11 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1900. SYRlflrflGS AcfsJejsanfyaitdJhomfity. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. resents in the most acceptablefbnn the Jojrative principles ofpants Anown to act most J?cficficiaJfy. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCQ SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. lOUISVIHE , KY. NEW YORK, N.Y. for sale ty druggists price 50 per ioftfe. Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. 9 E Per gc Quart. LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO "telephone Ordera Promptly Delivered ;3g327 Adams Avenua. Scranfon Transfer Co. Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. Office D., . & W. Passenger Station. Phono 525. DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALST. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office Houra n. n. to 12.39 p. m.: I to 1 Williams Budding. Ovu. Postofflcn. ggs l-t 'fftt'f rttttt fr' I CITY NOTES -f -- - (-OUXI'IJ, rOMI'KI'. 'Iln- Cornell Clee .lull will ive u bis coiuul in this uty Dei, w, ..I tin- llic.vclo club. i:xti:rtainmi:xt i'ovn'osi:ii.-The in,.- Ikim'J cntcit.iinniciit ot the Suaiiinu li.iilw.i.v licncli. ial .ivocLiliun Ii.u, bcui postponed iiiilil I'ec. J. .Mi:i:nxu tonight. iiie i.,iai.i .,r .i . i.itt a Cluiitii'i of & union will meet this i.tnlii;; aL s o'cloik, ill the piMiutti'a luuiii, I'.uiotfiu hiiiJihii','. . I'l IIKI'.V MJ'-l'I'll.-'lhi. Kidi.s of t. p Amiiuu Ilaptisl (.lunch will n.ui- a inikey oiip. (Hi- on Thurvlay cenltig-, J)u-. (i, in the pallors ol the church. tovcciir axi) i:."ii:iiTixii:xT.-Tiii vpninir a .onccit 1 i-utc. I t.iinttic lit will lip hehl hi tin- Adann auiuio .hipil, on Xuv Vuil, bti.it. U b.-iiiii, at 7:1.1 p. in, III l!M:il 11V A J.lVi: llli:.-MiUu attempt, in,- In repiir an iik.uhI.mi nl l.mip . -. t i c 1 1 -lii.il iiinj;, William All.n, a puilcr at tin; Cojn's liouj, li.nl his luii.l badly btiim.l by ,i ilL. wire. Dr. Silliy iln-.-tl it. M-HAl-HASY Ki:i:i'I.U Al!l!l'li:il,-.Vi,l,l.H (liiuze, of UJl boiilli WaiiiiKtou ,ieiiue, was l.'idiy nflirnooii air.iigiicil b. loio Mdtiiiuii JIiiwp, tm Hie cluue of kinpin; ,i i-pi..rnei..y. II,. -.., Ultiiiliaul on pajiiient of the toits in tho cae, MOItl! Sl'CAKIlAhV AHmiM'A-l'iid Ilu-iin, of l'lOkpeit ax-tiue, and Fied Iluldncr, of Wlll.m strcet, were jthtcnlay niral'iul before Al.K'iiii.ni llowp, lIuikoiI with kueplni; tKMk...isiei. They who auestid mi njriauU liinl by Miyor Moir mill wt-io fined ijjj ea.li and the cots in Hie cae, DUAUATIU lti:cn'Ab.-lhe only enleinin. im-nt to far inlteilUi'd this fall for the charita ble woik of St. I.uki-'i, iliunli ii Hie Willanl D. Howo dranijliu niilal for Nov. 2S. It will bo followed in Dutmber by the fair of the Wo men's Guild. MW'TiXr, lO-XIGIIl'. The Cilholio UWorlcil Society and Newman MaiMing lub will meet this cvenlnir. John J. Murphy will p;io n t.ilU, and MIsd Maiiraiet (.'ox a ret Hat Ion. All mem. bers aro lequetted to bo prt-Miit, 'Iheio ii bust. Iiebs of luipoiUucc to be tiamatted, MOXOI.O0UIST DAItltACH.-Mai.hall Dirra.h, the well-known Shakespearian iiioiiuIois-iM, will m.ear tonliht In Kt. l.ukeN 1'arUh lull, niul,., thu patronagu of the chiif ripiiinl.illves of llic uoeiely clitlca of the tlly. Mr. Duiai.li will KIC "Thu Twelfth Night" in HiU rental. ItAST OASin OF SllASOX.-The fvrantou lllj-h school foot lull team will, Saturday aftenioon, jilay Ita last Kauio of the tt.uou, ut Alhletlu park, when it will meet Hie Vllkes.lirri Iliali tcliool clctni, 'Iho ot,i plajers have altcady scored one victory over tho l.uzcnicltcs. SI'KCIAI. COMMITTKIL-Tliert. will be a nieet Ini; HiU fViiiln-,' of the bpeclal toiiiinlllrc of common tnuiiell appointed to rouiltlcr the lire department rt'oicauliatlnn oiillnaiuv, 'iu cm,, liiiltee h coinpoM.l of Hip foll.mln iiieiubeH; 1. V. C'alpln, 'lhoina M. Wulkln. and .John Nazcll. MUS. ItAMSAV TO TAI.K.-M14. A. II. I!aiua, the ctlltor tf the Household and I.iteiaiy d.pii't. aitnU of the I'lillidelphia I'ublio l."il,'M, will tho an aililiesj bcloie Hie Ciiiii ItiJgo Wo. men'? l lull '1'lnus.l iV mullllli,', lo whieli the i.uli lie In-invited. Mm. K.imay will p.-a'. in tl.v lulerist of the Mother' CuiiKruj of I'liiu-il-irauia, BUN OVCI( ItV OAllS.-John Uulioy, of 817 8 t'apninr avenue, ft Ifi'jrnt hlil Kalelciider In .lohnoti'i mine Win I.iUii In (lie tu-iawntin hm-pHnl clent.ty, li.nlly liijutcd in the remit ill liclmt Hill over liy two Inllip intt. lie win liiilly lirulscd nlioul Hie head and tullrrcil a lirukcti leir, .MICIIAI't. III.I'WIIT AIIIHMIKD.-IMrrlhe Will ( llirmil Mliudiiy .inched Mlilnel Hit will mi n airanl Imiic.I liy Alderman .l,unh), nt Hl.inimhiiiK, ili.irliu lilni Willi I'liniluilliiH n K.iinlilliic homo, lie will iirirMid nl tin- I'cla iure, niul llud-on hlatluii utnl eiiteied lull ho dire Alderman John T. Howe. MASQt'l'.IIADI' MK'IAIh Toim-rii-v evening lli(rc will lie ft mflvnn radc nl Howard I'l.iie Alrlcon MellimlUt t.'plitop.il rlmuli. Riven y tlM Nn. B for Hip heiicM n( I lie I'lirUliu.n lice. A Mnil.it Invitation is oxt.nded to Hie SlilMi (liiinli. Tlic (,'imiiiI match will hoxlii l 1H o'clock. ltcfrchmcnti will lie fervid unit Kni'l niislo In attendance, Mm. H. .1. Motion, leach cr; Mr, A. Porter, siiiciliitciiilcnt. A SMAI.Ii HRI'. Some clntliln-r In ft clo-ct In (ho apartment uci iiplcd by Aii-rust Keller nun unit family on the llilril tloor of Hie .lonra luillitllisr, nt the corner nf I'piiii avenue niul Centre Mrrct, caught lire jcslcrday mornlm; nhoiit 10:!0 o'i'liick. An nl.uiii w.n turncil In fiom lliix ii at the lorner, niul the blnp win quickly cilln-mlil-cil by thp l'liocnU Chciiil.-al company before it spread he) end tho cloyct. QUAitntUi ih'tutkn nooTiii,ArKs.-John Morgan win last nlnht amljrncd before Alderman Millar, cliarjreil by Will Divls with the larceny of twenty ccntt and carrjlns concealed weapon1. Ilolli men are colored nnd lioolhlacka by oicupa Hon. Morgan declared that the inoni'.v which caused Hip tlNpulR un owed to tilm by Davii, and denied havlne; roor(ul to any llloultitiin to meniH to secure It. He wan dl'Charsod by the alderman. UNKNOWN FATHER OF WELL KNOWN SON Jnmes W. Johnson Yesterday Acted for His Famous Son, Ben, the Ashman. T!on Johnson anil his Pokiisus of tho ash curt aro two local celohrltle.s, hut yesterday iiftoi noon, In Alderman Mil lar's court, a third and even more yiic turcs.'ue ineinbci' of this Interesting family appeared, in the person of James "H. Johnson, the iifjed parent of Benjamin. Johnson, sr., Is a dapper old fellow, whose wooly pate ha3 been silvered by the frosts nl eighty-eight winters. He apepnred in the court ns his son'H advocate ill ti lawsuit hi ought by the lattor ngalnst Deputy Tax Collector AVilliain Morgan, who last March seized lien's steed nnd sold it for do liiifiupnt taxes. Sixty cents was the sum realized by tho sale, which prac tically broke Hen's mighty heart. The ashman brought suit, claiming $-.'0 damages, value of horse and remu neration for services he was thus pre vented from performing by losing Ills equipment. Morgan was represented by Attor ney Joseph Jeffries. Tho aged John son wore the blue uniform and brass buttons- which are the pilde of every old ."!. A. 11. man's heart, and John son, sr., Is in fact one of the hero-is-of the Itebellion. lie is a hale and heaity looking old Yet, and he stoutly contended that ho himself paid Tleu's deficit taxes. Ftanl: Cobb, the liveryman, was called to give expett testimony about the horse, and said that while Iho animal may have been worth as much as S10 lo Mr. Johnson, i-eisonally lie would not have accepted the equine in question us a gift. "What was the animal's market value?" he was uslced. whereat the aged Johnson rose and, with a cere monious bow to the aldeiman, ic-marl-cd, "Yo honor, I objects to dot question. Deie Is no market for such a horse. He was jess built for my boy, and was wutli lully $100 to him." ile proceeded to hack up his objection with a wonderful arrav of legal as sertions, which caused Alderman Mil lar to ask, "Where do you get all of your authorities, Mr. Johnson'.'" "nil, dot's all right," chuckled the parent of Hen, "I's got :i hook homo d.it's chock full ol' law, and whenever 'se nothing else to do reads :i few pages, jess to prepare maself for such exlgeuuncles and stop anyone lrom tranipln on m.i po' cripple boy." .Mr. Johnson proved an able advo cate and succeeded in having the case continued until Saturday. HOPKI7SON SMITH READINGS. Famous Author Will Be in This City Thursday Night, Tickets for V. Ilopkiuson HuiUii's readings are being rapidly taken. The Hleycle club will jirobahly bo crowded on Thursday night to hear the famous author, whiw1 "Tom llrngan," "Colonel Carter," "Caleb West. I'lie Other Fellow," etc,, are familiarly tlear to all American readers, as well as fuor lies across the water. Ho is plain "Francis 11. Smith" at his buslue.-s address, whom in Ills olllco ho plana mighty breakwaters and such Mow -work as that above which Is lifted "Liberty" on lied loo's Island. At his studio, he Is V, Hopklnsou Smith, the great writer, the authority on enice and Holland, the artist who paints delicious water-colors which have In them Turnore quo -kles and tho wnvo transparency of .Mesdug, Ho Is tho cteator of ill" filr bride In "A Kentucky Cliiderellu,," of the trump who enme home for Thanksgiving: of tho alluring Gondola Meotches: of so many delightful type, which wo lovo to I read nbout again un.l again. In person ho Is big and lull, and military In bcarliiir. DEATH OF JOHN CARTER. Tho Inventor of r "''roces for Mak ing Rubber Substitute. By l'xdusho Who fioiu 'Iho Assoclati.l Prcsa. Savannah, Nov. 10, John G. Car ter, formerly of Boston, Mass,, the in ventor of u piocess for making a substitute- for lubber from cotton seed oil, died in the hospital this mornlntTi after a brief illness, Hy profession, Mr. Carter was n landsoapo and portrait painter. Sev euil years ago ho discovered his oil rubber process, Uo went to Iloston to enlist capital in his Invention, Thirty thousand dollars was Invested In a plant at Greenwich Park. Fire soon after dcstioyed it, but It was rebuilt;, only to bo greatly damaged by a storm. Airaln It was rebuilt, and was on thn eve of being started onee more, when death claimed Its originator. Tho process was known only to Mr. Carter, and unless ho left written In structions and directions for tho con tlnuauco of tho work, It Is probablo tho secret died with hltn. Scranton Business College, Since tho ending of the strike stu dents havo been securing positions al most ut tho rate of ono a dav. Wero Principal!- Jluck oi Whltmore able to nuulifv them ranldlv enoinrh th r..t would bo much higher. Tho demand la ereater than tho supply, SEQUEL TO A NOTED SUIT MRS. MARY BARRETT SUED FOR ?40,000 DAMAGES. Grows Out of tho Injunction Proceed ings by Which the Delnwaie nnd Hudson Company Defeated Mrs. Barrett's Squatter's Title to the Coal Under Sandy's Field, Carbon dale Judgo Kelly Meets an Inter esting Question in an Attachment Case Mooslc Borough Divided. What might not Inappropriately ho called the Hattlc of Sandy's Field, that long and hard-fought legal contest be tween the Delaware and Hudson com pany and Mrs. Mary Barrett, of Car bondale, was recalled yesterdov by a sequel suit that camo up before Judge Archbald in common picas. Wnv hack In the early .10'h, Alex ander McDonald, familiarly called "Sandy," squatted upon a slx-acrc tract of land on the west side of Car bondale and continued in possession of it, undlstuibed, for nearly forty yours, or until 18US, when hej sold It to John Nealon, ex-mayor nnd ex-postmaster of Carbondale, who In turn transferred it to his sister, Mrs, Barrett. McDonald was working us a black smith for tho Delaware and Hudson company when he went upon the land. The surface was considered of no value and the company let him hnvo the full and free use of tho slx-acrc plot which he had staked off and tilled. But "Sandy" was a knowing lad, and when ho had been on tho property for twenty-one years, he proceeded to as sert ownership to not only the surface but the coal underlying It. The com pany evidently did not wish to force an Issue with him, for It allowed him to continue In his possesson of the sur face and clam to the coal, until steps were taken by his successors in title to mine the coal. LHASisn Tin: pkopi:htv. This was in 1S04. Mis. Barrett hud come into possession of the property and leased it to John L,. Harris and others, who sank a shaft, drove a plane and were about to open up chambers when tho Delaware and Hudson com pany camo upon them with an Injunc tion. AVIien the rule to make the inlunc tlon perpetual came to be heurd, Judge Gunster decided that the company was In the wrong and that Mrs. Barrett's title to the coal was equally as -rend as her title to the surface, and this lat ter title the I'umpiiuy did not verv strenuously dispute. The Supreme court, however, tluee yeais later, re versed Judgo flimsier, antl Mrs. Bar rett's lessees were ousted from their mine. The contention of the IJelawaie ami Hudson company was that it owned a large tract of coal land. That the coal under Sandy's Held was a part of the tiact. The whole tract was being w oiked, and while no coal had been mined or attempt to mine coal from beneath Sandy's plot had been made, the headings were giadually approach ing it und it was Intended eventually to tup it. In a word, th coal under Sandy'B plot was . part of a tract of coal which the company had u war ranto deed for and which It was in actual and active possession. The Supreme t.ourt said this was good law. Now, Harris & Co. come back to Mrs. Barrett for $10,000 damages, claiming she covenanted to piotect them against injunctions, and that she should be compelled to pay them tho cost of the Improvements they made and for tlie orollts they would havo earned fiom their lease. The defense has not yet been out lined. 1-:. C. Ncwcumb and Charles L. Hawley represent the plaintiffs. The defendant's attorneys are George S. Horn, Major Kveielt "Warren, T. 1'. Duffy and Kleliard J. Bourke. IX MAIX COI'BT BOOM. Judge Kelly, in the main couit loom, Is engaged in the trial of the case of the North Kml Lumber company against Thomas P. Donlln, defendant, and Moigan Sweeney, garnishee. In which tlioie Is an Interesting Question regarding the enforcement of tho clause in a building contract, penaliz ing a contractor for delay in complet ing tho weak at a prescribed time. The Lumber company secured a Judgment against Donlln for CO and attached moneys amounting to .$400, which tho owner of tho building in question, Morgan Sweeney, is owing op the contract. Mr. Sweeney claims he is owing Don lln nothing, us the debt was more than eaten by the penalty of $3 n day for the time tho contract remained uncom pleted after tho date on which it was agreed to be finished. The plaintiff company rejoins that a $400 penalty on a $1,400 contract is dis proportion and out of all conformity with good conscience and equity. A full- measure of damages would be the rent the house would earn for two months nnd u half, or the interest on the expenditure for that time. Yosburg & Dawson, who rewresent tho plaintiff, and Hon. John P. Quln nan, tho garnlshe'j'.s nttorncy, will arguo the law points this morning. The case of Henry Bussey against the Scranton Traction company was settled before Judge Kelly. A verdict for tho defendant was directed to enter, with out costs. C. A. Battenberg represented the plaintiff, nnd Major Everett War ren, tho defendant. In tho cuso of T, Merryweather against KHa M. AVllson, executrix, tho plaintiff suffeted a voluntary non-suit to bo entered. A WAGI-: CASK. Tho wngo case of James AV, Healer against John J. Gorman was referred to Attorney It. J, Murray, George K. Horn represents the plaintiff, and D. J. Ueedy, tho defendant, The cases reported settled wero: T, A. Nettel against Prank Johnson, wago claim: William AVebber against Smith & Grass, wago claim: Thomas U Leon ard against Hunt & Uonnoll, appeal; T, ('. noblnson against Henry H. Schneider; P. J, Honun against Scran ton Hallway company; John It. Mc Leun ngalnst Central railroad. Tho following cases wero continued: AVolf & AVarron, executors, ugttlust tho Bantu Plato Glass company, eject ment; tho Langcllffo Coal company ugnlnst tho Now York und Sust-ue-hunnii Coal company, assumpsit; O. M, F.letcher ugulnst AV, AW AVIIIIams, wugo claim; Mury Dullln against tho City of Scranton, trespuss; Luther Kel ler against G, K. Falrehlld, Judgment opened; C. S. Kibble against II. D. Jlln man, replevin; Annie Simmons agulnst Mary Kelly and others, feigned Issue. Mooslc Borough Divided. Court yesterday Approved the recom mendations of Hie commissioners nn polnted to divide Mooslc borough Into wards, and decreed furthor ob ioIIowbS And It Ii further rnlend nnd deer.nl Hint null of I lie four wnidi shall lie entitled to elett two iqniiilliiiin and two nlin.il director, tail not In Interfere wllli Hie Icini of thrwe ulrriiib' tl.ilnl, and at the iiexl municipal tleitlnu tin ilcflnrs sh ill licit hlllirrs in followtf The quall'loil rhetor ol Hie I'lut Wiidl tf Mid borniMh plnll eleet one toiiiitllman for Iwo ji-hm mid olio school dlreilor for tlut-J Jciir. I'm- Hie Spcnii.t ward Iwo school dlicelon n.e to be elected ,lur three )earn Per the 'llilril waul one school dlretlor for tin ee Kari. l'or the I'ourlli ward, one councilman for two 3 can. Hull nf the Mild wai.li shall elect n nf.nc iild two toiiiiillmen and two sihiot director., and Mich other public ollleep- at are author heil In liorniiKh", wald and clcitlon dMrlcK under exMln-r laws, piohle.l, however, Hut smh clcdl.un shall not lnltifere with the tciliil ef thne already tic. led. And, further, It If hereby decreed that till Slid wards rn creeled Mi ill be sepaialo rletlloii .tlslrl.li lioMIng their general nnd boroiir-li clcctlont In the several wanU at the following places: Pint ward In Hip hose hoti3C of the Moot!.; llop pomp-iny, on the east aide of .Main sheet, Mooslc. .Second ward In T. K. Atkinson's basement, coiner Saik and Spring strecl". 'lhlid ward -In the plllce of Hip Jinll.e of Hip peace, nt tho icar of MtC'iliidlo'n ston', Third streit. I'ourlli ward -In C. W, Thompson's olflec on Main street. 'the "..leant election ofil.t-H of the boioujrh are filled by the court at follows: I'lntt ward Judge of election. Thonm flam mcllj inspectors of eleitlon, Chailra K. Wib hrd and .fames Walsh. Second ward Judge of election, Patrick Sal mon; Inspector of election, William Graham and A. It. McDonald. lllhrtl ward .Tml-ro of election, l'eler llamlln; inspector of election, William bleve-nson and Tlmm-i Sulcllffe. l'.uiith waul, .Tiida.' of i-lectliiii, lMn-anl 1'. Anderson; inspe. tors of ehtliun, David J, I.ovei-in-; and T. S. Otboine. Mrs. Weed AVants Divorce. Mai-y S. AA'eed, of Pino Brook, began pioceedlngs yesteitlay to secuio a di vorce from her alleged deserting hus band, George S. AVeod, of AVest Scran ton. They were married July 21, 1MK5. and separated April fl, 1S0S. John II. Bonner is attorney for the Ilbcllant. Maniage Licenses. tli-mile Voik 2J,"7 1'iiiik tt. Di-ll.i Ilc.il.y l.VIl I.ueiiie ht. William Ileal. v I"n Ninth I'llmoic ave. llrldeet Jloiai 210.". Price st. .Tame.- Tlnue '.7 West Maiket sr. Nellie May 1ST Charles st. Diimliilik Mui in Stiaiilou Kate Ifealey "scranton Court House News Notes. Judge Archbald yesterday granted a charter to the German-American club. Thomas A. Beck, James J. O'Mallev und Henry D. Jones were yesterday ap pointed viewers of the work of grad ing the main road in Mooslc borough, with directions to meet on the line of the improvement December 14, at 10 o'clock a. m. Final conlii matlon was yesterday given tho Until accounts of the as signees of tho Scranton City bank and the Citizens' and Miners' Savings bank and Trust company. Attorney R. J. Murray was appointed auditor lo dis tribute the funds in the City bank case. On petition of AVillurd, AVnrren & Knapp, attorneys for the plaintiff, u rule was granted by court yesterday In the case of Glnsburg & Son agulnst the Scranton Railway company, to compel the defendant to show cause why the Judgment In the case should not be eu teieel "without costs. TO READVERTISE FOR BIDS ON THE BONDS Mayor Moir Has Signed tho Reso lution Passed by Councils About Return of the Check. .Mayor Moir ye.slonli.iy sinned the resolution directing City Clerk I.avelle to rt-adertise for bids for the issue of S13o,('00 worth of sewer bonds. The clerk will immediately advertise and will stipulate that all bids must ln hl within two weeks, in order ihut the bonds can be issued as soon as possible. Tho sentiment prevailing among- the majority of the count-llmen is In fa vor of returning Tt. L. Day .t Com pany's check for $3,000 If tho bids which will be received aio as high as Day & Company's offer. In other words, they believe that if the city loses nothing by the transaction, It would only be fair to return the cheek. There aie those, however, who con tend that tho city should bo compen sated for tlie delay caused by Day & Company's quibbling and final refusal to libido by their bid, and who be lieve that the check uhould bo 10 tulned. Checks) are demanded for just bitch emergencies, they contend. Of course, If the councils refuse to give back Hie check there Is no doubt but thai Day & Company will endea vor to recover It tluough tho court. If tho courts should decide that they wore Justified hi lefuslng to comply with their bid, then they would legally be entitled to the check. Kven If tt should now be returned and It should later bo decided by tho court I but they were not justified In refusing to comply with their bid, the city could recover any loss sus tained In un action lor breach of con tract, In such n case, however, It would bo necessary to bring suit nt the plni-o of business of the company, Now York city, which would mean added expense. There will very likely be a nice lit tle fight In councils over tho return of this check If tho now bids to be received tuo as high as was B. L, Day & Company's bid. LOCAL WHIST NOTES. The llrst serlct ol whist inatihes at the Scian ton Illcjcle club was finished laat I'liday, W, 0, Tiinslall and W. S. Ulan, hard won tho mm brellas offered as piizcs. Tlie t.yteni used Is a haiidleap, based on attuil wore-, placing all ijradci of plajers on an equality, ami Is my -.at. hfaclory to ull, Tho nct s. rles commences Priday evening, amlrW la petlc.l that a number of new pair will paitieipale. An open pair match under the usual retoili lions will bo plavril on Tuis-day evening, Nov, 27, nt S o'clock. Tin-"' "pen kiiihs havo been popuUr, and will pmlubly be held monthly during tho winter, cvcnliu games only, S.nive nlr.s for top score and hi-jh ladies' btore, Table fee, cents. All whist players Invited, No special notices Issued. Costs Little. Young men jdioulel realize that It costs less to spend their evenlngsvat the Scranton Business College night school than It does to spend them on the street. m Dr. Shumway, Rectal Specialist. Piles, Assure, flstula, ulceration, etc. Ofllco at residence, 306 Jefferson avenue. ARE NOW IN A NEW CLASS LACKAWANNA HAS A POPULA TION OF OVER 150,000. Figures Given Out by tho Cciibus Department at Washington Show That Wo Have a Population of 103,831 in the County an lncrenso of 01,743 in the Last Ton Years. Changes That It Will Cause in Conducting tho Affairs of tho County The Salary List. As has been as good ns certain for" yonrs, .Lackawanna county Is In tho IfiO.OOO lo UOO.OOO class, and will be called upon to make several Import ant changes In her form of govern ment. Tho olllclul announcement of this fact camo yesterdny uftcinoon, whon the census department gave out tho population of Pennsylvania by coun ties. Lackawanna Is credited with having 19S,o3t 'persons within her bor ders, an Increase of fil,.4'l In ten years. (Jf this Increase, 25,51:i Is represented by the growth of tho city of Scian ton and 'Jii.'ill by tho Increase in the other municipalities. By passing the ir.0,00-) murk, the county Is placed In a now classifica tion, which entitles her to an or phans' court judge and a 'county con troller, who succeeds tho auditors. It also changes the system of compen sating ntUciais from fees to fixed sal aries. Lackawanna's clnssmntes now are Ttoiks, Lancaster, Luzerne, Schuylkill and Westmoreland. Schuylkill and "Luzerne had this class all to them selves since tho last census. The fol lowing table Khows Lackawanna out stripped all tho other largo counties, excepting one, in percentage of In crease dutltig the past decade: iwo. IIHIO. 1'hllaiMphh l,0l(i,')i-4 1 ,2-1.1,017 Allegheny o."il,nVj ''.fyiM I.iiernp 3)1,20.1 217,121 Selmlklll Ml.llU 172,027 l..u.kaw a una 1I2,0SS j:U,P.'il Westmoreland 112,'qii ira-,173 Lancaster II'I.O').". l.Vi.211 Ilerlu 7 l.-)7,::27 )3u,i15 IN CLASS OP THfUR OAVN. Philadelphia and Allegheny are In a class by themselves, there being a special classification for counties hav ing over "JOd.OOO population. Litigation is expected to ensue when the newly elected county officials conic into olHee, and are asked to accept salaries instead of fees. As has been exhaustively dealt with in The Tribune there Is a question as to whether tho contsltutlonal provision that no offi cers' compensation shall be increased or diminished after his election, will save the incoming ofllcials from the reduction of emoluments that will come with the now classification. Tho ollicials will contend that whon they were elected I he county had, ofllcially, a population of only 142.0SS, and conse quently when they wero elected they were elected to an ofllco that pays fees, soy of $12,000 a year and that it would be offending attain st the stat ute above-quoted to change tho sys tem of compensation when that change would Increase or diminish their emoluments. On the other hand, it will bo con tended that when those officials were elected, November 5, the county had a population of over ir,0,000, this fact be ing established by the announcement of yesterday that in June hist, six mouths before election, a count was made which, accoiding lo the addi tions made later, proved the county hud over 150,000 population. SALARIES OP COUNTY OFFICERS. Tho salaries of county otlU-lal,-, as provided for in counties having a population of more than inO.OOOO and less than 300,000, are as lollows: Sheiilt s-r-,'-'1" District .iiiouu-y I,""1) Treasiiu-r I, I'lothonot.uy Coot) tleik of the Courts ','' Iteciiukr of Drill-, .Vi'm itegisi.T of Wills :;,wn Commissioners 1,.'i00 Siicn'.Mir MX t'or.uiir "iM C.ntioll.T 2,000 Detcetivo 1,0011 Jailer 1.30O Solicitor 7 MO These figures art as a rule, far be low what the ofllco holders aro en titled to under tho fee system. The sherltf, district attorney, clerk of the court and treasurer would earn nt least thros times as much under the fee system as they would bo entitled to on a salary basis. The treasurer makes more than tho allotod $1,000, as he also gets tt commission on state moneys handled by him. Tho prothonotary will got about as much salary as tho fees of tho ofllco bring to him, and tho emoluments of tho recorder of deeds' office will bo cut down about one-half. Tho register of wills will bo better off under tho sal ary Hystom, nnd so will tho county commissioner- nnd surveyor, but it will bo a sad blow to the coroner, who now earns about $3,000 a year in Unit olllco, GOVERNOR AV1LL APPOINT. Tho governor will have tho appoint ing of u controller, and advices from Harrlsburg say Hon. John II. Parr Is being considered for tho appointment. There will probably bo somo litigation to decldo whether tho appolnteo or I', AV. Costello, who received a majority of tho votes cast for that ofllco on Nov. ii, Is entitled to tho place. AVhllo tho auditors will bo practically legis lated out of office, ns tho work of tho nudltora' olllco Is necessarily a year behind, they will probably servo tho greater part of their terms. They en tered upon tho duties of their olllco last January for a term of three years. Already thore Is much talk as to who tho appolnteo for orphans' court judgo will bo, Tho county Is entitled to such a Judgo upon the showing that tho county has a population of over 150,000, but lie cannot bo appointed un til the legislature passes a hill pro viding for such a Judgo and tho sal ary. Attorneys J. AV. Carpenter, A. A. Vosburg and George 21, Watson are among those whoso names aro men. tloned In connection with tho orphans' court judgeship, Easy to Cure a Cold If you go about It right. Tako two or three Krause's Cold Cure Capsules during tho day and two before retiring at night. This, will Insure a good night's rest and a free movement of the bowels next morning, Continue the treatment next day and your cold will molt away. Price 25c. Sold by Matthews Bros. wwuwywwwwwwwwvwwwwvwwwvwwwwwvwwvwwuwvy I The New Diana Glass 5 Is the most recent thing in art glass at popular prices, the Sg original color of the glass metal is sea green and by a chemical S process is made to take on all the various rcdesccnt effects. It 2 Is art Rlass at a ridiculously low cost. Our line of Vases does !g not end with the Diana Glass, but includes all that Ii new in Cut and Gold, Cut and Rock Crystal at a wide range ol prices H5 starting at ten cents to more than that number of dollars. I Qeo. V. Millar & mmmmmmmfmmmmfr,mm Wo make a specialty ol Painless Ex traction, and if you have any pain while we are pulling your testh will f.tiarantee to do all of your work free of charge. I had ten teclh pulled absolutely without pain. Mrs. n.irhln, ft-fl Or. hard sti.-el. We m-ike teeth to suit jou and jour ft lends. Wc Guarantee to pl.-.wp jou in- no piy. We keep woik in repair fr. e of tliargi-. Wn examine, and ptra. t teeth trie of charge. :o.!e.;;o:JO!a.:i5;ss;;.XKi:::s:K: I We Have Large Shops Q For All Classes of flachine Work and H Difficult Repairing. ?f Large Ovens For All Kinds of Enameling:, Nickel- Plating and Bicycle Repairing;, by He- H chanics. ft KK50:0550nKKnKIMKnKMnKKXK5KK We are now located in our new store. 406 Lackawanna Avenue, formerly oc cupied by Siebecker & Watkins. We are showing a superior line of Furniture and Carpets, and invite inspection Scranton Carpet and Furniture Company REGISTERED. I June V I Warmth uX I Midwinter 1 fHplpjBfBla ) Simple I I HB as a m 1 ilili&iHil Stve m llSin J The Toy Store Is Ready The quicker the little folks come now, the more we will have to show thena. A great Toy Store here every sort irom every clime. SLEIGHS, PIHE FARTROIS. TOOL CHESTS. TRUNKS. TABLE GAMES. AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Let the children come as often as they like. Pick out what they want, and Santa Claus will see that they get it. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312 and 314 Lackawanna Avenue, Co. "JSSS.-SH' TEETH $5 SET $5 Hotter come In and talk to lis ; about your leelh. Wo bcllove you will appreciate Hie work and our low- pricri. Wo will save yon nearly one-half on all dtntal ' woik. Our Crown and , Per Bridge Work.... J)3 Tooth All work guaranteed 'or ten -0.119. Call and have otir teeth examined free. Dr, Rayer, Dentist SM Spruce St., Opp. Court Home. P(l 126 and 128 bUtf Franklin Ave. O New Store Sped Heaters (Steam or Hot Water) furnish the temperature off summer thrtutohaut the house, day and riant. The automatic damper and fuel feedtade the work awl the worry at w atchiag atf your hanfe and fcecp the heat at the dearced point; a health ful kcat free of dust and affeasfoe odots. It Is a temperature that can be regulated lowered or rais ed at your will and the economy of fuel Is wonder ful. Catalogue mailed free. V, The Sperl Heater Co. Corbondule, Po. HOCKING HORSES. PATROL WAGONS. HOOK AND LADDERS. BLACK BOARDS. WASHING SETS. Wu ..1-TJ , iWy.i , ''""; ! rJir ln-4 h 'K Hjl&iifite.jL -!-- .---M- .-.- . A