The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 19, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Services Were Held nt the House on
Eynon Street Funornl of William
Kaher, John Connors, Mrs. Mooio,
Mrs. LnBnr mid Mrs. Hopkins.
Address on Missionmy Work by
Harriet Newnll Jones in Jackson
Street Church Dangerous Cross
ing Dolls' Carnival Other Notes.
'I'lie funeral services over the leinuins
of the late Mis. Ilopkln Wljlliiiiis yes
terday afternoon weie attended by a
multitude of relatives mid fi lends of
the aged lady, whose life woik was
ended so abruptly. The bouse on ttynun
mrcet wan limdeiiuutc to acconiniodalo
all who gatliciod there to pay their lu-t
respects to the deceiised. At 2.30 o'clock
Kev. J. B. Sweet beuan the weivleo and
Htioke words or consolation and ioiii
jort to all. Kov. David Jones spoke In
"Welsh, and the choir of the
"Welsh OoiiKiegiitiiinul chili eh assisted
In the singing;.
Tho cortege moved to AViinlilmt n
street cemetery, uheio n slum set vice conducted at the ki-uvi by Kev.
Jones. The pall-bom eis were AVI 1 1 lam
X. Chase, George T. Jone.s, John ft.
AVIIlUms, Samuel It. IIukiipi, AVntkln
"Williams and AV. 11. Hughes. James
Jeiemiuli, jr., and AV". 11. AVilght weie
the llowcr-bcaiers.
Tho out-of-town l datives In iitlond
since weie Fnstmiihter Thomas F.
Jacobs and wife anil Jlit-. liluhiiid
Jacobs, of Nantlcoke; iticlinid "Will
Jams and family, of OI. pliant; Mrs.
John AV. Davis, Mis. Jane Jenkins,
IMiss Elizabeth Jone.s, air. and Mis.
Thomas ViiiiKhj.ii, of Pltt.ston; Mr. and
Mis. AV. H. Wilcrht, of Fhlludelphla.
Other Funeinls Yesterday.
The funnal of the late AViilium
Maher, who died from Injuiles mis
tallied by falling downstahs, took
Hilaee from his home on Kilinoie ave
nue yesterday atternoon. Short sei- weie held In St. P.iuick's Catho
lic church, and interment wa.s made in
the Cathedial cemetery. The pall-lieni-'18
weie Thomas O'Kourke, Barney
McCann, "William O'Malley, John 1..
Manley, John Cile.tson and Frank
The lem.iins of the late John Con
aiois, who died from injuries received in
ihe Lackawanna, yaul, nucuired yes
terday afternoon. The ioitege moved
Good Enough Cough
remedy. Dufour's French
Tar is what you need.
The Black
Dress Goods
At the Globe Warehouse
Has often formed the topic of conversation among Dress
Goods experts mile aud miles away from Scran ton,
because of the completeness, variety aud extent of the
stock carried ATithin its limits. Outsiders cannot un
derstand why a stock ot such magnitude should be car
ried in a city like Scrauton, wheti stores with much
greater pretensions thanours in New York, Philadel
phia, Pittsburg, Chicago, etc., get along with half the
assortment wo offer our patrons.
The "Whys" Regarding This Fact
Are not worth discussing, however, for while we are
proud of the distinction of haviug one of the most com
plete Black Dress Goods Departments in the country,
we have no thought of becoming vaiu-gloriously boast
fill about it. Indeed, all we care for is to impress th s
one fact upon the people from whom Ave look for pat
ronage viz.:
If Black Dress Goods Are Wanted
And the Weave or Design Sought for
Is Plot Antiquated, We Have It at Its Best
And at a lower figure than it can probably be bought
for elsewhere. It will be found iu our Black Dress
Goods Department as soon as it makes its appearauce
on the market. We do not wait to ace whether the
new style will take or not. Experience has taught us
to solve that problem tit a glauce, consequently we
never hesitate,
These facts are not easily grasped and takeu at
their true value by the mere reading of an advertise
ment, but if it should happeu that you are not familiar
with pur Black Dress Goods Department, favor us with
a call at an early date, if for no other purpose thau to
look it over. After that you'll be as firmly convinced
as we are of the truth of our statements.
Globe Warebodse
from the house, on Sei anion street, at
2 o'clock to St. 1'atilrk's Catholic!
church, where short services weie held.
Muny railroad men weie In attendance.
The Ilower-beiileis weie Joseph Mc
LoiiRhlln, Thomas McLourIiIIii, James
McLourIiIIii, Thomas Keainey, John
Coleman and Hubert DoiiRher. The
pall-bearers weie James Slowey, l'eler
Militancy, James McLoukIiIIii, Mlchnel
Haggerty, John Nelany and Martin
Uutns. Intel mciit was made in tli
Cathedral cemetery.
Hev. A. L. Ilamor olllclatcd nt tho
funeral of tho late Mrs. Margaret
Mooio yesterday afternoon. The sei
vlcis wete held In St. Mai k's Mitheian
church at ".' o'clock, and Interment
was made In tho AVashbiiiti stieet
Sei vices over tho remains of thu late
Mis. Catheilne Laliar weie held yes
terday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the
home of deceased's daughter, Mis.
Peter Detilck, 1513 Fourteenth street,
ltev. J. B. Sweet and Kev. James Hen
nlnger, olllelated. The pall-beaiors
weie Messis. Sprouts. Metz, Sklllhorn
and Maghran. Intel ment was made in
Forest Hill ccmetoiy.
Foreign Mlssionaiy Woik.
Hnrilet Nuwall Jones, of Philadel
phia, secretary of the Women's .Bap
tist Missionary society, spoke at the
Jackson Stteet Uaptlst church lust
evening to a huge audience. She out
lined the woik that Is being can led
on by the organization In America. In
dia, China, Japan, Africa and other
places and told of the need of mission
ary woik both at home and abroad.
"The spirit of missions In the spit It
of Christ and we must have an out
i nulling- spliit in order to leach the
people," she said. The speaker also
told of the place the women's society
occupies in the missionary woild and
lefeired to the woik accomplished
during tlie past thirty vears.
"Womenly women aie needed," she
said, "whosp heait.s aie tender and
true to carry on ibis tesponsihle woik.
God long ago touched the human
strings ol woman's heart to tho needs
of foreign women, AVe want women to
pray sympathize and give llnanclnl aid
towards the support of missionaries
now in the Held. fJod has gnen the
women of America a position higher
than that ot any other women in the
The choir lendeied .special music
dining the sei Ice and William Stan
ton, totnetlst. and William Allen. i lo
llnlst, assisted in the sei vice.
Plymouth Congregational Chinch.
Communion sei vlejs weie held at
the I'lj mouth Congiegational church
jesteidny moinlng. Two tlilldien weie
baptised and two new ineiiibeis weie
added to the church toll.
The Young People's Chtisllan En
deavor .society lias changed their tini
of meeting to Sunday evening between
C and 7 o'clock. The meeting Iiisd
eiening wa.s laigely attended and was
in cliaige of Harden Oliver
Gonier D. Keese assumed ehaige as
chrolster ot the Sunday hchuol es
teiday. A ( tette compilshnr D. U.
Hughes, Kichaid Phillips, William
Phillips, and John Phillips lendeied a
I 11
And Still Scores of Scranton
People Accept Them
as Facts,
The published statement of Home
RtrniiRcr residing In a far-away place
may be true enough, but It In general
ly uccepted as a doubtful rumor. How
can It be verified.
can It be verified. Tho testimony .which
follows Is convincing proof, bcenuo It
cornea fiom n resident of Scranton.
Mrs. J. Hetrnnd, of 126 South Wash
ington avenue, says: "If I stooped
dining my house work I had to put
my hands on my back liefoio I could
l He. It hurt mo at night so that I
could not gel healthful lest. 1 used to
tut n nit'i and over and then get up
and tiy all kinds of ways to secute a
lustful position. There was such pain
In my side that 1 could not He on It,
and I bloated In my body, limbs and
(eel. I went to Matthews Brotheis'
drug store and got u box of Doan's
Kidney l'llls and used them regularly.
The tieatment completely cmed me."
For sale by all dealeis. Pi Ice, fiO
cents. Fostei-MUburn Co., Huffalo, X.
V., sole agents for the United States.
Uemember the name, Do.m's, and
takes no other.
ery appropiiate selection entitled
"We'ie on the way" at last eenlng's
The ladles of the chinch whose ini
tial, begin with 10, F. O and II will
serve .supper iu the lectin e loom Wed
nesday evening.
The teaeheis' nieetint; will be held
Immediately alter the piayei meeting
Thin sday evening.
Y. W. C A. Dolls' Cainlvnl.
Tin' pi lzes for the till co best dreh.sed
dolls will be exhibited next week. The
til st pii7i is a large, hiindsoniely
diissed doll; tho second pile, a mm
ei.i, and the thhd prize, a work-bas.
ki'l, with -liver furnishings, complete.
In Older to compete for these prizes
tlie following conditions must be 1 ul
lllled: 1. Ftegisti.illon lee of ten cents
paid. 2. Full name and address of
ownei. 3. -All dolls must be regls
ti'ied lieloie Fiiday. Nov. HO, at 0 p. m.
Il dolls legisteied will l)o leturned
to the ow nei s at tho rke-e ol the car
im.i In good condition. The judges
upon the piij-es will !, a competent
minimi, diessmaker. and a genth -man
with a thoiough knowledge of
dolK. The boy's prize, lor th- best
made piece ol doll's, furniture Is a
foot ball ol tlie standuid make.
't'he ludges for this pilr.e will be i
pai pouter, fuinituie dealfr, and a ludv
who has a good uudei standing of what
'ompilses a well-made piece of fui
iiiluie. Tlie conditions of competition
lor tills pi lye aie as follows: 1. All
nt tides must be leglsteied belotv !
oloil, Friday, Nov. :o, 1900. '.--Kegitjteicd
tee of ten cents mu-l be
paid, .'.full n. uno and addic-s of
On Tuesday evening, N'm, J'l. Miss
Mmy Humes Hall will talk to ilu
girls and women on "The Taie of the
llody." Mis- Hall I'uiiii". to ns will!
a IhoiotiBli knowledge .if the subjLcl
and !- at the pic-ent time piovtng
by hei "gym" tialniug in the central
ill. that ihe iimsoii the girls lose
Ihiir io- Uiecks and mow old so
idling N lack of eoict. Imp! riper
nomlshnient, and neglvt In the care
n' the body.
Kciv ntembei who has left eietv
thing that w oi lies at the "gjm" ilorn,
with i'vei inusi If and thought at the
teachn's contiol is pioof enough that
what our women need mo'-t Is physl eetei'-e and ontlnj leltxatlon of
the mind. All women and gills uro
halted td attend this lertmo on Tin s
duv night, at S p. in. Admission fiee.
A geneial meeting of all eoininll
lees ot the Doll's Is called
lor Monday at -1 p. m.
Fimeial Announcements.
The funeial services, over th" ie
m.iins of tlie late Mis. Margaret Hop
kins weie conducted Satuidny nftei
iinnii at the icsldenre of Hvan F.
Kwius, on Fieeman avenue, Belluvue.
lutctntent was made In tlie Washbuin
stieet i emeu iv.
Tho funeinl of Die late Miles Gibbons
will take plare at !) o'clock lomouow
morning. A mass will bu oudueied
at St. Patrick's Catholic ehuich aud
Interment will lie made In Cathedial
eemetci y.
Fniewell Reception.
A I'm uw ell leceptlon will be hi-ld tn
nUht at the Congiegiitlunul Tabeiim.
de, on South Hyde I'.nk avenue, tq
ltev, 13. II. howls, of "Wrst Scvi anion,
who Is about to leave for Huiopo on
an extended tilp. Seveial mlnlstT'i
will be piesent and music will bo fin
nlshed by the mcmbcis of several city
liev. Lewis Is one of the oldest or
dained mlnlsteis of tho city tuid linn
been heiu slnie 1S'. He will tour
Knglund and Wales,
Will Jamison, of Washbuin street:
Alfied Allen and John Jtlehaids, of
Fourtenlh stieet, bugged foul teen nib
bits In the vicinity of Luke Clemo on
ltev. J. P. Moffat occupied the pulpit
ol the Sumner Avenue Presbyterian
church last evening and uduilnlstetcd
the suet anient of communion. Roy.
Flunk J. Mllmaii prcuched In tho even
ing ut tho Washburn Sheet church.
The Simpson chuitii male iiuartetti)
and llov. J. i. Sweet assisted In tho
nfUnioon seivlee ut tho
Voung Men's Christian association.
Foity houis' deutoiial services weie
Penan at' Holy Ciosh dim eh yestetday,
The gospel nieotlng at the Young
Women's Ciiilstlau association looms
yesteidny aftoinoon was In chaigo of
Mi's. James R, Hughes.
Mrs. James H. Hehooley, of Wyo
ming, Is visiting Mrs, W. J. Puvls, of
South Main avenue.
Mrs. Chailes Goodwin und daughter,
Bessie, of Montrose, ure the guest's of
f i lends In town.
MlbS Frances Cook, of Tenth stieet,
Is tho guest of her mother at Factory
vllle. Mrs. James Van Dusklrk and daugh
ter, of Monroe county, aie visiting
Mr. and Mrs. William Wlcklzer, of
South Main uvenue.
HIb Birthday Remembered by the
Members of the Junger Mnenner-
' chor Miss Lillian Carlyon Enter
tained FriendB at Hev Homo on
Willow Street Rushing the Work
on the Pave Miss Kate T. Smith
Led the Afternoon Gospel Meeting
nt the Y. W. C. A.
Pilor io the rehenisnl of the .lunger
Maonnerchor yesteidny afternoon,
Paul ClemmoiiH, of Taylor, a member
of the foclety, wns presented with a
Juindsome gold Macnneichor pin, tho
occasion being his thlrty-foitith birth
day. The pin was piesonted by Fred
Heinian, tlie Mnennorchor Hecietary,
who in a very happy vein, presented
the Pin on behalf of the Mnennorchor.
Mr. (.iennnons was taken completely
by smpilsc, and was deeply affected.
He thanked the society In a ncnt
speech lor the honor. Light lefresh
nielits followed.
Miss Carlyon Entertained.
Fildny evening Miss Idlllnn Cailyon
very pleasantly entertained a number
of her fi lends at her homo on Willow
street. The evening was passed In
dulging In many social diveislons.
Flashlights! weie also taken, followed
by lefieslnnents.
Those present weie: Misses Heln
C. Scheuer, Minn!" lSeubel, Lulu Ilel
lelgel, Heb'ii Jones, Alice Cuiiyon and
KllzabPtli Cailyon. and Messis. Will
Davis, Haven Johnson and Vulentlne
Hjiolirer. d
Work on the Pave.
Theie ias no let-up on the woik
ot Ilia Cedar avenue pave yesterday,
the w diking fince being doubled and
divided into two gangs, the day shift
and night shift, mid it has piogiessed
so rapidly that the cement bottom
w.if finished yesterday.
Dining this week the bilck will bo
laid and cemented, nnd by net Mon
day the palng will be all done.
The Sunday afternoon (Jospol meet
ing by the South Seiuntoii Young
AVomen's jwociutlon was led
by MKs Kale T. Smith and was well
attended. ,4
A New Gun for Coips.
A new gun has hen ieceied by the
life siuing cotps ol the William Cou
ncil Hose comp:in, fiom the Ithode
Island Combination T.addei company.
It Is to be used iu .shooting a piojectlle
witli attached iope to the loofs or win
dows of building". Tlie lormer gun
used by the cotps was not satlstactoiy
and Captain Simiell picked out this
one as its suctesMii
The weapon will piopel a piojectile
."Oil feet. It was Saturday given a lest
and pioved veiy satisfactoi v.
A Novel Injuiy.
P.itikk Coyne, of Pittston uenue,
was the victim Fi Iday of a peculiar ac
cident, which may lesult in bis losing
Ihe sight of one eye. While al woik
in the cellar of the Sciaiiton llrewlng
( ompanv's plant' on Cedar avenue, he
began the woik of cleaning an old ale
ban el.
flas had accumulated In the cask and
when i oiled about the bung was diheu
out with temtle tone. Jt struck Co.vne
In the eye, and badly bruised it. In
lianimation set in, and the oigan Is
now In a ieiy serious condition.
ltev. T P. Doty, ol tlie iVdiu Ae
niie Methodist ehuich, gn an luti r
(stins and instructive lecture last
night on the woik ol" the lecent Kp
woith League eomention, held at On
eonta, N. Y.
A young man by the name of Ilk li
nids living on Pittston luenue, was
b.idly hurt iu the ''onnell mine Satur
day by a tall ol coal. Dr. Manley wa.i
culled and attended to his iniuiles.
Uudolph Khschner, ol Locust street,
was tendeied a surpilii putty Satur
day night ut his home by a huge num
ber of his.lilcnds.
No. S school opened night sc-sion last
week, with seventy pupils eniolkd. In
chili ge of Heiny Mutchniaii and Miss
Alice C'nrlvon.
The Junger Maenueiohoi' will hold a
sppdul business meeting this eienlng
in cleimanla hall. All members aie le
(luested to be piesonl, ns the com
mittee on bv-laws will make their re
pent and all are wanted to nto on
New Sidewalks aie being laid on up
per Pltt.ston avenue and Oichaid
Htrret, which weie a much-needed Ini
piovement. William llorbach, of Cedur avenue,
gave a phonograph concoi t"Satuiday
evening In Athletic hall, Alder stieet,
to a lnrg house,
Heniy Arnibiusl, tho Cedar aventM
butcher, has letently elected a lau,o
uptight Morse boiler with twenty-live
hoi to power, iu Ills niaiket, on Cedar
Mis. Heiuy lleim, of Ulreli street,
who was severe! v binned Sunday a
week, Is lecoveilng slowly.
Pied Pulaski, of Dover, N. J.. Is
visiting his patents, on Ulich stieet.
William Schneider, of Alder stieet,
Is sllghtlv Indisposed.
Miss Lottlu Loofle, of "Willow stieet,
i etui tied, after spending several
mouths at Oleiibuin.
Milkman Peter of litivh
stieet, Is Huffoilng fiom an nttack of
tho gilp.
Ciuules and Fred Snyder, of Pltt.s
ton avenue, have returned fiom a suc
cessful hunting ttlp to Pike county.
Tiinii'il 220, Ladles' Cathollo Henovo
lent union, will hold a social session
Tuesday evening In Phaimncy hull,
Pittston avenue,
Itobeit White, of Wood stieet, was
pleasantly surpilsed on Satin day night
by a number of his fi lends, who ten
deied him u surprise paity, tho occa
sion being the Mfteenth uniilveisaty of
his birth. Those piesent were: Miss
Anna Uelsllng, Zubla Swai la, Diamond
Wntklns, Ida lllsblng, Stella Henjamiti,
lllauche Conger and llurnlce Conger;
Rossar Price, Joseph Watklns, Jlufus
Rtchaids, John Mackey, Stanley Miller,
Roy Miller, Harry Blsblng, Roy White
and Robert AVhlto.
Tho Ladles' guild of Clulst ehuich,
on North Main avenuo, will conduct a
rummage sale In Osterhout's hull,
commencing tomouow and lasting the
remainder of the week, Tho ladles
have collected together a large number
or ai titles und it will bo woith while
attending this sale, wheio great bai
galns made be had. Those In charge
ure Mis, F. 8. Rulleutlne, Mrs. Joseph
U M M Warner'a Site
J L L Cure will bo
V W W Hcitt you by
ml dress lug
L L Warner'fl Safo
euro Co.,
Rochester. N. Y,. on n postal card,
nnd tnotilloiiliiK this pa cr,
Deacle, Mrs. Carson and Miss Virginia
Kvangellcal services are being con
ducted In the i'l evidence Methodist
Episcopal church. The services have
been conducted for the past week and
will be continued at least two weeks
Mrs. William Phllo nnd Mrs. Carpen
ter, of Pink Place, ate visiting rela
tives in Clark's Summit.
The Craekerjacks and the Nortn
Knd Stnis will play it game of basket
ball In the Audltoilum Tliiiisu.iy even
ing. Hoth teams have been pi act I ting
for this games nnd It will undoubtedly
be well contested.
Tlie Keystone Literal y and Dra
matic club will piodiico "The Convict's
Daughter," In the Auditorium, Thuis
dny evening, November 119.
Mrs. J. D. Von Storch yesterday en
tertained at her home on North Main
avenue the Home Missionary society
of the Providence Piesbyteiian church.
Miss Nellie Fiost, after an Illness of
several weeks, has icsumed her place
at the Colliery Engineer, Wyoming
School Boaicl Meeting on Saturday
Night Unclaimed Letters.
Two Social Events.
Tho Hist .school boaid meeting of tho
month was held In No. 1 building on
Saturday night, with Messrs. Miller,
Costollo, Haggorty and Irwin present,
Tho pay lull for October was appioved
as read, so tlie teachers will probably
lecelve their second pay of the term
the eailv pint of tills week. The time
of tho meeting wns taken up with a
dlscii'-sloii legal ding tho necessity for
a new map of boiough properties.
1 Some of the Diiectois maintained that
the piesent maps weie lecent enough
. for all ptnposes, but a committee, eon-
I slstlng of Messis SponcU Irwin and
Haggertv, was Ilnallv appointed to
conlei with the county (oinnilssioneis
and the boiough attorney. In lefer-
enee to Ihe steps necessary to be
taken and the piobnblo cost of the
new maps.
The appointment of night school
teachers was put over until ii"Nt
Wednesday night.
Unclaimed Letteis.
Leltem lcmalnlng unclaimed during
tho week ending Nov. 17, 1900. Pet sons
calling lor these letteis will please
sav "advertised."
Mis. John Haines, J. H. P.urke. John
Hdwards, S"0 Monioe aenue: N. T.
Flynn, Mis. Jas. Feenoy, 217 Chen v
stieet; P. W. Healoy, Miss Jennie
Jones. 7i(i Madison avenue; Geoige
Long, A. Langan, AVm. Lussy, Miss
Hun let Lnthtope, Mrs, Kfttu Mul
looney, cue James Caine; P. Mallg,
Tliomm) Malev, Dt Inker stieet; Sam
O'Hoio, Bel thu Pieicc, care Mrs. John
Lynn; Mis. Homy W. Peny, Mrs.
Joseph P,ithurds, bOS Ferbcr com:.
Mis. It. Sidebottom, John Tlmersou.
Mrs. John S. Tnnney, 13H1 Adams ase
iiuc. Mis. John Wall. Maicella M"ooie.
Foreign Bartolomi Belllml, Tonuio
U"ii(nese, Cainlna Genosso, Domeiii
(anllnl Magllessi, Antonio lllualdo,
(iullek .Iiinos. Geoigy Hiiniiiilc, Szlyf
ka Jauo1-.
Two Social Events.
Those wiio aie to take pail hi lb J
(riming Liyden-Waig wedding net
Thin sday eenlng weie eiy pleasant
lj cntoi tallied on Fihl.iy evening at
the liome ot Mis IJivden. on Dudley
stieet. iiiose piesent weie Messis.
Thomas and Chailes Waig, Dr. O L
Maicy. Clayton Potter, Andiew ihy
den and W. S. Footo, Misses I.ydl.i
Farier, Mmy Deekei and Maigaret
Bj den.
Miss Lydla Faner, of Cheiry stieet,
entei tallied at euchie on Satuiday af
leinoon. Miss Fannv Osborne was the
loitunale winner ot lite Hist pilsso.
Those piesmt weie: Misses Floieiue
and Peatl Stalfoid. Leila Kos, C.iace
B'tins, Floienee row lei. Jane King,
M;ule and Kllen Ihonson, Mary and
Lucy lle( Iter. Fanny Osboi tie and
Anna llrjden.
Short News Items.
The Ladles' Aid society ol the Dudley
Stieet liaptist chinch will seive a sup
jier in the chinch tomoriow (Tuesday)
enenlng fiom 5 lo 8 o'clock. Suppei,
lllteen cents. The public is eoidlally
Tlie Methodist, Haptlst, teiian
and (inlstlun chinches oC Dunmoio
have united In a union of ewtngoltstlo
meetings. The tltst service will be held
tonight at 7.4.". o'clock at the Dudley
Stieet Huptist ehuich. Rev. Mr, Gib
bons, of the Duiinioie Piesbytetlnn
chut di, will pi each the Hist seimon.
The pastor, Hev. J. L. Kieamei, will
have ehaige of the singing. All Cluls
tlnns me cotdlully Invited to come and
hi lug their unsaved fi lends.
Tho Young Ladies' Mission elide of
the Piesbyteiian chinch will conduct
u cako sale In the church parlors on
Satuidny iifteinnou next. Those hav
ing articles for ho (Jhiistnius boc
packed by this society ure re(iiested
to leave them with Mis. Italph Wlli
teis not Inter than Saturday,
Mis. McCico, tin aged lesldout of
Spiucu stieet, died at her hoinu yes
teidny moi ililig. The 1 uncial will bo
held Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock-.
Intel ment will be iu St. Maiy's Catho
llo cenieteiy.
Mis. Lydlu Wade Harney died at her
lulu homo on Madison avenue, nun
Delaware stieet, on Satuidny mouiln-;
at 4 o'clock. The film ml will tnisn
place from the icsldeneo this iiftoinoan
at 2 o'clock.
The loinulns of Mrs. John Donly ar
ilvtd fiom Senttlo last night. She will
be buried from the home of her sis
ter, Mrs. Oeoigo Rnught, of North
Hlakely street, today, Theie will bo
set vices at thu giavo In Ihe Dunmoio
cemetery ut 2 o'clock this afternoon,
Tho remains weio accompanied on
their long journey by the daughter of
thu deceusid, Mis. J. S. Hurke,
Petsoual Notes.
Mrs. Charles P, Sarnge und daugh
ter, Heth, hare leturned from a shoit
visit with Mis, Savage's lather ut Suj
(jiiuhunnu. Clayton Potter spent Sunday at his
home on Noitli Hlukely stieet.
Mr. and Mis. Honilcy, of Columbia,
aio being entertained ut Mr. Oscar
Yost's, on North Hlakely Btieet.
Mis. W. D. Pecker, of Cheiry stieet,
ictuuu'd from Huwioy Satuiday,
whero she was culled by the seiloui
Illness of her father, whose condition
lis now somewhat Improved.
It Is n Twelve-Room Building Lo
cated on Orchard Street in the
Twelfth Ward nnd Is One of the
Most Complete Structures in the
City Ten Rooms of the School Are
Now in Use Something About tho
Heating System in Use Members
of Inspecting ratty.
Saturday afternoon tho building com
mittee of the bouid of contiol of the
Scranton public schools Inspected the
recently erected school, No. 2, on Arch
bald street, Twelfth waid. The Inspect
ing party consisted of Captain W. A.
May, D. J. Roche, Jacob Schaeffer,
George Shires. Pattlck Golden, A. T.
Francois, J. II. Phillips, Hllas Evans,
A. IJ. Hynon, Anthony Walsh, Con
ti actors John Henoie and M. J. Ruddy,
Arcltletct Jumes H. Feenoy, School En
gineer J. J. Hauls and Kztn Scott, of
the firm of G. P.. Scott.
Tho building, which Is one of the
most complete nnd up-to-date school
buildings, Is of bilck, two and one-half
stories high, with front entrance and
coping of rough bluestone and sur
mounted with a cupola. It has a fiont
age of seventy feet and n depth of 123
feet, with Inteilor finishings Iu pine and
There aro twelve rooms In the build
ing, six on eiuii tloor, and each with a
seating capacity ranging fiom forty
eight lo fifty-six. Ten looms aie now
In use. The looms ate very peasant
and cheerful, und the windows so ur
innged as to admit plenty of light. The
Hooting Is done with maple, while the
wainscoting Is of pine.
Connected -with each loom ate two
locker looms, one tor u-o by the Kills
und the other to be used by the boys,
tlteteby making tlueo entrances Into
each loom, as the locker or cloak looms
open Into tlie conldois. The cellar is
latge and loomy, and could verv well
bo utilized for night school woik.
Stationed along the main (onidoi-.
I are two washbowls, opposite which aie
1 sanitaiy dritikhm fountains of the
latest design, and which aie sanltniy
i beyond a doubt. It is a small uptight
stand, tluee feet high, w itli a cup-like
top, tin ough which piojecls a watti
pipe. As the m tiler Is tinned on, It is
lot cod upwind out of this, Inner pipe, a
distant e of about three Indies, falling
back Into the cup-like top and can led
away. The pel son deshing to di Ink
meiely puts his mouth oer this stream
and chinks as much as be desires.
Theie Is no such thing as a cup used.
Direct communication can be had
u om one loum to another and to the
lanitoi by means of speaking tubes.
Hadi loom is also supplied with a
sniull supply loom tor stoiing and
keeping maps, books, ink, etc.
The school Is lighted thtoughout witli
electiicity and heated with the most
thoioughly up-to-date and complete
system of heating, known as the
mechanical blower system or ludliect
india tor. It Is so complete In Its de
tail and satisfactory In Its lesult that
a shoit descrptiou will be of intetest.
This sstem, known as tlie mechanical
blower system, heats all the rooms with
Indiiect ladiatlon, tho hatls only being
heated with diiect i.idldtion. This
means the heating ot air and the dls
tilbution of It, by means of a huge
blower or fun tin ough passagewajs, to
the different looms.
To do this woik, an eighty hoise
power boiler ot the Hogg's design, with
a thirteen hoise-power engine, capable
of making 300 evolutions per minute,
weie placed In tlie cellai. This system
of ladlation does een moie. While one
Ian is loicing heated air tin ough one
set of pussagoMis to the loom, an
other fan N (hiving out through
another set the Impute air in the
looms, making a complete system of
The. cold air is sucked in by means
of this blown, and the (hill Is taken
lrom it by its passing thioiigh a coll of
heated pipes, when It becomes temper
ate. In this state It can be fou i d by
means of the tan to the looms, but If
the looms are cool aud need w aiming,
a damper, w hlch Is autnuitic, is throw n
open und this temperate air is l'oiced
lluoilgli another coll of heated pipes
and becomes supei -heated, passing
liom tills passageway into the loom,
Immediately raising the tenipeiutiue.
Now comes the most ingenious pint
of tlie w hole system. It Is the manner
Iu which a loom can be kept tin ough
the coldest, as well as the wannest,
weather at the same teniperatilie. This
Is dune by the theimostat. Hy means
i of this Instrument, Which woiks auto
matically, nnd tevetses Itself at a
Hxed temperatuie, super-heated nlr can
be lot into the mum, or If the tempera
tuie is alieady above that HmiI by the
I theinioslat, and which Is generally set
at 70 degiees, it will automatically
' tluow shut the super-heated air cham
ber, which Immediately lets In a Hood
of tempeiate air, cooling at once tho
i temporaturo of the loom, varying in
the coldest weather but one degieo,
I and doing away with extiemo heat at
oiiu time and estieme cold nt another,
as Is the case fieriuently with schools
heated with direct radiation.
J. J. Paris, mechanical engineer In
ehaige of the Sciaiiton school system,
says tho system is as near peitect as
human Ingenuity can make It.
It was put In by tho C. 11. Scott com
pany, under the diiectlou of Era Scott.
John Uenoio elected the building at a
contract pi Ice of $23,203. The heating
wa.s done hy C, II. Scott at contract
prlco of $r.,4 lfi.50, and Hunt & Conned,
plumbing, 11,070.
Cli'oik'i U. Hulk), fiiiiueih el tliU ill), Jlnl
last Ucdiunil iy ut Seattle, Wali, I'oi ln.UiV
ji'irs hu j iclikiil of Wi s. nnioii ami
was well kwmu aiul mj popular in tlut Me
llon ut tho ill), lie w.ot ' .nils of njd and
cune M lliU (it) in l&Ja nitli Ids 'nicnis, I Iu
mnilncil line until lii, ulth the ivc-optUm of a
hu jouis, ilnrine ulikh he Hud at NatitUoU.
Ill tin; spring ut ', uitl, Ms faiull), lie moml
tn Seattle, i.ll.e lii-i Li others, IMIIinm t'. and
l'uiUln Clurh'd J, Hailk), the- dtuasul wys a
Cliil unr lrraii, He wui one of II K incmherj
of the tamo famtl), tlueo brothels and tto
tiolliejn In law who left Wiot Scranton lor thu
war, on the sanu morning;. He smut In Com
pany (i, heuiit)-R'ciith uKinient, l'tnn)anu
uliinltei, anl was lionorubly dUtliariid llec. 0,
lHi, ut Vklorla, Tcv. 51 1 a. lladlei and six
children sun in him. (iurlc V f WasliinKtmi,
II. C; Mis. Carl llowirs, of Salt Lake lily;
(icoit'c, of Tacoina. uturned with Ids ntfl
ment from the I'liillpplnes; Hany, iiuartcimav
tti oh Ihe battleship Yankton; Aitliur, ut mm,
Established 1866.
No end of
pretty Models
Fine Furs,
Our line or
Jackets, Ladles
and Misses'
Tailor Knits
will "Fill
tho Bill."
Fur Repairing
a Specialty.
324 Lackawanna Avenue,
Scranton Pa,
B-Iturcutider & Kels, Lesxt.and Mantitr'
A. J. Duffy, Utilities Manager.
oxr Nirsur onlv,
Tuesday, November 20.
Robert Fitzsimmons
In n foul let Comeilv nrama nt
homi: A.i) hi'oitTixa i.ifi:.
The Honest Blacksmith
I'rliTH Lower floor, ouhratni, ?l: ordicxtr
( Irelc, 71c. ; drcu clr( le, Me. Ilaleony, flint two
io, 7.1(.; drele, 50c. (tiller), 25c.
5ik of i-ctIs opens Saturdiy at 9 a, nu
Thursday aTt Nov. 22
lliicct horn Keith' ThcaUr, Xew York, with
the following nietil piofrrimmo:
Ml. ami Mr- 1'irklns IWier. 'Che llatiihrlnr Club
(iiiirlitti. Ml. nnd Mrs ell l.ttilifteld,
Cnaldiv .mil llm'-lid, lliku nnd
l)iiii, Ihe Huli ScitcM.
( luile-i Li i ii.ii cl Mill Iki mil 1'iaiik f.meixoii.
ptcid Mitinco I'litet lowir llnor, 2h' unit
,VV.; ditiio lulioii), -Jc. ; i lnMrcn under 12
.uan, lo .my part of tlie liuuw, I""'.
I.miiIiik IVIlik JJc, "i0(., 7Jc
Ach.inie mil of Mats will ji u at Hip 1jos of
ftie liicfday al U a. in
It. A. ItkOWN, Alunasr.
Tills lATIIti: Ml I K.
Sciiarf-Morris Go.
iv itEPEiiTuinr.
I'k sent hi- .Monday i:ening,
Intiodudnrr liolwun tlie .uts poltta raudovlll
t'biiil Al.itinee 10 and UU cmH.
i:niliiif Prictiv 10, 20, ao centa.
New Gaiety Theatre
II. n. I.OXC, Le-seo and Mana;er.
Urine ll-n-., Coinmeni nu MONDAY, NOW It).
Die Oricmal
Mid the r.imniM "Clltfi IX nU'K."
I'roti) l.adus 1 unn Ci median-, and lliudoina
Tliuo Dim, foiniiKniiiiK TlIL'ltSDAY, tOV. t!t,
Pilie-, IV., J'ie,, .)"o. Cite.
3 fcS Pro1.Q.FJHEEL,M,D.rt.illI-
3 Gr.J St., PhlUit.l pkla. Fa. rU4.atnk.rtnl. Gu.C
1 J M fiiil. to ruie alter all lhi I'll, fliytTj:
Lxut1l(liStS (ines no nifr nry ro(auiTcim.(liou.
jC .."""jlinirtiucMUtlSStS.BtOOBrOltONp
"10ST MANHOOD, arlra..le Hlrlrtur... no, utnne. ,'15:
V re.h case, cure.! In 4 to 10 ,iai . Arolrt chraa tiraimenC
Jiiloffereilat icatch. Rulm rhominU. Senilf .rRw.ra; sinenieliralrVrl-cirical frauiltj.
2Trrnlmriitb llnll. Inalnnl relief, ywrliap
llulidt, ' Jim jU, at home with hi mother
at -laitle. Mi lladle) is MiiiinU al-ii hy oiw
liKitlni nnd llim hiklc. Haao H., of Murrnv,
I ii,; Mif. Ullllim I. .loncs mid Mii, Mililaui
II. l'araoiik, of l.dwauUd.le.
C:i)I(iid lone-, the only son of Kdwaril .s
louts, of Arclilidd, died at 9 o'clock jrstcnljir
inoriiln'. He lontraited u i.old alioul ii weel:
.11,1, ulilclt ihrlnpiil into pneumoni i, and al
thoitili In tcrolced the most (aieful trentmeut
his .tlnl was unable In reit llio dl.ece, und
lie pisul nw.iy peau fully at the liom ntatcil.
'Hie (k((ied would lie i )ears old had ho I pud
mull .limiii). lie wis a rtinukable bright buy,
ehieilul In Ion md with manl) o,u.ilitlii
rarele found In i boy f ls years, ilia father
Iculiiiilicular pildrt in hU boy and all Ills hope
wire Lditrid in him. The 8)inpathy of all his
lilendi on out to him at tliU sad time, 'lli.i
funeial wll take ihn nt 3.S0 o'llotlc Tuesdaj
afltinciiii. S rthia will be Ik Id ut tho Ksidend)
and inlciinciit wilt lie. In ln I'rntistant ifinv
ti iy.
Mw. r.inny Hmiiliurir, ik'ed i .M'sis, died
at tliu hnmi' of her, Jlra. William II,
Swan, HI Cherry strnt, on Raturda), bho
ii(H behind to mourn their ls one sort and
thru (Imcliteni, Simon, of South Canaanl Ml.
I'. J. lie, of .Jermn; Mrs. J. E. Tnifsdale, of
Dalloii. and Mrs. Jennie Ciamei, of Jenmn. Thu
funeral will be held al llin homo of her sUter,
Mr. Swart?, at 7.3d o'clock tunisht. Interment
in Kill township.
William Tin), i well known rifident of South,
Sciaiiton, dliil Situida) morninif at his home,
ll I'lmm UMliue, lie was Stl )iars of age 4ml
fur horns time pjt ba'l l,wn all"0' constantly
ill. He is Mirillfd b) wile ! !' lollowliiif
rhlhllin: Mllllsm, .lolin, .lames aud Kalii. Tie
(uneiul will tako pjite tltN morninif w-ith a re.
(.uleni mas.s In St. John's church Interment will
be niailit In the Cullmlial cemetery,
"Mm. M. . lainmla died Satuiday, Xuy, 17, at
Urn home, of her nephew, John I', 1'sirj, Wi
Aihms amine Ihero will be nhott aenires at
Ihe ilioe a Iduas 'leasday, at 11 30 a. nt. IlurUl
ut lltookl)ii, l'a , nt 3 30 p. in.
(iy t'uluiiie Wire from Hie Associated I'rcai
Santiago Jlo fuba, Noe. 13. Ma) or (Iranio lut
refused an application from the leaders ol thu
eoloied party foi a permit to demonstrate to.
morrow- agaliut the CJ.tlllo parly which u now
In control. It it espectiii now that an attempt
will bu made to haio tho paiade without vcr
uiMon of tlie muulelpal t'ourument,
F iv ar 7
I v nM
r W 4ut
k ia
Lr! i
3 tj- H, 1
kigjL-aa.-- h'jiyifa'.'.cLt... t-i. ...v fO - - &. f J . -.W
jg&$2$2li&J!$ i -tiVE. fAfAM t b tf
ai-i.-" ? A Vrf !.