.' t A,. t .V -i ' j. t. ' , : ; THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1900, VL. 3l 4 kxx: Tim Moiikii ItMinwAM Slant WHEN IN NEED of flue cutlery don't forget that we have the largest stock in tho city to Belect from. We sell tho celebrat ed Hinckles "Twin Brand" Cutlery. Every piece war ranted. Scissors, Shears, Hazors, Pocket KnlvoB, Carving Sets, Maid euro Sots. A glniico at our window will tell more than we can In such short space. Foote & Shear Co. JJ9N. Washington Ave :xxooocoooofci L. R. D. & M. T A SHOE SAIL. lvnplc wlin roiinl m proper 'lioci nnrcs.iry to rnvrtLt drrvi will lie IcIIkIiUmI with n.ir new I'.ill anil Uinln Shoes now en eOiiliitinn. A Htoro full of iuv stilus nnil ewry i-hoe .t uic. 1'or r.udl foohuar this iq tlio store. LEW8S, RUDDY, DAVIES & HURPHY 330 Lackawanna Avenue. acKa wanna 1L 4 "I'UK" a u ii dry. . I'enn Avcnua A. !. WAR.11AN THE WEATHER YESTERDAY. tan al data fur Nov. 1U, 1Mtf); I Imbcst iLllipOLltllll' Luue-c limpfi ihm II iimcht.i s 0 Jti. , ' p. in iIosicm 'il pir rrnt. ji pn cinl. OBITUARY. uij.-. CiiiU in an (M .nul uill inouii ionicnl I it H, , n nnifon. mill .it lit- I . 1i,i i.iin, ,"' " ' " ,l'-,v i'-.ii piiriimoiiii. iiu w.i, ,.i (,ns ot mi., jiii) km- tho lea tlinij-Iho .mi-. ' '' 'i 1" "l Hill lli. llli ClIipiliMllolll w H ii. nt ii -ii?ilil ililioi. A who nn I tho inllim- I vi", ill I hi it Mimi. lain: IS. i,. (.iMjor-, a em . Iniol ill H !u , .livrpli, ji Tillivmo linulMui r lii-io, of I'nwklwi; Kittio. Mill.. l.iMir-, s., Nellie, i!(jii'ko, llioiie ami IM I'n. In. Mm, Jul it llutte, Mont., j-u Via '.II tkllMH (I. HI1 ' .Ii ikIIii A. l.iw, fiiimcil.v of Pillalnn, i'i I H ih1ii,-iI.i.v in lliiiinulil, .. .1. The m. 1 1 'ii; silin mil liu.lliiT- -.urvhe: .loan, u'u ii W ., U.tUin: Helen, vifo ot .f.niic-t I', 'loir ill; M.ulli.i, wife nf .1, W. .lolin-nn; Jolm Ijiw mill niliiw A. l.iw, With the i Mop In ) ii Mi-. ,!olii.ini, jII ;uv loiMcnU nf Ut-l I'ii 'I in. 'Hie linirr.il miiIiu :u-ie iichl in N. llrm.Mikl. 'llmwljy culling, jnd tlio ii liuitH were lul.rn ic l'llloloii jiMUnlny, ttlino 1'tti.iiiii-ir. M.ii in nl". All-i ".ir?-.iict Moor ilinl :it the home of her si.nii. .Inlm loor. :tt the (Hnnlliiiiil.il nn Tlmtil n. I i.ijlit. 'Ihu funeral H'lwu-i will ho (onilucleil I hmiilay alU'iiiomi ,u l',."d in St. Mirk's bntlkiMii tkmi'ii, mi M.ishhiiin Ucct , liy Hie p.i-lor, Itov. I,. R.imi-r. lntiiiiiciii Hill In In W'.nliljuiii tuct ccnuteij. Mi, ( .ith.iiliie l.ilui, wife of the laic Aur.ihini l.ilur, ilieil .uiU'i'liy "t the home nf licr il.in,'li. tir. Mi,. li hr Ditilt!;, lSlIl Twirl icntli htieet, nueil T'i jean, union! Siimliy iiftriiiimn at 1 n'llmk at lion-e. Jntomciit ill 1'ou.st, Hill icnic tuy. William Maker, ot 1'ilmnio. .ivuuie, Olerl jc?. teiilay. lie U mmlml liy a lle ami Mcinl ChiMiin. 'Ihe fimeul will (iko pkieo toino-.. row aftiincion, Intcinient will lie mule in the ( uheilral cunctcij. Uiluurd, tlio :iMi--olJ foil of Mr. nml Mik. .Tame I'miy, of lim Dim blnvf, Smtli Sci.inlon, ll(d ,vi".teuliy, liitcuiicnt will ho niaJo tomw. tow In L'arlioiuldi', CLOSE OF DEER SEASON. Snowfall in Adlvondacks Has Led to Great Destruction of Deer. Py Ikulusho Wiro fmm Tlio A-,oelatfilvlicss. Utica, N. Y Nov. 10, The deer sea son closed In tho Adirondacks yester day. This is fortunate, If it Is desired to keep alive any considerable portion of the animals In tlio woods, us tho snowfall during tlio past week has led hundreds of hunters to seek tho woods and tho slaughter of deer 1ms been enormous, Scarcely a. paity returns In which tlio monibeis do not have 'the full number of animals they are permitted by law to kill. If reports nro tuto, borne par ties havu killed moru than they ought, and luivo hired boys and guides to join t'liem and make up deficiencies, Throughout' thu whole northern region fiom six to fourteen Inches of snow Js lying on the ground uud ice Is foinilng on the lakes. CENSUS RETURNS. By Exclusive Wire horn Tho Associated Vttu. Wjslilniftoii, Nov, 10. The population of the lUto of Iowa, niiHCiinceil officially by the icnsm bureau to.ljy, i-i 2,'JJ1,S33, an unahist 1,01,$. In 1500. TbU id an iutrcasc ol 19,007, or 10,7 per cent. Washington, !-'ov IC The population of the Itato of I.uuUlaiu, aj officially announced today, a 1,331,620, ggalust 1,118,537 In 16UU. '1I:U nlwu-j in Increase since ISM of 2W,(WS, or 'iJ.i per tent. ( V(b,i jg39 THEIR JOINT ANNIVERSARY. Knights of Mystic Chain and Auxil iary Branch Hold Carnival, The Joint anniversary ot Hcrnnton Circle, No. 137, Ancient Order KiiIbIUh of Mystic Chain, and Kulher nsHemlily, No. in, tho auxiliary Itrniich of Indies, was celebrated last night in flnley's hull, An excellent proRrunuup of lu .'itiuinontul and vocul music was ren dered and n general social suwlon was held. Tho proRrutnino coiiHlMlcd oC musical hoIoh liy Atl.os CI. Hlllstoue nnd MIhm K. Joncit, and tfotms by JIIhb 11. Clailt, I diit-tK liy Meters, Shlpnmn and Slender, ' and selections by a quartette eonslst ItiK of the Misses M. Acker, M. Will iams, C. Hose and Muster ll. Williams. Past Commander Frank MuArthur, I who was nclltis as chahmau of the 1 evening Bnve an IntPrestltiK address In I ,.l,l,.l. 1... ....,tl.....l .1... I. !..,. nl Ml,. ,,i,ii:ii nu uuiiiiii'u iiiu miitvuih " nv order, and Miss J. Ilohlnsnn, Hay Hob lnnon, Miss Cuthbertsnn, Miss Wolfln, Miss I. Iluzloton and Mlrfs 12. .Tones, all save entertutnlnt,' recitations. Another nuartotto consisting of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hewitt, Mrs. 13. K. Clearwater and J. W. IlurRliousscr als'j snntr. The committee In churKc of the affulr was made up of Knights of tho Mystic Chain' and ladles from the as sembly. Hlchard Welsh was the chair man. DEFICIENCY LIST IS A VERY LONG ONE To Date Heads of Departments Have Expended $5,158.71 Moie Than the Appropriations for Year. An examination of Controller How oil's ledgers yesterday by a Tribune i man revealed the fact that deficiencies amounting to $ri,l."S.7l have been cre ated by the heads of various depart ments s-n far this year. I This Is an especially largo amount, j Inasmuch as the llseal year is only a. little more than halt expired. The do- flciencles aie divided among the several departments, as follows: Fire depart ment, $u,&!2.01: city clerk's department, SS-1.19; city treasurer's department. J1H(!."1; street commissioner's tlepart i ment, SS.-I.S.1; boaid of health, $36.23; I parks department, $5.21; total, $r;,15S.71. I This, of course, does not Include any . deficiency bills which may be on file In . tho offices of the various heads of do- partments and which they may have. I neglected, purposely or otherwise, to , send to the auditing committee for ap- , pi oval. , ' The controller, in discussing the mat ter yesterday, said thai, although he ' ivn nnnnrr1 tn Itir. CM-nnflnn rf dnflr.- iencies, he could not see where any oC the present deficiency bills had been needlessly contracted. Especially was this true of the fire department, ho said, where the chief had been obliged i to contract these obligations, possessed l as ho was with the knowledge that in contracting them he was cieatlng de ficiencies. "It would seem to me," said he, "that councils -should by resolution, if not by oidlnance, direct such purchases wher over they are absolutolyliucossnry, in order to relievo tho department heads from any Individual responsibility." i The amount of deficiencies created so k rar tins year almost canals, the entire i amount created last year. DEATH OP JOHN CONNORS. Injuries Received in Lackawanna Yard Proved Fatal. John Connors, of Seranton street. West Seianton, died about 10.S0 o'clock yesterday morning at the Moes Tay lor hospital of injuries received Thurs day night in the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western railroad yards. Connors slipped and fell in front of a moving freight car, and befoie il could ho stopped the wheels had passed over h0l, i,s ic-k and the lower part of his Hiv- The limbs woie fearfully mangled, and at the hospital no hope was en tertained of his recovery. He was Jf years of age and unmarried. A WELL PLEASED AUDIENCE. Horace I. Bowne at R. R. Y. M. C. A. Rooms Last Night. Horace I. Howne, of Now York, last night entertained a lingo audience at the Railroad Young Men's Christian association rooms with a cleverly car ried out programme, which consisted of musical selections and impersona tions. He was accompunied on the piano by Llewellyn Jones, of Powell's music store. This was the second of the course i' monthly entertainments at the rooms and an audience of fully two hundred persons applauded the speak er's witty sallies and humorous re marks. The next entertainment will probably bo given about Dec. .'. , - ' FIRE IN BELLEVUE. Homo of Constable Peter Newman Slightly Damaged. A defective chimney caused .a '.-.niall fire In tho homo of Constablu Peter Newman, at the corner of Fifth ave nue uud Fourth street, lasti evening. An alarm was ten I in at 0.05 o'clock from Hox 13, nnd the Eagle and Co lumbia companies responding, put out llm liliiyp 111 about llvo minutes. Tho walls of tho kitchen were slight- ! ly hcoiched and this wus tho extent i of the damage done. Perfect Service to Florida via the Southern Railroad. At present two through trains leave Philadelphia, Hroad clreet station, dally, carrying through Pullman drawing room sleeping cars to Flor ida points, via the Southern railway, In addition to tho above, on January Hth tho Florida Limited will resume service. This famous train lias been operated over tho Southern railway for several seasons past. Tlio equip ment ot tho Florida Limited this sea boii will be superb; in fact tlio very llnest cars built by the rullman com pany will bo operated on these trains, Thu Foulhein rullwny has dining car service on all through trains. Charles L. Hopkins, dlsUJct passen ger agent, Southern rullwny, S2S Chest nut street, Philadelphia, will tako pleasure In furnishing all information, LOCAL EOOT BALL. No. 30 foot ball team defeated the 1). I. A. foot ball team ty the score ol 0 to 0 ami would like to play any team in the city under J5 jeara old on Tliaiiktt'hlus day In the inoinln. Tlio ctlow- and black haa nsu'r been difeatcd, Steam Heating and Plumbing. P. F. & M. T. Howley,231 Wyoming aye. For a Cold In the Head Laxative Biomo-Qulnine Tablets, MORE ARRESTS FOR BRIBERY QUARTETTE OP SELECT COUN CILMEN ARE CHARGED. Thoy Ave Edward James, Sinion Thomas, Peter E. McCann and Richard Williams Warrants Is sued nt Instance of the Municipal League and the Accused Officials Were Allowed to Oo on Their Own Recognizance Until Tins Afternoon When a Hearing Will Be Held. The Municipal League is again af ter the councllmon of this city and that thoy nro particularly after the members of tho select branch was evi denced yesterday afternoon when four select councilman were arrested on, the charge of soliciting and nccoptlir-j bribes. The councllmon arrested nro as follows: i:dward .Tames, of tho Sixth ward; Hlchard Williams, of tins Fifth ward; l'oter McCann, of tho Fourteenth ward, and Simon Thomas, of the Fourth ward. Tho warrants were Issued in tho af ternoon by Alderman Fuller, of tho Sixteenth ward, at the instance of 13, n. Sturgo.-! nnd Robert Wilson, of the Municipal League, and were served by Mr. Wilson. Councilman James wa:t arrcFted at Ills plnce ot business on South Main avenue, while Councilman Williams was arrested at his home, on Academy street. Councilman Mc Cann was found at the Lackawanna, station. Councilman Thomas was taken Into custody In the city hall. All were brought before Alderman Fuller, who allowed them to go on their own- lecognlzanco until this af ternoon nt 2 o'clock, when a hearing N to be held. XO DETAILS GIVFX. Mr. Sturgos, when seen last night ly a Tribune man, refused to give any information regarding the specific charges for which the councilman Mere arrested. "It will all come out in the hearing tomorrow afternoon," .'aid he, "and until then we must re fuse to give any information to the miblie." The anests came very much in the nature of a surprise, on account of tho largo number of indicted councilman, already under bail sine? last spring, uui AMin.se in.-us, on account ot tno press of business in court, have been piu over until next term. Councilman McCann Mas arrested in August last on the charge of biibery and was held in 53.000 bnil by Alder man Fuller. In their return made last Wednesday, the grand jury ignored th" bill against him. From a remark made last night by Special Agent Wilson, it would appear that tho league has Its doubts about this last grand jury. While conversing ivlth a Tribune man, Mr. Wilson remarked, that "this grand jury was not watched by de tectives as have been others." He said mis in explanation or tlio fact war- mnts have been secured for the arrest of the speakeasy keepers tho cases agaiutt whom were ignored by tho grand jury It is generally understood that the I alleged offenses fur which these four I councilmcn were arrested were coin- mltted last spring. j AUOUT TO RESIGN. I Councilman James was just about to i resign from .council, on account of tlio fact that be was elected on November U to represent the Third Legislative district in the house of representatives. Cuuncilmau Williams was president of select council for tho fiscal year of 1S99-1D00, and is the Inside superintend ent of the Continental mine of the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western company. He is serving his fourth term as select councilman from tho Fifth ward. Councilman McCann Is rounding out his third term In the select branch as the representative of the Fourteenth ward. Councilman Thomas is already under , ?."i,000 ball on the charge of bribery, I having been one of tho thirteen ar- I refcted last,spring. Ho Is ilnlshlng his first term, but has already served in common council. The names of the speakeasy keepers whose cases wore ignored by tho grand jury, and who aie to be re-arrested, are Michael Cowley, Anthony Roth and Michael Manley. SAYS HE WOULD BE BADLY HANDICAPPED Chief Zizelmann, of the Eire Depart ment, Disappointed Over Killing of the Transfer Ordinance. Chief Zlsiolnmnn, of ihe fire depart ment, was very much disappointed yesterday when ho learned that select council had killed tho ordinance pro viding for the transfer of $2,300 from various accounts for tiro department purposes, lie suys that if the action on this matter Is noi ie-considered and that If select council does not pas the or dinance at its next meeting It will greatly hundlcap him for the remain ' r "10 ls(nl 01 ' will prevent nmn' absolutely necessary purchases i nnu miiuuvciiieiiia nemg mane, When tho ordinance was called up on third reading on Thursday night Cheese. Full Cream, Sage, Philadel phia Cream, English Dairy, Pineapple, Roquefoit, Tdain, Parmesan, MrtcLareu's Im perial, Club House aud Cumembert, Fruits. Florida Oranges, Florida Grape Fruit, California Grapes, Malaga Grapes and Native Grapes. E. 6. Com sen 430 LACKAWANNA AVE. there were Just exactly eleven mem bers present. Mr. Oliver, who hereto fore had been In favor ut the ordin ance, voted "no" nnd this prevented the measure from receiving tho neces sary eleven votes. In voting "no" Mr, Oliver explained that ho did so be cause he had been "led Into a trap." Tho trap he referred to was tho fuel that Mayor Molt had Just vetoed the resolution directing- that $.120 bo ex pended In making repairs nt tho Co lumbia Hose company's quarters. Now, this ordinance contained an Item for that spoclllc Improvement nnd Mr. Oliver's point uob that Chief Blzel mann should not have urged hint to secure the passage of thli ordinance nnd thou have urged tho mayor to vet,o the resolution. The point which Mr. Oliver over looked was that no appropriation ex isted until the ordinance making tho transfer was passed. Tn other words, tho resolution which Mayor Molr ve toed should not have been Introduced until after tho passage of tho ordin ance. It 1h extremely probable tlmt action will be reconsidered nt the next meeting. "A LONG CHASE AND A HARD CHASE" Andrew McGueirln Rifled Radlu's Window and Gave a Good Run to His Captors Now In Jail. Andrew McCluonin, of Market street, a young man about twenty years of age, was last night arrested by Patrol mnn Holand, Special Ofllcor John Tler ney and Robert Simpson, of North Washington avenue, and taken to the Center street police station, on tho charge of breaking a window in S. Radlu's pawn shop, at 12;i Pehn ave nue, and taking three levolvcrs. McGuerrln was a particularly bold marauder, as It was only 10.30 o'clock when ho kicked in the big glass front and grabbed the three pistols. The crash of tho falling glass was heard by Special Olllcer Tlorney and Mr. Simpson, who wore nearby, and they started for the offender. He saw them coining and straightway took to his ' heels. Ho was fleet of foot, and terror gave him even more speed as he dashed to Lackawanna avenue and . then started on his course towards tho West Lackawanna avenue bridge. i Tlorney Isn't built exactly for sprint ing purposes, and he soon fell behind In the race, but Simpson gained steadily, and when the 100 block of he avenue i was puachod managed to trip up the I rUffitive. He fell to the pavement. panting and breathless, and was trans- Ceried to tb. enstmlv of Pntrolman Domlnick Holand, on whose beat Mc Citierrin was captiucd. He will be Riven his hearing tliN morning. DOWIE'S HELP WAS ORDERED BACK HOME He Wants to Stmt a Lace Mill That Will Be a Rival of Seranton and Other Concerns. Thu iiieinbei-h ot tlio National Lace Workers' association who are em ployed by the Seranton Lace Curtalit .company arc very much Interested in a. case which has been pending before a board of examiners appointed by Immigration Commissioner Hodgers, of Philadelphia for tho past few days. II nppnnis that the celebrated Dowle, the head of the 5Clnu church of Chi cago, some time ngo conceived the idea of establishing an industrial town in Waukegan, Illinois, where he proposed to establish a great lace fac tory. He conferred with Secretary Cage and CcnunlsMoncr General of Immigration Powdcrly regarding tho importation of several skilled opera tives lrom England to instruct the other hands whom ho proposed to en BSPe. lie was told that hn could Import such operatives if he could provo that the industiy to be established was a nw one, there being a clause in tho contract labor law which permits tho importation of operatives lor the pur pose of establishing new Industrie.?. Uowio went to Kngland and engaged ilia operatives, five in number. They ai rived in Philadelphia on Tuesday on board the American liner AVaesland, but their landing was vig orously protested against by the ex ecutive committee of the Laccmaker's union, which contended that the in dustiy they were to establish was not a new one and that If thoy wore al lowed to land that competition would ensue. which would seriously affect the inteicsts of the lacow orkers through out the country. The committee contended that thu lacvo which Dowie Intend!, to manufac ture is precisely the taine as the lace now being manufactured by the Seran ton company and by a number another II rni s in various parts of the United States, A board of examiners appoint ed by Commissioner Itodgors decided against the Imported workmen, and tho latter oillclnl on Wednesday oideied that they bo deported. On Thursday, however, Attorney Williams, who icpiesents the Interest:) of the emigrants, appeared boforo Commissioner P.odgers and offered to piovo that the Supremo court hns de cided that the contract labor law ap plies only to manual laborers and not to skilled laborers; that tho manufac ture of tho kind of lace which it Is pro posed to make Is u new Industry and tlmt no evidence exists that tho emi grants came to this country under any contract. Commissioner ltodgers accordingly consented to a. reopening of the case, and another hearlntr was held yester day afternoon. Tho result of this hear ing Is contained In the following Asso ciated Press dispatch, received in Tho Tribune oftlue Just night: Philadelphia, Nov, 10, llio lioaul ot Inquiiv, which haa been Inwsligallii!,' tho caw of Ihe lu'v workif, allesed to liao been bioujiht lo till country fioui Kuionc by ZionUt Powlo in Wola. lion of Ihe tonlr.Kt labor law, decided today Hi It tlio men, women and chlldicn soninotln; tlio iaily iiiu.t K'linu to thdr Iioiikh, Tlio matter w-as once before decided ajalnst tliilii, but tlio oaio .H K0icneil unon an an. 1'ial, ROBERT HILL CONVICTED, By Uxtlushe Who fiom Tlio Associated Piesa. Robert 1", Hill, ulio wiw convicted recently of the muider of liU wife, With May Hill, was sentenced liy &uirrr.o I'oiut Justlco (arr!son to. dilay lo bo hanged on Wcdnesdiy, Jan. 10 next. The prisoner milled as lie entered tho couit loom, and ttnilcd m hu bowed lo the co.irt after Win;; sentenced. KILLED BY CARS. py Ktckuhe Wira from Tho Asocl.ited Pretj. Harrliburjr, .,ov, 10. Andrew Joakl, aged UJ eari, while pkkliu; wooa on tlio feiiiuylvanu railroad tracks today at btceiton, a stiuck by ' a earning engine aud niitautiy Killed, SCRANT0N IS , A BONANZA MANY GULLIBLE PERSONS IN THE CITY. Kent Loid, Erstwhile Tragedian and Physician, Finds This City a Verit able Golconda for the Practice of Palmistty and Clairvoyance His Apartments Avo Dally Thronged by People Who Could Plnd a Bet ter Use for Their Money Than Buying His Alleged Information. The mystic art of clalrvoyuucy Is again represented by tin exponent In Seranton, and every day the apart ments of Kent Lord, palmist and fortune-teller, tit 313 Mulberry street, are thronged with persons, who, after de positing sums varying all the way from fifty cents and one dollar up to ton dollars, depart with tho promise of a future In which tho height of suc cess, beautiful, fair women nnd mys terious dark men are mixed, Tho palmist himself Is a really re markable man; that is, If one Is willing to believe all that ho says. A native of 'the Emerald Isle, he Is a. graduate of the Trinity College ot Jlcdlclue al Dublin. Kesldes being a practitioner, he was once in "the legiti mate" nnd played heavy roles In tlio support of Fdwln Booth, Dion Bouci cault, and other great actors. His elulr voynncy Is an acquired art, but it would be unjust to Dr. Lord's histri onic powers to say that while In hli sean'COH he docs not prove himself a very apt pupil of ids famous maslors. A Tribune man was among the guests of the palmlf-t yesterday. Although ushered Into the apart ments at an early hour, he found him self preceded by three women and a man. Tho male part of this assembly was a rather seedy-looking individual, who could put his money to better use than peering into the future. The wo men were ordinarily dressed and Ihcy, loo, did not seem to be enjoying any excess ot funds. The number Of visit ors swelled every moment, and inside of about three-quaiters of an hour there were fourteen persons in tho room. Several of these were young gills, apparently domestics in private homos. AVAR RATHER DUBIOUS. One woman, as she emerged from her Interview, had a rather dubious, puzzled look upon her face, and when asked by a filend whether the seance was satisfactory, gave an alllrmativo reply. "And did lie tell ymt your name?" was asked eagerly. "Oh, no," replied the woman, who was well on in years, and had a face streaked with lines of care and a fore head lined by deep furrows. "Oh, no, lie didn't tell me my name, but he said I'd had lots of trouble, an' the Lord knows that's true." The -woman seemed much surprised that the clairvoyant had stiuck the nail so beautifully. Others who came out wore not so satisfied and angiily declared Lord to be an impostor. At last it was The Tribune man's turn. He entered the private room, took a seat, and Dr. Lord, who is a stout, complacent-looking man with Svengali-llke eyes, handed the sciibe a card, and directed him to write upon this two questions he desired answered, and incidentally sign his nnmo and aflix tho exact date on which he was born. While this was being done, the palmist walked stealth ily about tho room, and it is Just pos sible thai he may havo cast a light ning glance at the card. When tho questions were written tho card was turned over, nnd the palmist summoned. Ho took the bit of paste board, bade his visitor place his hand upon his own and make some wish. Whilo the scribe was debating within himself whether he would i other suc ceed President JIcKlnley or be at the head of the Ice trust, Dr. Lord placed the card in nn envelope and carefully sealed it. thus disposing of any sup position that he saw the inscription. SUltK OF SUCCFSS, He then took Tho Tribune man's hand and said, "Ah, you are of an ar tistic temperament. You would make a good lawyer, doctor, dentist, hyp notist, medium, anything which le quires tho exercise of brain." The vis itor felt his head growing, and reflected that he was undoubtedly getting satis faction for the $1 bill paid tho palmist to pull open the gates at the future. After a. careful study of the hnnd, the clairvoyant started. "Ah," ho said, "Von were born under the worst sign, of the Zpaiuc, Febiuary, near the twen tieth day." "Wonderful!" murmured the scribe. "And now," continued the seer, as he discovered a, peculiur line, "who Ji Louis." and he smiled triumphantly, as much as to say, "I've got your name now, my lad." It may hero be men tioned that tho little card was filled oul hustlly and the name of the wiltcr might linve been written a little illeg ibly. "Louis," replied the scribe, "is ii dear friend." "Ah, yes, quite true," snld tho doctor, who then proceeded to glvo a little dls- sei ttitlon about Louis, and then took another shy at tho name, this time get ting It right. "And now," ho continued, "I see a form near you." Ho hero Continued on l'.igo 15.) Popular Pearl Alpines Needs vary tastes differ prices numer ous. Here you find n collection, which we have no fear in sayinu, will meet with your approval, Priced from $1.00 to $5.00. All Records Broken. We have broken all records with " ' ' our sale of t Scotch Whiskies This week. Il is because they sel for more money elsewhere. If you want a case orbottle order today. CASEY STRUCK BY FALLING- DERKICK. Michael O'Hora Died Yesterday at Moses Taylor Hospital. Jillchael O'lloin, of ll'i i'rospect ave nue, tiled at the Moses Taylor hospi tal yosteiday morning of a broken back, tecelved late Thursday night while nt work til the South steel mill. A defective dertlck broke and n heavy ilmebr hi Its full struck O'llara, who was working near by, heavily jn the back. He experienced frightful pain and was taken to the Moses Taylor hospi tal, where his back was seen to bo broken. He died at 1 L o'clock yester day morning. A wife and two chil dren survive him. Just Eeceived. Scranlon Business College. Gentlemen: Please advise If you have nny young man in your college that is quick and accurate in figuring nnd a fair penman, that would come here for $35 per month. Need a man at once as timekeeper and assistant bookkeeper. A request for a lady stenographer. No one to send. Spend Your Evenings Profitably. Young men and women who are em ployed during the day should qualify thems-elvcs to earn larger salaries by spending their evenings at tlio Seran ton Business College night school. A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE The greatest commercial economist in the world today. Compared to any necessary investment in business, theprofitfromaTELEpHONE is incalculable. Residence and Commercial rates at a moderate cost. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE AND SUPPLY CO Minagci's office, 117 Adams avenue. EataKagaBEMSHMHSa AlMGMenf The intrinsic merit of the recent Pianofortes by the Mason & Ham lin Co. has called forth tile follow ing remarkable expressions from men who stand pre-eminent today in the musical life of the world. "The Mason & Hamlin Piano is, I bolive, an Instrument of tho very first rank." MOIIl'lV. MOSZKOaWIU, Cotniio-'cr, ri.inNi, ilV.u l.ci. "t believe the Mason & Hamlin Pianos to be of the very first rank." AIITHUK NIKISC1I, Tho lecojruin'd Riant of imisicjl ,ielil(y In Uu lopo today. "It is unsurpassed." l'Mif, iwi'rt, Conductor Plillliarmonlc Oiclifulia, New Yoil. Cily. A stock of these superb instru ments may be seen at the ware rooms of L.B.P0WELL&G0. 131-133 Washington Ave. The Oriental lllfti -Lleeted now, iodid until Christ, iiui me. The Unveiling Of Crockery Values. ulikh h n dally oruiriuno hue, tain tho oiitnllouii tlmi'lKi- rallin.nl I lie, ir inme, nceoulliit: to tho alno of jht lilC'Hd, 'llio following quotation complete the ktoiy: PARLOR LAMPS, handsomely ileiorated globes, 1.50, TOILET SETS. of porcelain m pieced In (tieat a ricty of design. $3.50. DINNER SERVICES. 112 pieces floral ornamentation, $10.50. Gruener & Co. 205 Wyoming Avenue Pierce's Market, Peiin Avenue Receiving- daily, Fancy Domestic Grapes, Concords, Wordens, Nia garas, Delnwnres, and other varieties. Also Malaga and Tokay Grapes, Pears, Pound Sweet Apples and Quinces, Cauliflower, Lima Beans, Spinach, Boston Head Letttuce, Cel ery Etc. Strictly New Laid Egga, Fancy J ."- ,7 "--". W. H. Pierce, BROS Si i D IS lacUwannt Ave. up, a;, ut ra Ate, v-l 216 Lackawanna Avenut, Seranton, Pa. .PHONE S!GS. As sure ns 2 nnd 2 are 4, 0 sure are you of securing an up-to-dato hat at our store. Tho style in soft hats has ma terially changed this winter. Come and see the latest. CONRAD'S 305 Lackawanna Ave The Well-Knovrn Modern 60S Residence c,ay Ave- Lot So feet front by 160 feet deep. FRUIT, SHADE TREESi'BARN One of the finest res ident properties in tlie city. A. N. KERR, 129 Wyoming Avenue. Tho Popular House furnishing Stora Your Thanksgiving Turkey Ii suro to lie lowted jmt rlglit if jou ci.tm-t II to a Divkafh lljiite. We uae feizes lo fiiit nil lemjiieuicnti 1'ilie, JIO.OO to sfr.O.OO. llo not buy range without aumlnini; llii Uockasli, Sold ltf V Foote & Fuller Co. SIEARS BUILDING, 1.10-43 Washington Ave, r.iMMiia Tabourette Special mmm mm H uim-A i lleiminlitr tlio (ibduiew ou lioiislit in .Vuguil tha om-,1 youiUl your neighbors jliont? Wo lua lloro lor THAN'KffilVJMl. Wo didn't liafc enough to supply c vi body then, but iio no r-ptl'iii Tabouuttc, feinWf oils or iii.iliugjiiy llnMi, 4 twlitcil cJiinm sup. port?, i ply pJiieU under to, octagon bluipo, i!3xU IikIiw, 0 InclKslilgh. Tliey wets CM, in Aiis.-ii.il, Anil vrd Af-, didn't luvo cuoueli. ActiulN f VC WOll'l 71,-i Oil 1IU liu.,,,,1 Credit You? Certainly! "th. 7TO (csCQNQMY lOlfflP 22l-SJ23.225.237 WyomlngAye 2 and 2 Are 4 " ' itjpi BE y.KV'vtiia'iLasrvTJVKHi l mm WMii ig?'y B P' ?ifj..- vtfc , SI3u