. "Vtv "I! Ik , V V jr-- "3M ' '.Vr'5TTfP V"F vl-y wt. ll" ' r 1 "f?l v-pr nw"T'Ef .fr4' "- - 71 "" , ' i'ffft .',;. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, l!H)0. I" r GARBONDALE DEPARTMENT. crTho Scranton Tribune has opened a Branch Office In Carbondalo and prints a. daily edition devoted to the Interests of the city, supplying Cnr bondnlo with a dnlly morning paper, containing all the news of tho Pion eer City. Communications of ft news nature, personals and all Items for publication may be left at the new offices In tho Burke Building, or sent by mail or 'phone. E. Ii. Hatfield, manager of the Carbondalo edition, will be pleased to receive callers seeking information or desirous of Imparting it. Telephone numbers: New, 286; old, 0423. SUNDAY'S EXPLOSION Large Crowds View the Wreck. Some Reckless Chance Takers. Funeral of Mr. Wilson. The scone of the fatal boiler explosion on Sunday morning at Van Bergen & C03 foundry, near Dundaff street, con tinued to bo a mecca for many curious pilgrims yesterday. There wore not as large crowds pressing around the heaps of bricks and wreckage as there were on Sunday, but that wus only 'because most of the city's laborers had to work yesterday. There were many ladles who came to the spot to have nolnted out to them tho place where Wilson Is supposed to have been standing when the disaster occurred, and then walked up tho canal bed, 200 feet away, where his burned and scalded body struck. There Is a spot about a foot sauarp broken from the bank here, and these onlookers gazed with fascinated eyes and with shudders at the Indentation In the black loam. The (Jebris that lay scattered over a wide area on Sunday morning was be ing accumulated slowly Into heaps all day by a force of laborers yesterday, nnd tho tedious work will occupy all of the week. Tho wall that adjoined the engine room, or what Is left standing of It, Is In a very unstable condition and Is extremely liable to come down at any moment. This part of tho wreck should be shunned by the people who come to look at tho scene, but with careless disregard for their own safety and the nervous apprehensions of others they press heedlessly on, run ning chances that most of them would condemn in others. They are warned buck by watchmen and others, but with a shrug of the shoulders they pass these human obstacles, who tamely let them go on. This rear wall will have to come down, any way, and the com pany should demolish it at onco and avoid all chances of a possible damage suit from a passerby hit by a 'brick or crippled or worse. Workmen were busy all day yester day digging a ditch from the electric pWnt to the machine shop of the foundry and erecting a wooden conduit. The company will Install an electric motor in the foundry today and expect to resume casting tomorrow. Opinions and theories still continue to be put forth by every man who visits the ruins. It makes no difference whether the talker has ever seen a boiler before or not. He expounds his ideas to a little knot of onlookers and Is sincere in his belief that he knows Just how it happened. Among the en gineers and other technical men the impression prevails very strongly that the boiler had been allowed to become dry and that Wilson discovered this and let the water run in. Some men virtually took their life in their hands on Sunday and yesterday by clamber ing over the piles of wreckage and going over to the upturned boiler and peering in. The boiler still rests on one corner, with the furnace end down and the arch Is loosely held by a por tion of wall. The slightest disturb ance would not only probably bring hundreds of pounds of brick down on these adventurous men, but It might result in the boiler falling over and crushing them. It was a perilous undertaking and the police should be used to restrain such foolhardy ex ploits, if common souse will not suf fice. Camera fiends were In evidence all day and on a little culm bank thirty feet away tripods were set up with out number and rubber bulbs squeezed to take an exposure of the greatest ex plosion that has ever been witnessed In Carbondalo. Coroner Itobcrts has picked a body of representative citizens to serve on his jury, but in the interests ,of tho people he will not make public the names as yet. The jury were at the scene of tho wreck yesterday morning and surveyed the ruins. Tho brass shop and core shops im mediately adjoining the wrecked boiler room were badly stirred up, the walls being blown, down and hundreds of bricks ruining in the apertures. Had the accident happened on a weekday It would have been a mlrncle If a largo number of men had not been hurt. Be sides this, a large number of persons pass the foundry as a short cut over the bridge leads from Main to Dundaff .streets and It is made quite a thor oughfare. Tho man who was seen talking to Wilson Just before tho explosion Is be lieved to be a mun named Padden, A It Cures tbo Cough, PLEASANT TO TAKE. Youngsters like it and it cures the cough hi a jiffy. Dr. lames' Cherry Tar Syrup, Prompt relief in all coses of throat or lung affections a safe, re liable family medi cine, At all Drug Stores. 85 Cents a Bottle. Don't Accept SuUtitutM. Tribune reporter hunted Industriously for him yesterday, but his whereabouts could not bo ascertained, He got out safely, and some say that they mot him running breathlessly along South Main street about ten minutes nfter tho explosion, with a hunted look on his face. As Is usual after such accidents, a largo number of men have come for ward with tales of being In the Im mediate vicinity or of having seen tho eatustroplie. A reference to the fact that they would prove valuable wit nesses to tho coroner usually has tho curious result of lessening their desire to pose In the public eye. The funeral of David Wilson, the sole victim of the terrible explosion, will ho held today at his late residence, Eighth avenue and Mill street, at 3 p. m. The Itev. Charles Lee, of tho First Presby terian church, will officiate. Carbon dale lodge, No. 219, Free and Accepted Masons, will have charge of the funeral services and will bury him In accord ance with their beautiful and solemn rites. Tho Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, of which Mr. Wilson was also a member, will have a large dele gation present. The body will be In terred In Maplewood cemetery. The community wears a hushed, awed air as they discuss the tragedy and talk of Its victim, for Mr. Wilson was n sturdy, honored citizen and a man whom his fellow-townsmen without exception re spected and admired for his many characteristics. May Be Paid Oftener. Superintendent Hose, of the coal de partment of tho Delaware and Hud son company, said yesterday that a3 yet nothing had been decided as to whether the company would pay every two weeks. The company is waiting to see If tho other companies are will ing to agree upon semi-monthly pay days. The Delaware and Hudson are willing to do as the majority decide, but does not care to take the initia tive. The other grievances the miners complained of before going on strike are being carefully considered, nnd It Is probable that they will be ad justed one at a time. The miners aie at present working nine hours a day, and are doing bettor than for a long time. The merchants of this city are laying in large supplies of merchan dise In tho prospect that some of this good fortune will come their way this winter. Funeral of Aloysius Karl. The funeral of Aloysius Karl, who died on Friday evening in the Carbon dale hospital of spinal trouble, took place yesterday morning at 10 o'clock at St. Rose's church. Father Walter Gorman, the new assistant to Father Coffey, preached a masterly sermon, paying an eloquent tribute to the de parted one's many high qualities. The St. Boniface society and Improved Order of Hoptasophs wore represent ed by large delegations, The pall bearers were George F. Sonntag, Ber nard Rlthnauer, Henry Hucschnelder, from St. Boniface society, and Frank Devers, -John Schaff and John Clime, from the Improved Order of Hepta sophs. The Interment was made at St. Hose cemetery. Funeral of Mrs. William Connell. There was a largo number (n ths- procession which followed the re mains of Mrs. AVIlllam Connell from her late residence on tho AVest Side yesterday morning to St. Rose church. The Rev. Father Grillin administered the last rites of the church over the remains, and the procession again wound Its 'way to St. Rose cemetery, where the Interment was made. The pall-bearers wero M. F. Norton, Mich ael Toolan, Charles Roland, Frank McAndrew, Patrick l.angan, John Scanlon, Patrick C.ilrston and An thony Jordan. Excursion on the Erie. The Erie Railroad company has handbills out announcing a Thanks giving excursion lo New York. Tickets good three days to return (on or be fore Nov. 30), subject to conditions, nnd for going on trains on Nov. L'S. The round trip fare from Carbondnle will be $2, and no doubt many of tn people around here will take this cheap opportunity to do their fall shopping. Going West for His Health. A number of persons were present in Jermyn last evening to attend tho farewell reception given to T. Ben gough, who leaves to-day for Color ado. He Is going west for the benefit of his health, which has become gre.U- ' ly Impaired recently. HIh many friends In this city, as well as elsi wheie, wish him bon voyago and .i safe and speedy leturn. Funeral of Mrs. Sauer. Peter Krantss, John K. Krantz, Frank Krnnu, Mrs. Gertrude Krautz, Peter Everling and Joseph Hessllng, of this city, went to Hcuiesdnle yes terday afternoon to attend tho funeral of their aunt, .Mrs, Sauer, of White Mills. The funeral services were held in Honesdalo and the interment was in the same place, After Game, Frank Krantz nnd Peter Everling start this morning for a week's shoot ing expedition In Pike county. They aro prepared to bring homo a num ber of deer, but If they should prove unsuccessful In tills quality of game they will try and make up tho defici ency with rabbits, squirrels or flying animals. Special Masonic Meeting. Thcro was a special meeting of Car bondalo lodge, No, !M9, last evening. Tho purpose of the meeting was to take action on the death of David Wilson, who wus killed by tho -holler explosion at Van Bergen & Co.'s foun dry on Sunday morning, und to muko arrangements for attending tho funeral. .Meetlugs To-night. William II, Davis Women's Relief Corps, No. 131. Division No, 24. A. O. H, St. Vincent de Paul. Lackawanna Tribe, No. 208, I, O, R. M. Carbondalo lodgo, No. 230, K. of P, Musicians Seek Information. The Federated musicians held a meeting of their local union In Scran ton on Sunday. The Mozart band, of this city, sent a query to them ask ing If the band was eligible to mem bsrshij) lu tho Scranton local. The 1 Electric City wind pushers declared with one voice that they wero not, nnd must get up a little local of their own, as the distance between tho two cities was greater than tho regula tions allowing affiliation would allow. It Is very probable that this advice will bo acted upon In tho near future, JERMYN AND MAYF1ELD- Miss Susie Lee, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Lee, of Lake Chap man, died at 4 o'clock yesterday after noon of lung trouble, after an Illness of several months' duration. Tho de ceased, who was twenty-three years of age, was well known by a largo num ber of people In this vicinity and her dcatli Is much deplored. She is sur vived by her parents and four sisters, Mrs. David Smith, of Cnrbondale; Mrs. William Vail, Mrs. Frank Thomas and Miss Esther Lee, of Scott. The funeral wll take place at 10 o'clock on Thurs day morning. Services at tho house, and interment in Sand Bank cemetery, Greenfield. S. S. Jones, secretary-treasurer of tho Carbondalo Telephone company, was in town yesterday, trying to secure a suit able location for an exchange. It Is not known whether or not he was success ful, but it has been decided that an ex change will be opened hero within a short time. Mrs. Tamson Roberts, of Bacon street, who has been ill for some time, is now nflllcted with pneumonia. Mr. Sidney Waters and Miss Lizzie Mann were on Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vine, at Olyphant. Frank Drlmrock, a Hungarian, of the East Side, was viciously assailed by a fellow-countryman on Sunday evening, receiving a cut on the head, for which ho had to obtain surgical relief. 'Squire Kelfer, while out gunning yesterday, secured a grey fox which weighed fourteen pounds, .and is said to 'be one of the largest captured In this vicinity for several years. Theophllus Bengough, who leaves to morrow for Colorado, was given a fare well party last evening in Gilmore hall by a large number of his young friends. The hnll was the scone of much merri ment for several hours. Mrs. Jennie Cramer yesterday at tended the funeral service of her sister, the late Mrs. Fanny Rlvcnberg, who died at Scranton on Saturday. Inter ment will take place today in Fell towqshlp. Elmer Taylor, of Scott, left on Sun day afternoon for Savannah, Ga. Miss Mollie Nolan, of Carbondale.was a visitor here on Sunday. OLYPHANT. Tim marriage of John J. Jordan, of Blakely, and Miss Margaret Walsh, of Parsons, is announced to take place at Parsons on Thanksgiving Day. "Down on the Farm," a first-class drama, will be the attraction at the Father Mathew Opera House tonight. A street parade will take place at noon. A curtain in. one of the sleeping room? of Michael Cannon's residence, on Second street, caught fire from a lamp early yesterday morning. Mr. Cannon succeeded in extinguishing tho blaze, but was slightly burned about the face by the flames. The funeral of the latu James O'Mal ley will take place from the family homo, on Second street, this morning at 10 o'clock, when a requiem mass will bo celebrated in St. Patrick's church. Burial in St. Patrick's ceme tery. Mis. Michael Dougherty, of Bell street, who has been seriously ill for some time, was removed to tho Pri vate hospital, ut Scranton, Saturday. Mrs. Thomas It. McIInlo and Miss Sarah MeC'all, of Avoca, who were vis iting Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Hiiulon, of Boll street, have returned homo. . Daniel Williams, of Delaware street, Is ill with pleurisy. Miss Rose Moore, of 'Man eh Chunk, N the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. B. Bush, of Laokawaiwn street. W. R. Loder, of Stroudsburg, was a visitor In town Sunday. P. W. Feolv is around agnln after his recent serious illness. W. .1. Nolan, of Scranton, spent Sunday at this place. Mrs. John O'Malley, of Dunmoro street, spent Sunday with relatives at Dunmore. PMCEBURG. All members of Local No. 1220, Uni ted Mine Workers of America, are re quested to attend their regular meet ing nt tho usual time and place this evening. The Undies' Aid society of the Prlml ll"e Methodist chuteh will meet nt the home of Mrs. C. Eley, on Main street, tomorrow afternoon nt 2.30 o'clock. A sacred concert will be given on Thanksgiving evening by the Cate chumen choir of the above-mentioned, church, under the direction of Profes sor W. Benjamin. No admission charge will be made, but a collection will be taken up. Joseph Williams, of Price street, a young man employed on Johnson's culm dump, met with a painful acci dent yesterdny'mornlng by which three uf his fingers wero badly smashed. He was treated by Dr. Belhelmer, of this place. Mr. Jacob Wellund has enmnuueed to build a handsome residence on South Main street, near St. Thomas' church. m To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lots. All druggists refund tho money If It falls to cure. E. W, Qrovo's sig nature Is on each box, 25c, PECKVILLE. Tho people of Archbald borough aro served with the same water supply as Blakely borough. In tho borough of Blukelv thore has been no less than forty cubes of typhoid fever, while In Archbad borough there has not been a single case of the disease. It looks us though causes other than what would exist In tho water supply are respon sible for tho largo number of typhoid cases In the borough. The First ward has had moro cases than tho other two wards combined. A local physician DrBull'sN r Cures all Throat aiid Lung Affections. COUGH SYRUR L. Ccttbcgenulue. Rcfusesubstltutes. VIS sure .-'vUonOlTcureRluuuiUai. ip&agct. stated that the absence of rain nnd of tho level nature of the ground, with no Bowerago to carry off the accumu lation of unsavory matter, was tho direct cause of the fever epidemic. Miles Dlkoman, of Parsons, spent Sunday In town. O. Mi Plerco loft yesterday for Dav enport, N. Y having received a tele gram announcing the death of his father, Nathnn Pierce. Edward Day, of MdTn street, Is qulto TAYLOR. . i The complimentary entertainment nnd social given last evening at the Motlibdl.it Episcopal church was a suc cess In every particular and enjoyable to those who wore present. The pro gramme was one of much merit and was Immensely enjoyed. Three of our young foot ball players wore greatly In evidence during tho game between the Minookas and South Side teams recently. They wero: Day, Evans and Jordan. During the sec ond half, Evans secured the oval on a fumble and carried the ball eighty yards before being downed. This evening's meeting of local branch, No. 1013, United Mine Work ers of America, will be one of vital Importance, when delegates will bo elected to represent the branch at tho next grand convention, which assem bles In April. A full attendance Is re quested. During tho exercises at tho Calvary Baptist church, Miss Edith W. Wat kins rendered one of her usual pleus Ing soprano 'solos. The Young Men's Christian associa tion is fast perfecting arrangements for their grand banquet to bo held in their rooms ,on Thanksgiving Day af ternoon. Tho members of the Welsh Baptist church and Sunday school are actively engaged rehearsing a new cantata, un der the efficient direction of Prof. John Francis, to be held In the near future. Tho cantata chorus will consist of about fifty. Mrs. Nelson I.owry, who recently sustained serious Injuries by falling from a porch. Is slowly recovering. Mr. Bert Gendall, of Peckville, called on friends here recently. Pride of Lackawanna lodge. No. IS, American ProtC3tant Ladles' associa tion, will meet this evening at 7.30 sharp. Master Horitor Jones, of Priceburg, visited relatives here on the Sab bath. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bell, of Main, street, visited relatives In Peckville on Sunday. Rev. Dr. H. H. Harris, of the Cal vary Baptist church, will preach his ninth anniversary sermon next Sun dav. Burgess Samuel Powell, of Nanti coke, visited relatives here on Sunday. MOOSIC. Mr. Homer Warner spent Sunday in Wyaluslng. Mr. and Mrs. George Vanning en tertained a number of young people Saturday evening in honor of their son, Louis', sixteenth birthday. A very enjoyable evening was spent by all. Special evangelistic services will be conducted by the pastor In the Pres byterian church of Mooslc, this wjek and next. A different minister of tho Presbytery will be nressnt and nreach each evening of ttys week. Rev. Ar mentrout, of Wyaluslng, will assist in the services of the second week. Mr. Eugene Eikes is home, visiting his parents at White Haven. Rev. J. N. Bailey is spending a few days in Factoryville. ' An entertainment will be given in the Methodist Episcopal church this evening. Misses Verna Shoonover and Jennie Aee have It in charge, and they have worked faithfully to mivko it a success. The public are cordially In vited. A free-will offering will be taken at the close of entertainment. Mr. Thurlow Coolbaugh, of Lee, spent Sunday with his parents, on Penn avenue. Rev. Courtney Fenn, of Plttston, who was in the late siege at Pekln, will lecture this evening on "Missions In China." All are invited. SHOOTING STABS HARMLESS. They Burn Out Before Reaching the Earth's Surface. rrnm tlic Xcw Yoik Sun. The interval between great meteoric showers is thirty-three years. Hut the nature of the shooting stars is such that they are peculiarly liable to per turbations, so called, caused by the attraction of the planets. Within the last 1,800 years, Indeed, they have swung out of one orbit and Into another by the influence of the planet Uranus, During the last period of thirty-three years, it seems, they have been espec ially liable to perturbation. It Is necessary to understand the Leonids as a stream of small particles, no larger than gralnst of sand tho debris, perhaps, of a comet flowing contlnuuously In a mighty orbit, which annually, in the middle of November, Intersects the orbit of the earth. Throught most of the length of this belt the particles ure only sparsely scattered, but In one place they are congregated In a vast swarm, with relation to which tho others may bo regarded only as stragglers. The Leonids complete their orbit In thirty three years' time, and onco in thirty three years, therefore, when we enter tho part of the great swarm, we may look for such a display as that of 1833 or 18(50. In other years we see merely tho stragglers. In time, of course, tho particles will bo scattered moro evenly through their orbit, since the outer ones take more time to complete the circuit than the Inner ones, and tend constantly to fall behind In the race. But this Is a mutter of millions of years, like so many other operations In ustronomy. In passing through the orbit of tho Leonids wo see only tho particles which aro ignited by entering tho earth's atmosphere, somo 100 or 200 miles distant. No Leonids wero over known to reach tho earth, tho terrific heat to which they aro subjected hum lug them out before they have ap proached neurer than fifty or sixty miles. They aro to bo distinguished entirely from tho sporadlu meteorites which from time to time uppear as fireballs lu the sky, and sometlmes-fall to the earth before they are burnt out in masses welglng thousands of pounds. A shower of such us these would bo disastrous, while the Leonids are quite harmless. For Shattered Nerves, A remedy that will roothe, build up the wasted tissues and enrich tho blood Is Indispensable. Llchty's Cel ery Nerve Compound has been wonder, fully successful In cases of nervous ness, as thousands of grateful people will testify. Sold by Matthews Bros. Jhe Jophomore Jlln sophomore lay on tlio win J dow scat smoking his pipe. The foot ball team had Just broken training and tho bliss of undisturbed smoking had not worn off. He did not sny much, but anyone could see that ho took a quiet satisfaction In being tho only sophomoro named for the All Amerlcnn event. Tho sophomore never did say imuch, anyway. His recitations wore models of brevity. Tho two occasions on which lie spoke to girls aro college history. But tho30 are stories In themselves. It had snowed nil night, and the crossings wero banked kneo high. Tho snow hnd turned to sleet; now the elect was changing to rain. Now the gutters wero mill races, merrily whirl ing little rafts of slush tto their de struction nt the corner. It Is not In the least ai original thought, yet I often marvel on what threads a man's destiny hangs. What impulse turned his eyes out of tho window at exactly tho same instant a trim figure stopped on tho curb? The sophomore's backbono straightened with a jerk. In one second he hnd noticed tho green tallor-mndo gown, tho puff of brown hnlr covering her ears; he had noticed thnt she had neither rubbers nor umbrella nnd had seen the help less little glance she gave at the knee deep snow. The next he was half way down the stairs. He hustled Into his coat and overshoes and Jammed on his room mate's best hat. The landlady's mackintosh and rubbers hung in front of the radiator warming. A sudden idea stopped him short; he stuffed the rubbers Into his pocket and the mackintosh under his arm. He had reached the sidewalk before he realized what he was doing. flin trlrl lnnknrl sllrnrl.qprl n.r his sud den appearance, but did not move. He wnlked straight to her. "I beg your pardon," he began. " am going to get my sister; these are her things." He fished up the rubbers and coat. "I am going your way, and if you'd like to wear them they'll keep you dry." She looked appeallngly across the street and then at him. Someone had once told him that ho looked honest. It flashed Into his mind now, and ho wondered what she thought. That was the girl that his room mate was always talking about. "Kate Carlyle!" There was a pause. He looked at her keenly, and she blushed. "I am going to lunch with my sister, but-" Then he went on: "Perhaps you know her. She's er Kate Carlyle." The sophomore shuddered, "Oh, I'm so relieved; I might have known he was all right." She clapped her hands gayly and looked at him again. "You are Kate's brother!" The sophomore grunted indistinctly. She slipped into the things and ram bled on easily. "Why, Kate has been wanting me to meet you for ages! Won't it be fun telling her?" She stamped her foot to make sure the last rubber was on and came un der his umbrella. At one downpour heavier than the rest ho felt a hand resting lightly on his arm. He heard disjointed sen tences as if dreaming cars blocked no carriage foolhardy creature tried to walk home everlasting benefactor but did not heed them. "It's worth the risk," ho muttered to himself. They walked slowly under the dripping trees and climbed the stpps. She was thanking him and smiling and looked at him all at once. He was dizzily happy. "I am so sorry that the family is all away. I wanted you to meet them." his breath camp quicker: he was play ing for big stakes "I'd much rather stay here." The blush deepened, she tapped her fingers together as if she were annoyed. "I know perfectly well that Is unheard of, and please don't think that I'm always so infernal rude." He had the sort of voice that women like, strong, deep, with tender places In It. She touched the bell. He stood behind her without moving, and the corners of her mouth glow tense. A man opened the door, and shy stepped in, pulling at her gloves. She turned quickly, saw his disappointment and laughed. "Aren't you coming in to get your sister's clothes?" Then, after a violent tug, "Martin, Mr. Carlyle and I will lunch at once." The sophomore pushed back his plate and folded one hand over the knuckles of the other. "I am a scoundrel" ho began Irrelevantly. Ho took a swal low of water and shook tho tumbler absently. "There are times when hitherto honorable men will do despi cublo things and not experience the least regret. Their training und all their ideals may be revolted, but under the same circumstances they would do precisely the same thing again." lie paused, but she evidently did not wish to speak. "The greatest compli ment a woman can pay a man Is to trust him. If he has a spark of man liness it should bring It out und yet nnd yet jump nt the chance to do the same thing to-morrow. Therefore, I nm a brute." "The strongest power is strongest; wo must find It at last; everything weaker nuu't give way to it, I have lied to you. " He said the word slowly, ns If It cut him. "I shall remember this day as long an I live. I am un orphan and have disgraced no one but myself." Ho finished In a steady voice. She leaned forward and held out her hand. "I respect you for what you have Just said," she said, simply. "I have trusted you, and I do yet. But if thero Is any blumo, I will bear half." Ho was soberly balancing two spoons on his finger nnd did not see the de mure twinkle in her eyes or the hnlf timid, smile that played on her lips. "I roomed with Kato Carlyle three years at Smith and she never had a brother," Tito spoons fell Jingling to the cloth, r.nd their eyes met squarely, Tho sophomoro got up and walked around the table. Dartmouth Liter ary Monthly, f FORTIFICATIONS AT PUGET SOUND. Plans for the Construction of New Battery Emplacements. By i:iluslu Wire from The ,soiIjU'i l'ii". "Seattle, "Wyo., Nov, l.-ln conformity with the Koveuiinent'M polley In the Paclflo the war department will next materially Increase thu strength or Puet Sound fortifications. Plans have been made at Washington for the con struction of new battery emplacements ut Forts Flager, Casey and Warden. One additional battery of sixteen mor tars is to be put in and six eight uud six ten-inch guns are to be added to the present defenses. In addition the new fortification ut tho entrance to the government dock at Port Orange is to be completed. Today's-Grcat List of Bargains Domestics, Linens and Dress Goods It has been many a day since you have seen so many bargain attractions crowded into a day's selling, as you will find In the list which follows for today Tuesday. The lots were on sale yester day and attracted enormous crowds. Tonight they will be with drawn from sale, and one of the greatest opportunities of the year, will fade away. very Item represents a wanted article, some thing useful, something needful. Not only that, but in every In stance prices have been cut to the core just to create one of the biggest Tuesday's In the history of the store. Table Linens. 58-inch Cream and Bleached Damask in six ot the newest and very best patterns; spe- , cial, per yard 23C Go-inch Cream Damask in sev eral new and exceptionally de sirable patterns special per yard 35C 64-inch Linen and Full Bleach ed Damask in seven choice pat terns, all new in Scran- . . ton, per yard 44C 72-inch Cream Damask, extra heavy and very firm quality all pure Linen and very . special, per yard 04C 68-inch heavy grade of Scotch Damask, full bleached and posi tive good value at $1.00 special at 75C 68-inch Scotch Damask, bleached with special care. A good $1.25 Table Linen, 0 for two days only, at . . . 9 oC Extraordinary Offerings Dress Goods, 4167 yards of fine double fold dress plaids, of heavy weight, alliich, handsome patterns and fully worth iajc the yd, 3 Very special at O4C 2787 yards of 27-inch double fold cashmeres.storm serges and fancy waist plaids in great vari ty of styles and pat- t t terns. Very special at. 1 IC 2654 yards of 36-inch mercer ized novelties, closely resembling silk mixtures and very rich in appearance. Real value 25 cents the yard. To be sold . at 14C 1427 yards of 36-inch silk fin ished henriettas and 38-inch cam el's hair cheviots, of good weight and in a complete range of col orings, Special, par yard 22C Zebeline and camel's hair plaids, 40-inch armure cheviots, 36,-inch wool homespuns in greys! blues and greens. Also extra heavv weight tweeds for storm skirts. Special o5C Next Saturday SANTA CLAUS Opens His Toy Store in the Basement. Later fortifications are to bo erected at Fort Lawton and Poiot Defiance. Con gress will at the ensuing- session pro vide for this work, it Is expected. CONDITION OP THE NATIVES OF HAWAII Decrease of the Bace Has Been Stead ily Growing: for Several Years. Annexation Will Probably Have Favorable Influence. n.v E'ccIihInc Wire fiom The As&ounlccl 1'rivn. Washington, Nov. 19. Tho deereaso of tho Hawaiian race has been steadily growing less rapid for the past several decades, especially the female popula tion, according to the annual report of ex-President Sanford B. Dole, gover nor of Hawaii. The increase of part Hawallans tends to keep down the number of pure Hawallans. While the figures show race progress, the census reports as to surviving children aro discouraging. In both the censuses of 1890 and 1S90 the pure- Hawaiian per centage of survivors was the lowest of all nationalities represented in the Islands. An encouraging outlook for the Hawallans exists In the fact that out of 6,327 owners of renl estato In 189C, 3.99S wero pure Hawallans and 722 part Hawallans, The facts aro signifi cant as showing the ownership of hold ings by so largo a number of pure Hawallans, and the evident tendency of tho ruce to acquire homesteads. Tho ox-president reports that there Is rea son to expect that annexation is going to influence Hawaiian character very favorably through the changed condi tions effected. Their old dependence on their chiefs has ceased and they are forced to rely more on their own ef forts. Tho political privileges they en Joy in common with other American citizens, he suys, will tend to educate them In public affairs. The total valu ation of real and personal property lu Hawaii subject to ad valorem assess ment In 1900 Is 97,49l,C8i, The receipts from tuxes are estimated at $1,311,650, The commerce of Hawaii Is shown for the period between January 1 and Juno H, 1900, as follows: Imports, $10,(183,516; exports, $11,190, ISO; customs revenue, $597,897, With the exception of tho production of sugar, rice, firewood, fertilizers and live stock and the promotion of Irriga tion, the development of the natural resources of the Hawaiian Islands Is stated to have scarcely begun, Rec ommendations aro submitted for legis lation thoroughly revising tho Hu-i waiiau corporation laws in view of some deficiencies and questionable features In tho same and new condi tions since annexation; legislation for uppointment of various commissioners for the protection of food flsli; pro visions for education of children un able to pass the required medical ex aminations; for Irrigation legislation and for a general act covering muni cipal nystems. The report says the present aggregate area of the public Ay Napkins in 5-8 and 3-4 sizes mostly in patterns to match our table linens per dozen 0 from $3.5o to 9oC Exquisite Sets in German and Irish Cloths, in richest prices trom $18.00 Set to Austrian, Damask patterns; $1.98 Toweling Cotton Toweling in both bleached and unbleached, also fine checked. The regu- 3 lar 6c quality at 04C The genuine Barnsley Crashes for barbers' uses ; superior grass bleached, and considered cheap In most stores at 10c yard. Special Monday and Tues- , 1 day OaC. Very best quality of raw Barns ley crashes, none so good at any price. Very special, i per yard lxaC 40-inch black mohair jacquards, guaranteed absolutely fast color of very bright lustre and splen did finish. Cheap at 35 cents the yard. Very special ,,- at 22c 36 inch satin soliel brocades, soft silk finish. Also 38-inch all-wool satin Venetians and 36' inch wool cheviots the best half dollar quality on . the market, Special... j5C 45 and 50-inch camel's hair zebelines and worsted plaids, of finest grades and choicest pat terns all of this season's styles, Extraordinary offering, yard . 59C 45-inch French poplins, 44 inch whipcords, 42-inch satin Venetians, 46-inch armures. and 45 to 50-inch storm serges and cheviots, all pure wool, exquisite colorings ; special at 59C 45-inch pure wool storm serges and imported suran serges, also 40-inch silk finished Henriettas, rich jet black, firm and heavy quality. Excellent value A . at 44c Jonas Long s Sons R L. CRANE FURRIER. Established 1866. No end of pretty Models. Fine Furs, Fur neck pieces Collarettes, Capes. Our line or Jackets, Ladles' and Misses' Tailor Suits will "Fill the Bill." Fur Repairing a specially. JFF BAW FURS BOUGHT. 324 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton Pa, lands Is approximately 1,72,713 acres, valued at $3,509,800. PRANCE TO TEACH COOKING. Not satisfied with her reputation for good cooking, Paris is founding a new culinary league, which shall dlssoiui nuto Mi a knowledge of tho saucepan far and wide, says a Lqndon news paper. Put already she has a famous society of the Cordon Mien, or niuo Itlbbon of tho Kitchen. It is tills which Great Iirltaln might Imitate. For tho Cordon Illeu Is a teaching university, conducted by postmasters of tho art, It is managed by a com mittee of great chefs, all of whom have borno the heat and burden of the day In many a savory kitchen. They have their headquarters In that famous ren dezvous of gourmets, the Palais Itoyal, and here they wield the most skilled basting spoons In France, The Cordon Kleu Iioh been established fur live years, and during that time has turned out many oflcpiit ranks, Its aim Is lo teach the art' of cooking well and econ omically, for Fiench house wives prefer it eulslnleie who does not waste ma terial. It frequently has Kugllsli and sometimes American pupils. For L'l a month a pupil may attend every day, learn to cook her own dejeuner, und havo it set veil up as soon as It Is ready, Her early martyrdom Is a hap py augury for man led happiness, Oua of fhe professors of the school is deco rated with the Legion of Honor, and all ure ut tlm head of their profession, Recently the Cordon Hleu has estab lished a circuit system for ihe prov nces. F,aeh chef lu turn takes his tour, and tho French government, which knows the value to the nation of good cooking, makes a grant In aid of these provlnclul lectures and demonstration. HIUKA1 . M 1MV w- jr i -" I n