The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 19, 1900, Image 1

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l'VrJi?T" m
illness of the Gzar of Russia Is
Not Regarded with
Great Alarm.
Considerable Suipiise Is Expiessed
That the Empeioi's Illness Is At
tributed to Tainted Nouiishment.
Tho German Bomse Strong in
Values Other News fiom Foieigu
Jy Exclusive Wlie fiom Tic Auociilcd Vitv.
St. I'otet sburg, Nov. IS. Tlio Itus
j.lan olllclal wot Id Is anxious legaidlng
tins condition ot lhnpeior Nicholas,
but thoic is a feeling of confidence
that ho will recovei. A totelgn olllrj
olllclal told the cotiespondent of thes
Assoiiuted Pic-ss last evening that thu
bulletin was icg.ueled as fuvoiable.
Ho culled attention to tho distinction
between typhus In the Aniciicau sense
of the woid mid t) pints .is mulct. stoo 1
lit llusslu, vvheie tho toini coriespond-,
to typhoid in Aiuctliau teiminology.
Typhoid lb common, the olllUal point
ed out, in nil Htissiau cities, ow lug m
the defective1 hygienic uiiangcnit-i't-,
hut it is, not lcaicd in lliib count!) as
it is in the United States.
"Moreover," continued the oilh iul,
"the cjmi's general health has been
good. Persons who ltau .seen him lie
iuently at a closo (putters dining the
last few months give no ciodonce to
I ho stories lcguidlng his alleged feeble
ness. They hmo not onset ved the
Hllghtesl indication ol lingoiing injui."
finni tho table blow be locelvcd in
Japan. They ultcily disbelieve the as
sertion, often made .tbioid, that the is an epileptic "
Considoiablc suipiise is cNpicssod
that his majesty hhould hao con
ttacted a disease atti United to tainted
nourishment. It appeat.s. hovvevei, ho i.s inipiudcnt in ins did. (loos
not always follow medical dilution
and often chinks anv water he tan get
when walking or driving. The posl
bility of his having conn acted tile dis
ease fiom milk 's also tonsidciud Yet
unother souico of Uphold infection In
UiispIh Is nmil. th' -- bing bigl. niedl
ral authority for the statement that
germs have been eulluiod tiom In oiled
The news of the cz.u's Illness is
iially reaching tho genual populace
and many sympathetic lefeienies to
Jiis condition aic heard among the peo
j)le of St. Petcishurg, who .no appar
ently attached to the peiscui of tlie
Special piaycts for itis i coveiy woto
nftored today in- the (lunches ol St.
I'cteisbuig, Moscow and Ivhuijow.
Llvadu, European Russia. Nov. IS.
1 Impel or Nicholas, acooiding to tho
best information obtainable this moi n
ing had a favoiable d ty )esteielny.
lie blepl for some time and felt at
ease. His tomperatuio nt 0 p m was
101.6 and his pulse 4.
Last night he slept well and on wak
ing this morning was comfoi table, his
head being quite clear. t :t a. in. to
day his 10111001.111110 was and his
pulse IS.
The Bourse Stiong.
Dei lin, Nov. IS. Tho Get man houisc
began last week with a stiong i ls.- in
values, whicli was not a. holly main
tained later, although the situation
lomained strong. "The bouises wpio
almost completely under New Yoik In
fluence," lemaiks the Fiankfuiter
Zpltung. and a fear is now fierpientlv
cxpiessed in commoicicl elides thnt
the dependence ol Eutopic upon Amer
ica in business niatteia will stiongiy
Piusslan and Impoiial loans fell
bllghtly dining the week owing to the
unnouncemont ot the budget with a
deficit for 1901 and tho huge China ex
penses. Ameilcan niiluajs showed gteat
Btiongtli, Nnithein Pi.uillc hading.
Coal and lion sliaies Rained fiom (ho
to ten points.
lion prices on tlte Dubeldoif bout so
was maintained. Tho lion output In
Silesia Is now expected to decline, the
furnaces having began to blow out, it
having been dlscoveiid that It Is moio
profitable to soli coal In Mode than to
hell Jion nt piosent pi Ices,
The Comulier Tragedy.
Paiis, Nov. IS, Satin day's tiagedy,
the killing of tho Countes. Do Ooi mi
ller by her husband, was tho piluclpul
toplo today at the dubs and in soelul
circles generally.
Count Do Coinullei's condition pilar
to his man luge was i allien humble,
unci after his stipulation fiom the
countess ho lived in a small npiutment
in the Latin uuaiter, evidently nialn
talng himself on a veiy modest In
come. Tho countess, on the other hand,
lived iu lino stylo and It was evident
that his changed donie.slli! conditions,
especially as they loiiluisted with
those of tho lountess, gioatly ihi.
piessed him. The statement by M, I.e.
niuv, tho advocate at whoso upuil
inents the countess vviih shot, thnt slut
placed her iiffuli.H in hl.s hands at tlu
suggestion of her father, Count 1)j
Vleunay, Is coiioboiated b)--tho lattei,
who emphatically denies that tlieie
was any Itnpiopilety existing between
his daughter and her legal icpiesentu
tlve, l.oiulou, Nov, IS. Uaton (h.imnoto
und Urowne, a lepiobentutlve peer foi
Iieluud since lfitJ, Is dead. He was
born Juno k, ISI'i.
Weyler Denies It. '
Mudlid, Nov. IS. (ioneial We) lei
denies the statement published In Pails
and cabled to the United States that
ho told an IntPi viewer that If ho hud
temalned in Cuba he would havu oust
ed the American: itoni tho island.
The Insurgents Gain Scveial Impoi-
tant Vietoilcs Captain Copp
Brings the News,
II) I:iIiMk Wirp from riic sicl iti'd I'im'
Kingston, Jamaica, Nov. IS. The
Urltlsh Htvutuci' Atiuto, Captain Copp.
whl( h left Southampton. October 17,
ioi lUilmilos, tu lived hole today lioin
Colon, Columbia. Caiitulu Copp ie
potts that the insuigeiits had gullied
seveial Important victories during 'the
ioitnlght that pioeeded his dcpintmc,
and that when ho li ft Colon they won'
marching In lone against I'linama,
whole the "totes had been cloxed In
momenta) y pcc tvitlon "1 an attack,
lie su)s thnt the thu e-mustcd choon
er lsabello was mdeted to leave Colon
Thill sdav because slie hud a uugo ol
giintiowder whicli tho Columbia ail
thoiitles believed was Intended foi tho
icbels although It was (unsigned to a
uelgliboiltig tepublli .
It appeals also fiom Capl'.iln Copp's
statement business In Colombia Is
genoi.ill.v at n standstill, the exchange
Is now at l,.'un and that the mllltaiy
dllllcultles of the situation ale toni
plleated by an outbicak ol yellow
fever, nipidlv appio uhlng the piopot
tlons of un i pltlemle at Poi t I.imon and
Uoitts Del Toio
Fiank M. Blown, of German Nation
al Bank Gets Away with the
Capital Stock of the Bank.
By Liclmiie Wire from 'lhe A-sod-ilid Piess
Clin iiinatl. Nov. is United State-.
H ink KMimincr Tucker today took pos
session ol the N.itlounl b.inic.
at New prut, K)., and pusted a notii"
tint the bank would leinuin clos d
pending an oviiniintiori )l.imhni
Tucker also auumincd unoulciatlv
that. Fiank M. Hiown. the inrllvlduil
beokl.copei and assistant casliiet. wa-i
missing, and that a p.tillnl InvvStlga-
tlon showed that liiown was yhort
about IJOl.ono
I'.iown had been with the bank eitjli
It i n jcais. was one of the most trust
ed nun oor contacted with this old
bank, and it is nated bv the cvpett-.
thnt his opeiations xlcndi d back as
fin lib ten eais. The capital stock ol
the bank i' only $HM),i'if'. Hiowu'.s al
lf,od hhoit.igo is double that amount
md mote than thu mseive and all the
a sctb, ineludiui, their leal ebtate.
W ;ih Alvoid gV iiw iv vjii 17 fortft
in New Yoik, he did it In a large bank,
but Urovvn did not liavc .so niudi to
go on and seems to have gone the tull
limit ioi a small bank in a city of lesi
than JiiUdO inhabitants. The Flist Na
tional bank of New poit was vvted"d
two eais ago bv C.c-hiei Youtsi",
ami now with the Ucintun National
dosing New poit has only one bank
left. Toi two wciks tbuo have been
tumors that lit own was shoit and
Mime depositois vvlthdievv th h nc-
omits. Thtec wieks ngo the bank
iamiiietb made a good statement foi
the bank and the otliceis and dhetnis
alia) ul suspieloii by refeuing to the
leport (if this oaminalion and to their
last statement.
t.ast Wednebdny Blown left nnd It
was announced that he had gone on a
hunting vacation, lie did get u ticket
foi Odin, III., but It Is learned now
that he did not go theie nnd it Is gen
eially undeistood that he Is out of this
country with plenty of money In his
possession. Last Pilday the otllcers
and ditectois ov'et their own names
published In the papets of this city a
statement that the bank had been
lound to bo all light and that the iu
moi s about lb own woto false. They
continued making these statements to
the pi ess as late as last midnight, but
the statements weie not accepted by
the Commercial Tribune, whicli ex
posed the alleged shoi tage and caused
a panic In Ncwpoit today, so that
tho bank had to bo taken In cluuge
by the examiner.
Urovvn, it is alleged, was living a
fast life witli wine, women and gam
bling. His caieei was not cut short
by any discovety at tho bank till a
jealous woman gave him away. Blown
Is a widower with one son, aged 10
yeais, who lives with Biown's father,
Pails C. Brown, ex-ma) or of Nowpoit,
and one of the leading business men
of Cincinnati. Last summer Urovvn
visited Yellowstone Paik and a certuln
Cincinnati woman wanted to accom
pany him, but this was denied her.
When she nscei tallied boino time after
waid that another woman was with
Blown on his western nip tho Cincin
nati woman gave the bank ofllclals
some information that staited an In
'v obligation, Biown's bets on the races,
wcio fiequontly too high for tho pool
looms In Covington, Ky and ho had
hiokeis In both Chicago and New
The otliceis of tho (lemma National
bank aio wealthy and icsponslblo men
and they will be able to make good tho
losses. Ihown a father Is one of the
An Etfort to Settle the Petty Stiikes
at Wllkes-Baxie.
U) Reclusive Vlrc fioni 'llio .Vsiocl itcil l'ns
Wilkcs-Iluue, Nov. IS. nistilct
Piesldent Nichols, of Hie United Mini
AVoikeiH, picslded at a meeting of tho
Lehigh and Wllkes-liauo Coal com
pany hi this city last night. Tho coii
k'U'iue lasted until midnight. Theie
wcio two lepiesentutlves piesent fiom
each collleiy of tlio company,
Since the stilke was settled, minor
gtievunees have ailsen vvlilcli Imvo
canted moio or less tumble between
tho loinpany mu its emrdo)e.s. Tiu
object of tlio mec'lng was to adjust
thes gilevances, n as to put an end
to the potty stiikes that have taken
plate at some of tho mines lecintly,
A (ommlttee was appointed, of which
Piesident Nichols U chahmuu. tu wait
upon the company ollicials and see If
some amicable ugiei meat cannot Ijm
leached which will bo satlsfuctoiy to
both sides.
Minister Conner Sans That the
Situation Is Favorable to
an Earlu Settlement.
The Couit Will Not Return to Pekin
Until Spring Sanitary Conditions
of Pekin Are Such as to Cause Con
siderable Alax m Small-Pox nnd
Other Infectious Diseases Baglng.
By i:elujic Wire fiom the Vuoclatnl I'ipw.
Pekin, Nov. 17, v In Shanghai, Nov.
IS -The belief that the note of the
povveis to the Chinese commissioners.
Pi Into filing and I.I Hung Chung, will
be completed soon Is sttengthened by
the icstilts of the tecent infoiinal iim
fotemes of the minlstcis ol the pow
eis Mr. Congit. the United States
minister, aid to a i oiiespondent ot
the Associated 1'iess:
'The sitaatlon is evidently lavota
ble to the iiitlv beginning of negotia
tions rot a ptellniinai v 'cttlement. I
believe that the iut meting ot the
foidgn envo)' vill viituallv settle all
points ot difference between the I ep
losentutivos of lite povets., who wl'
losp no time in incsutting the de
niiinds. "What tlu re-iilt will br It is Impos
sible to lotcteli. Uvenls lutve placed
China in a veij etitiial position
Whether she will be able to pimmvi
hot ititegntv and to s ive her'
ulilions with lhe test ol the wotld
will drpend upon what the poweis li
mand in the final settlement and upon
her willingness t,, acci pt piompllv the
conditions pioposed
"It Is iilto iiulikolv, II n a impos
sible tint the (ouil will leluin to
Pi'kln betote net vptinp, but I do not
i antielpitp anv seiinus delay Iu Hie
I piog'CM of the negoti.Hlons with tlu
I Chinese oontinissUineis, as the) .no
(onseivatlvo men, with good opln
1 Ions." ,
The liei'uan and Italian "p' ditlou ,
noithwnid passed tluoiigli the Nan
King pass unopposed.
Disease Spreading.
I ekin, Nov. fi, via Shanghai, Nov.
JS. ?anitaiy conditions lieieaie be
coming senous. yince tlu torelgn oc
cupation mutt) Chinese have db'd of
smallpox and other Infectious disease.
Feai ing that theii l uncials would be
Intel feud with, the li.ue kept most
I of the ofllns containing their dead iu
their houses and couit)nds Tlir
wmetlnn nl inmoehiL irnih.iirr. li.ia li-.-
cotue otto ot gtave impottance As
thu natives ,uc foi hidden to deposli
i ret use in the stieets, theie is now an
enotmous accumulation In their dwel
lings and ) arils, which thieatens a
seiious epidemic. In view ot the largi
number of Hoops in und near tho capi
tal, the consequences of such nn out
break would be fiightful Smallpox,
which Is always prevalent, is mm It
moio malignant dining the winter sea
son, and th" dangeu heio is now alutm
ingly inn iased.
Mexican Soldiers in Pursuit of a
Band That Escaped from
the Beset vation.
II) l-ululYe Wire liom Tlif AeciJliiI 1'iosi
Ul Paso, Tex., Nov. IS One com
pany of soldleis fiom the post at
Jaurez was yesteiday sent to the scene
of the Apache outbreak in the Siena
Madro mountains at Pacheco, Mexico.
The Mexican government evidently
consldeis the situation seiious for
tioops have been sent from several
Intel lor points and it is believed that
the small band ot renegades can be
hemmed up In the mountains nnd ex-
tei minuted bc-roie the) can make their
way back to tlio Ailzoua leservation,
A puny of Mormons Is already In pur
suit. A dispatch fiom Ailona couliiniH
the icpoit t'hat tlio Indians escaped
tiom tlie leservation at San Cailos,
It says that only nine soldleis have
been left to guaid 3,000 Indians and
that the redskins have been lestless
for weeks.
Paterson Man Out of Woik to Profit
by His Bi other's Death.
1.) Iliiliithu Wire fmm 'llio .Vssc i lite il I'mi
Pateison, N. J Nov, IS John Mit
chell, a liborer, who has been out of
woik tor some time, bus just been In
foimed that ho is heir to a foi tune.
Chief of Pollco (Iraul iccelvcd notice
of the death of James Mitchell, who
had left a foi tune of $r.00,000, to which
his hi other, John Mitchell, was heir.
James Mitchell was lit tho poik pack
lug business. Chief Omul vvus askrd
to try to llnd the hi other, who was be
lieved to bo hi Pateison. The man
was ioiiikI today and Infouned of his
good foi tune, lie said thut ho had not
heard of his. biothei's death until In
founed by tho chief.
lly l.vliuha wice from Ihu Asm.litei I'rcii.
,iu Vml, .No. is. )Itcs lilhh llnotli, JJ
iiik nil), an ikIiii-i lorimilj uiudinl tu MjiIl'
lliiiliiiikrlw (liiUli, illi'il In a lnilj tmli)
liuii tin1 iII'mU ul ,ui luciiktil whiili kho met
ullli Iji siimUs, wIkii kirn un I In mm irmu .1
mirlJH' in I'cntul I'irk.
Ilnutuii, 'HJ, Ni. 1 3 M it t in 1iuii, wliu
vw uiue k'.nli'i' of Un' union lilmr dii,"j ilulloiirf,
uml ln ujs ilhcitur "I tin )iluuil
I'jiIIU' KriKe in (liu 'HU, ullli lifjilquurliu In
lt. IoiiU, ilHil ciUi(lj) at HruceUllt, Ivcnty
mllifi toitli of Hmo.
She Is Met on Anival by Special
Agents fiom the Ttensmy
11) lluliulu ttiie Iruii Un' m Ijtnl l'im
New Yoik. Nov. IS -On lhe anival
of the AmctUau line slvamslilp today
a sqltnd ol special agents of the tieas
uty depai tinent nnd some sec let sei
vlee ttieti hill lied on hoatd and usked
lo be shown the state loom ouuplid
by Miss M. Ooiialiie She had left her
loom when the speclnl agents touched
It and hud stucci'ded in having Ik r
tin co pieces ol baggage passed. This
consisted of two tt links and a huge
poitniuntonit. The baggage' was again
overhauled SubseqiK ntlv one tiunk
nnd tile pot tmiintciiu weie sent to the
appi.ilsei's stoic while lhe oilier trunk
was seat lo a hotel It was said that
Miss Dm tattoo had biottgltt in much
nr w peweli) and about live thousand
dollais woitli of unset diamonds, foi
which she had nil Invoice showing
the diamonds had In en 5old to hot by
a I'ailslan Htm.
Mls Doiiuiuc declined to discuss tho
selllio uml the ttc.inuv ollli Inls weie
eqltallv K'ticenl'
DEBTS $1,000,000;
Fiank D. Cailey. a Well Known Wall
Stieet Btoker, Foiced Into
Ii I clul,i viii" Hum lii( V until l'it"
Now Yoik, Nov. 1. Urantis 13. Car
le), well-known Wall sticct btnkii,
who lives nt Oi.iugc N. J., made .ill
umine c nu'iii tod.iv at New .ilk lite
on Situid.iv Iu had tiled in tlie United
Statts Distiii t c run t at Tieiiton a pi ti
tion In biiikiiipliv Tlu- petition de
clines the liabilities to ln ninie tit m a
millon and the ,i".if nothing.
A list ot tin- piitidpal iiedltois uc
as follows. Mis r. T. Cailev, hot -lowed
motie). "0') "". Iniiian, Swan t
(o New York, jtulgmi lit, $-M" 000. J.
Kennedy Tod Co. New York, judg
ment, SISIHMM): Utaiu Diutsdt and
Ciiesur Sehlt ssingc i, London, Judgment,
'30,0110, Van Shall k Co. New Yotk,
balance on contiact, JGO.OOO, U. M.
I' New York. yjO.OOO. ('lav City
National bank, iudsment, indoiemcnt,
notes of Ki ntueky U'lion Uailwav i oni
pany, js.ooti. Ccinian Secuiitv bmk,
Louisville, Kv., guai anteo note Ken
tuiky Union Tiutlvwi) lompan), $7,000:
Kentuek) National bi"K. Lojilsv ille,
hiiaiaiitee note, KciUuekv 'unichi Kail
way company, 510,000 In addition, Iheie
aio about ,i seote nt other ctedltois
holding elalins uniouiillng to Hunt ViO
to S.1,000
These claims against Mi. Cailc), ho
sa)s, ate the icsult ol a velltuie iu tlio
south seveial yi.u.s ami, m which he
lost $1, -.00 000 While- Mi. Caile) was
abioad uccutly one of his eleiks ac
(liiaintcd some ot the Judgment iedi
tois with tlu fad thut about SJOO.OOO
had been placed with ceitain hiokeis
tor investment. Believing that to be
Mr. Cai lew's own money, these etedl
tots itegan to l'oico pa.vmont of the
judgments, placed attachments on the
money, and as a tesult lie concluded to
lake advantage of the bankiuptcy laws
in the inteie-st of all his i ledltois.
Mr. Cailey Is ill yetts of ag" and an
Ohionn by bhth. Ho ptactlced law iff1
Chicago for a siioit time, but In 1MO
moved to Louisville. Ueto his actlv
( .u cor as a financier begun when ho
beenme nfTUIated with the Stnndnid
OH company as pioldont of lis srnith
ci n bianeh. He was also piosldnt of
the Citizens' das lompan) at Loul-.-ille,
and piesident ol tlie boaid of
In IS'ifi Mr Cailey came- to New
Yoik and at once took a pi eminent
place In financial cltcles. He became
head of the bioketago firm of Cailey,
Stokes it Co., which has since be
come the ill in of R 13. Cm lev it Co.
In iv.10, Mi. Cailey began tlie building
of tlie Kontuc) Union lallioad. A
huge poition ot it had to be cue
thtough giavcl and sand luiui ami
theie weio fioqucul cave-Ins, which
each time entailed josses of thousands
or dollais. Alter having dtopped a
foi tune Iu the load, Mr. Cnilny gave
it up and ictutned to New Yoik.
Mr. Cat ley, In an intoivlew, blames
certuln AVall street men for fun Ing
him In financial mutteis and says ho
will soon make an csposuie. His pe
tition in bankiuptcy has been leferred
to Commissioner ricdoiltk AV. Leon
aid ,ot Ti onion.
Two Boys Axe Killed and One Man
Sexiously Injured Pi operty Loss
Estimated at 8150,000.
II) ruluslvo wlte mm 'llie AwkIiiuI 1'iis-i.
nuftalo, Nov. IS. A nee tlon of tho
MhincHnta oie docks.sltuatcd cm niack
well canal in this hatbor, collapsed to- i
day under the weight of i'0,00( tons of
oie. Two bo)8 vveio killed nnd eino man .
was badly Injuied,
Tho dead am; Max M, Tois,, fifteen
yeaia of ago; Thoiiitis Tord, III teen I
)e.itrt old,
Injuied: Yv'llliam lltuke, tvveiily-two
jeaia old,
The piopeity ios.s Is chiIiiiuUmI at
JlnM.dOO. Tlio ciusli caino without vviun
iUKi "100 feet of tho dock disappearing
beneath the tan lace of tlui water and
tho toil of thu gieat pile of oie, whicli
hud stood twenty-live feet high on tho
dock, just Hhowed above tho water,
The oio is owned by I'ickands,
Mather & Co., of Cleveland. The dock
vvus iccetitly lebullt and iltted vvth the
latest und most expensive mac-hlnciy,
11 l.xc!iihe who (mill 'llio .U-cclatcil 1'ices
Neiv Vnk, Nov, !. iiImcI. I'icIj.Ii, Ham.
Lur.-, IIouIouiil and I'liinoutli; .Sew Voik, hiulli
Jliiplon and C I ill l.oui k" i I'mbtij, I iuipuul .ml
Qiicenstortiij .Neinidle-, I he l pool bjiles f-UIc
ol NibrJbkj, Jlovilli und IiUskok. (U"nwtnu
sjlledi rjinpauia (from JIuiia)1), Nw
Terrible Fate of Guests ot
McGoniole Honse ai
A Chambeimaid Clad Oifly in Her
Night Clothes Jumps Into a Tiee.
Other Maivelous Escapes The
Victims Oveicome While Calling
for Aid fiom Spectatois Who Weie
Powerless to Render Assistance.
Mi I m lu-iv c Win- from Hit' Vesocutcd 1'icif
Cswa)o, I'a., Nov. 111. Four men
weie limned to death In a llio which
today destio)cd tlte McOonlgle House,
a tlnee-stoiy fiame building, the hotel
bain and the opn.t house. Tho thiee
buildings weie Intiued to the gimind
In half an hour Horn the time the lhe
stalled. The dead: -tit'hm Flotcliot,
book-keepei foi the Penn Stave com
panv, home In Hoston: Michael Rus
sell, employe 1'enn Tnnnlng companv,
Osvv.tvo: William Mulhany. of Kexfoid,
N. V.: Hugh J.imelson, ol Aided, N. Y.
The town bus no (lie depai tment,
the only piotedion being a pump nl
th" tannery The Hie otlglnuted in the
McCionlgle House, fiom an over-ptes-suie
of u.itttial gas, Theie wcte thirty
people In the hotel, which was a flimsy
stiue Line.
Two men wcte set iously injuied, Ot
to Knkle.v. a gas line walket, of Coud
e i spoil. Pa, who was binned about
the laic and arms, and .Ictiv Dailoy
sustained a hioken sliouldci by 1uni)
llig ftoin the thittl Situiv of the hotel.
Theie weie many nauovv escapes,
mot ot the occupants iumplug fiom
lite windows The flames licked up the i
I hotel building as it it woto built ot i
tinder. Nothing temallis of the four
unfortunate men but a few charted
bones. One man had a leg bioken in I
jumping and several otheis icieivcd
minor injuries und slight hums In
making the e-sit fiom the building. Tlie
tannei v employes connected a line of
hose to the binning buildings, but on
account of-some tumble with the pump
theie was considciablo elelav In get
ting a bliciim on the fire and the Humes
had got beyond eonttol Tlte piopettv
loi, is estimated at. f ",000
The Disco vol y.
Siipeilntoiidcnt John Good, or tlio
IVnnsjlvaiiln Tanning company, was
the Hi it man who icalUcd the extent
of the eatasliopho His residence is
anoss the sticct fiom the hotel piop
eitv. He lushed dovvn stttits and out
Into tho stieet, sounding the alatm as
he went, ("letting to tlte various mills
iu the town, where the flies had Ik on
banked for the Sabb Hit, ho pulled the
steam whistles wide open. The scene1
piesptiled was a gtotesiiue one. Hud
dled In gioups wete bewildeted men.
v omen and children, half clothed. The
ilainc, which hid by this time-en-lit
ely enveloped the- McCionlgle house.
lit up tlie giny dawn ot the moining, ,
v lillo Horn the- inside were lieaul the
agonI?ed sin ieks of the inm ites. Hu
peilntenelent Good loimed n volunteer
Hie hi glide and a seoie of men aimed
with aes and palh despeuitely fought
the flames lor an hout. It soon be
came appnicnl, now ever, thnt lhe
buildings weie doomed and perhnp-
the tlilil) inmates. At nearly evorv
window laces of the victims were
piessed against the blazing window)
Haines, their featuies lioiiibly dls
toited b) theit sufteilngs. The people
looked, on unable to givo them the
succm tin wide h thev pleaded. In one
window tho Hguie ol a man was plain
ly seen, ills hands lais-ed In supplica
tion, an instant later lie was pieclpl
tuted into tlie lleiv ubvss below by a
tailing beam.
Thrilling' Escapes,
A cliambi'imald, clad only Iu her
nlgntelothe.s, leaped fiom an upper
htoty window and landed In a tiee. She ,
was uulnjuied. Supeilntendent Mollis
Chile, of tlie Moieu'te Clus company, huw t
Aithur Flotilier standing at u window i
on tho fit si Hour. Ho was clad lu liks i
ulglit-Hhlit, and culled loudly tor help, j
Oveieomo by the gun, ho fell buck Into j
the Humes. Ono of tho most thtlllltig '
c-i-eapes was that ol Jeny Bule-y, the (
gas inipecuu. tie vvus a guest oc tno
hotel, having a room In tlio center of
the building on thu upper lloor,
"I was awakened," he says, "by lull
ing plaster In my loom. Tho heat was
Intense. Above me I could see the
Humes. Uelow mo I could hear tho
ciacklo und tho sound of falling tim
bei.s. My overcoat, which was on tlio
wall was blazing and my clothes weio
ahead) binned. With dllllculty I mado
my way to the door. As 1 opened it,
Hames licked my fuco and hands. Tho
heat on tho soles of my baieteet was
intense, and I I ell back to uvvult death'ri
coining. Then T heaid Hugh Metchliu
loiulng down tho hall. Ho saw mo
thtough tho smoke and called to me,
ijomu this way.' I put my scotched
hands up to my lace and follow wl.
l'alnfully we vvoiked our way tluoiigli
smoke and Humes for about seventy
Jlvu feet, Suddenly the lloor gavo way
and Metchliu dlsappcaicd with It. I
looked down Into tho flciy cutter and
saw his foi m twisting and vvilthing lu
the heat. Just una step mote mid I
would have followed him to death, lint
1 did not lose my head. My night
clothes weio on Hie, I toio them off.
My hull' had been enthely binned off
my head. Spuued on for lliial elt'oit
by my awful sufteiliiBS, I i cached a
window and leuped'to the giound."
il) h.cluhe Wire Irom lhe Associated 'u).
Jollct, I1U, Xov. lb flie billet mill ami con
vcrtiro ol tbe Illinois bteel noiku iiuumcd opir
aliens tonljht utter u I lino ucek' shut dovwi.
About 1,000 men risumed work, 'llio outlook U
Kooel for a long run.
Weather Indication Todar,
t (icnciiil IIiiroriiiiril rv limn ttii' I'lilllp.
IlllllultllllH cf mi I'll l.i SlltlllllCtll i'f tin-
( IiIiiim' ((in l Ion.
Siitnliir nf lliunlliiie Is Illiiili-.Unlnir
lot u Mm Mid Hi nth in ii llutrl I lie.
I (.'irlmiiitilc Viw l)inilu.:iil. -
.'. I n d -l'vil ilnu 11 IIiiH'k llrait
VI i)in His slijiidl tin Vluliiel linllmi c
t IMIIoilil.
Ml uml t iiiniiioiil
fi I in ll-"lllll" Uc'lililll-I Hi Net VmI i III,'
( 'niiip in),
old i-Vin'c i;ullo un Oil I PI id-.
II Inelt Writ SiiinKti nill s,il,uij)
7 stun -"Ilic (llil Inllitriice nf I'm "
I In nit ill mil eoininiri Id,
s I n( il- Hi irltiir In lhe I limn iliiuiili HiIIhm
Silmiliv's li k t Hill it inn-
Memoi nudum of the Charges Against
Mayoi Van Wyck of New
Yoik City.
I'l I m.Iii1m' Wile loin 'III" .Vsyjchtul I'll-"
Albany, Nov. IS Governor Roose
velt has picpiied the following memoi
andum of the chaiges against M.i)ot
Van W)ck, of Now Yoik city, In the
Ice trust mattc-t :
Jhcre arc Hire Iiollj diillucl siiloi Iu 111"
lee trul until I.
In tin- lnt i l.i(i, llicrc U tlie enoiil r.neitiori
vlitlier tin Viiiirli.iu Iu- (, ilojliui; un
It il -cs In i ucieullv of lire to the iimir pcivl"
it Niw Yr lie, vvn olio into vvlili li II wji pmpi r
lo t public -pniteil Hum lo enter. TliU i, ot
lonr-c, nut ipu-ilion fm IiriI letlon in u iv
2b i e ii form MoiroM-t, It N nnnui-siar.i to
pun out Hill win thu tin loipoiitlon i leirsil
ei illcKJl,piopci oi iiiiiurpti in dial n n
ii r of ultii livpocil-i ) the pirt of in" publli
in in u iicnoiimi tniils in sim-ril, n J lliii
IiihI tu ijilli-ul.ii, in (In- iilitfoim and on Ihi
slllllip Wllili III', .it lllO s 1110 tllllO. ill 111- lll1ll-
i pinti. IiiiIcIh -.lock ir lin lirlil Htoc l. in tin-IH1-.I
t lilt Ik lliiw ill n il mis
Vltintion h eillirl lo tl ! Ii ituic snnpb in
ijut jii (licit Ins Ikpii iinelc In hov liul " i
(.t, ,2n Ktioii iipfiin-l tlir truit or -lOim of its
-iiiilcl older, enn lie tilan llie-i same public men
.no til br rvonptatcil
Nioinl, llicre I- I lie quiitioti vclictlifi or not
Hie (ntcnce of tins soe.illnl irr ttuil is in
vlnlilioii ol the mti litM liw Tlil-i, ot couraf,
i n .lib bi ilunkil In tlio louits
Oi VI o Ji, in Ha jlluincv cncrjl iiutitulcil
tin ikcIIiil- In iiitiul Hie eeiliHc ite ot tlie ice
irni'iiin iimlii lliis law 'I In cnrporJtUm
llliomli lis imiiiicl Iih foiisht the iction at
imij tii on lii link ilities, not on die- mcnti
it the tin 'lhe llr-,1 derision licfoic liidiie
( he-itir Mas in rnoi ol lie state An ippeil In
In. n lilui be the iktciuhnts vlncli .! aimi
i k" oko mil Hie illoiiur gciiri il Is daib o
p, i ling i ilceiiiou by the ippellale iltnsinn on
llus ipeil Hie defindinl nlit ilnril I -tin of
1 n iiiilliu-s prnilnu the ippi il VII piKiible
dili.'iiid Ins been lion b lin- ittoince ri n
old hi Hie rftoit liiMCiur I lie- innulment of lhe
iiilillcate- and nolmny: could lino biei done In
I in. stile to i pediti piotitiliu.s vvliidi leu not
been done Hie diliv is due, of coinse, to tlie
ionise of tin eoipoiition itself, viliose stockliold
in Inelu'lc Hie publli nun ibove illudrd to
Wo now (due to tin Hiiiil hide ot Hie tnitter,
tin- onh otn in v.likl the sovernor, in his of
Hi id eipuilv lin inv jume-i wliitncver to act,
h : lhe (hucee imiiiU 'Mivnr Van VWel
luisinucli h Hie ipn-tion as in nlictlitr Hie ice
oipoi ilion is oi ti not i trust in mon)Hilv is
In fun- tlio couits foi ilecisinn, until tlm lino
iled, ictlon bv Hie gniernn e ill cinli vitli pio.
piali bi IjKiii under Hie Cli'jli l n nilc
cliirtci. So fu as toe eli lines ue brouant under
till, clnrtei it liiikes un ililTerpnce, is le'iids
Ilic mi)Oi'i conduit, veliellui llio ifoiis.iid eoi
piiitlon js oi is- not a Intit within tin' nu inlnif
ot tin- law.
Piist Step Townids Puiiflcation of
the Department in New Yoik
Is Taken.
B) 1 eliMM' WIio fiotu 1 lie AiiOCi lltil l're-.
New Yoik, Nov. IS. Pollco Captain
Heilihy, in command of the Elizabeth
stieet station, and who Is the pollco
olllclal dunged with having insulted
tho Ilev. Mi. Paddock, one of lilshop
Potter's assistants in charge of the
vvotk at tho pio-cathediul, was today
temoved fiom that station. He was
.scut to take command of the steamboat
.squad, whoso cuptuln. Walsh, was .sent
to tho Kllaheth stieet .station, whoso
commander, Titus, took fle'illh)'s placo
at I-ldrldge street. The tiansfci of
Jleillhj' Is put dovvn as tho ihat eftect
of Bishop Pottoi's letter to Ma) or Van
Wck conceining tlie pievalonte of
vlco on tho Ihde Side, which tenltoiy
the nidildge and Hllabetlt stieut sta
tions look after, and in what is known
as the "Heel Light District."
A noticeable change was uppiitoiit
iu tho "lied Light Dlstilct" tonight.
Theio weio rower of these icd lights
to bo seen iu Allen and other stieots
of thu piecliKt. It was veiy ipilet dur
ing the Hi st hours of the night, despite
the Injunctions of Captain Titus, tho
now captain of tho pitclnct, not a per
son was attested in connection with
the vice ciusade,
Ah soon as Captain Titus took hole!
ol tho now placo (an old ouo for him)
lie sent twenty men In citizen.' clothing
to look tor legal evidence against dis
oi doily chuiacteis, espc dally In Allen
stieet and tlio few otliois thoiough
faies infested with those pt-isous, it
wanted evidence, he said, which would
convict and ho told his men to do
their best and get whom thuy could,
as well as what they could, and to get
all they could of both.
II) I'uIujIm Viie nun Tlio Afecciatiel I'li..
Union, Colo., Nov. IS. After being
notllled that soma fiugments of bones
of a human being had been found on
the untitle, near vvheio John Porter
was burned at tho stake. Coroner
Hi aw ii, nnd a Juiy summoned by him,
gutheied up tho "icmains" und held un
Inquest. The July's veidict was to tho
effect that tlio icmains were those of
John Potter, and thut "death vvus at
tho hands of parties unknown."
Termination of Rains Permits a
Resumption of Hostilities
on Both Sides.
Opeiations Began on the Island of
Samnr Against Geneial Lukban.
Rebels Aic Continually Shooting
Into the Gauisoned Towns Amet
ican Reinf oi cements fiom China.
Hi ruluihi- Who linn Tin- Aseoclale-el I'un
Maiilln, Nov-. 1S (Kliflt. unccnsoieil
news by cublogiam since tho American
occupation) Last week witnessed a
veiy considerable Increase in lebel and
Ameilcan activity iu the Hold. Main
skirmishes occuued, and several small
engagements In northern and southern
I.uoti. The termination of the lalns
P'-nnits a t assumption of opeiations on
both sides.
Tlio Americans aio undei taking a
seties of nggiessive movements against
the insuigeiits, notably upon tlio island
ot Saiiiar, against tieneral Lukban.
whoso foi ces hold the entire inland.
w Ith the exceiition of three coast tow ns,
each of vvhle h Is isoned by t'vvo
companies of the Twenty-ninth in
lantiy and a platoon ot nrtlllety.
Tlie rebels are continually shooting
Into the gairisoned towns, and our
foiees have not been suhTcient to ic
taliate eftee tively. Commcie-o in Sanuu
has been at a standstill, nnd most of
the Influential Inhabitants have de
pai ted. CSeneial Hiiro hosairlved the-io
vv ith 250 men. He will hiing eight cinn
paniles of the Second infantiy fiom the
islands of Mirandiiiue, as they may he
needed, and will pioceod energetical! v
to ciusli laikban. Meanwhile,
t'nitcd States gunboats will paliol the
coast to picvcnt the escape of the In
surgent leader. Lukban still holds thu i
membcis of the roily-lhhd teglment
prlsouei s.
Tlie lilies which the paity ol Caiitain
Dcveicaux Shields, nf Companv l
Twenlv-mnth Volunteei lufautiv, lost
last sieptember in. Miiandiiiiie at tlu
time ol the cuptuic, have nut jet been
lecoveied tiom the Filipinos. All th"
Mliaiidlciue gaiiisons aic hi ln" con
tinued. Reiilfoicoments fiom China,
The Kouitecnth Infantiy, vvhiih ie--centlv
auive-d fiom China, will iclievi
the Tweiity-fiist Infantrv fioni duty in
Manila, and tho Twcntj-llfth will u--lieve
the Thli ty-eightli Infantiy iu
southern Luzon, tlte Thhtv -eighth pio
ceedliig to the island ot Panay lo i eln
foice the tioops theie.
The Twenty-eighth inliintiv- will n--lufoice
the gaiiisons iu the island n'
Mludlnao, paitlculoily at Kagii.van,
where an mined time between the- teb
els and the Aniet leans had existed ioi
months past.
Geneial Wheaton, eoinmandlng In the
depai tment of Noithein Luzon, is
.sending relnfoi cements to f'cuetal
Y'oung's piovinces, vvheio the natives
under Geneial Tlnto nnd Aglipay, the
ex-communicated Filipino priest, iin
showing signs of restlessness, despti
Ing the domiciles they have occupied
during tho rainy .season, and jolaiiu,,
under compulsion of fenr, tho Insui
gents in tho island.
Giant's Advance.
Notable among tho week's engage
ments was General Grant's advance,
with Macabebe and Ameilcan scouts,
upon a lebol stionghold thhty-flve-miles
noith of Manila, which was de
fended bv 200 insiiigents aimed .vitli
lilies. Altei skhmlshlng and fighting
for the gtcatci pait of a day and night
tlie enemy was dislodged liom thu
mountain fastnesses and limncnu
iiuuutitlos of i Ice and considerable am
munition dostioycd. Fifty Filipinos'
wcio killed and many otheis Injured.
Tho Filipinos can led nlf their dead.
T'.io Ameihan losses weio eleven prl
utes and one olllcer wounded and one
dacabebo killed. Lieutenant Ficdcilclc
W. Alstaeter, of of the cnglneots, cap
tured by the Insuigeiits In Luzon last
Scmptomber, has sent, with tho pei
liilsslou ol his ouptois, a letter to
Munila, asking for food, money and
clothing, which will be toi w aided to
him by a native iiiunci. His health
Is bioken and his icleaso iuoblem.it1
cal. (icncial MacAithur lias gone lo riu
blg bay with Admit ul Homey on tlio
I'liltcd State.s eiulser niookl)n lor tho
puiposo of esnminiiig the locality. It
is piobahlo that I,S0(i mat lues now In
Philippine vv litem will bo used to ic
lleve ecu tain auny posts, londetliig llio
lellevcd soldleis uvallablo lor otlu
and moio uigent duties. It Is undei
stood that aeueial MacAithur Is con
sldeilng tho ituestlon of moie matlms
In tho vicinity of Sublg. Ho I.s o
peeted to ictuin heio tomouow.
Engineer John Someis Killed Four
Tiaininen Hurt.
II) Who liom Hi Xtwielilril I'icss
Xanesv llio, O , Nov H. A pas-lenger
tialu on tlio Wheeling and Lako i:io
lallioad iuii Into an open suite Ii heio
this iifteinoon, badly wiecklng tho en
gine Tlio cnglnee'r, John Someis, ol this
city, Jumped, but foil under tho wheel
and was killed. Four tiainmou wcio
hint by jumping, and Mis, Saiah
Sclititug, of Louisville, Ky was thrown
over a scat and badly builsed,
Vfaslilutrton, Nov. 18 I'oroe lit ,for
Monday and Tucsdat t'aiteiu I' -f-
vjiiIj. ralr In boutlicraj cloudy, ptoli. 4--f
ahly rain In iiortlieru portion MomLi) s
4- coldci lu tlio afternoon or liltclit. Tuw- -f-4-
ej), lair, colder; vviiida tuoiuiii; (u.U 4
f ' to UrUk uorllicrly.
t -t-f-t-t t-fc