tt? ; , wsOTTTrippr M&'V i .c T '"' " ' ,v r-SU . d V'1 -" V. v Tf " -T JT" A 'Ju .5.l, i A. A wffj," ?'. .fvrwa.t'! ' ; asowfiot . ? t-a.t'i ' yju j, ' ,ri " i. i ' , 'i j. i t V - M f if t , t ' ii THE SCRANTON TKIBUNE-SATURDAY, NOVEMBEtt 17, 1900. jfe M,- $ Religious.... nrtlK DUfM.MKU HVANOI3MST," B Ui'V. V Ji. Williams. i- liirneil from l.lttlo Mcail owe, Kuriiiueliutina county, bint; night. He Ims boon ctiiuitlclliiK " Hpeclul revival incetlnij In the Metlm dlst rlnuoli there for four ilayn. ll lojiortH the. meetings very lamely at" tended, lie roniliuilcil three services racli ilny) Winners weie con voi toil. IhicUsIIiIom weie reclaimed, nml tbe chureli very Krently revived. V'c ulvc thi' list of mibjcels: Jloiuliiy, Nov. 1-, 7,l!0 p. in.. "Hionltliuf Home Tien ; Tuosdnv, Nov. 1.1. if in i "Heavenly Jlrr.ntrnitlnn": -1 p. in.. "Tim First Milestone": 7.30 p. in.. "The Prodigal Kim"; Wednesday. Xov. II, - P. " ".lacob'a Ladder": I l. m "Mint : T.:iD p. in., 'Tin.' Lust Invltntlon": Tliltrnlny. Xov. to. - p. m "X lloom for Jpsus". ! P. in . " Wishes"; 7.2" p. in., ruiwoll." Mr. Williams will bpoak lliieu tlinoK In Kingston tomur iov. .L lo."0 anil 7..T) p. ni.. In tlic (Methodist elitireh: subject, "UrcaKInK Homo Ties," and "Tln I-itst Uonip with lli TlRor"; at :: p. m., In Young Men's Chrlsllim association, Wyoming Scmhrirv, subject, "Tin.' Younjr Man and J I la Company." . ' The rc iv.-U at tho Undenominational t.'hurch, i-orni r of I.uWu and Kirk Htrccth T .11 tie Knclsiml. lias been Kvowlns splritunllv, and Minis have been s-i'- d iltirlns the tcl: and ChrH tlans bulltvup In tho faith. The nieot ln;,'s will runtlmic until futtlier nollcc, pvery nliiht nt ".IS oVIorli, Saturdays inrluded. fii.od slntrlncr and speak iucr. All are welcome. livanirollHt Li. r. Vanflneson, fioin D. L. Moody Chl criRn nihil- Institute. In In chaw. Kunda M-liiml nt 10.::o n. in. Sunday iiflernonn sluKlntf Iii-kIiim nt 2.30 mid preaehlm; at 2. 13. Tost, "For Ye -ro Iieutl and Your Life Is -llld wl'li Christ in Clod." In th evunlnpr, ropu la' evanneuMic rervlces at 7.13 i. m. :Ur. Van IIoommi will speak t at both ni'eetinsM. ft Tho lollou-hiK nuiHieal proKrauuu" will be rendered at tho Seeond Prcs bj terlan church tomorrow: liit.iii Prrlmli Amlmtv in ( CMIKiii i ilim--"lli? Si.ii "f l!"'l (w l'ortli In" .ulln.ui O'ulltllc .mil Cliuir. lifioilnrj S,..i.iihi fIo, "lj oul Tlilil'tli for ' Miiiil'K-ilm Mi-, HIjiK. (li(.'.m I'o-HiiiIl " .Man In nli'inn'lli" ... .(inniKjil I.VP.MNH. (li"in I'rcliiilc "MimIiMIIiiii" I.piiuiiriic II ur Id ,ioni.r "'Irt t 'lliy Mill)" O l'iii'- nllioin -"l.t'lil h.l i.iri- liiiii.uil d'' ...lliill.u.l OiKiinij -Dint, "Ini-L in Cml" I!i,l,in-U'in Mm I5.ii.'i,:ni .iii.l Jli (Jlppcl. Vrivn I'inllii,U., ...,.' Mlmii". Mr ,1. M llinun". niu.mNt ami iliiifior. it m i. I'.ev. Hol"i"l r. Y. Pierce will Kh" ni" ilustrati'd leeturo for men only, in r;ueineys Music h.ill, 31S W'aslilni; oii avenue, on Sunday alfeinoon at U5, iiinder ,thu auspices of tlie Yohiik .'.Yen's V'liristian association. Mr. Pierce' riKnu eiayon sketches will bi ri'menib3rcd by thoie who heard him when' tnoetiiiKH were belnpr conductnl In the J.ycoum'somi' time apo. Iuslc vlll be in cliarRO of f'ort.lltetoi" Clianc", ,.s usual, and men will find a hearty u.. Iconic I The semi-annual cnnfoivnci' of iln ' f'liurch or Ji-sii". Christ of Latter Day "-'.-tint"-! is to be held in Snowr's hall, I'uiti avenue, Punday and Monday, . .s'ov. 2." anil -0. 'I'lie nitetlins will at 2 and 7."!Tp. m. on Sun lay and Monday evening at 7.30. Apos- ' le :f. 1 Cowley, fioin ntah, and Presidont i:. If. Snow, of the East rn States uiNhioii will do the speak- , luff. A hearty" welcomi; Is extended i) the public. Xo collections. j I The nineteenth century movement will leceive its great impetus in tills ..... '"""- "" "- ....i-s......... ..... region by llio mnts meeting to be hold in hlmpson cliurcli, Dee. .. and I. I JilsliOpM Ninde and Bowman, both vet erans in the Methodist church, will bo present, ami many dignitaries of tho denomination will make addresses. It Mill lie tlie great religious event of tho present year hi this region. ; 1 ltnilrnad Young ilea's Christian ar- sqi;iution. llev. J. 11. Sweet Will ad- dicss the family meeting on Sunday nt a.lo p. 111. He will be assisted by 1 the Simpson male (liiurtetto who will render special selections. Dr. Sweet is a magnetic speaker and the quarti-lte is one of the best in the city. Kvery bo'dy is welcome and a ipeeial Invito-- worn Seems easy to a man, but there ia ; jieat ileal of lifting anil reaching to do ; ii great many trips up and down stairs to make in the course of day's house work. It's hard where a woman is well. For a woman suffering with some form of "temale trouble" it is daily torment. There aie tlioiis-inils of such women struggling aloug.iUy by day, in increasing misery. There are otlier thousand.1! who have found a com plete cure of their disease in the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, It stops debilitating drains, ciwea irregu larity, heals inflam mation and ulcera. tton. nourishes the nerves, and gives vitality uiul vigor. It 'makes weak women strong and sick women well. It contains no opium, cocaine nor other narcotic. l'or a number of juoq'tlis I aufiVieU with febutu trouble." writes JllM Apues McGowne, of NI3 Twnli St., Wash. luKton, D. C. "I triee nnr nilfi remedies. bUt none seemed to do me uuy permanent pood. The doctors kaici it was Ihe worst case of iiilu. nal trouble they ccr had. I decided 10 write to-you for help; I receheila ery encouraBlafr reply, ami commenced treatment nt once. I had uot'tited your '1'iivorite I'rebcript ou 1 a week before I began to led better, and, as I continued; my health crodually improved. It Is improving every day." . Dr Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay cost of mailiug only. Send 21 one -cent stamps for a book in paper covers, or 31 stamps in cloth, to Dr, R. V. Fierce, Buflalo, N, Y. ai C?l I f Wm CTT t I "fffiifii'iiHj linn l oxtoinled to new inelilberH and ilielr fanilllea. i Tin; regular nipotlnii of the Metho dist mhilHtcf of Scriintim and vicinity will eh liclit in the pnrolr.i of Klni I 'ark cliurcli, Moiiduy, Xov. in, at a. ni. Speaker. Jtidion X. Halley; buIi Jujt, "Ministerial Altitudes and Thelf ItecultH. ' i The Young People' societies of Northeastern PoniiHylvanla will havo their rallys at Parcoii Monday. In the cvenlut;. the ttev. V,'. K. Davlep, of the Memorial church, will kIvo then tin ndclrcss on "Foreign MIsmIous." ComonincinK Sunday ovcnlnw. and contlnulin? until furthor notice, tho ovcnhiR; services at tho ttescue Mis sion will be hold at 7.30, In place of S o'clock, as formerly. (I it Itev. David Spencer, V. P., will road a paper nt the Baptist pastors' confer ence Monday at 10.30, on "What Doe3 Paul Mean by Adoption." ; Tomorrow's Services Methodist Episcopal. l:lm l'ail cliuuli l'i.icr -"'J I""1'-"! "ivirc .it I'.W. I'icailiiiiK at H..i .i. m. aii'l 7."0 p. il. IV the iii-ioi, f. H. r:illlu, I). I). At 12 in. lulMiour lllbli! itiiJ.v in Mimljy ".iliool room. .Suniljy M'liool .it "J .aid I'pnoitli liMguo at C.SO i. in. At llii! Jllliiii, J5I0 l'lnc ".tri-i't, Stimlay mIioM nt !i a. "in. nml Cpumlli Ipibiip at ll.llli p. in. Miiipiim MrtlunlM llpl-ciipil ilmiili Hcv. .1. 11. Swoit. II. I)., pastor. Jlmning prajcrj at H.SH; pri'.uliini; M'ili"i, snnioii by 1 lit pistol, at lli.WI. text Ails 4:JU, siilijoct, "Pcriiii;, Ilivr inc. SpcaKms"; Sumla.v n'hool, n. L. lVil, r.iioiln(i'nil(iit. at 1 J; Junior Kpnorth Ip.ikiii", MIm fi.n.tonl, nipoiiiitniikiil, at 2.f)0; Yoiini; Men' meeting .it I; Kpwoitli Icjkiio. W. Xorllmn, iip".iilint; P. IVi-e, linilci, at (l."0: pii'.icliln? n'nlii", riinon by tlic us(or ut ".Ml, to.t, .lolm 0:1, -ulijfct, '"Hip Working Time of "1cm On ill." Seili atr frro. Oiu" Imititlun ii cor dial. Our welcome is heaily. v t'.mrl Sheet Jlrtlinili-t Kpiscnpul ilmrcli -Hpv. :. O. I.jinm, p.Htor. .4",, O. 11. Ho Witt, Uuiloi; piojcliinif, lO.i'.O; Sunday liool, 11.1.1, IJ. U. Clark, siipuinteliili'iiti .luiiioi liMKiio, 3.S0 p. in.; Upuoitli leaniie, 0.30; pUMiliinir, 7.R0. All are U'dconic. Scats frop. .Wiury Methodist Ppisropil ihinr-li, corner M.ui-ry avenue anil Delaware tticit Itev. Will iam C. Sinipson, 1. 1)., pastor, l'leachint; ei iie at lW a. in. ami "."0 p. in. Urotlirrhooil ni St. Paul ilcvotioinl meeting at 9..10 a. in. Sunil.i.Vj M'hool at .:0 p. m. Cpwoitli leacne, (l..'il p. in. I'rayiT mertins Wfilnesil.iy pieninc, 7.. (I n'cliKl.. Hii-iiip-is inci'tlni; nf llintlirrlmoil of M. Paul M'cond anil fouitli TuiwlJis "t p.iIi month at i.Jlfl p. in. I'rrnlileme .Metlinilist Kpi-copal cliuuli Spcilil all fnv all inemliers of t lie llrntlieihoml of St. Paul at touioiiow- inoiniiiir'i nipctliis, 30 oMoel.. Mr. Chip will meacli at 10..'.(1 on "Itn-v lint I lllanulili-." At 7.:i(l p. in. nn "ClirW'n Appeil i In Arithmetic." Sunday school .it 2 p. hi.; Kp- wnitli league at (i. IV -Tuple, "What Inteinpci- an te Costs Our .Nation," V. W. Djwmiii, cij.. h.itld. The rrihal iimtinv will bo lontiimed , nfiy oenliiir of this tint Inn Satiirdi i'M.'liin:. An intiipAliiiu M'lis vrvico of lUticu iiiiuulei opem all the cweninjr pcnieei. I ll.neplnn Stieet Metliudist ihiiiih lli-v. .I.imi-s lleiiniimir, pastor, l'leichliu; at i ln..'io, Milijut of suinon, "The Ponur Stone"; I il.i-s iiui'tlntr at ll.Iill; Sumliy m nool at 2 p. , in.; .Innior 1'Mnue at :: p. in.; Ppworlli leamie at ll :!ll. leader. .1. W. f,llimn. Kvenlii' itic.u liinir , siiUi. at 7,. :fl, siilijoct of sermon, "I'lio Ten ' Viieni'.' im Hal ion to wor-hlp with ! 11s. .V-1 1 Sheet 'Ui'tlirilN Ciitscnpil ('him liitc. a. c--tin. (listen. Morning; prp.11 lilnj; s"iice 111 111. in 'elii"l: sullied, "The Pure in Heart;'-ills-, ineetiiiir ni 1I..'0 .1. in,: .1, 11. M.isteis, li.lilci; bllliil.l.v sdi, ,ol .it p. m.J P. W. Stone, Mipcilntcniitiit; .Innior League nt " p 111.: MU K.Uie ll'i 111. aiirii'iiiiluiilent; I'puuitli Lcipic :ir ii. I"! p. in.; M. II. I'liie, lpjilei ; evuiiiw I lc.icliiiiK Kiiu- .it 7.M1 o'clock. A weliome tn .ill. X.iy An;? Millindbt Church Rev. .1. It. Austin, p.i9lm. Smutty selnml .it S.f0 p. ni ; W. II. XiMin, fiiipeilntciiilent; prc.ieliln,; Fnice it :!.:;) p. in. : iiipiIIhk .it I p. in.; I'nuik 'Itinir, le.ulei. All welcome. 1'nst Ccinian M(llioilil Kpiscopil cliuich. Ail nils .mime .mil Vine stieel C!. Iloliilln, pistor. 1'ie.iihiin; s,ri(is o !. m. anil T.nO p. 111. In j uioinini,' Itev. Chiller IteusS. of S,n s x ,hu Vle,mv. d(lfli ,un prf;t; t01inct the voiiuniiiiiun teriiec .ifter tli S.nitin-c, cli ami lie sci num. Sunday epliool nt luion. Ppnilli le.iiciie liiectlin: nt T p, 111. The i-cnlres will be continual tills week eteiy CM'iiliis cucpt Sal- uuliv. I Atiie.iu Jlethoillst l! Clmicli, lloiv.inl ' IiUee llov. 1). S. llentley, 11. P., p.islor. uai. I fitly inecliiiK Eeriie. Itiv, Hi nj.imin Wlicelcr, I preniilinj; elelcr, will piPach at K).:!0 a. in.; Coin- ! mmilvii at 0 p. 111.. ami iniaeliiiiK at 7.13 p. in. To .ill of these seriu-s a cmillal inil.itlou U I'MemUM to all. Baptist. IV1111 Avenue lUptlft cliuuli I'lciiliin; iiiurn I jiiT at 10.;:o. ami cMriiliu at 7...D liy Hit i.woi, llev. Holurt I'. V. Pieree. Miuiiluir nujtn in tlie loner tcniple ut 0.13. Topic" ot moiiiliu cf" niiin, "hi Ills .Stein, 01 the Wjy to tin Tliioiic." Siuul.iy ncliool at tlic I'cim .uuiiie iliuuli at i n'iloi.1., uiul at tlie M1I1101I1I inls,lnii ,11 J,:,il p. m V. P. H. C. II., nt (i.:M. Plum 7,1V) to S.iJli . people',, iopiilar oiui hour wivlee; (.eunuii ii!c, "The Voiaite ot Lite." A brief vv.iiii.vl. 1 fcinici" in the lower,." follou'iis tlm 111011. I'irsl Ilaptiit cliuuli, ?outli M1I11 avenue S Matliuws, pistol ; luihoiuiie, llll Itoclt fti , t, The Usual feuiiis nioinliij," anil eieninir, ll.i'H 11. in. awl T.r.O p. in., hi luseuuiit of the t loll baptist cluuilij Snnil.iy mIioi.1, S..10 p. ni.. I'lyuioiitU cliuuli, Dr, lli'Iilov iupiiiiiuiiil cut; II. V. 1. U. service, (I.BII p, 111., at Ivoiile hall j prajrr iiiectlus Wi ilncilay, 7.W1 p. in., Ii.wnicnt n( Wi-Wi Ilipilst ilnucli, All aie wil. en'iip. Slilluli llapiit Clnucli, ceuli'i- (.lieet .'enlits: nt 10,11 a, 111. anil 7,;:o p. in. by Itev, .laino A., l Philadelphia, Jluinlli Mibjecl, "Wash and lie Heady;" vvenlK nilijiit, ".lu.tlco Was Violently Witlibcld 1'ioni lllin." All aic 1 welcoint", I N'oith .Main ,nuie Itapibt rhiu.t!i--S, ii. lteiulliiir pastor, f-eulcct 11 1 lOI'.n j. ni. ami 7.::o p. tn. Minilay i.uiui at v p. in. Mcwoilil Ilaptlst iliimyh l'aslor, ltcv, W, V. l)iIei. Seiiti"i toniuiiuiv nt llm iiuil bonis; lllhle school at 2 p. in, In "tin' ni-ulnir I hn lhv. It. O. Chiucr, of IU" Chil.liau ditiuh, .lll preach In the alisen?i! of the pistor. 'Iln . ..,. ..,-j m, 1 1 ... . . .. Vniiny l'cole'it fc.itlrly will meet Tuesday cin le. Topic, "llio Honest Leader," Vim muii mlhslon, Pfencott anuue 1 1II1 bihnol, i(.w); rveniiii; sen Ice, 7.a0. Dr. Ilileson will tpeal Xov, IS, tubjicl, "Do- 1 itlJin"; pi ijcr Mcctlnir, lliutaday cicnhrr, ilely llanlbt ilmrcli Hoi, )4 til Snenciv, ' , will preaih nt Win 11. 111, on 'Tliili-V ty lUffirent fmiu all Olher ltellKioiu," mid 7,')il p, 111. on "llown, but Not Pou iKcii"; Itlblu wliftol, 11,13; II. V. l U lively body wi'leome. Presbyterian. l"iit I'lubyU'rian cliuuli Dr, MtLcod will priatli uioiiiluK bciilcc, lU.bU; evening tcrtire, 7..'iU", Sunday trhool, 12.15, noon; V, I", R. O, K., 0.Ert p. in. Mlil-nrck erlco Wednesday, 7.11 p. 111. fitiJiiseu weliome lo all ten Ice. Second Presbjterlaii thuiili Senile I0.SO a. 111. unci 7.'o0 p. 111. Dr, ltobimun will preach inoinliiir and evcnlns. The topic, u the cuiilni; will be "A Man In Ihuiui," A 101 dial Invlti. tlou Ij extended 10 all. (Iiecn Hidue Presbyterian elnirch Hcv. I. J. 1-anjiriK. pastor; Itev. I.. It. Poster, as,!, taut. At 10.30 and 7.30 wnlie. of wowhip with ter iiioiu by tho paitor. lllhle ncliool at VI; Chris. Hall Endeavor, 0.30. A weleonic to all, Wsslibum Street Piesbytcilan Cliurcli llev. John P. Moffat, 1). 1)., rmlor. Servlca nt 10.SH n. in. anil 7.30 p. lu.l lllhle ncliool at 12 in.! Christian IJmleaior norlrty nt 0.U0 p. in.! najcr mictlnff, tt'tihicnliy, 7.30 p. in. Tho pistor will fttach In the mornings nulijcct, "llolillnj' Viwl the Profession of Our I'allli." In ttiaiMcnliift Hie p.nlor will iutiicIi nt tl p. in. ami mttnlnUtcr the SatraniMiti In the Sumner Au'tiuu l'rwlij tcrlnn ilinrch, Hcv. P. J. Mlttnan will piencti In the pvenlns In the Winlitiurn Slrect 1'rMbj. terlan climrti. Thcto will bo rprclM mmle at r.ali Rcrltc. All welcome. Next S.ibluth the fiflli anniversary of tins prcfdil pt'toMlo will be ob'iruJ. Sumner Avenue Preshjlcrlan ilnni'h, comer Fnmncr nvcniip ami I'rleo ipp PrciiclilnB at 1(1.30 n, in. ami (1 p. m. S.ihtnlh Reliool nt 2 p. in., Mr. Iloznlccl llronn, upcrlnlcnileiit. At 11 p. in. Itev. Dr. Jtollat lll pic.icli nml aib inlnbtor the Baci.imtiil uf li.iptlMii ami llio I.ouI'r nipper. Youiii Peoplc'd Society nt llndeaior at 7 o'llnckt theme. "What IhtciiipeiMiKi' Ciwli Our Xiitlon," Proxeibi, :.lll, 1-7, 15-2I. Pr.i.irr inretlm; Wedned.iy rvclilnf, f. I.r u'ctoel:, All arc wdtoiiie. (Iiecn lllilco Preilijtcilan clititrti llov. W. J. l'ord. Mecllni for pr.llir nt 10 a. In.', tluircli UTilces at IH.30 and 7.30. Subjeil lii the moiu linr. "A limine Man Amoiur the ApoUlo"! in the p rultiir, "A Cilhl Wlu lll.ippolnlcil 1IH Patent""." Sunday nlmol nt 11. Ill .Innior meet Ins at 3.301 Senior pinycr ineellm: ut O.M. Allium Aveiiuo tliapil, N'rw Votk nliei't The Itev. .taini'i llughcH will pienrh nt 10 30 n. in. mid at 7.30 p. in.; ntlionl ut 3 o'clnelc, Mr. Chitidlcr, siiperliitenilinl. The pistor will ('in duct the llllile cla- for men, to vlilfli Hip men of the iielnhlinihooil nie Imtlril. C. I!, at A ami lie.irly Imitation U (then to attend tliii scrvieei. T.iylnr Preslij lerlan ilimtli l'rofc.oi" W. 11. l'liiiiiley. of the School of the Idckmnnni, will liri'Jili at the moinliis wnlce. N'o cpnlng ier lip. Episcopal. St. IaiVc'8 parish Itev. I!o;ci I'l.icl, I). P.. rector; ftev. I;. .I. Ihiuhlon. senior curate; Hcv. I. D. N.ish. Junior rui.ite. Twentytlilid Snndiy after Trinity. St. I.;il,e's cluiicli 7..10 n. m., holy eomiiuin. Ion; 10.30 a. in., morning prajer and kttoii; 7.I.0 p. in,, rtriilni; pra.ier and Mimnn; !M.i a. in.. Suiiilay kIiooI and nilde flisse. St. Mark'". Dunmore S a. in., holy roiunimv Ion; I0..10 J. m., moinliii; pr.ijcr and sermon; 7.30 p. in., renlnc Tiyir nml mmiiipii; 3 p. in., Similiy sihnol and lllhle classes Kml Mission, l'ri"colt aicmie 'i p. in., Sunday s-njioot and lllldp classes; 3.30 p. lit.. ,itpnitiir praier ami scinion. South Siifc Mliilnn, rir street 2.:,0 p. m., Sumliy srhool and llildo classes. St. Gi oi go's. 01 pliant J .'! p. m., Stniday fcliuol and lllhle claes; 3.30 p. m., cveiiln prajer and sermon. ChrUt'ti Clnrcli, poini'i Washii.ton and Paik ocnue. Itev. P. S. Hlllentlin", rector. Ser ilce.s, 1?.30 a. in., 2.30 p. m. and 7.3H p. ni. All stall fire. All welcome. Kefonned Episcopal. (luce llt'foniicil Pplscopal c ureh, Wyomlnp; avenue, lielow Mullieriy wlrcet Hpv. Ocorgo L. Alrirh. pa,lor. Piajer and pialse oerilce. 0.30 .1. in.: divine worship, 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in. Mm nine stibjcit, "A Lawful b'se of the Law," I Timothy, i, S; oienins subject. "A New Cau tion," II Corinthians', v, 17. Sabbath school at 12 rn.; Young People's Society uf Cliil-tlan Ku lienor, 0.30 p. in. I.ison stndv Wednediy eieniuif at 7.30 o'clock, followid by piavei" meeting at S o'clock. Seats flee. All welcome. Evangelical Lutheran. IXintteliPal Taill.eiaii. Twcnty-llilid Mind i v llpi-llc. after Trinity. Go-pel, Mtt. 22: la-2-'. Phil. 3: 17:21. St. Mark's, W.ishbuin and Pouileenlh stiecli Itev. A. I., ltaiuer, I'll. D.. p.i-tor. Services, 10.30 a. in., 7.SO p. m.; Luther lcarrup. 0 p. m.: Sumliy "school, 12 in.; Catechetical instinction, Monday, 7 p. in.; Wednesday eveninj seiuee, 7.30; Mission Hind, s.itmd.iy, 2.30; iiioiiiinir Hihjeil. "The Cluistiin''! Attitude to Civil Olill fritiom": cwniiii; s-ubjeel. "Thu Coniins of the Si.ii of Mm." Holy Trinity Adams .lvcmis aiel Mulberry slncl-ltev. ('. f. Spiekei-, pwloi. Seilc"cn. 10 3U a. in., 7.30 p. m.: Lilt hi r league, 0.30 p. in.-. Sunday school, 12 in.; in-diuc-lion. .Monday. 7 p. in.; lllldp i.ludy, Tneiljy. 7.l" p. in.; Mission band, Satuuliy, 10 a. m. St. Paul's, Shoil .iMinu Itev. W. C. I,. Liuer. pistor. Services, 10.30 a. m 7.30 p. m.; Sunday kIiooI, 2.30 p. m.; liiMinclion, 3.15 p. in.; Luther league, Wolncsil.iv, 7.30 p. m. .ion's, Millliu aenuc Itev. 1. V. Zirclmann. rwmwwwwwwwmwrwwwwww Sunday School Lesson for November 18. The CO.M'UXT. The coiiimiltee he rnii llio lesion uf the d.iy with Vtise 11, Ileal ins thus only nine eucs-, in which is a ii'ioid ot lieallnir of the lepeis. In tbcho notes it is iliemcd be.-t 10 ioci si- pienom eivcs, liesin liins with tlie lllth. The object in Hills eitrwl ins the study is to secure tlie intiodiictiou or ie.utit. IL tnusl be lemcinbeied that tin re a ivlatinn between llio deeds and teaching of Jcmis. Hi- used ono to illusliato and enforce the cithci. It is inipoilaut. tljeiefoie, (bat this lelatlen should be duly toruMcrcd, otbciwlso the (ot cc of His moiiLi nnd acts may bo lost. In the botuie u (lie couwiautlon between .Iesu3 and Ilia disciples led up lo the cure of the tcncM, ai that supplemented the rouuisa tlou. Ilolli boic on tho subject f faith, one ulutraetly and the oilier concictvly. ' Taking the luo lot'ether we shall line cleaiir awi thill if we took ilther alone, and o fh.lll no mere illalimtly vhat all nicd U nmlcrstatu!, fuiiiethlnir l the inliid of .lesas ainl tin1 pt.m of Ills inhibit,', HIKJIJI'mT. 'Ibis leathinj; awal.eucd the npo. tlei to cerium rcllcctlou. They rcall.od the dinner ot wiouir dolus,' to'waid 11 icllow ile.cclplc 4 hey felt tliut It would ho cMcediiigly liitllcult tn rclul.u one in a iWit tpiilt aiiil biini; bin', lo iviiiitai'ie ((Sal, l: 1), nioru dllllcuU to cun. less tlieir f.uilu (James : 10), us 11 metbod of luunc Illation, und almust iuipoijlhlc to for she one who offended yo in.inv times. TT'iy mutt haitf tiulied their tii.ibilhy to attain the cle. atid fctiimiiird and to pcifoiui the delicate 11 tli,, riijolued. It U .1 uxcuL in uuy muii'i, life when bo uppiovvs nn ideil, but tiels Ills own (.hoileouilic-i ami weakuiiss Item. ll: IS). Tho :ipisllei, tlieiefuii", t-ouifht the aid uf Jcsiu to meet their need. "Intieaso our faith," was Ihilr nulled ier,i.el. Ilihlently they belleieii that faith ii the cs-entlil in cci.y holy t;i. ileal or (llib. .Ni: li); that wliilu liny had .1 uie.i.s. me of 11I1I1 it was not stioin; euouidi for 1 1 1 . duty ieiiiitcil of them, nnd that .lcii bad Ihe ivmer to develop this excellent cjuillty In them (I'ph. il S. These Ihiee opinion weic ouuldc the culinary iiiuue of tlclr tliliiKiuK. They 1e1c.1l Ilic belter and liiftic Iwpiful kld of apus tolic ihaiatter, sliowlue that they wire crad ' "ally npiiroachlntr llio lejlm of .iililtnal matteis, , '"1 tlut tho cnorti ot Jcis for their nlucallnn ' wi.i'n lii 11 mpiMiiti biieces.fnl. lint were, lhev Hut were they iliilil In tliii renuist? Or weio they fccllnu' alter liutti wblcli they ivcro unable to srrap? Illll'bV, 'lli bid cl" not rcbuko the apos. Uii for their leanest, a proof that Ilo wm not displeased with them. Neither docs IU oiler to Brunt (heir petition, at that time or at any tliiie, an juilicutioii that they had not spoken nltoBflhcrNin accoidjnie wllli llll will. Hut He Iibtiucti liieui ami loads tliun into a clciier view, "If o bad faith as a irralu of tmuliiel wed," lie t.i.ii, Iniplylng that tlrtj desire for in ocase wM.s not ipilte proper, A mull faith, If Kinuino, llkiird unto the least seed (Matt, xilt; 32), was siilfklent for preat deeds. They mlulit with It do woiuleis; they inlitlit command thu sjiamoiu to le trampl.-inldl hi the ei and the lice would obey. This stuleiiiinl ha pioiohed unnlsc discussion. The rinuilc ought l to bo taken lltciully, but figrratively, Time is 110 possible fain in iiiajln; a tiec grow- In flia ocean. Jeua w-a not cujfaitvcl in nicli featsj of iiijslerlous ponvr. neither did He undertake lo train Ills followers to do tlicm. The transplant, cd tiYO meiely icprescnlt'il the wonderful but legitimate achleicnicnts of a man of faith (lleb. ni; M). Thu instruction of Jeu pcrtainid to the imturo and power of failli. lie who is cry. In( for more filth may well doubt whether ho has any. There may bo degrees doutyliss thcie paslor. Sen Ice, 10..10 a. n.! Sunday selioot, 2 p. in. Christ ilnirili, CeilJr nieniie ami lllrch slrect llov. .lutiies WIUp, ptor. Servlcei, 10.30 a. in., 7.3iJ p. in.! Siiiula.v fi'liool, 2 p. nt. St. l'cter', l'ri-Motl inenuc Itev. John llui. ilolpli, l.iloi". Seivlee, H.:tO n. in., 7.30 p. in.) Sunday fehool, 2 p. lit. Grace llnntbh Lutheran tlmrcli, corner Mullion acmia ami Mulberry ilurt llev. Luther llii Warlns, putor, ti.30 .1. to.. Sumliy Vlionli 10.30 a. in,, divine, worship! Mihjeet of permoii, "Tin Chrlotlin llritpoiislhllltj-." 0.r . in.. YouiiR IVopIc' Sockly of Christian Kmleatoir 7.30 p. in., ilhlnc worship! .oubjert, "Iihh, tho Piopll ct." Kvcrjlody wekome. Miscollaneous. All SoulV llnlvernilhl Church, on l'lnc ulirel, hetwecn Ailnm and .le.Icrioii nrvnuct llev. O, It. lle.iHbley, j iloi-J n-sldinee, 023 Ailinu ate mie. Mornlmc "in Ice, 10.'J0 o'cloel,; subject, "Polllein'iw of ltcsutts; ri The Two nji" evcnliiR terlec, 7.30 o'clock, milijei t; .v.lrnele,") Sunday trlicol at 1I.30 a. in.! Mr.'. S. Ilciijainlu, ffperlntimknt. "Vp Must H'" Ha" Asaln." tttanireis wilt always find a welcome. riut ilmrcli (Christ Scientist), Bill Adami ave liue Sundny s-enlces 10.30 a. m. nml 7.30 p. m. Sunday school. II. Ii a. in. SubM, "Ancient .mil Modem Nccroiniiicy, or Mrsnieibm and llvpiiotbiu." Tesflmonlnl iiieetlnui Wednesday evening, 8 o'clorl,. The lllhle ami nil Chrlv Han Science literature Is" Kept In Hi free public reiillnir loom. "Science nml Health, with Key In the srriplurei." by Maiy Hiker, will be loaned to Inirstlpaloiii without cIuikp. Visitors nnd letliiii of Inquiry are wclcomeil and given loiirteom attention and lulormaiion iree. People's Coturrccalionn Prohlhlllon rhureli Hcv. llr. Illnl, paitor. There will be tegular prenhlnc smlcu on Sabbath evcnlns In Morell hall, llicikpr street, firecn Hlilar, at 7.30 p. in. Subject, 'The Only Hoik- tl.c Home, tho Cliuich and Hie Niilion." All are welcome. f'abnry lie foii'.ccl Climh, Cllh-on liirl nml Monroe nu'tiito Jliv. Mufon L. l'lior, pistor. Seniles, Siuilay, 10 30 a. in. nnd 7.30 p. in., Scnilay school, n. m.! ClirMI.ui i:iidcanr, 0.." p. m. Moiuliit: nihil pI. "I'he Last JmlK meliti" Ptpiillir snlijeet, " I'hc fllorloiu One III Hie Mbbt of iln llnliliii f andle-ticKs." '.ion L'liltnl rvannellinl ( liuicli, 1120 Cnpou-o a.-enue. Pica. him. it 10.1. a. in. anil T.30 p. in. by the p.i'tor, Hi v. .1. W. Messlnpi; sub jects. "Puttln On Clirisl" and "After Death, What?" Sunday e-ctiool at n.l". a. in.; Kejulnne Leanno CluMI.ui Hiidcavnr at H.30 p. in. All uie coidially invited. PI mouth ConKiciMlionil church, .lacksan street, between Main and Hyde I'.nK awnues. 10 30 a. m., innrnlni; wimon and cnmiimninn tiv pastor; 12 in., Sibbatli whool, A. II. II) mm, superintendent; 2.1'. p. "' Mission fiunlay school, Slieiinan ncnne, John IL Thomas, supci intciideiil ; 7 p. lit., cu'iilns s.njce. (.ennon bv the pistor. All unices" an- in l.nglUh. V.. A. Ilol, pistol. . V. W. C. .. '-'in Na-hliiKtiin avenue (lospel tncp'tlliR at .'!.i i. in. Suiclary's Ifdr class Monday at 7.1. p. in. AH women nml trills aic imbed. MUSICAL GOSSIP. The proRiamme of lMitinl Stiau.s and his Vieiinesi" oicheslra las been a tiiiniiphint unc nil tbroiiKh New Voil; state and Canadi. At Utita they ihew ner 1,000 people against Iho counter a'ttiaetioiis of C.owinor Itoo-cielt. led Cue ami boomlm,' Rims. '1 hi; ilectimw hid no tenois for lVlm cither in thU country or Can aile. In Montieal bo was iccehed with acclnn.i lions of deliiiht nnd his pioirammes" are so well ehorn tint every numl" r is luv.iii.ibly cneoieil, the biR audiences Riltnu almost two coiiccrU eveiy time finm one nihiibsion. At Ottawa, the Rove'inor RCinral of C.innli Milt for the Rieat loader to come to his lw and conipliuientcil him upon bis iii.iRiiilicciit pel foi ma nee. The press is ciloRistic in ncaily cuiy town i-itvd as )c'l. At lloston the alliance i-ale ie.ic.hcd M-i.ial thousand clollais ecn befoie the Rieat musician arrbed in Hie city, and Heir Stiaii'S duplicated his initial tiliuupli at tin- .Metropoli tan Opiia house, Xew oik, by pail.iiiR it to the doors. 'Ibis Rieit treat will prob ably bo offcicd to the people of Scianton. II I! II The utns" of the "MIKado" l.i-t well, ill the Metropolitan Opeia house, and the many icmiesls for Its repetition, induced the lnaniRciucnt. tn pn,tpono tlie pioiluction of "IN meiabl.i" until nest week, hence the "MiKado" lias been repeated eeiy ccniiiR and matinee this week. Tlie new opcia, "r.smeialdi," is by Ai tliur floiiiiR ', nnd h.n nowr been siiiir in this country. It is founded upon Victor IIuru'.s vW'vwwwvvwwrwvwrmwwvwmvwvwV9 9v9ww'H"9'i'9 Ten Lepers Cleansed. Luke xvii, 15-19. aie hut be who comes sl.oit of liis achievement need not as-inn Lis falluit" to Ihe iiiiantlty but to the quality. !:uch is the plain teictiing of the sixth cise. fiI'.lt'ICi:fl In Vei-cs 7 to 10 an eiithely differ ent Mibjcct appears lu bo liimUs. Inif faltli Jcus dbciissts sci Ice. lie h'pothe. latea a ease. huppo.e one of the apostieit bad e. tenant, would ho at the dose of the day's worl: diicct seuant lo take his supper flitr Would lie not rather requite the seivant to wait on him and afterwaid to take liU own iifrciliment? And In case tlie servant did this be would deseive no thinks, for ll wa.i merely llio pei fen main i" of dill). In llko maiinei JcsiH requhed Ills diselpiis to act in tlieir mlnistiy. Ills desieu was to teach tliein self-abiiegallon and liiimillalloii, and absolute muunder lu the will of tlieir Master .15 a duty (ltoiu. xii: 1). Ihi ill ill ly this tcaclihiR had fonie lelatinii with what went before. 'I In- addics was fotitlmious, nnd the paits aic Joined by the won! but, .1 dl-Junc. the unijunction, showim; that the u-niaiks on n" fiibject weie Inteniled to uist liRht tin a matter of faith, but how? P.ilth Is a matter of will as much as nf be intelhct or emotions. No nun is piep.ucd for its iron 11I110 c.xercUe until he bevonics fully and humbly Fiibmi-sho to Jenus Chrbt. Tho seivanl' fphlt and attitude are the means of promolln,? it (.lame? II: 17). It is Divinely trhcu. not as a luxury for Idlciu.-, .but :n an ciiilucinciil for pert lee. PI.DADINl! Alter the foieaoliu: Interview with Ills dbilples, .lesiis Joiunoed with tlicm into the border of Palilalia. Oiniltlnir all lefeicnccs In tlm oiciurenccs hi the way l.ukc iccoids an in cident tliat casts fuilbcr lluhl mi tho mbject of faith, .lust oulMdo of a lllllu lllani" Jcmis iih t ten lepeid, TIick' iinfoiliinalii people wuu ilieiued lo be specially and dlrclly under DiUi.o dlspli.iHire, Out nf yrrrrrrl liy and wllli a de- l-hi- lc ho mutnilly helplul, lulus eleptiied ot all hitereouii-o with otln'is, they consoitcd in. (.ether, .Stdiidluir nf.11 eil, as iiquhed liy tin law, they nled aloud; "Ji'siw, Mulct, haic mcicy on in." This was a wiy impeifeet ieei nltlmi. They knew Jesics by His iiainn und by the popular conception of Him a a public tcjcli. it. Tiny did not appear In know that Ilo was the Messiah, 11 truth which Hie oposlles wen.' slow to rceebo (Matt. Mi: 1). lint they be. lieud that He hid power to heal, and that lie was pood ciioinili to exercise tint power. Tl.oy bad piobahly obtalntd that opinion thiuiish th. many repoits of His wor.deiful rures (Matt. ll; 2), whicli were in chculatlon. So that their j.leaillni,' was 1111 act of faith and hope. How er.incst must they have been ai they lonsideicd their stale and Ills ability! t l.lUX&INfl. I.cpioy was 11 loatli".tiie und iiieurablo disease, In lt pimince all classes, oe 11 physicians ami philanilunplsts, wciu pow eiless. On this account Julia w.i paillcul.uly atteuilie to Its, misciablv vlcthm (Matt. i; X), us proof of nil bish claims, and wien ihe tneltu weie sent out He ouieied lo imitates Ills ex ample (Malt, m S). Hut when tbeso Ion ap piojchcd Ha did not liuniediatcly woik a cuie, us lie might hue done by a woul, neither did ilo d.couiugu tliun to hope for any ullcf. llu rather directed them to no and blow llicimchei unto the pilc-sts. Why this older? Thj pilcts could not cure It was their duly nioicly'to derldo wluthoi" the disease was Icproyy (I.ev. xili: 2), alo in pioiiouncc one luo fioin ee cleslasllcal ielralnts when the disease a i( mocd (Lev, xiv: 2). For this latter piupo tho lepers were to bo. It wa" qulto tho iau us to say that on reaching the prtct thu leproy would bo gone, It was, therefore, a test of tlieir faith, bomethiuir like that of Naamun (ll Kings v; 10). Ilesldes, It was a recognition of Jewish oidinmcc uj on other occasions (Luke v; 11). "Hiitulibacl: of Xolre Djme," nml U llm ccomt opeia written upon that plot. The tlrsl was .1 illnial failure, and licicr reached thl country. After thU opera, llio miccim of which rtmalns to be Keen, It In the Intention of the luaniiRi'inenl Id tcle "II. M. H. I'lmiforo" la n Btylo quite ni ilnboiatn ntnl complete Ihe present per founanco of llio "Mllmilo." In ttils connection It may be mentioned that (llllicrt ntnl Sulllvau'a "Piillttiio" M recently been lovlvoil at the S.noy llic.ucr, In boniton, uid altlioiiRh written in n Mtlre upon the aoslliclle crarc of twenty .ci atio, feenil to Ii.Hp lost little of lit sparkle, and wit. 'the other npcr.n lepeafeil nest week will be "MIriioh" und "Troatcre." Tlie jcawu will Inst about one month lonRir, ai the iCRutar fcmoii of opera In Italian, flcriu.iti und 1'icihIi bcjjtns oIkiiiI Dee. 1.1. II II l That well known ami popular oiRanliatloti, tho Sludlo i tub, wilt bold Its (list rehearsal for this season at Mlsi Pipcinnn' nluillo. There will be our tweiity.lbe lidle4 III the chorus, okiUIciI by a Mrlnir oreheli.i. MIm Preciunn, tlic eon iluclor. Ins selidul ?onic tliiirinltiR p.nt poiir, most of tliein entirely new In Seranton nudlenccs. II II l The next, S.uuphony oirhestra concert will oc cur nt the L.Mcuin on Monday pvcnlnir, the tenth of next month. Dr. Carl llult, the (treat basso, will ho tho ocJt tololst of tho cvenlnir. nnd Haydn Kv.nn will play Mctidel-Aolm'ii plaiuTcon rerln, with the full orehettral' niconipanliiielit. A rpklidid pioRratnmo lias been pripjieil. II II l MIm Jull.t Clapp Allen appeared at the Wilkes. tlairc Muslml club yesterday, as ilolln soloist. Tlic 1110011118-, which was held ut the residence of Mis. II. II. Il.iney, was ciy gucccsaful. THK CHABIOT, RACE. How It la Managed in tho Stage Production of Ben-Hur.. Tho mechanism tiC tho chariot race in the staijo performance of "llcn Ilur" Is described by Benjamin E. Smith in the November St. Nicholas. The writer viewed the race from be hind the Hcotiex, lie says: Hitherto the horses have paid no at tention to the voices of the actors In front of tha drop scene or to tho bustle mound thorn behind It. Hut just as the scene Is ending, one of them pricks up his ears nnd begins to paw the floor, an J In an Instant all those eight pairs of eyos are wide open, the eight heads tiro turning nervously, and tho eight bodies are trembling with excitement. Tho 'prrooma take a llrmer hold of the lilts, and the men at the brakes boar down hard. Suddenly, without word of cummanil or touch of lash, all of tho eight hor&cs arc In the air! There Is a great leap, a fierce struggle- to shake orf the hostler'd grasp, and a wild tattoo of beating hoofs. ''What has haupened?" we shout, as wo jump despeiately for refuge be hind .something that looks like shel ter, though It is only a canvass screen. "Nothing," answers the manager of tills scene, at our elbow (he Is the only unexcltcd person on the stage at that moine nt): "the horses have mere ly taken their cue!" They Have watched for that last shout of the partisans of Ben-Hur, and as Messala immediately thereafter ap pear0 from b"hind the drop-scene, they know that the race is on! ror to tlicm it is a real race, and they are cagor for the fray. At this dramatic and somewhat peril ous moment the cool manager of the race is In supreme command. He leans forward from his station in the wings, and at tho right Instant shouts: "Let 'om go!" The brnkes are loose.!, the hostlers spring back, and the horses drop instantly into their paco. and are off, 'is they fondly imagine, down th c-ourrfo. Tn tho next moment he shouts again, varying only the pronoun: "Let Iipv go;" and the pig panorama starts on its almost equally wild enroor. The stage bunds come hurrying oft' the st.i(r into tho wings, almost running ovre us as wo press close to tho man ager, In order that wo may lose no BY J. E. pilbert, D.D Secretary of American Society of Religious LMucation. The lepers went, and while- 011 the way tiny were cleansed. It js a rc-mai kable display of Je.sua' power, working lcsulls in men distant fioin Him, and rewiiiiliiiic their elementary faith. Plt.MSlNC 'I'm men in the way healed of lepiosy and uxlurcel to toeicty. Another triumph of the love of Jesus oei" bodily intliinltles One would suppose lint these men would hasten to lline; thcuiscbes with pnsslonalu irratitutle at the Saeiour's feet and to thank Him for the won deious aiH of lite and health. Hut nine of them go their wjy and formt III111. They may have gone on with glad liearla to rerche the piiesl's ccitlflcite and to heek their homes mid fi lends. They may have been controlled by coino ahsoiblns sclllshncss, i-omo Jewish fascina tion, some sacerdotal inteifeicncc, soma shame, fill thaukle'ssness, foiiu- superstitious ignorance. Put one of tlicm, and lie a Samaritan, exhibited a hpiiit uf Kialitudc. Tumine back Willi loud olce, ho Klorllic'il Uod, and fell on his face in true (Mental ttjlo exprcMiie of his deep re'er 1 live ((ieii. .xlviii; 12), and f.uc liearty thanks t Ids buiefaclor. In' this tlie Samaiitaii honored bis own people, showing that thouirli despised, they weio In many respects superior to tlicli haughty und Eclf.ilcjitcous uciitlibois (.foiiu iv: ti). 'I he incident nbo nccouuts for the le inai kable suiiess which .Tcbiis had ill S.imail.i, cailler lu Ills mlnistiy (John iv: .19), and wur. lanls Ills parable wheieiu he sets these people ahoe thu Jews (t.ul.e x; 3.1), UIXOONIHD.-Of all the liould itales lo which fallui huuianlty miy ilex end in'im is o leviilthiK as Insratltiide. Tho apo-dle Paul nun tieus this as the eliKf .sin of the ancient woild (Item. I: il). It imrl.s the decay nf eicry Cell" emus iiupubc". On tlie other band, luithiui; is liioie beautiful, iiollilns,- iiiutn acceptable tn (loil tlian eratilude (IV11I111 xcil: ).:i), It is tlie cud of nil holy cndiaMii- mid of nil dlilne discipline' ( Whin llm nml has attained (hat Maty It Is per f cried (I'siihn cclili 1-2). Ou tlm ocsmsIoii iiii der consideration Jesus reoonUed the iiicrati. tude with Mil mho and pain. "Wheic 1110 tho nh'ii?" was His luiuhy. Hut no unswer came, And tin 11, as Ho i-aw the one man, llu said: "Thy faith had mado Hue whole," ,u old piot'eib sajs, "lie who Is thankful for a famr repays it." And there Is no .doubt tint Jesus iccciud at much satisfaction in iiollng the tliiukfuliux of the healed nun as I lie latter did in the picsciice of His mighty fiieud. Golu;; fort ll fiom his Mjtu's picseiice, the Kiiiiailtun must Invo i.xperieneed Inexpiesslblo joj the Joy of a found bodv, of a thankful lie.ut, 01 u pirfonil cominunlon whh, nf (hat appiov. hiir woul Ilo tpoki.', and of learning llio t-oerot ot nil (.'oil's dealing' willi nun, the ilciory of faith. SI )1MAU . Our le.son ptcjenls four linpor. lant fieU roniernhiK faith; Its nature It Is like a Kialn of niiulanl seed, (ippatciUly small yet, a pibiclple of life, luiili'ir In il-u'H llm prop, city of ilorlopnuiili Its power It will enable its posscssoi to do iniifhty tlilucs, what will (rem lo tho unbeliever as impossible, us to make 11 trio niowiti thi sea without soil; lit, culture it ilittis into tho heait, not as the result of ashing- mcii'ly, but n bestowed upon linn who cnusecratfs liini.elf to Jcus Christ; its iewald cfTectlntr .1 connection between the flnltu ami the futlnitr, it biinss new energy into man's belnrf, the source ot health and Joy, 1'allh is ihe ohc tilt nt soul's lellinirt upon Die l)ino promise, the nibnilsslie soul' grasp of Dhlne powci; It Is a lelurn to that normal stile in which Dod Ibcs in man and acts through him (ltoiu. v; Pi), uiul pian lives for flod and acts for llh gloiy. I'alth traiisfouus and transposes nun. It makes tlicm new creaturei and puts Hicin In new atti tudes and relations. P." It Ihe alien bicomcs a citizen, and llm rebel i nudi lval (Phil. Iv; 13). O jtan Wl H Simple BIPHI Wm as a a 'IbSHL 8,ove SiZMMiXlHusj r it to a night, Sped Is made extra heavy, with every joint iron lo iron. There is no heat lost, and nt the end of tlic winter the healer shows no sign o wear. It Is made for heat ' l,nt rmil jnii our 1 tioklct, you nlll know nil Micmt linutetH tliU Is north Icuuwiui. The Sperl Heater Company, Carbondale, Pa. Item of tha remarkable scene, nnd all Is ready 'for the order which will admit the audience to a share In the excite ment. Suddenly, out go the lights, and up Boos the drop-scone, while the horses are thundciliiK down upon us In the total darkness, only twenty feet away! Then the lights Mash out again and the uuJlenco also has the race in full view. Not. howox-or, tho race wo see; for in reality there aro two, ono for them und one for us. They see the chariots from the side, as If they hi fact sat in tlie seats of the ancient hippodrome. "Wo, on tho contrary, are standing, as It wore, In the middle of the track, directly In the path of the speeding horses, vhos noses wo can almost touch. And the sight is, beyond question, a most re markable one ono never beheld by any one before, unless ho has had the good luck to be standing where wo ere now. Many have, of course, bsen able to see, for an Instant, from a po sition somewhat like ours, a bunch of thoroughbreds ns they flash down tho home stretch for the finish. Doubtless, to", the spectators who sat at tho ends of tho Unman circus came still nearer to the sight as they watched the char lots s-pped toward them down the course. But when is it likely to have happened to any one, outside of this mimic hippodrome, 10 watch from a position such as ours, eight horses racing neck and neck for a dlstanc-j (measured by time) of over a mile7 For from the instant tiio brakes aro loosened .until the seen 3 ends nearly thiee minutes elapse, nnd tho horses are running at the rate of a mile in not very milch more than two min utes, A MANDAEIN'S BUTTONS. How He Gets Them and What They Signify. Tho hostilities! in China us to hear much about niamlnrlna, and xve aro ko apt to look upon them as Chi nese ofllclab? of rrcut Importanco and we.tltli. Unit It will bo news to niapy to know thut practically every Cliliic-so government civil servant Is a man darin, and that thorn are thousands of tlicm muttered about tho oelestlal 'em pin' whose olliclal salaries iln not ex coed ?."i per month. These are of the lowest, or ninth class of mandarins, and have itiht passed their llrst exam ination, and aro usually potty officials in ono of the numerous custom houses. When piomotion follows in due courso our buddintr viceroy, provided his pec ulations have not exceeded tho bounds of moderation, becomes successively a mandarin of the eighth and seventh classes. These two steps, however, mean very little In advance in rank, and beforo tho r.ixth division can be onleted an other examination has to ba passed. A little knowledge and a stoat deal of bribery having been successful in getting him through this, our man d.nln Is now a person of some import ance, a sort of district magistrate piobubly, and his button is of puie white quartz, in tlih capacity he can supplement his Income gloriously by .substantial pres enta from both plain tiffs and defendants alike, and In a few years lias probably extorted enough from both plaint Ufa and dofen dantn alike, and In a few yearn has probably extorted enough from un happy litigants to join tho ranks of the fifth class and went- a tiansparont crystal button on his cap, Yot an other grade, by the same means, be may advance In due course, and upon attaining the dignity of tlie fourth clnss mandarin it tniquolso button Is substituted for the crystal one. Hero It Is that many Chinese stop In their upward career, for before an other step In advance may be 'mado another examination has to be "pass ed," and this is a terribly cxpnnr.lve Should tho resources of our niandniln, however, prove equal to tho occasion, he proudly enters tho thfnl clnss, and his button, tlniish still blue, Is transparent like amethvst, liy di plomacy and cringing, still iuo,-o brib ery and cunning, llio i-ecoril Imim is at last open to him, and with a carved red t-oinl button upon his cap he puiudly governs ono of Phlna'H gioal cities, lie can iiov go no higher, .mo by obtaining ihe good will of the em peror or of the empress, Tho niandar Inhbli) of the first cln.-ei is tho direct gift of the rolgnlng iiioiuiieh, anil car ries with It Mill a red coral button, bill qulto plain and smooth lnnlbad ot being carved, as In llu second class. Tlioro Is a title, "lunig," which Ii verv rarely bestowed and which Is practically equal to 11 dukedom. Ills stead of descending from father to con, however, it goes back lo Ills an cestors, all of whom aro ennobled en bloc, Tho examinations referred lo In this itrtlele aro usually held lu largo halite. The examination hull, or Koong Vuln, as It i called, at Canton, con (all's 7,MW) cells, llach cull measures 1 by 3, and 'Jr. hlsh enough to stand up in. Tliii riniiliuiM consists of two hoards, one lo sit on and the other fo,' writing at. Thi cells are ariuiitrd nround a number nf open rourts, so that tltf foldlor-i who riianl th" ploco can look In nnd wq that no student eommunlcnteH with another. Tin characteiH on the celts indicate nch rtiident's particular place. Confines nient hi so cramped an area, whero it Is Impossible to llu down. Is said to eaute tho death of mnnv students, some of whom are quite old men. For a Cold In the Head Laxative Ilroino-Qulnine Tablets, House Heating s. is a simrMc thing when you have a Sperl Heater (coal re quired once in 12 to 20 hours) 1 1 i It is so simple any one can keep going and have the house heated degree as you want it, day or Every part of a Heater (,'lteam or Hot Water) A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION REE MMB. A. RUPPERT'S WORLD R. X0WNED FACE BLEACH AL MOST WITHOUT COST X0 MATTER HOW BLEMISHED THE SKIN, FACE BLEACH WILL MAKE IT PERFECT Madame A. Ruppart says: "My Face, lUouoh is not a new, untried remedy, but has been used by the beet people for years, and for dissolving and rcniovinsr foroyer pimples, freckles, moth patches, bluokbemls, eczema, tan, sunburn, Hallowncfls, rouirlinexg or redness of the skin, nnd for brlKhtt-ntng and beautlfylttr the complexion It ling no equal. It l.s absolutely harmless to the most delicate .skin. Tho ranrvellnug improvement after a fo7 applications is inost apparent, tor the skin hecomes ns nature intended It should he, smooth, clear and hlle, free from every impurity nnd blemish. It cannot lull, I'm- Us action is Hiiuh that It draws the Impurities out of the skin, nnd does not reiver tliein up, anil is invisible during use. This is tho only thorough ami permanent way. lmrititr this month, I will offer '-to alia tiiul buttlo of my world renowned Faca lilench, Biitllciont to show that it Is all that Iclulin for it, nnd any reader of this can itend mo "5 cents in stamps or sliver, nnd will send tho trial bottle, securely packed in plain wrapper, sealed, allchartjes prepaid. My book 'How to bo Beautiful' will be mulled freo to nil who will 'write for It." HADAHE A. RUPPERT, 6 East lAth Street, Now York f1me. Ruppert's Uray Hair Restorative tuilually rotnicrt jrruyuah- to its natural color. Can he used on any shade of hair, und Is not a dye. nnd does not discolor the skin nor rub off Peilcctly harmless and nlivayn gives Bitlsfnctlnn. ftlme. Runpert's Depilatory removes superfluous luiir In flvo minutes, without p.un; will not Injure the most dellcnto " Vlme. Ruppert's Egyptian Balm for soft ening and healing tho face and hands. rime. Ruppert's Ifalr Tonic positively i(."moc"Sitiidrufr, nil scalp difeasoa, stops falling luiir, and in many eases restores Miiic. Ruppert's Almond Oil Complexion 5oap, mudn of puro iihnond oil and wax. Dellghtlul for tho complexion and war i nut (si not to ehup the most delicate skin. AH nf the above toilet preparations are nl wnys kept, in stock and enn be had from iitiriOceUugunt. Mmo.A. ltupperfs Celebrated Com plexlon SpeciultSeH are for sale in Barniitoii by Jonas Long's Sons Fast Trains Chicago & North-Western Ry. The Overland Limited California fit 4 iayt The Colorado Special One night to Venur The Chicago-Portland Special fireijon and Washington in 3 dayt The North-Western Limited Mfctrlt lighleilCMrago, Jit. Paul nnd MtnneapoUi Duliith and St. Paul Fast Mail Fast train to htaiX of laku The Peninsula Express J'ast time to Mnrnuttlf ami v-oppir t7ouii(rv N O change of cars. The, best of evfiry- tliiiiK. Call on any agent for tickets or address. '" 4$t Qroiiiay, Ntw Xoll. V01 Chu't StM(JJepa 3S8WaMm!t!nSt., Coilon 301 Hlln 61., Buffalo U1S Clark St., Chicago ;-m ViiitSt,, ' Clmnnail 50TSmilhfldSt., PltMurf M4 Suffrer (., Cflf land nCamout'MjrtlUM. Olfroll lKlntiStair,Teroiito,Oiit. NEW YORK HOTEdS. VVESTMIKSTEH H0TKL Cor, SUtecnth t, and Intiu; l'jce, NEW YOIK. c Ainerlcau Plin, K.SO per ly 4 upward, Puropean l'jn, Jl.60 per day, and upirtrd. I, v. ClUWrotlD, rroprltor. , , 4- For unsiiicsi ncn . -f In tho htart or 1 the wholesaU r dlnlrlct, , , j For rilioniHJis .. minutes' walk to Wariamakera; s minutes to Blond Coopjr'u Bis Hture. Uiiby of acgesa to. the ureal Dry Unuda Stores. " ' For SRhteers ' f -r -r f T -f f -f f 1- Or.o block fioin D'way Cars, glv Hlg cuay iiai,Diot eaciuu to all points ot Interest. HOTEL ALBERT I NEW YOKK. 4 Cor. 11th 6T. As UNlVEItaiTT PU Only ono lllock from Ilroadwajr. koodh, $nft,,SMia. 1 l-f-rsfT-f-r ftst I k ,ii tiiU.O. i 11 1 4 il-a f.,r .'lfc." J ...