The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 17, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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- ." ,- --T" iw rr .- - ' ' ,T
Btory of the Woman Who Died on an
Apple Tree One on the Mayor.
SitBquohnnna County News Notes.
Random Suggestions Told In a
Few Lines.
Special tn llii Si innlnn Ttllmno.
tiua.uehanna, Nov. 10, The other
night a mnn at Rust flush treed what
he snpposed to be u coon and climbed
the tree to dislodge It. He encountered
a porcupine, which tilled IiIh face and
hands with quills, and caused hint to
fall heavily to the around. The en
laged animal then descended the tree
nnd attacked the hound dog, Minding
it In one eve and filling Its neck and
mouth with quills. The man was ren
dered unconscious, and was found by
a searching party the next morning,
"The fretful porcupine" went hence,
other worlds to conquer.
Some time since a .Susquehanna
county woman, tired of life, hung her
self to an apple tree. The evening af
ter the funeral service neighbors called
upon the husband to offer their con
dolence, and to cheer him up as best
they could. One of the party ventured
the remark that death was probably
nearly painless, to which the bereaved
husband leplled: "Wa-al, 1 hardly
think so. She must have kicked dread
fully, for she shook off more'n a
bushel of my best apples!"
Montrwc has a county Republican
Jollification today. Montrose Is always
a little slow, but then
Pour hundred and ten Prohibition
votes were cast In Susquehanna coun
ty at 'the recent election. The number
of Prohibition votes cast in this con
gressional district was 1M7. All for
Farmers' Institutes will be held In
this county as follows: Auburn Centre.
Dec. 7; Montrose, December 8; Brook
lyn, Dec. 10; New Milford, Dec. 11:
Welsh Hill, Dec. 12; ITnlondale, Dec. 1L
Able speakers will bo present. i
After a very long Illness, Dr. Van
Ness, of Hallstead, Is able to resume
his office practice.
Farmers In this county icport that
their cows become Intoxicated by eat
ing apples. They take a "horn," as
An old Democrat ftom the rural ills
tilcts met Mayor Jerome DeWItt, of
Binghamton, who is a staunch Demo
crat and a native of New Milford, a
few days after election, and In a woe-be-gone
manner and trembling voice
said: "Mayor, it has gone agin us! Yon
can't elect an honest Democrat to
office any more In this ctiuntry!"
Spellbinders mm honicwaul ko
I'i-jIm- God Irom wlio'ln ull lilphshiKS How.
Marriage Is a safeguard, piovlding
you only have one wife at a time.
Coal dealers now commence to freeze
upon the bank account of the peo
ple. . The silence of death comes even to
a silver tongue.
Ic not there some way to put an
end to the hanging of women? asks
an exchange. There surely Is let the
women quit murdeiing.
According to the esteemed editor of
the Torcst City News, the neatest belt
line Is a girl's waist.
Thanksgiving day ought to be ob
nrved with more genuine thankful
ness this year than usual election is
over, the base ball season Is closed,
and DIcU Croker is going to Europ.
The man who moves down life's
stni my path, and tluds it strewn with
sweet surprises, Is he who knows how
it's done, who keeps a store and ad-veith-os.
According to the truthful Downsvillo
News, while Smith Palmer was thrash
ing grain for William Audrey, a Inrg"
nest of diseased eggs went through
the machine and when they exploded
they blew out an end of the machine,
besides the helper in the bain. If you
see It In the News It Is so.
The Erie has recently reinstated a
number of Its suspended engineers and
Work Is more than brisk In all de
partments of the Susquehanna shops.
The Erie Is one of the greatest ex
cursion roads In the country.
The Delaware and Hudson has per
formed a great work this season on
Its Nlnevah branch, In lowering grades,
straightening curves. A staid, relia
ble old road Is this same Delaware
and Hudson. The more power to It!
A miidtum, bucked by a spirit hand,
ought to be Invincible In a game of
There Is hardly any man so friend
less in this world that ,he hasn't at
Fine Feathers Make Fine Birds.......
It is a fact that people do judge a man considerably by
the clothes he wears, and while there are exceptions to rules
yet it shows pretty much the degree of taste, the refinement
one possesses. If a man is economical and a good dresser
he will wear garments that are made right in every respect.
Every article in our store is an example of good taste in se
lection of the latest fabric effects. Goods that will interest
even those unaccustomed to better apparel at prices
higher than you pay for the ordinary kind,
f, , j . ,- ,i, ,, t
least one frlentl ready to tell him his
The Thanksgiving turkey Is roosting
on the highest limb. John, get your
gun. ,
If a man wants to go through life
nnd please everybody he must travel
on a back road. t
Many a coffin Is covered with roses
bv hands that never before gave. Its
occupant anything but thorns.
Miss Mary Atalloy, aged 26, has be
come violently Insane. She will be sent
to the Danville asylum, In which she
has ibeen a patient,
A congregntlonal meeting will be
held In the Presbyterian church on
Monday evening, for the purpose of se
lecting a pastor to succeed Rev. David
I, Sutherland, who resigned to accept
the pastorate of Calvary church, De
troit, Michigan. It Is understood that
the choice has been narrowed down to
two candidates.
Carmlno Pattl, an Italian trackman,
erstwhile of Susquehnnna, who, some
months since shot and dangerously
wounded his wife, "Lltte Mary" at the
Erie station In Elmlrn, has been sent
to the Elm Ira Reformatory for an In
definite period. Pottl wns arrested In
Susquehanna some time after the
Martin J. Ryan has been elected
president- of the Hoard of Trade. A
most excellent selection.
The Avenue Methodist church, of
Oakland, will hold a fair and pig sup
per In Hogan Opera House, Decem
ber D.
The Walton football team will proba
bly play in Susquehanna November 0
wltli the home team.
The Crescent club will hold a hop at
the Starucca house November 'iSi.
Misses Orace McOlbney and C.ussie
llllss. of Ulnghaiiiton. opened a danc
ing school last' evening In Hogun Opera
A local hunter a few days slnctNshot
an opposum near this borough. This
animal is very rarely seen In t,hls sec
tion. Daniel Reardon was on Thursday ar
lested on a charge of stealing brass
from the Erie Railroad company. He
was held for his appearance before the
grand jury of the county.
Siipclal to 11k- Scranton Tiihunc.
Nicholson, Nov. 10. Miss Beatrice
Hawke, of Tunkhannock, Is visiting
friends in town.
Among those that attended the mas
querade social at West Nicholson Fri
day evening were Messrs. Claude Rob
erts, Ray Potter, Misses Vera Taylor,
Jessie Stephens and Florence Wllklns.
Mrs. Frank Benjamin is at her home
In Foster, helping to care for her
father, who Is very ill.
Moses Shields, Jr.. will light his resi
dence on Water street with electricity
obtained from the stone mill plant.
Mrs. M. D. Kelly and daughter. Dora,
spent Friday In Scranton.
Miss Cora Greene, of Fleetvllle, is
the guest of her friend, Ruth Johnson,
of State street.
Quite a number of Odd Fellows at
tended an Odd Fellows' banquet at
Tunkhannock Tuesday evening. Among
them were W. W. Warner, O. W. Stan
ton, J. T. Bonno, E. F. Johnson, C.
H. MacConnell, G. R. Potter, J. 13.
Harding, C. M. Mack, Fred Steele,
John Maynard, G. G. nought.
,sy to Cure a Cold
if you go about it right. Take two or
three Krause's Cold Cure Capsules
during the Any nnd two before retiring
at night. This will insure a good
night's rest and a free movement of
the bowels next morning. Continue
the treatment next day and your cold
will melt away. Price 'Joe. Sold by
Matthews Bros.
Services in the Presbyterian church
Sunday at lO.ItO a. m. and 7 p. in., Rev.
S. H. Moon. D. D., pastor. Subject In
morning. "Keeping the Faith:" even
ing, "Religious Isomerism." All are
Services tomorrow at the Peckvllle
Baptist church at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p.
m. Rev. M. It. Thompson, of Jermyn,
will preach morning and evening.
Morning subject, "An Upward Look;"
evening subject, "The Daysman of
Job." All are welcome.
Herbert Dlkeman, of Hickory street,
Is 111.
There will 'be a special meeting of the
local board of trade at Odd Fellows'
hall this evening. All members are re
quested to 'be present.
Stanley Newton left yesterday for
West Virginia to work upon a new coal
breaker that Is being constructed at
For the first time since the starting
of the borough electric light plant the
commercial lights were out last even
ing. What caused the trouble we are
unable to say. There was a scramble
for kerosene lamps and great Incon
venience was experienced by the pa
trons of the electric light service.
For a Cold in the Head
Laxative Bromo-Qulnine Tablets.
Clothing: and .Furnishings,
316 and 318 Lackawanna Avenue.
44.4.4. 4
: Sporting
fews. I
4 4444 4 4 44 444444
This afternoon will be an oft day for
the Scranton High School eleven,
which, 'will not take part in any jrrld
Iron contest, but will content Itself
with watching the match at Athletic
park between St. Thomas college and
the Carbondale Indiana. This same
promises to bn a good one. The teams
arc evenly matched nnd are both com
posed of big, strong players.
The loral boys will probably go Into
the game with the same line-up that
has upheld the Purple and White In
the majority of Its games this season.
The Injury to Emmett Klrkwood's an
kle In ttoc Wyoming gnme, has laid
up that haid-wroklng young player,
nnd he Is now receiving treatment nt
a central city hospital. His place at
end Is likely to be filled by A. Mc
Donald, who may bo supplanted at
tackle by Burke, or Joe McDonald.
Hndglus, the Meet-footed, fierce
playing half back of St. Thomas, Is
a Carbondale Indian of last season,
and has on various occasions this year
played with his old comrades. They
count on lilni at full back today nnd
he will probably be lined up against
the collegians. Hanson Is another ot
the crack Curbondallans, and Ihe en
tire Indian back field is a fast and
strong one. The game will star', nt 3
o'clock sharp.
The High School team was to have.
Journeyed this afternoon to Horns
dale nnd played the oft-postponed
game with the High School eleven
there. It was learned, however, that
the Honesdule men were unable to
put a strictly school team in the l'.eld,
In fact, that the greater part of the
eleven were outsiders. As a result the
local pigskin chasers cancelled the
date, and will today take a day off.
Next Saturday. AVIIkes-Barre High
School's fast eleven will be the at
traction at Athletic park.
Piofessionel foot ball has this year
secured a grip on numberless cities.
In which Iheie Is no representative
university eleven, and these teams,
generally made up of splendid ex-college
athletes, are making professional
foot ball as popular as ever was base
ball in the height of its glory. In
Western Pennsylvania there are a
number of crack paid elevens, the or
ganization of which was prompted by
the great success of the Duquesne
Country and Athletic club's invincible
heroes of last year. Homestead Is this
fall represented by an eleven on which
a few of the stars are Arthur Poe and
Church, both Princeton idols, Bemls
Pierce, the giant Carlisle Indian, Pete
Overfleld, whom the Pennsylvania
'Varsity men swear Is the greatest ot
college centers: Miller, the fleet-footi"!
half back of the Carlisle IndlanAt and
Hall, Yale's strong ex-end. Dave
Full!!, who when he played atiBrown
university was considered one of the
fastest half backs on the gridiron, is
another of the 'team's luminaries, and
Winstoin and Quarter Back Richard
son are two more of the eleven's star
players. Ralph Hutchinson, last year
quarter back on the Princeton team,
is captain of the Greensburg eleven,
on which he plays in his regular posi
tion. Seheca, the Indian who was
picked last year by some writers for
the position of half on the .ill-American
team, plays one of the backs,
and Steckie, the big tackle who was
one of the crack players in the west
last year, and Duval, of Cornell, are
two other players on the team. The
Latrobe team, another professional or
ganization, numbers among Its men
Knight, of Lafayette, and Gelger, of
A'bbatichio, the Italian base 'ball
player, who formerly covered second
bag for Philadelphia, Is playing full
back on the Latrobe professional team.
He is a splendid punter nnd drop
kicker, and has Invented a now mint,
by means of which the ball, after strik
ing tile ground, shoots along In a man
ner which makes It exceedingly diffi
cult to handle and pick up.
Hudson, one of, If not the greatest
drop kickers that ever put a hostile
goal In danger, is now playing with the
strong Duquesne team. The little In
dian has scored a big hit with the good
people of Pittsburg.
William Eagan, for many years the
Idol of the Syracuse base ball tiopu
lace, Is dead. Eagan, who was popu
larly known all along the circuit as
"Bad Bill," was the crack second base
man of the Eastern league, and for
awhile played with Plttwburg, In the
National, and there, too, made a great
record. He became involved In domes
tic troubles and while crazed with
drink shot his wife. He died only a
few days ago In Syracuse of injuries
thought to have 'been caused by a ball
which once hit him In th"iTlde. Eagan
was undoubtedly a great player, a
splendid fielder, clever base runner and
strong bntsman. He was up to every
trick of the trade, and It is doubtful If
any player In the country, with the ex
ception of Hughey Jennings, ever
worked with Huch success the hit by
a pitched ball game. In nearly every
match Eagan managed to bring his an
atomy In collision with the ball, nnd
thus he presented with his base. And
now It seems that It was a, pitched
ball which caused his death. Eagan' a
vicious sobriquet was the result of his
defiant attitude towards rooters In
general and very pugnacious dealings
with umpires In particular. Ho was al
ways a favorite In this city.
The Commercial Bowling club ot this
city last night visited Wllkes-Uarre
and there bowled against the crack
rollers of the West End Wheelmen's
Today's 'big college games will be
played as follows! Yale nt Princeton,
Indians at Philadelphia. (University o
Pennsylvania), Cornell at Easton
Champion Jeffries has at last come
out from his shell of reticence nnd now
declares his willingness to take on both
Otis Ituhlln and Tom Sharkey. While
In this elty he expressed his willing
ness, even eagerness, to meet the Akron
giant, but spoke contemptuously ot the
Irish sailor as a physical wreck, and
sali, that a match was out ot the ques
tion. However, great men have the
same right to change their minds on
occasion as lesser mortals, and a bout
between the champion and brawny
seaman will provoke much Interest
throughout the sporting woild.
., ,
That the life of a professional ath
lete of any suit Is not one of roses Is
a well-known fact, and the enieer of
the man who depends for a livelihood
upon his prowess on the wrestling mat
Is no exception to the general rule.
Charles Leonard, the man from New
ark, who was Tuesday night defeated
by M. J. Dwyer, at the Bicycle club,
gave a sound bit of testimony to, this
condition of affairs, while talking with
n Tribune man during his short stay
Leonard came to the city a stranger,
and evidently felt himself one. "All I
wunt Is fair play," lie remarked,
doggedly, time after time, and In talk
ing to the writer he told or a little acci
dent which happened to 'him in Eng
land and which had, In a way, cut Ills
"It was some yeais ugo," he said,
"tliat T took on a match with a fellow
In England. It was a city of about
HO.OOO Inhabitants, and I deposited a
$2.10 deposit with a London paper. From
the beginning of our wrestle he played
foul and at one time dug his flnser
right Into my eye. with the lesult that
f lost the sight of that optic for just
nine months. Well. I couldn't stand
for that," the wrestler remarked, with
a peculiar glint In his eye, "and Mr.
Englishman wasn't in it condition to
give me any tUssle. shortly afterward.
Well, when I left that hall In a car
riage, I was followed to the station by
a howling mob, who threw stones and
mud at me, half-blind though I was,
and cursed and reviled horribly. It wns
all the police could do to keop them
from attacking me. And," he added,
ruefully, "the worst of It all was, I
didn't get my money. That blanked
English paper held back the entire
r. it k v. v. r. r. r. n . it ? t
5 Plays and Players j
t it it . . t .t fc rt r, t t w. r.
"Iticliaril Swipe," tl mbject ot Mulclrlnr
l.ui'Ptte lMry's pl.iy, in which Henry Miller will
onn npi.ear, was a iioot in the il.ijn of Dr.
.loliiison, .ilicl i-niitcr.ipouiy with Adili-on anil
Colly CiMxr. Ills wmks .in1 but little known
to till" vmi'iit f-'enciatioii, Ihoiuh many icJilm
ate familiar with liis pooin entitlpil "The lias
lanl," which hy (he way was Ihe title Jhs. Ity
ley wanted to Kie the playjmt jIic was iirealleil
upon to ehan'e it tn the name of the poet. In
the of Itithaiil Saiaw, poets and liteiary
(.'chums In general ilepimlul rather upon the
pattoiup' of the nobility than upon the pub
licheni for any icturn for their IjIjoii, and
Iheieby ti.ings the diamatle laieir of this iii-tli-ular
poet which the fair author 1i is siitd
upon for stage putpo'-es.
.Miss .Mililiril Holland, whu will tliintl.i- play
an encasement in HiU ily in lier new play,
"The l'owtr Ilehind t lie 'Ihione," is a ier.
batile younc woman. Sho is ,n epeit linguist,
and as a htiK" manager is Miipieil by few men.
Miss Holland in a bilrf lour last season furpiised
the dramatic iritics of ItulTalo, Washington.
Ilalituiore, Rochester and other cities, hy Ihe
power and intensity of her acting. She is essen
tially an emotional actics and has ihe tare
power of attracting women, in "The Power Ile
hind the Throne," Miss Holland will be seen as
Aria, the daughter of a court musician. The
play is said to be a romantic drama, and $Jil,0Uu
lias been expended by Manager Kdward ('. White
upon its mounting. A company of tlilrty-fhe
well-known actors will suppoit Miss Holland.
Peter P. Iljflcy in "Hodge, Podge .V Company"
will make a long run at the Madison rSquate
theater. The house is packed at ecry perform
aiiie. The audiences greatly enjoy his ouitalu
speeches. When he first opened his urn in New
Yoik lie used to tell the audience to go out be
tween acts and surprise him by buying him .1
diamond ring. Last week be cauni before the
cmtaln and ended Ids lcinaiks with Ills imi.iI
linen about the ling, .lust as he slid this a
package was tin own on Ihe Mage. He picked it
up, but did not open it until he leaihed his
dressing room, II iiinlaiued not one, but four
diamond ling-,, Dalley, iIikc then, has not said
.1 woul about diamond lings liefote Ihe curtain.
They came too fast for him.
A native tenor is such a latity that must
luanagcis despair of finding one, and in many
of the later comic npeia pioducllons no tenor
parts are written. This season the Hostonlans
me more fottunate than any in their compettton
in the lyric Held. They have uociircd a phenom
enally soiled tenor, Albert Parr, who has created
great interest by his artNtlc Muglng In the
operas of their icpeitoiie. In "The Viceroy"
Mr, Parr appeals In unusual advantage, singing
(lie ball id, ".lust for a Pay." with admiiablo
diction, leaching high C In alt. with authority
and vigor,
fleorge Kdaides, managtr of the Adelphii
theater, In London, has secured an option on the.
Knglish rights tn the new Pe Kovcn & Smith
opera, "I'oxy Qulller," now being presented at
the "roadway theater in Jfw York by the Klaw
k Krlanger Opru company, with Jerome Rykes
in Hie tltio role, Mr, IMwardei Is coming t)
Ameili.i especially to hee Kliw & Transfer's
inoduetion uml will arrive hero within tlio nest
tin co weeks. This will be his -visit to
Klaw & Kilangcr will picsent Ml-s Ada ltelun
In "Sweet .Veil of Old Drill-'" at the Knicker
bocker Hum It r in New York, Pec, .11, ,Thls will
be Miid Hi lull's flist appeaiJiue in a new play
kluio Auguiiln Dale's production of "Tim fircat
Ittiby" at Daly's theater, Klaw k Krlanger will
give "Sweet Nell of Old Pruiy" an elaborate
production. A largo pait of the fuinltuiu mil.
jzed will bn genuine Clinics 11, belonging to a
pollution' Miss llelian has been making for sev
eral jeara.
I.febler tc Co., and all tho actors loncrrued,
bavo been deluged ltli requests, for a repetition
of tho special pcrfoiinauce of browning's "In a
nalcony," in which Otis Skinner, Kleanor Hob.
son and Sjiah Cow ell I.eMojiic scored such an
artlstlo trnsatlon ut Wallack's on Oct. lid. Ovv.
ing tn Mr. Skinner's lour In "Prince Otto" It
was found impossible to biiug the thrco stars
together again this .tear, but plans nro now
under way for a special lour in the drowning
play some time iu the spring,
MVIicii Klaw & Krlanger present Martin Harvey
in this country next season his great creation,
Sidney Carton, In "The Only Way," will be
among the plajs presented.
It Is ahvajs a pleasure tn chioutclc the tuc
cess u( a deserting oung woman on the stage,
fucli ai Margurritt Sjlvi, the latest comic open
tar In ''The Princess Chic," lias achieved. She
V- c?:3 p-y!! .1 ll Lily Hi iM-Jm" wi--ss if am 1 Yo.
A Venerable Wisconsin Lady Re
stored to Health by Pcruna
After Twenty-five Years'
fiom Kv'iimvilh'
woman cured ot catarrh of twenty-live
yeais' .standing was the . easiun of
I'erunit being Introduced to the In
habitants of Kvansvllle, Wis. From
that time to this there has been a
great demand for Peruna In this vicin
ity and hundreds of cases have been
It is hi this manner that I'eruu.i
spreads from town to town and fiom
state to state. No sort of advertising
could have given 1'eruna the reputu
tion It has. The seeiet of its success
is that it makes cures. It cures old
cases of catarrh where other remedies
have failed. This ought to make any
remedy popular.
Air. ('. if. Harden, of hlvausvllle,
Wis., writes the following letter:
"Dear Doctor Hartman: I wish to
write to certify what Peruna lias done
for me. I read of Peruna In the pa
pers, of what It would do for catarh,
and sent for a bottle. This was the
Startling Statements from Kentucky, Illinois, and New Hampshire of Other Re
markable Recoveries.
AVILI.AKD. Ky. The news ot the
recovery of Mrs. Kllzabeth Prater Is a
very striking Instance of the wonder
ful curative powers of Peruna. This
estimable lady has been an invalid
from catarrh of the stomach nnd bow
els for twenty years. No wonder her
friends are very enthusiastic over her
recovery. She writes: "It is through
the mercies of
Ood and your
medicine that I
am permitted to
write you this
letter. I have
been a constant
sufferer fro m
bowel and
stomach trouble
for about twen-ty-fl
v e years,
and could never
find relief until
1 began the use
l'.lizabetli Prater.
"I began the use of your medicine
the llrst day of last September and
have taken nine bottles of Peruna, and
can say that I believe I am cured of
my troubles, and I think I am enjoy
ing as good health as any old lady of
my ago could expect. I am seventy
one years old. 1 recommend Peruna
to sufferers wlierever I may meet them
and others of my friends are being
benefited by it. I think it is a God
send to poor suffering humanity.
"I will always be thankful to you
for your medicine and kind advice, and
trust that many others will take your
remedy and lie as greatly benelited as
I have been."
toniplclcly captivotcd Piovidenie, It. T.. HufTalo,
Toionto, and lost week at the Grand Opei.i hou-e
in Chicaao she was given a brilliant welcome,
captivating an army of admirers by her dazzling
beauty and pronounced talents as an actu-is
ami a singer. Albuckle his ;coiid a hit iu "The
Sprightly ltomance of Marsac," a di.iiti.itii' wr
moii of Mollie Klliott Scau nil's novel of the
same title, lie will make his Hrst appearance
In New York in litis play nt the Republic theater
Dec. :i. Ho lias a viry strong siippmtlug com
pany, which includes II. S. Abeles, W. J. Feign
son, Horace Lewis, Henry Deigman, Claude
Tlrooks, Lama Clement, Margaiet Fuller, Sandol
Milliken and Amiahcllc Whitfoid,
Augustus Thomas "Arizona" has made as big
a hit in New York as it did in the west, con
tiaiy to piedictions of western ciiths, who wi
inclined tn think that the atmosphere of til-'
plains would not Interest those in the effete east.
The New York run at the Herald Sipiate' r
lias gone on recoid a, unprecedented In the his
toiy of that play hnuic, which has been the
home of' some of the gicatct succenses ever
I'lauk Daniels in "The Aiueei" is on his way
to San Francisco, lcaviug behind him in such
towns as Omaha ami Knu&is City, bnv olllc-c
rccoids that have never been beaten in the comic
opera line. Klrko I.aShelle has iu "Ailnna,"
Frank Dauicks and it.s bister oiganlitiim, The
Margueilta Sylvu Opeia company, plajing "The
Princess Chic," tluee winning cauls lint ale
hard to beat.
The Klaw .V Kilangcr Opeia compiny and
.Teiomo Sykes In "l'oy tjuillci" aie gieatly
piaNcd, especially hy musical people. The New
Yor!; World said this compiny U the most cap
able ever mustered Into comic opeia servile. All
clitics agtce thut it; is one of the gieatcst musi
cal organizations ever heard Iu Ameilca and the
gicatrst ill its field.
.Madeline I.uccttc It) ley lias lablul Wagcnhals
!c Kemper fiom London tint she will cniuu to
this countiy to conduct tho ichearsals of her new
play, "Iticliaril Havagc," Jn which llvnrr Miller
appears the coming season, Mr. Mlllci' season
will open In lluifilo, Dec, U, and the play
will be seen In New Vol I; later in the season.
ImhIoio Hush, foimerl.v leading lady for Holand
Heed, had scored u notable- suices as Hello
.Money in "The Itogcts Iliolhem in Central Park."
Mic iocc3 hcictofoii! iui9iipeitrU versatility
as a comedienne and can sing ami dance as well
tn she can ait.
Henry Miller "III open his seatou in riulT.ilo,
Dec, 21, with Midcliuo I.uccttc llIej'.s pla,v,
"lliciiaid fsavage." Afteiwards the play will be
seen in ltocheter, Syracuse, Washington and
naltimoic, nnd into .New York for an Indefinite
llc'llc Vicmout, n dainty young lyilc soprano,
who lias attracted considerable attention with
The Botonlaii3 in "The Viceroy," Is a niece of
Jfsslq Uartlctt Pavl.
Tho fourth lecturo of the culnrtulu
ment course will bo given In tho Metho
dist Episcopal church next Tuesday
evening by Jtov. A. T. Chaffee, of Car
bondale, on "China unth Confucius.''
Admission, adults, fifteen cents; chil
dren, ten cents.
Tho work of laying the gas pipes has
been commenced, and Moscow will soon
be supplied with gas.
Mrs. Horace Jones, who has been 111
for some time, Is slowly Improving.
A number of the old veteruns from
here attended tho unveiling of tho
monument ut Scranton on Thursday,
z? " sf& . p;
KJ1J V. jrsJ!MM)
first buttle of IVruiiu that ever eaine
to Kvansvllle: from my using It all
three of the druggists now keep It.
"It cured my wife of catarrh with
which she had been troubled for more
than twenty-five years, and I had
been troubled with it for fifteen
years. We are now both all right.
"My youngest sonliud la grippe four
years ago, and as he had supposed had
got well, or so far recoveied that he
went to work. He took a relapse and
the pneumonia set in. He had hemor
rhages, and though we tried every
thing we could think of It was of no
purpose until we gave him Peruna.
The hemorrhages stopped, and he soon
got up and Is well and hard mt work.
We think there is nothing like Pe
runa." In a recent letter Mr. Harden writes:
KLG1X, IUj. In a very recent com
munication from this place comes the
news that Mr. Arthur Krnest Kldd, a
well known architect of that city, has
made a complete recovery from ca
tarrh of the head, from which he had
suffered for a nearly a quarter of a
century. According to Mr. Kidd's
statement of his own case Peruna has
scored another victory over a case of
chronic catarrh
of long standing.
He writes the fol
lowing from 18
Hamilton ave:
"I am 42 years
of age, and have
had catarrh of
the head for over
half of my life,
as a result of
scarlet fever, fol
lowed by typhoid
fever. I got so
bad that I was
almost constantly coughing and clean
ing my throat. The catarrh greatly
impaired my eyesight, and the hearing
In one ear, and reduced my jvelght to
110 pounds.
"I tried nearly every catarrh remedy
advertised, besides a great many dif
ferent physicians' treatments, all of
which failed and the physicians would
finally tell me that I could not bs
cured In this climate: that I ought to
go to a dry climate, etc.
"I had heard and read of Peruna,
and finally decided to try It two
months ago. I have now taken seven
bottles nnd weigh 172 pounds. Never
felt happier or merrier. Peel tip top."
Ml. A. K. Kidd.
S The secret of piano satisfaction lies in the quality of the tone,
S The tone Is to a piano what color is to a painting. It gives It
S charm and value; and the better the tone, tho greater is the charm
a and value of the piano as u musical Instrument. The problem, then.
lor ine piano purcliaser to solve. Is the most effectivo way of de
termining which one of the various makes offered is the product of
the closest study, combined with the most skillful building; for it
la this piano that will be found to possess the purest tone.
5pIAN0s F
have reached practical perfection In tone as a result of perfect
scales nnd skillful building. These two factors havo always been
recognized by tone critics, as STIEFF features. In the purchase of
a Stleff piano you secure tho culmination of more than half a cen
tury's reseurch Into the laws of harmony and the principles of vibration.
Pianos of other makes at prices
Is as much to your Interest as to
I George W. Finn,
S The Sticit tone rallies with It a conviction
fffffBFf' If lH t? JhwSSrlSrt2$w1BA
The JEWHTT l.iner is easily the
215 Board of Trade, SCRANTON, PA.
PHONE 2498,
among them ibelng Postmaster O. K.
Vaughn, whoso campflre lasted until
the next day,
Herman Erhardt, of Scranton. visited
his parents here yesterday.
Mr. Johnson, of Stroudsburg, was tho
guest of Kll Vail, Wednesday and
Dr. Wehlau, of Scranton, was culled
"Wo keep 1'eruna always In thn
house, us it cured us both of catarrh
ot long standing. Wo hayo callers .ev
ery little while to Inquire as to what
Peruna has done for us. I nays 'Iook
at us. That Is proof enough.'
"1 send you a picture of my resi
dence, I helped build a house In Iowa
City on the llrst of last June, and
worked eighty-two days, only losing
one-(Uarter of a day during the whole
time. How Is that for an old man 77
years old? I came home In Heptomber
and have built another house out In
the country this fall, nnd am well arid
hearty today.
"1 hope to live twenty years yet, and
If Peruna helps me In the future as It
has In the past, I don't know why I
can't. The druggists say Pcruna Is
one of the best selling medicines they
have In stock." C. B. Harden. ,
Peruna can be relied upon to cure
slight colds and coughs and other ca
tarrhal ailments with a promptness
that Is unecjualed by any other remedy.
If a cold has settled in any portion
of the body and produced catarrh, it
Is generally thought by people that
they must suffer on year after year
without any hope of cure. This is not
true, however. Peruna cures such
cases. Thousands of testimonials that
can never be used attest this fact.
Any one. wishing free literature on
this subject should address Dr. Hart
man, Columbus, Ohio.
MANCHESTER, N. ft. According to
late advices, Miss Blanche li. Rundlett
has made a complete recovery from ca
tarrh of the head, which had caused' a
chronic running from the ears. In
medical circles thlB cure has created a
decided sensation. Her own statement
of the case is aB follows: '
"I have suffered for several years
with catarrh of tho
head. It finally
reached my ear,
and caused a run
ning ear. Having
read of Dr. Hart
man's remedies, I
Immediately wrote,
and he advised me.
iToday I am in bet
ter health'Jthan I
have been for some
time. I will gladly
recommend Peruna
for all catarrluU
dlseases." There is only one
Blanche L. 'itundlctt.
systemic catarrh remedy that Is sure
to cleanse the whole system of catarrh.
That remedy Is Peruna, This is a rem
edy that needs no eulogizing in addi
tion to what the people say of it.
Everywhere the people are praising
Peruna as a remedy for all forms of
catarrhal difficulties.
Ad-dress The Peruna Medicine Co.,
Columbus, Ohio, for a free copy of Dr.
Hartman's latest book on catarrh. This
book treats of the different phases and
stages of catarrh and should bo In tho
hands of every catarrh sufferer.
"Health and Beauty" sentAfree to wo
to suit the most economical.
ours to give us a call.
138 Wyoming Avenue
of mechanical integilty.
Writes and shades 75 letters 'to
the line. .
Writes straight on ruleti,Iines.
Has automatic t'ype;ileaning
brush. 7
The best manifolder and stencil
The lightest touch to .keys, and
least Intigue.
The J EWfiTT Ball-Bearing Car
riage 'Beats the WorldL"
Machines placed, on-, trjal, and
other makes taken, "
most clever device.-,of its kjnd,
hero last evening to see Jesse Gurdneri ,
who Is critically ill.
lived and learned.
from tho Detroit I'rre 1're-cn.
"HJilli, havru't ou known Hut joung nun
lontf enough to know whU hU inlrntlont del"
"So, mamma. Hut lose; enough to tlucl out
that lie h4't any."
' V
'i&r -a , , si-ft.