo Methodist church. Th members of St. John's Literary society aro arranging for a literary en tertainment to bo given in the near future. A play, entitled "Tlio Irish Heroine," will bo presented by local talent. Personal Jottings. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Mutchninn, of Elinlrn, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Fred Mack, ot Irving avenue. Mrs. Freda Hahn, of Birch street, is visiting friends In Wllkcs-Bnrrc. M, J. Burns, of Plttston avenue, spent Sunday In Plttston. James Lavello nnd John Hannlck spent Stuuluy in Avoca. M. J, Burns, p. J. Ruddy and Thomas Folun spent Sunday In Plttston, Messrs. James Brennuu, William Dunleavy, James Rohan nnd Patrick Ruane spent Sunday In Avoca, Harry Alexander, of Prospect ave nue, is fonvaleseont, after a sevcro Ill ness. Mrs. Ifelsner, of Cdar avenu, who was seriously ill, is again convalescent. J, W. Biesecker. of tho South Sldo Cash store, is 111 at his homo on Mon roe avenue, Miss Lizzie Grill, of Irving avenue, Is 111 at her homo with measles. Miss Anna McGouty, of Curbondule, la visiting friends on Cherry street, John Stcliimctz, of Beech street, Is sick ut his home with the. grip. Tho three children of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Demauch, of Plttsou avenue, uro ill with au attack of measles. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Stange, of Buf falo, N. Y., formerly of Scranton, have 1 ALWAYS Hurrah For Uncle Sam He nor his family of 76,000,226 never eats crow and never will. Tur key is good enough. We furnish Honest Shoes For thousands ot his family, from 25c to $5.00. Wear Our Shoes and Enjoy Your Thanksgiving. Lewis & Reilly 114-116 Wyoming Avam See Our Windows aud Tbcn .... aV$$l 11- ssiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiimiiimiiKi i Candor in Business Is Commendable We do not believe that the Intelligent piano buying public wants to be humbugged, nor that It can be for any length of time. Facts, un questionable facts, are good enough for us. We lost the sale of a piano tho other day because wot could not allow w'lthln seventy-five dollars as much for an old stpiare piano as our competitor did. AVe subsequent ly learned that the parties paid $450.00 for a piano tho duplicate of one sold a few weeks previously to a party, who had no square piano to trade, for $27n.00 AVe allow casli value for old instruments nnd no more: but the prices of our pianos do not expand the moment you mention organ or square piano. Every Instrument in our ware-rooms bears a tajc with the price marked on in plain figures, and THIS IS OUR SELLING PHICE. Does this idea meet with your approval? If so, wo can inter est you. 1842 piAMos f Are eminently fitted, as instruments of the highest grade, to success fully play their part In our purpose. OUTWARD BEAUTY AND INNER GOODNESS Tells the story, and it doss not require much piano knowledge for a clcur lnterpr6tatlon, either. AVe who sell STIEFF Pianos have a feal Ing of satisfaction In so doing that cannot but be foreign to a piano transaction wherein some other make Is involved. STIEFFS ARE DISTINCTIVELY ARTISTIC PIANOS. DISTINCTIVE IN TONE, DISTINCTIVE IN TOUCH, DISTINCTIVE IN DURABILITY Pianos of other makes at prices to suit the most economical. You'll know the piuno by its tag. Let us quote you prices', either personally or by malt. Fine Tuning a specialty. Sheet Music and Musical .Merchandise. George W. Finn, 138 Wyoming Avenue j OPiN EVENINGS- 1 wiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigii9Hi!HBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiii0 returned to Scranton and taken up their residence on AVillow street. GREEN RIDGE. A rummage sale will be held In Os terhont's hall, Providence, commenc ing Tuesday evening, for the benefit of Christ church. Croat bargains, from ono cent up. The funeral of I.ydia AVade Barnes, widow of Dr. AVllllam J I. Barnes, oc cured yesterday afternoon nt 2 o'clock from the family residence on Madison avenue, Green Itldge. Many friends who felt her influence for good share the grief of tho bereaved family. HK children survive. They are: Louise, l.iucolif, Edith and AVade, Mrs. Ar thur Welnschenk and Mrs. William AVnll. Mrs. Barnes was the daughter ot D. H. AVade, one of Scrantou's pio neers und formerly of Susquehanna county. -' PARK PLACE. A very pleasant surprise party was given Miss Olivo Xothacker la honor of her thirteenth birthday. The fol lowing were present: .lennle Mann, Clara Scoenborn, Marguerite Bolt), Buth Hold, Lena .urlluli, Louisa Schoonborn, Louisa Boss, Ethel Hod ham, Mlunlo Bauer, Tllllo .urlluli, Mary Bauer, Lillian Boss, Laura llrls cole, Frances Stansbury, Anna Ilos, Jessie Bosh, Howard Xothacker, Al fred Nothneker, AVIUard N'othackor, Otto Bohl, AVm. A. Nothacker, Mrs. Boss mid Mr. and Mrs. Nothacker. Tho hitter helped to serve dinner and supper; OBITUARY. James O'JUIIcy, an utfdl ami well known ivsl. lent i'( Olji.lunt, illoil at liU li'Miw, Sutunliy fwninp, alter a tlioit illncs-s. lio U survived by tliu followliik' ilillilivni J'llni. of L'jiIioikIjIu; MUliacl ami Peter, f 01) pliant 1 James, win) It In tho United Ktales urmyi Mrt. 'l-lmus Slwrl. il.ui ami Mis. J:mu-1 C'l.me)-, uf Ol) pliant. 'l"l funeral will l'O lieltl at 10 o'clock tlilt iiiorniiiif, fiarrett A. 1'iror, the little bale ( llev. M. I,, ami JIm. A. I', l'lror, asul il montlit an.l 20 iljys, illeil yesterday of pneumonia, after a briif lllnesj. Tlio funeial eeivlcet will bo held In CalvJty Ui'fniineil iluiiili, corner of llluwiii blreet and Mvmoo avenu;, Wcilnesdiy Jlteinoon, 2.30 o'clo"k. GEORGE RACEB ARKESTED, Former Resident of This City Charged with Horse Stealing;. Chief of I'nlico ltobllmy yesterday re ceived a telegram from tho chief of police of Newton, N. J., informing1 him thut Clcorgo Uucer, a former resident of this city, Is now In custody In that city, charged with horso-stealliig, hav ing been found driving a horso and buggy lately stolen, ltucer Is a cripple, and Is well-known BUSY 1900 AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUn THEATRE 'liursumler & Rei, Lcuctsnnd Manazer' A. J. Duffy. Husl ncss Alanager. OXI) NIGHT OXLA", Tuesday, November 20. Robert Fitzsimmons In a four-act Comedy Drama ol 1IOJ1I1 AND Sl'OltTIXO UFli The Honest Blacksmith Prices Lower floor, orelioitra, $li ore eiicle, 75o.; ilicsa elide, fiOo. Balcony, nrt rows, 7."o. J circle, SUc. (i.illery, iic. hestra nrnt Uio cam ui M'uis upens ?iuuru;iy ui. i, k. hi. Thursday .JEffe Nov. 22 ji Direct from Keith's Theater, Xew York, with tlio f.illuuiii;,' u're:it proKinmui.;: Mr, and Mis. lYikiiw l-'ishcr. Tho ll.itchelor Club Quartette, Mr. and Mm. Xell Mtchtteld, C'oaMcy and lliietted, Uaker and I,) nn, Tho ltuhy Sisteis. Clui Ic-i I.eeii:inl l-'letcher and l'r.ink 1'men.on. rpccl.it Matinee Privet Imwi-r Hour, 25e and Wc.t entire b.iliony, 23c,; children under U yeuu, to any part of Ihe hoitu', 15c, I'.vcnlni; Prices- -'j., 3oC, SOc, 75c. Se.it 1 now on tale. ACADEMY OF HUSIC, llimOUNIIHK & KUIS, Lessee. II. A. HKOWN, Alanaeer. THIS KXTIIti: WtHIt. charf-Morris Go. IX ni'.PHItTOIItE, Presenting Tuesday Night, "The Smugglers." Wednesday Night, "Devils Mine." I'sual Matinee.-, It) and 20 ceut.i. Kviiilng. I'rleivj lt, HO, 30 cents. -i New Gaiety Theatre II, It, J.OXfi, Lessee and Msnifter, Three Days, Ciiimicncln MONDAY, NOV, l. The Original BROADWAY GIRLS And tho I'amout "(Ulth IX PLUK." l'rclty l.adlu, runny Comcdiant and llaadiora Scenery, Three Days, Commcnclns TIIUItSDAY, NOV, 28. SAPHO BURLESaUERS. Friccs-PSc, 23c, S5c, COc. In tills city, having lived In South Kcranton up to it few months ago. Chief Uobllni? believes ho can connect him with several recent horse thefts In this city und is making an InvestlKa-tlou. a 3. 3 mm a a Mi E 3 n