The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 17, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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kprcltl to the Kcrinlon Trllmiie.
Faetoryvlllo, Nov. 16. The funeral
of the late Oreen ltcynolnn, of lu
yiumr-, wbb vunducted from the rest
dewe VFterdn.v at 11 o'clock, ltev. tl.
It. Miimh oMlclntltiK. Interment yas
;?. In "Old Hethel" cemetery.
a. 13. Matthewson will leave Monday
for Washington, 1). C where he will
resume In his duties In the cnnltol
nostofflce department.
Arthur Ilalley met with a serious
Occident Thursday while out fjunnlntr
fct the home of Hiram Wordcn. A
etrny shot struck him In the eye, pass
ing through the eyelid and, perhaps,
entering the eye-hull, hut owing to
the blood clot that had formed the
tihyslclnns could not tell whether the
hot entered the eye or Just passed
through the lid and dropped out. He
may lose the eye.
Mrs. Irving Price, of Moo.tlc and her
mother, Mrs. Kelthllne, of Jennings
vllle, Pa wpic visitors at the horns
or Mr. and Mre. K. L. Wntklns this
Interesting meetings huve been held
at the Methodist Kplscopnl church all
this week. Several prominent ministers
have been assisting He v. lllller.
Miss Harriet Crlsniiin and Mrs. A.
B. Brown spent Thursday at Nlchol
fon. The school directors have decided
that It Is necessary to udd another
teacher to the staff In the graded
echool aricl hav employed Mr. Lloyd
Harding, of Ifatonvlllc. Mr. Harding
entered upon his duties last Monday.
Mrs. J. A. Niver. Mrs. George Wnr
her and Miss Unrtle Capwell, all of
Nicholson, were callers here yesterday.
Miles W. Bliss, of the (Inn of JIIIfs
& Hunt. Is spending the latter part of
this week In New York city.
The firm title of Reynolds & Rosslter
lias been changed to the Keystone
Lumber and Supply company.
Mr. Ace, of Tunkhannock, has ac
cepted a position with O. Matthewson
& Company.
Special to t lie Hcmiton Tritium'.
Thompson, Nov. 16. Miss Eva Sophia,
of Susquehanna, has been spending the
week with her friend. Miss Laura Sum
ner, Just over In Ararat. She will re
turn to her home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Glover cele
brated their thirtieth wedding anniver
sary Tuesday evening, ltev. A. D.
David and several others from Thomp
son were present and report a tine
Mr. and Mrs. C C. Wilinarth and
daughter were in Blnghamton Wednes
day on business.
Miss Blanche Klshpaugh, of Heirlck
Centre, and Harry Crosier, of Thomp
son, were married at the bride's home
on Wednesday at C.30 p. m. by Hpv. AV.
P. Boyce. of the Methodist Episcopal
church of that place. The families of
the contracting parties were in attend
ance. Mr. and Mrs. Crosier will make
their home In Thompson, after spend
ing a week or so with relatives In the
Wyoming valley.
Prof. J. A. Sophia, of Susquehanna,
was a business caller in town Thurs
day of this week.
E. E. Gelatt witnessed the unveiling
of the Soldiers' and Sailors' monument
in Scranton yesterday.
Mis. E. E. Gelatt is spending a week
vlth relatives at Waymart.
R. P. Howard had nn attack of nose
Meedlng Wednesday, which alarmed
his family for n time. He Is much Im
proved at this writing.
Mrs. A. C. Poster has an expert trim
mer In her millinery shop Thursday
and Friday of each week.
W. H. Walker, of Blnghamton, Is vis
iting his sister. Airs. A. C. Foster.
C. It. Bliss Is doing business In Scran
ton today.
Mrs. A. O. Salesbury went to Scran
ton this afternoon to spend a few days
with her hlster. Mrs. William Brandow,
before she goes to California for the
v Inter.
Rev. H. J. Whalen, D. D of Carbon
dale, is in town today.
C. F. Whitney, of the township, Is
loading a car of apples today.
Epcilil to the Scranton Tribune.
Susquehanna, Nov. 1C The school
teachers In Susquehanna county will
probably enjoy an excursion to Wash
ington, D. C In December. Corre
epnndence Is in progress with railroad
companies and hotel proprietors.
Miss Verna Dlx. of Jackson street, a
teacher in the Oakland graded school,
has resigned to accept of a position In
the schools of Mooslc, Lackawanna
county, fche Is succeeded by Miss Car
penter, of Jackson, lute a teacher In
the schools of Wayne county.
Cutters and sleigh bells were In evi
dence on our streets last night. There
was slim sledding.
Miss Grace Uurrhus is ill at her home
on Juckson street.
The Dorcas society will In December
repeat "The' Fcnst of the Seven
At the county court, this week,
Frank Fassett, of Great Bend town
ship, was found guilty of stealing a
horse and wagon belonging fn AVutsnn
Reynolds, of Oakland, on Main street,
Daniel Iteardon. of Susquehanna, and
a young man named Chamberlain, of
Oakland, were on Thursday brought
before Justice Williams, charged with
stealing brass from locomotive:) In the
Erie yard and selling It. Both wero
held. Chamberlain gave ball for his
nppearance at court. Heuidon fnlled to
secure ball, and was taken to the
county jail to await the action of the
grand jury.
George H, Downing, of Blmihamton,
was professionally engaged In town to
day. Rabbit hunters are numerous in the
mountains of tho vicinity,
The Susquehanna board of trade 1ms
elected tho following officer! for the en
suing year: President, Murtln J, Ryan;
vice-president, Clajence K, Tits worth;
treasurer, Edward Doherty: secretary.
William A, Sklnnor; trustees, thtea
years, C, J Curtis, C. I, Fisher, Dr,
Samuel Blnlnall.
At county court, this week, Thomas
Brick, eratvvhlle of Susquehanna, was
couvlcted of breaking .... "nd robbing
the Erie railroad stutlou at Gieut
At county court, this week, Mis. Har
riet E. Scott was tried on the charge
of belnpa "common scold." Her bus.
band, James Scott, was prosecutor.
During the trial It was developed that
tho woman In Innaite, and she will
pi-obtvbly be taken to nn asylum.
Mrs. O. P. Wright, Mrs. A. S. Heno
dlct, Mts. Ella Engle, Mi. L. Ilocka
feller, Mrs. Leon Benson mid MIhr Will
lace were In Wllkt's-Harre nil TlilliK
day, attending the eighteenth annual
nieutlng of the Woman's auxllliirv of
the Episcopal diocese of Central Penn
sylvania. HONESDALE.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Honesdnle, Nov. IB. The closing ex
ercises of tho county Institute wore
held tills morning. Devotional exer
cises were conducted by llev. C. L.
Percy. Professor 11. U. Lnrrabee spoke
on "Ttenchors' Personnl Power." Hu
urged a cultivation of the power of
memory. He gave reminiscences of
former Wayne county superintendents
who had passed away. John P. sStoiJ
dnrd was the first county superintend
ent, then followed Mcsfrit. Perhnm,
Ward and Allen. Dr. Wlnshlp was
called away yesterday. Professor
Howell, superintendent of the Scranton
schools, was called In his place and
spoke at the sceond period this morn
ing on "The Structure and History of
Words." Tho Institute Just closed has
been a success; the attendance larger
than ever. Tho evening entertain
ments were remarkably well attended.
Houesdulc people took deep Interest
and are Indebted to Superintendent
Hower for a week of rare enjoyment
Superintendent Hower is highly grati
fied at the success of the Institute.
Thursday evening the court house was
crowded beyond Its seating capacity
and gave a royal greeting to the J.
T. Watklns Concert company. The
Schubert quartette captured the audi
ence and were obliged to respond to
nn encore for each number. Miss
Matthews was also well received and
Is a wonderful singer. Miss Morris
greatly pleased the audience. She has
a bright future before her. Tho music,
under the direction of Professor Wat
kins was an Inspiring feature of the
institute. Mr. Watklns was given an
ovation when Superintendent Hower
asked if lie would do for the institute
next year.
Friday evening, Nov. 1!3. P. Hopkin
son Smith, the celebrated reader and
recltatlonlst, will fill tho second num
ber In the Christian Endeavor course
at the opera house.
The goods left over from the rum
mage sale are to be sent to some poor
people In the south by the ladles of th?
Presbyterian congregation.
Mrs. Dr. Edward Burns will spend
two weeks with relatives in Scranton.
Mrs. A. T. Searle and son, Charles,
will spend the winter at Colorado
Springs, Colorado.
Hon. K. B. Hardenbergh and daugh
ter.Miss C. Louisa, have been spending
the past week with friends In Paler
sonii N. .1.
Miss Anna H. Tracey has returned
from an extended visit with friends In
Mrs. F. B. Whitney entertained the
Euchre club last evening.
Miss Clara It. Larry has leen the
guest of Port Jervis friends for a few
Mrs. W. W. Wood Is in New York
city, tho guest of friends.
Company E has elected First Lleu
tcnant Nelson E. Bigolow to till the
vacancy caused by the death of Cap
tain Grant W. Lane, Second Lieuten
ant Edward Walsh was advanced to
first lieutenant and Walter Whitney
elected second lieutenant.
In addition to other work tho coop
erage of McKenna Brothers has turned
out 21,000 apple ban els this fall.
Gibbs, Kelly & Company have dis
solved partnership. The" business will
be conducted in the name of Kelly ,t
Fanny Davenport's scenic production
"Fedora" will be presented In the
op;ra house, Nov. 21.
Sprcinl to the Scranton Tribune.
Waymart. Nov. 17. Will Batton and
A. J, Merlon attended the parade and
the unveiling of the soldiers' monu
ment ut Scranton Thursday.
William Phillips leaves today for Mill
Creek, where he has secured a position
from a company near theie, repairing
Mrs. Charles Tuthill has opened up
a millinery parlor at her residence on
Honesdnle street, whore she will be
pleased to show her goods.
The teachers of the Normal school
are In attendance this week at the
Wnyne county Institute.
A largo force under Contractor Nolan
is engaged In laying tho foundation
for the Immense Ice houses near
Keene's pond for the Luke Lodoro Im
provement' company.
The viewers appointed by the court
to award tho damage sustained to tho
property owned by Miss Ora Stephen
son and tuken by the Delaware and
Hudson In the construction of thu
Honesdnle branch, awarded her ?S0fl.
The compuny refused I'd give nioro
than JG00, hence the application to tho
court for viewers.
A, T. Searlo nnd F. P. Kimble, esq,,
were In town last Friday.
F. H. Thompson has purchased the
Varcoe farm on the Dyberry and will
tho first of December more thereon,
Dr. F. F. Price contemplates leaving
for California soon,
M. T. Spangenburg Is engoged at
work In Dunnore.
Mrs. H. H. Albright, of Windsor, N.
Y,, Is visiting her mother.
HALLSTEAD. to the Scranton Trihui'i'.
Hullsteud, Nov. 16. Ice to tho thick
ness of about ono Inch formed on
tho Harmony creek Friday morning.
The three burglars who somo time
ago robbed Ithe Erie stutlnu hero,
wero found guilty at the recent term
of court and given a heavy sentence,
Hon. James T. -DuBols Is confined to
his homo by sickness.
O. If. Johnson, of ftreat Bend, re
centiy sold his furniture and other
business to Susquehanna business men,
who vll carry on the trade In Great
It was reported Friday morning that
John lfungingpr, who was bitten by a
man named Hill and lost the tip of
his noso as a result, l.s threatened
with blood poisoning,
The ynunif ludles of Hallstead nre
going to assist In the minstrel show
to be given In the Young Men's Chris
tian association hall tho first of De
cember. They will appear In black
r A line large open fireplace Is soon
lo br erected In the hotlse of A. F.
Mrmll, on, 1'lnp street.
Mr, Ti in Mays was visiting In
Hi'i-tintnti Thursdny.
Itftvlvitl meetings nip being con
ducted each nlKht In tho Baptist
Alius Jessie Hartley recently moved
from t'hnse avenue Into the lower
(mil of tho llurton house, cornor
rinitktln and Pino streets.
MlbhfiM clrognn, whllft crnsplng a
I rain nt Church street crossing, had
the misfortune to sprain his wrist.
Mrp. K. A. Sands and two children
wjntly mov tl from hero to Union-
wjntly mov tl
I town, Pn,
I At the ner. '
meeting of tho Cen
tury debating club, after the Young
Men's Christian association mlnstroli,
the boys will discuss the question,
T.osnlvcd, Thnt Hnllslend girls ap
P"iir better In burnt cork than other
SpPi'lal In the Suanton Tribune.
Tunkhannock, Nov. 1C Up nt the
court house this afternoon the real es
tate of Ktltntlfil Utni'lr rl.w.nnuml Intn nf
' ?Clnhn1ltl t'na nvnucifl (n tttfltltn onto
for the payment' of debts and wns bid
In by Cyrus Shaw for $1,225. At the
same place the real estate of Betsey
Strong, late of Forkston township, de
ceased, was nlso sold for the payment
of debts and bid In for $301.50 by W. J.
Henry Harding, esq., was In Scran
ton on Thuisdny, In att-endancc on the
ceremonies Incident to the unveiling of
the soldiers' monument nt that place.
Mrs. Catharine Townsend Is In Pitts
ton, where she, will visit her daughter,
Mrs. Fred Selble, for the next two
A series of revival meetings Is being
held at the Methodist church at this
place, services taking plnce every af
ternoon and evening. The principal
speaker is the Rev. Mr. Dunneff, who
comes here from Canada nnd who Is
highly spoken of as a forceful and log
ical speaker.
Martin V. Townsend, of Factoryvllle,
was In town today. ,
J. W. Stark, Justice of the piace. of
West Nicholson, visited his son-ln-IUw,
G. N. Doyle, at this place on Friday.
Mrs. A. B. Mott, a former resident
of this place, but now living at Denver,
Col., is visiting In town for a few days.
In the mntt'cr of the election of rep
rr se native from this county everything
remains as It was. and theie are as yet
no signs of acontest being started.
Sine the experience which Wyoming
county had In the judicial contest some
yeais ago, the people are not Inclined
to be In a hurry to rush Into anything
of that kind. Both sides in the matter
are doing a deal of Investigating on tho
quiet, however.
Mrs. Dennis Mackey, aged sixty
yeais, died at the family residence, on
York avenue, on Thursduy morning,
after a brief Illness. Deceased had
been a resident of Avoca for more than
thirty years, and duvlng that time she
had endeared herself to a host of
friends, who sincerely regret her de
parture. She is survived by two daugh
ters, Mrs. Patrick Coleman, Mrs. Mar
tin Quinn, Misses Mary and Anna at
home. The funeral will take place this
morning at D.30 o'clock. A requiem
mass will be celebrated In St. Mary's
church. Interment will be In St. Mary's
The funeral of Mary Reap took place
yesterday afternoon from the home of
her uncle, Patrick Conlon, of Browns
ville. Services wero held in St. Alary's
church. Interment was made in St.
Mary's cemetery.
The funeral of John Young took place
yesterday afternoon from the family
residence in the North End. Services
were conducted in Langellffo church by
Kev. D. T. Sniytho. Interment was
made in Langcllffe cemetery
The marriage of James McDonald, of
Pltthton, and Miss Anna Burke, of the
West Side, was solemnized In St.
Mary's church on Thursday afternoon,
Rev. M. F. Crane officiating. After the
ceremony they repaired to a pretlly
furnished homo In Hughestown, where
a supper was served to a largo number
of fi lends.
Francis Kane, John MoKonzIe nnd
Thomas Morahan nre spending a few
days hunting nt Lehigh Gap.
A social and entertainment was given
after the regular meeting of the St.
Aloysius society last evening.
Special to the Nranton Tilbune.
Ilawle.v, N'or. 1(1. Dr, 1.. P. Cook's new brick liioni ami Imme are nearly complelcil,
ami uhen done will he an ornament to tint
pail of tin1 town,
W. i", Kn.ipp lus heen appointed district
ascnt fin the .Vmilmctcrn Mutual I.tfc liisui-
ancc iniiipjiit, of .Milunukce, Wis
I'rntertort Crea,v and Koehlcr and the Mlws
Wheeler. Thlcllsc, WIkko. IMnanR Oidfbhl, I.iz
7.le DinlcK I). K. Panli'li and Oni IlollHon aic
intruding teachers' institute at Honeidalc tlih
W, It, Teclcr, of Dunnioro, was In town
'Ihnnd.iy on hiu.lne,
Ito.v KIMjiii, of HlrainiliiK Droie, isited hii
paieulH at the IMd.v W'cdneml.iy.
Ml Curie Kellam U cnJo.Wnir her vacation
at ninnilllli'.' liioM'.
Sarah Kunpp If vUiting friends lit Houesdalo
and AhlcmiMc.
i:. I,. SdilJKcr nml It. W. Murphy called on
Ilunrsililp friends Thursday.
The PreOijterlans are preparing n ruinnufre
sale, lo lie held .it Odd fellows' hall about Nov,
2H. Full particulars later.
Harry Pelhlck has the contract for palntlnu
I lie (lerman church.
Hoy Itulllson is In town isttfnir relilliea.
Hauley will koiiii hue a (rood supply of water
for lire protection, tonietlilni; that has long
hern needed. '
Sir. mill Mis. M, Sheridan liae lately moled
In f. Fi. Tuttle's hous-, piinha-ed of fir, Cook.
.l.iliiCK lliinjnn't little irlil hid a serious fall
a few dm ago, breakinc'lier firm.
MIm KIIm SVhl.iuir. who lus been spending
some tun weeks with her cousin at Madison, N,
.1,, ictiirnrd home a few days a no.
Cliprlef Teeter, of scranton, has moved hli
famllv to llanley.
Mrs, ,, Ti. lllhop is vlsltln her parents at
Special In the Scranton Tilbune,
Unlondale, Nov, fl. -John f,. .Tunes and Stan
ley Norton spent Wednesday In Montrose attend
ing In some leva I duties.
(Jul! tcrly conference was held In the Free
MetliodUt church Wednehday and Tliuisday
(debts. Prcsnllnic Kldrr l.oan ollhlatcd. lie
deliicicd to excellent aeniions.
None of tho losldcnts were enthusiastic oer
th" mow ktoini Thursday, ft meant too early
Mrs. Nathan Finnan is spending a week with
rrMhcs in Starrucca.
Hairy Morgan, our genial acent in flic Krle
depot, lus been called to fill a vacancy at Brant,
He will be substituted by (iuy Foster, of
Mrs. Frank Couch wn welcome visitor In
town Wednesday.
Newton Corey, of Peposlt, N. y Is vlsitlnji
hia parents, Mr, and Mrs. Kil. Corey,
Mis. II. Iloswcdl Is ililtlm; her daughter, Mrs.
A. Lewis, of Carliondale.
Hev. A. lUstman ami family entertained
friends (rum fiolf summit lately.
For a Coid In the Head
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets.
Coughs and Colds
Tho Bemedy that Cures
Catarrh and Bronchitis
by Inhaling four times dally.
Tho Remedy that Cures
by breithlnR It for ten minute every hour.
Sold by all drosrulsts or nciil by mall. Outllt
Complete fl.OO. Trial Outllt, 25c.
Sen I for flvo do' treatment and medical ad
vice tree.
The K. T. Booth Co., Ithaca, N. Y.
Siturilay "The (lunner's Mate."
and night.
All Week Hiinlley-.lackson company.
Gaiety. Three Pajs "social Maids."
'The House That Jack Built."
The best nnd most lecritlniale comedy that
George II. IJrciadliurst hv. plven to the stac;c is
"The lloutc' that .lack Dullt," which was pre
sented at the I.UfHii It-1 nlsht. There is a
rational story out of which srow rational situa
tions and rational dialogue that is ttctcr
thiotiKlinut and in p-iits even brilliant. It I" n
comedy in which there Is a dcp.ulure iiom the
licicr ending complication of incidents and Iden
tities with whlih neaily all of the liter day
liRht comedies have been o abiindmtly supplied.
The story of the comedy is diiectnpss Itbclf.
III. Jack outis a homo which he is hnvlnjj re
modelled and rebuilt, .md Willie Slab is a
paper lianser win, is employed there. Dr. .lack
In-, avkeil Sir I.dwnid Singleton, an .imatc.ii:
nn hltcit unci niithonty on mural ifccorjllcna, to
Kle him some -iic;;t-tioiin cm llitf Interior ool
ciit.Ks. The doctoi and Sir IMward hne neier
met. I)r. Jack has a daughter, Hester, who is
a theorist about social conditions. She sajs
there is no real dignity save In labor. She
nbhois titles anil has told h-r father and pio
(lcimcd to hrr fiicnds that th man she mairics
miist lie an industrious toiler.
Sir Kdwaul hcais ol this and his curiosity Is
amused. He frils that this is the woman for
him, when &ho is cued of her vaaiies, and to
riiiiblo him to woe her .is a working man lie in
ih.ces Willlo Slat, lo employ him as hi-. ivsHtnit
and introduce him as his biothcr. ltcsull, he
falls In loe with Mi-t .lack, she falls hi loe
with him and in tin- end ecr thing is bappilv
stiaighteneel out. I his Is the main tlnead of
the comedy mid from It shoot lateral
threads of comedy which furnish food for niiith.
Thomas A. Wise w.-.s the Willie slab of the
cist and met nml effective he w.ib iti
the rolo of tho man who wns a paper luncrcr
through foice of clicumt.tnccs, but n plumber
at heart. Mule Alircd Klein had a, rule,
gave him an oppoi (unity of doing the most legit
imate woik ol his career, and Mrs. Annie Yea
minis had cne,of Ihoe iccentric characters
which .she revels in. Anita liridgcr
and Jtiss Brandon Hondas added to the
st length of the cast, but the most pronounced
bit of the cscnlni; was undo by Miss Jennie
.mians in the role of l.ilv Union, a iudeile
iili.-t. She appears only once and that is in
Hie third act, but her ten minute imp"! nation
of the Miudcville mtist who can "make good
alike with the stalls and gallery" will nol hoon
be forgotten by those who mv It. The staging
of the play l.s oiicitul and ingenious.
Last night's audience was iinitcouiitaiily cold
nnd did not gin- the artists, the encouragement
they, ineiited.
Presented "Roanoke."
At the Uadcmy of Music )eterd.iy afternoon
tin- Hunt h'.-,l,ick-on compiiiy piecnted "An In
nocent Siniici" nnd ldst night, "Rojnokc."
Tills afternoon "The World" will be the at
traction, and tonight "Mlihasl Strogoff."
"The Gunners' Mate."
ficoige A. fJilday, who sencd as bugler on the
Xcw York, ins been specially engaged to take
p.ut in the prodiutiou of Tho (turner's Mate,"
which Manager Augustus Pitou will present at
the I.unnn this alteriioon nnd nlgiit. The fnit
that nn aitual pnrtiiipint in the "late" wnr is
to take part in the production of a new nual
drama is only a suggestion of the lifc-likcuess
of the play. "The flunnei's Mite" is founded
entirely on incidents in the lives of I'm-Ie Sam's
blue jackets, nml is "mucin out with telling
dramatic force, and with a strong win of
Lomrdy tunning throuish it.
The leisure time of the satlnra is represented
in the presentation of a well-trained singing
cpiartette, some cleer bulk dancers nnd a couple
of the "real things" with the "mlts." Special
lies as they nre, these features nre not dragged
laboriously In, but. nre made entirely consistent
with the story of .the play.
"The (iunncr's Mate" is accounted to he the
strongest production of its kind In recent je'-s,
Scharf-Morrls Stock Company.
Much anticipation will lie slum 11 out the
coming engagement of the Scharf-Morrls Big
Stock company at the cadeniy of Music next
week. The fnct that such well known plajs will
be presented Is enough to claim the attention
of the masses. The icpcrttlr li one of the
strongest cut presented lij any (raiding or
gnnlt.ition at popular prices.
No similar attraction has exer attempted a
rcpeitoiie ns portcntlous as this, 01 one that in
vohes so great 11 care in the mounting of the
plajs. The company, numbering sixteen people,
is said to be unusually closer, and thoroughly
competent to handle ,.ie fine line of productions
mapped out for hie ensagement hre.
The jpceiiltles will also be of the best, all
of the acts being presetted the past summer at
the New Yoik theaters.
Robert Fitzslmmons.
"The lloi.cst Wacksmith," tho new plav In
which rtoln-it PiUslmmons will appear on Tues
day mining nt the Lyceum theater, is one of
the most wholesome and iritural stage produc
tions of the season. While replete with stirring
sitiiatluus, it is free fiom (he usually Impossible
climaxes, it Is a picture play of cteiy day
life put upuu the static and acted so naturally
that it Is difficult to believe while wltnesJng
it thai It u-ally is a theitilcal performance.
The famous old plctuie of tho village smithy
is shown n tho first acl, to like what would ha
expected after reading the poem of the "Ullage
Illaeksmith," tint for the time being all else
Is forgotten. Then Kitrslmmons himself, "and
a mighty man Is lie" appears Id taku up tho
kurdens of the orphan daughter ((Jennie IK'iere)
of his life-long friend, lllght in xlew of (ha
audience the forge U started working, Dob
makes a horse shoe ami shoes a horse,
fu the next act the identical training quartern
with all the athletic appliances used by hlin
at Uergen Ileaih while training for his fights
with Ituhlln and Sharkey uic shown and it is
them that he has tho bout with Hd. Dunkhortt.
In another act V'iU' own home l.s shown, and
tho presence of Mi's, t'itrsiiuiiioa) and little
nobble make It as true to life ai could be pos
sible. Mrs. Wlnslow'B Soothing Syrup
liss been used for mer FlrTV YIlAItS by
Is tin) best remedy for IHUIHHOUA. Sold by
Druggist In cxiiry part of the world, lie, sure
and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup,"
and take no other kind. Twentj-flie ctnU a
Wall Street Review.
New York, Nov. Id, -Although todij's business
In stmU did not tec over hi the full motcsiire ol
last week's. In point of lolnine, the tone of the
trading and the showing nf strength were tlu
tniwl Impelling nnd ublanllal that have been
nude idtico llie'clcctlon. The (eurlsh nnd sensn
tlounl imminent In Ivolnlcd stocks and the India,
criminate rush to buy In a lump were not shown
today. Instead them was n steady and persist,
rut nbsDiptloii of stmks of the best character
With legitimate ccul.ltlc pioHcts ol increased
earning power or iiiiirnril Fccurlty liv rison of
lidded earnings for Junior scdirltlcs. Tin? cistern
trunk lines and the conlcis were rather etinpliti'
ens exceptions and were not laigely trjiird In
nor widely incited, hut Ihrre was no poslllie
Xtejkncss mitilfcstcd ctin there. There was no
Important exception to the upward comsc id
pi Ices, and mining the slocks of rallinaiU all
through the south nnd west Including the trans
continental lines, tho sticngth was nstonlshlnply
linlfi.rni. There was scaiecly a railroad stock
trnded in wllliln those limits that did not gain
at least ,i point, Nut n few- rose two points or
nur, while Ilurtlngton and Atchison preferred
f,nlneil rrspecthrly ,'i?s and SlJ. The soft coal
roads also made n good show of strength. The
preferred slocks of rcoiganled xverc
e.ldcntly the favorites In the speculation fnun
the wny one nfler the other of them was brought
forward Into the trading. Tho-e with propi''t
of Increased riltlcl-nds and those nlteady rei filing
their full cll Iclend rights seemed to be In eciuaj
favor. The Iron nnd steel stocks wero notnbly
strong nnd In Colorado Fuel the gain was 4',s,
In leiuifssee Coal ') nnd In hoop prefnicd SH,
Ollicis of the groun gained two points or up
wauls. The locil trnrtl in stocks and tho high
priced industrials were strong but were not con
spicuous. General Electric got up another Oyj
points. Consolidated (!a ns much. HronMtn
union 0k 4U, while New York ,Vlr Drake made
one of its characteristic sky rm-k't flights of .25
points, relapsing half that amount. Total"s,
The siibstaiitliil character of the billing was
even more manifest In the bund tinrket Hum in
the stock market, high grade bonds coining Into
additional f.imr. Pilies are xcry gcneially high
er. Total sales, pir xnliie, .1,a:0,000. II. S.
bonds were unchanged on the last call.
The following quotations ara furnished Th
Tribune by M. S. Jordan Co.. rooms 7M-100
Mc-ars building, Scranton, Pa. Telephone 3003:
Open- High- Low- Clos.
Ing. est. est. ing.
American Sugar Ill 1.11 1MJA l.TJ'4
Amcrimn Tobacco ....I0M& 111) 101'i lO'l'i
Am. Steel ,t Wire .... Ilvt Irt', II1, 4hj's
Atchison wrrji 3S7S filli BSW
Atchison, IV. Til1, S2',s 7iys SIT',
llrock. Tinctlcm TOi; 7114 701 1 71
Bilto. Ohio hlffi Hit, 8114 SU,
Cent. Tobicco i(GU .lilJ .trt'.f, ?ot,
fhes. & Ohio r.lK ,TI!5 32 3'is
Chic, k (It. Wct. ... i:01 II Ui liJi
Chic., H. .t Q :IVi 1.17H lUVi l7'.i
SI. I'.iul 122't 12114 l7t VH'.U
Itock Hand lli U.-,l ll.l-jg 115 .V Hudson ....llUTt, 117 ltd'; 117
Liu Icnwami.i It, 1! Ml'.i 1S2"j ISI't, Isi
Federal Steel 4S',i fiOTs 4", W.i
IVcloral Steel, Pr. 7.11,'. 77 7314 "
Kin. St Tex., Pr. ,17 33 37 3S
I.ouls. k Naslixllle 7n-'H Sl'l 7l) M,
Man. Klevatcd linVb 110 W UO'i
Met. Traction V',0 Wi7c, lrt'l lnl.
Miso. Paelfio fiO'i fttyrtj 00',; )?i
People's (las fiO'. 100 -fli, 100
.V. J. Central riU HO 1MM 14W
Southern Pacific 41i 4i'i (, 12
Noifolk & West IJHi 4".0i 2V, 4iv,
Korlhern Pacific fi4 rtil'l 01 f,r)i
North. Pacific, Pr. .... 7iili t.014 7')'i SO
N. X. Central 111' i:t'.)',i 11S-J1 1:
Out. & Western 2(! '20 'Jj4 20V.
Penna. 17. It 142 142& llh'i 142
Pacific Mail 13 40 4.1 4G
Itcndlng !ty in lni 10 ln's
ltendln- Hv., Pr 01 0.1 02 f.1
Southern n. It 11 14 11 14
South. R. R.. Pr. 01 02 00 02
Tenn. Coal & lion .... 72U 73 72 74-J
V. S. Leather 13 10 13 1,1
I'. S. Leather, Pi-. 77 77 77 77.
I!. S. Itubber , 37 .WJ !.7
t'ufon P.iclno OS',', 01) fi-5 00
ITnlon Pacitlc, Pr S0 81 S0i 81
Wabash, Pr 20 21 "I1, 21
Wetem Union 84 83 11 83
Open- High- Low- Clot,
WHEAT. ing. est. et. Ing.
December 73 7s 77','i 77
May 1 SI 80 60
nccember 4.1 1.1 42 4271
May 4-2 42 11 41
Scranton Board nf Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Bid. Asked.
Tirst National Dank S00
Scranton Snilngs Hank 300
Scranton Packing Co pj
Third National Bank 425
Dime Deposit and Discount Dank .. 2J0
Economy Light. II. & P. Co 48
Lacka. Trust Sife Deposit Co 130
Scranton Paint Co SO
Clark & Snovcr Co., Pr. 125
Scranton Iron Eence k Mfg. Co 100
Scranton Axle Works 115
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr. 20
Countv Saiings Hank & Trust Co... 30U
First 'Notionnl Hank (Carbondalo) 300
Standard Drilling Co JO
Traders' National Bank 155 ...
Scianton Bolt and Nut Co 100
Scranton Passenger Railway, first
Morlgage, due 1020 115
People's Street Hallway, first mort
gage, due 1919 115
People's Street Railway, General
mortgage, due 1021 115
Dickson Manufacturing Co 100
Lncka. Township Sehool 5 per cent. ... 102
City of Scranton St. Imp. 0 per
cent 102
Scranton Traction 0 per cent 115
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. 0. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.)
Flutter Cieamcry, 2.1a2lc. ; dairy tubs, 23e.
Fugs Select western, 17c; nearby state, 10c.
Cheese Full cream, new, llc.
Beans Per hu., choice marrow, $2.40; medium,
$2.30; pea, f2.M.
Potatoes GOe,
Onions SOc. per bu.
Flour Best patent. ?4.60.
Philadelphia Grain and Produce,
Philadelphia, Nov. 10. Wheat c. lower;
contiact grade, Nov., 71a72c, Com Firm,
c. higher; No. mixed, Nov., 43a43c. OaU
. (or 80UR STOMACH
firm! No. 2 while clipped, 2M,4a2is4e. No. 3
do. do., 20c. Butler Firm, l.t'2e. hlghcri
fancy wcMtrn cteamery, 27c, t do, prints, 30c,
L'gtrs I Inn, one cent higher! fresh tieatby, 27c!
do. western, 20e. I do. southwestern, 2 1c. I "do.
southern, 21c. Cheese Dull and barely steady
New York full ereams fancy small, UillVicl
do. tlo. do., fair to choice, Hul0r, Bclliicd
sugars Slenilv, fair demand. Cotton- Film and
I'lfSc. higher; middling iiiilands, I0c. "Inllow
Steady; city prime In bhils., 4r.) country
prime In btitrcls, 4ntii, takes, fic !.txe
poultry Quiet, Unchanged) fowls, Si'lUe. t old
roosters, t..i7es spring thickens, oa')i'. i
ducks, Dttftr.t geese, llalOc.) ttirkcjs, Il.tlOe.
Dicssed poiiltrV I'lun. good Ipin.nulf fowls,
choice, lPc.,1 tin. fair lo good, tiii)i'.! old Mos.
lir-, 7c. I neiuhv spring chlekens, lOal'.V.; do.
fair lo Rood, Ualic; Uirkcis, choice lo fancy,
llocclpts-I'lolir, l.tld) barrels, and 7,V23,outi
nonnils In ncl,sj wheat, IMJioo liu-licl-, mm,
ItO.OOO bushels! oats, B.OUO bushels. Shipments
Wheat, soo bushels! corn, HUJXM bushels',
oat;, 4,000 bushels.
New York Orain and Produce.
New York, Nov. 10. Flour Market wns weak
and 3 lo 10 cents lower on nil grades. Winter
patents, f.'i.',0a'U0i xvlntci straights, HlOaXiVi:
Minn, patent, V-MlJl-'-H', winter extras, ,im
2.00; Minn. Inkers, $.111.26 1 winter low grades,
I2.43a2.00. Wheat Spot Weak! No. 2 red, 'iSVaC
f. o. b. niloit! No. 2 red, 7iic. elcuitor: No.
1 noithcrn Duliith, f1Ji f. o. b. ntlo-it. Options
weak nnd hciiy nil il.iyi closed weik at i',e.
net decline! No. 2 red Manh closed 7sc !
.May, S0c.j Nov,, 77c.i Dec, 7"c Corn
- Spot easy! No. 2, l.'ic. elevator, nnd 47c f.
o. b. aitual. (inllons declined lor u time, then
milled, but finally jleldcd In the wheal decline.
Slav closed c; Nov., 4 1 lie i Dec, I2c.
Oats-Spot quirt; No. 2, 20c.! No. 3, 23c. j
No. 2 while, 2S'(ic; No, J white, 2V.S track
mixed western, 2,"ia27c. ; track white weste-n,
27o3ltc; track wnlte slate. 27a''j'. Op
tions were very slow nil day and n shade off
with other markets. Mutter I'irnil creamery,
1(i.i27c. ! factory, t.1at!ic: -lime- eieamcry, 1-n
24c; imllntlon crcamei.v, llalSUc; state dairy,
10U2.V, Cheese -Noiniliil; l.nge Sept, fancy,
10cj small September fenoy, llr.i Itrge Oct.
fancy, lOUc.i small Oct. fmcy, 1014c Eggs -Firm!
state nnd Penna, '.'2n2Si', ! western, regu
lar packing, 21a2c. ; wrstein, Ins otf, 27c.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, Nov. 1(1. Cattle Receipts. 3,500;
gonoially steady to strong. Natlies, best on sale
today, I cai In. ids at y.ft', good to prime steers,
S3.40.i3.Sj; poor to iiiccllnni, $4.40,i5.3U; selected
feeders, steady, $3.75al.33; inKcd stockers, slow,
$2.23a3.F5; cows, $2.70a4.25! heifers, $2,7.".i 1.75 ;
canncrs, steady, fl.oOi2.6n; bulls, steady, 82.25a
4.50; calves, 9l.iS.7S. Texans, receipts 11)0; best
on sale today, 3 carloads at fl; fed steers,
$lni; Te.a3 grass steers, S.1.3"ut.l3; bulls,
$2. 25.13. ."5.
Hogs Iteceipls today, 27,000; tomorrow, 20..
000; estimated left over, 3,01X1; inor.igu shade
higher; top, $5.12; mixed and hutehcis, V"
n.1.12; good to choice heavy, isl.85a3.ltl: rough
heavy, IM.70.U.80; light, 8l.73a3.12; hull: o
sales, $I.OOa5.
Shccep HecelptR, fl.OOO; choice wethers nbout
Btcacly; ewew, 1 to 23 cents lower; lambs,
weak to 10c lower; good to choice wethers, flu
4.25; filr to choice mixed, S3.; western
sheep, $4a4.25; Texns sheep, $; native
lambs, ?1.50a5..13; western lambs, ir-2.G0a2.7S.
Chicago Grain and Produce.
Chicago, Nov. 10. Wheat was weak today,
closing with a net loss of lc. ; torn closed
c. and oats, ac. lower. Provisions vveic Ga
12c. down. Cash iniotations were as follows;
Flour Dull and ensv; No. 3 spring wheat,
67a72c. ; No. 2 red, 71a7!c; No. 2 corn,
30c. ; No. 2 yellow, 39c. ; No. 2 white, 2iia
27c; No. 3 white, 24n2(!c. ; No. 1 flax, $1.70;
No. 1 northwest, $1.71; timothy, S4.la4.20;
pork, ?10.50a10.02; lard, i7.20a7.2-; ribs, $0.00
a7.2i; shoulders, 5a3c. ; whiskey, $1.27.
New York Live Stock.
New York,' Nov. 10. Hecves-Steady, 10 to 25
cents off and slow. Steers, $4.30a5.00; to;.i,
$,".B0; oxen and stags, 4.10al.60; bulls, ?2.ri0a
3.50; cows, s)l,2a3.W; choice fat cows, ill.
Calves, veils steady: grassers, easier; about nil
sold; veals, &jaS.50; little calves, S4; grassers,
Shieep Slow: lambs, steady; choice lambs,
Him: sheep, Ij2.50i4.23: culls, $2: lambs, S.'a
6.85; culls, $1; Canada lambs, 3.7B.
Hogs None for salo; nominally firm.
East Liberty Stock Market'.
East Libel ty, Nov. Id. Cattle Steady; extra,
$5.50a5.05; prime, $; common, $3a3.50.
Hogs Active; pi line hc.iv Irs, S5.15a5.20; med
iums, 3.15; best jorkcrs, t5.12a5.15; roughs,
Sheep Steady; choice wetiicrs, 'lat.lO; com
mon, $1.50,12.50; 'clioice lambs, $3.23a5.50: com
mon to good, 'J.I.SO.iS; veal calves, $7a7.50.
Oil Market.
Oil City. Nov. 10. Credit balances, 105; cer
tificates, no bid. Shipments, 04,057; average,
03,.I19. Itui.s, 111,022, aicrage, 00,137.
100 Reward $100.
The reuders of tiiis paper will ha pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science lias been able to cure in all Its
stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
U the only positive euro now known to the
medical fraternity. CuUrrh being a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Caturih Cure is taken internally,
acting dlicctly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of tho si stem, tlicrcby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving tho patient
strength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing ita work. The proprie
tors have so much faith in its curative powers,
that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any
cacs that it fails to cure. Send for list of testi
monials. Addicss. F. J. CIIKNT.Y It CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills arc the best.
RometlliesneecloarelltWfl, monthly, wgnlsthn, mndlelna. Onlr hsrmloas tS.i
tho purest drugs saoald b ued. It you want th bast, get
Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal PEBto
Thoy aro prompt, safe and certain In result. "
Tho "-''(no (Dr. Peal's) never disappoint. Sold ftr SLOOper box.
For Sale by JOHN
Spruce street.
We will pay tho abovo reward for any
case of Llvor Cotnplalut, Dyspepsia, Siclt
Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or
Costivoness wo cannot ouro wltli Llvorlta,
tho Up-to-Diito Littlo Liver Pill, when
the directions are strictly complied with.
They are purely Vegotablo and never
fail to give satisfaction. 25o boxes con
tain 100 Pills, loo boxes contain 40 Pills,
5o boxes contain 15 Pills. Bewuro of sub
stitutions and imitations. Sont by mull.
Stamps taken. Nervita Medioai. Co.,
Clinton and Jackson Sts., Chicago, 111.
New Discovery By
The Mioses Bell
A Trial Treatment PREn To Any
One Afflicted With Hair on Pace,
Neck or Arms
Wo hnvo at Irjit mndo tlio dlsoovcrr
which lui.s linfllrd chninl-'t? nuclnll othen
for uoiitiiilt'S -Unit of nli'Wliitoly destrnr
Ing niippi lions liulr, tout unci btnucn,
entirely mid iieriiinnciitly. and that too
without Itiipiilrlng In nny tray tho finest
nr most scnsltlvo sliln, It. la icnrcely
possllilu tci tbo Iniportatice nf
tliljtllsoiivory, ot-tho urcnt go'jil ulidBntls.
fnctloii It will bo to those iillllc-tccl tfitU
cmocif tho must tlli.'lgiirlnir nnd aggravnt.
IngliletiilshcR tlmtcif stipcrlluoutilialron
tho faco of women, rhelbor Itlw n inns
tncho or growtli on tbo nouh, choviks or
Tho MIssm ncll'linvo thoroughly tested
its olflcitcy nnr nro itonlrous that the full
.ncrltsof tholr trentmenf to which thoy
huvo il ven tlio dcscrlptlvo nnrno of "Ktl.I,
ATjIMIAIII" shall be Ictmvv n to nl! nffilcted.
Tci this end it i rbil will bo sent frco of
chin go?, to nny Inrtv who will write for It.
Without u cent nt cost you can tco for
yourselves whnt tho discovery Is; tho
ovldetii'o of ynur own scnsc-ir will then
convltic-o you thnt tho treatment "KILL-AI.L-HAIlt,"
will i-hl you of one of tho
(rreiitcst elrnwlmcki) trt perfect loveliness,
tho growth of superfluous hnlr on tho faco
or neck of women.
Illnn.fl im.lnMi.M ...1 1. ( nmVAnill ,la..S,a
Nl ie;,tovi Hiiitviouummii'it.i', .ow..,i.vm.u
Rtrntlnn of our tnuitracnt costs you'
tiotlilnK. A trlul will bo wjut, you free,
which you can i?o yourself nnd prove our,
clalnio by sending two thumps for inttillng.
78 & 80 Fifth Avenue, Now York
The Hisses Bell's Completion Tonic ts a,
h.irinloss liquid for oxtornul application to
thoHlcln. It romoven entirely nil f reokles,
mot ti, blackheads, pimples, unci tun, nml.
euros tuititely ncno and cvvemn. nnd
beautltlia tho coratiloxinn. Pni o $1.00 per'
bottle, three bottles (usually required to
ch'iii' tbnccnnploxlon) $3.75.
The nissec Hell's Capitis Renova is a!
preparation for nntuiitlly restoring ttiay
lock's to tholr original color. Capllla
Ucuovais really n Hnlr Food, and strength
ens nnd Invigorates tho hnlr In a natural
way, and thus restores Its original color.
Prlco $1.50 por bottle. i
The Misses Btll'.s. Skin Food Is a soft,
creamy, exquisitely scented ointment, for
mild coscm of roughness, redness, pimples,
etc.; is e cure in Itself. Is an excoflcnt
rptlrlntr cream Price 78 cents per Jar.
The Misses Bell's Lambs' Wool Soap is
made from pure oil of Lambs' Wool. Trice
V cents per cake.
A completo lino of nbovo exqulsitn
preparations arc always kept in stock, and
can ivo id from oi'r local agent-
Lager -
ManufactureM 9f
485 to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telephone Call, 2333.
I Hli lllUllvl
iTbcse tiny Onpanlea ar-
irvat in in oonri wiinauunM
inconvenlenco, nflectlon M1Jt
ijn wbtch Copnlba. irHV j
bebes and Inlncltone fa
Pharmacist, ccr. Wyoming svenue and
ILL. i
;;jv . s
linis is
V 3t
t -"r f Jii",r
'-M- JgMi,w ' T t-V.v-
f j.
,U'lAJi.-IMilM ," .11 JS.i
-s A'
." 4 AsJf