The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 17, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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r 1 ' J V
The Aged Woman Fractured Her Hip
on Wednesday nud tho Shook Re
sulted In Her Death Farewell
Party Tendered Mies Dora Jones.
Situation at the Oxford Unchanged.
Thanksgiving Services Inquest In
York Case Other Matters of In
terest. Mrs. Hopkln Williams, of Eynon
street, who fell In the kitchen of her
homo early Wednesday morning and
fractured hor hip, died at - o'clock yes
terday morning1, as the result of her
Injuries, She was born In December,
3823, at Iilantrlsant, Glammorganshlre,
South Wales, and came to America in
3849, settling In Pomeroy, Ohio. In De
cember, 18GC, she came to this city and
had resided here e"cr since, nearly all
tho time on Eynon street.
Deceased was of an amiable dlsno
Fltlon and, her children were every
thing to her. She Is survived by tho
followlnc sons and daughters: David
ft. Lewis, who resides in the west; Mr.
:i!. J. Hughes, of North Bromley ave
nue; Mrs. Jamca Jeremiah, of .Lafay
ette street, and Select Councilman
Hichard II. Williams, of Academy
The following grandchildren and
rreat-grandchildren also survive her:
John R., Watkln and Norma Williams,
Mrs. William N. Chase, Mrs. George T.
Jones, Mrs. W. H. Wright, of Phila
delphia; Miss Elizabeth Jeremiah, Will
iam It. Hughes, Samuel It. Hughes,
.Tames Jeremiah, jr., grandchildren;
Bessie, George, Alice, Raymond, .Tean
nette and Elizabeth Hughes, and Kulh
Chase, great-grandchildren.
The funeral services will be held at
ihe house on Eynon street at 2.30
o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Rev. D.
V. Jones, of the Tabernacle Congrega
tional church, and Rev. ,T. R. Sweet,
of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal
church, will officiate. Interment will
be made in the Washburn street ceme
tery. Jackson Street Baptist.
'At the Jackson Street Baptist church
special services all day tomorrow.
Morning prayer meeting at 0.30, leader,
Brother Matthew Holley. At 10.30 the
pastor, Rev. Thomas do Grucliy, D. D.,
will preach. Sunday school at li p. m.,
Alfred Roberts, superintendent. Even
ing service at 7 o'clock. The choir, as-
Good Enough Cough
remedy. Dufour's French
Tar is what you need.
Hosiery Fashions
For Ladies.
l An exhibition of the latest and worthiest productions
in Ladies' Fancy Hoiiery will interest many of our
visitors on Saturday,
The full season's line will be, shown in a special
tf display at and near the
(i yon art. in a hurry and have only time to give a
passing glance at
The Latest Hosiery Prettiness
See Our Windows on Saturday
Many new and attractive novelties have lately come
to hand and one of the most astonishing things
about the new productions is that some of the most
beautiful are easily within the reach of the most
moderate purse.
There Won't Be
fc)om to Show 'Em
;fc In detail on Saturday, but if you ask about them
;.- you'll find that we have the most complete Hue of
p: Cashmere Hose for Iufauts' and Children's wear iu
-" the city. All sorts and sizes are here at yur com
mand. t
Special Bargain for Saturday Only
ioo dozen Ladies' Iugrain Hermsdorf Dye Hosiery,
f black, w th split feet. The regular price is 370 a
pair, and they're tull regular made aud a good me
dium weight.
Bargain Price on
Saturday Only....
1 ti
slHtod 'by William Htniiton, 'cornetlBt,
and William Allen, violinist, will lead
the pralsa nervlce, which will )c fol
lowed by an aildresa on "Our Homo
JtlHHlon Work," by Airs. Harriet Newell
.Tones, secretary. Tho nubile Is cordial
ly Invited to come.
You wilt llud that the Jackson Street
Haptlafc church In comfortably warmed
by tho now steum heater just nut In,
fo nous need fear tho cold. The change
from hot water to steam Is very much
Tho Uaptlst Young People's union In
itial supper was a success In every
way. Tho attendance was good, and
the expected sum was realized which
hAs to bo made at each supper.
The Torn Thumb wedding Is rehears
Inir and will soon be ready.
An Enjoyable Party.
A few friends of Mlis Dora Jones,
of 327 South Hyde Parle avenue, ten
dered her a farewell party last evening-,
prior to hor departure for Pitts
burg, where she will net as brides
maid on Nov.. J!) at tho wedding of
Isaac Frosser, formerly with S. It.
Jones cv Co., of North Main avenue,
and Mlas Margaret Evans, of Pitts-bui-K.
The evening was enjoynldy spent In
amusements of various kinds. Vocal
and Instrumental sulwitlons were ren
dered by Campbell Hughes and Dan
iel Johnston, two clever negro come
dians. Miss Jennie Louis sang "Tho
Girl I Should Have Married Long Ago '
In an excellent manner, and Miss Kate
Mulderig played piano hclectlons and
took si flashlight of the group. Re
freshments were served by the ladles.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Pcthrick, .Mr. and Mrs. Gwi
lym Jones, Mrs. Jemima Jones Gordon,
Mrs. Itachaol Hopkins, Mrs. Daniel
Davis, Misses Josephine Iuxemberger,
Jennie I-ewls, Mary Price, Rattle Da
vis, Ruth Davis, Margaret Jones, Jen
nie Pethtick, Dora Jones, Kate Mul
derig, Tessie Kcegan: Messrs. Philip
RInsland, Einlyn Jones, Campbell
Hughes and Daniel Johnston.
Doctor of Philosophy.
Rev. Frank J. Mllman, pastor of the
Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church,
has been notified that the degree of
doctor of philosophy has been con
ferred ui)on him by thu trustees of
Richmond college.
The notiUcatlon came in a letter
from Row George W. MacMillan, D.
D., Ph. D., president of Richmond col
lege, which is located at Richmond,
Jefferson county, Ohio.
Thanksgiving Services.
Tho union Thanksgiving service of
the English churches of tho West Side
will be held in the Plymouth Congre
gational church, on Jackson street.
The service will bo preached by Rev.
James Rennlnger, pastor of the Hamp
ton Streel Methodist Episcopal church.
Other parts of tho service will bs
taken by Rev. J. R. Sweet, Rev. John
P. Moffat, Rev. S. F. Mathews
Frank Mllman, Rev.. E. A. Boyl.
Inquest in York Case.
Coroner Roberts conducted an In-
Hosiery Department, but if
25c a Pair
I?. fill
quest yesterday afternoon in the case
of Alary Jano York, tho young woman
who died suddenly at tho homo of her
parents on Jackson street last Tues
day morning.
There was no evidence to show that
any suspicious clrcitmmstancos were
connected with tho case and tho Jury
rendered a verdict that she curne to
her death as a result 'of an overdoso
of strychnine, taken to relieve pain.
Sliver Anniversary,
On Thursday evening, Mr. nnd Mrs.
M. f. Kramer celebrated their silver
anniversary at ithe home of their
daughter, Mrs. David Saunders, of
Lafayette street. They were tho re
cipients of many benutlful and Use
ful tokens of tho regard and esteem
In which they are hold by their many
At a reasonable hour a bountiful re
past was served, after which the guests
were entertained by Miss Myrlltln
Kramer on tho piano and Altlo Shafor
on tho banjo.
Tho following nltendiVI: Mr. nnd
Mrs. Shafer, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stark,
Mr. and Mrs. David Saunders, Mr.
and Mis. J. Saunders. Mr. and Mrs.
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Stevans, Mr. and
Mis. A. Frit?, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frltss,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Ross, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Hughes, Mr!
and Mt a. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Poust,
Mis.' Lowry, Misses Sweeney, Davl"S,
Kiitz, Kronier, Poust, Stevans, ilughc.4
and Messrs .Mile Shafer nnd George
Funeral of Owen Reese.
Rev. S. F. Mathews, pastor of (ho
First Baptist church, nfllciatod at the,
funeral of the late fiwen Reese yes
terday afternoon. The rorvlces were
'ondtlcted at tile home of deceased's
brother, on Acker avenue, ilellevue.
The p.lll bearers were George Davis,
Thomas Lewis, Nicholas Fox, Llewel
lyn Morgan, John AVilllams and Frank
Revim. Interment was made 111 tho
Washburn street cemetery.
Mrs. James R, Hughes will lead the meeting Sunday afternoon at
;;.)." o'clock at the West Scrantoa
Young1 Women's Christian association
rooms, corner Main avenue and Scran
ton street. Young men are cordially
welcomed to this service.
The- Young People's melt-ty of the
First Welsh Congregational chinch
met on Wednesday evening at the home
of Miss Margaret Davles, on South
Main avenue, and decided to hold an
entertainment and social Wednesday
evening, Jan. 0, l'JOl. Particulars will
be given later.
William Cannon, the mail-carrier,
was stiuek by a street ear at South
Main avenue and Washburn street last
evening and was slightly Injured. He
was assisted to Dr. Moylan's ollloe,
where his injuries were attended to.
An enjoyable party was held lust
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fletcher, on Luzerne stieet.
Patrick Hoban and Mirs Catherine
Clark, of Ummct 'street, were married
by Uov. J. J. Ruddy at St. Patrick's
Catholic church Wednesday morning.
They were attended by James Dean
and Mif.s Winifred Dunn.
The Robert Morris lodge of IvorltM
will soon tender a reception to W. R.
Lewis, Thomas P. Daniels and Edward
James, jr., three of their members who
were recently elected to otlleos within
the gift of the people.
I Tuninprnie'H Ki.rvin.'K lit. thi. churches
will be as follows:
Dudley Streel Baptist church
Preaching by the pastor. Rev. J. Ii.
Kreamer; services at 10,:!0 a. m. and
T.;:n p. in.; morning subject, "To the
Work": evening subject, "Weighed In
the 13alancc." The regular evening
services will be followed by shori re
view services. The pastor will sing a
solo at the evening service. Sunday
school at 12 o'clock. K very body wel
come to all services.
Tripp Avenue Christian church
Sunday school 10 a. in. 1'reaehlng by
the pastor, J. M. Pabney: morning
subject. "The Church and tho Truth."
All made welcome.
Dunmore Presbyterian church Hew
W. II. Gibobns, pastor. Subject for
Sunday, Nov. IS: Morning, at 10.30,
"Improving tho Opportunity of
Grace"; evening, at 7.30, "A Monument
of the Old Time." Strangers welcome.
Dunmore Methodist Kplscopai Res-.
A. J. Van Cleft, pastor. The pastor
will occupy the pulpit at both ser
vices; morning subject will be "Tho
Two Brothers, or the Responsibility
ot Urotherhond." In the evening, the
pastor will preach to the Independent
Order of Odd Follows. All Odd Pel
lows aro Invited. The subject of ths
llvu-mlnuto talk to children will be
"Tho Oronles." Sunday school at 2.30.
Seats free and all made welcome.
Cards are out announcing the com
'ing marriage of Mr. William Eeck
lnnn to Miss Mable Nnllln, the wed
ding to take place at tho residence of
Mr. William Norrls, of South Hlakely
street, on Nov. 20 ,
The school board will again attempt
to muster a quorum tonight.
Francis, the youngest child of Mr.
and Mrs. William McKenna, Is im
proving after its recent severe sick
ness. Tho revival services at the Baptist
church lust night wore In charge of
Uov. Dr. Heading, of the North Scran
ton Baptist church. It proved one ot
the most enjoyable of tho very suc
cessful series of meetings that have
been held In that ohureh during tho
past two weeks. The singing of sev
eral solos by tho pastor, He v. J. H.
Kreamer, was a most, Interesting part
of tho service. ,
Mrs. Thonuis Grady, of Kast 'Drin
ker street, died at her home last
night. She was one of the oldest resi
dents ot this place, greatly beloved by
nil who knew her, for her many lova
ble traits of character, The funeral
will take place fromuher late homo
Sudiuo' afternoon at U o'clock.
The Ladles' Aid wouloty of tho Dud
ley Street Baptist church willservo a
simper iu Ihe cliurch Tuesday evening,
Nov, 20, from 5 until S o'clock. Sup
per 13 cents: public cordially Invited.
Tho members of Dunmore lodge, 810,
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, aro
requested to meet In their hall on
Sunday night at 7 o'clock, to attend
bervlcea in Methodist Kplscopai church.
Special Sale.
Beady to wear garments of all kinds
for ladies, misses and children at a olg
reduction In prices, in our. cloak de
partment today. Mcara,& Hagen.
By exclusive Wlr (com The Associated Press.
Malunoy City, Nov. 10. Ous ltuhlln arrived
here thin afternoon anil ginned uitjcha of usice
iimit for a match lth Jeffries," width Iml been
fonvaided (o Mm bete, and which ludalieady
'jcecn ilifiicj liy Jcllric. 'li"f reftreu U to he
either Churley White or (Icorite Siler, and At.
Smith is named in thu agreement u stakeholder.
A Number of Her Friends Gathered
last Night at Her Home on Cedar
Avenue Patrick Coyne injured In
a Most Peculiar Manner John
Rosnr Run Over Funoral of Little
Mary Fenton Cigar Factory to Be
Opened Again Funeral of Mrs.
Anna Kunz Other Notes.
Miss Gertrude DePuy, of Cedar ave
nue, very jileasantly entertained a
number of her friends at her homo
last evening. During the social ses
sion several vocal solos were rendered
by James O'Malley, Nora Howard and
Margaret DePuy and games of all
kinds found eager participants. Later
In the evening refreshments were
served and all present voted Miss De
Puy a charming hostess,
Those present were: 'Misses Alice
Phillips, Hannah Davles, Norma Reese,
Lena Miller, Katie Collins, Annie Kear
ney, H. Fiirroll, Mary Tysler, Nellie
Glbbs, Utirbara. Glbbs, Mary Council,
Margaret Howard, Lucy Tysler, Nora
Howard, Margaret DePuy, Oertrude
DePuy, Sophia ThoniilH and Misses An
nie and Jennie liurke, of Plymouth;
and Messrs. John Connors, Mart Glbbs,
Martin Flaherty, Will Golden, Michael
Roland, Thomas Shea, Edward Scott,
Louis Morlarlty. Edward Norton, Ar
thur Price, Robert McLane, Lester
Adams, James Henderson, John Mati
gan and James Holfron, of Plymouth.
A Peculiar Accident.
Patrick Coyne, of South Plttston ave
nue, an employe of the Scranton Brew
ing company, met with a distressing
and peculiar accident yesterday that
may cost him tho sight of his right
He was cleaning an old cob-webbed
beer barrel which had an accumula
tion of gas In It, and was handling it
pretty roughly, when tho gas forced
the bung of the barrel and it flew out
with grent force, catching him square
ly in the eye and badly bruising that
organ. He was taken to Dr. Manioy's
otllce for treatment, but the damage
was done and must await develop
ments. Special Sale.
Ready to wear garments of all kinds
for ladles, misses and children at a big
reduction in prices, in our cloa': de
partment today. Mcars & Hugcn.
In attempting to jump on a farmer's
wagon, Thursday, John ltosar. the
young son o' Valentine ltosar, of Irv
ing, slipped and fell beneath the wag
on, which passed over his right leg.
near the thigh, badly bruising that
member, Dr. J. J. Walsh attended to
the young fellow's injuries.
The funeral of May Kenton, tho
young girl who was so badly burned
Tuesday and who died ot the I-aeka-wanna
hospital, took place yesterday
afternoon. Interment was in the Ca
thedral cemetery.
Fred and Will Heinz, both popular
young business men, of South Scran
ton, will open Monday a cigar factory
at 1011 South Washington avenue.
The funoral of Mrs. Anna Kunz took
place yesterday afternoon from the
home oC her mother, Mrs. Sprandel,
of Stone avenue, and was largely at
tended. Services were held at the
house by Ilev. V. A. Nordt, of the
Hickory Street Presbyterian church,
who paid a beautiful tribute to her
Christian character. After the services
the cortege moved to Plttston avenue
cemetery, whew Interment was made.
Owing to Thursday being rather in
clement. Foreman Nicholas had his
gang of men grade Cedar avenue Inst
night for the new pave. As cold
weather is drawing near, every oppor
tunity for (lnlshing the contract is
being taken and the work so far has
progressed rapidly.
Willlnm Horbaeh, of Cedar avenue,
who recently purchased a new ISdlson
grand concert phonograph of J. H.
Burgess, will give a concert tills even
ing at Athletic club house. Alder streel.
The gospel meeting of tho South
Scranton Young Women's Christian
association Sunday afternoon at :ur
o'clock vlll bo led by Miss Kate T.
Smith. All women and girls are in
vited to attend these services. Miss
Lizzie ltentschlcr led tho gospel meet
ing held last night by the Loyalty club.
The class in Gorman will receive In
struction tomorrow afternoon between
C and 0 o'clock.
The services in the Cedar Avenue
cliurch Sunday will be tho same as
usual, with the exception of a talk In
the evening on the work of the recent
Epwortli league convention, which was
held In Oneonta, N. Y., by Uev. F. P.
Doty, who was a delegate, All people
are Invited to attend these services.
William Cooke, of 172" Prospect ave
nue, is very 111 at his homo with In
llnmmatnry rheumatism.
Tho wedding of Miss Anna Barrett,
of Prospect avenue, to John Hlgglns
will be solemnized next Wednesday in
St. John's church.
All South Scranton news of every de
scription if left at tho South Side
news-stand, Humphrey's drug store,
Century Hose House or Neptune Kn
glno houso will be promptly intended
Born, to Mr. and Mrs, John Baltus,
of Kim street, a bouncing baby boy.
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Broaebler, of
Cedar avenue, are receiving congratu
lations upon tho advent of twins two
baby girls. ,
MUa Caroline V, Dorse), who lelnriied Irow
Japan but a short Uipp ujto, where she h:n htcn
rncawMl as a mUslouar), ledum) in Hui 1'iovl.
tleneu l'iv.l)) churili lat evening on "'lite
Sunrise Kingdom." "lite ihurih wm llhil with
an npiu'ivlalh'i' audience. Many ttcrn)itlioiMi'kVa
of the land of the Mikado were shown, "lillo
KlJIma Jlaa San ami NakanNhlo, two ,jp.ines.i
ladle who iiciimipany illm Poisey, appeared in
their Oriental Urease. Mlvs Porty u a wry
iilKht .vuuii',- woman, a lluciii and eloquent
speaker, llcfore her dcpaitmo for Japan, MU
Graln-0 is pot n sUmulnnt. like
coUcu. It in a tonic and iu ciTeots
wo permanent.
A successful substitute for colTce,
because it has tlio coil'eo flavor that
everybody likes.
Lots of colTeo substitutes in the
market, but only ouu food driuk
AH grocers; J3c, and'iJC. .
I . h
r ...,v iMwi-tfi. ' -
; . l'
" . ,
U CfilMgo, III., July 30, 1900. 1 ' ,'
11 Warner's Safe Cure Co., I)
Gentlemen t I am pletsed to suy a
l few words of praise for Warner's Safe
Cure, as I find It a tonic with excellent -
ft "il rasisiiliftfTOMii Wh'n the sytcm b 'xnausUd )
MKwHBBBHiyppW being overtaxed or run dawn, with a
HlHflffKsEYyiwjj senle f genual debility, I know of I)
ri BSSff BB8Blif5n notmnS which acts so promptly and
yStasisMMEpsBslsBJBjWBiij satisfactorily on the entire system as I
Ef f fflKtXl ''" e Cure. I
Chf'istsnsc InBISil I( st!muAtes the app'1 "
wiviwv) nl9(i 'ucm s'Mp' ftnt wl,cn anvne cn ' (
fVif fnft?CC HIHsBiV f ,Mp wtl,',henMltnwi11 won be
U y r 4 rJ&wWflf It is well worthy the praise of all. V-
H LheiOUld, 9H Yoursverytruly,
If WARNER'S gpn Cttffr IsHHA ))
g alC yUl C IWH (Princess Carmynislcl.) IV
H Chicago, 111., Sepu2 1, 1900. HHSfiSSnB " ""'
M Warner's Safe Cure Co., 3IWHHEm8kKdsHDI
H Gentlemen Although in my 80th WBIHbMJJHSHHHPIHPm
U year, 1 am up and around 365 days of E WBga!?rar ffSKfr ifWliJ
E3 the year. I can walk two miles with- wmmlmmmUmtmtiiumMtUttmtii
EJ but latiguc, in fact, prefer it to driving. '
M For the past ten years I have used H
H no medicine except Warner's Safe I
H Cure, and find it keeps me in h
IB good health. n
Before that time I suffered often with H
H headache and pains in my back and E
M shoulde.s, but since I have used the fl core daudi tr- '
D Safe cure, lhavebad wither ache nor U hMtE SAMPLe
If cain. It is certainly a remarkable life- U Send poui for in umpii ts
giver, and I cheerfuUy give it my R wrSnr,'.!f.,! cHur5 0o,
II hearty endorsement. H Rochester, N. V
O Youro truly, W jfemfoit ifisver. , .
' .:.
''lilt" ' lWHsMBBHWMl'itiLi"' '' " ; ' " "".'.l' " " &r
Doraey had a latge clas in elocution, proxius
herself to he a wry iMpahlc teacher in that
.study a well ai in del tarle. Mi-s Dorsey
lMontrlil lack from Japan several souveniis uliioh
t.lie cxhlhited at the rr.ntltiMcm of the enter
tiiinnicnt. A short tocial t.os.sion was held.
'Ihe Keystone club will pioduce a iiicltMlrama
iu the Auditorium Th.itiK?L;iini," ni'ht, mtltloil
"Tho Conict's Daiuhttr."
Jin. W'olf and daughter, of Church avenue,
hac returned from Nantieoke.
Kuicne Myers ot's Summit, was tlie
Kiie-l of friends in this section estcrda;
Tiiete will he a nueiliK? at Leon ml lull,
I'rni ideitre, of nil tlie cnip'o.cs of the West
Itidije this ecniiis; at T.::o o'clock wh'n A new
local union will he ortranizid. All rmploycii are
urmcslcd to be present.
Special Sale.
Iteatly tt. wear gannods ot all kinds for ladies
misses and chihhen at a bit; reduction iu prices,
in uui cloak depaitnicnl today.
" Mear i: llt-en.
'I lie Ladies' Aid of the Often Ititlise llaplist
elinrih will have a take ami candy i-alu on the
Wednesday cu'iiim? preceding; Tliatiksiritiui;.
Special Sale.
Heady to wear L'.miiuiU of all Kinds for ladies
misses and thili'icn at a bits reduction In prices,
in uur cloak department today.
Mean, i: Hagcn.
Small Things That Have Led to Mo
mentous Results.
From the Ilostou Journal.
No one underestimates tho import
ance of trifles In these days of atentlon
to detulls; still, it's dlrllciilt to appre
ciate the momentous results that cer
tain pnmll things may bring forth.
There's n: petite woman known to tho
writer, for instance, who is now a most
successful teacher of languages. Ton
years ago she was so slender and small
that, while her qualifications were ad
mitted to lie all that could be desired
by the persons to whom she applied for
a position, one and all decided that she
was much too young to rule the schol
ars who would bo under her control.
Finally, one day, thu girl started out
In desperation to make a visit to the
principal of one of the largest schools
In the city, and she felt so very dis
heartened that she put on a trailing
black gown that had been dlsenrded as
too mature for one of her years, and a
prim little bonnet hat well nigh cov
ered her bronze hnir, and so attired In
consonance with her feelings, made a
Until appeal for work. This was a sur
cessful one.
Later tho head of tln readonly told
her that he had been misled Into be
lieving her much older than shu was
by her clothes, and that when he saw
her next, looking younger than some of
her scholars,, his heart sank within him
and he would have willingly canceled
tho bargain then and there If ho could.
Another frank woman admits that
it Is doubtful If she would ever have
had a chance of accepting the man who
afterward became hor husband if It
hadn't been for a new mode of halr
dresslng, It was a very fascinating nietlrtid,
this one, with many an enchanting
curl ami-twist, and gazing on them, the
youth's heart became entangled Iu tho
meshes nnd he Impulsively asked the
maid, whose crown of glory formed
meh a prety frame for her bewitching
face, to many him.
He, too, had an admission to make,
and It Is that next morning his heart
sank within him when ho tlmindit of
thu step he'd taken. lie stuck to it
though, 'of course, and now ho declares
he's the happiest of married men.
A long, 3oft-frlsted glove made an
othpr man a benedict, lie found It lu
bis coat pocket, where a girl friend bad
stuck It ono morning, and It looked so
feminine and dulnty and homelike in
his bachelor apartments that ho
straightway went out nud made an
ngrcement with Its owner by which ho
was to buy gloves and various other
expensive articles for her the rest of
her natural life.
There's no use multiplying examples
hero are enough to sho.w that trlles
light as utr aro often productive of
iSrVff - (AwJ
Established 1866.
No cud or
pretty iU oil els.
Fine Furs,
Fur neckpieces
Our iuc of
Jack' ts, Ladles'
and Misses'
Tai or .' nils
will "Kill
the Hill"
Fur Rf'palrliis
a specialty.
324 Lackawanna Avenue,
Scranton Pa,
mighty results. It behooves womanln
ity, therefore, to look after the small
things when the largo ones, like the
pounds of the proverb, will take care
of themselves.
Common to the Whole Civilized
World The Causes.
i'rom Ihe Medical Itccord.
The decay of religious sentiment--which
is in bo obsun od In all thoso
countries which uro in the fnremo.-t
rank us regards knowledge, and espec
ially the growth of scleutiilo ilnowlrtdircs
has perhaps conduced mere to tho
spread of suicide than uny otli'.-i sin
gle cause. That Ihe dt cadence of or
thodox belief is an Important factor
In Iho Increase of eelf-murder Is dem
onstrated in great cities like Purl-,
Uerlln .mil Vienna, wlure agnosticism
is rampant, and the greatest number
of suicides occur.
Pr. Ireland traces the greater por
tion of the causes of suicide to sev re
Htialn upon tho nervous system which
mny bo the outcome of a multiplicity
ot causes. Among these causes may
be mentioned tin Increnrod strain' of
modern lifo upon the nervous system.
The following are the mean annual
' rates per 1,000,000 population of somo
' European countries; Saxony, lSfil-71),
suicides, 'J81; ISTl-SO. suicides, 323 j 18SU
M, suicides. 370; IVS5-SS. suicides, 3!:t.
In I'lenmark during thu same perlo's,
l'S3, :.'u6, 2 ID, i;5i. In France, 120, 101,
19S, 212. Jn Prussia, 127, 153, 10S, 201.
In T'elgtum, 01, St, 107. 1IC. In Sweden,
SO, Sii, ifi, 110, In Knr-land and Wales,
Oil, 70, 7-1, 7S In Norway, 82, 70, 6S, C6.
Italy, l!7, 2f. 37. -IS, 4S, It will bo ob
served that with Hid exception of Nor
way the suicide mortality rate baa In
creased, and In most countries very
considerably within recent years. Tin
diminution In Norway is attributed,
says' the Nineteenth Century ltevlew,
to tho energetic attack which tho Nor
wegian govorum nt has made on alco
holism. Tlie same Journal says that,
In the case of Italy particularly, emi
gration accounts to 8onm extent for
tho low rate prevailing there, it Is
evident that umlgrntlon provides an
outlet for a great deal of misery and
comstltutes a, hopeful alternative to
' Therato of suicide mortality In tlm
United states 1 In 35,000. 'Dr. D. R.
ilowty finds that' lit tio New Kugland
rtates since ISC0 suicide has incivass'l
about a-j per cent, In Massachusetts
It lias Increased iu thirty years. 1SG0
yo,'from 7'1 to "0 to tho million living,
nnd in Connecticut from 61 to 10:5 p r
'million. A steady Increase of self-do-Btructlon
Is common to tho wliolo civi
lised world.
....' t "a!wfoil-iiH.' rn
I! lv IWt'j
fcvA' 14
'iltiru-vter & Rels, Lessestand Mam
I Manaztrs
A. J. Duffy,
Business Alsnagar.
Saturday, November 17,
Augustus l'itou's Elaborate Production of'
The Gunim's Mate
A Mammoth Scenic- I'mdurtlon. It is. to, tlui
Xavj- what Secret Senior" and "Shenandoah"
art- 'to tlie Army.
l'lUClIS Matlnsa: Lower floor, Mc: enlito
balcony, 'JJe. ; children under 12 years to any
part of home, 15c. NiRht: Orchestra, $1.00;
orchestra circle. 7.k: dress circle, 50c. ; lulcon),
first two rows, 7.V.; balcony circle, Kf7
Sale of fcita will open Thursday at 9 a. m.
Tuesday, November 20.
Robert Pitzsimmons
In a four-act Comedy Drama of
The flonesf Blacksmith
l'rict"! Lower floor, orchestra, $1; orchestra
circle, 7."ie. ; dr(s circle, M)e. Balcony, flrst twa
rowi, 73c. j circle. Me. Gallery, 25c.
Sale of feats opens Saturday at 0 a. m.
BUk'UUNDHR & UBIS. Lssitcs.
H. A. BROWN, Atunuj.-r.
Huntley-Jackson Co
I'rescntiw: lUg I'lctluetloiw at I'opular Prices.
is nurr.rt'roini:.
Matinee Prices 10 and 20 ccnln.
Uvrnlnif I'iices-10, 20 and -0 cents.
Mew Gaiety Tliiatrc
II. II, LONG, Lessee and Manager.
Three Bajs CiiminencinTTHUKSDAV, NOV. 15.
The lliif lleauty Show
c n n T A T, M AI D S."
fiiiinies't, gayest and prettlfnt burlesqueri
ever reached thu town. 2 Merry, Uur-
.. 'PI.. ..Ii.nlmu lln'ttrhtflll llllll fhnrlll.
'II.AK MOItl.V, and a largo chorus of hand-
women, '
cs-lfie., 23c., 33t, 60e.
Time la. CummeiiclnB MONDAY, NOV.
Tlie Orislnal
And tho Famous "(Huh IN IH.UK."
Skin of noauty la a Joy Forever.
K. T. Ki:i.lX (itllitAl'li'M nlllK.NTil
Ilemores Tin, tlinplo. Free!,
Moih inleiito, Iml., ami ttkla
UtManeu. uii evtrj tltmlrh m
.Utleclbik ' It tM
stoiHt U( ut ta
hsrinleMi w Uftle fi
tn ti liii It ! tirAn.
crljr nde. Aecp(
do eouaterftU of
iml'iirDsus. Pr. U
A. Hurt wU ta k
Udrvf tba hsut-taa
I jailinUi "lijo
t recommsna -uuur.
lwn.t hsnuful of all
tha 1-i.ln prtUr.
tlonl" Fori
v k
r S-y V X all ProB(!lt an
laocr-Qooli Coalers lo tU U, S., Cauadss, ana luobb,
VBUD. 1, flWliUiS. rwn'r. W Ortat Jeaat at M.J,
raeulo Beauty Tablete nnd Fills. Apa.
ectlysafuiiudKuuruutcedtreatniciil for a II skin
lisordors. Restorss the bloom olyouthloUdea lacea.
O.di.yii' treatment Wot SO day' $1.00, by mail
iona for circulnr. Addrost, . . .,- .. .
lis VITA MEDICAL CO.. CUnloa & Jackioa SU., Ckicty
Bold by UcGarrah Thornas, Dru
t20t) LACkuwanna ve., Bcranton; fe.
jmu . . .. ,i -iJ-'.Vr -
i3 (SCrJlS
l. 3 j j rsr ---iAa j
rj-i'i-e'i n&
;3isifiar um
ztmw w w